I ST AT 141 NOT ICE.— Late:l;4i - Tenta. 0 tnarnotulii uo.ula‘rrlnshlor,Vgiol'do.,fliAavnotiTeew nnilftsiLettlar6 I_ 4 thewndersigned, In due form o ff law. Al l Indebted to the estate are required to make im mediate payment, and Mute havin,r claims to present them for awttiomel.t to WILLIAM IMAM, Jr., I ' ANDRIM U. BLAIR, Xleentore, ♦ug. 2, '61.=41 1627C'GARAY INSTITUTE.- uj and 1629 SPRUCE STREET PHIVA. Tble Tnstitute. -ondueted for two year, past, in this city. by Nanette 011COARAT end her niece M AMUR Infra alum, upon the same prinelplea ea the one In New York, estaolished there in the year gBl4, will raopen on Mon day, September IGth, wilh its uxual ample and eumplete inroridon for the education of Young Ladies, under the direction of Madame Erllervllly. Citeutare, and all requisite Information, CRP be obtained on application to the Principal. A uguat 16, 1861. • p u B - Llc SALE VALUABLE PAR3Matid TANNERY. On Friday 13th September, 1851, at 10, A. Al assignee of Robert Bryaton, I will eittioae to public sale on the promises, all his Real Ettetate, which coo slats of Ist.. The MANSION FARM, _ Situate In Upper Allen township. Cumberland coun , y bounded by David Coover,Johu'llunlap's heirs, Allchae Cockiln and others, containing '430 AORl38• more or less, haring thereon erected, A LARGE, DOUBLE, -414,! WL .T- Two-sToRY HOUSE, LARGE TWOSTORX STONE BARN, , . AN EXTENSIVETANNERY, with all the machinery, and steam engine of modern eonatrucUon, with a bountiful supply cf overhead spring water, carried through the builiitm, 'hops and yard, and upon the farm are also, IFIVB EXTBNSIVII LIME KILNS, and two good DWELLING II.)IISES, and Stable, and Blackamith Shop, and all convenient out-buildinga. such as Smoke house, Ice house, Spring house; also. an Orchard; running water, inch as never fails, !ri the house, nod may be in the barmyaid. Fencing aligned. and the land itself, In the best fanning order, having been well limed and in inured. This property may be divided Into three parte, and may he th as sold if suitable to purchasers, and bringing the best prima. 1. The Tannery, with Fifty Acre. of Land, running down to the Lisburn Road. 2. That part of the Farm which Iles along the Lid burn Road, including tho buildings, blachemith chop, and about Forty Acres of band. 3. The residue of the Farm, which will contain about One itundrtsi and Thirty Arras, with the Lame Barn. I will sell at the Mate time and place, a Tract of Land, or Farm, In Monoghan township, York co., con. tainiug about SIXTY FIVE ACRES, all of which Is cleared. having theren ererted a GRIST MILL. Three Frame DWELLING HOUSES. BARN and other imprrvemeote. This Farm is situate about one mile south of the above named man•lon Farm. Also. a Sand Stone Quarry. In the same township, on the road frcm ..Gddenstown to Lisburn, containing about three•quarters of an acre. Also, at the same time and place, I will sell about SIX HUNDRED ACRES CHESTNUT LAND, situate In Rye township, Perry county, nen.. to Bier rett'n Gap. on the North side of the mountain. The land will be divided into lots to stilt purChaaers, maps and drafts el which wit be exhibited at the time of sale. Ab Iwo o'clock on the Mom , day, I will also sell on the premises, 290 Acre• Limestone Land. the same township, known as the " liarkiseas Farm," sillnete about two miles south of Mechacienburg. This land le plenty of running water, and springs that never tall. This land will be divided and sold In parts to suit pur• chasers. lat. All that. pert of the rand which lies west of the main road to Mechaniceburg, and which contairisiboat 170 Acres, will lie divided Into three nearly equal parts one of which, the north part, has an excellent _ • HOUSE AND BARN, epee 01111 and the other two are without buildings, but are well fenced and In • high state of aultivation. 2. All that bert which Ilea Rest of the road, and con tains 12:0 ACRES. Hawing thereon • LARGE LOUBLE.IIIVGBTORT HOUSE. Stone Dank Darn. Curls Rouse, Distillery, and all other conronient buildings. with Orchard of the eholciest fruits. and running streams. Three are the moat desirable farms that havebeen of lived for toile for many years All the above lauds will be sold by the Acre, eieept the Tannery property. l'he elect amount to garb tract will be ascertained before the deed is male. The title la perfect. and possession will be given on the lat of April. 1862. The conditions will be env, and will be made known on the day of sale by 401.1 N B. COOP Pit, Assignee of Rongir 8.T.0N Aug P to lIXTENSIVE SALE OF VALUABLE • 1 REAL ESTATE. On Thursday and Friday. the sth and 6th days of .September, 1861 Will be offered at Public Sale, on the above days, by the heirs orAdam . Sierer, deceased, late of the borough of Mechanicsburg the fol lowing described Valuable Real Estate, situ ated in Cumberland county. viz: • No. 1 —A LOT OF GROUND on the north side of Main street, in the borough of Mechan icsburg, and near the east end of the same, containing 88 feet in front on said street, and extending in depth 300-feet to the Cumberland' Valley Railroad, having thereon erected a large two story BRICK HOUSE, Ift with a large two story FRAME BACK-BUILDING, as also a good and extensive stable, hay enales. - and shed, together with all the necessary out buildings for a TAVERN STAND.finving been occupied as such for years. There is a well of never•failing water near the door. Any person desirous of viewing the prop erty before the day of Bale, will call on Geo, L. Spengler, the present tenant. No. 2.—A LOT OF GROUND adjoining the above( containing 86 feet in front on said street, and extending back 800 • feet to Railroad street, having :.• fil l thereon a large two-story BRICK ; I HOUSE, with att io, goal stabling, and all necessary out-buildings. The two foregoing properties will be offered for sale on the premises on Thursday the 6th of September. The following on Friday the 6th of September: No. B.—A tract of land situate in Hampden township, six miles west of the Harrisburg bridge, two miles north of Rupp's mill, and three fourths of a mile from Holm's mill, ad joining lands of Israel Koester, Jacob Brute, and others, containing • 109 ACRES AND 78 PERCHES, a high state of cultivation, having thereon erected a good two-story LOG HOUSE, weatherboarded, with all necessary out-buildings, a . large FRAME BARN, with out. • buildings. an excellent orchard of choice fruit trees, a cider press under roof, a well of never failing water near the house. and running water through the fields.' Ten acres of the above tract are covered with thriving timber. There are also a number of locust trees on the tract. Persons wishing to view the premises, will call on Emanuel Holtz, residing thisreon. No. 4.—A tract °fiend adjoining the above, containing 100 ACRES, in a high - state of cul tivation. On it ie erected a two- • ‘, story LOG HOUSE, weather boarded, with out-buildings, and ti a large FRAME BARN and out buildings. • There lea spring of never failing water near the door of the dwelling• house, an orchard of choice fruit trees on the farm : .also a number of locust trees, and eight acres covered with timber. Either with this latter tract as part thereof, it being included in the 100 acres, or by itself, will be sold. No 6 --A tt 4 act of six mires of•ground, part 'of the preceding tract. having t I there_ itt a FRAME • HOUSE of one story and a half' high, to gether with frame stiMing and necessary out outbUilding, a spring or water, and Opium fruit'treetc - Persona wjs_hleg ttifdieW:tradts Noll. - 4 an* 6, will call onltamuel &linger. the tenant. No. 6.—A tract of Mountain Land, situate in Hampden township, one mile north of Geo. Seirer's tavern, adjoining lands of John Mute, George Rupp, and others, containing thirteen acres No 7.—A tract' of Mountain Land, inmate in East Ponnatiorough • township, two miles north of the State road leading from Sterrett's Gap to Harrisburg, and two miles west of the Susquehanna river, adjoining lands of Abra ham Miller, Henry Huoser, and_Philip Boyer. containing 49 urea. The above Will be of fered as ,a vrli s ole - or in ten;aore lotivtur may best twit purchasers. •, Sale to commence at 10 o'clOOk on each of the above' days, when terms will be made. ktiownaby'the HEIRS OF ADAMSEIREIL-deted., - ISAAC BEIREIt, one of ,110,3heire_py hie attorney, in foot. • JACOB MUMMA. Aug.. 9, left NIA 111 110-0 D • How Lost, Bow Reator . ed. -- JuSt Published in a Sealed EMI loge, LECTURE ON TED! NATURE, TREATIVENT, AND RADICAL CURE OF FPlift- I 'TORIBEA, or Beininni Wealtneaa, Sexual Debility. New manes... and involuntary endssions, Producing ini - Potency, Consumption awl Mental and l'hyeical De. Witty, By BOUT. .1, CALVEIIWI.EL, 51. 18. The important fact that the awful consequence.. of self abode mry be effectually removed a itbout Internal medicines or the dangerous applications of caustic..., Instrumente, medicated bousica, and nth" cingli teat derbies, is here awl* , demonstrated, and trip et . tlrely new and highly successful treatment, as adopted by the celebrated author ' fully explained, by nsear• of which every one is enabled to core himself perfectly, and at 1111 blast possible cost, thereby avoiding all the advertiaed noetrnma of the day. This lecture will prole a boon to thousands and thousands. Sent under seal, In a plain envelope. to any address, poet paid, on the receipt of two postage stamps by ad drewing, . Dr. /'lf .1 C. !MINN, Aug.. ty 127 Bowery, York. Post Office, box 4,586. LAW SCHOOL, OF HARVARD COLLE6E. TWO TERMS of nineteen weeks each, _L commencing September 2d, 1861. and March 3d, lte2. For Catalogue and circularl - addreass ;Ii)EL PARKER, ROTALL PnorEason. Cambridge, August 9th 1861 3t CAIIDRIPat, MARI. • • SHERIFF'S SALE.—By virtue of • sundry write of Venditionl Ex ponas, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County. and to me directed. I will expose to sale by public venoms or outcry, at the Court louse, In the Borough of Car. Ilale, on Vriday, the .31 day of August. A. D., ISM. at 10 o'clock, A. 11.1., the following described Real Estate, to wit: A lot of ground, situate In Dickinson townehtp, con taining 40 feet in front, and 30 feet In depth, more or leas. bounded on the east by properly of Mrs. Catharine Koehler, on the went by Church Alley, on the north by property of !dm Catharine Kechler, and on the south by property of Zion'. heirs, having thereon erected a two-story log house and frame shop. Seised and taken In execution and to be sold as the property of George A, Koehler, and to be sold by me, ROST. McCARTNICY, Sheriff. per STSPIIIM KZEPLPII, Deputy. SISEHIFIO, Omer. Carlisle, ' July :31st, 1801. CONDITIONS.—On all amounts; over five hundred dollars fifty dollars are to be paid when the property is stricken di. and twenty-live dollars on all amounts under live hundred dollars. Jour( Kusatis l Court of Common Pleas of vs. Cumberland County, Sub. ANN HMS k KUNKLE, pOSOS Stir Divorce, No. 6. Jan uary term, 1861. AtJut Subpoena to April term. 1861. Notice to the above named Ann Eliza Kunkle, that a Sithpana Sur Divorce to January term 1861. and alias Sobpcena to April term, 1861, upon both of which proof was made that the said Ann Ellin Kunkle could dot be found In the county. Now, therefore, this is to require you, the said Ann Eliza Kunkle, to appezr on the 1.,t day of the August term of said Court. to wit: Monday, the 26th day of August, A. D., 1861, to answer the com plaint in the petition of the said John Kunkle. ROB'T. bIoCARTNICY, Sheriff. Aug 2,'81 per STEPHEN KEEPERS, Deputy. 1 Dsvm U. STICVICI, Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland County, Subpoena MARY A. STRU ' CK Sur Divorce, No 9.• January term, 1861, ALIA% Subpceha to April term. 1861. Notice to the above named Mary A Stevick, that a Subpoena Sur Divorce to January term. 1861, and alias Subpeena to April term, 1861, upon both of which proof wan made that the said Mary 1.. Stevick could not be found in the county. Now. therefore Ms is to require you, the mid Maly A. Stevick, to appear on the lot day of the August term of said Court. to wit: Monday, the 26th day of August, A. D, 1861. to answer the complaint In the petition of the l oai David 13. Stevlck. I.ol d l'T. McCARTNEY, Sheriff. aug. 2, '6l. , per &mem KRlPlate, Deputy. LUMBER AND COAL. OLIVER DELANCEY LUMBER AND COAL YARD! the-Ruil-Road.Attstr_Lic_cas {Fork& The subscriber keep. constantly 0., hand, a full as sortment of Lumber & Coal, which be can fur nish to order promptly ■nd oh the-most rea. sonablo terms. LUMBER, SCAN FUND, BOARDS. FRAME STUFF, p.dings, Plastering and Shingling-Laths, Worked Floor , ing, Weatherboarding, Posts, Ralls,W bite Pine, Hemlock and Oak Shingles, of every quality. He also "furnish bills to order of any length and else, at the shortest notice and oh the most reasonable terms. ilia worked boards &re kept under cover, so that they can be fur nished dry at all times, He has constantly on band all kinds of Famity Coal undeir cover, which will be delivered clean to any part of the borough. To.wit: LYIEEN'S VALLEY. LURE FIDDLER. TREVERToN, LOCUST MOUNTAIN, And other varieties, and all the various Menge In nee, wheat be offers to the public at the lowest prices. LEM ifiluliNEß'S AND fit. giCKBSIITHI3 COAL always on hand. at the lowest cash price. Thankful for the patronage of a generous public, be stowed upon the late firm of Black & Delaney, be would solicit a continuance of the earns as he will strive to please. All orders left at the residence of Jacob Shrom for Coal and Lumber, will be promptly attended to as heretofore. July 26, 1861.-17 SPEER'S SANIBUCI WINE -or-- CULTIVATED OPORTO SAIRBUCUS. EVERY FAMILY /MOULD USE SPEER'S SAMBUCI WINE. rIELEBRATED for its medicinal and ) beneficial qualities sea genuine Sthnulaut, Tonic, Diuretic and Sudorific, highly esteemed by eminent physicians, and some of the first tunnies ID Europe and America. BPEllb'S BAMBUCI WINE ie not a manufactured article. but is pure, from the Juice o. Portugal dambu ens, cultivated In New Jersey,recomm en ded by Chemists 'and Physicians, as paasessing medicinal properties su perior to any other Wines in UFO, and an excellent article for all weak and debilitated plutons, and the aged and infirm, improving the appetite, and benefiting ladies and. children. A LADIES' WINE, Bemuse It will not intoxiiiiite as other wines, as It con tains no mixture of spirits or other liquors. and admired for its rich peculiar flavor and nutritive properties. imparting a healthy tone to the digestive organs, lad • blooming, soft and healthy skin and complexion. None genuine unless the signature of ALFRED SPEER, Passaic, N. J. Is on the cork of each bottle. .y-MAKE ONE TRIAL OF IRIS WINE. A. ISPEER, Proprietor, OMce 208. Broadway, New York VINICYABD, PABBIAO, N. J. •_ Sold by REYNOLD'S & PIEPPER, Druggists, neat door to lahoff's Grocery Store, Carlisle, Pa. July 19, 1861,-1 y. PROF. DE GRATH'S ELECTRIC OIL! TILE NEW PRACTlCE.—EleetrieCures.—Pain le the prentnnltor of death; relieve the pale and you check the dleasee. liar Tills OIL Amer, vie SYSTIII WITH ELECATICITY.— Is of pure vegetable preparation, not the slightest dan ger of applying It outwardly or inwardly ; It at once glees a permanent cure, in moat tams, in from ten to twenty minutes. The beet physiologists ofEurope have discovered that all organic derangement in the animal system is en et feet of the obstruction of the physic(' electric fluid in the organ diseased a MIMI application of the Oil pate in Immediate-motion the nervous fluid, and the cure is at once accotnpllshed. No bleeding, no vomit, log, purging or blistering le resorted to. Prof. Do (irath'e Electric Oil to the marvel of this age for the followowing, (not every thing ) Cures Rheumatism often lu a day. CureeNeuraigia, Toothache,two minute'. Cures Cramp In the Stomach, !We minutes. Cures Burns, Wounds, Bruises, one to three days. Cures Headache, fifteen minutes. Cures Ear Ache, Stiff Neek,'Ague, one night. Cures Piles, Swelled Wanda. ten days. Cures.Felone, Broken Breasts, Salt Sheum, two le ■ix days. Curds Hemorrhage, Scrofula, Abeam sis to ten Cures Frosted Feet and Chilblains, one to three days. Cures Ague and Fewer, one to two days, and all the Nervous and Scrofulous Affections CureS Deatnese In one to four days. Cures all Palos In the Back; Breast, etc., fo. 2 days. DZIALFIAXISS CUD Nair Mesa. May Filth, 1856. Prof. Ds 1 . /nth-111y brother ham been deaf three year,. and one bottle of your Electric .111 cured him entlrel),. Your., CLIFFORD 11. SCRANTON. ANOTHER INSTANT . CORE! Huntingdon, Pa., 80pt..1865. I do certify that Prof. De Grath's' ETeetric In fellable for Rheum:olc pains My wife for some time Wt. NW been greatly of liCted and unable to walk, hoe been restored by the appliestirm of this oil almost i t , etantaneouelj. Lean cheerfully recommend It to oth. ers. JOHN WILLIAMSON. PlLES.—Charlee Sexlon. Esq., ex-Mayor of Camden says six applications cured him. 'Almost ,cured his Rheumatism.. STIFF••NECK. [Editor of Law Magazine Cured Instantaneously.] Girard -Uouae.Thlladelphia. .Prof. Chsa. be drath—l freely give it as my opinion that your Electric, Oil is among the moat wonderful remedies of modern times. At the earnest request of a lady; who alleged that She had been cured ore mat palufut alt Ilion by I s use, I was induced to'try a bot tle, though at the time of purchasing. I fully believed it to be a quAtak medicine and a catchpenny humbug. But atrial convinces me that It possesses& magic power, and it wilt prove a blemingto suffering humanity. I recently took a cold from sleeping in damp sheets, and my neck became so Much swollen-and painful that I could not turn my head. After using, without suttees, everything prescribed by my phydelan, I left evening tried your Eleetrie,oll. Tills mottling./ aln_well. the relletbarin 14' 6011 111/1 040. plate as it was Instantaneous. ' Yours,Arry Indy. ....101IN_ LIVINGSTON. • Mditar Monthly Law Magetino .167 liroadway. sub 120 West 14th lit., Mr. Livingston belongs to the old; wealthy end high ly respectable families of ',settlers of- New - Any - cdie can - hddreas him on the alibied of the slier* letter, which will be answered with pleasure. - Principal Depot, 277 South Bth Street, Philadelphia. ItitTNOLDII PLIF I / 1 111.' Sole Agents for Carlisle. pry Sold by all Druggists. and In Jerse y city at Nan Builtirk'a; Wabhington street; Shipley's. (lnitle street; zjibriskles, corner of Grovel st d South Bth Streit;" Loagstsfeis, If/ .111.-1,7, • F IFTEEN MALE AND gEMALE TEACHERS WANTED. The Board, of South Middleton top., will meet at the Bolling Spring School Hoene. on Friday, the 2d day of August, at It o'clo. It, A. 51.. the day appointed by the County Sups!.lntendant to examine 'Lumbers for same township. where Teachers, applying for Schools, will pleise to be present. The B Ard hove resolved to employ none but those who are well qualifted in the art of teaching, to whom - the most liberal wagon will be given. JOHN BAKER, President... 3 D ISSOLUTION OF PARTNER SHIP. The partnership heretofore existing between the nn dentist:km' in the Lumber and Coal business, was die solved this day, by mutual consent. The boas of the firm are left at the office of the late firm, where all per• sons Indebted Are requested to call and settle their accounts, And those having claims are requested to present them. The Lumber and coed BusMese will be continued a thu old stand, by the undersigned. July 20,'61. OLIVER DELANOY. INE TEACHERS WANTED to I. I take charge of the diffwent Schools in Penn twp., for tho ensuing Winter session. to which liberal wages will be given. Teachers niabing to be examined by the County_Supermtendent, will.pleuee to meet at the_Cen_ trerille School Mune. on Wednesday, the 81st day of July, 1861. By order of the Board. A. COOVER, July 26, '6l.—lt. neuretary. IFIARLES T WILSON, No. 135, 1115EKET STREET DEALER Li BUTLER, EGOS, CLOVER SEED, POULTRY, BACON LARD, FURS, WOOL, PELTS, &c. Dar' Promptp.Cash Remittances on the Sale of the Produce. "al REFERENCEB,—MeCuIeheon & & & Co.. John 34 Mlehener & Co.. Tustin & Showell, Phil delphla, Pa. Sonuel Perry, John Boyce, 11. Burrell k Co.. Brown & Leland, New York. May 24, 1861.-4 t. PA LENT4D NOVEMBE By PO 'ding the above measures per mall, we can guaranteoli perfect fit of our new etyle of Shirt, and return by express to any part of the United States. at $l2, $l5, $lB, $2l. de., .141 . . per dozen No order for warded for less than tailfa dozen Ihirts. - Aincq-Importersand-Dealors-IaNENIS-EIIILsiI.SLi t INGI GOODS. SELLING OFF A l"r W EN PHU CENT. BELOW COST!! At the sign of the “Gold Eagle," 3 doors above the Cumberland Valley Bank, and two doors below the Methodist Church. nn West Main street, the Largest and beet selected stock of WATCHES AND JEWELRY In the town, will be sold 30 per cent lower than at any place In the State. The stork comprises a large assort ment of Gold and Silver hunting-case watches Levers, Lopines, American watches, and all other {Ands and styles, GOLD AND SILVER CHAINS, Gold Pena and Pencils, Jewelry of all klads,Spactaalea Gold and Sllvor, Plated and Silver Ware, MUSIC BOXES, ACCORDEONS, Oil Paintings. a great ; , arloty of fancy erticles,aod slot of the fluent Pianos, which will be sold 10 per cent lower than over offered in town. The entire stock of Watch maker tools, ea.., large Mirrors, and Safe will be sold wholesale or retail on the easiest terms. Having selected a first class workman all kinds of re pairing will be done as usual, at reduced prices. Throe Pianos at ,11110 below the factory price on so count of the Philadelphia Company closing out. I will sell at the Jawdlry Store, THREE ROSEWOOD PIANOS, warranted, at two-third their real value on easy terms it called on soon. OLIVER DEL ANCY FOR SALE.—The large threeatoiy Brick House on Alain . Street. will be sold on easy farms. Call at the Jewelry Store in raid _ 7 1 -M.— building. April HI. 1860. LARGE ARRIVAL VF. FREsti GROCICNIES , --FISH OF' ALL KINDS. A clung which Is a large lot of the real genuine Balti more dry malt KERNING, In oik barrels, '.MACK 0 111FIL at prices that ls really utouishingly low. Plekels of all kinds, SAUCES, PRESERVES, and a good assortment of TOBACCO AND SECARS, LIQUORS, .cf,C., at the lowed rates fur CASII or Country Produce. WM. aeon. Carlisle, June 21, 1861. SCHOOL A.'.D BUILDING TAX FOR 1961. •The Taxable Citizens Of the Borough of Carlisle, ar hereby notißed that the Duplicate ihr the School and Building Tains, of 1%61, has been issued to the under signed Treasurer, and that be will ha in attendance at the County Court Nettie, Commissioners' Wien, on MONDAY, AUGUST 12, 1861,, between the hours of 9 and 12 In thel tbliehbOir, slid ! and o'clock In the afternoon of said day, fdr the pur pose of receiving said Tacos.. On all tames paid on or before that day, a deduction will be made of FIVE PER .CENT. The Treasurer will receive ail Ulu from persons 'Gib ing to pay. in the mean time, at bin place of business, Marion Lail building, West Main Street. J. W. EDF, Tniuurer. Carlisle, June 17, 1861. NAMES OF A FEW WELL KNOWN PERSONA CURED EY DiaRATH'S PILEBTRILI OIL. - It le utterly lumoinible to publish all the Certificates we have. It would take a book of 100 pages. Itheumatism.--Ex Mayor Sexton. Camden, N. et; Gen eral Welch, Circus Proprietor; 0. W. Ward, Dan, Mer chant, Chestnut at, ; F. Dully, Esq., 12th and Locust sts4 Philad'a. Neuralgia —Ur. Wood, Wood'. , Museum. Philad'a. Neuralgia, 13 years —Rev. James Temple, 3,0 South st., Phita. Croup, life saved.—Mrs. Cannon's child, Coates at., Phila. Hip disease.—firs. Winter's daughter, 80 Ridge Ac., Phila. Frosted Feet, 3 years.—Sirs. Isaac Channel. 15th and Brown ate., Nitta ; Mrs.-Melville Anderson, .cor. 4th and Willow eta. Phila.; [Merin D. Nimble, Esq., 184 Morahan st., Pala Chronic Itheumasism.—John Rain, f 3 South sixth st., Phila. Neuralgia, 4 para.—lt Jenkins, 4 Olive 64 , , Phila. SUIT Neck.—Martin Dancoast, Mullica 11111, Phila. Deafnees.—Wm. E Birch. 88 N. loth at., Itheutnatism, Ilelpleik—tire. Dickinson. 17th and. Thompson. Phila. Itheuraltiam.—Mrs. K. Hutch ins, 17th and Thompson, Phila. Pain in Back and Kid neys—James L. Pulpier, Keansburg. Penn'a. Swollen Limbs.—J. E. Nolan, 528 Chestnut St. Phila Sprained Foot—Jae. A. Free, West Phila. lulitunation of Stomach and Dowels..=Mr.. Ogden, 160 North 4th st., Philad'a. Palp In Dreast.—F. Middleton, 430, North Sixth et., ' , bpi. Sprained Ankle.,-J. Mess, Front and Market ate., Phila. Crooked (land straightened.—Charles J. Crean, 13. Brandywine st., Phila. Neuralgia and Caked Breast—Mrs. Msyland, Providence, Del. Croup and Cramp.— Henry II own's child, Turner's Lane, Philad'a. Itheutnatient.—Mrs Geo. Smith, tlorner 10th and Locust eta., Phila. Neuralgia and Pain In Back..slrs. Mary Evans, Trenton, N. J Rheumatism—P.' Folly. Chest nut 11111. Phila. Swollen I .lmba.—L.Sinilger,329-Ntorth Broad at., Phila. Nsuralgin—Mrs. M. McElroy, Cuth bert, at., Phila. Rheumatism-445, T. Johnson, Dan. villa, Pa. Chill. Fever and Con Thou:lmre (laugh, - ter, Hanover at., above Franklin, Phila. Itheuntatient. —Or, Welch, (City Council,) 28 Catharine at.: Mra: ifavenehlt,,-169 Hutchinson at., Phila. Deafneea G. H. Smith, Columbus. Ua. Pains In Shoulder.—A. J. Rob eson, Columbus. tin. Sprained Ankle —.O. R. McNeil, Montgomery, Ala. Deafness.—Robert Ware, Atlanta,. Ga. Spinal Complaint, 12 years stancilog.—W. 0. Ring. by, Montgomery, Ala. InflamatarYilbeurnathum—D. Winnsboro', 8. 0. Pain in Breast.—Wm. diatom Lincoln county, Ky. Dmithess,.l J. Palmer, Raleigh, N. C. Plies.—Jithly Ammonite, Augusta,:oa. Deafnesa.—Thrimaii 0. Cox, 'Atlanta. Ga. PECT A 0 L' E 8. DR. LUDRIG lIIICIIINOEft t the Celeinated Op. ticon. No. 43 Malden Lane. New York. respectfully Informs the citizens of the United etatehlhat he has on hand and for gale all 'kinds of .BRAZILIAN SPECTACLES. GOLD,`StLVER AND STEEL CASES, Suitable for any description of Eye, • Haring bad. an 'experience of several .Tuars- In the moot Celebrated SpectsclelManufactorito of the-world.-and haring made the eye the suldect of diligent Andy trom boyhood up, he has do hesitation in offering his aervicre to the put, lie, feelitsg Confident that In all-cases he will give the purchaser entire satisfaction. Ile poems's the rare faculty of being able, at a ',lngle glance, to tell What description of Olass will suit the customer. • - . AJI dieeaseeetthe_Eyeireated Inc scientific manner, and all who are afflicted with debilitated 'Eyesight, whether of 'chronic or recent character, are earnestly requested to call. o..Ateriviclar. MIMS, which It would be imp,olisible to detect front maw& ones, furnished at reasonable rates. Mr. Hechinger la at present etoPping at Martin's tel, where be eau' be consulted on all subjects tipper hainhigia-lithrbtelneers July 19.'61.-3t ROBERT M. BLACK OLIVEII. DELANCY, Carlisle, July 10, 1051 PHILADELPHIA, 111 13ALLOU'S- Patented Improved French Yoke PATENTED NOVEMBER Ist, 1859 A New Style 'of . Shirt, warranted to Fit. Wh.tlesale trade supplied on the motel terms. BALLOU BROTHERS. 409, Broadway, New York Jane 28, 1913 L-3 Mot. LJ. W. FOU LK, Attorney at La' . omo. with J. R. &MO, Esq., in there' Row, in rear of Prat Presbyterian t buret'. All Business en. trusted to him will be promptly attended to. , HARD.—DR..JNo. K. SMITH,-re. 'Tactfully announces to his old (fluids and rmer patrons, that he has returned from life south western tour. with his health greatly-immoved,Land has resumed hie practice in Carnet°. Orr TCE on Main Street. one door west of the Railroad Depot, where be can be found at all hours, day and night. when not out professionally. Carlisle, Oct. 26, 18b9-tf. J . J. BENDER, M. D PHYSICIAN, BURGEON & ACCOIIC HER Office on South Hanover Street, formerly occupied by Dr. Smith. DR.S. B. KIEFFER O ffi ce in Neill) Hanover street two doors from Arnold & Bon's tore. Wilco hours, more particubwly from 7 to D o'clock A. Af., and from 5 to 7 o'clock, P. M. ,---., PR. GEORGE S. SEA •• RIGHT, DENTIST, from the Bal PR. motu College of Dental Surgery. ila-ORlee at the residence of hie mother, East Leuthe street. three doors below - Dedford. March 19, 1856—tf. • DR. J. C. NEFF respect. 111 fully infors ladles and entlemen aII a a of Danish,. a m nd the vicinity, that g he has re. sumed the practice of Dentistry, and is preporedlo per all °petitions on the teeth and gums, belonging to his profeemon, Ile will Insert full sets of teeth on gold or silver. with single gum teeth, or blocks, as they may prefer. Terms moderate to suit the times. DR. I.C.LODIVITS South Hanover etreet, try no k next door to the Poet Office. Aug. 1, '59. GEO. W. NEIDICH, D. D. S.- Late Demonstrator of tipetative Dentistry to the Baltimore College of DeJilltieaclSal hisrgerLidence. oproalte Marion hell, 'vest Main street, Carlisle, Penn Nov. 11.1857. Ist, 1859 The Measures IS. W. HAVERSTICK, Druggist, North Hanover Street, Carlisle, Physician's prescriptions carefully compounded A full supply of fresh drugs and chemicals. A s the distance round the Neek WM. BIDDLE, Attorney at Law. . °Mee, South Hanover Street with - A. II Sharpe Esq. Nov. 10, 1860. II to II the Yoke 133:31=1 REMOVAL. A. L. SPONSLER, Has removed his office to Ms New House, opposite Olars' Hotel. [March 28.1eoo—tr, D to D distance around the body under the Arm E3IOVAL.—The Hat and Cap store heretoforelV known as K ELLERS." hen boon re moved directly opposite the old stand, two doors from Arnold'. clothing store. The busini nn will be conduct ed as heretofore, and all the goods, both home made and city manufacture, warranted to give satiafnition an re coinmended. A full patronage in respectfully solicited as every effort will be made to keep the assort went of me and boys hats and caps complete, with prices to suit the times. KELLk R. lia.Spring styles of silk hats now ready. March 15, 1861. pits. MdiIII Z to IC ,tho length of the Shirt. f A W CARD.-CHARLES E. MA. GLAMILIN, Attorney at Law, Office In lo hoff's building, just opposite the 31Arket House. Carlisle, March 14. 'OO-Iy-.. I HAYS, ATTORNEY AT LAW. it, Office on Main Street, opposite "Marion Hall Carlisle, Pa. [Oct. 26, '69-Iy. LA.Ai - OFFIC3E7- - LEIIII7EL - TCrDli has resumed the practice of the Law. Office In Centre Square, west aide, near the First Presbyterian Church. Apri18.1.857.. . CP. EIUMRICH, Attorney at Law. • —Office on North Hanover street, it few doors south of Olanst Hotel. All business entrusted to him will be promptly attended to. [April 15. AW NOTICE. REMOVAL. W. Ed M. PENROSE haa removed hie office Im rear o the Court Mane, where ho will promptly attend to all busineas entruettel to hies. August 19, 1857. 11. NEWSIIALM, ATTORNEY AC W. Office with Win H. Miller, Esq., South Hanover Street opp Belle the Vol untoer 0111ce. Carlisle, Sep. 8, 1859. AU DLTO R. S NOTICE —The Audi tor appointed by the Orphan., Ooort, to make d utton of the tdfoots lo the bends of Henry Oe Houser. Administrator of Iswee I.ememeckewoleed.,of Rest Pen o boro ugh tap.. to end *moo; those entitled thereto will mest the parties interested, for the purpose of his appointment, et the office of Wm. M. Penrose, Esq., In Carlisle, on Tuesday. the 13th day of August, 1361, at 10 o'clock In the forenoon. L. J. W. FOULIC, July 19, 1801.4 t. ' _ . . . Auditor. /tidy - FARE REDUCED. •liit STATES UNION HOTEL 696 a. 608 Market St., above PHILADELPAIA. JAMES W. POWER, Proprietor. TERMS:—OI 25 per day. UNITED STATES HOTEL.- 07. E. Cor. 11th $ 1- Market Ste., PHILADELPHIA H. W. ICANAGAL. PHOPELLITOR. Jan. 4,1860. R. E SFItPLRY N. HANTCH', MERCHANT TAILOR. WEST HAIN STREET, Opposite the Rail Road Office. sar Fall and Winter Myles of Cloths Cassimeres and Feelings made to order. Carlini°, May 2, 1860. B. B. JANNEY. JR. J. Y. BURN.. S. ♦. COLL./. RENJ. S. J NNEY, JR. & CO. WHOLESALE GROCERS, AND PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 605 Market Street, PIIILADELPIIIA. cl T. LOUIS HOTEL, CHESTNUT STREET ABOVE THIRD PHILADELPHIA. In the Immediate neighborhood of the Jobbing Houses on Market. Third and Chelan ut Streets, the Banks, Poet Nike, Merchants' lE:Change, Ae., &e., • KEPT BOTH ON THE AMERICAN and EUROPEAN PLAN. BOARD PER DAY, SI,SQ DINNER between I and 8 o'clock, - 60 Os. SINGLE Roost, 60 cle. , upwarde. par A first-class Restaurant attached. Prices aecording to Bill. of Pare.—eig _ _The Hay Cars lake Passengers from any Station to or close to the Hotel. Sri' ENGLISH, — PRENHILGEN, MAN and SPANISH niacin. April 5, 1861.--3 mos. SPECIAL NOTICE! ON and after this date will be sold by ISAAC LIVINGSTON, at the North Ilenover Street CLOTHING EMPORIUN, At rcreatly reduced prleee, our torso and SUPERIOR STOOK OF SEI3IIIIER GOODS. Flub Cloth Suite of every Style. " Silk & 0/admire " -", li Fancy " /4 41 " Itali n Cloth II 4i I O b. erino di El Tweedicand.Woolatt Mixed, do. Also, a largo swami merit of oiory. style Lithium, In very large varieties, and a general assortment of C,ott r on ponds, whleh we will make to order, or sell by the yard or piece, at astoniehtrigly low prices. DO . You Wane _lo Save Money! Than be sure to till at the North Hanover Street , Clothing Emporium, oppoalte the American House, where you emir buy goods at prices to cult the times. June 2$ 1831. ISAAC LIVINUSTON. 5 RJ le 500 .CAN your N goga.effroAm°LeEldllchnlawßyellid -111 ler. We reepectfully rail attention to our , Large,Siock. or Sumner. Goods, -, . .. Just received from the Eastern markets. Raring been purchased for CASH, and siiicelhe ruinous-decline In vices. Customers will ,find great bargains in Silky, Darege,Pmenslia, Barege Palermo, English dretiadlue, - Organdy' lawns.' French Lawns, Mozambique*, Emilines Orleales fig °levier, Outline, Chintee, do; do. . „ Newest Style's Paris Coate. Destines and Mantle's, Shaul lila and French Lace Hanlon rs, Mantles and points, Theme geode are very low—lces than-Importing coot. - Shawls of all kind, suitable for the mouton, -- - s UN - - U At - Bli - B .E, L 4 IS, Parasols. leis than original coat. Gloves of every des caption, Lace killig...Soibrolderles-or every variety, WILCOX'S Celebrated llMiritit . kirts-,,.. The Skirt of the Beason?' ' livery variety and kind of goods suitable fir Ladles, Idea and Boy' wear. .. _ - . -- Cleatr a ,l? lOUS 2 The largest and newest stuck In town.' Oil Cloths; Matting's, Looking Mame Furnishing Goode . In great variety. All of theea {mode, and en endless variety not enumerated. We offer to - the community at price,' -to 'defy competioa. Plena call and examine far ,yoursolves. , Jute!, 'IL Ll2llltllllsdWl/108 A MILLIIIIt_ Zustness tEctres, (lIMEOPATIIIST,) WHEELER & FAMILY szwitin mActipmg. _ W~w~~ 'tit gt New style witliiha latest Impluvements, at greatly reduced prim. These machines are noiseless, ruu rap Idly pnd form a seam of unequalled atrength, beauty aid elasticity, which will not rip. They are, unquee tionably, THE DEBT MACHINES IN THE MARKET. for family and general nes, they will HEM', FELL, STITCH AND RUN, They can do anything that any other machine can do sir The new Heanmere end other new improve ments, without extra charge. WHEELER & WILSON'S SEWING MACHINES. None are better adapted to famby A American Agriculturalist. The undersigned hating been appointed agents for Cumberland County, offer them to the public with per feet confidence, that those who purchase will find them as represented above. Persons wishing to see the ma chines in operation, will please call at the store of 11. 8 !litter, or at the Railroad office, Carlisle, Pa. For" fur ther information apply to li. 8 RITTER, or 3. O.ISIPUELL Carlisle, Marob 15, 1801.-6 mos. F URNITURE WARE ROOMS.— . HENRY A. RHOADS , aratitr P• f r ..". WEST HIGH STREET CARLISLE. The subscriber bens leave respectfully to Infoym the citizens of Carlis.e and vicinity, tit:A he has now on hand and is manufacturing, every variety of Cabinet Ware. consisting in part of SOFAS, BUREAUS DRESSING CASES, MARBLE TOP T kBLES. BEDSTEADS. SECRETARIES, CHAIRS, Gilt Moulding, Oval Frames etc., &a. This work is warranted of the best materials and workmanship, am brach:tit all the latest city styles, and will be furnished at the lowest retail prices. N. B.—Coffins made at short notice, and funerals at ended to promptly in town or country. Carnal() Oct. 12, '60.-Iy. ENtOVAL.—Da. Nicuumr.s has re moved hie Mike from one door west of Seql.on's lisrdsrare Store, to hie realdenee. one eat Main Street, directly opposite the Railroad office, Carlisle, Pa. Moo hours, more particularly, from 8 to 10. A:M., and from 1 to 3 P. M. Ap.20'61-.6m. 11 1 ONLY PREPARATION EMELEIM SOOD THE TEST OF YERS, Atid grow., more and more popular every day AND testimonials, new, and almost without number, might he given room ladles and gentlemen, in all grades of society, whose united testi naw no ne could resist. that Prot. Wood's Hair Restore. and gray, ar. hair of the youth to old ago, in all its youthful beauty. Battle Creek. Mich., DeCember 21st, 1858. Pao,. Woon: Thee will please accept, line to Inform thee that the heir on my head all fell pegr twenty years age, caused by a t.omplicated chrortir disease, at tended with an eruption on the head. A continual course of suffering through life having reduced me to a state of dependence, I have hot been able to obtain stuff for caps, ueither have I been able to do them pp, in' consequence of which my head has suffered .extrentely from cold. Thin induced me to pay Briggs k Hodges almost the last cent I Bad on earth for a two dollar bottle of thy flair Restorative. about the first of August last. I have faithfully followed the directions and the bald spot is now covered with hair thick and black, though abort. It 18 else coming in all over my' head Feeling confident that another large bottle would tee.' tore it elltirely and permanently, I feel entieus to persevere In Its use, and beim; destitute of moans to purchase any merti, - I would ask thee if thee wouldst not be willing-to send me all order on thine ageuta for a bottle. and receive to thyceirthe scripture declaration the reward In to those that are kind to the wido and the fatherless." friend, Ligonier Noble Co, Indiana, Fob. sth. 1859 PROF. 0. J. Woon: ❑ear Sir—ln the latter part of the year 1852, while attending the State and National Lie , School of the State 01 New York, my hair, from a mane unknown to me. commenced falling off very rapidly. so that In the short apace of ole months. the whole upper part of my scalp was ohm at entirely bereft or Ito cover- frig. and much of the remaining portico upon the side and back part of my bead shortly after became gray, so that you will not he surprised when I tall you that upon my return to the State of Indian*: arty more casual acquaintances were not so much at a lons to discover the cause d, the change in my appearance, as my more Intimate acgurontances were to recognise me at all I at once made appllcatton to the most skillful phy. Wiens In the country, hot. receiving no assurances from them that my hair could again be restored, 1 woe forced to become reconciled to my fate, until, fortunate ly. in the latter part of the year 1867. your Restorative was recommended• to me by a druggist, as being tile most reliable Hair Restorative In use. Iried one boto tie, and found to My great satisfaction that it was pro._ deicing the desired effect. Sines that time. I have used, seven dollars' Worth ofyour RentoratiVe, endue a resul t have a rich coat of very suit black hair, which no money can buy. As a mark of my gratitude for your labor and skill in the production of so wonderful an article, I have re commended its use-to many of my friends an acquaint. auras. who, I am happy to inform.yon. are using it with like effect. Very respectfully, yours A. M. LATTA, • 'Attorney and Counsellor at law. Depot, 444 Broadway, and acid by all dealers through out the world. The Restorative In put up In Bottles of three sizes, viz large, medium, anti anon; the swan holds halfn Pint and retails for one dollar per bottle; the medium holds ■t least twenty per cent. mole in proportion than the small. retails for two a bottle; the large holds n quart forty per cent. more In proportion and retails for g 9 per bottle. 0. J. WOOD & CO., Proprietors, 414 Droadway, New York, and 114 Market Street. St. Louis.- Mr,. fa- s old by all good Druggists and Fancy (foods Dealers. _ _ [Ap. 12, '6l. FXTRA FINE GOLDEN FLAX SHIRTS of the latest Styles 'and Improvowone. Having bought an unu , ual large stock of fine Shirts, we will sell the entire stock at very low pi Ices. Also, a very large a , .nortmeitt of Collars of the various kinds. ilks_titooks. Neck Ties, Cravats, Furni&ng Goods, Ac., at the lowest prices at I. LIVINGSTON'S. •pril 12,.'61. North Hanover Street. DRUGS, BOOKS, FANCY GOODS, CONFECTIONARIES FRUITS, . .PERFUMERY, PRESERVED FRUITS, MINCED MEAT, PICKLES, &d: S. W. LIAVERSTICK,. North Hanover Street, °artiste, Penn'a. Ilasjust opened en assortment of Fred' Drugs, Fan• cy Goode, Gilt nooks. Perfumery, Fruits, and Confec tionary, which lum tumor been surpassed in this bor. ough, for novelty and elegance. The article. hare been selected with great ca.e, and are calculated, lu quality and pace, to co.nmand the attention purchasere. ..FANCY 000D8. whlchioniprho every variety of 'fancy article.' of the most exquisite finish such as. Papier Macho Goode, Elegant alabaster and porcelain inkstands and trays, Fancy ivory, pearl and shell card cases, Ladies' Fancy Baskets, Fancy Work Ilexes, with sowing instruments, Ladles' Cabas, Writing Decks, and Port frdos. Port Monnales, of every variety, Gold peas and pencils, Fancy paper weights, and a large variety of ladles' Fancy etatior.ery. • • Motto,seals and macre. Silk snd bead purses, Perfumeps, elegantly finished. Plug cutlery, • baskets and bsgs, • Brunhesof every kind for the toilet, X. Betio and S., A G. Wright's Soaps and Perfumes of vriflous kinds, Fancy Pins for head drones and shawls. Musical instrumentii together with an innumerable variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holiday presents,, to which he invitee special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of BOOKS, comprising various English and American Works, richly embellished POETICAL WORKS, Bibles anti llymn Books, elegantly bound in velvet with metal clasp and comer.' Ulm assortment of School Books and Sckool Stationery is also complete, and comprises everything used in the Schools. Ile also desires to call the pkrticnlar 'Oen. Mon of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS, !ie.,. from the extensive establishments of Cornelius, Archer and °there of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and study Lamps, for burning either Gard,;l3peree or Whorls, oil; also DYOTT'S celebrated Kerosene or Coal t 11 Lamps; together with FlowerVaies Fancy Screens, to. We assortment in this line Is uti• equaled in the borough, Also, • MARS AND TOBACCO, embracing all the C•vorlte breinda, and a One assort went of .11NERSCUAUM BAK/KERS AND PIPES. • • seek as Oranges,- Lemons, Pim!pink ,Nectericee, Prunes, fie.. FANCY CONFECTIONARY—NUTS—MK. KERN' HD - FRUITS, PICKLES, In eveiPtariety'and at all pribes, all of which are pure and fresh such as can be confidently rebommendod - to hie Mends. Hie stook embraces everything in, the lino of Fancy Goods„ with with miny other articles usefill to lions ekeeperi which- the public are especially invited to call-and examine..l - the Old Rand, nearly opposite the Ltafik on North Hanover street. May 11AVEREITIOli iTooP u s T m i rers HOOP SKIRTS c.7aPtiit rarrt ill Erg ti A NA) SOME WOMEN I HUNT'S 't BLOOIII'OF ROSIIS." A rich and chump. color for the cheeks or Bps. It will not wash or rub off sad *ben epee applied, remains durable for years. The finds re rich and natural, that the closest scrutiny fells' to detect its WM'. Can be removed by lemon juice and will not injure the skin. -This is a new preparation used by the celebrated Court Beauties of London and Paris. Hailed free, in bottles, with directions for use, for $l,OO HUNT'S "COURT TOILET POWDEFI t '' Imparts a dazzling whiteness to the completion, and le unlike anything oleo used for thls purpose. Stalled free for 50 Cents. HUNT'S "BRITISH BALM," removes tan, freckle eunhurn and all eruptions of the akin. Milled free r 60 Ceuta. , HUNT'S "IMPERIAL POMADE" for the hate atren gthens end Itnpmves Its growth, keepn it from failing off and is warranted to make the hair curl. Mailed free for $l,OO HUNT'S "PEARL BEAUTIFIER," for the teeth and gutea. clew mica and whitens the 'eeth, hardens the gums purifies the breath effectually. preserves the teeth and prevents toothache. Mailed free for $l,OO LIUIV PS BRIDAL WREATH PERFUME," a double extract of orange blossom and cologne. Mailed free for $l.OO Tillie exquisite perfume was first used by the Princesfßoyal of England, on her Marriage, Messrs. Hunt & Co., presented the Princess with an elegant case of Perfumery.. In which all of the above articles were Included) in handsome cut glass with gold atop. pers. valued at $l5OO, particulars of which appeared fu the public prints. All the ah,ve articles sent free, by express, for $5,00. Cash can either accompany the order, or he oald to the express-agenton delivery of goods. ._ HUNT A Co. Perfumers to the Queen. Regent St.. Loudon, and 77 Sanrom St.. Philadelphia Pa. For Sale by all Druggists and Pei turners. us_ The Thole supplied. Oct. 26, 60.-ly. GOODS.-FIRST ARRIVAL 11 TOTS SEASON, base just returned from Philadelphia and am now openimrn lot of handsomo. desirable and *cheap DRY 0:10D S, bought for cash and will be sold at astonish ingly low prices. A large stock of new style prints. Chalays, Delanes, Binghsms. and other Dress Goods in great 1 , 4 i-icily. A new stock of bleache'd and unbleached' Aluslins, Tlek Digs, Shootings. Diapers. Linens. Checks, 'Ac --A full assortment of Black Silks very cheap a. d vary good. Anothor stock of those first class Stool Spring Skirts and under price. Ladles', Gents'. Mil39oB', and Children's bee In Brea variety at low prices. 0 I' , WES of all kinds and price. A new supply of Ingrain, Cottage, Remy, and Rag Carpets. All persons in want of nevestyle Spring Goods are respectfully invited to cull and examine this stock be fore purchasing elsewhere. CIIAS. March 29, 931. Trustee. D RESSLER'S HAIR JEWELRY .. STORE, .M. 206, NArth Bth Street above Race, Philadelphia. • On hand and for nal., a choice assortment of superior patterns, end will PLAIT TO ORDER, Bracelets, Ear Rings, Finger Rings ? Breast Pins, Crosses, Necklaces, Vest and Guard Chains, &c., irir Orders enclosing the hair to be plaited, may be Rent by mail.—Olve a Drawing as near as you can on paper, and enclose such amount as you may choose to pay.--tm tee follows: Ear Kings $2 to ; Breast Pins $3 to $7: Finger Itinen 75 dm. to $3,50; Vest Chains $1 to $7; Necklaces $2 to $lO. tr:A. II sir put into Medallon, Box Breast Pius, Rings, &c. Old Onld and Silver bought at fair rates. April 5,181.1.—1 y. FOR SALE OR RENT.- The subscriber offers for solo or rent, the new Three Story Brick House on North IlanoverStreet. Possession given on the Int of April next. The (mouse hen nine rams, is furnished with water and gas, and suitable eith er for business or a private residence Oct 26, 18110.—t f. JAMES R. WEAVER. M A. B. EWING'S - P - 1111111 - Trlig VTR IS West High Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium awarded at the Cumberiand County Agricultural Fair of 1857.) The subscriber has just received tho most splendid assortment of articles in hie line, ever brought to this place—which he le determined to sell at prices that de fy conpontion. Perin, i .. Chamber, 1 Dining—room, FURNITURE. Kitchen and °Mee SUSANNAH KIRBY Embracing every article need by House and Hotel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable design end finish. including also Cottage furniture In sett' reception and Camp Chairs, Mattrasses, trainee, pictures, kc., Ste. Purchasers are requested to call and examine his stork, at his extensive ware-rooms, West Main street, North Side. A. B. EWING. air Particular attention given es usual to funerals; orders from tarn and country, attended to promptly and on moderate terms. A. B. B Carliale, May 12, 1858.—1 y. Tust received another new and cheap P lot of Itichardsons, Dunbar & Dixon Linens, MU.3 line, Calicoes to., &c. At the cheap Cash Store Nov. 2.1860. 0111 A. (Ki I LB Y. Y rustee. ( - 1 A RPHTS.! CARPETS! CARPETS Persons g oin g to househoopln g -and others want lo g to refurnish, are respectfully Invited to examln our lar g o and varied sto-k of Carpets, such as Brussels three ply, superior [t w ain, E ng lish a n d Domestic, Ve nition 1 widths, HEMP AND RAG CARPETS, Druggets, Rugs, Straw and Cocoa Mattlngs, Oil Cloths for Mills, Looking Wasson, plain and fancy blinds and shades, fixtures, &c. Having purchased these goods for Nett Cash, wo ar prepared to offer groat Inducements to buyers. as w have lately gone Into this business we can warrant on goods new and fresh. • LEIDICII SAWYER A MILLER, Carlisle, March 8,'61. East Main t•troot. Designers and Engravers on Wood Philadelphia. rIXECUTE nil kinds of Wood Engra ving with beauty, correctness and dinpat6h. .01i destes furnished for Fine Book Illustrations. Persons wishing cuts. by ending a Photograph or Da guerreetype. can have views of Colleges, Churches, Store Frouts. lachines. Stoves, Patents, &e., engraved as well as on personal application. Fancy Kuvelepes Labels. Bill - Headings, Show Bills. Visiting, Buslnes and other Cards, engraved in the highest style of ant, and at the lowest prices. For specimens °lilac engraving see the Illustrated works of J. B. Lippincott &Co., E. Butler & Co. NON. 60, 1860.4 y. 12111 ITAS LEFT LEONARD'S COR NER! „,. J. W. SMILEY Hereby gives notice to hia.riende, customers, and the public, that he has removed his store from Leonard's corner to his new room- formerly known as Keller's hat store—on North Hanover Street, between the Car lisle Deposit Bank anal Iluyett's Grocery Store. Hie stock of READY NI ADD CLOTHING, Boots. Shoes and Hats is large and complete, and you can depen I upon the fart that he ran and will sell cheaper than ever: and always intends to sell good goods and at a lower price than any person else. , -. • - - ' CtOTHING- - --- ett.ays or: band, the moat seasonable, bent mode and fashionable Coats, Pantaloons and Vests from the commonest to the beat qualities, which cannot fall to tit. photse the eye and give sails faction In general. Also, Shirts, Under-shirts and drawers, collars; crarats suspenders, gloves, stockings, Ac., A., all to be sold at the very lowest prices, BOOTS AND SHOES • ••,„ Always on hand, a large and complete assort. went of every variety of Boots, Brogans, Oxford f Ties, Slippers, Gaiters, Jeffemons, Sc., for Ladies and Gentlemen, Misses and Boys youth and children, all Wye sold cheap. Also ou hand :and con • etantly manuficturing the best Nine Preach and Ness . Mem= Boots, and Jeffersons for Ladies. Wl_ All rips sewed free of chat•ge. HATS. . aA large stock of Hatsfor Men, Boys and 4 Children; common, good and tine. All sell• log cheaper than ever. , TRUNKS, TRAVELING DAG% mg BRELLAS, VUL. .- OANISED GUM COATS AND LEGGINGS— - CHEAPER THAN EVER. I hereby tender my thanks to my customers and friend& fur past favors, and earnestly solicit you all to call and nee me and my stock of goods, before you put , abase elsewhere. as I am determined to use every effort to aufM v yau with the very best, and at such prices as will suit all. Be partleufar to look for soy sign, April I, 1861. y. , . L .I. W. SMILEY.. Minneapolis, Minnesota. WILL give special attention to•collectionaihrough IV out tho State, make investment& buy and sell Real Estate and securities. Negotiate loans, pay tnYilr, locate land warrants, kc., dm Refer to the, members o the Cumberland County Bar, and to all prominent ■one of Carlisle, Pa. fAug.Pak-ly. IFTEEN TE. OHEIUS WANTED to take charge of therSalibols of Wcat - Pennsb , vo' imiiiiiWttniexamination to bo held at Oreason School Boom, No. 16, on Friday, - the-Nib-day ,of August, at 0 o'clock. A. M. Directors will meet at 0 o'clock, at tho rams place. Br order of the Board. WM. G. DAVIDSON, - July-20, - .Secretary. . • mar, Climberland County - Agricultural i Society will hold their Annual Harvest Home, on their oWn grounds, on Saturday, L6O 10th day of 'Anima at Wo'clock, A. M., to which all farmers aro Invited. , • By order ot tho tzmlot,. DANIEL 8. Hit Orr, • July 21881. Nolosstary. TO TILE LADIES At Ogilby's Cheap Cueh Store HOSIERY I HOSIERY I CARPETS I CARPETS, I CARPETS I I I housekeeping Goode of Every Description, VAN INGEN Sc SNYDER, N. E. 'COIL. FIFTH & 01INI8TNUT BTB., W. C. RHEEM • ATLORNET AT LAW AND GENNUAL AGENT ESTATE NOTICE is hereby given. that Letters o f Administration on the kg-. tate of John Highlands, late of Newton township,Ourn;. berland (Monty, deed., have been Issued by the 'Wee:, ter of said county, to the subscriber, residing In said twp. Notice Is hereby given to all persons indebted, to said cstite, to mike immediate payment, and those having claims to present them for settlement to DAVID DEMUTH; Administrator. July 19, 18131.-0 t 1 4 1 1R.P.; INSURANCE. - THE ALL/3N AND EAST PI U MUTUAL - FIRE IN aitatANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, income. rated by an act. of Assembly, is now fully organised, and in .operation under ; the management of the following commissioners, Daniel Bailey, William It. Gorges, Michael Cocklin, J. Eicbelberger, Christian /Hayman, John C. Dun lap; Jacob H. Coover, Lewis Hyer, B. Eberly, Beajar. into li. Illosser, J. Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. The ratea of I neurone° are as low 'arid fart rable as any Company of the kind In the State. Persona wishing to become members are Invited to make appheatton to the agents of the company, who are willing to watt upon them at any time. WM. R., GORGAS, President. CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, Vice President. LEWIS RYER., Secretary. MICHAEL dOCKLIN. Treasurer. , Managers.—Wm. It. Gorges, L. Myer, Christian Stay. man. M. Cocklln, J. C. Dunlap, R. Martin, D. Bally, J Jl.Couver, Alex. Cathcart, J. Wickersham, J. Etchelber ger, S. Eberly, J. Brandt_ CUM B ERLAND COUNTY.—John /Merrick, Allen, Henry 'Leering, Shiremaustown; Samuel Woodburn Dickinson-, -Henry Bowman, G'hurchtown ; - Mode Grit fith, South Middleton; Samuel Graham, W. Penns boro'; Samuel Coover, Michanicsbnrg ; J. W. Cockliu, Shopberdatown; D. Coover, Shepherdstonn; J. 0. Sax. ton. Silver Spring; Benj. Haverstick, Silver Spring; Charles Bell, Cm lisle; John Hyer, Carlisle. YORK COUNTY.—W. S. Picking, Dover; Peter Wel ford, Franklin ; Jas. Griffith, Warrington; J. F. Dear dorft Washington; D. Rutter, Newburg; R. C. Clark, Dlllsborg. DAUPHIN CO.—Mouser & Lochinan, Harrisburg. :%i embers of the company having policiesabont to ex. plre, can have them o ewed by making application to any of the Agents. April 20. 1859. D R. HOOFLAND'S BALSAMIC CORDIAL I FOR THE SPEEDY CURE OF conyhs, Colds, Influenza, Croup, Hoarse. ness. Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Diseases of the Bowels, arising from Cold, Incipient Consumption, and fur the relief and (if at a‘l possible) cure ofPa tients in advanc• ed stages of the latter disease. The Balsamic Cordial hpertilrely a Vegetable prodne lion, the healing properties of the Balsam, with the Invigorating qualities of a Cordial, producing a rannbination so well adapted to the purposes Intend ed, thWt there arc but few cases of disease which will not, at an early period, succumb to its healing and life giving properties. For ages, has the treatment of pulmonary diseases necupied the greater portion of the attention of the scientific of the medical world, but rone acquired more eminent. In his treatment of these diseases, than the celebrated Prussian Dr. iloonemn, the originator of the Balsamic Cordial. His life was devoted to the produc tion of rernedlo. that would stand unrivalled. How Well he has succeeded, the American people are able to and we positively assert, that no preparations that have over been placed before them, have conferred the same amount of benefits on suffering humanity, or have elkited so 'natty commendations from all classesor society, as the remedies of Dr. Maitland, prepared by Dr. C 11..lackson & CO., of Philadelphia. The Cordial Is designed for a class of disease@ more general and more fatal than any other to which thi of this coup try are subject—those springing from a•• SLIGHT COLD." That eminent authority. Dr. Dell, SEVN: 1 Will not say that Colds to our inhabitants what the PLAGUE and YELLOW FLYER ere to those of other countries: hut I - can aver confidently that they usher in disease of greater cempllcity and mortality than these Litter." Entirely Vegetable. No Alcoholic Preparation DR.. HOOFLAND'S GERMAN BITTERS, PREPARED BY Dr. C. N. JACKSON & Co., Phila. Pa 1859 WILL EFFECTU4LY CURE LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, Janndice, Chronic or Nervous Debility, Diseases of the Kidneys, and al], diseases arising from a disordered Liver or Stomach. Such as Constipation, inward Piles, Fulness or Blood to the Head, Acidity of the Stomach, Nausea, Heart burn, Disgust for Food, Fulness or Weight in the Stom ach. Sour Eructations, Sinking or Fluttering at the Pit of rho Stomach. Swimming of the Head, Hurried and Difficult lirmithing, Cluttering at the Heart, Choking or Sullwating sensations when in a lying posture, Dim. no s of VisiOn, Dots' f webs before the Sight, Fever and Dull Pain la the Head, Deficiency of Perspiration, Yel lowness of the Skin and Eyes, Pain in the Side, Back, Chest. Limbs, dm. Sodden Flushes of Heat, Burning i t , the Flesh, Conetant Imaginings of Evil, and groat Depressions of ATOKA. and will positively prevent rel. bow Foyer, Billton• Fever, &e. The Proprietor in calling the attention of the public to this preparation, dons so with a feeling'of the utmost confidence in its virtues and adaptation to the diseases for wit'elt it is recommended. It is no now and untried article ' but one that has 44.. d ho test ilia twelve years' trial beforethe Ameri can people and Its reputation and sale are unrivalled by nny si-altar preparation extant The testimony In its favor given by the most prominent and well-known Physicians and Individuals in the country is immense, and a careful persual of the, Almanac, published annu ally by the proprictinit, ariirto . be had gratis of any of their Agents, cannot but satisfy the most skeptical that this remedy in really deserving the great celebrity It has ol.talned. q. S. W. lIAYERSTICH, Agent for Carlisle, and by Dvalerh everywhere. [Apr. 12, '6l.—ly. ( - 1 REAT ATTRACTION AT LEON- A,. ARD'S CHEAP MOMS° STORE. EA)1;"D• B. LEONARD, JR., ju.rreturned from tile - city of Philadelphia. and opened a splendid assortment of READY MADE CLOTH- Ivhieh cannot p'6 . sprnassod In style and linith. The elothlny at this establishment, consists in part of the following, viz: DRESS AND PROCE co.ams, of witleh he has a magnificent assortment of black and fancy colors, rut In the latest fashions tastefully and elegantly trimmed, and made in a superior manner. SACKS AND HALF SACKS, of Cloths. Cared mores and Tweeds, all of new styles and at very low prices. VESTS! VESTS 1! VESTS 11! The rleheilt and beat assortment ever offered at thi Corner, of Satin ' Black and Fancy Silk, Valtntla, Hadar,. Cloths, Mars..illes, double and single breasted, of every variety material and patero. PANTALOONS'. Plain and fancy French Doe akin casalmerea, oath nett juana and a great variety of others, all of Which will be sold at the very lowest prlcels. SN lISTSI—Fine white linen and cotton of the newest std le and best make. Also, calico. check and currying shirts A large assortment of BOOTB and 8110E8, for Men and Bays, which ceo and will be sold cheaper than ever. Also a splendid lot of Trunks and Carpet Bags. I therefore confidently invite one and all, to comnand see for yourselves, as I will not attempt to describe the bargains that may be expected, for I am determindd that no opposition can sell lower Remember LEONARD'S Corner. EDWARD IL LEONARD, Jr :11sy 10, 1801.-1 7. XAMINATION OF TEACHERS. The Annual Examination of Teachers, for the County of Cumberland, will bo held ac follower: Foot ham p ton on e ton, P.M II DivJanson, S. NI Iddleton t Mott Upper Allen % ' Monday, " 5 " ‘lrehaniesbunx, Tuesday, ' 4 0 " Inner Allen,. Wednesday," 7 " Ilampden, Thursday, " 8 F. l'ennshnro., -afriday, " 0 " New Cumberland, Saturday, 0 10 " s• 0 Silver Spring, Tuesday, " 13 " 11 A. 1,1. Middlesex, Wednesday," 16 " '9 " N. Middleton, Thursday, ." 16 " 114 (11 W. l'ennsbolo', Friday, " 10 " II 14 Franklord, Saturday, " 17 " 0 II N..W V We, Monday, " 10 " 10 A M Niiillin, Tuesday, " 20 " 9 " Hopewell and New burg. Wednesday," 21 I. Shlppousburg twp., Thursday, " 22 " Wile above examinations will be held at the accus tomed placca unless any change in desired by the Dl rectors. in which case timely notice Is requellted. lam instructed by the department to announce that no School will be recognized as one of the PODUO SCHOLZ! _ . . . of Cumberland County, in which a Teacher is employed without a VALID CERTIFICATE and further, that no'pri • veto- would nation will be given except- in cases where tho applicants ate UNABLE TO ATTEND THE PUBLIC LIAM NATIoN, and no PORT MORT= oxaminatiob In any case: Applicants will pie Ise note, that by an order of the apartment, they will be examined in the "Theory of Teaching." As it must be apparent to all, that the proper advancement in the cause of education, requires that there should be-a corresponding advance in the qualification of Teachers, -and - ae I am determined to laeue NO certificate of INCORIPISTENOT, those who know their quallficatiOn to be below medtdcrity, will save muclimortificatiodtirthemselves and to me by refrain 'lig from presenting themselves as applicants. JOSEPII lIIWYLIN, County Supl. ' Juno 12, 1860 NEW STORE, AND , NEW GOODS. HATS, CAPS AND fITRAW GOODS. .111.41T,S,.cars..dare. -- . , _ _ ....._ ....._ , ....__, • . . The subscriber , her recently opened' a New Store atthe old stand orJ.D Halbert ht North Hanoker Bt. opposite the Carlisle Deport! Dank. • ...Having received from New :York and Philadelphia, A fine and well selected assortment of licside In his line e. business, such as IIATB and OAPS, from the common Wool to the tine ,fur, SILK AND CASSIMERE ITATI3, Spring Styles of Silk bats for. 11401... Straw Hate {or Gentlemen, Jockey Hats for Lailles and fano/ Hats and Caps for Ckiildren, and ' . , PRICES TO Burr Tun =MI* Also; Carpet Him, Valises, Utak*, Hand' Tmoks, trlPProllas and prims,fled Feathers. An -iuumtment or ger Primo Sepal, and,Tobiocio. , Ifin t Thankful for the potrtnafigo already rocelvoil ho wool,*' a Inv.to all his friends u& the publ ic-general) to give him a call. ' J.stpal) BOAS. • Oarllale, Aprillll,llBl. -' IMMO -VELIZEMKTEIr Monday, July 20th, at 9A. kt Tuesday, " 30 " Wednesday " 31 " Thursday, Aug. 1 " Friday, 'A 2 " Saturday. 3 Id I, I. tit
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