• FOR SALE.—The furniture ; and three year lease of the " Gondral Wayne": hotel, situated - on the corner of Baltimore and Paca streets, Baltimore, llfd. Price —Four Thininand Della llang7o , C. P.O.rumir. A. Frliwr-cfass Boll.for sale, weighing 373 pounds, with wheel' and ollt6i. neces sary fixings , for ringing. Will be sold cheap. Apply to Carlisle, Pa. Steam pimp. The pump call be dis connected from the. engine, and -engine. used for driving any hind of . machinckti gas and water pipe, steam fittings, &c. 11I'Lanahan, Stone & Isett, Hollidays burg, Pa. 17feb0m. A LARGE addition Ihtely made to tho stock of 19nitor, in the yards of A. H. 131..;an: CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, SPRING WAGONS Cailisle, May 3, 1870. - A. B. Sheik has non on hand, and will make to order, all kinds of Car riages, Buggies, Spring Wagons, Ao. He has the best workmen in each branch, and. has all kinds of material constantly on hand. Painting and rer- Pairing_promptly attended to. timantf NOT ICI: Reader, if you want fresh candy, go to Burk's, 35 West Main street. Lemons at Burk's. -Go to Burk's for Raisins and Figs. Go to Burk's for everything in the-way of Candies, Nuts, Fruits, &c. Soda Water at Burk's, 35 West Main street. 20,000 pounds of shoulder and side meat wanted in exchange for pure Liquors, and the best brands of chewing and smoking tobacco, by JACOB LIVINGSTON, 21ap2m . No. 27 North Hanover street. ATTEND to securing your'coal for win. ter while prices arc low and quality good Call at the yards of A. H. BLAIR For direct actin , steam pumps, for mines, ' 'that 'will pump from 12 gallons to 2,500 per minute. Go to 11F.;.atialtau,_Stouc,C; heti, Hollidays burg, Pa. k JACOB LIVINGSTON, De:110r FINE WINES AND I.l?jUlulzS, N. 27 21rapth Hanorer ::treet (ffers the following go( : War ranted pure, unadulterated and full proof. Always as represented. flenuine Imported French Cogane lhundy, old age. Pure old Rye - NV hiskeys 1.,,y celebrated distillers. Best quality Ginger Ilratuty. -Pure old gin. Pure old Port wine. The very, best quality Sherry, ,Claret, New England Rum, Kimmel. R.:re white spirits, for drug gists and faintly gsc. Sold at the lowest prices for cash. A call solicited. 2 1 aptim JACOB LIVINGSTON, Wbolesale and Retail Dealer in Ton:kcco, fiNUFF, CIOA ItS, PIPES, &C. No. 27 :Vora Hanover street. Oilers to the trade the best brands of a large variety of Chewing and Smok ing Tobaccos, real Michigan Finn Cut, in bulk or in.t in foil. W. E. Garrett's celebrated snuff. Real genuine Imported Havana Segal's. Tara eonneettjeut-hud TMmestie-Segam A large assortment of ever thing be longing to the business, and . t d at as low a price, as in any Easters ;Hy. The public is respective) t invited to call and inspect my AtrgL. 'assortment. Every article warranted a represented. . -21a.p700m- -.. . ... _ ... ... . _ . IMPORTANT TO PRIVATE F. 611 LI ES Pure and unadulterated Wines and Liquors, supplied at their residence, by sending order to 'store, or through Post Office. Every article warranted as rep resented or the money refunded. JACOB, LIVINGSTON. 21npfnn No. 27 N. Hanover street MI -- maim, Stone Isett, Hollidays burg, Pennsylvania, manufacture station ary engines, boilers, direct acting blowing 'engines. Player, Thomas and other hot blast. _Brass and iron cast ings from one lb. to 20,000 lbs., and all kinds of machinery. TEINK OF THIS ONE: DOILMIS per month. No Munbug. Send stamp or sample and information. IV. 1V.i . 11 LLIAMS, Box 1,1 1 2, ) Omaha, Nebraska. lsep7o-20' SPECIAL NOTICES LATEST NEWS FIiO . III TIIE SEAT OF WAIT. Coyle lirotheti lain,. jit,t return,' hu n t the aunt and purchased the hugest stock of goods,that has eve! been Brought to this market. They antivipato a go - li husinees, and hove made preparations on'a liberal snide. Nothing that tends to beauty, Mato, and attractivenp to n 'dealt of Notions has bqoo anted. Merchants piny expect to siqe a very superior ifteek•of goods at out bosom+, and 'in pile.n we defy competition with the eastern markets. Our ',tuck monsPas in part Bock, Sheep, Rid flnish, Berlin, and Cloth Gloves, (and Ludlos Kid Gloves,) Uundershirts and Drapes, WooloNeino, and Cotton Half How, Ladles' 117:t 0,10 . , MoilnO, slut Cotton Hose, 111itinea' and Childt i on's Wirsted Hos. Also an mid• less variety of Notions, Paper Bogs from!,..( ! to 10 pound,. P. S.—Agents for Ilanoor Book Cloves and Haunt iota. Please call and inhpeet our stork, COYL) BROTHERS, Yt SUIIIII 4111110Wor street, Carlisle. 9x91)70 ERRORS OF YOUTH A gentleman who Buffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, awl" all the effects of youthful in,dincretioh, will for the nflte of suffering humanity, sond free to sillehe need It, the receipt for mithing the simple remedy by which he was, cured. Sufferers wishing tb profit by the advertis er's experience tan do es by fuhltesslng, in perfect coulbleneo, JOAN - D. OGDEN; - Ni'. 12, Cedar St. New -Yof It. , M.* -70431 WHIR RAILING, GUARDS, for ',tow Vronts, Asylum, Ac. - Iron iledNtends, Wlre Web. hlngc for vhoop and poultry yards, Brans nod Iron min, cloth Sieves, Vendors, ;croons for coal, mese cand,k4-,llonyy CrlmPed Cloth for spark arrester Landscape Wire for Wlndo4.ll he., Paper Makers Wires, Ormotental IVlro }lvory Inform,. by adtlon preaahau thn manufa. thrum, Al. WALK lilt. Ec BONA' No 11 North Moth sheet 24fp704y. • CONSTITUTION OVFatTII7IOIVN I. no . Cer il4 stitution nulnali..it may be ruined-by n few 111101ellpOOS of the lead or sulplertr hair ilJee now In the market. ".Not a Dye" may ho the Motto of such nostrums, but A DIE may be rho result of 'ming . them. Dut one Ilair Dye has been tried and acquitted of all deleterious I endeney, under the In. fallible laws of Mimeo. Be it known to all, Cristadoro's Excolsior Hair Dirol' law bees analysed by the distingubled .chemist, Professor Chilton, Clint lets Cortiheato of IN whole sunieness may be sei;iiat Crletadero's, 0 Astor New York,.., Crldadoro'n hair Prpservativr, as a Diosstia;, acts lllca a charm on tun Hair after Dyelogf Try It. 4a1%70 ly TO STOREKEEPETIS GENERALLY Wu would To, pleased to patilregularly our monthly wholosalo prleo 118 E to any storokeoporwho dogs not' metro tbdin, and who nosy glvo Litt' address. These Ilsts ' cos of most. of tho goods lai.otrer. Wpcorreet and publish them nt the first of ovary month. Wu Invi ton comparkon of our prices wl tdi,Clty quotations for gdod goods. rlTbo seerot of success lion in buying small—buying ofton—heoping good goals—keeping up var4u,y, und carrying les,ifaciell. Tryst. WILLIAM ➢LAIR A. SON, ! '.` South Dul," Carlislll., B WIBL Wful.n wind* wlllhanent yerii; bo not in -trolled by -your Incredulity, .11nritIrdt16 time to.lught relief from tho horrors of Dyspepsia through Vol -inedluirforflertlriPa Antl4BllPTlOl3rollAtcloltprzne and found. fEll'hy should you suffer whet; cable stomachic has cured many similar eases-Why* you doubt whllo otherbollero and aro cured? Delay In. thilimat tor Is both dangorous and unprofitable; ' Your health, happiness and bualimis suffers, Whllu constant neglect le frequently folk well by serious add boron'. trollabis results. ,llesturn's .• Ilirrotta'•aro °duly useful. In the numerous dlffleilllles • a(fetufin In • gelation; as BILIOU,BrIgeS, CONBTIPATION, WIIIIO ,Oi rind Anna and ,Sathar! disorders proceeding 'from MIABIIfATA. It It 010 Only rollablo proroAtitd and KoWody lutolyn. '2.1n0 ' WHO WOULD, S UFFER e- • . It is now SS years since ite,Toblasilyst introduced tho " Venetian Liniment" in tho-UnltelLStatk and never in a single instancolias his noetio failed to do all, if not Moro than is salted hi kis pamphlet. At an external remedy in cases of Chrotdo RhaNnn tism, Headache, Toothache; Bruises, Darns, Cots, Sores, Swollinge, Sprains, Stings of 'ascots, and Pains' in 1.11111b9, Buhl and ;Chest, its wonderful curative pnwera are- miracidomi; - Taken internally for tiro cure of Cholera, Collo, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Sick Headache, and Vomiting, 'its soothing and ponetrat q7lg • qualities are felt its soon as token.. Tho oath with which each bottlo ' Is eiccompribled will show that there is nolhirig' Injurious in its composition. ,Tlionsends of, cortlfleates havo boon recoil:oil speak lotpof the rare virtues of this valuable articlo. Any person afire having mod it 1./lee will never Do wit . nut it. Every bottle of the genuine bto Ike signa tine of " S, T. Tobias" cri tho °Waldo wrapper. Sold by the Druggists and Storekeeper throughont tiro United Stoles. Price SO coats. Depot, 10 lark Place, New York. .la.in;7o-Iy. t , TUMORS., CANCERS, ULCERS Probacaos Buchanan and Down, of the American University, u, nmhlng trolidelful cores of Concurs, Tumors, and Ulcers, by their new dlecoveryn - A painlesg tend moot, no hullo, no plasters, no caustic, but ohm. The mo-T roinarlothlo effect of this trout ,s, I.tate. the chemical elements of can t-ciao. pulpy th•, that Hwy shrivel, ale, and (Hutt, pear, tto I will lad retort, All those n filleted can call on thu Profcs-or, BUCHANAN A, DOWN, Uul vemity ; or toltlress, COT Pine street, Plailada., 1 hill, g7O Ira - MARKETS CARLISLE PRODUCE MARRET. Corrected Weekly by B. C. Woodward. o,rlisle, Mustloy .llnruig, Septellbt r 8, 1870. FLOUR $7 00 SUPERFINE PLO um 7 00 SUPERFINE RYE morn... 4 no IlJ,i,.iwi,'w E D 11"111:.1T 1! YE CO WII ITE OATS h.I CC OATS (I.OI . I2IISEED . 77 .11( )17 fI"SE.PIi 1-7..1.1"s I= I Corrected Tireekly by William Wasionocrl dr.. 71, nrgri,J y .31iwn ino, X14,11110' 8, 1870 Iit'TTEP EGG'S ' LAUD EES IVA X Ji '() N 11.171 S at, 511,117. DE 11S ft , . SIPES WIIITE 11E1) do 7JI?/ - EP " ' rhna the Philadelphia North American.) PHITADEL:PIIIA MARKETS. FLOVR, GRAIN AND SEEDS. ~ ) , I nnibrr• 7. 1579„., E.I•7•11.1 1'1.11177 Q 6 en F. I/17. I" FL u('!1 7 00 lel'E FLU/"11 6110 II 1/ E.I r n • •11-11"72111SPFI, I= ..11oerthry, 4q,5, 5 50. 5, 1575, 15, 411 . 1 . 11111 g Mai NO, 0 ;1 1% , :f 'OtMr 10, h ,, 7w his wok. rearss,g . oboorl 3,20 ; he./ m trl,l c:osed dull within Me folluvo ralivo.of /wiry, RI T per lb . .10:1? FAIR (%I 7'7'l, l• 70.8 I'l/ll'.o rrn./ I'.ll. tr"' t , i I__/".,,1 rr illrrF!. ninl 1:,01, ,, rel eh , q/eel /wads at 13W, S Elf 1 were ea , ;fl salee of 10.11,J00 head at The l'ark leave nrat 4 !4 . ; , ",f tl , .," , per .fo . llowl, owl $1 50(A:3 50 wr head fareamaton and 3,000 head at the -um, yard at the saw fi Boils py ; a . dco If c•Irl changed h., I" 124t7 13 mr• hundred for Fl , ll. onol $1:1,78P? 11,2 n own 3IARRIED SU.% FrEIt—NN!IIL.--On the o•Iroroth ultimo. by lb.v. Mr..klo'illooo Shutter, to Mrr, Nov:or I hr.!. both of Adams couuty: EllEltlN-11ENIIII.-0,11 the lii et iftMant, ht' the emu, 51r. John 51. El.erly, to bli,s Easan llenty. f Milll.n CI,OII3II—GAIISIAN.L.On the Fa no. day, I.e the :11110, , I . ,•111c011,C10111( . . I , n )lie, Ilayrana,al3 f townalup %Ell; I.III—SOL'DEIIB.-0,1 of September, Py E. IThit, Mr.. , zi0..1; 7:01:1 0 r. , r cmober land llttay, to Mrs nah us, 01 ry Imil • . ' DIEM 011 N ICll. = lO Frnnl,llo , l to‘vtiOdp, on' w.• Nyl,- 1101,11 of A 1tg.0,0, FrnyciA Precilln t loloh, nvil 10 you y, U Inouthsrontl 14 dnyn. KITCII —To North Moltlleton townsplit, no the t wfotty•nloth of .totjtot, Me. I L, IN W. Melt, epol )t at and 7 thy., ItIC 11 A RDS.—On the Oda) inn,7l Ship 1/01Ini.111g, Thi.m. M. Rihards, agv.l:.l 1:0:::SEIIM A N.-111 Ilii bowuttgll, ot, Tuosday lint, :111.4. Cad/arm° I;Bperinan, IJ. I opitlBt. hill. Kph!aim n.lBl rtlaarB. NE IV TO-DA Y. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Tltnroilay, October 6,. 1870. The solewribers, inlinlnlrtrators of thu estate of E 1111.7., IkeVUSI2II. Will tall at publie solo, on the premises, the following valuable real estate, Otlatedln West I'ennBboro' toaVnehili Cumberland minty, two wales northeast of Newrllio, on thin COll, lalogul net creak, bounded by lawds ofJ.Burkholder, Oyu. I rust, and Alit Bros , and contains 10 'ACRES PRIME LAND, core or less. 71le improvements ore IL largo three tong Frame Grist and Merchant 'Mill, loving the bent tenter pow, 011 It,. stream, goad 51,,, 31111, it large Two-Story Stone Dwelling House, ',mat Stable, awl other outbuildings. Also, n Good 'Tenant HMIS, There is on the . premisea a number of choice app'e, poor, poach, and other fruit trees, Tnd a never-failing well of water EMU' tho door. his property, bring convenient to market, schools, owl Him - elms, Is In every respeet n dorlmble home &twol taco of bushiess. Persons whiling to view the promises, will pleurae mall on Sir. John lionfcre, siding on the battle. Sale t• rommence at ten o'clock a. ro., 0 hen terms gill 110 made 1(.1.. • EM A N ti lil. STAYER, JUAN KURTZ, Admiuktrato. • 1 Ot List of unclaimed letters remaining in the postoffice at Carlisle, Pa., for the weeli:ending September 7, 1870 : LADIES' LIST. ". Dore-, Mrs Elizabeth 'blower, bliss Sadie lilef.sing, bliss L'z.zy - blainlyn, Mins Jano Cooper, Annie Newman, blAti Sarah Dill, Slice binrgnlet Nallon, Carkit i .V Fonlk, lire Ciao lotto Naylor ' bliss L Frewll, bliss A [lulu Platt, lire 11111 IX Fall., MI. MOM' A SboulTer, lire Mary T 11 actin, Mies Mary Stud:field, lire Dolly /lays, 31. dendiu V N Sweeny, bliss Jana bl Jones. Emma 2 Stouffer, Mrs A - blrs Eliza A Walker, :Mai Mary A _Jitney, Ilrn Elizabeth Weitzel, bliss Kato Eon, bliss II Winer, Mi. Clam Lewis, bloLnln Wilson, bliss Lousla (.11: NTLEMEN'S LIST. Age, Mililey . '• Logife,llngh. It onler, :bonen • Mceldbm,. Wm It Beecher, Peter Martin, John hi lire liner, John It , Mlle!, We-ley ' Bender, Jacob it Miller, J.eph Ilamberger, M - Myms, Cieorgo Bet:over, Chas . Orris, Chrhitopher" ' C 01.111111.1, II .1 Paul, Eliza .1 3 Fawble Wm ' . Puffer, .1 W Gerber, (1 - • ' Pool, John ( are., 'Wm Itoad+, Wm Bonner, John Mumma eitilt . - 1111M1.11/801, .1 Itobertr, Win .1 - . 11111, Polar .. Stoner,. Yen nklin Jacobs, 000 11' :31111111, Aaron : Kerns, A !Oren' Shelby, Mini) , KnYttle, .I'. I • Williams, Thom. 2 Kintner, Wm WM 'moron, II an4liall Lehman, Pananntd ' Wood, 8 P Loughridge, Hobert Walker; Peter II . ' A. K. RTIEEM, P. M. ___ S4LE- OF STALLS. . . . I will offer at public Foie, on TVednesday Aforning, 'September 28, 1870„, nt the Market limier, Carnal°, , all Centrelntl eli6r and Mater Stalin, from No. 1 to:10. Alai) all Stalls on Emit and Wok, Anglo, and Ewa 17111(1 West Curb, the cam° to be told for one year from October' Present mmlpinra of paid atallei ran purelauto thew prior to day 44 Ha1t+,.0411190, 0000010 rate,' 10 01117,4 pruvionn outgo. On, Oitt)i)day, Octobor 1, 1870, the bnlanco I lit Is will be nold. • • • Its ortkr of Council. 30 guop7p.te Borough. 9. W. 0 . r Treuouro PPENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRI CULTURAL SOCISTY.—The o*hlb!tlon of Stile Society for 1870 will be held at Scranton, ml Tuesday, Side'' In'th , rsdaY, September 28, - Thursday, Septenber..29;''Priday. &Timber 90. T. grounds orb specie., Ole buildings .ana necommoilatlons ample, .11 the .proulunt. 'let liberal. There Is no charge for entries except Home ehteterl for speed. Entry Books open Tuesday, B'eptenther 0. For cata loguo or laforniatian, address at Seranton t • •.. JOHN Prerarlerit. D,W. Szn.rn, Ilec. Secretary. Bsep7 • .." It . litergran 31e0osttsr, Car. Secretary. • 0-, OR' RENT, The Cummltte'nof • Arrittigotnente hereby give notica that they wlli lot, Ao.tho highog, bidder, at tho /fair lll•bunde;un Saturday, Aviember .7el at , two o'clock p. tn., TWA_ItESTAUItANTS, on, the grounds of tho Outtiberiand County Agricultural dooluty, to be occupied during the continuance of the Fair. Condition,' 11400 known on day of Fab. • ' • • /ARMSTRONG, • 'WILLIAM PRIMEM, • 'ficep7o-3t. • OeUlUtlltoo. NEW TO-DAY:-- - • • • HE ACCOUNT OF JASON W. BIM JL Treitsfirer of tho Board of School Dlrectoro of tho .13orough of Carl folo;Dintrlct, from tho Prot Nog day of.funo, A, D. - 1869, to the first Monday of . 41M10,- A. D. 1870, 00 Bet llod by the Flonnelal Secretary, tlic, - . nn. 1869 Aug. 30.—T0 amount of School 'fates -assessed for the year 1609, as per du- plicatesl2,l2o 35 State apprepriatlA ,' ' • ', ' 5 ,.',., ,;70T, 60 Receipts for Tuition of Nomllesident , Scholars 4' . • 205 23 . . . , - • ••• By balance dna him at last nettlumont....i ., 17 03 Tom:here Salarlon;ho liter checks 4,170 00 n torelt pahl on the several Loans.... 410 10 0 Amounts paid on Loans from eitaten df L. Harlan and James Hoffer • 1,100 00 "'Bills of Incl hmtai Expenses, Melo,' ye of printing, messenger, cleaning rooms ' and other neeemarien....... 6;6 47 it Sundry llepalin, Underlain, Berate, 00., 151 68 " Coal and B cod 300 00 • • Cush.); xiloBdituree • 811,130 28 Almtellint_oloWolll,rolopt. lux payiB . l3 988.93 Amonut of Exonorralons allowed 'on . Duplicate ' FCCH or Collection W4hala=omit of eletllts f 14,363 78 Balance in Oil hands of Trrnxnror 735 30 1870..111m1 Mani, unexiienticill in hands of Trct.txur, thili dote :730 :no INDEBTEDNESS ON LOANS Estate of LOWIS 111101111, downed, fier J. W. Eby, exocalfor $6,000 00 It. C. Woodward 1,1100 00 Interest front first of June, 1010, piqablo soul lltlsl lyr I=l To fhr President and - Dm, d td . & lrd Directors of 'artiste District: Yonr Finanidal StiMettity, hay' t.g examined tho scream, vouchers, and papers of J. W. Eby, Tans• (tour for tho year ending en the Oral Monditt ofJtme, 1870, hOleby certifies that the forettoing contains n correct exhibit of the Receipts 'and Expenditures during said term, as also tho Imlehtednexs of sald dist ri.t, and that there remnins "a balance of seven hundred and thirty five dollars and-thirty cents In the hands of said Tremmrer unexpended on 1110 first Monday of June, 1870, all of e•hich not forth as above., n C WOODWARD, Carll,lo, Sept. 1, 1870. PinandalSecretery. Sept. 5, I)47o—Financial 14.1041 rend, approved, and ordered to he ontored upon tho minutes of tho BootA, and publh.hed lii the papera of the district. " Sty the Stood, C. P. IIUBIIIICII, h+ep7o.3t eeretary. COUGHS, SORE THRO4.T, ETC No medicine or treatment can excel the • powerful curative power of 1V PULMONIC BA4.SAM, It cure,' 'with a rapidity nnteptalled by !thy other temedy offrolel o,r Throat and bung diveasos. It is recommended by of or 2 000 personn ha IViltnington, nail hundreds In Philndelphia. Baltitnoro, nml other cities and counnunitios throng-lona the country. 3lr. Pennington, of P ilinlngten, Illinois writes thnt there It not (with n few excoptinns) a-family In that city vVII° will be without it If possible tr, procure-it sncli in inn pepullirity ivlierover it is known—and tints popularity arises frion ,the tact that itunivereally moos 4ili who lion it:' There, In - no care' of• Coughs, Comae Pore-Threat, • Audi:lnv, .11rouctill is, Croup, Illoori-SpitPng, Coarseness, and even Pulmonary Consumption, where tho syrbein i.e nal Molten down with the wo., of the (Itemise, protonded mediator. or inoxperienced tattle°, that, thle Ilnlsnm Will net curo It r irefully need, according to directions. We cuirautce it nil \to represent it to lien, and invite a trial from the nillieted et erywhere. • Prier., ftl cants. and um mins, and $1 forlorn° 070 hn ties. Prepared only by ENI J. 11. SIMMS, M. D., rltTgricAL oita.ucic No. 707 Mark.ot.stroct, I= Philadelphia depot, Johnson \ Holloway __&llowdeu,Seo2 Arch Strrpt ' ...4-2_____ Baltimore depot, S. S. Hance, 108 Balti more Street. • For Salo by Melia:llm Deolen,: gorkurally t..xopio ly TI IE DOUBLE-0 VTil. , l SUNNYSIDIi COOK 0111876; Is e on“ructeil On entirely new and xvientille prind phi., with v•lplion fine, gulp:nut:4i to thevonghly Bent tout large on ens, and six pet Is Le with the roil :well in the single even v,Steves. WO 111 0 mill 1/1411111Fa:turipg,ailpnOval favorably 1;11,, BA II I , COOK INC! sTovE,y highly,nternit , Iby the publk for eral y ears IP, • =1 Ong tires( double-hosting Parlor Store has been notch implosett anti beautified this year, {There known nterito Id this Stitt e'neeil no continent. Om. celebrated SUNNY:3IHE FIRE PLACE HEATERS, among Its many ilremintos ales carried off the Eiret Prentiunt at the .llary soil Imo Bute at Baltimore, In 1669, although sobjetitail to the most NOVOTO (Cots nt the Immo of the Baltimore Ilenters•This is tha only true hot air lire-plaeo neater in the notrket, and like the regular built cellar boater tones no heat. • Sent! for Ch etilion and Testimonials. STUART, PETERSON Si CO, Philadelphia, Pa. P pur falo by Messrs. Ithinesmith 4. Rupp, Carlisle, Pa Moo for pale by D. W. Spencer, Nowville, bud by • Messrs. Wolfe &Bro., Shippensburg, Pa 9sep7o 3111 AC4ENTS. WANTED ! I= Principal Cities and Towns OF PENNSYLVANIA, MUTUAL LIFE INSUItANCE CO., of Liberal indllcemobts offered. VOllllllll, 811011111 m company tipplleutlon for it !uticy COI ”i W. W. KURTZ, 2r.sl.luikt, 432 Walnut .hoot, PLl~mlotpl In 8a vi 70 lin CHEAP COAL o o GEM S s lt RUCTION, on current market rates ... 'Nut. 7,7gg.. Lorbeiry 4.50 5 75 Lincoln Hell ABlk 450 fi 75 tolotis Vulley Ilnllimmn Cull Coal delivervlbtofill p trt+ of tile !own la the above pr Iced. Orders subject lo "any eloolgen the ono het ot t" ;t e tr o u r ol'r h a ll Vl ' ll ' ,l,itneboriterr ' 'along llte fine of itorl ContLerland Valley Rr aiload, fornislorl nt corres. portal ogly lone rote. Ordera tilled et lib di palell. • 01:01lIrli Ofilea—corner of Molit nod Plitaireets. • atielao ' AUDITOR'S NOTICE. In the estate of Jacob Goodyear, late of South Middleton township, deceased. Nolte° is hereby given that the Atiditor appointed by the Orphans' Court ut Cumberland. county to mho distribution of the balance In tho Imola of John Goodyear, Jacob Goodyear, Funmet Goodyear, and Benjamin Gamlyear,' executors of Jacob Goodyi Into of tho township of South Middleton,. In. Until county; deceased, to and amongst the.partlos entitled thereto, will attend to the duties of his appointment no Auditor aforesaid at Ids °MCP, IU tho borough of. Carlisle, Pa, on Friday, the:Mirlitth day of ber, A: D .111 TO , at 10 o'c'loolt when and whero, all persons interested aro requested to attend 111111 , ropresont their several °Jahns. • • . • M. 0. HERMAN, flsop7o-St Auditor. A UDITOR'S NOTICE. • _ • In the raattel; of the esttd,o,e Mary E Coover, deceased. The Auditor opminted :by 4.1.3 'Orphans' Court of, Cumberland county, co pass on du+ exceptions to the account of Jacob Coovor, adrolnletratermf said de. ceasod, and to motto distribution of tho balance, in Ida handle; to and among tier croditorp, will moot nit porths intorested, ut his Oleo, to Carlisle, on Friday, the Aurtreollt , day J Octneal.,lB7o, at ton o'cloCk a. In.. at which limo they mo notified to attend Mid 'umlaut their plaints.. ". .• • (11:6..5. EMIO, tbund " : ' Auditor. AIJOTIONI • ' 7 - • Mr. F. 4, unAnip, ibrlnorlq 'An auctiOnSer'of tiro' 'elty of Harrisburg, 'hair been Manned tl Unitell,94stos' Auctioneer, in and: for Cumberland noliniy; arid Arpulib tato , Hitn' unitlibil 'of informing' Idstriontlir that ha in 'n . 61)11'43.1 tg, - =II= 'IW Sales lepon n 2.081 qsoiacibto iraying had cousidtwabliy uniorlenco fig ftlfi tleneOr;•liii, prides diininolrupon shank eutlroiatis,. faults!' to all varthis Who slay ongagoliina,..-11smosii lier, my turps will ho mado as low as.pdseible. ••• . ' All ordorh left at ,tha• Franklin Iloonaior Itoidster's Oman, will PO promptly allegideddAt bil addrose ' .• ' • . . • •.1. , ' •• V. A. llATtnifi. ro; $1.1,099 08 917 42 20 25 $11,009 OS EE] I= [SI ECI A L NOTICE•] b 2., .it. =I 1.75 5 80 5 ~,,,, 585 itohn.;9. Becse• C Company., riACiVIC (IVAN() COMPANY o.lPrritt, sl,cooAllxl JOIEI4 S. co,, & tiENERAL An Ell PS, CM= .1.2 South Delaware ave., Philadelphia, 10 South Street,. Baltimore. SOLUBLE GUANc);, —No fertilizer - introduced to the flout of the bliddlo nod Southern SI nttix 11nx gl mon, grnornl and uniform alllmfactlon thou (Wm guano the tradu tin It haß atentfly lacrara/t1 autll the contuuipthA now throughout tiro on! Irlo country far I,xeopds . ebat of any othor frrti'lzpr Thu large capital ht.leed ill 'its rrodatclon °Kurds the surest gultrantep of to.continuea excel bonne : , Tliuconitiny bias n Lir greater Interest In the pectnanttney of Ito I rude than any nutnbor of consumers can hare . : boric° 11. Is tlio Inlglm.4tlnterest of the company to put tho lw ICrtilizor into mar. ?tut, that•tleir ° usual aided by th• bust solouttuWhility .0 produge. - guano Is sold at retail by local agent.; of company througl!ont Now aersoy, Delaware, l'unn eylvania, and 1110 Sonthern Sates, and at mludepale JOHN S. RI SF: k CO., amoral Agents for the Company 10tob70-3m³in POl . Sale—Valuable Beat Estate PUBLIC SALE. • OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE -Wedilasday, -September-28, -1870. The melersigned, OXOCUtI). of Jiteob liartutan, doemsed, will sill at public onto, on tho above day, on the nrentises,lhe Ftirtn of tho derossed, situated in M iddleses township, Ciflnhorlanti county, to., pit the south bank of (ho Conodosuinet crook, 2% miles northeast hi Carlisle, on the public road leading from the Harrisburg turnpike to thu Sulphur Springs, one.half mile from thu turnpike, to wit: A vainable Tract of Slate I and, coutantlng 1011'AC1t SS, less, - in n blgb . I.tuto or cultivation, and untie, good fenco, principally post and rail. This farm is linunded.cn tho north by David Wolf, oast by Sam nol.,:lnyder, tomtit by A. S.:lmila, west by Jahn Sitatifor and Potlr 510010. The Improvements consist of a largo TWO.STORY CO3IFORTABLSDIYELLING HOUSE, Sack Bonding-, Kitchon, Waal, Holm, a larga_Bunk Barn with Wagon Shed and rn Crib attached, and all learn, necosaary outbulL.lntt. There arc two Welk of good water nearthothVelllng. Also a Young Orchard of Choice Pruitt convicting of tippled, peaches, pears, Ac Tuarr to tinalor on title tract. A IFO• at the came time and place, will be sold a very desirablo Tract of :late Land, situated in North 3lithileton tow oxlip on the road leading from Car , 11 , 10 to Sulphur Springs, containing 15(1 ACRES, inure nr less, in a high titane of cultivation. This farm is bounded on the north by David Sipe, on the emot by Statute' Beaton, on tire !tooth 6y ttio Con.. doguinet creek, on the weer by David Sipe. The imprc vernents consist of a DOUBLE TWO-STORY DWELLING 110088, Bank Barn, Wagon Shod, Corn Cribs; and othor out buildings. There to also - a coot:Wend& quantity of timber on this tract. Both of tho above are very dosirablo farms, and are worthy thu attt.ntlon of parch:titer , . Also, at the som w time and place, will be sold TWO TRACTS OF MOUNT IN -LAND, -"sit l a--ht 3fiddlewev- towtishipribre,fourtlis-of--a rpEa northwest of the Carlisle Springs, adjoining, lands of William Corninan, Jerome Sher, and others, The first named tract conta.ns 12 ACRES of gr t ud Timber, principally Chestnut and Oak. The other Tract is cheated 1n Perry county, Pa. on the Crane's Opp road, about five miles freak the Slansion Farm, adjoining lands of David Wolf, - Slitigars, and Outehull, contain log IS ACRES, of good Clisat. nut, hickory, and Oak Timber Fab, to CODID3OII. nt - 6110 o'Clock p when at te ;akin, will be given and terms main, known by ISAAC WIFE, 1, SARAH 'HARTMAN, 1,e1.70-4t Executors. PUBLIC SALE. - on Saturday, September 17, 1870 The iinteoirilier will sell ou the pretnites, nt one n'eltek p m of gold tiv. in the village of Mt. Holly Sprh/g•, the following thwribeil , ❑OUSE AND LOT OF IiROOND • I,llllloollg 184 feat front, on the Cnrlndo and Hanover Turnpfko, and 100 feel I. to an alley, buying erde.ted theruon a TWO-STORY FR.OLE AND PLSSTERED DWELLING DO USE, Fame Store Honer TIMOr filth e Stable, Smoke Home, and oiler buildings, late the residence of Alexander, dere/wed. There are on the lot a large notober of 'Choice Fruit Trace, Shrubbery, Etc. The property Is euseept.ble of bel opt divldad Into two lota, and will be offered 111 a xvholo or In parte to reit purcheeers. TERMS—Ton per cent on the day of male; Om bal ne or one-half an the fir-t of April, UM, when pcoxeselon will ho given and deed delivered, and the remaining one-half In two equal unnwA payments, with int -real from the firtt of April, 1871, to be.re cured by Judgment bonds . . DIARY ALEXANDER, By Cu tiu.rA D. MeLiu, Attormi-ln.fact. N. 11. llunnn, Auellower. 2rmug7o4B PUBLIC SALE , 1 ON VALLIAI3I.II PSTATIA. 00 Sof until y, September '24, 1A70„.„ Thy Utlycitignytl will offor of public filth., on tha abovoulay, ,ut tho proutlew9, in Weht Penusborough tow ntiblit, Cocnltychttol county, the farm on w hie to 110 W nultlas, soar Matta, wn, cvnlniuing 123 ACRES, The Or lose, of the bent quality of I inie3tone Land i farm la about one and admit miles tooth of tic Cumberland Vaßoy Railroad, three miles from New vine, and about onn-fourth of a mile froth the turn pike trading front Carllslo lo Sliippensbn. It Is well Improved, and in one of the beat .cock nod grain farms In tin, raga,. liter., are about :20 ACRES OF TIMBER LAND on the farm, covered with Oaii,,Rickory, and locust Timber of try, hest quality. Ix a widow's dower of about $0 600 that will rem in in the farm, and the balance of the payment will ho mode easy, Soh to commence nt two o'clock p. 'mot 'Raid day, Will. attend:Mel, will le given and terms made known by (16aug70-6t , JAMES K. 31eCULLOUGH. VKLUABL,E PROPERTY AT'Pltl VATE SALE. Situated on tho south Ado of the Yollutr Breeches creek, to Pene township, about- ono nod one-foiirtla mike south, cost of C'ntrovillo, containing. 112 Acres, and 70 Perches, ' 20_ wrpt) : , Dypred_ty.ll_ll:riv..Ylno,,_lWltlteATl. l { l . l ck o:tk Timber. film Improvenst Itts urn a TWO-STORY ERICK HOUSE a Wash hones and Summer Kitchen, o peal large Ben,: (old style), a large Wagon hod And Cribs, with 11•• g Pen and Carriage •11 ono° attached, two' choice' Apple Orchards, In griod bearing order, %o. g••ther ,with peaches, p.m, cherries, and graves. Also a never holing well of • rater at the door.. Also a No.] garden. The land rain a high state of cultiv'ettl., under, good fence, and the Improvementif are lir good order. I- The location is a desirable one belt.g near a church, mill, and schoolhouse. Also d Tenant House on the above tract of land. Persons w94iltig Om form can lc so by calling num the s obser Harr remitting on the uremla.. 14July10.2m .1. 0. t 00VElt. REAL ESTATE • AT PRIVA.7. BALE No. I—A large TWO-STOItY BRICK HOWE and Lot of firound, on Main - Went, Carlisle, - N0..60;30 feet, front by 38 feet deep, with Beck Building 331.18, dining room and kitchen; we. b 11011/10 16118:. - „Lot - 80 x 240. Budd° on alley; • : No. 2—Two small BRICK 1101tBES, lately built, on Pomfret street, ~No. 1p and 03. , Lot 20x120, with three foot alley. No. 3—A VACANT LOT ou North street, 25x112, and alloy 12 toot. No. 4—A TRACT Ole LAND, covered with Chestnut: Oak, anti fins Timber., situated In l'oun Township, Comberboal county. coominining 106 ACRES, more ,or less, tying about % mile south of Milltown on the 'west aide' of the road leading to Furnace. • Grove • No. t—A First Claim LIMESTONE•BARM, in West 'Petinsboro! township; 3% miles west of Carlisle, eon tabling 140 ACRES, good House and.. Wash Rouse, with Cistern, lately kohl, Stone Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Orib, Ac. Water running through part of the farm. p Acre's of woodland. For further information umiak° of CHARLES W WEAVER,. leep7o-11...„ - • ' • VALU:ApEIIEA.T.4 ESTATE yrintIVATII SALE Tho eulderlbor will doll bt prirato Pale it Tract of Llmenfono Laud, situated fp Haver Springlownelnp,.: Cumberlund county, on the rota lending from Thrw' Itlnaston to Aleclianicfbur,r; one r mllo from flub rail road and three lance got - fff-Aleclumiciburg, con-. (Mang 110 t, AO REP, ^ Two or, throo tierce In got d Timber. Tllo' 'nig% llnnoWono, under goqd, cultivation, w ‘ oll . foucad, and: Loa boon rcatintly litho& " ' , Tho Improvoinqnts conalat of a ' TWO•STOE.Y AVEATITEttiIOkIIDLD Uotrsa., •. . WOO. Mouser Smoke 'Hoppe :Wood Plied,, a - good Bank Ilan, with WogoiiBhed and Corn Orlb attn.:llod,, flog Pcn, and other nocoreery outbuildings, ail,in: 'ood repair, :a 'good' Yming'Orettard at Choloe yrult,; emulating, of apples, peaches papa, and grapea of, different variatios, never ' fiuli t eg wa ll of water agar • the Maui), alit a good ofetert Itt.tha loot .'' School°, and oburchweenvonlent; . :7, 7,.. . , - ,Any 'pertain wishing to view the premille4 *llll.. on the nubecrlbor, Who will at all tirpeg take pleasure' In showing the PPoperty, . • leep7B-Oury JBOOD D. ~..., ; . 62s0,,TrA --'A PXRFEskyERTILIZER FOR ALL ORM. 1110_616.skEN5bititiikriltiANURE, /JP made hoist Supor Phosphate of Limo, Ammo nia. and Potash. • NiTarr' anted.% free from adiiiii;ration;' , and equal in qtiality to any sold_during the last.foutyeara. • ?This manure containii ell-[ho Amnia° • of 'plant' food In a Bolublo form. Also, food for giving-lasting. fertility to the soil. , lAn undeniable feet.- - ' - -• :Experience in the use of " Donor's Complete Ma rime" by the best farmers of Pennsylvania; New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and the Cotton States running through a period-of four..yeare.trial, hug, rtsulted in proving it to be TILE BEST PERTH.- lEEE OFFERED- NCR SethE. HENRY .BOlVER,.Strintthicturing Citemiat. —. Gray's Forry Road, p In d alp hi a . . ' DIXON, SIIARPLESS & CO, 40 South Delaware ayeauo,Philadolphia. , .iYILLIANI REYNOLDS, ' 'lO5 South street, Baltimore, And for Rale by all loading: shalom. lOntar7o.Gm "• To the Young Men MANHOOD: gow LOST, now 1t STORED Just pubilolmd, a now edition of, Dr. Cuiverwell's Celebrated E,say on the radical cure (without med Irina) of Spormatorrlicea, or Seminal lc/entracte, In voluntary Seminal losses, Impotency, Mental and PLytlicnl Incapacityvlmpodimonts on Marriago, - elc.; Moo, Consumption, Epilepsy, and Fite, induced by Self-Indulgence or Sommi Extravagance. fll3" Price, in a settled envelope; ') =1 Tho celebrated author, In this admirable essay clearly demonstrates from a thirty years' successful practien, that the alarming consequence. of aelbabuse may bo 'radically cured; without the &Marone Use of internal medicine or the application of the knife ; pointing out a mode of cure at encoaimple, certain and effectual, by means of which ,ovary sufferer, no matter what his condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately, and radically. . Oji-This lecture ahonid be to the hands of ovary youth and every man in the land. - Bent under seal, in aiplain envelope, to any address, postpaid ori receipt of sit tents, or two post stamps, Also,. Dr. Culverwall'a "Marriage Golds," price 2b coots. Addross the publishers, CHAS. .1. C. BLIND A: CO., • 127 Bowery, New York, Post Mee Box, 4,590. 2j ime7o • Legal Notices AUDITOR'S NOTICE. • In the matter of the Estate o Zook, deceased. The Auditor appointed 'by the Orphans' Court of Cumberland enmity to dlotrllmto thu balance of [mid estate, In the hands of Patnuel Hutzler, administra tor, and Mrs. Loving 'Look , stiministmtrix, of said deceased,_to and_smangids crctlitors t ill meet all claimants agsinot said estate, aelli.i<dlice, in MOIR°, ou Saturdity, thrt,,,,,ty-fourth duo of Wepfenther,lB7o, w at h . ich time they aro notified to attend and pro. sent th6ir 0 N.O. /S. EMI((, Auditor. lsopil • t AUDITOR'S NOTICE In the matter of the account of John Jnbobs, assignee of Adam Sensoman. In the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County. Tim sod,A‘mod Auditor appointed by the Court to report dittribution of the belittle° in the hoods of Jecobr, toutignee of Adam Bowman, will meet the perthein i teroeted, for the purpose of bis eppoiot• moot, at tt office No. 31 South Ilenoyer street, ItoCarlisle, termeyirania, om Titesday-,- October 18, 1870, et 11 o'vl.ck n m lIELTZIIOO A V a t t , or. leep7O-Gt ESTRAY. CUM(' to the meld.co of the nubeerlber, In South Middleton townehlp, TEN IfEAD O' 811E.E1?—eix. old Ones and four lembe. The ow,ner, win Oulu, property, pry charges, null remove them, or they will be mold according to law. ADIVM City Advertisements MOUNT PLEASANT INSTITUTE. .Prl vote classes for boys,. A mherst, Moss, As tabilsbod I 844. H C. Nosh, A.M., Principal. I sep7o-4t - TAMALE COLLEGE, Bordontown, N. J. Bonn; and Tuition siol3 . per . yenr. For Catologoon address Itpv. JOHN IT. lIRAKELEY. A. PRICE REDUCED THE lIEST IN TILE COUNTRY. NEW YORA OBSERVER, $ 3 PRI['ANNIJSI. Ono Month Free Holm' 1& moltgE, Jrz co; 37 Part ow, Now ynrk AGENTS WANTED FOR • PALAOE AND HOVEL, oft PHASES OF LONDON LIFE, ' By D. 3. 'Kirwan, the well known Journalist. A bountiful Octavo, folly illustrated. Contains a graphic and truthful statement of the Eighth, Feerets, and Sensations of the great city; Its high and low life, from the Queen ill INekiu gllnm Palace to the Scarlet Woolen of Pimlico; front the Vagabond in Princely Robes to the Condemned Criminal in New. gate. The meet popular and saleable book in mar ket. Circulars and sample pages rent free. Address BELKNAP A BLISS, 1sepl0•lt Hartford, COllll. MISSOURIPtCODNTY 'BONDS Wo oltor for solo tho following list of clioles sc • unrltioD: Cbonty. Time. Interrst. Price. Co6ll 10 Year, 10 prrcl.., 00 I Int'dt Ilonry, 10 " 10 " 00 " Johnson, 10 " 10 " 00 Pottle, 10 " 10 " 05 0 Pleasant 11111 1. School Dlat 5 " 10 " 95 .. ' Case Co. t - - . Halls, 10 " . 10 ... 00 0 Callaway, 10 " , .9 " 80 " Macon, 20 0 8 " 81 VW. Vern. 20 . 8 " 02 5, Int'it Knox 10 0 7 " 72 1 2 " Gold, 721-2 ". 6 " Cy., 65 " MEM Sopftratu pnnphletufor• each couniy, containing an official financial etaternent awl full lamination, sent on application. Information cheerfully and promptly Nodal. tl by letter or wire. Miele delivered flee On lin of any cave. route. Any buivie .1.1 by no ith Colll , onu payable at pointe outside of Sow York city, x9ll bo colic/Awl and remitted fur, free of all charges. A ddreaa SAM'4 A. OAS LORD Ar CO., I Benin—lt Stock and Bond Bruliyra, St. Louie, Mu T_T • AND MINNIE • CRUSHED COFFEE.. JAVA QUALITY • PI °pared from . dliferent 0 fC011...., tho fh4ors of whirl. mingle itnrittouldnely together., rot up in Japan Tin Cans, Barrels, Half mut llozon. Iv'n JO lIT 1 / 1 LLIES & BROTHER 233,235 4 . 231 W.ltlitgloil strort, Now York Ixop7o-4 SAXON GREEN other, hoes uao It wilt palm twin e m snuck aurfeee SOLD 111' DEALFAIS IN PAINTS. T. -W E E ~; c 0., 3ualUpAcrylitne, 122 North Fourth argot, Philadelphia NEWSPAPER • ADVERTISING A Book of 125 closely pointed pogue, laßely !mood,' contains a list of the bent Anierican Advortielus Mediums; giving the manioc circulations, and fall plirticulate con °ruing tom lending ballrand Weekly Po Weal and Family Nompapors, iogether with all Como having largo eirtulations, pnbibliod In tho In. torost 'of Roligion, Apylculturo, Literaturo, &o. Evory advertiser, and every person who contem plata becoming ouch, will find this book of great value. Moiled free to any address Olk receipt of fifteen route. OHO. P. ROWELL & C 0.,. Publinhets, No.; 4h Park Row, c.„ • Now York;' , The pitt,,,hurg(pa,) Loadsr,'ln flu Issue of May 20 18711; says: "The firm of CE P. 'Rowell & Co.; Whlsh ilium this intorontlng end valuable book, la the, largeet and bent Advertising Agency in , the UMW States and we can cheerfully recommend - It lo , ttio attention of those who desire to advertise thole bus. Incas selotitlfically and systematically In such a way: • that is, solo talcum the largest amount of, pub] Icily for the lo&st ospenditure 1e0p70,4t -'' '• • PSY,bIIO2;IANCY p . PASCIN TIQN, or• Kohl - Oliarrnlng.-400 ' , mos ;.•oloth.:• t.Thls wonderful book but full lustFuAlu us to onablu thu reader to farclunte either sex, or itir aulmol , ut will. Mosmorlsin.• hundrods of other curious exporlmonter.' It 'con :ha obtaluod by sonde lug address with 10 dents postale, to T. W. NVANS. •dr CO., No. 41So. Nlghth lit., rtill4dulpills. AVOID QUACYM3.—A victim of early. hullserationitrauiluir norms detifflty, versa tura decay,Au, having tried terrain ovory advertised. roniady, hae i shrudo pietipo of .self auro. Ulrich he will send , troy to hie folio* suffixal% Address J. TUTTLE, 78 Nasslii it.,•9ow York. . 15ep71.1.4t NLW gganoA.L.PAMPEILET. :F3arniCtd, Pniidcat, Nerrpus.Dpilillty, lOC ofroota and cure. 1 d:)., 251 conth. Addroce !MORE, TARY, Museum of Anatomy, 018 Broadway, _Now York. . , • • • . leei7o-4t For Sale-:-Faluable RfatEstaie BALE OF V . . ditIJ.A.I3LE . ftgAL ESTATE. Yrigay,..Septembir' 23, 4W/IY, - - , — I will eel], on tim MitrudodlParm; by *Mile of tho' • Nvlll of Benjamin Girder, Pr., deceased, the follratiag dtsicribsti Beal Estate, vis:;. :No.l.—Tho Mansion Farm, - situated on tho road ldading frdm Carlisio, to . Lisburn, in Monroe town ship, Cumberland "amity,' Pa.", abenti mile. calf flour Churchtown, and four miles southwest from MechanlesharC'adjoinlng ,lands of Abm, Ilartsier, Philip Zefgler, David Shopp, and John Btrock's heirs, containing about „ G 'A CT, , - • of rich limestono laud. tin cleared,:nad under thor ough cultivation. .The, improvements are a 'TWO.STORY - BRICK DWELLING' MOUSE, with -Back Building, a largo 'Bank Barn, Wagon Shed, and altar outbuildings. Two largo Cisterns, ono at the house, and ono at. the tarn. A well of never-failing , water near _UM house, a fine largo 'Orchard, Sc., to. • -- - - This .is fi volunblo and - Most desirable farm and ivell worthy tho attontion of buyers.. _ No. 2.—A Tract of Woodland, in Franklin town ship, York county, Pa., adjoining lands of C W.' Aid Daniel wow. heirs, lionjainin Girlor, and olkoro containing al•out is 2.311. A. C E •cr minable Timber. No. 3.—A Tract of Woodland, iu Monaghan town chip, York county, Pa, adjoining lends of Samuel Brougher, John Bucher, and °them, containing about • ..2 ACRIS, of very flue Oak Timber. This Tract has n flue spring of running water on It: • ' Salo to emnnitmes at one o'clock p. nr , when at loud.co will be given and terms mado known by BENJAMIN OIVLBR, . Executor of Benjamin Oivler,,,,Aleed. 18 .tqnbra puma SALE OF REAL ESTATE On Tuesday, 31deiiiber 20, 1820. Will be Bold on the_ promises, In Bliddleens town ship, Cumberland county, adjoining the Carlisle Springs, south side No. 1.--Contniuing,loo ACRES, more or leas, of Slats and (travel Land. The improverdents are TWO-STORY LOG AND WEATHERBOARDED HOUSE, containing seven rooms, Kitchen, Smoko House, a never failing.well of water nt the door, a running stream of water floor the house, a - large barn,wagon corn erns, grain house, bay house, apple, peach, and cherry trees; about 17 acres of Woodland. Nol2.—Containing 75 ACRES, more tir lees, adjoin- Mg No. 1. This property has no buildings, and con. tains about 10 (tensor Woodland. No. 3.—Contains 10 ACRES, more or le., about 2% acres of Woodland adjoining No: 2, ail M'a high etate of cultivation, and under good fence, containing over 600 pounds of post and rail. it public road runs along the ontiro farm on the north side. Thero is a good market at the Carlislc Springs, church, school house, and store, all within 500 yards of No. 1 im provements. • No. 4.—A Tract of Woodland, containing ACRES 45 PERC.HES, in Corral township, Perry county, within hoe miles of Sierretra Gap. This lot is well •rov'ered with young chestnut, rock oak, and other timber; a pul. lie rif,mirl land, tind a good wagon road to the laud. A good and indsifintoblo till° will be given for said lapis. Any person wishing to vied sold land . dan'thirsiiir calling on Mr. A Diller, living on said form, or at' No. 72 North Hanover otroet, Carlislo. Sale to commence at one o'clock on said day, wh; n terms aside will ho made known by nug7u-ft DAVID CORNMAN. SLATE LAND FARM AT PUBLIC BALE On Thyrsday, September 22, 1870 Will be sold at publio 8010, pn ,the premises. that Taluttb!o Slate laud Farm, situated in Middlesex town ship. Cumberland comity, on the banks of the Conn ilogidnet creek, about one and n-half miles south of Sterrett's (lap, and one-halt mile front the road lead ing front Middlesex to Sterrett's (lap, containlne. 148 ACRES AND 143 PERCHES, Makt measure, bonntled lay lands of Jesan Zeigler, Abram J. Zeigler, Jacob Zeigler, John Wilson, sr, and the Cormalogninet creek. The improvomenta consist of ♦ TWO STORY LOO 110 USE, (Weatherboarded,) a large Frame Barn, with Wagon Shed and Corn ,Crlbs attached, Hog Sty, and other' outbuildings. There is a never failing spring of water at the house, and - a good well at the barn. The land Is In a high state of cultivation, baring been recently - limed, and under good f•hce. Eighteen Acres of Timber Land on the premise. Its ening water In nearly all the fields. _ FINE YOUNG ORCHARD, of different kinds (if fruit in good bearing condition There is sufliciont limestone on tho faro, for all par poses. The farm is convenient to mills, churches school houses, and blacksmith shop. Salo to commence at 1 o'clock p. m , on said day, when attend:llmo will. be giveh and lemma muds known by . . . J. K. MIDLER, LEVI . ZEIGLER, • Anbigneea of t. IL Zeigler. N. 'II —.Any person desiring to view the properfj 'will cell on Jacob Mich, residing on the prenthea. 2ileng7o to VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE V. I=l On Wednesday, Septeniber 1870, the billowing described nerd 'Estate, late the proper ty of Jacob Kant, deedlised t No 1, a Valuebio Farm situated In Sliver Spring township; Cumberland county, throe miles 50001 of Mecitattlealarg. and seven milts east of Caillele, con taining 104 acres. and 60 porches, more or hrett, of limestone land, under a high Maloof out ovation, the whole having been thoroughly limed, and being un der gond fence. 7ho improvoneuts aro a largo and commodious farm holm, a comfertablo tenant house, a stone tank barn, wagon shed, carriage herniae, el der press, and all other uccessaryoutbuildings, all in good repair. There in a well of water near the door, with n cistern at the born, and one at each house; also, a CIOO.I3'APPLE OltdbfAßD on the premises, with many other choice fruit trees, and an abnnd nncu grape vines, AF. Sabots nod churches aro convenient. No. 2 is situated about our-half Hilo west of No. 1, It contains ten acres Mal Covent, on perches of land, having erected thereon a good dwelling lo use, bank tarn and blacksmith shop, with the other noceseary Imptovements. 'I here is a good well of wateriedso, a cistern near the door. There is a fine orchard, of bearing trees ell the promises. Tble la a desirable black“nith stated, having born ocoupioa as such for many years. No. S. The undivided half of eleven tier, mountain laud, situated. In Bye township, terry county, oi e. ball mile north of Myers' Cop. Thu property Coll be seen by racing on Sainted J Rost. residing on No I. Sulu to take pl.° on the Oro deectibcd ptoparty, 1,1.11111111 g at ten o'clock a. In., at whirl, time and place attentlanco will. bu given, and, Intina.mude known by SAMUEL J.KAST, " I). ItAsT, • ))sansr) fur tha twin. ORPHANS' COURT SALE Dif Theirstfigh 'September 9, 1870. By an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland vomit), the eunseriter will sell at pbblie riCe, on tint premiere, the follon g described Tract of (travel Land, situated in Silver Spring township, bounded by lands of Robert !Nagy. William liurehmen, Joseph 'Mustier, and the Consdoguinet crook, con• Mining 131,ACREE3-, 11111r0 or In.s. Illtlf illg therroll oruct..ol Two-STORY BRICK DWELLING ❑OUSE, and large Bank Barn, and other necessary bolnings. Alsb a Tract ,ot, Nlooraain Land, wall severed with Chestnut Timber,, situated in Ityo township, terry county, bounded by lands of Haldeman's hairs, Sol omon Caro., unit Adam Thoinsneuntalning ECONOMY 1;8 ACRES, triet memotre. 'fills woodland is within four miles of the farm. Three•tlftha the above properties will he raid under: the obove stated order, and the other two fifths an at tornryin•fact fair the otter two heirs. Salo to commonce at two o•eltch p.' tn., on bald Any, when terms will be made knout,. • Ho also a . m. at 1?oi rote Snipe • BRICK ROUST, and Lot of Groad, In tiro llorougli of Catll.le, sit tatted on the northeutil corner of nedfoid streetand 31111 berry alley, containing f..rly fool Gold, and ono lonulred and twenty foot deep. ; • Tli - e term will Inn made ItLuntl, .1. N. ARMSTRONG, 18aug70.1s guardian and Attvrney-in-fact. VALUABLE REAL E"'"'TA I offer At lirhute sate the' lianse 1t o 1 Lot where now toeitio, situated abbot Itslfa tulle from the Court If ouee,in end loss tban tire minutes walk trenr the booth Nloontain station on the Cumber land Valley. Railroad. Thu Lotle bounded on the north by the York read, 011 the east awl eolith by James W. llos'rr, and on' the wool by. Ashland Cem etery. , The hotels Is a largo , 'TWO-STORY DOUBLE BRICK BUILDING, ' with Thick Iliiilding,"and contains 10 roonis,,with'art outsido liitchan , Ovou, /Distant, never lailinwellb water, and other couvoniences. Ilium Is also a Soo Stable for two horses. and two cowl., with Cu,, rine room dc., Tile lot contains-about . • highly cultivated, with no itbandance of Fruit Trews, nucleus app'os, peaches. 'nears, plume, do.. do , Co. tawbs. Isabella; and Conoord 'grape vines, in good Leering. eons) lion, and a _rich._productivii _garden. OAR rind Water aro laid pmt..the- property, andrho road is lighted ia night with gas. lamps. This Is a mist deshablo place for a private reel dunce, Combining the advantages of town and country. If not sold at private sale I will offer the proyerty .10 . - - On Sattirday; October 8,1870 i ot ton 0'p1041.... tn., pt Lilo Court Houma, in Carlbala. For tornoi and furiltOr inroinuttion npply either pornonolly or, by totter to 100p7048* , • GODltillit EXECUTORS' SALE ' • •: ..124 • • • • • •• Or'REAL EsTnE - . Tho undersigned, oxeoutors of the °Mato of Jacob Musselmsii, .into of South Middloton township, Outii boriond cotKitl, deceased, will expose to public into, on the prein MU el ht said township, • On'Sallintay, 06110.1,1870 i 4, ;• • L . ut u'clock turbnoou Bs lti da y , it ia rs us blo Troot of loud, lislooglng to Am skate of • said deceased, Situated bn a. public' road leadlag from Carlisle to Petersbuig, obant miles south of Car laic, COnlniiilnif 100 AolliEsj'Aizba-a pEnotii., and, Laving .t.lioroon aratud a STONE noiThE AND DANK BARN.' Tho hind 10, a(good state Of . cultical ion, with two' Ana orchards, Rod Its neuroses tic Carlisto and other markets condors, It a desirable( propoity. . The ante Is fting' wade under au -miler „of tho Orphan.' Court of Clunburland county. ' • , Tcou4l orlint.E.—Orurtsutth of pnrelusto Money, to bo. puid on the conOrmation of the 'sale; the batons° of oue•linil on the flea' of - April, MI, whoa( dood will 'ho' shade and • pOshosslon utroui had the romantics' on the first day otApril,(l.Bl4( • (,' • JACOB 1111.18.9ELMAN, pA.V.IIO 0.:11.1011WINBC' DIIOIIAEL CLEWIIII,,•• • ' 18atig71:14b. 'Executors of-Jacob Mueschnisis, steed. For hale—Valteable_Beal Estate. VALUABLE • BEAL, ESTAT.E - v Fon SALE. '- . • .• • virtue of a - deed . or assiguiront from Samuel •Zirg• to rite, in trout for, his creditorsel will expose' to public solo on the _protases,: hi South Middleton township, Cumberland county, 1 On ,Thursday,' Septjmbirs 151 1870 , at n o'clock a m • That valuable plantation, Abated on, the Carlisle arid Hanover Turnpike, five miles sorith'OVCarlislo, containing '156 'ACRES AND 151 j'ERMIES of fired-rate land, all of which le cleared and tinder geed fence. There are . TWO DWELL/NOHOUSES, and two barns on the farm- lute of thd barns Is an overshot brick barn, and th . o other an overshot barn of atone foundation and frame above. There are two Orchards, now in full bearing,- and-fruit and grapes In abundance. Mountain - Creek; a large and never failing stream of water, passee'Jhrough this farm, affording ono of the best watet-powers In tiro StMo, having a fall of nineteen), feet and three Inches on, this land, and a most excellent site for a furnace, 'forge, rolling mill, or any tither works requiring a large water-power. The South Monahan Itailroa - • lowing a connection with the Cumberland Valley Railroad at Carlisle, passes wit hitt one-fourth of a mile of the fart. IL is believed that Iron ore. of the best quality, abounds in the land, and may be ob tained by experienced miner. • for much has been obtained for many years from the adjoining tract. It ie the poem.. of the assignee to have a division of the land made sd as to enablo'birn to separate the entire water power, and sell it by itself, and the residue of the land 'as a 'farm, or vs two farms of about 80 and 55aerre, is may suit purchasers, a plot or draft of which will be exhibited at the time of sale. Ile w ill aim sell at the same time and place . 11 BUI-LDING LOT'S, of buy ISO feet, six of which will be Mooted on the turnpike and firoun the efeek, a plot, of which will also be exhibited at the' time of rule. An n farm, in point *of quality °nand, there is none superior to it in the Cumberland Valley, and ris a water-power It is very superior for any manu facturing purpose. For any Information regarding the - property application may be made to Judge Watts, Carlisle. The title to the land is perfect, and it wl I be sold upon the following terms: Toot per etot of the pur chase money to be paid, or scanned to be paid, on the day of mle; the residue of one-half in the first of April, 1614 when the deed - will bernade; and the bal ance Ili two equal annual payments, with interest, to to aocured by bonds and mortgageon the proPertysold. • JOHN S, hIUNRO, llaug7ll.ts. Araignenof Samuel Zug. VALUABLE COAL- AND LUMBER YARD AND TOWN RESIDENCES AT PUBLIC SALE, On Thursday, 'September 15, 1870. The subscriber will sell on tho premises, In the borough of Carlisle, Pa., the following very desirable Real Estate No. 1. A Lot of - Ground, located - on West Main street, 21 feet front and 204 feet ht depth, more or le., having thereon erected a two and ashalf story BRICK ROUSE, : 21 feet front and 54 feat on depth, with Frame Kitchen, Smoke House, Wood Holm, and all neces sary out-buildings. There is also a hydrant at the door, wiih, water and gas all through the 1101180, which Is - finished In nroderu style. There alinever lading well of escolfjut water a the door. .z.„_No..2.__A_Lut of Ground, adjoining No.l on the - Wait, containing a new Cleo stud n half story BRICK HOUSE, 23 feet in front by '72 feet in depth, having water and sik's through the house, and all modern improvements, with all necessary outs - buildings on the lot. These aro Fire Insurance Policies on both the above bnildioge, which are paid up in full, and transferable. • - No. 3. Nine Lots of Clioimd, adjoining No. 2on the Weal, being a first-cloys . LUMBER AND COAL YARD, rentaining large : Mid commodious 'coal sheds, a large coal and hay scales of the' Root & Caao patent. ogles, and convenient siding, connecting with the main track of the CumberlantrYalley Railroad. This Is one of the moat desirable Coal and Lumber Yards in Carlisle, and offers rare inducemeots to any one desiring to_e.upgairithe Tito whole sot contains 300' feet In front, more or less, on Slain or Railroad street, 200 Pet deep, more or less, front Main fronting on College street, nod 305 In length, mine. or Fees, in the-rear from College stre.st to a print on Main or railroad Street. Property will be sold together or separate, to snit purchasers. Possession of the Lumber and - Coal -yard and one dwelling house will be stroll the Bret of November, if desired. • Sale to commence at-one o'elock p. m. • Trans s—Ten per cent of the purchase money..gath; the balance on the first of April. 1871. JOHN B. COOT ER,' • Assignee of S. N. Hoover. taug7o.ts 'N'TALUABLE REAL ESTATE V AT PRIVATE SALE. Tho subscriber, wishing to reltropOsh farming ; ,ffers at private sure TWO VALUABLB LJNIE,STONII +ARMS; Busted in Monroe township, between the York 'ma and the mod leading to Boiling Fprings, a !Mort nile from ChOrchtown, nod miles from Bolling 'pringa. No. 1 contains about 75 ACRES, more or lens, of olcelleni Limestone land, in is high state of cultivation. The Imprierements aro ag, od two. story Farm House, With Wash HMls° and other out. buildings. Also, Aire:rollout now Tenant Homo, and a large Bonk Earn, with viamn Rhoda, corn cribs, and other necessary outbuildims. Thie farm hes two splendid springs of running water from which every field might easily Lamm : plied. - These springeleedliro splendid trout ponds. There is also n good Orchard of Choke Fruit, each as Apples,.Pears, Peaches, Cherries, de. No. 2 contains abolit 70 ACRES of ex cellent Limestone land, In first rate order. The Improvements aro a double two-story Weather boarded House, with Kitchen, Bake 110118 U, dc. A Frame Barn, recently repaired, with Wagon Shed, Corn Cribs, and other oat-buildings attached. An excellent Apple Orchard, with a large quantity of Cherries rind other choice fruits, are around the buildings • A goad Well of eater and a large cistern at thelonse. . If desirable a Tract of Woodland lei each place is offered. Persons wishing to TiCW these properties - can do so .y calling on the sul.seriber .rosiding on the road coding from Churchtowu to Boiling prings, about .ne wile east of the latter lance, or upbta 'William H. ditr,llt ing done by. lljunein JOHN LUTZ. PUBLIC SALE OP REAL ESTATE The executore of Hozeklah deccarod, will sell at paddle aide, on the promisor, in Narita Middle- ton township, Cumberland county, On Thursday, September 8, 1870, at 11 o'clock a. in., the Mansion Farm of tho deceased, situated about three miler west of Carlisle, on the Connotloguluut creek, containing about 130 ACRES. • of good Crook and Slate Land, with good Itnprova containing of a rrastE DWELLING HOUSE, ad Frame Barn, with an apple crebard and peach ,rchard, and a great variety of young fruit tread, and tank Howe, and never failing water. Thin farin is Bunted upon the Connodogulnel creek, over which, n the flits lawn iron bridgo butt by the county. They ael I at the name titan and place, a Tract Slate • ud, adjoining the above, con talning about 100 ACRES, haring A SMALL DWELLING HOUSE and Barn thereon erected. Tills latter tract nuty ho divided and sold separately to suit . purchaser.. A plot or thaft of The whole will he exhibited on the day of sale. There will to shout Thlety Acres of Wood "Laud attached to the Mansion Farm : sod about Four Acres to this latter. The terme hill be 1110.1 Lt,..wu on the dnyof xn by . HEZEKI.AII G. 'VOTER JOSEPH L. TOTEM, 4 itig7G•bt A VALUABLE SLATE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE The undo - Aimed oflern lit ,private sale, that %%dun Truct of Slott. 1,11,d, situated V mike north of 'article, on tho rb;ltt- aide of tho toad leading to Cartisto ulohur Spring•, Cumberland count•, cod- Witting • l'O 5 A'C R 4 nhlrlg 25 age limber. The tract is divided in lo two soctlonig, and relit h. old sgitarixto or in ono body no n.ay suit tlgo pur hose, Thu Ituptoromorgts on the Ntun.ln Trac re A TIVO.fiTOILV FRAME. HOUSE with Entine Suninter Molise; large Fratno Barn, Wagon Stied, two urver f ib , tt f. water, twill mutt; apple orchard. 'I he boa in high aisle of tails iration, nail wider go al Entices. The sal siler tact, adjoining the Mansion Nano, as tidg alottlithe Butplior Sprhig road, on w hlrhle ,meted a NM TWO-STORY BRICK ROUSH, wall Frame Summer llonie, tloluched: n ItAnthom Fratnit Barn; chul, Gulp ; Yrnits lif all V.lntlx I abundance. A at ! II or g.n.d water ona't, dotoro the du,r. Tern. , ens, In cult purchaser., , remove. el skiing to ries* the property will call on ho utiderelgit./, residing on the last tract dent:tilled,. r ou J: C. Stock, insurance Agent, [U tile Fratiklin loose, No. 4, Carlisle, Pa. , • Tlaug7o Mu* • .- - .PETER STOCK. TTALUABVE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALB V The subscriber hill Mier St public Mils • On — Teresday, — Septensber 27, 1870, a Tract of Land, alma hod In Silver Spring township, ~,,,..ra ne fir of a mile cyst of Now liingrtoo, °litho turnpike leading from Harrisburg, to Chambershurg, c ntaining. - 35 ACRES more or Ica, the hind being of an excellent uti slit y, partly limestone and Flaw; being nude& yr.! cold. vellum, conveniently laid cot In mix node, a limo ...reins , . through the tract •making orniveril•Ml Unb easy of access. The improvements are a ' , TWO-STORY FRAME DWELLINO, ' aor'roolinMin the first floor, and fivo rooms on the mond .tiotir; Warh Unfree, Smoke , House,' Bank Barn, Wagon Slicd, IlOg Sou, Ac. Also, a good Orchard of Ch sloe Emit. Ala, a well of good water at the door- Also, reclean at the house, and ono at the tin'en. , , , 'Aleo,• • TWO.STOItY FRAME DWEL. LINO on the promises used for a Tenant House.' Salo to. commute., id ono o'clock p. m, on said 'day, When otteturence will be glten and term, made known by . • . • • „ JOHN. NIUSSELMAN, • ,S.—Any person whiting to slow tholiremisee betero tiiik day of ado will mill on the pubscrlber,' who .wIIS Irt all 'limos take pleasure' to allow the property. liang7o.ts*,, . • • ' VNTALUABLE TRACT OP CHOICE LIMESTONE LAND • • ' A: 'TP U B oo S A - L'E will yell at public salo c ou,the pm:niece; • • • ..... • 0/t , TAttraday, October '6, 1870, at ono o'clock p.m:, the following describodTratt of 'Real Estate, situated partly In North kliddloton and partly in'lliddlesor. townships. Cumberland county, on thell'arrlibergThrnpiltiVebout two miles eat of, Carlisle, and lying with. its southern ,boundary on the Letort Spring, containing „ . • 84 ACRES AND 07 PERCHES. Therwls a lino spring ofr.water on thls tract r and It. is under good fence, and the land in a high chits of, cultivation,- r ,`` •- Persons wishing , topnrcnatio can exaMlfro the land: sit any time before the day of solo by calling upon. the subscriber. , , .„ .• , . • Terms made ktiown.on tirrY Oat& by • • LlouglO•trie JACOU RUTZ, SA: HDLMBOUD'B BITCSU. THE KIDNEYS The lifitheys are two Jo o o situated abate, upper part of the lola, rni2ninalwkiy fat, Rini eon- Meting of threo parts, Az: tin] Anterior, no Tote- flor, and Oto Exterior Tho onterior'obsorlin. Interior consists dot lino n% or velnn, which nerve an, o geppelt. for Ihe urine mid convey It to the Anterior. Tim ortorfor ix a condor for also, toritAlattlnie In a tibial° tutai,'outl tiallod tho 11M=!= The bladder 11' rompowea vaticus coverings or tlFsuom, divided Into part+, eh,: the :Upree, th? Lower, the Nervous, and the 31nrous The upper expels, the lover, reiatus. Many hnv a desire le urlnnte without the nbillty; othors nri!tuto without the ability to' 'Ptah, This frequently °rem. In children To cure these nhlctions, we tuunCtrliiiiuto action the' muscles, which are engaged in -tlilir various functlona. If they aro neglected, Gravel or prom may I.Wille Tho roodur moot also );13-imitioawaro,,th4 however slight "limy .14 tho atta•k, It Is bum, to affect the bodlly.healtifood monlul powers, us our 1/eall and bluo.l are eupportOd fiani thesO souroex GOUT OIL RIIEUMATISTIPBIII occurring In the I des lelndleatlva of tho , ntoro Ufoodado. They occur In Persona dhipoiud to acid stomach and chalky 'con QM= TflE GRAVEL—The gravel en.es from neglect or improper [mamma of the kidneys. Those organs Leing-wenk, the water h not expelled from thu bled per, but allowed to remain; It becomes feverish, and .edimont form. It is from !lAA dui. sit that tho stone Is formed, end grass' 011S1101i — DR - OraY - 147a - conoctiorrof - rtr4er - In some-parts of the * body, dild boors dlFur!ut names, i!ecnrdil)gtp_ tho parte afforded, via: when generally diffused over the body, it is callid Annirea ; when ofdtlib"abdoulton, ♦vcltee; when of tho chomt, Ilydrothoraz mbo Id 'a highly eon c entritto d corn poiiod Exit. Oct Suo fif deoldiolly Otis of tho best routed!. for dlsoaece of - the bladder; kidnap, grim], dropelettl , evellingH, rlieumatlem, -. antl:goniy agoe Cowl Under this head no havo .orruugbd Dyourin, or difficulty and pain lu parsing water; Scanty So, ,crotion, or email awl lrqueztt dinebargen of valor trougury, or stopping of water; Harmful.la, or blciody wino: Gout null Rheumottgukol,fito Ittdneyn, ; • 'ailthUnt any Chitlige In quantity, but incronau in color, or-dark water. It WWI always highly' recom mended by the - Into Dr. Piggott, hi these nffeeticne. This medicine Increases the power of digestrikand oxdtos the absorbents Into, healthy xt% erclve by, whirl, tholiratory or calcireous depositions, and pll unnatural onlurgoinonts, rte wull.iu min nail lutlam rualloo, are reduced. and It la taken I.y men, W 0111613 and chtldr+u.• Diract loos fur use and diut accompany. t Plillatinlpbbx, Pa.. Feb. 25. 1 c 167 Druggbit Dear Sir—l have been a sufferer, for upward 'of twenty year% with gravel, bladder and kidney affec tion'', during which Bite I have used various medic inal preparation.; and boon under the trestniont of the moot eminent phy.lciami, experiencing but little relief. Ifaving soon your preparations extensively adver tised, I consulted with my family physician in regard to using your Extract. Ruche. I did this because Thad used all kinds of advertieed remedies, and had found thorn worthless, and some quite injurious; In feet,l despaired of ever getting well, and determined to use no remedies hereafter unless I knew of the ingredients. It was this that prompted me tons* yobr remedy. A. you advertised that it wee composed of Limbo, mamba, nod Juniper berriee, it occurred to mo and my physician no an excellent combination, and, with his advice, after an Aixamlnallon of the article, and consulting nolo with the druggist, I concluded to try It. I com menced its use about eight mouths ago, at which time I was confined to my - room. Prone the first bottle I wee astonbthed and gratified at the benefi cial effect, and after using It three weeks, was able to walk out. I felt much like writing yeti a full eratement of my male at that time, but thought my improvement might only be temporary, and there fore concluded to defer and sue If It would effect a perfect cure, knoWing then it would be of &eater value to you. and More satlifactory to me. lam now able to report that h cure Is efh Med after using the remedy for five months. I have not used any now for - three months, and feel as well in all respects as I ever did. Your Iluchu being devoid of any unpleasant tents and odor, a nice tonic and Invigorator of the eyetem, I do not mean to bo without it whenever occasion may require Its use to such affections. 11. MeCORMICE Should any doubt Mrl-lileCottolelea itatemont, he rofura to Lilo following pall:wen t. 12211=! 11011. WEII. Bugler, ox Governor, Penneylrani. TY9s. B. Florence, PbllndulpYhi Bon.J. C. Knox, :httlgo, lio■ J. S. li'ack,lletlelvya 11,111. D. It. Porter, ox.Oon•rnor, Ponnifylvaltlit non. Ellis Levin, Judgo, C. Odor, Judge, Milted F.tates-Coutt. Hon. a. W. Woodward, Judge, Plilladelp4bt IldiT; W. A. Portur, City Splicitor,lndolvlllit Ron. John Bigler; ez•llovernor, California. Dori. E. littoki;; 4ndltor Cnnornl, IVaelihlton, D. C 4Ald many otharli,gyesuary Bald by Ennalsto and Daalard ayorywhoro t 13,117 wore of countorfolti: Ask for Ilolmbold'd. Tako no Prfoo—Sl,2s per pottlo, or 0 bottlee fur $0.60 Delivered to auy addresw. Desurthe tiyioptomo in all oommutlicallone MEM •. 2."' H. T. IiEL.M.BOLD, Dritg and Chem:eat , Trarelaottae, • IT} 111tOADIVAY; N. 'NOIstE ARF inisrunrE viugss 'Oimo up in eleol.tiagra4O4 wrapper, With [4id•pliiillo: of my Chemical Warationso, and aignad ; 111 . ; . ; .'iIIB.I.DIB9LD. 1 ME BOJono7o.li .R -Hall's , Vegetable Hall , Itenewer. HALL'S II A I Restores Gray EOM LEO Original .Color,- Promotes Grow LL ! and ix a MIME Splendid Dieming. Try ono Bottle hnd Thicken up the - Thin-' Locke ! Sad by (at Prtiggislt and Ilhgdp•s iv ,Ifidivin Price 0116 Dollar Per Bottle R. P. IrkL L C 0 0., Proprietors 2511111,70 ly Plum Ping, Gas Pitting, fic. JAMES. / • w. P. lIINWOOD PLUMBING, GAS- AND_ FITTLNO. At No. 18 .North Hanover ,Street, .STILL AT BUSIX,ESSI The undendguod are now fully prepared to attond to tills lowinem In all.lis dllTorent branellng. They also !crop constantly ou hand and for sale, = WATER CLOSETS, - - BATII TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, BAT!! TUBS, WATER CLOSETS, DATII TUBS, WASH BASINS, In:BRANTS, Lift and Force Clatcres, Lift end - Force Ciaterne, - - • , . Painps, Load, Terra Costa rind Deep - IVelLPtim pa, Load, Terra Cutts and Iron Pipe. Chimney Tops and Plum GAS PIPE AND FIXTURES Globt , a, and all hinds of Brass Work fir 'HI eam and Avatar constantly on hand, or furnished to ordor. Ilwellingx, Churchill, Factories and other buildings, In town or cuuntry, fitted up with neatness and Ws patch. All work warranted, Thankful for public patronage, no hope by strict to nferit'a '.ooutintienta=ofiithe, sumo., Tortnii.readonablo, It requiring but ono trial_ to secure your canton,. CI us roll: Don't forgot tho piano, No, it, North Lionovut , stroot, in the bane % moot of Sipo's non building. AlL,ordors loft at the reehle IWO of either Mossro. CAAri'BELL OR HENTVooD at any time, either day or night, will ho promptly attended to. James Campbell, Alemandoel tole, Pitt atruet, or William lien wood, South street, o‘d West. flaying special advantages wo are propar4 to furnish COPPER WORK OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, for Still Monies and other purpoxes, at home or at a dlateuee. COPPER PIPE ferniehed to ..del, either dmw n or Leaned. • 25augl y Dr. Ayer d Co's. AdverUseln't AYER'S lIAIR HAIR For restoring Gray Bair to its naturiel Vitality and Color. A dressing which tt at once agreeable, healthy, and effectual for preserving the bait Foiled or gray hair is • soon re stored.to its original Color with the gloss and fredinrss 'if youth. Thin hairis thick ened, lulling lair checked, and baldno..:s often, thouch not always, cured by its use. Nothii g can restore the hair where the follicles are destroyed, or the glands atrophied.and decayed. But such as re main can be saved for usefulness by this application. Instead of fouling the hair with a pasty sediment, it will keep it clatitt: and vigorous. Its . occasional use wi,V,O prevent the hair Trons turning grey cm!, falling off, and conseqbently • prevent ,1 baldness. Free from those deleterious substances which multp some preparations dangerous and injurious to the hair " the Vigor can only benefit but net harm It If wantel merely for it, IlAill VIGOR lIAIIt VIGOR. lIAIR DRESSING;. • noth,ing else , an be found -so desirable Containing either oil or dye, it does.. nu soil white rubric, and yet lasts long. on the hair, giving it , a rich glossy lustre-and and* i 4 grateful perfume. Prepared - by Dr. ~T, Q. Ayer,, & CO, 'PRACTICAL ANO ANIIAI.WICAL,C2IIICMISTm, • • ' • •- ' PRICE $l.OO. • HAVERSTICK BROS., Agentri, Carlisto, PH 10N1,70-1y .1. .E. Caldwell's Advertisemeat =I E. CALD WELL &QO El • 002 CHESTNUT STREET, PHILADELPHJA, Iluvo Joe by B.hounor 11110(110r l Igo xlippi I - oftko - relehinted , . Especially inamifaelertni for their sal. by Ekrirren These Watches nro oistlugal hod nx excelling Quality, Style, and Acom:acy, lutvlug Lila tdoet couvealin t arrangenwat for Mod- Invl Salting, sod furnished at a wry toodurate cost... Also; oar full lino of . . . . GENEVA, ENGLIM, AND AMERICAN G O'L.D Time-keepers, in every varloty of finish slid pride, direct from the Mann fsclorefc, with new est and hest styles of , . Gold Chains, Seals, Keys, 20Jan7Oly IRON IN THE BLOOD 1 TUE: SYRUP, • AN IRON TONiC • Assimilates with the Mood no-easily as the 'simplest food, vitAleing and loth:totaling the whole system. It stimulates without on tlon, tunas up the broken down, cotes llyspepsts.,Dotitlitt,•Lttot Bonnie' R'esituq,o4 D,opsy, - 11 ulnas, 'Am, and expels Mummy from. the spout, by inciesslng . NOtura's own tit/dialog' element—lßON. romplilots fr.. J. P. 111 NBl%lOlOll, Propel. tor, 33 Roy t tryst, Now & Yot h. Bold by MAO. lieln Y 17ntif7OsoWly OM , I VECiETABL A ~SICILIAN' IL R E N E W,E II In the only perfurtol and nel till propirod .preplirn do. of Ila hind r 91foreil to thi , puldir, and !tax no competitor!. molt. Ily'ita sticirti•eliton•lttcl Ito Ito - Waal youthful cotor. 'and 10.il ➢nncy, which in em 111 gilt admired '1 , , - traciim"*ltoso hair Is thi,, or falling 0ut,0.111, Iry thy oso.of our, Renewer, MOII Moo Us good t!f- 100 .. “ 4 , ig IL. Wide no 4 rLi fl, at Is irui rfi t 1 hn!r gla I will be invited tuel'tbe bele grow blob and uh•ong again. 111 .1,1,1 of Bald nos- It X4lll ~I,llto ii ur~r grow ii Onions the follielen are destroyed "It is eboiing, nod n 1 yxnll lleling and Irrlndloa.ot Lltu scalp. IL does HAehdn tho Idh In no to clj.; makortho-scalp-whitg-and—clontr,,— ~eti a dremlng It is timilefit economical preparation the world 'AV Its effects . Loa sa mush lul~gor Sand for . our Tronttio on tho hate; fFuo to oil, by moil L/DORATOItY, NASIIUA:N: II STEAM CARLISLE, r.E.NN' MEW= LOWELL, 'VASS .TENVELEIiS, COPENII AG EN WATCIIES, WATCHES Alsq, TLVERS FOR' THE TURF ,SEDICA NATUItpB, QM! VITALIZER 11 A
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