takable demonstration at the polls that the war is to be waged till the reblelion is ended, and that. hostilities will not cease while there is an armed foe in the field. Such it cessa tion of hostilities cannot be obtained by cont promise and negotiation. It must be achiev ed by the stern influence of force—by the unmistakable, clear and well-tiellned poof. , of the ability of the Governomnt to cope with and conquer all ur any of Its . Men of Pennsylvania, tIM issues lire . now before von for consideration and lit'l,W You must abide the remit as cuu (a•iablkli it. for good or evil. \V‘' Abraham Lineohl 1101.(111.=0 Wl' ntall'Ve re-election will fully vindicate the authority of the National Government, and fully es tablish t h e lam. that the free men of the loy al „ re Od e m ste , Mill the existence oT the Union and the Government against the hazard of. opposiiion from abroad or at h om e. We ,isk you to assist not only in the re-election of A brahant Lincoln, but in the ,leetirm candidates cor suite and Federici imieem, because their triumph will reeognizr nor national V--a result mhich must comrilnite to the maintenaime of the nth ul al (I overinent. It nllll5 ucc a•!!:11- of our own to v.:midis}, this position, 1 ":""'" " 111 * political u1111"nonii. till 11"1".4"- 'I , A , n , t , ./ 1 , 1 , i , V(. , '111.1 lady tlll.lllola,il, ()In we 110Sit:W. —Can r rn ntidcncc in men placed in nondom i, , 11 .1 1 1.11 !MAO 1l 1.11 of thriiiir, men iit• property, hesitate—youL; t u rn, who hop, to enjoy both these berme you cast year Voles for autainee, made by By ..rd,r ut tLr [llion Slide Centr;ilCt,in nittlie SIMON CA M EIZON, President A. W. 1.3 WI EN FoRNEY, till' an (iGuittp, Riattcrs WANTED.--1n active, intelligent nii reliaLle boy, aN ow,,t•iiger 'for Ow Teblgrapb in Carli,b.. Inquire:it XiFif — (lntrles O,illy in.erts a new ni.l vertiseme.ut Ihi. wveh in whi(.ll ho 00110 tontinn to Lb,: largt• of now (;,..d, II( ofii.rs for {4t2 , •. i , : 11.1 I 1111 , 1 h and ,t! (.;,,,od., NEW lit 1,1)1:,1;.---Our townsman, \\ - 111. liiair, i er:•oling. tit not or I I:lll , .ver and a larg. three story I 3riol, puscs to (2,1;11W-11 a 11 11,1,-,ile (;'rocery. Thr , building i- all til'll:l111 , 111 1 , the O,WII. 1111(1 nv 11-01 1)11-11W^ , wil )/I'4)Ve cmti). .1,,1111 It. Tur 1.011)0111y 1 V..hmt, = Phis ~ r gailiz.tiffil 0:1; r• tap, h. (Mr yollllg 111,F•II, Capt. T. I 81k 1111 \\ wmiid thlco "f „ur Chi. Erai;,`." - Wo would call ;Mom to tlo• verti,iment J.‘ .NI. \ • 111.1-it IN., .1(1121 , .. th,. SE= ZEE Adj:,,Ht It 1,1 \ /dtt:lhdd 'Phi• tut,l 1't . . 11 t•-1:01 NVill find it thCir THE r. aro: re u,:ste I to ;t that ill :le AlitNil it L; it will g., 4 . 11 .0 ,1 "ii L ill It i. imp t!).if ,11,11 I i It iv.. tii .•:1 rollnr.nt a, It • I 1.1 Ili 1;1111 , 1 . EINEM MEM NEW CA P.—We arc to Itavo tlic ,•;Lini) Iva Statu E Sr] , r,i• ,h, •I'i,(• p Id; -r, thin of tifteun n.giffi, t, , b.., h% aro. to be liept Con,tantly aro Ow In tliat 5\ !if ~pnio or r,iail in , triwti. , n, HI 11 SPIli [IP till'I•Ail•11,1111.111t% hi NEW I'll{ 'll. - - - -:\ lom.irti. 11Cliry formerly or Newvillo, and .I_ll, li;tve purchased front J. N\ . liender,on iilt• NViirt . ht , llSe at the \Vest end of toti 11. (Wllllll hut, been occupied liy Seiler t 1:. : 4 1 , 11 for utur time) and have entered into init,ner,hili for the transaction of the Forwarding and mission business. They tido/possession next week and will commence Liu-inns, at our )rajOr Sil\ der has had largii expel icnce ii the business, and iniing-; with ldo reputation as an upright, iuicrgetic ness man. 2.11 r. Blair k well to al of our citizens and needs no introduction Extensive arrangements are making L. Ilio new firm for conducting the ao d they twill be prepared to otter th e ver y high est prices tor all kinis or farm produce. Part of their purelnne is the large house, near the warehouse. formerly uNt'lled by 1)r. John 3.leClintock, and in which Major Sny der is to re,ide. We will publish their card next week. Union Meetings The following meetings will be held at the different places advertised at the respecti \ e times indicated. We will endeavor to the. nWI on every occasion able and etketive speakers. Let the Union citizens of this county resolve that these meetings shall be large and enthusiastic. \Ve should have a good meeting at every ono of the designated places ; and, if we do, we will he enabled to !oaks this the "Banner county" in its change favorable to the Administration. All that we need is zealous activity, earnest work. Thursday Sept. 15 Carlisle. Friday 10 Stone 'louse. Saturday 0 17 31 idd lesex. Monday 0 19 N e wburg. TueAlay ~ 20 S h ipptu is ho rg. Wednesday 0 21 P 1 audield. Thursday . ,‘ 22 Boiling Spring Friday .23 Churchtown. Saturday 0 24 Mechanicsburg Monday 20 New Comb. Tuesday " , 27 Centreville. Wednesday 4', 28 llogues tow n . Thursday l if '2B Bloserville. Friday i{ 80 Leesburg & W Fairview. i 7 • Saturday Oct:. 1 Shepherdstown. Monday " . 3 Mt. Holly. Tuesday " 4 NeivVillo. — Wednesday 5 Oakville. Thursday " ~ il .A.l.usg:Meeting Friday 7 Saturday " 8 ___,._... By order of the Union County Commit tee. JAMES A. DUNBAR, • Chairman. Rlarlids. CA,H.f. O IISLE•PRODUCE MARICET. Carlitdo, S,ptumbor to; 1.904.. - • , . . FLOUR (Suporfino).....,, . 9 10 • - do. *( Ex tra.) 10 00 do 1LY11..,,,, , 9L9 . WHITE WIISATT - ...%2 60 , REDdo . .... - ......................2 40 ItYR -'3. 130 . 001LN -t.: . ; . '.'. , ....1 10 OATS MARLEY IfA 1.. L . . .... MILLET SPILING.. - :. CLOY EILSII ED.. TIMOTHYSSED F'L. BELTZHOOV.ER, .Attorney at JAW. Office 'llll Rheenils Hall Building, in tho rear of the Court Bouko, Fa. Beptewhor o,lBo¢. , . A ITDITOR'S NOTICE. ZA_The Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cumberland County to marshall and dlatribute the assets In the hands of Isaac Smith administrator of Henry lthineheart, deed, to nod among the ereditoi aOf said estate, will attend to the (lades of bin ~pp,dutm ent atitos(a, in the borough of ,Carlisle' Satur day, Sept. 24th.15.14, at 10 o'elnek. a. in.. at which thno and place all parties interested 01:13. attend. J. 31. NV EA lil,gV, A wilt:, Sept. 10.-31 NUT ((`F.. I,ettins of 21diiiiiil,tration en Ow n..t CI.1" late of the in zit , •1" hive bean wined the no the twit residing. in sail Iliirou4ll. .111 inir...nns tho said . .11,[1 I .r intent anti thosniude Ltod will nuke lillro• II epi , nr II to Sept. 111, 1. , ,G4 —St NEW GOODS ! Ogilby's Cheap Cash Store UST received a large slippy of elegant Fill and-Winter goods, nhlrh will be sold at the very lowest, pd.,. mns VlSondq, Wal'o.t , , 11:11111,-.1 .. I,lldit N 11 , 111,1114 'hit ilO4, nil ur,rn. •tts,r`mt .11 1. 10-1. SLIEETIN(;;;. i•nh , r,p•lt 1111 ill • 3 I I OM. I'I , • 1.. , • .11J • 1111,.• :I , ` ,t , ,% :114 WO 2{l dt,tol (,) .0.11 111.4 vlgh. CHAS. 0:111,117., NEWS! N E IV S ! ! are just re iluz at thaia aaa rltaap•tva a, an ha sant; I: uttat carnal at I eat. to wltielt tI ite th , • 0pi.,131 att,til ion or 1 . 11, p••rt.on in 111111 t e,f aud 'lira tdoelt c,trlpt jots ;tll 1/.1 VII )k. of s. .i•liunn plhin I. , •1,L'1 , - sll ••li r•••;“ I•1•It•Is an.) 1., .T 1 01'1,1111, ..1111:1!6 . ! 141' •ilt•nci•l Priori..prn ,11 h .•, • . • Mourning Goods 1 , 1,1 , •11 , •1 v. Lit 11 t 1 'I'I,. 1,1,.11 iil,t,. ! • SOW" P,1 , 11 . 4.: , I II 1 , - , 1111.1 • N A I) ii1 , 7111.1.by I .it I.llts. .‘ ..;. 1..1 ~. .7 T.511, , 11; to 111 1 . ..0 115. t I. ti.. 11, • L =MEE Iloiliest!.c Go s; 11• , 1 tv•il I 111-1,1 pil ••, t •. •'II . IlE! ME NuTl() , \ .11;11.:1-5 II st) 1.1 a I .111;., tllm.•nt of t. It n , ~p,111,t5 S ..r th.• t tiogF, tH,s MIIIMMI ..ur 1.. allk] .1 • /II ' 11l I I. I . ::•r',c•,111.1. I'l II••II Lied,l/iI ~.t ~•:, ~, ;~, 'l.' a X ES:: x(rricE T() •,: I: y l' milt;l\ 111 I' II I :„( NT H of nfl,.•t ,•.,,,..••, 1111,111 I:, t•4 , •141')1 Isll r s s Icit 111.1 31 1..1- =ME El MEE= id ! ,, 'NS n '1! r•I t I I' It~l \ 1 \ ...II h. it 55.5 k. Sr \15.,11.. t.,•.1•4112 1,1 I cl•II:I.:1;LA ND CHI'NT) \ \ \ I 1.---1,11. t :f.,Ster, "NI \ '241.'21E11. I)J Vf , lot ,tt,•• !2. I I :tit likt•ttot ••ttl•• 1.11111111; at Itit , •••ltt's 11,1, t Hitt :i-t;ni•l__d..tr.itlti•• aa. -• 1. ttt•ti :2101 I ;\' lf; and 17 —lf IV. Thitudf. Ast:t al ,Iliffiffu,lfl r. fsfult 11.1.1;and .20111, r b at i•le. '41;4 ud It II '111 , )}I LS, Deputy 1 . 1 . : Y Th.. lir h ut, (...11,., t , ;II I, at thf• I,ll.Aving toff fs 'lf , I ;s '1,12:15, at 1111. 1.11/14' '1•11t 111:33 . 17 th. bait list.a.l;. pl 14,ft-ob. pl. fit. 5.•]... 2 ,31111 Pl'llllo4l, Ch. 1 . 4313.111.111 l'ut 1,- ty Ilt l'llll, 1/i lim also, pi, es. K l'N.\ ED • Popilty Ctdfef All per,fftlf: who ,11311 neglef t to pay the dudes find tuxes tis a lori.ald assessed upon theta. at tho specified, must pay Li, per ..tut...1.1.111i. 1111311 LllO 11111011ra thereof. &fir Pelson,: rundttiff,t by hail must scud p05t,,, 0 ;sump s f t f pas - return pumi age. All rtunit• tan..., by 1113 ii ar.. at the riff!, ft( Hui p , u.s.ut emitting. Gilled Curren..l', La Nat t , ..11 1:11111: Note, rceel, ed. lii pn‘ll..•rt i,l ra,,,•. t o um, tp...s Prow 7 o'cicok. A. :NI. P. 11. I. IC.I 1. l• I \ I A N, Oliveto, it I ht )10rhani..1.1,ur e s, l;u1Allt), l'a. 8. pt.lo, 1814 Tho Now Skirt for 1864 A NEW AND GREAT INVENTION IN 1100 P SKIRTS. Tiiiwiipict, Elliptic (or (I , nible) Steel tipring J. I. & J. O. IVEsT, NO. M 7 CHAM BERS sTR EET NLW TORE, ARE THE OW EltS THE PATENT ANL EXCLU SIVE MANI,PACTIMENS 171.1.5' J. R. 13 HADLEY'S Patented Duplex Elliptic Steel Spring Skirts. This Invention co islets of Duplex [or le o] Elliptic Steil Springs, logeni Midy braided tightly and firmly togethe Dodge to edge malting the toughest, most Elas tic e lex ibis and Dora Spring over used, enabling the wearer in consequence of its great elasticity and flexibleness, to place olid told It when In use as easily and with the same emivonience se SILK or MUS LIN DRES 4 . It entirely obviates and silences the only objections to Hoop bkirtH, vie: the annoyance to Hui wearer as well as the public, especially in crowd el assemblies, Harriages,,ltailroad Curs, Church Pews, or lo any crowded pima, from the alticulty of con tracting them and occupying a small epase. This on tinily realm, s the dlinoulry, while giving the Skirt the usual and full and sytumetrsiel form, and the li.thteat, most stylish and graceful appearance for the street, opera. promenade, or bons. dress. A lady Lav ing eujnyed the pleasure and comfort and great enn- Vents:tett of %veering ono of the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirts fur a single days will never afterwards willingly dispense with the use of them. They ore also equally desirable, and a great. improvement eve other 'lauds of Batas fur Misses and Young Ladies who were short dresses, the elasticLy and flexibility of them prevents when centimt in contact with anything crowding the Hoop close to the person, from pushing out the other side of the Hoop or drest.; and anal], they are so mush mote durable and no , likely to bend or break or get out of shape. 'the botfetn rods on all the Skirts ate ales double steer and twice or DOUBLE COY! Ilea) to pr vent the euvering horn severing off the rods when drag.thig"down stairs, shone steps, Ax., Ate. which they are enlist nifty sultject to whim is me. All are made of the best quailty of corded Tapes, and every part of the Skirt is of Die very• best inatetbds ; it Is tmaran tomLio every respect, to be by ter theiiest, lutist cum fortablo, and most durable Skirts ever made Enquire for the Duplex Elliptic Spring Skirth. 'FOR SALE In nit variety styles and nines by nil first, claNi doslers. STOEN. riiWO promisory , L notes, .ono •ftir 8506 frolic wm. Oreon 'to tho subscriber, wit James Luckey, Esq. as security. ' The other for $2Oll tnn I‘l. D. Luckey to tt , e subscriber with-James Locke,l:sq., as seourity.. Tlieso nettei along with• coins oy and other papers wore wolen from coy pookot in 1I rrislnirg on Thursday, Sept. Bth, Hat. Noticli is In. °by given to all persons not to purchase said no as payment has boon s'opped. A liberal r 11 bOpaid for the opplehonsion,of tiro thief or recovery of tho pocket book. Jr W. fAlit: I.l.lobervllle, Cumb. co., Bopt. 0,1504-3 Y 1 AO 1 60 12 po 6 00 NAIII.IN 11 ~ L. 1111,1.4.1 N, = NEW GOODs 1 , tqy 1.1 I I I ...it Th....1,...,1th., 1,0,0 ... It ... 51,11 4,0.1 I 1.:!1 1 li !!! Call to ,•• !!!.. :1 1 Fll It t• col!, I • t .11...7.. 4 l':‘1 1,111,11,i I '••• 1 I )104 t.1.111t Ili, /11 4 , 1' . .; \V S 1 t ' \ .1 ' I Fall and Winter Goods, 1; I', ESS GOO S, lie, 1./1 Ill= IMENIIME=IIIINIIII =I InE=IIIMII ();;R IIIMI! MIME MEM • ; .1( ~ ,~ ~~: ~, I 1.. 1•.., 1111111 Public Sale of Real Estate ]Y virtue of the Last will and Testa nvan tof Jacob Eosminger deed. I wlll expos° to public sale on Pi ida,y tbn 14th October 1861 at, l l o'- clock al/ at the Mansion House of thu Tostator in Frankford two.,Cumbarhol couuty TETE MANSION FARM, rontrinity„ nbmlt 200 ACII liS I,lth a t.wQ . • • o ,•. %TIT blt-BOAltI)E1) „ , I; Vs 1c BARN Wag-4m 811...1. pri , Arld nil con vl•Fiklit uu '!".6,- Imihijn,, A 11. , Ut. P.M ACIII..S 4 .1... area Iqlre.4 HMI in go.pel rust ivnti % , 11.11 plenty ni n.) Innnlup pump duet 11,1 r fails It is grist 311.1 gigt4 , 1:11111 , PI Inn irf,t, mot of NI) ,h , tdolt 141.0. ono half .11)001! oxeullvtit tiw ui or 1.-11c1 r, , , r intaini nq !ti.lll, 01. tortns is 111 Ito Tondo hoon. i n thn ..ny of stile by lI 11ZY .%NN 1:S.\11 : , ;111.1t, E.,:vo'r F..pt FAILNI FUR SALE Iwill se :1 my cLrin, situ3ted in 3lidle gß.,x Twp., 1 . .1:0i•11.. aboUt 191 ACRE-Z 11=11111111111 Vt . 1/ .11 .1 9 r , P • n ?E:1 h. :In I :I I • • • 11..11,1., ,IIPI 49. 4 7, 2 0,1 , .1.111; 1,,i t ..1- ,1.-ct Orphans' Court Salo (),, ().1 , ,h , ./. 15, 18111 I Virtue ,f• ki• of h e or u ll I; 1111 0 01 • ••.il II • • •11,1i .11..11 , .1 ttl 114 ti, tki 0 , I. t':'• 11110,1,11 ill t - Ht :it ttt • . ••• .11 VI 11. , t-1.1 :,I!•• t! o I .1., t•:-.• , 1, tt !Pit . t k I: r ';I .1 I.t 11 in tho ii+tt. , I 11 I ;111...1•IVIN“. Ml ' II !II: II I 1,1 I , lis I. 'II; \ • 1.,•• Th.. t t.I n 41_14 IMIE==IMME MEI INIIMINIE MEE =II ME 1 , r , •, ,11; t/ Hi,' I== Public Sale of Valu;11)!e float FAate. P 1 u( ut ti a 'l,ll s , • (h~•~u,n BEM t L,r ME 2 A f. I I • g Ift 1. ~! =el =ME lIIN lIIIM 111111 IMIII MEI MI i ~~., =II LA O. 1).1 Li, ...L. /::‘ , A 111.1trittil Litt:ll:it. •Illttiotlltt, „If :It: 1:: - .011 . , 111.1 it.. tr• 11 I.kto ilt..• : t .•1.1 12.1 , 0.1 \\•~~, I.ill 1.. 1••. II :ll,ili, I I .0 i:I.S 141 ,1.,., I. •-. lii ..,i I : SI Ilik .1 I. I :1'.111.d/LJII 111 a Ili,h 't 0.• , I l• 1.1, •IJ 'l4 A ll r .; i.,. 1111 p/ ~v ,int•tiLs at, n %1 1, kllll.l.- 1.1 . , 11,., t, 111.1,11 I , \'‘ 1.1,1.1:s is 11.11 -1 . I. 111 1 1 '4,1,4741 1 11 1 11 : . ...11:. 111 , lullti 1 , 1 . • 1 . ' 11 1 1 1' 111 "i I ; i VI 41^ . ,‘ ,11: v 11 , 11,11 . li.• 11 , t1,1'.1111,1 ,til r r , r :,i,jlM •-• . , ;11 ,i,lal ol th • 1.. 1 , . ind , • , .: th ,, 4,..,_ , , , 2.i. : „1,17 II ; u.'l••l,ikt I Ih , r 1,1 1.1 Loyt•'l 11111,i. It. 111 a a , "11 i.ll d. ...111111“ /It I. I.lilk 111(9.11:11,,, 2.1 K a 101,4,11,, Nt t halt 11111 ,, ewn 11:o n tl,ll P. A. Ali, and t,th, is. cut.taillim4 11 acresundo 1.1 This Er, e ,r) to tlti , 11,.p.u.,.11 c,t .see I Ilic., alid in it cry high :Lite of cult ival.l 3, IS x trim of I,nnd sltunte , l In N1•11 - tnI1 ..IJ,,lnlninz CLO 116,rounIa 4,1 .`vn vonl.iining 4 c 44111.4. 1,.;- TllO i M 1 1 ,0,11100 Is nro fJ I NAME II EATIIER-1111.11k1)1:1) I,nt. This 1,1..ntl I. onoln v,ry vnl tut4ln I , rlllllllinlnetnint,4 pnlin,4,• , . itvz n luo fre.to. un thll Ili¢ , 1 , 1 . 1111 Z. It n ill AS a wll,l, Jr In 1ei5,: , n, , 111 'nit rutel,aso,. 14. it lot if Issyllt44l. Si wiled ou thr Swi'lt sully 4.1 'lam SO Yet. la the W, - u14:11 I thin r.4,.11 lii II I 5,..! hi) IFet 'nint 1.11 Stint, and Iso Net In, depth, LI, VlllllOl !111,. lins it:g t1y.5144,1t 44144 , 1,1 a tWil 1/lV1 . :1.1.1N(1 1 .14 .1 ,,itt . .: , stable, AN. 'I o ;• ;; Olt 1.111, 11,1111+,44 a 1ii,44,1511i11a well of water, an ux-ellunt uxlern, ( . 1,1:.! 11 LIR • Ate. N. I. will ho olTorwi on the limn at 10 n'elook A . N 0.9. o n the premises at I 0‘.14.1( P )1111I N a and .1. it :1 o'. lock, P. 11., uu t;il,l 11.ty a lion tut ins will he 11:11d0 knot, II I.v J AS. )I'CANDLISII, Supt. 1,1, 10. 4:—ls A Atu'r 01.1. Scup er. .1. \V. EI3Y. Trrasu o . i ., IN Account with the School Ilireclnrs cm.nslu Dititrlet, 1, °ln lit Alonday of .111ne, 1061, t Int :`,lofalay of Juno, 186 1. To balance In bands of Treasurer at last sot• tlemout let June, Peia, $1 , 435 51 Outstanding axe., previous to 18113, ' el State apelopriation of le6B-1, reeuised 2 . 2 d .A prll, .I.li 8.1 Itecolpts Bore non-resident evliolers, 40 7,1 Dupileato Tuxes of 18u3, 8041 70 Crodit by 'fro.tsttror's Paytutmls follows Teaehers —their s:tlaries fur the year. i52^,0 21 .Inll,l liutshall imlargiult sehnol building, b2O 0 , 1/. Scoboy and Miss 11ouda in 101 l of their judgment, 1796 47 Goo Cart on aopount of new purchase, 13n0 fa) Wood and Coal, •Ad 4 7a Ads., fasin4 and incidental espouses, . :WI 40 1 IltoreS) Paid MI I . olllllillillg debts mid loans, 173 na Iles•enger :Lad els, ntug IU(111111, 07 37 Jlepairs, fixtures, .ty... 80 ttt Citechs MO 111118—Cash expenditures, 50u2,5 01 Dy exonerations . allowed on tato Duplicates 1801-2, on sottlement, - MS 10 Abatement to tax payers of 1802- . 03, . be() 52 hien cf colketlon peon nun to 18(13 . 013.80 Balance of tutus outstandlug this date, sub ject to uxolleNttifplfi and collection feusi 1238 50 Illinoisdint by Tro.trua, 182 1) 1851 July 25, examined end approved. WOODWARD, F 1 anel..l Sect' y. Sept. 5, 1004, approved and ordered to he published In the newsp,ipe.a of the District. By order et the Board. 1111)1111W,, St Secretary. NOTICE. raIIEIE annual, election for 011icers.and Managere of. the Cumberland Valley Rail Road emptily NYIII be hold at the Company'x Office, In Chamberulturft. between the hours of 1.0 A. M. lied 4 P. U. of 111oudity, the '2d day of October next. 11. 31. lIIDDLII, Sect'y., September 0,1.843-3 t ,sPECIA.L NOTICE. . .... . Notice...la 'hereby glfun that the Book Accounts of the . latu'llnu of Arnold .14‘ Co., and the Book Ac counts of Philip Arnold, dec'd., 'have Leon placed in the bands of A. 1,, Spoliator, .lisq., for Collection: • Au .early attention to 0181101.W° wili,sairo costa, ' , : 131N1ON AnNOLB, Aduer. Euptutubor O 3.864-r.lt Cliambersburg Commercial College. r HIS Institution is again reopened and reorganized, with a full corps of Teachers arid increased facilities at Carlisle, Pa. niung own per mit us to make a direct aupsotl lo you, In behalf of that which should claim your first censidoration. In the words or that honored and talented .41t,t11/1 , 1 1101 , 0 . Clay, Young man prepare yells self for business -- This is emphatically in loudness lostitto ion. lit cry stn mill Is hero tau.slit to orlviiiate and conduct all the ltimlos amid forms pertaining to am nal bUSlllo,l,—th,l , l 1 W111,111.r hem.). into prtc.tico, Ilwrobv pa.ime the regular ruutone of t h e o,puuoug-Imuw. 3).,1','” Entry ltnol:-:<ci•hItn; In Itc various forms an.l , ‘l'Prn. l. num , ', including general Whohuialt. and Retail l'orwardlrix, Commission, Exehango. Jobb! awl Imp, hug, Itiffiroadimr, Steattibnating, Ban!. lug. ,11111111,Ci it Cal'•ul.t(inu>. Ip i n o•at'y 51•, at the rh,.tio •r.iphy. sons mit., thy' at halt th , 11.04.1.ir r.utsi. Night menu"' trout 7 101 l P. 71. fm.lber pu tlrularl rill ut Ow College Rooms, (Ithevin' 11111111111 A) or itrEll'Oho SO , lll 10r a C111:111ar Penns}•lrauia Slate AATicultural Secielv, I k liTil,l, hold itB next .Annual Exhibi• V V t, :,t . r • 1 , .. , 1)A *l , l u,l ,, .rC;:li.,ind,h,•uic FN I gm' ro the \ : ' luirorl,l. 10 prolti , ons r:1114i, g'reidel pi tt ,tikt.as 1.1115., •, rll I':111', , .th111 trt•Pl 11 , 11 k wti 1•••:, II 11.1 :111 1 ~ I 1 , 1(), t) il• -11 r / I r:np.. - 1.• I, I,,r•mittPl-. nIIII 1111 ' j i, , it , tl:Jl rt ,Jj U 111 . , J • I nu I. • iqtt• 0 , II I 4. I I 1 sltl] I A 1 ,4 •AJ11/A1 I , L 1 UA:ht. A . 1,1`,....!.` j•JJ.,It.ti,J. 1 . 1 • -10: t't.tt P .• 111 (1P...1ii/ UM , I 1. , hi: I •Jtt.. P• 111, 1,‘ , 111 IP 1,10 ; 110 I I P., ti •Pr :.11 , 2 IP ',lt. zwinun, I 1 111 W....J.1114.1,4., 14' 1.1./t,. nu =MIME ~:~~ .~„ ~ ~ lull. IL. , i, st.oo 11. 1 , 1 '•t ti C , .1'1 , Ii 1I I 1 !H . !".1 : lII= tats Fancy 1 I{l • „ I I =I ',E " "` :: r - *;'‘' ' ..., r''' , ~.•,, 1: i':' , . '! ' . ''' • . ~: .'7. . - . .-:' , 1 7 . EIMENI MEI I, 'n a ' I, I \ 1 if r' ' /i,, Y :I'tc'n n l.r MEM! =NMI= =lll \ ()C VVI \ 1.1 MI 'g \ • \I . \:. I, 1., li .1 !pH -.,1 ~1 .. „~~•. iii i~S•~ I 1•11,, I \I: MEM ropir„r; drs.,[..)\;, h .,,,.„, :11 ,t,m t II in!! B. 1). 3. I)Au ntstratoc Don: •r. i1,1:C,I1( I.N" r It( Ps )lA. 'ATP ):\ r . 1 . 4 \1111.1:1;1:- i!L and b., an a.l t 11:1 1.1 H . 1.11 , 1,..“111,. pa ....Atilt. 1 .111.13 4.1 Jlll3. .1. I/. 1 . -.21,111. wad, ~ r th, I.lart 1, n• 1 iII•tL vittl.l,l.ll , . 2. [./eNl,li.ak. aill.lacvit.illicll the taco( but i., 0 , 1,e 11,11.1. I. TIL•PIi I'lON Ili•!!1l41..r111 . a.‘ :ttid 1• 11,11, ii. • 1.111 , L P tp amt. ) Cu.!. [1.11,1, Hutt oti 11 1.-. I/ 11 . Ihr 11th no‘t, au clurlinu 11 111 I.'l ht .1t Ih, ,I • 1 71.1! 010' II 01 dl • 1,lrll'S• tahlirill,/ .1i paid C ..iL aL,rh Litnu thcr vole one p.” . 4011 U.t^prrhnnt Un.1 . 011,1(1,0f f_ . 111111)0.11:1 Ha. Ylnsii and ry, II the THOU.: of tilt! U n 1,4 01lu t„. rrin wont not ~otility of CiPnl.erlan.l thin 11 ou.An ul hinin vb., 0, i Ins UI. r 01.1'01111,..1 Ouc r u rt.,,n f i Sheriff of Ihr 4.,ut is C11,111.c11.1”,1. Olio put too u; LllO rviluty ul eulubui ()Iv. portion liu• Dlrv..Lor of the Poor of Lilo c,,tthty of CUI/11.1,1:/11,1. One 1101 . 5011 Ly Tho s:: id ulurliuu tt ill I, hold L4ruu g Uuut th u c „,„„ ty a:i 11,11,m, Thu eleelion In thu election tlihtrlet conipoerel of the boron All nI Carlisle null the tow n.hlps of .Not th South 31011eten, Loner Frankforkl, Lower Diukinsnn, will Lellehl at thu Court anise iu thu rough of Carlisle. 13,74 J 11 the olectlon di,triot rnuqused ~r i.ow• Nr o , t , to‘vnhhip, will he held at the North rrlu:ol 11.nr'e I❑ Plainfield. 'reo election in the election 111Striet, composed of Si! ver Spring township, will bo held at tilt public Munn, of danali (Matta.. In ilopiestown in said township. Tho election in the election district composed of Hampden township,will Ito hold at the public Mutsu oc cupied by Juorge Duey, i u said township. The election in the election district composed of the towindlin of Upper Allan will be held at thin public. Mao, nt ll illl.uu b. Sheplierdstown. The ehletion In the election district Toposed of township will be held at the Middlesex School I louse. The election in the election district composed of the township of Lower Alion, will be livid at the xiagoie maker shop of Jonas linnelibarpm, on Shlte MIL The Oloohlon in the eleation district eumposed of Vast Primw'wrougil township, will be held nt the bun, of .Itmpli Martin, iu West Fairview, now occupied by John 60Iror EEO Ileu election in tleo eduction district conquesuel of Now Cumberland, will ho hold itt, the house not. leept by is i eet, in the boreengle of Nev thunborletied. . , The election in the election district comptoicti of the I Borough of Mechanicsburg, will be held at 'the public house now kept by W. d. Iluston, In said borough. The election In the eloctlon district composed of Monroe tuyintsbip, will be Maul the public house at Jeremiah II ninon, in Churchtowil, In said township. The election - hi the election district composed of Penn toweithip. will be held at the house now occupied byJacoh Itedsecker in said township. The election lu the election (Marla' composed. of Upper Dickinson, will be held at tint house ttOw' CC' copied by Jas. Washrabod, knowkat the :Stone Tavern,. The election In the'electlen I.ll,Ftrict compostid of the' borough of Neyollie, and townships of Mifflin. Upper Frankford, Upper West Pennshoro, and north Newton will be held at the Public School Mune fu-the borough . of New rille. The elevtion In .the Cleetion dlariet compoiwal of the borough of Newburg' A: Utniewell township ; will be held in_tho public; 6010.1 ifeuse, in the borough .or Newburg• , ' ' Ttietiliaition In I.)ii! election (Bet vitt corniweed the lihrous - {ia or . ShippuCnliuC e, eh Innen tbitrg township and s that part of i',6uttiaiej,tun toruahip uut luduaud In, o)Unst.: (iF IN,sTitucriON A. M. TRIMMER, r., I tit,• , ..t itur, I! .111 , 1,,,n, ./,11 ° 111.19n , , ,1111Ivn NI EliliE MIMI 11•1•11 = )11\ 111113=111111 MEE OBE MEI rUi3LIC BALLI h f )1 ISM iiL~ is I I i.~i. =MI lIIIIM I y r-n ins' Cow: t t El MI IMEMEMII , , 1, , , IMINII EMIME =IM=MIII ar ; • Doult.ll.li , . the -Leesburg election district,.will be held at tLe Public Sale of Valuable Real Public Sale of A Valuable Valuable Town Property for sale: Council House inane borough of Shippensburg. The election In the election district composed of Estate. Farm. rilllE subscribers offer at private sale Lowar Southampton township, will be hod at the , house formerly occupied by 'Wm. Maxwell, in Leesburg. On Monday, 'September 19th, 1864. j_ that large two story STONE HOUSE, situated at The election in the election district compcsed of lIE Real Est,lto of' Richard Parker, the east and of slnin street, north side, adjoining Dr. Alabon's residence, late the property of Mrs. Jane South Now to., towntillo, will be held lit 'the School deed,. will be sold by order of the Orphans' Court T IIE subscriber will expose at Public uouaa,l,,, Jacknonvillu. 61 ninlieriand County, en Wednesday and 'Thursday, Salo, on the preuilsen, In Monroe township,Cnm. Kaufman, deed. The nonacid large. NOTICE IS 11111111 TIT GIVJkN October 10th nod tutu, 1804, berland enmity, about two miles south of Churelitown, rersii- - and commodiourh having a large Back . . b . „ en ... Iluildiug, which has boon recently , That every tiorill except justices of the Peace who Wednesday, October 19th. rota lining ~, - F.: as( , r, id built. The entire pro arty has been shall hold any odic° or appointment of profit or trust No. 1. Will be sold en the premises, the desirable Xi:7/(y A Cr,7,c, more or less, of it,. st rate ' --,--- ...... ••• but recently repalred. p There tied, the United Stites or ill this State, or any city or Farm situated on the north Ado of the , Trindle Spill, incorporated district, whether a ennunksioned °throe or 1, about :Ix mil • t fC. •I' I I Silver ~ • -' Oh ORS oat /I. U n .. pi in (irt< vet Land, Two Small Brick Houses otherwise, a ,übordinal.) olrh•er or agent, who is or shall orbs r '" - . ' ' two., adjoining lands of Flitiluel 1 , 011 , AL web Nib v, all of which in elyar , ql, except about live accos t and un- at the font of the lot on Church Alley. lie .nophivc:l nadir till , 1011,1•1.111V0, executive, or judl -o,ptu,iiterup,,,rat t cu p l u ar b , li n e: pi l y e o,l.J:ones N\ illiamson's heirs, and Geo. W. Itingwalt, der good fence, part of which Is post and railer haying i i this Property In not sold b..pire suturally, October e i ar s. derirtinenta of this State, or the United States, 1 r' ,k t ' t e '" r t it ::: I n l , l ti I t:: containing thereon erected Or 11 . 1 ally city or of any incorporated district ; tool also colo r the Court ilmt. any Member et io•rigrcrs or of the State Legisla- 163 Acrq and 62 perch) es, A .. w --.. 7'11 7- 0 110 ITASY E S, on th house, at day. tore. and of thoS, tort or Common Council I f any city, cc a?. - ....) n 1 ... ,„,,.1 , A,,,,,,,.r:.„,, ine e rpocatei district. Is by law about 13 0 noes of which are cleared, and first into ~,ari,,t_ one a two-story Frame Building, and , ALEX. CATHCART. iticipaide of holding or e.tervir•ing at the sums Cute the framing land. The linproyements are n two story .....1;1'&4!!!A - the ot.,er a Lo g Tenant liouse, Adtnir. o 5 f Ira. Juno Holbert; olik" cc 8 1iisiiihnent ofj ridge. ii,liertor or Elrd. anus LOG IIOUSE ...__ A liA Nli 13A RN, 01 JACOB ALINES!. . • September 0, 1804—ts elect ions or chi'. c 00.., o.oth. and that lin inspeidnr. , .5. 1, • • nearly new, with WM - DIN-STIED and CORN-013113 at- - i n 1_,,. or other 11111,01 of sue chosen elrall be eligible "A ,5 1 0 I" h. , (More vott..l 511. (. 'i ; 1,1 . ; gt,'' AN]) KITCHEN, t.,,,hea, and Other out building, with a pump of never failing writer at ale deer. c.- Valuable Real Estate of u lc' i' - bl* -' And the slid art of A,,0n.1.1v. Wattled 1111 art rela. .1 4 b -0, '..6:01 . 20,;, , ,j" 6 a huge Vit,l:llE BANE. BAUM', Corn These buildings are convenient to water, being !Mat ti,: ,to rhe elections of thisConitoon 0 0.1111,10,...,1,1,0. i _i• ..• • It.ft- Idol on the hawk or the Yellow Breech., Creek. Alen, Crib and 11 agon Shed, and a Stone Milk House. Thorn Sale. ii, hi:i i, Curtner provides ti.iii,,,. tii wit; having thereon /1. Dist rate orchard of CIIOICI.7FRUIT, - That the Imp ,I .1,, nod itol,e•• shall mart at tho Is a nes, fain.; well near the House: a stream of , , ~ , , „ , „ . , ~. • enn,sting or Allidra, I a...110)4,1,110,1er, ay.. and also, a On Tuesday, October 14th, 1864. 1.1 , . ...iiil.i..t.t fn , 1..ui..., tt.,, ..i., tiros of the ‘l,l rid running water and an apple Oirhaid on the place. 1,11-t gr..ve . r ll', Loge TE VIVI Nri TREES. This to clll.ii thee ce,;;;•et iv ely hobo,. bet.o's I/1110 11.1•1•4•1, Th/(PSI/01/, October 20th. 1.,' ly under rood en ILI vat Inn. have been well limed, 1111 E subscriber will offer at pubr • l '' loon e p , ill 1.1101 1 1 , .I . 111,1;, 4 , 1 Ihe 5t.1 , 111 , 1 T.:t .. , Ia V ill (/‘• 1i.1.1.1 . . :111.i a Isll hilii.lll, I:111414 ,1 J,llileS l 11111, ‘.ll lilt. CII,t, YollfsW if No • . 2. Will he sold at the Court 1 House In Carlisle „ , „ nn the premises, situated in South Aliddletets ~:,..1...,' , .i.i i,,1.,•..1 ...; ,tall aide int ono clerk, win. ”receners Grerot ou talc Ni. 1 .1.11 S. Anti .1. I tchier on the 6.- that large and commodious arse stoiy. ,• township, Cumberland county 414 miles mouth- of Car , s:, ,it he II 01141111,1 t ore r of ,al,l ,11-rrirr. _ .., „„rtatk. 'l• 5 , 5-1 1151 , 11 , 1 I • inilgot Ihe •ula,orilrer on the %outh Any , , • . * • lisle , dI l( miles north et lapertown the follow! • 1, 1..1 , ' , all. , p'• ..n 0110 •111111 lII,' 110,1,1 the Se, _l3 RI),, lc D w j,',L, TANG . trod 5 - 0 V 4 person 55 brliirgi to 5 low Ili.. paa" tv ran 111, FII by rail ~., , Dm described heal Estate, its: on,l lii2le,t 1111111;H, 01.40 , 1.'1 111-0...•101' :ALIN not, al s4' '.1.,:: i a !I lug olitho ti•mllitlt,iiiing,m the talon, or the subScrib- I. mt „n the day .t - th , ...1....ti., , , 11 , , the Pecson who II() US I'4' and .I.,(Yr 4 , 2,er ii lin: in CI, urt brown 121 ACRES; ,i, 1 1l hale i eeei; c I IL, re, -1,4 lo_ne , r. lirnirla•r al r 55 1 7. 55 ni Cround. situated eil on the north side - . 5 1 Stlr , to eoilinien, st 1 o'r 1r ch. l' NI„ on the above at the In' 0 1 its ,, r.iilll..; i•li.i tin” ,11,11 :lot liS 11,1 ,, t. , V In NI ei-t 1.1111 atieet, Carlisle. adj.inlng )11 , Sarah Ni - ale e da v. MI, li terms 5,11 be math, ha own by of gond land. About 115 of which aro under good cut,. hi , ri ,,, . A ii , i oi ....," Ito- i.... , ... , 0 li.' , ii - ill Ila ,, re - 011 t lo• west, and dorm Philip', hells ~ I . lii , c ail L- 1 .111- A tiAL:I4 12 ; It 01. NOSES BRICKER. tiNa tom and the balance fh thriving young Timber.— ;; I e ii. , ' hi•: .1 1--t i.iiii.. , ..f ''• I.••• C ' I '• - •lo'ci•ii ”iiiill Ito irobs• • io feet In front and .:11) h.:et ;II depth to Dick Tile improvements are a double two story 1 . ritterl. the 1,,,, el i li , ••te i ,iii Ire 0011 iirle , ilit aSI riur,or, alley. PRIVATE SA I.E. 13R.ICK HOUSE' iii`Pc•• l - 1 iii hi' , Pis." , ii , i in ~•••• Ili , li" , •''ii i• 1,1 ". 1 1 his Him.° is one er the beat nn fished in Carlisle. rthl,.., ..1,11 nett a tt, , ..1. t lom the in,' ..... ter who ree,i, beim,: suppled n ith Ilas, Water and iii; Modern int- ' pi! I,: s „!„ c . r ii ll ., w i,h,i l , 2; to remove 0 ) ••.) n,.• 1,01, -i number ,00., 0,. 01 „,,,.0.• :, ho lg o i n 1 ,,.,,,,„„,,.„,, with all nrreseary Out-buildings.. _ cc 1 li--1.-, ellar,it private sale Irk valuable 'PUN'S his obi, c. or I: Ali, ‘1 4 ,111,• •1i 111 volitillllo In thy bo n ,' ,,,..,. ~,,,, ~,,,,,,,,,,, r „ . ,,.,,., „,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 „ ~,, Lehr!, -I L . O (/ 13-.4 IL'llf,' i; hs llr I NCI:. Alward ill Chuchtown, Cumber land I .l . I 11.. pare c ' ~lw leoir alter Ihe lime li‘ed liv 11, fr 1 sr i i....; one mile , bolo l'arliale, in Noi th I . l.l•fleton In„ .q' miii,,. of the eleetion. ,b , • , in•ilili,..l ~,,,.., of the 1,, p . atioining Irma , 01' the l'Id;I•11 St,li/..:. NVIII )1 ‘ ..l ''' . ' l ' • " . ;" i}. ' l '' I " ll° '''' : A ' '!'-'l' t g"'”1'n ., 1'1 1! ”" Corn Crib. Wagon Shed, rte. Si, et rio , I , klli,lreti /Mu sly 1 , 1-11, in 11 , 11, 1111. ,vlO , 5., , ,, , , , , I I •.• •• 1r j • ,II,I1•1•1 tIl „1.1,11 '11'1; I In', shell Hu, &rib ° , B.li. It ii•if, arid others, arol voitteitiiii,' i- ~ ‘•".0; I';.••••1 , 1 1,/ , 1•11t •I; 1110 01.11 0 .. ( .I.•ctir.t...liall ' I: ii I.li o I t%e•t in de,d h. hal lii, there. n mected a btree A Tilri V 11114. ISOUng Urchard of Oboiott .1... r ..... 1 1 it.l,. 11.1111... t. Ir. 1 , 115-iii li irierinc). 10!) .Acres and 1.. - )1, Perches t.,,, -.!..,, .io n , o• n,,ii'N II d 8/.. a u nt 1;n1, I ni1,111;;,/ Fridt. t• o , i, , n:al. irt ...1 m 1.. du c , t ed t , , the A, of t....,r0n- , , i N 5 ail -1, , ,, , .. Ur,-horse, ruinke-lieu-e, a Itsrgn Fraine , „. • • 1,;%. • pi-- • I tn. 15: iltdiy of Ichervilv, chervil Y, I'3l, rill 51 led "" '" " '''''l' i' s " I Ih" I' s-1 . 'l," whit • .1.5555 i 555 P151V ,51 5 5 1 ,1 r• 1 .Table 0rr,11.11.1.-111111,, 11.,-pl 11, a never Iniirl, troll id ,' l' 511 bf Water near the door. The far m In bound' k:. %••.• .• ~..• .• t • .r.(11, :st. 1.i. ,, I ~ ..1., 111 11,. 0. is. tie, .., :''. ' I. ,r n l t TW '' ~,,, 1 LllO nor Or b • the 'el 0 • 13reechas Croak ft s (r • 11,, • j, • -11 , .1 •• l the hr.a. ;ill , l the of h-• ra n 3 I 115 and John, .1 I .110 I l I • I .1 0 3 p IF inlleol', and oil the west by land OT Jacob w. \ , I ~,,, 1 , , , ,i.h”,. V• , 1,. I “I , ,l+ti, , I 11. , 11, bum- liall:K. )1:\ NS I ON, :4 - 4,-.o,c iil , to• at the vin 1 , 10 Alan. 1111111,,, t 11,',011 ~ line radectl nII- N buralrolder. 11-'1,1,1 111 1,II•t.I. C1'111.10.1;1,0111.,01,i ;. 1.• • ,Ica 1 .,., ~, , u ,,, , ,, n L , sl,, ~ I ~,,..,.. , (1,,,,1 I, ! g ~ot ch ler 1 I.l'l i'. . on•i-aiiir, of al ides. lora, hes, pr ~,,I. I ... . , I . • •••.•" I. I; 'l. 011.1 ;1•1 1., I ;IV :••••0110 .'ml 11an,,, 01 ' • ... 'rl '.' l ' 4 . : , 1 .1 ,1 e, „• . ; l i. I , 0 1,1 • 1,1, 0 , ~,,0•• ; NI.. "/ 10 111.1 \l.pr 1 , 'rt. V. 1 .4 .11111: i . '‘' t ' '?" . '"Oor . "I i n <inch, p. m. For terms and, . 1:01.,-..• •t [h...., t h.. ( ....,,....,.,...,,,!, • 1 1 , •,,,,,..,- .1: .. 1.1 K /; . I L.' ,V, i'l---.,,-4" it - 1 . ....,....-„, „,..„ . 2 , ...I. ••i ~, 11.•• 1. , ”...“.:.11.. t ••: ti... 1,, n. :.,d bents re . I, 1 1 01i,e, ' , ult . :Ill:1, apply on the premises to I ..• .ti. i , ....m .• ... i., ~ ell . il, oho.. I tot a store, , .- ' P-• -d, ~ ELIAS JOHNS. - ~ ri, k...,., , 110 11,1 ll ;im r 15.. , 1 ~ L ,T, Stir, II ~... I ' - _ •titl' ~.., of I s i •, ow --I 11 el II •-',. 13 1,•• .ia i lir Io• 11,•• ' ' 5 " 5 . , 1, , 1 ie i 11' 1 • I , nd-hi ._ of 1,3 hie , / , on tot • I N. , •••,.. : Ili , . 11111 II'• • I t Lo, •-. I,loolli'l ; ' Y l "!''''''' i ' 1 " I " I '' '''' '"" Il 'l t ''' I'I I I• i' . ." '"'•'' I ”I' I 'll'l,, 12. I , •I '1 , , , E4 BUICK C. 3. i NOTICE. I irtill. i•I the and, :I • li. /1111 •- t 11011 141 i••• ea lel I odorir, „oono 11,1- 1.,l or et, the , 111Ill'I'St 111 tic ' , ,.. •, .31E1,:• AND OTIIEIts WISIENO TO INVEST N r llitlillitt I. 1111C:it011e I' ' arlit :It IN 11E:11, EST ATP:, ~. ~,,, , ~ ~,, „1, , , , „.,, ‘ ~ ~,,,, 4 ,,,, ~,, ~., ~,, , i,,,,,, 1 1.1‘. , ,,-- ~ t • - 1 1.1 :-'1 en po c.mt ~ 1 tlw porr . lm„, ; 1 rf 1 1 I I.; : , übscriber will offer at Public , .• , ~ . I , ~,,,,!, ,•,,,,, ~„,„1 , 1 , .„ Is ~...„1 I, ~ ,s, cl H 1 ‘" ,,,, ~. I , Old ..l , lls• ‘l , l , 1 •.110,111I• ;I'll, g... 1 0111.- PUblie Saie• .... I ~,,.., ~1.,,1011, , , i ~, 111., ..., , i,,, i.,,, , , ~i . 11;; , ; iio nab oo ; le• /0nt0...1.10,, :lie •ii e I.y 1.1 1 , tarp 1,,,,., 1 . 1_ :'.lll, 011 the iireiniaes , 1'1111,1,, r/111. ton 111 on Aid., 1-.5. 1" , , I and fhe b il,il/1.1.i.1 . •• 7' *, I -.61. .1 oo ~.. !,, thy 77,,,,,,d ay Oet. Oth, 1804. ...„. 1 . ,.,‘, I c ~t,,,,, ,, , , , 1 i,v ~,,, 1, ~, ~ i 1..0 equal annuli p i•ineid, with int., st 1 .r.“ v• :Id.: 1.1 511,. i ....51, i inos .• 1 ,, -,,,,, I 1, 111' ` I„,,, iiii _ : I' sll 55 ' 1 1 ' 55 • 5 - 5. 5'"5 , 5-" .' 5 / 1 ha ,5 " 5551 ' blf•Perll ,•,1 i , ....iiii' r , 1,1,1- Ir. , d,,, 1 ..1 1 L. ~,, ~.,,, 1 . ,1,, i I -I. "?.••• 1 " 11 , 1.1 , 1•0114 t. in,,. ' ,el, in the fore, on 5 I eiii li 1 irl sle, I'n BE I= MEM ME EMI lIIEI HMI I=l MEI MI II I tit tml t. m stt ttt tt . il l y II Ilion litt• • .; . 1 `.• ttr 1 1,tsit t .11 dist," or int i matt tt tt . t t•I ttr stmt., sitttti rttrivit•lit, II ittittl I I trlolt mitt Its], Om, times tl 111 1,1 k‘ isty natal t•'t 1I 1•,l .IMOS rlt, un11 , 1,11 .11111 hin it r ; Ihr ‘‘.;mt .1' till . ,1,11, I or pr ...tilt. t-tti I, Ititt ' , oil to. Vttt t, f , 11011. tot ottltri, to tit, bit =I -in oleit tlellnrs. :tint In , I, l••i 111 notl l , - 11i1111,. 111 Ol• 111 1 •11 I htt. •• I .1.1, 1,, !th.ltl ~ 11 11 111 1 •1 1 • Ihnnl/110 1 . 11” tillll 111-J1 It t..L111 . 110,1 1 111 1 t1ti1111 . 11 . . Ott' 11,1, Omu , eve snoe rl,lllllll l l.lltiy fel.l n na it lirrr , " 1 "1” ' 'r !set• nlll, the intent 1:1e 1 ,11, 1.• . 1' kll . 1 -11 nrevin.aw,ther sn, he th e , ~He,e l n,, .1,11 I'lll'l/1111i 11 1 1 I/0 1 . 1,11 1 11 i,,:my L, , tun,. limn five Iminlre . l 'llnl n”PriNnn. t 6 , 1* 1110 - trrw 1,1 11 1 ,S than Ul/ , . 0 11' . 1 111 11 , (11:111 tlll l l, l 1110011, •• pc..., n, t quail ie,i t . vole In thisColn , ...n. tl l• dill .1. I -1 ' I \ I'M, 1 1 111111.1 , 1.1, .. .11i..., I ' n. oppo: at an, pia, of election tor the 1, t itkv t ,Itst , . 1 111 1 17t'11 {l/ ho ,1] uu ...of, 11 1,1) . Any sum not ex• hondred II).1 111 11W 1 • ,I1 ,111 • 111411211 PU. /111 d I rlranl• term not e5 , ...•.11nt , three months'. n,..f I lie •Ixty•first soot 101 l co the :.:111 14 . 111 1 1111 :111.! Special Election , hall wl`l.ll lhu il ll lll, 111 light ana ton In tho tren , .•.n, an.l shill e.mtlmn. a ithont into, ruption or ao,j .ornment notll sown riclocl: In the e% oiling, when t p shall he t Itejink;:, of tho 41kIriets nf,rosahl a . e by the sni.l net roonlre.l In meet at tho Court /Innmo In the lownne nf r'nr:i•lo. no tllll third illy After (lin 0,,y (.1 olot•tron, being hiday, the 14th dlty of (• tohpr, then :11,1 I hero to p e rform the Ibinp., required of them hp late Caren un,lor my bauld, at Cal lisle, this sth day of Fep[nmher, 186-1. d. TiromrsoN RIPPE'S% Sheriff. F q .,, u 0., It'-I. Highly improved Limestone Farm at Private Sale Situated about mile east of Carlisle. .1. the York Road, containing about. 70 ACRES OF 4A IU, all of which are Chao od and in the highest state of cultivation. Tito Iniprio,intin LS a r large 101) • STORY MUCK MANSION HOUSE 4 0,' 11114 N . containing 19 Rooms, a TWO Slolly A TENANT HOUSE, IT Thr 33 A. IhT, CAI:MAIM HOUSE and stabling, sad otherout houses or the west convenient chnrnr.lor, tiro excellent wells of IV,ltuc, oho at the 'BARN and 011'1 at the 'LOUSE ; and a Ins ~,,,,I3RlOl{. CISTERN. •.A it A P P ORC contain lug 4 acres, of the hest selection of thriving fruit 11 . 205, ass other fruit ct leprlsing peaches, Pears, apricots, cherries, grapes &e. The farm Ia laid out In 7 fields, besides the orchard, Thu ground:3.in front of the house are tastefully, laid out and ornamented with shruhery and shade the' The Buildings being all ' , early 1 - 11.1 V mad in elesu NOT silty to the Carlhge that - Water limits would insure the introduction of gag k water at a moderate expense, This is decidedly one id the most desirable properties In the intorlor of Poonsylronio. • For teams and further information onqulrn of ' tiI'ON,9I;ER, Srpt.2,lcl6l,—(4t ltontI:ot. • , BARLEY IVANT.EI).—T4 highest price for IM I.IIY In cash wIII Lo paid at hartsita'A Brow• . cry Carlisle ht. • QB1111A1(11, Tim Good Will.. btock ;timl coPp.l6ta FiN; turiqi of broAd, gnd.cako baiory nod 'Coufuotionavy ply to ' .I . lfomAe aVVEILEB. " • iiicchatilcOurg Comb. , , =EI =I MEE MIMI ITEM .. ..~i..... 1 ... ~I =MEE MEM 111 ,• t ll " t 1" t =Ell =I von HAILE MIMEO BM I!. A•1;11 . ! • • 1..1.1t k•••, A. Choice Farm fl i Sale ! t';,;.:;, 'Hi H vi' \• Tii i;) its 1. A( ; . 1 - i ILA! .1i ho - C - Z"!L FI- 4. W44;1; ~, Xlf I, If . .;,. t 1.1:If1 I , .1.1 , • llf fif.fl 1.1 t. 11.• 111 t .11 12 , 0 ii.13:F:;13 =IEEE! 11 i• f•• , ' I la l', PUBLIC r \N W 1 , 1 ,1,:i c "1... (I NI) Irt , t . b i l I CuNT.\ IN I N(; 1.. .1('i;l.•-: 1,1 I _ ,10.; „ 11,P • ft.j4 l ,gz in I 'ht . hll, • , Lul n Ulu 11",,h 11-1,,, a v 1.1• e‘t .• 11`1, , ..‘ /;1, .rf ••• 111,1 t t t^t.,,1.1t 41e. • it 1,, of .1 S . 1 t wilL• thc I. I. 1.,11 111111 Ldies Seminary, Carlisle 'term of thi-; I n:Ait.t.flion Nv;:l \%-t h. with the w art. o•r.. E! .•• t.tl2 1. I .• 0. it ill- I • ••!•,1 I t),.• [II=I 1 .4 \ ST ATI . : NOIR TA. t . . - •• • I k , lit . 1 I iho it, rmtvll v I(.,t,Lci I I utulkt•rl.trt,le,.l.l t • . 1.. 111.. ....•••• t1i.../t/ 411 All I I.k I. II 1.1. 1 ,.• 1111.11 , ellt. Ito . lll, I' II& ll' Ex.k. uLri e. I.• .1,1 :II A, Estottl. r Is• I --fl IMIE to , t t It I , 1. I Lot at Private ale. ,1110-eril , er offers at private rule. ,; 14.- 1..1 it Juno,lv.t -; - , L 1.• =1 7 I 'l, 11 1,-, 11 1 r • 111,11, H.; .2..1 , I, G I t) G 11.1 VID,}N nil' ill it)i . rr, lbor 015 1- , , r,, t • , N li , r nrm ,tta • 1, =MEI =1 II 11111., , , , , II) Thr Impr•~v,~~a~••~h ~~ ;i I`. a ~ 4666 • A 1 s ) A 1,0(; P„‘ltN, 114 )1 - SE, ,tuts 11.11, ?1 .1 \V I-11 11..t1 , 1•, 1! %allot v rt Fl 11 the pr 1 plopertv ri. , 1.1 , • I ler 1,1 , 1 and It teelei 1.4 rit, I 1, n 411511.0. y I 111,, ILA, Hit ,thning ,ter. 5111.1 ti 111.5.•1 11511110,11 15,1 I t 10,1 51-1 , 11 , 1 has t] thorktl,hiy 1,1, sii.l ~, Int, the sell 1 I'el 01,4 hi ma; uri g s it. a 11 5 0.1131. k peiTerly. Ali, VI 1 , 0%1 , 1 ItillT isr•es rf 1 II I: 1:1: `, ele•lit 1 , .1 miles 1111511 Lire], •ii itloeg the linse r., the It 5l •eitt er,.. • nilkie It I.Plll'y print- Thin gill sulti luh, liter 61 111 holt, to quit imrehitsets. Apply to 44.)r);” Ft: Clark, ' , oar the p l oalla Watt“, Carlisle, or thb Hut...lll,er, at 1141ri•htl.4. August 20, VALUABLE PAIN AND TDIBER LAND FOR SALE. I IIE undersigned Executors of Pin )filler, sell at puldie sale. al the Ilaasital House, 1.1 ‘ltalrou for rand li n: Ml.vitil.icsblll - 4 to 11iliNI , 111 . 42:, about tw,, east of UlttlloltoWll, and tour intlua aoutl,west at Yas. chanlesburg. On Thursday, Sepeomber 29, 1 sfl 1 . A FIRST-BATE LDIESTON E PA UM, Containing 71 Acres and 87 Perches,. all u noler,,a high state of cultivation, except about 5 area of Timber Land. The Improvements are a D 0 ÜBLE LOU no u,s'E . filis ~ , (weatb ,Imarded) Dank Barn and other out , a 'ir : I l buildings. There in a pump of never lid b , tog water at the door, and a g, od A ['PIA °ROLLA RD and other fruit trees on the premises. Nn. at the onlmr time and place, a tract of B Act. and Itl7 Perches of good 4 7 I t.. l: `;r OAKAND CH ES TXUT 4 • T 1. NI 13 E L A N D. • lying at the foot of I ho Mountain in lark county, floor tho line of Monroe tow,sbip, bounded ly the'lanus of Solomon lilte..lohn litumpor, and others., Salo to coannunco at 1 o'eloek, M., On the above day, o hen terms will be rink(' known by ISAAC itilLlAlt and DANI HI, MILLER, llxeentors of Rudolph Miller, deed. A ugnst 18. hit 4 NO TB CE. Provost Marshal's omen, lath Din, Punn'a., Carl.slo, Pa., Aug. 19, 1505. • - I°l, - 01110.1?, is given for-the information 1.1 of all COUCOrtle‘tl, that,inquirlas on nit ordinary rubJects connected with the enrollment, draft, ex' ouiptions, liabilities to draft, credits and accounts of inch furnished, should he addressed to the Provost :Marshal of the District. • • • • It 11, IIIINDBROIV. • It Capt.& Provost Mar. nth Die. Pa. 4.ls)—Yorlc Dap. and Perry Freeman insert, and scud, bill to this Oleo. Resumed _Business. Ihave received ropstoelr of goods and kthey aro 110 W, open for tho impaction of tho Publla. I have also made scum addition of sassonablo goods -which nlnkoe toy assortment :vory oomploto. Tho tow do ll ey of gpOtie upward In price and parsons 'wanting goods, will 40 woll to purchase. . Additions of golds Will bo made the season advan ces. .Please call Ono door below Itlartißs_notal:East. Main !Rise:LH • . • ' W. O. BAWYEII. . . SIIERIFF. i . offalmyself as an Indopenclant eandl4at6 fc;l',ll/0 ofileo of Sheriff at the inmulng Pleetlon, and respect=' fully Solicit tho votes of all Union roan: :TACO swiTztn.. NOW Cuwherloud Aug.lo 184-,to 'tr.) luny , w, st of (':ir ivy W. 1 ,1 et.t.ll t , .‘,11.•11:11. 'war Ilays' I r• , ., I •1,111 \ I \ 1.1 . 1• \ A, ~I 1i 1• tt .t , t' , ..1 , • I.,•arly :1 , 1 I: vt rid , t„ n , I , (.4 I' 1 ''. N. ay' I I'l,r c- y.,,,,,! 11 ,11,11.1 11/.4 In 11 ' , 1 1, 11 i/A ~ •tot hot with l l ,llt. I ,I ^.'l i I et,. t, t I. /. 1,11,1 t ..z , i , 1, , . lAII,I 1- ill 111, , I 1 11 and ,t,•111,1. .11, It I I'. \I. .•1:1 ;sli - o,‘ I , JO. II I.B1,1:1,1(I. =EINEM I),:irahle Limestone Farm. fol 111".1 . 1 . 1.: I ) t;irco il(-4 )vc-t. of CI; mil 1•.l[ t Ir 1;1', I I.INI, 1. ' l ' l I • It .% %I; \ 111,, /'1 . 0•.S OHO, tl6ui u, , novo,- it 7 \ i . !Xt . '', U.I ti II 'al, il• /al' I It MIME= Puldie.Sale Valuable V. ea _Est at e. MEE 0,, , hri• 11;!1 1 , I, f rrEll: C.XpOse, to pub. It •. I •010000 of John Zt.t2tor. 1,.•; oi too I,lllp. lon 11. •in I ono', co•L i.t thu Pl'an e's 1.,1p I I. I I ; : 12 . 11 ;:g .1 .'lid, 1 1 ' r I -1.. zEir;m:R, J.:41.1 , 11 m.1;1.1 Fes:.,•ntr.ra MIME Valuable Ecal &tate at Public A LoT, j:1 , I. HT].l tko ty 44; • ph, „HI •t• pr i=,..11,2,74....U•,.1 Wit ~t =I ~r,:i ,t L ~,:, . ,~ t'1;; , ,t. La () 1: !, 1; .111' 1'.11,i 11:1,1:1,7:.11, I:S7'l7'l: IN c()l.V7'l". NM •, - ", o i , , „ .1 .11 1..11 , . , , 1.1 . /I • II; II: liu runt lull .Itolllobuntaut. Tlll4 1,11,1 ti 11, .iri• ,ii•ni•••• , . Isuit o.i•ittll.•it , . ~, i•titer I ilk' 1••11,:!%. 111 I it 11 11, Pv At 11, niail r•ll:iiti", ',nit It 41,1 1.11111 1 'kilos Anil I.llil thriilllllo. i t ,, 11, old I. sepa,tti, 1141 A ;v13,411014 thn tt14,1 , .. larito and, tt , hi t t Cr./144.-'1,12.312te1'"37, \u. '2. . rthoUl I.r .tilt :CI, II .s 1,, It, .1 , . 1 St-a Fnglna. an,in 'l'wo St,r) ; t ,,„. 1,,, 1i ! ,,. ~•',l 1,1 , 114 , 1 with head water ali "s.- the lo n,.•..,n e‘er.. ll,ll,hit. riolllo,l ~..: ~ jib i' , .11 . 11 , ..• lt:Ir 11. I', i Ii .; t _.• II .0 st. Chirk NI II.•one, and other miff, eine. is 'I he .af ;at lii lit EILI' T/11111 , 13 . Is ,'jail to:Al ~ 111. l ,- :1 ,enr, and all Its anwhinery is of the best and in.,' mod..rn hinds, sod has heretofore m,l is It,W clot ied .. sot , st profitably. No :1. T,,, II td.t . l Iluilding, in earl's', ,n )lain r.r , t, . tit, 1,,,,pi 0 d "M:2 , -1 ,, by Dalld NI:”tio. r. 4 feet, In f ont, TA-6,17,,„1 i :111t1 '2lO feet in depth—built in the Are K.i,,, t i • . ~.,,,t .I , f:um' IZ,I minim. 11101111 ll .. fow years, with all- 1110111,11 improvements atilt loud stal,!ing The 111111. is ,-f Brick. Four Stories hint awl 4 alculateit to :teel,llllllodlltt, a large amount of husi• E 1 No 4 Sp, 1,4 Mill. M tv p , York 0,, t m0., with 14 am..., ,31 Land. Thu Mill ban lately hprn rn -11l tol and ism rived N, ith two pairs of French Th.. poWv r Io an tivorshof, II heel. 2:3 lot LLth, and the I,l4lliliiii.; In I +r_.• +lll.l m:1110.11..118. and 0.1 Chartielfir of tho laud in the intighLorhooil securre a good h„+l. N 0.5. A 'Pr.r.t of Land In Twp., Perry Co., contnl Ong 1 In acme, with oxeollent 1 !OUSE AND BARN, and the land is ;4rael, or der. thorn having boon 10,000 buihole of lime pot no in the List live years. The crops nom• upon] it aro first rate. It is situated about 1 mile from Si and 4 topes from Sterridt's (nip, on the trend lending to Oak Grove Furnace. No. 0 Five Hundred Acres of L3nd, alt mated on the North Mouotitie at Lambs Oap, shout six mules from Mochanicsitur);, the public road front that piece run ning through the Land, which lei covered with heavy Oak and Chestnut. Timber. lihls will be divided no as to suit any pureinia , , The title to all title property Is unl,s.ceptlonable„and Awill be sold clear 0' all in en w brat, eel+, or subject to any fitart of tine pm chose nun , cy, which at Om option of the purithasor lie may desire to secure on the Land for five ye.ati Any fin liter information will ea given by ap• pi kat ton to the subscriber, who resides on the second dowrilud propel ty. ,NOIIERT COMIAN. July 1, Valuable Farm SALE. Tuesday, PUBLIC • Tuesday, September, 27, Cl.' rtillE: subscriber will expose to public sale, on the premises, on tin:above day, a valuable . farm situated In South Middleton -townshlp, .C.unth. Co., on the l'etersbing toad near tho • Yellow Breeches Creek, about 4 miles south of Carlisle, containing about T .11 . I 1? T ACRES. The land is a first-Tato quality of Lint colon°, all cleared end in a high state of cultivation. The im provements aro a two story • BRICK HOUSE, 33 A. ri7 lE. ,B A. 7.3%. with all uecessary - Outbuilding, nearly now. There Is a Well of novel. lidlinyf wittoe near the door, Ind also a Cistern tinder the porch. There to a Ono Young' Or. chard, Tmprlsi rig fruit traueof ell soets, onithe Mtle.to commence at 1 o'clock 0n said day, when the terms will,be make known by ~ 11.8. /10OVER. ,Sept. 2; 104.—ts - 11111 E. Ow 7 3-10 U. S. 3 year•Trea g aury Notea.• Thesd notes bear Intermit at * the rate. •ot 7 7.10 per cent. per annum, and are convertible at the • end of throe, xpare . at the , option of the-holder, into b. 20 Ida per cent:l:ends, tutored payable to cola;' Subscrlptlona• received at the FIRST` NATIONAL BANK OF OA.IILISLE, Financial Agent and Dcpbalteil. of this U, 8. Aug. ME =IIIEII I: I .‘Lrvut VV[, LAND, In=l ) \VELVI. A(RI:F4, • Or , 111 , 11 .110 till) ti 111 ) ,,.. 11)14 Ad 11101”) . ll' I 1,1•1; li.litN, =1 lEIIII=E OE= = I-•;1 E,Il 1.:••..r NI!" \TV • "•• t. , 11111., N'•• • •1. ••••., II . V1 -1111i11 , .1• 1111 11:111- .1 'l,'.nth by II .11k.i MIME P:th.,..11 . , :1//ii ON Lilt, h..int 1.3 .1i N DUN BA!t, Exe• 01.1,11.1 dviAl MEE =SI 1•.1i1w! , 1 /11,, :11 , 101 1 , :1.1r , 1Y ;1111/ 1111/. 1 ,1 , 1 1/1 '•• A 1 0 , , 1ii , 1”- " otir, her s:rinalilo firm Sit tinted In Dickinson twp., about. bar mid 11 halt milvm south west of Carlisle on what I aticd the Spring-rand. Tho farm in bound by lands o Henry I,;ne, Wm. Alexander and others, containing 1 1 5 ACRES, or about SIX ACRES of which IF covered s ov.rlicot timber. Having there on eructed a 1,41, /i / ' I/ el I . 1;:o h 130 •1 comt h. ..1 n ni,e!sary alit blliLtitigH t a young .1 1' / •!. 1 ' ( 1.1 ii(.71.11e1), P. , llltilliing a , ln , ion selection nf fruit trees. The build i 11,4 , ill, r.to.t.oitsttt to it roost beautiful and v ono spri running directly the Larn card. Tire land-}. under good cul ' tn.. t ha ViTIV I -tell roil) filmed, nod the producing o hich there Is 'coin bettor in the County,. :aid Is 801 l ‘n ., •1 . 1 II Op+ at tent km of purchasers. Any or view the property can do so by rail S l / 1 , lair residing on the farm nr at D. 14; I.Loi 4. in Carlisle where any Information Ali hr. gill d „deer hues Or purchase Ac. I , e at the ;tiiie time arid place I will .IVIOUNTAIN LAND. 11 all I,,lietit, growth of y.ung chestnut. ntm led bout vile mile soutlk of 13rantes mill ELIZA IV ASIDIUOU. ',..ept 2, 18114 —to =MEE U. S. 7-30 LOAN. fIITIE Secretary of the Treasury gives, notice that sols , riptions will be received foe , npon Notes, pa 3 aide three years from Augwst 16th, 1 , .1. with SeDID,DDUI:II In to, net at the rate of seven. three.-truth per cent. per anti utn,—prlnoipal ens,.. Interest hot to he paid in lawful money, 'the, notes 0 ill I, conyertlble at the option of the ninturity. into six per cent. gold bearings 1.. ;Ids. ps)aloe not less than bye nor more than twen- It•ro111 their date, as the Government. may elect. They s ill he issued in denominations of $5O, $lOO, $: 0 ~ .11.1 • 00 /I I. $.5.01 , 0. and all subscriptions must be for flay dollar= or some multiple of fifty dollars. The notes will be triesmitted to the owners free ee , transpol tat Inn charges as soon alter the receipt of tho• onrin:rl 'ertifi.iii lea Of Deposit. as they can be prepared. the ut,co, dram , interest. from August 15, persona ioalsihe deposits subsequentto that date must pay the Interest accrued from date of nolo to date of deposit- Parties depositing twenty-tivo thousand doll/trent:ld upwards Po• tiles., notes at any one time will be allow -I,li I, rnntlt, ~ oeul 011 e-quarter of use per cent., widely "ill be paid Le ti,. Treasury Depa r. tment upon the re. celpt of alt il r the atnoont, certified to by the °M— c, Nl .11..111 tho deposit, ws,s mado. No deductions 1.111-t he made from the deposits. SPECIAL ADVANTAGES Ol' THIS IT I , t N ITONAL SA visas 13ANE, ogeringa hlghei rare of Interest th:11, uny other. and tbo boat socutilly. An,. sari nee Imo Ic whieb pot's Its depositors In L. B. N. , t es, cn , itivri, that it In paying In the best oiz too intro , it tire countly, and It cannot pay In any thrnz I,w . Its own assets ant either In govern . - nor:, t , uiit on-ten, or bonds payable In goy -11.1111.,:t p It e.torrnient ass temporaryorpermanent, .Hl%l'olll 'lit. Thl.lloten Cllll always he solo for within ittol i n of tlit•ir fur and serumulnled interest, and• t to. lo rt reeurl ty with banks as collaterals for dig t•-unts. ()clve:U.)le into a Six per cent. 5-0 Gold Bond. Tn tot lltio,n to t o liberal Interest on the notes for 1111 ea,. I h privilege of couvorulurf Is worth 111. T. ;it, :Inn UM. for the current rate is lit len per cent.premlum, ...HI hot q t. or Ili° pnvn tutu nu mix per cent. 17. 8. ,v its u vitt, pi, cont. ft will be coon that 11. v fit (1:11 pi.. nt iiti Thin lean, nt the prFent market 1,4 li•Fs thnn in. 11, rout. per annum. Its Exemrtion from State or Nunici- pal Taxation, fr,nl all the allynntagnA we have enumer et Coop race exempts all bonds med. how le,ll taxntlon. on the average,. IL s 51.1111,11,1 bout fw., per eent.perannlllD. o, iu iha 1:11.0 of talXiltiOn In Valiollti parte cvC Ir i,. that Igorurltio offer so grrat induce -10,0 t lip 1.1.It•IN /IS t ir m ,s. ienuod by the government, Ire .11 oipo, I ogebtedness, the thlth or ability of 1,111510. pArlo.s. or stock comptioleo, fa &operate comma ,.. . is pled,,e.l fir pay west, while the whole peon,' I v of It, count ry la hela to sertiro the discharge of all obli.,atlons of the United States. Nt brio Igo mon t oilers Ilia moot liberal tenon I' r I , a luaus, it believes that tho very stropped appeal ill he t the 103 alit and patriotism Of the people. Uoplienteeertifwates will be issued for All dopoelte. I lo• non t t deno&l ti ng must endorse upon the origin/a rtnva to the delionliontion of noted required, and o tet her they :Ire to ho issued in blank or payable to PI th.r. 11 boil hi/ viulo med it most bit left with the opl ,,r,oe.•ittuedeposit, to he forwarded to the 'Yuma e (leper =MEM n• 1111 . TIros se RECEIVED by the Treafiurer the United State, at Washington, the several ABNI6- taot I'reai>utrt sana designated Deposilariesondby the, FIRST NATIONAL BANK OP CARLISLE, PA , elol L, all Yuttood Itauts which are derovitarice of puh:ir uoutest. and ALL RESPECTABLE BANKS AND BANKERS throughout the country will give further Informedlop, nod AFFORD EVERY FACILITY TO SUBSCRIBERS 2 in. ESTATE NOTICE. . Lettere of Adm'titration nn the estnto of Samoa , Lo• g, Into of nistpennaboro' twp., doc'd., Wore Nen. issued to thy subscriber by the Register of Cumberland' ,onuty, residing in the hall/0 township. All,pereonsa indebted to said estate will make immediate payment, nod those having claims will ptesent them properly authenticated for settlement to September O,IBCA-61.* Li PECIAL NOTICE. .'arsons indebted to tho subscriber nro earnestly equeotorl to make payment, ahem - Ina interestwigba charged on their accounts. Sept. 9, 18C4 SOHOOL TAX FOR 1864, r t illE taxable citizens of the. Borough _E . of Ctirlislo nra hereby TLPSYIAd that the Treasurer or hold School Dlotriet will attend At the coutitycourt no m ., (Commissioners' onlen,) on nitrsclaJ, September 15th, next, between the hours of 0 and 12 in the forenoon.% and 2 and 5 o'clock In the afternoon of said day, for. the purpose of connoting - and receiving thti_.Bchool Tax assessed for the present year. On all taxes paid on or before that date a reduction will bo wade of Fin' • PER CENT. * . Persons wishing to pay their Taxes' in the meatk. time. can do so by calling on the Treasure t attlarea. ldeuco In " Marlon Ball" building, Watt High etreat,,. . J. W. MY.", July 22, 1854-2 m. •Tteasurerc.,'! - 1 4 0OHMAN'S YHOTOGRAPHIa 1 Ma u street, oppoSita t G ho National Aebk, lu Me. Neff's building. .July 22,1804-Iy. . • Wananialier a BrOwn; OAKMAIA, . 7Nlp READy•?.I.APE CLOTRING 4 Corner or 6th dt Ignite( 4roote. SCECIALDEPANTME NWP CustomlNoiki , ' No. 1 South . . ( 44 ptreei. 4004 otyteaand roaeounble P 4 STATE NOTIC.I4, L oft rale it ato tin Li .3 ,2 _6 it' 1 ho - eN ticio • /de, daed:,. • ibulug "lavluri•: • lacuu , fasued bY.:Ekko Uogla'orallOumbarlaud county,, t• ,tll3 aubsorlbar,ai realdirfo lti , llllddlonini tournahlp; tlao ia.boreby • g luon, tok all lituaona indebted 'to, estate 'to make paymout;•and.4lll !laving , claims Us, prasoutlholu duly authontleatau • . •• .• , . • JOIIN E. ()ODLE. "•• AlgIA4/4111 wrvai.tx : - E ' • • • t . - LOAN JOHN SHEETS, Adm'r W. O. SAWYER El =OM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers