(iqt Rfitritets. CAttLISLE : PRI:IIEEVOE MARI44`. • • Relkorted , wrikly' for the NI °raid by Woqthroyd & Schmidt.. , • /2 Fumy, Superfine, poi bbl do. Extra, do. do. • Family co do . . Rye • l WHITE WHEATim,r bushel lUD do, da. .RYE Coax OATN d 0..« CLOVFAISEED ,10. , TISIOT.IIY.SECT). 40. • SPRING BA Iq.BY ilO. -=‘VTNTEIV-, - -BAIILT,Y __tip__ __-,---- PIIILADE LPIII.II. MARKET 1-- , 'Loutt. there is no alteration to note he Market remains , quiet s but holders an firm a in their views, nd•_the,stoelclight, but ' the dema td is mostly to supply the trade, at from $5 50 to $5 624 for fresh_ground sit pertines $5 75 a 0 25 . for extra, as to brand and $0 50 a 7 50 for extra family-Flour and fancy brands, as toilithlity. Cons Mum; and RYE FLOUR are also scarce and firm, at $1 ' per. bbl., hut we hear of Ito sales to.day. The tnirrket kir 3Y:‘ EAT steady and firm, and ahont 250 . 0 bushels red found buyers to day, in lu(spit. 123 a 130 e., 'the_ latter Jim prim ,• some 8°,1114000 lins - hels white also sold tot' 135 a 1 , 13e.5 mostly at our highest•tignres fnlr handsome southern, afloat, • New RYE . is• .. selling atthe distilleries 'at 70e.,.pei.., bash • el; old is dull, and we quote - Tennsylvania • sales oi'Penn4ylvania yellow. .are repot:ll4m . • 90e., at which - 'rate - Ao9o — lmshels--sold after 'Cliangt. on terms kept private i'there are more sellers than buyers. ()Ars urn' in steady nemand, with:further sales of 7•000 • buThelm'soat.keen; mostly•at -12 e., Nem Jthnerlisements I' 4 ' Olt .SALE..--,Twu._Sauhindlipsj niAIIISOII 1 . 0111 . 41!, id' I rnhi Upon hum dinto .41.11 ...Ilion to Ilzu " Herald °Piro." Aug. 25. l\ilN—lt. Jo IMI IHTIINERS' cl 0 A L.— -2,0( r(N of Lykous Volleir Nut Cool. n Utli , ollo,. C: clu. receivin g and for solo by A uu t tut. F. 1t;57 4 ._ TIIST ItECEIIr.ED AT • • Lminten SAW' V El , 11(4 str re. (tholbor lot of Douglas awl s.llerwood's re ',rated IA SHIRTS. Mso llow stylus Maerie.lo s hiota. (very beautiful.) tool a variety goods -alto I for 'Old F01(0011. (Sill anal osazaioo " • t l'.11.E131 , 1• PA INPI. rc.ceive aTy'syt,llll. , 1.31111, thr i 1 1 .411 IVl.lllil In Ell(ii15.11 unit Classical studies Ind i/lllllg Laurunges. I.Yssous al, en iII Drawly. and M uste.' Cllllllll‘.llo, at, lice re,ltleueo. tuk Wet SO out, thu of Sew rl :Aug. 21",y1.fi5g. f is s -. ToTi CH.—Letters . : iir ... .A(liiiiiiiBtlTtion upon they4tnte ..r Man o. Salon!, of Silver:vring It - n,.1611,. de.4 ,.. .T.7liTtinA. - eii r ie: r s - nneti In clue form nn I.:m. to rho An ' , Holber t reAlling.in :ilk er: , nrinig townAltip, to whom applivation A ill be nuttle in Any. blob.ss eon nt ettAl h‘itin hen toilate. Aug. 25, 'sq -I,w CUMBERLAND COUNTY AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY FALL EXHIBITION OF 1858. • • TO BE lIELD AIT CARI.II,E, ON WEDNESDAY TiluitsDAY AND FRIDAY, THE Dan; Hut AND-nth DAYS OF OCTOBER. • " I= Eccrotar3 TEA ELIE E 8 W ANTE (X—Wau t ed in Nortli Middleton township:olllll)4lam eounty, 14 'feathers, to take charge of 14 schools. lo thii district 'during the ensuing winter, to whom liberal salaries will he given. Applicants till nret exonitnallon Itaynonon Las ern, Carlisle. on iliorsday,lo 19111 day of Auirut.t., at 9 o'clock, A. 31.. By order of the Board. JOHN MILLER. 9yo y. Augu,t 11, 1958 A . (;00D INATESTM ENT. The su lisertherolTers for sale Bonds of the Borough or iimtirtd.bs,Airt,Ltuur.tglivu C:trlbhi Water Company's Works. Is . •titlliis of $111110,11.0 trAYI, i‘ithroup..„ Its , v ayn.,.t.. of the Interest soni.annually Verson, den!• rolls of a perfectly safe inyektinent for their money anal punctual payments of interest, a ill-rha.well lo rovers these isaols. hurl. . TODD, Pre,' t. of the Carlisle Gas a lalWater Comp tny. August 11. IS.lB—.lf ARARE eIIANCE FOR A PRO FITAnt: , NVESTMENT.-Thu sulsoolher, for private reasons whirl! ,•all 110 PUrSollllily oxpinhwd, iir fm, for sale or, the most Ilhoral to-ms, the entire stork of Ito ,ks. Statlollery. rte., the good will) ho.. longing to : 4 1tryoolt. Taylor ,h Smith, in the store on the south east, corner of the square. opposite Holler's hint store. • August IL 1855-3 t r, STATE OF JO il JIN SIIE ELY, sen _ A -Letters testotnentory o the estateof lobo She,' v, y, Lae or Lower Allen tow lothlp, enuoly deceased, hose boen Itrontell by the I/egister of oak county, to the undersigned... All persolo, lutlehtell t, the estate tire rognlrrd to Make IMOOllliatl. pan AMU t 111,0 boring claims toKesent them duly outheoli rated tor sett lm ola to '• JOAN 1:1;1i Esiwntors or,lolin Shealy, dee'd =CI HOUSE.- WEST MP II STREET, C.-InLisLA The sot scribes•. baring leased nte.aboi-e well known publin 6onee. re•pect!ulir asks of Its former patrons couthintineo of their rust . Ile Is well prepared t ,•nuunodnle !Ala:leers and tro•rllers. :not those wit Mop with find hie 11011140 11 pl,•as:ult tenitionir Lome. Ilia liar will he (ir via.9l with U 101.111111,411 Hooter)/ Is table will iliwitsei 11l furnixl ed Nith, tLe ilelleawles of the heilsoii; awl llis ttal It rFll lie wilder the charge of a eurefill attentive wider. Friends, call 110 see mud judge for yourselves. • OA VII/ 11.01 I.L. .11i11 21, 11,51'. • . rgiIIE BEST (Cfor.)) j PIkNO fir .) ' FORTES %NG $' • ARE. MANUFACTURED DT CHICK ERING /41, SONS, = • • EDALS, TIII4II S' PREJIIUUs ONIIII ALL COM 'ETITORS IN TILE UNETBD STATES MES.IIIS. C.. 0 SONS. having removed• to their huw were rOOlll5, 1307 Chesnut street, Philadelphia, are pre pared to oilers largo ass,tioiltit or GRAND, PARLOR GRAN O, SQUARE anti UP/110111, MAN . () FORTES in various styli's and cusps, and at prices which cannot foil to please: Deseriptivn eatslogius sent to any nil dress upon applivatioh. • July 21, ISt, . ' 4AHMERS', AND MECHANICS' . FOUNDRY AND 314 CHINE SHOP, C A it ...,, ~ r.: ' - - : . ,- V,47,i4 ~..i_,-__---. ~- - --,.,1?,, - .1..,..., - ,1', . .,--- , --r, . ..., . ., -. _. A , ~....:-.. 4 lv .........„.4„A„..,_ ~„:_ ,Iv 4 4 )-7 ' . '7 - • . 1 :• ••=7:4( .v, - ' ia - - 7 .-"-:t7.1.37-:-•-•••• j , - ...-#. 1 -:••=7. - .7-.:- - -= Z:FS-__ 4 •`•• --- -- - 5, - ....,:• - • - '7' - f. 7 .ti 0,,,e------ - -z:7 " ' " ---- ' 7 ' .- . ' '••' . ''''' - ..21.--: biZZ.---01-7 IiORTIISTRECT, EMIT 9F__RAYMOND'ELIIOTEL Twould respeetfully Werra the .1. public In ;unwed that lie is 111)10 prepared to MIMI, facture all Muds of Agricultural Implements; such us Bore powers and Threshing Machines with separative attached. • Also, Corh Shellors. Air Land nr horse power. Straw and Fodder Cutters. Ploughs, Harrows, Cultivators, hay hakes, Oral n Puna Circular Saws. , Ito Invites partleular attention to HMIs Patont Cho- vor II nllor and Cleaner. machine will... Jinn and Chian troin - thnie la mule bash°ls per hour, and is cansld• tired ddrldodly the hest now 110 will also furidsh to orderl.. IRON 11 , ND'HILASS OASTINOS • of eiritri , dnscrlption: sunli fan Tiirnithing - Machine, • Pliin :FL Cornallullifr. Collar (Irate; &nib Weigh ; obit), limn Aridly dmiAtinl Itulllug fir Coinanry Enclo surin, &c., Ac... • • • — 9 ll, AlRTNlfiiininptlynttoinlcil•tn for limping. Mow. ing nod flirontiLig Dlucbluue , mid all Idndq of Agricul• turn' Inipininunts. '• I ''JACOB AIIRA'111)18.'• • gars,' ForerriniC Carlisle, J nee (neon', VAI.AJAI34L.II,EALESTATIAT. • Will be offered at public sale or. the promises. onl Toesday,.the ith'day or soptembor. 1567, the maimion ' and farm of Joseph :huller, sem, deceased. CONTAINING 1 is Ile the Hams more or logs, of thst:t.ratr limestone land, situate in Est Pounalmro' lowitablp. Cumberland County. within three miles of. Itarrisburg. mle•fourth of npafle frolt • White Ball - Academy. at llowneuieville, eeroterly known,as it,hyliton's Tavern. $ GM° 5 25 5,25 8,25 1.18 1,08 The lend Is bounded Oil the sooth.h.ytheCluriberhukg Volley Its1111.1:ur on the nori !awls or Dr. Jesel Crain, Gorgas. end of hers. nett on the west hy • the rood lending On uynLor'd" Volta, f•onl - whlelf - It Is dints:it ;Mutt Otte fourth of n mile, 60i) 2,76 The Improvements are a lame BANK ISAILN, a double F11A311.1 HOUSE, with rt. Kitchen attasly.A, un mul all other eeesseey .nevet , thiling• r owa ••• • -ter near the house. and all orehard of • • • choke About live acres tut' this land Is well timbered, and the inhume all under good Jounce amide n higli state of cultivation. • -56 • to COIIIIIIOIIOI at 111.., 05111011 011 said day, wbon terns will be mid° Itsulro and attundaseo,givsli by .101 IS SA 1)1,Elt, • JACOB_ SA1)1,1;lt,. • Es'es of Joseph sadler, son., dpc'd ;July 25. IFSB-1 - . x. L3n, insort 1 thnna autrrlfiirgo this oflicii A SSI G N E' S s `BALI: OP 11N ~L The followite4 Bye! Estato u9ll be Feld et hublle FIIIO, No 1. (Is Tlllar,day, 901 day of Septumber, 1853, bo sold oil the'preitdsem, .1 ACIIEti GOOD LI3I ESTONE LAND. _ . lima., In - Stiver - Sitelittleb7l7Winbosboid Co.: "if int- or ea rlislo, Non:died by lands of William lea;y. CulborsniCsloW... and othors.4llbo 11111.10,s111ellt. so vit A3l I.; Mt' 11011t5E • s ‘ ltb stal Dog and, Aids. Abort rez asi-as Is well thaborod and the Ind nee in a good stato of rid lien iiun. At tbo•sant Woo and Wiwi, wlll Ii sold. our Ilosho,- plodAtio I fprmq 111111.4vA, _ll,ll . l,l(tam, iiiVagou tfl , a quantity-of ihrodk Implemon No. 2. On Friday, tho laitt day of SoptainloSeoB3S, flub, sod _on..tbo.prontisea. ;_.. :IT AClus 01' llVitfl: SLATE LA NJ); • idtuate in Ilatontlen towtiship.l.ollllty 1101111 d, 1:1111i/4,411' JOSIIIIII El/01 . 13 Ni.thaidel Ei•ltels„ nod - Ittincionin Eight ain't, In woll timbered nod the bulimia. In n good Stale of vollivatlon. 'I here Inn tiesor rat ILng Aa.:tin or reeling_liattnr_oil_tlits_tratif._,•_ So. :1. On S ter iii, the 11tH Illyiff 'Sento:oh., 1158, n. lot of ttround In the Borough of Muelionle.liorg, bounded by the railroad on the north. lli<h t•tri et on the Pint. no I .Strawberry Alley 011 the south about IA fol.t, 011 High Stl . l.ot, MO 1811 root dial,. Sale (11111- ,11. re MI eitalt - day'at ono o'rlitoki-P. 7 Mic=avltet. -the el 1116 11r 83)0 will be nettle hulall by • .1011 N SADLER; • Asall4”eed of David It. ltoelinlidlow. loin 21, ISIIS-t. 1)13131,IC SALE.—As 46' Assignee nr.lobel.'ettVer, I will (ripest: Ito puhlie sale. on the kentlses. en .TurEsD.ty, lhu 14th ul Beittember, 183 S, tit 11 tielyelt. A. M. W. RN Ay ' .. A FIRST-1 L FARM, • situate In North - Middleton township, Cnniberiand eq., on the ( . 4;lo,,logulnat, creek, /tllll hounded by John J eobs.• David lloover::. Mill i net, - Adam Tboina, 1/ra itub,t,,,i, and other:, emitaining. - D/ . _.. : - i 43. A. c-r e.s ~ - - .: lullin g thereon °reeled n - ' . . • T 11'045'1'01[Y IV EATILERISCIA e ° Up 11 f) S 17, , 2 1 91 • - LOG BAltN', C1).11.N-CRIBS, - Iv. g on Flied 1..11 . 1 . 1.tge limise - , - attil tither litiproyettititlis. I, net 120 are ele.truil raid tlieler ;vim! farce. the residue well iletheneit. 'TI., 1.1 1 is 01 nn ew•rllont. sototlity. lion ly• linteSifiliti curd partly - slate it tort hf "1.011 hn.s beep well limed. mid Lan 011 It If g. 10.1 A illllo Oreltard mid other chil i , fruit 1.0.5. JOIIN C. SAMPLE. Of tii, Islon, anti walla; olrental arts or all loaetber, as n 111 best stall inaraltaseast.. The terms will be matte known au-the 311111.1 tab 1,. litiol'Eltt Assignee of John Coo Ker. ISSS--=-N AT PRIVATE SALE. 1. The undersigned hereby notifies all purchasers of farms. Eliot !sites during the smuttier or coining Fill. to ilisPose or his property. lovated moth. I,lSt in Carlisle. Cumberland Nullity, Pa. . 'I ho property vonsist, offifty.eight ores of best quill:' tv or I.IIIESTONE LAND, and lu a high state of culti vation. The improvement!: are. n MM . • and commodious ISA N BARN, a good ;-• .* DWEbLI NE , II 0 8 E i r , • • a well TlOVAritillng water, and all or• itr dim II of every - virriety of choleil fruit. , The proprietor beingoinxiiillinil - riuove to n Wlbtant part of the eminty, at a - inhaler:de price, and ou. acconinuithillbg ternis. For furl lier particulars apply. to the pioprietnr peri,nn lally, at Ills YeS1411111•1.1 011 tilOlll , OVO ploprly, or by letter, b Carlisle, Pa. WATTS, PHEMPLNT [August 18. 'sB—t. f. =I 4 . In nentter Examiner." ro.banon Courier," In tort 1,, mat C. 50 nud eharge north! 1111lin. T -ALT A - 13 I ;I , ] M 1T,, - r, - PROPIMT I . Al PUBLIC SALE. Will be ofTered at Publle Fitly, un FRIBA I", the 2-Ith day ot SEPTEM• P - ER next. n VALUABLE 311 LL PROPENTY, itnabt‘d on the Conodogulnett lu IV.•st tuwnship. Cuniberla, a county. 7 lalles west of Carli•le. and 1 miles inn-th of the Untidier land Vailoy Ihdh und. lo the nild‘t ol a fine gralirgsnr• tug voila try. The tultLim built of stone, mitt con tub run of Burrs, and one sot of chopping clones, all in pertrel running order. The nupply on tinter isahun lant, And a good run' oleountry custom. There is also 611 the premises a J. FitEIYK. SMITH both Ili good order. Thoreau nlx stems of land trill tho wetter right, tat:wiled to the !moo., to. nn which :tp;:l4ntrte erected et good DIV ELIA Sti Stablo nod nether nere.s.try buil di ilgs, anti net Orchard of choir. fruit. As this hllll hats lawn known fir litany years. as thy property of the laity Fraorls DM,. no torther d.•srrip• than Is droned °ovens:try. l'arehasora ‘atta examine liar throb:elven pram lons to Or on the day of mile. • ale to connoenvo nt lo o'clock in . theYorenoon, when ems will be made known by SA MUM, .101 IN A nitwit 3.18584. N. A N. IL—Persons desiring fiMer inrinnition may ad Irene thi• subscriliNn by mall, directed to.the flax. Carlisle, I'. 0. Lan. 11. x. insert till sale and sen 4 1411 to this Oleo. 1)UBLIC SALE By virtue of nu order of the OrphnnJ• Court nud thu but will and tequoient of folio Ileum, dlo'll.. wu gill expose to piddle rule. on the premises. on tiAtillt DAY, the 18th of September. 11158,ut pr u'elork, A. 31., Tilt; MANSION FARM, )I . IIIP late John M d unn, oe'd,. situate in :51:Ippensburg ownsllll,, elo,.trby th.. llolonall of Shlppetn,laira, and vlikrh l'ontalns 131 arras or flirt Onto linna,totte la, it, hoot :15 acres of whlelt Is In timbre, and the residua inder gOod Truro mid men rultivattal. 11:11,3 Improve. 11011:8 are um:client: roust:4l:o.; of • • . TWO-STORY • .t . 4l l lT'' BRICK lIOUSF, al basement, a large Dank Barn. and other out build cgs. A large spring that clever falls. rises at thedoor, n 1 Itasca stone Spring House' °war it, Lomst groW a . cundantl Vol. till! tarm.. It is considered one if the .st farms iii the county of Cumberland. It will Ito dd altogether or In parts as will host suit on•c•basoc, le tenms will bic mad., /uncoil on the clay of sale by • chi:sEl'll SAMUEL l'Ati (IE. Ex'rs. cif.lohn 'Wain, deed. .Aog.ll,liA-Lilt (Thatoborslv,.r.' Transcript;' tool Shlppotsborg News," please inthli,lk till bole, i . uol Nonu bill to this Dieu. .. • • . VALUABLE pitovEirry • AY-I , IVATir rim. ,, ..—Tho.subserlber offers at prl-- rate ROO the Properly 011 Whiol.a,t-_ll.l he now resides, situated In Milllhn. township, Cumberland Wittily, 13 miles west of New iHO. MIA 4 mike, east of Newburg. on the t 4 tate road leading from rnwvil le to Throe :genre I lollow. This pr ipeity lerludes (H' i.ANIi. An arises of wl_trh are clewed nod it.,, good state of eult,vation, the - Weal., part being Limed and under good rell,m, with running waiter in stow} field. Tho residue, 6 acres, is covered with good timber. he improvements are a three story (MIST MILL, In good repair. with - excellent Burrs and Choppers, and an excellent run of custom. MM Also, it Saw MIII. In gWod order. with remtant employ out. These Mills aro on thin Three Square Ilonew in, with a bead of fifleon feet: The other linprevemen nro. n tw.StOrY, tA3lti AND URI lUTUSK, Fran., Stable, early hew) Carriage House, Smoke Ileum, and other neressa6 nut.hulldlnkx. '1 here Is a well of excellent. water, (with a pump la It) al the door. Alsti, a-thri It D.or-chnive-trull, • • 'llO olr .0 property will be Hold RI ON tf, offer great hi uronmt to 11111 . 01:1RNIIi. For further pnrilettlors RD, ly to JOSEPH C. LINDSEY. All Township; Aug. 20, '5B-tc. VALUABLE F,411,31 FOR SALE.— 'rho alibgerlbor'wilr offer at public. sale. on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 26th of snwriolimit, 105 s, 10,1 o'clock. P. M., his farm, situated 10 FranPfbrd township, Ctuidawland 0001(11', "fil4ll 1116Mrsville, and within 1 mile 01Prelfrefitnin4 and 0 miles west of Cel list°, on the pubic road to' Carlislit. IT CONTAINS 12/1 . ACIIREI, •.1 of gond Slate Land, mina of which lots lately 110011 ileledit sod .01 of it is In a good slats of cultivation. Aleut 20 acres of the above Is well covered. with gond timber. The Imprnvemenis n goal two-story • IN. list !ism. lyagnn Shed, Corn Crib, Lit a and other necessary out.hfilidinge. its a )(ell of good water at the door, and a thriving Young orchard oroltweli riturr. , The I', non to well watered, there being running watee - N 1,, nearly all the fialdry, It is well talented for stiwk, as Liege portion of It ear be el - inverted Into meadow. Sall fatal to convenient to Chord., o Orel _ and- M I 115.-- Idniestond e/111-1/011:11.1 11111• f burning lime. A V,o' pees in wishing In vlsw the farm me cell on the subscriber residing on the premises, * The, teruffivvill be made known no the day, ef sale by •: ii'EAIIEItROARDED MUSE, Ad 7%. 33,;141i8-3t:41. 31caf .(!;state - Mites FIRST.HATE 'FARR .311CIIAEL FIUESE, sr PLASTER MILL AND SAW ,MILL, DANIEL 31'001", - / Meat - 1 1 55tate Safes. ÜBLII SALE or REAL 'ESTATE. 11 By - virtue ale order of the Orphans' Court of thonherlaell Minty; 1 will axpaso to Public Foie on t h e pronipeo on THURSDAY the 130111 of SEPTEMBER, lba, at 11 o'clock. A. M.. for the Heirs of Abrallaui s plL ler, &mood, . ' - TWO FIRSDRATE LIMESTONE FARMS, • situate 16 the tow itself', of West Pennslionnuirli, and co lae.Coliedmtulnitett Creek °toot tulles east or New villa, anil.lo miles - west of Carlisle. Contains 1011 aeriSs; ninety of which Is eleare and under toad it st and rail to to. and lois bYOII well /hoed. immured and cold the residue Is well tint beritil: '1 lie Improvements ore a gout • • r.I'W 0 _ .I)9y rips It • HOUSE, I !Or- , . Oh , Oi .nest IVAgon SliellAuld,Corn_Crll4 iligt..atoorellard'aml ullt r ItOprOVDMolltli. .SLCOND: CO211(1108 Ti aeres: shout sixty eerie of which arm elt,tred, width. good IMO, owl loefleion well Hilted, immured and cultivated; restithe Is w. , 1l timbered. The .iiiiiroveinents mi title liiintare a TWO. STORY IVEATIIIOIIIO.IIII/ED 111111:41i. a good Dank Bare and other out houses. with 'a -well or nover.fotllog• water. Doll; t.lieowliwitui Ore loaloutel lle* . Co.olt, and adjoin one!) other. • 1 will MS. at tit. , FlllllO.Li lOW 1111,, 0o puoo , to pub. lii sale- a TII.IGT Ott lvlorili,Arsi), situated 'on the N..rili 31euntalti, containing And being about miles fro,. the obovo larii.e and whlrli has been into Llwoo low le of 11l soles 111:1 perches. lit notes and 21iarres it iiereb es this land is bounded by tiraloon, .John Arnold nod others. and covered with grad chest...lit. eat: tol Idrlanp. and it 111 he meld heparate or together.-as heut stilt iiiirelinsers. • . A Jamie.% title niiLhe yl veil to the purchaser and pos. senxluu on the Ist or April, 181'0. The twins 'willeh will la, ressonali l e, will be 111R(.111 lin011 • 11 oh the tidy Autitist 'tiS-t 4. * , * " . 1'111111,1111 Iti•iiimif nu" Latiensti.r,li "I, rt till 1.4,10 411111 cliiirge, this (.;. 1 . 11A 1,1., AT 1' 1;, 11t A'rE A1.A.11 , 3 .4..„7 Tiro svhseriber-olftos u t-prl vate-salty-Jhe liiiiibw resToler,F.Sifiiiited Conogl,orougl township. Cumberland County. tote mils oast of New mile, Oil the rtote road leading from Carlisle, contain ACRES, leaf:l44.d liy lands of It. C Woodsi' Pepe Theory 1,01111111111 and oiliest; The land Is porl limestone end purl slate. oil undera good fence ! and in a high S , Atti improvements consist of allow Bain,. t•coomedi o u,. IVE jfi . reoently - r, , p,.ed all other neees-ory'lort Also, an orennid of CII 4 ICW . I , ItUfT, and neser.laillir well of 'water' at. the .1..0r. --For teenis or othrrinformation, inquire - of- the - sule sensor, set& ing on the 11114111 M% SAM UM, IIEFF1.1;1101VElt. Aug. 25.7.5-10 Lan. 1:x. insert 3thnea and charge this 001! . . Fol. SALE OR RENT. ~w . 1 -, —That desirlible property situated on ,I :.f.- Lowlier ..<h..<hvet. a iiiiir d , nriii east Inns j V i lrr .. li ' • the building neenpleil by the Melo --- . -- --i— • ellield Slime', will de for side or relit from the VA it isitoteir next.. The House has-Leon rie eently lilted up, And water In traduced besides being supplied i, ith 11 pied vistern. There is 114(0 11 ST AIILE and other nutilmlitlings at. tuelied and ikl . eiiiid erudition. . I;iiii further inliwinatliiii apply immediately to liEld. IV. JIITSEIt. ' A ug. IL ii - )ooks! ROOKS i3ootds' !r! ) sII It Y:Kk, TA Vi,oll .h 5t117 . 1l “ro solo u.zonts 1 .. 1 . 11 . 111i1itl anti elllllllol . llllld rout: Ors for the fnllowii valuablo works: • Atoldvo.mt of th i , Dol..ttes of Congto. 14it.n innt 'loth t 00, 1.111001,;1 50. flont..nt's Thirty Vt.att's VIII ; completo In 2 'ulx. Chit II $5 no, 1, /t , sh oo , $ll :Niorso's thoioral A elds of the World: Colored Map and bIIIIIId, .$6; IhMoio' S (yl-11011:1141in of itit :11111 Ainerleao.Eloqoeloo, n vollertinn of speedies - ,• etc. Lc the most eminent orator.i of Anwrica. with blogra 1011.0 nojeq, by Fraoli co now ready; eoinplete to to, roll. 'loth. $7, Oil; rdbrar . , style, leather, $0 gilt, S 00: Wilfdilorog Yo, 7 00, kNDIMS' SCHOOL - BOOKS. nilm e' Pei nee. • - Sss.ler: Sio•llt.r. • - • 'Sanders' Iteitlor. No. 1. S'uol re' 110:51,.r. N.. 5. • S.tholer••• Ile,sler, No, 1. Santlors' 110.11,, So. J. • 1•341510r5' 114,51,, No. •S.itlorN' 114,51er, No: 5. Sandors 11l Al Itendor. . Sandor•i-leslivs l -11emfler. Sanders' 4e.tkers IVsolvsalo nod retail ftt Slllll'l )121i,1:.(11.1.1)11,41•d311T11'.9, Melodeons, I e ,CYI;i7IrrIMiTIP9 I I mos, SHIWOCK, TATUM S SMITH'S =M=ill=M SIIIIVOCE, TAYI,9It fi SMITH'S Paper. Envelop, Pens, Ink% ele S111(1'0E1(.1%11'1.08 A smrrn. COME AND . SEE KELLER, CORNER 1 11,1q1y/: TUE 31 i'IKET 80018, SIMES, HATS AINDAIAI'B,. 'l7, IF R ..1•I, IV.Vrier to our rennet' en,tomer, the puLll oural.,Llll,,t tate a,sortment of new ;roods. mit. STRIA . ° AArl.) Sum.wEle It' EA R. unsurpe,sod rur hu nay. style, thunloilite,and elo 11.41. 01.11 . StlIVIC1.611SIStS of FINE 811,1 i 101,1lStf.IN HATS, , I Inn liossuth, lloy,, Youths', nod Children', Fa Hats. of every color. ~TIIA lP ilin/IM ANT/ CAI'S, too are sure the 1 assortment near offered II) the eounly, aml worthy attention of alf. BOOTS A,VD S 0 ES, o} . miry yari••ty and style, laalles.. 311s4es and eb timen fine • :“ail all lands of Children's Fan • tthot•s. For liliotleineti a good assorilionit of every style a in tact eVCIT variety in our Ihie. l'haolcriti to the 'midi.: tor p,lst Milo,. WI. SOllO 'Ollllll4ll ilrl or eustion. as WII are sore NVO eau ilia lv it to the .oalitage of the purchaser. J. 11. IC liLLFIt. Carlisle, .Ipril SS, 15514. 011T11 . 11 ANOVE 11 STREET CON FEUER/Nis:llY, C A It L 1 .4 I. 1: Pl l / 4 . . 417wiesak, led6s lialarol $ 1. 2 - rs 100 lbs. The attention of Country Merchante+ and the pub •iterally is illVitt`ii Lna large es , itteleet of C.IN DIES, lionfartureil or the best material and warnioted to tattin no poiHbn in their colors, i. hurl) will he Hold 'hulesalo or lietall at low rates of Ihe old /Amid of 'P. AION TId NoRTII lI.AXOVEIL ;lIIILLT, CARLISLE, P. 1., A few doors North or th., CAI lisle Depesitpulc Just received n large ansortment of • • 111.E.V1 PI? .TS AND :V 11.7'S of tin, latent importations, consisting of • . Oranzes, la•ninns, - Raisins, , Iliames , Figs. la.iva, Ila mantas, , Platt AtTies, ' Almonds, • ' ' F 1111,1,, Croaar ,N iris, Cocoa Nuts, &e., orm.icir,iii Lo Fold at low rates. Also, a' large a talent of , TOYS AND FANCY GOODS .. of °rosy. - variety. Also, - idi Lilo best - biluidi of - ------- .....5H1.11t5 - .ANWTOBARCO, of Antler and German manufacture. The Stli/Sollllor ITEAII . II. Malik,: fur tho libend .patron n. be .ticed ion him by the public. Mid solicits a CAI llMlllell Or their bows. Remember the Old Stand of \ I'. 310NVER, C.u•lldle, Juno 111, 'SS. North Mooney &root.' ',...- - lUMBERLIND . V: LLEI' . INSTITUTE AlanlANlcsnulto, l'A Ituv. BENJAMIN C. I,IPPI SCOTT, A. 11., PRINCIPAL. AND TDIVIII it 111 MIUIt.I4 • AND NATURAL 81211INCF.. A. FOSTER Ml IL, Malliumatles and 3lodurn Langunges. , THOMAS'S. REESE, A. li., Ancient Languages and • Illgrini"EngliAL. Tillsltistlint ion having p rusksd lots new Imndx.•will le, reopened ova .Male Schmil oily, on Thursday, the 2.1 day al September, next It Is thu design of the present proprietors to tilako It II strictly tirst•cl:tsv Boarding School, fir training and littin4 boys and young, men either f..r college or busbies.. Au eflicie it corps or In structors has boon or; whose personal Interests are Identified with the opososx of Ulo'lllE:Citation, and Who Will /WON 110 11:11tlit fir MAO it worthy o f tho coot! dense and p Itronago of tli • public. The Buildings of the Institute are maple. nod well arranged for the ac• nnnv:datioltol'ohout ninety hoarders, and all students from a rood are expected to Ward . wlth.the tuashors,—; They will than ...joy Owls... Mat of constant both not ion_ -and-supervision, Niechanlcsbutit Is iThiated in the contra of the beau. Wu! Cumberland YalluY, Woo Miles 11•ont Harrisburg, and.)o easy of access by Railroad from Philadelphla,Bal timere, No !ovation 'could he mono eligible for ac cesx—inote more healthy or attractive for such a school. Pupils from Washington, Baltimore, Philadelphia and' Antermediato p'into, taking the morning troth, will ranch Merlianicsloirg by 2 n'olodc, P. M. An It, is tho determination of the Principal and his Assistants lb place the Institute till a•permanent and elevated INtsts with aver.), roqulxito for superior success, they appeattvith. contidenco to all who lmvtrauux to ed. Thu scholusliu.year will to, dloided into two Hesslonq of twenty two woolcs each, thu ilrst beginning on t h e ,that l'hursday or Soptombur, nud undltm on the first Wed:au:day of Febru try: the Sueond session beginning Si Oho firs , rhursday of Fobruary, and ondlog ou. Ulu first 15'udnusflity or July • • nnari. tr: l 4, inz, Room hone. and toriel per MOA)tiOper, • • • - - • * 5O 00 Lull ion, (liononori English.) . • 12 00 " (11.1..r10tr - • • 15 00' . Aoulunt mid Mothirit,.Teintruktus,. ' 10 OJ Toms pur session poyolilu In udvaurc. . (*Our 10 fin:o!4tion . upply to_qp , Principal, • - p LACKS 31 C U A, L ituolos wcumin, up Coll, fonin' colalliatell •`I, 316 In — 511.m.',13 ”t.l furs:ooly . • Au 'Uit , I&7. . 1 11111ItA Y. . • r A W,. NOTICE.- - --Tuos.. M. BIDDLE . continues the practice of the law, in thu formerly occupied by his flatter, Wm. ill. Diddle, Esq and more rcroiltly, by thti law firm of Penrose & Biddle, now dissolved:: • • • Bus. 2J. '57,1 "" • • , • LP.. ET Attorney at Law-. —oMee on North Venom , .strimt,. 0 tow. south a UldOs' Ifotcl. All . busliiitith entrusted' to him will be promptly attended to. ' [April 15. :A R EMOVAL, LII. PkiNliOSC Imo retnevesit hie (intro to thu room formerly orcnpiol Ity_lt'or on. 5111111 street-a -few- doors• east of the Maluellst Church whore he will promptly attend to :ill h1141(1000 entrusted to him. •• • August lit, )M7. , • AAv= . --oPIeICE-.—LE-MIJEL=TODD . I j hat; returned the prertim or alio, Lew. Offlee,in Centro &pant, Avest title, Geer the First 'Prosbyterinu eniza lit. S. 73. KIEFFER Office in North Hanover street two doors Awn Arnold Son's dote: Attila, 11011111: nbirCpartlenlarlittonx 7 to 0 o'clock A.:11.. tinyl lion, 5 to 7 o'clock, P. 51. .. . .—,.-- . [ 7 ) 0(71'0 It •ARMSTRONGI. has rdalciv -0,1 ids °file° to Centro Sounro west of fin) Court Rouse; whore ho away NI consult:Nl nt :any hour of the hay air night. Dr. A. I:ns haul thirty Pun. ...Pd."' :a t hit profesqloal. thu Iwit tou of whirl: buy° 'mon alovo ol to the oru.ly .4141 proolloo of Ibioueopathlo mean.. •Ino. May 24, 'll7olla. A K N .16,10,14001,. hyslelailAinegu.genn. •1111 L not - . l l:ilii — street. i:joining S.Axton's hardwuro atoro. narell 31,4 SAMUEL Atlndoist N.Elincll ; Lite 1 n )9motra tor of op fl i r iz a t t t in .Dr Ti s t'O.Pentullsurgory..._ l 7. Cn • opposl,to Naylon' 'est )lain Street, Carlisle Nov. 11, 1857. _ DR.1.0.140031.18Wk.* South Hanover street, "—^ next door to the' Post Pike. _ - - its Rill ho absent from t. - Oftrlisle tho lust ton d earlt month. . f Aug. I,' Dll . C; E.O 11 G E Z. •1; E • • • Irvin; returmul to fittr/I,le, olfurs Idx profuss vie , 4 to titel•ltizef" , ,,,,,,, ny. 1111,, , Ili North lilt street, ituurly obikuato Lie fo bloove MIMM! • E . 4.„ I,I I('HI C • 3. I• I :',I ), \ E •II (3 O, S ; SEA t! lhd - .tiolore College Of Dental Surgery. IM 0111.. e at the ru.shletlee or Illa.toother,l•last Louthel treet. three doors below fledf.ml. March I Li, 1851Et.r. • 1. ----.° rii.) 1) It. 'J. -C. N 11. . 1--F—resTrtro t. • _p _ _fitlly_lllP.rnis the ladles and gentlemen "- ••-, iTf ett.llBll..tii vreinitgl that lie has r , sume.rthe N.:taloa or !Muth-dr.:, and it prepared to per , lope all operations 4.11 the tseth and guilts, belonging to hie proti..e.lott, lie will Insert foil sem , of troth on gold Or silver, NI lill silloll%gritit teeth,:tr blo , •lts. Its they limy peeler. 'fertile moderate. to snit the linreg. inlice in 111.4 . 11 street, directly opp..she the Cumber land Valley Bank: ._. 1 8i).1/r..N..,:tvilLbe_in...NowvIllo the last ten any of every month. .lan. 2i% Ist,S,-Iy* • ' ' . . ... -. DOCTOR "AUG USTUS It. IGBI3ItT, Lis Professional Sqrvires. to tho eitizeng lotto t !folly . SprinT,s. (formerly l'apertotrn)i nod Its virLdly. , 1118 ts 11l be lined at 1118 r.shleneo, votl. LAug. 3.i, 'ss-Osn Ifs. W. lIAVERS'I'ICK, Druggist, North lionorer Rtreet,Carilxle. • vplelitn's proxrriptiouxl•:t, efidlv 'compounded A full supply of froldt dru4s and cheinlalm. - 13. <l. K1141fF)03., Dealer it.lDrug.: : 3 Funry''A rtielvx, tlaitary.• South:lle:mayor Strout, Carlisle, Pa. WED E SL . ;IF ENDEN 11,.21.--11 L; • Nod? ll'veirn. howl and 6'ollecting Agentm. - t I'nrtieuta• ;,ttootion paid to Lilo bllslness of not-re, such as haying awl sailing 'teal F.Orita. Innnil maw. ) . oil ryai saint., twarltlos. Paving Tnxei nu filuking after Um Feuer!' In Locust of la;!!-ruilOaals. Ituroreavex given if regalr'els. Addras, , s BEEDIi =9 iii; ATTORNEY AT LAW AND GENERAL AGENT. . IVILL ;the sprelal attentirill to eolleetionk throuzit nut the State. talko Investments, May rind soil Heal I.:4tato securities. leans, pay take-, Me:Orland wertants,,\r. Itefor to the members tit the Cmitherlantl minty' liar, and to all prominent rith Cons of Carlisle, 'a. [.lti;t4's4-Iy. r MBE It E. Shepley, sr tow/lased the lilt NIIIEIt VA Itit, formerly kept by Henry Class, has removed it to the Corner of Nor'n anti Pitt to rode, whore he has a hirgo lot of oak,.' 1 . /114411a hilaV1•11 111111 out HIIIIhIeS, With pacts or . all Noll talon, oak ',tante:m(l sr:tutting; xlllllOO arid plaster- Ito, lath; all sir rcldrhlrlll he soil cheap fir clothe' March .21, • VIZANIi LIN 1 - IOI.TSE, 11101 Hanover Street, adjoining the Omit House trlisle i l'it. '• JOHN HANNON. Protirietor. • tir.)l.iii elitrit le•tves daily fir Pipoytoirti. Peter, tr,r, York Springs and ILI lover front tills !louse. QUltll'lNElt AND CONVEYAN- Ll)!Elt.-A. I. Into Register of Cumber. ..I.l o eounty. will earefully attend to thu transaction of all moil Inp,iness as may bil ontrusted to hlnl, Fnft, as !lie writing of Deeds.. Ilartgages Contraelm, &c. Ile Will ass dovide Iris t tolltloll a ills procuring Of land War rants P.M:it..., .17e.118 well 118 the purchase and stall Real Estate. umpotiationsou'loanF, .e. it.lL.o l lieu on West Illgh Street. forwerly oecupled, .y It. 31. Poorost Esq: near the Cliorfn. SIMON P. SNYDER, ' Ohio. IV. IC. Th , Fma..l.se, PolaNylvonla. L. le thmic, SNYDKR, WFARLAND; AND COOK,' Berhikers an&Deaplralln Real Estate, MINNEAPOLIS, ,luno 8, 1557.-1* R. H. THOMAS, VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTURER Illnclkaniceburg,-Pn lt - a- All styles:eel patterns of Blinds Mede to order, and 4 Id 'Hindi repaired I,l"a•neafted siibstatitlal tier. mid un reasonable terms . orders from Carlisle and %thee points abroad re• speetfully solicited. bill psneptly a - needed to. ' • .hop dlreetly•opposite the vUnion Hotel,' West NNW Sheet. [July 14, 'SS-t. tr A. C. BRVCEEN, (LAPP STREET, NEW YORK, (MASS SYRINGES, VIALS, GRAULT ATER SI ASURES, NURSING norrhEs, ETC. • Oli Warn for. Chemists, Druggist•, I'at•(umuis. Phoiographors. ete. Breen Ii vcsx Wzire by the package. A liberal illseouot inado to (ho trndo.' Orders from Country l)rthrgigtr and Dealer, solicited. Price Lists MOIL Oil nppllrnt lee. rA,m4,5841... IV - r lIT STAGE 11. 0U T E Thu subscriber has started a tai weekly line of Stages between Carlisle and Landisbuig. leaving Car. lido every Monday, Wwinesday and Friday, ilnuledi. :duly on the arrival of the afternoon train of cars from the east. Ileturoing,le'aves Lazullsburg at BOU A. M.. every Tueslay, Wednesday and Saturday, and arrives at Curlishi at 1.00 I'. M., via. Perry County Warm Springs Shermansdale, Sterrett's Gap and Car Hale Sul ((bur Springs. (In and aloe tune the 15111, the line will ho run dally foe the aceommodationtlpassengure going to the Springs. Fare to (ha serum] points as follows:- Carlisle to Sulphur Springs • " Sterrett's Gap " • S'iermansdalo, . . " Perry Vona ty—Weals - Springer,' " Landleburg, . . . • RETURNING. Landisburg to Warm Springs, •. . . . " Sharma nsdal Sterrett's Cup, . . . • . 75 Sulphur Springs, . . (~ 100 . ' Carlis,e, . . . . . . • . 1 00 The above lino 'Wilt regularly carry the MAIL to and front tlisseveral points above Indleatod, • I have also it well stocked Ll VLRY IitArBLE, from which tam at all nines ready to furnish horses and car Haves to Mom who Will favor mu with their patmnage, on the most reasonaldu terms und in the very best style. maylolBllB. GEOIRIE MENDEL riUMBER.LAND . COUNTY . NOR MAL SCHOOL.—The second session of ibis Insti tution will cnmwouco in LITNItAItY MALL, Newvilip, l'a.. on TUESDAY,. APRIL , fitb, 1858, and continuo PI'S% - MONTHS.. An able carps of Instroctors bane boon mired. and no effort will tin spared to nindor the iieboolovortby of It snobs to occupy, and optlOpatrourtgo IV respectfully enliclto.. . For circulars onntalulnir full-particulars' add roes • T. A. MoNINNEIr, 'Pressures.. • • ' Norville, Pa. By ordar of the Board of Trord.oaa, , . . :DAV Tau. NeOnannot,.Soutottiry. •• •,...Fab.1.7,'58--4.f. ‘B,TIN OW, SIIADES 1 .-‘--ttiB 66 1 : lar - vat. axsokalfolt 'Of illacluit.l h ; 01,.;..t aa 1,, and at Om • I • ~ Zusiness (Eartis. (Carllsle, Nlal'elk 31. '5B lANICEMS, .Minneapolis, Minnesota Minnesota Territory =I MZI ;. -- 1 (0 1 00 E~ X= New - 011oobs., CIE L ARGE gl 3 .11,LNG NEW 'YORK ANITI'. Et iLA DELPHIA, ELEGANT N-E,W,G9ODS, ' A. W. BENTZ'S STORE. . Splendid stock of new Mack Dress Shks-- , Magnillcont Styles Fancy Dress Snits. • 1110.1,1! !___ RAILS-! i I ELEGANT - HI -- Frond, Voulnrd ClllllOl,O Silks. Satin nud - Striped Ilaroges. Valudclas, Dueallos,.lleautlful new-printed Chttllies. French printed noti 0, very handsomn English Brll. Dards. very „I.IIIIIFDIIIO French Engltsh Fronchand •• French slid Domestic' , line nets. Don. ' • ' • . - not Ribbons and •", Dress 'Fri 'tunings, ' Shawls, In every variety. Silk Crape, Stella, Cashmere. .•• &c. Entln•niderirs; very lon Cent - , - • prising CILLA NS:SLEEVES FLOUNC. • INOS, EDOINGS, VE11.0; 'c. Cnrpotlnge • find OD Cloths: VENNI AN. INGRAIN, • THREE PLY, BRUSSEI,I,S, COTTON "S' HEMP. Druggots and Floor Oil Clothlt of all widths. LINES! GOODS. A complete assorttnont enthmelng all the Most role, braied • Gloves apd • Hosiery for d In s, 'Misses an d Chlidren. great variety . of kW,. sulk .end Cotton _ Mega tit isted - gilts 'NI it! a. tic.• DWI I:41C AN I) STA .1'1,1•117001).i: tileach,4l and unbleached Skirtings.' Bleached and unbleached sheet logs. Woolen and Cotton Flannels. Corset ' Jeans 'Vicki ntts. Cottonades. So thuds, Tweeds, Linen Ma • pees, 'fable Covomilleached •-anti - --lirorm -- drilling/1, • and an -endle., Va riety or other • articles. , „ . In fart, this .stork of {too Is Is very rxtenslve, thw ough and rollllthite, inning bren purchased with great dent of e. 11.. we feel confident • Vil`, earl please an one who will favor us.lvltb a roll. . . All rnndid persona Who have piitronlyl_us_horetc. forr , . - will admit, 0111 t, WO hove sold the best. heraldns ever putA.hased In Carlisle. 'IVeln111.11:11111 kilo cr/1 1 111/11, 11111/ allgovers of "Cloaip nio as well prepared . evor to olfer superior holueements fur their patronage. , A, W. BENTZ. South Ilanover street, opposite Cho Poet °Oleo. Carlisle, April :11, lads 13.. J. KIEFFER'S . 4 ,II , IIOI,ESALE. -LID RETAIL Drug, Chemical, Confectionary, Frui . • 10:1 . R.IETI• STORE. Tim undersigned hew just replenished his stock of J. MMUS and .31 ES, whle.h. haying 'wen so. ti'l'ted with great cure, lie is satiqied lire I eecll nut' Pore. Pk, sicians' presctiptions sill' be promptly arid failliffilly attended to. Orders front inert hants in the country will be filled with care and on the must reason. :tido terms. All ulllrlal preparations made strictly in itevordanee with 'tile U.:. Pharmacopeia. ._SPICE S'IIIIOUNIS.ANDWHOLE, _ . - •1t as CllllllllllOO, l'lur•re, Peppe Ig6r, Mustard, linking Cren 'UM Nutiaegs, Irtsed Ponder, Mare, Citron. Stye 011,111 Thy nig.. fresh and puree.: Ile has Id all the different l'llteut 31edicini•s1i1 the day. • CONFECY7 ie /ES. Orangea.: Lemons, Flro, Raisins, Currants. Prunes, A lmonds.. Filberts, Walnuts, Groundnuts, i7reautuutt. Chestnuts, American, German and French Candles, null Candy Toys of es cry variety. Those wishing to make purelmses ...tin here Ire supplied with 'the best quality of. Con lectionaries, aterat lower rates than at any other house in - the country. Ile has /dhoti full as sortutv ut of . . . NIERICAN, GER)AN AND FitENCII TOYS, sting of Wood and Tin of every description. suril Ills. Doll -11i.11,1).... liorsesi IVzigons,, Birds, Moving 11,N. Fa 110 y Work Do\ec, 3111S101. Cords. Drums, . . . Clitkirg, WWI., Trumptas. Wlti,tles, Drosslox Stands. to he nold tlholosolo and ltotail, Mid In prices, compotithill Is dolled. • . NC/1(10PS. ••, port l'urne , Pocket Books, Fine Perko, eirtli.ry. ple)! Imokilearl Cases, Needle Bo lks, l'or dalots, liornnin, French. ind American Chin 0641110 N and trays. (),ra ict , ek_lnd_tt,i4tAs Jett Brrast l'lns. Nockl.Os an.ll:lntro,Cooam Puff. Eide, nail IN,O;I:otlanorellaVolnIrs. 'Tali .. .Clothes, II .t, Button. Nati .m.1'1'0.411 Itruq11;o:. : , etvlng. Silks, Potent Threlld and :1104 Cotton. Buttons...to," c. • PEIt I , UM Elil ES. Paltry Toilet and other suaoa,l4vrl Powders, Hit. tracts, first 1111111 . 1 V 134' Ills, l'0111:141.S. Shavirla and ( . 11,11118. ra,a Of:11 Thousand Flowers, Trirophersins, Tooth Wash, Hair Invi,airators, and Hair Dye. 'the a hove have loam sirleeied with care and sill all on osain nationcsisettlrllir - theinsel vex. TOBACCO _IND On hand 91e hest lot or Set:arn dllii Toll:teen that has nor Leen Itrought to thin town. Ilin segnrn will eon= in.n. ttto suw•ier on trial of the purity 0? the material r whirl, they connist.-110 has on hand those only vhhit are Imported and which he Call re. 0111111011 d no _We.uve,l not spenk-4.1* the-true tierman ISOPII .- 1114 , _aye !dreads . g: .1 for themselves a reputation that they so rieVly deserve. Ile also keeps the common al tirle of Sears to visit the, trade Ifnhnre,, Ntielt as El dorado. Plain eengres,, Twirl 1 . 14114• ri.4 . Leaf. eavon . . dis, Congress, and Fine Cut Tobacco nod :snuff, the best unit erial. Feeling: thankful to tin genigrons public for their lib oral patrograge, a contgonal ion of the mum Is solicited, at our permanent location in :tonal Hanover egtrtget, di n opposite Bannon 's lintel, gold next dour to Mr. C. lig hot) 's tirocory. 2'1,.1959—1y GOODS! NEW GOODS!! ll 1 I have just returned from Now Yorif,_,Add Nina dolphin, end mu now opening in the new store , room ttie largted end moq splendid stock of SPRING AND SU.11.111;R GOODS over brought to Carlisle. A intignitleent lino of LA DIES DItESS (MODS. sorb as Mahe end Fancy Silks, Dayecliwo Sine Stripe Silks Elegant Black Silks, very low, Doll Ito CM, lees. Grenadines, Valenriens, and Ito rego Robes. Side Strips DeLanes, Ducally, Pi - gaudy Lawns, Brilliants. etc., our, A full Iw:eel:nein of Embroidery, Elegant ('olives, Illidersleeves, liamlkereldels. inserting. Elonne'nes. etc., ete., cheep, than over,. Combrles, Barred end Striped daronets. Swbei Mindins. Xansooks, Pte., et, MUSH.,lige, riled:N. etc., et all kinds and dt tile very lowest send, BONNETS, RIBBON'S, I'LOWERS, inches, an entire new assortment. :Will MI SHAWLS, a large assertnient and very :heap. such no Stella, wool beLaine. Thibet. Grenadine,. Now Cloths and Cas•imereo also just received. Can .Interns and other good', for boys' wear in great variety. Counterpanes, llosiery. Moves, Mitts. eta;.. etc. A full Mot very no.ortment or m.hognoy, go!owand rid Walnut framed Looking Glasses. CAtimmis AND. 31 ‘TTlN'lS.—Ateltber supply of super mperlal, Ingrain, Venetian, Ileum and :stair Carpet ngs. at very reduced prices. This stock has been laid n with great rare nt tau, t cry lowest cash prices, mod 'ill be bold fir the rash at such prier's as will that Ogilby's new , store Is the place to lay out their ash to the very best advantaze. Light profits and ukk sales. Recollect the DOD store Is on the corner of lain and PM streets, oppredtet he Nletliodlst Church Carlisle, April it, '554 011 sit, NO ll' IS 7' 'E FOR BARGALAS. ARGE AND• EXTENSIVE ARItI CAL OF =133 . 1110=11 e New Stare, _Cartier of North nanover and Loather Streets. Thu undersigned returns thinks for the - patronage bestowed upon him by the phldle. and at the Mlno time Pespectfully annomices that he has just returned from hiladelphia: and is now opening new lot of SPRINU AND sUMMER DltY GOODS A 11) 411tOCHRI KS, con• Noting in part as follows. a ntl-nvillSh ho determined to sell at the 10.1.4 Nish prices. SILKS, DUCAL ciAmt.4, Cimlilox, Alpacas. De. Lames (Wages. Lusters, 'Poplins, Lawns. Dareges, Ilrl Ulan ts.Sklrti Itg.Fronch and Scotch Giughams Prints. (Doves I tosiery, COMO, Ilandlserehiek Ac. '- SHAWLS AND MANTILLAS, 'in every style and quality. •. •STAIME AND DOMESTIC DRY HOODS, Cloths, Cos. Vesting. Flannels, Muslims, Tickings. Stripes, Cheeks, Calicoes, Cottonades, Linens, Shootings, WM inns, Nankeens, j/rills, Marseilles Quilts, colored and white Carpet 'Parasols and Umbrellas Also 'a lar.to and splendid assortment of BONNETS, (TATS, CAPS, BOOTS AND SHOES. A A superior lot of fresh ti ROCIERIEK Teas, Coffee, Su• lar, Molasses. It Ire. Spices. Ac., Ac. having selected my entire stack with the greatest rare, and the lowest CAAII Mier. I ean• fissure' my, friends and the public generally, that I sill' o all in my lower to make my . eatablishwunt known as the •. HEAD QUARTERS FOR RA RUA INS." Those who wish to purchase 5,111 find It to their advantage to call and examine my stock before purchasing. I will pay the highest markefprice for Butter. Eggs, Rags, Soap, and Dried Fruit. . J. A. lIUMILICLI, Jr. Carllsle,-Apell - 21,18A13. ' NEW GOODS FOR SPRING CLOTIIINU. • . Thu subscribers respectfully hiform Cody pattnns. and the citizens nenerally,tlud_they_have_recently_recolved linni - Now - Ylk and Philadelphia. a largo and elegant assortment of clothing sultal•lc for the present season. inatinfactared,of the best nuterlals and in the most fashionable 'style, which they are determined to sell cheaper than smiler artic'es ran be elsewhere. .• ' Their stock comprises DitESII AND FROCK COATS, of now Lod fashionable styles. Business 'Sackssli d 4 . Frocks of the best material Ind latest tiatterns Do •Ip and single breasted Vests, In endless varlety—eh styles.' Fine Black french Doeskin and Fancy sl alom-Pants, Plain light 'eolored - Cissimere - Pants; , u • great variety- elude° axles • ' , uors eldrinNo. • . . -.- • Trt order to. meet the wants of the people in this branch of their bUfIII,IBS great care and attention has boon given to it the - present season. Coals, Pants.end Vesta of all sines nod qualifies, to which constant addi tions will he math, during.the season. •• Mo., a full assortment of Shirts, Collars, Bosoms, Cra vats, rocket-liandkervidefs, Suspenders, Stocks, Cloves, liosiory. and Umbrellas. • • • • - - dlwayn on hand a large assortment or Blac, - shown; Btu° and Alfve Cloth's, Mack Doeskin and fancy Ciutelq more Vest'ings, &c. •• • Clothing .d'every description and quality well'utafte, and of good material conetantly on hood, Customor's.work outdo up to order, at' the shortest notice and on reuenuable terms. N Caviled ° :March di. WO,. 11 S arir N e . r '.' at. • MOTICE:-*Notioo is htireby Sat \Ltrelt . 18s1' iul Ito otipplumonf l = xnL'a 't.ddOlr with thn oilderdziled nn, nr, hofbro t Int 20 day Lk August next, 1 otit'eryelso thoy 0111 not ho hw rcl ' 8. CROFT, Clue* TII o4DEB I , 2TALIUSIDIELINT Via iIinTRD EiTATIN, TWO Kr/NI/RIM MEN, and Ellitlehlugllftlll ry iNsTmf [INTO MIK . buiablulag all their Rollout Improvement/I —4W Dirtdo., • , ologoon, &o. - 87 _Falton_ot...N. 1.410_10, OhMugu, nt, WILILESALE MitlNTS—ltussoll k Ittoltardinti, lirBs ton, Mass.; •W. V. Colburn, (Ind 0,; Polluor Weber; St. Louis, Mo.; Pb. V. Winloin, Now 07butus.• .. From flu! itoutio .tournul. A jwit:3, 18,59,• Thu nolo:bons luotufneturod by Prlneo for oiled 87 Vultun strool., am the boat In Ow .world. We hart, trlod thou,, and tboroforo mpoult undorstand lady of their merits. 'They urn 81Tordod vary mud. ate cost, • . 4 ?EWES or:vonfmnx INsvcum NNTB f Faun yo Molllloqll,Thettlyall2fraln Cto $75 . Four and ulgdf 0.7 us°, do. Cto V VivuOvtavu Millodualf. du.` \b' to 75 Vivo octave, duublu rue.li do. 'to I+ 131) OINIAN MELODEON. Two Danko of lioya, 1 tvd Solt of flood., Itlttlit'Stoptt Ono and a Iltdf Octavo Foot Pottalm, Ono Sorof 141161, In Pe utl Bass Intlopondoot • $350 PlttOlitl OF PIANO OrISED Fl io 031..ti0-Molotloott, oxtonding from F to P $lOO Six Ootavo Molutloun, dd. t • Pto P lad FlOO 01.t.c dnublo rood. do. Fto F 150 rho Orton!, 1,11 . 0 littnktt of Koyo 200 Our 1401111 lb; for manufacturing Are perfect, and fro our 10,14 OSilerielleo In tllO 111.151110f41, having flulnh nod ipld ,tour TWENTY.TIVO TIIOUS171).311,31)b _ Al!' Siel;rieens of our wan olacture, either sold 'tt or dealers In :inv port of the United States or Canada are porter! In every respell. and ohms any repairs bo neeoisory before the expiration of or year ham the data of .ato we hold °Limit , . ready, an svlllliti; to make the 1,11110 free of charge. provided tl Injury Is not caused by neeldent Or deide.o. OEII. A. Itlt INCH' k, Aruitts for tho gain of our 010 imiyjniottman thtitutl States tAN.'alindas• Attnots at earIIgIoII \ STIRYOCK, TAYI,9I( k SIIITTf. At Nutryillo—li". It. LINN. [may 19'31. -- (472 PartrJI4,.I3.9ELTERII4,) • • DRY GOODS STORE, • /53 NORTR EIGHTH STREET, • . , DRY GOODS, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ONE PRICE—SStiLI. PROFIT—CIIESI , FOR COOP!. jute:LS-Iy. • . ►Walnut Slreel, 11.7.0 -Cortiri - of Third, •.' P.11.11,11)ELP111.1. -•- NCJRNIRATED BY STATE OF PENNSYLVANIA. FIVE _PER CENT INTERAT. • ! . . Money is rredlnd In anY som, largo Or small, nnitin. tormil paid from_lho day of doliOdt to Um day of with drawal. . . .. . 'rho olli, Is open sorry day from 9 n'elork In the morning till 5 o'clock In tli afternoon, ands Monday and Thuraday.M . onings till S ,ielock. . HON. lIEVIIV L. BENNER, l'regldent. . ' . It0111.:Iti SELFIIItniE, Vico-President. W3l'. J. ItEED, Seeretary. .. - • Robert Selfridge, . Samuel L. Ashton, C. 3lunns, • Mo•Ney is re..oived • p:r Without not i ru • ' Th, h.,,,t,u..nt.,,:tr0 mad, lirou!lJ lusts, null suchll - eh:lit, requirt•H. ulost 11. 11168. • oifi -,..---7,...; 71 ' A • -„ -- ---ff , •-.!.•-„.,-....,......., , , ~..., ir 1 - _ 4 , )1 - -L. = G uLD MEDAL PREMIUM. WILLIAM KNAVE & CO., MANUPACTURERS-OP , GRAND AND SQUARE PIANO FORTES, Nos. 1,3,5, and 7, North Eutaw street, ()pinate the Eutaw House, And nt our NEW SALES-ROOM, 207 Baltimore street, between - Charles and Liyht streets. Theso celebrated PI ANOS'have, at different Fairs, f.q several su l'eSSive year, 11,11 awarded, the hiehest pre mimes for excellence over all * competition. They have a'so been pron 1111 l wed by S. Thallekrg, the moot eelebra. toil pianist in the world, and other distinguished artists, Ineluding 1 1r. Stntkosch, &e., to be equal, if not su• purkr, to any in this reentry. Wo have consiantly on band at our extensive Wiltes ro one ak al, ,se, the largest ass .rtuient of line I'IA NO FOIPI`ES to be found in this city. which we will sell. wholesale and retail, on the most liberal terms to suit the times. ❑1 every case we guarantee our Planes to give entire satisfaction. .ttir Constantly on hand a tine assortment f M PLO DEoNS °flint best makers. at prices from *IS to $2OO. - • 01:L. Always foC sale a large number el• socond.haud PIANOS. at prlse•a ranging frost $75 to COO. 33,, Pianos unchanged, hired end tuned. WILLIAM KNABE & CO: 1858 LONION rpr%ol CLUB //of t , - G N ALA - 7151 r - •<;, 4 , ••-••••••/a Enros.••••*. • , •(`-.E' Tirrotaw ••• 4. it Lo e Citoct t --_‘ D„IV. CLARK'S • ._((llrtnerly Eians Clark,) . GREAT GIFT BOOKSTORE, More LibrAkl Inducement., than at any other Similar Eslabliahnu in the Country. n ,t e x hin lonted t ‘ iiTsql . cdt m L o air t VeLra., ,t w a h ß eri t s .b n o z of II sinilia 'a r n . s g e Ltran o uo 4 iits. ' . 11Now . York or Alladelphia; and having had extonsire exporlonce In the business —beinirnearly four-years-a-pariner-of-th--0.--Evatis, the originator of the Wit Untorprlse. I flatter my. elf that 1 pan oiler greater inducements than any oth• er concern-In the United States. ' A Wit worth from 115.ceots to $lOO will accompany each (look at the thou ordered. •, . • . AGENTS' WANT•F t p, • " . . , An every,town In the United States to'swhzit most Jibe 'llinnilticinsents are offered. . .bars lately . issned .0 'now - Catalogue,' euyerhig Jet - - j pagei. iniibraing an Indefinite variety of lloaks of eve ry description, a copy of which will bo smiled, postac, .paid. upon application, to tiny address In the United States. Let no one full to scud for a copy. Address • .U.-W. CLARK, . • . Lancaster, Pa. Aug. 11, S. _CL & CO. No. 2611.16iden fm to, Now York," MANUFACTURERS OF O Lb AN t SILVNIt-PtINCIL"CASESr-,ANIf-AOOLO PRNSOF r.V.EItY DESORIF "'ION, offer their goods di. 'root to the country trade at the prices others 'ltharge '‘ the city deajora. thereby saving the pyrebasar about .20 Viler cent. willlch they world have to pay the' dealers ,if bought from limn—Mir oblect is tomtit for rush t one •profit ,over thu colt n f maountflurtitA.„ tlumplos will be furnished to those who may., desire to son the' goods, AT THE oeigv PAICA, and can be sent. by. ex prose, with --bill-to • „ •TAug.lB-58-3mos.-.-- • T T. DROWN; Ma nufact • - or . ellor, No. 26 Mldon_Litnti,..6l7tiro bbi 'stock; can. •zonortil nonri smut , which no. cilD•rcht At..thn loweAt ash prlFea, '.,c4rtptV in• du,lntont el 10 ,lour,try cash btiv_lls. " ' '2 4 .bticrli9ementa. rtaanoac & LurnoN;m). PATENT birmonuom `(Tlio Divided Swell can only be /SA:Snafu Wetloon . ofour Munefeeturo PIIINCHA co. • 7 . lllinufnoturers, Buiraiol /Vrw York 11'1104ES'A4E DIMOT t J C A 8 LB E B. 1" S BELOW ARCH, (OLR , xn. 49,) PHILADELPHIA SXVING FUND". SAFE'I'Y - TRUST Company @MEM F. enroll Itrowstor, .Inceph_ B. Parry, FritMit. Lee, - .11)4epli_ Yorkes, • Henry IMlToriderlTer. pumas mitt Ili . 0 ILO dully o In heal FAtato Morttral Ilrht daps sectnitles an the JP 1'1.4 0 9 44 NORTH QUEEN STEW LANCASTER, PA TILE LIVEIt ISVIGRATOIt .•Pxtc 4.ltErrHY EIANVOtt6, Couipofinde4 vntirely. from-GIIMS• - • S ONE, OE Tlti i BEST PURGATIVF: MITI 31 gllitllNElHow /edam tho puhlia, that oats 6N 6 - •1;4711,otT1l). easier, milder. andniora Offeittlal then ;m other niadielno known, It Is not only (APIs WPM hilt oilqgca onpulyi lading brut on Iho iambi to cleat morbid then on the stomas[' +old lanrela to est. ' ry- hat -.0w1.. aennutplishing two; purposes offaetually;Trithout any of, the painful routin j g o s esperf oagtft , Posed In Ilia , pea' lottnf most (i.cru 000 the system 0' the !cu. Limo that It purOos_p_fand,•___ w ta.kan daily in moderate times, will pim ig ib or y and MIMI it- op with mammal rapidity. Thin Irl yor Is 004 nr Lhu prinolool ragulators _of 1401,1.1111111 sind • ektf w t pa.- ors of Chu aystain aro filly duvoinpail. Thu airmen[' 1N olihnst stri tlraly dependent on the healthy salon of the hirer flip Elio prop. pre.' formation onto hirfotlonik ...4 when the stolitash hi at ,rt fault, the hoyselsi's at fault.soul Om Wind, -4 system sonars In crises queue!, or :MO orean.., re \ :.l the Silver ving cool td do its duty. ear OM diseases of they, •, •ort.ia n, one .of the pro.. •=. •prietnra has math it . lilt • study,, In a implies ofmorn than twenty yours, to find some remedy wherewith to enuntareell the tinily to 'which it la proVO that Ihlt rO.. imply at last found. on e person 0 ,„. With ,lit.elyer Own. plaint ,oily Of its , fatlMs, lota but-to try q • ['Attie, and eonviatlon r tnf ti. TIIONO gum; rainoreall r-4 morbid or had matter from the system. sup , 0..4 plying in their piano 4 . 1 healthy flow of 1,11671 n• whit/luting the atnineeh, • Chin:4l)g Mori to digest • nen, purifying Ibe blood giving tone and health g t otut , whale moebinary • removing eanseo of • effect. tya a-radical 'rum T 4 Onudosu line; enth,pn is aullielent to rolleve the ' 'domed! and pra-,, i is yuut tho food from Ids, ing • - , , ' More lake ,, baboon retiring prevents nightmare. , • Only ono, dean taken I "at night - doocona - thor'4 bowels gently, and enrsit. ----Oturtiose-tairMi "afriii l _ each meal wino cure Dyes f per++. „ • ROY Ono dose of two teaspoonfuls will always --- relieve Ski: Ileadnelte. One !HUI° taken for • female obstruction rt. moves the eit 000 or the g Mimosa, and 'sakes a perfect ell ro,. Only one "dose home- dlately relieves Cholic, while one lima, often ro- • _peut_ud_le_asurfs.curerfOr — ' ri _ Cla terri - Merbitsi - isM.l - id a Cholera. proventive • of one moo • taken often• Z 5,111 provont the recur• ronee of bilious at flicke r while it ros fovea all painful tied- wed Voss IF9. - tidy Ono IniEElO needed to throw out the' of system the effects of f./.2 medicine alter a long Sick - • I,nttle taken for :fauna le 81011°1 . 6 , i all ' 11050 or unnatural color from the skin. Oita dram taken a short Milo before eating gives vigor to the appetite and makes food digest well. One dope Orton i•inintlid puree Chronic MAE,. Idiom in its work rornin, while en miner and el eoniplaiiitg yield tilinfmt - to the first dose.' Ono or Iwo unsex Cure,: ntenekri - reused by Winne, : there le 110 curer, wafer or spoedier romody, in the world, as it never, full.. • We take infinite .plonstiro In rommtnonding this jeedlelpe no it proVipitiVil for . Fever and h glee, Chill Fever and all Fevers of a fililloas Type. 'it ~ p oilltes with cortaluty, nod tlinthettnitiare willing to testify to Its wonderful virtues. All who use it taro Plying their InialifitiOria testimony In Its favor. Mix water In the mouth. with the Invigbiator, andoovoliow 6,511, together -• TIRE Ltvga' INVIGORATOR IS A (MEAT ENTI 1,10 DISCOVEItY, and Is dally.worklng cures. alumni too great to believe. It mires nx If by_maitio. oven the first dose giving •bun^' lit, and seldom more than cue bottle Ix required to cure any kind of 1,1 Vint Complaint; from the worst Jaun dice or Ilyiipowila ton coniliwn head.telle, all of which are the result of a.Dlsertsed Piller ONE DOLIAIt PER BOTTLE. Ult. SANFOIkiI, Proprietor. 345 Ilroadlyav, New York, 11-A . ..501d in Carlisle.by S. ELLIOTT and S . W. HAY. ERS".I . !Cif. . I my2olBllB. National )3 EA LT PUL- II E D...QP RICH GLOSSY- lIIIIIZ, COMPLETELY PRESERVED' ' TO, THE Glt E T AGE And who that•lo gray would-not have it restoredto former color ; or bald, but would have the arowth re moved. or troubled, ; - oith dnndrnlr•ngd Itching, but would hare It remorial, or troubled - with scrofula, scald healb.or Other aritiOlong, Intl wouldbe eared; or with sick head (neuralgia) but would be cured. It will also FPIIII,II all pimples From the Nei.. and skin. prof.. Nb`s.ltalritn,aoratlye will du all thk, see circa. ar and the Following: - - Ass Aswan, November 5, 1858. pons,. WObo---Ilea hand r Sir: I have hed ankh sold of n , wo od o r r o . 0.T. 0 . t .,, . 4 your flair Reetorativo, but having hems an 0ft,.,, cheatel by ,pn,..aoy q nd quack nostrums; hair tiVeS.,&C , I was disposed to playa aoor_ . • Restorative la_ the K3lllO catogory ith timusand and 11110 loudly trumpeted snack remedies, until I met you Its 1.3 , 11 . 0111 . 0 V o lloll' von' sisontlin 81111 . 0, Olson you gave tile Quell ossurassee as lailured tins trial of your liestorativo In my Coldly—first ley nn' good alit:, whom hair had heroine very thin and entirely white, and Ina -fort, otimusting ono of your largo b.dt.les, per hair was restored nearly to Its ori-fintsl beautiful brawn color, 0101 11.1111kk01001 and herons.. beautiful and glossy Up. elakelY.OVor.the.hcad:_sists-cantissues to 1101 simply herons° of 'its imantifvlng efforts upon the hair. lint hero use it, healthful influence' upon the livid :ma mind Minn, of nol POssily nod friends ire using your liestorativo. with the hamilest efforts; tnoreforn, mr nnorti,lina and doubts in sacorence ro Its character and value are eatiroly ern. wadi and Iran 11101 110 unto cordial!) and confidentially recommend its use hy all who would have their hair i - ekorod (non o bite or gray thy 1.0%011 Of sae;, Dees or ago.) to original.- - • color and leensty and by all young persostribu_avould have their hair beautiful and glossy my truly and gratefully yours, SOLI/310,N MANN. FRIEND WOOD: It. was n lung than after T sow you at 1111,stield beforo I got the I,ottle of Restoratis e for which you gave me au order upon our agent In Detroit, arid when I got It wo concluded to try it on Sits. 31ann's hair. as the surest test of Its.prower. It him dose all th.it you ae.ured• our It would &I; and others or my fondly arid friemls. having witnessed its °fleets, are now using and recommending Its us,, to others rib cull- tied to t h e highest consideration you elahn for It. Aoki, very respectfully and truly, yours, SULOMUA MANN. Cutixt.t., lib., June 1852. I halo used Prof. 0..1. \Vocal's Ilalr Restorative, and lutv.luitalred Its wonderful elfoits. 11y hair NV, be coming, an 1 Illootogloi. 'on...dungy gray. but by Unitise of his lttadoratlve It ban resumed Its original color, and, I Laos nu doubt, pernoanetotlr so. • S. BREES': ex-Senator, U. S. •Proparod by 4)..1. WOODS CO., 113 Market 'et root, Saint Louis, and 312 liroadwziy, Now York. and sold by all Drugehts and Patent Medicine DeaJars; also, by all Fancy and.Tollet: Coeds 111ers In tho Culled States and Canada. F. •le In Carliol.y by S. W. 11XVIIILST1Ch., BAM'L . ,101" f, and Dru,rgints everywhere. • :Card (rum Dr. James /11. Jarrett, OF C\l. it lOh LUAU men it ALt con. . erection for the past eight years with the above I rraUtu- Liou, as Chief Physician, and a twelve years' Cellist, of steady devotion to the Cure of Pulmonary Consumption and its kindred diseases, together with my unrivalled oppurtunities arid advmdage 01 pathological reseandi— aided not a little by a perfect systoui of Oliativat Lthsla tior enabled me to arrive at a &claire:direct, and suecessiV course of treatment for the positive and n .. un _cal.lace all diseases of the 'Throat, and - - - Passages, By lull. balmy, too vapor and curative prop• erileg of medicines are directly addressed to the diseased organs and the integument. Ido not advise the one of Medical Inhalation, of any kind, to the exclusion ' of general treatment ; and althotio 1 consider It ' s useful . :uljurant hr the puiloer niaturaoureirt of those fearful and often final diseases, yet l thane it very necessary that each patient should have the benefit of froth. ',intend mud lace. tri:tltllletit. Tiro /Merle. of my treat no. t,ln the above illsearoA, and the high character of, the I indi. tutlou over which have so long had the henui:te side, are toe well known to need any eulogrliT' coin u.e Boni me. At the solicitation Of many private and • professional friends, through hil I elliliirople aid . • the above charity has been long and liburtlly supported • and after due nusideratlon, I have concluded to main, ,such arrangements as will bring the bo.ehts of iny Os porton., and treatment w 'thin the reach id all, and not eon ti ire in} self, as heretarfirre, to those truly whe entered the Infirmary, or who were able to visit meat cry office. • I loping t hero:ore, that the iirrangeineut will give entire satisfaction, both to my professional liNthreu and the public, I *mild respectfully announce in ,e,nicluslon, that Lialibrinw-ht. eunsidted persunally,othy letter' on - iiiriseases as ah ye, and tient the mkticlnosi, the sae. o its used , in the I liStittnion, prepsred.to sulLeach..ltido. idual case, Inhaling 'Vapors. 31edleal Inhalers, .te., will be tbricarded by express to any part ui the U mod States oe the 'Ft:Rile—My terms of • - treatment try letter are lei i $l2 per month fur each patient, w hien will Include medicine sufficient firr innimontles uli; inhaling Venter, mill all /U. • haling Appanitux.' Puyinent no follows: pl to be paid to,Express Agent oil receipt-of the box of Medicine. and the kabinet, /50'at the expiration of the month, It' the patient be cured or In entirely satisfied with the, treat went. Patients, by giving a lull history el their ease, • urd their symptoms lu 1011, ran lie treated as well by letter its by personal ' examination. Patients availing themselves of Dr. Jarrett's treatment nay rely `upon Immediate and permanent relief. Lei he seiduin hue to. treat a Mlle over thirty days. Letters iiirattrice prompt- . ly enamored. For further particulare address .IA,M ES It. JARRETT. Al. ' No. 11211 Broadway. Cor. Twelfth Bt., N. Y. P. S.—Playsicians and others vi• Ring the city 'are re... specqully liPrited to call. at Lilo inßmiary, where many - „interestieg ease, rail hil'irittiessiiii; and where our • JiellAlL.trus for ilieJahalatioti_of inedicatial_yopor can be suer and Inspected. [Aug:pee-01u. U VtlL,'S . kLV ANIU UI.L - • IIEVARED enG! A . ~ . PROF. H. U. ICU vALL, ,-. , . Formerly of the College prSurgeons," Paris, le now offered to Um public for the Cure of all. bore • Feud PainfuLDisemos;_for.lostauce...Palu.oiSarenesala.,— any purl of the Systuin; itheumatisots, Pain in the Back, • breast' in' Aldus- Itttieti ' BMWs,' • Nouruldia, Bom j a '. ' Sprains, ileadaelo., Cramp lu UM Stomach, or - auYath ":4 - e`' , .. Disease that la 5..14E AND PAINFUL, and it 'ls on i over this clam of Diseased we claim a PEIIFECT. VI If Tony, We say amitttely to our rattan:fa: wo-eatt Ult.' ~ Hove the sugeror DU, times alit of 100. - We Would Just fety,tf, thu public, Prof 'Du Vali araa 26 yearllw bring. lug this medic:toe to the envoriority.lt bus ovek itt oth... . ' *R. - Price kl conic'por beitte. -83 . k -pm ; - cant; ~,tl4- 7 ,- . 7,. the trade,' I, -. „ - ~ , :- • ~- - ~ :. , :,, wry All orders Must Imo addeossed to' . ,-..-., . '. ' J. D. STUN clump:, Solo A'gt for 1 : 7 : 1 3..•: , ." . . ' AuE4'68..,. Lewistown, Ilifilln MuntY, ta, -' . - For ado by S.W. liaverstlek, S. Elliott. R. Itaulfm'an, t ' 11. J. Kieffol, uud at all the country stores , tivaughout ' . the county. . , - • , .. TrH - AB:3iCii%Itrtifg:iI . II4VMOSIITT. 'L 3.. tats '1 Tit MIOMETEIiii 1,11, ','Jmst retelvod the above; all:slies, 'makes mall 11nlelt at It `KIFYNFR'S. tidAl4o/ al reeeivel fresh BURNING Fl NeAteincs, IMint=
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