Jiew .flituertielitent.l "LICITBD —By:i !piddle : aged lady S a .sltuatlon In. a prlvit/Pfandly, to teach Anon chltdrAlt all the littgllah brooches culled to their ow nod rapacity. Also. will troict In a little plain sowing If desired. The servlrea.rendoted, trill be Considered list equivalent for, board no a' pleasant -slid - comfortaldo Itotnela the object Is vleW. trlll hove no alleelhout to any Inn i i l'uottsvlvaula or any of the mlddltiStates, healthy hot:ilium Address, . W. M. KAMM.' Editor of the Cornejo Herald Mar. 23, 1859-6 t 0 5 814 4 . 000 .WANTED for well Pe Cured Judginputm. uire of Lb L,lltor. • • [Mar. 23, 1803.) . 7 -- 7_7 - 461‘;;Ttp B. J. W ILLI/151 . 5. • . hi tii6 inrgesl tonnufnettpor of • Window Ends, • • =l=l • WINDOW SHAD ES; Of every variety Ile Is the orhtihator of all sow styles dad has a doe HtOdir to 110 sold at reduced prices. Bud. nod all 'other colors or Iluee shades,,trlunnlngs, • , • , store shades painted to order. • _ • 10 , 1. a. d. W: Invites _citizens of thla'aounty to veil before•intrelnishat, and assures them he ran Bell a hot ter anal,: for the money thou ally other establishment In the United Stales. . Ittr 33, 18LO —lit . William Practical PLUMBER and •048 FITTER, --- in.flie basetnral of 11 . 1.e...11,—_1; • Church,_L,... . . • • Main Street. Carlisle. • . I 'tend And Iron Plpety . . Cast Iron Sinks, .., . . , 11/Trams, . • • . Rath Tuts, ' blot & Cold Shower Rallis, 'lath Hollers, IV Iter rlosets. , ' Wash I las! TIM. .• FOITO liiril - 11 ft Puillym, . I 11,,draulle Itarnsote. Wro't In, Word rub., .. . - • - , And ev.;ry (I.,,outio':‘ of took, and. 11ttlogs for gas, ' sleatn:water_ An. Superl r cooking ranges, heaters and , ' - . gas list UM put up in ehurelten. stores and dwelllngt ! At short non,. ha the most unndern ttylo. All ninterl -, aln and work litour line nt low rates and Warranted OW" Con u try work and Jobld4promptly attended to. . :liar. 23, 185.0—1 y , Ti ST N o'l' I CE. Leuers testa mentary on the I.slate of Anna era. late of Upper towlishlp dereused. have hi en Issued by the Re gister of Cumberland rounir•brthe subserihei.,-resfdlne— . _ . lu. tho mute townmlllp, 'All p.m.. Itulebtod to mad __. cilia ourure4 ulretl_to- homed In to!pay non t,-4U..1 lying claims Ai11,1..re , 0, m 4 thou for settlement " p Executor. ' 8 1 , 44t0:4t •I • , • • '-•11(outil And r.7 m Just. publlshi.d. • tnn nth Thousand, .I . ELE 7 / and nrlled I sealed of-three oan address post -p aid •on - receipt ' 1 "; 11 ""rr ' stamps . : • .11edical Essay . on the yhYsical exhaustiorivnd decay of the' frame, caused by Self abuse," - .infection,. and the injurious' consequences of ~11erlitry ' By R. J. Calverwert. .11 D., stem . ber . of the Mortal College of Surgeons, ti.c. irri — SPermtltorrhma or Seminal Emissions, Genital and Nervous Debility.. Impotency: Loos of Energy. De • .prosslon or lip1;161. Dis sexual or gans. and impediments to marriage, too promptly and effectually reacted by the author's notol and moVt sucoessrul modu or treatment.. 'by metals of which,' the invalid eon regain pristino health without having rO. codrikri.Wdangentun and osponslob medicines. LFrom thu L:mdon Lancet.] The hest trentlae ever written .on n suldeet of vital Importance to ell, well worthy the auther'.i exulted re) . Addremi the publishere .1.•C;IiI.IN dt Co., lot Ave nun, cern, 10111 etreet. l'oot 800 4586, New York city ?tar: '23 Ibso-3tnie PENN JLUTUAL LIFE INSUItANCE COMPANY. . • OFFICE NOICY'II EAST - CORNER OFBD and Dock streets. l'hilade(phia. • A - 2,0051U1.% LTD CAI'IfAI. $715,000. Charter Perin, tun). s LI IN I El, S. NIILI.EIt. President. ' SAIIUEL E STOKES, Vic.; President. JouN'W. .l'ac'y. - Thu underdomd, having hem applinted the AGENT for the above Company, for Cunberland comity, would, n t , o w t r i t ad . Vrt i lli i i , i r llh r e o . , g e r o u v A e t r any otlier mode :id vtoil. Piero Ina lig G. atbik holders, the 'moat:: are divided 'atiton4 thin policy, holders. sad' appropriated to renclog the annual payments, thus nuking ouch one interested, equally, with the Trustees, in adding to the IGA GESS of the el 1111014 . • , Tile ' , N aha a nine bii odd till iriOriS, semi a:m.llly, or apnually, so that persons of /halted SWAGS can iii suriThr a greater aut u n it. than they ...mid where the !whale prolliritai is required' in, Circulars with lull particulars ran_ he had on applies. tint ti tip, ,sabi.riber, at Ida Mike, Male - street. near th - e hailread Iii'ONSLKII, treat kst•tte Agent and Conveyancer. Carlisle ; Mar 23, 1850=tau Tilt BOWELS tan 'rum Frerrto;ll..As perfect health Is the greatest blessing that we can enjoy, without which "all.otiter hluaslugs are of little consequence, we deem it of great Importance to point out the way foryou to en. jay it. flte,liewela inner he kept In in state by whleti thee 'aro v mtbled,tn carry.olT the_nselest, molter, they are the In in channel whicif nature has appointed to carer elf everything tl at in unnecessary. .tad Uis Int. p snub to 101 l whet a her a amantil of rlcliness has been CO/410.1101i. el/FtlVelltilit In Other word, by not Keeping the bowels regular; It Is the main road to all diseases: It Is the cause of unnatural irritatlen to the moons, or lining nimbi:me of the bowels. flaring lot their natural strength, the , ramp t olject to whnl is required °ahem Ileum,. the bowele bcconithillamed, anal nol, en you find n Rpoetty relief. a thousand other cnnydnio is err ever ready to drag aant through a miser able and wretched life., Such must be given as will clause the stomach awl bon els. Kul restore their natural strength. To accomplish thin there Is no tam, p..und so vela tide ea these Pill; nll,other ineditinen slink to odor insittilllcanee w4cn C 01111111 1 .1.11 to seem:, an though the Author of Nat ere has declined Ahern for this as well an other complaints.' From twin to live pills a day will Increase strength and appetite, antrcleanse the stountelt andtotesiines how whatever Is t. Jurioun. Dr. norse's Indian Hoot Pills are said by all dealers In medicines. • [From the II iltininro :Sun.] One Dollar I—lt Is too much. exclaims the person de. siring cheap articles for the restoration of the.halrl W havothowever In our experience found that articles whleh roinmatoled seemin.tly eserldmirt prices, are In the end cheapest to. the purchaser. Prer+.ll articles arc aikrilyp pot up 111 small p.l•kag•S, arid efficacious medicines aro not C011.1ti1.r...i liar at any Priv, one dollar trinel the price for Prof V% node noir Ho at oral lye, for the smallest tier. On is a tillilidallt all:a:latee that the trial bottle contains tritYst precious Ingredients In prod of whit), Its sale has creased title Immured fold within the past yet r. CAurioN,-11e—are of 'wore Were ImDatlons. as several are already in the market. railed by din - emit 'names. Use none unless the words (PrOfessor IVood's (lair storatlve. Depot St. I nubs. kIo.. New York). a, blown In the bottle. Sold by at Druelrlsts and Patent 51.411- )lodlelnu drains, also 11V .11 Fumy and Toilet Hoods dealers In the United Staten and Canada. FOR SALE Olt RENT. , " • Th. tiyo.Nlory Brick House on Lou . . ..7.-N Cher street, near . the German Reform (..,, , 7..... ::. _i l l . ~.hifi,..lir ka m i ld nee d occupled by :Slr 0 smile or rout :7----... 411 Z- , from . the lot o a f o lp er r ' ll o f; to r A . . . PP Y 0 JNO. 11. PARKER , . . 21Tur. 0, 1850 ) UT IFS PATENT A NIM A LTRAP L. The Fulmeriber has been . dppointed ag.nt fo - Cwnberblcount for the sale brltuib'u Patent MIL tnal TiAp, for..calching MINKS, FOXES, WOLVES. BEARS, dc. Call and see thorn tho cheap Ilard‘rare ati,re.of HENRY SAXTON, East Main et., Carlisle, Pa. Mar 0, lltia I)OTATOEb-POTATO F.S. . The subscriber Is in the reeoiptaveol4, of all the alnico varieties of pet.ttoes, either for fondly use, or for seed. telifeli he offers to the public at rs.astilii‘olo prices Ile bon constantly om bond, block. blue and• w Lilo piercers, pink•oyee. and other varieties, warranted of good tonlity. For sale by NVILLI AM ASK tliV, Zug's now Iwlldiug, oppobito the market house. Mar U, 11369-2 in , PENNSYLVANIA HOUSE, Corner; of Hanover and Loather streets' one svaire north of the Court house, Carlisle , Pa. riIHE SUBSCRIBER WOULD BE LL :Teafully Winn the public generally, that ho has now secured a !intone to keep a politic house i f en. tertainment, and wall make •ivory hie customers. Ills table will he supplied with mil .the delicacies of cannon, and his bar furnished with a variety of , leant liquors. Thu stabling attached to the hotel, Is taiga and commodious, and will be attended in by a careful hostler. • e Transie at and perinnuent boarders accommodated • on ` reasonable tennis. ' Tbankful for the patronage berototore received be Lopes, by strict attention to business and a desire to please his guests. to merit its ont 'nuance. - P. AUGItIN BA VW. Proprietor.' I=l OLD FitthlNDtiottid the public jji generally are Invited to call and 'examine thy stock or irnah d ItOOERTEy,,. EEO I:33M^M Pinhole; Preserves. Fresh Can Fruits, Spices, {Vocal and 'Willow Ware, Ropes sad Inusbvs, ults, Fish, Salt, and n largo variety of other goods not necseary to "Store It moth Lam. doom oak of Ittioada' . Warehousa. (formerly John O. WiPlatmors.)'• • .. Wye !no a 44411 nod examine any pod^ nod prices, I Intotalto'pAl,as choap ,as any.utlier saint outside im , • tiuttor,.hlmr.ro m ',Eivip: Rater, Borman Dried . Fruit, &c, takOn In eaCliatrgo for goods. Calllale, Oct. ?7,'6g. GTA !NTS! I A full nos..m , ilit ol(llasaar ail alitia uuuquallty, with n , larac, 6toZii Of, fo.lt PAINTS,, 011 COOrfl. Ontl. VariliSl4T• &C largo or =lan quant.ltlaa, ut low taturea at- „ JOHN INN!? 80W, 0.. North Ilatoavor Streak •' 0,4..437. Ilandbil)s exceute4.- 1)001t I.IO,pSN,STATpt:ENT FOR . SA ‘II3EV TRITT,..IOII:I TRIIIIILE and'. ADRAHAN , 111 nil,Ell, Enquire, Dlreetnrwof thdPoor and Igo! House of Employment of. tliti Cotinti Of, Hum boil:lnd, In neount--wlth enuptx t from the find dai.nf .Mowry the thirty - Prat day of Ikeember, • - • ' Cash. received from County Treasurer, • • • .¢9.000' 00 br.intui Clendenln, Etal. , • a • • , . • 132 49 Of .1. M. Moaosfor ustrof , C.Liiiv,illllo . r . :,` -- f 0 CO Of D. Weary fur use of Mrs. Holler,. 39 00 Of IL Snodgrass, fur use bf.M;Snoderass for 2 yrs 05 JO offl, Ssodurson, for use of Sire. Knuttlo, . ' 74 00 For Potables, 47120 , For. drove.Notere, ' " 19 SA, • • . r. Frain 51. Beltshoover for use; •. A et, 425 •For tallow - . , 4el Fwmi N. Flock for use NJA PUIIII/11 GITIA 'Failneat Or - intireit - mrdever.ln favor - of . Mrs. O'Brien, on laud -- purchaioir - of A. In tgl'2. : * $ 3 . 9 91 .orocerirs and merchandise, - 403 /or olit door tup p nrt. Talim lag. :gloom ki ri,g and Matting, Out ther funeral expenses, Eerie:other, • 'For stork„ Far State Lunatic Asylum, Constable's fees, ' ' • 2 Wood and Coal, • -' 0111k!r _advanced by J. Squler, Esq., Materials for age of farm, • Posts and rolls, • Post 111111 rail fence making, Drugs dud 1111,1111 . 1nes.' • • • • (tat doormied lad aid, , , lumber, thain. Flour and . grindlug, .Saddlery, - Carpenterwork,-- , .-:,,--"!" • . Tin and chppor ware, -.- Hardware., • Wagoomaking, . . Coopering: , 'Paid Franklin county, uso paupers, Freight, Mason murk,. . Ploughs. • • . Cook stern, ,' , Cutting,box, - _ • Cowl lops,. ' Sundrles, •' Tr livening expenrer, Postage, ke., • .1. bolateh's salary, Dr. 'Zeigler's salary, Jacob Sqiiier. Esq., Treasurer. Tlinmaa - 3t. Diddle. Eeq Attornry,. W. Cortiman, extra pay as Director, I. Trimble_ extra 1,1,,,y as Director,_ eic-iiipay .Lynch, Jacob Souler: - Fsrki, Treasurer - of the Poor House and Holm of IZmploymont on Cumberland county. It, it, count with the Directors of said Instltutlim, from tho Ist day of January to the 3lst day of December, A. D. ISM, IneTuslre, viz: • - DR. - Rec .1. firm County Treasurer, From .1. Lnbnelt, Steward, from different sources as' ehlblted In thy, foregoing statement, Balance duo Ti onsurer on sottloment, • fly cash void on Directors orders, $8,639, 4 Stock on the fa . rio,' 13tof Janu'ory, 1859 7 head (glories. 2eolts, 15 cone, 1 yoke or oxen. 21 steers. 1 bulleh heifers. 2 calves, 7 sheep, lboar, 2-brood sons, a slie.tts, un(ll6.plgu... - . . .. . • Be:!, l'ork,Wittlon and l'eal,fattened and k ed on !Liam, in 1858. 33 beeves. avernso weight 486 (15781) lbs.) 21 hogs nvermze weight 155 lbs. (4183 lbs.) 13 cakes. symig weight 611 tbs. (7so lbs,) 13 cheep, nvorago_ Neight 4 (1111 lbs.) making. In sll 21.b)4 IbN. Farming utrnsilB on the farm 141 of January ===l I MU.OII bed, one I.nlr of aOA ladders. 2 pair °rimy Ind• dora. I cart nod cart gears. 1 ono horse wagon nod htr• Mr , 11 plows. :1 single shovel plows, 1 ill, rows. /I double shovel plows„t tbrashlox ronehloe and horse power. 1 fannlokinill. 1 corn sheller. 2-eulthulorlites I rolling sio - eeo, I ground roller, I grain drill. 2 grind stones, 2 log dodos. da set, or co w chains. II rot of r mum gents, 11 set. of plow gears. I not of earpeo.or tools. I a, t of - hutch °Hog Loons, 0 whwd4armws. 1 enhbage knlre, d cradles. 12 glowing seytlles. 2 mattocks 3 crowbars, 2' picks sh evils od.a variety Of Quarry-log tools. Also. spud licks, rakes, cycler, Corn llors, stn. Irmtmer , s,slettg • Rood saws, axes: mauls, wedges, &c. Schedule showing the' proceeds of the farm for _ .1858. • 900 Lnvhetc of :11 of rye. 1500 of cern. 550 of oes. )5U pf potatoes. ..1.23i of eloverseed. 1 of timothy seed. made 50 loads of ho,, 21 loots of corn 'fodder, I load of pumpkins. raised 84)14) heads of eald.ago, of e aeon) ber.l, 15, bushels of turnips. 20 of tomatoes and Len 110. (,f parsnips. 250 f red beats. 40 of onions. Manufactured and made in the house "and shop: `159 shirts and cheinlsA, : 15 comfoi.ts., U 3 nprnns. 50 trod,. 37 shirts, 39 sheet!.i. 88 cans, 2d holsters, 80 - sacks. 10 bonnets. S 0 stockings 141,11.14 chaff haws 80 towels, 121 pillow rases. $8 handkerrhlefs, made 40 'mi re's of soft awn). made by a p lupus 40 rusts. 20 pair pantaloons. •1 costs, 10 pair drawers. made in the shop 4 .w wheolharmws 2 new g ties, 0 spittoons, d me flu worth et Blackgrulthing. ' Number of patin.rs In the Institution on lot of lannary. 1h ss, Of which 20 were colored. 112 :Cumber admitt e d 11j1 to the 3lst of December, 1150, of wlllelt 11 were colored. 207. Makin , the whole number throwth the year. —319 Of which 12 died nootuld nut. 10: diselmrJod. 101 Lens trig the number of paupers hi the Poor Mutsu Ist of January, 1850, of which 30 nro colored. 130 Out door elopers supported nt public expense througlothe year, -- 25 Whole number rotnalnln4 chargeable at the end of the year. Of th no remaining . In the Poor House 31st Do• renther. Ishs. theme etc Males sl, of whleh IS urn rolornd. 8e1111411.$ 57, of whit:ll,lg 1.1.3 colored, An 1 . 25 out door paupers,. There are no near no an be aserrla nrd 5 under 1 year. 6 from 1 to live. 11 from 5 'to 10.6 from 10 to 20. 21 from 20 to 50. 28 from $0 to 40. 18Trom 40 to 50, 14 from 50 to 80; 19 from 20 to 70, 12 non ',91 to ,0 In addition to the above. 1592 transient paupers' or travellers Imo been reed, ed for abort periods nithout regular orders. We the Director's of the Poor and of the Bonne of EMployment of Cumberland coulity, 11l certifs that the above and foregoing statement contains ajuk and true exhibit of the I ,sill uthin during the period above t.ta n_. ted. according to the best of our knowledge. sEA it : Wren under our hands and the seal of said --..7.6.—'s office, this Ist day of January, 1859. ' ANIBEL Tlillr, dOIIS TRIMBLE, , A. HOSLER, BY virttni of S — Oldry writs of Venditloill Engines, sued tut nftho Court of Common Pleas of Cumberland county. and to mu directed, I will expose to public Jude at the Court (louse, in the 'borough of Carlisle. on Fat• u‘r the 811* day of April. A. II 1859, at 10 o'clock, A. 51. the Inlluulnt described real estste.-to wit: A tract of land situate In Norill Middleton township, Cumberland county, containing 21 ACRES. more or lees, bounded and described as folio en: On the cast by lands of Meld Cortitnan, on the West by lutfds'id• Bellwood, 411.14. Clark and Bk!mot Biller. on. ties north - by landsnr Benj. Mall. and on the south by lands of David Coreman.,,having thereon erected a large two story frame DWIMLINO 11.111$E.Tmtne Barn, Ten Pin belli — lllTuses. ling pen end otifiii — mit Seized and taken In execution as the properly of Nor ton nod Owen. Two Into of around situate In Wormleysburg eon tattling 116 feet In front. and 1:n feet in depth, more or Bounded on the east by lands of .401111 ltupley's heir., on the west by River alloy, on the north I,y Second it ley. suit on the south by Front street, baying thereon erected a two story Illtlflii 110115 K. two story Frame 11011... Mu weatherboarded stables and out houses.— Seized and taken in execution and to be sold ae the prupet ty of James Wills. • • • ALSO, Four Into of ground situate to Wortnloysburg. hounded and .described no follows, to wit : on the north by an on tllO south by Poplar otroot. on tho enst by anted str.et. and on tho west by the Northern Central It, p., containing In front ou Second street! foot. and extendinklatek to hold Railroad 1 fool, more or lota having thereon one a one and n half story brick bolter, and a one and a 11101 st.iry log home. ALSO, • -A lot of ground situate between the Railroad and 11111 alloy, undod on the east by 11111 alley, on the wept by the Northeni. enlace! Railroad, on the north by piddle rood and on the south by :Ilarket strset. eon. tal-dng al outs; of an'acce, more or lees, havintethereoo erected a 13,6 story frame house. Seized and ittl,O.Nn execution and to be. bold no the property or //Atoll!' •Neidliatuer. A lot of ground situate in the bnougli of Ilechnnice burg, bounded on the oast by tot of• lb Sponsier, on thu west by Frederick street. oil the north by Green Lane. and on the ninth by Clover alley:.contalning On feet In frohti nod 140 wet in depth, more or ions. having lit••re. oil erected a two story - tranie haunt and frame stable seized and token In execution and to ho hold us the property of David kiponslur. A lot of ground iltusta In the borough of Carll4e,.con. tattling 'Ai feet In fro ,t and 170 foot in !tooth, tit Ire or less, boonded on the mouth by Win. White. on the by Ibircicburg . turoplite, on the north by John , lttii r., toil elf ebb . Cast by di/ allay. hewing therCorcereete.r two story Brick House, brick kitchen and (noun atable Seized :otottalton In execution nod to lt-eohl nit the 'property of Beni Brightbill. " - - I)IL!KENSWATIE; . . - ' At the baton tlmn and plant'l by virtu° of a writ of Fier l Fnelam IANUrd tillt of Elio Court of Co.novm 'loan and to alto directed, L wall oalynot to public main the 10110109 g real est dd. ' • . „ .•„ • , .-. . . . . . , All ulillllP , ^voll lot afroulind situuto In Ow burougll of Muchu „ lieuburg, On the north site of Main street, eon t than; •ILI feet In fr .nt an I if) fout.lituleptb, ninre or les„e. boUnded on the s ;nth by Mull, at roe , a, the went blbu or add, Iluiluus''kesuelatiun, 'nil the' uo Jill. by StuurbeirS ally. and oil the eust by lot.ord,,aunseuui. Puked and taken In eaoutelun and tube sold as the fro. , party ulminlicl.o.vulan... , - . • - ~, And all to bu s, Id by Inn, . . ~ . ItOIIEILT,McCAILTNEY, Slier,ll7.' . .. , . Air conditio.s on all Amami ts over live hundred id 1. lira.,ll' y Ibll ire 'aro t t taky.ild when, the prapnortylls sirtokoioolf. und'onull Affix nuddr live hundruiddlo6 twenty live dollail.. . 11. SlellAlerNhli, Shin LIT.' A wr i t r o ;pure. radicle, . I • - • „Morel, it 1,186.1. ~ WM. 13EN : tZ. ' 2iii 637 '5O , • • 75 00 50 . 00 30 00 • 27 00 • 1 50 00 $9 6,10 441 i _ ssooo oo 45 SR 177 re' $8,630 444 OM E=! Sheriff's Sales. MEM ALSO, ALSO, ALSO, 600 FA lltl II ACE CHAINS, ' 4 '. l n lneire client cif ' 1 , • . 13U1"P CHAINS, BREAST CV A INS— . lIALTER CII A INS, - • LOG CH A INS;;' , . .FI FT H CHM • ' TONGUE crtAtSi.§, duet reeeived ittho ehenp,llitrdware'itere of 51nrcli 16, 1869. - 11, SAXTON _loo'l TONSAIAMMERM,i,AND ROLLED IRON.-Wlth trlaige eissort mien t of STEEL. 7. 7 ..7.1311 - ERTTIRO-• • • . HOOP IRON, . 7 7 IVA.9IIERS, • , • ANVILS; • . VICES, ?ILES. •" -RASPS, . • - SCREAr.PLATES, - $8 4 02 88 347 11 120 34 338 51 1.110 75 311 80 30 3113 "2y WI 01 62 11 (3 88 LS ' :A 80 . : IMAPKSNIITILBELL6WS, &c. Just riwlreil Wild fur kale cheaper itup uver..nt March 16.1.869. . It Y SAXTON'S. - DA f&T A N OtLS.-10,000 pounds or White Lead, with a large mown-tient of OILS. • ,IVIIITIB ZINC,. 'VARNISHES,' - ' COLORED ZINC, AUTIPENTINE, -FIRE PROOF PAINT, JAPAN. ' FLORENCE ‘C , IIITE, • , RED LEAD, • PUTTY, • - • .WIIITING. • GLUE.• PAINT BItUSIIES &c. And all colors dry and In nil, Alan, all colors fp tubes just revolved nt thu cheap liarthvaro stnro Mar. lii. 1.3.19 • - lIHNIty SAXTON. ill 0216 911 17' A/ 01 22 4,) , 2J fH Ln h 8 1,4 121 itC 4 10 10 00 13 20 10 On 26 00 M 00 , 2S 20 55 41 2 65 10 95 • )LOWS:—Just received, a large lorof t.lio York Plows. olio. sumo of Plonk's, flonwood's and Zoighlr's make on hand. Eagls plows soiling off at coot. at. HENRY SAXTON'S. Marsh It, 1869. • (.2110V F LS, A ND - 8 PA DES.=Jilst; fe- L., eelved n large nasortment of SPADF:S, SHOVELS, __EttilKS, !LAKES. -HUES.'-MANURE-.. HOOKS. PICKS,—' Id MOCKS, .'e., Ac. , nt the cheap hardware awe of Mnr. • lIKNIIY SAXTON. . 1 - 4 1 STATENPTII pf :Ad, on the estate of Joseph. limn-ante of Upper Albin township. deceased, hare- lean la nod bk 'Rho Register of Cumberland eoucty to the subscriber residing' , in the 'same township. All - , pe-sons who are Indebted to said estate aro required to make immediate - paoment. and those - having - elalnni , to - present thole for settlement to - Mnr. 16, 1859-13t1 , BARBARA BRAM., Adm'x MRS. cROCKPIR, PROF. OF PENMANSHIP . win open a,elass In Writing;nn Monday the 14th of Id tech, at )Itirtin's I lotel, on !data s•reot. - - . • Mrs. C will give melruetione to ladies and gentlemen. _Atantini fled". icw ~ .11t; inav desire to improve their . _ writing. It in sultit m they hate an opportunity-of re. relying instructions fum one of their no n sex. There hi V. it i.x hoped they wl,ll7nunve the present opportu nfty,' Young lad i•,;-and Misses n •receiVed at any' hour through I Ito 'day. ' ' . Sire V. will snack gentlemen and 'adios' pocket handkerchief,: with Intlqiit.lo ink, • cery neatly. ,Ahse,' i..1 , 11ne; for lotels, and priviito 1 . /funk:B. . • Terme of Tuition-18 lease., $2.60;' ono half In ad ea nu, the hal:knee at the close of the term. Fresh Arrival. take this o etilod of iplermloe our friends and emtomees mmerally that we will open on Saturday, a 11110 assortment • :SPRING MILLINARY GOODS, of luto teh In. . Ladies are respoctfully invited to call and examine our stock. Ake- Also, two or thme ladles %rented to learn the MARCIA/11:T MACE, ' - - MARY E. ALA.:IHNHAUGII.- . South west corner of .llanover and Loather ea,. Mee. 16 18W. • D ISSOLUTION. OF I'AIiT.N ER stitp.—The partnership heretofore exlntlng un der the iinutti_and firm of lievlsly mild thin day llsniil4o 11111116 M eminent. All personn - knowlng theainel yen Indebted will mako'lniutedrate p iyroit.tt to etther of the ufiderstgiied Church town. March - 10, 1S 9-4 t 'Wine Of Tar; AO O.IOIIT, AI.tRKLINO AMP auntruL As WIN?: coialuers _ . Very effective In diminishing profuEa expectoration. do relieving conzli nod prommlng a healthy .condition of the organs of retplratlen. Pint bottles, 3;3....1 cents. Made by • • 1111111tELI, . . Pharmaceutical Chemist. •Mar. lb, " MU Chestnut nt., Phila. AT 0 _E; ! SEED AND FAMILY USE, . • The beet and most prolific ever offered in the New York or Philodelphia Markets. T am 119 NT prep trod to till linters for all kinds'of Pota• non suhuled and put up expressly for seed or family t.e, or the 101hul lug varieties: 'eteullimws. good. Mno:vr'N 3yrrse.'good. BLUK /.11C1,11.1. I/TCRMAN. IMO ty Vlore, it Cncend. BUCK F.YES, 4 . • " 11,1 CK 3411,11t1 good. Piss wall St:Y . IIIINCI. • COITEIttr, good. • ' '111•1(1: Al.lit:IIIS %It PINF They nre raised In New York rind New Jersey nod are ' • Jr.RRANT/1D PURE. The Peach lllon's Potatoes yield from 200 to 350 bosh six to the Acta, to he planted 3 I 2 feet apart. two cute to the hill. one eye to each cut and vines will grow six feet long. tt hen bolted the wafer must he poured MT before done or they will slack the name as lime. Steamed or roasted ix the Wet way for cooking. • The !thick More, ) 'olds the same as Peach Blows, till plan tednbout the same ak ordinary potatra, The usual ,potri to milt ore (rill answer for all the early varietles. The Early Mountain Juue are the first In Sew York Market. • Pir ord.! by lIAIWNESS, Carll,lc, Pa., opposite the Post Office Feb. 9,1839-2 m. er NEW LIQUOIt STORE! Fornlgn and Ikußertlc %VW unadul tornted.).for xaln at w quart; gallon, banal or larger Cognise, Ginger, and all the other choler brands. Madeira, Purr, (pure Opor. to.) Sweet Malaga, Ae , of the best brands. _ Holism d. (genuine,) GINS. NS.• WolC;Seheldant Schnapps, hilt[ x r• New England, Are , SPIRITS.. Pure Janialea spirits. - •I`lain. copper distilled 'and Mongngshela reetlll ^d: old WIII Alu':kll"l4SidwVtlpurnl.lcprdiser old! old!! old!!! Eye, at' BRANDY. { WINES For Medical and all other purposes, at 11. J. liIEFFER S. Wholesale and Retail Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Fruit. Toy, Tobacco. Liquor and varirty store. •• ' Our permanent location in South liannver sorest, rretly opposite ilannon's . I . lpteb and mliolutit..P. huff's Grneerj - Sarc. „..: Fob 9,185 : rt. ' A. 11. FRANCISpUS, No 241 Market Street, Philadelphia, Penn'a., jz" .the largest and hest assorted clock of CARPET Gil A IN. Cotton Yarns. Wadding, Cotttin Laps, Twines, Coverlet Yarn. Bed Cords: Mash Lines. Hope In SPIIIC Twine. Indio. blue Twist, mould Lamp. Ca Idle. Campbells, lard nod Fluid Wicks, In the City. Alen. a great variety of. Fly Nets which he offers at manuMettmers` eash pri es. Neb. 9, 1839-3nt CHEAP SADDLE AND lIARNESS )I,STAIILISIIAIINT - Ilolin COLLARS, lIORSR COLLARS.' .Wholesale and Retail': Tile subscriber respectfully announces to big friends and the public, that he Jelin.' man '",:„___ ' , , utheturing, and keeps constantly on • • ~.• ~,,N \ , hand a full assoriment of Saddles, , Asuel 1 f gs and Wagon Gears In gen .A ~, ..1.-7,1, .• ' ",,.„ r a tjaso ' l ' Lle e tcr o nor p A r e ' a .d so to cat 't and o 111 . . 1----: (1 1 \ ... s eCl l l i i4‘ 7 e d ur ik is' i u d : s h' o 'b l i: ;l l° ,l l ll, :r' tfliurirt:hinld:unim:gto.a'stc e l se-t. .E u re . • a . gine and it,,,, Companies, warrant. , . to be perfect or no We, acrd equal, If not superinr,to 'city make. Thankiul•for . past favors, he hopes to merit a contlm , Iliaee by strict attention to orders. and fah. prices. Metr.9, IAW —Bm 0 A. P. ADOLT. MN A. NUV ABBIET - No,. 808 North Third Sired, (three doors-bone ' • Vile;) •' • • THEMA/ If Alt [WARE STAND,4IIfTABLISUED 24 yrs. Every description of building. morliatilcal. , farrning and lioinielioldlitirdwara tonnow In' store, and NOW bo offered at the lowest market prices, to raskand!pronipt sly. inoollts buyers.; Nails 'at /niztoufsetiaremprlnes l lor cash. • - Orders front new customers wlltrecoire strict, add ac. curate littlitition; awl all goods • sent from this Wipes mill be as reuresentful. •, • • •-• • • , Country inerchaida:titi their next visit to Out elly to make their aria.: purelsatten - are cordially invited to coil and oxamlne ourattic!, and,pricee before porches hitt. .Mar. 9. 1811111 in IPTEL 'IC BE P.Eltgif 'A NFD 1).N1 AL -1 generally supplied with fine GIQUORB ess than city mica, at the dew and dui cirecery of • .latlO,lldP. ' .RIS. Blasi Z. 1859. 1): r.: TIEVINY, • .1. HULL. 12i13= Rouao AND Itxtv. Fox EYIS, gOamik oes and Liquors, (put., and holeFale and retail, by the quantity. Constantly In store a lame stock of our beautiful and unequalled Instruments flulsited in every variety of style. •t prieett varying from $176 to $lOOO. We have been - awarded 38 Gate and littyse Mid - class Medals - at the different exhibltioneln this country and Europe, fur superior manufacture. ; A liberal discount made to thesleruy and seminaries of learning. Descriptive lb lustrated catalogoes sent to any address. July 21, 1058-1 y I Nell EqTER &-,QO. Patent Shoulder Seam Shirt :Manufactory A. WINCIIESfIEit will give, as heretofbre, ble per supervision of the cutting nod 51adureeturIng de. pertinent& Orders lily his eolobrei ed style of Shifts and Collars filled at the shorteat notice. rersons desiring to order Shirts, can be supplied with he Annuls for measurement, on application by mall. ilmstantly on hand, a varied and oiliest stock of (ten. lemen's'Surnishing Glad+. ' cm. Wholesale ordure supplied ou liberal terms.' Sep. 8. 1888. , w T posoris knowi4., them selves Indebted to Estate of Monroe Morris deceased, are hereby notified to make Immediate pap Mein. to • MARY M.:MORRIS, . , Administratrix. Or O. P. Ilumrich, AttrirnXy AIcOItOCCOLEATHER.—kfuII as. it;aortmont of 31orocco ',rather. Linings and ifind, ‘, Asts. soot Tires, and a full exsortment Shoeltitt nod findings of ailllnds.. 111 Mn Slre Pl a i : M"HUß ' mechanksbum . . . I { o4 North 'Nick Houses , 64 DlOrth'otroOtj to nol o Inquire of ' '' .• • ' - • ' ' Currier' . ?forth and Pat stints. tr1ar1101e,J0n.5054446. ••.. • ' ... •,, • AILS NAILS !!-1000 kegs lest quality Nails. We aro. prep to sell Nally 01 thevverrbest quality at Ma very lowest price. Parsons In want of nails Aad b [MI ng tnaterlals, typnla v de Ivel I to call Wore puntha4ng elsowhera. . ' 1,. • .. LYNE ~,yorth Fob4.l* 4$ . ... r i hAss, :.GLASS-500•.b.rxel, GIOs 1.. j,of all mizef, single and :I , ubln thle.k..itimt rerelved Mar. 11, 18b9. '• , 'Y J I °II .S . I P u.d SBI UI II I; I L A pie!!r I4 ::: 9 I - et:t r.l. nt ‘ i : b 4 o l' :: l l.•b ' rttil ..--- 1:1; i s t"htflur i n o, linau, °JAI . ' SI , ZOlll And kituluj.utiltxnroHo'd.,3a!, NCO, eisOtils. itinve .INDUCEMI4INTS OFFER •• .R.TO'CASII BUYERS • .C2iE4P STORE of A. ir..IIENTX: ' Haling Just returned from the city with n full 'and well selected stock of lmods in my llou 'which 11 um peptised to sell at the lastest rates. My ;Cock consists la part of LADIES' DRESS GOODS -• liandsderne styles. colored l'oul•deadre Ilress ;1311km :1000 yda Olnek dllka, superior ilniuds, French Mei inoes. Cashmeres, plain and' figured all wool DeLnines, -all wool plaids, Valens( us, ('burgs, Valoneles. Lave]; asetilmirtiair - Mwdfmmartlnuelretatneerplairraral—fl; urea; and ever ,varlet of tt_aloods, round' corner ~ Staling, Bay State; 1 -- re dli &c.; ' = Collarsand - . . • Slceyek, separato'and In sett., ' Cambric. Ed,glngs, and -1 Usertinge. .DOMNSTIO 'AND STAPLE GOODS: ' Bleached- .and unbleached Shooting, all. widths. Lancaster (thigh:um, Calicoes, Flannels, Ticklncti, Chocks and Linsey's. ?YENS' -- 14EAIt:7tlnnk French Cloths and Cm slitters. Fancy Vassinters,Cassiaotts, Jeans. Tweeds, Cords. &e. CARPETS: 3 Ply.lutperlal • ' , Tapestry, Ingrain, • ' Getup, Itcnirentado . and stair car. -- pet I widths., DIOURNIING GOODS I mould particularly cull the attentinn oF a I ',preens wearing' mourning.: I hard pnrcluteed a tall stork of - mourning volts.. at. Brosou Sag's - mourning More. Such, as, Satin de chanes.,l'ameno Cloth, llarpour4 Borabaztnee,' AlParesel French Merinees, Cashmeres. all moral Def.rines • l'br• eels and Prints. 'Wee Vella. Crape Yells. Crepe Collars and Stearns, and all the guides -et, thiglisti Crape: Purohasers are respectfully requested to call and ex amine my stork, as .1 am_propare.l _to_offeroliperier in ducements, hatias.to guitlity and price. • A. W. BUNTS. • - South Hanover Street, opposite the Post OFFee, Carlisle. Oct. 6, MS. • • REA-T-RADUCTION IN PRICES if I have this &Ay commenced selling off my entlr stork of WINTER. 000 IV, for CAW. at lower prices the can ho harlnt any other store In the county.. Elegant Dark Silks, all wool DeWoes, Cashmeres Merinoes, ty,s,l Maids, Dsramettos. Sc., In great variety Long And square Brosha Shawls. - do. Blanket Shawls. ... - Searfs, Flannels, Tilankefic - &elftlic7s — tcrid - Gbh' tlemen's Merino and wool Shirts; Cloths, Caselmers, _Ca4shketts and Kenthcky Jeans. Elegant Furs. 11.11 n and figured Delsinsit fl,Ttland 12 cente; 4 33.4'ClOtli.fivr over-coats, at :OA and 50 rents. Elegant worked Col lars, Handkerchiefs and-Undersleaves. . CA RM.:TINOS .A.ND " Most of the goods bought within n few weeks for the CAVI. The stock Ia therefore large and eotnpleto. All wrsoms In' want of cheap, handsome and`good ODODR, will de well. to ealLand .examine - my stuck-be. fore purchasing elsewhere; an t have determined tneell" oil the clock at - auch prices n must give satislitetion, tri all. Remember the New Store, .11amlitou's Corner, opposite the Railroad Depot.. . Jan. 5, 78u0.' . _ .. .. N. 11—Boors mgn out selling off regardless of cost in Order to close out .that branch of my business. ' . VORTII II Alsl 0-V. E R STREET -" - C.A.RLIS.LE PA. • Wholesale Rates Reduced s2.perloo lhs. . Tho attention of Country ;iferehnnis and the. public generally In Invited ton Jam, issiirtment of ' - manufactured of the best material and - warranted to polmor in their -colors; which will be sold Wholesale or-Retell at low ratos of Ilurnid - stand 'of P. nioNykit., ' • NORTH ❑ANOVER STREET, CARLIK,C, PA, A few doors-North of the Cirlisle Deposit Bank. Just received a large assortment of _ - • FRES!! FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest Importations, consisting of • Oranges, - Lemons, - • - ltedilns, . .. Prunes , Figs. Dtles, Danannas, r • Fibs Apples, Almonds,.. - • Fllberis, ' Cream-Nuts,--.-- Cocoei Nuts; Ae.,... . all of whlrlrwill be. soldatlosr rates. • Also, a large as sortuteut or _ ° TOYS AND FANCY-GOODS of every variety: — Also, all the best blonde of swmp. AND TD.DACCO, _ _of Amerlcanaud.Cleinum manufacture. The aubpribtir returnk thankii for the illiend patron in4e lmstoKrd on him - by the public. and solicits a con tinuancu of their Were. Itemeniber the Old Stand of P. MON YElt, Carlisle, Juno 16,'55. North Hanover SI rent. JEWELR,Y;_ 'AND --1 4 1LVEIVVARLAT.CONLYN'S. old established Stand, West Main St., nearly opposite the Cumberland Valley Rank. I have just received a new assortment of watches, eweiry. medallions. Silver ware, etc.. In addition to toy ormer Istock to which I-lurite the attention of th e ;public, Theassortniebt embraces fine , gold and silver lever watched. Hunting and open casa do, gold Ambers for Ladles and Gentlemen- and Gllvor -Lo-•.) pines and Quartler watches of every Va- ca. 14 4% • • riety in style and price. Also tine gold Medalliona. Meant-pins fir Ladies and . Gentlemen of overy quality, patter., and price. nobd fob, vest. curb and neck chains. Gold bracelets, lbwer rings, culltpino, studs, eleeve.buttonn, cross., chart., Gold and sliocr thimbles. silver and plated butter knives, for . table, tea. salt and mustard spoon. of ovary variety.- A lame assortment of gold, silver 7n 4 ommnti spectacles, to cult all - • egged to which We invite,speclal atten tion. ' A fine lot of GOLD PENS from the hest maker& pact:tele res.. fancy bones, sitter and pearl rant rases. gold and common braculots, watch rhains,, Mantle Clocks and a variety of articles usu• ally kept in jewelry estabilshments wlO-11 I will sell low Mr conk, All articles war. ranted to be what they are represented. , Particular attention paid as usual to WATCH REPAIRING and all work war. ranted. = Dec. 23. 1857.1 "A soft and fair akin is (he first attribute of beauty." ' THE CLYC ERIN TABLET. An elegant hygleele appliance of solidified Glycerin for rough rtd or chapped skid, sore lips or • iucldental in- ' It never gets rancid. Its action Is bettor and Its at feet more lasting than that of elthat Cold Cream or II quld„Glyeerso. besides it neither soils the dress no glosses the skin—Prire 25 etc. - HUBBELL, PHARMACEUTICAL CHEMIST, 1410 Chestnut street, Philadelphia. Feb. 23, 1820—im CHECKERING & SONS. Zilanufecturor's of .NO. SQUARIPND UPRIGF • .• PIANO FORTES, Chabiut-Street 13ui Phtladel, GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING STORE, AT TIIE OLD ST4ND, No. 706 Cheenue Sired, Philadelphia; ; OPPOSITE TOE WiBIIINOTON. 110000. Carlisle. Sep. 8,18513 JOAN P. LYNE & SON, .., North. /lawyer Street, Oct 21.'48.5. NEW WINTER . GOODS I L EMIaII& SAW YER, AT Tpi •ci NEW STORE,;.Kialifidn str • eid . ; • lieve Just received an"exterielye undocemplere kilick of 111 N• TER GOODS, embnicitig liattlec, 3110oea nod Chi] p' ; drivne' 'breve...366de of everS:veriety.•end 'style. d Cloth Deautlfql.dVillgoia,'fmni,the lin. az porting : Hound of • TrirDerl4lli Co.;; le r encutm'e ii DuridedeVf, Mid Emillidvieriff EhlivvlN-lung o T6Riet Oluck titptitlit - t. ; • tat g FURS . t . FURS! . _ 4 :Direct from the :intinnfileturere. warranted free g frommptlis 1 Jteekdalettndfinnee,lllanitait4 guar' r.. - ; , 6 unteed not to etirink•Dl lynching.' . , llifiniiirßiirialifffniirlif ENE' SRAM - Lg.': RIR and te L'll,lWeiTT.l l troVitTg:M.i. l !°,l!„t4":l - 4rt and chart, Sleuv ' cqt Hooped tarts. or new o oe • c alto repreeented oDe a yury .. qtqwripiarticlo. •je"- .1)01ESTIO GQOPS, • 2. Of 'vailuty; Flannels, Shootings, Tirkings, ratirg n g in &e. t 4 irehaseil for nosh; we e d pieparOilto e sell tun per cont. Jowetwthaninorchants who buy 1, Xi on six months' credit. •, • Air. Please call and eXAMITIO for pour solves. • _ _ .-14:11)1011-& BAWYJiIt; - .' n. Dm 1,1668 CIO URN . PROCLA MA T N Wnrituts the lion. JAN.IIS 11. GRA IWI,Te dent Judeo of the sovornl Courts of Common 170. ho eminties of cumberlathl. Perry; acid Juniata. Insilco of the movernl fourin of Oyer end Terminer. General Jail Delivery in, said counties, 'awl nom Haw um. WOODBURN and Ilan: M, COORLIN, Judge 4 of tint Court of Oyerand Terminer and General ? Nil, Dellv.rry foil the trial of alreaplthl and, ,allor•blie,ndurp,.ll. the *said enmity of Cumberland. by their precepts to toe lit. meted. dated thu , l nth of Jan ney...185Q. have °Noted the Court of Oyer and Terminer rind Dertenti Jail very to be lirlldnu at CA ItLTSLII., on the 2nd MONDAY of April. - 11AfteT(being - the - ilth - tiviYat-10-Ifelock in the. forenoon, to continue two weeks. .• NOTION IS lIHRNBY 01V to the Coroner, Jun. tires of fin:Yearn and Constables of the said enmity- of Cumberland, that they are by the said precept CAM. IThilided to be then and there in their limper persons, with their rolls.. rk.ords,•-inquisitions. examinations and all other remembnutees. to do then., things whirh o their officer appertain to bo done;and nil throm thn ro bound by reeognizancos. to proaerhte nualnat tin prisoners that aro or'then shall ho in:1110 Jail of said county, are "ti he _there_t37prosootto thorn as shall .be ust. • . OeizeE, Carlisle, January, 20, ItlsB. f QLATE ! SLATE! ! SLATE ! ! 7 Shivii,lcoort Nit The undersigned has it large stock of 'one nli l Slate on hand, frmu.tho slate qui rrles of Joh,l II umplit lee k York county, Pa, and Is prepared to put/on Slate roofs of the best materlat.nutl..pu reasotiable3erms.---Plns mill and examine the Slate. All work witironted to Inr well done Lv competent alaters, JAC:/l1 It lIliE5l. Jan. '2O, 1558-3tu Agent. FOR RENT • • . , • The 610 Tiber offors for rent ono LARGE itoror, on the second floor of hie new Imlldln2. now' occupied no a tilllhvd'anlnon.and two rooina on tho third 'dory. suit. 'able for'n datrnerreoty plat.. Thu roonitt are all heated by flues. and f•'i nlslat l with. miter and gv. Posliev6lnn al von 611 flo o rist idApril next, - INfIJFE. -- Carllqf, Jan. 26, 1852. CHAS. OGILVY - ctomilEasnulio - FEMALE 43 E M INSRY. A. tractivoltiol In Its to ration, with a e.ing.•lentl.ois ioterws ofits pit pils, io,titution 1.4 4 0.pkyd0 41.3 oojov input 01 . 1111 110 usual ilegroo 011) pot.- Ti”. nr4 1, , n6nv to close witil Henri) , a huo(li,l, 11111111,. In 01 thy Pri llolzauil. in Ch.. oducatioi.at '4opaFtiodot. sti7ti alllW to advallll.q went. . . Th. Spring Sensloll will open ' lrtn 21d, 18511. Rev. IT R M. A. 11., Prleclpel. 31Ise R. 11. 311,1Vt:LY, ToaCher 01 liegllsh •Brsoc remit. Le. • - Miss CoForst.t I Co4ki.ivo.ll4lllo. - ' M ;EA .NI. 11. IlucK. liii4ll,lll 111,v,r110, , . Mtn M. 11. Km, AgslAtlnt_Trlnutry Department. lisrsnnter.s.—ll , m. Ch unbers..ll. S. Sehneek.- I) I)., Chlmbersburv:. : .1. W "Ales ander. I). D., Neor York city: Prore,lrq at Prinrot.o.. N. d., nr thu Colle.zu ow:Thuolo,lval Seminary Oen. 11.11delnir, gsq.7,llueliees 11111:, Hun. W W. Edlls. Carlisle. Pa. Try. Nor n eirenlar,-apply . .to Ole Principal. MEM= . laTTE.irtlo.4".! NEW. STORE 4NIY NEW-GOOD After rettirninn late arlinoirledzementv for - the very liberal "groove which hav•been extioded to hum. the .undershoted would call attention to tin, lint that he ' , aslant ra-cmened his °Von 4lve assortment of (Molly ' GRCI CER I ES In bin new store.rnoin. op . Ole sontllll6t oriole? or, tin public square, where the nubile ere' inAte.l to call apd e a a mi m , a stork of gorftrwhlch, in eleadnee. variety and extent—will defy romoufitainvoimprising in rare. I lump, en:tied and brown sugars, Java, BM and misted Coffee lively va• riety and 1111Illitr of TEA. Spices. (gioundi Ij and ungr Saves. 'rabid fill, , Sew Orleans, Sw2arlifiuse 'Nina Trinidad Molasses: New Yorlf and Plillsolelphia,yr un, ei•ense, nacalool. vermeellii. split VIM. 1101111113 ' Mincemeat, ricer Stareh, Farina. Chipeolift, Extract o, Coffe, refined sugar at rldured rites. , lihilinv..dbalf•' big soda. Tobareo of lien, most favorite brands, and the finest qualify of :•: , egars. A's,. a beautifill 'assortment of Itrilannin IVare. plain And g Chilli, Ware. Glans, llucmes. Etollll and En•thern Wife. ill crsn s t vn rlety. and an slegant P . t- of Fancy eXtritels i,nd Perfumery for the toilet. -,PittlITR: Including Peaches In eans. Raisins. Crnn• berries, dry apples, citron, almonds, oranges, lemons, he,. &c. ( ammtl• LIQUOILS: 1111.1ns:do and ' reca ll, ri:( em'mtring common and old Rye Whin key, Brandies. da b rk and pals, Lison 11 Sherry Part. Math:H..lli gur. Catawba :...-..--: , v •Inci'Mustat Wines in rrvka and ',d -ecoy:lL n hlokoy, Holland Gin, and Scholdatn Schnapps. FISH AND 'SALT A I•rie4; stork of 'LA.III'3, Including Dyott'srelebrat lamps for_lmtolng• KPIOSOIIe or coal oil, also Spar. Plan, Liird and Coal COIL Burning Flold. Sperm at Star Candlos. CEDAR-WARE AND 'BROOMS Bruthes,Ps, Mon r, Dnnr mats, Railer Lonki.K.glapirn, letter and riot,' ppor, Willo Ware, palptea ite. caftan and woollen And half Hose; and a full stock of (Hove., inc.udlng cho well known Hanover Buck In short. hB Ftnek comprises everything t.hst Is railed thr, lii lily line of bthatiess. mei no Worts will ho spared to render entire satisfection to his customers. C. IN tIOIT. Carllsla-Oct. 27, 1858-Iy. frir- 31arkotlag of all Muds taken In_ exchafigo f plods. ()CUL 01L, THE COAL OIL & PAIIAFFINE COMPANI OF BA !ATI 31 I) It K., Are now Ilrepered and ^Cfer fars.de,"nt" their store, - No. 71 West Baltrthore alreet, • A I'EW DOORS Attin 00r, SUPERIOR COAL OIL, • WHOLESALE AND hETAIL, which for brilliancy of light, neonomy of u, ,, , and re markable fresdoinfrom disagreeable odor. (1111110 t surpassed, and so little liable to smoke as not even to soil the chimney when being earried }ii a strong &AA. The very area difficulty which hos lieretelbre existed in regard to Ilse simply of oti of an uniforn now he obviated, as the company have made cotiplote arrangements for meeting all demands. - Dealer. In thn . coun rpean have samples -lent them upon application., Address. COAL.IIL RAFFINE: CO.. ' No 71 West Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md.. Mar. 2, 1800—ly H ALBERT'S FAMILY GROCERY, QUEENSWARE AND VARIETY 13TO.RE, North-West Corner of the Pubtic Square, oPpo- site the Carlisle Deposit' Bcink. J. D. LBIUtT hag again rople‘Wed his stock n goods. Ills waiorl moat is now full Alld ••oniplote. among which may ho onumUraial every variety of fresh FAMILY. GRP (:ERIEf..3, - . yfhlch in gamin) no 4 pee .CA'N'T BE BEAT..., • A lartrk stock of China, Mess and Queenswere, of new and . beauttful designs, and embracing every, grade of price. Herbrftoti•Anerrr in Carlisle for doges'. telebraiea'• - .lIEROSENE Olt' COAL 'OIL ANIPS,' one of the greatest, diucoveries of the og combining chunpuess, safety and and Kilt.' dm! 011 and Lamps constantly on hand, whicif the pebllcere. re• quested tot tit and es amine. ' ' • ' , „ .• ' • • • JOB. 'D lIA • ' " N. W. Corner of Svlnre. Car:1181e, Oct. 27, 'SS. ' • , Mg TUTU= .O.NE I ! NEW IsIEDIQAL.''B4;V;',... MAT 4 Y-. ,Asr. L ONLA ; .ONE' la Or, I, AR! $2.549:‘ air SEE ADVEIiTISEMENT. Itetl3,:: C)Cigit:,... 1 ~.. -_:.i.-;--f...,;,1 TE %CIIERS COAL OIL.- COAL OIL . . .„ • • • . A VALUABLE • BOOK FOR' IN- - ''' . • .1- . 4 1 / I gretlatlColl.s., . : Sent by Ina, • and not to lie:paid for until .1..' AM ILI'. C) 0 A.L. ''. ' received, tideland' apprbved of. If not fililll,Sabscribers woOlti resPectfully CAI the attentloh .1. -lc 1'; .. • .o•-..approtsettno cluirge. . . . IL of the' eal couninnuns of Carilsie and vicinity, ~no .' ,_ ' ' .'-••• •' A t- . • .. , • ' ..- - • the Publie.generally - to their seperlin, quality coal,. •Dr: SA:till/3 0 SI FITCH'S " SIX LEcTitrins , !!on the ' Ruc h " . ~., -...- , .., ~ manes. Prevetstion end Cure of Distance of the Luttgs, - . Throat, Heart, 4tomsseb, Bowels, LiVer. Kish:MY:4 Skill, , . bYK fiNS ;VALtLEY, - - Broken, Egg; StoVe an' Nu Lux i , : p irm , Lut., ~., ~ .. . . _ -. 14c.: Female Complaint., mud Chrtmic dinestiMigenernflyook ,en the Meat Of- Life. and " the Loan method ay .ivllith . • TILEYORTON, . , , do. ',- do : ' do. K ` : 'health and ylgor may be preserved to one hlitidred ' and the celebrated Lishbery white-ash, broken, Ed .!'year.. A volume or 375 pages, handsomely I.nithd' In ' Stove and Nut C0m1....,,. , .. , muslin, with 25 illustrations. In this Wilms!' Dr: B. S. .Thin yard in situated at the east end of Carlisle, oppo Fitch, (who la 'widely' known an the/160m of a meted' ' site the (Jos Norks, where they wih keep - constantly en, I eminently purple:fat rnethodnftrestesent fur theatiot 6 . • . hand a Net' stock of all kinds end sixes of coal, which ; ustnplaints end especially c'eustnplitimand other . disv _ will ho ,4,thi ,p, taw eta any lii the. borough. All coal los .. mums of the Lunge and Throat,) explains the leading . • .. ..fasaily.usio4lll be,msereened before delivery, and war , features of the treatment and gives-plain 'directions' hy. „• ran ted,s e give entire satisfaction.' • which those inclined Os, then, cemplainte luny them- Best quality of I.IMERWINEWS and BLUER/WM a COAL... twines prevent..hern or arrest their progre.s overt:W.l'oo a ware On limutundut-lew-allure,.. • Laplowortifiltd77llllTTElrm are tandems _ ....All orders left at the residence of domes linger, Went . In all .parts. Moue land.wltugustefully au.ssewleuctluto,,,,,,, —:_l2onifratatreet.at.Sguire thrißlea_otlico, , SouthAmover ,4 lfibni - bcen'thii - iionl4 - rsitpresst 7 viffilt theTiliToi:stnegiv- t ,- .•7• Street. or atllle residence of Jacob Shrews, North-east .km them many years of 'good health • . street, will be promptly attufided to: ' , We present a few apecimens of the numerous! com:__ _. . d- -- - ,-• -- mendationathehook hen received:— - • LID' Bert ! LUMBER !—WO arc also- prepa ,z, red • The New York Tiumnts thug clOscs a lengthy notice ' of it.—" The great in3pirtance of the s uhject 'end our • . ' 'to furnish all .kinds Mn! quality of dry Lumber at ' greatly reduced prints., . . . confidence derived from twist:mai know lege° and tersest. • Dills sawed to order and ffirnislied at the •shortest ' al benefit in Dr. Fitch's. swggestlonn have impelled, us notice.to recommend this work: ,We trust we ha... said enough k , . We hare etnstantlY on hanall Finds and quality ni to Induce thew! allicted.or threatened with consump• . lion, to procure and read Dr. Fitch'a took," . ^ • Shingles, luseh as white pine, Hemlock, chestnut, teak , . • &e. - Also all sizes of Walnut for Harid•ralls, window,' ( ' , Letterfrnm the Don. HAMILTON Flan, formerflovertior . Mils and Lintel stud, ash, poplar, oak and Linn; alt ' • of Now York., " Washingtsin;Febroary 4lth, ififik Dr. ,e-lands of pall mri'plasttiring lash: shingling - lath: broom .S. 5.. - Fitch. Dear Sir: - I beg to es:tun:yrs - se - fit:us kalor - the -- •••-•:-, handien,„.worked flowing and wentherbisarding, rough volume you have been no kind as to present tome. The nod nolo Ith rails; posts, and every artile .that can ho' very hurried examination.whiCh alone I have been aide • kept in a Lumber yard. having care of our own treats: so yet to give to it, has excited interest and bmught ' ~ , at nil times am! at short notice supply any article le pur conviction that the reputation Which ;Wens Lectures . line of Cutinenrat. low prices , - . . • ' have achieved is based upon intrinsic merit." ' We arc thankful for past favors and solicit atcontinu Extract from a letter,fmm the Hon: S. H. HAVEN. late, . • once of public patronage : .Our motto is to please, , member of Congress from Erin CU., •N.Y. '‘ I have no . , .. 611110)(4 MMES.. doubt but itie a practical-and very useful ;milt. I hope Carlisle, my26lkSli. • ' . • • it will have a.generaf cirsuletion, and it will, .1, have‘no . . . - doubt, do much. geed." , - - • • Extract .froth a :letter Dom the Hon. Hilmar Maw, - _ late member of Congress. "I read your Six Lectures on Consume: ivelliseases-thoe-years ago„and_shall again__:_____ peruse them." . from . • Extract-from a i.,tter ro the lion. JAMES LOCIIIART, lists moniker of Congress!. " From rending It I hove re- ~ ceived many valuable. hints. - 1. regard' It as a work - of .. • - great-Wserifi." - . -- ., Says SIDNEY WARNER, Eng., of Vi'aterloo. N. Y.:' "Ny ' brother and most of his, family are deader consumption, cut mine are living and well; end I think- it in ' owing much to theleachingn of your book which I have . . followed carefully for the last nine years." . We could fill column, with similar statements, . • iID- Wishing to make thin hook es useful as possible we will Siywani a cop'y.of it by mall 'post paid.. to any ' address that may be sent to tin, end the pries, 00 cents, Inay be remitted to u. In postage stamps or otherwise • after the hook le received acid approved of. It may be - - P.Pelledfor_perstonally_er_hyletter—__ __CONsLTATIna by D(A r: Fitch al his ce, 714 Broadliny. il N. Y., personally or by.lettcr free. • - • Address • S. S, FITCH A CO.. _Jan.19,1859-3 , x1.. 714 Broadway New-York.--- ---'• CUABERLAND VALLEY R. R.L. .• . ff;thTOCARRAAIEMENT.f %MAI • • wz.: CIIANOE OF lIOURSf • . On and after MONDAY, OCTOBgEt 11th 1818, passenger - Trot,. will run as follows:. (Sundays wireptod:) FOR lIARRISRURG. Leave Chambersburg, Shippenaberg, Neerville, Carlixle. 10.00 " — 'fit eithtii gburg 10 Arrive at Ilurrlsburz 11.03 " FOR: CIIAMIDIRSBURCI Int Triiin. 2.1 Tral —_Leaveilarrinburg 8.30-A.-11----4.00y.--Mr -1 31erhanIcslang ' 0.10 " 1.9.1 " • , Carlisle, . - 9.66 " - ' 2.12 ". " isiewrllle, . *-- 10.30 " • 2.47 - " " tillippoinini* , _ • 11.02 . " 3.23 ' "-- - - Atiire ...t Cliainber.lbutt, 11.30 " . 3.63 " Tr.iltin l l6ave Ilarrininirg fur Philadelphia. via l'enn'a llnllrnail. at 6.10, A. M.. 2.16, P. IL, 6.2.5, I'. 61., and 12110 at. tiLeht. By Heading; Nill Lebanon Valley Mill hind nt 2.26 I'. M. ' . .- . For . Plttaborg, 340, A. M.; 1.00.1'. 31., and 5.10. P. M. Vor Haltlirwrt, 030, A. M' and 1.45 noon. For Tr.ver. ton and tViDiann:port. at 1.00. P. 51., and 8.45, 1'.31. Train on !Manilla .111,1.1 at 1.30, I'. 51. . • NftFiCK TO I' VSCNtlEltzt: At all Stations when. Tickets are sold. viz: Chaniltere,hurtt, t , lAlppunal.prg. Carlisle, 310chanicsburg.toll Ilarrlaburit• u reduction of . - TEN (ii' STA on cool, Tlek . et will ha toad, to all Paasen ours that world(' thoniselvos with .Ti,cketa before an. tering tic Cara. Supeet • ' 081ve, ChnthlieligbiArd:t. Get. 6.1 R5B. C' and kept ENDER COVER, Llll.l. I can fun [lints is a:I and all REWIRE or thf year. I. have also on band and for. tale the BLACK DI AlW\ll COAL. from the Baltimore Company Mines This Coal hi , admirably calculated fir iATItOIIE Sloven and l'ellar*Pureaces; all of I trill sill at mall pndits for cash, and deliver to any part of the horrugh, A oznat J.,18h7. 11. MURRAY V - It • ♦T SRC WEST EFIO OF C-Atil,tBLE.. me ituhserlber would reSpectfully cell Ihd attontlon • , ,t;burner:4 tidd,_the chtzoon uf.Carlisle, and; the -11111 . 1 , 01,10fi1g country gelierally, to Ids NEW COAL l'Adl/. attached to Ids. Ware I I 0u.071.11 West nigh et.; Wheie hu'wlll heed e4PBUtn Uy oti hand a largo supply. el flio berd. liudlity or Wit., to wit "• • I.yhett? Fiddler, line &I solo. and Troseri: tou-011okon, Egg and Nut cal-441%4mnd aud dry'conl, whilh ho pledgoll himself to sell a., the-lowest lios,lble prices." Kest quality of_ likuoburuer's and Illticloatilth's Coal alwa3x hand:. ' • 41” orders left at the Warn Mormons at bpi see • deuce In NOl,Ol Llauovnr street, - wilt Lo promptly at- April tt,'fds--tL .. J. W. HENDERSON. i)ACK AGAIN TO THE. OLD ,TRADP.II • I'llu suhicrlbe'eresPectitilly" inf wins the PUbli,dit ' ner. ally. .that izatias_rusuzzied the emu ufacturiog of BOOTS AND SUJES, in Nest Alain street, a tow doers west or the Railroad wilco, and having a good assortment of Leati.mr. Morocco and Trimmings, rind eueagod cotope• tent workinum-ho is proparmi-to make up to nAoure, every iliweription of work in his line. Ile has else ravel veil froth Philadelphia a well seleited stock of II 1./T8 AND 211OES, comprising every variety IbrApring and Sumidet wear, vrhlch offers.at low prices. Gentlemen's fine French Calf Boots, do. Gaiters, Oxford Ties nod Orogen! Ladles Gaiters, Deets, Dusk los,lllppers and with a leillze varietrof Do's, Misses and children,' Gai ters, flouts, ate:. ete..--Purcbasers arel.re4nested to call. and:examine his stock. , ' 11.011e.11T 51011111:. Carlisle,•April 21, 1858.. • 1):00T AND 8110E3IAKIN . & 0. TAYLOR, return thelr.slncolii,thnnkti.itt the r Customers, fur tho very Ilberat:potronage :wen. dud to then:, end would ronp.ettully hiforui - tholpublle 'that they continuo to Innnufeeture CUSTONIEIt Work, at their old stand. on North lint:over street, two door, above the drug store of S. W. llaverstlek. . . . - Illth a anniberhf first rxte workmen employed and flch dies fia-seenrinx tho best stock to be found in the market, tlioy are prepared to make up every description of 800 VS A.N.lbbilObsl, for ladies and gentlemen's wear, in tine float lashlottable style, and Of WAnItENTED Ma— twists mid werkmam hip. • Many years practical experience In the business both hero and In Philadelphia justifies them inoraylng, that they are able to insure full satisfaction to all those who may Intro their orders. April. 21, 155 k, tf. J. & a. T. 111,011. 11-1 E S GRO CB It I-E SI 14 AP N. c. iwyrrrs Shad and Mackerel of different grades, • • A t`4,I4.ITETTS Salmon, Scale Fish and White Flab, • • At ETT'S. Con*, t o ndl Pickled llorrlog,. Choose and Crackers can be had • A 1113VETT'S Dried Fruit, Preeervos and dellloo,.„• At IIUrETTS I=E=ERM A Gosh supply or LIQUORS, OUR, White Load, &c., &c. ( -- lUMBrOItLANDCOUNTY The third session of this Institution will commence in Llttrara_liall. New.. nth. IShil. end Mot sue mouths (excluslro. of a va. cation of three weeks during harvest.) / An able corps — or instructors hare befin--niYuccd and no nßort will tioiirmoa to render U.. school- worth.) of tier p]]sltiou it seeks to. occupy, aud.of_ the.patlonage it respectfully solicits school is entirely under the control of a Doard of Trusties, e Imposed of one School Director from each district in the county. • Tuition fen 110 per neodm (no extras.) . . Ilona boarding...au be had In private families at about $2 per week. - For circulars containing. frill particulars address T. A. McKinney. Treasurer Nom viilo. Pa. Hy order oft hu board of trustees. : DANIEL SHELLY, Pres't. Feb. 23.1859-L2M iX . 9.ELSIOR. PIOTURE'S'' • ~,i A. t. II IiNIVOI/E0 would respectfully inform tie I . tisens of Carllslennd vicinity Mott hobos taken roon.. In %ail s now building, east corner of Market Square, sober.. he Is at all limos ready to take AMBILOUPES In the latest and moot approved style. l'lctures taken In many and cloudy weather as well as dear. and sat• isikation given or no charaus mails. l'ortialts nod Ika 'guerreotypes espied. Miniature Pictures taken for "Lockets Sic., in Ambrotype. . ~ Ainbretypes warranted to stand the toil of ti n ts, beta or water. . . . (Adios and Oontlemen are cordially invited to ea and examine spa:nuns. Prices Innu :.,,de. to $10.• Jan. 27, 1855.-4. 1 • Artist. B1510:1, P:81111MR, • Ohio. • IV: K. 31ob'Anwie, Pennsylvania., , L. Le Coos, Rhoda Is!mid. SNYD E I M'PARLAND, 'AND Danisera and Dealers In• Real Estate, • SIINNEAPOIJS, , Bllunnsota Torrllory June 3,1857.—1 j. ' IXT .0 OD, EL LQW.:_IV:AR E. - v RA§KRTB—dlerkel,Travellbig, and Fancy.-ol' M.)984 6,7. .1'3 , if arlocy: OEBAIt WA RE—Tubs, Buckets, . - Aleaftures. Palls, Pointed Buckets, Reeler:s Matta. Bed- Cords, Brushes. and a largo stock of 4 .ltlcli's" celebrated Corn Broome, (sold only by thr snbscriber)and all otbef • • necessary, bouse Artlelee—iilwAye eV . the logest cash plicear-tar sale by .• • . • • • Caillsbi, Nov. 10, '5B: - " • '4. W. TUT. :; r, ,F AKA, NPl'l.o.'=,-Thot,7e-hltrons , inedoWn -tbe-iirleas:of:AnrPre :1 oak of winter' goads. pentane; wantlnk tearable, goode•at lowl.pricese 'nab as doubte,l3rocheliitirr 404 aquaraSegitch and American Shawls. .Nlantlea:and "mas, ruts,c.;" will be ,certalii. belng,arcommodated, by calling ae LEIDIettAf SA WYkit'S - new itioLebelp store.;‘,,Alatijust reoebrad a large Ineolcw. of any!, brown I, 4 lrtlng and iiheetlngsomelln; find. fur. pla b low goriis of all klimle, callcoesrand vtber" wood! " 4 .aultinkfor,tbo .o :• BURNINGHu ID t, Ist. Train. 2d Train 8.25 Ai M. 2.16 I'. M 8.65 ‘• 2.111 •• 9.27 •• 3.18 .44 8.69 6.02 " C IIR ISTMAS. G OODS 11 - F0 TIM 1 110 ID 1.17 S ' 1 ! , KlivcrGOops, GIFT BOOKS, 4.c. • ' B. W. lIAVERSTICK has Just received from the elty and is new opening aspiendld display ofFAN CY GOODS, eultuble for the approaching Holiday Senson,• to which lie desires to call the attention of his friends end the public. Ills assortment in thls Hoe cannot be surpassed In novelty and elegance. and both In quality and price of the articles. cannot fall to please purchasers. It would be lutpoisible to enumerate. his ' HOLIDAY , FANOVIIIOODS. . • _which compriseuyety veriety . of fancy article of the Mod exquisite finish such as. - Papier Macho Udids. : " "---' - "Elegant alabaster and porcelain Ink.stands and trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card cases„ Ladiere. Fancy Baskets. • . _ • Fancy Work Bombs, with Bowing instrumeUts, . . Port neonates, of every variety, Gold pens and pencils, Fancy paper weights. wlS Papeterieffi-and a-barge - et rely of Indies' Fancy station - and wafers, Silk sod bead purses. Ladies' ilding.whlps,'Ulegantly fluished, Ladies' fine • • . Perfume baskets and bags. . Brushes of every kind for the toilet, • Roussel's Perfumes of the various kinde. Musical instruments, of all kinds and at ell prices, together with an innumerable variety of artfries elegant ly finished and suitable for holiday . presents, to chick. , he invites special attention. . Also, an - extensive and elegant collection of IL)LIDAY . • comprising theyarbmin English end Au:ark:in ANNUALS . for 1859. richly eml,elished and illustratedPOETlCAL WORKS, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL BOOKS, for children of all ages. thanYbich nothing ran be more__, sppropriste or pleasing so holiday gifts'. _llia assortnient at School Books and School Stationary In alrs . complkte, and comprises everything: used College end the Schools. lie ale° desires to call the particular Btten• Alen-of l'atifilies to his elegant assortment of , • ' ' LASI PS du, from life extknelve establishnients of Cornelius, Archer and others of bilecielphia.- comnrisirg every sty,le_of , Firkin Ohainlier aid study Lamps, for hnruine either Lsid. Sperm or Etherlal oil: alwo•DY0'11"S celebreted It rosene or Coal 011 Lamps, toOther will, Flower V.O. Fancy Screens, ge. life asseitment in this line Is on. eq wink] in thoboughl Also, • FRUITS ro . tItSCY CONFI CTIONARY-1 4 :11. pit E. MIN. ED-IF-AT, PICKLES, dt., In every variety and at all prices. all ~f n blob are pore and fresh myth as can ho vonfidentla recommended to his friends and the little folks. ./Ils everything In the lids of Fancy Goods, with-molly other Articles useful jo housekeepers which .1, public :if e penally invited to Ball and see doling the hull arr.-- Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite t1,.(41 II k on North Hanover street.. .FA ALLY 0 Al. --170'00. roes Lykon's I'lllle% 1.. bra en and re• I freened. prepared ex pren4y for lainily Use Dec. 22. 1 ilsl TUE M6ST EXTRAOIt,D*ILY 0015 K OF Till: Atlll Fir4i.edition of 10,090 add in six . weeks. - ' -ENTITLkD "BOYH'OOD'S- PER ILS PUBLISHED. BY DR. ,gj' PANCOAST, 910 Spring Gardeoslreet. Philadelphia, Pu., and ,for sale 4y all booksellers, • Thin to a book of 2.23 pages,l2mo o bound In cloth:Kith nine lithographic plates. and Intended for parents, guardians, and young men. Every young man who niches to maintain,his health and inaithrsel, and have a healthy prognnyoshould read this took. Some of the statements are really astounding, and have never be fore appeared in priitt. l Price $l, By mail $1,15. NOW IN PRESS, AND . IIKIDY *OR DELIVERY IN A FEW DAYS, A OIIRAT WORK FOR TILE LADIES, ' by tbasittne author; entitled LADIES' MEDICAL GUIDE, . AND MARIVAGE FRIEND Thin is a work of nearly 60 pages, beautifully botind' in cloth, and contaionover 100 sphimild and CW101111,4. gravings. It gives h template description of the struc ture and function of the reProduativweigans of the le . male, showing how married ladies may have or av o id large families. Abu. a complete history of 11erumphro ilitisto, mitt; curloutqluti it chewing loth sexes to •it also gives advice ..to young .11dloklu selecting a husband, pointing out (became of so cinch unhappl nees atter marriage, al‘d the, influence it exerts on the offspring. „ The or Wk also give tha-s'ytnitoms and treatment of all female diseases ; so th,atn‘ery !Innate ma) be Ler own ph) sicion. 4 • The last chapter IR devoted to the Toilet. giving the • receipts for costiletik at present In use by the nobility of Fin me, England and it usFis. fur beautlf, log the skin hair. teeth. and f n rem °e lm fat and pi . ..serving a sweet breath. They have been ~i tatted at great expo no. Fri.,' ;IMO. By mall dl TA, or eight additional post,- eau stamps. WO Copies 11111,0 already been o r d ere d._ Those wishing. a ropy bit thetirst-editiou-shouldesend- '- their ordow without dellty. - For complete ele: , criptiott of the work eon Prospectus,— whirh.will be Feet on reeetptmf ooti letter stamp. AGENTS WANTED in every towitidn,tho.Dulan. 1 . 0,1&59-Iy___ " COME MEM! [REHM ii : RES I I GROCE RIES. Flare re , 1 calved at the Nour Store of the aubiterllor, large additional_ stock. of.all_linde of 'Onicerles, Trash -and cheap : - ALSD--e large and complete Fundy ss, ssr. • (, of FOREIGN AND D.”IESTIC Q :(;;(alji((4) UORS, consisting of very floe old Cog ; ~ - nee Brandy. of Mont, restillion & Co's I .- '---- , .... -__ .:.i vintage , of 1850 from U. D. Bonded ... _ .. • P Warebous, tine old Port'Maderip, Muscat. Claret and Ileidt , lck a Co's. celebrated tintm pone Wines, pure liolland Oln, Stoughton Bitters , very fine Old Rye, Bourbon and Monougehela Whiskies , Rum. Cherry and Bleckberry'llmudy, dr.. at tow prices tJ Wlili BENTZ. Jer419,1859. • • 1 1 )ISSOLUT1()N: The . partnership heretofore existing between Simon Arnold and 1. Arlngston trading under the firm or ARNOW:Ik LIVINGSTON, was dissolved by mutual ermsent nu the 10th Inst. The boolm attfterounts or the firm are In the hands of I. Lit Ingetnn, to whom all payments most be piado on nr,bettro the first day of , lay next ,as after that date, the books will bo placed In the hands of e Justice fur collection. Carlisle, Jai:Lio:o4m. N. 11.—The tineinties wit) to . conducted—at the old standby 1. Ll VINGISTONewha will endoaror- Ity strict attention, to merit a moth:Mance or the patronage heretoforis extended to the Orin. 31ei RION' HALL,, is the 'phice trt get good Daguerreothwa. Atubrotypes. Illelaulutypes, ntei reopea. Crayoutypes and Photographs. Persons visiting Carlisle will And IVO reword them fgr theic4roublo to elan this Institute. • • i N. 11, Itut few, specimens are eshlhifell at the door, and the publican, re.pectrusy•tw k ilted to calla% • the Gallery..where awry variety, of pictnrea capable. of be. lug pmduce4 by the Photographic Art canto obtained. Ladle. and Uentlemen call In whether.you want pia tures or not, and you will meet with'a cordial reception. HAT, .Ai`lß CAF: EDIFORItTDi:= . . . :,.1. 13..CALL104 CO.,' anemones to Wen. If. Trout ~..wo.uld autiounin to their customers and. the pistil!, generally that they. have Just' received llnin.f i hilodel. . plan. a large and elegant stock of goods t In their line of business of every. variety; 'Viennaquality.. They,havo eq llinidia Splendid . & b assortment of ' - JINX'S , AiiD• CAPg , • • 1141 ' or ell aingOijottotiii tioin!..thi.tionTloo Wool thig:llO t ent.lttlit AND BILKtIATS;'ond a prime that tuts!' suit everyone who has on - eye IpftotfloigAbpl_ ,tcittkothlitnoooy, Theli 811 k, ANIO Skin &anteater ; tints. - Art stroturproned for I.4OIITNASS. DURABILITY AND tliosnpflantother,t,obilOnnont In 110VW II Alt:Votevoti Atetitt4nObtetiottytbilotoA. I 7, 4 .towltthily blotto 'idt he 'old `pititnieritid'ii `'kritett'efits eta possible, to give lb in a call. J. (1. OA.IIIO 00: 1 Vok .101-48016 Ar , 13MG=I AND. MANHOOD'S CURSE." SIMON • ARNOLD, ISAAC LIVINGSTON =ill
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers