Samples'of Treasonfrom the Chiea- go Market We cull some choice specimens of the " Free Speech ",which it is the "great mis sion of the ,Democratic party" to protect, front the preliminary orations at Chicago that, inspired and indoctrinated the represen tative masses of that party attending upon the Convention : At one of the meetings held Saturday night, the distinguished Isaiah Rynders, one of the main pillars of Democracy in New York, very candidly said : "At the old line Whig Convention some ono had called the Southern people traitors, but he knew the South were as gallant, chival rous, and noble a people as God ever created. (Cat-calls, yells , and other Democratic ap plause.) Ho was sorry the South had taken the steps they had, but God knows they h(nl just cause to act as they did act." Benjamin Allen, of New York, did Not believe there was a secessionist per se in the whole South, and if the abolitionists were thrown out of power they would all come back. "The people in w this, and if they would not put Lincoln out by ballots, they would rise en masse and do it by bullets.'' The Hon. F. A. Leaver, of New York, declared, "peaceably if we can, forcibly if we must, toe will no longer support this icor." Col. Stambaugh, of Ohio, said in a loudly applauded speech, that " When this war is over he would not give a pinch of :quill for the 6-20's and the 10-40's hoarded by the rich." James 11. Reed, a member of congress from Indiana, made a speech which even the Chicago Times shrinked from publishing• until by emasculation, it was stripped of the major portion of its outspoken treason. He declared open hostility to the draft, and urged on all, if Abraham the let and his sa traps attempted to enforce it, to resist it to the death. Let every one, he said, «•ho pre ferred liberty to death, arm himself, it he could get no others to join him, aml where there word others, let them organize in squads and companies, and with arms drill twice a week and be prepared for the worst. I f any body in shoulder straps attempts to arrest pm without a warrant, shoot him down. l f they come in force, call in your neighbors and fight them to the death. Who were they Only weak men like ourselves, who bad usurped the duties of the, civil authorities. A million and a half of freemen were op posed to this military despotism, and could wipe it out in a day. There is much more of the same sort to be got from the oratory of the oeca!zi,o at Chicago; but this, in addition to which w.• Intro heretofore published, may be enough to show how wofully the "freedom speech, has been suppressed in this poor, tougoe-tied country of ours, and to demonstrate hew vi tally necessary it is for the " Democratic party" to restore to American citizens the liberty of untrammelled utterance. "SEE WHAT I WAs."—Hospitak are sights. One of the pleasanteit I ever visited was the Orthopedic. In others, many pa tients arc sick unto death ; you see not only pain, but anxiety and despair. But the suf ferers in the Orthopedic are generally well enough in health, and as the operation they need is performed directly after they enter the institution, the worst is past with the majority. They are almost all getting bet ter ; moreover, they are furnished with a test of recovery impossible in ordinary sick ness. When we have been ill we often for get how bad we were ; and inoa.suring the passing faintness of to-day with the progress of yesterday. fancy we linger longer than we should. On the whole, the tide of disease finny be ebbing ; but now and then a wave runs up beyond the last, as if it were turn ing again. We have followed, watching, close at the edge of the retreating malady, find forget the distance we have traversed since the sickness was at its full height; but the patients of the Orthopedic can make no Such mistake. ;,'How are you getting on ?" I asked of a girl who was hobbling across the room with bandaged, crooked feet. She, said she had been in four months, and was !latch benefit ted, andindeed, was improv ng ev cry day. "Well, you are hopeful," I thought; and added a loud : "But you are very Minn yet." "Ah, sir!" she replied, -qit see what I was!" This being a common form of speech, 1 was not prepared to have it realized by her pulling a plaster of Paris model of her from under her bed, to which her own were graceful. "See what I was," she said Then there was a general exhibition of legs (plaster), and I. Thund each one l ie d an in fallible test of progress within reach. Poor things.! they looked on the casts made wheri they entered the hospital as George Stephenson might at the model of an old stage-coach. A DARN. AND GLOOMY BRIDAL—We have heard of some dark scenes, but rarely encountered anything so utterly deficient in sunshine and whitewash as the following.— It reads like a yard of crape Gloom was on her countenance and upon his. The man whose holy office it was to unite them in bonds, never to be torn assunder, stood like an executioner before the bride and bride groom, and they—the pair waiting to be blessed—bent down their heads like crimi nals •before him. In vain might the eye wander about theassembly in search of sun shine upon a single countenance; all was dreary black—and assistants as well as attendants at the ceremony, were alike shrouded in one dark, overshadowing pal) of rayless gloom. Ah I joyful should ever be the linking of young hearts together ; and terrible must be the feelings of those around whom the shadows of fate are gath ing, oven at the threshold, which should blaze , in all the gorgeous coloring of hope and prothise. Yet the same sombre shade, the same gloom of hue, the depth of dark ness, y 0 seated upon ow:l.y feature. No sud den blushing of the rose, no swift succeeding of thr3lil y, no fitful changes telling of youth ful passion and warm, bright hope, wore seen on that bride's cheek ; but one unvary ering shade of funeral possessed the groom, possessed the • preacher—in fact, they were all possessed. . Reader, they were intelligent contrabands - SATISFIED WITH THE TERNIS.-A certain good-natured old Vermont farmer preserved his constant good nature, lot what would turn up. One day, while the black tongue pre-_ veiled in that State, ono of his men came in, bringing the news that one of his red oxen was dead. "Isle?" saidthe old man; ho alivays was abreechy cuss. Take his hide efftind,Carryit down to Fletcher's; it will bring the'etish." An hour or soafterward, the man camp :back with the news that linoback and his mate were both dead. "Are they ?" . said the oldman ; n well I took them of B— to save a bad debt that I never expected to get. It is' lucky that it idn't:the brindles. Take the hides doyen do Flotel4''s; • they will bring thci After the•Wpse of another hour; themen came back to tql him that the nigh brindle . was , dead..he?'" said the old Man 4144v01l ho was every old ox. Take. off his hide:,and send it down, o Fletcher's it is worth eash 'eLnd will bring more than two of the.: othors:?' hereupon' 43 ; wife,. who was a very.pionasoul, taking upon her self the of Eliphaz; reminded her bus ' band very-severely, and asked hini if heves not: aware that his less was the judgment of Mayen for. his' Wickednoss. "Is it?". said the old fellow; "well, if they will take the jticlinent fteattle t it is the, easiee way I can pa,y .•T' " PHOTOGRAPHIC. MRS. R. A. SMITH, (formerly. Mrs. Reynolds), would inform the Public that sho has' purchased the PITO TO GR.APILIC GALLERY lately owned by Mr. Cha'rles A. Saylor, in Inhoirs building, South West COrner of Market Square, where may be had all the different styles of PHOTOGRAPHS , with AUBROTTPES, FERROTYPES. and . DAOHEREOTYPES To the former patrons of the Gallery, the nano .nee. went that she in, r 013111,111 the servi'ats.of Mr. ',MI. MAN, (Mr Savior's principal Artist .luring the last 3,4r),~r 111 L urn secure eon iin or their patronage; 011110 all abdance of light, EA SA NT ROOMS, ver y pleasantly s'tuated, with her own former rape. Hence and success in picture taking, and a desire to please, she trusts will attract her own friends,, as well as many others who have not heretotitro found their way thither. Ity sanding, or leaving their orders, per sons will be furnished evil Ii copies of negatives taken by Mr. Saylor, at reduced prices. Pictures taken in all kinds of weather. May 20, 1061-010. • OCI 11 MAN'S Photi graphs and Alli- Lprotypes. ore pronounced the•ery best. Persons goodwlsn hag pictures should not fail to go to Loch man's liailery. Mein street opposite the National Bank, in Mrs. Ned's Building. Don't miss the place I)AGUEROTI PEP & AMB ROT YPES copied with accuracy dispatch. July 22, 18111-Iy. UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA, PHILADELPHIA. MEDICAL DEPARTMENT. Ninety-Ninth Session-1864-65. IV' LLI Ail UI ILSON, . D., Emeritus Professor of Sur gory. ti CORO E B. M 00D, M. D., Emeritus Profess it of Theory and Practice id Medirino. SAMUEL JACK SUN, M . D., How, itus Professor of Institutes of Med id no. If IWI L. 11000 E, M. D., Emeritus Professor of Obstetrics and the Diseasos , of Women and Children. JOSEPH CARSON, M. D., Professor of Matorla Mod ica and Pharnincy. ROISERT H. 10)0 ERs, M. D., Pro tesieir of C.iiiintetry. JOSEPH LEIDY, M. D.. Profes sor of Anatomy. IL 11. SMITH, M. I)., Professor of Surgery. FRANCIS G. SMITH, M. D., Professor of In ttltntes of Medicine. It. A. F. PENROSE, M. D., Pro fessor of Obstetrics and Diseases of Women and Chit. droll. A LEE STI LE Id, M. D., Professor of Theory and Prictlee of Medicine. 1). HAYES AGNEW, M. D., Demonstrator of Anatomy and Assistant Lecturer on Clinical Surgery The Leetnre-i of the Session (IR6I-65) will begin on the Monday of October and close ou the tine(, of March. One Introductory a 11l be delivered to the Course. Clinical in,truction Is given throughout the Sess ion, in the Medical flail, by the Proiestes, and at th e 110,pitak At the l'hilldelphia iD spital containing :1,71 Led., instruction is flew MllitAry Surgery and Hygiene will be fully taught by the sppropriate chair. Th e in,se,tlng Rooms. under the superintendence of the Proheee.r. of Anatomy and the Demonstrator, aro opon thwughout. the year, exc•ept In July and Au gust. Tho llooln fir OporatlTO Sureory and the Applica tion of lialidages.,re., is ape,' the limier 11, sopervkioh of the ProleSsor of :7 4 iirgary. Fees for the hori Ili on koaidi l'rolloiKor $l5), $lll5 )I.ltrirlilalioll Yee kpaid once 01113), 1. rndunt ion Fee, 30' It. E. 110CiERS, Si. D.. roan of the )ledleal Faculty, SAMUEL PRICE. J.lnltor, l'onversity Building. P. S. 11001 i d may he hail at trout $2 50 to $6 per week. September 5.1, 106.4.-4) CIIARTEIL 1829. PERPETUAL. FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COMP'Y. PHILADELPHIA. ASSI.;TS ON JANUARY I, 1864, 82 , 57 , 8 9 95.. CAPITAL, ACCRUED SURPLUS, INVESTED PREMIUMS, Unsettll..l LOSS PAID SINN': 1.42,11, $5,000,000. PERPETUAL AND TEMP()!CARY POLICIES ON E= DIRECTORS. CHARLES N. ItANCK Ell 1S AC LEA, TOM NS WAGS EDW Alt!) C. DALE, SA (WANT, (OD) FA .I.t(') It. SM 11 11, A 1X11.1,11 FITLEIt, (.IE4). \V. 111C.11 \ UDE, Fit AE. W. LEW IS, M. I) CFI A ttLiilS N. FIA.PCIS.KR. Pregq. E.:lOtV ARt) C..DALIC, Vice Pren't. JAS. W. ER, rer. Pro. Tem. A. 1,. SPONS LEE, Agt., Carllglo Pa. 31a1,11 19, 1961-9 mo. WINES AND LIQUORS. Sol:111 HANOVER STIIKET, CAULISM 11l I 1 14: undersigned, successor to George )V In tors, would trepootfully inform his friend and the puhlietoniersliy, that he intoods to mnihtsin tho cherartor ,f the alivehours as herototore, a n d wit keep oonstantly on hand a large tt,sortment of GINS, 11'11 ISE F.YS, RUMS, CultDIA LA, 1311TEItS, - - - which he can soil as cheap ns any other ostahlishumn in If not cheap°. .air - County Landlords will find this the placu t buy their. IVINE AND L 'Quo ns, Both In regard to quality and price Ills stock Is la rg, and at ell sidected, and lio ineltos a call before purchasing elsae here. It ennillOier thin plaeo, Sauth Hanover street, directly opposite the" Val unto, ^T rusting Milan, II:halals old stand, (Carlisle. April 21, 11,6.1—tf. I). P. II A %ELTON. GREAT RUSH AT Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store for his unrl sailed stork of Cheap (loads. Just returned from the city again with a large stork of magnificent DRESS GODS, all the new at> les. Silk and Cloth MANTLES, Black Silks, less than city pt ices. Elegant plain and ftgurzd MOURNING GOODS, Bombazines, 'Wool do Lain., Bei-ages, Crape Montt, Moeamhig us, llymalaym, Black and White forego and. Crape Morett for glintoln, Tureen Cloth, Mourning Sat teen, Crape Collars, &e. Ladles Clotho for Cloaks, vory cheap. CLOTHS and CASSI EH JtS. Musline, &e. Purchasers are requested to rail and examine this stook of (loot's. ()in. motto is, "short prints and quick sales" for the rash. Now (loads rusuivlng almost dolly at the ulloap star Rust Main streut, nearly nprositu thu Dopot. ]lay C. OW Lill, 'rms. TAM ES A. DUNBAR; Attorney a Law, Carlisle, Pm Wilco on the son th side of th Court liouso adjoining the "American Printing Office. July 1, 1804-Iy, .EA K L Y T -AttiliWepat Law ipf, °Oio on south Hanover street, adjoining th. onion ~f.iudge tiraliam. All profetodonni 'IIII4EIOAS en truotod to him will lie promptly attended to. July 1, MG{. Aillole.L IIEt'BURN, Jr., Attorney at Law. Office with Hun. Samuel Hepburn, Main St. Carlisle Pa, July 1 , 1864. j) UFUS SHAPLEY, Attorney at uLa iv, Carlisle Pa. Attends to securing and rol— looting Sediers' Pay, Bounties. and Pensions. Office on South hanovor Street, opposite lleutz's Store. • July 1,180-I. T ASV CARD.—CHARLES E. MA ijoLAuaIILIN, Attorney at Law, Waco In Inhofe builditurjust opposite the Market ileum. July 1, 1864-Iy. Q P. AUMERTOII, Attorney at Law OfTlco on North Hanover street, a fow doors north of Gill's Hotel. All business ontruttod tp • blm will be promptly attended to. July 1,1804. Dr. I. C LOOMIS Pomfret Street foir doe re `olasr it ., -- below South [lnnover of Jnly 10864. TOSEPH RITNER, Jr. Attorney at luP Law and Survoyor,Mechanletiburg, Pa. Office on flail lload , Stroot, two oors north of tho hank. fm..ltualness promptly attended to. July 1.1804. GEO. 'W. NEIDICH, D. D. 8.- Lato Derrionstrater of Operative Dentistry of the Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. Office at hie residence opposite Marlon Mal, West Main street, Catlisle, Pa. July t, 1864. 111 R. GEORGE S. SEA.- j_PtIOIIT, Dentist, from the Batt .la Ara.' moo Collage of Dental-Burgery. Vy9...Ottice at the residence of his mother, Rut Loather street, three doors below Bedford. • July 1, 18(34. DR. WE. H. COOK, I HOMOEOPATHIC , PHYSICIAN, Surgeon 'anti Accouchour OFFICE at his resldence in. -Pitt 1. „retreat,- adjoining - the - Methodist Church. July, 10.804. , • r I rORWARDING N,I) GRAIN , bualuoss. formerly..condlicboa by Moe, & Co. la now carrlod on by . JOIIN OILNASON, : July 20,,1881—t( Groanou, Cuulb. Co. , UNIVERSAL CLOTHES WRINGER. No Iron Frame to Break, or Rust, and Spoil 58,818 SOLD IN 1863. TT was. pronounced superior to all others _ k at the World's Fair at London, 1862. It took the First Premium at the great Falr of the Amer - I'Blm In— stitute, in N. York City, 1863, and wherever exhibited. Self-Adjusting and Adjustable! The only Wringer with the Patent CO' WHEEL PE. OULATCiIt, which positively prevents the roils from BREAKING OR TWISTING ON TUE SHAFT 'Without Cog schools, the whole strain of forcing the cloth through the Nischlnn is put upon the lower roll causing three times 3H much strain upou the lower roll as when Co; wheels with our Patent Regulator are used, besides the extra strain upon the cloth. In reply to the question, now Long will it Last!" wo can ouli say, "As long as a wash tub, cooking stove, or any other family utensil." See testimony of Orange Judd, of the American Agriculturist; No. 41 Park Row, N. Y., who says of the UNIVETSAL. CLOTHES WRINGER "We think the machine much more than PAYS FOR T SI,LF EVERY YEAR in the saving of garmentl— • We consider it Importnn• that the Wringer ho fitted with Cogs, otherwise a mass of garments may clog the rollers, and the rollers upon the crank-shalt slip and tear the clothes, or the rudder break loose the shaft.— Our own is one of the first made, and It is as GOOD AS NEW after nearly FOUR YEARS' CONSTANM USE." TIME, LABOR, CLOTHES AND MONEY. It Is easily and firmly secured to the tub or washing machine, and will lilt tubs or any size or shape, It will save Its cost every six months in the sitting of clothes '(hove with COO WIINELS ARE WAR RANTED in every particular. This means, especially, that after a few months' use the lower roll _ _ . . • WILL NOT TWIST ON THE SHAFT, and tear the clothing. Furnished to ()mines, on trial, free of expense, by JOIIN CAMPBELL Agent, Rail Road Mice, Carlisle. Aprills,lB64.—tf. EXCITING NEWS. JUST opened at the Now and Cheap Store of Leidlch and Jliller, another large Supply of Spring and Summer floods of all the Newest and most desirable kinds end qualities Suitable for the Seasons, consisting of every variety and description of Ladies Dress Goods Stilts, Mantillas, Summer Shawls, Embroideries, !looped Skirts, of Newest invention, (Double Duplex Illiptie Spring) Summer lialmorals. Sun Umbrellas, Parasols Corsidts. Notions of every de scription Black Cloths and Cassimers, Fancy eassl mares. Vestings.Cottonroles, I,IIIPC, Drillings, Tickings, Calicoes tt 'ugh/maid tisltns Checks, Nankeens, ,tc., •. Carpets, U❑ moths, Window Shades, Rugs, Looking O lasses, and au endless 'variety or Qoc ds too numerous to mention. Feeling very thankful to the community for their kind and liberal patronage on for ox.tomnol to the (New Finn.) we earnestly Solicit a continuance of the Same, en we feel assured that we are fully prepared to offer to the public the most complete nod ilpoirablo Stock of 1100110 dolt Coll he found in the Country. Please re member the More 10 On the corner, of tat, public Square (directly) oppo,ite I re ou's FhoS torn. 1,EI1)ICII iz MILLER, Carlisle, May 20 Di - z 7 -..- -c) c) c 1... SPRING, 1801, GREENFIELD A.. - SHEAFER IN V ITN: the attention of buyers to their new stock of Dry hoods. It will he found unsur. passed In all those fcatni As which comprise a first class ctock All dopartun•nts of cur 1,11,i110139 have Luca much enlarged, especially that of RE 67 0 0 D S , hirh WO 11, cn Myr, t. Is the 11111,t, extrusive agg,l vut 1.11, silts rid in thin town. NV , • have now ‘:trly er iosp•rt.h. all 511. , novelti,, of the spasf.n. yin Ail 110 W 51111 , 1 , 01 1111 , 1 14 1 ,11 , 5. M0,11111 , i , 111, 1 '1,11111111,1 i'llljll 1 . 011111 , . Cllllllll, 1 , 0 Lai., 1.0 , , 1111 , 1111(1:L11 ,t.wk of A1.P.11V.1.5, at astonishingly. • I)OMESTICS. Printq. Mrlslint+, Broad Sheetings, e 1 I; iugl!auo; Cl , l•chs,Tick iug,s, eottonade,. Gents' and Boys' Wear, Clethq, Cassltnerttg, Sunnner fir.- 6'e would rail the Iltleutitm of cur friend, lee re part ie uhvly t.. Our Immense sick of Nh t ,th eB . t • ; di rer ., c e t. lonattes, ben,ht last io ititer,Thet,tre the late advance ,Itich will he sold at prints that del,. 1•011:paiti011 l'etanns 'nay rely on getting Era^at hargains at the stun' of • $ 100 0 )0 U; lOW 11 , BE= Sof eNaltlillV nur stm will 'km, hi. Firth tilAr i r. in 7.11g'..- S. Cliripiir & d. In,n, for I 104 BOOTS AND SHOES. AT the store of John Irvine, on th N. F.. earner or the the (I) purchase Boots Shoes huts anti Caps, At I.:irs !AIN( defy competition, Ilu has just rel rain theiitvt. w ith the and 1.1(.1 COllll , lll, as,rl 1:1 :hoe, I I Als Caps that he has ever le t.i this and which he it , deterni , ne I tai m it at the Insert p.e. sil.lo prices. II is rt.lek viiilitares everything in line of Iwsliless. such un & . 1;(11'S' VINE CALE BOUTS Klp 11,,, , tg. Calf and (Ix cal calf Nlllllll, , rs, Cu!! 0 ,,, Kip 11,1 5 1), , ,, L A I) I E S' NY E .\ It , Pine Fri Fr i and F urli L I.a.,litiqihtiters. Moro, CO C:kl and Kid 1 , 1,1 , , Kidlicy Mor and Kid , JIIS ES Als.l) CHILDREN'S IVEAR of all 11...wrip lalla anthrallaz floe 1,:,llott 1k T:I .Ss lialttu - L - Eoota, .711....ruer.. I.:100 I Utah ,f.vy slob, of Yarimiti Kty les slipper, ,t.•. II ATS .It ()APR; $l 11. Caaslmero. Per at..l - ,fall itlalitte,fontl styles, also a Inttte as.ortinont STRAW HATS. IIrrAR :tad Shers made to 0r,1,0 at (hr 411,0 I-4 not i+• Reroirin,; .1..0. Coe11.11•10 410 , , 01,11Ity t, please .111 rlOO es ~ f t0,t000.r , ,. rrypeotfolly unite the public to give 111111 n rail. ti - 4_lleunenber the plaoo, N. E. corner of the Pul , ll Square. JOIIN July I, 15L4. NEW GOODS !! MOW offering an immense variety of CASSIMERES, VCSTINCS, COTTON GOODS &c. For Igen and Boys' Wear, in a larger variety, than can be found In any 0.. t al, lislunont in this place. and at as low prices as can b sold any where, to stilt taste and per tact. We num u facture the above goods to order, in the latest styles or eell per yard. Custenners wishing to have the good bought of us, cut. can be accommodated, free of charge An early inspection of our goods and prices, respect fully sofleted. ISA AC LIVINGSTON, North Hanover Street Clothing Emporium. July 1, 1861. Oarpetings and Oil Cloths MOW receiving at Ogilby's choap cash 1.1 Store, a lot of Ingrain, Venetian, Hemp, itag and Stair AlFn. Flonr OIL CLOTH'S all widths; which will I sold for the cash at the lowest rates. CHAS. O(ilLOY, Trustee. March 4, 1814 ‘TH ENV GOODS- Every description and quality of ()Enroll° Queensware, Hardware, Pickets, MU., Fine Liquor Tobacco, Sugars, Pipes, Fro-h Fruits and vegetables I Cans, Oysters do. Spires, Wood and Willow reua e, a kinds and of tho beet quality and to he sold at lii lowest prices fur cash by WM. BENTZ. Ju!y 1, 1854. CARLISLE FORGE. WEAVER &. BRICKER. THEIe . subscribers would respectfully announce to the public, that having purchased t Carlisle Forge, formerly owned by Mr..l. (loodyear, we have commenced the manutheture and will keep constantly on hand all sizes of the best - quality of BAR IRON, • We will give prompt attention to all orders, whether from a distance or at home. The highest Cash prices paid for old wrought iron SCRAPS, delivered at the Forge, at the Railroad brldgo, In Carlisle. WEAVER dc BRICKER. Carlisle, May 13, 1864--ly New Stock of Hats and Caps AT KELLER'S OLD STAND, North Banover Street. splendid assortment of all the new styles of—Sllk Moleskin, Slouch. Soft & Straw ats now opener city and Immo mansfacture which will be sold at the lowest cosh prlces. Solt hats of all qual ities from the finest Beaver and Nutria, to the cheap• eat wool, and of all colors, unsurpassed by any this aid° Philadelphia. A largo stock of Palm, Leghorn, Draid,lndia Panama, and Straw. Childrons fancy &c, Also a full assortment of Mona, Boys and childrons caps of ovary description and style, Tho subscriber invites all to come and examine his stock. Doing a practical hatter, Ito fools , confident of giving satisfaction. Thankful for tho liberal patron age heretofore bestowed he solicits a, continuance of tho same. Dent f rgot the stand, two doors above Shrinor's ifotel and next to Cortnan's shoe store. OLIN A. KELLER., Agt. N, A. hats of all lclocKmap to order at short notice. Bryans Pulmonie Wafers, AT RALSTON'S Dee. I'l, 1603, 11101[HMES.— . -500 paws Names on hand a of all kinks. Elizabethtown pattern, Loudon do., pornman do., with and witliout 'patentfastoulugs cheaper than (mar at 11. SAXTON'S, East Main st. . - -Jai) , 1,1804.- .„., . 11011,11YSTOIA.N.S will find it to their ad j.. vantage to call and purchaao their Pdedlclooa , . ALALSTON'S. • . - Jtkly 1,1864 FANTIfiYDYE COLORS, - "July 4,1861. • the Clothes rimm G REE. KS 1 , 1 Eli) 3 SlI EA FER CAI?PEI'S NEW FIRM SUMOIE'R HATS, ISAAC LIVINGSTON, HAS received an unusually large and wall Selected stock of SPRING AND SUMIIfER GOODS, and asks that his old customers, and all persons In want of first rate CLOTHING should give him a call. Its assortment consists In part of CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATTINETS, VESTINGS, and all'othor hinds of goods.for Gentle. men's Clothing. His assortment of piece goods is the largest and most varied ever brought to Carlisle, and he Is determined to sell goods by the yard on terms as favorable as any other store. Ills stock of steady—made Cloithing, Is extensive and beautiful,' consisting of COATS, PANTS, VESTS, OVERCOATS, Ac. which ho will sell cheaper than any other establighn;int. lie has a beautiful assortment of GENTLEMEN'S FURNICIIIING GOODS, such as UNDERSHIRTS, OVERSHIRTS, DRAWERS, UMBRELLAS, CARPET BAGS, TRUNKS, &e., &e. Come and see his beautiful assortment of Goods be fore ntt sells el ng elsewhere. lie takes please re In show Mg his Goods, and will satisfy all that he can and will sell Goods cheaper than any other house outside of the CUSTOMER'S ORDERS —I invite an examination of my stock of Fine Cloths, Cat:shames, Vestings, Sc., which I man utheture upon special orders. SPECIAL NOTICE.—I would say to the public, tilut my goods are man u fectured under my own supervision and by the very best workmen. My strck is the most extensive I have ever had, and my friends and the public are invited to call and examine for themselves. 4:o4?itemember the old gland, North linnover ISAAC LIVINGSTON. Carlisle, April 22, 1864. GOOD NEWS ! NEW GOODS 1 PHILIP 'ARNOLD WHOLESALE AND RETAIL (D..T_AC:O973E-3E3EYE., ving ju.t roenived from Now York mid Philadelphia a extensive assortment of CLOTHS, CASSIMERS, SATTINETS, VESTINGS, TAILORS' TRIMMINGS, &C. a now malting daily additions to his already large Lock of Ready Made Clothing for Men and Boys, which for quality and price are not equaled In this part of the State. CLOTHING MADE TO ORDER, at short notice by experienced workmen, and lintlsfac lion given in all eases.. Goods by the Piece or Yard, at the lowe.t rates. Also on hand a large stork of FURNISHING GOODS. con, prism¢ in part Fine Linen and Travel, ng Shirts, Collars, Neektles, Cloves, Ilo•iery, Suspenders, Ac. TRUNKS AND VALISES. Carpet and Leather Travelling tinge of the besi, mnk e. All nt which he will iurnish at tlts.j 4 riwest Rates. Ills old patrons and the puldie are invited to rail at the old stand, two doors North of the Carlisle Deposit Bank. NEW ARRIVAL OF DRY GOODS 'no , 1111,103,101:ot Is ! t ow olootina tho larve , t nod 'lost tksti .toy 1; of goods hue poop!, CoLohio Lunt 1 aunty. A cosoplote and 4olierai as , ol (anent. nf Ladies Dress Goods. An Inunonsoassornovnt 1,1 LAN ES )1,1:11 !NI; :no SE('.iNt) i1iEse1)11011S from thr Celelaa ted )1.1,1,11,4 r , tora of Ile,aon a: Son, Phan. A largo ass.rtniont of _1 , , t 1/1 I.IS PLAIN BONNET 111111 IONS AND DILESS The larxest stork of NOTIONS outside of the Earder, Cilia A full I, , Yrtment of Cloths for LadieM Cloaking fin :Ii d Hen, wear in °Halos , : rariot rnnsisting Cloths. Panes and plain Cas,imeres, wrod , , Joans, and CottunadeN. .1)(1.11ESTIr Go )()1)S. an Immrntr ;Iswrtinent., lat.,. A laree..eoplete And Naried Loo r.m, 111 01 DUPLEX ELI r \ SK I ,1111 i fl,lll 011 the reehrut ed, titre, iu the U.S. also nalmorals of every pit•le 11,1 pare., CARPETS, 111, CLOTHS, M.STTINGS AND LOOKING MMZEIE A largo stook of lanai and Silk CAPES, I, AWNiz, Li; a.. , t osair from la:a inasan, will Lai odd low To al L•Ill ion paid "FUTIOnIi nF ,1.11:1, .al all kinds promptly and uunetti.lll attend- All of w1.1,h will 1, sold lowor than City in Itais 'ally ing Lunn parelin,ed Ladure A. NV. BENTZ. Fourth Arrival of Now Goods T lravo .111,1 u turned f;oitt tho cities v - Ith n lan.; ~f NEW SI"MMER DIZES,;; (;(n)l);-1 All I A 1.i.3.1.1101 lino II Fil is \I 1111 . 11111 lln,yu .I, Wl, in. Vitt, 1t. , j•.11N . C..1.. 1, 1aCe(1 ti ' iovvs :1111 l'nlLlollnx, Bona, 1111$1.110, 11.110 114. , nll , l Nllqht,' 110.1 p and it central a.sort illeYit 14' seamottaldr wunis MEN AND BOYS' WEAR. Also selllng cheap large 1,,t of 01.1) i;laThri much le: than pre,ent prices. rill door below Nlartln's Hotel, East Mtl Street. June 10, Iw4. V. C. GOOD NEWS. NEW STORE. & miLLEit having just jreturned from the city With nn ell tire neer nod clot to, 6 tint Foreign and Donle,lie I/11k IlthiDS, wish to intern, the public that they are prepared to oiler on very reasonable terms, a very desirable stock of Iluods, on the south earl terrier of the public square, honeehately opposite Irvine's Shoe Store. Thu stock comprises In part Ladies' Dress Goods, Plain Mark Silks all qualities. Black Figured and Rep Silks, Fancy Colored 19ain and Mnsured Dress Silks, all colors 3111 i .111111101'S, II Plaid atlti Strip,' Spring Poplins, Plain Alpsvc.‘ Imstres ell colors. Plaid and Striped i'•JI de Clieverak, :-triped and Plain Moltirs, Silk Challies and wonl lie Lain°, all colors and qualifies )lozasubiques, Muslin do Linos, Challioe, ifinghams, Lawns, k.e., .tr., A beautiful assortment of l'oin'd Spring Mantillas, of different styles from ono of the fuo-t fashionable es tablishments in the city. Spring Shawl,,, Iltsmed Skirts, Balmoral Skirts, Hosiery and Gloves of every description, Dress Trimmings, Linen and Silk Hand kerchiefs, Laces, Ribbons, hail Roar( &c. DOMESTIC GOODS of all kinds, such as Bleached and Unbleached )lon Ilse, illeached and Unbleached Shootings, Pine...eases Muslins, Tlckings, Checks, lied, White and Yellow Flannels, aNankeens, Blue Dennitus, t 3 Striped hirting, Cotton Pants stuff, Kentucky Jeans, all hinds of hinen and Colton 'fable Ihapors, Toweling. Cambric arid Pap, 3luslinne. and :an oodles, variety of site, Itanostics. A complete assortment of goods suit able for Funeral purposes. Mourning Goods, such an lloinhazlnos. 'rands,. Cloths Double nntl Single width,• all wool Muslin do LaineA, Mirk Silk Wqrp N innies Oriontal Lustros, Brocade, ‘lohnira. Se rand Mouruins do "Aloes. Cbnllias, Uingliains, Lawns, Black Englinh Crap., Crepe Veils Low Veils, Crepe Collars Silk and Kid ("loves, Sgtiare and Long. Thlbot Shawais, &e. • HENS' AND BOYS' WEAR, Marl{ Clothes, Black and Fanny Cassitners, V 1,8011148, Linen and Cotton Pouts staff, of all grades, can have clothing made at 'Molt notice. CARPETS, CARPETS, all grades and quali les, from ttie common hemp up to the hest quality three-ply, Window Shades, Looking Glasses nod au endless variety of other Goods, too Un morally to mention. N. 11. The above stork hire been selected with a grant deal of care and with n view of dispoalng of the same on the most reasonable terms. We hope that every person in want of goods will give its a call before malt ing their spring purchases, anti we feel assure& that we can offer inducements to all that will gIA ue a call, and will extend all accommodations and convitn• lances that can be offered by any.othor business house In the county. (10 - - Do not forgot the Trropor plane on the corner. LEIDICII & MILLED Man•h 30,1884 IMPORTANT TO EVERYBODY. SAW YER, has just received 11 7- • f[ 9 ol;t.tho latust Spring Inki)ortations an In. masa stuck or DRESS GOODS, embracing the newest styles and fabrics altered to the trade. Blank, Figured and Plain Silkein largo supply,' Silk, Mohair, Wool, LIRIO and Cotton Textures, Ent. brolderod and Plaid Tangarinpa Striped and Plaid Her. !tennis. Plain and Figured re ' ll du nerd, Sonogassa Plaids, Andalusian Stripes, and all other styles. A full Hoe of Demotes' MOURNING GOODS, Bombazines, Turin Cloths, Tamiso Cloths, Wool do Lianas, Chadian, Borothias, Tamartines, Itioretz, Plaid and Plain Mohair, Bureaus, Lawns, Crapes, Collars, Handkerchiefs, Parasols. Gloves, &c. Funeral Guoda of all kinds constantly on hand. BNecial care given to 101 erdere for Nuneral Goode Call and axrunino our latest NOTIF York styles of SPRING MANTLE'S, all the varieties and stylus of Spring Shawls, French. English and American CLOTHS and CASSE MEIU (a first class Olio: makes up goods whop do sired) Cotton and Linen Pantings, Coatings, &a. CaRIRIP.ETS, CaIRPETS: From the Lowell,• Hartford and Enterpriso Mills, all grades, Oil Clothes, Mattings, Hugs, Shades, and ovary thing in the lions° Furnishing line. An enormous stock of - DoatErsTic GOODS, all the standard inalcea of Calicous, lirowu and Bleach ed Shootings, Skirtings, Ticltings, Stripes, ,Cottonades, full lino , of Notions,. Hosiery and (Doves. All the ihteet improvements in' Hoop Skirts. I havCrecolved the agency of Bayou's - colebratud Hid 'Gloves- for this placo. Ladloli will find a complete assortmont. The above-Goode and many ethos not named, with stock of OLD GOODS, -I offer to thatrade eta small advance on cost of production. Fooling grateful for past patronage, I ask a continu ance of tiro same. Itemembor the old and well known stand Bast Hain St. ono door, below Martin's Hotel. ' • C. SAWYEA. LO4llBlO, Apra 8,18114 DRUGS, _ BOOKS'ir ''"r° F'ANIIY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES, :FR UITS, - PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKELS &C AT HAVE RSTICK'S, North Ilanover Street, Carlisle, Penn'a. Just opened an assortment of Fresh drugs, Fancy Goods, Olit Books, Perfumery. Fruits, and Confection. ary, which has never been surpassed in this borough, for novelty and elegance. Thu articles have been so. leated with groat care, and are calculated, In quality and priae, to command the attention of purchasers. FANCY GOODS, which comprise miry variety of fancy articles of the most exquisite finish such as Papier Macho Goods, Elegant alabaster and porcelain ink-stands and trays Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Boxes, with sewing instruments, Ladies' Cabas, Writing Desks, and Port-folios. l'ort Monnaies, of every variety. Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety el ladles' Fancy stationery. Motto seals and wafers, Silk and bead purses. Riding whips, elegantly finished. Fine cutlery, Perfume baskets and bags. Brushes of every kind for the toilet, X. Basin and It. dt G. W:ight's Soaps and Perfumes of various kiude. Fancy Pins for head dresses and shawls. Musical instruments, together with an innumerable variety of articles ole gently fins bed and suitable for PRES ENTS, to which ho invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles and Hymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasps and corners. Ills assortment of School Beaks and School Station ery is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. lie also desires to call the partieniar at. - Volition of FaMilies to his elegant asses tmont of LAMPS,dm. from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Lard, Sperm or Etherial oil ; Wino DYOTT'cI celebrated Beaosene or Coal Oil Lamps, together with Flower Vases, Fancy Screens, Arc. His assortment in this lino is unequaled in the borough. Also, SEGAIIS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the favorite brands, and a fine assort. meta of MEERSCHAUM SMOK BitS AND PIPES, the celebrated It illocochink, Lynchburg Smoking Tobacco. F it U 1 T S, such es Oranges, Lemons, Figs. Raisins, Nectarines, cranes, S7C., A NCY CON I , PICTION AR Y— N UTS— PRESERV ED FRUITS, MINCED M EAT. PICELE,, kc In every variety and at all prices. all of e hick are pure and fresh such as .11 be o'llllllolloy recommended to his friends. Ills stock embraces everyt jog ill the line of Fancy Goods, With nen ny other articles useful t,,liluisekeepers which the public are especially invi ted to call and examine. Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Illinover street July 1, Iris 4. New Sky-Light Photographic and ATI]- . brotype Gallery. ri L. LOC LIMAN is happy to inform 'V Lix 1111,1101 , 1 US atol to al ly, that 111. has nan,nrd his I , iallii , lllllollt to his =1 New Sky-Liallt Gallery in ill.. 1 , 1111.111 n: by 3lrs. :Cert.:l , : a lillinery Moro. ~poslte the cm:ll:aria:ldle)' Bank. la.ehtnan 1,110,V nide with his Splendid light. antill tate additum ot new and expensive apparatus, the term beet manufactured, to product: I'IIOTOGRAPIIS, CARTES DE VI.TE, AM 13110 TYPES, AND EVERY STYLE 01 , PIDTVILES, elm.' to the host mad° in l'hiladrlphia or Now York Picture. ean ho taken ?lOW equally o ell 111 cloudy as in elvar whether. 11,ruyrrt•etspes or Amhroty pee of ileroaced person. enlarlzP4l, or mad,. C 1111.1,111! t into. .111 Ii. 1, 1r,14. THE ' 6 CARLISLE PALACE OF ART," By J. C. Lesher, S now open for the accommodation of Ithe public Mr the purpose of making I lIOTO BitAPIDS end Ammerrvres, which will be done in it very superior manner by his peculiarly arranged sky &c., by which moans and the chemical influence 110 Will take pictures in cloudy weather equal to clear. .tie barge are moderate unit he relists the public Pa— trollop. Duplicates of hacuericot3ties„ltinlirotypes and photographs, of dece.iso perudis, made of Mere:l -MO or decreased proportions. Irvi_Eutrance on Hanover St. in %BB'S op posite the 3letrk et House. - CarliSlP. April 2 . J, 151si—Om ( - I 11.0 CE RI ! ! I Zl)(!n R I Eti !I ! X (I. P. EltS, new Ilrisiery Storo in Main opp-site II Sitxtion's Ihlyd -0022 2 1.1 1 1,` 21111 i IS 1100 111111•11 . 0 d 10 supply his friends II II rI to P 12 1 ,110, mit II ell loin' , cif Clods anoti, at the ,'s) merit t rot "Nit sti gr 1.111 1 ,1. (.',llT,•••Fish.hy rotail, tcrlvAtes. 'rolokceo, Vl•gars, uulr , Matches, lilackiug, 111,11 Conk, .. II; LASS AND STONEAVAI?E, ohlinr nrti— elr. toatallv kept In a tit,t class iirnrnry• In rt,tard In prices 1 atn dttertnittod to soil goods at tilo lonost tic urea BUTTER, EGGS, and all kinds of Country trod ore, taken nt market prices. Farmers and Dairymen are particularly invited to rail and ser the celebrated \ix CH URN, which, has been prent , Unotil by remputent judges the most sup e rb, 'hum of the au. July I. 1.04. NEW STORE ARG 14.1 ARRIVAL OF FRESH GROCERIES-FISH ALI. KINDS. Among which is a large lit of real genuine Italti more,lry salt HERRING, in oak hovels, MACIi A RE!. at priers that is really astonishingly low. l'lckels of all kinds. SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good 0000! Latent of TOBACCO AND SEGAItS, LIQUORS, at the lowest rates for CASII or Country Produce July 1, 1864 Fr HE partnership heretofore existing between Charles L. Halbert and Crawford Flem ing, has been dissolved by mutual consent. The books and accounts are in the hands of Mr. Halbert, who earnestly requests all parties lowing accou ate with the late firm to call and settle therm Balboa. jr. having entered Into partnership with his brrether, Chades L. Halbert, the business will hen,forth be .11Iducted under the style of Ilalbert kßrother. The new firm would respectl ully call attention to their stock of New and Fresh Groceries. Theirgd,k In large and selected with the 4rpatest earo• awl will he sold at the lowest prices furnish. It eon, SIAS la part af tine old (lovermnont Java COFF Prime Ilia eta , Prime It Rousted. S Ylt UPS.—New York, Houton, and Phlladulphia Sy— rups, of rho very bast qualities, BROWN SLR/ ARS.—The, boat the market affords.— Lnverlng's bast Crushed, Sand, and Pulverized Sugars. Also, his A. B. and C. Sugars, which cannot be sur— passed. Mee, Corn Starch, P. rrlna, Dandnline Coffee, Essence of Coffee, Concentrated Lye, Soap, Candles, .te. 02 CHINA, GLASS, AND QUEENSWARE. A large and well selected stock of the Tory latest pat— terns and styles, lower than ever in price, and better In 'quality, than was ever offered before in Carlisle.— Call and see. Wooden and Willow Ware.'such as Tuba Buckets. and Churns, Baskets of every description; Children's CA 11RI Al ES, Stoneware. Cream Pots, But— ter Jars, Preserve Jars. Jugs, all sizes. IHSII—Nn. 1, 2 and 3 Maokerel. No P: 1 : 31ESS 81LA I) No.l Herring. A largo quantity of the celebrated Excelsior HAMS. 8A LT by the Sack, Dairy and (A, A. Salt. The subscribers resnwdfully ask the patronage 01 their friends and the public generally, and Invite them to call and examine their now stock, at the old stand, corner of Ilanover and Louthor Streets. Carlisle, April 22, 7aAl rr HE subscriber wishes to announce to the people of Carlisle and vicinity, that he has opened d FLOUR AND FEED STORE, .ori the South East Corner of Maio and West Streets, in the IYarehouso ownod and formerly occupied by Jacob Rheum. The b at brands of FAMILY FLOUR, kopt constantly on hand and delivered to any part of the town. Having perfected arrangertionts with some of the first mglo ln the neighborhood, I can assuro my customers that , thoy will be furnished wlth an article of Flour which I can vouch for. I will keep constantly on hand FEED OF ALL RINDS, such as Corn, Oats, Bran, SliortS, Potatoes, &e The highest cash 'prices paid for Grain of all lands and Flour. Don't forget the old established stand. Jling4llllAll (mum. Carlisle, May 20, 7804 Of the ohj firm of John P. Lyne Son, TITAS , jus . t completed opening his. now Itrulshes in fi , t tnith lil l 3 ie r tvil l tl i i i e n e t Trl3 9l s i t P lo G n i t ft le s n of tbo public generally. Ile has greatly enlarged his stock in all Ito various branches, and ran now accom. modato the public with Reliable Goode, ih largo or small quantities at the lowest. prices. A look Into his store will Convince them that he has onough'Goods to fully Supply the demand In this mar ket. 'Pershns wanting floods In our lino wilt find It to their advantage to give us a call before making their purchases. All orders personally and punctually at. tended-to, and no misrepresentations made to' effect sales. LEWIS F: LYNN, , Carlisle, May 20, 1804. ' North Hanover St! DHYSIOIANS find it to.thoii valatrigo to call atul purcitaio their ttiotllclnca At IItALSTOTS, LOCHMAN'S I= DISSOLUTION HA LO II RT BROTHER Flour and Feed 'Store, ig t l A DWAR 3" LYNE, FIRE INSURANCE. MITE Allen and Eaetpennsboro' Mu tual Fife 'nee:rade° ,Company of Cumberland County, incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and havhig recently had its charter extend ed to the year 1883, is now in active and vigorous op eration, under the Suporintendbnco of the following board of llanagers, viz: William It. Gorges, Christihn Stayman, Jacob Eberly D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. li. Conner, John Eichelber ger, Joseph Wicicersham, Saml. Eberly, Moons ilricker, Rudolph Martin, Jacob Conver, and J. C. Dunlap. The rates of Insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the kind in the State. Persons w ing to become members me invited to make applica tion to the egents of 4he Company, who era willing to wait upon them at any time. 15'11. It. GORO AS, President, Eberly's Mills, P. 0. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Tice President, Mechanicsburg, P. 0." JOIIN C. DUNLAP, Sect'y. Mechanicsburg. DANIEL DAILY, Dilhiburg, York Co. AGENTS. Cumberland county.—John Sherrlek, Allen: Henry Tearing, Shiretnanstown ; Lafayette Potter, Dickinson; Itenr) Bowman, Churehtown ; Mode Griffith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham. Westpenneboro'; Samuel Coover, Nieclumirsburg ; J. W. Cockfin, Shopherdstown D. Coover, tipper Allen ; .1. 0. Saxton, Sliver Spring ; John flyer, Carlisle; Valentine Seeman, New Cumber. lnmf ; James MeCandlish, Nowvllle. York county—W. S. Picking. Dover; Jomos Warrington; J. F. Deardorff, Washington; Richey Clark, Dillsburg; 'D. Rutter, Fairview; John Williams Carroll. l)ouphfn co—Jacob Housor, Harrisburg. Nombors of the Company having policies About to expire, ban have thorn renowod by making application to any of the Agents. July 1, 11164. WHEELER & WILSON'S SE Bir G 01.511 C DIA" E S AT REDUCED PRICES, With Glass Cloth Prosser, Improved Loop Cheek, New Style Hammer, Binder, Corer, Braider, eto. At the Railroad Office, Carlisle. Pa Highest Prenthuns at the INTEIINATIO:g AL EX tesnns, 1862. INDUSTRIAL. EX lIIBITION, PAIL! 3, 1861. at the Fairs of the UNITED ST STEM AGIIICULTUR ST, SOCIETY, Silver .Medal at the l'entisylvallia State Fair Septraibefr, - 1863. A numican Instil ate. Nal. York, )Irelinnior' Association, Boston, Franklin I iivtlt it,. r.1.,11 , 12 It 41111 U,, M ash ing ton, Mary Otto' 1 ~ntituto Baltimore, Merhanier' A , soolation, Cincinnati, turky Institute, Louisville, 3lechanlral Association, St. Louis, Mechanics' Institute, Sail Franeisro. At the State Fairs of MAINE, Elt MONT, CoN N 4 N JERSEY, PEN NSA" ANT A, \ I RiIIN I A, MISSOURI, 01110, INDIANA, 11111 A. TENNIISEE, KENTUCKY 31 ICH 111 AN. W ISCONSTN, ALIFDRNIA. These relehreted Machines .tro adapted to every va riety of S r ., lug 61 rAMII) . tt e.irl.lll the lightest mu, line to the heaviest vlothq. The. , work equally well uiwri silk. linen. woolen, and enttc,” goods.—seaming quilting, gathering, hemming, felling. cording, and braiding— making a beautilnl and perfeet alike on both sides—and perf,rming VVi•I wort', of n icing escort sating h u tt ou boles and Licht', nn huttons. Full in trmeinns Ibr operas in.; the Ma.•hine is elven gratuitously at the vain 1,0,11:{n. \% hen the MiChino is sent collie instance, that personal instruction is inconvenient, a card nt direction is sent, which is a sufficient guide. The qualities which recommend the Vi heeler k MriellillP are 1. Beauty and o_icrellence of stitch, :dike on both sides of the fahrie seNciol. 2. strength. nines, and durability of seam, that will not rip nor ra V 1•1. and 3. 1.:v..4 , ml 1.1 - Ihira 1. 4. Its at tacionents and n ide range of :Ipplieatlon to purposes mud mate, ials. b. Compectuess and ele.tanee of infidel and finish. An I lliorsti4lincss oi construction. Speed, P:1 , 1; of operation and mailagenient, and quietness of inevement. , SCHEDULE OF PRICES. N 0.3 Machine, v. iih Plain Tal , le, $-1 00 11.111 .. .'air0. l'101•11(.1. oOn Italt unr Pnlktttni. Itlark nr latingany fp,", Oil 111=1 HAI fn. I:larlc .thull or :11:01,Trilly N”.l Mariline, N, it I/ Plain Tablu, 11.11 f P 111611,1, 111..1; l\ 7 I [hi! )Inliogany 7.. Half Si' 1 Full Ca.., I.t.lisho.l, Illai kll alum or )1311.1gaily 91, Full Cass, Fo No. 4 Machine, with No. 5 Mach Inv, Cylinder, ',vial Plain Ta 1,11., I=ll Every Machine is sold with a Hemmer, \os. 1 and MIIVI1Iner: are ..1.1 enniplete . , with the New Glass Cl° Presser, New Style IlemiNer and BrAidt , r. 'heeler & Agency at Railroad and Telegraph Office, CARLISLE, PA. July 1, 1564-Iy. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at tho World's Fair, 'London, 1862. _CC • - • o `i trt - trf li; undersigned has just received i• and intends to {tell? , CO1,41100) un hand a full as sortniunl of the unequ died Ulan Unita Urea It) ,telnw.y fi.Sons NNa 11. Idis Instrunu•ut will Ln cleefully selected in the Manufactory. and v,lll he add al the New York Cash Factory Prices, with the addition of Freight to Co lisle. A written guarantee of entire satisfaction will be given by the subscriber to each purchaser. Persons desirous to purthase are invited to call and examine these unrivalled Pianos, at R. E. Shapley's Jewelry Store, Main Street, 3d door east of the Mansion House, 1101 LPe Itallrvad Depot SMOND HAND PIANOS rooolved in exchango and kep' for snlo and to rout. Carlisle, Mar 22, 1863—1 y A. B. EWING'S FURNITU RE WARE-ROOll k"MT , ' 5 740 .1?;.-t; .t fS~ ~S r r l l ~w. West High Street, Carlisle, Pa (Premium awarded at the Cumberland C oun ty Agricultural Fair of 1857,) Tho subscriber has just recolscd tho most splendid assortment of articles in his line, ovor brought to this place—which ho is determined tf 801 l at prices that dots competition. Parlor. % Chamber, Dining-room, FURNITURE Kitchen and i 011iee Embroclng avow y articlo used by [louse and Hotel beepone of the most approved and fashionable design and tinigh. including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairp, Alattrasses, Gilt frames, pictures, &c., tst,..l.articular attention given as usual to funeral.,; orders from town and country, attended to promptly and,on moderato terms. July 1, 1864 pAINTS AND OILS 10 Tons - WhlteLead. 1000 Gallons of OIL Just received with a large wisortinent of Varnishes, Fire Proof Paint, - Turpentine, Florence White, Japan, White Zino L rutty, Colored the, • . Litharge, . Red Lead Whiling, Boiled Oil, '-- 'Blue, - Lard OIL, Shellac, ' Sperm 'oll,— , - Paint Brushes, Fish Oil, Sze., Colnrs of every description dry, and pil in ,cane and tubes qt thullitrawsre -Store of ' ~. , , _,..... .. LIENRY SAXTON'. July 1, 1801. • • • - , -cr , i rtilUM 'BELTING 1 ILA - Just recolved a largo assortment of all sizes— Gum Baltlng;.Gum Hose, Gum Packing ; &c., ?nit for sale cheap at.the Ilardnare StorO • of , ILENItY 7 BAXTQN • . , Jilin 0, AM • Forwarding and Commission Rouse. rLoua AND FEED, COAL, PLASTER AND SALT THE subscriber having purchased the Cars fixtures, hr., belonging to the firm of Hen deison do lined, respectfully intbrms the public that he will continue the business at the old IS'arehou so. on the corner of West 111gb and College Street!, opposite 'the College. Ile Is fully prepared to do a general For warding and Con missinu business. The highest market price will be paid for FLOUR, GRAIN end PRODUCE of all Hada PLASTER and SALT kept-constantly on hand. Coal of all kinds, embracing LYKEN'S VALLEY, LUKE FIDDLER, SUNBURY WHITE ASH, LOCUST DAP, LIMEBURNER'S and BLACKSMITH'S Coal, constantly kept for sale, under cover, and deny ,:red to any part of the town. A liberal share of public patronage is s r i e ,l s N py i t t, fully d. solicite Successor to Henderson Fe Reed. Cerlisle, May 20, 1864. COAL AND LUMBER YARD.- The subscribers have this day 'Mitered into partnership to trade in COAL AND LUMBER, We will horn constantly on baud and furnish to O— der all kinds and quality of seasoned Ll.Ol BOARDS. FRAME STUFF Paling, Plastering Lath, Shingling, Latfi, worked flooring and Weatherboarding, Pasta and Hails, and every article that belongs to a Lumber Yard. All kinds of Shingles, to wit: Whiter,lna, Hemlock and Oak, of different qualities. Having cars of our own we fin furnish bills to order of any length and size nt the shortest notice and on the most reasonable terms. Our worked boards will he kept under cover sn they can he furnished dry at all times. Wo have constantly on hand all kinds of Family Coal under rover, which we will deliver clean to any part of the borough. -To wit : Lyirens Valley, Broken, Egg, '' . l . :* Stove and Nut, Luke Fiddler, M . /I.V ,_-,41•-... ''il. Locust Mountain, ' .. 0 . 76.r -- 6 Lobbery, NS 1 --a_AlLmoi.,..., 0 ~,,, ~..., _ soiree to soil at the lowest prices. Best quality of Limelourner'B and Macksmith's Coal, always on hand which we will .11 at the lowest finur Yard west aide of Iliannnar °chord, dl iln street ARMSTRONU k HOFFER. July 1,1864. Notice of Co-Partnership, public are,hcreby informed dm. I the undersigned have title day entered Into a C Partnership, under the lime of Delaney & Blair, fn the purpose of earrying on the Coal and Lumber hos' nes, at tea old Stllllll of tiliver Delaney, near the let W4ks: where all orders in their line of business cu respectfully solicited, and will be promptly filled. OLIVER DELANCV, ANDREW 11. BLAIR. Oct. It, 196,3—t f na-Ortters t'or coal will be rerelved et If albert liroeery Store: Robert Moore's Shoe Store and A. 11, illair's Currying Shop In_ Orders for Coal or Lumber solinited through tl Post ullice. sirangemeuts having been made NN ilh t Postmooder to charge the postage on sumo to us. A orders punstuslly ATCIIES, .I 1 E LEX, AND Silrer.ware nt o , lll3'll'H Ittot t`lttltottSllotl strain. We-t Matti St., nearly oppusite the Cumberland Valley [lank. 1 have just received n new assortment of watches. jewelry, uvdailinus. rih er ware addit tri mr lornito stw•lt Ia nhirh I invite tin' attention iil the ',mine 'file i.‘sortinent imilnares tier• gold :nil saki,., lever watches Huntingait open ease do., tnLl Anoh.tiis for Ladies and Gentlemen :111,1 Silt er L, pine, and gnarlier watches ill every vai iety lu 01) In and price. Also fine void 'Medallions, ilreasiipins for Ladies and Gentlemen of every qua lit e, pattern and price. Bold filo, vest, curb and nerd chains Gold litnetilets. finger 1 . 111:1 4 , ruff 'pin., stud , . slew. hilt tons. vni.syv. (lold and sllc,•r thitnilo, sit Ser and glitcho LAIC •intinn tp.t.n d sp••uns ofeo••ry variety A i,g e 1. rant of gold, titter i',11111,1 to suit all ages to which we n,vitu special at tention. A floe Int of (VIT,T) PENS Elmo ibellest makers. opt• tack/ oases, fancy horn, silver and poarl card ra,e goll and common brarelot, watch stain., )lantl Clorks and a vat lot* oral Belot. w.o ill c., i kept ,,ii i i i s i.l i o w i, e s l y ry t e::f..1n , 11c. , 1 . 1 n k l lento. :, r ‘, 1 1 , 1 ,. 1: CO ,49 wai ranted (.0 be what they aro repr - Fen t ed. ' l'artl...nlar attention p Id as usual to Watch repay log and all work warr.tuteq. TAL)NIAS Ctqc LYN. J uly 1, 15 , 14.. - SELLING OFF AT T \\'ENTV-FIN A t ti, f the I;1.1 1•;i1Z1, - . 1 "”r , citrolwrl3l,l Bank, :111 4i t 1,1 , , it Met Church, on VI v,t )litio 11,1, St,, , ek, vi _ IVATULIES AN I) .1 1.:1,1{) - in ti, town, ~ill I sold :n1 per cent ;ono, than ;ft nn nln/.. , in tn.. State. The fawn comprise , n 1.0 v. ft-sot meat I.f (101 l and Silver hunting ion.° tr 111, Lovet Lopines . , Atneritom watrties, and all other 1•11/1/S in. styles, (,' ()L I) NI) SIL l! I .VS. (1.0.1 v Lin.l,.,lvortarl 1i. , 1t1 Mated Silvvr \lnl.•. 111 SW lit /X ES, ACCifiti)EONS, trreat vat iet y of Inure al tiring, &r. Th , • enure t•to, k of \\n t chinalserl;tr NH, min. and title Bill be lothmtle or retail t the enti , I. brans 11:1lint; SC11,1.•ol a first Class worlsinan all kinds ropairing ‘‘ , usual at, redun, , l It. F. SI! A MTN ,1111 y 1,1 , I :'! 'l' 1 1,1, 'l' 11 111 )1 1' 11:k N 'l' A 7 Ttw complete .1,1,S OW Prairie Flower ria Stan.. ,11Intnis the sale...llli, in calllaa I lii It al Liam Ir'“11 who may witat a superior stova 1.. van al ramie the wily strive that li.or given waiver/4d pat faction. NVIIAT IS CLAINIED OVER OTHERS IS let. A saying' of friim au to Gn per rent. in fuel. A ht.tler and tittiekt, oven front the sumo fire 3d. A largor oven than any other stove of the 4th. Ti.. preservation of the renter piece from sinking savi lig, I epairn. 6th. 'rim Lost Baker. Roaster, end nook now In use, Oth A sup,rior arlangement for cleaning the flues ' th. A perfect tine Consumer Ibr either wood or coal. The Prairie Flower Is ,arranted to give satisfaction in every pa. Uvular, and Will he shown with pleasure to all who may call, Whether desiring to purchase or not, any quantity • f rideretwein town or country. A few other good Cook Stoves on hand, which will be odd very low to clone a tuck. Spouting, Roofing, Joh work. Copper smithing and sheeting work promptly attended to. in town or coun try. All wink warranted at the old stand, Hanover st-teet tooth 1 Loudly, MARY MORRIS. N. Copper, Itrass and t'rwter bought, and the priee paid Id vast) or goods. MM=E COFFEE POT. UTILLIAM. FRIDLEY respectfully v antiount,s to the citizens of Carlisle anti the put tt generally, that he still continues the inanufac titre of all 1.1T04. of Lin cud sheer iron ware In J. D. Halbert's building East Louthor street CarliAo at the sign of the where ho will nt all times be ready to do all kinds of work In his line with neatness and despatch. Also can at all times be hai. those celebrated, self- sealing and self testing press luux airtight, FRUIT CANS AND JARS• itoonc.spoutino, sad all kinds of jobbing done at the shortest notice. Cash paid for old lead, pewter and copper. Thank ful Mr the patronage heretofore extended, he hope', by strict attention, and 0 &biro to please all to merit a continuance of the Maine. Pont forget the sign of the lied Coffee l'ot. July 1, 1863. JOIN K. STAYMAN rube subscriber informs the public th ho still continuos tho GAS FITTING AND PLUMBING hushes at the Old Stand In the basement of the Firs Nlathodkt Church. lie will attend promptly to al ausiness in liks lino. Load and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, liot and cold Water Closets, Force nod Litt Pumps, Wro't Welded Tubes, Iron Sinks, Rath Tubs, Ruth Boilers, Wash sins, 11ydraul c Hants, Ro., and every desm iption of cocks aud fittings for gas, steam water, Ac. Superior cooking rations, heators and gas fixtures put up in churches, stores and dwellings, at short unties, in the most modern style. All matorials and work In our lino at low rates andwarranted. 11;5...Country wait and jobbing promptly attunded to July 1, 1864. HAT AND CAP EMPORIUM. Ir HE undersigned respectfully announ cos to the public that ho still continues the Ile. ting Business at the old stand, In Weal 11141 street and with a renewed and efficient effort, produce arts cies of Head Dress of Every Variety, Style and Quality, that shall be strictly in keeping with the improve ment of the Art, and fully up to the age which we live. 44 I have on hand a splendid assortment of •, FIATS AND CAPS • '"/"•!-- °fall descriptions, from the common Wool to the finest Fur and hill: Hats ; and at prices that must suit every 000 who has nil eye to getting the worth of his money. ,Thu etude leci tides, •• A. B. 13 MOLESKIN, OASSIMEIIII, , lIIIAVEIt A: FELT ]TATS of every style and color and unsurpasSed for Lightness Durability and finish; by those of any-other establish ment in the abuntiy. Men's, ]toy's and children's list's and Caps, of every descriptiun constantly on band. He respectfully Invites all the ,eld' patrons and as many now ones as possible, to givoldin n J G. CAW°. July 1, UGC • SOOTS , ISL:, SHOES. • . FULL assortment.of Mon and Boys' Fidi Boats ; k yr Shooz, d i o i r t: l bLs oo flr o Aliz b trer; Ipso, of algttnnds, and Glontlomon'iklUld Children's hoots My . old customeres and all in want of good and cheap Boots and Shoes, will pleas° call and examine the stock, before purchasing.- Main street, nearly opposite the Depot; • • ouns:oaiLDT, July 1,1861 SCANTLING, I= RED COFFEE Po7', William P, Lynch SHOII - ER BATHS, CUMBERLAND VALLEY AND :h!SMr~h~+in ~yl pi` ~lr FRANICL7i4'; HAIL ROADS. GRANO E OF HO UR S. 0N and after .MONDAY, elm., 4th, 14.4, Passenger Trains will run Unity, as rnileiA, (minday excepted): FOR CH AMBERSBURG AND HARRISBURG. Lave lingurstewn, • ,- 7:00 , 5A. M., '. Ureellcastlo, 7:31 { Arr nt 8,1/ ' Chnmbers'g, 4, Ltlnvil 8:30 Leave Sblppensburg 0:00 Newville 0:32 " Cnrllsle 10:10 " n Mechanicsburg 10:42 " 3:12 " Arrive at. Harrisburg 11:15 " 3:40 " FOR OH - AMBERSBURO AND HAGERSTOWN: Leave Harriaburg 8:06 A. M., 1:35 P. M: " Mechanicsburg 8:37 ^ 2:15 " l arlisle 9:27 " 2155 " " NeWV MO 10:02 " 3:20 " Shippensburg 10:33 " 400 'rChornbers' i l A r r at 11:10 " 4:80 g , Leave 11:10 " 4:40 " Lea,' Oreencast e 11:55 " 6:30 " Arr. at Hagerstown 12:36 " 0:10 " The Carlisle and Harrisburg ACCOMODATIOII TtiAIN will leave an follow,: Leave Carlisle 5i55 A. M. '• Mechanicsburg 6:26 " • Arrive at Harrisburg 6:55 " Leave Harrisburg 4:20 P. M. slechaniesburg 4.54 Arrive at Carlisle 6:20 " making close connections at 'Harrisburg with Trainif Mr Philadelphia, New York nod Pittsburg; and with Trains for all points West. 40y- The Train leaving Han Isbnrg at 4:20, P.M.? runs only an' far as Carlisle. 0. N. LULL, Sup't., Superintendent's Office, jj Chamb'g. July 1, 18044 READING RAILROAD. " • SUMMER ARRANGEMENT. . - It - EAT Trunk Line from the North VA and North West for Philadelphia, New 'Took Reading, Pottsville. Lebanon, Allentown. Easton Av. I rains leave Harrisburg for Harrisburg for Philadel phia, New York, Reading Pottsville, and all interme diate Stations, at 8 A. M., and 2 P. M. New York I:sprat:a leaves Harrisburg at 6,30 A. 55., arriving at New York at 1.4$ the same day. A special Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading at 7.15 A. M., and returns from Harrisburg at 5 P. M. Fares fi nm Ilarrlo.iurg : To New York $5 15; to Philadelphia $3 35 and $2 80. Baggage checked through. Returning, loav'e Ness York at fi A. )1 , 12 noon.and 7 P. )1.. (Pittsburg 1 aprons arriving at. Harrisburg at 2A. SI.) Leave Philadelphia at 815 A. M., and 3.30 P. M. Sleeping cars in the NOV York Express Trains. through to and from Pittsburg wit heat change. Pai.serigers be the Crilawissa Railroad leltyll Taman qua at 0 :i0 A. 11., and 21U I'. M., for Philadelphia, New Yolk. and all Way Points. Trains leave Pottsville at U.lO A. M., and 2 30 P.M., for Philadelphia. I larrishurg and New York. An Accommodation Passenger train leaves Reading. at Gun A. M.,1/111.1 returns from Philaileiplila at 5,00 P. NI. tl n_:111 the above trains run daily, Sundays ex• &pied. train IVRY, Pottsville at 7.30 A. 51., and Philadelphia at 3 11. P. )I. Commutation, )Mena, Season. and Excursion Tick et, at retilleo , l rat, to and loin all 1..10 H. hU Pounds Baggage allowed each P,senver. li. A. NICOLLS, General Superintendent. July 1, 1004. tr lARLISLE & PHILADELPHIA 2 2207.r2 DAILY FREIGHT LINE. FREED, WARD k FREED, Sll MARK ET STREET PIII LA DELPHIA J. & I). RIIOAI)S, MA IN STR EET, CA BLISLE, PA Rd - Cars of lid, Lino leave the Depot 31arket at 4 1..e1f.,t. I'. 31. Leave at 7 o'clock. A. It. C , r i hi.I.i111!'ll1111111 he marked C. it Daily I I...tht Lilo.. and pt iu by 4 o'olu. k. July I, INo4. Carlisle Foundry, IME 1A11)I DEPOT: ' 11MNElt & CO., now wanufac • lure and Iseep r•Onstantly for Sala. at their en ten,,he Steam \Cnrknun East Main 'street, Carlisle, u large assortment of AGItICULTURAI , uf well I,nnwn. spproi ed usefulness to farmers, amont; w111.•11 thev unuot roll esperint atttnliun to ‘‘ IL. LOC( ILLS \''S Celebrated Potent UUM SPRING GRAIN DRILL, n high has taken over fifty First Class premiums at State and nil's. To the Partners of Cumber hold. York and Perry comities ue need not speak in dctail 01 the nieritsof lhh drill, as scores of them are imsv its use on the best farms in these counties. Its replitlil 1011 it: eetahlitified an the most complete Grain DOH now manufactured in the United States. It sews 0 heat, Rye. lats. Bari y aad Grass, an nly and regular, without Mulching the seed. The gum springs peas the drill ovar stumps and stones, without break ing pins or the drill. lor eVell and regular SOITill!, the Willoughby Gum Spring, Drill Is unequalied by any other. We also manufacture and sell the follow ing articles, which is,, can recommend to Farmers as reliable implements, of established character: MORRISON'S PATENT CORN PLANTER. I ASH'S P l I ENT STRAW Sr. PODD. It CM TER, DR I DENIbO.PII . , PATENT CORN SHELLER, HAHN'S PATENT CIDER MILL. JOHNSON'S CAST IRON HUG'S TROUGH. Also, ihree and Four Horse Powers and Threshing )I:whines, Cast Iron Field Hollers, Plough Castings of various patterns. Corn Crushers, and other articles for Farmers too numerous to mention. Also, Egg Coal Stoves and Ten Pluto Wood Strives, with an immense variety of other castings for housekeepers and othors. We have also an attractive variety of patterns for IRON RAILINGS, and CI NIETERY ENCLOSURES to which we would call attention. Steam Engines and Mill Gearing To this department of our business we give particu lar attention. Our already extensive stock of patterns for Paper, Flour and Saw Nllll Gearing, is constantly increaeing. •Mill Owners and Mill Weights will tor furnished with a printed catalogue of our various Mill Patter ns,.on application. Our Machine Shop comprises all the serious tools for turning, planing and finishing Shafting and Castings, by good and careful Machinists STATIONARY STEAM ENOINES, of any desirable capacity, from ton to twenty-ore horse power, built in the boot styli , and on accommodating terms. En Ines built at our establishment may be seen In suet essful operation at many of the largest Diet Ileries and Tanneries in Carlisle, and Cumberland Perry and Dauphin Counties, to tee owners of which we confidently refer for information as to their eillelen• p e r s ons ee anting Steam Engines or. earnestly re quested to cell and esamine before contracting else where. DOOR AND SASH FACTORY, Connected a ilh our establishment is a Steam Saab and Door l a nufactory which is now in complete order for the manufacture of every dose Iption of BUILDING MATERIALS, for the most costly as well as the plainest house.— Window Sash furnished from 6 cents upward. accord ing to size of glass; Window Fr, ,mes from $1 31 up ward; Shutters and Bolling Blinds from $1 76 up we'd; Four Panel Boors from $3 13 upward. Mould ings, Castings Architraves, Mash Boards, Brackets, Fancy Drapery. Scrolls, and other articles needed in house building. In, Dished at the lowest prices And of the bust quality of lumber. iiiy — Wo are also prepared no 11011401 MT, to build and repair BURDEN OARS for transporters on the railroad, with promptness and on reasonable terms, The continued patronage of the public is respectfully solicited. Orders by mall promptly attended to. F. GARDNER d CO. July 1, 1814. Manhood: how Lost, how Restored ! Just published. a new edition of Dr. 41Culveraell'a Celebrated Essay on the radical corn (without medicine) of -••• Sperm/iterate., or seminal if eiihness, 'involuntary Seminal Losses, impotency, Monte , and l'hysical Ineapacity, impediments to !Ile) rine, etc; also, Consumption. Epilepsy, and Fits, induced by self• indulgence or sexual extravagance. Price, In a sealed envelope, only 6 cents. The celebrated author In this admirable essay clearly demonstrates, from a thirty years successful practice, Unit the alarming consequences nl sell oboes may he radically cured without the dangerous no of internal medicine or the application of the knife—pointing out tuodo of cure, at once simple, certain and effectual, by means of which every sufferer, no matter whit big condition may be, may cure himself cheaply, privately and radically. Thls Lecture ehould be In the hands of every youth and every man in the land. Sent, under seal, In a plain c , ,volopo. to any address, post paid. on receipt of six seats, or two peat stamps. Address the publishers. CHAS. J. C. KLINE & CO, 157 Bowery, New York, 0. box 4586. • June 10, 1/364—1y BARLOW'S INDIGO BLUEL DEALERS and consumers of the above I Celebrated Wert, Blue, will take notice, that the Labels ere altered to rend.' INDIGO BLUE, put up at Alfred . Wlltborgor's Drug Store, No. 233, North Sooond Strout, The quality - of this Blue will be the sumo in every aspect I . It is warranted to color Moro water than twi ce the same quantity orlndigo, and to go Much . further than any-other 'l4Ol Blue in the market. It dissolves per. featly clear and does not settle on the olotbos A 0 most of -the other - maims do. Ono Boa dissolved ;In a half pint of water, will matte as good a biopic* Biwa as any that Is made at one•third the cost. As it Is retalled'at the same price as the Imitations and inferior articles, housekeepers, will dad it very to their advantago to•nslc . forjhat pat ui? at Wiltborgues. Le- All Mlle mit un . after thiS .date' with Barb:llea name on it Is Imitation. .The Nair T,abel does'not riaMiraalitarep. Bor s • Id by StorokeeperigenerallY. 'March 4,1804-6 mo. .F4MILY•7)I 7 •V COLORS, 2 , t • AT lt ALLSTON'S 2:46 P. M 8.36 " 9:20 " 12:55 1:28 1:28 .! 2.42 '1
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers