NV IA Is E w Ins KERs! Uu you ;iv nt WM...kers' or Woustnebesf Our Ore ro.opount I trill forru , h•tu In gr won the smo. th r hair . in In ..111 in..nnly., lin tic Reel e. ;;1.“11 : 4 1.111t ulna ny whore, elos.•ly sealed, nu rnweip. otyrierc. Ads' .V.tN I.:I; A CO., ninnx 1S i. Bro. Idyll, N. Y. \IA %.11 ~I;larrtages, On the loth inFt, by 111,. r. 4 I' Nil' CHAS. A. L.Oit to II A 7.. I. both of Carlisle. On the 2.. th nir., by T(ov John .5 ult. 'Or. AURA- L' nINSLI,I . od Alks It P.t.l el' A. A. tI It A I;l1.1., both ; (Upper .'.k, u.oloo loud Co. tno .he ...l '.y thu 'Jr 111 HDIA CORN N. AN. Mouro to p., Ail, AA A A 11. or, hurelstov o, Coro b. Co. M 1 .anccts. ~'.\ltLL bE Pr1()DI/C ➢IA ILK le T. neloliur . :W1.'1 . 11110. , In. tra ) • • • ItY • • \V MTV. XV ft 1.3) do. It ........ • . • CAM N ..... 011'5........ CL IV TIN! •T'IF, 1.:11 GENERAL PRODUCE MARKET (orreried Irt'eAlu L ri ,t 1 111 I.: 0;S, ,‘F liEn , W IS k)I, I , 0,111 . 1 . E ItV.k a. _2 I'\ I) 12 I'2 APPLES. 1 .0) 11; \!1:. LETTER:ii \l.\ l'Nr1,.(111.:1) in Stitt, or l'enti,yl - 111.1. the 12111 Jty v, th•toltuur, I'nl,li hid uuy ulli iul nulh nil in the pul lour having the luurugo:ut olutuAltt uto uuf lettout-, utoplicluou outu-t Null !or for'. iiuuNuud , glVe Oak . id Ow I for ortiumoz 11 too, NN bill 4.Ar .444,4.11. .Fill Lr , t. 141 40 11:4. 1)4..44i i,4.11cr (;F:u. ZINN, I' NI .\ liar-111611. \ I:try .\ L•oi \1111(•: . , 1101,, , rt .NINr,11:111. 11-11. \!,r, \ 111 \ ( ~ 1 111:1 1),1111,1'. Cntli )1:ii•lo . .Nltlr\ .‘llll \l•in .1 I, ()\ It 11W. 1 . I) 2 DEE t•1..1 Stlilo,ll. ", IS Si2•tzli:lll, 1.10 , 11 .1 I,i,•ut I (' L • I \i \ V I I: I L =En RHEEM'S HALL! THE CARTER ZOJAVE TROUPE INIEB YOUNG FEMAL E ]3 ASS BAND, Wl,l. V ! . .• IIV V. I.:111 I i.ll !,11 /11 , .11 EH 1. , ' ll I 1:S.1 \ 1/ M. 1.1; I'lll W.• 11,111 kl• .lil/.111• 111. l'1“_1.1111/11 , S.. .1 111,1 111 A ;•1.. 1 1 .4111..m111.-, 1 .?. • V Vr, n, p , t t• 113 n FELL lIENI. QUILT. L•it.\llr. c;.1TIII•:R, .\ND E 311 b.. ~.0 . , :. It -II Ito LI -C Ii IL .0 'I, 5 111 1 11 , 1, :I, 1 . . 11 :lii. , A 4,1 Haiu SI., CAI Astounding Revelation! 1'Ec)11.1 , 1 A-T( IS1!1,11)! CARLISLE IN AN UPROAR! -‘1 :NI AY ER, id Harrisburg hate in omet 1.• c'itV, es -1,1i,11, .1111,1.1. v ER .cl'u itt (':itt,ll.. 1,1 t N• 6 t h 11,ttl%yr t•ttet•t. ptt'ptetil t•• t'tlt6 largy ttott• 11/ ilia 1.6 or't•• .111 Nicittity. ttatt•ttat.‘ tit It t•e.pt •6 tip. I.i.k it 6 6516•6. , . 11111/1 i It, ut • 1.6 tlll • t , 1.. • .I , lAi,it.‘ tittitt, 1.t.1P• - • 1.1 tt.,t6 AI 1 A I , li. /111/1 11 1 111, a L,1 . 1• .I . rt jttt . g . .• 1. I ••• It to 'l' • ` ..1 1.1••• 111. , •.t. tt Ohio t 6 lt,t , tit ttita ..1,6113 p • t.'•,••• hat urn:- t , 'ls up loom . 1,1,416 •-itio• 4;61 hitlo rho tp•••,• ,, it . N. I•alat at t all, t..1 .. ,11,1. • ii.t 1 "• I. I ti. PIIITIA," ,11 121 , 1 i 0110.1.. laMwr. v•ss, (,11 11,111 Lades ' B011nelg• ii , •illc. ...% ,1,11 •.,4111 , .t Ft, Lmlirs mot t, HON ;It Strnw. Veit Pls a t.I ,fi 1111111. .1 101 birds .ttlnvt, ,u 1 ti. 11,4 Old I_ adies' Dross Caps, 111 rt . ,4lll, l iti, r Ihlr • Ili, It, II lir loli -il!, It .1111? L and I'olrr ,z 1.0:, vvd all ay; •1111111 , r, I tie. (1.1)A 11,() \ Mu 4, n.i Cho: Cirtstilarp. :-horr Wa l.ius 2 4 ,1•1 •IL I,t OH, and Ilrond Cloth lilt :1,1,1 SHAWLS, SII.I\VLS )1, ...I-10.1- avd KllPtied Woolen Goods, A juLIF tA i. L • tfill 1111 1 .. .1111 11.111 d : I, od. F.NIIIItOT_DERIES, p a, I'm oil , ~1!21,- 111.1 of 1.•oom, it MILU 1,1 Ilattakervito•lfi, r I. r It . 1.a.•1. T 110,1" 11111 i Vueklits Oval of l'iris not Farrinas. lanry Mir (7.otttl. mail I Et.t• t , , It- 1: It 1 :kill.' band a lot .1f t.lual: not Dreya . +nlnilie a 1.41 iunal:q, IN ,HOSIERY, u 1t o. I o 11,1 ('of ton. Are ma tort It hr ofoNi proud, oft o I rto.po. troll% 1,1 host of Chu hollog. and our w. tto ty, and io Ne.su" tat lie, 3,1 lee lu hue, t. e. iiL1111.• I lOW It. th. pittrulta,o Wprir64:3lo.)ll 1M3r2811 FOR RENT House fir _three months J :1111, 1 114.. .1 - Mrs. 11 1, SlOutt, illoun Street. 4 Oa 60. 1864. 'ST A T 11: NUT] CE. - Lettero Test n mentar'y have boon hinted to flit, nut ,criter gin the 14..0.01 of Carliale on the re otr. of Jenwollolle'r late of mut through deed. All rsow . Ondelcu.d rni.l I.l,tate hill therefore make Inn wt Mato pan meat. und thou line Ltg clettins' will pro. solt them ler settlement. Oct,. 6, 1.865-14 'ISTATI4.3 NOTICE.- l t Lotto's Testatnenta'ry on the estate of JOHN T A D MB. den'tl,, late 61 :tooth Mlthlluton Twp., Own borlowl County, lovviogkeoo grunted to the --sobattl ber roahling In Hie Tw r. l'err IJn. l'a. Nutt., Is J'ec FTtltion to a perceas n ebted to BM., payment and I hume having claims to prurient them duly authentic% ted' tar settlement to WILLIAM wwfzei:, Esecuter. = Eighth Quarterly Report MEM] First National Bank, Carlisle., • October 2'lBo It naou ROES. I.nalits aud Discount:l, U. N. Bonds, Duo from MIAs Anil Dank e.s, 41,471 40 4thlo and Legal Tends!. Noted, .83 412 15 S . Notes 01 other :3,.th0 00 Cash items, 1,040 40 129,813 2 Real Fstate n. d Insurance. iurnlture and Fixtures ' Curreu4.Xpeusre end I E s xeS „ LIABILITIES Capital, Circulation - Doposlts Duo to liankrt, 1:13-c. utile and Surplus Fund. 1 vvi I horehy take notice that my j_ wire Eliz,lielk Goneher, lon my bed and board, anu mm all persona rail II .rti ring or trusting liar on lily 11, "nit IS 1 will - pity no debts of lot contract- MIKE GI: AN 1) CENT ItA L • 7RI-..1C-131.11 4 C)1 1 t1C 32 : 3 1., At the Itoonts of .1. C. I..nliSll 7 inr, s() nth titiSt CM' l' \ la, et •l•iu tn. of Litt. Lilts pictures, scle.istlngt•f t Ili •Ttiti (..\ Plitt. 6.1•Iilt• Y oi 1,1.1. A • it)TYPES. t A hT PE VISIT in all No 3 loc .1 tl •.. .`corn Lift nix •to the . ./itiiiitiro pinP 04 , 1 t. .r I",tot plug. to iiin 1116,15r...4 urn ‘c •t rt tiott4i ;rt r • •111 y Jit r , ti city or e Itt•ri,. hi • t ot tine ines - .• a,' Ink artison can it,t Le •-ttrpoct• I P c tot' Vl,e , nud fr:IUW ,4 nil fl . Olll ill • req. , st gilt anti cartel ro•-••tvo•qi to the pi:tines'. •ot • ••••eale•st Ills pi ices are is le to suit all slur,- tett! 0,1,110 0 11 N (II Melt. )01 1;11 , t 01, and :inks a continuation of 010 M.lllll' .1. C. Lt.:Stint. 7 0) 0 2) 0 It GREAT XIHRITION: .1),,,rs 1,4?,?1,1,11"S New I3ooi, Shoe, Ilaf. & Cap ~'Lore. ibor would le. iwc , lully InP rt, ,it 1 1.. r , l Cit. 1 , 1, Itt • it • t Et•ttlirill t tt 1.11• t 11./ tt:l 101 , tt. t • hittl .1 ~this IOW ~ And • 0' st I \ 111 ILr mwr , v St and!•/runt .1 , t ‘1,4, 12, I 1.. .•li Lip soultl Invite the attention of purilissors tie .t c, t,is..-. In port of Mole!, 11031 , and vuuthi FINE CALF BOOTS, \Vat, ;sour Ito dc: Golf and 'Glove litd lila ',lt and flip un 11000, Slippers, rt•i•cil .;aitel • nTtil I+l , l • It a 1.111.11( t•t , ,aiteal 1,1 I.,•ut.ir, .1.1 i: .1 •,I tod I ,V 4) I U,, , •.“ tr,t • I It ••• tt. I IMMO 'kW GAS I ; t •1: - MEM MIME in i,l 111 t:i .I• Ell . I • 300 hALIYIORAL .. ~, ~, .. t .1, .1 I Ilia 11.1:1,111i.1 11 'I 1\ 1111. • Ind 11 1 • 111•11%.111111.1,311.111116,1 ' I 1,.•1 1,111,y - I ; nll.l 11% 3.1 t Le tul p•tt tol, A tt.sy r.t3 ' nl-r 1 r Nal • '0,1 • • 'I / :11,1 ,111.1 :1 I, sn .til 1 I •011 1 0t 1 , , .11- . 111 111 1.. 111 , .. 111, 1 1 . ./ 11 1 .1 . 11,1 ILL. ,• 111 1 I.l' 11111 p, (gi 'lO 111 d I I 1... 111 . 111 .01 ,sll 4'1,1 1 1 1• LII 11111,1.1111 1;.•1.4 1.• • .111 ,, ,-ite ~i I Greenfield & Shearer's. Ikt:t 11:0. Pw.% wi) II, , pc( . 11011 V - L•ot , litoodA v, N'.•11411 1,01 / 4 : Id .‘ ‘4l• S 4 4. •4 4 14 / 4 .1 4 I• 414 , /4/ . 4 44 it• /4 4k 1 . ..r1t i:,4 ,r• G 11. LAT PA hi C gh JiltiJig Off o Ont. - • ol 1'4414111.11.4144 1.4 c.41.44: 4 , 1'444141 14. `1 4rlf4e d 4. 134 4 ,4 4 1 4 h n ' nra 114144 . 4 e t. 1041., 1( 44441 I' aian 1 - 44 4 44e14 \14,111444 4 ,.. 414 841 color , . Coburg. 0111 , 113 of I ~ . 11.111 li 1 1' ,, 11 Jv 4:14t. r 4 ,4, 1,1 tin, :444 lit (('HI Ills. 144 ad4llll 44 1' (ill' 111.‘ le {loll oust otr , f Drew. 410ddr. lilvtdll44 4 l i haV, , It lull lino 4.1 MEM at privos that d •I) r. We l'/In KMI MUSLIN', CALICOES, GIN (111 NMS, ,er tlut , l ue. I to, Leh/it:LS pod 1.4: (1.1.....• ton ig''. I hopewiio coin , It le,: Jro should 11.4 1.11 to veil /tlid OxuLtilio• h.aap ID weed the place, bOULti i act. artier Alarlixt S./Loire, ..c(111,1 Ihnolttul for the past patronago we roNliet Wally so. licit a Lou,IDllll.lllO of the Balm, tIItIikINFIELD October O. BOOTS AND SHOES 1 At Ogilb3 9 s Cheap N.tote. • MOW °pulled nod ready l'or sale, 50 _LI Callus Men ' s 01 a Boy's lloots for Winter Wear. total. s liallintrals Boots mud thilturt, limas ivith and tyl tit° ut tithiteltgocd.and.B en ed.. Ladies-clewed-- Bus -11 Inc, Misses ittaittr;ral, ;;piera. rano' Shoes. 111111_ hoes, an tininess ttartots Ir,Ml 21111111 lout to at ,4e4,,tilzos, all of Best 'Mal.e, U illisee celebriacti make of shoes constantly receiving 2u Uoses Outs Shoes, 150 Pair 'don's GUM Over Shoes and tiandals ill 1•17.4, !Liu fair I adios Unto Ovi:r Mines a;1 sizes. IU, Pair Ladles Uupt bautials itll sizes, 10,. Pu it t tidies tl nip Lined Itiimklos t itiz; it, lull Pair Minus and Oluldrellfili um Over Sho a till siz e. Please oat; and examine the ahoy uhcilitre purchasing, Mann street opposite tho Methodist iAturch. CMAIILLS Oct. 6, 1865., Tiutttoo. J. w. EBY, aluable. Town Property at Private Sale. .'205.440 40 7,7.i0 1 0 i.:12:1106 4U THE subscriber offers at, private Anle the I..llowin • duzeribed deolizthle town proporty -situated on Weht High htreet, hi the borough of Cur lisle, viz!, A TWO-STORY . 6 1, BRICK HOUSE, g g with two-story backAtuilding, with all other conven ient out-buildings. • Tito lot contains 20 feet front by Aq feet in depth... - Also, Three llriek-llouges. EMI: Hi.s 3,317 .1 00 50,60 00 45,993 00. 321,715 98 8.1,21003 7 815 no 7,595 eltualed en South W(44 etreet. Two and a half AorleK moth, with two-story Lank h uhtlinge. 'Theme linnet:B are conveolmaly urianged built In the meet modern irti le, wig h every ImAlmn Immo vent el 4 r, .and ere ,emlnuntly worthy et the curly-at - teethe' .or purettnewre. „. For terms and !littler pertleuter3 apply to J. N. AlitanTßONO. fiept.iit,ll3ot;—Cit :49L4 0 Pei C. 110Y.e.hlt;.eashler To the Public Ii EOM E L. 0011,1Ln A IiNIITT.XNeE FRET, 8.,07.4, Shoo, Hats & Cop.,, f LADIES' WEAR 110 11 1e owl (lip, in variely, (to), ni:tl h lII=I =MEM I 1 1, I'l,' Jr I; (). 4 1[1.\:- Wia,er 11 ~ /, ~ , ~ ~~ ~ , , ~ ~J.; !MEE ME EIGIREIBE WRVS( it! Goods, NOTION?.4. I . t 1111.1 111 pr • I \ I Ili! .1, ll /, I . , G.l .V IMIIIIME= GlIANI) OPENING DAY I, tt, •.t. nit 1- 1 .t,; id. I fi111 , ‘,. 4 S tik)ODS 1 LOBIESTIO GOODS, PROCLAMATION VVIi E Ir A t : W t M e . EB, .Ca r elties with alleXtAri:Ave tili•OrtlittlLl to a t f' lT n t/ t l h e e lllti s eru 1 enni )1,‘1,10 owl brllll.tue-rotors of • 1) Rl Pi 8 • - 0 0 01) S, -- ) • IHI 11• B ... i'1,11.11 Ilerid ,, , • Froneh Cass' mores, i 'or LW' of Do I.anos, llon.k do. .1morle:lo .1., , ~ vial., Poplins, 1 Yon ...I c 1.., Ltop .10., Alp. as, . Plain Cobur on, Figured do. Morelia, purclnuers will find it to their advantage to give toe a call A IF.. the lialiihronest as , ortnie et of PLAID DRESS GOODS. in Carilde. Particular attention given to Moutimsei 00008. WM. A. MI LES. flirts:oy opposito 'he Mansion Rouse, and ono door West or Lho l'uot Office. Dept. 21, NEW STORE in Eby's Old Stand, Alain Et, L. 13I?,11N II Alt & SON, IN F011)1 the citizens of Carlisle and vlrinitu that they have jUFt 'Tenet' In the above popular stand. an immense oof k of . First Class Clothing, anti tie' uitamvr irnishitlg Goods. Their stork con part or Coats, ttts and Vests, 5r icilinn r. ~01114, . .. 1.141 r nth, tiv latvst pat' ern, of of Calltra In, quest', lien!, )VOreoaf:, or;I I I va r iC lirs. rrtinks )111d Tios. and t:r,Vrns, 3,4 ,t,tvel.ll,: , (;,,,orts 1,1 ea/ dcscii.p/iMiS. In rlt , t n.lllll/lett. and ‘.ll tire a,snrtiniiiit tit clothing And Good, i Ill) plat', I:tlV'S Old Stand. Marion 112111." Mail, ...Am.:, I, I; ERN II Uib 4. SON. ;. 11A R)W AIRE STOU E. rr 11 1 , 2, old Hardware stand of Lea is F. 1.311,11, Into , hr lEtni, 01 W. E. A n, A .11, now tr.um..slinS bilsin,ssll- tl,(110 11)154.r )11 1. I, 1.4; It IioNV me . firm 1,44,e,441 , t ret , , e4 5.41 from the dty and are le. , pr0p.41,-1 t 4 1515 , 414•11 is. lii' public , at the 144,14,t ieer. :411 4,11111, • 11,1 • St ••. T. 4,3 FoREI( EsTR En=l2 IMMIE MEE Great Excitement ! ! AS b ;; crear,ded ;It Ilr (111,111 I try 5,;.; Vll/0, E1,V,1 l I.i til4l . Oil p lii,l r• t ft ;a Nl', ' 1111 !e• ilUti Bill•: r; ()ohs Min (HA' /7i.V FLA .\ .V/..7, ' llll. 1, ,1 1 ii 1. .111 . 1 1 ,11. .:/.• Ina 1i 11111 l'l.l l• 1, all i I t n lIIIIIMI • 11.t,t•. .t r 1.1,t1t, ):\ CI,OAKS Furs ! Furs ! Furs ! tit) IV /1111 i 1111.11ity and l ii 1,1;1n ME =MEI :+ll qt. r d.. ,t• , II I 11.1••,. 11.11, LU ^ m ,1111.iot, 04•1, of t:: :t 11.1, 4 , yr 11,1•11,A110 ni 0,11 noii•vlo• I zto.tl 41t.tertlitillA nt pito. Irt.l ipt•• hilpit. :100 al,. 5,11.1 , Shut ,:110 111.• II: - u• t =I ::ept 2 Nes,. re:1,10..1 511•• s.ii 1,0,111 Ftl.li I• 11 lilt' S•r1.11 ail Si. 1., in ut h.., W. C. Sawyer & Co. Ir. c..4ruru• ,•• J. .1. 1) , / Ike, J. P. j I/t l I _,.t111„ it. A..., , ai,ti Lilo bt,L ~ lit I 111,:wolpI1iti. Lite laq,unt t.ii ME Fall aid Winter Goods Ev El: iiitucc,ivr T) 1.1.1:1i.ET I 11111,11 i 0111 i1111111"1.0.• SiOds 11110 . I 1.1 1.1(1- p 1 I a., and 1 I_,l4lk.ti oloulll itlqs. i1,..t • 111 b... 1.1.1 1, I , leNn • , 00 , / 11l AI. 1,1 4•1 . 1 1I ”t 11 t 1 ,i1`,1•2 , 1.1 .411,1 la I,w, 111. A., a ..1 •k, 44 .1. • iald, !Inrb l a th,t, 1.1,•11 :14/51 1.a1•o • ohar,, t 1 1 IAI. L. 1,11 NO., ~11 1.10,. 141111 111/11. 11/ Idt. II 1,, 1i1d.1.11 , / ‘ll.e, /littl 1,1.“ ,. .1 /.1/11A1:1•, Ir.l 111./.4{1,11r1.l Domestics in Quantities 1.0 Lain s. all I !tit:l,4lol MUSilliti, Gil/011111s, 1,14.11114 F 1•t,111,n, Woo (Ititts' rind Boys' ll' pur f t I.ttttx, r'.‘,..itrittot. plain lilac! Lttiry : 4 varfm Iln d 6, ,rhi"tb Awn and \\ and -LadioN. dente, 11i,1 S ant Phil .1g on. C 0 W.^ or /Ili kiwis u,u.ilip I.ept lu iii. t o:ti , e, DO lit noti,tot it. Is is l'arp••ll4. I) I 4.U4N. uutl, Loolsll/g • .1..405, Ds Ac. Vo pay o C :11 latoll I to • MOURNING GOODS, mud Lull 1,0 h blo all c,rdi;rs r unorals; Cash r s, .s`houLtink 4hluu li, Crop, I ollass, 111 .eic 310 Danlt.' hop Pow. nod , Lignite !Poo rnlugh ; /di quolitiuti ur .Engli,ll and French (31apes t lii LLouN, ac All carefully aticuthei Fooey DrV 13,000.. bomentic Urn to Wear, 10,,1vy and GI4Ja. ICU Yih.vu... whit() and blark col vs antral! fikYllt, Ut UllalosB rni lutoB at W C 0 W Y ER. & Co., Door Dolo.v Martts's 1100.1. Mats St., artiste, Pa. Rapt 29,1095. El • rOMILI Subscriber having removed his U Ibr)t & Shoo .Core from Net th Ilan over street to %test Ibtin stree' a tow deers below the burnt earner, el.pnelie Marlon flail, le prepared to accommodate 'the public with the very boot as e ortment or BOOTS AND SHOES, 11 0/11 E MADE TV ORK -- of all kinds consmotly on hnud an Maila.to ardor at the Hluttlest notice. 1 non nothing but thy best mate rial and omptoy noun but the hoot hauda. liapcchQ m tenth:fa given to the manufacture of French Calf 'Boots, " 1 Ifynu want a neat tit that won't Much give me a call. Flan Calf flouts trim) r; io 9 i5,t0 Corm. liteits from $2.5.. to sti 50 .Wolllols'a ;7,1 lovairom 92.U0 to $O.OO CHILDRE.PS SHOES OF ALL KIIVDS. I have a lot of liny's and Women's Shoes twit I am soling at c.a. Call and csamlna before purchasing olsowho.a. ke. 0. Lel, MING, 'west Main Street'. ' ' Septombor H, itals-Iy. I NO. C C RA. H. AM, Attorney at Law, la Carlisle. Po:" ihruterly occupied by Judo ti alittui, south lipnover streot. September K. 1.h06. )ElYSIbi ANS will find it to their ! lotus° to'cmi And purchase their mediknif;a at ItAtnopeo.- i,„ that t to. t ,1111,1% tio• hlr •nio 11111 itl(.l, yy 1.9 .16.• u.. 5 All .111 1 II Intr. d i.l.w o, 1 .r ; / . r, 4:oods. 11 .11, A I. I . 11' I I/1.1, Donic:,tie Goods =I 11 , it',.roi,l 11; -I•VI•1 • hf Cl,l MED oTeoe4s. , ;Ind ON, I,‘ ,r.sls• a 01 yst , ltit I I I s .1. s J...t4•, l• Ti in I= '.\ i:r - .\ Iffl= 11U5IE111 61.01` ES BOOT • and SHOE EVA On S«turday 7. :October 21st, 1866 Y virtue of un order of the Orphatiq r itt.ert.ork urn ['Hand county. I will nips., topub- IC Hale, at the Court II on a in thu tiur ui l of car lisle. that yuluable lot of liruutal, Into the property of Eliza, nut lig.lt dce'd., situate tat East Not lb atrcet Ulu borough iiiinrsaid. adjoining proport) of Jo. Minium tin On oast L. cost alley on the south stud heirs of P., ti ick, I in wson on 11001.. 'OD tat n feet iu f not and '240 bs.t 6t leptn, said In being, nup Iced and inunburini tile plan , Jr Mid 13 ,, e1.11./11 Thu iniproviononts consist of a one-and -a half story FRAM 14: 110 U SE, • svao n t , u And lNou, An other rnlt•build. , citta Te..re is a fine Well of water on . ;„ U the pr,uilses. • , Salo to commence at 10 0:elnoli A. 1%1. when attood atieo will bu given and terms inane known by C P. lIUMILICIT, Adm . , or Elizabeth Egolf. Sept 99,1865-4 s Tuscarora Fema e Sem,/nary. ittniOtt County, rfp 11 E W INTER SESSION OF TFITS INsTrruTE ntil commenr.-011 W ethic sd y, 11t.,re 0, be i• 131 , 1865 'rho under• lat , ed hat In g obtalut.4 possesßion of the oleo. 0 lout it,.. Invite , the pat rolint:r. of all yoUpe hulios who it 1.1, to obtain n thorough edneal 100. Ilest advantlisos ti von In fill hrimeh.. Part opportu tilToi.ded in MU l'aintinv :tun I.:llnrUnt!,. . olnpoten t tentrhors will tab.. charge • of the ihrlernot depurtruesa.,. .I.dt/sr.-a - - C 111, V. Proprietor, 1,01,411 in, ;I 111310,1 County, hi, F11)10110,1 Bedding & Feather Warehouse• No. 44, Ne...(h l ii/// St. , 0 , 1 W( lhrrlvd, PA ihe 2)EI)S, 2) Arrit,\SSEB, BLANKETS. 111 I) (FELTS, kVe. Bed. ItvE.fy A , 11(.1 , ' in ,Lhe I+4.thlinv line ‘ nt ',west Vlarkot, priorq. A 10 , 11'1,1,1{011N, Sept 29. 1 , i1.1. ::roo Business Men—Alechanies—Every body sTIo( 7 1,1) INSURE AGAJNsT ACCIDENTS! 7'llE OItIUINAL Travelers Insurance Co., (H' H coNN Insures against ACCI DENT OF' ILI, fir INDS, Causing . Bodily lojtu:y or loss or r . o no cnn , n "r . , „. d pt,‘j. t I It -I, :II tt.• =MOM Inp.ll , 11.„t ir i 111- 1.. tt i 11/I • 1 1 i I 11- llt I r •tt I r ll l i t ISE= rIL' i Ow I.t. .1 d I, 1 , -I.• 11,11 N 11 it 1./. , v. sr 11,1 , 1.:1,11,.•;1...r I i.. 11 .3 It i fl, 1,• L, I 111111111111 MEE 1. 1:1110.1,Y • MEI 'g~lll. fl r,,, immis ••4 Ow. I il.i•trat, I CA:2I .1 I !1V..., NIA -4IN A 111111.1 N . , 1 , 11, NEo =1 \( E —We the that 1,t..k 1r I. t -I 44 Inv Ihi.i4iii 111 • I I 111 H, DI 11l NN AN I) I ;It I N It, 1•Id .rue LI., 101 l 11,tallthi them ISm wool Lino• jr .-Lkl.lll. I .1,111 \\ 0111111 1 . . 4% it .1.1111 VVV thl.r•L \ , it titAtt .sht.l L 111.1.111 \I. •hu.l Nt ;. IS ill Ii tit. lit. 111 Ill) Bit 1011.11, ti Illtr.til II A'dnitt F 1 ,11,1 1 .11. N. I,llt, t = II'ENN.NWLVANEIA El L I> EPA HT 1 1•:N1 BEIM _V , /, s,( ; ( , 1 1,,,r f CA, Philm/dj,h,ri, Prr ANN OUNCEIVIENT ()NI. 'llllli3m 1 , ., Elm, at. rr , fins. r of S . orlpry. II 51,,, Muni ite,,ry. nll , l 11tn11,1,... ailiti..l mu I. )1 11A:tit ut, \‘l/11,1 . 11 11,11 hi .1 en. ph Cu.., 11, 11 1 . 1 1 1 r 111 1 .1 .11 .1 111111 ,1,13,•3 I.Ni D., Pr •1 .1 t•r,l, .1. , 111 1 1 I, 11e -111,111 NI 1, 1. 1 , • I- NI. I, ~•rt,l• 1•11.,• It A i• ' , I 11 “1. , t..t. and tl,o ~1 ,tt trill 1111 o • 111.0 , 1 , t 1.0 , r3 Pra 4io ME= 1) 11,,, an gl,ru, )1 1) ,D. Alit. rah, Itatt,lni /Ind 1,, 11,, l t•.l Cll.!: .1 • n/r., ,, ) • I, , •rtnnwUl the run 1,11: be in on the .41 tl4.se I , li the tnst Ono I 'arta utdor . ) off. I , t, il•li‘sred t t) e rousse. l'lt•rica I All tot on ills It t the esston. In . til , al 11311, I.y tind al Ow flog pit.lH. [lto t•...t.ti meg r,;l be JS, liontru , ot• Nltto.l,l y at d t.lil be fkoly taught. bt the .ipproptimte T/10Ui.,erunL11.111,1 11i1.11, 'be i•orerintendence ,1 ihu rli I r 1,. of A l.al. llio r. att Opoll tlt 611,01,1 t 010 tour, in uly and for Operativv , hunter) tind the App!le:ith,ll OF Italtringv., Of. ,rpen thinualioUL Lli• ,11.1414.11. ull tier ,1•.11 of ttery. &eV, tier 1t101e.1114, 0.011 $lO, 11 , ativt11.ai tur 1,14.1./ tpll4, ), It 4W,G,011 t•. H. E Itou' , lßS, M. If., Deno of lho 11fNlic , 81 nfrult, Umvvirdly Ituti.ii g EST EI"S COTTAGE 0 (J 6 t ta . i. s . 0 0 rga .04 =I ARE not only 1111rXeelled, but they ere tibselutely unequalled, by any t titer Itt ed Instrument In the run try In signed exprounly fn• Churches and Schools. they are Rattle to Ito tinny iv. II adapted to the parlor nud drawlii rem. For Bale only by ' :IL BB Uliß, No.ll North :SEVENTH Street, l'lnnsuntrittA. +d,3 - 1 , 13. ttlt ADIMICIrti PIANOS , It u complete as sortment or the PPIIIPEO C MIAODEoN. &int. 22, LADIES FAIVOY FURS! OM) PH Stir Thrives and Cylimn. • . ,1 am enabled to tilopneri.of my goods at very reasen able prices, and Ir would thereflire solicit a call from illy friends rif Carlialo arid vicinity . • Remember the Name, Number and'Strect! JORN FAR FARA, 718 Arad Street, anvel th. ninth Sept: 23: 1805-4 m • ' • er • .'/Xif•lliave no partner, nor connection with any other stoto ha ktilhaolphln I •, • • . • OEM 11' 1 4 t'll \ =1 =IIIM =I =I ME WI I: Sll =IEI =En= =EI 1111111•111 Pl•i , I %1!111 1 . Phimp kviv.lltoz \t„. hart I .•r. • I II- 1 I f I V•l•ii. , ll. 11••limmt .Intel till, •I iii V, I 11.1111 Lill, ~bi:uJnw II I. I\:,liam II WO I'llo p ; \ I. I=l ,•• 4p: EMI= ItGANS, r • ME OLIN Old established elilt MANUFACTORY No. 718 Arch St. Wove 7th, la. . I have now In Atom of ny °WU 10111Lli'LltiOtt Ind Menu'actor°, one f the Largest and most teautlinl Belections of . FANCY FURS, or Leoßoe end .'hildrene the city. Also. , euLt of 4 Q- (C) 31:), SELIJON & CO. Di.4IN,UFACTUMG JEWELLERS, 27 COURTLANDT S NEW YORK. 100,000 WATCHES, C II A INS, OLD PENS, PENCILS, &c. &c. &c. &c. Wolt T $50:J,000 ! TO. I3E SOLI) AT ONE DOLLAR , EACH WITHOUT REG A. 121) TO VALUE. AND NOT TO BE PAID UNTIL YOU KNOW RAT you WILL RECEIVE. Splendid List of Articles. All to be seld for ONE DOLLAR Each 300 lien L's 17,,1,1 II u Wing Cam; IVutclu,,c,:n to $I r 0 300 and Eliumvied It /ad., 70 .100 OttuCh Ilu:lting Clow 61her watehon 30 ‘• 71/ 200 Diamond I,iogr, 00 " 100 II thou C oa and neck ChnlnF :1.01/J '• :I,otiO Gold Oval Itnmi Itractletn. 1 000 Chas,ll.loll 3111,131015. .11LO k b'aglal 1111 I ilit 1 1 11 11111/ (i unrrl ChM tIY, 6 " Co 0,000 Solitntiro laid llethl ISt owl) , n, 4 lu 711,1 lid 14 urmul tun Ain) rllO6, 4 " 2.004 Conti, , p 4 I 1,111 ?if,/ 'I 2 , 000 le . , jet, Lava, 0.10.1 1,4401411i° . Drops. . 4 .. 4 S •,y Po • ..., ilpal. nod I:nler:di] Enr Drnp, I ~ S 4,000 Cl:llfort:ta Dittilionttl Ilr.not l'i:Js, 2 5: `' 10 :1,0 0 0,11,1 Fob and V.,: 11titch 14,•y., !,,0 '• S 1,000 1e51) and Ve , t 111: ,1 80: :lido:, 3 ,• 10 4,0181 ~, t s ',lee , V likatorth, St tls. et, 3 '. 8 3.0 0 1401,1 l'lmnlolo.N. I'elollo, t.t.e. 4, .' 7 6,UtM Mini:auto 1.43!30-ts: 5 3 3 3 3 3 4000 111,liatore hoe33eie—Magle 3 3 pring. 3 " 25 4,11111, Toothpicks, etc. 2 3 3 8 D=llllEl 5 000 110111 kingl, 4 " 11 unn Set, nWI Signet 2 ;111 • 10 5,00 n (10111 onto Diamond ning,, •• 10 7.lllSet .1,.11' ry —.I et 11.10.1 1101,1 •• 15 11.01 0 m'.l• oily— 'BOlOO. Pon!, 1.1.2 4•' 15 11,5 0 1101.1 Pens Silver 1..,a tension Iloldei and 1'01.115 •• 111 000 01.1.1 and (lold-Vounted 1101t1r.rs a ' Ti 1, • 11, Aj...lolig, 11 d Drlnliing Cups " 10 1,000 Si, ver 0570 ors, 15 . 1 Si) 2,00 Silvo r erull and Colo. 13asluds, 10 " 50 5111113 , 11.52 1.1100 Dozen Silver Tea Spoons, to 1:20 " • l'aldo poonA and forks 20 •‘ 111,1 MANNER 1/1 , 1/1.41.1111111r10N. ;C1 . 11•1:: t Fr.•• 11,110111. en •11 artl.lo and Its Value, ure i•N I ~ re 1111 , .1 1)1, Id Lb, ilVt'l••3,os. lig c , •i 11- ch-pies it. V:1111 :11 mi) , 111 11,1 1 .1 ./110.14r1• lU II j,l I 11) 111011 tl,iitty atillrosi, mitt utl id 11l clt-ice i,i. , vita. ill _it s ill P. . :1 , •I• • I Sell 1,1121 i . 6 ,ti 1111111.,:11111 is‘aluit h I. 1.• 11..1111111 10 5/it! 1111 , 1 roil timf 11 ~ tt ,),•,, 11.1111 1 , 1 , 1 1 1 1 tll • tail. e , 11 . 11 I. the lip, till, ,alut• out/ , • • ,•.; h• :1111 , 1 , 41, F, •/ L i-1..' 111 1.1/1110 rel 1111/I,t •Moi i••• ..1•0••11,{, 1.11. t i , l11.11 , 1••) Lill, 11 .t. lk li1u• . ull ittl,l: -t• 111111..1•Ii •:‘ • ail 11/.. t• ,f• ,; 112. =II ME • • 11,1. II 1 . , t..: 111.111 . ,. :1 01 M" . "I 111 ‘,, 111111, I• 11 111 .01 11 , 1114 , • It : ill , 111 II Illnit lit .•S =I A.1111,••1 II 11 ,10 1,; T t Lii.l) It 1.11 Lli L , p.:11111) !MEE Music ! Music rilll; • ,•[ rti I I t ,1 11 l • II tt • ti t 1111 M =I 11 \ \\'. ('. r\ rr.r.. .1. .\. I) - I-, .IN 1 NEW FIRM EMI =II r.• (ton f..r 1111', BLE f,(") 011 N NEW GOODS. !tlp I 1.1 tfll' . 1 . I IN • 1 . 11/t, 11,14 illtl 111,,1, 101 log . lli up. d I I. 1110.0 d t ti :11•• li tllY tt l ill t , meclt. ..• I .11 , .\/:1It1/1 . ..• II tel 11 ~ ‘lll i. °~~~~r. ~~, IxtiC ale of Town Property i \vo Nor) Bi ick 1i0n..0 on 11 est bt 7'\l'l) ..T()1:1' it t ,, tzt! „ ,) 11 •I -i„ "i 1111.11,11. Flt•LII•11 , ullll. I, 111 1,111.i1•I , uq, 'II II Illt• .1- 111. i '••••• 1 . 111 , 11. I.t 1, /.,. Is I'. )1..,J, Sat. 11,,,‘ 1 , k1.', 1-1111 1 , e,t0.,..111111, I_ II 111111,1ILIN, 2, (u i hn't. (), r, Valuable Real Estate at Public sale OCTOBER 181;:. ' II E on (he pie \ • t 2 . tI,III eria)ad ta rat.. 10.11 t• 1 • 11 t 11 Ili° .Nl4 Lil 111, 10,1,W 1.1121 11 (ILO 41,di 1,1111,4 L ..111 111111 hoal A I'l, ANTA 'l' IQ) N Cotaaim . ,, 3 I to 111,0 or 11 a 111,11 edltisattt. and . mler . I t.•/..•io r 1..,pr .55.1th..t., art. it Inr,;f3 Story Brick Dwelling, , t• • 0 , v 4 01.33,:5 4 F. 1 LS I.NT 11(/1":-,11,, IMP ~ : 1,1; Barn, ‘l,lgiiii and .01 taller , I h •r, 11 01 t.ror e and a 111 k11..1 . , ipi upia r alt. %IBA. IVAC/0,, Will Wi11.... ,11 111111 r) - I his prolo•rt, I. 1 o.llod. coo voll yot.l to t burcht , L olAis Lou bl , St 1 . /11 11111 i, the t • ~u, Li y. OIL r., lent ludure otr to pot, hake", uminevee at I o'clock p I,•rnlb %, I Nina, tsy • • • • Supt Yt3, Trustee's Sale of Real Ers'ate. 0,, Irednesd.,y, Octubo• 4, 1663. (1 1 11 E uniLttdt,ty9d, trustee appointed nta t• tett at t.,/111111011 1'.4,14 ellalbariailli a my ita . p 11 1 .11., V.l/IPUbi I , sofa. 4 , a the .0,0 It dn . ) , 11 11 111, prt•ll/1,, Vltukl It: Inlet of Land, 'with thy impr , vell.o.llP, In POllll towncl4, g . ..111,1y Illullcl.li 1.3 11 - 11111ri Of It flown hom .1/1,10, nil co, taltkittg 71 ACR ES, more or lens. Tills hind Ix oold under proceedings in pit On It Ii Itwooo Julio hiving !he h,•lrs of Oruro E lug dee'n, and .101 ale COLINOLIA of all portion in In ui o.t. :ale to rommenco at 1.2 rielonit. M. when terms %yid be Umdb known ,y Sept 20,1305 VALUARLE FARM AND LARGE TRACT OF WOODLAND F Sk-L On Wednesday, Odobdr 18, 1865 TIPITE subscriber will expose to Public Sale, or the premises, a Valuable Farm, situated in loon lion township, adjohditg . Town tads of Lisburn Ott the North, Yellow Breeches Creek on the Smith. land- , of Loyd's heirs on the East, and road lead ing frum Lisburn to nutlet nentown„ York county, on the West, r COI4TAININ. - G 75 ACRES, all cleared, and.threo Town Lots. upon which the build- Into are erected, Tho futprovemonts are an &sentient double WEATHER -BOARDED 00 0 rif; B. 0: U 'S E nevorlalllng Well of Water, near the door: - a (Actable Log Barn, and an apple Orchard of superior. quality, On bald dlis,,there wilridso be offered for to1o: a Tract .‘f 'Woodland, situated In Yolk canny, about 0 tulle and 0-halff from the termer plantation, CONTAININd AI3OUT-4-5 ACRE§ lo of which aro'partiallY. clamed' and the ronidua ciov• ore,l with'finuili lying Tirinbor:.», great proportion of ivilirh)s.rliestntat, This IVoodiand odd he sold to lots or othoroko, ti) volt purcinoors. tido to coral:nonce at II o'clock,- A. 'AC, when terms bo ninclo‘ktiovmhyr. I11:01I CRAIG. For•tho.lloirs.Y P 91., 8, - 1885-64 FAMILY DYE{ COLOR S; ' AT linerows G.3r . (=b a:2) erlem. R 1. 1 & BRU., ft A V ENG just ~!leturnect, trout the Eawern c,lloß.a,sfro th'ii;rorm their patr, ns that tin" have laid in a Imes and varied stuck of ra w and Fitch t - pkis at the ,nn - est east) prices. Their asserpn.,nt I,t thorough and complete: contmin lug everything uncessinty to constitute a First Claps -Grocery' TEAS, , COFFEES, SUGARS, In greate.t, libunclancy. and al Ir,reat rash figures.— Syrops, Fplevs, canned Fruits, QUEENSWAHE and Crockery. :Salt and Fl,b, Chem), Crackurs, ltrpshvs, Ilmiliets and Willow lV ire. of tin, chnleest brands. Broonu, Buckotv, and a corn plutt: n..:st.rtinont nt FA tOCE I? I ES-- Don': forget the old stand. hooch East corner of ll:tourer str -0 tB. 19:4 rjrIII undersigned purpaes going .113iist In ti‘ e or Fix WM. , x and ill the meantime. wiohen to sell his sloe'. a Notfone, I 30 4 u t) 1 << 8 • FANCY DRY (iOODS, Iforgo, 'tout°, Good WDI Sre , to tiny porstln dociroto: ~t e ,, 1,•g in the loaThlopr: i'vrt. 15. 148:5- , -11t. I•erry :wit'. and Fla zll.llll flap copy It, tlOllll hiti lowhl,llleo CUMBERLAND VALLEY HOTEL N. E. (.iu•. Main Oul Bedford StB. CVLISLE, . PA. ,NU. tr. lIEISER, Proprietor. D ESTAII it .1 NT in the linsernr nt, t j • bleb furulsh•d with the very best 01 liquors :1,1 edible:, of all vntletinE lutio If, 1865 ly. iron, English Refined, 4 i CENTS lb. Nails, $3,50 Horse nll,l rent Ling If ine in propor t 1011 :it 11 1•INItY SAXTON":, 'Utiti .'. +l^l' 111111 "i". 1111,0 011 j l'it,ll[li/ 'IS I SUN •-1.14 01; , , , Outua put! In! sHr„,ri NI, •1 ot•' lip un V:lrtt tf htt t ott I. at tt I 1,-1, ttl CLOTHING. w s ivud Q I t.. ; d Lspl•rfipo = ”'” " ' l ' W "I k 01, \c, f I 01 0 S , r, I l,i 1 ;r1 Irt.ri. tot.. PI • 111 1;r. N c,:II 11,1,0 • 1.te • sl , ll 1., ,-11.1 I pi -.. 111$• 1 .1 ~ •1 .. 1 1111 ~..• • 111 . 1... N O r 111 1.;t1.1 , a n 11,.,,L1 MEIM 111,•(•, ,, j'y rill I, °lttt •I. Int•ttil t• Itt •10 :10(110.,, 1 pil ttit• r Itt• It lilt , . a di .1 e I ii iii 01A ..1.11 VVR. " 11 uiul El i! i' , 5.•,• p , 11.1 / .1 C 111 J 11.1111. I / I,ln .11, A , _116.1 ,1. 11 111.1 1 1 1. :1111 10.11. 11..1.11/114 / 1 .1 1 t.1. 1 , /1 1• • II t...r 1• /1...1 • .1 11 . 1.'1.11.11 it/ the 111/111, t., 3//11 11 . op" ,t,ont I utl, ren boll I wad I,'l'.~tf. /1 CE. Lefler- Admil.istral 4 ,1) the e•tate of Mrs oe I F • , 1 kot. dev'd h 11 .0n0t..1 1.1. e ler l'oroherlaool Cn to the so le(fiber le i Berg ;II seed Itorough. .111 per iVol =I JOIIN JACOBS. Trustua NEW AND FRESH Sellars and l'obacco, RARE INDUCEMENTS ! SHOES, $7,25 MIME 7 . 3 - 7 (,) SUH.IIOa N IFATI IRI .11, t. , 1 UM. Lill 11 1,10.• .• IMIMEMI Ready Made Clothing J;()(17'...;, NH(EN.-1.V1) ILITS lIIMMI=I 1111= n iliiks, Tra gs SLc I 1.0 ghid MIZE `.; 1 srls—:iin ,‘I d.l[„ r 131111.1111 LO Samaritan's Gift ! SAMAItI lAN'S GIFT ! E r cERTAIN NEMEDV EVER USED. Yo-, A ivt. Utter no )1 invral: no 13:Lk:on, no Moreury o.lh Teil ro hr. Ta hen In Effeel a Care. TI1l: l' are entirely vegetable, having ts,to raid will n o t In otin SC y Injuro the sliiiiineto or bowels ol the 01001 I cnres In fr-iti two to tom days, glini recent 1 . ,011 1 s in t ell, -f •ur 11 , 001" Prepared by n go nd torte of the 1",,,r spotty of I'elluxylv.4l/14. one ~f the wont eminent 1t,,, tors null 1 /lelllll.lFl 01E110 present day. NON XVOSUF., \ 'VW 1:111.1.:, NO CH ANGIS WIIAI EVER Lot those who hive deep 'lred of get , lng cured. or she Intro been gorged with 13.,15em Mercury, try the SA3IAR LTA N'S GIFT, Se I. by mall In a plalit rmrrlopa. l'riet,-- , 141, pa, Itago, BLOOD! BLOOD! BLOOD! LLCEIIr spoTs, TErrEit:,, SCA 1.1.8, B Olt 'VENEREAL DitiBASEE, kc AMA RITA N'S ROOT & lIERI3‘JCICES Is offered the public ns n positive eure. THE ~ A AIAIdTAA'S BOOT A VD JUICES, Is the not h•nt, inotain And PrrPet,U rcniedv ever ro.lehes nn i orll , ll.,ter , every pirtlcle o Lhe c , n , rat poison, rn that he cure is ihornugh pernuuu•nt 'I alto On•s of • Ills purifying reined.) , and lo :lied, and di, not traimnlt to your posterity that for which you may repent In after 5 cars. DO NOT DESPAIR allhouch you may ho pronounced Incurable, tho SAMARITAN'S ROOT & TIERI3 JUICES will rmi!(11, every Vestige of impurities from the eye tem, so 4%1,11 as all the hurl effeets of 3lereury. FEMALES! In ninny arotions with which numbers of Females suffer, tiio ROOT & HERB JUICES, if , meet lutpoily adopted. In Whites In bearing down, 11'01114c °rani Womb, Debility. anti for nil crimple Into incident to the HON.. Sent by exprefis Price $1,25p0r bottle. SAMARITAN'S WASH, Is used In conjunction with tho Hoot and Horb.luices Full directions. Price 26 cents. 'Phu efficacy of these remedies le alike acknowledged od in the United a atce Noi . „ lp,m‘l.7ltisu.R L I To Y rinT 11 ‘ ; ' n many of our In ave soldiers. ' - . _ [From the Baltimore Sun What the Surgeons say of 'the Sa- m3ritan's Remedies. "FOOT HospITAL, FORT r.TARBIOALL, lialtiosoro, Md., Fob. 29, 1814.' "I have great satisfaction in stating that bare ustol the Samaritan's Remedies' for Venereal Disease In Its most eustotnan forms; that I have used them whh judgment, discretion, and ptoperly, end, have [mud them respond to my nuticipationXpromptly and effectually. Knowingtbeir composition, I, have the fullest confidence in their efficacy and as fin , AR . my use (,f them extends," rime - emend them strengly„ • "ALFRED O. HONVEIM, , "Assistant S.urgeon sth Now York Wig," • Let a be u nder , tocal that these rerneilles are as rec• ommendod, and will positively,, cure the (Amami far , which they are offend. For s , le at Itaverfittek's Drug Store, ILenover Street Corllsle, PA, DESXIOND & CO. Proprietors,, 916 Saco St., Philadelphia. July 21, 1865-6 m. . 4 1:-T IATE,NON-OE.. • 12/Loiters o Administration nn the estate of I.lcorge Allen, late of North *Littleton" township. Cumberland , county, l'a.,Auc'tl., int o t , O boon ilif uvtl by tho Roaster of Kahl county to .the aultimribur miffing In.Middlese), toumslitp. All paroolni indebted to cold estate will ma , c lmm . ygbito payment.. and, those' baying pinion , sgainat It proecut them ptoperly authenticated for dettlement to • EAMUEL ALLEN; - Adm'r August 25; 1885-4 t—— • -' ITALUABLE Presents for all at. Raver• etlZk's Drug, Book anti Nainey Store. THIS lnyliiutinn, late known 'to the public, as. the "i'harohorsburg Common , lel Col lege,' is nose portent) ntl) located in Cards' e, Young loon deslous et-prefiiir thell/SOIVOI for the actual duties of business tile, In tb(tshorkatip PM , le time. and at tho least OXIKKIF(1, will and this Institu tion, (the design of e hich in t 0 impn t sound busl aoSs tat calf .n to young non of the country), particu larly adapted to ac , onaplish that desirable oldest. Book-keeping. 1n a.l Its forma and applicritionsi Com mercial Cairobatons, Commercial Law, Penmanship, Praellral nod Ocean ental; Business Correspondence, Forms, I h-nography, 'lcing aphi , te by Bound, &c. In order, t• fully Illustrate the principles of the seve ral branches, an , thoroughly Impress them upon the ruled of the 24tudeuL, a system of actual business train iog. through the establishment of legitimate ()likes and Counting llousea. representing departinehts of 'finds and Voinmerro, and a regular harl«if Deposit and la-ne, ha• been lostltu.ed; thereby affording All advantages of any -lintlar In.tituttm I❑ the coon ry. Noun but competent 'l'ea.•bera corp eyed. and a mufti . lent number to guarantee Individual instruetion Io all. it matt. r of no small importance. and seldom recei ved at other 111011 nth.. EC= 1)0 ing L. the rapid gr.rwth i f the School, and in or der to ..ccommochre our numerous applicants froM all partsat the country. new rooms pare just been fitted up, (In the South Bull log f Dichinson College). In SUpel for style, a d sufficiently commodious to pCOIII - row two to three hundred students. .1 liberal dedu Hon made in favor of soldiers maimed or disabled In defense of our country and ,ffatr• Par turf tier funiculnrs eat] et the College, West Main St., or address =I SEND` FOR A CIRCULAR Augu-t 4, 186!). HOM E Insurance Company C'agh Capital 2.000,000,00 Agents J uly . 21st. 1865 3,714 6e9,06 Cll A . MAR r 1 v, President. A F. 88 ILL:11A RTIL Vire Prost. The nth.lition of farm rs nud ht.inrss M , IRoperallY Ia ipvite,l to the sup Prior miv.intatr..s>iff.rcled by the :lbnlr ref:1101.81We Sleek rq. Tile Insured lies nn on es keitbjeet 1111 , 1 the rates Are AS ebettp 11A ip our tell! wl.ll the lIP 14 .41 . e”Mio+Witi , loo. Pon d"' is-tied AT./ Ultahlv adjusted Inl l pr MptlV pall by the nederhigeed elle le elm 'int d !h ILULhf,I , IZe 1 , o. , ,Emt for Cmill.erlitild County. L .I.IV. FOULK, Carlisle P:c. Sept. 1, 180 CARLISLE FENIALE COL- L El; E Rev. T. Daugherty, President. FOR BOARDING 6- DAY sCIIOLARS 'FEW . ; Se!flintily WIIII,I include, the I I eharee ot , I 1.,. ‘lll,y Ina N• he to, u. de, the not' II .v ti,tl, erty. a- President wan :I I.ill ps et I,,,ructer , , 1. a• to the Ili,. II 1•1111: Hee ill F , ..41,-11 .fl s 11,11. a Int he k•rer.rh tt (f),- e s, to ui us e, tut ti„g,xudulh.r et ha il..we' noel", :1,,,11,,e ;:,il.'ll to lwarder , it! the tan 111) t the t 1.1-1...nr, .1, a. tc...111. 1 , .r the votiozor (dal, will ! In 1111 1.1....4.11,2i di. .1. 1 ., 1 11 1 ,. TM. •i-• 1 1 1 1 , ,,t I h. 111 thel .1011,,,.1 1.1 Ll,tptkr -7,1 tt.r;..•.1 tit 1111,1' L., A. '4 t , Strike While The Iron Is Ilot NEW STORE II \l"ht - ...!e • 1 , 11411 'I , 111. F. ME! :1. I'l. 1.111,11 , 111111) 1 1.3 lIA 1.1111•11. 1: . ,.•,11:11111 41,1'11,1 11, , ‘ ~,•1 , t .i, t Al., a full rllll,it f,f• ,• 1 11 et , t 1 ettslttletee, e-ateet.e.tts . I '. t leteeems `tette. s. Cleo. 6e 1 tteductetiee et!l style te Uncle•r-1111 ts etnil It urnrrs ohlll, st.trt etel.etts, I . l li•tek It/ te, etl• , ves. emit II other g..teln pet telle.lme. areireelete. .111 mill le sold ett p. 1.. thsu'hy arc stelliew telsowlie.rt• Iu Um Ildlee. Wll. A NI I Next ,1. , 0r \Vest of the orpeo, Ca rllxlo. 111.1 2t, 18t J. W. :4MILEY IIE.\1"1 RUNK LINE FIiA)AI THE NM , h and Niirtli-15 est. for Philadelphia. New Via kit, Pottsville, L,•hannn, Allentorn, Ens- ton, Nc. nr 'Traits leave Harrisburg fir New York. as ("Ilion,: At on, 7.25 and 915 A. , and 1.45 P. 11 . at - living at New Ynrk nt lu 00 A. NI. an 300 and In :in I' SI. The ali.ive r,iuucrt with mlutilar Trainh on the Pen', 11;d1 Road, Cars accompany the 3 tiO and 0.15 A Si. Trains. n that rhtngo Leave for Neil 11114, P4.t LSI Tanlll4lllll. lir. se, Allentown. and Philadelphia, a hl5 S. SI and 1 P SI htopping at britainon and principal Stations , only. 11 u 1 Itniom a , oVplt g at all piiinta, at 7 25 A.ll and 4.10 0. Itetnrning e ew York :0.9 A 51..12.- tai noon, and P. SI. Philadelphia at 000 A M., and 311 11.: Putt, ille at hla A M. and 2.35 0. M Ash land at 41. d 2711 noon Tamaqua at 7.15 A. M a•nl 5 15 P. 'I., and heading at lion, 7 35 10 45 A. M. 1 3+ and 6115 P. M. , A Elm r [trading Acentum d Ilion Tra : Leaven Pending at Oil t. r, t !dna Iron: Ph:lad.dphia at f,.ou P. Id. Columbia !two Tralna leavn Ittadi lig at 000 and 10.55 A. M.. and n. for Ephrata, Lila, Columbia, ,In Suodn3s 1.1.11V0 Now Yor nl $ I'. M.. Phl'n dt-Iphla 3 15 I'. l'ottslille 730 A atmolon A Ilnrrishur;:, A I A )1. nod Roadiog nt 1 tit./ A. )l. for Ilarrlrtirg. G.o.toutati,). MII ago. S.moon, 5r1..0l and Excm nuuu'l'hhoto Li, and tiodi ull p at rodueod Rater the, ugh : sti p a I 11. A N itratliog. l'a., July 10, IN and alier .Nlusimr, APRIL, 4EI j Dow, l'as,tiger Fralos run Jail ) , ax etalo, (..11t1,11.) oxeept Poll CilA510E1t;1,1%1J11(1 AND li.l MU 1177:;11. Leave Ilagorstow I), 710.1 .1.51., 2:45 P. 51 '• Greencastle, 7:37 " 3.35 " { Arr at 0,17 . 4:20 Chambers'g,- - Leave 8:30 .. 12:55 " Leave Sbippetisoutg 000 4, 1:36 " Ne'wville 9:3: " 1:23 •' Carlisle 10:10 ~ Mechanicsburg 0,:42 " 3:12 " Arrive at Ilan isburg 11:15 " 3:40 " FOR Cil A Al BERSIIUV.I AND HAGERSTOWN : Loovu Harris , erg • 8:05 A. ii., 1:35 P. 111 . " Mechanicsburg 6:37 4 . '2:15 " " , arlisie 0:27 " 2755 .' Newville 10:02 '• 8:20 " Oh pponsburg 10313 .. 4:00 " Arr at 11:10 ' 43:0 Chstuberst, {, ~ Leave 11:10 '' 4:40 .• Leave liror"catitlo 11:05 " 6:30 Arr. ut Hagerstown 12:35 " 0:10 " The Garllsio and liarrlnburg ACCOMODATIOI , TIIAIN will leave as follows: • Leave Carlisle 5:55 A. M. " Mechanicsburg 6:26 .. Arrive at Harrisburg 0:55 Leave liarrishorg 4:20 P. M, " Mechanicsburg 4.54 Arrive at Carlisle 5:20 " t " making close eon. ectloas at Harrisburg with Train: for Philadelphia. Nov York and Pittsburg; ante with Trains for all points {Pont. 1,0'.. The 'Train leaving itanisburg at 4:20, P. M.. runs only an far ' an Carlisle. O. N. LULL, Suet Superintendent's lace, 1 Chamb'g. July 1, 1804. j FEMALES! I IARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA t • . )1,1- ", _ _ 811 MARKET STREET PHILADELPHIA MAIN STREET. OADLISLS, I'A. !hears of this Litte leave the Depot 811 Market St. Dully, at 4 o'clock, P. M. Leavo Carllolu, Dolly, at 7. o'clock, A. M. Goods Intended ter this bloc should ho marked C. 6 P Daily Prolubt blue, and suut'in by 4 o'clock. July 1, 1804. 1 ,MACHINE SHOP. m rrhp subaoribor nowmanufactures and kuopo cot - 1.4/%llEly on band, on Norill Strout, oast of l'houdlunt's n largo asp rtment of GA IRICULTURAL DIPL,IO ENTS, such tto [Torso Powers, Threshing Machines with Sap ' Worn attached, Clover llullers Cori. ahcliers, Straw and Fodder ; Cutters, al , paittpiß or P ividch. aro tho latest and tho best lutrocontouts... . :Particular attlintion paid ;to Repair.: tog ei ail kinds of Agricultural Implements at, short uptico and' reasoottblo prices., - , . • - T.:lbn(a( ful for - ferraer • layom leaped tally holleit share of public Otani:lgo, . A. J. HUTZ,'Agent. , F. SA Dti 111 Attorney 'at Law. V V 6 - Coir)1Alo Pa. Ofllou In , Voluu4or South liaaover Street: • . . Patent MedicinesAtLbLodaiih of a ° t 'l ll eink ir a v a eratlek'a Drus and Book let Ore. DICK INSON BRANCHES TAUGHT, A. M. TIIINIMER, Canisle. I'a OF NEW YORK. Qffice 135 Broadway =9 NEW GOODS Men's Goods, READING RAILROAD U et)er,il :•tlvlk•ri CUMBERLAND VALLEY ME LltL FRANKLIN RAIL ROADS. CHANGE op' liouks. DA~_4X FREE.D; WARD & FREED, J. & D. RHOADS, The Great ,Internal Remedy • For THE EFFECTUAL Gina OF I?HE UNA TISIIf. GOUT, NEURALGIA, TETTER, rs ',TRULY 'A%4 5 - :• ' ' .1 , 5 2 1". t 1" / P ;i I.I7 :2OHt\ISON' 4." RHEUMATIC: COM PO U N D . R L ( OIITUR I FIER , IT STANDS IJNEQUALED—DY. ANY MEDI CINES now bonne the public for the cure of the Above Dented diseases. The vest. number of rub on medicines which formerly have been used for those diseases. were merely temporary in their effects and of doubtful rietite, hut The Rheumatic Compound Beaches the.source of all trouble, and actually banish. es the disease from the system by its Immediate action on the blood. Johnson's Rh en maiic Compound THE SOLDIER'S TRUE FRIEND: READ THE FOLLOWING PROVORT I‘l.kntitint's Ontiott, rerTHISUROII, DQC. 171 h, 18C4. ANnitrw .1011SaiON I—Dear Sir: In November biet I had n severe a ttar . .c ui Itheutnatistn, to which I bad not been sal jurt I. r nearly lilt,' }oars 'rho al tack was so HOvore th I could not Inn‘ omy head Cr raise My amlll. After to log did - meat medicines without avail I was Induced to use your It hematitic Compound and blood l'urlner. and before I h•ul ta , ,en three hot -009 I wits so romp!. tely cured that I could pu rform tiny doty to v enatllr . , might all nie. I ruin and oontidenily reranmend II to all my !allow sot. Mery 4". Th.. •funniest and surest rmuudy far 1111011 1 / 1 4 4. [ISM I near I= NOR IS PA'PTERSON. Itrirrrl.cr 1..1% 11.1 William Duncan, No 7; 1A0..1 st.lt.ot. An who use It I'o, Iv,. benefit. It HIl ot none.iles I r etbal upolanc. It Iv th.. out, sup 1 . . r It houtuatlsm It us the uri.alvst.ll, , ,...ry No ...le o E.olo•.! ...ono. so popular. .41 hi pht., :111, r 1 ,, 1 1 , , 11 , ,1i . 18 , 15. 111 Gull,, it Is a p, E. E.' SELLERS & CO. MULE P IZOP ETORS, 1111 , 1,1: , A1,E 1)1t 121;6!S ,I, 111 , 1”sytty a cowden, P. fladol R Jll -, 1.6 ce.A" 1- 4, (Thf• ri inul , ~ n ly True Genuine) has st..nd 11,r tr,t ,tatple 1:1•1111 , 1y. unequalled I.) :1 , 1 II Jr. , It,,,rut,•ul LiVer Cow - t„ LI e.•I 11., Jurill. 111111 11111,us Disor &re and i, do• d I n ttp• !WI.. rUrvs.nf cliseaveB origi n/limy In Symptoms of a Diseased Live Gerooal bos of app. Ilk' Fieklle,q of the stomach, pain , r , he lb ad. shook,. rs, bark nod shlei. , ent.e of won/Ines, s.expleF:i nights co:thence, ti bowels, slight dry cough, l o w spirts Si r Sio liisinettnations to every Ow y. are p.ll,lll,oent yin Noins ot n do•ort,cd 'tate of the Liver. 'Fine liver b., hoof., el. often mud] delang,tl When the m',4 b0n.1.J.11 Ir sy toot nil Are 111,1,en1, dud become , ' daily out of I rhn . Lrnav it I. Great Cure of Liver Complaint, By nit!, way Tfac and Genuine LIVER PILLS. :`iLVEI' CR CY K, Co., Va. '!ar. 20, '49 me, It. Stu tas Dear think It is n duty I owe to you ;ti.d the polo, uerally. to state that I ha, e been ted with ge ooplaiht for a long tino• nod co tudly. !hat oil 11 1 ” , ,, nod broke, Mitch le tme In a tor% lnv •Ltay. Rialto heard of tour celelonted Liver Ills, hyingbionic by A. R. Sharp, \e•L Lihert). nod ee , oinnototed to me by toy plosteiatt, lie. k. hmith. I woeluded to give theta tt !air trvd I pureloo.ed hoe box nod hot, than to ho just what they are 1,0111,11.1ded, tit bekr 1 iver Pill eV, coed ; and after tak tog four hoxi 8, J find the dle- Rre lIMS entirely left we and 4111110 W OuriceLly well. espectfully 3 ours. 1= 1 eel lily that I am perrot,elll) ...11.113t1 , 11 %, lib 31r. Coknow, and oau heal tertnnunr t.• the truth of the above eertitfeate. '• 0 t•_v ERA 1. SAT IsFA cintoN a NVII IF, ti Co, Lid, (let. 4i, 1558 I it. SI.111.1 1 .;jr. I 101111111. 01 )our [Aver e4l ,1 1 1elve a supply. or tilt) glee general soul me mane noon. BEST FAMILY PILL ALEXANDPIA, 1.1,10 g Co, 0, March 1, 1856 Nr D 110,r sir, I bye used SELLI , :it'S LIVIA{ Pik y,ell and In my tinnily, and nnistpay, as nn nic..r,tiv, evilitilon family physic, 1 rousider VrrN d , 41rable pill y Prr 1,1011111 , . I ut Wild In their effect: arouse a kialtil) art, n of the I i‘vr carry nil the world, Fevre tit-lis, and Ital . ..the ei stemin a healthier condition than an 2. ph) sir 1 have . evel taken or administered.. Veryhuly and re-pecttully SiOIIJEL PARK, TO THE PUBLIC The original, only true cud genuine Liver I'll ls. are prepared by E. :^Ol , , s. nod has his name In Nark is upon Ilse lid of each lan:, and his hignarnre on the nu , side wrapper—all others are eounturielta Or bane " B. E. SELLERS & CO., Prop'rs, For FRIO by Johnson Holloway & Cowden, Phnodal phla and DAVID RALSTON, Carlhilo July 7. 1805. iott GU:SEAR CH ER: , , IN LARGE BOTTLES, Is particularly recommended for use during the Spring and Summer, when the Blood is think and Circulation OW and talented by unhealthy Feeretions This per fectly safe. though powerful, Partner Cleanseennd re. news every portion of tho system. ll is the bray gen uine and original. BLOOD SARCHER;' which for maug yeara - bao.thaalest _wonder,. CO - armed Cases of Scrotal.' la. old Sores, Tettar, 'rumora,S.Xollei_and .11 kinds-of •rro u Qua liTratora. , It Is also a reliable remedy for Salt Shown, Mug Worm, Scald Mad 'and kindre.t dia lfsl3,lo. As a general Tonic Its effects are most benignant and cannot fall to benefit where used according to directions. • We make no claim to liniing discovered a "Panacea" "Uniersal Remedy" .the'ailtnents-to which dash Is heir; hut eve, do claim what couintiesti facts havoTairly and fully established; that Idthe..,„„. ' • BLOOD . SEA itCHE R 4.;:•••••• • The afflicted will find a "Standoid Vadlaina," one anon Which lboy can rely as a 'lure epoeye.for the .tlieasea for which it 19 113C011111111ndtd• • '• • • I have this day; October it h, 1864, disposed of my entire interest In J. M. Lindsay's . Improved. 'Blood sear'cher;, p) It E. Beliefs ,t Co., together with tl:e right to use my name iu Its preparation •1 ho only gennine article wlll'hereafter be prepared by them exclusively. 3. N. LXNDPEY. PREPARED BY R. E. SELLERS 004 6OLE' PROPMEI'OO.9, - Pittf!burgh; Pa.' BOTTLB. .For soap lom ay. .4.:C0.%t1et;: phia; and DAVID RALSTON, 6411 0 16. • July 7.180-:totu, • RINGWORM, Ate;., PITTslitRqH, PA " 145:4 , 'gs I ;',OZa tr` I =MEM A. B. SHARP I=l PITTSBU RGII, PA ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers