, 61jr gartiote Iftratti CARLISLE, FEBRUARY 24,1870 At an electitni for officers held by Cum berland Circle, No. 38, Brotherhood of the Unit], (H. F.,) C. of A., to serve for the ensuing term - , the - following persons were duly elected : J. S. - Low, C. W. ; J. P. Neff, C. J. ; J. T. Crozier, C. W. M. Ogilby, H. S. K. ; A. -L. Beetem, H. R. ; J. S. Strohm, H. T: ; John T. Kulms,-W. D. ; Phil. U. Kuhns, W.' N. ; 41 J. N. Wallace, Auditor. Harry M. Ritter was elected as a delegate to tlio' Grand Circle of Pennhylvania, which convenes in Harrisburg, on the swell teenth of March. To the Editor of the Rarlitie Throld PeiMit us, through the columns of ybur paper, to suggest the name of B. K.Spangler, - of Cjirlislo,. as a suitable candidate for nomination for the office of Sheriff; at the r ensuing FaII clectien—sub ject to the decision - of the Republican nominating- convention.- -Ho ,has, from the time he Cast his first vote, been found battling for the success of the Re publican.party, and his name ; we are sure, would carry a tower Of strength with it. MANY Rur ÜBLICANEI The supper of the encampment of Odd Fellows took place on Tuesday night, at the house of George Wetzel, and was at tended by almost all the Odd Fellows in Carlisle and vicinity, together with a goodly number whb wore not members of the Order. The table was set in the large dining room attached to the hotel, and it being at Bossy,Wotzel's, no com ment need be made as to how- it was spread. After partaking of refreshment to the satisfaction of all present, the. company adjourned to the sitting room where they were entertained by speeches by Messrs. Jacob B.heem, Theodore Con; IDs Joshua Fagan, and Wm. B. Butler, eq. After passing a vote of thanks to , “Bossy" and his aimable betterhalf, the 'Ompany withdrew, well with - thc festivities of the evening. It should be very gratifying to the tax payers of Carlisle to know that the edit- cation which the boys and girls of this place are -receiving, is costing less per SchOlar,in_proportion, than in any. other town or city, where the the school term consists of ten months in - the year. The salaries paid the teachers stand equal in rank to those of any other place, and ex ceed those of most districts. The aver- age attendance of ptipils exceed any other district in the State. The Bean Dintetors of Carlisle may well feel iiroud of this record. Communion service will be held in St. Paul's Evangelical Church on West Lou ther street, next Sabbath morning. Preaching-at eleven o'clock in the morn ing by Rev. M. J. Carothers, E. E. ; at seven in the evening by Rev. A." - L. Reeser. Persons having ice houses are bilsily engaged in fillid * g them during the pres ent cold snap of weather: .The .ice though not first quality, is far superior to none. - The eighty-foultb .anniversary of the Belles Lefties society of DiCXIII6OII Col lege was celebrated, in Itheem's Hall, on ___Tuesilly__eyoning,, February 22. The weather was propitious and the hall wgs •filled by a sslect and appreciative audi ence. Tho aniversary address - v-as - de , livered by J. Hepburn 'Hargis, of Oak Hall, Va., and is said to have been a fine effort ; Toiling, by J. 11. McKeehan, Philapphia, Pa. ; A Glance at True Greatness, E. Megredy Wilmer, Balti- more, Md. ; Why Stop to Think? J. Di Belford, Mifflin, -Pa. ; . Communion Higher than Art, W. H. Fisher, West Baverford, Pa. ; Ghosts, Hairy P. Can non, Bridgeville. Del., wore the other subjects, and each speaker acquitted him self creditahly. The fine orchestra of Prof. Bela, leader of the Barracks Band,- furnished the music for the occasion,,,and delighted an audience - :which already held it in high esteem. Tho 'readjustment of the salaries, of postmasters throughout the eountry has just been commenced in the office of the Auditor of the Treasury for the Post office•Departruent. This change of 'sal aries, which occurs eveLy,second year, involves an inuciense amount of -labor, the new salaries being based upon sworn strqempute of each postmaster of the -4.4imountiroceiv.ed during thgr.sixmontbs ending December 81, 1860, on 'account of stamps sold, letter postage, aud - box rents, all of which must bo carefully ex amined. The amount which would have accrued to a postmaster as commissions under the statutes rag ulating eompensa-' tion prior to the passage of ho-act now in forco (which ,provides for , an annual salary) is first calculated, and tho rate of the now salary is fixed on this basis. The postmasters hare quite a practical inter-- ose in tho results of tho examination now going on. TO EDUCATORS - Tirthi, Editor it the Crirlisla fiernhl : I trust that you will not doom it an in- trusion, if kcall your attention, in this. public manner, to a subje9tthat Is in no / MOM way promoting the causo of educa tion, and one which will at no distant day affect a lodgment.in . every newspa per, as a separate department,- and also as essential and well established as tit; poet's corner, or the agricultural col umn. I rotor, Y I o an educational depart ment in tho newspapers in the, county. Some of the papers in the county occa. sionally give a, " local" on somothingre , . latihg to the common 'school' system) , and to general education, while, others itnore tho subject altogether,:Your correspond entis of the opinion that the., cause of education would receive an impetus, snob._ as would be felt and appreciated by all, if thci , Publiehers of our newspapers were. to establish spell,. a, department. .The publishers, I think, ' , would be remunera ted net only'from having the satisfaction , of aiding, tho, progress of education,, but by an increased eiroulation of their pa "nor, fOrlko toieher, direct 4 - or educa . tor, without' witlidravring,their support from other educational papers, or maga _zrinoe, should sustain, oubscribo, and 'la bor for, the palier that; eustain n the eauaa -- - for which he labora.• Tho editing'. of •an educatioriat eoltimm would, ialtbdup doubt,- *realm the arduouslabors'qf the: editor_very much, but' would lrot tho creassd cirbulatiprt o Ilia paper remun mato him , safficisngiv for ;this ,estra :mounter ishpr ihstswed on ,such a col umm It rill IM'adinitted by ill that tlie editing of an ed&atiot,al column j, a, newspaper is the .most difficult depart- Meat to imstsin, sod*, keep up nueh inn . lutists* sil t ,,ol ifsiii*esd to its mut. ns pe, eduotional depiirttnont The or of the paper,'-or Son:Mono More'oloiely allied to the-common-school-system -? If the former, :.why have you, editors of the HERALD, not 'opened this• department? IS it for want otmaterifil to select from? Is it because'thero are po.teaohers in the county who aro willing to take up the -pen and keep'ybil supplied with articles: of interest for publication ? If the latter! is the case, I would like to know whore those long winded fellows am "who at tend District Institutes, even countycon ventions, and'make speeches as long—as long—well as long as they can. Aro the di ' motors of the schools throughout the county; not sufficiently interested iii the' cause of education to help you sustain en educational column ? Where are the' ex county superintendents? .Perhaps the county Superintendent of common schoolS would be the proper person to conduct the Cilticational department. If ho is the prop'fir person why does he not lay, on ,hands and go ahead? no certainly can not want for material, a, county uperiutend era should be able to suppl y a great amount of interesting and instructive matter for a newspaper. Why not the superintendent of our -county -take-the responsibility on himself of editing a col umn devoted to educational . purposes, iu .your paper ? It must be that he cannot find sufficient time apart.from the ardu ous duties of his office, for if not wrongly informed, he has been offered space in your paper for an educational column. CM Miss Olive Logan will certainly appear before it Ca.rlislo audience . on the seven teenth of March. List of sales.for which bills haveAeen printed at this office : Friday, February 25, at the Court House, in Carlisle, real estate of the late Colonel John Friday; February 25—N. W. Woods, in I luntingdon towdship, Adams county ; .CerWS, young cattle, farming - implements, a mil ay, e ruary , c artney auctioneer, Carlisle Pa., household an( kitchen furniture, Sara] Stuart, deceased.. Monday, February 28, Jacob Rie . ka. Laugh, Frankford township—coW, heifer, sleigh, household and kitchen furiiiture. Tuesday, March 1, John necker, near Plainfield, Aim gorses, colts, seven milch cows, stock, farming *mplements,_ furniture._ Tuesday, March. 1, William M. Do ser, West PonnAborough to - Wl : tali - 4i; four lorses, cows, youbg cattle, kitchen fur nitare. _Changed from March 7. . Daniel Oiler, will have sale on March , onAlie Cove Farm. Sale of personal property, Novi ,Middle ton to ip, Wednesday, Marell 2—Bennwel Weaver and John P. Davis, Penn township ; cows, wagons, chestnut rails, posts,• and a house and lot in Drushtown. 'Wednesday, March 2, D. W. Sterrett,• Went Pennsboro' township, silt horses, tAitenty-six head of cattle, carriage, bug- - gy, fanning implements. - Wednesday, March 2, Jacob Shupp, South Middleton township T -Jour horses, cows, reaper and mower, threshing ma- chine, Sc Sale of personal property, by Samuel Stone, Flank ford township, March 4, eleven head of 'horses, thirty-two head of Mimed cattle, ten head of bogs. Saturday, March 4—William Punk, Huntingdon township, AdaMs county; horses, cows, farming utensils, &c. Friday, March A. 'Wolf, Hunt ingdon-township,-Adamacounty4.hors*._ cows, buggy, &c. Saturday,. March 5, - . 11.. F. Lock-ard South Middleton Township, four horses, cows, &d. Saturday, March 5, Peter S. Danner, south Middleton Township, four horses, cows, &c. Monday, March 7—John D. Sheafror; Dickinson township ; horses, cows, farm- g utensils, household furniture, &e, Monda7„ March 7—William K. Weak ley, acid John H. Woodburn, executors of Mrs. Sarah Weakley; late of South Middleton, deceased ; dwelling house, and five acres of land. Tuesday, March 8, J. B. Plank, South Middleton township—four work horses,' six cows, reaper and mower, threshing machine, So. . Tuesday, March 8, S. B. Mountz, near Plainfield—ono cow, twelve scups of bees, furniture, &o. Tuesday, March 8, Daniel Kutz,. Mid dlesex township, five horses, eighteen head of cattle, fat bull, three steers, funning implements; Thursday, March 10, Mary Hammond, North Middleton tolynship—family mare, wo cows, household furniture, Sic hursday, *nil 10, G. W. hoses, near Plainfield—household and kitchen furnitnre, consisting of bureaus, tables, chairs, bed§teads and bedding, &c.. Saturday, March 12—Wilson' ShuPP, South Middleton township ;. horses, cows, farming utensils, &c. Thursday, 11larelt 17, -Antliony43ham baugJi, Dickidson township, horses, cows, farming implements, &c. Saturday, March 19—Thomas Greason, in Greason, West Pennsborough town ship ; family horse,- carriage, cow, and s entire stock of household furniture Monday, March 21, Jacob Goodyear, South Middleton tothisbip, hosts, bows, young cattle; aial farming iniplements On Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,. March 21, 22, and 23; exteneive sale of personal. property by Joseph L. Knot*, Carlisle, Pa. 4 I=l Iniatincemo me 4 Photograph Gallery; well'eritabliidied and doing a good business can, be bought cheap for cash, 'if applied for soon. Call on or address • . . J. C. LESIIER, •. • Carlisle, Pa ITALIAN BEES Tho.undcirsigned Nvislies,to dispoito of hie entire. stook of Italian bees. Nearly' all my &lonics are , supplied with queens• ea rred - from pure stoeliriiMiiiitea: fiUM Italy last summer, by Adam ' Grimm; oG Wisconsin. They , are in good Mies and good oindition. Also a lot of now hives,. surplus honey drawers; beelmuse Combs,' honey, 4 c., all of ' wiiich will be sold cheap at No. 109 • South Hanover Street, Carlisle, Pa. joIIN aiTSITALL. „17feb6t, ' DRUG' STORE 11'0It fIALE. A'yaluable'di•ugetere; in an. oicellont location in garlisle—an old` ancl (mint), 'stand--43toelc nnd flxtnigi.for at _teaeonable'lium. For particulars, inquire oY D. RALSTON, South dialioyekletypck,' 1 5 4ina'a. • 24f8 1 ' WLnuahan, Stopp'& Penttsilvnia, mninitaoturci station sibr .6agiiketbr (140V' 4tllt Tlarr, .41:t olnas pnU Lind ihga A•oricklll.), to 2Y), lbo„' tuld kintig of maoliloorY.. • MEM! , Tho' j subscribor offsks; E.tt ptint k o sale, at -.his -rosidonce;--in-Churchtown,- Cum bqrlan(Vcianitiq 80 '6 64.4 lif b 663. • Dn. L. 41.,nliirnm''' '." For' direct acting stoam 'pumps, for Mines, &11., /that 'milli t pump from 12, gallons to 3,500 per minute. Go to 'Manahan, Stone:t% Isett, burg, Pa.- , Chapman, n few days ago, mado two nice photographi of 'Mi. Airoo; the -Chinaman, which_ can to' seen ot',pii.r. chased at his-gallery. v 1 - The snow is quite an advantage to the light none need wait its 'nicking% ' Also, a show case for saio, Sfeam pump. The pimip connected from the engine, and engine used for driving any kind of machinel7. gas and' water pipe, steam fittings, &c.• INPLnimlian, Stone i'lsett, Tfollidays urg, Pa.- "17febem :::0 ALL OF THIS IS TRUE Some one has said that it is harder work to keepariou ey than it is to make. it. This is too true, particularly if your. valuables are deposited in any other thail. iMerring Safe; with the hist inyaltift.ble improvement added, which consists of a succession of offsets on the casing of the door; . ahil'a corresponding number on the, door itself, all of which arO 'padded with' gutta percha, and when- it -is closed be comes perfectly secure against "wedg ing," the hiat and most - successful plan of "cracking," which the footpall prac tices at the present day. ,Nitro-glyeer fne-oannot penetrate, and no explosion can be produced that- will open it. I=l=l Mille Editor of Me Carlisle IteriMl I observe a great 'reduction in the price of coal. This is gratifying intelli gonce, especially to the poor of the town. No complaint shall be made against me on account of short Weighti Tor I pledge myself uniformly to furnish full 2,000 pounds for a ton. I invite special-atten tion to any published list of pricesovhich are from 50 to 75 cents belowthese of c A al dealers of this locality. To .farm Ora lam prepared to sell no celebrated Ly kens Valley Cpal, (Summit Branch,) at extremely reduced rates. See my pub-. lislied lists. I respectfully solicit public Patronage. Gao. ZINN. CHESAPEATiE AND OHIO RAIL ROM) ENTERPRISE • 'Prominent ,among the great workdof internal improvement now under con strubtipn must be ranked the extension of the Chesapeake & Ohio Railroad frbm its present terminus at the celebrated While Sulphur Springs of West Virginia, to the Ohio River, at a point of Most fa vorable navigation. Independently of a similar amount of private capital, the State of Virginia.expended upward of ss,ooo,o9oliefore the war in aiding this great line, sorts to establish a short, easy, - and economical line of communication between her unrivalled harbor and tile Westernrailroad and water lines. Near- y two-thirds of the necessary oxpondi ture has been made ; and under the ans pices of some eminent New York rail road builders and capitalists, the road is soon to be completed. By this line, the distance between the great cities of. the Ohio and Mississippi Valleys and reliable ocean navigation Will be reduced, and at the same time superior grades_ohtained for the trans ortation of—WcStoio products - to theses. , board. The lfafiawha Valley, trough Ifich_the tz.a.cLpasses, 7 abounds_in_supc-_ rior canna' and splint coal. A hundred miles cast, and less than a hundred miles west, also near the line of the road,' are vast deposits . of iron ores, which specially need the latter coal for tie production of a perfect. metal. The local traffic from this source, as well as from the transportation of the products of the vast fertile region between the and the Cumberland rivers—wheat, to bacco, live stock, timber, Ac---must be LITIIIIOIIBO ' The portion of the road now in opera tion - (227-miles), is already doing a satis factory business from,__' local sources merely. When the lino is completed to the Ohio, it Must,- from its prominence, take Hulk of a great through line. Mossrs. Fisk it Hatch, the well and favoiably _knoWri New York Bankers, aro the financial agents of the company, and among its , directors . are 'the • names of C. P. Huntington, of the Central Pacific Railroad.; Wm. 11. Aspinwall, A. A. Idw, David Stewart, J. G. Clarke, Pliny Fisk, and Wm. B. Hatch, of New York, with. other prominent citizens of Virginia. This infusion of northern capital and energy into the enterprise is an indioatidn of the soundness and ul timate greatnes's of its business. The first mortgagmbonds of the Chesa peake3&o hio Co. (of•which "an extended account wiltbe fotmdin another colurrtn), are offered in a shape, and , with such backing, as to command the' attention and confidence of these having money to invert_either.in small or large sums: These Bonds ,obviously possehs the ele:, monis which will make' them safe and, popular: • 11=INE:121 Whet citizens of Carlisle and vicinity aro hereby respectfully informed, that Prof. 'J. Bernstein, the widely.celebrated 'bpti cian; has taken romps at, Mr. Burkhol der's Mansion House, for. the purpose of affording you au OpPortunity or stiAing you with spectacles of his own make, and he would adibie'theso suffering from 'de fective sight, from whatever cause, - to call on, or nond.for hirt. Prof! Bornstein . comes highly recommended as an opt. clan of rare abilities.. In many canes, .whore an; s operatimi' on the I , oyo Mould seem necessary, ho proposes to adapt :glasses to the eye in such , a manner as- to yonder an operation itiluocessi}ry. , • - References in his possession from some of , the most eminent and respectable peo,:. told in_thaLlaniLinelz.:_as' Er. President 'James" Buckanan, Ex, President Abra ham Lincoln,l,Mrs. Lineoln;' Presi-i dent Andrew - Johnson, 'General Robert E. Lee, Ea. Goxernor Andre , * Curtin ; he'weald also'refon. ti Mr'. A.. 'Pylei, Rep. .resoutative froni:Susqtiohanna; Kr. Jas. 'A. Wier, Banker,, Harrlifinlrg; Wm, Colder, Harrisburg; Mr.:and Mrs. Oinitt, formerly proprietere::State •Cai)l.• tol Hotel Pri:GoOrge llnininell;•Grober,, Harrisburg; Mr. .and Mrs. F. ,Wyoth, Harrisburg; Mrs. Espy, Front street,. Harrisburg ; Mrs. Chas. Carson, Harris burg; Mrs. T,,.,Oratz r llarrisburg ; Miss Elio_ Gratz - v .l Harrisburg; Mr. -C. W. Kirk.; r„•lnsuraneo Broker, Ilarrishurg ; MrSo Dirs;:. F. Jor4on, :and: 4rs., Warford, gorrisburg; Mrs. ; 11.' Dr." darkriUny;' Harrisburg; Dr. Chhisham, Lecturer:tin! 'Optics, Medical Collegoi:,l3altinirge" , .Dr 2 Dlutsol - Wiug,:„Dquprit, sorpr Charles :street ; Baltimore., sending: or :theyritifenier, yOnovill please give: your nano ' and. ad dres44,(4O 4;04 pilleet.. • A,fkiNar4§.; • - v Our friend Mem infoim s-us -4314 hhiGiriiiilatinkLibrarfie a'inbeees; and`that ho will snake the "folleriOrighd.; . ditions , to it. this . Week.; i ".Llitherto;". "Faith Gartnoy's`irlhood ; n' 'The GagivorthPii " l'atleileAtrOiagYiiVvrit= ' • ings ;" ,"Boys.:at .Chequasset nor's Pride;'! "The Channings Geo.- Canterb'erry!fi. , Will ;74. '"Tlie 4 !!r1ip . L6.47111:7: Throe cents per day ; thirty-eentspor . month ; three dollars per The following additiOne 'vviß be inade to the library on Saturday next . : " Red as a Rose, was slio ;" "thrall ;" "Rutledge ;" "The Sutherland ;" "St. Philips ;" "Fairie ;" "The Mystery ;" "The Soldier's Orphans;": "The Curso of Gold ;" "Mary Dewent." To show. that this has been a success, there were sixty-five books taken out on last Satiirday. Go and see his fine ea leetion. OWNERS' OF REAL ESTATE,- RE CORD YOUR DEEDS The attention of owners of real es tate, whose deeds are not recorded, is called to the following act of Assembly on the subject. Much trouble and even loss of prOPerty may be avoided by at tending to the requirements of the law, which provides that all deeds "shall be recorded in the office for recording of all deeds in the county where such lands or hereditaments are lying and being, with in six months after the execution of such deeds Or conveyances ; and eve 4y such deed or conveyances that,- shall, at any. time after the publication hereof (the act referred to) to be made and executed, and whjet shall hot be recorded as afore said, shall be adjudged fraudulent .and void against any subsequent pukchaser or Mortgagee for valuable consideration, iinlessench deeds . or conveyance be re cordOd as aforesaid, before the proving or recording of the deed or conveyance under which such subsequent purchaser or mortgagee shall claim." I=l THE SCHULTPE TRIAL 'A full report of the most interesting and,important case is 4 nOw :Carly and can be obtained at this office. It contains the entire testimony in the ~c ase, a full Recount of all the proceedings np to this time, with a sketch 01` Dr. Bohai* and Miss Steinnecke. 'Diet book will lie fur nished at the follow r itigrates : . • One ebpy, 2.5 cents Twenty copies, $ 4 00 Fifty copies, . 9 00 One hundred 15 00 Address, 'llEttatb OFrIcE, Carlisle, Pa. MIS CELL A NEO US NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that a meeting of he Caniberlintil tatty Art, cultural rociety ty I I be held in the A rbitration Chetah,, in the Court Conte, at Carlisle . Pa on Turedexy; Munch 1,1870, cut 11 n'etnek In tLe ii remain. A-full attend:olre Is rerotest u 4. Ity curd, rof LEWIS F. IXNE, 10feb70 Sellieht ry. ptiBLIC SALE.--I will sell, by virtue of t o oothi,rity In tho will of.Jolin Mrf itit, in, di;Coneetl, 011 • Friday, the twenty-fifth day of February, I'7o, n't ten n't lock, n. a,nt 1,0 Court lion:, to tho borough of Calisle, that TWO STORY FhATIE 110IjSE, AND LOP OF GROUND In t h e horoilgh of Carlip], situated no Ow coot Ado 11 tooth lionotot strew, I.ohntlott•as follows: (in Iho n rib try li•:n. L. Todd, ott the ea•t Ivy an alloy, on the south hr A. it. Bents, and on the won I•y"ilen1 street. contrining In front, to saki street, aboili 20 fort, and- nh nt 210 foot In depth to said al.ey. -4.111 s -.proper ty..la-atirantn,corawly. tituntod_furdual neer, having a stoma room, with comfortable :It:roil ing attached . • Attendinc• will glyon,pnd torms tuado know.: ott-tlay-oroaleby T. N. 11 ilfs DER3ON,. klxecuipr of John Al c 0 thcritand EiMI OHEAP COAL ! CHEAP COAL!! N,_./ The mobeeriber le prepared to deliver, hy the o•r load, fo Urn, home,, end other cot euut, rb the li e of Ow Cunt ,l/thd Vo ley Ilaillo s l3, the cele• bretod LYKENa VALLEY COAL ! AT Tlf LO\SR:T•PCSSIIILE RATI fi you CA Si! c-al lab! awory supm for quality and wpl he rniedied at Niece which will defy all competition. The etaharribor will deliver s, al at enrilale, by the r lend during the currant month, at the to lowing hve, per ton 012, 00 lin Nut Stove ~ ~ .. And to other point., of the rood he vlll doliver It, adding or noduellng tho enl enao of diffejen• a In frvighte. Th•• above rater mill he .nldoet to the rim or fall of prices, ra h month, at the nine, 11 ZINN friCe—corner of Mahi ■nd Pitt et roots. leideeralua NTOTICE.—By ♦irtue of a resolution of 'tho. Stockholders, the Capital Stock of the "Carlisle rho. Cum parry" has been Incre.ci to 30,000 DOLLARS. t olliedotlnos to the natak will ho received tho Bice of the company, ho. 5 hmet 511 do Su r est. By ardor id the Buard'uf Director. • JOHN T. (1..515151, Prekident. Joax lariat, Fecretory. bJaniO T K. MASONHEIMER ...... MEM CHOICE 'FAMILY GROCERIES, PIN . II QUALITY OF TY IS, PURL: QU P. 4N .IVA ttß, = EMMET v, AND = Ors! . DR/Nll.l OF pAmT,T.I(..F . Lou4 , ,_ =I ALL HINDS Or COUNTRY PRODUCE 7 • ' BOUGHT AND SOLD ecnriumswr °dam PITT AN t I , ENVRET SIRE STS, 1Cd0909 TO•TIIE LADIES. There can, be oothing ,that will plan ilia huller Letter' than a good article, wail h la nililed'in every fainily for oray tiara um,. dlYcli as ortis oit ~ ISETES' AM-KRICAN• recointuended for the 'follow! og purposes': For goo. oral hounrhohl Peel for the toilet.% for tho loon by.; for chopped htt.ton,. ha. +old by ell grocere nr.d storetteeyors everywhere.: N ATI( N Y elf.,K , -solo agent. No. 3lD,No,rth Flow •:ruet, Philo telphin: 10feb70.8rn , :. • • ' SALE, 'AND EXCHANGE J. L. BTERNBM I3ROT/IgR) =6 110111111 OAILIIIAVE3 TO 1114 N ON 7111ABOMAD411 RURIIN, MIDI A? 811011171t,NOTION CARItIAGES, ,11 . 01;194111,1.D . ;POR FUNERAL 4t.fr N.ll,3.t;9) t io:{oi.:p for ito.ol of Ilor • t 9,11 loop. 17101,70 EXECUTORS' NOTIOE:+,-Lottchi tralamantory 00.1.110 batotu of -Jacob ,11.;, Coo . vor duarasoarlato.of Now Vorobarlalul,.bovlortiorp grant u4l to , 3110 urtaarOlgood) all ; pdr.ono krow tlartosolOaolndvbtell .thorato, oro rootootril < to make. payment. and. tho.o booing Olain ro r,qm , dotnitls.- to. Proaont tlfook duly- autlionticatol ,to tho .undrr ' alg • • '' '" nt' cotivErt, , - • • , ,r , • • •• Josurit'eucwilt. • " 't) " ThOoiactstoro w a• VA Or tho A ore,porporO,at faildance of tha latiiikemod, O u tho first go.Y;fir ;March. 1!171:1,!. . • I' 1 1 T l ,- P.9 4AM. • „ „ ItAILROAD: ,VINTEIt. TIDE TABLE, - I 't iitlitiTrains-(DalryYtc; mad 'frOiri" il.hila !( dolphin read -Pittsburg: and Two • •••••,•:7,Trains Daily to: and from Erin ' (Eitinday's coicopted); ••' CAN and after Monday,' NrovOnabor 'la, A.,l.lBoO,Vitgionker Trains or tlio Pennsylvania Railroad coin: any will depart from Harrisburg and arrive at Philadollaila and rfitiiiburg .." 2 YO=PI its lelplda Express loavis Harrisburg daily (eke..pt Monday)nt 2 10 n: m., and arrives nt West 'Philadelphia at 0 .30 a, tn. 5 20—Fase Lino leaves Harrisburg daily '(oseept ]Monday) ut 5 2 La. m., and arlives at West Plilladol. Wein at 9 40. a. m. • Mail min luarea Alt•anta — daily (except Sunday) at 8 00 p. in:;_ arrives at Harrisburg at 0 Di p. 12 10—aParifld 'Express leaves Harrisburg dolly (except Sunday) at 12 10 p m., and •tirrives at• West Philmtelphin at 4 25 p. 10 4 45—r7neintiatt Express leaves liarrlaburg daily at.lo 45 p m., and.arrives at West Philadelphia . at SO .SontMeru' Exprogs leaves Harrisburg daily (except Monday) at 2 '60 p. In.; and - art Ives at Vent Phi iturelphira at 7 00 p. m. ' Harrisburg AOcommodation leaves Altoona daily (Snuday °milted) at 7 a..) n. m.; and arrives atrial.- riaburg at 1 'on ^' 3 55---Ilarrislirg A ce lamed:di at leaven Harris burg at 3 66p, In., and Italy a at PhPadelphia at 0 50 p • 8 0 —l...raster. Train, via Mount Joy, leaves Harrisburg dally (except :ninthly) at 8 011 a.m., and arrives at West Philadelphia at 12 OS p. an. 4 20—Frir. Fart Linn wolat, or Erb., leaves liar - g (excapt Sundny) at 4 20 p. m , arriving t Erie at la a. m 12 10--Clacitinati En prrxu le . aves Harrisburg daily einality,) at 12 , 19 n. m , airlvhs at Altoona pt 4 L•l a. in. nail arrlvbs at Ilittabort at 9 20 a. in. . . . 2 40—PittemteirExpros tay, a Harrisburg dally. (exeept Sunda;) at 2 40 a. tn., arrives at Altoona at 8 00 a to ,'hikes bicaltfast, and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 . 30 p. in.. 4 10-‘-l'aclfic Express leaves ilartisburg daily -at 4 10 a, In., arrives at Altoona at 8 55 a. at 1400 brealtrust and arrives - at Pittsburz at.l 60 p. m. Fast Lino learn Harrisburg daily (except Sunday) at 4 15 p.m., arrives at Altoona at, 8 55 p. m., takes attppar and nrilvetrat Pittslurg at 1. 45 a. m. Mali Triln learn Harrisburg daily (except Sun day) at 1 15 p In., arrives at Altoona at 7, 25 p. takes supper and arrives at Pittsburg at 1 30 a ru: Way l'aieongor 'Frain leayos lllrrialturg 4E1.111 , (nz m.ptlay) at 7 40 n. m., arrives at- Altoona a , 2 20'p. m., and at Pltt...buncat. 10 00 D. to. SAMUEL A. BLACK, ' Supt. 0101110 Dly. Porno. It. It: Ilnrrisllurg Noyomber 30,1009 READING RAIL IWAD 116M1i4; - December 27, 1869 GREAT — TRUNR LINE FROM THE North and North•Weat for Philadelphia, New York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Ashland; Slmmokin,_Lebanon, Allentown, lisetna, Ephrata, Win, Lancaster, Ca. tumble, Cc., he. Trains lease Harrisburg for New York as at 5.35 8.10 A,. at., 12.20 neon, and 2,05 r. 4t , connect ing with similar trains on Pennsylvania Rail Road, and •arri v log nt New York at 12 15 noon, 3.40, 6.50 anil3o.oo P. M., respectively. Sleeping Cars aeons°. pany the 5 35 A. At., M 11.12.23 MOOD train, without change. Rot : Leave New York at 0.00, A. at, 12.00 tooth and 5.00 v 0., Philadelphia at 816 A. at, and 3.30 Shispine ears accompany the 0,00 A. U ., and 5.00 M. M. trains nom New York, without change. Leave lititrisb.ira for Reading, Pottevlllo, Tama qua, Miner. Ile. Ashland, Shamokin, Phi° Grove. Allentown and Philadelphia, nt 'B.lO A. 2Ot ant 4.f0, p. etopplutt at Lebanon and principal way statism; the 4,10 v. Y. teals connecting tar Phtladslphia, Pottsville, and Columbia only, For Pottsvii i i, --- Schuylkill — liaren — amt — Anliur n , Schuylkill endßusquelmona, Railroad, leave Harris burg at 3 40, r. . Way Pashanger ,Tratn leaves Philadelphia at 7.90 A. it., connecting wills similar train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading nt11.35 P. M., stopping at all Stations, Leave Poltsvillo at 5.40 and 0.00 A id, and 245 r, x y credo is id 9 BOA. 0., Sharnokth at 6.40, and 10.- 40 5. as.. Ashland it C 705 A. and 12.30 noon, Ta ai:tont at 6.33. A u.;and 2.20 P for Philadelphia nd NOW York. , Leave Pottsville sin Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road Is( 0.15 A. It for Harrisburg, and 11.30 A st.' fur Pine Gros,. and Tron'icut. Reeding Acconimodat.lcra Train leas. Pottarine t 6.40 A 3f , pass., Itraftl az at 7.33 A. M. arriving t at 10.20 A. M. naturally, lateraff hllutlelphla at 4.43 P 0., paralng Riding nt 7.40 .m, arrlviupit -Pottsville at 30 Pal tsto n A ecunnuoLin [lan Trait., leaven • Potts ,wn at 0.45 A If returning loaves Philadelphia at, AK) P.M. Columbia Itall Road Trains lea,' Reading at 7 15 A. M., and 016. P. 21. for Ephrata, Ulla, Lancaster Coluinbla. dEd. Pori:Waning Rail Road Trains leavePorklumen Junc tion at' 0.50 A y , 300 and 5.30 P. a, return ing, tonvn :ichwouluivillo At 3.05 A. AL, 12:45 noon, ai.d 1.15 P. :ci„ connecting with eluillar trains on liwolitur (I..kbroukd tie Railroad tralnn ledvo Pot ;Atm° at 040 ann - 20 P. M. ro l orA kg— leave 51t. ant at 1 1 irdii;. 15 25 A. M., connoting with afmilnr trains in rlding t'lae-t,r Volley Railroad radon leave Bridgeport at till 2.05 nod 5.02 r. M., returning, leave Don ningtosro at 6.30 A. M., 12.45 porn, and 5.15 P.M., eontlecltog with. indiar o• (leading Rail lioad. 0 :Ann dap; I.rnre New York at 6.00 r. Ph Ilitdolphin at 0.00,0. u. and 3.15 P. a., (the 1 1 .00 A. n tad is rdatling , only to (tending.) learn Pot!. vll In at 0.00 A, M.. IlitrriFbUrg at 535 A. 51 , and 4 10 I. 51....-ntal Bending at 7.15 A. M anti 10.05 P. M. tor 11+1111,1JUN. at 7.53. m for No al',ork, eati en IU A. 24. and 4.25 P. M. 111 - r 1 1 111 . 1ndelphin. Coup ra otnt ion, 5111enge Sealant, liebuol nod Exeur lau...3.'lekets,..la.dad.froin-111.1.41—,25.at-raducedsatas— l'ol.lllage ell ucked t brJugb; 100 pondilx allowed each l'ant.ougur• O—A. NT , 3O bl,S;(len--S up I Itundi ng, Deuoruber 21, lflbt . ) 10101,70 DENTISTRY ! I.lt. J. a ZINN, . Fast Alain, street, (tt G ar doarg Pant of Garduct:d:3larldt c ;110N ' Carlisle , Penn's, \VIII put In teeth from oto Us Ter set, on tho case may rv.juire All work warraut d. 1011-biu D R. GIf,ORGaerIZIGITT, 4 00 ° 626 25 From the Baltimoro Collage of Dellttti Sormy. Wilco at the tesoleoce of Inci mother, Sent Lowlier street, threedoor• balmy Radford. • 10eu09 DR. .T S. BENDNii, 110.111 POP 4111 . IC 111 \SICI AN. Oilim• ill Cho 00111 f(l7llleriy,(V/INVI'S Joh* Leo. Hlet.BB E . L. SIIRYOCK, JUSTICE OF VIE PEACH Office, No 3 Iry lon Row. , E. BELTZIIO,OYER, • AVIORNFY AT LAM' 01Deo in South Honorer stroet, opporite Banta'. dry gouda Clore. ltleUU • D.. D. S., ~• DENTIST. " lade Donnouetrator of Opentlire Douttotry of. the Dal huo, C o llage of Dontal Surtpory. Older at kin reoi deuce, oppoolte‘Nlarlon Itnll, Irent .31ain street, Car- Dale, to. B. V. 1101. L. Ronr.liT n. IYONS. .IQati SW.V.TZ. W. W. 11.Eniunn. H "LL Ir I IL i t i gA I ITIZTIM O I.:I ',ITAIstITFACTUAIED .TOBACCO, N. E. Cur. Third and Market streets, 0. P. nuarmcn. B. Nail= T_T ATTORNEYS AT LAW. ===ll3! JOHN CORNMAN, ATTORN ./Vl' °Rico in, Lod .og at tachod to the Fruolclln hotel, op polte th4.0.1n11/0.10, . 10•030 , josErzi.RITNETV ,711„ . . ATTORNEY AT LAW: AND SURVEYOR, Mechanicsburtr, Pa. 0114,0 1.,r )igroad qt,ruet,.t4o doersrAilli or tild Da111:: ,". ) • . '' • ; . • , Blinn: is proly attended lg.!. It :MILLE It, . . J . ATTORNEY AT 'LAW. 0111..0, No: 1R South !Wafer ..troot,opposlte CoylA ,otoro. 10:1009 • • C. •• HE RMAN;• • M. AWORNEV AT LAW, earlido, Po. No: 9 Ithvoites MIL • I - I, - SHAMBSRGEE, - . P• . Jl.l-33.:11 OA' TIM PE AcE, - . th'lllieltllVolitponi'litioro.' towndliip, ' • Comborlanil - County, Poilini, , - • All IniAloomi, mitrukoil to lilin will recolvg prompt ntliootiem... . '' • roomOW '77 -' --- 7..... . . ROMMT ' OWEN, . „ . . SLATE lIMOVER, A ND DEALER IN!: LA TN, LANCASTEXL,'"I'A.. All work guaranteod, and will recoil,' prompt At. allon. Ordure loft at thu "Harold 0111 co,” will on. irti prompt attention. • •.. , Oct 2D: I ' I Q.PANGiLtIt & WILSOkt , • KA , CARPIINTIIRS AND STAIR BUILDERS, - - .' Corm!. North and Pitt Oreille, • 8006, - ', ' ' ' :': .', Otni,itax, PA, 2"VORA:ELEIi. . r W. SADLER. IVP:it:KtoEt, ' 4 ATTORNEYS AT LAW, - '9141, - 24 South Hanover eared. meat 1130. Itono nom. • , • 1 If.:NNEDY, T • ATTORNEY. AT LAW. Office InNultititeer ~.~?. a 1j; e ''..ATTORNEY AT' ' .oMcq lu nyrtlivat cornurpf thO.Nurt Mu.). 111.06? Ail'Oltl , lllY /.1111 . 00IINELLIGOIt .&7`1,;14NY,, BiTCOt boy)if ‘Olicattr4t; • • • Cor, Library,. , -- •' - WISMARD WINTER ARRANOEMUNT. CARDS MEI =I! GEE WaLni) 6 /04009 =1 }'! LM IzLi llx4r COUNTY, ,ST42'.p4ENTO TATEMENT OF THE FINANCES S CUalltitttLAND COUNTY, from tI fint doy of January, to, the ttfqty drat day of Dacombar, 1869, Inaluaiyt,, -" • ' ' ' C. MUT:UNVEIL , TreaeOrbt;'ln account, with tho County of Cumberloud." EZEMEZ! To balance in-hands of treasurer at leat. settlement ' ' 46,810 51 _To outstending taxes at last lattlement... 0,272 49 To taxes levied for the year 1869. 70,677 91 To amount received on loans 1... 20,700 00 To subscription for Heck's bridge 1,050 09 Tesubscription for Glover's bridge . 795 00 To ver.•lr t re. 80 00 To exoneratiql taxes received 10 84 To Ones receive front Jurtice 8 00 To amount received for - old slate 191' 76 To amount received for old hoeo 1 25 To tutorial rrcelved en outstanding taxes, 294 20 To amount received for huckster n res, RBI 84 . To for par coot of treasurer's commission on State lax - 428 84 ;Total debits_ll9,lo2 64 EZMIIM Aaaeasore Pay By amount paid for correcting sanest:lfoot ' • 1080 07 By amount paid for 'registering • voters 705 03 Bridges and Ronda. By amount paid for now trldgra, $8,838 08 By 1111101111 t pald for rparl,,g old bridgea 4;080 AO By amount paid for road dam• ngem By amoubt paid for road law Courts. ' • •• By 'amount ; paid witnemea In • Commproveallh • 811,83 88 By amount paid grand)urors... 869 11 By amount paid traverfflaJurorm, 4,170 80 By annonot paid for boarding jurors " • 357 00 By amount paid court crier.... 93 00 B"y amount-paid jury commis ' donate By amount paid db-trict gator-. ney's fees County Offiesev. - By amount paid Benj. Linke. an dltor B 7 ninount paid S. clerk'n foci; 51i 93 By tunount paid J. P. Brindle, prothonotnry'n fues By amount paid J. P. Brindle, for copying docket 60 00 By amount paid J. Loudon, for dockets 105 25 Comullealonone °Moo. By amount paid J. Loudon and others, siationery $OO 00 By amount paid pootnge. ..... 20 47 By amount paid A. I' Mock, sore viers as commissioner By amount paid services so COMM loslonor 470 00 By amount paid Allen, Floyd, services as commissioner.... By amount paid John Barris, cervices ex commindonor..... By stneunt iisld J. Arrectroug,_._ clerk 800 00 vy itmolint paid B. C. Ileruvan, nilorney 120 00 Conotableal_Fc By amount paid constables' foes in Common's , .ltla mums By amount paid constables for quatterly retorts Elections. y amount ',old eleetion officers or Spraue ejection ty amount wad rlection alma for gonlral cluctlnn In jueets y - annoltrit putd for Inqueffle-on (lend bodies . .......... Jail an',l Eastern . Penitentiary By amilunt paid J, C Thompuon, _ for rapport of prionnerd, ac, 20,050 04 By amount laid-for fue1........1,118 70 By amount paid for repairing ..04tuies 49 00 By amount mild for stable rent, 12 .58 By amount, paid for furniture, bedding he. - By amount paid for shoos, •n 0 cloth ng 30 03 fty amount mad for gds and water ' - By amount laid for salary of koqier Ily nannot paid br labor By irniount paid for salary of - . phylidan By amount paid Yor rapport in Endlarn Penitentiary...... .. - • Juatieee nen. lynmonnt paid for 'lndic.' 11,, In Commonwealth ease., 8112 31 .-34,14urLittlii4at9tedi. y amount paid for inbred on Aolo3 41,51 BAIL • s-Ufc7,3 Poor Homo. By amount peftl estimate fur $l9OOO 00 By amount mad clime:ore' sales. Hy amount mid ',Allure Ily nmount paid fur now build lug. 23,114 00 -1.37,504 00 Public DnUdings By 1111114111 t paid for repairs ut Jail . fly WI otmt phi f r repairs at conrl bowie ---. $2,183 BO 12=1 Ey amount paid A. K $2l 00 By amount pnld Rhourn k Dun bur By amount paid Wookioy' & By amount. pßitl Drxtton k Ken nv.ly By amount paid R .1. Coffey l'illacelluncons Payments. By alumna paid county nod!. torn By amount said Teachers' County Institute By amount laid agricultural Society. 1 100 00 By amount paid roinfuln.louors' trncellnß eypensom Ily amount pu•d Leeper tow■ clock . By ..nn.unc paid refunded tuxes, lly •nu nu tt gas. and %valor . . for eourt liewo ' Ily ntn• ■ot paid labor' fly amount palil airy, cavilled brunl,n., de iTotal 11n1011 t ”t hrdor,, 1184,003 t 7 By trossor.r's commission on sane at 1% par cunt $1,171 11 By State tan paid to Sotto Wu.- ortr, impor ieveipt "• By tressur,'s commission on same at 11 per cant .... By"trestori commission fur county tax•ut 3 per cunt , • By exuner3tions allowed col lectors ...„ Itv ,commlusion ollowinl cohat, MEI tore By treniluroeti came Melon' on .buckstor Menses By olislnuctlng taxei lEZEI 14 09 0.072 40 ' .$.'_,610 Cb DaLuna. Dy Irmonnt of balance la hands of treasurer" Total crrdlte Total d blta plaoca , d4 6113,102.64 4TATEMENT - OF OUTSTANISINO TAXES on Oho Ertl dny of inntilry, 1870. • , . , Col! s ecture Borough. t,a •Altioout of TOW.birlt Tax." 1861 30 Lir act Monroe • 62e0 40 18.:0 ciryser Lowtir Allen ,39:0 1867' Jnnr es Whiner W. W Carlisle O9 00 1861 Chariki smith Silvcr Spring 20 fd• 1868 0 0 13tri'uo E. W., Carlisle • • 200 19 ISO Jl/0 I{oofATlVpr Dickinson • 324 01 'lBB3 John Vim Pehn • • ' . 206'07 1808 311 Caufman • S. Middleton 64 35 ' 1 5 00 A J Welsh, dip E. W., Ceirlsle 041 74 1600 14 Lino, Carlisle" 606 91 1009 6,4 Lino, deputy Dickinson • - 108 20 1869 •4 Cobbo , B. ' , snob '' 461 00 1860' Joseph Wolf Ilainpden • . OM 00 1869 •A Dale • Mocliknieshrirg 189 70 1801 • Wrri"Mgen fats Middimso4 410 07 18134. 001) 116nry • • Mifflin ; ' • 4337 78 1800 Joseph Darr Means ' 408 88 141.11 Wm Duglintan'Nowton, - ' '. 177 78 1800 Wm J 1(111100' N.-111140loton- 316 110 1869 •J A /laugher Penn - „IDS Mt 1869 56 A hoed '' Silver Baling 640 40 10.61, !3' .o.avers r . ;Southampton -207 40 1889.'11 IloCh •'- "8111ppensb'gtap '44 23 . , - Comairlaioners of , Cumbrriand conoty, do certify; and eirbmlt the foregoing ea A' correct state, ;mut' of the recorpte and 'expenditures of Bald county: from thoprat day of January, to the thirty iirefi'daY of Decombet, 1860, incluelvo. Also &ached , . ulo of.'obternirding tax min the borough. end town thrTein stated, • - our hands and snide of office' tit Carpals' ; the eighteenth day'ofJantarr, 1070, ' : • • : . M: 0.'11A1,11, • r ALLEN FLOYD, . ' JOIIN lIAMOXO, - • Connulualonera. l ' ; ‘- .5.1 A tieeii • . • „ ;To,lbw Auditors Of Cutoberland county, Mat RC, ,00rtilun to low, of havlog bees sworn, proceoded to .estuniue tho accounts and °unbent:or, O. Mullingor, :end., treasurer of said county, -from • the first - d erof January, I o •tk thirts-nretAlay of December, 1 clui • dothat we , tlie'iim' of sin tinitrunl,lbur hundred and .toinettien dollareithd :twelso cents tine by &hid Tre&osier to rho county &foretold, as alit appear by.the,fcroltolinr,extil !It of pals imo,mkt. • „ • • • .In 'kennel wr °hot wo intro *hereunto std. our ' tondo, uti.Carllele, Cm', twentieth dsy of Jeuuary, . , MOUNTZ, Joini nEssxn, : • : 0, V. 1031r,LEY, , ' Audltcre, OM MEI 1870 H R P.' lIPELER SI.XTON , No. 16, .BAST MAIN 13TRIIIE4, , Dealers in Hardware, Iron, Cutlery, '6te., heriby sinikounts to the that . thei)Eitend, nellkag"evorythlng In theft' line, either wholesale' or rotall,atpricoe mach Irinror than can bo Ininght thin aid. of Philadelphia Oor stook oouslata toport of BUILDING MATBILIIL OP ALL DBSCIIII‘TIONS Nails, • • Bbotebs, Forks, Rakes, Spodss, „ Crow bars, llledges, $1,454 69 Also • full awl well selected assortment of Murkaulca' Toolo, A ro ll stook of 885 00 EICIII $140.12 74 Plovm, Flame; Math., Qmin .bags, Ropes, 'Pulloy and Hay Miro:tors of all dexcriptfone DUNS; PISTOLS, :POWDER, SHOT, CAPS and *mum nition of all kinds. Thankful for pnat favors, by etrlot attentlou buolnoaa We hope t>recolva a contlauutpo of th E3EI EOM $7,042 95 ALL PERSONS knowing themselves fudebtod to Henry Saxton ore requested to make Immediate settlement, and Mote haying chime to - pfesent them for Nottlament, as I wleßto plate up my books to January 1, .1870. 2Han7o. HRNRY SAXTON. SA 00 EMI 40 00 DE HAVEN tt BROTHER; 010 00 MEI .. , Beat.loll3 AND DICALENB.. IA .GOVERNIIENT SECITRITIE6, $9,742 0 EXM UNION AND CENTRAL PACIFIC RAILROAD • .7• 550 45 =EMEI FIRST Il&TOACIE BONDS, $639 00 N 0.,: 40 South' Third street, Philadelphia $1,838 88 puy, &Raid Exchano all lesucsoS $OO 66- - 880 86 AO 00 GOLD BOUGHT AND SOLD EMI SOO 00 7 00 COUPONS CAfrililla C 1 Stocks bougLi 'sold os Csmmlnslos only 2,000 00 =MOM Accounts Voccivad, 'sod Intergmt 'allowed do drily balance.. Bubjoat to dwelt at olglit ERE WTJ an 7 01 y 111111 IST OF< SAHEB called by N. B MOORS Ahtitionear eh. 2k 41‘,. W. Woods " 26. Jorneo Kenyon, Dickinson. " 28. John John., South Middleton twp. or. 1 John Bhsmbansh , N intoner's Dap Road " 2. Jacob Schupp, South Middleton twp. 8 Soninel horry, Middleton. 4. Corti. -Vlshhurn, Porto twp. 0 I. Benjamin Lochard, L iokinson. T. Jno D. 81.teaffor. Dickinson, • 8. Jacob Plank, B.,ntb Middleton top. " O. Moots Wetsel,Carlislo, Pa. • " 10, A brat. Spotta. Dickinson. " 11. John Si. Myers, W.. t Penneboro. 12. Wllion Shopp, Bonth Middleton twp. 21. Curti. Pishburn . Pane. " 16. Jno. A. Pelfer, Dickinson. IT Juries Lime. Penn top. 18, David a Wide , South Middleton. 10. Alto finial ogor, Dicklnion. 12,4 23 &Linnet Wolf, Burnt Metric'. 24. J. Good, BNith Middleton. 25 David Alpe, Carlisle. 26 Mrs ',dims,. Carlini°. 300 00 20 00 EZEI 1,044 04 100 20 13E1 447 30 154 00 - $BB7 40 XXTM. DEVENNEY, Auctionooll. $147 00 gebruary li.L-.14 P. Grote, South in iddleto•.. ' 26—Ilenry •nholiner, Monroe. "-• 2.s—ZeLl ll ler , & Bent•a3 Administrators of Mm neon, Monroe.. Merck 1-2 N. DlCc, , Monroe. 2—Jobe Sollenberger. Middlee.x. " " I—.Balicar Beim linedriiir Spring. 4—William Clerk, Monroe. " 6—Levi Zeisler. ue gore, Middlesex.. •' I—B. I. Eberly, Filler Spring. " B—Daniel Kula, lildd:e.ex Drainer, 'lieu Spring. '• 10—A. IL Hupp, Lower &Ilea. ll—John Kook, a :siOr, Mo• " 12-11. P. Zimmerman, Lower A Ilea. , 14—Willlam Suwon, ,outh Middleton. •16—IIelgley & Illayed&cbanicaborg. " 18—Arthur Shupp, Monroe. IT—Samuel lleniminger, Sliver Spring. 16-11 B BrechblL, Bolling Sp Inge " 10—M II Dorman, rlleer Sprlow 21—Jacob 00lhear, Both Middleton, 22—Cyrus' Ihindle, " - .511—Benjamin Maley, Monroe. 24—John McClure, Munroe' 25—Bucher & Staymaii, Sliver Sprlog. " 26—A Klink , New King.ton. lt • i. ". 28—Jos Paul, Chun:blown. slo,doo GUARANTEE 200 00 iaa 05 GO GO CO 4. OR 16 40 12 EMI !MEI I=l3l QM 011333 DUCK LEAD Excels all •tkrr LRAD! PIM. For it Unrivaled II liftenem ),410 12 Setotsd. Vor Its Un, qualed Durability. TL rd. For Ito Uosurposted Covoribg rroporly *art mtly, f r Ito Ecor•oiny.ln Jig- IT costs lent to taint • with' Duok Lecol,ltian t).y ‘ other White Lead extant, The seem weight v t ril more enrface, lit morn derithie,, and make. hi r work. ' IIVOIC• .13//,1?. le di.; cheayteriii,a Wet,' . . 4'l it " MOE ZlNqllxce!s all other'ZlNal Flint. /or 14 Unequaled Duishlllty restind..Pot Its Vsrl,slebtY6ltenees Tbird. Vera!! trnstirpieved Covering Proporty.• Loony, ter it. Great BeAnonly, . 1144; the' thespe•t, hatid•em told most durable White Paint Iu the wothi, V. 072 40 BUCK LEAD' - AND BUCK ZINC ; TRY IT:AN ,BE CONYIN.OIiD Eail!ifattion,Ouaninteed !y, the I%,l.l‘nUfAtturers B UgE't 1 OT T abr. oRR; Primula expollali fpr rotating *Oottegee, Outbulldinite oY eyery deecrlttiOn, litineor, ;to.ffhlrly4lve different Colors, Durable, •Qhoop, ~ l iniforgt,ortd ItooutifuL in nbade • BoMple cent!, sent by moil, if desired. Dealer!' Orders be promptly executed by.tbe manutheturenx FRENCH,. RICIIARDS & CO., N, Wi !NIL iprp,Attp Baltic/Pr ETRMB.I -Vint SALII2 WIiOLIPA/4114 - ANR B . Doa Ilardw)tro, Palitte, 01Is, .1;11nvo, Arp,: - . sialanTer - , ILIISC.kANE s 'S Carlislp; nanny, . Qtkr - 'Canes, Putty, Varnishes, . • Cement. PI @ter, Band, Powder, Safety fuse Tablu.sind Pocket Cutlery FARM BOLLS, BAXTON & CO. U. S. BONDS, .athe mget Ilberiftenne. • at Market liat. $14+,000 GUAIIAhTEEt I:13=1 PSiILADICLi'IIjA - P , TOV-ES 1870 il - T h i t . [ As the season la fast approashlng,w*toorsons alll ba looking fora desirable SLovo for Parlor or Kitchen use, we luk ¢ enreful asnr9luntion of our stock; believing we have tho largest and boot soled, :' .ed assortment DJ STOVES over offered!o,the cats Y ? ij of Cumberland county We hem on hetatlee Justly celebrotin MORNING GLORY BASE'BURNER aa o Parlor or Dialog Room Story, excols otbeis, tie thousands who unu thCni will teetify THE manrp'- HOUSE, One of -tits moat desirable stoves In use THE MORNING LIGHT, Aleo a MISO Purnor. 'VALUABLE PRIYA4E • DENCE FOR BALE. Bituate on &lull Hanover street, Carlisle, now owned and occupied by Mee. Washmood, late the property oflllenediet Law. The lot fronts on flan• over st„ 00 feet, and extends back the same width 210 feet to an alloy, The Improvements are a large two-story FRAME HOUSE; with Verandah in front, containing Double Parlors, Hall, Chamber, Dining room and Kitchen on lower floor and six Chambers and Bat.room on thu 2nd story. Gas and water have been introduced. There Is a largo Stable and Carflage lionse at the loot of the lot. The lot to well studded with ornaments, trace and shrubbery, bosidoatrult of almost every descri§tiori and Grapes of the most choice eelection , • Enquire of _ A. L. SPONEILER, We offer among others the following cook Stoves: 230et-68 TRY MORNING GLORY PARLOR HEATER, and PORTABLE FURNACES. and other mow Parlor, Dining ROOM and Chaudiar Room tßovoo TILE REGULATOR, BOPERIOR,' NOBLE COOK, end City of Burlington cO4I3IIiATIQN. We alto aell the - . DIAMOND HEATER FIRE PLACE STOVE which heat. ono, twa or three rooms, and is decidedly the boat f.lre Piece Stove ever Inveutee We would roll attention to our large took of TINWARE on baud or mode to order. All kinds or ROOFING AND.SPOMING ipna on reasonaLla tam° and without delay AY panicua dealriug.anyNdng•iar-av line are - In a to call and price our articles before purchasing = WALKER & CLAUDY, No. 18, West. Main Street, Co 1I Pa EMIZI , CARRIAGES AND BUGGIES. HUMBUG!,,NO NO ITUMEUG !I I um uerr getting up the lerttext lot of work, rker ade lu Del isle, and uut preparing for Knuth, sale April next. Call at the gimp and examine the work before It Is •o that you may be Mathdhal that I the noth ing but the lIEST Si ATI:Ill A L 8 of all Untie. Every et) la or CARRIAGES, BUGGIES, !WILING WAGONS, de dy tad.; or mad• to order. All new work guEtrno d. Haring been sucreasfol fur four years, I Logo by strict attention to bualuelis to merit a cuntilluatieto of patronage. Do not forget the piece, cur. Pitt end South itteute, Carlittle, Pa. qlsat7o lina A G CALLIO, c." F. r•. 29 W. MAIM &M UT; CARDIPENNA., T. !I AITIllt of Car 1,“1•1 Tho Wearl6 . 'o I I TLu Ittrot Ay)ae juin to lutest olways nu hood 1 I BILK HATS from tho beat .11annEtoturev I!: VAAIIONABLI: lIA l'Sjutl.out !SI! J. G. OALLIO or Mhos to tall attetitlop to his large @MEI HATS A ND. A PS if. tow.' Pturm hats to °Ho r; uud bas tho . roulgeroopto for cOlorlug Ilatr,, IVMolon o,Oodri ud Clvta,oata, at short not!. tqabest CABs PaTOES ruhl to; 00.UNTRY FUR'S ctirs lint • cALL.;Eixt I N 0 .20 MAIN 106ekee ADDisON mer Tom A, 1 - ,p lIITECT, 582 Nairiut 41i•eat,, Plkilaileiphia; Pa. PLANS, DESIONS,FERSPFCTIVF, SPECIFLOATIONP, AND WORKING ialtAVlliil9,. For Cotiagen, Farm Homes, Villain, Court Hiluneff, Hallo,.Cliurchea, School llousue, EOOl.B. 27,1anTOly T B. CALDWELL Co. - .lkwittEns, AND lIMPO'RTWitS, 902 CILEBTNUT BiItHRT .- • „ Cm ONLY FILIpt CLASS GOODS. Al" Mk MUM •VA itlkirY Ol+`'• • I= DIAMONDS, ~µ i,JfWJLRY~ turivkit NO ST LY :PLATIID - CLOCKS, pnoNzEa IT'''. , YOUV.ICIN , VANbi; a otolq, lt .••• PAINTINGIO:OI 4 do— '• _ . A n persons dcolrlsig• really One actlo4s, tellable In quality, and moderato' In price, itro oortallt 'to ho Plansoll lalwe and <Jotted ,pliec:v Dior stook kept altio7i Poe x.l3iLlomr from first source.. • .• t:luN dare, Is pcolotducod ono ag.thit timat alegont. to lbw world; and, idly.liortliat‘loltlng Ilia' pity, aro °or• laoltsd to call and Inaltodt It at their ;Mauro: 4ojAool, • ‘' • t, ; • d. Li SPON_SZAWS_CO.L.UII.I2V; A . SPONSLER, , , • neat Ettato Agent. Serivetter..Canveyataret Ivaco and Patna Agent. Officeldein Street Near, Centre 3 para. „. . _ ' ; OYES rIRE WASFIERFOR BALE.--an)r„ kJ , &dicta Orullfumbor, Attila Oro Made of George W. Leldich, manly Cow. Will ho mold Pogy low, Ap. ply to - • A. L. SPONISLER. t,,Janio , . • , . MOWN PROPERTY FOR RENT.—A: commodibus two and p haif story BRIG It D adjoining rho /foiel on lila corner of Main and Bedford streets. • . ho two t.o.stoty DWELLINO irousEs, ono DrLek and tho Other Proton, eittutorl on Pomfret street, ho. tween Hanover nod Bedford streets—n 1 in good or der. Posse/Nino gi"r ou fird of April. Apply In A. L..SPQNSLER; erjanio ' licalletato Agent. FOR RENT Two commodious two story 'trick Mummy on the east skit of East street, between Main and• Louthor 'Streets, In tho borough of Carllslet. likewise a onto. able lot of ground on tins east side of Lotort Spring, contalnlhg about THREE MIRES, belnglho proporty of the lie.ni of Joseph Shrom, deceased, all In excel• lent repair, Will bo leastd for one your from: the Ist of April nest For terius, Sc, en,quiro of. IMCM FOB, SALE. A two story BRICK Private Residence situated on Pewit nano% er street, between Pomfret and South streets, Carl le,_ 2he int contains 21 fret h froht and 120 fu depth. The house le early new, Containing doubie parlors, dialog room inAkitchen on the first floor, and live comfortable chambers on the second story, and three finished rooms on the attic, Conveni ent outbuildings, fruit trees, acid grape +linos, and hydrant in the yard. Enquire of A. L. SPONSLER, 'Real Estate Agent;' EMU ORE -BANK FOR SALE.--A iioh deposit of the best quality ilermatite Oro, yielding 60 per cent. comprisiug about 18. AOREB, located in Monroe township, about 2 miles troin the Iron Works of 0. W. & D. V. Ahl, on the south ado of the Yellow Brieetreifiroek. Thorn is a stream of ...ater running through the tract sufficient for washing the ore and - furnishing_ water power be sides. A portion of the tank Is under a leaso and will be soldreublect - thereto. — The - balance fa lonia , cumbered. POI Eons dash:ions of viewing the Bank may:Bell upon Gaorge W. Leldich, at "Leidich's mill," for merly known as Bricker's . mill, Monroe township, Couhkon land county, or upon A. li. SPONt3LEit, _Zit Eaton - AgehtiGarilshr. -- . BURMA I -30-JUnts6o. MERRY Cli RISTM AB, NIAGARA, ti, ~ •. Oft SALE. • • Private Residence situate on South-Hanover-Bt. On,lisle, nearly opposite gayly's llofhl owned by Janice Dents. The lot contains 106 lest in front turning back 210 loot, nod beingqe fent In bra .dth st the rear. Thn buildings are nearly. new and, In once, lent order, comprising a commodious TWO-STORY BRICK FRONT BUILDING' " with a largo Two•Stoly Brick - Back Building attach ed containing all the modern improvements Inclu ding got and Water.' The location of this property is one of the moat olialoio In too town, and will be disposod of on favorable terms., For terms and far ther particulars enquire of . A. L. SPONSLER, • .._ Real Estata Agent. Au: G. . - • - . L"OR SALE-That desirable Private Residence, situated on West Pomfret Street, Carlisle. The 1"t contains 30 feet' In front and 240 feet in depth. The isuprovemsnts consist of a com- - mud toils . . TWO STORY BII9E. HOUSE, containing largo Pallas. nail, Dining Room, and Kitchen op the lower floor, end eight convenient Chamoers on the second' goof , . threo over the front ittid five over hack helloing', a Waeh House, Rath Room, and Water Closet; and gas pipes running Into the cellar. A hydrant in the yertYand wateennAhe second story. 7he ppro property le in most excellent condition, end the location one of the most desirable lo the town. 'helot is well tied with fruit trees anti shrubbory,ond.qulte a uum• her of grapo vloen of imporiOr quality. For terms apply to 24nert CO •C !'" Situate bulbs Sotith-able - of Breeches' creek hr ,Monroe township, about %mile East of Able Iron Works, containing 7GAcres, alt clearbd but about Acres which aro covered with good tim ber. Thu improveinents are a t ounnedions two-story FRANII`. 11, /UrkE, with convenient out buildirtzs. Large BANK BARN with WegOn Shed and Corn (•ribs attached. A choice• Apple Orchard in good bearing order, together with Poaches, Pears, Ciurries and Gulp. in abundance and un oxuellent and novor failing well of I% aterut tin] dcor. The laud Is Ina high State of cultivation. °odor good . fonce -aud tho Ica proveruentm in good order. The location is a desira ble one, being near a church, mill and a, boot lines if-nut sold at privato.salo befor's the 20th day of September next thu torso w1:1 UV offered at Public Sale on that day. Persons &Births of viewing the promisee may call upon ❑co. Leldich, nt Leitlich's mill, in Monroo township, Our terms Se. apply to . _ A. t. SPONSLER, 3.A lig Rual , Tuta.to -Agent VALIIABLE---- PRIVATE -- REST , - DEN CE FOIL S A LE.—Sittio , o at tho west end of tho borough of Carlisle, wes: of Dickinson Collego. The lot contains 70 feet in front. and 601 feet lu depth, extending frosn Aha n to Loather stmt. The, impro.cments consist of an) elegant and com modious tuan-ion eltuato neer — the centre of the groutids._ fronting on Ala n street, Ilia-hod In the most styla, with • on student outbuialitige. Thu grounds are licaullinlly hid out, and are studded. a ith eb..tufa,pc, of fruit and ornamental trees and flowers, and shrubbery of tho choicest kind. The owner being desirous of , selling, the property yin be disposed of mon othantiveaus tome to the purchaser. P 0.4101011 gli on on tho first of April /01..113111111, and further partitdate. Pena. of - A. L. rPONSbER, ladec69 • Itcul Estate A Out. AVALUABI,E FARM AT PRI VAT r. SALE..---Situated iu Silver Spring town ship, on the railroad, within a half mile It Lelditea Station and It miles west of Mo.-halite:4dt rg, contain ing 90 ACRES ' WI cleared. Tlid impronnunts are a LAM) STONE HOUSE, with all tire ni-meary odt.. buildings, Large flank Barn, Wsgon Shod, Corn Cribb, Carrion° House; gc." Them Is n Cistern at the house,' also one at the barn, a well of water . in the Wash' house, and a never tailing stream 01 water rtinnitig through the farm, a good Apple I -rehaid, lately MP. bur.) and lined, with te vat hay of othordrult. - - The ferin lain good cultivation, and under good fence, In a good nuighnorliood„ coin - enfold to school and churches. ' If gun sold beano the first of March, it will then ire -lot tont. Persons desirous to view the property, will pl.sa call on the subscriber, living on the farm. Terms will be =do sceonnutalitting. 6jan7o . A. BABB. A. 11. SIIIIIIK • THREE FARIIIS2ITOW.SAIE AT_A GRE.V.c BARGAIN, in :West Virginia. ONE 'OF 4135 ACRES! '7 and In fair condition, of rorygbod .quallty, un dergo d fence, Orchard, Carden poled lu. good Arad and comfortablo Dwnlling, Bat n. DOx:ls loot, Corn Bonne, .Wogon Homo. Neat Muse, Bon — House, Spring now.° at a spring of good water tunr,„tha Booting. Oin half to under cultivation bilitko In Woad and Timber Sold Farm In ettualed 11.4"milen 01 07‘ opy Creok,'a Stith.o oath° Baltimore Ohio naltroad, at which dlt,ro In a' Store, Pont Offico 01111 linprenn Oglro , whom all kiwi!, of Produce coin ho todth niartin.burg, largo' and flourlithlng town, Is IC miles [cutout, whero • thu highest pride urn paid for all kinds of Country Produce; '2%. miles dioant is a go - , try, whero•gotl Limostono can'he had 0 r thren yearn wdliont c nt, and can he blynt for eight cents per bonne' Tito Tenant on alb to Vann inked thu post year 500 Bushels Wheat, and In a thort Limo thin anuntut Might ho iloub4o, , by of ,Lline, an it auto well of stud hand. Tilts Earns will Ito dirlded to snit pnrchanern, add eel on easy terms: Price $25 pot Acro. Also, ono of Two Illundred and Sbur(eqn 'Acres .f At 10, rep Acro. Improvorntuals cothmott. ..And ono p f . . . Twos Hundredud and lot/Wean Adria; • - At $l5 per • AcTo: No Improvemonts. good linter ~. . powor on both. ~ ,The Land on thoso Forma le of good quality, ono- iblrd cleared, find balance in Wool aid Timber, • which rommands a gnarl mart of at Chorry Run Sta-' 11011 Theso Forms are elennlod UDC mile from °terry lion motion. on• the Belt (morn ti.; Ohio ItitUrond, at lrhich Station is a Store, Post °Men and Express Of fee, and -1 mile from 'a Limottono gharry, whoriv. Limestone ran be had for throe !goers for, nothing. • alartlnsburg 1,13 mules Lilo taut. ~ ~ 1 - • All tno above locations tiro very isanity. I offer them a Bargain, to I am old, lava no family, and veldt to toil. tita. Go to Sleepy' Oracle Station, on lialtimore Ohlo'llatroad, to sou them) Harms. n hero Hmeilton Lana. esq.,lonont on,,farm, pill give all particulars, and obow the farther • • Addroos,; • . ' A..4:011241, ' Abefilocu'. Uteri:mil county, , 20Jan2to SUSAN, EU:INGER, IN TUE COURT OF COM re • " MON Pi RAS OF CUMBER pAr4IN o.''BfAr.' LAND COUNTY. •' NjtNDITIONI EXPONAS, 'NO.- 6, • JAN. TERM, 1870; • ' • • • ' • '• January 15, 1070—Monoy nOnliidered• In CoUrt, and rale for It,. npprop.lation. The Auditor IlOintod by 1110 enamor Common ',nano of co tubrriond , county, to o..orthlo and repigt tho. fieta,. .-and , dlotribugon of the fonds. In Court produced by thu " - oliorltreanlo under - tho above writ, -of. Ulto fuUowingry- Icacrlbod real cotate,.riz ! , A traot :of land situated,. In heat Pennebniough tOwnallip.ellaborland colt lay; • PonnaYlvnt,ta, Imudod on the llortlA and coot by Ulu.: Conollogulnet , , ereek;. on the vO4 bp-thal laud, of , . John Laois, .and,cn tho tooth by the, lando,oft,Rt 110,10.n0u, containing 130 MOO, . mom ori,looe, end,. having ilterrop, erected it wit' etory franto throning ...., bonito, hank .b..r n, wogoit nhoil, and othrr,t,ht tngo," will n nand ti, the duties of ble nppolnt.:". fit ' Oniggti tr" titty ",2Thbrziav E'o' •A. .D. '1.870 . . . at 10 o'clock, 0.. an., at lin ntiloo nu North Diinternr, . • shoot, in tho borough of ,Carlisle,whothand ythorit 'nftpnreolli Intopisted:ura required to attond. •:., • . !F. M. DFETEI.I.O.OIMORp. - . 10101708 t. '!.. • !,:l Auditor. ~ ~ ~ ..~ 121111 Bi'ONSLEII, Real Estate Agent. A. L. SPONSLER, Real Estatu Agent =I
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