`:Nets alfoocibo. • • . ~ ' • .4 R E S . II - A It R. I V A L' 1 GOODS ' FOR THE HOLIDAYS!! FANCY GOODS; GIFT BOOKS, ho. q? • S. W, HAVERSTICK has Just received from the city and in now opening asplendid display of NANCY GOODS, suitable' for the approaching. Holiday Season, to which he desires to call the attention of his friends and the - public. - ills assortment in this line cannot bosurpassoil , in novelty and elegance, and both in quality and prim of the articles, can n ot Dill to please purchasers: Icwould be impossible to enumerate his • • HOLIDAY FANG .GOODS, • which comprisoovery variety of Sillily article of the most • • exquisite tipish such as. .----. --- _Napier Mackie Math. -- ' . Elegant alabaster and - porcolaiwink=stands and-tram Fancy ivory, pinwl and Shell card crises, -- Ladies' Fancy Baskets, • .'• Fancy Work Beans, with sewing instruments,- Port Meanies, olovory - variety, • .- ,_ Gold Poo?? and Pencils, Fancy paperweights, Papotorlos,iind3 largo rt riuty of laillest Sauey . .4ot'. cry iot.tp soak; and 'wafers, Silk mid head Ladles• riding whips, elegantly . fluishi,d,. Ladies' Ili butler), ' Perfume. baskets and - hags, Brushes of every kind P.m the toilet, ' llonssersTortumes of the various kinds, :Musical Instriunents,`Of 'all kihits and at all price together With an innumerable variety of articles elegan ly finished and suitable tbr holiday promote, to • lac ho Invites special attention. Also, an extensive and elegant collection c• • HOLIDAY fIiFT BOOKS, • comprising the various English and loneliest ANNUALS for 1855, richly entholished and illustrated POETICAL WORKS, with CHILDREN'S PICTORIAL KOOKS, for childron at all ages; than which nothing can be mono appropriate or plensing ns holiday gifts. Ilisassortmeni of School Books and School Stationary is also complete, And comprises everything need in College and. the Schools. - Ifs also desires to eall - thi . particular attob — Hon of Families to his elegant assortment of LAMPS. (MANHOLES. &'o., . from the extensive establisiniimits of Cornellus,Arche and others of-Philadelphia,' comprising •every style o Parlor, Chamber and study Lannol .Ibr• burning. citing .Lord, Sporn, or Etherfal oil, togotlier with Flown). Yeses. —Fancy-Sereens,-/Ilisussortment - hrthis'linihris - un , equaled In the borough. Air . .. 41. • SPIIVED 4n evlify variety and at all prices, all of uhleh.are pure and froqb,such as ran ho confidently recommended to bin friends and the little folks ills stock embraces everything in that line of Fancy floods, with many othet • articles, useful to hausekeepers wiriclrthe public - aro - ow, poqially invited to call and see dutlng Lite - holiddys.- - - Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North Ilanover street.- @OEM WATCHES, JEWELRY, AND SILVER-WARLAT CONLYN'S old estalillsbud Otand,_Wist))lMlLSE., nearly opooqlolliu CUo Valley Bank. . .. . I have just received a new assortment of watches. , ewelry. medallions. silver %rare, kr.. in addition to my former stock to which I invite the attention of the _IF) Oldie, The assortment embraces fine 4. gold and silver lever witches, limiting o :-Ery : and open rasa do, gold Anchors fee (::/... Ladlei and Gentlemen and Oliver Le- . pines and Quartier watches of every va. 4 ZI, ' .5. riety in style and price. . Also fine gold Medallions. Breast-plus Iv Ladles and Gentlemen of every quality,' pattern and piler. Gold fob, vest, curl) and neck 'chains. Gold bracelets, finger rings, dui-plus", studs, siceve.buttons, crosses, charms. Ac.,lm. Gold and sliver thimbles, silver and plated butter knives; kirks, table, tea, salt and mustard spoons of every variety. A largo 'assortment of gold. silver ''.,,R2o.l4sa e and_ common spectacles, to stilt all ages to which we invitu,special atten tion: • ~- • -.' ' -. ."- • . A fine lot of COLD PENS from the ,best makers, opoctacle cases, fancy boxes, oil errand pearl card cases, gold and reunion bracelets, watch chains, 'Mantle Clocks and is variety of articles use ally kept lit :lowelry establishments, whioh I will sell low Pie rash. All articles war ranted to bn what they are represented. Particular attention paid as usual- to NATOLI. REPAIRING mad, all work war, ranted, Doc. 23, 1857.1 TUST RECEIVED AND OPENINO t" AT NAUOLE'S CIfEAP JEWELRY STORE, ' Main Street,.Carli3le,.Pa. . A 'largo supply of __, !.. rV, tV,..„,-' --- Watches,Joivolry..ll. • -,r, -., • ' -- .1.1 ~ . rm. and Pliitoil Warn, -,,,--.-,.. . , 1rn ,...,.,: :---, t , o i :Tell lln vita _at :. *WA :4, 7 ; - 'f' . i . If y n n . U . want to ..o -A'i j "--:'-', I t . jf:Aloct from. Um largest - A .." -..', . •. r, =."' t- 5 , ,:, stock orcloclis. Watch 4. - ' - .k.) -- - 4 ll ' atfti r w e n; M l gr r lUl d a . tai- ‘, -.';'..'" .2: `;....: '-.- call Wa have a largoassortniont of aold and Silver Hunt• log and Opon CATO Watchos to suit all Fancies and Pockets, Fine and Cheap Jewelry of every style and quality In setts Or by the piece no wanted, At NAUGLE'S-- "Si or and Plated Waitora, Cake. Fruit, Sugar, and C d askets, Silver; Table, Tee, Cream, Sugar, Salt, D and Cream Spoons, At NAUGLE'S. F e earl, Lava, Coral, Niece, Goldstone, Mosaic, Fla. rentine Mosaic, Jet Box and (Gass setts cheap At NAUGLE'S. Diamond Breastans and Fingerings, 'At NAUGLE'S. Cold hunting CIIRC, Eight nix Lovers; Gold Hunt ing Cas 6 41tiplox; Gold Hunting, Chronometurs, At NAUGLE'S. Hagley's beet quality of Gold Ponells; Ditto Gold Pens and Silver Holders, At NAUGLE'S. Sliver and Plated Ten Setts. Goblets, Cups, Toast Racks, Pitchers, Urns, Tureens, 'en Belts, At NAUGLE'S. Gold Nock, Vest. Curb. Fob, and Chatbtin Chains? Gold Bracelets, Lockets, Thimbles, Crosses, Charms, At NAUGLE'S. French Tinto Pieces to run three and four weeks, At NALICLET. Cold Sleeve, Voot, Collar, and Shirt Studs of rill stylea and quality, . At NAUGLE'S. Plated Yorke, Siwouti, Knives, Napkin Sings, Silver Thimbles, Shields, Platinum, Accordeons, Music Boxes—a fine variety, At NAUGLt'S. Ladles' Portinonalem, Pearl and Leather, Plain and Faney Travelling Bags, very rice styles, cheap • At NAMILB'S. - If you want to have your Watehem put In good re -:pair and warranted, take them to • NAUGLE'S. . • ~ .. If you want to got a Cheap Clock, you can got it At NAUGLE'S. . . . If you want your Silver ware neatly !narked at short notice, call 4 • .. . BELLS! BELLS! •BELLS ! FA 11, 111 ERS LOOK II .1111 E I-II~711P: The subscriber has been appointed agent...ter Comberland county, for ,the celebrated Oreencastlo FARM 11}:1,1,8 which by is selling at very low prices; nit article which has Iti.en sold all over the State, and' given satlslitetien to all who have tried them.—Rho en hand sawn of the Bell Metal Farm hells, and everything else in the farming and mechanical line; "All to be had at the cheap hardware store of T thoso fellows that ding out their red flageand main, Carlisle, Aprll v 2B, ISSB. - - • At NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the money re funded, . Pers 3118 that want bargains aro Invited to call At NAUGLE'S IT'S ALL FOR BUNCOMBE!! --• so much fuss about the effects of the " Money Dank; _ "Suspeosion and itAsousequeures" o Great attntrtion' ." Prices greatly reduced" end other queer "Donets,' • are all talking for BUNCONIIIE. IlUt if you really want to got the worth of your motley, cell nt the Grocery and Quemswure Store of .. .1. 1). HALBERT,- on the N. W Corner of: thelSlbllr Square and. direetb... opposite the Carlisle Deposit Bank, in the bordligh et - Carlisle. stock of Chinn, Glass and Q,ueensware has just been replenished from Philadelphia, and Mr beauty of design, quality and cheapness IT CAN'T DE , Ms assortment • of FAMILY GROCERIES Is full, fresh, clean and campleto, such as ' • ' Java and Eh; Coffee, Miced, Pirkols, Roasted,' Plain do. ImpecJal Tea, Worcestershire Sauce, n 4 : 7 —Y ! OoloAker Black do. American do. 1T" A o o il c nil c a Hominy Tomato Catsup, .., )1 keel. Farina, Salad or table oil, Cti'? ' ' Coin Starch, Pepper SatICO, Rico Flour, _T j able snit, Baker's Cocoa, ~ Syrups and Molasses '• Chocolate, of every quality, Preston's Eagle do, Macaroni, • SUGARS. SPICES, (ground & ungrouud.) New Orleans, . ' Cinnamon, . • Porto Rico, Mace . Crushed, ' Itmcgs, ' ... Granulated, Cloves, Pulvericed,and A Isplce; Refined. ; Pepper and Ginger. erupt—Pine apple and Now York dairy Cheese. Cranberries, Brooms and Cedarwaro N e et b MACKERNIA-Si e gft b " Nos. 1.2 and 3. Saponifier or Concentrated Lye for making soap. HP ildefi 7110013A14D AND ONE" Articles that...cannot bi enumerated, but which the public aro cordially MO e. to examine for themselves. . The eultecriber.thankful for the rory Moral pntrot —lege-which-beim received from-thocompunity In-time poet, reepectfully,sollelle u contl n JOSEPH D. lIALREIRT. ' . . . Carlisle, Doc. 28, 1857 WALL PAPER ! WALL PAPER WALL PAPER FOR 0110 MILLION. Ajegtil variety of new, and benutiftil polterna.juni 'Opening and will be field clientele then ever nt, - , 'JOHN P. LYNN & SON'S. , Cheap Hardware and Paper Store, • North Hanover Steer' • A beautiful variety of WINDOW SHADES just rived at . • J.- P. LYNN & SON'S Green and blue Window PaleirsJunt opened at ' April 7, 1858.1 : ' • $ JOHN, F LYON & FON. • . A 31ERICAN WATCH.--Huvitig : re, etcelied the agency tin, the sole of tho American h, fromihe Boston Watch Ctimhany, I would re. spectfully Inform : tn a a fri o nu : t nt n ow opening nod ready for nate. ha gold and, Rilver ,pasep. and very line styles, and with retard to ilmo they, can't bp beat, to -prove that lid it Is only, necessary to give them a trial. ,Persons In want of a correct lime piece, are respectfully . Invited tenon and see our - watcheil....: • D. A. NAUGLIE. Main 4treet, Carlisle, Pi. June 30, 'U. . . 11l IRON.—TEN TONS 'Obarco4l., Forgo) PIG' IRON, for rolalit Warrhoiwo or spHrkylflll4. , W. 11:Mtlitit-A TILE Eitbscribets would respectfullycall the attention of tho coal consumers of Carlisle and vicinity, and tho public generally to their superior quality coal such as • LYKENS • :VALLEY, .Droken, Egg, Stays An Nu LUICK,FIDDLER, TREVORTON I de. . de. ' do. . and the celebrated Lathery whit° ash, broken, Egg • Stove and Nut Coal. This yard is situated at thd east arid of Carlisle, oppo• alto the (ins Works, where they will keep constantly on hand stereo stock of all kinds and sloes of coal, which will ho sold as low as Any in the borough. All coal for faintly uso will be ivrereened before delivery_ and vvar riinted to give out ire sathfitetion. Best imalitfiirliThfiTtrunNviiii nod IliyfS tThtM itWAY, always on band and at low figures. ' All orders left at tharesidenco of :lama Hafer, West Pomfret street, at Squire Smith's office, South Hanover — Street, or et the rcsidenco of Jacob. Shrum, North-cost strict, will be pronvly,attoodiaLto._ Lum DER ! !—We are also prepared to furnish all kinds and .quality of dly Lumber at greatly reduced prices. • • • Sills sawed to order and . furnished at the shortest notice. . . • 110 have constantly onputild all Vitals end quality of , Shingles, 5110111 s Whit(' pino, hemlock, chestnut, oak- Ac. Also all sines of Walnut "Mr Hand-rails,window, sills and Lintel stuff. ash, poplar, oak and Linn; idt. kinds of p:dioEy plastering lath. Shingling lath. broom handles, worked flooring arid weather.boarding. rough and sinooth roils, pests, a - fid every artlele , that eau be kept in a Lumber yard.• Having ears nrimr °wax° ran al all times and at short notice supply any article in our line of . business at low prices. . We are thalikful for past favors and solicit a cantina HMO of public patronage. Our motto Is to please my2ol/2513, 4 • FAMILY. C 0 A L.-1,,000 • .I.ol l g 'Lyk'on's AP> COAL, broken and ro . _.--e-rooned,prepared us • -pressly fir family use, and kept UNDER goVEIL. 'No that I ran fdrilish It nay and et.r„As all seasons of this year. I have also on band and for Pale the BLACK 1)1A31OND COAL, from the Baltimore Company Mines. This Coal IR 1111111k:114y ralhliiltoll fOr 'LATROBE SOM. and Celbir Furnaces; all of, which I will sell at • small . profits for oaslioind_dellyer-to-any-pari-of-the_borough— August 5, 1857. , W. 11. MUIIItAY. Carli4e r, undry, S. W. n#EICSTICK g - :/-0 • .`• triliitlf • , 7-.4"5' zi2 l, -11- • •-• ' • This °sten - F{l'6 establisliiii s eut is isiis • in Nnplete oiry dermal supplied ‘itlt tin best nuteldnerp . for executing Avorlkin.every Alopartniont: The 'buildings hale lion boon. boon. groat iy enhirgedirds spritig and stocked With the newest and "most hnproved tools for tho man ulaeture of . Shutters, Minds, Mouldings, Brackets and fill other, kinds of Carpenter worrk. We Invite Builders,-Car penters and ethers to rail and examine our thellitien doing,. this. description orwork. The best Materials used and,nrives kw as at any other establishment In tho County or'elsowhere. • . STEAM ENO NES BUILT TO ORDER. I= and repaired ha heretofore. Engines have been recent. ly built lhr W. M. Henderson A Son, in this borough. R. Bryson & Co. Allen township, Ahl brothers, New- Shade & Wetzel,' North Middleton, and ot,ers, at whoan establlshment they may be seen eration.and.ltt.whom we ran rotor of their superiority. IRON AND BRASS CAnINGS, of every desetiption, from the smallest to the heaviest -pieces; executed at short notice tor every Rind of ma. chi eery. A largo variety of millicastings now nn hand Two skillful Pattern makers ethistently employed:— HEPARIN° promptly attended to for Paper• Ills. Distilleries, Grist Mills, Factories, &c. Turnlhg !Ina Fitting 31111-Spindles, &o. done in the best style: TiIItESIIINO 31ACIIIN ES AND HORSE POWERS. suOt as—Bevil- Gear Four _Horse Towels, Horizontal Oelfr Four . and Two . :-Ilorse Powura, Corn nellors, Crushers, Iron Honeys. Plough castings. and other ar ticles for farmers, on hand or promptly made to order. BURDEN CAR§ BUILT, !J. and reps:ied. Our facilities for building Cars are now More complete than heretofore and onahlog tis to for ds!) them to transporters on the rail rood en ereonni. dating terds - and made of the best materials: Orders solicited nod entire satisfaction guaranteed: The long experience in the busineSs or, tho senior partner of the firm, and the completeness of our nut ehinery In every branch of the .eslahlishineot warrant us in if...urine the best work to all who favor us with their orders. The vont irmed patronage of our old friends end the public is respectfully solicited. May itt, - GARDNER & Co. M2EOX! L=! • A CARD. • - • To the Voters of-the ',Sixteenth Congressional District in Pennsylvania. FELLOW CITIZE7iB:—AIi ilia People will soon be raped upon to select a candidate fora seat in the next Congress, and believing that The time has arrived when the musses who earn their bitqld by tifti sweat of their .brOWN" have kilt end seen , the sad pipets ,o 1" the Penni erotic Trade policy, and are ready to vote for men who are h a raver of re inaugurating the great system or Protootm, to Amerivals Industry which II EN ItT CLAY labored n whole life to establish ; therefore, at the solicitation of friends of.the reuse, I trlftr myself es n TARIFF CANDIDATE, and feeling that protection to HOME 1..4111111 is the great question of dm age. in the : establishing of I would labor faithfullj', and hail as a triumph 'which would do honor to the memory..of the IMMORTAL DEAN, and restore our Country once more to happintas_and prtaperity. Then would be heard the sound of the lIIIIIIIIII.Is in the ft rpm hint smith shops. and ihu 7111118111111111CLOrkil omild hunt and clatter—then would thousands who ore now de. prived of work, rejoice in having an opportunity to earn 'I bread" thr their wives and children—then would nig farmer have a good market for his produce.—then woad . - the 1110C111111C be 'suitably rewarded for his genius—L.lll4l HAMM the country truly be "covered with blessings RIIII 11011dati." AE NAUOLE'S Should I revolve: the nomination and be elected, I pledge toy hearty support to the principles not forth in the People's cull for if State Convention. C. It. IittESSLER. York, Juno 26, '5B M=! XCELSIOR PIC-TURES A. It. TIENWOOD would respectfully inform ito cit sons of Carlisle and vicinity that helms taken room, in Zug's now building, east corner of Market Naar° where Lola at.all times ready to take AaIIinOTYPES in thelatest and moat approved style. Pictures taken — in rainy and cloudy weather as Well as clear. and sat.. 'isfaction given or no charges made. Portraits and Pro guerreetvpos copied. Miniature Pictures taken for Lockets lc., lu Andautype. Ambroty pea warranted to stand thele4 of than, Lela or water. Ludles nod Gouticmon are cordially invited to en nod examlnu specimens. ' Prices from _seta. to $lO. A. It. IIENWOOD. =22=tV REAL ESTATE AGENCY. ANDREW G. ME. H. JEPP TIIOEROON. 0 1 LOBTHOM S 0 N , Have opened an offictrat SC.I osoph, Mo., for the pur chase and sale of Beal Estate, buying and selling Land WarSults, entering Land on Time, Surveying and Map. ping Towns, Location of Warrants, and making invest ments Sir non-residents, paying of Taxes, and all burl moss pertainlpg to a General Land Agency in Missouri Kansas, Nebraska; and lowa. .• 'MOM. ou Second Street, North of A. T. Beattie's Banking House. [July 10, 1856. B ACK AGAIN TO THE OLD TRADE II • The sulticribbr respectfully Informs the public genes. ally. that ho has resumed the man ufficturing of BOOTS AND SHOES, In West Main street, a few doors west of • the Railroad office, and having a good assortment of Leather, Morocco and Trimmings. and engaged compe. tent workmen, be is prepared to make up to measure, every description of work In Ids line. Ile has also received from Philadelphia a well selected stock of BOOTS AND SitOES, comprising every variety for Spring,and Summer wear, .which ho offers lit low • ,prices. 'or Gentletnen's IThe-Pfench Calf Boots, ' do. Galte6, Oxford Tien nod Brogans; • Ladles Cillers, Boots, Buskins, Slippers and Ties, with a large variety of Boys, Misses andChlldrens etc. —Purchasers-aro •rognested - to - ceir end examine his stock. 11011Eirr MOME. Carlisle, April 21, 1858. , . V W ATIMERS !—Novi n is .the time to get ' Anew. TIIIIRSIIING%2II4IIINN and 11 0 it S E P ER. We have a numisTofAvoll inNle Machines .now on hand. at the Carlini Foundry and. Machine Shop, - which-we - rill 411 on - the - most`reilsonable terms: They combine nil the latest Improvements and are warranted to be of good material end workmanship. Also, CORN SIIELLEIP• of the .Most improved con. struCtion, which do their work rapidly and thoroughly. For sale at low prices by • P. OARPNER & CO. . •, July 21, 180., CARLISL 111-§tILY RUR - SP:11114GS: - Tide beautiful And popular watering pine° lei now open for the soasen. ,The hdlldings are large lindcom. Moillous, the grounds Impiered with calve lawns and shaded walks, whilst the utodleinel !pad the springrvalded by thettacing mountain air, I store health and vigor to then - test' debilitated system. . A lino band of nluelc;and iTcelllolont corps of nor , yenta, haveibeeri engaged for the' summit. The table Ia eupplied with, all the dollateles of the soasonp the cheuthers are well fdrolshud;and those wbo nook pleas rindaa Arilrealtb: will find . the cuitomery'amuse. moats of watering placee, corahlned with all the_eppli. autos of a first elaesdlotol: - lloitoro.lenvlng ltd7llllto!Dltlmnrt et a o,ntnto..eb y i t .b3l.nra : dnrriv : 13pripgAbeibl.e, t: .`. 1 OWEN • 011.ANDL1CIV flisccllancuo9. FAMILY GOAL TiiMW5lVt MACHINE CAR AND SAill FAOTORY, • • 'East Main Stroet, CAR 1,191.1, DOORS, WINDOW FRAMES, SASII, HENRY sAkroN. . Emit 3111 In Street. Ilistdiancous. CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK: • IiRONLIETOSIS; • - • Witidsst Ken, . Mumma' lIRNNEDISa, - 110110. C. STaRDETT, • JOHN DUNLAP, • lilUllAnD Worms, . . JUIIN S. STEREETT, • .10110 O,DUNLYP, • 11. A:S•runar.m. , This Sauk, doing businiss in the mune of Tier, Brim noman & Co., Wilms folly. prepared IR_ do a general. Banking Dusiness with promptness atiCi fidelity. Nutley received on deposit, and paid back on demand without notice. Interest paid on speciableposits. Cer tificates of deposit bearing interest at the rate of five per cent. will he Issued tor as shdht a period not four months. Interest oil nil certificates will cease at ma turity,provided, however, - that- if said certifiCates are uliaW-cd—aLaaY-tinte_thareafter.lbrutiolber .givon_pe, dad, they shall bear the some rate of Interest np to the time of renewal. Partieular attention paid to the col 'action of notes,, drafts, checks, Sc. , in any parent . the _UBited States or Canada& Beinittanees madeltrEnitland, Irblaud,or the Conti• neat7 — Thelitithful and'e , ..Tiflinilithirtix.clititirciif. alt - orders entrusted to them, may be relied upon.' They call the attention of Farmers, 3lechanies and all r tilers who desire a safe depository for'theii names, to the undeniable fact, that the proprietors of this Bank ate INDIVIDUALLY liable to the extent of their estates for MI tile Depossts, and other obligatlonfrotKer, Dresser nun] k, Co. • . ' They hate recently removed Into their new, Ilaithing House directly opposite their former stand,' in' Vest 3111111 Street, a few doors east of the Railroad Depot, Where they willta all tithes be pleased to give any In formation desired In regard to money matters Ili gene. Upon for busltress from 9 o'clock in tilt:morning . uulll 4 o'clock lu the evening.. IL A. STURGEON, Cashlur,, Carlifild, May '20.1857 11 1 1 RE INSURANCE,— TIIE ALLEN PAND - EAsT rIENNSIIOIIO- MUTUAL FIRE • IN SURANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county. er corm,. rated by an ac‘of Assembly, is now fully organiNt doind lir operation under the inamigeohnot ',IL the following commlssionora, fie: • "lhollel Bailey, William ,It. (lorgaa, Michael Cochin]. Elchollierger, ghristian B. Colorer, Lewis Byer, S. Eberly, flonja- Mosser, . Brandt, Joseph Wickersham, Almnindin.-Cathcart.' The rates m Insurance are as low and throbi° a no any Company of the kind in the State. Persons wishing to become members are invited to make application to the agents of the' company, who are willing to wait upon them at any time. CHRISTIAN STAYAIAN, Vire Pr,eiMont.. LEWIS DYER., Secretary. MICHAEL 'COMMIE. Treasurer. AOENTS. CUMBERLAND COUNTY.— John Fllerelek, Allen, It miniph Ilartlo, New iunberielld: Heel Zeuring, Shlrenunstewa; Senniel.iVinelburny Dickinson . ; Henry Bowmen, Churentnen ; Meth , 14111,115, tiouth ton ; Samuel Critham. W. l'emisb.,,,,•; I,l6ll:iiitcslinrg ; W. Coildru. Fili.jilietllo4;vn; 75. CooVer. Sllerher;lstywlr; C. B. Ilerwitly. SI! ver'Sprini.;; Bold. fluvelFtiel;. Silver Spring: Unities Bi.B. YUltli COUNTY.-IY. Itover; Peter {V6I - Franklin ; Griffith, inti ; .1. F. Dear dorlf,•tt'n'shitigton. , Loehooku, 31embers of the eomptioy baring polleit.eubout to ex pire, cnn have them renewed by hulking uppllinllmh to any of the Agent's. • T IYERY•STABLE.—fIaving pur- IA chased from .1. R. Nenional;er. his LIVERY E?: TABLISIDIENE. I will be always 'ready to !moonier, date the ptthlle with HORSES. R.• 41 1: y brio I 1431':1I 26Y''':::11; 11. stri ct 01101, .1,1114110. and II di rOlll pleityo, the rothi . ±Oribei• hopes to receive liber a l share of public, putt IIEOIRIE N. B. 01111111SusseB on hand to stipplY thosi, aho may he In need of them. U. 11. 1) 0Q TS A:i\T 1) 8110 E S !!' 11 ,y .1. PHILLIPS CO., have opened a" ne4 . BOOT AND SNIDE STORE on West, Maio short, Dearly oppo. site - the Itaituall_Deo:o,,nhere thny have juk, yereh - , . a large asidwell seferfatclisitirtine . nt of French Calfskin them. lloots . :_douldivand single soles. - Calfskin. Patent Leather and Clotlv - Congress (loiters of black and limey colors, in tereat variety. Calf kha, Plaellt•llir and Morocco Oxford 'Deg, - Shoes find lloys and YoutlisCongrystAno 1 it. ton (loiters, Holes and Brogans. Ladles French lasting heel -.(loiters, black and- fancy colors,'Kid and )lorocco Lava Boots and Buskins. lino ICIII Slippers, , Morocco Tics and Buskins, English Kid and Saucy toilet Slippers. 3115 . ,:es colored Gaiters. 31oroc. co and goat welt hoots, -Slippers and Tics, Children's plunk and colored 3lorocco hoots, alit outdo 'Pies, chi]. Art:9'H thlltpts, 11011014 shoes. &c..Ae. Comprisiim full stock ,ifiNi•o;,.,lliug lit.their.liute; - TAlitablo for filo SOl.Oll. The !dove goods - ore made of ❑le best malerial nml workmanship. and will be sold ns cheap as Um sumo qualify of goods 'can ho pugehosed elsewhere. .1. PHI I. LI PB'& CO. Carlisle, May 12.'58—fm "MOUNT HOLLY SPRINGS HOTEL," FIVE MILES•FRQM Ike Cap qt the Soith H E'Slr II S C It I 0 of_tlt SL LllArrenee Hite! 1 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia. having leased th above popular Suninnr llesoi t, of the late !Proprietor, .11,5.15. Patton, will open - tho same on the 20th of June, for the reception of guests. , Terms moderato. Address, •A. T, MULLIN, Mount Holly Springs, C berland County, Pa. . L LARGEST CHAIR, AND FURNITURE . ESTA lILESIIMENT IN TIIE UNION Mathiot'a Gay Street Ware• Rooms, Exiending from (lag to Frederick Street, haring 40fectfront, 1701i4t deep, and 6 Blorie.w high. BALTIMORE, IMD. 7 . W hero Is kept always oh laud, or made to order. el** stYle . of French TETE-A TLTES, in Plush, hair Sotha or Brocatelle. French Full Stult and Medallion, Parlor . AIIM CHAIRS In Plush, Hair, Cloth, or - Freud' Pell Stuff Corned PARLOR CHAIRS,' in sets with Plush. flair, or Brocalellel SOFAS; half French Mahogany and Walnut Parlor CHAIRS, in Mir, Cloth 6r Plush. ItOCKINU ellAlßS—varleus dusWn7,ln hair, Cloth and Plush. t Stuff Spring LOUNOES--a laignZnyenanient always on hand, or ally pattern Hindu - or etivriildwith any goods to order. CHAMBER SUlTS—lnliovt, complete, from $3, 31/. - and Rucking-do h the-largest -assort. - meet roadpinado Li 1110 United States—from $l2 a doz• on up. Dar limn, 011ive and Dining CHAIRS. In Oak . . Wal. nut or Mahogany. with Cane, IVoial or iitulle.l Ovate.-- m.sortinent embracing over 50 deceit. Wood Scht,CIIA IRS and SEIVEES nniIItOCICINO CIIA I ItS—Oyer 100 'dozen. Feather illtds, Hair and Ilusk Mattresses of every va riety. AIN), - all lands' of Gilt - and Plain Fitines for Looking Masses, Ac. - A. MATIIIOT st—SUN, 25 North Gay Street, near Fn ette street. El= MEM OARLISLE FEMALE SEMINARY ‘_) wlll•conunence Hs 1105181,4011 Sept.. 1. It Is II boarding and tiny Kans.!, pleamintly located near the German Ref Church, West Louther strtait. The jain. clpal (Mhs. Clark.) will he at,hozne after Aug. 2i.. to re. voice tiny who titurWlsh Lo consult her About the ed ucation 11i their daughters. It is desirable that those who desire entering the Seminary, should be punctual at the opening as n delay au few days cantos considerable Inconvenience hi form ing the classes. REFERENCES. -- • Rey. C. P. Wing, Dr. S. 11. ItlelTyr„' *Rev. A. 11. K roper, *J. 11. Parker Esq., *Rov De.Yl,l Sterrett, ..lonnsou Moore, 4 Petrothi. Aug. .4, 1.868-3 t,. NOTICE.—The subseribe . rs have en torud Into a)ltnited partnership, an I will trammel business In the' name of Samuel Kumptp, Jr. Thu general nature of the business is "To manufacture nod conduct the business of mating and venting. WI NE PAPER in ninth branches. The name of the general partner Is Samuel itempton..lr., who resides at Mount !lolly Springs. Cumberland County, Pa. TlZOnggrogato amount of capital contributed by the special partners, is Twenty-five thouaaml dollars, to the common stock, Thu partnership will commence on the. Ist of August. 1858, and terminate ou the Ist of .idiluao-, - SAMUEL KU:UPTON, Jr.• GIVEN. • SAMUEL GIVEN, 8. 3, MEGAIIOU,— W. la MULLIN. • Aug. 25,'55-6w• .AN ORDINANCE, FOR, LAYING OUT. A POOl.lO ALLEY, To BE CALLOD' PorLAII ALLEY. t ordained and enacted by the Town Council of thu Borough of. Carlisle+ elan to hereby. ordained- and enacted by authority of fife same: That a Public alloy fifteen feet wide be. laid nut bo tween East Pomfret Street and Liberty alloyAn said Borough, the same alley to run parallel to South paw.. ver Street along the western lino of lot 167 and over the eastern onda of lois Nc5.105, - 1110. 107 $ 108 and part of 100, and that the name of the said alloy shall be "Pop. larlA — Enacted into an Ordiaanco, the TBlRoantlili icy or AugustA. U. 1858, - , atilt every , nnwwlio luta an oyo to getting the worth of / hla utoney, ',Their Silk, Moleskin and Heaver Unto, are unsurpassed for lightness, iltivOility and finish, by. Attesi:—Tuos. D. Msnos, Alone of any other ustabllslinient to the county. • • ' - Socretary of Corporation. 'Boys' lists Of every description on ha'nd. Auost lik MEC' ' . . Call and amino. • ... - .J. O. CALLIO /S . CO. • ' . -. • . .., . .. Aug. 1.1, 1136—1 y .. . . , 95 1 611 MORE. MEN WANTED • . .• . • • .-, - • i ~i, / aa manta 1.4 circulate raphi•solllng volt - . . Zro r . - fA3111./Y WORKS, *lnch attract • py , thole low 1 1 -EiefTERS. ''' IV It NTED.—'Wanted prices, Interesting . contents, - and anywrbly ' colored :ltifilllT TRACIIIIRS fir Frankforthßistrict. ' lix• ph to, For circulars with pal:Oculars. apply, Irv/ninon 'sal nation/ will lake ploco at. Igigan's School Nous°, - East,' to HENRY' II OWE. No: 1112. - Nassof St., N.:Y. ;If .Vri,'4., on. MS .1211 i of it uguht, at 1 o'cloeli, I'. M.'' fly,i Weal., in thosauto,Nu.Ll-111ain.lihroot.11inolknall. ' ~/iidoonfilie_itoard Jlilldt,-UDNEIti--,—, 414 Au v.18103-Sicios. ' .. - • -- ' •• '. ' ' ' ' -July W3,•ie fi s-:it.. .. . - • ~ i •- - Secretary. • 1 Iltinufacturett anti Sold, WllOlll4lll, nod by„ WM. C. MrIIEA Stu Oilier, No. ( .107 Chestnut Ntr6et., Pli 'Wei_Liberol inducements clTered td pernons qeblrou 1 . . - nfSellinwthe ithicre Sept 23,18b7.—1y. . Tr 1 1 - 4 1 Ort ItE rN I •—• r Ito three- r • story, BRICK HOUSE, In Ilaninter street, three [leers 11 . 011 the coiner or the 111 II • • , Square, In Cr11•11M10. 111 . t loy. II lire: Foot. This (loose I. cell ralrolated for a private IlweEing or place of !Justness. Apply It, Watts & Mutter, or to the ente.erlber. 5.1311.1 EL IVOODBUIIN. . re litor of Thos. Bros, n, decd. F,ll. 24, ISSS.-.4f. . S. F ARM EES. LOOK • AITEREI TilltESIIINtl 31ACIIINE11 The tulle:millet. desires at inform runlets:lnd the pub lic. generally 'that he now has on. Lend and Is eett• tautly inannfiteturing Thret t liing Middles tt ith Pier punt's Patent Sin - titer, which are getteolly annowb edged to he the best articles 1111 W in use. Ms° syerlety or improved Clot r. Corn "`tellers ; Straw Cut ters and l'lnult's Celebrated Plow. • Ile also attends to the repairing of Agricultural Msehinery in the lest manner and on reaktualtle • terms. :Ilanutitetory North ilattleyer Street, directly opposite the residintro or Georae etsgorit Esq. Sept. 2'.'67-1y .• .10IIN 'PLANK. • 1) ESL' KSTAT,E.XOENCIT; RE 31OVA1.—A. 1.SPON: 4 1,1!,0; HEAL EsTATI Ad Er , "l, CON VEYANCEE AND SCE fvl:N ER, bas to moved to Wu New °Mee on \lnln slant, ono door, wen of (ho Cumberland Valley HMI Meld Den et. . . ofllo lii now permanent!) heated, nut him On hand qui] . for Kale a very largo million t of - Real Fmate, or... Whig 'arms. of sill nitre. Improvvil and unimproved.. )1111 Properties. Town Property of every•ileserlptiom litilld. log Lae, idpu. - Weiderii Lamle, mid 'him) Lots. Ito hill give lilt attention, as heretofore in tho -1\ vglitimillig , of Limns, Writing of heeds, lortgaiges, li Ills, Coutiarts, 11311 i Seriveollig generally. • •.e, Oct, :28,1857.-1E F 0 1J 'l' Z' S io a powerad and truly magical remedy for all extery nul diseasq, either on man or beast. We would Onto, have you the Chummillsm or Corns? 1 hese are not pleasant companions, and we know that you would Ilku to drioe.thent away as pitch toZpot.t.ible. Then oto Foutn's ?Itxtuuo. Would cwt boon your sores, swellings. cuts, burns. spntlett. brulses, Or any oilier wounds healed, we repeat It, 0 Fontes Mixture. . It in truly it wonderful article. If ydur horse. has the Netv in, Ilingbone, 1011-1.:v11, Fistula, Set ttf rhea, f reeked heels, (71infes, (falls. Sprains, Ac.- We miv again and again, your rented) , is Foutg's 3lixtnre. It cost!, hut to only-five emits to try it. • linutireds who wore racked with 'twos who wore thought incurably nlllrted. have been restored to health and soundness and aro now rejoicing in the blessings that health bestows: mai thus, dear reader, may it be ,vith you. If you are so unfortuoate no' to be afflicted with any of ih6llls for wldelt you find tt,l Liniment recommended, use - it preservingly, use' it fdthi'ulty.•-end we lidok you will have cause to. bless the day when you became , acquainted With Foutz's Mixture. Prepared by S. A'. FOIIITZ. Westminster. ma. For sale by S. W. llaverstiek. Carlisle, Pe., and store. keepers throughout the county generally. Prieo 23 and GO cents a battle. 1 J.1116'6813., ITRS T ING.--11E I\l OVA L.- 13, VON 111l11,EN, respettfurr4 . Informs the citieens of Carlisle and vicinity. that loylfas removed two doors wroth of Glass's lintel, in North Munger street, where he Is prepared to execute all kit ds of • work connected with tIUNSMITIIIMI, lie Ims always on hand a large assort sent of ready made 'lilies, 911., looks Keys. Gun Trimmings, &c.,a1l of which Ire will sell wholesale or retail. lie intro attends to reparing trp, kinds of •Piloo, 00M., &,.; ar graves oullress'eopper suet 'rue, irondosrores ,ke. Ile has also purchased the patent right tor Rerouting Biller and-Shot (lulls. which he- offers to-the public at very low prices. Ile hopes that by a strict attention to Loss loess, soil a desire to please. he will merit AM wall Rh etc noire a share of the public patronage. irasAll kinds of rive t Arrus made to order. Carlisle, Apr 1121. 1808. a Po] . TRON 'RAILING !—lrOn Railing for jrometery enclosures,pnlillrinndprivate pounds and wildeliS, made to order at the Carlisle Foundry. Our stock of Railing. Venualati anal Bracket patterns coin. prises a large variety of new anal elegant designs.whieh the publle . aro Wilted to einll'and examine. Orders the castling and putting up Bailing will he promptly exert, ted at satisfactory- prices. 11,9, An.entirely now TEN HORSE FITAM ENGINE and 11011. KB now on hand, Warranted to bp of the best make, and 'will be sold at a bargain for cash or on short Onto. U U ?",It Eli it CO. July 21,185 k. • T4 l - TO.Tjel , ]. —.Notice hereby given, :•': • that' appllclitlen will be made to the, next Lapis attire of Tensisyleania. to alter the charter of the DEPOSIT BANK, located in the Borough of Carlisle,' eumberland.County, sass to confer upon said Bank Oa rights and privileges of ti Bank of Issue. and to change Its mune to the.llos.ishe BANK; also to Increase the capital of. sald itankorblch is 1t present Sevonty.two Thousand Unfair, with privilege of..in. creasing the Same under Its present charter to one listie tired thousand dollars., to two hundred thousand dollars. N. C. 151118SEL11AN, CASHIER. Carlisle Juno 9, 1868. • . . NoTicE Ta-TEACHERS.— . WANTED, a Teaellor. competent In take rbarge of a school In tho borough of, Now Cumberland, in this coulity,,jiir tbo whi for h 11148101 4 .10 whom a liberal salary will tllStld.;— For furtheryartleularaladresa t . l • 1 4 lticowir 0 __ I — _' - , , . ~ , , ~ • ,- .' - .1:, Elocretary School lio:jrd. . July lit, 1858-8 m , , ', NEFI , W. it DI . • . HITS! ILATSII HATS!! t• • Qt: The unild..slgned would respectfully announce to the plibllc that they have purchased the stock, Arc:: of the into William 11. - Trouti r dec'd , ntill , will continue the RATTING ,111:81EN MSS at tho old stand in West High street, whine they hope all the old custentern, and ottc ors will give them a cell, ed they fool confident of being en 4 ' able to please. They have now -_, bandit spitmd d aasortmant r"..... , = •:, HATS, .• , . • • •,• , of all dose:titian'', from the common Wool to the finest Fur and t3i k Hats, and at prices that Intuit J. B. PARKER, President of Town Council. WILLIAM CART, , Chief Burgess Alierellaneons. Av L 01.1,G 1.1 BY ' PATENT SPRING DRILL. .THE FIRST PREMIDIR DRILL. The - Fanners of:Cumberland county. are invited to call at the Carlisle Found!) , and examine the above Drill, .Whieli we are now ninnufacturing. WiII:LOUGH DY'S INDIA Ittl . lllllilt SPRING DRILL is 'unques tionably the , veryllest Drill now' in nue. ] t KIM award .ed the Ffrst Proud Inn at 06' Kensylvatna - State Snir huld'in Philadelphia in October, Mi. It was'awnided 'the First Premium at the Cumberland County Fair last MD, nod has received the Fin.t Premium at et cry Fair 'where it has been exhibited, with but •one exception. Its superiority above all othersts so apparent as leanly need MI 'VX/11.11itlitti011. - - ' ' ' ~,,, For seeding . on tioins containing ,stunott or other ob. struethins" It AS Ranieri). 'adapted. - Thu' deja.githtif Lobes of thlit-Drill are so . conneetdd with India Dubber Springs, that rhen they meet with anY obstructitnr they will spring Lanni, pass, over the obstructioo dna inp mediately regain their former position. Any rock or .stump - not - over - 18 - inehes' high - san - lav - enirmlon I passed over without stoppage or Injury to the Drill. Thclhodingnpparat us of this Drill Is :nal entirely new, befog composed of Vulcanized Yellin Renner hollers, I t.> menus of which the seed is not discharged intermit. tingly but in a cousin itt stream. and nit Irregularity of ground or change of spend will vary The emount sowed on the acre. ' It will FMr wheat, rye.' onto" and barley equally well, nod in any desired qualltity,'w Montt the possibilia of choking or hroahiog the grain it also bOWS49I6I‘ seed. lint without further enlarging upon the InerittPrif this Drill we would prefer to have Fat op erweall at oursstabliglonent not] examine it. confideot tl,at after sool ig tey . will be latisfled as to Its superb roily and fit it th very machline to suit the farmer and the lie . . my2lr . ..... F. OARDNIIIt k CO. I'. ~ —The abovtedeseribed . Drill 'w ill lim gent to )per chasers in any part ot the United Stattls. / ' id trwAgri euituralWarehonses. to roll on commission. %icon. to nothe•the'Drill and coma) , rights. to be had ,y address ing the p "'deters, 'WILLOUGHBY S. ISLA C, Cfii.l isle, - Cumborla • .d County, N. -. . . . . jr"E-'II 'G 10 q Bet 1 - .p.. 1 s ! .._AT_sx.llU.yEl's: _ 4 "_. . t . simd 2,, , id),„..k0i , e-Foyiltorent gulden.. • • . . . Al 111171•18. • -• SalmolvSonla Fish and 7t'liite:Flßll,' • At 111.1i;ETT'S. Codlish,Bl herring, . . . ; 'At lIUVETT'S. • lonseisnd .roe sere eau a nt, . tILU-'I;ETV,S, Dried Frttit,•PreFer.ves and JCIJIoP,' • • At IlUYii - ITS C At IIUYETT'd A fi cell stimiI.r!SLI9UORS4 Sugui. Cured and Hams, 011 s, Whit° Lead, &e., • jfj A feliEA'.S CELEI3R4TED .• • LIQUID GLUE, • ODEAT Al/11E611T; • Most useful article ever iii voted. for house. store . nod Olive, surpos..ituz In utility u, ery bther ' glue, gum. ouwilage: poste or retneot ever Ii situp • ALWAYS READY FOR APPLICATION AdheFldu nn papi;r,ltrnltut<J, nor, lain. china. marble Or For manufarturihg. Fancy Articles, Toys, rte,) it hi lin superior. not only p,q.i.esslng prefer strength. the any other. known ar11.1.;. - hat aiihries more rinickl) Irpving no gain where the parts are jillned. Fins. • •11 . 11,111 n the last three . yearF, nimards of 20.000 'he ties of this justly celebrated LIQUID 111,121: lane bee sold, nntl.lho real, coine1111.111•e 11111c•II it ins proooll ovoryrase, has - deservedkv venire,' for it a &m an whir)), tho Inanufarturer has 111.1111,1 it, 111 VIAL to Meet.; aolimllledge,l i y fill Irho live used I that Its merits ore . far nh'.ve any situllar article or . hn talk. evor tglered to the ZW-Thls Ii I_,U(l is extensively enunterfelted—ohFery the loll', )lellea's Celebrated Liquid cilite, the Urea Adhuslv.," Takolir; other. I= iJUi~rcliniicuus. • N'S AXTO. fl ie r i eWA R •s p N Altit I V A b. * IM3IENSii STOCK OF 'HARDWARE. 'The subscriberints Just, volumed from the Eastern titles, and would'eall the attention of his friends :end the public generally to, the large and welloteleeted ate sortment of HARDWARE whidh he box now on hand; consisting in part of BUILDING MATERIALS, ouch as Nalls,.Screws, Hinges, Doltsyacks, °Has of every do satiation and gnat ity, total as Common, Whit a. polished American; French, Enathelled and Double 'thick of all sixes, Paints,Vils, Varnishes. &a , Ac. 'COOLS—lncluding Edge Tools n 1 every deserttion, Saws.Planen, Brace and ISilts Augemliquares. 0 tinges, nes, Rasps; - 11ftmmerxy -- .Vices, - Anylli Screw Plates, Illackstrilths Hollows. &a., '&3. *lihntaintkerti Will find m'an'ge assortment - Tools:of tiaet - heTWitirlatiliTtTand Gentlomet,' Morocco billing, Binding, Patent and Frenah.Calf Skins, Shoo Thread. Awls, Wax, Pegs. Lasts, Harnesk-Mounting, Collars, Waiting. Whipstock, D:or lint'; re. . Also. CO:11111 Makers Tools and Tritmnings of all kinds. tittelt as hubs. Spikes, Fella.. Shafts. Haws, Floor Cloth, Canvass, Cloth. Wane*, , Fringe, - bare, .Moss, Axles, Spring Molts. to „&c: Cabinet Makers will find n rnrge assortment of Var. stlshesMak, Walnut, :tint )111110gally VOllllOlll. Knobs of all kinds and sixes. Mouldings. Rivets, Hair Cloth, Plush, Curled Ilalr Chair and Sofa Sponge, &a.. &a. ' Ilausekcepers will 'also find n lame assortment of ,Knives and Forks, ,Ilrithion,Alba than! Silver Matta Table and l'ea Spoons. Candlesticks. Waiters, Shrivels and Tong', iron and lirass Kettles, Paps, &c., together with Ceriarware of all kinds, such Os !rubs. Buckets, Chortle. &C`. Ac. Agricultural implements, embracing; Plriwsninll kinds, • 0011.1111,11111. 1101, .:•10/Vlll/1, Rakes, Forks. Chains, &e. IRON, a large etc It, comprising all kinds In general use which lam soiling-at city wholesale prices. ltemeinhar the old stand, East , Main straol,Varlislt , April 7, ISIS: , SAXTON. . A . B . 8wi...”1 , gt , • FURN,ITU.R.E WARE -ROOMS, • • • - 1858 1858 • • West high Street, Carlisle, Pa. (Premium itlearthal at the (fantherlantl County _Agricultural I. , Wr qf 1857.) OE= At 1111YErl"S The subscriber hes just rocrlved the must MIIII.IIIIR nssertumut nfgrth•les In his Hill". to t h is Piths —Whil,ll he to detrOtillilli!li to sell ut prices ilia', tie ly competition; Vitana FURNITURE Kitchen and 1 Odic° ,' • P:mbmring :nary :allele axed by Muse moll llotel keepers, of the :nest approved and fashionable •tlosiiro and figinh. Ineholing als a Cottage furniture ill revel:than tittil Cutup Chairs, Matt:la's:3S, wilt frames, - pleturei, 0. l'itrelutsers aro requestiel In call a n al es: moist his lit lib: e).tenelvii were-menus. %Vent Alain street, North 5i11... , • A. lit e - Pttention given 7tv u.vunita 11111(411N; 111,11.1 . 5 '111111 . 1,11 . 111U6'; alt y latid, u ill ..ti inwierifticlus eri. ' " , 71. It. Carlisle, Sing . 19, • . . — NT I .I 1' W 'C t) A h. Y A It - AT THE WEAT rati OF ta1,141.0, The oohseribor would Tespectfolly cell the :Mention or Llintiburners and the elf liens of Carlisle, and the summating country generally, to his NEW COAL YARD, intaiiiiml to his War . e•lbluse. %Vest s -High st., Where he will keep 'constantly on Iland :t large supply of the 111.4 qualify of ('OA 1,, to-wit: Ly kens Valley, Luke l fiddler, Dine litim'e anefrever, ton; 11101(011, Egg and Nut Coal—screened and dry coal, whiiih 110 pledge+ himself to sell at the' lowest iseiclido - prices. heal quality of Llineburner'a and Blacksmith's alwaYs on, hand. .( 4 . 1 .. All 'orders hat at thin Ware House. or at his Vesi• 1101100 In Ninth Ilanoyer stiieet,. will. he. promptly at - tended to. • April 11, 'sN—tf. .1. W..IIENDERSON. - 1 )OOT AND SHOEINitiING.--J & G. TA VOW. return thejlt 61110010 t11:1311.1 to their ( mateners. Il.r the very 1110:01 I:atom:tat , valet, • illtd 1.11111010, and would respoetlitlly Infete the public that they continue to nianufeet ore CUSTOMER Work, at their tad bland. on North Hanover stitiet;tno doors above the drug store of 5: W. Ilavemtick... With a timelier of first rate workmen employed and .• facilities for snoring the best stock to lie limed In 010 .1 - market- they are prepared-to Make up eierylkwriptlon - of ROMS AN It SlitlES, for ladies and gentleineys wear; hi'Xiat most thshionable gtyle, anal nl WAIIRENTEI/111a • tercels and workuninthlp. _ • _ ----11any3iiiiim of prw tient experience In the business both More and hi Philadelphia jostilles'them In saying, that they are aide to insure full t-ittisliletitin to ail those u ho may -leave their Ordell7. - - - April '2l, 11:58, J. et. (I. TAYLOIS . _ - ,LITARDWAREI ARDWARI 1— .1011 N LYNE k SIN • are now rivliving their Fall Rork of Hard worn. 'which . Is unusually large, and in , colineSlon With their Me aner litany stock makes it Ono of the largest old most varied assortments ever offered tiv this public. They have every thing thrt the Farmr. the Builder, the Mervltant. Or the piddle. may wattt In their lines, and which they are selling at the very Irmest.prices. 'Choy 'tidbit a call from the public Icahn+ nialainp their pur • 01111S0S, as they fool Cantillola they ran offer ludo:Talents , that will reward the liu:er hoe tho tninhlii. Feeling thankful . to ~, e nerons mdilic for their former liberal patronage. a eon thin:Mee of the seine it solicited at our old St..' ill North IlalloVer Steer t. Carlitac. .101 IN I,VNIi k. SOS. October t4,1551i. 11, J. LEIDICII. -,Atrir W. C. SAWYEI N.F.,VS 4 FOIt 'l'll E PEO E. Lnrge arrival of Urn' ..4,1111 1/OeeelB at - LEI DWI! (ArinerN 'aro. II Wi(ncr's) Sfnrr, Ea,l Alain 'St re et, fl dua•x //duty Mar .llolel. 11 API NO. just returned from Philadelphia. with a largo addilion of new and desirable ponds to stir former stock. we are tier Ill'Optireil lu ollergrmit Illillleo - to toy it and conntry trade. nine stock embraces nearly every thing suitable for Leda,. 3IihSON. 310,11'1,. .lllllChildreit's wear; cuu hi+ting IA part of elegant Crape Shams lv, Stella and Cashmere Shawls, Lace and Silk Alantillas, very bens-• tlful Swiss and Cambric Cellars, Edgings. litsurtings, Parasols. Ladles Sun Umbrellas. lientlonlan's tine sills Umbrellas. lib' Moves, best quality, long and short Mohair Mitts, Silk and Lisle Moves, an full lino or h u m. story, stilted to both snotty 'and 1111 rinse. Beallt1(111 slack 140. IJulthitte Silk. ull.gant Jitney silks, selling matt' 01155 r. Fiends foulard. lits...3lareelineatni double Florence. all colors and 1111111100 S, alnrs, Alparas. black and colored all wool Del.alties, Tissttes. Llareges. Jasper. ileyedire, Circassian and Ilitn alityalt Cloths for travelling dresses. eltailles, brilliants. Chintzes, lino Org . titulle Lawns, French do..laconst, do. lisle °Mullein, Serails do. English Calicoes very 1i1'1,11.11. bill at 12 , 4, dottiest IL prints all prices, new style shirting yallumes.ittat II largo stork of new and standard brands of Muslim; and :Meetings. 104 Allendale Sheeting. 1.111011 , 1•11140 31111,1111, wire-thread and herring 1,0111! Tick. nags, Virginlit Osimintrgs. Furniture Checks, Cott,m ipantings, comprising . York Itlpkit'b, Stripes, Penn'', Mills, Denims, &c., French black cloths verY.Mtperlor, Freitelt.blnek D„•-star Cassimerox, for_hoya wear. _Silk and 64tin reed Silk Ilandkerelti, Is, Men's Storks. Pane) Cruets] standing and Byron Collin,. ready nettle linen and Mar. toll!us bosoms' for shirts, black anti white straw and chip huts, bonnets, lials, ram :regreat vallety , of other' articles, hop.; 1501,1 experience Misfile. and desire to 111.0/111e established 11l tt ante and attention tin ...tons ors. to merit II share oi public patronage for ithirh we 1611 feel buly_gniteful. Picaim call soon, its the bargahm are going or rapidly. • Carlisle, tily26'sB-Iy. . • THE SUBSCRIBERS. HAVE FOR SALE 190 TIIOUSAND White. Pine Shin gles, of superior quality, which they will sell nL river prices. Also, a large lot of Cherry, and Walnut; from !/, inch to a inches thick, which they still sell. whole sale or retail low. Also, a pair of Hay Scales, whhh will he sold low. Also, a new Thrashing Maeldne to which We Invite the :Melillo I of thrniersos wo tool dis pezed to give a bargain. All hinds of Looting and Coal constantly on hand low • for cash, • 51111631 A HOFFER. Carlisle, June 27, tillAlßb AND FURNITURE. subserlber having located himself permanently In West High street, two doors aliove the Itallroad Do pot, bus just opened. his- GAIIINIYr WARE-1100318, whore Lo Intends, as usual, to manufacture and keep constantly on. band every etytu of parlor furniture and • Walnut and Mahngany Drossing -• Bureaus with marble.. tops. Sofas, :IV*. Tables and Washodands. IVainut " What-sots" and Ward. • robes. • ..... PRENCII AND PLAIN DEDST . EADS RIPAR Wit and ROCKING chairs. with - velvet or hair cloth sods and backs. Mahogany and militia chairs with Lair cloth or can( mods. Plain chairs of all klndi and stuffed spring LouNom Curled hair and husk 31A'1711.ASSKS 01 every variety, togother with nil (Altar articles ustuOly found in his lino of business. — Pitrtleularattuntion paid to i opairingand - varnlslang furniture of all kinds. . Bohm pinvlded tileo with an excellent lIKAREK' ho s prepared to fill all orders for FUNERALS in town or ountry, Jou. 60808.—1 y Fr 0 THE PUBLIC.—The - undersign= ji_ ed being well loimin us it writer. would* offer Ms eervlces to nil requiring lAtornry aid. lle will furnish Addresses, Orations, Essays Presentation Speeches and replies, Linos Mr_ Albums,. Aerostleg—propara mutter for the Press—Obituaries, aid wilts Poetry. upon any subject Address (post paid) . . - . t EIItiLtIY...IOIINSON. . Fob. 1.7i1858. Baltimore, Md. . . N s -, ~,,,,,,, ~, „, 'Li A/Nil-OU, ' ill ERCITANT TAILOR, 11.;West Main Street, (opposite the nallrend 0160 boo just „reeelTutl.a now and elegant assortment of Cloths. Plato, Ills& nod Fancy Casslmeis. nod n variety of Plato and ..Flgurod-Notalogs. all of which he will o 'untie up to measure Iry tehloiable stylopkon •rea solittldo terms. - • . .. . , ,• , • Sa . .. Orders attended An romptly,• and the fitting of all garmentx ggaranteed, o tinsel°. . Carlisle, ntayl9lBsB. '• •• '' N, ll A NTClt.' 'ri".11111R1110MITERS ! TUEItMOSIE ' THical T111001.131.1•31•31S II Just roculved ulnuto,Altithes,.:mukus_4d_flulttiu • • • . • ••• • - lt, KIEFFI. ; 1:131 ,• I=l=l JAMES It. WEAVER diti) /2t.buritiumcnis A SECOND SAM siAca. STANI/ORDTIONEII, * Now York, Loan jtsoi.:Publisliod; TUE LIFE AND A D UNSi 11IAJOR-R0 (I ER- -8 ER NI - AN POTTER%-: • ,w 41.2 Engenvnitut by Ilulior. 121ne..viol.li 125. • Thle oxernorahinry book. so foil of tronchant huinoi o it puogent onOro. has nllrited no unworn] vorloky of emohlhoont : the fallow log aro some of tho erltiriginq sir the . _ , . . rilinioßids - Triirvastic veld, ,and re counts tt serial or adventures. P(1)1H no droll- and whim'. skill no those of the fiououm Itla.”—llrant.n. •• Ito molt lo written In to style which 'ight boralled fro44-110,W.11-1 , 1,11-4/uixoto-atid-Ifodorluk-itutidom, rdajer hitter's oddities and inisitaps will remind lito reader frequortly i;ith., boron( Cf,rvatil.m "—DA'y 1100 K. ‘• This is a volume of mere titan 500 lI.V.TS of facetious :nivelltures of this redoubtuble Mnjnr, something after the fashion of -Maier .lark Drowning's' exi5 , 51,,,eg in polities and fashionable liftt• 'l he reader will here find touch to unsure bite. end touch of lihnitto naturo to in. street 11111fIlnii AI/AV/Mr. . . 4 . It is an eNeoedingly elevor and Itntlndhg volume, and thme rtho Wiril to enjoy.a her r,ty tr: poll as lisart! Hostethitar orceal into, W1111100.10.1V01110110 throtigh its juices leisurely. "The Maim• is i far rival of Olaf inn 'mortal Saint but employs hotter dlettou. and met, its the acquaintance of all who can oporoehlto goad cum ty."--S. Truss. Is full of 'tangent hits at prominent politicians, and other n0t...1 pm sentores. who are portrayed with a. bold 111111 unsParlog hand, witilo'the adventures of Oh. •)111j01 1 11r0 UIII , rolls 01111 11yely."—U. S. //1111 . 111 . 011Y. 64 A semi pnhtiial sntlre—one of thin met po,ierful bool,s of the t11110."—Toogs It tolls its own coinleal story, or:rather n series of stories, I shall not la, a little tilnnpointed, from the amount of wholesome tun it hns•affordo , l myself, if It 'does not„prove `Jill , Of the 111914 L popular 1 , 11131,11 ,, r 1,11 0 1(li Inrye had for 501110. yearn It is strewn with' hollemus Inenlents, lOW mobil as rod N'' elonr4l-tlr-please..-lim - Inoshyuririus;loat: chief nttrnctiun will 110 found In Ito s.i vfnl, pungent xnthe—lto lonmy telling huts nt holing o;ditieinns. and little Stal(' snit In to tioral."—Cur. nr I'IMAD. POST, - •'tine of the most - humortms prndnrti•!,no of the I I :- It gill a since In oil collections of then Writings of Aineriena hilutorlats. b —Tony • ' • SeIE_NTIFt() AMERICAN Pit OS L'ECTUS. VOI.USIE FOURTEEN BEM Ns SEPTE3IRER 11,185 a MECUANICS, INVENTORS, MANU FACTURERS AND FARMERS. - SOIOOIEIO A Mritir•ls has 1110 V rearbe.H(A - ruor:7 - srcss're 11111 Win ulcer Upon a NP W VOlllOlll 011 ; (lir 11th of Sopieuds•r. It Is the only weekly Pllblira. , Lion of the kind ino, irsurd hi Ibis v44)11try,.111111 It 11110 , 1 11 Very 0'0010;40 eirrlllllooll 111 till 1110 . States of the Milan It Is not, as soon. might suppose front Its MM.. a dry. abstruse work on teehnieal wiener; .11 the eon traly. it so !leak Willi OW OVOIIIS ggilig 1111 L 1 the I rriulltifir.11101•1111111011111111! Intlnstrlal wends, as to please and Instruet every 0p... ' lf the Nleellanle or A rtl/.... wishes to know the best natel.ine in use, or how to I Make any sill...M.le° employed hi 1,1. , busiiu•ss—if the lloustmlle 'wishes to get a recipe (Or 1101 k i or, II good rut• or. &v.—Jr i ino inventor wishes to know whht Is going ou,ln the way of Improvements--If tliu Alttunfteturer wishes to keep posted wlt I. the times, and to ° employ 1 the best laelllties In Ills beshiess-11 ple.Alaifof Leisure mid Study mishr.4 to leap himself latfilliar with the j preerese nettle - in the ehetolral laboratory 4 or in the eon -14.11141.m of telegraphs. steamships, tulbulols. reapers; i mowers. 010111 thomsttod ol her tiorlduesatolnpidlanees, I Loth of •peare . and war—all these 1111,11/1:0 AT I are 6c ; (anal in 010 S,it'srlra• A N11:1110IN and not elsewhere. , They are here presented In at reliable nhd Interesting them. adopted to the eomprelionsion lIIIIMEIIIIIIOIIIIOIi lu the higher branches of wirers Roil Art. • - TERMS ....lino ropy, quo year, .:1:2 pito ropy, NIX months, 91; !Ivo civil,. six ;Pont : ten 11/1111, Nix I,ll,llthS. : ten t,‘ mon 1.1)s, $l5; fifteen cogirs. twrlcr lip t lor $22 ; • (tyroly copieg, twelve, montle+, S2S, In :plyllip•o. Sllol'llllolll miles . {ll3llt geratulhoisly for inapertloe. 'Southern a n d ‘Vestorn money, or Post:we Staninx, taken for subscriptions. . AZ - Lettets . ,hould he di, eided to AWN N CO„ I,2q•Sulton St., N. Y. Ofd - M eve re, \hank Co. sin oxlonsively engaged In peal. Ing-iedonla fornewr iff'ven thole. and old avlta. In V. 1111 1 .6. Il lilll,llt iii regard to the novelty of tlo•Ir linia - ovenients. ' e - A lhfl.Vtt, • • FURNITURE, URNITUKE -WIIaI.F.ASkI.E AND. RETAIL. ILL• D ETO RA Ar, 87 110 WM); ( 11,7w/exalo .. Ware House=) aitd • 460 . PEA h (/eerail.Shire,) • - ' 470". Itllls of Tsrenty•Vivo Dollars Retailed at Wholo lo"Priers of tho Bowery Store.' Rose% 0011, VLACK 'WALNUT =WM FURNITIJ R.R; ItroratelleMnirtitritintrhisli. Cone Feat bid forn Its,, Furniture in great variety. Also, ENAMt:LED CHAMBER FURNITURE •In s.t.t. front $22 to $100.% •Smusa, Ann WIIALKIIONE • . MAT HA SSY,S, o, Ft.:alter Bells mid betiding, Promium Sofa ,B=tm=xo=== Ihelere e 11l find nt the above nioyee. the largeßt and heat asset tinejit of any e..taldtnhmrnt re New -yorkoted ead hey eith, :It I, hol,:glo or retail, cheaper limn at any ether home Indio city. dih.;2,V5S-tinerl. Morse's Indian Root Pills. CA UT 1.0 N Merchants and Triflers will be nn 11HIP guMd and' not •hr fin paned upon 4 14; n Countelleit of ?lane's Indian Root fill.•, signed A. 11. )It,ore. All 'genuine Indian Rent ('ills have the minie.and signature or A. .1. 11 bile & Co. Ink viieh the inventor of 311./ItShti INMAN 11th el' PILLS, has spent the tdeatt oparl of his life) in travelling . , having ulnitha I..nrope, .\ sla and .A k lent. HS net! as North lAtllltelell—ha4 spent thrtYl yells 31111.1111.! thin 11141.11 K 401 our ttestern comae, --it was in tills way iltat the Indian thud Pills tterte first tllseol reed. Dr. 31orse Was the first man to establish the tel Oda all diseaSea arise front 1)1PUIIITY 1,11"111P, 111.001,--1 hat one stiehtttli, Itealth curd info deputd upon this vital II A. .1. WII IT I.; m Co., GU Leollllrti Street, New Turk A tigit,t 11, ltitis WV. 11. IV ITAI 01V 61 LANCASTER Om Where he IntS been in successful pennies for number of y e a rn. receiN ed his education at the best 31edical College itt,the United States and had the experlenre and practice'sitt the different llospitels lbr sovend yens, a member of the Amtlytical Medical In. stituto I.f Now York, and lata Medical Surgeon of the United States Nary. now offers himself to the public to attend any professional calls. - The purest medicines always on hand direct from the best lahoraor VS of 01.)r ruuntrp, Mill MO 11. tlllllllll Cantons Of the world. No patent medicines prescribed or-m.11111.1.1(st. Wahines used tal l y which will not break down the constitution. lint will renovate the/sys tem from all injuries it lons sustained fOOlll 1111:11 , 1111 - medicines. Chronic and difficult diseasel.i must butreat• ed upon analytical prineiples, which is to-know and as rectal,: what disease Is. , Its nature and character re ttire /I kIIOWIMIge or (he constituents of every solid and fluid of the human I ody; the changes those MOWS 11111141111th, sire capable of undergoing.' To know what medicines to olliploy to cureAlseases, require. a • knewledge of the ehendral canstlAtunts of all agents ediployed in medicine; and If we are hl possession of this kndw.rdge, It is 110.11,10 to ore any disease—no matter allow lung standing—Fuld leave the patient in a healthy 1111(1 perfectly cured tondition. Melatieholy. Aberration, or that state of alienation and weakness ot the mind which rentlets persons. Inca.' gable of enjoying thosplettsures or purl-raring the lilt t les of life; Dysitepsta,that tilStregfillg 11601 We and fell de stroyer of health and happiness. undermining the con stitution, and yearly retrrying thoulannts to untimely gnaws, ran most math:die:illy be cured. Rheumatism, In any term or coedit on. chronic OV nettle, warranted cure Lie; }:pilepsy or falling sickness; all (+monk. and Sellbbllril vases or FOIIIIIIO DISNISrIi radically rentiivedl Salt Rheum, and every description of Itlceratians; l'iles and Scrofttla. Diseases. which Is one bathed all prevjous medical shill call he cured by my treatment, when the constitution is not exhausted. Ido say all diseases (yew CoNsuneTtoN) ran-be cured. 11,1),..eani!er cured without the knife. ' • ' will retimin to my office ow WgnurunAvs ntA SAM DAYS. front U o'clock A. M. to 3 P. 31., to accommodate patient:l irolll a distance, and consult in the • English and hareem languages Will make visits to any dis tance if required. :day be addressed by totter,, Fulton Square, Lancastor city, It. . . =2 31nrcli 17, 1858.-1 y Die...FARE.,IIEDUCED. -(1)a 'STATES. UNION. II O , TEti 606 & 608 Market St., above sixth, PHI ADEPHIA.. , a. W. noprhwor.,T, TERMS dd: RE311.58 " -T. J. UILA m,—.4.,lo.h l powELL,_. S.M.bAYtoson A.IOI)O I VELL CO , GENERAL LAND . ARENT!), , • Leavenworth C'tty, Ransas Territory. WILL Luy r tioll, and locato lands in Kansas and Nebraska Teri itorles, Irma and Westan Missouri, buy and sell lands, loon and Invest money. buy and soil dmfts;jave Information respecting Om country, and do a general nitoneY business. REFERENCES. John it. Walton, Esq.. Carlisle, Pm- Wm. M. Becton*, Banker, ti Hon. J. 11. ti minim tier, Bron11130(111 A C o. , Bankers, Carlisle. Wni. M. ILinuterson, Cuomo Satplerson, Esq., Lancaster. Pa. • Dr. John At Ahl, M. C., NewvillC, Pa. Win. S. Colman. o - 11, W. Clak A Co., Bankers, Philadelphia, • " lion. Michael Cooklin, Shephordstown Pa. . • Ilenrpßolimui &Sons, Merchants, Ba ltimore. - E, L. Blake, Esq., Cashier Meicautile Bank, New York. Snyder & 31Tarkine, Beal INtstate Agents, Minneapolis, Million...n*l Territory. . • • Win. Kilgore, Esq., Attorney and Eeal Estate Agent, 'Sterlimg,.lll . . .• 11...1V. Mawr. Ecq.; Henry city, 111. " Ex•Oor..lommb Minot% Cumberland county, Pa., H. IV: Clark tc Co.. flanker. lohibidelpida. . Oov. rolloek c llaverbuag, Pa. • '!, • ' '•• '... riareh 18,1851.-1 n .' • . .. AVotor;--- Sugni , , , Butter ~ and Soda v 'omoKaita. Tokeago,Currant do.. Juullmle, . Le.,lresh at ? .- -;:II77:IITEFPRIVE477 - - • .., _ • Dl,: MORSE'S INDIAN. 1100 . T rot. must: . thn inv. tor, of .SORSE',S ,MDIA N A" BOOT PIELShas ,pout thtl.g. eater plot of Ills life In travelhig, havinp v WWI Europe..isla and Africa, an wolf as North Amadeu— has spent .three 3 ears aiming the Indians uLeui . .lVUstera cotintrj—it was In hisAvay that thu Lndhun. Root were first .111fie01 anal. Dr. Moilse wino the first man to tstablish the filet that all .diseases arlsotrouLDl I'UItITY THE BLOOD—that our strength, Lualtlipud life depended upon tills vital fluid. " it hull. I Ito VerlollB passages 1,0,01111) clogged, and do not not hfperfieitt haintony with - the different Inert bins of the Ludy; the itkodiesett Its-action, betsmies thick, cnitfupla and diseased: thus causing all pains, sick ness•inal distress or every name; our strength Is ex usted, our Intalth ive are deprived of, lied - if nature is not assisted In throwing off tho stagnant humors. the It io u ttiKlii_htienineichoked-and-oteisorto--act r and-thus our light of life will ferttver lot [nowt, out. How lin portant then that ive should keep the various passages of the body free and, open. And how pleasant to US rThlt 00 hare It lo our power to Put 0 medicine 111 your reach, ininiely. Motto's 1111111111 1100 r PlllB,lllll 1/ ifYiretured friinf plants and roots which grow ;intend the ninon tainous hi Satire's garden, for the health and re covery of diseased mad. Otte of the roots Elvin which • there are made Iv a ttodorilie. which opens tl.o pores of the skin, and assists Native hi tin owing out tine 111111 r ports of the ..orro o tion tvlthhl. Tl i C sound Is a plant which is an VA neettnatit, that opens and tin clogs the pasvage to that hinge 111111 tint,: inn soothing fin 1111 l er, perlorin Ito duly by thrtming , ell phlogni.and other hunters from lungs by copious spitting 'the thittr IS 11 Diuretic. whlrh gives ease and douldp strength to the kidneys ; thus encouraged. they draw large 1:1110111161 .of impurity front the blind,. which Is then thrown toot 1101111 tlfiully by the• Orhutry - or water passage, null Vrtddn could 1101 liiire /UOll lliSell/Iried 111 luly other. way. Thu lbw th Is a ft:Al...drone] acceinpailles the ether prop• erties. of the Pills while engaged lii puri1)1110 tho Metal; the V 11111,1.1. N 1111114; a Impurity II Mel; cannot pass by the oilier outlets ; lire thus taken; up and con ',eyed oil In great ilium titles by ilie /towels. Fran tbu al.nve, it is.shew 0 that Dr. ltlitrse'it lndlai Rotit, Pills not only s ,ltiter the stomach. but,,_,ltectinie • istfrt, and completely rout out alld stemma the syslefit' from all 1111puelly, anti' the Hie of the body, which is the blood. het:Vanes perfectly healthy conse Ineptly nil _Sickness and pain in di i elm front -the - system, - for - they - ' cannot rentaQa when the hotly I weenie:lSO are andelea r. The reason why peopli , are so dlstresged When sick, and why so many die, is because they:do not get ,a• medicine which will pass ro the 111111010 d parts, nud _thich_will,opetv.tlie-itatural-passagestfor-ther-disease .to 'be cast out; hence, a largo tinantlty el food and 'other matter is lodged. and the stomach and taut:lines lire literally ovoidlowinv with the ertrrupted rants; thus undergoing tllsagrettable fermentation, ennotant ly mix ,illg 0 ith the blood, which throws the contented matter lirongli every vein and :if tery. until life Is taken front the body;by disease. llr. 3lorse's PI I.1,11•11ave added to theingelres vldory upon victory, by restoring millions I f t Ito sick to blooming health and happiness. l'es, thous:tolls 0011 e letto Imo, nicked .or Lin 1110131 ml with eleklleSll, 113111 111111 and Whore [ruble frames have been scorched by the heroin. , elements of ru:flng • fever. 111111 lilio 1111,1 been brought. as it were, it {thin step of.the silent grave, now stand ready to testilv that they would have Iteornifinhered with the dead. fiat' It not Iteetifie. this great :not wonderful ittedittiott..llorse's Indian hoot Pills. .1 Iter one tt'Nit doses lipid Intentia ken, they wore astoliklied, and al•sofittely norprised,in wittiessin,r. theitt rb,nT lublg OM : as. Not only., do they giro 11111110.1111 LO 1.11,1. 111111 eireligth, 01.11 101.1, tiy"all sickness, pull! 1111 d anguish, but they talk; po to work lit the foundation otf 10111,11 is 11100.1. fore, It will Ito shown, especially by those who ism these Pills, that thotv will 11 11110 inlrlry; that di 11111 M, —Ollll deadly enettly—,tt ill take Ito flight. 1111,1 the flesh of youth and I eauty• mill 10411111 rallrll,:ilid prof, poet 10111 lOngAtti — 11111114 1110 0111 cherish and . brighten Cvl,TlON.llowatte ofn voile (oriel t signed A. 11. 3liter, All genuine bale 'the 11:1100 of .1..1. IVlirrs ,t; (70...0n eaolttatx. Also t slgnatitro of A...). IViiite & Cu. All others are Split'', It -e l'rOprilttOre, fn I.tvonartr Street, New York. 10'. 3forsn's Indian !had Pills are "sold,by 1111 ilealetti In Medicines_ Agenit,wro wan toll in every town, tiling,: Anil Itamlot in the land. Pm tire desiring the tigenry will millresH TO above for terms. , . Pelee emits per'ioox, (Ivo boxes will lie si i e , t v lo is. l l e . o. eelpt $1 StaLCO,VII . ,). • n APir 1 , 4 r Sale in (aril) 1;:1;STW. - ilinvetstiek. - 'NV! • C. I. BUSH'S :410 11 t, Market St., aboVe Eighth, I= -ppVER'S LIQUID HAIR DYE. The 1...d00ms of Blob Booth mid Dr. Brinrklo having previously been published, the IblloWing Is now , From Prof. McCLOSKY, formerly professor of Theory and Practice of Medicine In the Foliate Medical Coll 'eye of Pennsylvania, and late Pi oteiisor of Surgery in the American College of Medicine, Se. Pnii.tiordma. Nov. irith.lBs. Mr. Joseph E. Iloover:—A trial of our I,IqUID II Alit Dl' E root ince the Imist'skeptical, that It Is stet. ELEGANT. and 134 icAciovs preparation. Unlike many others, it has In several instances proved M T ,. viceable Id the cure of some cutaneous eruptions On this 1142111, nod I have no hesitation In cominenang it to those requiring - stieh nu 'appliCation Tory respectfully, . J. F. X. 31eCLOSKY: D., ' 4' l 's Dace St.; Morel :4h. HOVER'S Wlttl'lNO INKS. incintling MOVER'S IVIIITINII FLUID, and lIOVEWS INKS, still maintain their high ellaraeler, which bus always distinguished thesis, and extensive demand first created, has continued uninterrupted until the present. Ortler,e addressed to thus llenulnetere, No. did RACE Street, above (ohl No. 144,) Phll.nielphis, will 'we've prompt at ten thin by JOSEI'II E. llool' Eli. 3lanufacturer. EEO W•A ASSOCIATOY, P 11,1 1. A P 111.1.111 A . A llenuToleut Institution, ..tablbibed by sperlal on dowthunt fur the relief of the oh! a ;m distrrsred, To all.pro.mg Allard 1% fill Sexual Diseases, told) its SPERNIATORRII4I:I. 131Pu '1'ENCE, uLEET. : 4 1 . 1 . 111L15, the Vie° .ol ONANISII, or SELF AlttlSii, be.. kr. The HOWARD ASSOCI AVON. in Vil,,Of . tho , awful • destrtiction of human life, 11110041 by eoNhol and tho deorpthths to,,otiFed two* Illy oht4tho.to yk- Mils of nur,ll di,eases'by Quacks, not oral year, ttgo 11-' reeled the!r LILE. ACT Worthy of their Itim., rootlet) a Dispensary for th treatment 'or thin doss or dinrnxrn. hi nit thpir rut and to giro 3I EWA I, ADVICE tIItATIS. to s all eh apply_by letteV, with a des,:ription of their condlen (age, occupation, habits of life, A0..1 ambit, cases of 'es Irene poverty, to FURNISH St SDICIN ES FREI., fit 'CHAIR; S. It is' needless tv, add ithet the Association' commands the highest Merlii of the age, :fetalD I furnish the most a pprov. 11 odor,, treatment: ' The Directors, 011 a rOVICW of 'the 1/11:4, feel 111.111 . 01 i that their labors 1114111,1 sphere of benevolent effort, hare been of groat benefit to the afflicted. especially to the pouts:, and they have - resolved to derv.te I Item sel von. u7th ropewed teal, to this very iinportant brit much despivell cause. o Just published by the Assoelatioit, n Report on Spec. nut °nine. or Seminal Weahlle.. the Vire of Unanism, Masturbation or Fel f.A blase, and other Distases of '(Ito (Soanal Organs, by the Consulting Surgeon, r, Welt will be sent kin n sealed le'rer onvelopeo FREE OF CJI A IRIE, 011 receipt of 'lll Ii Si' IMPS:for postage Address. for Report or I roatme It. CALHOUN, Consulthni Surgeon, Howard Association, No.'. South Ninth Ito et, Pri,,,,elphia. Pa: • .• By or, or of Ora Direebil, EZRA CA RTNVELL, Devoid' of. HEM FAIRCHILD, Secretary. J I I Dee. 2, 18:.7.1 STAUFFER Av.-HAIM EV. , 1" CHEAP WATCHES -ANY JEWELRY. • IInLESALE AND It'ETATIA, at A .1 7 ..- i . .., Philadelphia Watch and Jewelry Store" No. No,,lnn • North SECOND Skeet; Coriler of Quarry, , l'idlodelphia. (bold Lover Watches, full !melted, IS caret rases, VS 00 field Lupine, IS rorot ' . 2 d 00 Silver Lover, full JowJod, . - - 12 00 Sliver Lupine, jewels, • - 0 00 Superier Quarliers, 7 00 . Gold Spectacles,C. \ 700 . . FlllO Ether du., • 1 50 (101 l Bracelets. .. v.\ :11/0 I.ady's field Pencils, . Sliver Tea Spoons, set, . ,100 ' -Farr' (lOW roes, Nlll.ll Penell and SI tier holder. 1 00 — Gold - Hum - Ringo 31!,< -- cts: -- to - ,llStrOVutelrillasPes, plaht.l2 , 4ets., patent 18%, Luna 25; oilier aril. lee Ill!..--. proportion. All goodt: warntuted to to what. they are bold for. . . . ST.tU}FER & HARLEY. . d3` On hitini some Gold sod , Sllver Lovers suit Lu pines still Inner tbsu the shins prices. Oct. 1.1,1857-Iyr. DR. wALAN , . AMERKIAN PILLS • JOY . TO THE AFFLICTED. YOUNG AMERICA VICTORIOUS. o.6mm~llbox of pills pure. ninety nine cases out of n'hundi ed. No Balsam, no Mercury. no odor, ou the brepth, no fear of doter-thin, Iwo moll I Ills et dose; tasteless mid harmless us water; - Full. dim:lmM mu give., so that tho pitiont ea/venni himself se :Contain as with the advice of tho most exfariem ed surgmth: and much better num with the edvico of one of little, exporienee in thin clash Cl disease. ,' • . SSNT 1W AIAI I, TO ANY PART OF TUE COUNTRY "` by oneldthig one dollar to WALTON. No. 3:54 nth seventh St. below rare ridlinielobia. A Lit oral Discount" Co the Trade. ' None genuine without the written signaturil of 1/, o.•Waltnii. Proprietor. • • ' Dr. ld's treattnent.fOr Selfal.uro, eakberay kc.. le • entirely, different from Ike usital course Fr. W. IVIR cured hundreds Wholinvo tried ell/ma without benefit The treatment is ad certain to•cvre tlh li,, sun .is to 'rlse.• Eneloson stamp, - and oddies4.llr. as' above, giving a full history of the rose. and 3t u will bless the - day you made the effort to .seruto what - in certain—A 147-7-1--8i1T*277-118fdrisly
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers