.ething •Entiyely, New ! Keepers •Furnishing Emporium of 24d and Walnut Sta., Opposite First Rational Bank, Harris()tow, Pa. • -- „ IHii subscriberbaying been induced to enter into a business, thaw a nt of which has long been felt in thiS Corrinniu,ty; hes carefully select-. ed a Stork of gooda, Which for .' • ' - _J. . IiEAUTT,ItAItIItTY AND NOVVALTY, has never before been equalled In anY place east of our largo commercial cities eonalsting.of 'lln Ware, Hollow Wore, • • • Toilet Ware, ePotd, Kettles, and Pans, Japanned Ware, Door•and Table Mats, Plated Ware, - - Cutlery, Fanay Artioles, Willow Ware, Novelties of ail kinds. Wooden Ware, • Ice Crearn PI eezers, Britannia Ware, Refrigeratm 11, Iron Ware, Wat• r Coolers, &c: -• In short EVERYTHING required& deslredin keep. Inv bonne. In proof of 'which he Would respeAtfully solicit a call from Ilbuselteopors, Whether thliY. pur chose or not. no has also the largest assortment In the city of _ _ _ CHILDREN' S CARRIAGES, Boys' Propellors, Perambulators, Velocipedes, Boys' Wagons, Cantering Horses. Jack Horses, Boys' Orly. lug Reins, Stick Horses, Swings, Baby Tenderz, Wheel barrows, &c. Call and see when you visit Harrisburg. We do not expect ALL to purchase who come. It will always afford pleature to show goods, July 20, 1800.-3m* Oh Yes, Oh Yes, Oh Yes, The people axe going to Plank's. NEIGHBOR now we can afford to keep ourselves and children in good Boots', AZ., Hats and Caps, since they are selling so very , CHEAP At the sales room of B. Plank, South West Corner of North Hammf lt., and Locust Alley. Plank, hasjust returned. irouithe Bast, and Is now opening in addl. tins to, his loaner stock a large ae•ortment of Boots, Shoes, Hats nod Caps, which for price nud quality ran 1:10t be surpassed. indeed it is a blessing to the people that Plank has opened a BOOT and Shoo Store •in The amount of mousy, which can bo cared by buying at Plank's Boot AND SHOE Store eIII keep a person In pocket money for a year You ,a le scarcely name any kind of a Hoot or Shoe that Plank has not got, and all Felling at greatly reduced prices Just go to Plank's cheap Boot and Shoe. STORE and son for yourselves, and you will find that half hap not boon told but Whit has boon told Is true. Remem bor the stand South Wont Corner of North Timmy& St , and hoopla Alloy. CARLISLE. Midway between Thudiums and 'lVotzeis Miele April ').7, 1866. _ . New Spring Goods, ISAAC LIVINGSTON, at his whole• sale and Retail Clothing . Establishment, on South Han Ever street, adjoinit.g Miller & unworn' Hardware St , to, announces the receipt of a full and Complete as sortment of SFR IN ( - 1 <e,iel SUMMER (; OOD and seasonable REA DY MA DE CLOTHINCI. ills stock consists In part of tine Black and Blue RENCH and ENGLISH CLOTHS, Extra Heavy Doeskin, Three cut and fancy CASSIIsIERES, Also a large variety of Clissinete and Tweed. Ken tucky leans. an.! Cot,',onnades, Linens, and Linen Drillings, in gr. at variety. Also a great assortment of Ready Made Clothing, Of OVOly style and yuulity,White• Linen and WOO ion Shit to ,umcner Drawerti, mni.. , antly on hand a Lugo a.sorfnient of 'llea, L•ollars, ll.,siery and Uloves 1,111011, oIIo• and Co too IlandkerrltL•ls. Also. a full asgortnn.nt of Trunks, Carpet Bags and I'allses. o °very size. Clothing made to Ln der at the shortest notice. Call and • xiunluo the stork March 23, IRtiti. 1 Challenge Competition IN the way el . vpriey,elewince of style, quality and rheapnessof my stork of Pry Goods. hsperially would 1 call attention to to largo assort moot of LNI)IES' DRESS GOODS, whir, I selected witli spuel I ewe In the Philadelphia and New Yolk markels a few dirvx since. Also, my three p•rn oblong Vt,lll,,ii/ation HOOP SKIRT, decidedly thu a ut imp,ved pattern 111 the agc, giving th, ASl•aler Lhe moot :tt Liptic ford, Like" ise. a Vtirittty of W hi to Goods, such ns Plain Plaid and Striped Caininks, Plain. Plaid and Striped \ ••irisooks. SWISH Slull t ishop and Victoria LIIWTIP, lirilliantn, Linen ilandherehiet , . Re, be . Mile and Gold Duck, Cohan ad •q, Oln,ghains, Denims, ICent.neky Jeans. Shin„g. Stripes On,is Amhries, Tie 111,4`. '• Blue Cambri,s, Bine Nankeens., Diapers. ” Brown Nankeens, I.aneaster Il ingilmq, eve.. Ac.. &V.. Ac, April 20. 1800, ALL TO BE HAD AT ILLS' Sr()lt E, SA M. A N 01?7'1: HANG l'E R 7' 1? 1.: ET, =II rat3NAT ItC3OlCe. rl l suhs,-riher hereby intorws his ()Id g euntomers and the public generally, that he has REMOVED his Family ❑rocery 1 1 ItOM PM Street TO the corner of Pt•mtret and Vitt Streets. in the building known as CA UT'S WANE:It, which has jut Levu thoroughli repaired mid rclitted exprestty lOC his tightness. My stock consists Of a first class astoorttoont of GROCERIES, Willow, Wooden and Weenswaro, comprising every ihieg in my line of tiade. I no. in cull moist communication with the eastern cities. and R 111 be lit daily lee...int of the NEW 1,,T and FRESII. EST 010 WEI{ I KS the lereign markets afford. Don't ihrget the place—Cart's Old Corner Carlisle:, Mae elt 30, 1.860. The noted "Dry Good" Store in South ilanover Street. ri3 H E most attractive place in Carlisle Is at A. W. Bentz's great, " ERCAINTILE EMPORIUM" where ran be purchased the best, handsomest, and cheapest goods in the Country. We have jute. replen ished our stock with a large invoice of the choicest goods iu the Market, and will, continuo to renew the supply daily; or as necessity requires, It would be luspostdble to enumerate all 1110 articles In our extensive lino of business. Wo have now a fine assortment of Ladies Spring Dress Goods. POPLINS PLAIN AND PLAID, CH A LLIES OF BEATI FIJI; 'PATTERNS AC., PRINTS AND ALL KINDS OF DOMESTIC GOODS. A 'massy of Gentleman and Boys wear. An exten sive stock of, TABLE, STAIR AND FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, OIL SHADES. Blind Materials and Carpet Chains. o Hopkins" Superior Skirts all lengths and widths. We shall bo happy to have all call and examine, our " now stock," ay we feel confident that our selection will please all tastes, Oarllelo,,April 11th 1806. New Grocery Store ! CHANGE OF FIRM I iiridei"sigried _ T" his old patrons and customers, that ho has die, posed of hisnutire stock Of Goode with tho good will of the establielnitent to Messrs Poiret. & Washmood, whom he reconunendslo the citizens of Cumberland County, as 'active,Miergetic and reliable husineas men, who will spare no pains to ,maintain and ImProys ,the character of the old stand as a that class ' FAMICIT GROCtli s it. With many thanks for the patronage he has received. he bespeaks for the new Arm a continuance of the same 30111 , 1 PEPPER &' WASH.IIIOOIV will in a few days receive the largest and beSi - assorted stock of GROPERIE3, • %UNA, WARE, • G,LASSWARE,,• • • '• • WILLOW WARE, Sm., -ever brought to, this place. and wii) constantly :keep on hand the 'elioideist presaries thoyastern Markets. afford. A full maintment of Lamps.ard 011 on hand. Call and sae nit at the old stand, South .Cast corner of Market Snyare 1•. t - • "L • •RbfiEll & WAti1111100D.!. January ; , /.; r• • ; 13ORT, Folios; •• 'Ohm uHip . dgliCiffitiril:l'!it: eretlck'fl Drug'. Fat.y.tinCtspote Stoke., • . . 49 ..1:510X . P§ . -' --.:.- t ..,; . . • Burnt. ., hasp; cperee;7;i , i3lll4, and Ctiocolate., .. .3. 15. WM . , . . ' , :t , ATAXASEMSTICIES. j 4".% S I AT,E. NOT 1 0 Pi... , " ;-; _.4 ;Letters of Adialnlstration bit', the eStateet . „11*,,,: Coble, dre'd., late of ,tillyer Apitng,Twp;'Ontatier ,. land Co., have' heettlirented ',b , the Register of..Putn.. -borland Co., tel the'sitbserlner reeding- In,nald:!/"up, All person. Indebted to said estate. wlll;make ' pay ~, snout and those having elalmeor 111, preeent *them to , . ' • ' ... ;31‘COLtar87'01`i. .; f 31 4 20 1 1 1 00 . ...... , ..• • • '4 dintnipt,ratar• i , the DYSPEPSIA - 4 azwgivisio.Via . row. ;ED, 'fall' Sheldon's Dyspepsia Troches. Dyspepsia Permanently cured or The Money I?e,tuntletl. IFIESE Troehes not only give i ti;tdo dist o relief but are sure to oftbet a permanent out% in Dy li pepsla. ploy 4re noto a pyrtive and there q r. ) tip, o 144 tlpeti.Ot Cron 4etrespltf.Tcroo hnbitulll use Uf rathtirtletf.. 'they &littlirilo s of the stomach, or griping of the bow els, and aro perfectly harmless to I ho most delicate. • • . . 'they will immediately correct n sour Stomach, cure Fla ulonce, heartburn, Sickness or Pain in the Stom ach, Costiveness. Belching of wind, Liver Complaints, Lleadacbe, and in fa et. all, those Sisagreenblo, and, dal} • gefoup, saapi•Mpa of fhla a -Wass, tho pleasures nud'dittlek of life. WoJk and delicate persons who have boodlifjured . by the use of powerful ,titan ants and purgatives, will find them a mud, safe and sure restorer of Ihe digestive organa to their original strength and vigor. Prepared solely by the proprietors, 8..1. Vandersloot A Co. Chemists 718 Market Street l'hiladelpiiia, Pa. David Ralston—Druggist. Carlisle, Cumber/and Co., Pa. Solo Agt fur oumberiand Co. Pa. Sold by all Druggists. June 21, 1866'-3m JOIN P. HELLER, 2nd dz Walnut Sts Sue eassNrs b.) 11, F SI T YiVI. TA BALERS in lilrileign and Doninatic /Hardware of all Id lids, SAINTS, uI I . S . OLASS, VARNISHES &e. North Hamm, St, nearly opposite the Carlisle Bank. July 7 1865, EN ,01 'WENT FOR BOTH SIXES. lIISABLED and returned p. ol die re , WiIIOWF and orphans of slain sold ers, Auld the tlllolllph, ed of both sixes generally, in as amt of respect able aVdprolitable employment, innurril g nn risk, can procure suoli icy enclosing a postpaid addressed Snivel ope, liar partleulsrs, to Dr. JOHN M. DAO,NALL, Box 153, Brooklyh, N. V. Jan. 23, THE CHARTER OAK LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF HARTFORD, CONN. Incorporated, ISSO. Charter Per- .1 A M ES 0. IV A LK LEY, I'ro=idi•n t. Policies Issued on nil Popular Plans t FEW RPASONS Wll I' PEO invuu• In the Chnrter Oak. I Kt All banhing privileges are prohibited. the beef nes • living (-unlined esttlush rip to the insurance 0 2,1 —lt , Nish, it.ll great. care, Iltus In tuna, sriuell all'lent ly di% Wend. nen lie l'elle) 1 11 1 1 1 11,1/111111 . 1 1 111.p1111 qi,c years. —its litiLio of Exponditurns. including Dinal Claims and NVtirkilig Expen,i, to Il veuipls, are tillpre cedentedly lue —Sawn Rupnrte. .Ith.—All (he profits are divided anamg Policy lad ers the original ,•apital being limited by 111111 ter In eight per vent dividends, no mere tllll,l it earns he the Cempany at interest. Gib.—lt declares and pays its Dividend. 111111 mill y iu C sot, thus asPitdapg the insured iut.he jpa,yulaatt.'''of premhima% Otis —lt , : lill,llll'l, in di , ta Halted ovei in( re than twenty Northern State=, III:11%111g to mucti le ace it- 1z11%.0 surplus. set apart ter vontinguncies, even ill till' Vvent. I i a St•” 111 ge .1 Cholera. ISAAC LIVINGS,TON ith.--1t IN rump! In the payment of loshtle o Ludtt paid t.. N% Hews and Orphans nearly ON MILLION /1.LA1. 4 . and has wren lititailrd a cla Stir —'l he Iran el 0 ealth 111,111,, as a'll i9vestment oth ti it or small means Insure to guard the. until Hies 'want. Imb —l'lle Ipan of I usinossingurti t,i provide agattlr.t nrsil!le boo trade a lile Polley, ',tong a basis for cai• al 11 ft,— Persons in dell Insure that their earulligsfor eels 0.l toll anti not he saeriliced at death !non wftn! of I cadly c/01l to caner, les. 12th —All insure, as money thug laid away to lit tier is -we to color Inn Itirgcly int reaced to their faint. ea th lo.iug eortain to ovaur. In ;.s. li. ail KV Is LP. . D., NI etlleal Rxantiner. .1. 1) 1/.lllt, Ap , ltt Car 11, 1 ,... Pa 1 , 11 10..1111, St of, gout 1.4. 1. a , tri n litothmt's NoW ItuthHog. North Six!. Itotoltog. Persons .1.1111.11C0 a 11l plua u :11/1.13 . to Fir iiitolttuat.in nelat lvt• io age,. I, 11,-N ,tate April rd. ino \ - r1:1"11N1 Tll 1.: FEET is the most '' p.oiew ~,,,s, la di , eake and death 1,04,00 to hiiiiiallit). II l• 11111‘,14 ,1110 LI brieg oil 4110 ld , and cold,liegivalcil, and often when not neglected, t.11(1 1 trier s or to eoughs and 1:11411 colikuniptions. It 11, in recognition pt tins rut. the the inventive tale . nt of the ion oti y lia Cro year, 110 en devising spine method, 4.1 .0.1, 111p11.11 tutleVlSl , It, tut keeping the beet dry, :11111 yv.t.t4l:ll should 11,11 gi k e i ins iii ven ic in 0 to the sit art,. Robber shook, in one form or another, gave hi th1:11,11 been ow 1 . ,1131.,•; but, 'Lis well known, Its /1111 , 411.; Ulu, 1111111) or ils, that while they (rep!he tee , dry Inall external 1111115L111 . 0,1111.3 . 0101,1 t ein ore, 1111.11, and ny Claus inducing an undue tenderness increase ii sots eOililli yto colds lather than otherwise '' hey are nisi, iIIIIII.MrSUIIIO I. 1.) Llll.l 1,14, 11114 0 /0411010 tory eNpeenlve. 'file demand is,for , , omethlint, !Alta shall make the ordinary Boot and :shoe impervious to we ter, without allecting their elegance or dune ility, and. 11 nos:Able, 0 itholll 1111111115 FellSibly t 010 I•obt. 11l tile, notoulacture. a 1.80, it will be rulleelli d. ate most 'M -11,11311 ii•talli . l:, /Ind 00 1111101 itoitionsly allirni that they aro ali olutolj attained in the Inventl ii here . 4, veld. pros rated to the public Tile in VlUlt,loll c'..110181.3 in inserting between the I n tier and outer indeov when the boot 18 making. a thin :11 i. i'l.,E.uxreellillgly ductile, combining !loot bill., with iougitne,s, very light, and every way aptipl ed to till. ..d ,wstrod, while, the llddlii.mil ~.lielni° is inerel) nominal It fkirilisheri a pet finch barrier against tio•admishion tot wet, or daintiness, thoueh the tout may he unposed ever so long upon met pavements or damp ground. , To 111 , 1100 una children the 111E.TALid1 SOLES will he of h.' tit'llitll/. valor, luo finin their habits aide and thil icacy or &eke:, they ore particularly exposed to tile long train of ills that attend 11181111111 inadequate protection to the feet, = hes° Soles have alread3 been tried by the best of all tests ACTUAL USE, and the tOSLIUMIIIithi Lc their merits, freely prolUred, Indleate that they must be speedily and universally adopted by the public. The Patent Metal lie Soled Boots and Shoes are being in troduced into the le ,dlng Boot and Shoe Stores through- DUI the United States, and will supplant all 'hems of overshoes, except possibly f r deep mud or snow, us they become lb own.. Itesurq to get them And tabu no other. if .your shoemaker does Ind, hniffien to , have them, he Cu,, procure them without difficulty. jr , bp will not, then rend yourself to the inventor one dollar and thirty cent soma obtain six pair, assorted sizes, with right Is use, which will be promptly forwarded by mail or express pre.pald, and which can be made up by any shoemaker in, the country. _Agencies s be es tablished -4,ery . Om and -Osimi, atn‘f d with Solos and pri,prietarystemPs, ut sehedti IFICOB. and liberal mmissien allowed on sales. Also General Agencies for States appointed on application, with proper testimonials to the Inventor. SAMUEL, J. SEL'LY, (It:merit' Depotpaorner oity tiall , kl , laeo and • 'Read street, Sew York. A. W. BEN = Now YORK, JULIO 1, 1860. The propriutoru of the above patent, having come In contact witk.apetent pruyipm!,,Y hipped, to_Wilitaat J. Ly „cf, li/Ot h a tnlitan ;!fila.r co T o r b ir jwp A a v oi i . petition and iMprintem . eni, the chid parties in interest have purchated the same, and, combining their In terests, have organized Patent Metallic Wine - Sole . '&4any, And estabilshett &general Ilinmillietorphiad'lDepot at 62 John Street, Now York; where they are ready at all times to till orders for soles of all sizes with promptness and dispatch The attention of dealers le rospecefully solicited. No person who has once used this sole will over again consent, If trneoVitbl o , Cr:l wliar'a liont'Or thee Allthetit `Spildial ie'dueethentEl offered 'fo dealers'alniithu; ~faeluilliwtoaid, i ti.thsir into duction. iit;Mad ylneral and special information furnished on applica tion at the general store, to . — A. E. LYMAN, . President Ara. Put. Metallic Shoo Solo Co., \ ':\ v, OA- 3 0 1 1 1 , 13 trieti NOlit lork. • April 6,1806-6 an. Large and: varied et opk,of Gwoories; ,Q, fiounfi ware..• ii tCA N ..,! I - ' sauces, Fish, .4e. ka, which am ',44fienVitt lowest Cash Prices. • .1 Those Indebted_ to ,the ,subseriber, and . particularly thtnioin'arisin's•fer' aletiglh cif elute' is%llllonaeleinreird and promptly payi•up. , doloirk'oetl6lAl gilt liioLjeflUll rpitte4 to Nov. 8, 1865. , WM. BENTZ. ki ri d of' JOxvel J bilfg,;•'d short notion. Accordeona proporlfrepalrod and hued, at the new Jewelry Store, tut Main St;. •'Aindlctiiii gien'clOin% pr man ..,,1?ao. lb.' 186E6' ' • 'AT'IIAVATSTIOitiI. 1181 00K-OANDY, Secrets Fronali 41E4 IJlL,.Common. to. 16, 1805 tla) - - This is o personal Invitation to the reactor to ox nine riV. large assort ment of NEW STYLES or Parse GOODS, selected with special care for the Spring Trot, REMF.MDER, Tn AT I RAVE SEMOVED FROM MAIN STREET, TO ,NORTH HANOVER STREET, NEXT „DOOR 'TO MILLER S'MOW ERS. HARDWARE. StORE. 1231= MILLER & BOWERS, petual CASH ASSETS, 52,000,000' SEELY'S Patent Metallic Sole \ I,.iN E N Nt Postscript. THE AMERICAN MEI .OAPITAL OF $150,000, AlWays On Hand AT lIANERSTIOICS HOOFLA ND'S BITTERS• The great Strengthening Tonle. I Li i• K. ~ Gisi 404 ',W.tii.g.lier,PrgpfirAtii:l4:): if .1, 4.. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, 5 r rq' 0: 7 1.,W1TL f3VIV, 1p ','. 1 rc- il 7 e.,.; La i. '.i,i 2.-.- a.O 'i:', l .(. Y.:. It i...tt .k. ila DEBILITY ! DEBILITY ! rolitakill'edoin! ;iiiatairar) . PROSTRATION OF THE SYSTEM, - ';') , :'lsi.lifigiuoxbD I .:'; 1 r• • Seiere Hardships, txPosure; Diseases of,,Nnp Life., , Soldiers, Citizelts, Male or Female, Adult or Youth. 12= a pure Tonic, not dependent on bad liquors for their almost miraculous efforts. DYSPEPSIA, Observe the following sytnptoms resulting from dis orders of the ditestlve organs: Constipation, Inward Piles, Fullness of Blood to the Head, Nausea, Heartburn, Disgust for Food, Fullness or %%esghf to the Stomach, Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of the Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult Breathing, Fluttering at the libart, Choking or Suffocating Sensations when In a lying Posture, Dirtiness of Visions. Dole or Webs before the Sight; Fever and Dull Pain in the Head, Dofiolancy of Perspiration, 1 ellOwnoss of the Skin nod Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest, Limns, etc., Sud den Flushes of Heat, Btu sing in the Flesh, Constant Imaginings of Ev 11 :tad (Arent Depression of Spirits. 4 /C0 AND 1/181.;ASES DISORDERA OF TIfR 1,1 VIIR AND DIURSTI Vii OitGANS. =1 11()OPLAND'S CERMAN BITTERS,! ItEMIP.I PERFORMED MORE CURES, (;IVES 13ETT SATISFAC TION, Iris mom,: TESTIMOXI', Ilea more Respectable People to vouch for it, than any other articlo Jo the Market. We defy an'y 0110 to contradict this assertion, and WILL PAY $lOOO to any ono who 'ION produce a cort:illeato published by us that is not genuine, lIGGELAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, WI LL CURE. EVERY CASE OF Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and Diseases arising from a disor dered Stomach. Hat this Dittcr s i.v not .11(1u)fir, CONTAINS NO RUM OR WHISKEY, AND CANNOT MAKE DRUNKARDS, 81 . 7' Pl' 771 E BEST 7'LLIVIC liV TII I I 'OKI, D. Read who Says So From the Rev Levi U. Beek, Pastor of the Baptis Church, l'emberton, lo:Lnorly 01 the North Bap lid Church, Philadelphia, at present Pastor el th. Baptist Church., ObeFter, Pa I have Known Hot gal d's hernial) Bitters favorably tier a number of years. 1 have Used them in my own family, and have been no pleased with theft - efforts. that 1 c.ns induced to recommend !hem to many oth er!, and Knoll that they have operated in, a Strikillidy lienencial 1111111ner. I take groat lecasure in thus pub 'oe:aiming tin's , avt, and calling the attention of those afflicted with the diseases for wnieh they are recommended, to these bitters. !Incising from expel.' yore tha'. my noroniniouilailon - will to fruNtalood. do this more elteerfo Ily as If notliind'stitters Is I ntond• ed to benefit the afflicted, and in - net a ruin drink.' FrntAl 14eQ. W. D, tiCigfriod, PnnWr of Tw o lf tint Churvh, • Gentlemen have I even tly eon laboring under the distressing effects Of indlgectlun, accompanied by a prostration of the ne'vous contour. N UmerOUti. rem edict Were recommended by friends, and sown of thew tested, but without relief. Your lleoiland'a German hitters were recommended by persona who bed tried them, and whone favorable mention of these bitters Induced me to try them. I must confess that I had an aversion to Paten' Modir•ines hum the "thousand nod /Me" quack ••11Ittertr " hose only aims to be to palm nil swentened and drugged liquor upon Chu 00,001 units in It sly way, and the 'tendency or which, I tear, kto mak,• marry a can 141111,1 di unkard. Upon learning that yours was really a mediclual prepara tion I toolt it with happy effort. Its aeffon, not only upon the sty roach, but upon the neLoous system, was prompt and grill}) ng. 1 fool that I have derived great and permanent benefit from the use of a few bottles. Very rot.Tiretfully yours, W. D. SERIFIII No. 234 Shavlrautaxon Street From Newton Drown, D. D. editor of, the En cyclopedia of. Eeligious Knowledge and Cluistian Chronicle Philadelphia. Altoough not disposed to favor or rue tnmend Patent Medicines in general, through distrust of their ingre dients and effects, I. yet know of no sufficient reasons why a man may not testify to the benefits he believes himself to hove received front any simple preparation, in th e hope that ho may thus contribute to the bene fit of others. Vdo thln the more readily in regard to headland's German Bitters, prepared by Ur. C M. Jack son, of this city, because I was prejudiced against then' for many years, under the impression that they were chiefly an alcoholic mixture. I am indebted to my friend, Hobert Shoemaker, Esq., for the removal of this piejediee by proper I este anti for encouragement,f,tyy them when sulfuring from great and long cou i enued debility. The use el three bottles of Untie au, rs at the beginning of the present, year, wairfonovrea by evident relief and restoration to a degreo.of bodily and mental vigor which I had not for eta mantha be fore, and had alinoat despaired of regaining I there: fore thank God and my Aloud for directing me to the 'use of them NEWTON -BROWN, Philadelphia. From the Roy. IL D. Eendelly Assistant Editor Chris than Chnnitele s , I havo derived aueldp f l.jmnuOt,from tho uoo of Hoof land's Gorman Mains, And fool It my privilege to roc ommond them as , a.triost valuable tonic, to sll who are suffering from goncralAbbillty or from diseases arising from derptisetualt.of the liver. • • Yours o ; From Roy. D. tierrige, Pastor of •tbo•Pasayunk Bap tist Church, Phila. From the many respectahlo recommendations given given to Dr. Booflaud's Um man Bittern. I was induced to give them a trial. After using several bottles I found them. to luau good "tweedy Ur'delliilty,' and a most excellent topic toe the stomach: From the Rev: THOS. WINTER, D. D., Paitor'ef Rox borough Baptist Ohuraha. , bEAR Fits: I NO it diA94,4lckut: excellent preparation Ibmiland's German Bitters ? , to, add.,my testimony to the deserved reputation' It lids Obtained. I have for .ye'are, at times, been troubled'Avith great disorder in my head and nervous „system. I was advised by a friend to try a bottle eryOur Garman Bitters. I did so and have expert a great and unexpected relief! My, health hambeen very materially benefited. Icon. ficiently recommend the article whera I m. et with cases similar to my own, and hays been assured by, many' of their good effects; ( atelmialtfully Smith, T. WINTER, Roxborongb r Pa. i•, !•!:., ' - nrAvAtrat . dijuNTETHrrsi - moo that the eignaturtiOf ~vruppor of ouch bottle, ' thould your nearest drugalat-net have tho article "doinot be . put off by any of the Intoxicating prepare thine thus tnaV bA Won dln Ito placo, but send to-no and,we wlllforrfar4meouroly , packed expresd...- • 'f , 11. V.B.j/q.QXPAII ; ,0LV,1014 . .6•140, I . 4*ZUFAOTORY,II , I •r, • , •tt : . D:T0.947. , 2 1 rah Bticatil!htladelphlatsPa:,! " • - ; ;,;,t I N. , ; :I JONES. 4% EVANS, r r•.t I •1 . I Buccossora to 0. Al. J'acklion.tt Coif ,1 t , ``^'ltor sale by Druggists and Dealers In every town In Jibe United States. . Deo. 1, 1805-Iy. • EiVI.IIOIIEAP!,OAS,EL!GROCERY ;? .PitOVIS,TON ORKL; Great Coper of:Pitt and Lotither. Streets, oppiositeifliii;tiereianT.. •Carlisle i ... Pa..' The Subscriber begs leave to inform ,his, friends and the public, that ho has just icituindd fromm' the cities, with a full and eholcpassortmen , ; • GROCE,I3:Iy.S, 1%; Ele will ituoP copstsSatly on hand an extensive and a4sOrtinent. eV '1 ; I Coffers of all,hinda, Brown : Sugar, Crushed Sugar,, ,PUlvdrized Sager, Moo 'Tallow Candles • Star, . do. Starch, Teas of . kinds, Salt by, ' tho, , • Sitek 4 littaketa andTubi; Wash Boards,. • , Brooms, iced, Cords; NOW Orleans Molessen,Fish—all kitla.Pep• per,Spice,SodaiCreamTar ' ' • , ' tar, flestlndlgo,Olittut , ' mon,Cioves,lllatchea''" t • ' ' liinetard.l6lacking,, , Twist Tobacco, ' • , , Navy, Spun, - , ' Natural . Loaf, . Tobacce,,Smeking, 11111tinielc, Fine Cut, Ctusdies, Raisins, Can Poaches, Crackers, Essence, of Coffee, Dandelion, Cheese, lir nuny, Beans Cigars ,of all kinds, Ntits—rall kinds, de. , • • . NOrtO/V.S 61 7 ALL IfhVDS,., • and everything Oleo that Is kept in a grocery store. I invite the public to call and examine my goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, ad I om/determin ed to sell at very small profits. The highest prices paid for all kinds of Country Pro duce JACOB SENER. April 6,1866-6 m. Fevers, An Old Song, set to a New Tune. Iba-11306 4 3.745iti As spring approaChes Ants and Roaches Prom their. holes come out, And Nice and flats, In spite of cats, Gaily skip about. "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINAVORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" E E XT XTERMINATORS„ ERMINATORS, • "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, ' "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, 'EXTERMINATORS, "COST A R'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, ,10ITERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERNI NATORS, EXTERMINATORS, "COSTAR'S" EXTERMINATORS, EXTERMINATORS, For Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, Bed Bugs, Fleas, Moths in Furs and Woolens, Insects on Plants, Fowls, Animals, etc. "Only infallable remedies known." "Free from Poisons." "Net dangerous to the Human Family." "Rats come out of their holes to die," ila". I I I BEWARE 1 I 1 of all worthless imitations, lir• Set, that "COSTAR'S" nano is on each Box, Bottle Rd Flask before you buy. 126`^ Address, HENRY R. COSTER, 482 Broadway, N. Y ta' Sold in Carlisle Penns. nir,l - 11y—liaverstiek. And all Drnggists and Retailers. 1866. INCREASE OF RATS.—The Fa rm- G,,zdte ( En glish) iissurts and proves by figures the one pair of RATS will have a progeny and descender, no less than 651,050 in three years. Now, unless this immense family tali' he kept slows, they would consume more f o od than would sustain 05,000 human beings. LW-See "COSTA R'S advertisement above. 1866. RATS versus BlRDS.—Whoever en gages in shooting small birds is a cried man ; whoever aid. in exterminating rats is a benetsetor. Wit should like some tine to give us the benefit of their experience in driving out these pests. We need something besides dogs, cats, and traps for this bu,inuss.---,scumbific Ameri role, N. Y. 4,9__ See "COSTAR'S" advertisement shove. "COSTAR'S" RAT EXTERMINA- ToR saie,.and sare. 2 -de ntaßt perfect RAT 111eation meeting we Imvu Over attended. Every Rat that rue get it, properly prepared, will eat it, mid every one that eats it will die, generally at some place no for distant to possible from where it wag taken.—Lake Shore, Mieh ~ Mirror. 119_ S 4, "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. fIOIISEKEEPERS troubled with ver min need he so no longer, if they use "COSTAR'S" Ex terninntor. We hese used it to our satisfaction; and if a lax rust $5, we Would have it, We have tried poisons but they effected nothing: but "Costar's article knocks the breath out of Rats, Mice, Roaches, Ants, and Red lines, Tucker Ulan ran write it. It is in great de mand all over the country.— Medina Ohio, Gazette. Vr9_, See "COSTAR'S" advertisement above. A VOICE FROM THE FAR WEST. Speaking of "Costar's" Rat, Roach, Ant, km, Extermin ator—,more grain and provisions are destroyed UOllll. ally in 01. ant County by vermin than would pay fur Mug of this Rat and Insect Klller." Lancaster, Wis. Herald. 11,9_.Seu'llOSTAR'S" advertisement above, FAR ERS AN DII OU SE, E EPIiM —should recollect that hundreds of dollars' worth of Grain, Provisions, A:e., are annually destroyed by Rats, Nice, Ants, and other inseots and vermin—all of wlikh ceu bo prevented by a few &M & worth of "COSTAR'S" Rot, Roach, Ant,' &c., Extol rulnator, bought and used freely. 1,( 31.. See "CO ST AR' S" advertieemeut above 119_,.501il in Carlisle Pa. • Haveratielt. and all Druggists and Dnaloin. ..Ipril 20. 1000—dm. Wheeler t, Wilson and Howe. LOCK STITCH EW'INC MACHINES. Pee 13ist Sintple st ct,;tdA'ilida; ?est. • rip HE Wheeler 4 Wilsot!,.tpaelliroa are adapted to all kinds of faintly sewing, working equally well upon Silk,. Linei,and Cotton goods, with Silk, Cotton and 'Linen threads, Making a • beautiful and perfect stitch alike on both sides of the article sewed. ' Prices of Wheeler Wilson machiPee bre,.3 Machine plain,, .2 „ Ornamental bronse, •'. • 1 , Silver plated, - The i Hewe .Sewing 31,rJtaohitie. 'tho attention of Tailors, Shoomaimrs, Saddlers and' Carriage TtlE 4 m-e t eyif i ealle4 boat of Shut. tie Sowing ilachines. 1£ is unanimously adinitted to bo the beet machine for leather work or tailoring over given to the public. Price of Howe fnachines: Letter A:Machine • ' ' $6O is recommfonded . forlarrilly sewing ; Tailoring, hinding and Gaiter' - Letter B. machine., ' • • $7 O Is'one eke larger than A' Machine; 'stilted' to the same work.' • • ''•• ' I,etter O. machine,, , , • . ' - $B5 ' arn Islreairionded for' heavy Tailoring. , Boot and Shoe wdrk and Carriage trimming. It rune light anttrapld and will do fine work well, and has a much larger Shut titthan the plailer f machines:'r;• ; all and 'examine ItailltqdtEolograpft 011lee:Car; lisle, Pa. 11=1 CZIPICIP • ." WEL,' • late'aesdrtinet . 43f"tho best quality Oroe'eheS, Pro'v'isions, Spices Fruits &c 'dolling off at tho very lowest, prleoe ruling In the State efffoFly3Y/v4lllei f ; ,1 1 '01t . CASH.. ;.:,t yburehyven Ikho trnth:0r,i0000;!0,0 L,<5.4,23 0 1,3„0„.,1^; )1 /.; ;t 3 . v)si , BUNT& ' 1,„_17 Mot, Tenborry, Lotoon, Orange, Lavender; Roso, Il anga. and ,in. b Poo 15,-4;66.- ' owe, 4akawatia . a.a, , at,tho , now Jemmy Moroi, ,Q OLE :Agency for t e l)• eoron s 1,4 Gold Pone„ Thopoy! JoFo)rx, Atop), 4Kf4 Main et.! PROPRIZTOIta lily 1, '1864, uTEkgokreotiAlity . 4,...14444w06,0: fr,- 1888 18813 1860 1866 $65• $66 $46 SS:VP' - AT rtfitAßT: S',o¢l. • CHEAP CASH'S TOi2E. • 140: - i0siSit 2 1. matt e'f,Ampiettdd . s_iTuf. - DeiciSStib:.'GrY Goods, Which Ivero all ,plir dieted lit a farther:di:llin° in prl ces,l have commenced this day t f o sell,all hinds of GoodEl in the Dry , o oods and 'Fancy , Line, at 'loss prima than they were sold live days ago by anyilause in ttle County. , , Ladies Dress G00d,5 , :. - -, and.o74 Fancy Cola and Black Nbol. DQlaßogl tOld Pr cos. Now Style Stripe Lustres, Moza'mblatites-till StYlea at .Old , Prices, Now ,Stylo Chet° rPoptins; all Shades, at Old PrlcesJ ~ S hepherds:Flald Mohtdrs and. Dolanes all sloe .Plalthat Old. PH(l°s.l:flack. and Colored Alpacas at lowest prices I Lawde In all themow,Stylos, . . SU.IIK-SEC, Better and cheaper than has been sold fok Five y43ars. goods. , Nainsooks Brililanith„Qambrica tt ilishop,Lawns, Puffed Muelins, Striped SWUs Anil Nahum°lut Mi. - Drosses and Caribaldi'sat.pricep that will auto, ieb. all. . • • MEN' AND BOYS "WEA x2oxituukey7o4.i3i old Prim 26 chi.. All .the celebrated mhos of Cassimores. Cotton Goode, Linen Drills and Bucks at lower prices than have been hought for years. I am selling Good Callcoos at 11, 1234 16, 17 ets. lam selling Good Muslin's at 123,4 1 4 , ' 15, 10 eta. I am. selling the Best Unblonched ' Aluslin to day at 24 pnd 25 etc. I am-smiling thollost,Calleoes today a 1 18 nu 0 10 etc. I receive every =rola& the Plilladelphla and Now Ifork Domestic Price Vats froth the' Principal Houses Bi those Cities and regulate EVERY DAY -the prices of all goods accordingly on a declining Mar ket all will see that they, have the advantagoof the decline the very day it happens: This belOg the only fair way of doing business, I will strictly adhere to It, regardless Of the 'Opinion of other Muses. A tremendlous etock,of Gil:whims, Tick Inge, Cheeks, Flannels, Blue Drilling &c., all at lowest cost prices. FANCY GOODS, In nil the endless variety of Fancy goods too numer ous to mention I false Pleasure in saying our stock was never more complete and at prices that must run& all. • t,Vi° Balmoral Skirts and all the makes of Hoop Skirts at and below old Prices. Sills Sun Umbrellas and Para. sole. Ribbons, Laces, Edgings, Table Covers, (Dress Buttons by the Tho6sand) Shakers, Ladles, Grate and Children's Gloves and Hosiery 101 sizes colors 'and prices. Linen Ildkfs Stc., at very low l'rices. SHOES. Also a full new stock of Ladies' and Children's Shoes of every description. I sell no auction work and can Warrant every pair I sell and being at no extra expense for keeping the, same am enabled to sell cheaper than any Shoe Ilouse in the County, call and see them all who want goiid and neat Shoos. Thankful for the liberal patronage which the public have long accorded me,l hope to be able to merit a con tinuance of the same. ' Remember the place on the Corner opposite the Post Wilco and the Methodist Church. Come One and All and convince yourvell before pur hosing elsewhere seeing is believing. TJURE LIBERTY NV ELITE LEAD,— The IWhitent, the meat durable and the moe ecenoinical. Try it ! Manufactured only by Ziegler & Smith, lepale Drug, i'aint at Maas Dna[era, No. 137 North Third St., Philad'e., Jan. 20, 2860.—1 y. CONSUMPTIVES, READ WHAT DR. SCHENCK IS DOINO DR..I. 11. SCIIENCK DEAR Sin foul It a duty I owa toxin,,and to all who are sulTertng under the diseases known as Con. sumption and Liver Complaint, to tertihem know what great benefits I have received irdni your Pulmonle Syrup and Seaweed Tonic in so shoat is.t.ime. By the bleislng of God It has cured me thus tit. , Or. Cchencs, I will now make my statement to you, As follows :—A bout eighteen months ago I Seas attack ed with a severe cough, and it settled on my lungs ; I could not retain anything I ate, and suffered with evening fevers and night sweats. I was very much reduced. The whites of my eyes were very yellow; likewise in: skin ; my appetite all gone, and unable to digest what I did eat; bowels swollen, Irregular and• costive. 1• was very low spirited, and had such violent spells coughing v. hen I laid down at night and when arosmin the mornidg that they would last sue or two hours. ~** I, I then would be nearly exhausted, and was entirely unable to lie on my lett side. I cannot describe my wretched suffering as I would wish to do. Every or gan in my body was diseased or deranged. Such was my situation at this time, and I was confined to my bed from the last of February, 1t52, to Juno, 1803,n0t able to sit up. 1 bad the best of medical attendance the whole nt the time. My cough was so very bad that it racked me very much. lat this time raised a largo quantity of thick, yell, w, offensive matter, sometimes with blood, end it was generally accompanied by nau sea and a furred and thick coated tongue. At the time of coughing so badly 1 would have sharp, shoot ing pains in my left side and heart, night sweats, and soreness all through my whole chest; hadmuch In ward fever, pain in my back and under my shoulder blades and in the small of my bark, and at times to se vere that it would throw me 1,.t0 spasms. Now my physician gave me up to die Others I had, and the best of them, but they could do nothing tor me, and at that time I was nothing but start audbones I then -woo in the Western part ot Missouri. In June last ,wo ‘ loft there for the East, and in August last we Caine to cow York, tu! I was so reduced t..at I could only walk a little with my husband's help. Atter 1 had been here a short time the salt water breeze made me feel much better ,fur a time and then I had again to call a physician fop aid. We has four of the best ph) - slcians of New York on the diseases of the lungs, loud doctors of all kinds, but of no avail. They said I was past cure, and that my lungs were too far gone for any one to cur.' me. But at this time I was on my feet a bout the house, not able to do much of anything. In November last I grew worse, and the consumption diarrhea set in and lasted about eight weeks. We had, tried all and everything that I could grasp at like a d) ing person for my diseases—cousumption and liver complaint—but or no avail. In January. 1803, I was brought down again on my bed, and was not expected to live the night out. My husband stayed at my side, and other friends, and they all give me up to die. At this time every one who saw me did not think I would ever leave my bed a living woman. The first night I was attacked with spurns. and was deranged most of the time. A Mend, Mrs. Harris, Milne to s. e me the last of the week, and brought the Sunday Mercury. In tt seas an aceouut or a great cure perf.runal by Dr. Schenck. She read it to me, and It was so much like my disease that 1 asked my husband to go and see him for me. At this time 1 bad gi4en up all hopes of ever getting well again, and made may peace with Rod, to be ready whenever he called for me. On the 27th of January, Hie, my husband called on Dr. Schenck, 32 blond street, Now York, and stated to him my case, with a retpluat for him to call and see me which he did, and examined me with the respir , °meter. When he was about to go I asked Min if ho could cure me t His reply Was; -I cannot toll, both lungs are diseased, and the bronchial tubes are linnet ed on both sides." And yet he seemed to think there ware lungs enough left to effect a cure 11.the;alarrhea. could ho stopped. Re said inorddi to do this, ho would have to give me Mandrake Pills in small lieges at first, to carry off the morbid' atter, and then, with astrin gmits, be hoped to check it; which he did, - but the con , smut cough ng, night sweats,'and diarrhea had pros trated ny so that he was afraid my vital powers 'were I too much prostrated evevto rally,and'yet ha' tructioad to think it I could live to got 'enough Pulmonio Syrup through my system to cause expectoration there were lungs enough left for me to recover. its wished me to try the Pulmoule Syrup and Seaweed Tonic at once, saying it would do me no harm, if it did me no. good. The hint week it seemed to give me strength, so that on Sunday after I sat up in bed and ate hearty for a sick woman ; but the next week I lost all' hope and wished my husband not to give me any morn mall. nine. But the doctor bail warned him of this, and •wheirtthe medicine was clearing out the system It made them feel somewhat restless, and to pet - Severe ; lied he Walked on my takitig,it ;'and now I feel the benefit of at. FOr after eight days I began to gain my strength, and, with the exception of a bold that put me back: some, I'have ,been gaining strength or body, my cough is going away, and all my pains are gone; no soreness of the body. "my bowels are regular; and my breath is sweet, and 1 thank Hod that IMA now going about, audiew and read-as well'gs over I could. I have taken sixteen bottles of the medicine, eight of each. I now have a gOod appetite and rest well at night ; my cough does not trouble meth getting tip or lying down. 1 VroUld 'hero SAY to the afflicted With consumption or liver complaint, that Dr.'Schotick 18 no humbug.,You can rely on what ho says. 'Delay not ; 'lt Is dangroUrsto trill° with those 'diseases. If ,you wouldhO cured; go at Once ; and any one - wishing' to know the facts as herein abated can call at my real.- 'donee, 177 West Houston street; New 'York city,. MRS. MARY le. IfARLOW: - - We, the undersigned, residents of New York, are or, anointed with Mrs. Barlow, and know her statement to be true.- Wo also know that she used Dr. Schenck's Pulmonie Sprup and Seaweed 'yorilc, and have reason to hell.,vo that to this'mcdicitio she owes lier tlou'fkom a•Promitture grave. B. MARLOW, 117 West liouston at. DUG EN E.UNDERLULL, 070 Greenwich e. • Mite: EUGENE UNDERIIILL, 076 Grbenwichat,. AUGUSTA UNDERIIII I . , 076 Greenwich st.. A.P. HARRIS, 117 Wet Ilortatou Bt EMILY'GLOVER, 117 West Houston et. , .7. L. COLE, 33 Cottage pl.• , : r BIJ LEIGIITO.N. 488 • • ' Mae. DEN•JAMIN'OLAPP; 19 , Amity pipp am woll acquainted with Mrs. Marrie. Forlow,and with iier. lfttsbah,d; Air. D. Earloiti ther r hailag, for a few tiiOnths paet,tittendSd at inrehurch,' and r nuateji. vinced that' any' statintiont'which - they MighCmake marlio tolled on as true." ~IoBlsl DOWIAN ••• '•Pastor •ollhlierd St. 'Baptist Clihreh, Dr,, Sehohck will be professionally -4 los . prltiqiuit • office N0,15' North 'Slat ,Col street;.corpor' of mmerce, Philadelphia, overt Satuiday,•ftolll,6* lttp. 4, P, AL, .Nol 8 , 4 Bond streetilithr Yeilc;"dvoej , ;"tubSdayillbm,' -; td 8 f 141):08' • Sumhier, ,overt', 'l'Vednesday,, from 9 toe ,'/Cda eVerYhtlier, totT.4lo"pt4OS Ilalticeottbstreet Baltimore,lhf. ' All'44Vl4'e but, for A ihniough-eitimithition of tini l o l o9 l o, o 4 # l' 4 EtplromOpr, the charge ja three Slice of the'lltßilionieSfrupaMlSVaWsp ii Totlie,tich $1 08 per battle, •or SO 'ter half ilosmi: Altindraka P1115,,,25 ()opts per boa s , ,, • , , Forlizile b i t all' Drhgglate ' ' FPH3;'M'ABOtl' BL' ,t(offyl 011for9n t stytes ;1446(14u oadred and seen , tar squalo r for. , $80... fe SOOD each, IarrY,ON.B.CIOLD pr.gtbyf ,othor. drat preralums asteard. -tt them, Illustrated Catalogues thlo, Address SON & LtAtf LIN, lloaroll, or MASON• DROTANRS, N4w Ye,, .1i Sept. 22 asf , I.B6S—ly, . . OHOIC:k BEG AR; TOVAMQ, Aleutstowit t 1 /110_1'6.61tii.r...TALB UM S: ~'. `. '2.... *. ... 1 . . '': • all alzus and styloa 3 , : j e0.16,1806. • , 'AT lIAVERSTIO4I3. J , ApAlfs„oo VAN lON S,''',,' ."..,,„',;-,,:' ,'l . 1 all iairie aliiiiini and sires. .• , ea.:4, 1 . 13Qp . ~ AT g.A.x.ERAT-,10T3.,. vREApy. lyir.o4lc.;,;s4rB;',llliipe;l3.6ii bono, ' odoi ObaanbaiasiilaAddi Oloaadut and tiff J!:,tr.."4 pea. 16, 1805, . AT 11A.W0T101113.04 47.7 "tle'q 'MVO! e t "".° R , O.A D ;iii,e,.;..DIONDA:7; 1114 21sti 1860, Pomolitter Traipo no follows, (sdnoayliOXF?'ptad): ' , ~ W:ESTWA'RD. ACtO6.ISI , 3DATION TllAlN'lea'Ve7l.l.larrisburg 8,40 A. 14 01,, goebanlcaburgo4B; Carlialp,o 07, Nowvlllo 10.34 814pporiaiinrg,;11,07; Clutratoraliurg .1.10 61„ Orem caatle 1.43, Arriiing at Ilagori.town 210 I'. 61.. MAIL 'TRAIN leaved Xlarilallurg 2.00 I'. 61., Median i4abtirg,l3lli 3 Otirllolio3,oo,liaivville 8.40, Bilipponsbdrg 'Cler:eiratitbarablifir,4.6o, Oroancrtatlo 6,25, arriving at 'llagorstown 5.65 P. P.l,t, EXIItES3'IgIAIN loavCie garrlalnird 4.16 I'. DI, Machanlasbu'eg 411;*darlislo'5-21, Ndwvillo 6.63, Ship panaturg 021, arriving at Charabcrsburg at 0.504'. M. A MINED TRAIN loaves Ohamberaburg 8.25. A.. 61., Greancastli) 0'.30 arriving at 114garatown 10.15 A. M. EASTWARD: ACCOMMODATION TRAIN loaves Chumbersburg 5.15 A. 51„ ShippOsburg 5.45, Newvlllo 6.10, Carlisle 6.so,,lllpcbanlesburg 7.21 nrilviug at Harrisburg 7.50 A. 111, MAIL TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 8.10 A. M., Green erratic 8.45, Oirambereburg 0.25, Bhipponshurg 0.66, Nowvillo 10.20, Carlisle 11.03, Mechanicsburg 11.87, ar riving at Harrisburg 12.10 P. M. EXPRESS TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 12 00 M., Greoncastie,l2.3o, Chambersburg 1.10, Bhipponsburg 1.43, Newville,2.ls, Carlisle 2.58, 6lechanlcsburg 3.28, 4( arriving at Harrisburg 3l'. al. A MIXED TRAIN leaves Hagerstown 3.05 P. M., Greencastle 4.00, arriving at Chnmbersburg 4.50 P. IM. .11Q-Slaking close connections at Harrisburg with Trains to and from Philadelphia, New York, l'ittsburg, Baltimore and Washington. ;9.,, LULL, Sup't. RAIL ROAD OFFICE, hamberaburg, May 17,180. SUMMER ARRAN G EME NT. . • . JUNE 11th, 1866. IRSAT TRUNK LINE FROM THE x_A North mid North-West for Philadelphia, Now York, Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, A shlamd; Lebanon, Allentown, Easton, Rphrata, MHz, Lancaster, Holum- Ida, we., &e. • Trains leave Harrisburg for Now York; as follows: At 8.90, 8.10 and 0.05 A. M., and 2.10 and 9.16 P. M., connecting with similar Trains on the Pennsylvania Rail Road, and arriving at New York at 0.00 and 10 10 A. Si., and 4.10, 5.20 and 10.45 P. M. Sleeping Cars ac companying the 3.00 A. M., and 9.16 P. 51., Trains, without change. Leave Harrisburg for Reading, Pottsville, Tamaqua, Minorsville ' Ashland, Pine Grove, Allentown and Phil. adolphia, at. A. M., and 2.10 and 4.10 P. 161.,.stop ping at Lebanon and principal Way Stations; the 4.10 P. ill. Train making connections for Columbia and Philadelphia only. For Pottsvil l e, Schuylkill Haven and Auburn, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Rail Road, leave Harrisburg nt 7.20 P. M. Returning: Leave New York at 7.00 and 0.00 A. 61., 12.00 Noon and 0.00 P. 61; Philadelphia at 8 15 A. AL, and 3.50 I'. 51., Way Passenger Tr:tin leaves Phila delphia at 7.80 A. 61., returning from Reading at 0.30 P. M., stopping at all Stations; Pottsville at 8.45 A. 111., and 245 P. 31.; Ashland 0.00 and 11 30 A. 61., and 1.05 P. 61; Tamaqua at 9.46 A. 61., and 1.00 and 8.55 P. M. Leave Pottsville for Harrisburg, via Schuylkill and Susquehanna Itail Road, at 7.00 A. Al. 'Routine Aecouutiodation Train : Leaves Beading at 6.00 a. M., returning from Philadelphia at 5.00 P. 11. Columbia Rail Road Trains leave Bending at 6.45 A. 111., 12 05 Noon and 1%15 P. 31. for Ephrata, Litia, Lan easter, Columbia, Ac. On Similays : Leave Now Tor at 8.00 P. 51., Phila delphia 8.00 A. M., and 3.15 I'. 111., the 8.00 A 61. Train running only to Heading. Pottsville 8.00 A. M. Tam aqua 7,30 A. M., Harrisburg 905 A. 51.. and Reading at 1.03 and 7.70 A. 61., for Harrisburg, and 10.52 A. 51.- for New York. and 4.26 IL 31. for Philadelphia. Commutation, S 1 Usage, Season, School and Excur sion Tiekcts to and from all points, at reduced Rates. Baggage eheelted through : 80 pounds allcoNed each Passengei.. ( Superintendent. Reading, Pa. June 25, 1800. G eneral I . A. N !CULLS' = The Carlisle Cook ! To NEW AND OL!)JR)U EKEEPERS. Anew and perfect Airtight Gas Con suming Cooking Stovo for Cone or Wood. At oar Foundry and St,ax Rooms, Main St The patterns id this Stove tienew and original In de sign and gotten up expressly for our use. We them fore all It It combines every new and Valualde Improvement in Cooking Stoves. It Is exceedingly handso r e pearanee—is a pet tort Air-tight and Gas Consuming Stove, and may solely hn prommueed the cheapest, hest and most complete Cooking Steve in the eountiy. We cast two .class, adapted to the wants l'both large and small families. Experienced liousekuepas will find upon examination that the NEW CARLISLE COOK combines every . requisite fur °mummy and efficiency in cooking:. The public are specially reqnested to call and see it ; as we are confident it will fully recommend Itself. March 2:1, 1861.1.—1 y. A It D\klt & CO. 111 E L 1 Ill' OF THE WOItLI) •DR. MAGgrIEL'S PILLS AND SALVE. These frifirgiving remedies are nee, for the first time, given publicly to the wrold. For over a quarter of a eentury of private practice the ing,redlents In these Hay.been used with the tO • Vailn.S.t.ll,l3SS. Their Inis sloe is not only to prevent disease, but lo cure. They search out the various maladies by which the patient Is suffering, and re-lialginato the failing system. To tho aged and infirm a few doses of these valuable P11.L.9 will prove to be A YLRY FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH, For in every case they add new life and vitality, and restore the - waning energies their pristine state. To tho young and middlo‘aged, they will prove most invaluable, as a ready, specific, and sterling medicine. Here is a dream realized, that Ponce-do-Leon sought for thiee hundred years ago, and never Mund. Ito looked for a fountain that would restore the old to vigor and make youth over An Eternal Spring 1 It was loft for this day and hour to realize the dream, and show, In ono glorious fart, the magic that made it , , Cannot stay the ilightof Years, but they can force bark. and hold alopf, disonso that Might triumph over tho ,raged dud the young;. Let uone hesitate then, but 'seize tho favorable opportunity that otters. When taken no preserlbod— Nothing call he more productive of cure than those Pills. Tlsel.r almost magic Influence be felt at once ; and ihcimsual concern' tun ts of thIS most dietressing dlseastiNlM remedies ani'madu from the purest They will not harm the meet delicate female, and con ho given mdth ?nod ottiteLl i t4cescribed doses to the youngest babe. • „ For Cutaneous Disorders And all eruptions of the skin, the SALVE Is most In— valuable. It does not heal externally alone, but pene trates with the most searching effects to the-very root ortho DR. MAO (MIL'S PILLS Invariably cure the following Dis- Female Complaints, lloadache, lndigest,len, fl Inuenza, inflammation, inward Weakness, Liver Complaint Lowness of Spirits, Ringworm, Rheumatism, • ;, ..13xit Rhouzp, Sc'elds;: i.; , 4 • 'Skin Disoeses) , . .136P Notice.—None genuine without tim engraved trxdo-mark around each pot or box, signed by Dli. J. III'AGGIEL, 43 Fulton, at., Now York, to counterfolt ;which hi felony. klirft Sold by all respectablo Dealers in Medicines ,throughoutithe United States andeanadas—at 25 tents an. 10 1800-Iy. .... is-:, :~. , O t STEY'SCOTTAGE QRGANS, tiltE not only unoxcellod, but they are absolutely , unoquallod, by any other Reed Instrument in the ; country. Deslgnadexprosely for Churches and Schools, thoy aro found to be equally well adapted to the parlor /Anil dmittlfroado. Potlale by ., r.' BRUCE, No.lB North SEATONTII Stroot, Alno, BRADBURY'S PIANOS, ands complete as , .000 0 . mut of NM .PERP.EOP ALBI,ODEON. ,„; g 1j) ItYTOTANSlivatfind t tb:iheir..ria . , vantage t 0 calfkilt).puratutso thoit - Mdaidnea at .e. 0.; . t .1 ,BATAPNI34 Ay.l6ltOd cumBERL'ANV VAtiEt- READING RAIL ROAD o ;tau CALL AND SEE IT ! Cal 11,:le THE CARLISLE COOK Life giving Pills ! These Famous ,Remedies FOR MLIOUS DISORDERS Vegetable Compounds eases ; Asthma, Dowel Complaints,. Coughs ' , ' Chest Diseases, Costiveness, Dyspepsia, Diarrinea, Dropsy, Foyer and Ague, Mil . . gviovAL! . ...._ , . Z Subscribor bogs loayo to inform his olil custom ers' mut tho public generally, that no' has, roll:meg blii + iSADHLE AND HARNESS, establishment to the building on South 'Hanoveretreot, strcot, Carlisle, nearly epposito Bontz's Store. Ho will, as heretotTo, keep constantly on hand, of his own maito,avery thing in his lino, such as SADDLES, HARNESS, COLLARS, WHIPS, &C., &C. All Ills work is made up under his supervision, and ho therefore feels warranted In saying that for work manship and durability, it is unsurpassed. Thankful fbr past favors ho respectfully solicits a continuan co of the setae. - 1 WILLIAM METTER April 20,. 1000-Gm LUMBER.COAL AND ~...I IA VING as sociated with - t • ik. . 44 , :e Mr. C. Fred. Shrom in kC I , , , 0 6, .., ~ ,, ,A, , ‘ ,..;;1„t-te,- '''' the Coal and Lumber 1) 1. -VA. . A ~ ..„,,,,,.,;:. business at the old - 1, './/,(..: 4 c • , Stand of Delaney end ~.._, _ ter Blair, where wo will keep the host and CLEANEST COAL. In theldarket, and perfectly dry. Kept under cover. Families will do well to try us ; RH wo are deters mined to sell cleaner coal. end at RR low prices as any other yard in the town. 'try us and be convinced. We have also on hand ALL KINDS OF LUMBER usually kept in a first Class Lumber yard which we will sell as low, or lower than the lowest Jan 12,1806. DELANCY & OPPOSITE LEE'S WAREHOUSE [l'rentiir In /or .lip 9( I''ut•itif 'lre ntt•rn•rlrr (I I a ll (,''run/ ll P'rtirs sirrre 1857.] Furniture of all vnrietids and Styles of Foreign and Demerit is manufacture, from the finest t osewood toil Mahogany to the ldwest prleed maple and pine. Parlor, Chamber, Dining-room, j FURNITURE. Kitchen and Ornee Embracing every article used by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design and finish. including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Mattresses, frames, pictures. &c.. im.Particular attention given as usual to funerale; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. =I FIRE INSURANCE. 1 1 11 E Allen and Eastpennsbor“' Mu t uni Fire Insuradeo Company of Cumberland Cow: ty, incorporated by an act of Anonably, in the your 1548, and having recently had its charter extend ed to the year laB3, is now in active and vigorous op oration, under tha superintendence of the following hoard of Managers, vie: William IL. Gorgas, Chriati:.n .larel, Eberly 1). Bally. Aloe. Cathcart, J. IL Coover. John Eichelher. ger, onoph Wickersham, horn 1. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Coover, and J. C. Dunlap. Th e rates "(Insurance are an low and favor- a lo e a s any Company of the kind In the Slate Persorro wish ing to become members arc invited to make applica tion to the egents of The Company. wh, are willing to wait upon them at any time. WM. It GOlireAS. President, Eberly•s 1111th , l'. 0. Cil AN STAYMAN, 1 ire President, M , ,,chanicsbur g. P. 0 JOHN C. DON LAP, Sect'y. Merhankshurg.. DANIEL DAILY, Dillslrg, York Co. 1 AO EN TS. Cumberland eounty.—John Sherrick, Allen Henry &iring, Shirmnanstown ; Lafayette Petrer, Dickinson; Ilenr) Bowman. Ch tt rchtown ; Mode Orifilth, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, We:duo:010mo' ; Samuel Coover. Mechanicsburg ; J. IV. Corklin Shepherdstown D. Coover, 1 1pper .Allen: J. 0. Saxton, SilVer Spring; John flyer, Carl Islet 1 alentine Feeman, New e'umbor. land ; James MeGandlish, Neweille. York county—W. S. 'irking. Dove. ; James orlillth, Warrington; .1. P. Deardorn, Washington; Itiehey Clark, Dilisburg ; D. Rutter, Fairview ; John Williams Carroll. Dauphin lininzer. liar, isburg. \lowborn of the Company having polici, about to X Ore, ban bare thorn renewed by making application to any of the A genie. LYNCH & FOOTE, Plumbers & Gas Filters 'The subscribers inform tho public that they still oohtinuo tho (1A; , FITTING AND PLUMBING l.isliies at the Ohl Stand in the basetnont of the First Nlethutliht Church. The) will attend promptly to all businoss In their line. Load awl Iron Pipos, Hydrants, Hot and void SIMWEI? BATILS, IVator Closofs, Force and l.itt Wro't Welded Tubes. Ilan Sinks, Bath Tubs, 'Seth Boilers, Wash Its sins, nydraul c Rams. ite , anti t•vef y 41,41•riptIon fl. V(WisS and lil ti gas, steam, water, kc. Superior 'Coking rouge- busters and gee fixtures put up 111 Cllll,llOB. , 101,8 4155 1 11,11.(N. short notice. in the most slodorn style. Al! 91 trials and nark in our line of 14sv rates Sit warr,gs•sii, 11.”..C.+1111 , ry $i or 1, rind to..mptly attontled tc .Inly 1. 1861. HARDWARE STORE. THE old Hardware stand of Lewis F. Lynn, has passed into the hands of W, Miller & S. A. Bowers, who are now frans,keting business On. der the ”31110 and style of 'sfILLI R 130 WEES. The new firm havejuat returned from the city and are now pt epared to furnish to the,public at the lowest prices, all kinds of .POREIG N AND DOMESTIC thudware, Coach Tri ming., Paint s, GLASS, VARNISH, &r. A lock Into their store will convince all that they have enough of goods to fully supply the demand in this market. Persons wanting goods in our lino will fled It to their advantage to give us a call. 411 orders personally and promptly attended to. dilly 7, 1865. • 13URE LII3ERTY WHITE LEAD, will do more and better work at a given Cost, than any other I Try It Manufactuml only by ZIEU LER & SMITH. Wholesale Drug, Paint A Class Dealers, Nu. 137 North Third Street, Philad'a., Jan. 22, IS6O-Iy. Presents for all at Haverstiek's. V 7 RITING Desks, Papier, Machie Rosewood & Walnut. D6c. 15, 1865. AT HAVERSTIOKB. I?AINTS AND OILS.- 10 Tons White Lead. 1000 ()aliens of Oil. Just received with a largo assortment of Varnishes, Fire l'roof Paint., Turpentine, Florence Whffb, Japan, White Zinc, Putty, Colored 'Zinc, Litharge, Rod Load Whiting, Boiled Oil, • -Glue, . Lard Oil, Shellac, Sperm 011, Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, &e., Color. of every description dry, and Oil in caul and tubes at the 'Hardware Store of July 1, 1861 American House, North Hanover * . Carlisle, Pa. • r Ill; subscriber respectfully infort4 hie friends and the public, that he has taken. t le above viell,,known house, formerly kept by Shriner, and 'lntends sparing no. exertions to Accom modate/111 whemay be pleased to give LAM a call, The, house h e been •ofitted and is . 111 excellent order. Jlo alpaintroduced . Andereon's Spring Bed Bottom to hie liedetOads, so that We guests will have a good night's rept, Ills charges will bo moderato: Attached to the . house la alarge yard, with excellent and.convonient stabling. . . . • ' - • LEWIS -FABER Carthilo, Aprll. 6,1806-6 m, , • Bryans ulmonic Wafers, AT RALSTON'S D0c.11,1863. 0"'good photo g raph is iVot Lb, LL doz en lioor °lion. Who will glvb a poor platuro'to *load P All PIIOTOGRAPII3 triode at • tQclfm . .Arrs RQoakts,.. aro tvarrantal to gipo oatiofitotla or' 'Lilo,' 1.011 bo ro Oct: 20,' 1800. ' ' •• ' •'• •' TotiaVco, (eitolank lug) aud Sugars, at llarbratick's Drug and Book 55St__urd.. : TIAMIC.-500 ~ pairtj, Homes' on' and ■ 11 -4;01 , Pllkabottitoyn pwtterh, LoudOn do„ ()Orman do., with and withont patentlhetonitiga cheaper than ovor at U. B#X TON'S, Haat Main 'IL' • 0 tlYSlOTANS's4lll,fin'd 'it toftlieir ltd . Vantage to call. and purehase their Medicines at , • ; ; July' „ allays au I.ltal 0,3.8a*A. - • HALBERT & 1311013 CHOICE SEGARS & New Watch, Oiock ) AND • JEW LRY STORE. Jj 111 SINGER, respectfully an- • • no ineos to ththeactllltounlisaloOpeanrieldstanedratilrioe no surrounding stock or ou etches,rry Clocks, Jewelry, ,te., consisting Jn part of ' Gold and Silver, American, English and Swiss Watches, Ladies Gold VVittehes and Chains, Fine Jewelry in sets, Finger and Ear Illoga,,Sleovo Buttons, &c., Gold Tens of Morton's celebrated manufacture at his published rates, Silver and Fluted Wore, Castors, Fruit Baskets, Forks, Spoons, &c. l' Chicks id every Tonle. ty and of alkpricos. Spectacles iu Gold, Sliver, Steel and Plated 'Frames to suit all ages. Accordeons, Violins and Violin Strings, Ac. To which ho invites the et" tentlon of the people, hoping to receive a liberal share of patronage. Room in Best Alain St., near Saxton's Hardware Store. All kinds of Watches, Clocks, lewelry, Accordeons, &0., neatly and substantially repaired nud warranted. Work done promptly. May 4, 1800. STOP AND LOOK IN. , AT W. Fridley's Tinner Shop, Esst Louther St., Sign of the Red Coffee Pot where you can see the Finest, Cheapest, and Rest COOKING STOVES. Ever offered In Carlisle he hue on band the latest im proved Paterns, ouch as the celebrated Barley Sheaf Cook, Iron Sides, PratFlower, And Continental, Bed Room and Mee Stoves of the latest Patterns and best quality. The above Cook Stoves are all warrant ed to give entire sa tistheti 011. Roofing, Spouting, Ilea t er work, and all Tin and Short Iron work done in the neatest Manner and at short notice, all kinds ,o' 'fin and Sheet Iron r. are constantly on band for In. use fur nishing. FRUIT CANS and JARS Two of the best ever offered to the public. kl idley and Cornman's t , elfSeallng and Self Testing Cans and Jar , also. Flslo•r's Patent, the shove Cans and Jars ran. not la: sto passed In any market. Thankful tbr Ihe liberal Patronage heretofore ex tended he hopes by strict attention to husine,s:Lnd desire to Please all to merit a continuance of the same. Mareh 2,3,11466-Ip. Cumberland Valley Rail Road Com- FREIGHT DEPOT, CARLISLE. r IIIE Cumberland Valley, Pennsylva nia and Northern Oentral Rail Road Companies have mode an arrangements to do a .7,r)int Frri d ; ht and Forwardiny IJusin, ss between the Cities of Philadelphia, Baltimme and New York. The Cumberland, Valley Rita Road Companl will open their Freight Depot at Carlisle on the Is January Istin lid- the receipt and shipment of all goods entrusted to them. Freight to ie fimwarded by this arrangement must lie left at Pennsylvania Ilnil Road Company Depot corner of Ihth and Market St., Philadelphia. North ern Central Rail Bond Company's Depot Baltimore cud Cumberland Vallvy Hail Road Company's Depot at l'arihie., The pullie will find It to interest to ship through the liall lUnd Company's Freight houses and I y Company Cars. ELIE .1. & D. 11.110 Ans, Freight, Agent CA rlisli Dv, 22, 1f165, FORWARDING AND COMMISSION hOUSE FLOUR & FEED, (aIAI, pLAsTEn & SALT 1 I3E ET E)I & BROTH ERS having t y . pur1.i.,,., 1 ..1 Snyder & Newcomer thrill mite, sive If:icehouse, klionder,on's nl,l stalol,)boad of High Fttrel.t , beg 10.1, tl/ iII I , Jrni the public that they will continue the Fero arding and (20111111k:thin business on a nude not elision scale than heretciote. 'she highoot market price will 1.0 paid for Flom Grain and li "duce of all kinds. Holt • 1151,1 Peed, Plaster. Salt and Hay, Ii pt k on stantL on liand and for sale. Coal .il all kind, embracing I, Y K ENS -‘' A LLE Y, I,OU - Sl' AIM TNT. \ N. ' L.\ 11'13 EI:.I; Y, ,ki ~ ~\:,•. Linieblit net,' and lilindisinlilic.' Gott, , titnitintly 101 tale, ktipr under curer, and delivered dry to :Car psi t 01 the too H. Also, all kinds of 1.CM111.11 cousfantly on hand. will leavi• thole eliousn rvei y morning at 7 o'clouk, arrive al ilturlaliurq at It :cod at Ili/ward 111 nritina Ira Xl'arelionse, N of. SO, and hit) roet a t o'clock in tilt , evening of same day .1. HP:PCP: I i 1311.0`6. EM=I AT the store of John Irvine, on th N. E. ,ornor of the pnblie Is the place to purehaee Itr.to Pb, VS Ilnto arni COl,, et price,. tint defy eleepetilion, Lie has j ust returned from the East with the largest and most complete ass,rtment Shoe,„ Hats Sr. Cal"- that to lm , eh et pre,nt, t.. this community. sod sk hieh he is determined to sell :it the Iml est ',or slid.. pi Ices. Ills stock Vrobt.tot, everything in his Ilse of to ttieh M EN'S e 4 BOIS' FINE CALF BOOTS, Kip BnULs , l'Ar and Patent Leather Oxfcrd Ties, Call and patent lwather r ?niters, Calf Nullifiers, Calf and Kip Brogan:, Slippers, L A D 1 ES' E R, Fine Frenrh and 1:n01,11 Lastin,Caitem Morueeo Calf and kid 11. Both , Fine Rid ; , lippefs, Funey kilinpers, Mu, occr., and fild Buskins, &e., MIS ES A CIII I,DREN'S WEAR of alt desel ip Lions embracing line Lasting Gaiters, Morroceo end Lasting Button Roots. MorrnvelYlaeo boos of all kind,. fancy shoo 4 01 a at io uN al les yiipp ors , HATS it. CAPS, Silk. Cassitnere. Fur and Wool Ilats of all qualities and styles, also a largo flossl anent of Boots ii.nd Shoes made to order at the shortest notion Repairing ppomptly done. Confident of his ability to please all clas.es of customers, he respectfully invites the public to Rive him a call. ti.9—liemember the place, N. E. corner of the Public Square. Jul) 1, 1864 RAT AND OAP EMPORIUM. ri_ undersigned respectfully announ roe to the public that ho still continues the Uni ting Business at the old stand, In West nigh street, and with a reutiwed and efficient effort, produce aril clos of Mad Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall he strictly In keeping with the Imploa meet of the Art, cud fully up to the ago which a' 1 ive. ..k ,r b t a m v o o n - c t nl ol hand a splendid - l,r HATS ANT) CAPS °fall descriptions, from the common Wool to the fluest Fur and Silk hats; and at prices that must suit every one who has an eye to getting the worth of his money. The stocic includes, MOLESKIN, CASSIMERE, BEATER & FELT HATS, of every style and color and unsurpassed for Lightness Durabiliqy and finish; by those of any other establish Recant in the country. Men's, Boy's and Children's Hat's and Caps, or every description constantly on band. He respectfully invites all the old patrons and tle many now sass as possible, to give him a call. July 1,1801. NEW AND FRESH c e 3r ° I.e . lIALBERT .& IJAVING just ieturned from the Eastern elites desire to inform their patrons that they have laid In a large and varied stock of New and Fresh Goods at the lowest cash prices. Their assortment is thorough and complete, contain. tog everything necessazty to constitute a First Class Grocery. TEAS, COFFEES, SUGARS, In greatest abundance, and at lowest cash figures.— Syrups, Spices, Canned Fruits, QUEENSWARE and CroCkory, Salt and Fish, Hams, Choose, Crackers, Brushes, Baskets and Willow Ware. Segars and Tobacco, of the choicest brands. Brooms, Buckets, and a rein. plate assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES.. , Don't forgot the old stand, South'Enst corner of Ilanovor streets. HALBERT & BRO. Feb. 24, Mt HENRY SAXTON The First Premium, • • FOR THE BEST PHOTOGRAPHS. latq :Clo,44erkaal : ;(76unty Pairi has lawn awarded to• . , C. L. LOCHMAN. ATR. Loolimati!Vaelhe , plasure Wan; jj_j_nouncelo the public. that ho Las, re-purchaded . kilo old room, from Mr. M.:Milan In Mrs, Noire - ingy epposite the First National Bank, and guiarantees that hie ' i'IIOTOGRAPHS, • • • ()ARMES DE VISITS,. .. • , ; . •, Miro no superior and in tone, , flnish and clearness, durpase most pictures produced. No gives hie person. al attention to tho' room; and With' thb beet *and moat ; Improved inetrumouts •and appliances warrants-the finest results. .4, large :assortment of. 13111 t and' Nose,:, wood Frames, and spiendld'Albume, for eats verichesit.';: °° fi re 3 Traiiniiirrootniegkinfido.lnlttla; most perfect'' m niter. • ' • - • ; • 0ct.21;4865.•; • • ; ; ; .• . ; 4 ;14 vantage to call and . .purobnaa their at „,‘ eZIZZOLEOOSf - ' at . ttai`navr Jayalry*ar;:r i caii,t, , pany O. N. LULL, Supt A Daily Freight Line BOOTS AND SHOES. STR••AW HATS JOIIN IIiVINI. T. G. CALLIO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers