SchceOpe‘ Mtircler- Trial I The moqoa for a new trial over ruled—Opinion• of. the Court 7 —Dr. Selictiipe Sentenced to be Hanged. . , . The Motion for a tiew trialin - the case bi- Dr. Raul Sehoeppe Convictedof the 'mur ' by poison of Maria M. Stennooke, came argument' on Thursday last — , The for ho Dr. seemed t o all the reasons they. had flied for a new trial ex cept the ono based upon the ininflicienny of the medical -testimony upon Atiph he bad been convicted. They, prOduCed: re '. porta from several medicalSocioeties, and ' the opinions of a number of eminent - pbysi- Mane -in suppnrt — of their position. Tho Commonwealth likeWiso read several dep ositions from celebrated physicians In sup , port of the sufficiency of the Medicaltesti mony they hadOfferednpon the trial. • The r nigUments, , upon the part of the de fendant by Hon. , Sainuel Hepburn, Wm. H. Miller, Henry" 'Newsham and Samuel Hopburn,'Jr., and on the part of the Com menwealth, C. E. Maglaughlin and W. J. Bhearer,iEsqs4 wore elaborate and exhaus tive; ochupying the time of the Court until' Friday at noon. On Friday at . * A. M., the, defendant ' was - brought into Court, when the motibn , for a now trial was overruled and he was - ~ sentenced. Wo give below the .opinion of 'the Court, the remarki of the prisoner before Sentence and his Sentence by the Court. r r - Since the Sentence we have 'remolded a communication 'frotu Dr: 'Sehoeppe, in which he eritielioa the remarks of. the Court, previous to tae pronouncing of the Sentence, /IS -What he terms en exhibition "of feeling against him.", Wtl have read his communication care.,. fully and, believing that it could have no . other effect than to prejudice his case in the public Mind, we have declined to publiso it. . COUVI9pWEALTII 1 OPINION OF THE v s COURT. PAUL SCHCEPPE. , . . . We have listened attentively to the able argunients of the prlsoni'r, on the motion • ifor-astiew trial The reasons filed su far us (they apply to the law as stilted by - the Court to toe jury in their charge, and_an— ewers to the points presented by the prison er's counsel, bays been•stated, but not, ur gently insisted upon, because as properly remarked, any error in law, cannot preju dice the prisoner; it will be corrected by a-superior tribunal, if 'any orror exists. - But - It - is - urged with great earnestness, that the erred and that thq verdict of the jury is not justified by the evidence. We' will not review the muss of evidence in this case, but state the rules of law es tablished by the Supreme Court, in motions for new • trials. In Commonwealth vs Flanagan. 7 W Si S 421,—Judge Rogers quotes the language of the late Chief Jus tice Gibson as follows: "Motions for a new triiil are to be received with caution, because there are few cases tried in which something new may not he hunted out, and because it leads very Much to perjury, to admit new evidence, after the party who has lost the_ verdict has had an opportunity. of discovering - hisadversury'a strength and his own weakness." To this Judge Rogers adds" If this is to be feared in ordinary cases, when the right of proporiY only is• concerned, how - much more must it be dreaded; i n a case such as the present, in volvingthis lite of, a humeri being, and. where such extraordinary means have been resorted to. to save him from the per 2 Roue situation in which he Is unfortunate , ly placed," * 4 ** "Cumulative evidence, by which is meant additional evidence to support the same point, or where it is of the same character as evidence already proffirced, is not; sufficient to induce the ()dirt to grant' a now trial." * * * * * "But aside - from - these' objections there are other reasons which its my mind, aro ' --- tlecitrivo — egainst — the — motiom -- Granting - now trials does notsdepend on the whim or caprice of the Judge, but upon well estab lished and fundamental principles of lasi , In the trial of issues of .fact, the Court judges of the competency, the jury of the - _ effect of the testimony. But after verdict, when the motion for a new trial is 'consid. sired, the COart-imurt judge, not only of the competency, but of the effect of e•i dun co. If with the newly discovered evidence, before them, the jury ought not to c me to the same conclusion, then a new trial may be granted ; otherwise they are bound to refuse the application. And it is ruled that in considering the motion, the Court will mot require whether, taking the newly discovered- testimony, in connection with that exhibited on the trial; a jury might be induced to give a different verdict; but whether the legitimate effect of Such evi-, dencwould require a different verdict.— Th uestion' r erefore is, supposing all the , l e (ftot mony new and old. before another ury, not iv-holm it might but whether it. ought to give ' a different verdict. It is • manifest therefore, it theie principles are correct, granting a now trial would be, almost, if not quite equivalent to a verdict of acquittal." Applying these legal principles to the , present case,-the new evidence is entirely cumulative, and it is nut after-discovered evidence, fora was as accessible to the pricocor before its after the trial ; and we may further add, that a - Careful review el ' tire, evideriCe, slid the argument 'of the - prisoner's counatil on the motion for a new trial, hive failed to satisfy us-that the ver dict of the jury is nut sustained by the evidence. - We therefore overrule the motion for a noW .trial. • - The prisoner was brought into Court by the Sheriff before the Oidnion of the Court overruling the motion for a new trial WB/3 • A _ prdnounced. t Charles E. Maglaugblin, Esq., District Attorney, moved the Court forjudghient in favor of the Commonwealth, and that the sentence of the law bo pronounced upon tine prisoner. --flisMoner, Judge Graham, tben asked the'prisoner if ho had anything to say why. the Court ought not to proceed to jiidg• mont and eaeqution. • . Dr. SCIICKPVE then arose and in a clear voice and somewhat excited manner, spoke as follows-:, l -.g , The jury cari take my life, but the jury can not make me a criminal and a mur derer, I dove boon Convicted of e . crime never has boon committed. 'This is not my' opinion alone, which by itself would be worth nothing bolero this tribu nal, but this is the opinion of all .the emi nent and experienced physicians of this • country; who, free of prejudices, carefully 1 - ,r di - iitte - ntiiidy examined my case, and • nro alone competent to answer the question:• "What-was the cause of death of this lady?" And therefore the right and the truth are on my side, and the right and the truth can not bo killed by taking my life. ' When peoplq just ,-now do not see this, yet the time will come, when even people will seo , this,. perhaps when my bones will already - Thing - timit'haVe mouldedin the grave." . ..,- The Court then addressed the prisoner as follows : .. "Paul Schoeppe. After a patient and protrabtecrtrial` before a jury of your own selection, and defended by able and zeal oud:eounsel ;, yotr have been' found' guilty of, s- or of the first degree— ' ::-- , wit require that the crimp of wilful o orate murder bo punished ,with :K ,i• this! is in. - accordance . with the , - diiirak oxidate - which declares: " That . whosootr , sheddeth man's blood by man - shall his biotid be shed."' ,' t ''.,' ,We' wi I riot - detail ,- or recapitulate' the 'arldenne Illicit satisfied' thelut,Y;Of ; yoUr ,:guilt., but the argunienk of your learned and :zealous counsel . hive ailed to satisfy the Court that the verdict pas. not justified by the Ovideribe.' -"- ', . - '': . ~ ‘ ;',Tfin area mattmf eduentiori ,and,intelli '' pence, and can ftilli'apprOciato and realize ';‘,, ..the;pesition in which your crime has placed , ~y,Fin,•• and' we' do not' Consider It 'necessary ,so,addiess.iou'rli : do s 4ttiguago of 'adinoni , tion or : iffarning.. 1 • ir 1 , 1 cr - I , • ',„ ': , , • ' 7 ---- .:; Your `victim ;:voi'kdria '9l,in . noelie; an -- • Old.lady M.66 , years Of age, friendless and ' unprotected,, and at the time a boarder 'in of our. hetele, 'alto, was possessed of an estate of ,about;s4o,ooo.--,-You gamed her -Oiifidence so lar lotto correspond with her '4o'o66lin:from her $1;000: Emboldened bi Youreueeess, you deilfrinined to possess -'le'tir'entire'offtato, and to offecityour purpose i 'yoe . Wroto a paper per:pertinioo bathe will ',of thieria.attnneoko; and .purpoitlng to be signed by her;rin which ' you are the polo - tioge4Oespd!tti t,hja 'papor youi.hanie and tbe neanantiouir flatinr are atticliedsaa wit: - tieilini. •• That "thiii:peper is false, end Borg. e x di:natinotbe'dinebtod , lar.your father who Iva* efamliiitt iti a iiltnoas by yoiat ODA; eel, was noeeielt islield'Wheiber thepaper was genuine.. But to consumtnate yourp,ur, me, the . death ,of Miss Stinnocko', was necessary: . Thie the jury 'haVe fhtitid' by their verdict, you soon of orwards: effected by ednifiiiatetirig to her The arguments of your persuasive and -eloquent-et:Muni on the motion for a neW. trial having failed to satisfy the' Court Chet the verdict of the jury is not sustained by the evidende, it becomes our solemn' but ithiertitiyo duty lo:prOtiounceTtialiiiiitonee of the law upon you which t "That you Paul Behoeppe; be taken hence bly,the Sheriff , Carnberlerid 'chunty to the jail of said county-from whonee you came, and from thence- to the place of: ex- ecution • the - walls' 4 or y4id of said jail and that ytitijio thitro hanged- . by the •nook until you are dead. , ' ••• , ' The Judge then added the usual prayer— liAnd may God have mercy on your soul." IM=EI . . , ADMITTED —On Tuesday , morning, August; 24th, on' motion of F. B. 'Belti hoover, Wesley B. Etirons,, , BegOrne admitted to practice, law ,in the several - ,• , courts of this County. . Mr. Hirons passed s a vary crogitablo ex , amination, and ontsiAupon the practice of hisprofossion with a thorough preparation, NEW COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL RE vpnt—Our citzen. iJos. W. Pat ton Esq., Esq.' ' hits'been appointed Collector of Intern:,) Revenue, vice Win. Penn, LiFiS4*, resigned. Mr. Patton is well known throughout our . county as a man of sub stance and respectability whose business qualifications are of the highest order. and whose integrity is beyond. His large experience in, matters pertaining to the bu billosB antra of the 11. S. Government will aid him greatly in the administration. of his office, whi at his proverbial urbanity and courtesy bn n good earnest to our people that the paymtht of, their taxes will be made to a true gentleman. IlVe uro Kind to learn that Major Patton has secured the services of Capt. J. B. Landis, the former efficient deputy, collec tor. Mr. L. has all the details Cf . the work a t fingers ends ,is en honest young Republican, and A perf,'ctgontleman. —.— List of unclaimed letters remaining in the Post Olftee ut Carliele, Pa., for the week ending August 2fah, A—Anthony, M. T. ; Admn, Mrs. Jet • nio. B—Burnham, Rev. N. C. ;, 8011, Wm.; Bates, Mrs Mary E. , , C—Crothers, James. D—Dishong, Enoch ; Diller, David; Darr, Mrs. E. M. E—Etter, John. F—Fesentori, L. B. ; Flowers, Mr. —; Fishbuin, Mrs. Eliza. a—Groff, L.'L. ; Gray, J. W. ; Glenn, W. T. ; Griffin, MrS. Mary A. 7J—Hayward, 11. ; [topple, Benjamin ; Hoffmab 5; Burkholder; Heiser, Peter; Holmes, Miss Mary J. Hardie, Ake Geo. W.; Jacobs, Mrs. Margaret. K-ICettering o ~ Jacob V:; Katz, Mrs.. Catharine ; . E.elblbler, Bella .1. M-11111er, A.mos ; Minich; John ; More, ; Miller, Joseph ;Machen, Mrs. G. Obtcrles.. ' P—Penbr,,John. R—RonetirTAT:; (Rite, Moses. Mrg A..; Sleator, Henry B.LSpOky t Miss T—Train, ,Tritt,, B. F.; Thomas,,.. , es '3K:At.e•; - :llkomiison, Mrs W—Wert, 'Jobin H.. .Trade, Harry ; Waggonneri . Alfred; ,11hse, 0. F. Z—Zeigler, B. • ICtLD i'OSTAGE. IVasbingtop, D. P. ' F—Frederioks, Mrs. _Ellen A. New. Bloomfeld, Pa. B-43ulkloy Dernttin 6: Co., New -- -lork' A. K.,;lolEirda, Treasury Dept ire. DEAFNESS, BLINDNESS and OAT .1 RIM treated with the utmost success, by J. tenses, Id. D.. and' Prof4iesor of Dlsoses of the Rye and Ear this speciality)in the Medical College of Pennsylvania, 12. years experinp!, ( formerly of Leyden, Rolland.) No. 805 Arca litreet, Testimonials can be seen at his office. The medical faculty arc Invited to RC company their patiente, as ho lies no secrete in his practice. Artifislal eyes inserted nithout pato. No charge for examination. 30July UO•ly MARKE7S. • .CARLISLE PituDUCE DIAIMET Car Hale, Aupet 19, 18W i A 3 , 90 Family Flour duporftue do du 'ItYE WHITE IV:REAL it ED do RYE CORN. 1111:8, (n0w).... OLOVERSEHD.— FIAtiaIIYSEED, FLA XSKED . • BARLEY 100 to 60 old General I Produce Market. Carlinlu..ltily 2001, Ike°. C6rramet/ Weekly by William. Washmood BUTTEI 22.1SACUN :if lOULDERS, 10 HUGS, ^ 20 BACDN SIDES, 00 LARD, 2Ol WHITE BEANS 316 TALLOW, 9 PARED PEACIIE ! 4' 2.6 80A1', 81UN PARED TEACHES 10 BEESWAX, - 35 DRIED APPLES, . 3 25 3 BACON HAMS 18 RADS SPECIAL NOTICE JUST RECEIVED. largo lot of the - vo'ry choicest Factory Cheese of fered at quite reduced prices, wholesale and retail, Also, a largo stock of New Mackerel at 'lowest nanrkot prices. IPM BIAIR & BON, .P B—Sa/1, Goa/ oi/, slc., on hand at ° all times at quite low prices—wholeanlo and retail - itaug GO W;RE RAILING, 'WIRII GUARDS, • fo . r. Store Fronts, Asylums, Ac. Iron Bedsteads, Wire Weir. binge for sheep and poultry ynede, Braes 'and., Iron wire elot,hßiorts, Fenders, Screens - for coal, mese sand, &e., Ileivy Crimped Cloth for spark arresters - Lindscape Wire for Windows Ac., Pspor Atakora Wlres„Orn nmental, wire We'rke. Every informa• Um' by ri . cldr easing the .nanufaqurers, td. IVALIiEN SONS'No 11 North Sixth sheet Phlladelphln. 'l2feb .in-A friend who haetraveled in Gi many, re ports the following incident, tor *hid, be !ouches Dining tile summor, 'Dr. J. 0. Ayer , Spent sole -weeks at Dresden, lu-conference.wlth tini °hematite of. Central Europe, where ho wno laeraided.aatip,bi ventor of the world-ronowrMd miedieines that pier bin name, and coesidored of a of tha'Atuerloan ce lebrities. While riding,nori chi: hie lien carriage foil in N ith the cortege of the KAng of •,BaCouy, ,pn a.drlve from the review. The Crider „smoriLecamei .the . chief attreetion, and received the reedited{ at tehtiori of the people, who were evonindorli;:deman atrative In their courteaios to him than to the King himself, whom they see to constantly. King observing this, wrapped bin -military ohmic - 'around him awd . reclined upon his .seat, while. our groat American meuleine pap did the honors for the roYill retinue, 'graclimisly bolting, hat In bind, on on ovary side; until gimlet by his ox custibractinda sconelento thin old monarch's people.:-._ , •,d,c ' SPECIAL NOTICE. are now daily recelviiig from Quenon Ohcst Lots . of brawl Goods of every siyie. ' 'Striped 'sup Figured While Noes, -/iPaltuY• .Gloves, Handkarchish, and oil other senuonahre 'goothaterhich we-will Warrant to sell cheePor than any other houselin the county to . which wovisk - itho attention of buyers held. purchasing. '! A large lot of Parasbis ofall kinds. 'l , lov,' style light 'Dutton - Duets, rill eizos,..tiumine, Prlnta, Al at reduced prices to suit the times • • 'Wand CO Tor RAPSAPAIIIIPok DUMP e , or YucATAPC• •Tb 8 PIP gofer not of people ore &monocled from tho ouclont. Airlines of Souttiern hinkicO, and titil;4ntcllol;o6o, .of the peculiarities which' Btevene and - 7i'esedit, gave of their ancestors. Dr. J. 0 Ayer & em-' ploy • a email army' of them in digging gareaparliht gnot.Provlded With nar . roW' Nuclei, a ,coli of repel ecol,et bag of water; theiate:rtiatly, ; 'fdr,ehet,iforest• .where...the' wild hantuM: rural/their; thorn With, food ' .iod , ll3lclc4eived trees • 'their only 'shelter. Po* , those who find themsnlyea roJoveditid hj this . 7duat t . ictid*liovr, :inch theq fare Ihdobtoil to tho toll, df thoeo I.lumbio laborers, who dig health for thoue an l .oktP r e. A YFT'io p•tioPii;:wAVO fAei:A4icittinc!f : • ' Tho Brooklyn Life Inburaino Company, of .Now Yl, rk ,ioitnitoment. 'with aid jorp, rl62cod Ll'a riiiitiitiriCCAVesrfor . 40 , twaittlea• , All coo?tiontooLlons ebodld bPsdlb aced to SHELDON k , yLOICLie Gen..Akoliti; l ' '0,17 onettuut St, pill] adalghlis TO 'MSEOHANTS .03. WE : aro Agelite for Ole HANOVER HULK , OWVEE, ',Emma sond.y,our ordero r !mmgdiatoly., APi'P l Y4 t. • • ••'`'.• • •.• ••• -130 ,P;P* 00.)• SpeoJai to tho_.Ladies. We are now selling out at, greatly refloat', prices, All kinds of-dummer-goodi-suehl*:-Orenadlnes, liproanuies, English Perigee, Percalies, Par asols Chintzes at.. Now is the time to secure gr at dmrgalos as .w • aro . determined to alone !out bur stock st unlrerxally low rates.. .14-DEAKNES/3, AIbaNDNE.9B, and anted with the utmost success by J. Jules id. D. and Drofeaser , of Dietary of dai Eys,ancb . .Earlfithei Medical allege of rennoloamfa, 12 years experience ,(formerly .of .Leyden, bloiland,) No. 005, ..ttieh blth Testimonials can be seen abtuie office, The medical faculty are invited to accompany tients,as he has no secrets in his practice. Aribllctal eyes inserted withou t pain. No charge for exami nation. „ r' r ki f fni! efECIA7. ).? )7 BRAN . DRETII'S They remora all bad accumulations, front - the bowels, and purify end invigorate the Billion.'All Nikon healthls not perfect owe it, to themeolvoa to take a few doses of Brendrgtil's Pills, because 'the, mode of decay are oonstantky oraillostod.9 their use, and th o principle of life confirmed, thus giving ,a , vluor of heap and mind too period 'when we Savo. boon used to see the faltering step end the enfeebled intellect. General Prces, the disithguishect jliser,atospf Ve• pays ho bit' , need th • m as his only mod' eine for thl. ty yours, with the most satisfactory to sults. f. For Coat iTIMORR, DySIWPIEIIII, and A Fahlii7 Medicine they are niurivalled. .Daniel L'lonnoy, Eoq r Astor Bones; Now York cured by Drandroth's PlHoof Dvapoptda and Costive nose, when other moons used had failed. A gentleman. wboen father died of comaimptlon at 3d yearn, wns also attacked, when about 2., by the disoaaa. lie had cough, night mvuata, and general debility. Doctors peal:untended cod liver cii,'hut he woted away -. At-lout he ,dotiTininAd to Wandreth'e In.two . menthe they bave quad," him a aodnd man. . , . °Aug 1m 'FOR - BtACIC 'WORMS AND PIMPLES ON TIIE Face, USD PERRY'S, CONODENE AND PIMPLY, .11.EISZDT. P . 3"33213red only by D. 13. 0. Perry, 49 Bond 84, New y.wk.3...8r01d everywhere. The trade Annelle& by Wholegalo !Medic. e Delors. • 9 , 431,1 3m JACOB SCBLETZ—Dcai Sir: I havo been afflicted for the last ten yearn with the Itheumallsm •nod Gout. Your [litters' ray recommended to me. I have used It, and I em glad to an 7 Wham effected a perfect cure In a very: abort time. Therefore I re- Command it to nil persons afflicted with the same dlsenses I consider it the best Guru In urn for any liscase the human body Is autmicted to.' ;• E. On VOIP:G. Phlia NEW AD VEIL Tl. E ENT'S 'AITIIT NEE ON S .A:T 1 : A 11, CA KI.I.SLE, PA. OtTICE, South ore° rt Aug. 27 im psoLvENT'S NOTICE il,OtiCl3 befahy given, lb , t J. A. Ilartin hem tip - . plied f r the •bonetlt of the lu olvont Lav of th Coulon nwealth n i tha ahe ding of the stow will take ;ludo at the Court II dlso of toe a loam, I or• guaa.t Cow I u the Yr NtVOlllber, A I) , fly order Of tho Court, J. A. Id ARTIN, Aug. 27-10 t MM=VI tho Cowl of Alm Dotted St+t•tt for the F. stern DI tact of Pvnt,ylv slit. the flutter rtt Jowl .14.111.50 n k. Son's. ll:mkt-11pm NOWO in 1101'01,y 01'011, I 1 id 1111 rood g•nornl meet. hz; ertflitore of sniff s. for too parp• no of turtling the flee out of th fr uisignev rin fir en flied and noclaring n Tlivi , tend -- tad — of th,tmlanct Ina hands. will be he d ut the Court of Illukrupley o be I, 'ldea at the Court House in Ciarllido, Pran'k n tt mine:May September 2:211, lnUll, at 10 o'clock, A. 1.; heroic Chun A. oarno't, Esq.; Register. GEOnOE RITNER, • Aug. 27-st. Assignee of J.,1111 Johusuil k Sale GOVERNOR'S CAMPAIGN GA,PS,:CAPES, AND Campaign Torches. ' _ Pried of Toichea, $22, 528 fA til F . 20, 185 and M . WI; bumbed• ..4/V , s, • mi fun palce•hot and ongrav OA: P E i " CuM und ps, lIILIP Manurr, 2u4 CH HURC ST. , ;'"/A Li RI: —sq . Bet. - At 3d al? Market., 51 I' COMPANIE'S GNI.FOR...iS made Ang - 27-41. HANS' 'COURT SALE. Y . ;Ab,l,l`.`,l,l"coofuNy - ',“gre°' - .1 1 : 711dC.or: . c.crators orthn estate-All Wm, u l.l. Tlußm ,, dnc'd., will •••••—• • - . . _ exposcoto publlonolo on the,promleek, at 10 o'clock, - Tuesday, September 28th, 4889, nua on ea,htueenedlnz dog. until all le yea, the folhiwing valuable Real Einate,to'wit: • No. 1. The'one undlvlned half of the .properti known an the ZUG PAPER MILL, situate In South Middleton trernehip, Cumborland county, one mile North of Mt. Holly Springs. 'I hr Mlll is sul stanti.lly built of brick, Is three stories high, with machin • room, boiler room, &c., attached. co otaluing rho.° !tag 11 , ,e lora. a slxty-sir. (da) loch Yourhirder Machine, In port: ct order. Also, ono thirty-four (34) loch fare stack of I Colanders, sevon rolls, ) the n hole dr ren by twn of LefalC.i Immured iron Water Wheels, and capable of pro during ONE TON OF PAPER PER DAY. Attach nd 10 (he above are twelve acres of land and two bell , oo. No. Y. Berea of land adjoining lho above properly known ae the 'Lag Farm," on which is ereeteil SUDO and.a-hall-Sl,y .... .1 bU it) 0?, I=l HOUSE AND GOOD BANK BARN Near (.ho bongo Inn never-fail og well of ixcellont W .too and go A pie trd In good bearing co& d•tlon • 'Llto land in under good tenco and Inn high auto of gul!lTntwtn. . . • No„i/I.4 L .Alroot of lard containing fifteen (1(1) Acres more or hes, Lying n o rthwest and lo sight 01 the navn of Mt 11.11 y Apr Ingo, 10...c10d by load at amuol gag, Matthew More, and others. Toon) are no buildines on this tract, nut the lon 1 is of oscellehlt , quality, and und r good fence, and Its pntrimily no thu town wril 'in in short time maior le very v.Auablo. • . , 4. An unimproved tract .o f land obtaining I.w • Acres mud Ninety-too Porches, f.ootiog on the road leading from rho lurnpilie to the Mt. Holly nningt, cemetery, and bounded by lands of U.:. Chas. W.:71:1041r and of hors- No 5. A troat of :land• containing TIVIINTV ACIRE.i, won) ;o} Ms., ;lying on the golat able of noaatda Croak, earl near the .atoo of; the. booth 111Ountaln Heil It ad, bounded by lauds•of .8. Zug Ooorga Noggin and hit..llolly Paper Oo ;known as Hionnott root." 'lltmooove Is noll 'lanced and I na good . stato of cultivation. • ... • 2 10 —• to • " 20 NO. SIX. LOU TOWN LOTS • 44 feet by ,1130,1 n adJOlning the property Dr. W. N. Launran, told Tronting,on the turnpike. - No. 7. VIVN TOWN LOIN in ihowerthenboye fortytire feet front, rune log , hack 160 feetOrtinting ou street. , ' ' No. 8. 'IIIOIIT TOWN LOTS 10 feet front •by ISO drop rach,•frouttog on turnpike, and lying bo• tween the properties of Oro: Swards t and Dr. Lau , . . . . '. No. 0.; SEVEN TOWN LOTS, •13 ing In . iear of •419 ahoy°, 10 by lth feet each. iroutiugUn ond'ao,jull.lng•iand C..W. Shudder., No. 10, Nl4 TOWN LOTS 40 by 100 foot each, lying between the propertj• of Snyder ltupley, and the 61. E. Church. No. 11. 'lllit.ol. ,TOWN LOTBIO by 110 f et each. fronting ou the yoropikei Mug het wee' the Al. N Church, nod the property of Johue. No. 12. TWO TOWN • 1,0 TO AO by 200 foot each, fronting on•tho turnpike, and adjoiniug the prop. orty.of Ida: Mayberry. ' • •, • ; „ • . 18,' Tito property known as the feDiren atom, property," - Tho 11006 E in a wEATtimitisomma • containing thirtcon largo rooms, arida largo and,commodloue Otore lioarn. Attached• to. the m 1 shA,Proporty 1 ;nlegetatilo litiiCgardMi, a' well, of, good ' water, viable, and ail beeersary , out, bloildinge. Au utocation;for it More it le.contral, -and the-bout In -tdw ... • -- A 11111011 ,TIOTIlIC,OOTTAON; And ono! 'acre of ,ground. • • , „ • ' NO. 16.,...A "one'ind44llf • sOry 11011011-OA-ST. -1161106- 06 by-7 lent, adjoining.i the.proprty of 'Won. Alexauder,,ln the town of 61 t. Holly Springs;' lilrown as the • ' , Old Church." The above' hoe , latoly_beeiTremodelol, and is-'designed for the •oupancy ^pro: 16..c0n0 FitAlll4 , l NOTION and lot of ground adjOloitgi_Nuhchool house In Holly Syringe. 'pee oflbt 10 14'200 feettr...;(..1;4...4 ;!. ,• , No.'ll. A.LUiII 10TION;InadSilt of grou n d , 60 feel front by 280 In depth. On this lot is elected a good Flt AMrl gtAllbEp•atnd 1.1Q110!. 4:11E It elltlY. Thom, ie on thu premises Frhit •Ti coo of overy,mdluty, and in good hearing condition. No. 18. • ' 1 TWOSi'OItY 1101i!313 • and Ipt bf ground iniJolniag the' propitretlabf do-- serlbod'.. , ThO lot4s 50 foot trout and 220 loop. No 10. A tonduory FItAMO 'WOOF, and lot or ground, adjoliAltgi , prop4tyl Ond ulna of lot' O 0 by '220 loot. p ' N 6. V. Two _Mountain Lots eitnato in 6ontb Aliddliton toyakenlp, pin d3PrOlt ? .„ containing . n I .1 1 44 111 0, OD ;420. 1 11 1 40. 1 3E 8 , .0,13 ACIIPS and' pa It2ROIIEB, [41.1 Of John' Mutiltion,' defined iyard,',/tatrig.' litolort Nu ~21,." Ono`, blo)jubaln L'cit In''uuth'ldiditiotnn townentp: being belt of igarg traVt',lbrUtOrly boloriging, the cootie ',ot' Job Mottinro, ddo'd. - N - O, 22. &Iota( ground,oonOdning YOUR 40E; tat oa lewd adjoialug proportios of jtubt: rbadnur, G oo,N og gni and Kt tiolty,rasper riidy ';Oiloife'r , . at, . lots roOdunco 'Of Wink Mu dtlo folloiodiut personal propue t'a, ' ,ILEAIS RO riding,nitd::o4.lnV • 'tun "Tiihni , blfonlitu" Cults, niti v • 4 Dirob ,“1/uVigi" 1. bedroll' '.l'Dovott pall,. throe 4nouthe oVP, I. I..tirgO",,lli,gN'"ery flbe, I:slTbutnir,oolye;o4, Wagon; tiituotso, ISpilt.q{: V . 11,011, one. .1 t ;TWO ittIi3,II.O3.;ON.IS:OARIiIAOR,I'I,'WO , EILT4P3OB. !lay Laddoro , 'lcay 110,k6, 'Outtling. .Dog;, Plougbo, Ilarrows,, tlir nowt buddies 'and '4lclAlio Sleigh *toile, lc. Ono , 0. 00ILBY CIDEARI PRESS, • i -Mid otbet-ortiolooodio, Olfl'oe Yuridi , ite; Ocinaletlog tif't tre.igtor Stifo,iPeok,'kef '• Terme of solo wade Anown otl bey of edla.~' • Cll,lB. U. . . /I: ArallJoiLmv, deo'd. •tfi; Irollfflpft4o; - , .27AUg•Pi • ~•••• / NBTPRIXIIVERTISEMENTS. State Agricultural Society. HE Penuaylvania,litate , A grieul 7 •jilq[aVtpefsty " • A .EVILittE . LiIZITA—G; • Tuesday ! Soldamber 28th & to ';ue Fatlß l DAYi I • Exhibitors will :nut he imitated' to, fee—hut will make their llottleo hodoo. the eati4 regulaticott the office of the Boma/my, free' of 'charge. • " " • . .. • .. LEIDICR fr. MILLER sig_,Entrpo will opon Sept ,7, .c10.v3 Monflay EV , Won, 27, of 10 P M.; tilqiiiOCOotary initpwrioborg; After which sthn'e wUI bo-rocolvod. For Premium Lisis m d other lave:4o9w addres either of the Beeretatige, at Harrisburg. AM01 . 3 KAPP, President. D W. BElLEK:tfiee.- Swr,tary. ?dC'ONKEY, Cork Secretary. ' • ;James. S., , Earle (64. Sons, aid, hiANI7.I!•AO7III.EIS. • ' ' ' • 'LOOKIIQ( (}LASSES Tho boot and cheopea.:: , ; , .• Portraits &: Picture .Frames, • Aloe. ologontstyles. Ohrorao-,Lithographs, • piropthil'and American—tin Immense ansortmont. • 'FINE ENGRAVINGS, I .The. newest publicatloos. • ' ROGERS' GROUPES, Wo are t r ha only authorizeA. whore•alo and rends do lore In_ the Ito :ere 0+ anpae in tide State, and sell 'of tpein ht the man facturer's I nine. Circa la . ie soot on'apPllcatiou. • • :•••• „- Earles' Galleries, 816—Chestnitt Street, . , • .; • PHI LA DEL FRIA. Aug. 274 in. VALUARLE: REAL ESTATE V - AT ,PCSIOI.O SALT. On Saturday, October 9th, 1869. By virtue of an order of the Orphans' "duct o gumberland county, expose to nubile sale on the promises on the nb tve day, the thilowlog co scribed reel estate situate In 'lower Alien town , h'p, rumba/lard count). MI the n ad !ending from Nor Cumberland' to Linl urn, filtout 1 toile routh of Shiremanstown, to wit A tenet orSintb Land con taining 35 ACRES AND 107 DEIiCIIES, be the PAW wore or Leon, about OLIO are of a hi.ll Is ih Timber Bed the ro•due - divided into sic tievb. ell of Which fain a good stet . , of cultivation, and portion thereof intent y limed: • •• The Improvement's consist of a Two-story FRAME AND , WEA.THERBOARDED HOUSE, og 11 ten, 103-11 Croce nod Our outhul [ohms. there bven ulit ilk D of chow° fruit. a troll of good a, at, and Cistern near the door. nod at p•r lon 01 tho fencing fauns. the builiinge aro fau ded el elevated ground affording an e‘tenvl.i. dew 01 tho surrnianding country, ano le II healthy Ind desirable bouse.9 Any person desiring to exnminff the prrpnrty can all on John' 11, Eberly trnidii g on the prentini rho milt give all pvcessary it.h , rmatlon Title muleputable nod pee onetime givtit. on let A pill 170. Sate to commence at 10 o'clock, on said day. when onus will ho made known 12y htlEiti.Y, Guorl.ll of Elltna C. mill, 27 tug is VAL U.‘l3 LE 'LIMESTONE F.llOll 1 . 111 VATE Li llie subscriber haring coact Willa to flung° I,to. reidence:olTers at private Sale that cal Liable farm which be now resides, hit:nye in Moo me town ship, Cum ti4.l.itni county, 2 11lIce East of Cil urel, to • n. about i, IV2. 11th vr:ficibanicsiang wad rutlen South eat of (1 - .IIiITC, at Inc n of roads .00necting tie Varli roof With Ili,, bislom e ram'. and on4ite road /00(11110 from ie,e K to jilt N bons, • nen- tflvler's kthls, sad bei,o led Icy limns of Chrlaiiiin ilartgler, boo! Landis 0110 ..thorn, 1 Oil tai mug 100 ACREA more or less. of first rate Lluiessone bond. Tit, improvements Oro a WOr- - STO.RY STO - NE HOUSE., containing kf 0 MOILS with good and basement, brick Wail House, Woad and Smoke House. ';here is 0 g spring of pule water under the house. also a good cistern at flo. door,_witli'sn excellent- Eipeing-Ileuxe;is good - t Nee story brick TB:it:3II:NT lltll ohl, containing 0 Wagon Filed, Corn Cribs. Carriage Moos,•, hog Pens. and all usher neeessary nuthuild logs. The lan lilt• been recently limed, Is very clean and free from reekd, and weeds • is nobler gond fence, principally peat and roil, and Is In a very• hl4h.etate of cy,ltivd• thou. Thera is upon tho plus an ..EXCELLENT ORbIIARD, of choice earletb rrof Opp les. P. alms and Cherries. Themla also a oh, ice var'ety of fruit about the tion , e consisting of dwarf and Ktandard Pe tin, - Cherries. Gripes, with an.assortnient of flue li4rgr:( g. and Ornam, ntal Shade Trees. ° This property Is located In one of the richest and be-t Factions of Cumborland conn tj, having all the advantages'of Ohnrche &bode, Stores, Mu le Ac, and le in all rekecra ono of 'lie most desirable homo•tuada In Cumberland county. It net Bold before the 2. th of September this prop erty hill be of rod at public lulu on th at doy. Persons wishing to examino the firm rondo so I ceding upon the subscriber residing on the prom, 27Attpt • BENJAMIN NEISLEY. (TEAM TANNERY AND TWO .11 - WELLING 'HOUSES AT PUBLIC t± ALE. On. Friday, September 25th, 1869. Wlll i ,bei fiold at public. the pramion's i. Newndit: Cumberland county, the following vit 'ruble real estate. A STEAM TANNERY, Iluate In said [borough being In nrootocless o. repair es 31.1 lay away Vats. 11 Handlers, ol Lee, he.. 3 Im, 2 vales, o,2obra power Ei Oleo, Leather toiler es and other machinery. The, a Frlllllo Tao, louse and ...acne Sheds for storing away bark. is 14hont one Acre of [And connoet d wits. tha tilt cry It loft line Radian lar procuring bark farina tannary builnors. Also a - FRAME TWO-STORY HOUSE,. on lut adirining hennery. In good repair. The house In 15 by 18 feet and the hi I, SU feet here I a well of Water hour tho dour end the no. .ossttry out buildings. Alto, a lot of ground on High att.:Lie skid Igor ugh, hay inK n to tout and n- depl.h of not. The huproTuni;oan urn u Urdu TWO-STORY BRICK HOUSE, 10_ by 33 font with a twoo.tory Back Building Ther . a lino Stab a;Carrhaff !lotted, Wood lions.. and other necessary out.holifilh.a on thispr per y A lima well of Wsior near the door and a tarp. amount of choir., Fruit on the let. 841.• to C tiimeneu at 10 uemelff A. T.rom easy sod will made known on dhy of eels. JuNATIIAN STRINE P. S. Any Inforatii,n rf'speo , lng the premises an he had by calling upon or addrfsslng Cyr.: liazleA who resides taf t6u premise. or W. F. SAol..ilt, Esq., Carlisle. Va. IGHt.Y IMPROVED GRAVE] FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. Ntutttu to Frankloro twill., Comb. Co ..4 north 01 N , WTIIIe. miles south of Blosersvi I And 1/, milo from Diller's br Ige, adjoining plods Samuel Ernst, Lonn.Ll. nod others, coulul lug • ,146 ACRES, (more or lees) • all cleared but about 20 .Acres. tvhleli are corm ed with geed Timber. 41,0. about 25 Soros of guoJ ~La , dow. 7he improvements are urea Large TWO-STORY FRAME HOUSE, (new) 4with Wash Mame, :Danko Ilohso and othor necessary out-talhilngs. A LARGE BANK BARN,' early , now, with new, Wagon Shed, Corii"Crili, Car Ingo ilotik.e, Ilog Pen. and nll 0000 0 Ity pot.hulhl hp, also, n well of good Writer at Ito door .11,1 an boodonco of tho eliolcoq and hob( holt. Thera ix allio a Imp! sirjhrn id' Waite running hrough thu farm, lutalog, thuu•oh Preeted a first. 'tuft Thie form is in +i g lo,l'itoto of oultlvatibit: en) build logo tims, limes in good ardor, and well ]hood .rocuntly. Is 0130' of t-•ii moat productive and heal stock farms to the ,county, 11110 10 ettllVultieltt to I.llooli, 1111/10, &e, , , l'9rsons de,iringto theobnre property e, dd so by calling au thu subs'erlber residing no tl A. ' O‘llO , Y Sr pußrao - SkLE.. On , Tuesday, °labor' 15th; °1869. By virtue of an order of the 'Orphan& . Cuurt of • Cumberland county, th e shbacrth r, bgcnt awl guar /pun for the , Villa or lienjanith Elo,ply„t docid!, Itllt acthoh the prrhillea,',lo litiinpden tvvp'.7 i qu,11.10,1 ,(4.640.•-Du ., 4 thilce)NUrth or Alvah.; hicm ilrk, mile North of Bo son'a Bridge, the following valuable A trait'or lAd containing, 210. ACRES, more or leFs,. In a We) state of cultivat lon, and tiddorgaintfonclog mostly, Chestnut cello and LounfitqlMo. Tdoj , tut ife,vcincitte are a good, TWO-STORir'. BRICK rIbITAE; .Wash House, a lerge • BRION DANK DARN, Corn Cribs,. Wugio ShidoCartiage Bonne. and all other neresser'y annuli' dings. There N u well of never. haling water nod' the dour, with t unninfi•Chter if. ,noarly an 'the Seidel The to also on OklOllA KO of choice fruit on the panniers, a considerable number of thriyi , g l e caaNt Tract on .ho farm.. , Thiele one of 'the teht itoprovrd and , most &Anal We farms In Cumim land county, and purchesorr will do .well to glvo it. their ,lato ,lt,n 11l be sold entire' or In p rte, te'snlrpurcha•ore. , 1. • Persova'de.irlng to view the ptm e.ty province to 'nit, unto mill plenae call on John Shaffer, r..elding 'on the sane or on the ondorvigned,lesldlng at Sporting (lin. „ • o. Salo to e'omenotice 'af 1 o'clock P.M, when lamb will be made known '"•• .sA:Tifon •Agbot and Onardlan v., v..; Ifollthe , Ilona of lickpintio Eberly; dee'd. 27Augets.. UAW() 'SakLE OF BEAL • ES4 L., rerp. 1 'By vrrtpe of an' 'order or theOrphannifjourt' of flurelterlamrceuuty, 1 will espial tfrpaltilcieakoMl the proudnes,' On Saturday, Septe.7 . nbfrip,st4i 86 . 9; et 12 o'clock, 11 , bite the NA NORM Ire BM of Jon. Loguth,deold.', In Fmaltford tevfnehlp, Clumberland county,' &Moiled by 'Wm: McCrea; - 3 the 813 era. llanlandp Bomar apd °there., tioplaiulne..abon ti 126 AOltelB, e o . morber boa, having., , A' HOUSE ANIS .OA I RPT I 'Berson Prided with wells of water and a airmail running through ,It, tylthlneadoWN • : . 'The tarn, has bout -flatland lute three parts or OR QI k7,al/I.l)l,,Aorrrypectiyoly.. and thoeamo *ll l 'ha r or' Intiaveral parts as will bell• nit pdrehetsma' and plod. the best,..,ptles. Poses.f: • 'Mob/ Wld Int.'alven oft the let. Abtllneill.'t) tfl f'. Taro.. of Sale: Otio•fourth tolte pallat.thollmo orrontlyniatkin Sale:, e nWeifollellf: 0( 11 4 .Aori. , Ino;oso4ll6fih lit A prlf lal ' a lin ii•kim lilt 'lit With Mee ehamilf 7 hatilaw dire Vviviiego' id pa O rdik ',Water amount..J. D. soitoi at ", • - John U/04 'deed. I A LARGE BANK BARN, SAW MI-LL REAL , ES7:ATZ' OR P H AN'S CIQp . RT SALE OF: T Three Valuable , Slate Farms: On Wednesday. September 15:1.866. = :tilittieatin - order ,or Die - Oiptinnei - Cotitt - or Goadtdriaed • county. tho undersigned se 0q utdion of three of the ininor.childroit of the late De, 3. ha Zolltoger and no attorney Intact for the other chit drop, w4ll OXIIOs to patio ealo,-on ti-e premiere, - thee fot owitig ileticrthcat real csititm within two tam of Carliclo, to wit: • . No 1. A tract of Mud or plantetion, eltuato in North ' tddielon township, port limeelona and parietal.% b, witted by Mode of J hu S. Darr. - HI nett, the • Canodogulnet' crock, dud eater lands of John Zol, lingot~conlahn'ng' - • ' 1.63" ACRES' AND 59 PERCHES, 30•Arree of which ore coverad with thriving timber, mid tiedrlng Ilya - eon erected a T_WO=STORY VICA 31. E :HOUSE, _ - - a now Dnnk Darn • and-other outbuildings. There aro also, on It, Several never.tallingsprinA of cantor. 2.:A. tract of land or plantation add hang the 'aboVe, And boundod by it, the Conodogninet deck, alidlands of Wm. T. Swigurt;Esq.. contain ng 163 A.DRES AND 60 I'ERCIIE*, AcreS of which aro in good thaw-, nod bkving thereon eroctei, a TWO.STODY LiOUSD, tart brick and part frame, Bank-Darn, and other out-bui dings. A right,of waywlll bo resorved on this tract on the mute of the, present road - through it, for the owner of tract No. 1. Also, AEY"On Thursday, September 16(1869, n the prrntleo•, ho will esposo to public salt., the Illowi lig des ribcd tract of 'land or Mt to, and pl. ce _Wpodiand . .to.tvlt: Is'o, 1: A tract of land or plantation situ .to In liver 9,,, Ing t wh.hip, bo..nde y !Ands of Ruben long , Ww HurArnan;.lo§opn lulu serat.d'tne Con. dognl. of creek, containing 131 ACRES, anti having hereon er.cted a TWO ~TORY 130TTSF., nd large BANK. DARN, and other nnr.iin!y build nge.. 2. A tract id Mount in tainl, Droll covorrol ,with Chestnut and Oak timber sits to in Rye town. 'AO - Peru .aunty. bounded by lands of IltsWonsan's, belie So.onfols-.:lorgies, nod Adults,-c...nt-in log IS Tore, sale,- no our°. That se Otildifd is Within four naive of tract NO •I, end Ifni heretofore been u-e4l in connection e• th it. All tho li r o nro of 0 opporlor quality of sink n I are all Leep lat•ly Sal • to coo, metro it IU o'clock, on cold day 'Len terms wil LO Ma 10 !MOW 0 by J. It AItIISTRONG, 011,4,, Ac. N B Moore, Auctioneer. Volunteer, oi py • ri/O VALUABLE LIMESTONE FARMS AI PRIAATE SALE. They Aro sltuntod In. Monroe township, Cumber laud even to, on tho York Hoed, one oak, tOuth-rest of Churchtown, and slx ml os South-east of Chrllble, 411joinlOo lands 0105010 Mealy, Joseph Brandt, aslo others, nod the Yellow Sleet:hem Creek, No 1. The • MASS ON FARM CJSTAINS 112 ACRES era or 1040. The Inaprevemouts ore a large tavp cry double. STONE HOUSE, recently Muted, with, Smoke-house, and nth, neeesinry outbuildings; tar, Mink darn, ago. Plied and C .rn Ceiba nw.•Cirriage [louse. Hog Pens, and a nens,i Ulna Well it Water a 1 the dour; also n rgaithn ; also a turin DOUBLE TENANT HOUSE t brit k 'anti part frame, recently piloted, it w Able. Ong Pon. lithe 0 tan nob Ilnum, e.— lino Wall of good II atqr at the door, with a vat July in Fruit. On We farm there Is au ologant YOUNG APPLE ORCUARD, Viii piiecho, vli,reiti, pours, plump, urn ,'e, A, 'his lam is in the rury hielici4 state of cultivation, snag hew, all roctritli , ilmud Thu Woeee are nil n plod uniali—pric-cipn and gall. No. 2 en.n(p.i,..lng In.lre or loss, g ro. I, on tho noulll, and [a, Mow greet he,. Creek 11.0 Iniprovennint • ton le.rgo TWO-STONY STONE rifOUSE, ••11.11 Klteheo - attached, Sprh g 1l ,ice an -- 1 II tiny ..f he-h coder. :lace dahlr Kai n ' agon c heel ekal Cora ics, Carriage .use, nod otter nut iuhdinge, a I'lllll C 1 Nfl OUN of chnlve poaelicF, oboorins, grain", , ll' , in 0- budlan e far.n ,111, In a 111.11.40 t, of tly,dion. tho I.nOtlingn all nolog lu g nd rennir, an I the :one, n, gn, d lotlar— princlunliy and earoaLny Ilund . 010 elexant lvntio 11., or. llienotineldnoot the Two , prinlort tl,situlde farms In the county, boing convonlaul to churdos,"'ochuni-•:molls, ndl.lll Ile , 1..1,11 cl , an of rock. Theno tractg .0111 no ollei.nd singly Or together. an may last ,nit purchasers. It ilentrahle, =I vlll hr Sold with such nom. 11 not sold st privat Flu bl.ft,ro tho 2.3,1 01 sErrEsi BER nit, the In: mx 111 to °resod nt public on - t hal t dor, nt - 11 lelodlt, A. ,on ft., premises. ii,irotis of vinwin: - the iiropi•ily mit). i , AJ, 1 . 1. Wing nn - trust tin, I," nr upou thu -imbsoiber, residing it the Oorougli n, == E x UTOR'S SALE OF REAL OM 1 hltrSday, Sept cipher 23d, 1869. Tho undernlgnonl Aril] POll At poltli: side nt tl-n Into r Off 000 of Nionley, Ire d , u n folnwint; scribed nal estuto, Into tlnpsnporty of mid dry d., to wit: No. 1. A tract of Land situate In Monroe town ship, Cant iisrland couttty. 74 of a milt. East oft Much to th at no-junction nt tho forgo road and the rood 11,1,nm...through Churchtown to Boltzhoover add :half tier's M Ile ho oiled by land. of John Shißnor, Cleo W. Crosson, C. It S slay. t hrittlito Unripe rod there, cootoidititt THIRTY ACRES uud E PERCHES, tilde t measure. This tr•ot is - nil eh ittet land hod in 11 high sotto or cultivation. The hn• proventsots arc a largo TWO-.STORY HOUSE, containing nine rooms, also a INlarh house, flake Ore, Mil i a wnil anti Coal House, and other noon, sary Outbuildings n good Bi`HIN ANI) STABLING suflivient fur the property. The fetters aro nearly all post a d ra it nod Is a gond condition. There is a go A 'I LR OM:HA, I) on the p etnisea sod fruit [toil ornante !al I'o+B nroolitl the UT, so: and nn e wellent oell uf ,ateri ar a go . d el•let ~t the boob., A rib at thtl. snit, thou an I pl lel. Will he sold a tract of +' anted • Lana in Cattail) townsl ip k coon' y also he pr pa ty uI sal . bound tl by ands of c °hilltop nolo. D. A 'I/ V. 4111 nod nthrootainitig 111A"IIES end lit let nteaso o. This tract is' thickly e!).c tett of in oung Clte•f • ut and 0 It thole, and i• tit to y access by pohl c road running 110 . lt tt Sa a nie;111111ellel• Ilt I Wei Ili, when tettna will no not e lton ' teo no: day of as u l' tot at' zot.y tLe ii • i.ed or o in. 111 v. no o rt. ik.t.t °pit Illt• tleheriltett troct. ItE .1.1311 Y NIFSLY, •lACOII K. SLY, .2.oAug Executor of 3.1 c L qi vlc, d ‘_DAIINISTRATOR'S _SALE 024 AS'atu , day, 2;p ember 25,' 18G9. 11!. 'virtue , f an rrdo• of sale of thoOrplam'Cmirt, will be sold a. public silo 0 tho prenn•rs, property of Joi& nn deed. all that certain Port 01 land, situate in North M ddirt n toy uship, ho,,t 2 miler orth at Cornet d near the 11'1; Oonor'o-Oop , o - d, adjoining ands 01 W F. Swigert Ea 1., - Beecher. Wido, lit.wa d, 010 p st Speel nom, 6c, ondnlui g about in ACRES, 'taking hereon erne - N(11a Two-gory LOG ,Sr,' E HE 11.130A12D HOUSE and l'rune BANK BARN. Sc.,' This ix a very dedliali 0 pr. party and will be sold on tub fullua irg re ili.lolll , terms: r o,nt heo ma, pil;porty Is ,tilelmm (4, tho lok'n one-fourth on the coufiritudlou of the Salo A pr m I. 1%711 1.11. d 1111111108111.3 on IX given mid to. roundoing on 4111 I, 1071 with intiommt from Apra Int, 10.70 to be ~,nr,l by Judgment. Adlidnietralor of...loinitlian •20.1 ug 1t g)UB1,10 SALE- cal :VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. On nemlay, ,September 14th, 1869. The subscriber will offer at Pal lic Sate, on' the prom.. situate In '‘lldillestlx tow itsliil), IA lobo:guild candy, about al / 5 ; tnilee It oat of Carlisle, hel wren the urn I the and Roar 11. ten road, (and .talJulning jam, I Jacob Rutz; Jesse. linhl, J ho (lladhater an laircw llorner,) lir follow log valuabin Real Estate viz A Erne] lah;lcuiitidning 69 Areminilllo PareleM, etfriet nemeore. having !heretic reeled 11 double) .othry IIHATIIERBOARDED mva.l.3 - 1 , ;(1 lIOhIS il, with NVaith' 1101130, Curtinge Mem, ILg Igj, eel nil necemony outlaeldinga A- La go Stone BANK DARN. with Corn Crib; 'Waitron tiled 'and II two(' iPowtr Shod, The Dior! Sp ing Sows tie oagh tho`tont of, the barn ) ard • ° Titer It also a never.failing Spring or Frenli• WM Pr - r,i Inc it.few poem front the 'lieu.° -Time' ix n eine Apple `Or,hartial Welted In the ratite wifil ct valet, bin rolle•tion of gialtml Peach. Cherry and Pear Trees, awl n fine orbs r of It .110111 Ornp ea 'fhu Lund 1 8 of inn In.A . t: qnnlity of I initqlono in 11n, vonntyouni mid, a I igh lituto of enniyinion t . TIIO fuming is in it rid condition; tonrly ali•post and rail Sale.. to COIIIIIICIKO ;It ti., of mtitl Jay, wheo ritteudAnco will be given unit terms nook • 1 iAlig to ' • iL11 , 11) RUTZ.. • • inuBLIQ S ALE :01 , ;-:\TAI,U1A. B r - itE4t, r:srATE: Qn . I'Aurscfay, ....sepOntber 231, /8 6 9; at' •Pnlille'Snle'. on tho premisoi itOin top., two nonce Soot 1-v(est .ntlientiiVlllo and six ;South of n the Huh Rin]. The 'lsllOwilig dexnrJh ed teal °Moto the property of the late Sam lAA •• No. 1. Tho 11A'NSION 'FARM of 122 Acres nod 120 Perolies of Illpj :Inge, hind' abont It Acre,. of which ore cover d - svii'li,eXcellfinf •ti•liber Tilo' idiprovemenlo gn ' tt IICIC'DW,JILLI Iti nia 110 1 '13.11,' good Midi good 11 intA Mtn: hy relit, Wagon Shod, Carriage COIN illOit Pen' and on neecioniry falling %roll of Witter near the door, nod it'Qlstorri lion , . anti barn.• A yonilgr Orchard bearing ono' No. A trod or land consfslitik 14 28 `ArreS and Iniproiquonfs limo (I .it SATHER' HOARDED Ifo LISS good Carriage llotise, , Cord (labs. ainl .bOOO.lO nary Mingo. There Is nine It fIAW'MYLI. yu tlll-11i0P011y..•' The Yolloiv .11reeelies 'cm* ions ugh • this prop sty ' 'bo diVided tool aidildn two 'parts olr t01.011101'10'6011 1 11001uule:r. No 3 Conslshoof n tea' t or good land erivereil with idecollont'Olihninut;OAk'aiul Phioll,ll4s l l', Vildia llls Aeree ' No 4' Mon aikinlns Olio 'Mansion If 1111,1414 dnnldpla of ',Aereo 51 , 10-litiicho' lifillrst chain wbo'dtpridi 6:A436111a No 4 niil ,. voiitaltin 4 A erfiii and. 124 dlkrelieOi lb. tilt Of Tirolhowtital.• 0.1N0; 0 AdJolini of timber and colitali4 5 Aerss , c No .AthortilJolno Not b and •culthphiti O'Acros and 01 Poi eh 0.1.-. oxeehent.. , A',lLton Oifilifirt. Olat tines 'frrinillio'shOMO fractal Thou, orb 15 'Aifir's of lbw licht•Wai'al' ' ' Land." triunntahin hand tdiontli% Of Wm. /It 'fa covered , .grioll , ydiing Athristntit. iilt foothills 12Afros ahil 102 Perch B• . :No. L IO 'Adjoins the Itboiro 'tract andlins 12 Acres andffirretflits_ /..: .:! r No ,11: Adjolno`No.loouil ooiltobio,l2 , Acros • 'MO No 12 Adjoins. abeyo• treot: 'Thera 'etc, In •1t An tie and 120 l'iwebcs. •• •••••,•,.. , • -•" • • - . • ..A.ny•informotinli •reimetlng aboya •prOgarty Can be•liail by coiling og•blottio Loog wlto reeldca 'on ••thaliretoisos or,,bratldreloing blitirkkWiiinot botteni .Pa '••••Balo to commence alb o'clock, A'. !libel mild 'day when terms' wilt Betunde • • • - '''• " • • - i• • • '••' • 0111111.1 N LONG , • • • '• • ,•• ' ••• ••00NItAbi• LONG; -, • •• ~ , •-•'• •• : • km:OlEl,l.ONa, • ; ••JAtu B LONG' • : • , • Att'yo • fot babe of Samuel Long. .44r.Liinc4ator.b.:a4tnfperp4aso pppy' . und. klund. bill to.tatonrco. i• • ' . • • • , ]laogo94a . ' - . J 'REAL 'ESTATE. 0: . A ORE LOT 'AT PRIVATE, tTvi' SALE subscriber offers at private Elitivr at valuable HMIS° and Let . of - ground eltnited in Lower Dickinson, op the Turnpike, iesdink 'from Owlish, to BhipnensburdandadJoinin'a lands tient' Paul end Geo. O. Davidson, 6 miles Vast mf Oar-_ isio, - contalniugTWO - 601163. -7 "fliii — fiiiiiroGinceifts, pro Twastory WWA Mit RBORDED r 11008 E; elled in with brick, GOOD 8 f.LBL exdenettreonsiptli4 of Apples; Peaches and Cherries,. -:-For - terms - antt , otherpattldiiii - rn apply on tlis promises. , JOAN 1 . 0.41 LY. ' 304niv 4t • - XECUTUi, .0 • SA LE. or vAL- V UABLE REAL ESTATE., . , FRIDAY, September 17th, 1861 Wlll be; mold at public Rile, at . the reildenni thelato George Hoover, dec'd, In Vrankford; .town ahlp. Cumberland county, the culknirlng Itear:Es tate; to nit: • • • 1. The Mansion Perm of (hawse Ifonver,. - der% situated about,' onn•half mile south=west of the Brick t. hurch Ito said townehip,aontalsing shoOt 117 ACRES of good elate and gravel land, In a high state of cultivation. rho Ithprovstsente are a Iwo. story'FRA,ME frovn with a pump of neyer•fail• log water kt tie door, a Frame Book Barn with a well of meta,. In thodard for stuck pOrprsee, alio, other convenient outbuildincsallln a good state of repair. Them In also on this feria an Orchard of choice Prult.Troot, 'consisting of ripples, Plums, Peaches. Cherries, AC., and fine grapes, This land boa been Halal and launder good Tenet., a largo part post arta rail. Thera la about 15 Acres of /Tuber Lath.: on the farm, .2. Alen, about 24 'Acres of -.Mountain 'Land,. well timbered with Cheptout . and deur wood.: This t, not Iles about twory2) Inituy_weer.ol. no ii Falie towriltip atiewill be a •ld in parcels or together as may best,sult purchasers.. , Poisons wishing:to look et theta properties before day, of aide re 's ho so by calling upon Samuel Molthir, upon' the faint or upon . the executor. - Sale to commence at 11 O'Cif`Cß, on said Jay, tiliOn attendance will be given and terms made known by SAMUrI DILLER,. Executer of Coo. Hoover,' deed. 90 July to TALU A.BLE TOWN PROPER. TY AT. PHI VATIC "SALE. The rub 'eilhe cam; nt Dr Iv at;Sale, the HOUSE rod List' OP GitOU s..D, now oortipled by him, and the stiljolnin errant lot. The hour° Is 27 by 30 foal, two.„.arT solialf stories high, eontilna aloe room, iss..sidup tho and has in it all tier uoilerit itimrownionts and moronic..., to yylt: moto r betrolio Hove., 0 usage, het and cold Water, Isiah Tubs. IV,. ter As, pormatieut )ILisili Stands, ' a nd Our the u;hout the hon.., with opproprlaloilx. tures, b To. Lot bar oTo st of 37 'tut 0 Inches, nisi es ettesi to Liberty ally, the same depth as Ilse lissus . o lot ham ou it ri Cistern, Smoke House, Ind strati strisio. Both lots areitilleil with. °huhu Shrub's°, ry, Fr tilt arid Ornamental Prone, ' - The propel tire will lie sold tosethoi or separately as perch may desire. Terms liberal. tf MYNIUGL TODD. MEI VALUABLE HOTEL Property A'. PRIVATE SAI.E.OR EXCHANO FOlt A FARM fhe subset fiber offers at 'pi ivito sale the wall known hotel stand in yowvilk, Pa., known as tho LO - GAN PIOnSE . fhe lolgupon winch the Hotel stands) contains 5? Icy 100 ibet; nod In addition thcireto will be fold an excellent 0A It DBN coo tabling (IS by 150 foot. The home is large and substantially built ofstone 400tnniug L' bleeping npurtiputits. good far-room [doing-room, Parlor,lti' ellen and ell modern couvon nonce.. A good Well or Water at tho door, EXCELLE - N - T STAB LINQ for forty horAes, leo (lodge, Wood (louse, Smoke it (1111 id and nil necessary out-build logs, It,, Logan (Inuonds wldnly nod favorably known and Is lord-tv patronized: It has boon quits rtacootly rftottyltol and repalrbd throughout, t' Terms- to:suit the pirchaSer For further rortivulais. apply to the slllhseriber,to o tio, foo:oro to, Peter A: Aid, of Nowthle, Pe., JO& A. WOODBURN. EZEMIE VA Li ABLE REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE 9.101.1. TA. ruin-er for wishing to relingninitth firming, PI rnn priv nto vile tiro Valiild. LIM ERNE E F it I in in hip nelwren h• rt the rood leading to Rolling Springs Alin no le frdto Chun ell . UN, a nod tl4ml en fr, m !Fp I gni. 11 I- 01/ill mnt. 75 ACRES morn or qt. boor, of crto 11.nt. I fine-bone I.4td it 11140 own of col. tint on. 'rho - intitrovo.nctits . al (I .:trot lions, th Wn•tt linos , on Mother ontbobo). Inc, 51,r, an exec lent uow '1531.0 !lours and .1 loc, Bank Barn with wagon sheds, corn cribs and othrr nr,Aiary outbuildings. 1 ire lum has leo rplcrolid springs of running wo its hum %bleb erory field might wislly be imp el:o I. Thema eprings feod two splendid treat ponds. i h le is n ton it .0 A Orchard of rimier, Fruit, /inch 'Appl es, Pears Peaches, Cherries. Sc. N.. it. c f optairts aboht 70 AOhEo of excellent Lind do flrst,ate eider. The improrr inelto aro it (MOM. two-story WE BED WtOti• eith bake house, - &o. A frame Man remottlY repaired, welt wagon shed, corn cribs end other out buldings atteriwil ME= A n e7.oellent, Apple Iltehortl With 8 large quentitl n( .rod Or rod rho bull • im Coral well Irator and a largo citteru at ad I loo,•4. liolesirahlo a tract of woodland for, etch place la ,cfrenol. •I'.ruons eithing to. view these proportioe eNn do so by ..a II log 1111 I h • siCkerlbur rpeldlug on the road I..edin,, tram Churehtoen to Boiling Springa about 01,10 • govt of the latter place, or upon Wm. 'IL Lute. Hying (doge by. 3011:4 LUTZ. Peng PO If EXECUTOR'S SALE OF VAL • tiAlll,ll REAL ESTATE. On Tizesd ay, Sliztenzber 21st., 1869 The klubsifriber narrator ot.the last will and ten ..tinieni of Jaunt liuritlio der, doe'd , will sell on coo ptetolses on the above day at pu.tile sale, the fal lowing valuable Real _potato situated in Bent.' tournehlp, - Cumherlancr °nutty, on the York roan:about 6 miles South of Carlisle, within. 100 yards at the South Mountain Railroad and about N of a mile Past °Late fLiltitaore t urnpike. No. 1 colgood LIMESTONE`, FARM containing SO Aerou an.] 110 Porches. neat measurement, of Rrat quality LimestoThe Land, un ler a high stare or rot 11,111i1.11. The improsemento on this tract consist OT go' Two story Stone House Wont House. Smoke Musa. it -na Darn, Wagon Shed, Corn, Crib he. A good A pplu chard is upon thin tiaet. fe,./CIT In go d top lir, a largo part pcar, nod rail. A, goad er i ear tf ...Jo nee. . No 2 contains 2R 'A cies dod 26 Perches of good Bolton] land. 11.0 no erected thereon two One Story and 8 halt plastornd Hotoa, n ton story Fulling Mil ; V' •. rater 211F0 I olono to this tract. contain!, mouty-fonr acres and ' 'dimly one porches o• the very best quality of limestone lend, thus urns of which aro covered wish a good quality ‘.l Om , er trarts will he offered 'tingly or together as am) Dint unit porrhtteirs. 'rtiere will rile - 1-e ,Old nt tilo FO.lllO OM° oust place too treet.-of Mountain-land, -the -one containing t wirotv .even acrid and 102 iactive, through which tt o Baltimore turnpike pages. about mini:tole south of )boot Iliday; the soradid tract contains four rk and eighty two per ho.; and Is kltaatel about tr', u-lie Lnnt of the lin a Oak Paper 'loth ;heart traetk aro we I covered with )Doug stud th riv rug rhoettiht and all other kind of timber, especiui ly the Li-for aril, tof tour -ores, which le one of the very' unjust places ut timber land hi the douth pit uu taco, the ground bring smooth and easily accessi ble. Any in reon Nei/thing to view either of those prop• •i n.•+ peon). to Ito day or Kale Can do BD by cull: log' upon .1. It , Plana, residing no the farm. cote to volumene. at 10 n'cluck oa Paid day when Lerma will be made Known and attendance given by sAM U 1.1. DILLS 8, Sr. Exr. Of Jacob Burk!limier, dee'd. pry Volunteor, Laucaetar Exami.r, Waal& burg Jour.] plumu copy. augO-to Ius.,LUABLE LIME STONE FARM A'L' ExtquTows BAI.II. • , Friday, Sep: 44, qt. 11 O'clock., A. Al:- Will ho Fold rat Public little on'tha premises that valuable !aim in Won l!onnshormilili townehlti, Cninhorhind county, bein,t on tlinSouth aide of the Con nlngtlinct crook, adjoining n010011:1, being the Nlanclon, Farm of the lute Benjamin Longenecker, tired. This lot, central.' lei acres and 40 porches, of which there le about OS acres of Timber land, The remainder of the tt act le all clear, well fenced, most y post :toil 'ail and boa, d and Ina high state of cold cello. Tins farm Is well known and Is oni t,t the omit productive farms in the county,/ nal/. within one half Initu ot (lend Hops und,about 1- tulle iv. enntbsrland,Aullor Railroad. Ties itnprerettlentB ate a Largo - Two Story Brick ii stolen floret , fallit.4 Wen 01 water, Ii 1.,1 e cases cry vitilialie for doimeatle purpo , o 8 and a nu•pa cistern. 'barge Morro Bank iittrit,eorn.Crib, Cerringe House Wagg.d, Sited moil other out buildings le good eOtt dlttoo. , Ther. is able n Spring of Water - nano the louse and barn. . • , Thera fan lance and "'Amble, orchard of about eight nor a or chaise fruit, to wit : iipplelypearai puncher, due- • This rims Is ronvaulant to churches and schools, and is In, m ory respect a chotcoond doalrablit htead. l'artouto - wishing 06 view thia piontirty non call. upon John K'. Lomaneeker ou pray pthnriace, and terms will lon made known on do of - co. by.. • • ;WEIN K: LONGENECKER, . , Klee, of, ittiejamin Longoneciter,,doe'd. ooutniudoro Porter, Auctlanour. • ' • " • .0"W-Volynteorand , hatmeatar Examiner clipy. augUrte.- • ' pil3llo' . • • • • On Saturday, • Srptember'•2sill, 1869, , Thu . 00ndereleneticatternoy lu fowl for the 10. ire of lint orb .L old; bite of Asindt;twip . , deceased will offer at public sale, oh ' 1100 premises on the above day, tho following deseribcd Real Eslitte: No.'l:- A !rant of LA nil rat _Splibg MIAs, ram twp.; containing tat. Acres boo noled'on.the Niirth Lq the Pine rand, op tho West by lands of Nosh_ Cock 'dilation 'Rid . lEnst the. Oohir The Jun pininnisatti' ore ,t• Twicitory FRAME` Imhiur o Mane; a Log 'with wager alietilittiochi col,' and Other dulbnildipgef ti. • A tract of Miuolnin tandltrremo' twp., cooltshold Idle 03% Ann sof 'clear land, 100 a high shalt of eilltiv otionl bounded-on' the North by oho Titts! (leer° road; and oil the Emit by lands of Jelin Wire. ' No ;3; tracti.ef.Aluuntain Land,. ciiivere ' d - rilth timber, aolJoiolleg the' above, cod 6ohtnining itboltt Id Acres. The coveral trains ell; lie Sold separately or io II to,ct tan , to cult parchase.a. rolls to coniniente l at farm ebb o'clock A. M , when terms will uo ?undo wu by • f ' NO ‘l.l.cooKLisy, • llitiog is I y.lafaet for heirs, of linbt. VA L i U A.B LE • IiEAL: ESTATE AT VILIVAiIf SAI E. aubs,:rlbal Aaldi g iu AVest PoOn.boro' (own I Aup, t hie tountf: olffqo at sale tbo , tollowlbg .yoludblo Oral Edolo : . • . • . ..AiLIMEBII F.A. l ol.,eolitilnlng 68 Apreg ithd Poroligb,utriet metal tiro, alb untikun' 011mb-rib* tonbtlko ouo mlll3'' South of [lto OM 0011 ovar bouaa, on Volt. y Itvil lb I ouutltd by InutirotJobb' Paul, floury Paul onLL ;II ••Tbaltunrosurnonld are alatirg. arLA iilrt.tirrAlthED lloilf3tl;ninege, Ili": 'I ,nattit tout, Conn C"eln.l II I • • %%titan/310d, , Elartidioltoute, nod oil, nen s•rny outbuilding. Thoro le on' It at. - a pp abtalutr•l o , •ntainiug 140 droop 0( hholce ;lan ed F•ralt, and asi excellent wail of Mane at tile; loopy ~•o'buirhost good! . ttrAlr.ltLboUt. 15; Aeins 111111 ' edearert with MiLlit, 3ibbno Linibor. • There he also conildornblo boeunt on 114 pinto.' Thin in MA onlctiln - raost produet'•o - ftud.d,l drable ramie li, thisnber•and, onohty IV& ,li miict al I fotkr: - !'' Afiy puma- thnAu Iliortilein'en • o to by andlng onskespb td-lisr residing therabiti gran rho intba.albot ' eor"Nowebbi. - • , ,A145.11&15114f • 0 80. Q;`.1),01 . Dtgati ' LEGAL:NOTICES. A DMIAISTRAI'ORS' „NOTICE. . . • . , . Letters of Administration cum lesiamentui (mimeo. On tht;reteto of audisllli eletcher,late of the Bom of Cordele, deed, having been granted to the under • signed; all persons ledebtod'to said estate, will Make payment, and those hatlngcbdos will present titian foreatiietuelit to. ,. . , 4 mi . ~,. -, ., .., iii Aug at. ,:, 26 West Main Bt., WILLI— A DIVIINISTRATOR'B , NOTICt. rt ESTATE OP,WILLIAM,BIIOOE, Deed.. . :Lettere of administration on;the estate of William Brook, date of the Borough of Carlisle. deo'd:,tarli.g been granted to the undoreigned; ail pinions indebt. ed to said estate aro hereby notified torriate payment, and those baring claims present them properly au thenticated to 0. D. numnion. Admir. 18Aug of 26, West lifsin Bt. Carlisle. • . NTOTICE.—.46tice is, hereby given LI - tut the Carlisle 115poolt Dank w II make eis• pneetlon to: the SlikllC Legislature of Pew:wily&lds for the renewal og Its charter with Its present title and cepitaL _ i,AFBLEn, . OJnly 00tdm , • „ •• 2 V E XECUTOR'S NOTlON.—tettdre Testamentary • on the ketate of Di'vld troikas. deceased, late of Weit Pennabdro township having bean leaned to . the subscriberi residing In said town , ' obip. li (Apo IS hereby given 65 all perslns Indebt ed to the estate of geld decedent to make Immediate enyment, and to all persons hiring c;alms against It to present thomf at..settlement.— rael:foßs Execiarli 30July 0 A UDITOR'S NOTICE: The first 13... and final account of Patrick Gibbon Admin istrator of Michael Gibbon: Into'of Dickinen town. ship. dec'd., having boon referred to mo by tie Or-. phan'e Court of Cumborland county, "to prim upon ...panne and make distribution... will attond for that purposo at my °Rico in Carlisle. at 10 o clock n. at., on the 10th day of Sepal:ober nort. R. lii..IIIINDERBONI, 20Aug41 l • . Auditoria [IROTIJONOTARY'S NOTICE. biotic° la hereby given to all persona.lnter• • sted, that the following boat ACCOIII2O Imo boon died in tho,Prothonetary's Office for examination, and. will he presented ,to the Court of'Commoe dame': of_ Cum_ ertand.Cpuutv-for confirmation on of Orin osday, e 26th day 'of 'Augu at, 1 g99, ris: I. the neat and final aerount of J. B.'boyer, com. mitt.. -of Catharine Schroll. n lunatic.. • 2. The flratend 0001 tecount of Job n 61111er, coma mittee'or Nnocy'Brownaleeth o I J. P. BRINDLE, Prothonotary. 23,jt - ily 4t rECTION NOTICE. 4 Carlisle, Dui ding o end Loan Aseocletion.— Noticels hereby. given that the annual election of ,ificers of the Carlisle Building and Long Ann As loti to serve, for the eneniOg year. goal be held on thri4th -day of Septetntiof. '1869, at the tirbittatioft , Obsoiber in the Couit , House in the huro' of Cornell', 'between thb,hours of 6 and 10 0. AI. rßy Order of the Board. O. F. fiLI3IRIOI.I. - President NOTICE Aug. 13.8 t Make la hereby glrau Wat an election will be held oil Monday, Be.tember bth, 1809, between the hour. o' 10 A. M , end 4 P. 3l , at t o oMee of the Company in Carlisle, for the pup°se of elect no 13 DI , actor. of the Cumberla id Val oy Mutual Protect•on Compo y of Cumberland county, Pa., to e,ye for the ensuing year. BY ordo, of the Board, - Aug. 6-OE. JO S'S T 0 EEN, Soc'y A. L. SPONSLER'S C0L1.1107 L. SPONSLER,., Real Estate Agent, Scrivener, Conveyancer Instil , race and Claim Agent. Office Main Street Near Contra 9 juare. 17 4 '011. RENT:—A Store Room and it Cellar ' nn %Vest Street, betweian Pomfret and elid South Street, In the Borough of Carlisle, nicely fitted up with Shelving, Dravrrs sod Coun ter. Well milted fur a Grocery &ohs, end In good location. Apply to A. L. SPONSLER, _Real Entnte Agent EIMMI I_ 4 I OR RENT.,-, 7 ,4 large two-story u Brick DWELLING HOUSE,.wftb.i &muse. dione Book Building with x" full Lot of Ground and Stabling to the rear eituatod on East street be tenon Min and Loutiter streets Carlisle, late the rosidonde of Joseph Bhrom, deed. Apply to A. L BPONSLEIt, llesl .11ettne Agent. • VALUABLE FARM in Perry Co, AT. PRIVATE SALE. Situate In Carroll toweebip, 9 mJles north of Carlisle, 4 miles north of Carlisle' Springs and 11 miles west of Duncorinori ' ,adjolning lands of J. Shooter, Nancy Cling and others conlafning 1211 ACNE!, now owned by Levi Leeds. 90 arras of which pro cleared, In a bleb state of cultivation and under good forme and the residue covered with thriving timber. A never.fallii.g° stream of water rune through the farm and- plenty of lime within 2 miles. • _ - • The Improveeents are tvio-story Log k Weather board.' House, Large Barn &bd. Spring Howie with excellent water. School Bona, and Church at a convenient distance. Apply - to A. L. SPONSLER, Real Estate Agent. ELME VALT3ABLE PRIVATE REST v DEM FOR SALE. Situate on South Hanover street, Carlisle ' now owned and occupied by Mrs. Washmood, late the property of Benedict Law. The lot fronts on Han over et. 90 feet, and extends back the same width 240 feet , an alley.: The Improvements are a large two-story FRAME HOUSE, with Verandah In front, containing Double Parlors, Hall, Chamber, Dining room and Kitchen on lower floor and six Chawbura and Bath-room on tho 2nd story. Gee and water have been Introduce]. There lea large Stable and Can loge House at the tool of • the lot. The lot Is well studded with ornamental trees and shrubbery, besides , fruit of almost every description and Grapes of the most choice selection In n sundunce. huquir. of A. L. SPONSLEB, Real Rotate Agent. ES= IGHLY IMPROVED . FARII IN ADAMS COUNTY A T PRI VATS SALE. Situated on tho Connwno Crook 3 miles from llenerer on the high road, and on the Rallrond loading from Honorer to I.lttleetown, adjoining, That wen formerly known no the Klttemlller 31111 property, containing ' 171 Acres of Limestone Land, cleared but about 30 Acres, which are covered % . `iith tms) , White Oak Timber. Lhn iiiiprovemcrits are extensive, and consist, viz , A LARGE TWO STORY BRICK MANSION HOUSE, 60 feet in length and 45' In breath, containing a 11011 and Eleven Large Rooms, all newly papered and painted, a piazza running along the entire (rout, and cellar udder the whole. honer., - And an excellent well of water near the kitchen door. The out buildings belonging to the above consist of a large Cut . ..lege gouge, Wood and Coal house,' hog Pen, thick Steoke !louse, Poultry Iteuse, Wash !louse, all new except the. latter. The garden Is taiga and highly cultivated, containing hot beds with glazed sash. The ground' around the house am adorned with shrubbery and r tud ded with many choice Unit and ornamental trees, adjoining which Is a fine apple orchard, next ' A LARGE pANK BARN nearly now 90 feet by 50 wlth Wagon Shed and Corn Cr lb attached, and al never falling: Well -ol Water In the Barn-yard,•aleo A NEW TENANT EIOU§E, 30 by 20 'feet containing seven rooms, the out buildings, to same consisting of n Wash House, Bake Oven; hog Pen, La, a Pump at'the door an d an excellent ganion. This property presents apperior"advantagek,the location being eligible arid the land or the best quality of limestone, well watered and the cattle having access to-water !rota nrery — fleld, A great portion of the land hew been recently limed, the. Polices In good condition and ell the corn ground nod part of the oats ground ploughed for the rem. log Spring: There is a• Grist. 51111. Ulnektunitlt Shop end School, House within a short distance 'of the Thesrqurty , haeing hi;en reCoutly •purchan'ed ,y a gentleman from 'lleltlutore whe after fitting 'it 'up at 'giant ttimose: Is now- desirous of returning to-the city, will be'dlsposed of at an ertreiner:lo_lo jigure, and upon reasonable terms. Enquire of • - - Art,. SPONBLER, , !Heal Estate A goat, Carlini°, Ern ' 25dec 68. ORE BANK FOR SALE.--LA rich deposit of the best quality llermatite Ore; yielding 50 per cone.' cotoptinlag spout 19, AORgBi located In Monroe township; about 2 miles trona the iron Workenf C. W. & D. V. Ahl, on the south Bide of the Yellow Ilreeches creek. There Is a stream:of 'water ,runoing through tlso tract s eoffloient.lor • 'sloshing the' ore and furnishing; water power ,hel 'alas.. A Pohlon of the rank Is muds., a lease &Sul will be sold, sullied thereto. The balm:male un in. cumbered. • rumor' &Alone of viewing the Dank' may' dell upon Gsorgo W, Ye!Web.. at ' , Leldleh's foli. morly known as Bricker's mill, Monroe townshipi Conine; Imid county, or upon, , ,,.„ e. 1.01481 LE Meal Estate Agent , CarOele. 30.1 . 11 . ne ALE. Private Itesidence situate on South Hanover BC Coady,. nearly opboslte Her ly's Hotel, ownod. by James IhMts, TM) lot contains. lOU foot In front t until nebbilt 210'leet, add being •rp feet In bra dth: nt the reitr.' The build Ings,arti nearly, now aid hi tiscollentnider, coinprielog a commodious, .• • • • •5 • 390.13T0it1e DRIOHYRONTBITILDING Witllli.largo.Two•Stoiy Brick lincielluildlninttieh: ed Containing all the modern - linprovernents•lnelu: (Hug' gii4elnd wittek: , The Ideation. dr this :property, hiono of the moat eligime In the town, and will be dlipecod of ou favorable terms. Per tem:is - pad furl thUnidirtletilarwendillte of • '.. • : • • •• • • A. L. SPONSLHIc • ' ' • • Real Estate Agent, Aug 6 V - Ae A 1;; 313. 1 1 . 4E Situate ou the idostlnaldoof the yellow Brooches creek In Monroe lownshlp, about W 3.l:l h ile East of, Ahl's Iron orlis, .eontilningP7B Ac tall Cleated" but ahnut. d'A , res *blab ste -covered bait gbod ben. The improp-monts ere a forpmedious toaster,. I 11.1lAdl 11 1 / 1 1811LWItN , Mktvodidne out buildin LergollANll ...BAWL with ~`ftregen, Shod- and Corn, t ribs ;atm bed. d: choice. Apple, Oiehard In ; good; bentlugOrder, foiethertvith Panchen, Pears, Cherries width:spotln übundoncelind an excellent and neven. Mina gltell of ater at the dice., The land is inti high' slits.,of I Wiliaflon. wider .gdod fbnco . asd,tbs• 1:11 prover:lents goodul der.. Tlie.location la _a dalrin , bie ouo, being near a choreh, mllP . and, istiool,bnuse.,' • Itnet sold at pr vote kale. b e tote this 266th day: Of, September next the term w1:1 be offered at :Piddle • I Bale oh thaPdsy: .IPereone.deeliotth titsH .prelnlins may'oplimpoirGeo.lf.itatlidlOhlatlieldieh's: mill lit Monroe township, - For terms &a. apply to • • : L -4 1/POlThtlifft;" , Rest Estate Agent. - /34tug 00 co sot or dry Oa: ,llioanlo„ for t mai, Olion; now lo 0%11410:kis bnildost, s ebOOP tau A. Mali% Al) "TISEMEN TS A PAOIiCIO RitmAY , • J 0.61 1—. ,45t ; 1,7'4 s6 l _oQo,ooso . We beg leaflet° announce that we tiara n vapted 'tbi'agentg of the -" - • Kansas Pacific Railway Comhy Poi this sale . ot its • New Seven Per neat. Thirty Years Gold Loan free from Tax, Ville loan impalas to . $5500,000.. .grsto Mortgage Land-Grant and Sinking Fund Bond:, seltniedi upets the extension of the' %Railway trim near Bhelidan, In Denver, Colorado, a dletance of 2.27 miles of, which 12 miles are comple ted. end the rest Is under conetrrotion. It is also a Mortgage upon Bottling Block awl Franchise of this first.ulees Heil way, Mulatto now,ratmlng thiough the state of Kansas, ,•• And in succeaffuloperationfor437iniles, west -of the Missouri ',River, .and earning already enough to moot all of Its expanses and existing ob. tigatione, bedded , . Ittai4 than the interest on the new Loan In addition to this the Bonds are also secured by first Mortgage of tho .Flovernmen:-Land ;Grant of • Three Million Acres, extending in siternste sections on either side of the tract, from the 894th mile poet in fistulas to Denver. The proceeds niche sale of thee. land. are to be in• vested by the TrSews he inn 7,per cent Bonds them• selves urto 120 or in -IL 9. lt..nds, As a Sinking Fund for the Ridem tion Of the Bonds. . . •' itie linda entbil ' tellotilei of'tho fluent Ortiods of the magnificent Territory of Colorado, 'milking a: al field 4nd pinery. The company Mao holde •e an meet another tract of Three .htfllions of Acres in the Slate of Kati:al. awl although not ■ iwcu rity . for this loan, thew. lossos,iono adds In rg•ly to the Canape...y . o wealth and credit. Wo estimate the Value of the Company's propePty covered by this mortgage, at $23.000.000 net, while the Loan is merely $6,500.000. The Bonds hale THIRTY YEARS, TO RdN, from May 1, 1800, and will pay Seven Per Cent. Interest in Gold .eml•annually on May 1 and Nov. 1 and are Free. from Government Taxation, the Company paying the tax. - The principal of the „Loan In made runt le I GOLD, In the city of tie York, but each Coulon will be Payable in Frankfort, London or New York, option of the holder, without notice, at the :fol Wing rates: Jn $l,OOO lived In New York EB6 (gold)each half yeti. London, Li 6a. 10. " - Fienkfort, 8711 r 30 Sate.,. Tbo Agent of the Lean, before accepting the trust had the r edition of- the' Road, •-d-the .untry through which it rues, carefully examined. They ere happy to give the Loan en emphatic endorsement as • -FIRST CLASS INVESTMENT, in every respect - perfectly sure, and in some miseu Vat even Better than uccrAtrunent Scour' I ties. The Bends will W gold for the present at 96, end fteorued Interest, both 'in currency, the ♦gents reserving the right to, advanco the rate The attention of investors Is incited to these well tecurei bonds, which we rotommondod no ono of the moat print/able Investments In tho tnorkot. . . . . • . hold and Government Securities taken in payment tholr.niarkst *aloe, without commissions. Pamphlets - 'with maps giving information, sent on application, DABNEY, MORGAN & CO. ' No. '53 Exchange Place, N. Y 'M. K. JESUP & CO., No. 12 Pine Street, N. Y 13Aag 604 m CUSHINGS & BAILEY, BOOKSELLERS AND STATIONERS, 262 Baltimore Si., BALTIMORE. MD. The largest and best assOrind stock In the city of School, Law, • • Dental, Medical, Classical, and Miscellaneous Books, . General Banking and Counting Rodeo STATIONERY of all kinds. BLANK - BOOKS mado to order in any style pf binding and ruling. 50Aug 09 Om FINE OUSTOI4 3IADE BOOTS AND snuEs FOR GENTLEMETT. All the_ LEADING STYLES un hand or•mad• to Za.SRUTO. Prices flied at LOW. FIGURES. An Illrui• tratad Wee Mat with tuatructiona fot salt ineaaar tnent sent on receipt of Port OMNI address. ' WM. F. BARLETT, AS South Sixth St., abr ye Chostaut, • PIIILADELPHIA. Slang 68-Iy. , • • CA-RD. maceO. V. M. P. Co., / ' ,Gaulle Auguet 11,1809.1 ' Take notion that at a mooting of the' Directors of tho Cumborluod Valley -Mutual Protec.ion Compnny of Cargill:, Pa., hold on the. 2Jth day of July: A. 18119, tho following proceedings Wore .had, viz: 100100 , 6 f thin c .. Ompany by tiro bar exceeded the receipts WPM name to a considerable amonnt,,,Thereforo on motion RuavAii,,Ostowneeesurtent of - .Piee'per coot., be levied on all promithn notes belonging to this com pany, and in force on - tho Ant •d. y of June last. Dnatitmgvtaly, agreed to ' 'Arestrr--LJOEIN Sec'ty,_ Mug' dt 2- 1 1 130tAjAATION\'' • WlEtEltitAal, the !Ho' n..irkkEs H. GRAHAM, President, Judge of the several (blurts nf cppapiog Pl pi,theepputlea of Cumber latid;Thity, atiffjrualeta; and Justice of the several. Courts ofOyer and Terminer mild General Jell Pell,: ierytise. said , eoffiities, end 'inns:Thos. P.. Blair and ,119gkhtpart,Juplite s of4heCteurtsof Oyeraud Werail• 1141 ,and ilailDelleety for the trialbfaill capltal and -other offenders,. in- the aaid county of Vumberland, by their precept tr me directed, dated ..21st April, .1889 have.orderibi the Curt of Oyer and Ternilner, aqd * general Jail dellvery,to be holden at garb*, tin the 4th Monday' Of August, 1800,,1being : thei ff l Y. at'lo 0'0(4 th the foramen. '; *... • ~. .Ncrrion herebritre to the Coron er, Just kis of the Peace, and cienstabiespftheredd county of Ounii berlioff tbabthey are by the iald preeelite ate tdand, eff tb bathes and there In their brober personsi with their rolls, records, and inquisitions enatninations,l and another remembrances , to do those thinge which to theirofficas appertain Aqbe doer, and all 'these that, are , bettud, pr. secegnlsanceti, . to ..proseetite legiloottltl prhoicoirip4bsti 041 brtlien ehhll be in the Jail of sald.,..ciquity,lire to bather* to pros'cute 'themes Shall be just. f ; JOB. 0, Tll.ollPBObr gheri July 29, , 4 , WO lwrT4TOS: t 4otihidip). posals 1 ItinilatiatiAi the bars at the Door Donee with two coats of pain , the same as It Wel/ lot painted, will be receitell)tqlttePtroetors up truth /lepton. her 19tb, 1800. —' ' ' JOHN PAOL, DAVID WOLF, i . . • V (.7)' ' , ..' loA4Q . ,waortaft, • scow 'at - —" °RANA! 1 581 3 -Elirn. ,imeineenA444'e Ander. , the . reillme.C,Other . tionn•goneralsnuore here , however, given a trinnen• done impetoue'to the kaie:oe. • Chriegarpro'e Excelsior Hain - bye: The eheni . tatihi4e l ecnisei out In iiiniesdlng eel/u -ntie Journals against the lead and aulp,har pgiscriia ,rer 'O a Mad; ( sorltlaair , Is It halt ; pitpat)deidatuifion;) wilh.whhthaeognttl, 14faftatsql, while, Dr, Chit. , V 31;0 8 , 4 #M,1 1, 7 11, ....r ich °14 ,) ,•" , 71 1 '" -tArlit4o 44ll . • 1 and that bolo Paco* t 4 to id ad,'beaaWal he has sus tlised11:0011111 , 0410110'8,igit.BRItltilill/A.TiV10,, as • dressing, aotkillselsii•Via. Oh'the , flaif ifiss ' WORtr.O 4 I7 3I O 41,n tk.'; r, 7 • bluatax •„ , t , PUBLICATIONS,. BUMMER READING. ' H_URD & HOUGHTON'S- LIST OF CHOICE -800,35. Hons.—Any book published by HURD tAblilinb , TON, 456 Broome street, N. Y., will be Kant bithenb 'postage prolfaid, on receipt of the advertised prices. 1. BREMER. Life, letters and Posth umou. Works of Fredrlka Bremer. Edited by hor eleter,Charlotte Bremer. Tronatoted from the Byre dish byloila ?dhow. In one volume, crown Bvo. Cloth, .2. We have quotod so much from this charming Mme that we have no room for further quota , but It le a book to be rood"—Examiner, Lon , 2 . 'V.: OPEN POLAR SE A. Pop . Mu qui d n.' Brleane I. Hayes, IC D.. with nine :, "" Bro pos on wood, and a Map. I volume, Post „. ~m e edition, embellished with six full page from D ds, drawn by Barley, White: and others, twenty. „pee l s eketchesi.three full pogo charts: , and a fine porirait of the . poll 5a.75 ; ena ° lBes . mirc; Te oon stool. 1 volume, Bvo. Price t. hat we Dr. Hayes book will, we I rust, sand man .- hero ,. to romt poilora to its pages. The Doctor's b r .zo a c k n e don t e d t_.%; and ho well dosorves to Lc Or, Ka. In Arctle,honors." 3. SKETCHES ABROAD WITH PEN AND PENCIL. Felix 0.0. Dorley, With 16 full•pagedand su.llo illustrations on wood. 4. new edition with thr e - lictditional vignettes, v and printed on toned Poor. In 1 volume 4to. Price in.cluth, OA; clotkvir, $4; morocco, 58 "Undobtedly, Mr. Darley etbe beet draughts man In the United States; and judging him by what he has here done, he cat.have no supodor , anywhere. Ills designs aro engrew by eeeemplish od arils ta in the best style of art, •nd taking these, together with his own entirely na'ural and unaf fected description of what he new ativ. t ,i, we know at no similar production which we inieuld be will. tug to recommend o unreservedly."—Ep r o u Courier 4. OLD ENGLAND; Its geonory, Art and People. ByJamess- M. Rennin Professor. in Yale College. 1 volume,. 16mo. - Price 12. "This book hes the advantage oz. cobcisely add emphathallv pointing out many codiSratively nog ierted objects of foto. est and soure , l i s of information Old England' le j et the book for end pleasure. ' the departing traveler to put In , b it pocket to re rresh hie memory and make sugiestivo his tour:— Boston 21ranscripg. 5. ITALIAN JOURNEYS. By William D. ilirelle, ,author of 'Venetian Life." 1 volnine, crown Pro. Price $2. o • "Thorn le no writer of travels In our day co elm pie, elncere, enjoyable and . s.roiltable 'l—Brooktyn Union. , 6 VENITIAN LIFE; Including Commercial', SOni. Ilistorica and Artistic Notice of the elsce. By Minute D lioweitS. 1 volume, crown Bye. Price, extra clot $2. It Is Venice directly pr, od to the irn• amOnation, steeped in Its .we p,culi imphore, that Nve roe what the writer se6s, •harn- . .m Lions, ere macto the companion of hi. on'irs, rat er hen the reader of his pages."•,/toston Daily Tram. script. 7. REMINISCENCES •OF EURO PEAN TItAVEL fly An re , * P. Peabody, D. D., Id, D., Preachei to Ilalrard University, Price $1,150. "On art. arcKtecture, lawn, manners and rcielety, his ,criticisms ate ditcriminating. kindly and often original; and the volume contains more' Informa tion, less spits and no, re soli: sense, thin mat y of far greater else and protenaion."—Saturday Review, London. 8. HOMESPUN or, Five and Twen- , ty Yearit - Aao . By Thomas Lacitland. volume, limo Pries 51,75. "'Mims pun; "r, Five and Twenty Years Ago which we have Wore noticed briefly, is n berm, shad) wu cannot pro an too highly Ws de -orlp lons have that strong flavor of the soil that we notice In the opening spring, and that refreshes an more than rho mt st costly fe. elan odors. "From silken 8111:0hrefald ~ r splay Lebanon."' —' l's Republican.. 9. T.,WO THOUSAND MILES ON Pante 1 . 0 and Be k. A Summer Tour through Kansas, Nehmen, Colorado andiCow Mexico, In the 3 car DOM. By Cal. Jas. F. Maine., crown two. Price s'2 lala a good traveler, and, combi zu ciplinod mind of a student with the rainiog of au a:my officer, is well Mialitind to give , ,An, opinion upon what he observes. His mode of traiollug has furnish,/ hliti,rith excellent opportUnities for onto-, Cul Obstriation and with great variety:of:adventure In the nrairie?'—.Sfandard, New Ilkdford Nag, • 10. THE HAN-D-1300i'4';`, , FOR MOTHERS. A Guide la the Curb of 'nag, Chit. - dren. By Edwa dH. Paikor, M. D. 'A new edi tion. In ono volume, 12mo. Cloth 91 [ 50. • "The volume answers authoritivoly all the Vitia tions which o:Oilers are c- ntinually asking, and removes the painful doubts with whirl, they are con tinually troubled. It is indeed of such — freest prac tical value, and [meta so gsnerala want, that there would seem to Lid -no reason why itsbould not be considered a necessity in every. family."—/Torlon Daffy Tr--nrcripf. 11. WOMANIN.PRISON. By Car olina It-Woods.' limo. C10th,91,25. Mrs Wend's mooed of the life of a 3latron in a State Prison, Is unadorned fact. 12. THE DIARY OF A MILLINER. 'Belle Otis (Caroline li. Woods). In 1 volume 18mo. Cloth, $1.25. •.A smart milliner could tall many a fine story. A emart milliner is 'Bolin Otie, , and that la just what she does. Her nniativo hue ail the vivacity and siodancy which belong to women, Now It lends a keen shaft,. and then follOws A sally of ex guisitelunnor.-4/bany Expreu. 13: EISI3AYS ON ART: By Fran cis Turns Pa'grave, late Fellow of Exeter College, Oxford. 1 'volume, 10mo, red cloth, guilt tops. Price 81,75. "Mr. Palgrovea canons of art era eminently mit otic, tree from any tender cy to sensor 4nalisin and, 'hooch his examples are confined chiefly Co the cur rent emanations! of Itrithh culture. his ninth.; are you oral, hie reasoning broad, end his style of ex pres. ei°,l le such as carries The weight o? authority."— Boston lint. 14. THE ART IDEA; Sculpture. Painting and Arehitim turelu Ainerica. Ily James Jack imu Jurves. 1 volume, 161 no. cloth. Price .1.1,76 'The vo owe deserves the careful study of hst4- !Igoe t ansateu re of art; and, whatever differences (.1 opinion It may call forth. lis details will ha found of rare int is..est end full of 'leitmotiv° suggestlowi." —Nen, York Tribune. F R E SH • • FRESH 4it6ORRIES 1 Always to be had at the CHEAP STORE, NO. 138 EAST POSIFRET STREET. And why are they always fresh? 'Because we sell A great amount of them. and sell them low There- fore, tom our .stock often, 'and consequently oar goods most be fresh. ==l Onocums, rt QUEENBWARE, - OLA,SWARE. • WILLOW am% CEDAR WARE, . STONE and • CROCKERY • Tongues Biscuits and (huskers of s every decription ... Pickled, - - • Spiced and Fresh Oysters diirdines, - - - „ English Picklos, Lemon Syrups, Se., endue end t,, NOTIONs:3 t I : . It is 1119010S0 to mention Oxon, Como and ace for your. melees; and parents if it don't salt you' to • come, soul ,l our children, as they will ho dealt with the curio care co if you were • liereyeurself. - XLL7tTNp9 of C'OUNTR'Y PRODUCE takup hu exchange for goods, or cash 'b` ]:U.. B, HOFFMAN'S BONS.. N9(li:3 AT PONIyRET STREET, OARLIsLE, Ps, tugn CI-09 NOTICE.—IIavIng triniforred toy ontiro lutenist iu the Fromy business to my,no, thee° indebtod to monro requested to soffit; with thorn, during,my alt. 'soca In hurope ' 0E0.11,110F/11)LN. KRENNITZ • „ . WHITE LEAD, ZINC, AND COLOR WORKS. manulactere a Chemically Pure CARUONATII OF . • ' Alan, bfanlifiletnrere, inmortere and Dialers In II grades and qualities of LICAD and 21110 PA COLORS, to. • ' • • , • litionfacturr re of, VIM celebrated • Permanent 81 BUN ORBIIN w ith more Brilliancy-Beautiful tillage of Color, Body and Buralellny. .tban any other ateoll Billie market: ~ • , 13electdannfewfurera 'of Mali. d'Co's celebra 'ied JAPAN ,DIVVRIt, very thin, light in color, free of:radii/kept, and very strong. • DAtadll also Id 011 n, Torpentlde, Varaldipe, dolr Glass. Brunlol, to, ho. • ' 'Rrlcos lon, end all goods watiiinted ail reprq , ran t. • • koKNIGHT , Ifimilfactircre, liiiiorterr • And ,Wholesale' Deem. TIVENTY-SECOND 4:4191:011.t.pfD airland for 1%100 LIST: 18Atig 111,t ' , MOTIOE to Itetitiotr!tot If4Ofeit 1.1-. BOA 0101"..—Tho wen irtitillirtl togiq RO. o Mkt ill' tie .beteteentd4; o„, -will be 'doing it' f*.4l badness' MY- 'AddelNe ke except ftete .00repetedt. • .tles, 11'4'424 et the ofbeer",4 . , < . i ! o;oco . 6Mt`N6T r ;l' 14 II 2 I MEI Choice Home, Dried Beef, Dalogiaa, Beef, • Ell
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers