.LEG. AL ItrOTICES. • EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. 'Letters testamonlary on thimitate of John MeOM.: nia,late of earilele, detested, bade been granted by' the Register of Cumberland county to the subscriber residing In sald borough. All persons Indebted to ottote'bre requested tb makeirontedlato payment, and those haring °lents to present thom, duly a uthenticutidjibr settlement. . • R. M. HENDERSON, • Executor. 27Jan700t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. • . . Letters of Admintetratiod on the estate of . Jacob Black, late of Dickinson township, deceased hare been gi anted by the Register of Cumber and -county to the undersigned, a . ..tiding, in West rennsberough too nship. Minions indebted to said estatti are requo-ted to main, imm•diata payment, and those having claims against it to present 'them,' duly, authenticated, for settlement to CrIEORGR MILLER, Administrator. 10fob70-0t ADMINISTAITOR' NbTIOE Letters of Administration de boas non with ;he will annexed, 'on the estate of A. K. Long, lato'of Abe borough of ,'oflisio, deceased, have boon granted ~by the Rep ster of Ciimborland county to tin-undo, signed, residing In said borough. All postale in debted to said estate aro requested to make immediate payment, and - those having Cluthae against it to present thorn, duty outhent leafed. far not tlement to Tnumns PAXTOS, AdMllllStrator, 10fob7G-6t ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Let , era of - Aderilnlstration on the estate of Mrs. Marian L. Long, Into of the borough of Carlisle, deceased, have bon granted by the Register of Cumberland county to the driderslgned, residing in said borough:, All Perfons indebted to entd estate are requested I to make immediate payment, and those baying claims agalna it to present them, duly authenticated, for Boatel:tient to THOMAS I'AXTON, Administrator. 10f b70.0t ADMINISTRATOWS NOTICE Lotto, of Administration On the refute Of Mrf Itlizaboth Sharp, Into of tho borough of Noe:vitt,. deceeeed, have been Issued by the Register of Com berland county to the undorelgnod, resi.ling in th same borough. All pumae indebted to Bald estat aro requested to make immtdieto p,ymeiii, an those having claims against ,it, to present then duly authenticated, for Battlement to JOSEPII - Administrator. MEM SIIERLPF'S SALES.—By virtu') of sundry writs -of Vends:Liam! Espotaas and let - vari /hdias, finned out of do Court of Common Plots , Of Cumberland County, fa, and to me directed, 7 will expose to public sale, ent the Court lion., In the borough of Carlisle,rm Frlday, Mnrclill, 1870, at 11 o'clock, n. m., the lollowing &suited real estate, to nit: A Int of ground situated in tholmrough of Mechan icsburg, Cumberland county, Pa, naniberti I in the general plan of lots of said borough as No. 2, bounded on the south - by - Main , strict, on tbo west by-lot-No-. 3, owned by Jr K. Nlsloy, on the north by Straw ' berry Alley, and en the 'mast by lot No,•I, owned by -, containing 46 feet 0 inches in front on Main street, and 200 feet in depth, more or lean, haring thereon erected a three, etc,ry brick hotel building, 411,f00t in front by 170 feet In depth; be in modern style, containing 30 rooms, onion, sitting remits, par lors, dining,room, AC, with outbuildings. Also, nli That lot of ground sitnal od in the bon - nigh of Mechanicsburg, Cumberlond couuiy,P9., bon artltl" , the south Lyon alley, on the west by Itr, Day's heirs, on the north by the Curneorland Valley 71,ailroad, and on no east by John Thompeort, roc- Mining 40 feet in front and 60 tort In depth. m..re or less. having thereon erected a frame hotel s. able. Roved and taken in execution es tbo property of T. __Atom 5-truet of-land eitua fedi n :Upper A len town ship. Cumberland county, Pa ; bounded on 1176 - erV.l - lands of James Ornham. on the south by n pnbik rood, and lands ov J. Coover, and others, on the nest - by-the--Flrepherdstown road, and- on-the-north -by. lands of Samuel Adams' heirs, containing ILO acres, mere or, less, ha ving' thereon erected 'a two sloe, stone mansion bonne, wash houso, new bank barn, hog pen, and other onlbulidinge. 0 Also. the undivided half interest Inn tract of land situated in lipphr Alien township, Curnherlond county, Pabounded mthe oast by the Mechanics burg and Siddenstown road, and P. 11. Long, on the south by the Yello* Drenches - Creek;nwthe crest by - Miller, and on the north by t h e Listurra rood, and - Mlllor, containing 4 acres and 34 perches, more ory baring therebn eructed a stone and framo grit mill, stone dwelling house, stable, and other outbuildings. Seised sad taken lu execution as the property of Levi Kauffman. • Also, all 'that - certaln - Awo - story frame 7builtling, - containing In front '24 feet, and In depth 16 fort - , with . the curtllago apialitenrint thereto, belnglocatad - On lot No. 4, In Martin's addlti-m to the town of Fair view, county and State aforesaid, "sold- lot being bounded sae follows: Fr , Ming on the oxtemion of Third street of saithtown:3l, feet and 7 luches, and: on-Lincoln street 136. feet, and ]riding lot No. 37, 138 feet. Seized and taken In execution AB tine prop erty of Peter Quests, owner or reputed owner. Also, all that certain tdo atory tram niessringo and tonomont, with pig pen fence, de., on tho east side of York croot,lll-the_hqrough of Mechanics - brie, Corriberland-counly r contrdning feet_ln_front_ on York ttreot, and 16 foot in depth, hounded.ors the .•; vest by York street en the north by lot of Mecca dor Law, on the oast by an alley, and on the south by lot Of John Stambaugh. and the lot or -piece of ground, and maltase appurtenant tot - he - said build ing Seized and taken In execution as 010 property of Lemuel Stambaugh, and Elizabeth Stambaugh, his wife, owsteirs or reputed owner.. Alen, a lot of gr and situated in the borouelt of Newrille, Cumberland county, Pa., bounded on the south by Main street, on the east by Margaret Steefe,on the north by Core'Allry, and on the wool by Wiliam Miller, containing 43 feet in festal, and _IBA ~..,feet in depth. more or lose, haring thereon erected a two sterYlioulilFfi r aiToThlititif•Jfiiiiielilibir, - and-other outbuildings. .On zed and token In event tion as the property of E. M. Ores. Also, a lot of ground situated In Newton town ship, Curnber . and county, Pet., bounded on the crm.t by n public road, on the north by David 11. Rimer., on the east by a public alley, containing 81 fret in front, and leo feet In depth, more or Iv., haring thereon - eroded a two story ws,therboarded house, frame etablo, and other outbuilding.. Seised and taken In execution as the property of Dr. S. E. O'Neill. Also, a lot of ground satiated is Shippensbiag township, Cumberland county, Pa.. bounded on the north by lot of Oils Con Smith, and John Oribble,"on the west by the Cumberland Valley Rallrodd. on the south by a p, Irate, alley, and on the east by nn alley, containing 64 lest In front on the Cumberland.Vel ley Rahroad, and 160 feet in depth, more or less, having , thorenn•vrected n frame elrop. 6eized and 'taken In execution nit!e property of Gilson Smith k Co. Also, a lot of ground situated In Shlppenaburg township, Cumberland county, Pa., brooded' on the ' wont by the' Cumberland Valley Railroad, on tho north by 'William Buell, on the oast by en alley, and on the mouth by Gilson Smith & Co.,.coptaining 55 sot •in front -on the Cumberland Volley Railroad, rand 160 feet in depth. more di less, having thereon erected 'a brick and fra ne foundry building, whir steam engine and boilers, turning lathe, iron plane.; circular and gig SAWS, illaner, Seized and taken In execution.ae the property of Gilson griiith & John Gribbin. Also, the undivided Interest in a lot' of ground situated la the borougb of Bhippensiturg, Cumber land county, Pa, ,bounded on the north by Joel iihtsplay, on the east by a private alley. on nit south b* Orange attoet, and au the west by Penn atreet, containing 62 feet In front, and 1201 eat in depth, note or less, having thereon erected a frame dwelling house, add other outbuilding's. Seized, and taken in execution as the property of John Smith. " Also, the .undivided interest In lot of ground. aitunted in the borough of Shippensburg, Cumber land4:ounty, Pa., bounded on the north by McClure!. heirs, on tho oast by en alley, on the south by an alloy, and on the west by Penn street, c.ntaining 61 foot In front, and 257 feet in depth, more'.:br less, Laving, thereon erected a log dwelling house, and frame outbuildings. Soloed and token Iu execution ae the property of John Smith, Abo ' the undivided ntoreat Ina lot of grout& situated in the borough of Shippenaburg, Cumber tend.renotY. to., hounded on the north by MeCture's helm, on the o•ut by on alley. on the south by an allevint'd on the w, et by Pennetreet, 'containing 61 feo.t in front, and 257 feet In depth, more or lan, having .thereon_orocted a log duelling lomat, and frame outbuildings. Seized — and taken in executhn as tin prepay ofJohn Oribblg. - - Aloe, a, lot - of ..ground situated in ShippensbUrg township, Cun midleod county, Pti. , bounded on the north and west by Christian Long, on t Ile eolith by Robert Meteor, and on the cost by a public road, eon. 'Mining one acre, more or let,, having therumitree I ed a two story brick house, frahm stablo and other mrt buildings. , Also, tho undivided Intermit in a - lot of ground 'quitted In the borough of Shippensitorg, Comber land county, - Pn; bontided - On the north by - sleClur..'s heirs, on the east by ati alley, on the south by RII alley, and on the west by I'ennsstrcod,Containlng 64 feet front, and 257 feet in depth, more or Wort; havlng thereon erected a log dwelling house, frame out buildings, de, Seined and taken in execution plotietitof Gilson Sinltlf. And all to be sold by me, : ' JOB. O. TIIO9PBON, She riff. SLIERIFI . E 01EICE, CARLISLE,I FaIEUEEE 14,1870 , j r t. Conditions On.all mien of 8205, oi• reer, MI will t o requifed to bo paid when the pn overly is stricken off. andLE2sogall tale. Ruder $5OO, 17fobtaftlt, DRY 'GOODS ;.GOLD DOWN I DOWN! DOWN) riIIEttIENDOLTS' DECLINE IN THE A. Oita of all kinds of Dry Goods. Punic to Boa. too, New York, and Phllnpfclphte among the Imo port ors.lmmonso lots of now and Casiontdo goods fop cod ifita,thoaustlon room and sold at a nacrlficoddl of which accounts for tho prices I on enabled to offor st noon able goods to liusws.. Goods.' waived ovory day at trlcsio that seta astonishall. • • • Paisiey o,awlei Rangel Stripa 'Magda, Phley •Wool.tonk shit Square Shawls, Into Black do, Cashman, Semis Bilk Tie., HOW tylo, and maurother Piney goods tit priers that defy Ktmpetitith. an 1, have resolved them on l 5 day e sale, ell unsold to be returnee, au advantage no other house in the comely possesses. 'not, Bltru, Green, Purple, bend. Wine sent Crown Wool Heppe. best quality, at a great redect ion. l'lok Alinceas,othest make lit .existence, et prices lower than prerlon, to the war, vehicle shone the effort of Pahl. , MOOS abd Boy's wear: Heavy Reny or Cloth, Plebt Illaelcatill Palmy Cl. the nod Cluit•lnteres,, Md. loots, Joats: and all tho various pule Imitable for the season aqtrently reduced tratt , e. Water. Pritufl Water. Stroll The Sala of •Water Proof Cloth having tncreased su natchthhoenson for indices Butts and Circulate, some munitfacturers have soon-proper tOdilvantio Ilm . prices; I ul WO Oh oll con tinue hi idol at the lowest.prlcei that they ieMo ever' been sold Alliquall ties of 'BMA and Cold !Ohs WataprOor , , • Merino. rests mid .Drataara, data. Shirts and Dractors,•Ladita' white and 'colored , Morino and an wool Hes° of ovary quality, Children's white andfancy wool hose, every else, yrool•Plan , fans Cintolaylaosml, Ties, bloating, flingbame, of pricsibldwer thafi they bavo been sold formino years. Ladies' and Childrana! now stylo Shone of every do acription..from the heaviest to tha.finest vennulha. • lured Gents., and. Children's Oum Shoes, overpsito, of,best quality. Whit° cud colored Monk. Ns and Counterpane., at a groat reducfl n. • ' I• respectfully ask anlnsper non of my stork hear purchasing ha I am' Cop/Mani I' tun able to suit pricer all who may fayor mo with ;st call. Do n'tb humbugged into laming by uprise list of cheap ma' 111 w, calicos ho., tut call and cos a whole stock nt Vigliellirougli, all iedusod In price.' •- • • 011.0. OSILOY. • ( o. 47 Ii A Erect, • Jola .O.ELL 4 &AP'S( C ; OIttIMN. ' 1' • : • 1‘ PPPPPPPF; 'PPP - PP. .PPP PP PPPPPP PPP PPP PPP. PPPPP 1111111111 111111 111111. 111111 111111 111111 111111 1111111111 AAAAA A AAA' A AAA A AAA AAAAAA A AAA A AAIr AAA AAAAA NNNNNN NNN NNNN NN NNNNN NN . NNNNNN NN NNNNNN N NN NN NNNNNN NN NNNNN NN 'NNNN NNN NNNN 000 000 000 000 , 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 SSSSB SSSS SSSSSS BSS SSSSSS SS SSSSS SSS SSS SSSS SSSS4" -SS SSS SSOS SSSS sJasa 0 It 0 A N S R•k ft r- • G v at 'No. 11, West Main Street, CARLISLE; PA., would call the attontlou of the public to Ills largo assortment of MUSIC AL INSTRUMENTS, among which 1,111 be Muria clot of MELODEONS MELODEONS MELODEONS MELODEONS. , MELODEONS Tho oubocriber Loving Oporto, O MUSIC ,STORE, NEW AND ELEGANT P &NOS, manufactured by tho cetaliruto4 Schoemaker & Co., of Philadelphia. A limited number of these new Pinnos.wlll bo for MINT; and , he rent will be allowed In part payment; 11 - r rho - same in-case. of..purehase. This arrangement will make the purchase easy, by glylug limo for gayment, anewill allow opportunity of looting thoinstrunitint before purchasing. Also good SECOND HAND, PIANOS for Hobo or runt, ut tamp to stilt the thnee. Cell and extunine them whether you tyielt to rout or buy. • SILVER TONGUED OISGANS. , D . MR LOD.EQNS, from the' world renowned manufactory or 11. P. Need ham & Eon„ (formerly (formerly Carhart A. Needham). Tbo cheapest and beet In the world, and all warranted and kept iu ebtlor by myself far lire plate. Also ' • VIOLINS, GITITARS. ACOORDEONS PLUT,EB;" FIFER; &ei SLIDDT mus:v AND .11DSIC BOOKS, STRINGS ..or ALL KINDS, and everything apperinining to tho Music bnainese Old Pianos, Melodeons: and, Orgnna toll u In part pay for ne* 0000. • • 111 P A 1..11 11 G All klnde of Inntrninents ropairml and tunod. Coll and o'zarnlno toy Mock, and I non sure I can ploaan. IJOEIc. RHEILIII •Doki't forgot placo, -- ' No. ' STREET nylon •• , ARLISLE, TA. " ZIZZ3 mrschinivii \‘‘ ‘ ‘ c’ g ‘ F. .7 ,_„„gft.VAH GROCE4IF4,SI Always to be haft ft tLeJ.; 1.7 O 1 E T 0,1 l cr. , 131 1 itsc*r: • Ahd qby aro they always freibt,,lßOmstiere we sell a great mount of them, and sell th^mdow. There fore,:tniO our- etockl often, ,and ,Oesatiquentty 'our goods must he fresh. , You , tdtlt flud,esorythlng youdelsh,tu the way. fd . , GROCERIES, - • - QUEENSWARE, GLASSWARE, WILLOW and CEDAR WARE, • 't • STONE and . - It. i.CROCKERV. WARE, ' Mica Hama, •• Dried Dorf, - MalogillB, ' Dorf, • tunes, Discultel and Crawl. re or ov•wy deueriptioll. plrk Spiced nod . • Froxh Oyntors • Sardineii, .I+nplixh Pickles, _Lemon Syrups, al.d, no end to t) j 0 IN' S , Is use>ss to nientlon theni, come and mow for your selves.; 'anti parents if it don't Anil yon to , COMO. send 3 our children, ois they • will be cloalt ,pith the Haute Tare t, if 'you wire • here youreelf. =I O' O N T it 1 3 TOY D IT' C taken IA oxebenge for goodie, or emill GEE. R.: It 0 F FAI AN'S Ni), SY y A,T. PON PRET STREET, • .., A ugumt G-69, Cnnt.tax, PA ~ Nonce.-11at ' Ving triruderred my.eirtlie interest in la grocary . tqlhiueßi to my Sons, Ulnae :41,160)d to onto FoquestM to Fottio Kith . them, during my al," nca in 1- nrope ; ... GEO it TiOFFINIAN. ._, ':1 1 11E FA1t:11113R 313AN1t,oPC AR 1.111.11. PENNSYLVANIA. Recently organized, has boon opened, for transaction .ofa general banking business, In the corner room of R. given's new building, on the North 11 est corner of 110 street and the Conte Square. The Directors hope by liberal and careful manage ment tp make this a popular_institutlon, and a safe xeporritory for all who may favor vile bank with their accounts. Deposita r,relied and Paid blob derderWl;lritti mit allowed on special deposits, Gold. SlD•er, Treas. ury Not. and Government Bonds, bought arid sold. Collecbons made on all accessible point. In the country. Discount lay, Tuesday. Banking hours from U o'clock A. Meto•4 o'clock P..M. , J. O. HOPPER.' Cushier. DIRECTORS. It. Given, President.- Ur tn. U. Miller, Thomas Patton,' t Della lielkeei7" ; Jobs. W. Craighead, AA' Herman. Wks= (54f • Abraham Witmer. -. • - -- REMOVS.II. - LOCILS1.11VB1;II0T00 A Plf 0 ALL Elt Iles been removed from Neff's Linlbling to the NEW 0 ROITITD - IFLOOR GALLERY; No. 12 Eti st Main Street,- 161xne. 111..1165T PICTVRES IN TOWN AR! WADS .1170 VALLEY It. II ll CIIANOF, OF HOURS. On and After Monday, November lath, 180, Pas• sniager Trains will roll daily, as follows, (Sundays excepted): WESTWARD ACCOMMODATION -TRAIN leaven, Harrisburg 8:00 A. si , 51ec1niniesburg 8:35, Csrlislii 9:11, Netvrillo 9:40; Shippensburg 10:20. Cliambersburg 10:44. Green castle I L:l6, arrivingat Hagerstown 11:45, A. M. • MAIL. TRAIN leas . . Harrisburg. a, Me-. clianicabing Carlisie'2:4o, Newrlllo 3:15, Ship pensburg 3,45, Chembersburg 4:29, Greencastle 4:50, arriritai at llagerkown 5:25, r A. 'EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Ilarrisburg 4:15, r it, 'Mechanicsburg 4:47, Carlisle 5:17, Newell Is 5:50, Ship petuiburg urrlying hambersbut g 6:45, r A NIXED TRAIN loaves•Chainbersburg 80)0, A it Nrevncestle 9:25, arriving sillngorstown 10:10, A 11. EASTWARD t' ACCOSINIODATION TRAIN leaves Chanau.raburg s:no a 11, Shippensburg,s:2o, Nevretllu c:on, Carll.lo' 6:33, Mcchanicnburg 7:02 aTrivtng nt Ilarrieburk 7:30, A k.— MALL TRAIN. Isaven Hagetsteown 8:00 Aar, Green. eastle 8:35 Chatabursburg 0:10, Shipponsbnrg 0:40; Nevrkillei 10.17, l'arliiie 10:60, Mechanicsburg 11:24 arriving st Ilarrisbnrg I1:55, A. u. feN:I I 44I4SB—T-RAIN-luaves-Ilagarstulvnoo-..X, 12:21. Chanibersburg 1:05. Shipponshurg 1:37, Nowrillo 2:10. Carlisle 2:60, Mechanicsburg 3:18, arriving nt liar. isborg 3:so u r p. ' A MIXED TRAIN leaves llngorstown 3:06 P 14, Oreencnstle 9:12, arriving At Chnnibcrebnrit b;115,,r • ./Eir- Sinking close connections nt llarriotbmg.avitb trains to and from Phitadelphin, New York, Pittsburg Baltimore end Washington. 0. N. LULL, Sant. .Railroad Omcc, Clatab'g, Nov. 9, 1809. NO fIUMBUG 1 NO HIINBUG 1' CHRISTIAN INHOFF, of Carlisle, ae the bole .right, Ag rnt for Curulierlakil Cdinaty, Pa , for itie rrio, wLnlmalc, o' n nE,w BURNING FLUID, NON BTLCILIJANT LUISIINATINO BURNING 'FLUID „. . Lich he uuperior to arlytl;log over lolrodoeed and n supply the tnele through the minty, wheleeelo Their FLUID . 18 .hqq.t . t.h.n.. enooene; It explosive; melte° to, bettor, elfarer, and softer light an KOrconne, or ani 'othur oil or cowpoiutt!l Wyse vrolta:nu bad odor oranntll, and fa,perioctly harm Iferatunutd or °thorn rainhiug to ono toad to tont thin i ' I. tido will pitosu cull nt tc y eloro In Carlialu =II , , Bocam CATtr'ETINGS - At our now and elegant ' • 685 MARSE-ET- 134 1 R A full stook for Spring Sales of AMIINSTERS, VELVM 9, 3 BROSOBL9,' TAPF,STIg, • INGRAINS. VENETIANS., • ' ~„ ,• . MATT,INGS„ • • ; • OIL OLOTUS, Ac LEEDOII, ..f3LIAW &, STENPART, • f 35 MARKET STREET; • ' I . I3ILADEI.I.IIIA • 10j1.44m0 DENTAL NOTICE,.-I 'lave taken wale° of a cant In ntir CarDelo opera; cow 'tinning Cho piddle from, pruploying mfy denitat to, make or Fell artificial teeth, on plates ur bard rub= ber,,zvho to malice...al by lie company, ke. I taker Oder method to inform my Mende, mid tho public - generally, that I hare made firma gementa kith Jn alnh puree. ftenanyer of 'A:lo'o3oo4m Deutal'„Vql 4 Cranpani,.and bare taken out Hanna° up to Jannary.l, 1871. -I am, therefore legally authorize* to make artificial Vent on loud rutiber;ln all6hapna, mol,fornin. I Invlio my Mende, and the' public to general, to pinethey cna balm toqh‘ mm u otrllubbar plate, as Cheap' etor."'Offigo No. 25, ligh strOat, oppoatte •Um 'Ffrat , Natloril Dahltr, Car into, Pa. ' • , - • ; •,- • b 20JanOmr. • .. BEI3T" . I , YEENS' VALLEY ",LIME paim *1.25, tit the yelede ='. A. 11. *Um, .13P5151 1 T iTICENA ,STOVII COAL, delivered NtrrooAL:...4 " J., ' " 4 , 75 t Io the 'nnl,3 25 cent. lose.' At tlkormis i f 11CMCBR OR ALT. IIINDS nt;tho 'meat Priem.. Atahelerrle of A. 11:: BL'A , Ifll 1..- t, I.: I ' I 3.'l' x.;15" I. .../ ; S i N s A.Cf..icz ) PTAUFFERV , 011.1. CS - ?TA' ;Ty: ,E , RY • Nu. 148 r ORTD SECOND STREET, corner. of Quarry, Altqaclelphia. .11R.liffoortment of ,Wtclico,, Slt r ror foul Prated Woke notont)ybn 4153—Ropftlrfitiof tal o ic . ll d ies od l . t/ lreNrolry 'ptoolptfy i ,,1.5 , 813 . pt E 9 Iy. Ai p. EWING; CabiDa Maker and Und(rtaker, 0 P 66'17 E:LEE'S WAREHOUSE Pteiniumfor . Itr•I oinarticd Euroltaro ot all varieties tv. d,Jtylaa ot Foreign and Doineslic Innnufavture, iron) Alopnest rosewood and Maklo;any to Lilo Inwe•t twined maple and fins, Pnrlor, ChiitutieC;" ' Dinit.g-rune. littcheil and., Office tisubrerlmg every 'article to , ,,ep liouso and Iltitel keepers, ot h Innht approved design' and flulTh In el udlng slan Cottage Inrulture In - setts reception and Camp C6airi. Mlittiassee, Gilt trachea, pleturob,. Sc.tt to 43r rattinVarhttliiTtioli given as muttl to runorals prdora From tont and country, attonted to promptly Skid on:moderato terms. , • . . . . . BPECIAL ATTBNTION PA..lliTa TILE SIIIIVNION , OP WALL PAPER. =EI JAMS S. EARLE & SONS, =I The hest and cheapest POItTRAIT AND PICTURE FRA3IEB, MAC elegant litylem. • CIIROMO-LITHOGRATIIB, - . Diropeim and American—an Immense nasortunint FINE ENORAVINGS. Tbo nowvat publications. , nounns' GROUPE& • We are the only authorized wholesale and retail dealer: in the Rogers' Groupie, in thin State, and sell all of them at iiiiittidlieturerla hltex -- Olrct3iarn sent on tivileation, FREBI-I , 4RRIVAL Of all the :Nett, Syrlag Styles of • -- The - SubscriberhaTjust- opened, at No.L.lhllorth Ilanoviir St , a few doors Sort b of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, ono of ibe largest and-best stock of Iliatic&-- OAPS aver offered in Carlisle.: - Silk dints, Catulmeres of all styles and qualities, Stiff Brims different colks, and every description of Softnats TIOW mado.Tlie Dunkard and old fashioned -brush, kept-constantly on hand and made to order. all warranted to give satisfaction. A full assortment of STRAW HATS, Moo's boy's and children's fancy. I have also added to my stock, Notions of different kinds, Villalkting - of Ladles and Gent's Stockings Neck-Tles,Penclls, Gloves, Thirst!, Sewing Silks, Sus penders, thobrellas, Primo Segars and Tobacco, always on hand. . . • Give me ri call and osamhno my stock, as I feel .con fident 01 pleasing, besides Gaviria you money. JOHN A. KELLER, Agt. No. 15 North Hanover St. 31my67 WHEELER & WILSON'S VrtniNIITJAIS At the great Expobitt o'ri, Paris, 1807 Awarded the' Highest Pre:Minis THE PEOPLE'S VERDICT THE BALE OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED MACHINE ARE 100,000 GREATER THAN ANY OTHER. Daily use Throughout the world, were ONLY TRUE MERIT gains tavor, and Et/P.1011;n' wino the • race. TheWbeelor 0 steads triumphantly the Champion And Leader over all othbro by o the vareict of the petple. Wo elalm no merits - that we carnet sustain by living and reliable witnesses. We stand upon our own neat WOlllll, witholit declaiming against other companies. We claim to have Improvement...for seising that we know 'cannot ho excelled, and In many points that no oth`ii company darempote M, CNo other company can show in many ma. chlnee that have been in dally use for the length of time se we can. For the , preorof this, look' at' the numbers that are on each machine The Wheel er mid IV noon Sewing Machine to the Rich altin's Best Friend, and the Poor n owan'a Trust and Corn forterer, for no othor comp ny tail sell en as liberal and easy terms as we. The poor woman cad get herself a Ma chine, and afterwards nay for it. No Machine is Paid for until parties are fully satis fied. .Constant use ' ortly increases • • 'the worth of Several ladies In Carlisle who .hare wood our ma chines from Aix to tivolvo y ears, coy "They consider theta better In ovory liolut than - when new, and there is not a garment, worn in the family, from light as mice to honey as Beaver : cloth, that they have not mady." One lady rays "1 have sowed for - thrto years nod never broke a needle " .'We can furnish names and residences of reounalble parties who eon sustain all we claim. Tho unsigned aro a tow of •tany who have the Wheeler and Wilson Sowing Mite Miles, In Carlisle, and letll4l etWine.ther hare h4ns In ronstant_ese. • . • eilltißllAN A NllOlll, Mrs. 4.1 - . B..Haversifelt, " J. Itheem,. " Col. Henderson, " Rev. Dr. Wing, R.'.o. Wciodward, ‘! Itiv; Sterrett, •" , Peebles, Caroline Ege, -5 + n , "` I C. Herman, (Monroe twp 9 Storrett, (DiclrinSon twp. 3 Ea Itustructlond given free of charge. and Machines cheerfully shown to all who call at tire. Williams' Millinery; Store, No. :10 North Hanover Street, Car- Tatanmltral=mo=v,rs adjoining counthia free of extra charge,. PETERSON .& CAI-PUNTER, Gtht. agts •' 121 MiIitiSET'4TItIIRT,II,OI,IIRIBIIIIRO,- 11'I., & L. EL :1 4 ULDIER, tho,enly autlioriz'ed Agents in Carlisle. , 19 1 31.11941, • AptENTE; WANTE,TX • Agoniawant , 0d,.575 to tad low. mokili, mato and.. foustile; to 'sell thy ewlebratod and originol4"Common tonse Fanilly Sowing Machine, improved and. pos.:bated{ 'lt svillihoni, Coll, stitch, tuck, bind, bratd v And oksbrolder In iVxno4 superior manner.., Frio° oury $15.. For aim it,has, no, rivet. Do not,, buy Otte any pirtleo selling machines multi . tho samo bl1121:0 mu:Wins mini,. unions having .n .Cortiticato Agonex signed LY us, As thoy, tiro worthies's ',east Iran maollinca. For Firpulare end terms, apply or add oss , , 4. CRAWFORD A.OO, . • 4 - - 44 • 413 CI tut t t ice s reo , T. BEET.EIII. Sa .AROTIORS, o . • . . .14-wartlipq,&. Cunimfa'sion lifeichants. Oloxidoniori!gi 6fd, stQnd At tb boot] , of MAIN `I3TREiT, Carllelo;' Pe. ba;pald`forillnuf; Groln, - ,!Lod,prnauca Of 'nl 'ltlnds. • ' ~c . Cool of all lands; ombrocloug .• •5 • . LYFIINEI VALLEY,-• • ,irt9 I 4 I6. O I43 VNTAPIP' • • Coal Conetantly of Hoyt '.uodat cpl , 6roind dolllrmod dry. tolmy r a d ot tho . 191 blade of Lumbar on A .1706 r 68 EIS iot ' ' West Mein .stirm.t, ~11 C 0,1,1 1 .11 Pair Airce 1857.] -~~ FURNITUI{Ji poonma GLASSES EARUS' GALLERIES, ' 816 Chestnut street, ==! HATS - AND CAPS SEWING MACHINES 1 over 82 Competitors THE GRAND TRIAL- OUR MACHINES 12 " 12' " 11 " 1C " • 8 9- ,$ J. BEETBDI k.'DROB ! ArseELLAlO'Boti-S. lEN OBEIMMO igaRK 86 J3P • - ;CQMMI99ION IEACIIANTS, -•_ And. bolceale dialers In .C,ountry • kroiltiC.o ••Con sigtiment! rvipecifully!tolle4ed, ,1300 . roroyencp givon. ,1 0..1635.A1arkei sfoet , 10010: ;• •;; .‘ • _ ' PICILADELPIIIA. i'HE "BENTZ 130..p.8E;" liouse : ) No, 77 AND.I9 EAST MAIN ST., OARLiBLE, PENN'A . , 'The undernigned'havlag purchased and entlrelv; refitted, atunfortil abed anew throughout with Bret.' class furniture, this wall-hoown and old established Hotel-. solicits the custom of the community. and , trivelling, public. Ile, le well prepared to furnish firancinssiccoolmodations to all who desire to mike a Hole) their Home or pleasant temporary abode; , T he custom: from the surrounding country 'is re spoctiblly, solicited. Courteoun and attentive son. v ants ale engaged at thiAllnpular hotel, • O. Z li&NTZ, rrorp , M. ill. A first•closs Livery is connected, with the Motel tho maongement of Mr. JOb. L. C'RRNEII. & BRO. :Depth . • . CHAPIIIAN IiES.PNR PHOTOGRAPHS, At 21 West Maim Street, • NL"Fi , "B BUILDING 13.0.703 m • Wheeler. and Wikin and • Elliptic LOOK STITCH SEWING} MACHINES SEWING MACHINES A.B. E., - . • • The Best Simplest and Ch,eapest. - ~ li-qIESE machines are adapted ,to do _ all kinds of family sowing, working eljuallY Ivo I upon Silk Lltiun and Cotton goods, with Silk. Cotton and Linn threads, nialiing a beautiful and porfert stitch' alike on both sides of the article sewed. . - . .. , Alionitelilnes Fold nra warranted. - ' Call and oxandutt at !tall Road Tulograph Office, Carnal°, Pa. , May 2-i, 1867.tf. POPULAR GOODS I At the great Dry amis . -and Carpet. EMp9Eittm, Just rr sired from the eltlem the largeta stock or • DRY GOODS ever brought: Into the Valley. We have Sake, Merl noes, Poplins, of wool and silk. all wool plain and figured Delalues, Alpacas, Reps In ell shad., Cobergo, DOMESTICS, in Mils • • • Gingbarns,Prints - Ticking, . Flannels, Cotton and - Linen Table Diapers, • Towels and Toweling, Table Coffers; Sacks, • Cloaking Flannels, Quilts, '• Balmoral and Stocking Yarns, Water Proof. Cloths, Ribbons, . Gloves, Laces, Embroideries, Hanclkereliiefs, A large assortment of FURS, very cheap and good. - CARPETS, OIL CLOTHS, • Nvimum BHA', Trimmings, in endless ,variety, Morn ing -Goods, KentackyJeans, CassiiriOres, and a-lot of Stoma made - floods; Tina above find a Very large as sortment of other goods wo offer at lowerprices than. the name can ho bought anywhere in this county. We give more for the dollar than yon can got at any other place. Clic° 118 a call,' buy from, us,. and taco money when you Can. More new goods than any two Stores in Cumberland cotulty. BENTZ Sc CO. 2lloct 69' DAVID STROHM, D. SPONSLER, JOHNN , . NEW AND POPULAR R:o oT , . I:1 0 , „ TRUNK - WITD - 11A.T STORE, ••-. No. 13:IiIrkith - lionaSor street. Carlisle a low doors Aoutli'of Imhoff's corner. WE have just opened the, largost'and 'bolt stock of ROOTS and SHOES over offered in Carlisle and continua almost daily to receive such goods In uur 'lltirrtirel'evybOdy"Whati7--".— .7 Our stock consists in all kinds and varieties o Woman's Misses and Chilu's strong Leather Shoo s Women's Misses' and Child's Lasting Gaiters. Women's Glove Kid Turkey and French Moser, Men's and Boy's Calf, Buff and Klp'Bocits. - Men's and Boy's Lail and Buff Congress galter Men's and Boy's lasting Gaiters and Brogans. Men's and Boy'ti Calf and huff Okford Ties; Oxus Sandals, Buskins and Overshoes. Moo's and Women's 06at Welt and Carpet Slipper Men's, Boy's and Child's Fur and Setouy flats. Tru ohs of eh thee and,prlces Travelling Bags, Satchels and Valises, together with a prime lot of OUODS which we will sell In suit the times. QUICK SALES AND'SMALL PROFITS IS OUR MOTTO. Therefore in Issuing our card It is Int,nded oe a personsl Invitation to ail In need,,,fo:call and look through our steak atlhout feeling under ohli• Rations to buy unless suited in quality and price., We shall always try to deal with every one in .a atraightforward wanner, and give every customs' • full °mitred:mt. for Ills money. We hope all wit • 07011 themselves of their - first opportunity to and see ale. . oApril 69-17 t'll 1:0 H IS IMPROVED GRAVEL YAltiii AT PRIVATE SALE. • tunts' in Frau Void twp., Curatf. Co, 4 mile north 01 Nowvlllo, r l 4 miles south of Blossissille and 34 nillo from Dlller's ..rldg's, ^ adJololng lafids o Samuel Ernst, Loran XL - Orris and t liters, 000mln log 146 ACRES, (moil: or lees,) all cleared but about, 20 Acres, which are cover° with .gooll Timber, alr, about 25 Acres of goo , Meadow.. 7 ho hoprovotnento ore a Large TWO-STORY FRAME ROUSE, (new) with Wash 'Muse, Emoke Houseand otter necessary out-buildings. • , A LARGE BANK BARN, " . nearly new, wi 11„ehew Wagon Shod, Corn Crib, Car . :' stage Ilonae, Ilog Pen, and all neceniary out-build Ingo. also, a well of good Water ut tha door and no abundance or the choicest and bent fruit. There Idalso a largo stream of water running through the farni; haring thereon eructed a fired,. elaae • W S A 1 IL L. • Thlo form Is In o good 'slate. of cultlvAllon, the bulldlngn new, fences In good prdor, and well limed rocently. In ono of t,.0 most productive end bent stock flies In lie 'coduty, And is conyonlont to school, motile, &c. ,' . . , Per sous demlring to vlevt the above property coo do no by Zeilitig ou the subeeriber residing ou the farm, ' . A. COSIREY, Sr., DENT AL N2TIC.E.,- Tho GOODYEAR DENTAL VULCANITE COM PANY, through their agent, IL F. Conklin, hereby 'cautions tho public from employing any dentist, or other person, to, mak° •or cell, artificial: teeth on . plates of VULCANIZED OR HARD. RUBBER, N4lO Id not Itcanned by this company. The only Rootlet. for Cumberland county are, Drs. 11. Lens, J. C. Miller, and .1, !Ryder, for Mechanicsburg; Dr., George W. Neldigh, for Carlisle; Dr. II IC. Fetter boll', for Nourvillo; and Ur. J. W. Bender, for fillip peneburg. • All persons wearing artificial tooth on Vulcanized Rubber, tondo by versons who aro not liconsooe of Able Cowl) . ny, aro equally retip6nsible with the par ties molting theta, and will be proseCuted for ici fringemouta of our Wants. Signed—ll. F.,CONKLIN, • Agent of G. D. V. Co. 14 yore 2Jd069.3t GREAT Dri3TiatiVTlON By the, NetroPolitiza' Gift Company. `,Cash Gifts Lathe amount of $29,000. EVERY TICKET DRAWS A PRIZE ' 6 Casxifts saoh 10 Cage gif ts, such 2D Cash OIL sub 40 Cash gifts , each 200 Cash Iffts, ouch ' 600 Cash gills. ouch , 60 Elegant Itonowoodsnne. cacti XBOO to $7OO 761.1 . 0gani Itolowoodltelodoutl,- ,—75 to 100 850 Betying 6lnchtooej. Igi td 176 600 Gold Watchoo, ' ' " • 711 to , 800 Coll pekoe, Silver Ware, etc ,all valued at 51,000,000 A chum° to draw any of Wollllol'o prink for 25'cte. Ticket.: deecritiog prices are sealed lu envelopes am -well mixed On race pt of 25 conta 5 sealed Woe Id 'drawn without thole(' and sent by. mall to any ad dress . :rho prizeinauval upon It will be tlottrorlitt to tlct(ot holder on payment , one dollar Plizes are Immediately scriXto tiny addroce by express or return You will know what your pHs° is before 'you tuty 'for IL 'Any price exchanged for another shame:vat. us.' No Dianits. Our patrons can, depend -on fidr , REFERDOCEB.--,19. 4010 a WO follevilng; train.. trinity who have lately drawn valual.le , prists.. nod permittod us to publish' them : 8 D,~Pllklne; Demo. lo; $0000; Miss Annie Monroe. Chiang° Plano, schS, John D. alooro:Louleville,P1.000 ; bilsh . Emma WaL worth, Milwaukee. Plano, $5OO yllov. M.A. DaY,Now Orloans.s6oo. Ple,publish no. nautes• without per; (Oplnlona of tho : "Tim firm le' arid &servo their success —Wieldy Tribune, 04.8, "Wo m. , them tete a bar dealing tirm."—Ahr. Herald ; o f o. $6OO-prize, • 11:111Ch none 'promptly received "—Daily News; Oct. IL. 7', 1301,d f r circular.. Liberal Inducements to Asonta Satisfaction' giihranthed: Very' nookage•of, sealed Unveless contains ono cash gift. ShLtlckeis'far $l, 13;for. ',pc. for pi, 01.9 for sl.b. All lottore should ho add c width ' • " JACESON, MOORS* Se. CO., 57 Aronilid,bll,X. HEATING AND CC) olellV G. IF. YOU , . WAIST TG.SEE,ITHE j_ 'toast perfettyltlty)ll; tgctifV ever offered to the publit„ step tote '• ' i‘t ID ' VIE " Yt S 'Steve iAtoi.e; . Rent toSi '. .tber Stieet o lit Y tile . itnit• of Italbertte Store &lOU° the ' , 1 E. D. SUEDIC . , GREAT AMERICAN BASE BURNER lei:Titration. It Is avert:refuel Mtn-0; arofperfict Radiator, ass perfect, Yentrator if the room andls trarranted to Oonsbtte less o,al thati •any• other Stove of the - same , slpe,. ever offered to. the public, requlrintrbut ono ordinary' Fondle or small . real once In- twonttoeight hours, being, perfectly simple In all Its working , having a simple elide to regulate the fee for keeping at night, one kindling of Bre being all that is required during the winter. No dint, no 'gds, no slog or cinder, • - PERFECTION OF OPERATION I The latter quality is produced byinany improvqmont% Ite Iwportant charaFterlntles nro these Jahn Paul, Amts 1$1111or: Dr. S. B. Mao . Isaac Porter a David Miller, 0: Delaney, , D. Hoffer, ID 'Balaton, D. Kiser, • . Col. Whilamson Mrs: RI ogwalt, Prof. Slatyman, A. Sonseuin, Dr. Irv.n, Johnson 'Mauro, J. T. Rippey, D. Wltters, 0: 'Dhoti, A. Coover, J. Thompson, J. Burkholder, Capt. Brindle, Mrs. Gordon, T. Gorges, Williamson Ilroe,lß. Stouffer, 11. Sheaffer, Tumor, .7. Stouffer, W. 'McLaughlin Humor, Leidlgh. • P. Thumma, Doo. ParonbaughlP. Elgantrlts, Mrs..Wonderlleh, Abnerd Iffiller; J. P. H hu., ons Majo Hale, A n d' others. =2l : COPULAR GOODS! Get tbo best COOK STOVE in the _ Market, Excelsior Penn or, Mottling Light In addition to tho abort, Sion , FRIDLEY hoopla on band a full supply of Ulu best I Cook Parloraud °Dice Stovoa. Tin and', hect Iron work of alt kinds on hand, and Spouthsg, Roofing and Jobbing Of all kinds - done:at rhort notice, and of the beat material, Fruit Cans, and Jan; of the mart approved patents, and In conclusion the best Portable And Brick Sat • [FURNACE. FURNACE. ever offered to the public. Per refereuren call 0 Geord,o l Henry Salton, F. 0 Fleming, • ?Ore. Gordon, Prof 1110,nan _ I P. Gardner, F.. Waite, J. 1:1 r - Oldrsh, — 7,7:G — Wniffor, — I J. toole , - And - nh - ers. - ' -.9coar 6Uly Irts, ESTABLI3IIE3 1851. j REYNOLDS & SON, J• N. W. CORNERI37O.AND FILBERT STREET. PA., Foie Manufactmers oithoCalebratod WROUGHT-IRON, AIR-TIGHT, GAS CONSintING HEATER. GAS ,CONSUMING. HEATER, X PATENT cit DORT SCREEN, /1R RST,9, and WROIRIIIT IRON RADIATOR. Times Heaters are made of Heavy Wrought Irm, well Halted together, the. only auto prevention against the escape of Gas or Dust. They pre easily, managed, without any damp •rs. The Patent Ra diator avoids the use and annoyance el drums, and is permanowly attached - to the Heater. Tills is the most d urable, simple, onennomical and popular Hosting Appa'ratue ever offered for sale. They era all guaranteed. OOOKINO.BANGES for Ihdels'ithd PORTABLE BEATE 8., • LATROBE II EATERS. LOW DOWN ORATES, SLATE MANTELS 1a:0181T:its and VENTILATORS. IV° are also manufactifring a -- • --- • _ NEW PLAT-TOP HEATING RANO E Sip- Send for o r Illustrated rnn phlol. aprli . 1J1,.-.lpi CORN SIIELLERS ANI) t;I V ,MILLS. I.llckok's Forint,la Cider Mill, F. Uardnor dr. Co's. ' Portable Odor Ire Star Corn Sheller, Ohre° rhino.) • CRIIIHM Cent, Silo Hers, National Fodder Cattor, (Oro. , nl r.“, Consterlaod Dould,action Ham. r, , Togother AOHIOULTURAL liirbH ' NTS For sale at the Carlisle Foundry's ml Machine Works, „pep. 3,2 m (I.iltDl4 HI S., CO. WHILE wisdom will benefit you t he not nit. . trolled by your Incredulity. hundreds have i.Luglit relief hum the horrors of Dyspepsia through the medium of DE)IVTII'S ANTI-DYSPEPTIC STOMACH Dimes and found it. Why ° should you suffer nben tuft mind ruble stoinachirlnt. cured niany'sholter eases-why do you doubt while other believe and are cured? Delay in this matter Is both Mingo/oils and unprofitable. Yotir health, lisppineFs and business suffers, while constant neglect Is frequently foil wed by serious and uncon trollable results. Dmityrn's BITTERS STO equally useful in the minter°. difficulties attending huh gestlon; RS BILIOUSNE;S, CONsTIP Ac.,vm[l 9 .or FEVER 1111 d MIRE Mad o{llo, disorders pri.coodlng from nlut•stste, It Is 1110 only reliable preventive and remedy known. 2.lse 70 GAS FIXTURES AND It 0 S - N .Itl 4 LA.M. P S, groat variety of . Now Styles. MERIDIAN BURNNIC: Barest and Beet In tho Marken It glees tho largest • Mgt stany thinner made COULTER, TONES & Manafaotarets and Wheliisale Dealers. . • • 702 ARCH STREET, PHILADELPIIIA. 1R un•o9 ly • N EW LIQUOR STORE. . ... . JOHN HANNON, 'l'. • N. E. Cos. Hanover and,ROmtretntroots. : (A - few doors south of ll ante's store.) 0 ' • Pure Rye Whisky, , . "' . ' ~, , ' ''' l,- . .. Best Common Vildshy, , ' • - Punt Ilolland Gin, • - -' .• - (Unger Brandy, Port Wine, , , ./, ~ Sherry Wine, - - Jame's% RUA, o. - . . . ' - Raepberry Syrup. Champagne. MISIILEWS BITTERS •, ItfOOPP'S and • GLAoSTI 15ott70'' .' . BITTERS.. slo,ooo 6,000 1,000 600 100 A Boarding Bohobl for % . 'ho ninth annual sersion begin on Vi'Sdnerds. September let. Nor circulars er kWho information address . Mir: IV.' 15. LEVPIRETT... - • *011 , 33.0-1y ' Oar. late ra. CIRAT:BARGAINEI , O • . NURE, •. • TIM underaignod, Intending to ohongo luogruclueoc,, pin cell his outiro ofook of furniture 9 AT .C'OtS . T/PRIOES. Ile 'has -now 'en bistld tlto Ihrgest and moat" wariod stook of furbititm arm offored for solo in Cumberland " comity .101 .rondo. of tho•boat tuotarlal, uudin MO moat. doelral lo styles: , • Ifousekeepors, eapodially, thotieMet cominOuchur, will find ttto their ailmittego to call and namable tho • • BTYr 10, QUALITY; AND ration , -1-!. ;or ills Wares liclaro parchoalng eleawlicro, mail must be onld proaiona.to sat which limo all remain lag On halal wilt Loyola at habil° auction. Soinatimiilii I , moll at notation all tap; h tool; andiatditaliAnd htocii o ? hand • • Poradfor thinning to • • • 234006 NOtib lliluc t tit;tot! PERP . EOIFON OF OPERATION! " NEATNESS IN DEBI(INI =I =1 COMPACTNESS IN SIZE! ELEFEL ENOES. WROVIIIT IRON It.4OIATOII I= BE, WISE, THE MARY INSTITUTE; CARLISLE, ~PENN'A., t‘ WINE CLOTH TO ORDER AND READY AUiDE, "; ISAAC) LIVINGSTONv, No. 22; NORTH- HANOVER, , ST. I inrlie tho.rattintici of my ,OlednitoniMis the public attar uts toms' Laraw'itud Brilliant fitock ofttUftlMEß.GOODBfor'Mon, Youths' and Boys' weer. My Custom Department comprises the' finest and most.' sidect of Cloths and - t'ssalmers,. while my ready made Clothing's carefully and most tastefully • . I cannot And will not bo nridertiold. ' ' • ' ISAAC LIVINIMFFON, No. 22, North Hanover St., Carlisle, N. 8.. Still selling the Florence Sewing Machines. 'l4may . BO W,P RtB CJOMPtET.E . MANU'itE, DantrAerintro ❑Y HENRY BOWER , Chemist, gIITLADELPIIIA MADE 913031 Super-Phoephato of Limo Ammonia, Potash WARRANTED FREE TRON ADULTERATION Thle manure contains all the elements to pro duce largo crops of all kinds, and fa highly tecnm• mended by all who oso It, also by distinguished chemists who tare, by analysis, tested its qualities Packed in Baga of 200 lbs. each. DIXON.SHAIMPLESS '& CO.. AGEI TS, Ba Youth Water: & 40 - Voutb Delaware Avunue, I= WILLIAM. REYNOLDS, 79 South Street, BALTIMORE, MD And by dealers generally Lb rouhrout the country For In formation, address 'Diary lijimer, Phil's. 12fab 69-Iy. _ FALL and WINTER FASHIONS Mrs M. A. lIINDEn Just arrrved from Paris and London .with the Intent designs, personally se lected from the greatest novelties also, the most ele. gent trimmings to ho secured in Paris. LACES, 'RITIBONS, VELVETS, BRIDAL VEILS FLOWERS, PINE 3E , ELRY, and TeINIMED Pa PE,t PATTERNS, DRESS and , :LOAKMAKING. Exclusive agent for Mrs M. Stork's celebrated eye ten foe cutting Indict' dresses, samples, bisques, &c, Northwest corner Eleventh and Chestnut Streets Philsdeiphia. • 17 Sept On, SOLID SILVER and SILVER PLATED WARE Of every aeseription and latest designs, pitablo fur Bridal Gifts, Testimonials, and Holiday . Presents. • Prices lower than the regular ma. rotes Extruonlintery inducements to purchnsers. I t 1 .4118 ,_ PHILADELPHIAr-' (Old rodnblinhell.Etand.) 220410 REM QyAL CLARK & BIDDL-R, JEWELERS & SILVERSMITIIS Ifaving removed from 712 Chestnut Street, TEIEIR, NEW .11:1:111;DING No. 1124 Chestnut street, PHILADELPHIA. Are opening a largo and now assortment of Dia mond and othor fine Sawolry, American and Swiss ...W.atoltss,—,E_nglish—iiitur4ng_dliset•iVard,A/ • , • .. Eleotro-nlated Ware, Mantel Cloaks, le., dm 18Juno 891 y • . . HERRING'S PATENT CIIAMPION P FIRS AND BU4GLAB PROOW :.i'AFES, 'SAYE% Dry Filling Awarded - ,Iro 'to nt World's Fair, London, Wo Fslr,•New York, Exposition If olvorselle, Poris. TEL. HERRING & CO., v,) CHESTNUT STREET:. Harvey Gillam, Chas Mathews, 1 .PIIIL'A Uoo. W. Myers. 114. rii g, Farrel, & Sherman, N. York ri ing & Co., Chicago I ' CFI ing, Farrel, & co., Mew Orleans : ,, oro than MOOG lIEURINA SAVES MIN.-boon and are %my lu me; au] uy 7 er SIX nurinaan have ?wised through uculdontal firer, .yrusurving their contents Ine o instances x here many othe're felled S,/.4050 HAND 0001$ (dour Own 1204. - other unklierx Luvloq beon • ii;colroil 10 part pay for tho-Improved llorrlng'm Patout-Chatopion,"tor sato at low price,. IBJunu IA 13 SPRING 1867 II ' ARgAINS 11M=1 D 01111S,T IC :G - 901i) S , • DRESS GOODS, OASBINIRRES; , • SATINETS, ' JEANS, " WHITE GOODS., I"" T"IM"IN MiERS, • _ nup3ONS, AT , • :Rf.NO'S,NEWS,TORg, • ' No. 65 WEtip MISAIN STITH= , • • Opposito the, litauslari,'lloo,ee„'ooirt to Post ,Ofljee Carlisle • • • AT:Evy ; eilloggliy. §'TOitE: • • .I•titteuboiriber r, hbvink. purchased' 31billeretulthla corner omPomfrot anti lledfl.rd airmail, end erected thercen a Store; has now 'opened with a New' Stock of well solecled.rresii.Orcleciida will be found to he complete In every particular, and eyed thlim sold .1,111 h 6 warranted, as represented-- lie has oakm(' o pd!now. rowdy for delivery . Groceries er gbEE!,tl4.l\r'Aitu,• • • • "" (16if194*Alt12:, • , • 17 • • I I ! 7 • ;.• • • 4.i PirattUAl2ll4) • • f f A goodi6oitiniint of -NolioNECi A apot!nlAy taida on nll Ainlyt,pt;l2laltlanatir, au4vq, ,1 : ,PhouWors i 4 1 :1. , .... . : c an n e d .a. 114 - •• )' • Arial bri •FitUITS: in 'all kinds. Constantly on 'band, • + 4,, AllytiPt.Ql7.ll. atid.P.NED the ! Past grape, mat In, t roent l l t t;T:r h t ai o ( f ) .l.lle .- t ' ownlf.destt i ed Hi ;w1 arid trice for youreett:idjto 45. Sant Pomfret 'Street.. . ' 3dror i&D . NDHR.• , apt 160010 m, , • - • • • 'MIS CELLANEOUS. 1680: 16001 HiRP.EI3; - Cor. Hanover and Pomfret sts.. NEW' GOODS • NEW GOOES I I OPENING OF OPENING, OP LADIES' CLOARINGS OPENINGIGP HEAVY BEAVERS OPENING . OF IMMMEI OPENING,OF • OPENING OP • PLAIN AND "FANCY DRESS GOODS MOURNING & 'SRGOND MOURNING GOODS HARPER, • Hanover and Pomfret at s GREAT BARGAINS IN - BLANKETS GREAT BARGAINS IN CLOTHS AND CASSIMERES GREAT BARGAINS IN HOUSE FURNISII INO DRY GOODS. ISFMENSE STOCK OF ALL TKE LEADING BRANDS OP DOBESTICS. HAMPER, Cor. Hanover and Pomfret ate Full Ilneitof WHITE GOODS. HOSIERY. ' TABLE LINENS. GLOVES. NAPKINS. ' CORSETS. • BAL IIORAL and .110 OP SKIRTS MERINO VESTS, SIIIR,TS/ AND' DRAWERS Per Lattice', Miseee',Man'e, and Bove' Wear. • A good Class of Goods at the lowest pos sible prices. THOS. A. HARPER, • CA6II DEALE7R, • loc7o ganover and Pomfret sty mi - LpErt & BOWERS HARDIVAI?If, S7OI?E, 26sNORTIi HANOVER 'STREET; CARLISLE, PA WE would respectfully cull the,atten: Honor the public to our recently rplenish• ad STOCIC OF HARDWARE making it non one of the largast-Tn Cumberland Valley and consistiug Irkrirtof HAMMERED AND It.,ALED I IR, 0 N , SORDONI !KIRSH SHOES, NOICWAY RODS ALACK 1,11111 . 3', WAGON 151 A KERS'...COACEL3I.A.- KERS' AND CARPENTER TOOLS, 1 - 11 - U L D - T - N M Anddlety Cabinet Makare, Undertaker!, and Coach llakcr MATgRIAL Fhovelg; - Farkcitalcos, Aa Ilepalrefor 31QCORMICK'S REAPER' cotistwatly on baud. Wo are oon'atantly 'ln receipt of goods direct from' the.tnanuructurers and are Wu to for. fish country mord...to at lelphia and Now - delivered to nil parte of the. town [too of ehnrge. WILCOX ti GIBBS' SE IV IIV G• CII 11 1 E We have secured the Agency of the & Gibbs' flawing Machine. a little, family arrange ment no one seems willing to do without After .baring ones one in operation. Tito Wilcox • A Gibbs' in a Single Thread 51achitto and claims superiority over allTouble Thread Machines In the following particulars. It is simpler and lees liable to get out of repair. It is cheaper It runs with less noise. It rune easier. It rune faster It bin thn_beat device for pt event lug-the wheel from running backward. It requires less mechani cal skill to operate It. It requires loss time and instruction to learn to use It. It io' the most, certain And reliable•in Its operations, Ito needle Is ntrnid lit and less liable to be broken than a voiced ono Thu-needle Is secured in Its place by en ingeniously patented device whfch renders It self 'adjusting,. that neither skill niw- experience Are required in trrangiug It. It sews directly from the spool thuo doing ,away with the tedious operation of rewinding the thread for adjustment In the shuttle. It makes the Wilcox & UMW el Pmcistud Inop tAllth," a stitch original with this ult.chlee and made by no other, the seim is lucre elastic and stronger thou the Lock Stich The s c orer Is the nibs: Coen [lO , l hanutilui, tile P.:ICI : In always self. fastened thus avoiding a...reversible ford. Its 'ten sion Is more simple and mom easily °di wiled, it is mere speedily changed fehihe ono kind of work to another, It does beautiful gmbroldury , II has the best hemmer, it has the best filler, it has the bent 'Braider, it him the best belt. The Wilcox & Gibbs has b•en in the market fur an little more eight yenta, during which time ulferards ofaixtY thousand have beau made And avid, a 114111b0.1 by flay per cent hinter than were sold of any Double Throat] Me chine In the I tmu number of ita earliest, yearn' inch nllerel.P IS sufficient to warrant the sale of this Machine wherever it hes an Agency without tho doubling ticket.° of tesilmunials, of which therearo 'enough .to fill op the columns in the land. These Machines are on exhibition at our slum, No. 2.11, North Honoree sire et, Carlisle, where they may be examined. and they will hike great pleasure In ex plaining an) thing relating to It. Hese, °tinily Ac., MILIEU & BbST gltS ,Nn. id, North Ilanovur St., 1 20.1an' fl . J2arlisle. I a. STOW S, TINWAJU4 JAMES IfajONEGAL would rospdat fully Imitte the attention of the tit.lle to hie largo Mork of STOVES, TIN, AND BIIEET IRON ;WARE, ac. - Ire has mode it an object in nelecting Site most deximble, economical, and durable stoves market. His calking stoves consist of the - NIMROD,: r. NIAUARA, QUAKER CITY, - FARMER, abil_others,*hich ho guaranty's to give atitifaction iti every tespeet. lila 1867 . PARLOR ANY) OFFJCE STOVES ,e a c re on e o l , la ) i . rg i atu.‘ n e , d el l . or l ta n ta o o f in. d r e , all i t n n,au o ra r b , l , ll , lt Justly celebrated ' • lEEE= 'tor:mild call mtentlon ton few its merits • ' • It hasuo brick to be replayed onto •or twice a y, 11, Heating downwards, Its mys of beat are deflect '. od to the floor, locating the feet Instead of, Ike face. The burning of tam gas by a 'second supply of hush air Is complete. The device Is not found !author stove., consequently the air Is always IV. pure. It itva perpetual burner.- V. It molten no clinkers. • Vl.' it is-perfectly clearlrom dust; the arrangement lo covered by y patent, end is perfect In its 'opt : Its,voutilation le complete, and la every respect Is n first class stove and warranted to give snits , faction.' Numbers of referonetet can . be given na • to the merits of this stove, put he would ash those ivho wish to get'adisimbleutove t . e call ' shop and sop It in opondlon.•He offers nmeng other Parlor, Dining Room, and Chambrratoves, the • •'• , • , °BEACON bIG/IT," and powerful heating slovo,. paabtettuetArigilf•39;°i'trsomlic.AltLoll. HEATERS, for heat hrg *0 or row Insoles, Portable Furnaces, TIN ANO SIIEET IRON, WARE •.. constantly , off' hand. SPOUTING, ROOFING; and 'JOBBING tondo' to -order of best; nititerlal, and at, Ida prlce4 ' , • n';', D ". • • JAMES hfCCIHNEOAL,' ;‘' 83 South' near Wm. "Rlnir flocOm !don't, Hroepry : Store, South End/ • NOTIONS, 2ko • PrßE°'" ls LA,INITS, and FLOWERS konsALp AT Tflg ,ICUMIJEALAN'IS NOlt•E ram shik Opting. , A largo kook of eery, fine poach treea, grape - theca, onage orange, strawberry plants, rliutiarb, ornamental trams, 'Ard general military ,Vegetable, piapta, all tratiaplantod, the bent, varletltCof cabbage; tomato cauliflower, pepper, ~ b oawneletyt Cgc pinuta, de! Sweet , rotator; and :01' bacM,phinhe in largo quantity , Hardy sod , g.,com booms .floweti, fino'nenortufnet,'greit inthlrementa ufforod to, yopona making,dp claim, for. spy of the above stork. ratting Intending to plant'ato Invited .to clultat'dho itufraory,Mr read; for club';Price .PF- 4, 9tF Vl l4 l §'firY. " '" l64 11 """*. f' r Yi'aNit g. inmr, Shlkoronstown, Cumporlaud iontri afuND3 •• ,Ec(ixqmirEl's Ychrattautloa it called to tilt fact that at I• ; Store'youdan eloo tho flock:lll44v of goodo evai' NEW 1331¢NL9 kept in any similar establishment in the county, con. Whig In part of the following ~TELVETEENS. ; WATER - DROOP OLOTIIB. STOVES AND HEATERS, NEW ALPACAS IYarmited to give genuml elAraction Rl' kt Tl, ECONOMY, ' - , ...,, • ,AAA DURABILITY can /. noi be Hurprwell. ..? . . ' ',. , COON. STOVES, I=lllll Du!tor, with less furl, limn nny other atom In ll'ln MEM I=l Having itegnired a reputation In Me' and adjoining =I We tore tleterokined to keep the eauto . ln the Miura. fooling rontidont that we ran Fell you good artiolut at atex lower than others had We Imre al. , on 411.1, and fur luau a ❑uo nosok EMS = I= Of Oood material and cheap We have, and keep convtantly ou hand, a very NW =I usually. kept ill ttillit•ClSel Paints, BE and JOTIIIINa Done On sliorS notice, and at reasonable terms. None but grand Issirkmtin and gond material on bald. lEEE Jut published. Et new edition of Dr. Culver wall's Colobrated Essay on tho radical cure (without medicine . ) or 61. , 101,rpliBliala, or Ben, [nal Wenknes, 'nenlnland,' Nominal Losses, lot eornxer; Malted nod Physical Incapacity limped'. moats to mnrringo,•eta; also GOlestallerlOY, Er I LAT . .." and Vito Induced by solt.indulgoneo or sexual ex travagance i ,Pricer, in sealed envelope, only 0 mots. 'I be celeinated author, In this admirable. essay clearly deinom.tratusfrom a thirty year.' successful practice, that the alarriiing 'consequence of sel6 abme may be radically shred trithollt the danger• alts use of Internal mrdiAttetir the.limife;.pointhig out a mode of eure-at once simple, certqln, and .et. feclual, by means of which every sufferer, no Mat teis what hie condition may ho, way cure hlmecel cheaply, privately. and radically. •.. .(rirl'his torture should he in the hands ►f eve" , youth and every man In the land.' Sent under cool, In a plain envelopq, to any ad duds postpaid. on receipt uraix cents, or two post st.tions. also, Dr. Culverwell's '•Marriage Su 6 price-125 cents. Address the Publishern, KLINE k 127 80. cry, Nov York, rot.t. - 0111cu Box '2,inti 21 Senw'oed Tonle end Ilendreko Pills, will curs Con intopti. n, Liver Complaint, nod Dyspepsia, if taken according to directions. They are all throe to he taken at the same time. They closure the stomach , relax the liver, and put It to work: then the ewe - (Pe 'becomes good : tho food digiists and makes good blond: tin, patient begin,. to grow in flesh, the diseased natter ripens In ,the lungs, and tho pa tient out rows the titmouse end 5010 well. This le the only way to cure consumption. To three three motilcio es ,Or. J.- id fichoe, of Philadelphia, owes Ills unrelated success in the treatment of pulmonary_ COUSUmption 'rho Poi monk, Syrup thains the morbid matter in the lunge, nature throws It oil by an easy expectoration, for when the phlegm- or ma tter 13 ripe, a alight cough ilikhrow it oil, and o potiont hoe runt and the lunge begin' to heat . ' To do this, the deawood Tonic and 6iandrake Pills mug bo freely used 'it cleaner the stomach scot liver, FO that the Pulmonic -Syrup and' the food will make ,good blood. Scheneltk, Mende:die Pills Act upon the liver ro moving all oleitructioni; rotas the duct of thegall bradder, the tile starts freely, and the liver Is soon relieved: the FCOOIS will show whet the Pills aim 'do: nothing lots ever. born Invented peeupt calomel (a deadly poled,. Mulch Is very dangerous to use un .le.n w th gro it cure), that will unlock the gall blad der and - start the secretions of the &or like Schenckre Mandl Aka Pins. • . Liver complaint is ono of tho most• prominent causes of colonmption. Sehtnek'm Seaweed Toole tea gentle stimulant sod al toratiro, and the elk di In the Seaweed, whleti that preparation , s oftelo of. /ledge the AtOrMIC).I to • throw out the gastric Juice to dirsolvo the food with the Pultunnie Syrup, and it Is rondo Into good blood without torment:dim, or a nutug fit the stone lob. The great i sacra why phydcmos don't cure can sumptlon is, they try to do too much Iboy mod lei no to atop the cough, to stop chips, to stop night ewen beetle lavers and, by au doing they. do 'range the whole digestive' powers, lockluir rep the' seretionatind eventual ly.tho patient sinks middles. Dr Schen etc, In his treatment itoeienut try to Mom a cough, night sweats, chills or fever.—Komove_ the tenet, and they will all itop of thufr own accord No ono con be cured et Oonaumptlon, !Aver Coni , Dyityopsia, Vatarth;Osncer, triceratod Throat ,uq hie tho lit or anti stomach are. made healthy. ' If a WV!, ban eon,uloptton of coma the lungs In iota, way ore dlsossed, either ,turbercles„abscos sea, brohotilal irrifation, pleuraallhOblOn. .or the 111110 are a nines atoll...natin altd,flet doceYlegd the lungs that are wnsthtg,'bet It It the whole badly The stomach and liver have lost their power to make , bowl out of fond. Now the only 'chance Is to take Schenck's three medicines, which *lll bring up a tone to the etoineeb. the patient will begin to want food, it will digest easily nod make good blood; then the patient begins, to gain In flock, mad as soon as the body begins le growt,thq lungs commend° to hew. up and tho patient gots fleshy' and well. "hue is the only way to cure, conouption,• , , Dhoti there le no lung diseasq;ntid only liver coot • itt and Dyspepsia, Schenek'sDeaweod Tonle and Mandrake Pills are sufficient without 'the Pulinartio syrup.- Tokelhe hiandralte Pills freely Di all bit; ens emirl eta, as o:my. are. perfectly harmleese.: Dr. Bo murk, eeho hoe enjoyed uninterrupted health tor manyclezira past, and-now' weighs 225 'pounds, was wasted Sway toe more skoloton,in the last stages of Pultelottry Consumption Ills physician' having pronounced his case honcho., and abandoned him to Ills' fide.' lie wile cured by the aforesaid mod. lanes, and alucti hie recoiery.Many thousand tarty alllictod kayo need Dr. Schenck'a prepatatlops with the sou% remarkehlo succeed. - Full direritione accompanying each, make It not absolutely ,nectisea.. ry to personally aeo Di. Schenck unless the patient wish their Dings examined, and forthis porno.° be' Is professionally at his Prinelplo Office, rbiladelphla every B4urday, whereatl letters of advice,' must be' addressed.; his is also p.mossionallyeat N0. , 32 Bond ttreet; Now Yoolt, every' other Tdesday, and' t. No: 86, !Jetliner stretit,'Doston, every atherNednesday Ho 41voli advico tree, but fora thorough. examine Lion-With his 011etplratneter that/rice Is 11l Odle hours at each city, from OA. N, t 0,3 t. NIP • •, • Mee of thOPulmonic elyiip and SeatrOod eabh $l.lO per bittio,or 11.10 it half dimes. ;Islln-.? dralcaPlll,3l,kceute a box. For sale by all druggists • 'D.. J.'11:BOIIHNOK, , • N 0.16 N. Dth Bt. PhDs, Pa. , apr1122,00. y . le'pe c?nhtnntly hind 'A , full. tuisprtmgAi. WATOILLII, 01:0010, • • ' '• , •' !. AI! •••., .J I W 3 /Ln Y s t. 14 t ~d 3 K g 6T44 6 1€1, ,, a nt tba M re l ew: ' Pmed ieli•kilioti ynlil lb ',hi , rdpuirlng of Ill'elebod, Cluilsmiod jewilfy. „ ' At 24, IIt—NUANT 4 4.NOZO:9P11 11 111 1 7;;;000,4 1 ,u,,i - ; 611i40:39 ' • " • • MISCELLANBOUB. RiIINESMITII ItUPP'S STOVES AND HE/yEPS SUNNI' SIDES FIRE PLACE _ "HEATER, _ _ ORIENTAL PARLOR HEATER, ORIENTAL PARLOR STOVE, LIVELY TIMES RADIATING DASR BERNER JUNIATA PARLOR .11EATER, P.A.BLOR LIMIT BASE BURNER: EIMMES = NOBLETOOR; NOVKLTY PARLOR COOK, awl NATIONAL KAMM BAKE, ROAST, AND BEAT REVOLVINU WORT BASE ItEVOLVINO 1,11.111 T OA3lllltIltiER, Quite n novelty STOVES, I= KNIVES AND FORKS, SPOON 8 EEO co/r, BUCKETS HOLLOW WARE, IZEM TIN AND SHEET IRON WAREIMUSR, El= SPOUT RITINESMITH & RUPP; Nos. 62, -1, 68, NORTH HAMOVER STREET, CARLISLE, PA PA TENT MEDICINES. H 0 0 D: 110 W RESTORD TA 101% LOST ,Schestfks eiamolllC Syrup. OM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers