123 Ebiciiie. ' - THE LIVER INVIGORAOR I • • PREPARED BY DR. SANFORD, • . • -Compounded entirely - from GUNS. . .ONE•OF TUE DEBT PURGATIVE .AND LIVER . • L. MEDICINES now before the-public, that sets as a CATUAIOne easier, milder. end Mere effectual than any other medicine known. It is net only a CATUARTIM but , a Wren remedy, acting 'first on the. Liven to eject its morbid matter, then on the stomach and, bowels to car. - ry elf that matter,, thus accemplishingkiwo purposes effectually, without any of the painful feelings expert. enced in the operation of most CSTErfatTICS. It Strength. ens the system at the same time that It. purges ; snit' when taken Ashy In mederate doses, will Strengthell and build it up_witli unusualrapldlty: The Liver isnie of• the prinAufl regulators ‘c.f the human body, and pg when it • performs it. functions w-11 the pow- ors of the system are ,• fully_3leyeloped. The; c..? stomach_ Is almost en dependont en the ,- healthy adieu. of the '• ..when the stomach is at fault, the bowels are at ' fault, and the whole system , sutlers in ennso• 'nuance of one organ— g i the4;ll wor haslet; • , ceased to do Its duty. , For the • diseases , of that - organ, one of ti 4 nrfe ' prietme has made it his study, in a practice of more than twenty years, to find dune remedy CD wherewith is counteract • tiler:fatly derangements to which it is - To ,provethat this re. 1- 7` reedy is at. last • found, any person troubledt••••,,.. with Liver Cola. plaint In any of Itsl74_,forms„ has but to try a _convictlo These gums retncereall morbidor taddialler from the system. sup. • • plylng in their place a _ • healthy flow of trtle, vigoretlng the stomach, muffles food to digest wellfpurifyingthe blood giving tone and health to' the whole machinery removing the mune e" t if disease, and effect° • log a radical cure. c„4 • ' One dose after eating ' • is sufficient to relieve the stomach and pra••• vent the food _from Os' Ing and' souring. • • - Only one, dose taken l'r".l before reliving prevents Only nun dose taken Actosena.- tbr howelsgently;and cures - Costiveness. •' •• 'One dose. taketi-after-CO-each-mealisill cure-Dys- Msla• • .40p. One dose of -two , 'teaspoonfuls will always • relieve Sick Headache. One bottle._ taken. fer,famale_LObstrfaction_re_. moves the cause of the ItoW s i. disease, and makes a perfect cure. • -Only one dose Inane- Q diately relieves ChOlic. while one dose often re- posted is a sure cure for Cholera Dlorbue, i•M..I and a preventive of Cholera. Ono dose tsken often Z will prevent the roc& rents of bllione at. tacks', while It re. ' neves all • painful. feel- :se4 Inge. • MOnly one bottle is teasieil i to tbrow'6ut the 42 mod c of system the effects of ( ne after ev long '• Cue bottle taken far Jaundice removes all sallow noes or unnatural color from the skin. ' , One dose taken a short tima.Pefore eating gives vigor to theappetlte and - makes feed digest well: , One_dose.often_repeated-mires- Chronic' War. whirs in Its worst forms, while summer and bow. el complaints yield almost Id the first dose. One or two doses cures attacks caused by worms", In children: . Mamie no surer, safecor speedier remedy_ in the world, as It never falls. I Ye take Infinite pleasure In reeomthending this , medicine as a prevehslve for Fever mud Ague, Chill. Fever and all Fevers of a Blllious . Type. It operates with certainty, and thousand:tore willlngto testify to its wonderful virtues. ' All who uro it areelving their unanimous testinfony. In its fever,. • • , f:t• - lit. Mix water in the Mouth with the Invigorator, - and swallow both together. TOE LIV.EIt INVIGORATOR IS A. GREAT SCIENTIFIC BIEDICAL DISCOVERY, . and ix dally.working cures, almost too groat to believe. - It cures as if by'magle, even the first dose arcing fit, and seldom more than one .buttle is required to cure any kind of ' LIVER Complaint, from the worst JR un• • dice or Dyspepsia to a common, headnehe, all of which are the result of a Diseased Liver. Poles 014 Z DOLLAR PER Dant. DR. SANFORD. Proprietor, .115 Broadway, New York. stn.. Gehl in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT and S. W. lIAV ERSTICK. • - imy2Olflsl3. • BEAUTIFUL-HEAD OF A • R. 1611 GLOSSY HAIR; COMPLYTXI,4 rittBSIMED TO .THE GREATEST AGE And wbc that is gray would not have' it motored to former color; or bald, but would have tho' growth re stored. or troubled with dandruff and Itching, but would have it removed, or troubled with scrofula, scold 'head, or other eruptions,,,butwould be cured, or with . Sick head eche, (neuralgia) but Would be cured, It will also remove all pimples from the face and skin Prof. Wood's Hair Restorative will do all tide, see circu• lar and-the-following: ANN Anson, November 5,1858. Piot. 0.. f. Woos—Dear klr: I have heard much mid Of the Wonderful effects of your' Unit Restorative, but having been sq often cheated by quackery and quack nostrums, hair dyes, Ac., I wan disposed to place your Restorative In the same category with the thousand and one loudly trumpeted quack remedies, until I met you in Lawrence county some months sliteei - when you gave me such assurance as Indtleed the tt MI or. your Restorative in uty.famlly-13rst•by my good wife, wimie_ hair had become very thin and entirely white. and be fore exhausting one of your large bottles, her hair wee liniti.red nearly to its .orlginal beautiful brown color, and hod thickened and become beautiful and glossy up Mg and entirely over the head; she continues to no, It. not simptr - Mqause Of its beautifying effects upon the hair, but bemuse or its healthful influeoce upon the bend acs mind. Others of my, family and Mend§ are using your Iteslorative, with the happiest effectS: therefore. my skiipticism and doubts In reterence to Its character and value ore entirely removed; and I me and do most cordially and confidentiev recommend Its use by nil who would have their b ir restored from while or gray (by reason of sickness ot ag to original color and beauty. and by ail young mimeos who would have their hair beautiful and glossy . very truly and gratefully ,yours. • SOLOMON MANN. ntivltt Woop It was a long, time after saw you 'at Illbedield before 1 gotthe bottle of Restorative for which you }M.: 1110 all order upon your agent In Detroit, and Whoa I got it we concluded to try It on Dirs. Diana's hair. all the surest test of its power. It has door all that you assured me it would do; and other. of any family cud friends. haring u Domed its ellects, are now using and recommending Its use to others as eon tied to the highest consideration youclaim for it. Agalu, rery respectfully nod ouro, SC/L(15105 MANN. • . . CABLTLI. In., June 28 1 1852. I hone wed Prof. O. J. Wood's Usk Restorative, and hare admlrtd Ito wonderful effects., My ludr one be coming. no 1 thought, prematurely grey, but. I y the use of hieltentnratlve It hes resumed ito orlglual - cobromd. 1 line no doubt, permonensls so. • 8. 1111111:81L'ex-Senator, C. S.. , Prepare," by . 0.. T. WOOD .4. CO, 114 Market street, Saint Louis. and 312 IlroadWay, New York. and sold by all Drugalsta and Patent Nledielne Deakin,: also, by all Fancy and Toilet Goods Dealers In the United Plates and Canada. - • inly2lP.sB. For saloln Carlisle, by 5. W. lINVERSTICK, SAM'L ladon7T. and Druggists eyerywbere. DR: COSOBWELL'S NEW MEDICAL SALT. FOR INFLAMMATORY DISEASES ONLY New plainest Saltl New Meallial Salt I IS NOT A CURE-ALL! • r Inflammatory Diseases only COOGSWEINS NEW SALT, bentestd If of bolo,: a rrmody tbr all ilia, has control over but one ill, boo but one ea ß t, and accomplishes but one Otitis, to wit: aoanura I n.AUMATORT DIBILASI, whatever /be or locality, whether In tile head, throat, ab dotneurx,xtiriiiil4lo or pkin. . Btu MDDICAT. SALT. Its peculiar excellence Is, that without the useless loss of Mimi and strength, It effectually cures Inflammatory Diseases, (to others) by producing au equilibrium of all am fluids of thh body, the want.pbOhlch is the sole cause of intlammil. tion. AVOTICE2FOIN.VALIDriII_The following forms-which - II the unbalanced fluide assume, and many not here 151 , Onitned. that have more or lees fever or pain, are en twit, subdued by the NEW MEDICAL BALT. as tire ' extinguished by water, to sit: Drain Fever, ilesdacho. Bush of Blood to the Bead and licert, Fita, inflamed ---- eyerLvarrEnbaci'lutigiratidliVer,"Neuralgia, Epinal eT' fectione,' Erysipelas, Bronchitis, Pleurisy. Asthma, cpu4hs.: Dyspepsia., Venereal Diseases, Ithenmatiew. "Cont. •L‘crofula, and all itching and other cutaneous eruptions:, • COOFWELL'S NEW MEDICAL BALT exerts, 11 like the vaccine matter,, an extraordinary influence cr the reins and arteries, resulting Is a gradual schr cline urinfl!mulation rte indicated by the pulse, which won tesuukee its natural State, as the heat, pain and fever alga . : pear. iCAL SALT dors just I)u,..E.TaseLE.L.LZ'doE",:ct ,l tit., no the fields by removing from the system all arterial and • . Taunus's - their:l4lone. Descriptive circulars may be ols • tallied fmm any Driniglet who has this valuable ruedb rine lbr sale. • TAM COGGSWELL'I3 NEW MEDICAL SALT. Get a Circular. Ask any Druggist about the NEW MhD. ICAL SALT. Ask your neighbors about the NEW MEDICAL SALT. If Fick TRY; It not sick, azussints the NEW MEDICAL SALT.. . DR. COGGSWELL'S.ANTIPII LOGISTIC SALT.— ficuto‘t'orkolAtle, It Chronic do. &5,60; Family do. tt. Sent by wail. free of expense. on irecelpt of price. Invellas with chronic, cu. Jong' standing diceasee, should ALIVJad order ACllCaltlie package. ; D ,O. TAYLOR & CO., — Gen. Agenta.'2o2 Mick St . Sbilad'a. N. B.—Agents wanted In every Ctty, TOWIt and Village .., . , 000diSWELL'S'NEW - NIEDIOA L SALT is for side I , in Varllete; Ps-'.'by 8 ELLIOTT, Dolman; and by all rrtpertsbio Druudista wherever' the .11En/de" Is resit:, As it le nuts patent medicine, but nib prescrip tion oral. eminent physician, - no one should fail to t'ry the NEW MEDIOAL'BALT. • • • , • • , dre.22.INSS-ly, - 4 44• • 4. WyrElol/T....P.RYSIC essay on nervous diseases • *.Jasrpiri'llthed, the 25th'tboaiand' In it' sealed envoi.. npn. price I , eents, or Milt - poet raid th e' three WAVE. r • A tiedlent essay on the tarysleil elbaustion and de: 'any at 04 frame from Indulgence; Intbetion - and the in. . • Jariouv.vvlverymmeee of kieroney'rwith the modern •. By it. J. cuxyprtwELL, M. D. , ••• • • s , , rr" -- it r ehtbrir of thetuYai Cortege ot Surgeonirteke.. •,JOrirpermaterrhreas or Seminar Emissions, Veivens 2.1,0014i11y. Wipe:tenet it:ii,aiiceriergyPdepmeeirttrotsprrite :14etieredly are promtitly.and elfelsinidry.,ehred .by, thhqnthor'stursel Fl 4 MOO successful mode of treat,' "••• wlevlbtpo regain, health . . I vr4ont having,. itrtntimt, 16:11angevons mad 'expensive', • • . rul~ the. ire/OW:1.0i :anti fan oh aenhieet 'of vital iniportance;lo their "worthy he anlhor's exalted reputation.' •,;•,, • Adds, es .the Publishers:" 0. J.. 13. KIM' • ''''Avaune *ammo 1911tett • Awl &to 4680,New York Clrl. „ . _,-... .. ...s ~~ ~u i:r~ i~ .~r u iv-n• lratnut , Street, .South West .Coiner- Of-Third, ' 1117.441)41P11111. INCORPORATED .!3Y SPAT} OF PENNSYLVANIA FIVE-PERCENT' INTEREST Money is received in any sum, lar,re or small. nod In. tdrost pald &but the day of deposit to the day of 3vlth. ,dranel. The omen Is open every day from 0 o,cleck in the warning till L o'clock' in the afternoon, and on Monday and Thursday 11,ellipp; till 8 o'clock.. HON. HENRY 1.. PENNER, President. 110111litT SELFiIiDGE, President.. WM. J, WEEP, Secretary. • -DIRECTORS. ' --F. Carroll flrosesteri - - - - ,- - Joseph B. Pi rry k Finneiti Lee. . - • Joseph Yorker, . henry MIT. ndertfer.. yments roads In own dully ..henry-L. Benner, ----- .Etiward'L. Carter, Wert Seihidge,, Slime] IC - Ashton, C. L. Munne, Money Is received and pa: without notice. The investments are mach , Ground Bents, and ouch Charter reqUirce. 1 • August 11, 1869.. • --rIBIBERLAND -VALLEY. INSTITUTE • MECHANICSBURG, PA. • In fa Mani Estate alortanirea first class sucurities,asisthe My. TINNJA3IIN C. LIPPINCOTT, A. B 4 PRINCIPAI 51011A4AN9 - v - A - T44ux - tcrg.setz A. FOSTER MULLIN,-A.11., Melthematic's and Modern . . . .. Languager. • • ' THOMAS B..REESE. A. III..; AtmJoni Laugunges and 11Igher EngHai. • . - This Institution haring possed Into new )u tad+, will be reoprned ass Maio School only, on. Thursday, the 25 - day of September nest It is the design of the present • pecmrletors to mike It a strictly lirot•c)nse itnertitle --- Schunli - for - traininjrand - fittinetio - fx yming mon 'either ihr.college or business. An efficient corf■ of lit. .trueplrs has been es,saniseth whose persoonl Interests are Identified with the success of the •Instlt s utlon, and. who will spare no painS to make It Worthy of 'the gout. -dunce and patninage - or , the - public. - Thelluildings - oi the Institute :I:T1%0ml°, and well Arranged for ,the cc contmodation of about ninety betutters. Antrall students from a , rond are expected to board with the teachers. They will thus enjoy thebenoiltof constant lest, :teflon 4od.auper - vlMini.. c• • Mechanicsburg is situated in the centre of the beau tifttl Cumbellond Talley. nine miles trout Ilerrisburg, and, is easy of access by Railroad from Philadelphls,Bal. timorc. Ac. No location could be more eligible for se cons—tone more healthy or attractive for surh a school, Pupils from Washington. Iteltimore,'Phibulelphia and Intermediate peintx, taking the morning train, Will reach Merbanicsburg by 2 o'clock, P. M. An It is the • determination or the Principal and his Assistants to pined the Irutituto on It permenerit nod elevated bests with_ every application requisite for superior success. they appeal with'confidence to all who have sons - to etl -urate, • The scholastic - year will be divided tote two sessions of twenty two weeks coal; the find, beginning on the first Thursday of firptember; nnd ending on the, first Wed ndsdny of Februery:•thrwecond session beginning on the first Thursday of February, and ending ou the first Wedneeday of July TERMS. • Board. Washlng, hoom Iteut;and Ting per Tuilion, (Common roach.) (nigher English.) - "I 4 Ancient nod Modern Languages, -' Terms per session payable In advance. qty Poi further Information, apply to thaTriticipill, " • Mechanicsburg. Pa, N- E W PIA NO STORE.- Nrkl , ) A largo assortment of superior 'Pianos. from the bee. ilooton and Now Turk makers, together with excelion second bald l'ianoe, constantly fur Fain NO 80 MARKET STREET, HARRISBURG Also. Mason k Rennin's Model Melodeons, Organ Me• indo one and Now thgan Harmoniums Old Pianos taken In part payment for now one, -PIANO TUNING OR REPAIRING, with all Stringed and M•lnd instruments; ill mare prompt attention final Mr. JOHN VI ASZTIC, who hat no superior ln. thin department, and la one of the muse reliable 'runt re In the United States sep O. C CABTUS PI.J.NONt. P 1.1405: GOLD MEDAL PREMIUM PIANO FORTES 1 • KNABE & CO.) MANUFACTURERS OF-GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, :Not. I, 3,5, and 7, North Eutaw aired, . Opposite the Eutaw Bonet, And at our 1%1 ENV SALES-ROOM, 207 Baltimore street, between Char:es . and Light streets: 4 . hese celebrated PIANOS hove, at different Fairs, f..r. ,s oral so ceseive years, been awarded the highest pre Mums for excellence overall competition. They have also been pronounced by S. Thallierg, the most celebra ted pianist in the world. and other distinguished vrtists, Including slr. Strakoseit, &c., &c., to be equal, if not su• perior, to any In this country. Wit have constantly on band at our extensive Wart. rooms as above, the largest assortment of tine PIANO FORTES to bo found in this city, which we will sell. wholesale and retail, on the most liberal terms to suit the times. "• In every case wit guarantee our Pianos to give entire satisfaction. *sr Constantly on hand a line assorttnent • f MELO DEONS of the best makers. at prices from $l5 to $2OO. VA.. Always for sale a large. number of second-hand PIANOS, at prices ranging from $75 to $.lOO. $1,9:- Pianos exchanged, hired and tuned. • -• • WILLIAM KNADE & CO. July 21, ISM• • • UANO PHATIC - ... NAVASSA ISI:AND3 CARIBBEAN SEA Analysis by Dr. Chas, tickell, ilaltiniora : lione l'ii. spbato of Lime, • 8 (runtalnindutl'hosphorldAcl42B.B2.).—.. - - VI multi° of Carbonate .4 Lima, • , Peruxido of Thin nod Alumina, . {Water, dc., , . , The extraordinarily high per contago of Phosphate . of I.ltne above stated, recommends this article at uncoils a superior rhdophatic manure." • ANIMAL FEILTILIZER, OR BUPtiIbPIIOSPIIATII OF LIMS, FROM The New Jersey Manufacturing Company. , Analysis by Gustavus Liebig, Practical and Analytical Chninint: Phoaphate of Lime, 20. Sulphate of Lime, 10. Organic Metter yielding Ammonia, 45. Ammoniac Salta, 7. Insoluble undeflad Matter, 5. •' Sol tibia Salts, Chlor. and Sulph. of Soda, 'lO. Water and Loss, ~ 3. °‘ This'mAnure 10 composed of dead animals, blood. offal, and raw Imnea " ovary one of nur cust•nners having found our manor, what we repreaent It to lie." 'Adapted to ev. ry,soll And crop. we recommend it With the tullo4 0r:01d...a-300 to 400 Cos. per acre hove fre quently Increased the yield fifty per cent. Alen. •• Columbian. Soft OolUmblan and Ammoniated Columb an (Thanes." All of above fertiliznri in haw; and barVele. From 82 0 to'SIO per 2.0 00 and 2,240 pounds, according to quantity and kW piweinred. For solo - hy ' • ' ItiOIIARDS A 511t,f,514. N 0.210 South Frontstreet, below Walnut. `Mar. 2.18092n4 SoleAiretita In Phlladulobla. ifer . FARE REDUCED.- ST3I-T.ll , I '606 4 cios Alrakik44. l B6: nbwe OW4 '• • • PHILADEI.PHIA.', - : • , nINKLE , Proprietor. TERMS p • day: • - • j 630.58. ~./kVERY FINE ARTICLE. of ,Dried Beet And extra sugar eur,elllliiiiie, drird Fru i t, he.. or ante by • • W9I, Feb. *2B. 1860.- • . - . - 11 4 (kra;:100 4 3 1- tit$ .AND 'OPAL. geneiallyfeupplled with flue LIQUORS Al Was t en city vitas % at the new and cheap Grocery of . Jen. 19,113414 M. 'RENTZ. ' ;FRANKLIN ,HOLLSE fjoutli'llanAir, f!tirtat,rolultiK •the Court :Hour* • r ".. "- t'n ? viintnr: Ccart Itoirpittovi and tiaaaffif . traul AM; 114:n204 National SAFEtY I T S Company. This extensive establishment In now in Complete or derandgiuppligdArlth,thebent isurehirierTforesetaritry work In every department. The buildings have also• been greatly, enlarged this spring and stocked with the newest-and--moat improved-reels-for the-rnan ulaeture of • DOORS, - WINDOW FRAMES, SASH, • SbutierS, Blinds, Mouldings, Ilnicliets and rill other kinds of Carpenter worrk. We Invite 'Blinders, Car penters and others tool] and examine our facilities for doing this description of work. The best Materlnts used and prices as kw no at any other establlslimen tr lu the County elsewhere. • STEAM , EIWIN ES BUILT TODRDER. and repaired no heretofore. Engines have beon recent ly built for W. M. Henderson Si Son In this borinaglr, It. Bryson &, Co. Allen township, Ali t & Ilmthers, New- Shade & Wetzel, North Middleton ' , and ot-Mrs. at Wil010) establishment they May he seen In dolly op. onalon. and to whom we ran refer for evident(' of their superiority. 4 IRON AND BRASS CASTINOS. " ...• • of efery descriptiOn, frau the sumlleitt to the heaviest places, executed at abort notice kir every -kind , of ma. chlUery. A large - WOW of, tiiipf Two skillful' Pattern nll:Ora constantly, iniployeth, HEPARIN() 'prompt& attended to for Paper Mills, Distilleries; Grist-31111A -Factorieschc,--Turning And' Fitting 31111 Spindles, /re. done in the best style, . THRESHING! MACIIINES AND HORSE POWER'S. such-ak-lievll-oear-Four-Ilerse:-Pgwers,-IbirizOnteil Oear. Four _and 'Two Home Powers, Corn Shellacs, Crushers; Iron Rollers. Plough castings, and other sr tides fur farmers, on hand, or promptly made to order . , BURDEN CARS BUILT, and rePaired. Our facilities for building Cars are now .more complete than heretofore and enables us to fur• cish them to transporters du the roil road on ammo dating terms and mode of the best materials. Orders solicited and entire satisfaction g mire Mewl.. —Thelonik.-experienee-in -the-business-of-the - senior partner of (fro firm, and the completeness of our ma chineryin every branch of the' establithinent warrant us in assuring .the best work to all whii favor us with their orders. Thmcontinued patronage of our old friends and the public Is respectfull);stilicited, - P. - Alti/NERT,E-Corf"--- JUST R ECE I VED AND OPENING N-AUOLIVS . • Main Sifeet, Carlisle, Pa. - • . A.'• largo silkily of 4., 4- I, - ,--, --,. - Watches, Jewelry. SIL „1 - 4 2 & , `1" , -.*.. •.- „--- 11 to which 1 !lira° at fl, ... •.• .. 63 ,I 11 - - - i„ . - toiltion.. . 4 if.. , • t• -1 '-: 41! • 1: ' ,....7 .. . - ....„ . -;' ' Ail f , ! act frotn - the hrgent o 1. ,, , :., : e ...,—, '4 , ~-. stock of Clocks. V.•etch : 1 ~., ...•. •": i., ,- 1 00,,Jewelry,,Sliverand N,;,.. • 4 - ~., • ' ..,.* - : --...•. 4 Plafrd ware in Carlisle -. . 4-- - ,- --,-. - - - • • 'At NAUGLE'S. We lima a largo assortment of Gold and Sltref Cunt lug find Open Case Watebes to sat idl ..lancles and Pockets, • ' At 'NAUGLE'S. . . Floe end Cheep Jewelry, of every style end quellty In setts or by the piece es wanted, - At.NAIJGLET. . . Sliver and Plated Walters, Cake. Frutt,,Sugar, and rd Raakets. 17.1,43, Ten, - Cream, Sugar, Salt, Seer' and Crean, Spoons, At NAUGLE'S. • Fine Pearl, Lava. Coral. Cameo. Goldstone. Hostile, Flo• rontlnd Mosaic, Jut Box and Gloss setts cheap • At NAUGLE'S. XOO 00 12 00 15 00 1500 " Diamond Breastpins and Fingerings, At NAUGLE'S. . Gold Hunting Cnne, Eight Day Levers; Gold Hunt• lug Case, Duplex; Gold Hunting, Chnmmeters, ,- At NAM LE:S. ' Bagley's - beet qUallty of Gold Penclls; Ditto Gold Pena and Silver Holders, - - At NAUGLE'S. 911rei and Plated Tel; eel ts. Goblets, Cups, Toast Backe; Pitchers, Urns, Tureans,Tea Bello, , • . ' .At NAUGLE'S. Gold Neck, Vest. Ciirb. Fob, and Chatlnhi Chalks, Gold-Bracelets:Lockets, Thimbles, Chnsses: Charms, At NAUGLE'S. French Time Pieces to run tbreeduid four week?, - . - - At NAUGLE'S. Gold Sleovo, Test, Collar, and Shlk Studs of all styles and quality, Plated Forks. Spoons, Knives, Napkin Rings, Shyer Thimbles, Shields, • . At NAUGLE'S. Flutinan, Accordeone, Music Boren--a fine variety, At NAUGLE'S. 111 Ladies` Miami:maim Pearl and Leather, Plain and Fancy Travelling Bags, very c Ice Myles. cheap At NAUGLE'S. If you .want to hove your Watehtet gat In good re. pair and warranted, take them to • NAUGLE'S. If you want to get a Cheap Clock, you ran get it At NAUGLE'S. If you want your Silver ware neatly.marked at short notteeicall • At NA UOLE;t3. All goods warranted as represented, or the money re. funded, At NAUGLE'S. Persons that want heroine are Invited to call At NA Utl LE'S. ‘wacytk 'clams be-MICVS) 1 ifOrChlllltll and, Traders trill be on their guard and —ant-les-lm posed untin'by a counterfeit of Morse's Indian Root rills, signed A. B. Moore. All genuine Indian Root l'llls have the name and signature of A. J. whim I Ce/on each box. I . tlio inventor of MORSE'S INDIAN ROOT PILLS, has spent the greater part of his life In traveling. having visited Eur ope. Asia and Africa, en well ns North America—has spent three years among the Indiana of our Western coubtry—it was In hla wa; that the Indian Root !'llls were first discovered. Dr %terse was the Prat mon to establish the fact that al ellse...aes arise trout IMPURITY Or VIE 14,00D--theb our strength, health and life depended upon tills vital fluid. • When -the VariOUl passages I ecome clogged, and do not act in perfect ha loony with the different lunetimin of the body, the bls d loses its action, becomes thick, corrupted and disco: e I: thus causing all pains., sick ness and distress of every' name; our strength Is ex hausted, our health we are deprived of, and If nature la not assisted in throwing off the stagnant humors, the blood will become choked and cease to act, and thus our light of life will forever be bmvu out. How im. portant then that wo should keep the varioua passages of the body free and open.. And how pleasant to us that we have it in or power to put a medicine in your reach, namely. Hero's Indian Root ?Ills, manufactured from plants and roots whirls-grow around the mourn tat noun cliffs In Nature's garden, for the healthanff re covery of diseased man. "One of the 'renta Deus - which there Pills are made is a Sudorific, which opens tiro pores of the skin, and :mists Nature In throwing out the finer part', of the corruption within. Tho second is a plant which is an Extieeterantr-that opemr - and - tne , clogathe passage to thii lungs. and thus. Dia soothing manner, perform Its duty by Mowing 01l phlegm, and other humors front lungs•by.coplous spitting The thild Is a Diuretic, which gives ease and double strength to the kidneys; lb& encouraged, they draw large amounts of Impurity- from•thectiltind; -whlcir hrthen -- throwTrAtTP bountifully by the urinary sr water passage, sod which could not have been discharged in any 'other way.. The lbw th is a Cathartic. and accompanies the other prop. erties of the Pills while engaged In :purifying .tife blood; the coarser particles of impurity which cannot pass by the other outlets. are thus taken up and con veyed Win great 'Wan titles : l y the bowels.. From the above, it is shown that Dr. .Morn's, Indian itoot Pills' not only enter the stomach, but become united with the blood, for they find way to evory,,part, and•completely - routoutund - cleante tho "spit eufffisitn' all impurity, and the Ilfe of the body, which is the blood, becomes perfectly healthy: consevently nil sickness and pain Is driven Irons the system, for they cannot rematu when the body beeemeseepure and clear. 'the reason why people are so distressed when alai' and why Po many die, Is because they"do ' not gdt a medicine which will pass tb the' afflicted parts, and which will open the natural passages for the disease to be cant out: hence, a large quantity of feed and other matter is lodged, and the stomach and intestinee are literally overflowlog with tue corrupted maps; thin undergoing disagreeable fermentation, constantly mix ing with the blood, which throws the corrupted matter through every rein and artery, until life Is taken from the body by disease. Dr. Morse's PILLS have added to • themselyea victory uponvictory - , by restoring millions f the nick to bloominQuialth Mid happiness. 'Tao, thousands who havp been racked or ,tormented with sickness, pain anti anguish. and whose - feeble 'frames Imre been scorched by the burning 'elements of raging fever, and who hose been brought, nn It were, within'a step of the silent grave, now stand ready to testify that they would hive been numbered with the dead, had It not been for this great and wonderful Medicine, Morse's I ndietulloot Pills.. After 01313 or.two doses had been to.. ken', they were astonished, and abso Sitelyeurprlsed, In witnessing Oak -charming effects. • Not only do they give Inutiedlitte ease and strength, at.d take away all sickness, pain and anguish, but they once go to work • at the foundation of the disease, which In blool. - There- Mre, It will be shown, especially by those who use thine Piths that they will so cleanse and purify, that disease iv-that flestilly , ennuty—ix ill take its flight, and the Muth: 'of youth and beauty will , again return, and the pros pect efalonglini happy life will el MIL and brighten Csurfox..Beware orate:RW.lbl( Shined A. 11. Moore' Ali genuine have the. name .of A. J. W,sara & Co, on each box„ Also t 'signature of A. 3. Whlte 8 Cu, Al', where are spurbiu „ •• •, ' • . WIIITE Sole Proprianr, No 10,Courtiand Street. New York. blorps's Indian Mot Pills are sold by all dealeta In Medicinba. . , :Agouti:lire Wanted In every, town, sillege and.hamiei, In the bind.' Partlea 'desiring the sigiuct will tiddre . as as: above for terms... • • • - Price/Eremite yier brixi fiT ? l,O: will o 1!. f bent on re, (Apt Ofsl4tAttiglipaid: /lib` Pot Sale it- Carlisle by ii. W. llaverstick. , LEE APER::-;fihe Moult Holly., Pape Compeeijieve now, gn hend and ere firePere,(l wenullicture 4.:tnnlaf all varieties of fine Witl ant !4•00, +4ll.°l !!.ibisi;l.' ilinyr . o.N. Novill'i# , 44lo; ;Yount Idollppprtnp,Pron'a. , • „ Jfliscellancou . CAUTION +itisccUniicouo: J. CI L1:1010ar, S.M. DAVIDSONAOO(tiA , . . :' —, •, ; figttERAL Jima), AGENTO, :., Leati nuortla City, ntot liae Territory, ~. .. ' W ILL_ buy, sell, and locate lands in Nansas-aud Nebraska Tenitorles, lowa and Weate'rn kilastitirl, buy and pull lands, lean tuff Invest !money. buy Inod sell drsl.B.gine,ltiforniatiusi respecting UM country,and do n general 'agtiney businesa.' ' , ' M , . ' . - lik.SESUlNtifib. I', '' • - !JAli. Anthony limb; Carlisle,Pa. ' , ! . , ~, - , ' -- , Wm. M. litetem, Banker, " lion: J. 11. Brabant, - .. list, Brenneman It Co., Blinker., Carlisle. . :.Wm. al. Henderson, PR, Carlisle. ' tleorge Sanderson, Log., Latirkstor.Pa. • ' ''' ' nr. - Jolin A. Abl, N. o.,'Nerretile,•Pa. IVM. S. Cabman, Irsq., ,- " '- • • . -',—! ' 14. W: Clark & Co., Bankeril,.Pblindelphia, - ' lion. Miami Conklin, klbepberdstown Pa. Alunry.ltelmaish. Eons, Hera - Ants, Baltimore. -' " N. L. Blake, Esq., Cashier Illereautile liiink_Jim,y_ork stisydirML - 1 Pkariane;-/H - A - MGltita,„3llnueispol Is, • kliiitiessota Territory. • • ' - ' • . Wm, Kilgore, Esti., Attorney mid - Neil, Estate Agent, - -Sterling, H It. W. Mater.r. Paq., henry city , 111. - Ex. Cay. Joseph Ititner, Cumberlaatl cou s oty; Pa. P. W. Clark - 6: Ca., Hui:kora, Phlladalphla. . _ . Gov. roGoek. Umlobo4, Va. , - , Mai& is, 1887.-13 . .. • • . • . , . OITMBERLAND VALLEY BAIN& N.., - i . ---- • IIIOPIII.E.TOIIB. WILLIAM itroL • , bIYI.OUOIR BUNNY/JAN, IDMT. C;STEfi, , .I.IIIN DUNLAP., IticOnito DOOl,B, JOAN S. St Enurit f dons C. DUNLOP, ' 11. A. Bruno ton. s - . Title Bank, dolug business In the name of Her, limn neuur,& Co., is now folly prepared to do a general Uau king Business trith.promptnese and . flAleitty. • Money received on depokit and paid bacllon demand without notice. interest paid on special diposits. Cur ttificates of deposit_bearing interest at, tho rate of live eitted.foras. short e - .puriocl.ae.fou r leontits, intereit, on_all.certificates will cease at nut, provided, however, that .iisttld certificates are, renewed at anyAlmo thereafter for toolbar given pe -rieditheyethall-bearthe some rate ofinterestup - to the time of renewal. "%Particular attention paid to the col lactinn of notes,-drafts, checks, &c., In any part of the Belted Stain's or coned:tn. —ltemittences - madito - BnglandTirelandior - rhe Corti vent. Tile litithful and.confidentliti oxcoutloo bf oil ordersentiusted to them, play lie relied upon. . - They call the attention,;of Fariners, Mechanics and ail r there who lesire a safe depository for their, games, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank • ate INDIV/DUALLT liable to the Oktoot of their estates for all the Delimits, aid other obligations of 'Ka, Brenne man & Co. - . . . . They have recently removed into their now clanking 'lmmo directly opposite their former stand, in West -Slain-Street-, - -n - lew - dporreast - ortifiritellread - DePlif, - where they will et all.times be pleased.to alio any in. 'formation &Wed In regard to money =pore In gewo• rah - Open for bueineas from 9 o'clock In the morning mill Carlisle, May 20,1807. • • • um. iNURAN(III.-Viri ALLEN - AND EAPT : PENNBI3OItO — MOTUAI; - PlItE . 7 OUNCE COMPANY of Cumberland county. incorpca ated by nn act of Aesembly.in now fully organiacd,and t operation under the management of the follorlug oinwisniofiera, viz: • Daniel Salley, IVISlam It. Oorgas Michael Cocklln, Eiche'homer, eltristiair --- Staymoliit'V Q - Miiri- Jacob 11. Coover, Lewis Dyer, S. Eberly, 7130U,W $ lin U. Messer,' .5.• Brandt, Joactib• Wickerialarn.• .itlexaudet Cathcart. • The rates of Insurance are satiny and thrombin nanny 'outpany of the bled In the State. Persons wishing to econtO members are invited -to make application to the clents.of the company, who aro willing to 'wait upon $ hem at any time. ' BENJ. U. MOSSER. President. CItitISTI AN-STAY SIAN, - Vice • • LEIVJS lIYEIt, Secretary. 11IICIIAEL COCKLIN. Treasurer. • AGENTS. CUMDFDLAND COUNTY.—John' Sberrlek, Allen, Rudolph 'Markin. Now Cumberland Henry Zenring. Shiremenstown l - Samuol Woodburn, Dickinson,: henry liewmen,'Citurebtown ; Mode Griffith, Mith Middle len ; Samuel Gra,bani. W. Peneakoro'f Samuel Cnever, Mechanicsburg; W. Cocklin, S.hepherdstown; Conner, Shepiterdatowtfl; C. ii. Herman, Silver Spring; Boej. ilave,etlek. Slivitr Spring; Chnries Bell. Catlisio. YOltlt COUNTY.—W. S.-Picking, Dever; Peter Wel ford,.Franklin Jae. Urifilth, Warrington; J. F. Dear dnrlT, Wnshington. DAUPHIN - CO.—Houser & ',nehmen. littralsburg. - - -Members of the company baring pnlicler about to ox. plc°. eon 1100 thorn renewed ny making application to any of the Agents. 11. B EW.IisT FURNITURE WARE-ROOMS, • West High Street, Carlisle, "Pa. . . (Premium awarded at the Cumberland County Agricultural Fair of 18670 ' The subscriber hes Just received the most splendid se.rttillinit iircirtrEfed hi his Hie,- ever brought to this' pliteirtilch he to determined to sell et prices that de ty competition. - . Parlor, • Chamber, - • ' '' 4 l ' . .• .. Dining-room, FURNITURE. Knolian and • Office Embracing -every .artlcie used by Moues. and Motel keepers, of the most approved and fashionable di'ellgn and finish,. Including also Cottage furniture in setts, reception and Camp Chairs, Atattrasses, Wit frames, pictures, to., Purchasers are requested, lo: call and examine his stock, at his extensive Ware-rocitts, {Vest Main street, North side. A. fl. EWING. 43jr . Particular attention given no usual to funerals; , orders from taco and country, attended to promptly rind on moderate forms. Carlisle, May 12, 1559.-Iy.' OFIN LYNE & SON • have just melee& their Fall Mock of lIANDWAIIE, which ankes their stock very, largo mid complete. We now tend toady to furnish the public with every variety ot, weds in the line of WARRANTED QUALITY, and at ~.ricer that duly competition. Enumeration la useless; • Milo It to say that we Lave everything In our line :bet the public can p ossibly stand In need of. The most we cat. go is "TrY us all ye that want good, cods at low pikes." We rent,' our pincer^ thabks to he generown public for tbelteral patronage, ad /taking a continuation of the sante. I'. LYNE & SON, Oct. 27, 'DB. North Hanover Street. Tl`lski SUBSCRIBSUBSCRIBERSHAVY FOR SALE 100 THOUSAND white Noe ebin• , of superior ghußty, which they will sell at river slices. Also, a largo lot of Cherry and Walnut, from inch to 3 itches tick, which the will sell whole. Hale or retail Inn% AlllO, pair of t iny Scales ' wbidi will he mold low. A:so, a new Thrashing Machine to mhieb.we Invite the uttent lea of formers, as we feel dls posed to glio a bargain. All kinds of Lumber and Coal constantly ou baud low for cash. 811 ROM k HOFFER. Carlisle, June 27,.'513. • ICAN ATeli ving re valved the agency for the. sale o the Americat etch. from the Boston Wateh Cetupenf r I would re. spectfully inform my old friands gild the public, penes ally, that I hego:4l4n° assortment nqw opuuing and ready for sale In gold and Sliced.' Cana and very line styles, and with regard to time they ,ran't be beat - to !prove'tbnl fact, it is qnly occeascory tp give them* trial. Perseus Irivrant'of a correct thatoplece. are resPectfully I nv ited- to-call-andvee-our W. D. Is.,NAMOLE. Main Btrvot. Carnal°. Pa. June 90,'¢8. Alt IRON ! BAR IRON !-50.000 nt t e Lest bninds; Steel of all kinds and sizes at the lowest market prices. ' • ' All Iron warranted tole good or the money returned. JOIIN P. LYNN A SON, North Ilannwor Street. , Oct. 27,,'68, 'IVAILS ,KAILS ke g s of n a ils 11 Just received and for sale elienner than ever. Country nverebanta can be furnished with units aV inauutactureenpriceant. the cheap-liaDdweire-Store - of- ,- HENRY SAXTON. tast St., Carlisle, Jut. 19,1859. [AIM EBIJRNER S' COAL .- •`,l,Oult TONS of Lykono Valley Nut Coal, a superior rr' i o. rocolvlng and for saloe August 5, 11457 /THERMOMETERS! THERMOME -1 TElidll TITINISIOAIETEBB II I 'Just recelvtai the above, all sizes, wakes and tiulsti at ' KIFIFFEWS. . . POSH, &e.—Just , reeeived :at the “marion Hall" Famlly Orocory and Tea Store, a nor. stock of So,: I, 2 and 9 Madera! In assorted pack. 'mom, Salmon,' Mess Shad, Miry and 0: A. Lltaporo salt, Soaps. Bath Brick, Vinegar, Oil, ke. - • Nov: 80, '58.. • T. W. EBY...- , • ipti,A.oKs.)iygns , C 0 A L 10,000 I) Bushell; of Illtuminous Coal, &Ili the eelobretei "1•0111011" Minen. receiving nod for sale by ifyyr, ; „ • , , W, MUTIR AV •• • . Water, . • Sitar, Mutter • and Soda CRACKERS. Tea Cake, Currant do., Jumbole, ha._ regl h< ; • • • •• TowN.LoTs FOR SALE. The tiro Totkan*Louther street direttlysipith of )malacca College, ore offered for sale, 'llene lot; are ash 03 feet front by VO deSp. with eh alley to the'rear adaro *air desirable as pulping sites. 'fhey will be • 31d separate Or together. Per. lurther.pargeulara eriqhire . 0. COLLINS. Feb 23. 1880 «it IVO'RIDE.---Lettera :administrati9n' " 'eft the estate : of Mrs. Catharine Wilibms,'luteof ml th Middleton township, Cumberland county; dee'd., nee beeninsued by'the. Register of mid, county. to the, übsdriber reading in the same township: '•Alt persons. - edebtedlo - sald'estate ar'requestedto'inobn hntnedb. te•paymentoodd'these having chants to present them . ,r settlement to • • •,- • • • • •• ; YREDICRICK•WILLIAIIII3; Adm'r. - • Feb:2; . stis.,Faisy I's:luting :dont bore. tf,ito 2.buittic,itincllts fil'HE - LARGEST' HAIR AND LI 1:111Z4ITU1IO .118TARLIBIIMENT , IN TITEA.uNioN. Ertetiding from, Gay to ,Frederick '..Strect;. liaohty 40 feet front, 110 feet deep, add .6 stories high. 13A-1, TIM OltEi . -Al D.; Where le kept shisys oh laud or wade to order. eve y style of kronch TETE A 11,TES, : Plush, 'Mt nabs or Ilroentelle. trencli. Full Stuff and Medallion, Porky Altsl CHAIRS In Plush. Hair, Cloth, 01 Iliocatelle. reach Full Stufrearyad PARLOR ,CIIAI RS, iu sots with Plush. Mir, or ilroooelle. SOFAS; bill t•FrOnch 411alloonny and Walnut_ Parlor CHAIRS, 1;1 , 11111r, Cloth Or Flush. • , CllAlPS—carious designs, In Bair, Cloth and Plush. ' • Stuff - 5.1;1 , 1h rt.OI.IIMES= on- hand, or any pattern made; or covered with - nay. goodi to order. CtIAMBEIt STATS—ln'alnut, complete, from $3. • CANE CIIAISS and Rocking do.—the Lust lowal. the ready-loath, le tho Vetted States—from $l2 u tioz, au up, Ear Itooni: - Ofka CITATITS;AirIink, - Wal nut or 31almgany. wltb,Cano,, Wood or Stuffed - Seats= an assortment ornlirarlw over 50 dozen. Wood Seat CllAlllS and SETTEES and IJOCIUNG CHAIRS—over tntl dorm). Featlor hods. hair and hunk Matires,ms pi' every va• flay. Also, all kinds of - WU and' Plain Frames for Looking Glasses, de, A, MATMOT A, SON, 26 North they street; near Fa) etie street, Aug4'6B, •• 3. CASSELBERRY'S LATE /MILS t c4msl3.lnaps,l 53 gORTII EIGIITII STREET, BELOW ARM, (OLD . N0..0,) • • DRY GOODS, 'WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. ONE PRICE-BNALL PROFIT- .CIIEAP FOR CA1111: juo'sB-Iy. • • 4! ' • PRO C •dc CO.'S P4.,1 PRO , iII)*PATENT ELODEON THE OLDEST ESTABLISIDIENT In Um usu": STATES, EMPLOYING .TWO -11UNDIL El) MEN, no inhaling Mila' INSTRUMENTS DER WEEIC. Combining nil Choir Itocont improioment-the DI t We Organ, Melodeon; Ac., &c. . (The Divided 3irell cesi only I;eebtalued In Melodool olour Manufacture.) Olt°. A. PKINClink CO. ManufactUrere, Muffnla, New jeork Futton 3/. N. Y., 10 Ike 3/. Chiiiigo, 11l WIIOLESAIAR Richardson, Ron ton, W, F. COlburn, Cincinnati. 0.; Pal nicr 'A WobCC, St. Louts, Mo,; Ph.!'. IVerleirr.' New Orleans. From the Home Journal. April :1,1868, The Nitelodmma manutuetured by 'Priem, A Co.. And for Nile at 87 Fulton street. ere.the boot in the world We here tried them, and therefore meal: underktand lugly of their merit. They aftTelnieded at a reryibod orate coat. . PRICE OF PORTABLY, INSTRUMENTS Four octave Melodeon. - extending froui C to (I. 4 Pour ellid n. ,h , dr !if —.O to-F ...... Five Octive .slAod4i.n. do. P to P..... FIND octurd, douDio. rood, do. Fto Two Banks of Five setn - of 110/01,,, filglit Flop tilltilfocfnvo Ono Sot 01 Reed& It pedal BAss Indopentlopt $ll5l 858 Five. Octave Melodeon, extundlpiz from Fto F • $lOO Six Octavo Molodion, • do. F t.O F 131 'FPI!, Octavo double turd. do. : - • 1' to F.......- 150 Five, OctovoTTwo Banks at - Boa:;. - .........-....7......._... 204 Our facilitiox for manufacturing are perfect, and from our long experience In the business. having finirbed and sold over TWENTY-TWO TIIOUSAND lIILLODE ONS, we feel confident of giving satisfaction. All Melodeons of our manufacture, either sold by us. or dealers In an) part of the United States or Canades are WARRISTED to be perfect In every respect. and should any repsdra be necessary before the expiration of sin year from the into of sale we hold ourselves ready-and willing to'vnake the same free of charge. prodded tb injury is ndt caused by accident or design.. I.IEO. A. PRINCE k CO. Agents 114 the sale of our Meludeonit tux le found in all the principal cities'aud towns In the United btate . and Canada, • . . . . . . .. --- Agents st Carlisle—FllßTOCK, TAYLOR & SSIITI AI Neu !LUNN,' Inutyll4l.B. LONDON 7 tO' CLUB /i6 t /' ot GIN i` t < " k C • ' 7 - • Vi s, kr. " 3 `. _ . , 3 4 b: ' ''' . i'",.. ~.-----':•`''.'..:,..'‘ ''../144 1 4. j ---------- 0 c- . 4,. t ht , v:" . 4 , Ini (alio tt,:rax.l s \ so e IL ,rs 4, - .'* ".ft.i . n k:,:::;.e'',,'.",,,%W\ P' l I -.lt -- NE IV STAGE POUT The subscriber hali started a trt weekly line of Wages between Curlisie and 14.114161 nm. leaving Car• lisle every 'Monday, Wednesday and Vriday. lunnedl Moly on thu arrival of the afternoon train of earn how thepst: Haunting, leaven Inndinburg At 80d. A.... M.. every TuesdnY, Wednesday WirSatterdaycand nrrlven at Cailisio at 1.00 I'. M., via.'Perry C trny Warm Sffings, Shermanidele, Sterrett's flap an tnr Mle SUI ne Sprimm. Ott and afar June the • ntiortino will bu run tinily .tor the accommodation of pas migui algae's Fare to the several points Set fUlloiv4: Carlisle:to Sulphur Springs, ' " Sterretes (lap ".13nermenedale, . . . . Perry County Warm Springs, Landisbnrg, Landlsburg to Warm Springs, Sherumusdale, Sterrett's dap, Sulphur Springs, dim _ . The above line will iegulorly carry the MAIL to and floe, the sevens' points above indieeted. I have Mao a well stocked 'LI V I.IIY STABLE. from which I am nt all times ready to furnish horses and car lieges to those who will favor Inc with their pntrolinge. On Ole most reasonable terms and hi the very best style maylolBsB. - lIENDEL. IMMENSE EXCITEMP.NT ! THE ___I`EOPIALIN_SIOTIONJ—NEWItA Lt.-GOODS, AT J. A. 11031RICII, CeesloSToke. J. A. Hamrick, Jr , has Jost returned from 'Philadelphia with an Immense stock if i ell and IVioter OILY GOODS. .GROCERIES, DOGES. SIIOES, selected expressly for Carlisle and vicinity. The people writ respectfully Invited to call at his store, YIRUIiIIO his muds and -• • TEST. HIS PRICES. Being desirous to increase his custom. ' he has pur• chased a MIMI larger stock of goods than as any other time, and Intends to sell thew Mint end, prices an eau. not full to suit every ono who may wish to ,purchase. Ms goods have been selected with great' care, among which may be found • ' =I . Silks, Allo I/A ws '',tw - / Parsla,, Plain ell. . lAvella Cloths, .-- , Do Begets Coitrgs, ' • . khocy I. °lanes, • Itlkbene, '. Hosiery, Cloves. French & Scotch Gingham'', Handkerchiefs, &c. FOR 'GENTLEMEN t. • . Broad Clotho, ' Kentucky Jeans.. ' .• Tweeds, • , ' Black h Fancy Doeskins, • • Sattlnets,• ,- CordurOy. • _ . Vestinge, . • llearerteens, ' '''• ' ' • Fumy and Sidestripe,Ddistroons, he. • • • , ... _. • Together • with a largo assortment of Shawls. Sack _pinnate Brilliant!, Skirting. C.nlicsres, :ii Ital DIR. Check.; 'Canton illitiiielii, Dinkel', Table Diapers, Vankeuns, 'Crook - , Drills, Umbrdiath'tic., dec. ,Theeheepest assortment of Kira. CAPS. Booth .1:11, Snots, ever offered in Carlisle. • A superior lot of FliEhil GROCERIES; comprieing 'fees. Coffee,' Sugar, Siolares, /tics, Spices, &c, Ali he asks is fur the people to, call and examine for theinseives. es ho, from confident that the quality of his goods add the low price's at which they are, selling', will Induce thorn to pUtchase.-s•Olve Min a call whether you wish to purchase ormot.'' .• ; „'' „• .•, .• , •. • . •, J. AclltliiiiilCli, Ja • • ! Corner of North Itspover and Lowther Streets. frBACCO: AND:.SEGA:II.B The . . .. Roast qualities of Lump .. Twist( rassndisb. and 13t rr,:olniVrlng -„Tolutccu's , UNBARS— line '; Importud Ravens' and Cut a Seger., aloe choice! lauds. ,f domestic. Cu • Lymtburg, Phlladelpkio omillaithione Cut and Dry ,Tobabco. Our , friend,' gamma,' Sill belt , .pleased by.exatnining for themselves , ., . • .- Nov. 10, '5B. - • -, ' .7. W., EBY. not?Oy-expOtpd, - IVIIOLESA LE DEPOT OIWAN MELODEON PRICES OF PIANO CASED FOR LA.DIES tSME/I 73. J. KIEFEER'S. WHOLEBA,LE, AND . RE,TAIL . . Drug, Chemical, 'Confectionary„ Fruit rattrErr stORE. undersigned has just replenished.his stock ,of JR .1146 and MEDIOIN)Irt,' which, baring been so. Aultyvltlygreat-care-haftlea-,am:Afresud,7„ • iiiii r :"ThysicianiP prescriptipint mill be promptly And ilthfiilly attended to. Orders from merchants in the sentry will be filled with care and on the most reatom• ble terms. All Official Preparations Made strictly In ccmciatice with the U. S. Pharmacopeia. -- : -8140 ES GROUND . AND W ROG; • . . uhc Co Cinnamon, Cleves„Alapice, 'Coriander, Pepper, Singer, Mustard, Pelting Solo.. Wasting Soda, Cream.. radar: Nutmegs, feast Powder, Mime, citron,LEweet, fhirjariiiii;Viiymif:Ad.;&e. - Itilsh - iffitfpifr'e: - Ile has on Inunlall.Uto tfliPkedikkitta 1.• leitms..of•Alm.dny;-•-7 ~,a v - ------COPTEC-TIO .rl.lll ES,--- , --- , --- Oranges, Lemons, Figs,, Raisins, Curronts, Prunes, Almond. Eilberts..._.Walnutp,•Groundnuts. Creaumuls Clitistnuts,TAPterican, German and French Candies. and Candy . Toys'of every variety. • Those vrlshing tit, makin wholesale purchases Can hero be supplied with trio best ?LUAU'? Or Confectionaries and at lower rates - than at any other house In the country. lie has als.gA full ate. sortmont of c'' . . AMERICAN, GERMAN AND FRI_NCII.TOYP . _,L - cinfAisting - iif Stood mud Tit7iir every , description. such as Dolls, Doll Meads. Horses, 31ligons, Birds, Moving Figures, Fancy Work Boxes. Masks, :Cords, Drums, Chairs, Whips, Trumpets, .IVidatles, Dressing Stands, Ac., Ac.. to be sold It holcsale and Retail, and in prices, competition is dolled. , '. . . _ . v. FANCY GOODS. ' • l'ort 6lnnmdce,. Purees, Poeket Fine ['oche Cutlery, Si ell end l'enri aril Caves, Medle Cooks, l'or Claw, 'attrition, French American ChM • Waie. Inkstand,' and -tray,c,. C4tid Racks and Backe --..lett=ilrenkt:PlncrNeckleta - and<ms","Cd7aliKlTllTEnng, L 4 lllO. and Back iinttapercha Cunha. qair.Clothea,ll..C, Put On. Nnll and Itruphcs. Sowing Silks, Paten& Thread and Spool Cotton. IPattons, &c., &c. =, • Fancy Toilet and other:S.onm Pcirl PoWders, P.% frame, first quality Hair Oils, POIIIIIIICA, .Shaving. Soaps Xtirophiirons, Totith-WaAll, lialr.lnvi,roratiir . ri and Bair: Dye. T m he r,ve hare been selected with rain and will nll odOxsuilliation, ;peak for themselves. 2"01.3.10' A.VI.) SEGARS. • Oh hand tho'beat lot of Segars nod TObarco that baa over Leon bmughi to this tow.. t.. ,, regara wlll no, vitMe the snooker on.trial of the purity of the mate; tol of which they consist.—lle has on Itandthose_only whielt_itrohnporteditnd-whirli-ht,EIWIM 1 1 1 1111111 l ns such. Wu need nut speak ..t the trite German - Seger as, thus have already ;mined for themselves a reptttatien tint tinny No richly deserve. Ile also keeps the common .an tick of Sugars tumult the trade; Tobarco mochas El. dorado. Plain Congress, Twist Plain, Fig .leaf, Cavell. ditaa; Congress, and Pine Cut Tobacco and_rinult,_ ..7.bestriiiaterial.. - ... • • Feeling thankful to the goueroun public for their lib oral patronage,.a.continuation of the same is solicited, at our permanent location in :Muth Hanover ct eel, nil . ratty imposite Ilannon's Hotel, and next door to. Mr. C..lnhoff's tirocery. Carlisle June 2,3 lAsl3—t4ly. 1= R D~, d IMMENSE STOCK OF HARDWARE The Subscriber !unjust' returned from the Eastern calas. and would'tall 'the attention of his friends and, the puldle"generally to the large and well.thilected sortment of lIARDWAiIIf which he line now, On hand .q.usisting lit'part. of BUILDf 31ATLIt1 A I.S, such as Sails. Screws, Hinges, Bolts, hocks, Class at every do scription and gnat ity, such as Common,lViille. polished American. French. Enamelled mid Bantle thick of all int...A, Paints, &c. • ' ' -'l:ool.Slncludiug Edge Tools of every description,' Saws Planes. Ilractimal Ditto; Augers. Squares. (lunges. Rasps. !Jammers, \ICON, Anvil, Screw Flutes, Blacksmiths Bel &I. Shoemakers and Saddlers will find a largo assortment ot"Pools of every description. togetherw'lth Ladles'. and' Gentlemen ' Morocco • Lining. Mi n ding. Patent and Pretieli-Calf Skins. Shoe Thread. Anis. IS six, Pegs. Lasts, Harness Ilauviting„Collars, Girthing, IVhlpstock, Deer. hair, Saddle.Toes,_&c...t.e. . Also. Coach Makers Tools and Trimmings atilt kinds such as flubs. Spokes. Volloes.Shafts IGnoti, Floor Cloth; Canvass. Cloth. Damask; Fringe,. Lace, Moss, Axles. Spring Belts. At, Ar , • Cabinet -Makers will find a large assortment of Tar niches. Oak, IValnut, and 3latiogniii Veneers. Icnolm of all kinds and sizes. Mouldings. Rivets, Ilan Cloth, Plush, Curled flair Chair mid Sofa Sponge, .te. llousaheepora will also lfind' h large asi.ortment of Itnives and Forks, ItriStannin. Albite and Silver Plated 'fable and 'AT Spoons, Candlesticks 'Walters. Shovels. diet Tomo.. Iran and Mass Kettles. Pans, together with Ceilarwaro of all kinds; such as pubs, Buckets, Churns. As., Agricultural implements,embencing Plows nfall kinds, cultivators: floes, Shnv'els, Bakes, Forks, Chains; to. I BON, a large sto. k, comprlsing,all hinds iri general.' use-width I am selling at city wholesale prices. 4.1 member - tho ..id stand.'East Maio street. rarlisle. March 9, 1859 11. SAXTtE'.. CRITTENDEN'S PHILADELPHIA commEnciAL COLLEtilt, ..DLE—Oirlici , ' , Soventit-and-Chestnut-Stffri - LD PH lA. An lustautlon deaalgoed Ko prepare young men for ACTIVE 1.11181:YLES.. " • I:amnia/urn Sept: 11%44 BOARD Or TRUSTELD. IL IL Vornegyn, FmnrlP Iluekine, Davit] 311Inu, Uo 11. Stuart. D. It. Hinman, John Stiarhawk. Frederick Drown, Joshua Lippincott, Jr. • FACULTY. B. 11. CRITTENDEN; Principal, Co: milting Accountant and Instructor In Cottunurcial CUSWIDE. . THOMAtI W. Monet, Professor of Penutatirhip. GEORGE M. Tun...cilia., Pr donor of the Fclonce of Ac- couuta Joins Gnomonic, Professor of Book-Keeping and Pho nography. AUOUSTUR ptuos, Professor of Languages. Lion. JOEL .1011 s, Lecturer en Commercial Law. W It. itirm , c, L. L. IL, President of.llirard College— Lecturer on Political Economy. Catalogues, containing full particulars of terms:lrt • nor of instruetion, • c, may be bad on applying at %h. College, either hi person or 11: letter liOOIGKEEPING for 'sale.— Price $1.50.--Key to same, LU ets. [0ct.1:1;54. " 01•11RIOwr MILL " FAMILY GROCEItY AND • TEA STORE. • Just received and In store. a fresh and well .se• haled assohniont of Rio, Java and Slam. calla) Coffee, Roasted Coffee. Crushed Sugars. Relined and other brown SI11:317, superior rap Molasses, Urbana (balling) NI la •0 e. Spices of every variety— pure only ; Starch, Farimeand Chocolate. Macaroni, Cheese and Crackers, Tapioca and Sago. .liiillgo, Saleratos and re do, Cream Tartar and an. sorted Pickles, Mustard and Coriander Seed. TiIAS.—.A lino assortment In l'achetea, •C '• 'and . ir well itsother articles I.looll}4llit to the hu.iitiess—all at (lie lowest r and late reduced prices. Nov. V 1911 Y STABLE.—Huving pur- L. 4 chased from J. 11. Nonenniker Ws LIVERY ES TABLISWIEN li, I will 6e tilways ,remly to lic.muno• dare tioi public with CAR. I,lolil AGES, BUM: ES. and every Min:rm.. • tido in my line. By at riot attentionAo. pleo th . e iarliii;litier hopes lo ini ECG raculvo ei libcrnl sbare of public putroufigo. UFA/IMF: iIEPIDEL, N. B. Ownlbussespn Lund to supply tbose who 12ItlY be In need of them. ) U. 11. Nov. 25. 1 . :857.1 • _1 IN I 01 NHANTcti, IM . West Main Sliver., (opposite the Railroad °dim,' has Just received if nine dud elivunt assortment of Black and Fancy Cassimers, and a varlets or Plain and Figured Veloings, all of which he will make up to measure in fashionable style, ,slid on roe seeable terms. Any- Urdorg attended to promptly, and the fitting fo all garmenta guaranteed, crab gale. maylUlS5B. IRON RAILINGI—Iron Railing for IRON enclosures. public and private grOunds and gardens, made to order nt the Carlisle Foundry. our stock of hailing. Verandah end Bracket patterns gout. prises a largo variety of new and elegant designs which too pt.bt.e ere Invited to call and examine. Orders far resting and putting up Hailing will to promptly execu ted at antiMitetory prices, 11 ... %. Xt. entirely now 'f.EN MORSE STEAM EINGINE andiltOblll now on hand, warranted to be of the best make, and will be sold at a baigain for cash ur on short KitsjilDNitit & CO. , OAR 11-PAILADELNILA, PA. : The undersigned. the Founder iind Pubileher -ot AA 0 iChT'S COUNTERFEIT. - DETECTOR, &shout; of retiring from this branch of Business has merged that ski established work in theimpular BANK MUTE REPORTER of IMLAY A BICKNELL. !laving pub. fished Van Court's Detector since 1880, the undorshmed reluctantly parts with his old friends and subscribessi but this roluatance is lessened by the eon lethal, that in IMLAY & BICKNELL'S 'BANK NOTE REPORTER they will receive a work that matches the Dines. J. VAN COURT. Philadelphia, Dec" 20,.18.58. -- ' . I_l LAY BICIEVEI.OI DANK NOTE REPORTER are . payable scrupulously lu, advance. Thin Is tho oldest Ltank.llote Publicatien In-tho won't!. For- thirty long piste It has maintained an unsullied reputation. and continues to he the necessary u tnponiou atoll business - People. over the whole continent of America. THE COINS OF TILE WORLD! Now In mess by limn 4,Blcessu, will be. given gm tultously to all old find - maw eubeerlbers. All Cole Charts, Gluides and Manuaisiats compared with this, may be considured w,tstu vapor.. To the $1,55,,Per annum. Monthly, , • . , • Single Coph,e, at the connter,.lo Coate, Dialled; . 12 !, , Address, • .IMLAY ' - Ilex 1150, Post,Oiftee, I"biladolvhia, l'a. dan.120550-41m. • tf , - • iro received fresh BURNIG FLUI D t an4 ,ALeolioL, at •• ,; ' B. J.I)3EI4EII'B: • DOES. DIE.ASE ORIGINATEAN ,1111 URITY UP 1111.1•BLOOK• Thin is a question of %dad Itorfortatice. and one which ' 'lute never. been satiernetorlly disposed of by the prefab., role who tench the heating art. Some ninlntnin—and • ucpecial ly the old school Physielnisfy—thet • 1110 lives in the blood, and therefore fill Jleetweil origh.ate in it— hut modern science avers that nilinants Ints'e their • ' f faith the solidi. 'find guide of the Lady. '1 hat the latter preponderate., hoe-o'er: is a 'fixed fart; • and fnedlcal_fili if l_tinfi_ehatilv—tratad—that7n, offirefe -- that,butenn Scab to heir to, Imo their source lanai ' . STATE OF TIIE BLOOD! Ali, for Instance. ht the long csiinlogue. ouch. Scrofu• In. 'fetter, f-Ilarfier's Itch,' , Us.' Mara, Salt libeuni;Alsialifirecs from the Enr, fever • Sores, or irruptive diseases of any. kind c ii4 heals are rlahled by well known feedlotl lam% to arise from lad blood—while' ti), lbatmionf — fiiiVslirl , glfint . e , l , n the some r r f o ianner, and h, , ,i interaftl,. and, the latter an external irruptimi . - diseaserinnithrall - persolialittriffkliVirtifese annitullen, the blind is found to bifelf.lint coagulated, or of n 'dark •-- `To ward off a large majority of alarinses, ns well 'as to, cure n unlimber which have already seized upon,the aye tem, it is necessary to ' ' . . , • . . . 14111.1 NY VIE BLOOD. .Llndsoy's Improved Blood Forireber does not claim to • lII , ZIV-EIISAL-PANACE/t. for every diseaso knZivo , but the proprietors claim. for It lite power not ouiy of drniolegout ao Impurities of Abe blood. but by the AID - fel combitta tint, of wet tknown vegetable remedies. it will cure all diseases arising trim' a deranged state of the liver, dilve out tlyepepsin,lud give renewed tone and vigor to the stomnch That the Moot, Smisctun is all that Is claimed for it, the proprie tors coo produce It lo only a Sow yearn nine° It- woo dlocoteited„nnd yot • It bon grown Into snafu LudtoFllttOLO.lprir.o.laboratory tnitnnforture—o largo. numbur of won outplayed In putting null the' SUPPLY 4)0E8 MiT EQUAL TIIL DEDIA,NbI . . . 'We ask any rand filinan,couhLthis be.i.o..if Oil Mad ItitiirdlirhYti piqii.ess ALL the virtues claimed for it ? The l'rom , etors have hundreds of certificates from mini of probity and standing in the community, show., imulia,t_thuniedielnuts_didug_dally-fur-tha-euffering• ASK. -- ANY PERSON .— . . '= ... who ham over tiled the Blood Searcher whether. tell wan experleoced. bet the efili^ted give it n single bottle wil • convince the meet skeptical or itm eflicary. M. For Mit> in Carlisle by S. W. Haver/dick, 8. El MAL nod M. J. Kieffer; Itauffoinn._&-8-bor—hri— lourittletmeller-&--EnokrBlreplierilstown ; Joshua Culp Ir,gOWlr; Jacob SlllllllOllll. Cress bolds; Kurtz_ & Wise, Shiremanstown; A. M. Lelditii, priegs; Mary W.• Aloepl, Churchtewm; Edward Jsmes, West 11111; J. C."Enstiamdit'.4 liro., Oakville; Sbormnlter & Elliott. Newburg; Mni. Newville; J. Hood di- Co.'. Springfield ; & Dim Dictitron ; Illabland & Wsrhinger, Jacksonville; Wm. Clark Itondri',• - li , ...Eekletb_epoittbg.:lllll; Walt; - J. C. - Altisk,Sbippensburg; all of Cumber- Isnd routAy, Ps. - • LINDSEY & LEMON. Proprietors. 0ct2768„ Mllidn3 Aunt, Pa. . AFFLICT,gp READ!!! =I! PHILADELPHIA MEDICAL llOilslJ—EntnGllnh• ed „, e' np n 1y 11.. ELIN, L., uer — Crl r nod Uufon titreetn, Plialtd,:lphia.. PA. • Ti.VENTY-TWO YEAR'S' S'AXTON'S . „ 'Experience has 'rendered I K. n net t mireersllll Tier 111 the cure diseases urnprivate turn; niaidniud's debility, us en hallaallineut to rase rhuie ; nu. xnus and sexual infiruilt ecthe_ akin, and those urialiuniuniiibuxe of illiireurY, ,There.la an .0;1 baldt smoothers Ind u Led In 1.y1.45i )r, aolltutte. n growing up with them to une•hood; and whit. Jr not reformed In due thou. hot only tweets serious attlaCiCH to unarhoonlat hapPiton.a, but plots He° to a set les of protracted, Int,iduoto, and del aAtatlug, altectlons.. Few of thoso who gire.uny to tills pernicious prnetlcer ern duii re of the envineytninces until they •fttt the nor. yowl system thntlen d, feel strange ;11 / unaccountable saliva t and vague rea.R 0101 11111 (,:re pages 27, ;N. 'll. 01 Dr Ws book ou S thin.") 1h; u nfin tu nate thus alTeete rocs treble, Is tins. Ito to labor with iieeti&totne ger, pr to' - apply Ids mind to study; step is aidy and n rah; lie Is Anil, Irresolute• and engages evenin hie sports with less en. eigy than usual. he emanclpete himself before the practice tan done 3- Its worst. nod enter me trierny, his !Interlope Is unfruiV tul, and his ECMa tells bin! that thin Is caused by lila rally tallies. These are considerati on s whleh should awaken Ibo attention of all who are sindlarly situated. REMEMBER, Ile who plares hlnvaelf under Dr.,RINKELIN'S treat ment'. may,rellrloualy honor as a gentle.. man. and rely upon the usguranee that, the seclete of Dr. patlenta will never Int dlaclrsed. Young Man—let no false modesty deter you from making your case knoUlt to one, oho, from education and renpectability ran reit .l my befriend yoti. Ur - KIR/AI:VS reAdence hat. been for the 'net yearn at the N. W. Corner of TIMID AND UNION STILEIMI, Philadelphia, Pa. • • - "" Can have _Shy staDrit _illeirsitmexplicitly,,together with ayinpionni. per_leti or—enclosing-a remittal.) Dr. li'amtedlelno. appropriated accordingly. Forwarded to coy part of trio United Stater, and packed cur frvio DAMAGE or CUItIO4ITY, by. Mail or Exprenn. " READ! "YOUTH AND 111AN1100D ! • ' A vlgoroue Life or a Premature Death, Klnkelin on Solt-PreFervellom—Ooly 25 Cants. Letter,. containing that value in stamps, mill ensure 6 a copy, per return of INCOIMORASKOJUNZ . 4, '55 Inivid S. Brown, A. V. Parsons, Isaac Hacker, ",Nature's Unide," a now and' popular work. full of tamable advice and Impressive warning. allNe ealculat ed to prevent yeare of misery. and 1 , 111 . 0 thourando of lives, In distributed without charge, and forwarded by mall. pre-paid to any hat In the United Etetes, oti re coining an order enclosing two postage stamps. dec.ls,lBgth—ly. HOWARD A ASS . OOIATION, A Benevolent Institution, established by special en dowment for the yellEfof.,tho alek 'and distressed, afflicted with Virulent and Epidemic distance. The HOWARD ASSOCIATION; in view of the awful destruction of human life, caused by Sexual diseases, and the door ohms practised upon Ihe.unfrt motto vie. time of such diseases by Quacks, several yearn ago di. iCeteit their (occulting Surgeon, 055 CISAIIITABLE ACT worthy of their name, to open a Dispensary for the treatment or this class of diseases, in all their form and to glee MEDICAL ADVICE I.IItATIS, to all irP.: apply by letter, with a description of their con:Mint (ago, occupation, habits of life, d e.,) and In rinses of us Hemp poverty to FL/DM:ill Ml.l/1111% ES FREE 01 CILIRUE I . It s heedless to told that the Mar:elation commands the highest Medical skill of the ago, and will furnish the most approe d modetn treatment. The DI: ertors of the A Fsyclat ion, in their A mount tin- Pport upon the treatment of ,Sea not 111600M11.1 , , Mil!. the highest satisfaction ulth the AUCVeI. M Lich ham attthid• ed the labors of the Consulting Surgeon lultrff cure of Spertnutortlara, Sentlnal Weakness. Imprtenve. Uonor phoe,, Moot, byphills, the lboo ofOnanism or Self abuse, :t.%. nod order a MiltillUall. of (be saute plan for the ensuing year. The Directors, on a review Of the fast, feel assured that their labors in this• sphere of benevolent effort, halo been of great benefit to the afflicted. enfecially thotounar nod - they' have' ed 16 thew. soiree. frith renelked zeal, to Oda very Important but deopl•ed cause. dust published by the Assorlntlon. a Report tin Sper m-ale:111mo. or t 4 ewitin I I\ enkness, the Tire of (Inatlisni. Masturbation or t-elfutlbuse, and other bike Se,: of the t.esual iirgans, by the Consulting Surgeon, which' will be sent by ned I, (In a sealed letter en, eloped FR hit; OP I .11 A Itti E. on receipt ot TWO t•TAVPSfnt)postage Other Repeat. and Trarts on the tottute and tteattnent of Pions! illsea,os, Met, are mli 1:6413 . tieing publish ed for gratulious ills , Manion. and will 1e scut jf, the afflicted. :one of the new remedies and nielluds_of EZEM Ttiturant discovvird - thfring thin 12tht )ear, am of great nine: Address. fbr Report or treatment, rbr. 13I.OliftE H. CALHOUN, Consulting Surgeon, Ilou•nrd Assoeintion, N 0.2 South Ninth elf ref ;Philadelphia, Pn. _ order of the hlrecters. - -14ZILA, D.-1140.101VELLFIRNUOiii liE1). FAIRCHILD, Serrattry.' Dec.0.1858,1y. ti 0 UTZ'S lIXTURFI.—This•if3 a Tawremul and truly magical remedy for all este, nnl diseases, 'either on man or beast We. Would ask, have you the Rheumatism or Corns? These are not pleasant companions, and we know flint you would like to drive them nutty as quick as possible. .Thos use Fouta's -Mixture. . MEE= Would you have your sores, swellings, cuts. burns, sprains. bout,. or; any other woundg healed, we repeat It. use Foutes Mixture. It is truly a wonderful article. ' • .1f your Borne leis the Sytathrittitglone. Poll4tell, Vistrila, Scratches, ( - racked lands. Chafes. tlels. Ptirahm, &c. Pal 4ralti and again. your remedy is VOutie Mixture: -It costa tart twerity.flve Ceti tf. to t ry.lt. Hundreds who were racked with pains—Names who wore thought Incurably NM... InOve been restored no health and soundness and aro only rejoicing In, the blessings that health bestows; and thus, Jour reader, may it be ,with you. If you irre so' dnfortunate as to lie afflicted with nay-of the the for which you find tide Itiolment recommended. use ft preservNgl3, coo in faithfully, arid we think you will hove rause to blest the day when you became acannimed with Youtx's ,Mixture.. Prepared by S. A. VOUTZ. Westmlnsta.. For solo by 5. IV. Ilaverstick. Carlisle, Pa.. and store. keepers throughout the county generally. Price 26 and 50 costa W I AMC. .lul3 21,1859. D U VALL'S GALVANIC OIL orREPARED PRIGiNALLT EY PROF; 13. U. DU VALL, Formerly of Me. College of Surgeons, 'Purls, 18 now offored,to tiurpublic for the C111:6 of all Fore and Painful Diseases; for instance—nab; or 'Soreness Di any pnrt 01 the Sy steinrnlieurectisms. Palo In the nach o ltreast or tildes. !haled Atetis.ts.—lceuraltda.• burns, Spill FM; Cramp In the Stomach, cc nity o t h e r Disease that Is Fitlin AND PAINFUL, and It Is only over this.eltrns of Diseases we claim it PhIIFECT VIC. I . ollr. :Aro Niy . positively 'to our. patrons. we ,ran, re- Hove the sufferer OU antes out of no: Ka would just my to the Public. Piet Du Val) wen 26 years le, brie gs, log this medicine to tho.rolperiority it has user all oth ers. • An. Pace mutts pcertetttle. 66% per root, off to • . pa. All Order,. most be addressed to' ' • • J. D. STONERODE, Soleletrt fur 11. S. LOWIMOWII. Dllfoln 11111 ,, tY. Pa. C 322 •``TILL , A:NOTE-LIM, ARRIVAL; OF L . I. l ,rwatl And chrip Grotetlia, Dried Vault, Duca* wheat: eider. &c., at the nois, store of dee:lslB6a. ' • . . . PRANBERRI.I4.I, TABLE•OIL, I t *dirty), Raisins Currents, O t.rn, itetslulp; presy•ssed Peaches,' Pkt Psicttwhost, APdstbm drtl4 ties of OS semis: Just opsulng of -the "Nashua Hall° Orucrpiy aud.Tea Store. Nuys 8,18680 Jllebicine. TTII PROOF. ' TAKE PARTICULAR NOTICE PATIENTS AT A pI§TANCF GRATIS! GRATIS!! GRATIS!!! A FREE GIFT TO ALL. , MISERY RELIEVED A W. um
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers