TERNS •OF ADVERTISING Ono Square one insertion, • $1 00 For each subsequent insertion, For Mercantile Advertisements, Legal Notices Professional Cards without paper, Obituary Notices an . 00111M11111011 lions rol • ting to matte, aof pri vate interests nionej 10 cents per line JOB Pitucm.a.—Our Job Printing Office is the trgest and most complete establishment In the ;eon y. Poqr good Presses, ands general variety of satorial stilted for plain and Fancy work of every lad, enables us to do Job Printing at the shortest attire, and on the most reasonable terms. Persims I n want of Bills, Blanks, or anything In the Jobbing Ilno. will find It to tholr interest to give us a call. C. P. IIIIIIIIICLI HUMRICH & PARKER A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Office on _t_t Main St., In Marion Hall, Carllsla, Pa. G. M. BELTZHOOVER, A'rTORNEY AT LAW, and Real Estate Agent, Shtpberdstown, West Virginia tar-Prompt attention given to all business in Jeffer son County and the Counties adjoining it. January 10, 1860.-1 y. F. SADLER, Attorney at Law, • Carlisle Pa. Office in Volunteer Building, South Ilanover Street. C HERMAN, Attorney at Law, L • Carlisle, Pa. Next door to tho Herald Office. ,Holy 1, 1664-Iy. TAMES A. DUNBAR, Attorney at, irLaw, Carlisle, Pa. Office on the south aide of the Court [louse, adjoining the "American Printing Mee' July 1. 18111—ly JOSIOEI ItITNER, Jr., Attorney at Law and Surveyor, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Mee on [tail Road Street, two doors north of the Dank. im.Business promptly attended to. July 1, 1804. NO. C GRAHAM, Attnrwy (ti Lur, J Carllsle. Pn. °Mee thrmeriy occupied by Jude.° Graham, South honorer 5t root. September 5, 1865. 1 41 E. BEL'rZIIOOVER, Attorney a nt Lan" °Mee in South Hanover street, opposite Ben tz'r, dry good store Carlisle, l'a. September 9, 1864. WEAKLEY, Attorney at Law, • sake on south Hanover street, adjoining the ()Mee of Judge llraham. All professional business en• trusted to him will be promptly attended to. July 1, 1804. QAMUEL BURN, Jr., Attorney Jnt Law. Oftleo with II on. Samuel Ilepburu, Malta St. Carnal° Pa, July 1, 1864. 11 A W CAR D. -C 1.1 Altl, ES E. Al A _LAG LAUGHLIN, Attorney at Law, Office in Inhoirs building, just opposite the Market House. July 1, 1861—ly. DR. WIYI. H. COOK, HomoEoPATuic PHYSICIAN, Surgeon and Aceonehour 'FFICE at his residence in l'itt street, adjoining the Methodist Church. July 1, 1864. Physician Si. Accouchour. I.OUiS P. GRIFFIN, (formerly 1.., of New YorRO having permanently located at Carlisle, solicits the liberal Patronage of the citizens 01 this place, and surroundings. Pa, Uvular attention paid to diseases of "Women and Children.' Onire at Mansion House. April n. Fn- pH. G RG E S. SEA 'twin, Dentist, from the 'lain 4111.1•• • wore Collage or Dental Surgery. ira..ofßee tit the residence of his mother, MIA. ',outlier street, three doors below Bedford. MOM Glio. \V. NEIDIcu, D. D. S.- Imto Demonstrator of Operative Dentistry of the 1 1 1 ' e ' ;riti'ar ro rg . r ( r ° ) l : ''ge of - Q' t Oilier at hts residence opposite Marion hall, West Main street, Carlisle, . July t, 1854. Dr. 1. C. LOOAIIS Pon& et Street few doors 15144 1 ti ' below South Hanover st Jnly 1, 1864. G. BRETZ, M. P., D. D. S., respectfully offers his pref.:Mtn:ll services to the citizens of Carlisle and Its vicinity. Office North Pitt street. Carlisle, January 5, 1866-3ux. 'AIRS. R. A. SMITH'S PHOTO -11 Gallery South-east Corner Hanover Street, and Market Square, where may be had all the different styles of Photographs, from card to life else, IVORYTYPES, AMBHOTYPES, AND MELAINOTYPES also Play r,!ti Oil Poreelain, (somethl ng new) both Plain and Colored, and which are beautiful productions of the Photographic art. Call and see them. Particular attention given to copying nom Daguerrd. types &c. She Invites tho patronage of the public. Feb. 15, IStid. SOMETHING NEW. Porcelain Picture or OPA L-TYPE. beautiful Picture is now made at Lochman Gallery, In l)r. Netts Building, °pm, site the first National Bank, with such perfection and style, tone and finish that it cannot help but please every ono. The porcelain Imparts a most clear and charming complexion to the picture. All other styles of PllO T 0 ILIPI7 of all sizes, • q CARD PICTURES and AMBROTYPES, are made In the most perfect manner. A large varie ty of Frames and Passapartouts, Cases, Albums are on hand and will behold cheap. Copying done in the hest manner. The public is re spectfully invited to examine specimens. The First Premium has been awarded by late county Fair to C. L. Locoman, for The Best Photographs ob. 0, 1866 TREMENDOUS EXCITEMENT ! New Firm ! New .Stare ! ! Pew Goads! ! ! THE undersigned having taken the Store Room, in Main St., recently occupied by John D. Gorges, next door to "Marion Italy would ru• spectfully invite the attention of the people of Carlisle and vicinity to my large, varied and well selected Stock of Dry Goods, consisting In part, of MUSLINS, CALICOES, DELAINES, GINGHADIS, FLANNELS, &C, at greatly reduced prices, in consequence of the late heavy decline in Goods in the lilastern Cities, and as my goods aro all now, I can and - will sell at not unfelt ingly low rates., I have also a choice selection of Ladles' Dross Goods, MERINOES, ALPACAS; MOHAIR, all Wool detainee, Lusters, Poplino, also a tine assort merit et:Gentlemen's Wear, such no CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTIN ETTS, JEANS, COTTON ADES &c., we take great pleasure in showing goods and would be pleased to have the Ladies call aud examine our New Goode, which , we aro determined to sell at groat bar— gains. We fool satisfied that we can offer greater ducements to purchasers thin any similar Establish ment in this 'vicinity, remember the place at Gorges' old tin Store; next door to Marion mall. 8. 0, BROWN. March 16, 1860. ... Great Rush for Spring Goods. :Next Door to the Post Office ) Carlisle; Pa. - „, THE subscriber, having, talr the Storo Room formorly occupied by - WTS. - A; IifELP.B; next door to the Post Office; Carlisle Po..,.can'offer to the Public a Now and Yrosh supply . of . . D Y G . O.:D S Consisting in part of CIIALLIES,' ' MUSLIN%' DELAINIIS, ALPACAS, LAWNS, and CALICOES, Of all Qualities and Cboicest Styles,:wkitch!will be sold at prices to dory competition. Purnishing 4 Goods of all, kinds, including • Silk; Linen 'and.: Cotton Thindlterelliofs, &o. Also A Opipudld Assortment of ,RUIDONS, GAGE,,. &c. My stock of White Goods cannot.' be surpassed, and Cuatomers may rely 4on.alwaya getting GOOD GOODS at the lowest possiDle • prides: Giddnttomon•win find it to their advantage to call and elntaina.torateak CRON . gS, oAssigvAEs,..4l,ND3r.,Esz • Am4p EATS, OAPS, BOOTS and SIIOE9 •:- • •; <ttf all Qualities and Styles. Alithent:ove Goods will be displayed to the citizens of this place and vicinity on Baturday,4prillth, and All axe cordially invited topurchade , purehatte, kaottofs Quick sales and Small - in-Wits. .. PETER BOBLITZ.,:. t ApVlllBAVO. , f't • 26 00 4 00 7 00 VOL. 15. A. K WAI, B. PARKER :'Talker & Claudy, (Successors to J. D. Gorges,) THE subscribers respectfully inform the public In general, that they have purchased the Tin and Sheet Tien Establishment of Mr. Gorges, In rear of the Court Goose, whore they are prepared to accommodate the patrons of the old establishment and all others who may favor them with their work. If you want the very boot COOKING STOVE at the lowest price, come to us. All insured for Big: months or longer. We have nothing on hand but the bent bakers. and Warrant them to be such, for u e keep none other. Conic end see the great variety. We can give hundreds of testimonials if desired. our Parlor• and Office Stoven for wood or coal HEATERS AND RANGES, Stationary and Portable. TIN WZIAJERM, of all hind in great variety, made froYO the very best tin-plate. All you need in our line can ho had from us at a ug of '2O per cent. CAL L at our Store and Ware Rooms, in rear of the Court llouse, and you will wive money in your purchases. It will fully pay you to come. Tin Rooting nod Spouting done . at short notice By strict attention to business the undersigned hope to merit and receive a liberal share of public patronage, une 29, 1966—1 y Spring Goods. \AT E desire to call the attention of the v p.me to the new and beautiful Stock of Spring floods, just received at GREENFI ELD and SIIEAFER'S CHEA P RE, All kinds of Domestics at the latest Reduced Prices MUSLI Nti, CA LICO ES, G IN GRAMS, CHECKS enttonniles, Denims Jeans, [flannels, &c., &.4:3 A large and desirable 9Cock of D_&-I=ISS 0-00 DB, Purchased direct from the largest houses, at the low est 'ash prices, which we are determined to sell at as LOW PRI CES, s any house In the Cumberland Valley. Wo respectfully invite the attention of all who aro n want of cheep goods to Oyu us a call and examine ur stork of Alpacas, White Grounds, Polylt ;Tuts in all C'olors BEE All ES, LENOIS, MOIIAI HS, MOZAMBIQ (14.:5; POPLI NS, PLA ORG AN DI ES, WOOL DELAIN ES, lieu &v. - Ladies Fancy (loot's, Hosiery, &e. - A FULL ASSORTMENT Of White Goods at very Low Prices Cloths and Cassimeres, ❑ grist varieties ft, men and boys, at old miens. Ladies' Cloalong Cloths all Shades. Ladies' Crochet Shawls, Sun Um brellas, Parasols, Hoop Skirts, Corsets, Linens of all kinds, at greatly reduced prices. Elegant Black all Wool Detain., full double width only 1,00 per yard, a full and large variety of single a Idth black wool Delaines, A !paean, Crape Poplins, ('rape Veils, Crape Collars, &e. Hat leg a good selection of goods now on hand we are prepared to meet all demands, and full confident we can offer inducements, that defy competition. Re member the place. GREENFIELD and SHEAFER, ant Main ;.d., South Side, Second Door from Corner, 2nd 1)0011, 2nd 11001.1. f I ll] subscribe',anuounces to the Cit -17.0115 of Carlisle, and vicinity, that he has re commenced the man u torture of bath of every variety of style. flaring secured the services of the Loft of workmen, he feels prepared to sustain the reputation of the • making the best bats in the state Particular at option will be paid to the making of the old fashion Stiff Brush, or Dunharil Mit ; also the soft white brush hat, and any shape or style of hat will be made to ludo, 1 . 43 has also on hand a splendid assortment of all styles of hats from tho best manufacturers in Phila delphia and Now York, which he will sell at the low est cash prices. Ills stock of silk and felt bats for men, boys and children of all kinds from the common wool to the finest moleskin are unsurpassed. lie has also a largo assortment of CAPS and STRAW HATS, of all hinds and at all prices. Call and examine his stock at the old ;land In North Hanover Street, before purchasing elsewhere as be feels Batistlud he can please you, Juno 1.1866 A fow doors north of the Carlisle Deposit Bank, and at to Common's shoo store. N.B.—Old Hats repaired, coloied and clone up In all styles at the shortest notice and reasonable rates. J. A. K. Newville Stoneware Works. THE subscriber is now prepared to do liver to Merchants, the largest assortment of tdoeware, Rockingham Wore, &c., over offered in Cum berland Valley. Ills stock consists in part of STONE TV A 1?E, Cream Crocks, Butter Pots, Milk Pauli, Spittoons Pitchers, Jugs, Pruit Jaro, &e. ROCKINGHAM & YELLOW, Spittoons, Pitchers, Nappies, Bakeirq , Plo Pintos, &c. Glass Flasks, Ei nit Bottles and Patent Fruit Jars. Stone Water Fountains Churns, Water Pipe, . Is,. Tile, &c.;. furnished when ordered. 'To facilities for manufacturing, quality of wares and prices, be would defy competition. For Price lists &c. Address SAMUEL I. IRVINE, AprlllB, 1860.—Gm. Nowville. The Family Grocery. THE subscribers, having taken the Family Grocery Store of Monasmith & Baker, on Main St., adjoining U. Gardner A Co's Maclaine Shop and Foundry have just opened a new and ele gant assortment of GROOERIES, GLASS and QUEENS WARD, selected with great care for family supplies,. which they will sell at the very lowest prices fcr' cash. Every article In the line of Fatally Groceries will always he kept fresh and cheap. They also call particular attention to the ' Eureka " ' \1;1 (4, PATENT JAR MINT, only Five Dollars, and the ArnidOn CLOTHES .WRING DR, both of ivhith they confidently teaommend to give entire satisfaction. They have alSo , been appointed Agents for tho sale of EA.ETHEN DRAIN PIPES, 0 - to which they would, call tho attention of Fermata and 'others needing them as the bust and chespostartiole to bo found for cohvoyina water through yards and barri-yards.• Also avarlety of other articles, such as DOOR MATS of several kinds and prices. opened it supply of Fresh laferring and all kings of •Salt Fish, Tut' up - this Spring: Also Flaw in barrels and:sanks and. Dead by the bushel. • MAMIE & GARDNER. ' pty , 25, ERIN • - Iron, English Refined. CENTS' Ib. Nails , , $5,60. Horse c±, . :4410c3, 'and th , iirytlittig Oleo in'prottirtfoit at , t34LX , TON 13. _.,_,,___ , , .. , c, _ , . vs. ' ,t i ' \\ , -, ,--........... 1: :I j i ,Lk` " 1. ~ , Agi C ) ' ' ' ---1 ~.... , j HEEM, Publisher CONIE and SI?,E, In= litiottingliam Lace Curtains by tho yard BLACK GOODS, HATS AND CaPS For Men and Boys. OLD STAND J. A. I{lell,LElt, Agent Potent Glass li'rait Jars, of which they have theirlusty° nem cy f'r Carlisle, and wl ch has proved its superiority over all other cans or jars now In use by its meat:simplicity, perfect reliability in keeping Fruit, and the extraordinary ease with which it is sealed and opened, without injury for 1 future uao. No family should purchase / other Jars without dist examining the Eureka, ey' If th want to buthe best. We have also KNOX'S PATENT STEP • LADDER, an article which no house le{ eper should be without . Also, ash's celebrated WASHING -MA- saint TENTING" ON THE OLD CAMP GROUND. AS SUNG DY TUX DUTORINBON FAMILY WO're tenting to r,jght on Um old Camp ground, Givoim a song to cheer Our weary hearts, a song of home, And friends we love so dear. Et= Many are the hearts that are weary tonight Wishing for the war to cense, Many are the hearts looking for the right To are the dawn of peace. • Tenting to night, Tenting to night, Tenting on the old Camp ground. We've been tenting to night on the old Camp ground, Thinking of days gone by, Of the lord ones at home that gave us the hand, And the tear that said "Good bye I" We are tired of war on the old Camp ground, Many are dead and gone, Of the brave and true who've left their home, Others been wounded long. We're boon fighting to day on tho old Camp ground, Many are lying near; Some are (load; ipul some are dying, Many are in tears Many are the hearts that are weary to night, Wishing for the war to cease, Many nro the henna looking for the fight To see the dawn of peace, Dying to night, Dying to night, Dying on the old Camp ground. liil iltdingiltit. Great Speech of Governor Morton DELIVERED AT INDIANAPOLIS ON THE 19th ON JUNE. 4riaignment and Denunciation of the Democratic Party. A gpat Union meeting was hold in In dianapolis on the evening of the 19th of June, 1866. The meeting was hold in the Masonic Hall, which was densely packed with at least 2,000 persons. The street was crowded for over a square from the hall. At 8 o'clock the meeting in the Hall was opened by Gen. George V. Chapman, Presi dent of the Union Club, who said that the opening meeting was called to place the Union party squarely on the platform of principles adopted by Congress, upon which all good Union men must unite. After prayex by Rev. Holliday, of the M. E. Church, Gov. Morton advanced upon the platform, supported by Colonel HolloWhy, when he was greeted with a spontaneous burst of applause. The Governor had lately returned from Europe whether he had gone for the benefit of his health. The Gov ernor's int' oduction by General Chapman was the signal for a salvo of cheers. We have room only for a few extracts which will give, however, a very fair idea of the character of this powerful and telling s ,each. == Every unregenerate rebel, lately in arms againsti . his Government calls himself a Democrat. Every " bounty jumper," every " desert er," every " sneak," who ran away from the draft, calls himself a Democrat—Bowles, Milligan, Walker, Dodd, Horsey and Humphries, call themselves Democrats. Every "Son of Liberty," who conspired to murder, burn, rob arsenals and release rebel prisoners, calls himself a Democrat. John Morgan, Sue Mundy, Champ Fer guson, Wirz, Payne and Booth, proclaimed themselves Democrats. Every man who labored for the rebellion in the field, who murdered Union prisoners by cruelty and starvation, who conspired to bring about civil war in the loyal States, who invented dangerous compounds to burn steamboats and rivthern cities, who contrived hellish schemes to introduce into Northern cities the wasting pestilence of yellow fever, calls him self a Democrat. Every dishonest con tractor who has been convicted of a defraud ing the Government—every dishonest pay master or disbursing officer who has been convicted of squandering the public money at the gaming table or in gold gambling operations—every officer in the army who was dismissed for cowardice or disloyalty calls himself a Democrat, Every wolf in Iheep's clothing, who pretends to preach the gospel, but proclaims the righteousness of man selling and slavery—every one who shoots down negroes in the streets, burns negro school-houses and meeting houses, and murders women and children by the light of their own flaming dwellings, calls himself a Democrat. Every New York rioter in 1863, who burned up little children in col ored asylums—who robbed, ravished and murdered indiscriminately in the midst of a blazing city, for three days and nights, called himself a Democrat. In short, the Democratie party may be described as a common sewer and loathsome receptacle, into which is emptied every element of Creasing : North and South, and every element of -- inhumanity and barbarian, which has did honored the age. And this party, composed of the men l and elements I have described, in defiance of truth and decency, asserts itself as the special champion of the Constitution and the Union, which but a short sixteen months ago, it was in arms•to destroy, and proclaims to an astonished world that the only effect ' , of vanquishing armed rebels in the field is to return them to seats in Congress and to re.; store them to political poiver. . Having failed to destroy.the Constitution by force, they seek, to do it by reconstruction, and as sume to have made the remarkable discovery , that the rebels who fought to destroy the Constitution were •its true friends,: And that the men who shed their blood aud' gave their substance to preserve it iy,ere.its COPPERHEA:DqI29ULTS TO SOLDIERS. While thd war ;yes in progress Copper- . 1 bend politicians - tioac•4 ,Union Soldiers: as "Lincoln hirelings," as mercennries, and as fighting for pay and plunder, and : net for principle, - :and their- treatment,. of :Union . _ soldiers nyw is precisely, upon that..theory.. They appear to believe that the adherence of Soldiers to the Union party is for the ..solo' pUrpesOof „getting office and official rewards, and if it happens that a Soldier, fails:ix) .re- , calve a nomination for an' office; an hundred. COpperheads rint after hireandrwhistier treason in his , oar, assert" that - he, - I*. • iitb i n,, betrnyed;:und,assnro lihn_ . that t wOJ, )rut desortio - fila : onemiesiandjoirt the ranks of: onomies. Carlisle, Pa., Friday, August 10; 1866 those who fought against him, they will not only forgive the fact that he was a Dnici'u soldier, but will take him to their arms and cover him with rewards, Just as the Devil offered our Saviour all the kingdoms of the world if he would but fall down and wor ship when in point of fact the lyir_g old rascal was only a tenant at will himself andrhadn't a foot of land to give. How the gallant soldier who perilled his life for his country, and has returned maimed and shat tered fro.n the battle, must feel dishonored and humiliated when he finds himself treat ed as a mere mercenary, and is approached by Copperheads with arguments and tempta tions which stain his manhood and insult the memory of the dead who foil in battle by his side, Themselves regarding office getting as the sole'business of life, and that governments were established only to pro- • vide hungry politicians with lucrative pla ces they are unable to conceive the idea of the patriot soldier, who loving his country more than wealth, luxury, and the comforts of home, laid all these, together with his life as a sacrifice upon the National altar. OUTLINE OF COPPERHEAD HISTORY IN IN DIANA. The history of Indiana during the late re bellion is peculiar, and differs in many im portant respects from that of any other State. During the regular session of the Legislature in 1861, the Democratic mem bers, with few exceptions, denounced the Government with great bitterness, laying all' blame for the conflict which seemed to be approaching upon the people of the North, and asserting that Indiana should not take any part in it against the people of the South. When, however, the war was begun by the bombardment of Fort Sumter, the wave of enthusiasm and patriotism which swept over the land submerged all parties, seemed to obliterate party lines, and for the time over whelmed the factious and disloyal loaders. At the end of six months, however the heads of the Democratic leaders began to appear above the surface, and a visible and vigor ous effort was made to reorganize the party upon the basis of opposition to the war, sus- pending hostilities, and negotiating the re turn of the rebel States to the Union by giv ing them new guarantees for'slavery, and if that did not succeed, permit them to go in peace. Connected with this were exhibited strong predilections for a Northwestern Con- federacy, and it' was argued persistently in their speeches and papers that the interests of Indiana were exclusively with the slave States, anal. whatever could ja3 Ives said to excite prejudice and hatr toward the States in the East. The first convention held in the United States after the beginning of the war was in this city, on the Bth of January, 1862, where in the Democratic leaders resolved strongly that the people of the North were wholly to blame for the existing conflict, and should he compelled to do the South justice, which would bring it to an end. During the spring and summer of 1862 the treasonable order of the "Golden Circle" was entonsivo- ly organized in various parts of the State, and the fact was presented by the Grand Jury in the District Court of the United States. The presentment was published, but the truth of it was vehemently denied by the members of the Order and its parti sans every where, and the witnesses who testified it freely charged with perjury. During the summer of this year the Union army suffered its greatest disasters, under the command of :McClellan, on the- Penin sula, and the rebels and their allies in the North, flushed with victory, were excited with brilliant hopes of final success in the struggle. . The loyal men of Indiana, de pressed by disaster, watched the progress of the Light with intense interest, and spent their time in recruiting for the armies and providing for the sick and wounded, while Democratic leaders gave themselves up wholly to electioneering, the circulation of slanderous documents against the Govern ment, and spent their money lavishly in every possible way to carry the election. In this they were aided by Confederate agents, with confederate funds, for it was well understood by the government at Rich mond that a great badlle for the rebellion was about to be fought at the polls in In diana. The election in October almost went by default so far as the Union party was concerned, and the Democracy succeeded by a majority of nearly ten thousand in the I State. No sooner was the election over than it was given out in Democratic papers that the military power of the State would be seized out of the hands of the Governor by the new Legislature, and that the Indiana Legion, which had been organized for the defense of the border, would bb dissolved and deprived of their arms. About the Ist of December it was discov ered thatithe Order of the "Golden Circle" had been introduced by the Demoeraqe poll ticiane iiito'the camps in thiii city; and a number of soldiers initiated. This created the greatest alarm,koth here and in Wash ington, and themost vigorous measures were resorted to, to put it down and eradi cate it from the army. The principal wit ness who first divulged its existence in: the camps, was soon afier missing and has not been heard of since by his friends or faniily. The session of the Legislature, .in January following, was distinguished in the begin- . ning . by the,most revolutionary and insult-. ing measures.. The mesSage,i?f , the Gover nor was returned .to him by.a majority of the House, and n resolutiori paeeed 'accept ing the message of Gov..Beymodr, Of ' Now York. ReSOlutions 91 the rnost incendiary and treasonable character followed each oth er In quick secession, and.the bnef time of . the session tvo consumed by the . nioet lent nrid'indainmatory speeches, denouncing the Government and the prosecutiori.of the • War. Soon the Military $iU, with'which tite r poVernor had boon ~ tbreetpood, was .Jetro. duced by, the chairman of the Committeevif, Military , Affairs, and the first vote taken up-; on it dornonetiatod the feet that the' POMO= crap.° party in the Ilonsg yntra pnit in, its, favor; It took from the , (lovertior all pow-,', or over the Inilitary,iand transferred it to the font Statd'officers; biz, • the 'Attilitor,''Troit s.PreV§ocretary'sic State, and 4ttorneY,4en * 7 ; ;oral, o threo.of :whom were '41817:66r8'4, 'the ,Or.. the is Golden. Ciitta,n afterocirtis • knotor 01 the "B°o4 of Lib erty; Curs the custody, mmk, thcitippolutment of 4enoial igileera, dissolved the Indiana Legion, and provided fc;r a new organization which was to be under their exclusive control. It is true it left to the Governor the appointment of the Adjutant General, but. it stripped this Adjutant Gen eral of all 'tliiisOwer and transferred it to be appointed by the few State officers. The bill was in every feature in violation of the Constitution of the State establishing a mili tary provisional government, was intended as a legislative revolution, and had it passed, would have produced an immediate and bloody civil war, It was put ahead of every other important measure on the calendar, was put through from one stage to another under the gag of the previous question k and its final passage was defeated only by the withdraw al of the Union members of the House, thus leaving it without a quorum. The very pendency of the bill created the most intense excitement throughout the State, and seri ously threatened the public pence : and had it passed the House no doubt was entertain ed but what it would have passed the Senate. In a few days the Legislature adjourned, having made no appropriation to defray the ordinary expenses of the State government. The benevolent institutions, the peniten tiaries, and other important matters, were lelt wholy unprovided for, and it was con fidently predicted by the revolutionists that all these institutions would be suspended, and the wheels of government blocked gen erally, unless the Legislature was called back in extra session. But in this, as in many other things, they were bitterly disap pointed. To call the Legislature back would have been an act of madness which was not to be thought of.,for a moment. The State had just made an escape from revolution, and the danger of it was not to be volunta rily incurred a second time. The Governor appealed to the loyal people of the State to stand by him in this emergency, and ihiiy did. Counties, banks, railroad companies, private individuals and the President of the United States came forward and amply sup plied him ,with money for all necessary pur poses, and thus the danger passed by and the Government of the State wont on. In a few weeks after, the country was surprised one morning by the appearance in the papers of an official opinion by Attorney General Hord, to the effect that there was no law authorizing the payment of the interest on the public debt. This was a matter which touched the credit of the State in a vital part. There was the same law in force un der which it had been paid for ten or twelve years, and the money was in the Treasury, paid in for that very purpose. But a sham law suit was gotten up, smuggled through the Circuit Court, and hastily decided in the Supremo Court, sustaining the decision of the Attorney General. All I will sPy of that decision now is, that it. failed to com mand the respect of any body, and was af terward treated with open contempt by all parties. But hero again there was bitter disappointment, and " hope deferred" began unmake- the Democratic heart sick The Governor negotiated an arrangement with the loyal house of Winslow, Lanier Co. by which they came forward and paid the in terest due from the State up to 1865, thus preserving her credit and defeated the ma chinations of her enemies. During all this time the State authorities labored without ceasing to supply the troops called for by the President, but the task had become ono of difficulty and labor. Through the incessant exertions of Democratic lead ers, and the fierce denunciations of their press, the spirit of volunteering was greatly weakened, and sometimes apparently des troyed, but would again revive and go for ward with success ; and the number of troops raised in the State under the circum-'' BU - woks, and their splendid behavior in the field, excited universal admiration. The difficulty, however, in procuring volunteers greatly increased in 1863 and 1864, as the organization of the " Sons of Liberty " was extended and consolidated and their hostility to the Government and war became more open and outhreakine Enrolling officers were murdered, recruit ing officers shot at upon lonely roads, numer ous bodies.of armed men frequently assembled performing military drill, and declaring their purpose to resist the authority of the Govern ment . Various schemes of insurrection and murder were frequently formed in the secret lodges of the order which fell through from time to time, and others succeeded, until in the spring and summer of 1864, a definite plan of revolution was agreed upon, to the execution of which all the energy and power of the order in Indiana and the Western States were to be directed. The arms and amuni tion at Indianapolis were to be seized, rebel prisoners at. Camp Morton to be released and armed, and the combined force, after dispatching the obnoxious Governor end seizing thq capitol, were to march throtigh thi3iState, raising the standard of revolt in favor of the confederacy. But here again, a: bitter disappointment was in store,: the mighty secret could not be *pt. The arm ing of the treasonable bands had been going 'on for two years, but the unexpected discoy cry and seizure of a large quantity of arms and ammunition in this city brought on an explosion, and the prompt arrest, by Gen. Holly, of a number of loaders, struck terror into theirjanks, arid' 'suddenly brought to an end the great conspiracy. 'When the arrested;partios weye put Upon trial, quite a number of them turned State's evidenhe and' laid bare a desperate plot, which, for mag- , nitudd'and'deliberatb and atrocious winked ; n,ess,. is almost without parallel in the annals, of crime. In the election which followed in October, the Union party carried the State bye large-majority, and was equally, trium phant in all the Northern States. In Jan. nary following, the Legislature assembled, and the attention of the members ,y„ras• medieytoly l Spited to the • extuninathin or the ',Various accounts presented.by the Governor :—the monies bi.rrOwod, the exppnditineof the .seine ' . for . the :asylams, penitentiaries, roilita l ry purposes, relief . of sick and Wounded :iiikdiers, payment of : interest, on the public debt,, &4,,-04 of ,whieh _was - ,referred;-to a contpetent joint, cepireittee of i both Houses for examination, who ,after investigation,. ,itProieci . t4O_ accounilin every, part v mot: t hing, excepting c),..f,k,ifilpilei.litotn, andsa ,peciaPysonenended•thenanner4in•which it / ' haid c -,heen, kept,. stud , recommended it for. adoption ,by the State officers, ',•:The , report, nes , adopted by the,Legislature,, and tappro- ISrlationa' made immediately to : pay eIY,I the Lt\ L. o( ' Id. money borrowed by the Governor, and thus ended the "Financial Bureau." It was a grave responsibility, assumed under- extreme necessity', and could not be forgiven by the disloyal, because it was suc cessful. I have not attempted to anticipate the action of Congress or the President, or to discuss the things that are settled, or any issues that do not seem necessarily involved in the approaching election ; and in conclu sion, I exhort the Union men of Indiana not to suffer themselves to be enticed from Me consideration of Me great questions by side issues, which Democratic politicians are busily engaged in thrusting forward. The interests at stake are too vast and vital to be endangered by division in our own ranks upon immaterial questions, or by bringing forward matters which, although they may be important in themselves, can gain noth ing by being pressed at a time like The Governor sat during the delivery of his address and read his speech from man uscript. Its salient points, and especially in the stinging arraignment of the Democracy, met with hearty applause. At the close of the address he was greeted with an encore of cheers, followed by three for the Constitutional Amendment, upon his own suggestion, and three for the success of the Union ticket. The meeting was a glorious Success as a grand ovation to Gov. Morton, upon his first appearance since his return from Europe, and worthy of his name and fame—a tribute to his labors in behalf of the State and General Governments. The Union cause in Indiana has been gloriously started on its successful campaign. A CoNTaAsT.—We find the following floating through our exchanges : Austin llopkin, a soldier whose mind had never recovered from the effects of his life at the Andersonvillo prison, committed suicide, at Woosocket, R. 1., on Monday night. The death of this man can be directly aced to Jefferson Davis. Ho it Was who inaugurated the hellish system by which our soldiers were to be tortured lo death in the prison pens of the south, Thousands of our poor men died, and of those who were rescued, ninny exist as physical wrecks. But few have entirely recovered the health they possessed before they were consigned to the horrors of Anderson vine or Salisbury. Now the author of all this suffering is a ‘. prisoner" in our hands, and how is he treated? Is he fed on putnid meat and corn-cob meal? is a dead line sot for him, to approach which is death without warning? Is he compelled to burrow in the ground fur shelter from the cold of winter, or are all trees removed that no shade may be afford ed in the heats of summer? No 1 lie is provided with dainty fare, and has almost unlimited freedom. A comfortable room with luxurious furniture is at his disposal, and attentions are showered upon him from all sides. The trump of the moire] no ton, jars on his sensitive ears, and the hated blue does not offend his vision. glad yet the re bellious journals of the South, and their subservient prototypes, the Copperhead sheets of the North, almost daily picture this Jefferson Davis as an injured man, res trained of his liberty without cause, and suffering untold privations. The men who edit these papers defended the starving of our men by the robeis ; what they say now need not be repeated "Consistency, thou art a jewel 1"--Press. Mester Clymer said in his speech in Reading, on the 18th, that ‘. his history as a politician was the history of the State for the past six years, and he would not to-day alter a line or blot out a particle of it." Wo are glad to notice that he is so frank. Let us see what he did for the soldiers and sailors on one or inure occasions while he was in the State Senate. During the session of 1854, Senator Graham, of Allegheny, of fered a resolution that the Senate of Penn sylvania urge upon Congroce the propriety of increasing the pay of officers in the army and navy twenty five per cent, and of pri vates, ono hundred per cent. On motion to proceed to a second reading, the Demo crats, with their leader Mr. Clymer, tr - Oted in the negative, thus causing a tie vote, and the motion was lost. At the same session a joint resolution was adopted, re questing our Representatives in Congress to vote for and use their influences for the passage of a law increasing the pay of non cominisseoned officers and private soldiers, but upon its final passage "Lester Clymer voted nay. Subsequently, when the bill regulating soldier's elections was passed, Clymer again proved his consistency by voting against it. And yet, with this roc- Ord, of which ho now has the boldness to say ho would not blot out a particle,' he asks the soldiers and sailors to give him their vote. The effrontry is only equalled by that which prompted his organs to com plain_that ho did not occupy a position in the heroic lino which marched to Indepen dence square on the 4th of this month, there to deliver up their blood stained and shell riddled colors.—Phila. Press. Dr. Durbin, the great Methodist orator, once attempted to preach from the text, "Remember Lot's wife,". and made a failure. AfterYfards, A:larking to Dr. Bond that he did - net know the. reason of his failure, the venerable doctor:replied that "he had bettor thereafter lot other people's wives alone." The late Rod. , Dnniol Isaac was both a great wag, and a great smoker. "Ah, 'them' you are," 'cried a lady, who surprised him ono day enjoying his pipe, "at your idol' a gain." "Yes my deer madam," replied he coolly,. "I hope you do not find fault with .me, for I ought to commended, .ad you see I am burning .it. - - ..1 csptain Who had nsound.sleoping caught' ari Irish boy in the middle watch, frying some pork and eggs ho had stolen from the ship's stores, .to whom the etiptuin called_ out F 'YOU. lu.`bber , you, I'll have none of . • liVaithi;.enptaini I've nono for 'yo," rci LOrd . Norbury'sloko on thd littbrney ' is , ,sagage: A shilling' iubsoriPtiari" haVing bOare get on. I foot‘ to bury' 'ono' who had ' , died poor, ,tio "Only a:ehilltiig.to bury an Clttornoyl Hbre's a giiinoa: go arid' bury,,twenty,'of tbomr! , • ... yisits "are; the, best, " , as thelt fly wheal() blightedtt Btovo;" TERMS:—S2,OO in Advance, or $2,50 within the year. I= NASBY. He Preaches from the Parable of " The Prodigal Son"—An Inter ruption. CONVEDRIT X, ROADS, (WiCh is in the Stait uv Kentucky,) July 6, 1866. I preached last Sabbath, or rather tried to, from the parable uv the Prodigal Son, We had a splendid congregashun. I no ticed a revival uv the work in this part of the Dimocratie vineyard which reely cheers me. The domonstrashun our friends made in Memphis, the canin of Grinnel by Rus so, and the call for a convenshun Phila delphia, all hey conspired to comfort the souls uv the Dimocrisy and encourage me to renewed effort. It is bringing forth fruit. Only ono day last week five North ern men were sent whirlin out of this sec tion—they dusted in the night to escape hangin. leayin their goods as a prey for the reightous—six niggers hey bin killed and ono Burow officer shot. Trooly there is everything to encourage us. The house wuz full. Tho weather wuz hot, and the pleasant incense uv mingled whiskey, tobacco and snuff which ariz wuz grateful to me. The sun shone in on Deek in Pogram's face oz he gently slept, and When the sun hits him square I kin alluz tell where he sets, even of it is dark. Ho drinks apple-jack instead uv corn whiskey, and chews fine cut tobacker instead uv plug, and consekontly when in the pulpit I kin dis tinguish the pecoular aroma uv his breath from those around him. "My brethren," sed I, "sich uv yoo ez hey Bibles in yoor houses, kin get somebody to road yoo the parable to wich I shel call your attention. A man wunet upon a time had sons, ez many men hey since, and wun uv em was a tough one. lle left his home and went into far countries, inning the old man steel out his share uv the estate, and he lived high, jist, my brethern, ez yoor boys do or did when they went to Non Orleans, in the days when yoo bed a nigger or two wich yoo coud sell to supply em with money. He play drawed poker and faro, he drank fancy drinks and boarded at. big hotels, and he followed after strange women with it bust a man quicker nor any one small sin the devil hez invented, ez yoor pastor kin testify. Uv coarse his pile give out, and he gut down, my friends, did this ingenuous youth, to rags and wretchedness, and ended in being an overseer us swine. What did he do? lie ariz and went to his father, and the old man saw him afar ofr and went out to meet, and fell on his neck, and gave him a order for a soot of clothes, and a pair uv boots, and put a ring onto his finger, and made a feast, killing for the purpose the fatted calf wich he had saved fur another 12112111! My friends yoo kin find in the skripture sunthin applicable to every occasion, and this parable tits the present time like a ready-made coat. The South is the prod igal son. We went out from our father's on an expedition which hoz'nt proved alto gether a success. We spent our share uv the estate, and a little more. We run through with our maims, and hey cum down to rags, and dirt, and filth, and hunger. We are, and hey bin some time, a chawin husks. We run out after them twin har lots, Slavery and State Rights, and they've cleaned us out. Our pockets aro empty. No more cloth the pleasant half dollar jin gle in sweet unison agin its fellows I Our wallets is barren uv postal currency, and the grocery keepers mourn and refuse to be com forted becoz we are not. We hey got to the, husk stage of our woe, and wood be tendin hogs of the armies which past through these countries hed loft tiQ any. We hey cum back. In rags and Art we hey wended our way to Washington, and ask to be taken back. Now why don't our father, the Gov ernment, fulfil the skripture ? Why.don't it see us afar oil, and run to meet us ? Why it don't put onto 1.14 a purple robe? Where's the ring fur our finger, and the shoos for our feet? and Where's the fatted calf he ought to kill? My brethren, them Ablishnists is worse than infiddles —while they preach the gospel they won't practice it. For my part, I—" At this point a sargent belonging to that infernal Burow, who wuz in the awdionce with enough uv soldiers to make opposin uv him unpleasant, sod ho hed bin a sort uv an exhorter in his day, and desired to say a word in explanation uv that parable, ex ap plicable to the present time, and sez he, " of I am interrupted, remember I belong to the church,--military, with is, just now, the church triumphant." And, cockin his musket, he proceeded very much uninter rupted. • 44 The prodigal Son," soz ho " woe receiv ed by the old man with considerable doins, but my worthy friends he went out decent ly. He didn't ez soon ez he withdrawed from the house, turn around and war onto the old gentlemen IM didn't born hie house and barns, tear up his garden, burn his fences and knock down the balance uv the children. Not any. He went away peace ably, a misguided good-for-nothin, but yet a peaceable good-for-nothin. Secondly he come back uv his own akkord. The old man did'nt go after him and fight for four year at a cost uv half his substance to subdue him and bring him back, but when he lied run through his pile and squandered his share uv his estate and gnt hungry ho came back like a Whipped dog. My friends, let ma draw a small 'Parallel i'betiveen these cases. The' Prodigal Son:wont out — so did the Solith.:—=thus the doSo is alike. The. Prodigal didn't ~steal nothin. The Confedei:acy took evoi:ything it cood lay its hand's on. . The PrOtligal spent only what wuz his ; to tiVeiicl. The' Confedqacy• spent not only what It stole,' but all it good horror, When it knowd its promise to pay wuznt worth ;the mizable paper they wuz printed 'onto.' TIM Prodigal when he'-did come back, come 'cm penitent eicorMatitisness' that he bed'intide'ti &el' Of hisself cood 'poke him. The ' Oiritederatly wuz 'whipped boa', - hitt it still swears hefty mine that iftitM right all tho time. ' ' The Prodigal didn't deintilid veal i ot=Fine' and purpid iiSbes; to be a 'atiricintNilito•ttie more Beatable broth.: era . , , t . ThO : souill ' , cionandin" office' wieb! the . tatt, a is typical, and considerable more share in the Illovernment than it hed before it kick ed pi'rer the traces and went out lilte'the lost tribes of Israel. Spozin th'e Bible Prodigal' had stopped his patient and rernarkedlo him thus : "I am willin to back on conditions.—Yoo must must pay my debts—yoo must giveme an ekal share uv the farm with the other boys—yoo must treat me in all respeeks just ez if I hadn't gone ont, and—this Is esseritial—yoo must take with me all the sharpers. ,who ruined me, - all the gamblers and . thieves with whom I fell in while I wuz away, and make them head men on the place, and above all, I hey with me the two harlots \viol] wuz the prime cause uv my ruin, and they must hey 11 of the best rooms in the house, and must be treated ez your daugh ters. To avoid displeasin the others I'll dress em in different clothes, but here they must stay. Otherwise I'll go out a gain." NO, 32 Probably the s eld man would hey became indignant, and would hey remarked to him to go and never let him see his audacius face agiri, or rather, be would hey stran gled the harlots, scattered the black-legs, and chocked the young sprout into submis sion. Them's me. I nit, anxious to kill that fatted calf, and am Yrixious to put on your robes and shoes. But, alas! the calf suffered from the want of attention so long doorin the laie misunderstandings that he's too poor—the robes was all cut up into bloo kotes for the sojers we sent out to fetch yoo in—the shoes they wore out, and the rings —Jefrson Davis wore the only style we hey. When you come back In shape yool findt; tte ready to meet yoo, but till then chaw harks. Lookin around, this armed tyrant re marked that there would bemo more preach ing that day, and sadly the congregation dispersed. I'm heart sick., At every Burn I make that Burow stares me in the face and con teracts my best endeavors. It is curious though what different sermons kin be preached from the same text, and it is all curious how our folks listen to a Ablialinist who hez muskets to back him, PETROLEUM V. Ni..813Y, Lait. Pastor uv the Church or the Noo Dia pensashun.— Toledo Blade. Just before the declaration of independ ence, a Yankee pedler started down to New York to sell a lot of bowls and dishes he had made of maple. Jonathan traveled over the city, asking everybody to buy his wares, but no one was disposed to purchase. It happened that a British fleet was then lying in the harbor of New York, and Jonathan struck upon a plan of selling his dishes. He got a naval uniform, by hook or crook (for history doesn't tell where he got it,) and strutting up town one morning, asked a merchant if he had any nice wooden ware, as the Commodore wanted a lot fur the fleet. no merchant replied that he had none on hand, but there was come in town and if he would send in the afternoon he would sup- ply him with pleasure. " Very-good," said our naval officer, "1 will call then." Jonathan now cut for home by the short est route, and had scarcely doffed his bor rowed plumage, before down came the mer chant, who, seeing that Jonathan had sold none of his wares, offered to take the whole if I; would deduct fifteen per cent. But Jonathan said he'd be gull darned if he didn't take 'ens home, before he'd take less than his first price. he merchant unany paid him Gown in gold his prico for the wooden ware, which< lay on his shelves for many a long day ereafter ; while Jonathan trotted home in high glee at the success of his manoeuvre, while the merchant cursed British officers ever after The war in the Caucasus (1839-60) cost the lives of 330.000 ; Anglc-Indian war, (1857-59) 196,00 J ; the Russian and Tur kish war, (1828-1829) 293,003 ; the Polish insurrection of 1881, 190,000; the civil war, of Spain which raged from 1833 to 1840, to 172,000 ; the war of Greek independence, (1824 29) to which Lord Byron fell a vic tim., 148,000; the various French campaigns in Algeria, from 1830 to 1840, 146,000 ; the Hungarian revolution, 142.003 ; the Italian war of 1859-60, 129,874, which last number may be thus analyzed : 96,874 fell on the Held of battle, and 33,010 died of disease ; of which 49,664 were Austrians, 30,220 French, 26,330 Italians, 13,101 Neapolitans, and 2,- 370 Romans. A curious result may be de duced from the above—namely, that agreat er number perish by the disease incident to a camp life than are actually killed by shot and shell or any other engine of destruction. As to the sums of money swallowed up by these wars, it is impossible to arrive at anything approaching a correct calculation, The Crimean war cost Russia 2628 millions of francs (ono million francs, £10,000), 1,- - 848 millions Eng'and 1320 millions, Turkey 1060 millions. Austria, for more demon strations, 470 millions. Thus in two years and a half 6526 million francs were spent. The Italian war 01 1859 cost France 845 millions, Austria 739 millions, Italy 410 millions. Thus, in two months,'l4sB mil lions were swallowed up. EFFECTS OF M. ATRINIONY. --It is generally admitod by physicians,, that matrimony if not entered into too early, is conducive to health and long life, the proportion of un married peranna attaining groat ago being remarkably small. Dr. Rush says That in the course of his inquiries ho , met with only ono person beyond eighty years of ago who had never been married. An English writer, however, mentions a Mrs. Mahon, who died in 1723, aged one !Mildred and five; Ann Kerney, who died the same year, aged one hundred and 'ton; Martha Dubridge; who died iff : l7sB aged ono hundred and four, all of whore were single persons who hadnever been married. The cheerful •and, cblitented are certainly more likely 'to enjoy' good health and long life than , persons of irrita ble and fretful dispositions; so far, therefore, as marriage serves to increase the happiness, it may servo to lengthen life. Unhappy marriages, for 'an obvious reason; Inuit shorten life. , 'P Mw loy ove noin 'lsTew' 4 Jin Ork tife" in junction" ' cocktail`' 'the "Cardoza" ' A'nObpor who was in need or hooppoles besot a Man to furnish him with some. " Where'll I got em ?" queqioned • the man': .; lady 'where ; stoal'erii, if You' oriti'Vdci any butter." - !rho:hoop-poles wero ftirni3hid and, paid when the cOoper',tiaPPoned ihquira of tit . ° ionor'wh'Oi4Ch6 3tOle'ein, yom, told 'me te,lias the ready" nnsWor,. seWheio did yeii steal `' ' ' "r, !4 Oh, te r , in your woods,' rot ~ridn~ profits."'". A YANKEE TRICK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers