create confusion and disturbance. We have noticed this bad conduct on several previous occasions, and now propose to make an effort to abate it. We will do this by publishing the names of every man and boy who deliber atoly lays himself open to public reproof, by disgraceful, rowdy like conduct in a public as semblage, One or two examples of this kind will do much tc ward the suppression of this crying nuisance Aar-Conscripts and enlisted soldiers are every day leaving the Carlisle Barracks for the different military camps. CouRT PRocEKDlNcis.—The Novem ber Term of the Court of Quarter Sessions commenced on Monday last. The following is n compete list of the cases tried. We are indebted to L. J. W. Fuu cc, Esq., for the report : Commonwealth vs. Cyrus ltingwalt, Sr., Cyrus Ringwalt, jr., arid John liiugw•alt. Indicted for Riot and Assault and Battery (311 John 11. Strickler on the 10th of lust August. It was a difficulty growing - out of reports that were said to have been pot in circulation by the prosecutor comierom4 the character of young 161, 4 widils St:tiers. l yrus Hingwalt, jr. Pleaded guilty, and a senteuee of $5 fine costs were iwpusell un hen. A N. I. Pros. was entered us to the other two. Gillelen and Hays for Cionmunwealth. Penrose fur defewlent. C•inininiwealth for use of Nancy Weisc, vs. Mut.liias 1;1111,r. Action ut dociiilent on an Adin . r. given lit the 11,, , band of Nancy Weme, I'ltt. wok a ilou suit and Jury discharged. \\ratiS :tll , l Parker, Commonwealth. l'enrose and Miller, for detendent Coinamtiwealtli vs. Alexander Gocallutrt. —Assault and Bat:fury un oath of G. Ituhinsoti, of West 11111, dettaideot Pleaded guilty of the i.ssiitilt on the 14 August, in Carlude at Curvirs Hotel. Fined $lO, and costs (41.ohinson hlanl, d Good'iart with show ing some 1:01,els where Itolatison had his goods secreted.) Utllelcu and fold fur Com monwealth, Ninth lor Cuntnnntive 1h ys. \l'w. ,Intfersun. Assault and Batit.ry with intent to com mit it Italie ell tile .h 1 ul SePteml.ier The lady Wai gOITIg till errand fur herself at about Bull itn,L ti in the evenit g and was kinked down by this negro. Found guilty and sentenced to the Eastern for 4 yrs. & 6 licontlis, flint S;il and the costs. (Infidel' :old Slimmer lov Comm mwealth. Xciishunt for defendant. Com mnw,alth vs. John Muhl.—lndicted ft I house breaking :old larceny of a coat and pantaloons on the 7th of S?.ptember. the Pits found at ahout I chick at night at the house of Mr. John Royer. N,A. for I oinitionwealth, for defendant GUM. VB. 1);4111 , .1 Crk•Siler —Charged wish IL rape, oa the oath td N. Ft y, of South amiiton tow i,elul . She is a girl IJ tears ot aAc ami the ottenee. Leon comiiiitti i on the Ala) last , but from the cualhr ing iestimony on the part o f the Cow ,wolv.ealth, the previous good conduct and character ut the ileiendioit, and the very /t,0.,‘ character übthc ptiiscccrult ix, the jury came to the cuuclu ion that they bad better at qua Ilic th..h2rtflant, which :hey did, to the gi satislaction nil the by titanderii. and Shapley tor Commonwealth, Penrose and Shearer tor delendant. Coin I's. Thomas I - Mi.—Lai ceny of an overcoat oo the :Mit ut Soptowbcr, 1 t UJ Bill ignme. , l, wit' the prosecutor, Edwar.l Xlnthuts, to pay the ct,sts. Ct tti. vs. ;titnticl .John.;.—Larceny of a silo ur lever hunting watch, of the value of $25, the pr(Terly of .It)htt . Ackley. WI ignited, and proseenh - to pay the coats. Coto. v . Samuel IZarrisey.--A, 3 ;,uri aq d Banery, on oath of Ellen Miller Bill ig nored, rind Ellen :\lt!rer- to pav the ermrs. Corn. vs. Solomon Bear.—Surety , J 1 the p.mee, m orch "1 \v. B. Weaver. Defendant not appearing Iris reeogrozance was I orten ed I.I.Ik:LA ..10.0_ utu,su. Corn. vs. Susan We ,ve'r.--1-irrty or the peace, on oath of Solotti,,,, llear. Prosecu tor In t 111111,11'1ln/, his rOnogil to Itp• pear to te,t if) was also forfeited. Cute. vs. I,, , ttis Zettritur.—F;lrnication and Bastardy, on oath of Sarah Ana llentierrtn. 'l'rue Bill, August 2:;, Is , :11, at which he cleared nut, and thtulsiug: that by this time it nuts r,-turtied into the could v, and tens :trr, atc,h. Ile entered into recognizance with Itokert 11•ilson, Rupert 1; 1,1, as surety. but af ter getting free, he gave thein " leg hail" and, cleared nut a . ,, a it. llia was forfeited. Teachers Institute The members of the Frankford tenehery Institute convened at F.tirview, on Sqturday Oct. the 17111 Nletnhers prevent; Da •id Fller, IL NI Graham Cl nv E E. Myers, A A J B. k igler. tel F. 11. Ployer, ahsent Meter' Miller and Deiner. When 01) 1111P11011 C E culled to the chair and F. E. Ployer Wall elected See renny On motion; SAmt Alexander won elected perman nt President and IL NI Graham Sec relary and .1 IS Zoigle ils,intaor Secretary On motion (I Wolf wan appointed to read an Essay mil 1) ,vid F Miller to deliver au Oration, at the next meetinj. On motion, Orth,graphy was the benne!) seleced for di-cu-effort nt 1110 111‘Xf mretirrt Question for I let , rve are lens detA qualified to leach Lid govvru tkwinter school in the coon try On motion the n m •eting WllB adjourned to meet nt nn Ow :31st of o,:t. at hull past tOll o'clock M F • The Singer Sewing Machines Our 1,1:11' ER A FAMILY SEWINII \ I.: is fast gaieio!, nWO id wide repicatiou. It. I , \ "MI doubt the lugs. and cheapest mud must beautiful ot all Pxudly s ew j og u, te hi ne .: yet offered to the public. N., o th e r Family feiviti • liar ine has va ineny useful up• pli,tures for !tenoning• Binding, Tuel.iaG • tfuth wring, Omitting, lireidin7. Lichroiderlll,, Gisela , •. no lorth No other t^unlly Sew 1Lo•bl no tuts se much etiparify for WM it. It will sew all kinds of cloth, and club all kinds of lim•nd. (t r .,/ and 11111111,01111.31t0 inaLit uor Family Setting Machine m st ,hallo• and most durable. and most certain in action at all rates of speed It makes the tnterlorkt•d stitch, which is the lost stitch know,— Any sue even 14 the 1110:4 Imlinary capacity. cum s ea . a t it glaucu• how to use the better A tastily Sowing Marline. Our Family Sowing %Chines are finished In chit L, and exquisite stile. The Folding Case o' the Family MMAllne is a piure of cunning workmanship or ti e most useful hind. It protects the machine when not in use. and when abont to be operated may he opened an a spacious and subs stantlai table to iillStalit the work. While mu of the Cases, made out .4' the choicest ,nods. arc finished in the simplest and rhastei.t manner possible, others are adorned and embellished in the most costly and superb manner. It Is absolutely necessary to see the Faintly Machine In .operation, so ns to Judge of its groat capacity and beauty. It Is fast beceming as popular Inc family sew lugasour•tlnnuttcturing machines aro for manillas- Luring purposes, - ilia ittancli inliees aro wo I supplied with silk twist thread. nacdies, oil. der ,of thu cry best quality. Send for a Pamphlet,. TILE SINOEIL MA , NONACTUTLINCI COMPANY, 489 lir ad way, Now York. Ate- Philadelphia Office. MO Chestnut St. W. II MASOL , I, Local A gent,Carlisle, Pa. August Id, 433.—a inns DR. TOR I AS' VENLTIAN LI..IIRENT BIAS 0 I VEN UNIVERSAL SATISFAO• nos during the fourteen years it hue been in. troduced Mt.., the United States. After being. Weft by millions, It has boon preclaimed the pain dm troyer of the world. Pain can net ho where this liniment Is ap plied. It used no dlroctdd it cannot and never hes failed in a single Instance. For colds, coughs and In ; 11 minim, it can't ho boat. One 25 cimt bottle will' cure all the above, besides being useful in every family for sudden acci dents,- no burns, cuts, smith, Insect atilt e, Ace. perfectly Innocent to take internally, and can be given to the oldest person or youngest' Pylcu 25and,50 con tq a bottle. Office, 55 Court- NowlYorie. Sold, by nil Drilfests.' 4 'Sow'. 8,1853. kliarriages. • At the residence of the bride's father, on the 6th inst., by Rev. Jacob Fry, Mr. WILLIAM A. MAIZE of Pottsville, Pa., to Miss CARRIE A , eldest daughter of F. Gardner, Esq., of this place. On the RUM day, by the same, Mr. JOSEPH RUHL of Middlesex twp., to MARY HARTZLER of South Middleton. Cumb , Cp. p atrj 5 . —o— the 17th ult., at Mt. Golly Springs. WILLIAM NI AY 11112111', aged 73 yea,. 7 month; and 12 Jays. Ills death was very .sudden. (In the morning of the day npon which he dl i he wls in his usual health AllnUt 11000 ho complaimal of fueling unwell, and while being assisted to heti he full to the floor and ex• pired without. n wurJ. Per such tin end, however, he is well prepared. For noire than half a century he had been a rnn'i. tent nuvn her 411 the M. E. 01001•11 HIS 10, no 1 zeal for the [I n.° of (bid knew nyi bounds Up to the time of his death he was actively dogaged in elf orts to prone to the interests of relllion. Like a of Jr,us Clirkt. he died with his armor on, and went Irma the battle liold right up to glory. of God. well done! T glosious ware fire's past: The Intl ionght, thin rare is won, And thou art crown'd at last." CARLISLE PRODUCE MARRET. Reported weekly for the Herald by FLOUR (Superfine) dn. (I,x tra ) . do RYE.. ... \VII IT F. NVII EAT ICED do It VI: • • (!,)RN It iiITS ....... • 11tI,E1' F.\l L.., 111 LI•:V Sl'ltl \ NEW WINTER GOODS. r have i„,t, returned from the Eastern ith 311 1111.01,' xhu h ur 1,11,t rty I. ,n nod f I iire of I..hes /l//'n'it ' s /)/•('SS (/ . /Y)riS, 1,011,, :out r 1•1114 cut qualitioN, BEICI . III, C.‘PES stock ri,().% 1tt.,1 44.1.•.•t••41 from Illf' ff1 , 111 , f11:11 1c 111111111:1c1f.f . ,, iu tlu ritics •4t 1 1 41114 1 .1 1V1., :11111 1 . 111111 l'flqlol - 110111r111, 7 1 11111•11,11111 f'lllf't I'lllllV Is ilf 11111.111 buplpy. latt•st 1174711 t I'S :IS 11011 a: staple tualo.g. MOtTIZNING GOODS 4 all I:tn ly and varieties. Ilalin“ral Sl.lris, every iu~llty and st Ilonp Skirt, 111 Lind. t,l wt.rstml 41,.g Enihr Oyerr,tinos:.l"l , :tll , ‘l,ll, or Ail I \ 1.11.1:: I-. Hi.lll-111: :II 1 ill 1.1,1 tin ot. I': 1 , :1 11, Nll LI:. reccivi.(l and very cheap at 1 0 , it.: ft ie. N:i). VI F) & VIIN:A 14`1 , : It 'S. %, we pt. the., ',al, I e all. al.h• t !her sup e r, / , e but urrmri,l. 11.11111. lime, /11 the •..,lintry. IP' IT IRS FUT tS I ‘vti dory 1 , 1111ii•I It 1011. 11 th i Wit title. , r,,,t I 111 pp! titLillat.thitwit.i. -1145 leol ••••tifidtlit `en Fury Ili Cll3 011 IMMEM W 1 Ll, Lc sllltl at puLlic hri~v,•f.Lu'nll 11 :SO. 1. A LoT luct , t - Ni) th, north qid North SI root, t, enty lour feet fl o•Il 114,1 nod t uiu4 1:11 . 1( 4.110 1.1101.1r...1 and • twelvt. t•L tt. all Riley 11,1,11i4 01,0 MI a ',I. No A I,tl'l' liIICW.NI) 11• and twenty feet on Loon, nil V and th,td teet deep. ill, lug titoreon a t'totll. Fl,ll, No. No :3 A LOT OF 010)1 ',ND on North ttroot. t.l sty foot in Iront and two hundred nod forty root in depth to 1..0,3 alloy. Inlytott ,1 11 1 No 1. A I.')'l , 1)1 . 4; ri , tl \I) \\ a..zazotoo'q load and and lano, o •ult h r 1 the in.ul owl :wd fifty foot on the hack r d and al.o o l, tw o out cot onty foot in dotall t 0 .t ton foot alloy hat toy, thorn •L flocat, stotit and ot her lotproventotott N.. .) A 1,1 . 11.1)1Nrf 1.1)1' "It \l3,,lner', rant 5.1 j.,i11111,; No. 4, t,ent v s eu Lot iu nll,l nl, nit t,v , . It ti nilrl.ll lePt in tlopth Di.t tau fg•et sllov An r A Ill:1 Lill sl.; I, r t went v novi, 1 - in front. t•n.4l,t . s "' S A Itri 1,111 NG I,l,Hini tiff Co v,, ITlnntv ,:ovnn tont in rrnnt an I huntir.•,l nut ty lent in depth fin.t ,I 1,• Si. A aOF lStull \II n•lj , niiilw NI , 7, t 1 ,01.1, QeVe II fret I; 11l le -I. in 1 / 1 •1411 n loot 111, in.:: I - In, 11 1 . 1,1111 4 ifru.e. No U A 1,,r 111 (;){ \'.i. v, twrn~r KeNiiii (nig in Irma !Ind one 1, 1.1,11 ti9.t. iliiptli ri , t :1110y, II Iv illg (11 , 1401 I rent. !inn 111”.1 , 111,11elltq anti 1111111. Of N(1, 1,5, 5,7, :lint IS, 1.1.1,1111)ite.1 t,ll 15 oi l y k,f,n114. On Mt , Mhiy, ..t\ -- , , s•ruel,,r 2:i, trill b, :rob! In Clittrrlitown. No 11. A LOT OF II lU in Chit,litnwn, Cilia . berhind con IV, c•ont,Oniin4 th.rt' ~..,,,=._„, threi• feet in tr..), and thirty three ri i e .k i1,,, e2t . ...,ernh,linvii nz thereon a louse a ~" tci .t', anti other improvement, 4 . _ Sal ., W. , 111111 0 111 • 0 at ILI o'clock, A. ‘1 , scion L., nte sill' 11 , math' 1,, Inote a .DGl;vir W. PATTON. Attorney in filet of the heirs anti rifinnnletr.iter a ith the will naimeNcil iT.lnceb 11 emir, ileceineol. Nov. lA, l'niil, VALUABLE TOWN PROPERTY SALE: on T 111)211, Sureml" r 28, 18(13. rril tllo , criber will at puhlic sale, MI the premier;. on the above da , . 10 , [louse a. d in the Boron:[I of Parli , do. Cm!) borland rountv Pa IFouhdod on the root by doh. Ar. the Walt], by, toll,. lb ai r. 11114 on the nmlh by Honor, stro,t, e,alt..lillhh,..t , t loot In front and till foot In depth. The thiltel/Velltelliti are a ronconient two story 1?RI (' II 0 S T.' , I'lt 1113; ,ZT 1111,E, 113 drant lu tlw yar (1. snd s mrlrly col .•11,ivit 11,0. Thi, i , de , i)al.le piport v fin private dwelling, and the ;1(.0.111 tn. ot tei la 1 tr . tiiticts till Stall tiny, NVLan ttil'lll it pill Lu 111,1 le I. nett n by Pi. , » . ER Seen , ary well li . .nolvn proport r now oc,?tt vit.d Iry Ili, sul.,riber it Lptte.l oil tho soothe:10 corner of Pitt :tntl Lc ottoo• niotrlY tho t hot min liel..rno•d 1:1, u o •h . 'lle loot, AiN") , Ina tt la . 1 . . g el t 1 . 1 . 1 l i ck y . ti i I t. 1 . 1 .1 d, i y! sal t i t:: i..., ii,„ , ,„,, shn•}• „„,,...f,,„, ~,. i,illl I 114 1 . r,•llar to the root It, !rout s II 1,,,,t,,,,, 4,.._ Louther, and lihout 7U loot ,It h il l ,, frnt. alit Cara building on Pitt street. ;Lull 1'2.0 tc.•t more er 1,, , , on Vitt ,treet ; Inc ituz also thereon IL small Terlant !louse. a laru.,• \Vareliouse. fiuuleri.Y t. , li ” a Livery Stahio, all whit li the ,uhscrile r Ii ill either rent or toll For further particulars enquire of JACOB S EN Eli. Nov 13, 1863-3:n. lIMATE on Pomfret street near (be e cornor or Bedlordtstrort, o thu Borough of Carlisle Pa The Lot contains 130 feet In front and 240 feet to &Intl.\ The Improvements aro a largo Two/Story Double containing 4 racing on each floor with hall through the centre, also other convenient out bitilltinge. This property will Ini disposed of at a great bargain. For tonne he t apply to A. L EPONSLEIt, Nov. 13, 180.3-6 t. Valuable and highly Cultivated Farm QITUATE. in Silver Spring Tpwnship, 731,4 miles east of Middlesex and °wool •by Robert IT containing 116 acres end 60 perches of good Gravel and Limestone Land, all cleared but about li milli. i ie.:i t ~ . K : o l t,,, l yh i e n b i i i n t ii ,e r d o k i, i . l e .., u ai i i,, , , i B t li s io: a u r: ei i :a , u gz , I Brick 4• - ;' ''. St ~ , i, Oki.. : , 4; p i , NEW BANK BARN, '. 4 :: . together with other out Buildings.— An excellent Urchord of Apples, also Cherries, Tenches &c., in abundance] and a Kell of never failing water near the door. The entire farm - is under good fence and has been all limed over and in the highest possible mato of cultivation. - ;,'. For terms end further particulars, enquire at the promisee or of • A, L. SPONSLER, Nev.l.3 '1303-01 1:eal brtrito Agent. . C. ood w arc" I= =I :MEN'S AND BM S WEAR CLOAKS ! CLOAKS ! ! P )I:tritr.t. t 2.1.10., SALE OF REAL ESTATE On 21, 181;:3, lii \ 111 . 1 1 1 / 1 11 1 , 111111/11i 11 Ilv \ "m•' , 1:11 , 11. 111111 1111 Alllly. 011/ L&•111114 10lr• IMMM3I Vor Rent or Sale Town Property at Private Sale BRIOK HOUSE, AT URINATE SALE • PUBLIC SALE OF A VALTJABLE TAVERN STAND AND OTHER REAL ESTATE. On Saturchiy, - the 12th of December 1863. 1 )1" virtue of nn order of the Oophan's ),Courtof Cumberland County. I will expose to pub lic sale. on 'the premises, the following &seethed lied Estate. situate In ll.guestown. Silver Spring town ship, Into the property of John Loy, der'd : Ni. That valuable two-story I, Brick llo'Use suit Lot of Ground sit u. tTu ate on the north side of the Ile rria 310, $ burg, Carlisle and Chambersburg Turnpike, adjoining property of Dr. raltors, con tainin thirty feet in front and t too lieu lred and fifty slx foot more or less, in depth, having also thereon oreeted a Pronto Barn and other hnprovomento. and known as one of the old est Ned hrs. 'farern Stands in the county. Nn. 2 Two Lots of iround adj,lning the above and bounded by pr..pert ice or W. Fink, ()cargo !1011 - mall and the turnpike mold, each of said Pile contain forty tire loot in trout and tiro hundred fret in depth more or less. having a Dwellimr. !loose, NVagonmaker Shop and Illaeltsmith Shop thereon erected. Per , ,,ns desir• iuc to view the property 1,11 Olin un Ge..rge Duey, new ocean, lag the Tavern Stunt'. tp, •onimence at. tic wrier?,, alp, terms and con. &lions wiil te, Made Icoowe by Nnv 1:1 1 14113 LADIES' AN!) GENTLEMEN'S FURS. mi.: I-MM.:ST AND BEST STOCK Iv 5 11 I 1 1 1 111 I= \,..i)ivid,,,a a ri,. 1 ,, ~,,it. free “c ,;„.,—„, ,v,, k N 1N.., „ ~•• ii derbirt4l by th,1 1 .1111,. ‘,lll. 1 1 ,%111 1,,. v•t•I 0 , 1 1 , 1.110 , I111•1•11111l1011 , 1101.11011 10 al r••1•1-1..-1,1.111,-, ii ...11 .1,113,1. • Private Residence for Rent, r1 1 111;Lot anti Two Story Brick Build sid,• attli ~ t . bvt pni n,l 111-s1 r , ets. :I- At •upied II) liti., i• r I:ot.t. A MEE EMBEIBB Town Residence at Private Sale Hitt cur.., Or Pitt alld 111 t ..• . i. Ii I ho iii titt, th•ti, it, mit—, 1,1, ly 1•1111111111111,11 11/.111 , .11.1 1 111 101, I/1,1 1 111,111. 11 11 1• 11 1111111 I 111111112: 1,1,11 Ih. ihvitt,l. , :or,. iu I:1.4 I'd, atol :111,11,1 iu tho tii ''',""'l`. 11,1 mil itilth .111. P tho I p 11 - 1,11 r • ‘llll 1,.• ,I 11111 , • A. 1,. ,POV-1,1-',lt. EMI r III: Stll,ll . lbi VS, r 1 . 111 , 11..1.'S llr i., I,v 1111/1.1.n :141 Apt II ;,, 11:11 It • ,I,• IL , •11.1 II -I (I ty , I \ •• Ll , l .1, I „ .! I,ollll'l A, itil II 1,- .1 I I. in :11110 i.n I .I ul 11. .1.1.111 1 4.1,4 t , 411. j. .•t 1. L. %,,v. "a .. "oL and iu lull 41.1.111 .41 smt.l 4-141 , 4.1 It „111 II liJ 1 T.. I 1 . , liuu, I'ar.l lii n nro r•-,1.l I.! 13,1% 4,1 t • \V %I NI. lAA Et.l:T =EI 1 ' II I', _\ „ 1 „•„•i „ f N , 111111.11, tho ..f • trdit.,,, .«11 nt (1,.. 1 ' , (11( ill (1 . A1.111,(1,(tIzIt(.1( ,-(atur till( 2,111 (1,, of :\ «vt,11(((r. 1 , ( . :1 ( he 1 ., (11.(A,ing al uil I rval vi, • Ili ptil 1•.1 .11111 S'" I.` on Ihe 1,, :'lll,llr, Caro•v and /1 . 1 . 1111.. 111.1.111 Ii Ill: 11,1 , , 11,1, I,r 111, , /0.11•1111,,Es ..1 I,llr I lv v a t 111 loa.k A 'll , terms,‘ ill w. 1.11. 1.11 \~~~~•iii /,. 1 : IL v/ 7 r - 71' 7 7; 7 27; WLI. br wllll :It 11nLlir alr, WI 1110 1.1,11,-.- I 11. Ih.. 1:t.11 I •tal.• 11 , f 11.- 111111.. .1. , .1 1114 HI .1•.•,: 1d t 11 ~•10 I.\. , 'i•tk 111 , . 111 . 1 . 11 \ •111 , , andl!. ..t 10,4 nI I h ,11 111. :11.11". ntlj.4llli•lff hm.l. nl 11. .1“11 \ k c• I; 1 , a,1,1,,nud t. 1111. 1. 1a2111,, of th.• I,lr , T :‘ , •t 4 I L mE s )NE I A.\'l), Nr)i: I'D .I\II F,n IZ—` 4 . , 4 s, hie]. at..l n , tlO t. effiliva lion, Evillnilider wit h i•xet•11 , 111 TI )llt 9'111 . 11. t 1041 MI 111.• 1 , 1,111 , .. , u,• „ 'MILK I/lk 1..1.1,1 \ 11.21 - lE. new 11,1111211g0 IN II It all t:/-11;;i'` II lhal.ffildln at 2 w ,I,a tan111..1 . 1.L1.1a lionie. Alta, a y()u,Nl3,.\l'l'Ll?()lt( , ll.litl), with a vnriel y ol I, nll I t.ll [IP pr.,' lIV 1".1, t 1 w Iktlilll, proniko , tin dnc "t ,111. will 1., • lIPM II t •.11110 hp 011 :,11111i1.1 e.” 11 1 , 111111,, I. :It 12 svill 1 , , 1,11 rn and lord, I. \\ll 1.1, II dl, l , H po•RN . th- 111•Irs or ,:ii.l.l.•oenqt..l NovI• 6. I - On r 21/h, Hill,:crilwr will ‘)ffer at public Allen t ,t.liipllthe ellhhe itheeehl.,l t're , ht. ait Ili hi 3‘14 1111 h, 01 i1:111h0.111,.. at.) ;1110111 hhtle Ihill.•i this L . :11111.(.11.1. , 1 \ I s Ifh Yost rg, ISulnlcy and ‘,ll,•tn. the 1,,,t1 I ii v.101116:4; 20 Acres, wore or less, ii,.•,.1,111•10,11 J.l ill, iLr H lsr Vll.l .1.. s .., I„dw I II All Lilt. 111 1.• Ill Ilely Ile. t'S•til . .s I/I dre 11, Illelel/.lllt II ern , ill I/111111 1.0 rd a. tltiter putt et itiiiiiii, hi ,lii, e the 11l II .II :1.1 •.• ,1,1,..,. id . ( 11.• yea,. iiii... 3 ee, t.,11 •liit.3' 111 1 .. .1.1.1>iti 1 4:', , .11 . _- . Ili it tsi... Nei,' It.k \l. 1t.% ItN. New ,re t ,ri :ta . , ..{. 7i, :All 1111.1. Al.t, it Ti..,..,a 110,..., CI3 va . pllo Midi Apple Oretiarti nu lhe 11l eilliSe, . 1 , 1ZL.,... Tile /.1111.1 il, ill a Ixtgli stattt of t•ui ti• 1,1,1,1, twt,,, , I I^c lit iii, es• I it. Ude ll exei.lietit, 11101 1 .1110 1111,1. The tita,,t 11111 Luc tilt., It rm. td burrs ,t.l twit. t - tt a ..f chipping ittiiiiet. All the mit.iiiiiery in of the 10,1 imp, •vell pat Geniis. it,. t, ..e11•114,4•4. AL 1 t,'tdoeli. P. M., on said day, %, :Al•II Leell, will be 111:1 , 1e knell II by 0 BORG I' 1111 VP. 15 =IS Es. mil York lt.;pub. tll Owe. AS just opened up a large and I I rabic mo.nitniont of WIN l•Elt BootN, ih..•n and I U• which ho uac lain t. , .e ul iho 'lO6ll, Lot all it: nee,l,l such articles give him a roll 11, prnnli-r•t , 10 it 011 he ran td) ploace you bulb in and privet you vain depend upon gmals prey log tn"lae 1 ~ n d a 6 they aro 10 . 01111110101eil Ito Will Ml 110 Mall und.n,ell him. Do not tail to give him a rail. Ovt.tther 23, 1811— 31 Depesit Manic. 1 Oct. 21.18611. J rilll V. annual election for Nine Direc t tors 01 Min Bank. Ito held at the banking bathe en the third Monday (16th) of Novembetlnext, uetweet , the boors of 10 A. M. and 2 1' M. October :0, 1560 - 3t t U1)11'011'8 NOTICE.- ..A_ undersigned Auditor appointed by the Or , plum's Court of Cumberland County, to marshal and til.itrlbute the assets in the hands of Jos. Brandt, Ex— ecitioe of the estate of Itostunit It resher, deed., will attend to the duties of his appointment, at his office in the Borough of Carlisle, Mt WedneFtlay the 1d day of Decceiber,lB63. at In o'clock, A. 31., when nod where all parties Interested may attend - October 30, 1863-1 m STATE NOTICE. '1 s ~ _ . ,4 Letters tostemenbuy on the estate of Mrs. Alnry Clerk, Into of Aliddiesex township, Cumb. county, deed . hove to en Issued to the subscriber living it, Carrot township, Puny county. All ptrsons Indebted to said estate ere requested to make itotnedlettt-pay taunt. and those having chinos will present them for settlement to - s IANI.V.9 §AILLEIY„,_ _ _ . —. October 23, 1803-6 t O. W. (MISWEI.T., Exi•ruld.r rm.: (Try. AT CHAS. OAKFORD & SONS, CONTINENTAL lIOTEL, JV i/ndrlphio NOT/CE. In.l, ..ii ui k . Ni,y, 2, 1:363 I= Public Sll.l of , cal Estate. Assignee's Sale All I Intl vnlnntiln Itnly nt BR I 1.3 , t ,11.01.1. uI t I lien RP ,, v twn , torN 14,1 e 1..0 in Irnul :111 , 1 1121Vil`V . :1 1 , 4 :11.$111. 240 f...• 1 .3 in_'ll it• el),11,1, aro 1% 441111tJisli. 11,•.•• I= Public Sale of Real Estate, PUBLIC SALE OF' REAL ESTATE. J. w. SMILEY, NOTICE. W. M. BEETEM, t-lashlor L. J. W. FOULK, Auditor STATEMENT OF THE DIECHANIGSBURG. , -BAITIE. Mechanicsburg, Pa., Nov. 3, 1863 ASSETS. Silver - enin; U S. legal tender natea, 10.960 06 Nat,ei and Checks of ather linnkF, 6,179 VO Stark of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. :0,0,10 00 Pen n syl ar Loan, 34,(10 00 U. S. 7 3-10 per cent. loan, 15,000 00 U. S. 52U 6 per (weft. lean, ' 4 '40,600 (0 U. S. ti's '6l 6 per cent. loan, 5 00.1 OP -- 110.000 00 New .Jersey State llonds o's, 14d 0) 0l Unit/holland co unLy wa loan. 2,500 00 10,500 00 Loans and Discounts, . 113.5 6 3 10 Due hl other banks and bankers, 16,130 66 Protest account, 62 raplinl stock raid in,. $70,000 00 Not, iu eiLeulati.Jo 4.i,000 00 32.0, (.0 Tran.irot deposits, ii 0,50.1 22 Spevidi depoeits, t :17.265 57 117,760 70 Um• lamas and hank ors of this State 4,23 i 1,0 Di% idendit unpaid, .112 30 ell eubitioo N.,. 3, (this dsy) 1,. ine the lutitt,t amount :Thif,e last tzit,nicut, 81.31i0 00 1.111” iiies (let. 0.1803, helne the - 0.4 /mown! since last, 250,113 45 111110 , 01 declared NOV. 2. 5 per espihal of $70,000, 3,500 00 :'Oll.lO , fond. of Direct-rs prin =MEE =9 principal delitol,, 700 00 .5s 1.1111.1.1-UPP, 2.110.1 0) 2,700 00 The 01.1, st•it(0000 t. is t, forr, to the best of toy 1:11,,,lellgt , sly! belitl. 11 k. Cashier `WOI a and died Iti,. /1 , 1.:1 . 11 LEAS. .1. M.,.11a1.1..5hun, ORPHAN'S COURT SALE, Wt i n 1. 3 p. the 144 day i t] vole,. ,•1; tile all that r 1111.141. 1111't tor 1.3.1, sitiottril in Nlonitie U,lrnxhip, ettintio Intuit it Intuit- of Chi liortniin. dor, it o woos, John Y , •11hi,t1111(1 ot.hors, and oontnining MEI= N i N ET y -1 , wo ACRES, m• fir Ire.. f fir , l rot,• I.i tour 1.111,1. .11 - •• :1 new ~eatli,rl,..ti art] eli 4 kkiJl••t tsti 11.1 :111f1 1 , i111 , 111h1111, 1 / 1 1., , \ BARN "•, .•• ,11,11.1,1 f cht, ,t• 11:, kl.• 11 c.:1), fruit'. a pump ,pr g.,•1011 o:J,•i I 1-1,•11P. .111.1 I 111111iliz throlll4'lL 1... 1, L:01,11 1 . 141.1 S :MI/ 01, , 1•1 , 1111 • 1,111 . 11tQ Cl. 111111 Ix $lllll IS Llto pl. is•rt 1' , .1 - 110:11IN IS”If. :Nth . 111 day of sala by t. _3 1 , `i • 1.111 311iilil Notice of Co-Partnership, r g , 111, - ; public :in. 11(rehy intnnnc l that this WI, vlihsto.,l into •toI !II I .n„1 I.IIIIIIP, I , ll`i. 11,--. Ai 111.• • /111.1 .1 .01,, 11t•i:111r) 111.11 . \% Id) ',1., In their Hilo of 11W1111,01 /LIP II •11 , •..111110 ~11,1,1. :111 , 1 ,VIII 1.0 ly =MIEMIEM tur tervived at halbert 1 ,E' It': 1:. , 1•••It 111111 A 11. 1.11111 1111 , )111,', L , 1:1 k:Nel' 3 BLAIR. For Sale or Rent rill II .11 . ccr vulliabL! rcsidenee untl :- , 11,er bind . u. I upi,.l III•• I, .1 , 1111 ( . 19 I, I low, )1-, di I ions 1,1 iiit r tit 1113kii It I ill r ill I hi. St.., ,11 I hi. la., ‘l.! 11,1. ((((II enJ hii• 1 fi•H that 'mg.., I or Lorin. 3 1iiily L. . lit I 1 ;41'. 1 , , N(1'1'1 ' J Lott ,•r. of A dmini-f ritmh lilt estAtt‘ of David (;. )1 k i to F.tirs C v lir:01,011 1110 I(l.2.iStCr th, romay to the !-11 1 rilwr I 0 , 1ili11,! in the NIIIIO NOtiel• e•Ily Iri,•ti Le. ail pt, s , .1111 , 1. , r.l t e,l:i 13 I" aLc riv 10.111 I tll, 11.,1114 chilli, It; pre , eut llkoul du ly ,Itltquent to IMEDIMEIIII I ST:\ N )I . l( ' E u • I.ttt t.• •It -t ttltottlar, 1,1 thr E•tlito \l - s 11:ttl .111 Ittlt . ttt . Itttrtttt 'lt t.t t'••rth.l•• have Eh.. ~ •111wr , -.1 0 pi ICI' t • r h.lrLc Irir I• 11 ',lilt an 111./1 • 14,1 TO' C . lt , t - . ;h1 nrOzw litonrll ttr ptvinrnr: rind 0 1:111i, I. Ni• lit th. r•lIl July auUnm I :1 t , .1 ,t.t.lletili•Hl to =I R EASON S EMINA RY. A SELECT BOARDING AND DAY SCHOOL E. HUNTINGTON SALINDER 13 A rill E aLn c Sctriiriltry loctited at Ih.. l'klinher and Valley II II 1 . ..1.1 ul, r 1,1, The hhi !aim!, are uric :111.1 IVi•ii 10:11..ii 111,V111,1 a Ith Sul lalde tur”iturf., and api.:o,l u. I .r Illil li.III it the valiouq•ht, ,11:111 rho .111'1,1111.1111, ,, fil.,,b , ."1 aro, pkasant, Ird 11., 1 , 1,111111,0 .1, 111..1'81,1,1 Mr a n d Mr. NI L. and 111 'l'vrtus AN at. , Illllitir I to..takildou. Pin I) ~ rdiunry 1.11g1`,111 1,ta1,,•11, pi pvrtr in of 11 1,,, 1,, 11,1,, In por term "111 revolts, I,aligtug,•:: j.l p, wunlh attention paid to e"tunierrial Studies. It And , i..nary Int n klied at 1:‘,01, rc ire priers upp.ntllllllll, will he , •,1 those to take 1. nv•lshinz and rare of room, Is ob tain, I at per week Intl 11,11 t. 12 not per week. 'I IP' .•11,11 . 1i14 o•t 111 'ill :110NIl11". SV.I . TEM It 7 I 1111.1 rear tiutir 11 evliti. All 0111 . 1 y I. ably. I lost 1..11 s ill V. urn II usir give" free of chlrgo. A dill n,s, ' , ltlll.'l.llt ENG ES A II Shippe•nsiqtrv, Ihinhar. (Iri.ll•".l•l3.itiliehl 11•Itti rlhrtlftwi. Tri,nrts (Iroa -1,3‘1•1 (it•vnzl• V. llnll. )It .1,.`.1t1 \lllli.tulrf • l'arket, lki tell IS, 1,1:4 I 111. It14CEI1"IE1): respectfully calls It 7 .t.ho (i., ..r the cuhti, ( I,ettes in partie. ttlart t., hlh kJ st•lt.t.l.ett sto1.1) ninon , F. 11.1, .1 .N'l) (;()ODS, in,' rro cities. Etoloottlitz the latin)t nilipt ammo) , sl31)•, and kind of Ititinis in 131,titt. Pi 1110 It Fancy Silks, Plain .):1 1.1.111).)1, pit Jinni and BUM(' Silk, 11. rho), all 1,01,1.1 i: I.l..ttirttri etiplinieres, A 11,1111,1,11 cl,,t 1,, I'll, Its. A / Plaiik, All LI onl Para i ll otlll 6 , Ain) Sc he. Spvelal attolition to !MOURNING GOODS, 811011 as I. , tlraillw Nlerllos. Cash. laeres 111• A 1 'lath. all \\'„.l I)'lalsea. Reps. A Ipaea., Crspes. king Vail<. Cloves. llnsh•ry ld..mating Ita hun ala, Illaolt Doubt, Millet, :shawls. Hay Stat.° do., &able and slimlo; Riad( and Grey Shawls, 11antlas, Figstaal goods of all hinds. .assewswa,ammuovmhziatis 1 - hawls of- all kinds and Colors, :,,,d 'Mantles for Pall and Winter wear, (attest Sty il.o ; 1 . 100114 tOr NI a t Quaker (loop Skirts, some thlog new; ltahnorals, all colors: 1(1 , 1 Gloves, ationt. lots. Hoods. ,tontags, 'Adios and Missos 31orinn Vesta, hmbrolderlos, Wunli n and Cotton lloslory, Men's and Bog's 11'ear of all _fiends. Truck cloths, Deaver and Tricot Clo. hs, lilack•and Fan— cy U ssitneres, Vestiogs, Wool Shirts and Drawers, White shirts altdi Collars Ties, Omits Shawls, Buck Moves nod ilauntlets.'Dreatt (Doves, ail- kinds of fiat. Dighl II Goods. Domentic floods in largo kupplles and of every description. home Made and Shatter Flan' Dianketsy Counterpanes, Woolen 1 arils. every thing In tact required by the - calmnuinity. Au - experienced Tailor makes up, at short notice, any Clermont Men or Boy's may desire. All the above .and many °thin. goods in addition to the old stock on hand is offered at a smolt advance on Scot cost tto pun dolours. Additions of desirable goods Wlll be made as the sensor advances. I desire a contlnuaoce -, of the trade so kindly given to the' late firm, and as many new customers MS will Ito pleased to call and examine my stock. "1 Mhail continue the same liberality giv• en to customers by the late firm Please call at the old Stand, East Main Street, oat door below Martin!s hotel. W. C. SAWYER.. yep 25,1F3,13. STOW selling at Ogilby's. for less than 11 City price. OIIAS. OGILDY, TruFtee, April 24; le6a. MU - - - - --$8,027.05 25,156 05 0231,360 d 2 LIABILITIES 81,300 00 1."3"q8 GU - 3,963 23 MEM MEI= - 13,913 119 \ .\. \ A. 1,1 1 .1 A MAN I II t',l" .k:,01;1.1V 11 111,k11 pt I:n. F eras, C•rc t,r E HUNTINGTON SAUNDERS, I'laitill.l.l, l'unilwrallkl Cultlay, l'n CARPETINGS. G RAND OPENING AT GREENFIELD & SHEAFER'S, OF NEW AND BEAUTIFUL GOODS 5000 yds. Extra Prints at 18 cts, 5000 yds. Super Extra at 20 cts. Good 4-4 Bcla Malin, 25cts. Extra Ileavy 4-4 Bela. Muslin. at 3 Ids. Domes , is n Nahani, CheekE, Tlcidngs, Jeans, Flannels of all elliON. Home Mado Flannels limy and While, Home Made Jeans. We have also all the lower priced Muslim, and Prints on hand, and SILKS Plain Black 9,111 is at all prices. We now sell nn extra quality of Black Silk at $1,25 worth $1,50 per yard. Plain and Fancy Slllte of every description at low prices._ DRESS CIO(JDS, as we have purchaseed our entire clock of Dress Goods In New York (which Is Headquarters, for all the New 5ty1444.) Every one will find it to their advantage to give our stock a look before going e sewher as you will see all the latest New York Styles, at prices tumult the times hA I.IIOItAL SKIRTS, from $2,50 up to the onest grades. , Cloths and Cassimeres, n full ay., Linent of Cloths, Cassimores and Beaver,, all of the Newest. Styles. Also a full stud: - o MOURNING GOODS, at at astonishingly low pikes. Notions and Wo loin Goods, Olnees. Hose, woolen and cotton ;Dais, &c. In our stook of Woods, :\ ulnas, Son t acs, Scarfs, dc., we duly competition. e have a large assortment of Regular made goods, (not Anvil .11 thank.) which c can sell at lower prices than ally ‘Vl.olesale lionise, large or small, either in city or country. 15 c i e, pry pi ion, at the (dwell!. figure. All We ask is a call, we ace confident we can please both in styles and pi ices of goods. li It If EN Fl ELI) & SHEA FElt, S. E. (for. Market Squaie, 2nd door from Cur. Oct. 2, Isug. STEINWAY PIANOS. First Prize Medal at the World's Fair, London, 1862. _ ___ (7. 7' ..--,-,'"•-"'J , - ----_,,•-•'" : - ' 2L.- - 1-4 .k* li rs ..„ - -442.: --a-Air— .ii,.',/'1"---",'S",o, , 1 N 4, g 4 t -iv \ ' )-: L '. ; <1 rill] V: wider,igned Ines just I eceived, intend, to F. coloThtilt.l, on hand :1 hill 11, I , i Olt' 111,1 1 1111.11i.. , 1 P11111ti• 111011111 it.; tiled y New Viirk. h: 111 11,trusiotil enrefully selerteil in Ito lan ut:lrt~ r). :it'd will Le sold 111 the New York Cash Factory Priccs, t% h the •ti.ltt f.f Fr.•j_ht to C•I 1,10 vuritte, vtt N. HI . ..f Ito -ritn-f tot in, cull 1,0 ll== R. E. Shopley's Jewelry Store, \LC.) :-1.1,1t. 31 a .a/ . i I nen I: :111, SECoN II \ PI.\\US recelvvil In exchan,:e and I:cp for nn•l 1.. lent. • • =ZEE E NOTICE. E Sqlwyer & kr, 11•1,1 - • di In Aby the mutual 9•h• 11...1....ft10• Flinn nn , in the It of J. D. c.ol .11 , 11 k.l .ho \lid., for eldieci ion th y r,n tn. St.', hy till l• soo,t enlll..stly expeeted t inonxelt nideldett to 1:13.111. to call :IIPIStAllt• the •atne pi omptly. .1. 1.4 , 14,1 ,1 11.1011 n tve wilt the ir e n . tirn ,1 hitiiii•kt t , ittlittiieian tit thenlJ eII 100.‘,11 :mil N. ill ..I.,\nhis ni ,k e iu the InarLe., SPECIAL NOTICE. THE l'Etil . illi,ToNs or 'Nu: GI R I) II () U S E , 1 IIIL11) it,p,•tfully roll the :11t.e•taion of It ,illl, \lon 3,1,111. , 11.2: t.,1111. =BIM rRI l'A M A NTI LL C lc [Tit \ I hilt] l•%1 N .920.111:. 4 1':\ \l,tteet. tt) I liattr I. r_ And 6up,h St , lck Pine 111,1).11C.S an 1 1,1;lt }t IL DEP \ ltT \ I EVI which „ 111 he (..1111.1 ‘‘.•ll furtll.ll,l with ever l ye,ip. tom ,rl , ln.i 1:1 . 1(.. 4 . wl,i, h ‘ , lll In eriaranitee I on represontvd, or 111 , . ri'd w ill 1,, 01; DERS 111, will efoily ottt•o-led all , l deli v.• od, ptl.l, oily 1.11-t. ince inni le Of j. W. MOH; N direct, 1 . 1111,AD A '2`th., 1 , 63. 13 L A N z , Foußrif AR(7I Ss. =1 OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, French NI ER NOES Good 111.1C1: SILKS Dick Figured S I I.liB, New PLAID SILKS, New ' , Ailey FLANNELS, BALMORAL PE I"NCOATS ft •.1, White and Blue FLANNELS, etc Sep" 4 1813 -3mo. FANCY FURS I. FANCY FURS ! FkliEllt 1, 718 Alll'l St eet, 4.7-Asilt south oide, PUMA 4 litil, l •l I lA. . ; Imp •rter. i 'llan nisei or g! or of and humor in all 1414 4 .1-. ,k for Fancy Furs ‘ f or Lad, if' II hll eil e. , „,s, ti \V to return my . • limits to my friends tt' / /111 the Sur , rtmodlog Counties, ti,,. A " their 4,ry liberal pat roioote extended to ine during the huit f e w y1.31 - s. uud tt , ml.l say to them that I now 11'110 in slot , of ter own Importatation and Manufacture a very ex tonsive morn I t of all the different kinds and coati Lies of FAN, Y Funs, for Ladles and Children, tint 44 111 be w• ra doting the Fall and %% inter seasons. lining the diroet Import/li . Of all toy Furs from Bo rope. and having them all Manuilietured under my own superch-lon—iinalites me to otter my rustomers & the public in much handsomer Sot of Furs for the come nney Ladle , please give nie it call before purchasing! ['lease remember the name, number and street. , . . • • ,1011 N FAHEIRA. N 0.718 Arch St, cut, Philadelphia Sept. 11, 1883-3 m. )RI INCE & CO.'s well.k Down I\l ELO- I BEI /NS and HARMONIUMS, Introducing the el f. et of pedal bass on on 1.1 y InFtruniunt. It; 11: ST GA IBL KR'S RA VEN & BACON'S and ' MALLET, DAVIS & On., celebrated I JANOS for cash, at a duvtion 4:9_Over 30,000 sold. .1 AMES RELLAK, Solo Agent. 270 281 S. Fifth street, above Spruce. PHILADELPHIA, Pa. April 17, ISO3-Iy. The Confessions and Experience. OF AN INVALID. Pub Halted to tho bonoOt. and as a warning and A CAE I'ION TO YOUNG MEN who 00 llei from Norvous , Dehility Premature Decoy of Manhood, eta., supplying fit the earns time. Till: MILt NS OF HF.I,F CURE. By one who hoe cured himealtafter being put to great exponee and Injury though medical humbug and quackery By enclosing a poet paid addreeeed- envelope, single copiee may be had of the author. NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, Esq., Iledtbrd, hinge County, N. Y. , May 22, 1853.—tr T HE Allen and Eastpennaboro' Mutual Fire ItMurance Company of Cumberland county, incorporated by an act of Assembly, in the year 1843, and havirig recently had its charter extended to the year 1883, is now in active and vigorous operation, un• der the superintendence of the Billowing Board of liittnagers, vie William It. Goegas, Christian Stnyman, .Incob Eberly, D. Bally, Alex. Cathcart, J. Comm`, John Meltethen ger, .loseph Wickersham, Sam!. Eberly, Moses Bricker, Rudolph Marlin, Jacob Coovor, a• d J. C. Dunlap. The rates of insurance are as low and favorable an any Company of thti kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are Invited to make application to the agents of the Cretiony, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. W:11. It. GORti President, Eberly's Mills, I'. 0. CHRISTIAN STAY:BAN, Vice President Mechanicsburg, P. 0. !DUN C. DUNLAP. Seat'v. Alechattlemburg. SANICE:, DAILY, Dillsburg, fora co. AOEN Cumberland count y.—Jobn Sherrlck. Allen; Henry '!.caring, r..hiruinan,tuum ; Lafa)ette feller, Dieltingon; Henry Bowman, t•hnr blown; Mode Grin h, South )Middleton; Samuel Orainno, Wo , tponnFtmro'; Samuel Coorer, Meehan tegintrg ; NV. Cockllu, Sbepherd,down; D. Couver, Upper Allen; .1. U. : 1 /Ixton, `liter Fpring; .10h11 Ilyer. Carlisle; alentine ' , vellum, New Cumber land ; James Mt:Candlish, Newvlllv. Yo , k county—\s' : iJame« Wan ington ; .1 F. Deardorff. Washington ; Richey lilrh ey Clark. 1111Isburg ; D. Butter. I.'/lirview ; John \VII- Unrroll. Daupllll. —.l:irob listrrkburg. 31,.toht.ts of 1110 COIllp:111" 1111111 , g 1101100 , ebout tin oxl ir. vqlll 11:100 01,11 nVII. eud Icy 11131,1 DZ appliention to 01IS of the Oetolw ;,(1, MD is 3r 4G7- c). cz) ci is. . A• NV. 13ENT7, IT.AS just returned Iron' the l'idladel phla :ind New York w.irkols ait h a litt.o and \vela Seki,ted Si-wk of hty C011 , i14111,4 lu part ~f 31..h0ir 140.11, Plaid Vh-torat, 1} :,01 Plahle, Plaid :•Elt and 11"orshol ()hocks, (' , lured Alpae:t, Merl - mine. Molse do I,linu, poulde h NVool I i Black nod NI hlle do . Wind 1'):1111 Cis tOll/1, I i h,ilfllllS, Ca I imeg, Cheek,. 'rid( luK upon VII it OR, Table Dutpul, llltts, Canton Flannels, Ar. l• ./VIOURNING GOODs, )leritinr•.c, Ca,bitterett, ottlbaLinoc, Fi.tured nn•l plain Delllueg MulLtir. Doul,lo Wool )1011.tir, St, ipell do rot lm. 'fnine C1..111, 1':11/11ris•L(.., lournintz silk, Silk. it kirLie teiTAWIR22STITWinIiE=B:232I SHAWLS. 1th,•12 1,11,2.11,1 2. 1 .1,31-I.l , ham•lst. S.iuArt 1 111,1. 111 , 10,S 111. Lail., 1.11,11.• 1111 2.11,tti.. / 1 ,11 ,1 ,11:1,‘1, 1 a,cy 11, -11,,14,111 EMI 11.\ I, \lt/I; 11, )1 ,t, II :.'1,1 , • Wa:ilo I liar up -I :ri .-J. ca tkt:r. i• 111,1 nn 1. 1 ,1 n.el,•n no• 1 .1 :1'••1 n 11 • , I the in! CI ti , .• 1= =I tt. (...t 14-- c tit ‘ll.l ill I lit. old Itt,ool, And ,11 , totto•rs of this mt.!' 1.1,1,1 11 11 1 1111111.1 1., ,tttl Y.11llill,• this •to, .idt lido! NEW GOOLS! NEW GOODS!! AT Mil E.lll S l'lll•:.11' CASH SfolilS. D.. 1. 1.1• a I~I~'II ,1•illN \l li, ram limy upoul.ipz secund supply ()I kelt, Alit NO 11. SIN IV GI , II, ,0111 . 1 i ill sell at Ow 1,10,11 , 1:111, f r C EM:(;.I.VT / 1 / 1 1:• C nS ' (;()()!).S% ~1.11 1,11). I= Italll , lll ,hirt , ,. okrk , tl. , , 11. 00.. : , ,k111:‘,, NIA \ .c• A 6,ttlpi.lll, lit 1 . 1 r 'llll , ltl.llS w var 1.1”.1-. ,1,1;4,,. t;inzha:l, Flannels Ow k,w.-1 111 I ; II li t ,, nwrs LIIIIL II I-1~11~ 111 11~111 I 1.1.•,1. oij I $2 Positively made from 20 cents. 1•1;(;1.:NTI.1" ISV I:VI , :R1 I'I:I SON 10 Samples sent tree by Nail fnr:;s cents that retaik fir IL 1.. WOI,CI 170, Cheitha re NI is :•ep ' II E undersigned \yould most t6,speet r.ll, w•t. , tner, and tie 'addle generalls . that hr has 1 , 1111111•111 . 1,1 the .AND FURNIsIIING uil i .1,,“1.1),•, in t ; t•• 0•• ni .1. .1. II Esd . un l !sr t•-t.rid• oi Ilatiost, and 11 r .uthur r, sot hire In, lons nnon•nool on, of Lin. finest and n 1. 1 ,4 tasitionabir sedis•Linn rradv made .de .te.. in I lir lion•nigh •0 Cariisle, His slink consists in groat vai inties as Inflows, r Iz : FAS AND II •V'S \ do do. do I. NT %LOONS. do., is do VES I Pmts I)n Ras s innsa to If, sears of 1150. Shill, \i rl tun 1 . 101111C1:1 , , , 1 I ':1 4, i111 , •1, 11 41 .1111 , I'l 111 , 1 0 , 01, 1., a 4. a n 1 le, Li., all , l Ms, s 1,111,1 alld Ilanillsvr viliers. I uIIa rlias FEENt'll AND 1.1 AI'IIER '1 It UN kS AND V \ 1.1S1•;i. :n! pet 'mil I i•iitin .\ tii• lb.• very prin., I ho• i11,t..s lir ill ply nor i• iI I ;1,1 I•Natiljo.• lur I t Lit 1.-, pi. . . Nl.,y I. Is , I' S. l'Arlloular vl tonition cicrn ti. Flt11)1,11}Y re , pectlitll3 11111101111 COS to 1110 Clll%Olll , of P 11,40 11011 ill , ,t,•llttral'y, that lie still rot, tinuoe 111 , . 111,111111. w of all kinds of tin and sliest ir,d) ts arm in J. It Ilalhort's building Last I. cutler s . treet 01111 to at Ott sign of tho where ho will at all than, he road} to do all Muds of %Owl< in hie line with neatness and despatch. Also can at all times be ha. those ~ l ehrated, self sealing :ma self testing premium airtight, Iln:dlniz. Soootinc < aad all kinds of j“llblug done at sh/.rtost not ivy. Cash pall for old lead, pewter 'had copper. Thank ful for the patronage heretofore extended. he hopes by strlet attention, and A !Insure to please all to merit a cuuti II II a ere ui the same. Dont litrget the, sign of the lied Coffee l'ot. April 3, 1863. GEO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S:— b:tte Demonstrator ,4 at lye Dentistry to the ..__.-T Baltimore College of Dental Surgery. ani .1 Mount his residence, oprositeMation eel Main street, Carlisle, Penn Nev. 11.4 - IENERAL DEALER in Flour, and Jail kinds of country produeo. Warehouse on the corner of Math and West streets. The best Fresh Ciround Family Flour at A. SINGI ZERS. M.i.y A. 18113—t. f. - DOC° METALLIC PAINT prevents ri.9fa from lealcing, dries under iv Ater as hard OK iron. keeps dampness !from Northeast avails, pain's double the.atirttice lead will, no higher - in price, and wears much longer. ' . B. 139WEN,Ageut, Office, ILORi.North Fourth Stra • t Phila, Oct, 2, 1963-3rti. Piro Insurauce: ARRIVAL OF NEW STUCK OF W. I •tt, , l(', It n, MEN,-; AND IA s \V E.IE =MEM MEE .1 I. 1:\ 11 . 0 t tl 11111ht . ' pl lop n s‘11,,•11 lhey %: 1 “. -I , t,s ".• I= Gents Department •. I':u :Ittt'llll,lrl =I = A II :111.1 ti I pill, h, , 11, 11.0 111 , 1 11:1111 : , t , vi r!. , 11 , Mid A 1. , (111., , ,111 i i. lA. oriel I.y au exp.•,3,•net..l M.. 11 Nen & Boy's Clothing Bazaar, &won't rr rrirvtl rf• tlee• ,•erls‘,ll kMU M. C. II 1:1 . 1 . rr, Agent VIDS FlErp: IPOT. BED COFFEE PUT, FRUIT CANS AND JAR A SINGISER. TEACHERS I IC 'STITIUTE. rIIIIF, Cumberland county Teachers' In " ivtuto will meet In Mechnnlcebtng, on Wednes day, December 2d, 18f3. PROGRAMME OF EX ERCIRES, I. Parental Co-operation—Jas. C. Stock, A. A.linf t l i . Insen. 2. Ortlingraphy—Liberty Metlwolna, S. J i :-Trvint. 3. Beading— I. D. Uohr, (fen. W. 'ritzy) 4. PenniollAt A. Eberly, Israel Donnelly, 1,. Geography— (in. age (('horn, Genfg, W. kipply. ti. Grammar—Dr. 11. M. Stouffer, S. P. Goodyear. 7. Mental Arithmetic—.l. Sponger, S. A. Mowers. H. it rltten t• W. V. Cavanaugh; lelm Landis 9. gem)] Government--I'. Long. Win. Kirtpsitiiek. 10. Phi Into tphy—D. li. Knot, U. W. Thrush 11, Physlnlogy—D IL. Nuell, It' A. Cain. 12 Music—M. Johlicen, Altvrd Matintwx. I.'. Algebra—Dar Id 31111 m, William Logan. 14. Geonietry—Samuel Fornall, A. T. Palm; In. Illstory—Loonard A Ileman. 11. Striver. DI. Composition—J. It. Lougneeker, Jon Ileffeliingef 17. 'Township Institutes—D. M. C. (Ding, B. It. DR tin ger. IS. Military Twitics—l, L. Waggoner, Ilsrrls 19. Constitution nt the C. S. Wonderb, C. 0. Riegel. The first earned on each subject Imre been appointed to prepare written reports. and the second to speak. The following are appointed to prepare essays: lilorenee Henderson, M. Flemiog. M; E. (treason, C. A. Hatt:lg. Abide P. Linn, Johu McCor mirk, John Illnfi le, 11. M. Crider, Itobmt Grahnnl,Ellmr Mon n tw, W. 31. Ilarellton. Th., Roll will ho called each day, and it'is expected , that teachers trill be present to answer to their nantes. Directors and friends of ednuation are cordially inel , led to attend. On the litith of Dec. the Teachers of Dauphin runty convene at Harrisburg. Secretaries who have not complied with See. LY. of the School late, a ill please do BO htlillealißt,B)y. JOHN 11. LEIDIO, JoIIN A. HEADY, 'SQUIRE WALTERS, DEO. SI% A wry', Business Committee. 18119BEME3 Town Property at Private Sale. i k Three-story Brick II ouse, situated , linnovor street. For terms, which will Le ea.y, apply to CAI lisle, f)et 113-3 t DR. DIA URI. RV'S FAMILY REMEDIES TRIUMPHANT. The G vont Dyspepsia Medicine and Blood— searcher. Dr. Markl,cy's HEALTH RESTORATIVE BALSAM RE_',! READ ! ! I )1.; PERMANENTLY CURED! Ttw vrt•at. gliporioritY of or '4 A Ric...LETS pnpular nod t \ l I I,Y N I. traced to the fact t ,onr.-11ut nod 1•1,11iIrlIte the cell.. diFetiee nl lie nee tail to eilloot a permanent, cure. They 1.. t 1,11.• to the , liee.tilve organ., impart ing a lee 011 the rat ut~liuwulu, 1 , 11 , ' hey tho—,,t,hly inn ify the bland. thn.s pertna • he destroying its foundation A CASE IN , in '..7th of Jatituiry. 141.0, Mr D. S. Moore, tlr loti.1.1” II II . l'a role tlott h.+ wart 1,111 , ,1 Ir t tcst.lotooial4 ho had soon of our...•ir, 1,114 y I , r. Nl.dlcine , , to apply i ha 1 , r. ra..• hr Ilion described the hist six years she ]ms been sulTerinz rr 111 S. r..inla end II lot, swelling. In 1854 she ol! , r , • I ~ ••••re peal in one (.1' her legs attended I, from th" knee to the 111,11 ct tI 11,..i. the It bloke tilid discharged, :I pi , •.• thrt•C In , lif•S in lengtl/, ,1:11 all .111, r t r.t .pr , r. Ili ft eatne out 1,,•,• 1 , , •t ifl I, r ttr, pals..tud at times the piiu 1,1,1 y I r•• \N FIRE CrltE EFFFCTED 'I 11,. "I II th,•lh alt h I 4 gt-rati, e PAlloacn, t la 1!1 . the Iliztek Ointment re•ult utthidr use is au loam, t•.l 1 I', h•ttei : DR. G. it \ I !Ai : I run liapt y to Inform th.• r.•.•••ivd from v,.0 maw, throe ‘l,l, \ I. AN 1 \f3llf.: LURE in 111 N si'tF•r. Wiii rell,tilber,'F.2.9 suf.. :"1•1 , 4111:1 111111 N‘ S. )1,_'011.1.:. I)I"SPEPSI:\ I Elt U.C.111 or the firm c.‘1,110,.•1. :slai 41/311, ll,ad and :Slim, dealers, Centre Dn. Ii II \I ‘i• ki.r) Dear :•ir It :dr..rds me muck pl. asulr t., t• an ,q,p .rtuility Ti add tin testimony 111 th r ono iar lamilr in,liciues, especially a• ..flicacy Iv lased upon personal . .• in my ov.ii rase and 4 , l2servation of mY ot iletoy was the victim of DSII - 111 its in...t •tz.2..ravated f..rin my system having deinno.d and del.ilitated, that I was 1.11,1.• I. 1.. of kind had resorted /0 t Ike , t .11hin reaeli ,sithout relief. I 111101 i t the ulo,ll , ,pulai remedies ot the day, recora tneoded h r hat d,,ent.,e, but none ol them did sae any . 1 sWie , lng , Can he understood by any one in, tl,.in vain, dkeasq, but they ronld not bar .I. Ivo! . then living at llopelvell, to ',ill IV. 311.1 at II last resort, I corn 1,,• Inedi.ito, 'I hey ,on afforded I. I Ir. u: th.• to , ,t s)ini,tonts which 1 bed - , 11.•1• • N ill .I.'llllll and in n stmorlsingiy !here tie, I e , tel , T. , teted le health, and I have •t: . ) Nl , l 1 ht . il• 11 1 1 1l 111,1111 ever sinin•—nut a Frnptt•sn r,mtinina. :. , inre then, I have kept N-a: aa,la lars in my family, and Would let he ls it 11 ,1 111 lilt 111 1, 111 nay 1 • 1111,1111,11.11111. as they hnt. 111 . 1 1 1•1 iillll l ll to 1111 Mlllll )1 1 11 Brim fur them V11111..1111 111'11,111 Id.pllll'llll. 1 became agebt for t ~ 1 ,1 a hni , zi• ,inantitv r f the medicine ar,i 01 1111.. 11,d h.uti In their pewell, war; af- I t want' very ege and Black IMIE =1 ~1111..11t. tthip il tiert,"li 3 pel feet eu, e. Numerouli eeNe , nre, eileete,l by your cable remedlea In that ne,_:lll.te could lie 'numerated If demired. I 11, , I•i• 11 m 11, )1 IA . too,t to justify rue in saying that t mil Family 11,1trines aro tilt hest ever presented tho xhich I hole had any itnowlvtlge; and it is n.. t i •s s tav than my duty to recommend thorn ter all art the victims of disea e, Rt,poctßilly pairs, A. P. CAMPBELL. . I art. only two tll..llßands wllleh might Lc 1.0 M 0-1, .1 All VII val no Ilwir Ilealtit and Life • 11 , 111 11 , 4• I 114.,• /11,1:11.1 1-1111•Llies, and their curt SI 111 de ramplete :ind, Permanent. Prepated Ills 6y Irr. II 11 . NI A 1,1 , .:1" at Ills Drug and lledo•ina `t rI Ci E K !MI SP, I ancestor,. mm . 1.. ‘,1,,1n all letters and anima should -be n For sale in Cumberland Camay by I:1.1) 1) DAVI!) ICA 1., , Tt1N. sTATI,EIt, )levllanksburg \ 1 , . II Npw vine I'. S. A 11l 1. A . S ipperishurg. iII;t, W I l, 1% t•st Fair, iew. F.p A Joint Resolution Proposing CENTA 1 ls; ANI I.:NI/Nil...NTS TO Tin.: ('oNsTrrurrott )I'.' it, resolved by the Senate and. a )11.,...k of the Cnntumusienith of ',Aro.. ill i7i i 111•10 Ass. m idt met. That the tot ronemltn. ids Is r proposed to the Constitution e of th Commons edlt h. in .........lance with the previa th. tooth ti, le t Tht, shall be section to the third ar• licit. of the Conbtitution, to be de,lgnated as section tour. !OHMS., ctrl toff it. ‘f hence, an) of the qualified electors of Conitilouseiial h Jwll be inany tua! military fuse rhe President of th 0 ml,l runts., of l,s lhr atillt, its ut this Common , r.r.d li r h r.• limy exiiiciiie the right of suf. t' ..icii in all election. Ps the rift/Ain, under such ruguii 1.111..11, :Is nhali Is', 1111,, ihett I.y 58 fully , their tn.trrti plger. (inflection. 1,0/.•-h Ll] I, wltliti..ll,ll sections t. the elevuutli. In , lt f tip 11, to be deslguated as 800. two, u. I. and lift, follows: ,1.,111 by ttin Legislh• t tl , t)11, uoa, th,t) .• ,u 1 j, It. m 1111)1 shrill be ,xpre,,,l is i ext•i pt tipproprimtion el j „, l 11. 1,;.1 11111 1 , 111111 be pa , ,cl by the Lorislnture Ltrttill lo u r ohm pm,/ r,. PI prim larger, lu fluty cam", whoro t ht. /110 m l ity L. prant suLli p..ers. or privllugeß, ban -1,4) Ikt.r...Mikr 1., etotthoi rd upon C•Urt.4o of Chu. Cifill111011,1,111i)1. .101 IN CESSNA, the How. Iteprom.ntAtlveg P. PENNEY, Spent., ot the Senate, Itl t ter rut; SI I"! lit COI , IIINWEALTII, Hari Inburg, July 1, 1863.1 PEN NS\ I. \ N.l A. SS. .J., ile.rehy certify that'tlio foregolhg and SE .t L ti lull. true and correct copy of - the original Joint Resolution of the Gener al Assembly, entitled " A Joint Resolution proposing certain Amendments to the Constitution," as the same remelllN on tile In this °filen. TLSTIMONY w heroor. I have hereunto sot my band. end caused the seal of the Secretary's office to heat fixed, the day and year above written. . July 7, 18(3 William P. Lynch "laving returned from the army has ru.opetwdiho GAS FITTING and PLUMBING business at the Old Stand in the basement of the First Methodist Church. fic-wili attend promptly to a Jbto( r tress in his lint Load and Iron Pipes, Hydrants, Hot & ('old Shower Baths, water Closets, Ferro and Litt Pumps, Wro't Iron Weild Tubes, I . And every description of cocks anu ifttings fbr. Far. steam, water, &e. Superior cooking, ranges, boatora and gas fixtures put up in chirchos, stores and . dwell , . Inge, at short notice, In Iho most modern stylo, materials and work in our line at low rates and wain ,al.tod. ca,Country work and jobbing promptly attended to. Juno 5,1863.. • HAY. WANTED. 1 00 w T 0 N S of good Timothy Hay ant ed, for which tho highest maaket price will be paid by August 213,186na . .1 A NIES R. WEAVER = , rot) 4. ISC3 ELI SLIVER. Socrotnry of tho Commouwoalth Iron Sinlur, Bath Tubs, Bath Boilers, Witsh Basins, Hydraulic Tarns, .to AIt3ISTRONG. d; HOFFER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers