1 MISCELLANEOUS. MI GREAT CLOSING OUT SALE O UR BtOOIC OF SUM AMR MINDS to be closed out In thirty .daje, If possible.' The greatest B G S • nor eared In Carlisle are now. to, ha gloss by us for lb. n oat Addy. days : Ws ars deterinined to Palma out OUR ENTIII3 STOOK OPSIIMMItt GOODS We will keep no amount of whet gbOcla oost: They must all be mold silthoutleiarao. DEDUCTIONS AND DISCOUN aro the order of the day. We have a anapj oortmout clan Made of goods yet, at euth fully low prima, to astanlah the moot ex, buyers. REDUCED 16 00 Uloth fu 2 00 Cassimarg, / 00 do • , • • • u Alpacoa. 76 do 60 Japanese Mixtures, •60 Granite Poplins /- 40 Pangs° do 60 Best Organdies, / Ao do Good Lawns, 10 00 Laos PlaWin, / 10 00 do Good do - SILK COAT/AT HALF THEIR COST, Summer Shawl/ for • ' $1 00 fl 50 Hoop Sthle, 1 00 Carpets, 011,Clothe, ffitada , dm; Twenty-five per 'toot. lower than "the torrent. Domestics of all kinds exciadinglyl•lo We will {eye you more value for your money, under any and all clrcumstanaes, than can be had elsewhere. Call early and.examlne our goods. Yoe our pricee, and ho C0119113C6d of the fact. W. O. SAWYER. .4 CO 6000 pound. of wool wanted, for which we will pa) the highest market price. • SOMETHING NEW ! 61,000 Every Month • • $lOO In Every Town II Prof. Hewitt's English Art of Paint ing and Drawing Oil 'Paintings. By this simple, yet wonderful art, an y lady or gentleman, or any, toy or girl 12 years old, can paint and draw a life-llke picture of themselves or any of the family, or of any general or statesman, or scenery, in two hour's time. $72 W. made in one day by an agent at Mitchell, Ind., teaching It: another agent mndo $3OO in one week teaching it. The best thing In the world to make money fast and honorably. It Burn:wee the Grecian or 'Orien tal paiutlege In beauty, durability and simplicity: whilst thorn require come talent, this dues not. Any person ran both execute It and tench it. Now la the time to begin. Get ready and, perate at your own home, la TOW., Schools. Districts, Os. You can teach it In clivises or Individually, and make' $l.OOO lien Ix an equal chance tor both sexes: sylteed recommenuations : "Globe Hotel, Aguas, da. Your instructions for Landscape Paintings Apparatus, kr., are at hand, and hayes given perfect a:GM:talon. Mks AMON Da Riiiise Time. Chenoweth, traveling teacher; says it takes like vi.d.fire wherever introduced; he having made $l.OOO at Ilethany College. Ye, tea, ling it. $3 worth of chemicals, including paints; appara tus for drawing, Or., will paint mid draw tuo oil Watley, or it will teach 000 scholars. 1 shall ex• Land the thno a ice dnyete those desiring to loam this novel art. I reFulyo on'An ersrage 101,0 orders • week. All tend letters recommending It, many of irhich cannot be Inserted In an ad•erthement. To the next 0,000 applicants I will semi, Iron of char. e, 0110 SIMI'S subscription to Li C9lllO and Literary Monthly" ono of the neatest and eplelAt, as well 11,-ititeresting family newspapers published in this country. This does not Include any who have already sent, - norltny that may send attar the number to tilled. Therefbre npplyln Lima. satlsTaction guaranteed. , For full and complete in. rtructions fur painting and apparstucinclose and .emit $1 to PROF. 0. W. IiEWITP, goz 126 Affirm., Stork Co., Ohio 104u1r 2m MILLER & BOWERS' HARE WARE STORE, 26 NORTH HANOVELVSTREET, CARLISLE, PA. ..•, 1 • ~ _ fte r l r, :A7I9F. WE would resftetfully call the atten• Lion of the public to our rureutly replenish• .d STOCK OF lIAKDIVA NE making it tote one. of th• largest In Cumberland Valley and containing In port of LIA.ItI3IEREIG AND ROLLED , IRON, 3IIODONT 'HORSE NOOKS, IsIO!,11, AT RODS, pLACKSMITIIB'. WAGON ItEittv.t:OACll. BUILDING MATERIAL Saddlery, Pavas, 4binet linkers, Undertakers, and Coach Makers MATERIAL %atm, 111nOre1s, Forks, 'Rakes, A.. Repairefor IifcCORMICK'S RF.A Pin constantly on hand. IVo ore constantly in receipt of goods direct from the manufacturers and are able to fur nish country merchants 'at flilladolphil and Dam York pricer. AnyOOODS delivered to all parts of tho ti.orrn free .Large. 'Wilcox &Gibbs' SEWING MA CIiIIV E • We have secured the Agency of the Wilcox Ilibbe sewing Machine, a little tam ily arrange'. went no ens seems willing •to• do without, atter having seen one In operation. .The Wilcox & Gibbs' -Ia a Stogie Thrend Hach' no and claims superiority over all Double Thread Illachinen In the knowing particnlara. It Is simpler and len. liable to get out of repair. It la Cheaper.' It runs - with lees noise. It rune easier. It runs Meter. It has the beet device for preventing the wheel from running backward. It requires less mochani eel skill to operate it. It requires lens time And . Institution to learn -to tree it. - It le the most: •ertain and reliable In Its operations. Its needle' Is straight and less liable to be broken than' n eurved one • The needle le secured in Its Pace by an ingenionely patented deviee which rindere itself adjusting so that neither skill nor 'experience are • required in arranging It. It sewadirectly from the" spool thus doing away with the tedious operation of rewinding the thread for, adjustment lh the' shuttle. It makes the Wilcox /t (11bba' or "twisted loop stitch." a stitch- original with this machine; , and made by no ether, the seam Ja more elastic: and Stronger than the Lock Stich. The seam la the; most even end beautiful, the seam is always self-; .faxtened thus avoiding' rerentible-feed. Its ten sion Is more simple and - More really adjuvted. it • la, more speedily changed from ono, kind oLwork tot -another, ft does 'beautiful - embroidery,, It has the' best hemmer, It tine the bent tiller, it hes the, best braider, it hoe the beet belt. The Wilcox & Gibbs' has been lu the market for a little more eight years, during which lime upwards of sixty thoutsand, have , been made and sold, a - number -by- 'fifty -per cent larger than were sold of any Double Thread Me' chine In the scene number of its 'earliest , yeare I finch mimes la attinclaut to *arrant the ;aloof this' lltuthine, _wherever It his en Agency without the doubling 'evidence of testimonlain;of which there Ira enough to IttWup the columns In the land. No. Machines are on exhibition' aVour etore, No. do, ` North Ltanover target, Carlisleorhere they-may , tie • examined. end' they: will take great. pleasure in ex.' plalning anything relating to it. ' ,Itespaethilly • • mush 'k :No: 21, North Man Ove r, It ,t • Alan _ ~ . .. .. . .., .. , ,6Ths.l3 '-MISSISQVOI:I9WEIV .4.7 • • ' teel.y eireliCimeer ,siid 13einitilaiii,atiliyiess e Selo: .15ei Repeyt L. Z. /deified. fioelety, aud ' swim:ode :of Plslmlciani loetreulay, sent,trir• :us ' ' II"! '' • ,__," OtiiiiA, ininiiis, gouda 44 3 4 ' ,V. IY: Eel: .11:1111&.' " •su bail st 4 Now Fo4. .- ...., . . . 14 S) AC! ..,,, • / '• , . .., ..-, . • 6 _.. . . 800. „,,,,..... .w.,.. -E3.1?-,2010 S To oloao out all kinds Of dbr owed SUMMER GOODS, !tO9 1 25 CENTRAL HOUSE 16 to 20 10 00 0 00 660 to 600 Dross* GI-coot:1n Will be sold at a GREAT SACRIFICE. LOWER TITAN MY& LACE POINTS. Si X UMBRELLAS, SUMMER CASSIMERES, . SUMMER CLOTHS EVOr r ything Ik. Ilia of STOCK -lint- be sold from Ude W., rogaralees 4f sost b 144 k, room for FALL 000PS1 NOW IR THP TIME FOR 33 4%1'44'251,1XL , COME ONE AND ALL! LEIDICH & MILL ER. THE MOST SUCCESSFUL LIFE INSURANCE COMFY OF THE WORLD, THE NATIONAL LIFE LNBURANCE.COMPANY, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. WIM OHkILTARHI BY MOW, JAW 4 0016R11WL Cash Capital - - $1,000,000 BRAN! ortics, PHILADELPHIA OP. - FICA/A. • ChARENOIL I. CLARK, Philadelphia, President. JAY COOKS, Philadelphia, ChairmaisPl and Havantlva Committee. lIIINRY D. COOKII, Washington' l'hee.Pri.eideat. EMERSON W. PANT, Philadelphia. Seereitu7 an/ Actocry. • .711.1N01A O. •MIDII, M. D., PitDadelplcla, Medieel Director. • This Cocapesy lusted, In the first nst Its existence, . 5,395 POLICIES, • INIII3IIIIO . $1.5,142,8011.; ThL Oempasty offers to it., Mtg.leaders P - ER - FECTSECURITX by It s Cash yetd ap Capital .f Ob. MAWR DOW% attd.guatasttesstb the fassuoi, by 14 Lov . ~Rites of Freminnv.Y, • Large 13lid011.4,1*Osianail; Or 4 E4tanloamy Divlilnd 110 per aOlit,t7 .RETURN PR.emrum 1".4A1V: GENERAL- AGENTS W;OLaliff k 00,;lisilearadfti. Thiel Street, Philadelphia general Agents the Peitakelvanhe and Southern New Jersey. E. a. RUM, Ilmiager. W. _B.. IRWIN; • Higriebiiig, • 0. H. HEPBUitN:Agent it, Willie The Greet Paelfic Rairoftd is fllshot! , FIRST- MORTGAGR BONDS Or xna IJNIONICENTRAL PACIFIC S:: B9IIGHT ADD .SOLD..., # 4 Y4P: ll ,TAA )oc i le rqs.AG" 6l l l nif.n o ', ,No., 40 -soutli Third Street, Met!. I :4B_,,x"ixpgusw,. ola - A v3ll dl grisitt ,orlon' or proiezttroci , i" •M tin tx114:14 -. '''2l,,ltritztils,ni:. ani Past, tierket Y: 1 111111-..1154 ' OQUIMER.4 I OSI I 4 4 ,•/.; Mantifilottiroto ast it IT , Wkolssalsi . lAitn .p'' "I! In 'M om gar l4ridp 1 UP* 4,.. -.- 7, ltot =1 AT TIM LACI SRAWLS, PARASOLS, Ell NEW BUSINESS. • NEW FURNITURE: • ••!:.! 11 • 9- , • )1141' rAIt.C; •••••-•- • ,••• - _ tt ; •••:. F JURNITURE BUSLNItSS. The smbeehber having taken the entire busimess silt • his own bandit, will continue to marry it on In •Il it. 'miens branchill, at the old stand, mouth nit tassel; of Hanover and Louther.St• rota.: He desires to announce to the. public that he has now On hand and Is constantly manufacturing and purchasing from -the best eastern manufacturen., the latest and bait styles and patterns of FURNI TURN of all qnalities. cloak of ready-made work,conalste In part of SIAMOCIABTY SUITS, WALNUT - Slit C4ESTNII SUITS, FLORAL D. R. STANDS, TEAPOTS, PRESSING BUREAUS, c f all 145 lee and prices. Tete aTat.., Sofas, Loung es . Cottage Trundles, Cot= tags, Panel, Japanese, an d Jenny hind Bedstead., Diane Bureaus, Marble To Tables and Stands, Washstands, of all varieties, Chairs oral! Rinds, aut.. lbd Forultnre In cults or In piece., constantly on hamt. Mirrors of all styles and prices. • HOMEMADE WOJX,K, "Such selld• Booed., Bureaus, Bedsteads, Safes. Secre taries, Chairs in Setts, Rockers of alFdescriptions, tam, made by competent workmen from the very beat metope! and at reasonable prices. CHARLES SHIPLEY. IS, L. BALIIBRT, SAlemann. - throb-to 3m. subscriber respeet fully informs the Ladles of Cailisle and sleinity that she has 'strived horn lb. Easters Cities the latest SPRING AND 'BUMMER STYLES, aud•ia now prepared-to @aortae all orders with neatness and dispatch. 11E11 lasi. sad repaired tat tl. thort..t antics, awl at riassaable preen. Itibbuas, Lac., aid Artificial Flown• n'way. .a land MANiIAftIVITA aTUI.3I, eLlayl.efis Na. 3, East High bt STATIONARY AND PORTABLE.RANGESJ and lIRATIIRS on hand, warranted to give general eatiallctlen, with the racoMmentlatione of numbaril of persona whb have 'triiin In nee'. Their stock of •Tin and Sheet Iron W • a re ISlarge, and suited to the wants of all hibliekeepi r rs, or those contemplating the same, at'ratee which doff competition. • They have added - Mi• their business a large and well selected ameortmenl of , . .W 1111 . 11;:10 . 0 Lallt11; : : tinatittei constantly on' hind . -11.11•attit,•, Vacated to call and azauslna their stock at .: • •, .• 44116Y44 CAIILIBIA: ittiarethay v . /111 1m pleased lo'colyitall mutation their stock 'awkrander oll'astlpfaction'doelrod. " • Hanover • .clo 11;09. •• .: ANAIPIJI • 16111 , P,f; „': .. ' • ... ' 1 Li iyl L iiiiii;TO ALBS, illiADiPo2 , llll3: ilantlai. :Rook : In 3 'beak and made, td. order South Alaw , , 4741 , I, estiale, Pa....: . %. , h: ri: 1 tai uwAI N ." • t 1 , 11 0**047 1 . ',. • . ' . ~ , ; T 0. .. (31, 1108,1113 ief cue Oucolo..ge, r` '' .s&i . , 4 sfiliodiiditlr.4. 4 .o!, o l. l lho!‘ ,1 0 " 4 4 a Os' Iloite•:: " . .... '.- ''''.• "" 4 riall. 4 " ll 22 '.• '.' ''.- I.' „ . ... IiISCE:LLANEdUS. ry 1017 WANT .TO -SEV. - THM =GA jornict *Alce,ohl eon: sin.' *Circa to Qs stoploto W 14ahex dtrert, M **roar If Btomazit ' : . GICE4T,44IfipICAN BASE BIIRI , IIIH. In aperatlon ::' SC le a perpetual Burner, and perfect ttadlator, Tibtliatcr of the room ana In warranted to consume leer coal than atop ether Inane of the as else; ever offered, to the pant, inquiring but:ohe ordinary 'tinitie of recall toll trace In . tcrentradgbt: beers,' being , perfectly 4/nlOlBll all Its 'echidna', bevies a pimple tilde to regulate the It. for beeping at night, one kindling of are'being all that Is required &hits the winter. No Must, se gam, nollitg icrOluder,- II REFELENCES. John Paul, Amos Miller; Dr. S: B. Kieffer, lease Porter David Miller, 0. Delaney, 1).-Ileffet, ' D Ralston, D. Kiser . Cal. Willitmsol Mn. s Ilingeralt, Prof. Ftajman, A. Senseman, - Dr. Innis, Johnson Moore, J. T. Rippey, D. Miters, C. loboff, A. Carter, ' J. Thompson, J. Burkholder, Capt. Brindle, Mrs. Gordon, -- 1 1. Gorges, -- - Williamson Bros.' B. Stauffer, ' 11. Sheerer, Turder, J. Stouffer, W. McLaughlin Elmer, A. Leidigh, P. Mumma Geo. FarenbaughlF. Bigantrits, Mrs. Wonder‘ich, Abner hillier, 'R. P. Hassler, Major Hale, A Anl other!. Get the beet COOK STOVE in the Market, • - . . . Excelsior Penn or, Morning Light. `l■ addition to the /those Stove FRIDIAY „keeps on hand a Ibil supply of the best Cook, Puler and Otlleafitoven. t . , Tin and Sheet Iron work of all kinds on hand, sod Bpotrtlng, Roofing and Jobbine of all kinds done at short notice, and of the twat material, Fro It Cans, and Jars of the most approved patents, and in sonellgelelith• best Portable and Brick Sot 3'. 1.11 xi. at, 6 es ever offered to the public. For references moll on Dr. Georze Molding, Henry Saxton; P. C. Fleming, Sirs. Gordba. Prof, Hillman, P. Gardner, , J. D J. Elosier, P. Watts, A. I. lipnaslar, And ethers. cimar 65.1 ly MILLINERY. A Thing of Beauty is a Joy Fori•ver. HORNETS, HATS, CAPS, &C., J. BBSITBM BROTHERS, Ferwording k Commission illorchiinis (Hend!irson's old stand it As head of HAIN STREET, Carlike, Pa. Sfa higliest market prise wlI tie paid for Vlonr, Grain and produce of ell klnds„ • evil of all kinds, ombincing LYIZEIII VALLEY. LOCUST MOUN TA IN, lAWBERRY, &Iv, do I,laelparneye and Blackenßh's' Cool constantly of ealle. Kopt undar weer, and dolivored dry to any part of the tow.. Alao,' all kinds of Lumber as. hand. J 13111 ITEM & 151108. 0 ' rrapr IN a . L. S. EE- N E R-' S 14.171 CRY AND BALE STABLE. Betweerr Naboier end Bedlbrd Streets, to reir of the Oorniart Ileum • CA:ELISLII YENN'A. ftitulog fitted up Nee Stable wllle New Carriages Li., 11. prepared to furnlek trot-els • Cornwals at reasonable rate... Parli fie lakes to and from the 4/ 0 " 61 0: .111nov tar_ ka.,_TII.,_SELEET-IRQN WARN, AND PUNIPA: e undersigned, having returned frog, the Us .lone Oltlee with a largo assortmout of , ST Q_VES ALD°WARE:S, usually !opt la a lint elate eetatillelment;are - pre: pared to hunts& the eltleens of carllsle and ono- reindlng eonairy, 'with the beetepok fltavee In the searket, eonelatlng of the 13/LILEI' 111134,/,_ OAS 1313IINift, kind Othersitafah they will guarantee le bake and rout bettor. and with leis fuol, than any other stores in the market. Their stock of PARLOR and OPFIOC STOVES are not surpassed this. side of the aides An beauty, durability and chelpuess. WELL' AND OiSTERN PUMPS, which they ore prepared to put Up at the shortest. Spouting and. lloofing, .done'at theshorteet notice. Jobbiniand rePeirt done with neatnesks and despatch.- MISCELLANEOUS 00K - OUT, .-bRY.GOODS - MEN. - ' TO Taa PFDLIO. havrejust tett:woad fruit thellait with Inty Spring Stoek,and as umaal,lpm soiling Good/ alittie cheap er than any ether Dry Oooda Meuse in town. .1 do net think it necessary to occupy. • column of news- PiPerie keep sip my reputation ,for telliwq cheap Goods,-nor 'do. erieh r tio resort to_alap trap ,_to rult thepublic. All 1 esk.of them le to mil and examine for themseiree, and it pot satisfied with the prices. not to buy. Riontemberetand No. 32 North Ilanover street nest door to Rioter's, and 1111= ler & Bowers Gardner* Store. . . WM. A. MILES.. ' 2 l. 8. - I will spy nothing abott my third and l'octrth &Ana openings. ' ' ' • ', 9aptll-61.•' .. • HATS AND .CAPE, =Deyou-want-•-nice Hai or bap:7 bcig bd ;.3 r W Ho" don't fall to old! on J. • . CA.LLIO N•"."211. - W . ••t 1R•1• Street, Where eaa be semi to 11091 smenrcieent of HATS AND CIAPS, aver Irougbt to Carlisle. 'He taken great pleasure inviting his aid friends and Customs Wand all new ones, to his splendid stock just received from New York and Ykiladelptila, "oonsisting. in part of flee SILK AND CASSIMERN HATS, Besides an endless variety of fists and Caps of the latest style, all of which he will sell et the Lowest Cash Moen. Also, his own manufacture el Rate al. • rays on bend, and Rata Manufactured to Order He hes the beet arrangement for coloring Hats and ill hinds of Woolen Goode, Overcoats, Ac., at the shortest notice (as he colors every week) and on the moat reasonable torso% Also, a fins lot of choice brands of TOBACCO AND CIGARS - Always on hand. llodeshos to sail tho attention of parlous who hive COUNTRY -FURS To sell, as he pays the hinimst cash prices for the Fame, - Glees him n call, at the above'unmber, hie old stand eis he feels •coa4dont of eclat: entire satiety, Lion. • julyl4 67. " BENTZ HOUSE." '(.l , ormerly CormanBe.) No. 17 AND 19 EAST iIAIN ST., • CARLISLE, PENN'A.--. The undersigned hasiog purchased and entirely refitted, eon furnlabed anew throughout with Plat elike% furniture, this well-know ['find old established Hotel. aolidits the custom of the community and travelling public. Ile in well prepared to furnlvh first-clawnivommodstione fo nil who qe.4o to make a Hotel their Home or pleasant temporary abode. The custom from the surrounding country As re: sprolully solicited. Courteous end attentive eer y ants ate engaged at thin popular hotel, r , OEO. Z BENTZ, Prorp'• N. B. A Bret -risen Livery lv conniatted o Ith the Hotel management of 31, JOS. L. ,:^EItN & BRO. ' ESTABLISHED IN 1851 • • RESI 0 V L • JACOB A-WILE Y JEWELER; Incites 11 Is patrons and the public zetterelly, to kia NOW Store, No. 1.32 . 0 CHESTNUT St., PHILADELPHIA, %%hero 11.1 OW nild large and nrll selected stock of Id A MONDS. WATCHES, CLOCK , , JEWELRY. elLvElt and PLATED WA 11E, nt Moderate Price, N 11.—WATUIR.S and .1 KW .rtrefully re - repaired. . . JEWELRY and SILVER WARE of all lands mode do IVJoly %m 11. S. HOTEL, OPposi...e P. R. R., & Rending Depot, HA, fiIISBURG, -PA W. It. Y. 31.31 INGER & UO Proprietors :tort a.-Ir. IN CONSEQUENCE OJ? THE dissatroicre which in January last Mitre). ad their star. and tea 'ooptente, ' J. E. CALDWELL & CO. JEWELERS, , Ila•• had mailey‘periallf to th e zr order la Rump° and in America, an entirely New Stock of Choice Goods, Which are cow opeced and really-for examination. V 1111.7 FINS. FARIS MANTLE CLUCKS, (Every Inutemout welt the nwir improvements) NEW SIDE ORNAMENTS TO MATCH, Retired ) ore BRONZES, GROUPS C FIGURES. , GORHAM :VA N G CO'S - FINE ELECTRO WAR ES BEST STERLING STERLIVG•SIL VER I V ARE, 'lnw durie es WATCHES, JEWELRY, &e &c, A vary fall nesortmeat a. Tory MODERATE PRICES. For the ? repent, at E. 1.9 CHESTNUT STREET. 'Web ft-ly.. PUMPS PUMPS ! for pure water use. neither - bad tasting wand, rusty iron, uor poison lead, but '- 'wiCharley Blatehley's Cele brated Cucumber Pump, ~ made of wild cucumber wood, nt. NA tirely tasteless durable and reliable '47 'The good old-fashioned wooden Pump, made by machinery, and g, :. . lil t ~c ri o . l ;i r , o , t a i n t LI f n c t g end a ~ e n g cnralli o n u a n l i t i 1 41/ . 1 ,:. -.., of water, and eating lets than half ~,_ ....,.., the money. Easily arrangedrio tie t i, 4l ' i r to be non-freezing, and In con ( T airuction no simple that any ono •,. ,'I 1 A can , put It up and keep It in ro t: i..) , I . pair. After thorough trial it lane- . 1 W 1 Itnowlodgedlheneet.AaamteAPber. .. . r,.. Fat sale and put up In the beet . matiner by . .1 ' O.STIHRICK, • , I:l Y, ' ' , '..;* -- - , _ _. _ Lisburn, .Pie: "Crab 69-6 m Hanover Street, NO. 18 NEW ICRIT.. BRANCH. HEADQUARTERS FOR BARGAINS. We wpnld invite the special aitentlon of the At hena of Carlisle, and Cumberland county, to our well" selected 'Mock of hosiery, Moires, Notions, White Goods. Linen and Fancy abode ell of which we are determined to run off at aelpnishing low pylces. . Give - tialn - early call - and' judge for yonisolvet, 11. SAMMONS, No. 15 N. Hanover - Street, Sipe's Hall. .21maypcn CHARLES WILLIAMS, ' BEATI.Na- -• VENTILATING WAREHOUSE.• No 1182 and 1184 Market Street, IiODLH 000 E, The Golden Eagle, FURNACE. • fide is an entirely 'new heater. It to construct-' ed as to once commend itself to general favor, boing a .comblnetilott of wrought and;cant iron. It le eery simple In construction, and It perfectly _aintlght ;. gels-cleaning, baring no pipes or di nine to be taken out and cle►ned. •It is so arranged with Upright flues as to produec a larger amount, of boat Yon , the same weight of coal 'bay .any 'furnace now in use. The bygrometie condition of the air no pro duced by my new arrangement, of evaporation will At once demonstrate that it is the HOT .AIR FUENACE that will, produce d perfetly liealthYrltUtoriluare. I omnivore making Ave altos of ibrjaelcs, and four for Mammy, • ' A..1c1 G E•P • !Special attention le also called to my NEW .00L• DEN PAOLI/. 000KINO RANGES, as .1., foul aroused there is nothing in - use that can compare with thorn as' regards thiiir durability, economy and efficiency, with a largo 'assortment of how, ipown , Urates, Eire Place Stove' liegistere rid Voutpotors. Pend for illustrated , . • • • 11Junt 69.43 m ' - • . • THE MARY INSTITUTE CARLISLE, PENWA4 ABoirding iSchOOI for ,GIR,IS• ks.ptembiar .11:461194 will but. ilviinosaa.,, ' urthel luformatio4 •P44128"11ic: ' • ° T.wOll,-Wvaturriv, • f,, • Ai . irliiisi;•4 PUILAbELPIIL& DRY GOODS; DRY GOODS! ' SOMETHING TO SUIT THE TIME AND SEASON, 'AT TER NEW AND CHEAP CASH STORE THOMAS A.TCARPER, 0022iER 01 . nlIANOVITZ AND POMPBTIT ' t9bo le now prepared to exidigt as elegant and well snorted Bleck -•- , At exceedingly low prices! D--11-Y77GF-01T-D--S-- •• • • Bargains' in ) L NK. T S E=IINLMMII .FLA.NIV . KILS• P Inlo and Twilled, all oolong. Domete, Shaken' Plaid Shirt:loge, •, °Per., Ilome4dade, and a dae article of Welsh Flannel.. SHAWLS! SHAWLS! Long and Square, Palatay and Thlbat Lathes' Cloaking's, Volreton., Gold ➢Sized, Water Proof end Heavy Beavoro. , Merino Ve9te, Shlrte •nd Draweru; for Wks' Mlesex,lfon'e and Boys' wear. A fall line of Cloths and Uassuneres FANCY DRESS GOODS In new ■n ,1 Rich Designs Many of the abovo Goods selling off at at grnatly reduced prices. - . Inamenao .Btock of all the loading brands of Dotnnetles and HOUSE FURNISIIING DRY GOODS, at lose than regular prices. BLEACHED'S; BROWN SELERTINGS, PILLOW CASE MUSLINS, PILLOW CASE LINENS, 1A131.41 LINENS. N•I'IIINS AND DOYLIES. • Towels aid ToweHinge. _ Marsolllea Qullt• tud Table Covers, Nottloghain Lnec'Curtln Moterlal and Tidy., Full fillet of WTI trE GOODS, Ituttirnlderiei, her:errand Inserting, %LOLL ❑erogn. nod Crapes. Ilosiury rind it lotus Tii great variety, au eaten rive Stock of, BALMORAL AiirDlii/OP SKIRTS. FANCY WOOLEN - GOODS CORSETS! CORSETS! Fron h ‘Vove, flip Onr, and the eehibratPd Heckel Onsets. Ludie'n Qui!' nud Cdlnn. Iltunstltchnd Tucked and, lituln,ldered SPECIAL I N DOC Eis;TS TO CASLI PURC:UASERs. THOMAS A. HARPER. Om"! II over nn d, Pnmfrrt Sir MEM SPRING ES BARGAINS =1 DOMESTIC GOODS PRESB GOODS, CA SSD! ERES. BAriN .11048 • WHITE cipx)Ds, =GI Eli Mil EIN RING'S NEW STORE, Gb WEST PATIN STREET. Opposite the 31m:taloa Iluuse, hest to root Office Carlisle IiSTABLISLIEIi 1851 J. REYNOLDS & SON, N. W. CORNER 13TH AND FILBERT STREET. PIIILADELPLIIA, PA., • jolt. X/ art • file nreraof [lto Celebrated WROLT6HT-I RON, AIR-TIGHT, pas-Consuming Heater WITH PATENTDUSTPORIEN, , GRATH DAL unsT9.4l.d WROUGHT-IRON RADIATOR ---)r7 l 7',`r These heaters WO made f [heavy 14rOught tr. a, well rlvite.l together, the only, sine prevention against the eseape of One or [lust. They era easily managed without any damp rs The Patent lle• dieter arotds the use and annoyance of drum•, and is pemanen ly attaohed to the theater. MIN is the most derail's, simple, ent.nnomleal and popular Boating Apparatus over offered for safe. They are all guaranteed. WOKING RANGES for Hotels and Families, POETABLE HEATH 8, 1 LATROBE lINATES, LOW DOWN Git ATE& BLATEMA'NTELS, - REGISTERS and TENTILAVORS. We are afro manufacturing a NEW FLAT-TIP IIEATING RANGE. AZ. Feud for c.r. Illustrated l'amptdet. april DLUMBING, GAS AND STEAM j_ GEORGE R. FOOTE respectfully Inform the eitizens of Carlisle and vicinity, that he continues to carry on the above business In all its 4 varleue branehez, in the basement of Rhombi flail, In Church Tilley. where Orders will be thankfully ro' eelved and promptly miccuted. Orders left 'et -the Nereid Junco will recave prompt attention. GEO. R:FOOTE. • 19felAIO ti. TOR THE CURE OF THROAT AND 'LUNG DIBEABZEI Dr. Wishart's Phi Tree Tar Cordial. It le the vital prinelpio of the Plea Tree, obtained by a peculiar process lEt the, dietillation of ter, by which its higheet medical ;properties are retained. . . . It le the only safeguard and reliable reniedy which bee over been prepared from nu:Julie of the Pine Tree. • • • • It Invigorate' the dlgeetive otganx and roatOrea the appetite., It strorgibne the debilitated system. It purifies and enriches the blood. and expels from thttoystem the corruption Which scrofula breeds on the lungs. 1 , 8 healing principle acts upon the imitated our. face of the lungs. and ;.throat, penetrating to each diseased.part, relieving pain and subduing intim- ... It is the_feault aryenre oLatudy and lineament :end la offered to the effilated, with tho positive no a untoee of its power tenure the following diseaaor If this pa lent has not too long delayed a resort to the neo n of cure: . j. - Consu ption of lunge, Cough, Sore Throat and i i , Brent,raiichltla, Liver Complaint, Blind and Bleeding Plies, Asthma,.lVhooping Cough, Blythe- Ma, &a, Am . We are often asked why- ere not other remedies In the market for Consumption, Coughs, Colds. end other. Pulmonary affectione equal to De. G. Q. Wlalaert's Pine True Tar Cordial. We answer— • • let. It cures, not by stopping cough, but by loosen ing andaaalatin& nature to throw ollthe unhealthy matter collated about the itbront and' bronchial tubes, causing Irritation and cough. . 2d. float Throat and Lunge Itemodloa are com posed of ensiditnes which allay' the cough fora while, but by,thair coneteluging affect', thff, , fibroe income berdenod, and the. unhealthy Beide .6011 ifil• Inn': and aro retained in the system, muting disease, boyand thu control of ear moat eminent phymbaleos. ' Ifit'llni Pine Tree' ar Cordial, with he assietants. are 'preferable, becaUee they remove the cause Of in. ritatieu ,of the mucous, membrane and bionchiel tubes, assist . the lung to aot and throw oft the can .healtlay secretions end purify the blood, thus ichno. tificsaly making - the cure perfeet, • •- . . Dr: Wisher! has on file at his Wed hundreds and thousands of Cc' rtificatetaroni , lllen and Women of tings• Ationable character, who were once. hopelessly preen op, to tile, but through the Providence el, God tome completely ,restored to health by - the Pine Tree Tar Corilta. - A Physician in At,e4Ugnee whe•cem he consulted by boallarta of charge r Crl4 , or , Pine Tree Tar Cordial slAffpor bottle, $ll por dos. Boot by 14xprese, on ,rorbiptii of pries. - Address L. QI C. Wished, Aj,'r1 e. A44,k0 . 2.N0t4 2d NUM, thil'a. 28unty sin , ..E 11— 2 . ~, . • . -- . neatly ,exectitocl , DA this ()Enos, IifISCEL,DANEO . . . • Q.IILING - 006155, .': ' ,".. ' . 1.•4', ‘. • ._,' • , Was, lilt raturoad from thirolti with A Tory largo.aod.oploodid opaortment Dt zassonablotocola, othieh ire are salting Of rapidly at LOW= P. 8.10115, THIN 1111 LOPtAkIT, oar abut at • • 8,;.- 13:0 0 D E 3 , . la very fall and complete; eke Myles are touurptes• ed. We have splendid . ' BILKS ; °MAIM JESS; DILAINXS, ALPACAS, and many nisi style Goods,'G INGHAM, oiracolpr .B OSIERY, GLOVE'S; RIBBONS. TRIMMINGS, . %WRINGS, . ' muscrxs, • • , • • BRAWLS - - • BLINERTS, ' - .. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, Cottoiiidei; Wiest Molttf .wane nod Ts Immligi In the Yellen • • - OARREtS, 'OIL OLOTHB, MATTINGS, 'RUGS, BLINDS, CARPET 01LAIN of Cotton, Linen and Wool, beet make. Our CARPETS are considered Oa-fudges to be the cheapest outside of the great cities, , •,:. , Thie. stock of goodils Very large, well ateorted, and will be sold off' at reduced prices. It Is not neceerary to 111 a column In exaggeration of our stock; but we invite all to call and see for them. TisliTte, which we think will eatlsfy_them Abet. hie Is the piece to buy for profit to themeelves. Croat 08 - BENTZ & Olii "VINE CLOTHING TO ORDER AND D,DADY MADD. ISAAC LIVINGSTON, No. 22, NORTH HANOVER ST I In•ite the attention of my old custoMeri ud the public at lat, e, to my,Lerge and Brilliant Stock of SUMMER GOODS for Mon, Youthe' and Boys' wear. My Custom Depaiiinent comprises the finest and mot.t select of Clothe and twat:nem, while my ready made Clothing is carefully and most tastefully gotten up. I cannot and mid not be undersold. TEMA° LIVINGSTON, No. 22, North Ilinuver St., Oarllsle.. N. B. Still Selling the Florence Sewing Machines. I.lrnay 69 BOWER'S COMPLETE MANURE, HENRY BOWER, Chemist, I Super-Phosphate of Lhtie 'Airimonia WARRANTLD TREE FROM ADULTRILATION This man•re conta.ns all thu elements to pro 'duce large crops Mall kinds, and Is highly recono mondial by all who use it, also by distinguished ohemibte who LitTo, by analysis,,tostedits qualities_ Packed in 'Vag., of 200 Mi. each biszoN a iumaTLEss ec CO, 30 .louth WADI; .t. ^ :4o - South Delaware AV0121116, =I RE WILLIAM REYNOLDS, . And by . deulere throubout the country For in fortnetion, whim. Henry BOwer, 12feb e9 -Iy. NAT !ORE'S G EAL7C RESTORER SCHEE'TZ!S EBEETZECI BITTER CORDIAL Th's medical prenitration I. now offered to the public as a reliable substituttvfor the many worth leen compounds which now' (food the market. It is purely vezetAble, composed of various herbs, gath ered from the stniehoules of nature, and selected with` t he ulmont . .care. It le ,rfilt recom mended as a CURE ALL, -but by its diract and salu, tary the Heart, Liver Kidneys, Lungs, Stomach and Dowels, it acts both as a pre ventive and cure for many of the (Misuses to which thane organs are subject. It Is a reliable Family Medicine, and can be taken by .either -Infant or adult with the same beneficial retnas: it is a certain i Tempt and spoody..remedyy. for DIARRIREA, DYSENTERY, Bo WEI;COMFLAINT, IIYs•PEFSIA. LuIVNESS Of SPIRIT, FAINTINGS, MERLIN:AD ACHE, d:c.' For Oll.l4L.S.and FEVERS of all kinds, it is far better and Safer than quinine, without any of its pernicious effects. It creates an Anna Cite, proves s powerful digester of food, and will counteract the effects of liquor in a few minutes. 40110?..k PREPARE:O BY JACOB SCHEETZ Sole Proprietor, N. W. 6or. hiul and Rae° Philnd'a, , 'SOLD BY ALL DRUGGISTS 20nov 68-Iy. epee m REMOVAL. nal.° • Witt CLARK & BIDDLE, JEWELER & SILVERSMITHS. removed from 712 Chestnut Street, TO PHEIR NEW BUILDING. CI-lESTN UT ST, PHILADELPHIA. Arc opening a largo ■ed now Impartment of Dia mood and other tine Sewelry, American and Swiss Watches, English Sterling Silver Ware, Gorham Elaetro•platod Ware,ldantel Clocke, !Lc., Marie 69.1 y HERRING'S PATENT 011AUPION FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES• ( - tiVitl Dry-Filling:J- Avsrded the Prise Medals at World's Fair, Leaden, Worid'e Fair, New York, Exposition Universal, Pull., FARREL, HERRING & CO., 09 qEfESTNUT STREET. Harvey Gilliam; } Phut. „Mathews, PILIVA. 000. W. Myers , Herring, Farrel, & Sherman, N. York Herring &-C0,,-Chieago.--- Horthig, riitkel, - & 'Co., Now grlecuis: Moro than 30.000 ItEltigiaV3 3..kr3 iaavi . and nre now 1n )300; and OTNO.IIIOO/11.11.1 burp plumed through necldentat fires, prarerting thol e c content' to tomelnetences a here runny others e Ueir • Stoown . 11121 - D MU Of Our. own and other makers haying been reeolyed le pad ply for the:lmproved Iterrtmee Patent Champion, , for sale et .low petrel. Juno Oliy `ARR/ACME C have TI ow.on , hand, at, his °Carting, Ifitotory, N:. B, enrner South and Pltt.atreete, • ' ' • ' OARRIAGES; • ' • BUGGIES 7 • . , ' ~' • • :SPRINGS, WAGONS, S 'e've4thlnilfiteon46d'OF :Are to ordtr,', go, doterMlued: et. .;rip,ttoir,mpo wort' tweed out b ;this eietlenlig 44!"14P.frii • ~Notlaing but 1' the .11 beet afoot: owes hiao.t , e pi jOea et . . 'etat , eligva.ettlie nealieleetntl; • , Itlopehhifinotriii , *B promptly att0040.4 SM‘y Og•am : PLANNZL all grade. HAND.II.II 'Splendid Cade; Pique , et 40e:, Corded Pique, one MADE FROM Potash AGENTS, 79 Smith Street, BALTIMORE, MD GOODS. 1869:•' 1 . 311 . 11 . 11 !IIIE,R 1869. < 'NEW GOO'DS, ellki, Grinalnei 3 OriandiLawsliPlqutej Japinen 13=13 Itedastion in prleei ma his& I 'will close ilia the balance of my spring stock it coat ito make room for New Yell Goode. Bargaint in adi CZEEM DOMESTIC ,GOODS. Hhr¢atnihiyoshry, Gloves, White Goode, ka. • yard aldi, Ha, hazes Heavy half laze, 1234 e., Ladle' Hose at 12%e, Hem Stitched at 10 mad 1234, Bleached Huiline at 12%e. All kande of SUMMER PANTS STUFF at prises tbat deri room petition. A full assortment of Shanle, Parseele, Sni Umbrellas, !loop Blade Comte, ka., alnive on hand GRAIN BAGS, CLOTHS. AND CASSIMEREI3, From tke Lowest Grad., to t.lto FlRest French Having always taken the lead In this branch of the haziness, I would eke ram better prepared tide season than aver, to meet the wishes of all desiring a good arttelvor a Tory fair bargain SUITS MADE TO ORDER, at the iliorteat atonal by a trat.slaxs tailor. MOURNING - CO ®'DS BOMPIAZIWES, BLACK AND WHITE MIXTURES, IM=l English Crape BLACK. THIBET SHAWLS, Square and long, alno droll nonortment of Funeral Goods, 6r NI Ich ordure rill t promptly end antis actorally filled TABL,E LIN ENS, I= TOWELS, LINEN.; MARSAILLItS, PIQUES, QUILTS, SPREADS, NAINSOOISS, INDIA TWILLS, BWISBEB, TARLETON,9,,CANIMICS, ke. REMEMBER THE-PLACE, As I am determined not to be; andersold In . any thltux lu our for All I oak is nu& Ibrpoctloo of our Nuts Stock just opened. I son COI/Th.o you that my goods aro *heap. L. T. GREENFIELD Nei. 4. East Main .Street: July 2,186 V CI M. g Furniture of all, varieties m d btyles of FOreign and Dorneslic manufacture, from the finest rosewood and Mahogany to the lowent priced maple am! pine Parlor, Chamber, Dlnltg-room, Kitchen and Once FULNITURE. Embracing every article used by House and dais] keepers of ti a most approved nod fashionable design and finish. Including also Cottage furniture in setts incept ion and Camp Chaim. 211nttrassen, silt triunes, pictures, /kr., &e. .04P - Paiticular attention given as usual to funerals orders from town and country, attented to promptly and on moderato terms. ISPEOIAL ATTKNTION PAIL TO TELE !ELECTION ON WALL PATIO.. march9l. M 4VARK4 c e • ° BANKERS, 410 N 0.35 SOUTH THIRD STREET . PHILADELPHIA. qENERACkENT3, • - FOR - Co n PENNSYLVANIA l' atthkl NVI4 oF_piE 14110 . • • of . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, The NALTIOWAI. Lint Isetnuatow (lox - must' 12 s - tarporatlou chartered-by opootal Act-of.Coustowl, SP proved July 23,1803, with • DASH CAPITAL, $1,000,000, FULL PAID. Liberal terms offered to Agents sad Boltolton, wbo sre Invited to apply st Our ornce. • Pall psrdeularstobebad on sppliestlon at our offlos, bested to the stewed story or oar Elsalelng noose; W Ctrealsrs and Pampateta, rally describing the 147!iiktag!""r • as ..rss CO dh r( B. S. Russel, Manager. C. H HEP BURN. Cashier let National Bank, Agent for Carlisle, Pa. CIARLISLE ACAPEMir 0. W. IicHEEHAN, A. 13., Prinoipal. An Bogliab and Olamical School for young men and boys will be • opened Pepterater Bth, ho-Benta t building South Ilanover greet. Pupils Inetructed. In .Englieb, Claulcr,ltstbe. unities Natural licierice, Penmenchts. Le. Namher of pupil. limited to twenty•five. ' For particulars get a circular at Piper's book atom, eraildreat, .‘ ' . 0. 'ff. BoKEBIIAN, ' 88.1nly Bn' °aikido, Ps. .0 S MILLER of Carlisle Sl,springn ,Cumberleud .colinty, was cured 'of AM and GRAVDI, or 17 years 'tending by the me ate bottles of Dr. Oarepbell'a Pain'Deetroyer and 2 bores of bid Liter Dille. •• , • 11mpg:town. Dauphin CO: 'Dr. Campbell: let you' know that I was plagued with Paver and Ague for ten year, 1 could not get cured; lat lasoome t'o Ilarrieburg, I heard of your.woudertoi magic Pain Destroyer an ti , your mole Liver Ms I bought 4 Latta Sod ,O boleti and they cured-mil In ono month.' • • 111011A116, CADENT. Dr. Campbell - will 11•11 to all dementia and deal. ors. price 00 tents er $4 per dOs• or by the 34 gross 621. Bach doaen to put op, in' Oita paper boxes with "his likeness and siguature•on esoldet: Liver Plll5 $2 . per doubt %gross $lO 60. '•Woirs •Losengme 40 par down .% gross slo.6o . per demo. , All lettors shoold be, addressed to • •• • • • DB. CAMPBELL, ,• • ' •"'OlCee No. 160 Third 'olroot',. • i;•,• , bettratA chagrin! um/ klulbeity, „ Harrloburg, Pa. • all Druggists and Dealers eveVywhsto., for tale by uAygiteno,K, BROTIPIIta dealers In Drage, Matikdoth,Ar. • •• • 11.1uus(10 • '•"' • • • ' The Carlisle Herald Me keit ad. acrtieini medium iu the comfy,. • . MI . 1. 1tA11,1i0AD5.,1, , --( CITMOBBLADTVALLEY EAIL CHANGZ HOUREII On and after Monday, Beptcmber 14th, ia6s, Penni, gar Tralniovill runfdally itegollows,(Bundaya ram • . A0•01610DATI0N TRAIN 1.111•11 HarrfibOrg 8,00 A., Mechanicsburg 8,33, Carlisle 9,10, - Newylile 9,45. - 6111p-pensburg 10,18, Obiunberaburg 10,40, Grantee tle 11,14, an Salmi{ at Hagerstown 11,42 A. M. • 11fAn. Team leaves Harrisburg 1,30/. M., Meehan. Iceberg 2,02, Carnal* 2,34, Neirville 6,10, Shippeng burg 8,40, Ohambetelnirg 4,26 Oreencastle,466,nrris , leg at Hagerstown 6,25 - P. M. ' - Exrizaa TRAIN leaves Harrisburg 4,16 P..-31 Mechanicaburg 4.47; Carlisle, 647, Newville 4,50, Ph Ippeusburg 6,17, arriving 'it Ointrabereburg at 6,45 P M. A MIXED Tarn leaves, Ohanabernburg 8,05 A. M., Greencastle 9,25, arriving at Hilgeretown 10,10 A.M •- E A-R -1 1` 'W—A4. R ACOOYISODATION TRAIN leaves Ohembersburg 4,44 ♦ M.., Bhippensburg 6,14, Newellle 5.45, Carllele 6.- 18, Mechanicsburg 5,47, arriving at Harrisburg:lP A. M. '_ • . . MAIL TRAIN-leeLves-IjagewstowlLB,oo A. M.,. Green castle 885, Chambersburg 9,10, Shippeneburg 9,40, Newellle 10,14, CarHele 10;50, Mdcbenlcsburg 11,24, arriving at Harrisburg 11,65 - A. M. : .16.1111[88 TRAIN leaves Ilagerstrcra 11,55 A. M. Greencastle 12,23,0nembersburg 1,00, Bhlplieneburg 1,82, Helvetii° 2,05, Carlisle 2.40, Mechanicsburg 3,19, - arriving at Harrisburg 8,44 P,'.111. A Musa TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8,05, P. 131 Greencastle 4,12, arriving at ObamOsburg 5,05 . avow, At - 2.35, 5.20,8.10. A. M., 12.26, n0en,.2.00 and 10.65 P. M., connecting with Similar Tritriis on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at ,9.45. A. M., 11.45 Noon, 3.60, 6.45 , 9.30 'l'. M., and 6 00, A. 51., resPectfully. Sleeping Cara accept , palming, 6.20 2,85, A. M., and 10.65, P. DI., trains without change. ' Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tama qua, Minersville. Ashland, Shamokin Pe Grove. A in Allentown and Philadelphia, at 8.10, .M., and 2.00, end 4,10, P. M., Mopping at. Lebanon end Principal Way Stations; the 4.10, P. M. train making connec tions for Philadelphia and Columbia only. For Pattsville, Schuylkill Haven and Adburn via Schuyl kill, and Susquehanna Railroad, leave' Harrisburg. 330 P. M. Returning Leave New York at 9.00, A. M., 12.00, Noon and 6.05 and 8.00 P. M.; Philadel phia it 816 A. M. and 3.30 P. M.; Sleeping care accninpaning - the 9.00, A. 31. and 5.05, and 8.00 P. M. trainB from New-Yorks without change. Way Passenger Train leaves Philadelphia 7.30, A. connetting with similar "train on East Penn sylvania Railroad, returning from Reading at 6.30 P. DI., stopping at all Stations; leave Pottsville at 7 311, and 8.45 A. Si. and 2.40, P. AI , Shamokin at 5.25 10.36 A. M. Ashland 700 A.' DI 12 30 noon, Tam aqua at 8.30, A.'3l. 2.20 P. DI., for Philadelphia and New York: =I . . Lea's pottsvillavia fichuyllcill and Susquehanna Rail Road at 7 00 Al 31. for Harrisburg, and 11.30 A• 3d. for Pine Grovo and Trem , nt. Reading Accommodation Train: Le s avon Readimr, at 7.30, A. 51.., returning leaves Philntlelpkia ■t 6.15 Pottstown ACcommodation Train: Leaven Potts „town at 0.25. A. M. returning leevea Phtladblphin at 4.30, P. M. Columbia Rail Road Tralna leave Reading 7.00, A. M., and 0.10, P. M. for Ephrata, Litiz, I,lncastor, • •• • . • ~. Pork lumen Rail - Timid Trains leave Porttioman Junc tion at O.OQ A. 61. and LOU P. n. iteturnin4 : Lana tilcippack- at 6.15 A. 61. E end 1 . ,00 P. M., connoting with similar trains on Reading hell Road. On Sunday,: Leave Now York at 8.00, P. Fl. Philadelph is F.OO, A. M., and 13.15, P.. 11 ~ Lhe 8.00 St. Train running only to Reading; Pottenl Ile 0.011.. A. N. IlarriFburg 520 A. Di. 4.10 arid 10 55 4 P 111., and Heading at I°.G5, midnight 2 54 and 7.15 A. H. for HaFrisliurg. at 12.55 and 7 05, A. 31. for Nen YorO and a1'9,40 A. M. and 4.25 I'. M. for Philad. elphia. Comm utat ion, 9111 rag e, Season, School and Ezell, slon Tickets, to and from all points, at reduced rates Baggage checked thriagli; IMO pounds allowed each Passenger. Cl. A.N EIZSI Wheeter&Wilson's FJELICAIMYKE. 1 -- SEWI_Na MACHINES ! .A.t the great -Exposition.Tarie, 1807 Awarded the Highest Premiums over 82 Competitors. TIIE PEOPLE'S VERDICT THIS SALE OF THIS WORLD RENOWNED MACHINE ARE 100,000 GREATER TITAN ANY OTHER. THE GRAND TRIAL- Daily urn Throughout the world, were ONLY TRUE MERIT gaits tavoi• ' and SUPKIIIORITT wins the rare. • The Wheeler & Wilson stands triumphantly the Chiral:don and Loader over all others by the Tortict of hhq pet.ple. We claim , no merits that we cannot sustain by witnesses. We stand upon our own um worms, without declaiming against other nompanies. We claim to have Improvements for pow bag that we know cannot bu excelled, and in {many pqintrt that no other company dare compete with. No other company eau stmw so many ma chines that have been in daily use for the length of time as we can. For the 'proof of this. lodic at the numbers that are on each machine The Whorl , and W Ilson Sewing Machine Is the Bich Man's Dent Friend, and the Poor Woman's Trust and Com forterer, for no other company can sell on as Ilboral and easy terms as we. BEE The poor woman can get herself, a Ma chine, and afterwards nay for it. No Machine Is paidAr'until parties are fully satis ,fied. Constant use only increases the worth of. our Zikreiale. 4 CM.lVMS Fevered ladles in Carlisle who ,have usnif oar ma rhinos hole six to twelve y ears,say "They consider them better in every point than when now, and there Is not a garment worn in the tinnily, from light AS 81185 to heavy as,„ Deaver cloth, that they have not made." One lady says have Rowed for three years and never brok'e'a needle" We can furnish names and residences of responsible parties who can suateln all wo claim. The unsigned are a taw of many who have th Wheeler and, Wilson Sewing laohf nee, In Curbs' and length of time they have boon in constant flu llrs. J. B. Haverstick, " J.,ltheem, " ' Col. Henderson, " Rev. Dr., Wing, " R. 0. WoOdward, " - Rev. Sterrett, Miss Caroline Ege, " Herman, (Monroe trip 9 " " Sterrett; (Dickinson- twp. 3 Nan:Lotions given free of eharge. and Machines ebeevitilly shown to, all.vrbo call at Mrs. Williams' Millinery Store, No. 20 North Hanover Street, Car lisle, Pa. Prices And styles to suit any. customer. Machines delivered to all points in Cumberland and adjoining counties fret, of extra 'charge. PETERSON & CARPENTER, Gen. nes • .121 DIAIIKET STREET HARRISBURG. , J. M. & L. H. FULMER, the only authorized Agents in Carlisle. 21aug 684 y 19Dlar 09.17 1889 • , NEW • GOODS 1888. em now opening the cheapest armament of SPRING AN D SUMMER' 0001 M brought teat*.lisle since the wane Owing to the great decline in prices duriig Molest few weeks, lam now enabled to of• fe r great inducements to mush buyer, as the •entire stock bee been .purchasod at the present low prim All the beet' Qalieoee'at Good .DoLainea at 16, 18, 20 4t 25. Muslim at 7, 10, 12'ez .2 DltEt . 3B GOOD. All the NEW STYLE ,DREEIS WINS lbs Ladles in great varley d end very-cheap. GINGH43IIB, TA/KINGS, amorgs as., vi ax , Clotho, 64min:term . . Twoodo, ,Cottcnidet, &o. of every •descriptlon' eothmonly low; ' Table Nopktoo, Plqueo idansailloo,&44 Spreado, &whores, Cambrlce, Penis, &formal° laullts, &0., at tho ',tory lovfost.potFlt. • HOSIERY & GLOVES in great variety Niko , atio . l3l:4; - ; Wool l'eLshiesi'lliipit, Etiglish Bleak Thy bet Ilharls and a fall:assortment of Fts My• entire stooli of goods met pu • ichasid. Teltblit the last WHY flog/ will be oh eta. out 400 sis ; ur 'OOI3T-IfUlt CAUL : . ' Look ',out for: bargalni at I 411 t, Chosp Cub • Btori !Not Main atirlwat. nearly %pig 01 I , kw 1 pot; . - • . , • • iJIIA/4.014/MiL P A TEN NADI -:. • HAIR . YIGOIt .. For rastOring Gray fair, to ita:iiitural Vitality and Golf?, d. draSsing „which as tit code betel- thy, Wand itlliatutif ftir presarting•; , - the' Faded or fray, hair soonyes,tord.to 7;0 brig nta cot e with the l itolll and- fres of youth. Thin hair. is ,thickened, falling _ hai4, clanked, and ,baldnehs. • often, „ thounkfiht always, ' curial NTdhing can. Toisto“,ikairT-sehere---- the 'follicles , are 'deiltroyed,, er the Olinda Atrophied and decayed.; - liiitauch main ca' be savei,for tuefulnese Ay„this application;', Inotead•of, fouling : the hair with a pasty sediment, it will kesip` r itcleari And., vigorous.• Its, - ocoasional .13111. , * 111 prevent tho hair from; turning , ray •et off, and consequently ,prevent baldness. , Free fiom- those,, deleterious substances which make some preparatimis dangerous and injurious to-the hair, tho Vigor can only benefit but not karrn , it. If, wanted merely for a. , . HAIR, DRESSING,. nothing elso can be found so tiestrable. Containing neither oil or dye, It doia not soil white cambric, and yet lasts long on the hair, giving it a rich glossy lustre and and a.grateful perfume. - Proporoj by Dr. J. C. Ayer, 00., rItACTtiIAL AND ANA....I 4 fICAL CERIUM, LOWELL MASS ' PRICE .1.00: 30oct 08-Ir. ,-, Ayer's Cherry Pectoral, For Diseases of the Threat and Pants, such as Cough., Coble, Whoopint Cough, Bronchitis Asthma, and onsumption. .. ' • Probably .n er let eln the whole history o rnildielne, has an ing won so widely and ~ - deeply upon the conlideneb of mankind, s• OW excellent remedy tor pulmonary ' complainti. Through a long series of.yeaa,aud amens most of the races of men it haitrisa,trlalgher and higher 'in their estimation, as Whets becomebetter known. Ito molloom character and power to cure the, varb. cam affections of the lungs and threat. have made / as a tellable protector against them. While adapted to milder forms of disease and to young children, it le at the same time the most effectual remedy that can be given for'inolpient consumption, :god the dararorous affections of the throit and lunge.. An a provision against sudden attack of Croup, It should lio kept on hand in every family, and naked as all are sometimes subject to cold and-ceughs. all shotild be provided with this as tidoto for them. ' ~ Attliouah settled Clonsumption Se thought Incur. ble, otill a great number of cases where the dle cage seemed mottled, have been completely cured, and the patient restored to tend health by the (Therry'Pectoial. So co .plete Is Its mastery over the disorders or the I,ungh pod 'I broat, that the -moefobsituato of. thrtiryod, to - It. When netb• log oleo could readi_thhih, under the CUM , Pec toral they milioide end diooppeor Singers and Public S,egkera• find great protection 'from it. sthnza is always relieved and often wholly clued by Bronchitis to gearally cured by taking Om t7,,i`ry Pectoral - 1u ',mall and frequent dam ~gen,.raily are ita irtuen kn. nn that no noel our. publish the eurtifFeAte of thorn here. or do more than assure the puhllo that Its - gantlee are fully maintained. ' • , Aver's Ague Cure, For Fever and Aguo, Intermittent Fcoroz . , yyl Ile Fever, Remittent Foyer, Dumb Ague, Periodical 'or Billion,. PO ter. Ice., and Indeed all the affece lions which arise from malarinue, mnnah _.am u Sop'[ miasmatic poisons, - As Its name Implies, It does Cure, and doer - not ail. Containing neither Arsenic, Quinine,llismuth, Zinc, nor any ether mineral or poisonous substance whatever, ' tin 'WWI. InJurea_ any patient. The number and Importance of its cures In the ague districts:or& literally. beyond account, and we be hoot withrut n parallel la the Watery of Ague medivin, Opr pride Is gratified by the acknowl edgments we romdve of the radical cures effected in obstinate rases, and where' ether remedies had wholly - fidied. thigvidiniated persons, either resident In, or Arayelling through miasmatic . localities(` - will. be Prbts , ctlNl by taking the,mitte cure, dolly._„ _ Fdr2icer Complaints, selling from torpidity or^ the Liver, it on - excellent .remedy,.produslng mans truly teniarksble cuies, where other - Medi einem had failed. Prepared by Dr.'J. C. Ayer k Co., Praqllcal and - Analytical Chemists, Lowell 51107., an sold. all round tho world. . PRICE $l,OO FIR LIOTTLI. CMS! DAVID STROHM, D. SPONSLER, NEW And POPULAR 13 DOT, 5110 E, TkUNK AND HAT SPOIiB, N 0.13, South Hanover Street, Carlisle 'a few doors South of Imhoff'. corner. ).' WS have jait opened the largest and but !Wm. of BOOTS and - SIMS ever offered in Carlisle' and continue almost daily to receive ink geed. is pas dine as everybody wants. , Our stock con•iste in all kinds• and varieties et Woman's Missas.aiid Child'a strung Leather Shoes, Women's Mimes' and Lasting flatters. Women's Glove Kid Turkey and Preach Xeres. Moo's and Boy's Calf, Buff And Kip Boat., Men's nod Iloy's Lail and BnIT Cosigning Clatter Men's and Boy'. lasting Getters and Brogue, MOWS and Boy's Calf and Buff OxfOrd Ti.., livr Sandals, huskies And Overshoes. Moo's And Women's Goat Welt and Carpet Slipper Alen's, Boy's and Child's Nur and Sainey Hata Tru eke of all item end. prices Travelllog hags, Satchels and Tables, together with a prime lot of 000115 which we will sell to sail tie QUICK SALM AHD SMALL raOPlll5 IS CUE Therefore In iseulng our card It la Weeded ee • personal Invltntlon to ■ll i■ aeaf s• mall and look through our stock wtlleout feeling undo .00- grttlouu to buy unlves salted It. quality and ►d••. Wu nhall sleep, toy to toal alt► every •o• etralghtforlinrd [rummer, and fin every •vion*, a full aqutvleat for hie onn•y. We ►•M ell Will avail themselves 01 their fret •pp•rtulty t• MA see es. 9Aprll Cs 4, 1860• .1869. HARDWARE. R Y — S - A, X 0 , C>. 101 ICAST HIGH STEEHT, Carlisle, Pa. • Wholesale and Retail dealer in Hardware, lreN teal, Nails, Building blaturials, . Paints,' , oll. Glass Aa. . • illnost quality of American cad linglick 'Yeast and Table Cutlery.' . Every description of Tools adopted tior .Rll Me-, &antral Tradon of the most celebrated, sealers, cad warranted in oyery instance. • • 'Guns. Pistols and Ammunition. • .PU3IPB, fo- Any depth Warr - anted to glee eibiadeetisa, 14 years 12 " 12 " 11 " 10 " 8 ,t OE Commit,' Planter, Blasting Powder, " • Molts. • • . Shovels . . ilipad ' ee,' . •. • .. ~' •• Vora', - • ~. • . - - ' Orovr•bare, ' , • • • !liplike', As. FARM RILLS, rLovifs, r oRAINs,. 'Amiss (*RAIN BAGS, &a., ke., - . . , • ~• . Builders receive sea•teriabi to ii 1P 4 4 , k. O'hooiclO both In price and - quaiitY. ' Elouselfpupers Ooode eak, ate* die ' tee roof variety. ' , WE ARE SOLE AGENTLF:OR THZ GREAT FUEL BOONOMIZIR PATINT EXOELBIOIWHATIDIS adopted Anlndbira. - ' "r" . We feel eureeliAe competent. oridoesie ' am ,onegoode are of the WWI In, ctiolae. Mg, lapdog inied. . Oraers by mai/ revtieni Outs delivered In town free; ' ; • • ' Parties Indebted tout fir pintas le prompt In their psyment,'and all to whoa nears 'lndebted peak 'preisent 'tle , eir bills. "Ar Blan tB. ~ • • r't ,•...11.11N1t1;143,TDX•. It 'A., g' it o.:o'.',Wi HOW LOST - HOW •, 'RESTORED Just . .puillehodia,new•dltlon • Cloletoratod :Eoeol on the rinficai Corkentbout. :niedleine)Of SPXIMIIATCIkaUOII, or Sem. Inal Weaknet, Involuraary Loess, 111* POTlltici, Monad and Physical Incapacity luipedt., inerits to Marriage ' etc . .; also ConeourrlOgh:limaror and nit, induced by )343114ndulgeitius or ',',50.T.ki11f.070 103.Ptlres;In sealed erkieloip;on y Ille'retebteted 'author; In 4111 admhithfe” easy, _dearly dernonstratesfrclut a:thirty yorma' suceessitil practise, that . the-Maiming .aonsequene*. Of. self' abusiihnt9 by radl,o4l,ly oureA yrithout the danger. outsof Internal rnedlelne'or ours modd cure at' Onto shapbse•eartalu,su4 kg ihelnal, by rneena of, which every,suf.ferer,,uo inst . •or wtlit opinilftlOn nifty ti. thay'obre • blIBllll Olid!ritdiolfll/:4 L • 't iliorihr.bictuithot4spaceroVe7 -99YFifon4'iorerYlooalLlio!tp4Ms4 , •: • `'d - ro B o4 q9 Jo t oVipa a9 lo: (P ot' I r il eraty Pi t e o la r :11 1: n• Pli ji4C i r , r A s oto Pr t 4 I !sta LAUB. , - Alsni,bre'Ou'lr•rletaPs' .r••• ,• rj..pC . fit, •, ;Pit ' toriej l ifs ' il ii'l e ic p/a 0 •4Sggle e'L( =1 JOHN VV: STROHM snaan a arosaLat
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers