n Parolb, 1 7 " • 11 1 W(621186%8i'V%" O.II.ILLISL'Et, PA: W.KIWESDAY, AUGUST .27, 1856 .''fie . taroest...titib (Eoeni)esl"l3oplet CUMBERLAND O . OIINT 4r TERMS .1-Two DOLLARS A YEAR ; OR ONE DOL LA# AND FIFTY CENTS. IF PAID ;NADV ANCE. 40-75 ir-Pmft-litimitm-eniK-Y-EAn. THE 'PEOPLE'S CANDIDATES . - ' :FOR P4ESIDENT., JOHN C.:FREMONT., of- 04ifornia: FOR VICp: PRESIDENT, W,N. L. DAYTON, of NewJeriey,;_ UNION STATU . TICKET. . CANAL COMMIBSIONER, tH0,445, - . . Yoi eq .• Aummoß • GENEitAT 4 , DARWIN PHELPS, of A _rmstrong to - ; SpRVEVOR 01*ERAL, "• BAATHOLONEWIAPOATE,.Bradford UNION COUNTY TICKET, __Franklin - llerce - is now -wic,kedly en, • deavori ng to enforce by the. power . of .:... the - sword and.. the bayonet. Bnt the. •'' ...". House of RepregentatiVes - is -. .determined : that the S. Army slialr . not - ' . .1 . .te em ~. -. Associate', Judget..-, _ WM ' 11:MULLEN. „Saadi Middleton.. ployed to enforce these - laws, which are. ,GEORGE 11,11I4_:ES, 'IV, Pennsbo.o. _ . • hisfrirt A ttornty, the ttioSt monstrous= violations ofliberty „,-.--„: • •,. - • • • , . JAMES R.:SMITH, Carlisle. • . - • . • ever known, an.i: exceed any 'which.-have . . . . .Commisitoner. .; . . ever disgraced the: career of even .foreign JOHN ITUMER, Carlisle.' . ‘. - _ ~,,_ despottr........One.,Of..these . Aawa_ KliSqualifies, - . -. Dir.rtor. of, the Poor. - . JOIIN F.II.3IIBURN, jr., Dickinson.• ' : any citizen from acting as a Juror who ( . . .„ • ~ . ,• : County Surveyor.. , • • .. ,is consetentionalyopposed tothe -- holchng :,.., 'WM p,..,5J19C1.),1,0wer Allen.. . - • of slaveS, or :who -- does not admit ,the, - --, ~; • '• Auditor. • ' ---- • --,----ANDREW:I:.:KAU-FFMAN,_Mecitanieshurp . _right. to hold to bold them in the Terri,' coroner. 6 ' . tory., - in any case where that right . comes JAMES NIEMAN. Carlisle. - .... up-for adjudication, either if an injury is dope to or •oonimitted by a slave, of there . ..._. • —.:.:.. is any violation : of any law for the pro- Gen . .' John . .N . . - Purvianee,. of. Butler - tection of slave property, or any . crime cointy, formerly. Auditor General of thfir , nonimitted :g4nst it. Another - requires State,•and a prominent member "of the the taking . of oaths by Territorial "officers last- 4tl. , of : March • Democratic State - to support the provisions of the Nebraska Convention,. has. 'declared himself fol. and Kansas act, being no• More nor • less, Fremont and Freedom"! ' -- than test oaths based "On Mere political We leartOroin the Bucks County In- opinions..knother abolishes the freedom telligence.r 2 that the Hon. Samuel D. of speech and of 'the presS, by making it Ingham, who Was Secretary of the Treas.- a 'felony, punishable withfive years' ink ury. under ___G_enl---jackson, has taken : prisonment, to speak or write against the ground for Fremont - and Free Territory.' right of persons to hold . slaves •in the . ' . IL - N. McAllister, Esq., of Bellefonte,' Territory, or to publish any b0 . 0k, - painpi: - Pa., a promenent Democratic leader, lies let, Magazine, or circular, Or circulate ,or also for Fremont. • introduCe any denial - of - Suah . rig,lit, - or ~ t .....1, : ttiment;,--dootrine,—avice or inuendo calculated .toproduce anytlis- • order, danger or, rebellious disaffection a mong the slaves; Orlndlies them to desert 'their mast*. And this•OgenCa - :•is also declared a felony,,..an4,: . pnaittliiibkr. with five years' infprisonntent:end!hat4 labor. s litele thaa.this i the Wri(af habeas. cor-. ... ~ ~ pns i bas been effectually libel , l4;a ,in the case:of - allnegroei, mulattoes :and . slavew ; .and,barharous•,- inanisiiinents•have • been ctutOte(), to' be pot io-ltircOagainst ' any 'perion sentenced. unmler :thee° ': . laws, or:Onyliiii ,Of ,the ,Territori; . : to :,imprison nicht:, and - hard !abet; deropellii)g_ . them„, toltiznix:ao iron billrand •Yehairi;Ahe for- - mei' of fOer or . six finches in diarneter, j the' r iattei; six feet , :io. length ~ !- And . - where there are ' two or - 'more r ~ such .on- 1 lappy-conrictt thef.O.te • to -- be -- , &Mena: t6gether with strong ,16,bks and ,keys;_ Congresi lion. LEMUEL TODD, of Cumberland - • . • Assembly. • ' Dr. W. W. NEVIN. of Southampton, TROM.AS B. BUXSON, Ilamptlen. STILL THEY CONE! . FREMONT IN PHILADELPIIIA.-A powerful reaction in faVor of Fremont is evidently taking place •in Philadelphia . . An inimense,meeting of the friends .Of Fremcint was Leld in National .Market street, lest Thursday night. 7--- -..l,iless* . Collrnei; oflFeimottt, - Tytinihnll, of Illinois, and .Burlingame 'of Mass.. de= livered speeches and • .-the enthusiasm '• wasunbonnded. The hall Was 'filled to . ' utwost capacity and ...hundreds 'were ... unable to gain an entranee., • The Merchants of Philadelphia . are nl - . . .• so taking an independint stand.. card . is published in. Saturday's North Ameri- L 'can by the extensive silk house of M. 14; Hallowell & Co. in whichreferring to the systeMatin attempts . which have, been . made toinjtifellieirhusinesfr with South: ern Merchants by spreading the report that they arenot sound on the Slaveiy question, they declare 'in emphatic terms that "their goods are for sale 'hut not their principles!' 'ln making this proc, Asmation,they,evinee_a spirit of manly • independence which the,communiiy will not fait to apjitOtge:'• , They have .seta noble example at:4l'4oer their courage ': ous lead we hepe to see_the entire mer cantile interest of Philadelphia take a bold.stand for Freedom, and, wipe out the degrading reproach of being the slaves of - - • 104-Our. Fillmore friends who still stick to the ridiculonS story of 'Fremont being a Roman Catholic', are._affection ately invite - A •to'reiiol9nry Wardßeenit: er's story of 44 ThefiNg 1 o and the Enty Hole!' ' • • • - - or=zi THN-STRUGGLE -AT WASHINGTON. he proviso wliolt the Rouse of Repre sentatives insists on attaching to the Ar my tippiiipriatioti - bill -7 01, Senate and Tresident resist, is as fo'. lows. • .L 6t".ever" -eareltilty—nad EN • "Provided ; lactoeb,er, and his hereby declar ed, that no. part of the military force of the _lhrited_Btatee,_fOr-lbe-support of-which appro.!' • priations,ore made by. this not,. shall . be am'. ployed •in, aid of the enforcement of any enact ment of the body claiming to be the Territorial Legislature of Kansas until such •enactments Ititall have been • affirmed and, approved by Congress';but:this proviso Will not be ,so co n rUtt d--11 s—to r .-p r n t from employing an adequate military force, But it shall be . .bia duty to emplerstrelt - forool• - trr prevent the..invasiob 'of said Territory Vern:r ed bands of non.residents,.or any other body of non-residents, acting . or claiming to act as • a posse.comiNtrie of any 'officer in said Territo• ry in the enforcement of any turch'enaptment, and, to protect the persons arid property there 'in-and-on-the-national_highsv`aysleading. to_ -said-TerritorYarnOtiLunlartfill search l ep L and ' seizures.; ninth shall 'be this - further , duly -- •:tb • take efficient measures to cimpel the return of and withhold:all-arms—of • the--United.. States. distributed in.Or•to said Territory in pui•su. •snace-of_anYliov ..of the - United •stutes ~anthor.izing .izing the distribbtion of 'arms to' the States and. Territories." The - only object of this proviso it will be seen is to suspend the execution of the infamous and-tyriOnicaTl43 pa.,sed •-by the bogy legislature of Kansas; which Still worse : the very enticement of . a slave to escape, or the abduction of any from the Territory, is to be visited with the infliction of the death penalty ! If _ , any.slave, male or — mudfee, commits a Pent larceny,.they are to be punished,. by stripes in the torpor - case, or in the latter , by 'imprisonment or twenty-one lashes, at the'discretien of the-Justice. - These, monstrous laws, illegal, uncon stitutional and barbarmis; have been . o n acTed - - by a bigislaitire erected by Elio . • , border ruffians Of AliSsouti, to 'Orualp out .Freedow in. Klijisas I Shall eikiqress sustain them iinkallow the army to; en force them ? Freemen and, right-think ing citizens everywhere will flay with one voice, No , ttpws Adverieetionie unavoid ably =Wed. , • , t4Arlipl,c,. - ( j . erq,o_.,, . T-EIF3 - IDRY - OW -prim* ro4r. Th.o Buchanan papers .. are • howllng.and.,brayinrin dolefulliumbersK over-whatithey . falsly - terth-the - " - section al,".,",,freasonable" - and ".disunion" ten -denciei-ot.the--Frermint:ria4:;.:•:Sopv of them are:trumpeting - with - a - great - flour , ish that the Republicans carry 11,_ flag .with sixteen instead of - thirty-one. stars, :which - they say, is a-!' significant — sign - 1 -- of tbeiehostility toile Union." And yet the Republicans hold the very' identical principle, and no' otherT'47vhieli L the .Detn: °crate ,pf..Pennaylvania 4 ,,,a,v-oWed. in the T'esoliflOns Ciinvetition, Rttaburg,.. 1849, as folldws . • Resolved,-, That the Democratic party .adheres now, as it,ever.haii 'done; to the Constitution bf the' country. Its letter and spirit, they will neither wealwn.: or destroy, an.d they re-declare that-Slifet•y ts a doinestic .rocal "institution.. of the South,, subject to State legislation alone,. and with which the general - governreent has nothing.- to-do, -Wherever_ the_ State law e.,xterdS its jurisdiction, : the local institution - eati continue. to" exist. . teemingit a violation of- State Rights to carry it beyond State liiiiits, we deny . the power a "a ny citizen. to . extend..!tbe area of bOnd . 6 - gelity - ondits present do minion, For do`ite consider it a . part of the ..:(,Copromises of the _Cuil4 it itt Slazjery should o liged,•e;• • travel'-with ' the advr.lllei»g colyntits of Our' teri , itoriut . proyrezisl . is substantially the .dectrine held by the friends of Fremont. - lt: wns not Disunion doctrine when held by •the chu{►an democracy and. -no sensible man believes that it is Disunion doctrine now. . _ . . . QUMBYAILANI) bil.TNTY..—AVO ' nre glad to .see that, the Democrats of Cumberland county have yenontinitted Messrs. Joitnee Anderson and William Harper for thee State ; Lcgislature___ There were no ,better men on the floor of the last House of Representatives, 311au the-mem , lierkirom Curnborlatiti - They *locl feltlifolly by the interests of their constitnente.)6U7titiW every question . of public concern, their votes wore always recorded tat the right Reading Gazette. • The editor of the Gazette was on the spot and saw. Mr. `Anderson: - sometimes giving his vote for Bank bills and Harper giving his ayaiiist 'similar' bills. But Loth alwaysvoted right, neterthe lased ' Is that what..you mean, friend Getz ? , • ",JUDGE Ruiv..—The Volunteer.. hauls down Judge Riipp's name froM the loco foot) ticket... 'Why was. it put there ? No man . was authorized to, say that he had changed his political. principles, and , if ,our opponents havo been foiled in.their cunning calculations they, - sh - ould•notiris'i it their-denu~eiatien --upon--him - But the Volunteer's . Coarse slurs connotinjttie Xudge Rupp, whose character is neyend the.reach of,such petty *assaults. • , THE EXTRA SESSION. The two Houses of Congress re-assetutled on Thursday last, in_puesuauce of the President's proclamation. 1. The Honig) numbered 179 members, and' the Senate 88. Immediately , after the organization the Presideat sent in a message sent in a message, .setting', forth the , evile,hich.would result from the failure of pongress vote supplies for the army, am ounting, in hie opinion• to -a complete gesso. tieziof all its operations and its practical batidment,,thus inviting the horde of predato rreaiages-frourthe-Viestern-P,lains-atuißocky - Mountains to 'spiced devastation along our est teadedlrontier. After the reading or the mos 'sage, Mr, Campbell„efi Ohio, reported the ar my bill as before peeked, including the provi so whieh pyovides that no part of the appro. 'Priatitui shati be used - to' entOree any enact 'trent of the . Kansas . LegislatUre until such en `actmenta are s approved by COngress,,but may be used to prevent the invasion ,of the Terrri tory by armed bands of non.-residents, &o The House then went lOC committee of the whole and the bill Ras reported back; to the House and passed finally by a vote of-yeas 93, nays 8 5 . oa.Friday, the bill, as it passed.thi was acted upon in the Senate. A motion to strike out the proviso passed by a Vote of 86 to 7, acid the bill thue passed: The bill then went back to the House, • and the qpestitt being on striking , out tbe ptovisortt - etreitiFivas Yeas 94; nays 90.- . 'Hon a subsequent motion to recede from the proviso, the vote. was - the Same: The House also refused to appoint a - committee - of -tonference; -On-Saturoay and --Monday-no further progress was made toward ,settlement of the difficulty. - • • 41.--Itittei. ; fro m 0,Y,...Pe t4yl‘ .vankr, says_that jhat county, ravel hns hop. tofore given , 800 •Democratie canjo . ritYl thie'year, o for Fremont by amajority of 20)0, One-borotigh alone, will.give a majority, of4oo. ,After a tbnreugh canvass, only ievoil tellable Buchanan men can be fotinti in the loUrri.' mie may be taken ae anLilluetration of the fooling of thoWeat. ' 1 Eaton imh' (County 31tatters, AUGUST , CoNaT,;—The August -term of-the -Court_of..Quarter_Sessions_af.this zotin ty commenced on...Motiday last. l Yesterday and n, portion of the,day before were occupied with the trial , of John :141 renvy,- a soldier. from the Barracks, .for murder ,oft. James MeGary, another so, diet., in a street fight, which occurred in Itis',burcingli on the night of-the 81st of May last. A number .of wit nesseewere eismined and there was. a good deal of diversity of testimony as to the par tioular'circumStanoes, though - not to the main fact al' the prisoner causing the death of his cort_,lrade. The. Court charged the jury the:, the testimonyiliainOt - eitiipiikwar - Thefirat degree. , -- The jury-returned 'with a verdiot last evening, sitertly after the, rt.djourqment of the Court,, of murder in the second degree, the penalty for which is impris onmrat; • . • , Yesterday. -morning, on motion of A. 91in40;- - Esq: , --Jblin , --P. Rhoads, ‘_Esq..Wo,s__nd_. mit fed to p - roctice in..the seVernl-Courts of, this County. On motion of J. 8. Colwell, Esq. Jonathon -Wright; Esq'.._ _ftlen__admitted _to practise ,in . the several Courts of SUICIDE-7N PRIsbN.—A man named John Bennet was committed to jail on Wednes day-last. on the charge of attempting to take the life of Mr. Michael Weise. Clerk ,to . the -- . County Commisaioners. It appears that du -ring the absenco• for a few minutes of the Clerk. - eon went,into the officd.in the Court dy , lions ,an 'ding-paper paper •and Pons commen ced writing. Mr. Weise'came in soon after, and remonstrated against a stranger 'taking such liberties. He was, however, aliowed to continue writing, until informed that the hour for closing the office -had arrived. he then got up to leave as required. but iu an_ angry humor, and Mr. Weise followed him- to the door : Just as Bennet was going out he turn ed round and suddynly presented a pistol;, which he snapped directly in Mr. IVeiSo's , face I• Fortunately it was not discharged, Or -Mt. Weise Would inevitably „pave been killed . , Bennet wattat onceloverpowered anti the pis 'tol taken from him, after Which- he viaecim ruined to - - - 3ait - - - • ---_ - . • On Saturdny-morning, Bennet-was found in his cell, dead and, weltering in his blood,~ has. lug shot himself-with a pistol. On ekainins lion it was found that the ball had entereddhis forehead near the lefte; autiing probably ,3 instant death. The oth e r prisoners Stated they had heard the report of a pistol a short time after dolt the evening before. The mel ancholy event, was, however. not known to the 4beriff until the noun! morning "visit was outdo to the prisoners. An inquest was imme diately bold by the Coroner, Mr. Thompson, and a verdict rendered in accordance with the facts. From papers.fuund'on the person of the deceneed it Was ascertained that he was an• .. Englishmsb, about thirty-six years of age,. and that his name-las John , Bennet. Since" his arrival in this country he had been engag ed teaching,schoot. "Among his .pepers was found a Teacher's certificate, signed by John S. Rictaids, of Renifing, and another' signed by Mr. Shelly, Superintendent of Common Schools o(Ctlmherlena county: ,It appeared also, from valor papers, that halted' been in prison -before' A supply of powder and balls was found secreted upon hie person. . Thefol lowing note teemed to hive been written just 4tefore the suioido watleomatitted, and in con nexion with 'otter eirdumstances affords / con olusimevidenoe: that the .unfortunate man with' labdring under mental aberration : ' - .•( Through perjury, freed and the' West. chicanery, .and as I suppose, through my own folly, I have been coattint4of some -Infamous crime. , What it is leatmotlelL r di e s* v i e . tint tie much of unknown frjends-as secret en emies. '' 't ' Joint Bram Err" - --- Aairtems.- - `Foit — Mmo*! - --AtrahAin Miller,- a white man, and a'negrii named Math ew,Willis were arrested on' lid.ciriday,sand, com mitted to our county :oa'stispiolon of be ing the murderers of JolikKiSeel, who lie' remembered was some • vreekti since found 'dead in the yard neat his dwelling lioaso in - East Pennsboro township, hrring bben shot by" some persons unknown. ,Willls was get 'ar rested, swebion having been direoted toward him'froni the fact that he was knOwn,tp be in possession of n considerable . sum.of Upon being searched . a pooket bookwas found upon his person, supposed, to have belonged to Kissel, containing about $l3O. .lle wastaken before Esquire 'Wilber, of that township, \ and. as we are informed, stated upon examlbation that theioney had been given to him by Mil 7 ler, who acknowledged to him 'that be had killed Kiisel and fearing that the money might lead to his Setectien gave it to Willie for , ;safe . keeping... Upon hearing these facts.a - warrant war-iesita for. Miller • wlic- WftB stt 4 o:e afternoon at Kingstown. :Both-were -lodged in the county jail-yesterday, 40r- trial. Another individual, is also suspected of being concern - ad in tho mOrder Who bas heen arreste4.. Miller ie a • man etdouhtful ohltrae, , tef who livo - Ta:the. mountain riot far.. from the farm of Kissel., Mori Bintar.,AßTE' s'l—L.Th'e dwellini house of Mr: - Mar Bensemon, County Treas., tirer, and the Cumberland yane7 jtollynod ;, , i office, were both forcibly entored, on Frid iiiklitvle-by-by-scimOteitheigltt-ifelifOitiff;'-'l7-e'-' Scamp's toil, and labor were not, this time-very richly rewarded, hoWever, , as .be did, tot in 'either place find the "funds" where he, ex.' pected them It seems: singularly enough, that Mr. Senseman's attention was arrested the evening before by the rather unusual con duct` of n — map whom be stint walking up•an,l down before his door. The appearance and conduct of the individual excited his - fluspi.. cionito such. 'ak degree that before going to bed ht) took the precautionto'remove the sum of $3OO which was deposited in a secretary -in his dining mat, and take it with him - to his the ilioneY7 - In tbri: morning he'fellnd that, hie house hau Caen . eim• tired tbrtmgh a passage In the Whir and that the lock of the secretary had been . broken.— The amount .obtained by the thief was but tri- Mpg. ~ A t the rail road office" Mao the funds tdually•on hand - were heyond — tho Yeatil of thikeelfouso keepers shoUld see to. it That their doors and windovra are , carefully bolted and aecured at night. , . ANOTIIER — P.ALLY.'—' knOtlier iminense meeting of the opPonents of Buchanan was held in. the Court House last. evening,' 'labia' was ably and eloquently addressed by Mr. pooner,:of Oldoi in favor of Lfremont for the Presidency. John B.• Coover, Esq., of Allen, presided, assisted by a large nunaer of. Vice Presidents.and Secretaries ; _The! - good - cause goes cheeringly , forward in old Mother Cum , berlsudi AccriiENT. 7 -We regret to learn that a little son of 'Judge Rtipp, of Hampden .town- - ship, was very seriously injured a feiv days since. lie was riding on—the--farm vi.gon" . , from which he was_thrown . in passing over . some rough ground : and fell under.the wheels. • Although, terribly crushed and injured MS was still living at last accounts. The satkaccident •prevents the attendance of the Judge at court this week. - ' - . . _ BULLARDS,PANORAIIA.—This did immoral:no-a fiefs YOrk - City - ig qaw trod will remain on Exhibition every evening this week, - in Education Hall; It is said. to be an admirable work of art, presenting .to the spectator -IC eotaiilefe view of the city, its streets; public_edificea,_togethcr With 'views of two thousand carriages -and twenty thousand. iterating. This afternoon and-Friday • noon there will be exhibitions for the chi! REPUBLICAN DIEETINO.—On •Satur. day last, Lieut. Gov. Ford; of Ohio addressee a large assembly of persona' in this place on Wet principles of the RepubliCan party. His speech was listened to with marked at),entioit by all present, and.helpedmany ,1,11,0 were a o • t on . the fence" to decide in favor of Freibut 411 'Dayton. A. K. M'Clure,'Esc4.of Oepbers burg, alscr.addressed the meeting•—kWer , , 'bury News. • " - ..• , • • l i tiE SCIENTIFIC AMERI F! ' 41CW volume - of this useful and adniir. 7 .ly coquothd' weekly will commence on the tiieprifinko, and we commend it to the atm .n, of eve).y.s, mechanic, itiveutor,,engineer,'farmer;. man of ticience, tied to every professitM. illustra. tions of valuahle inventions alyl descriptions ' of patented discoverlei covers the entire field Of ingenuity, both at_ home and' abroad. '1 editorials are the result of e*tended 'eft. rialtos, and embody. the ,nsost Fed gestiOna in the simplest , eimplest manner. liabere - are Blears. MONN & CO., of 12,13 Fdtton street, Naw York, and the sUbieription on two dollars a year. • A MR - . -- 6131.10JANAN --- ON - iips - TRAVELS. -- -kr. Buohaniiiatopped onlrhie return from the Bedford Sprlnge, on'Saturday list, at the Danbling,GTSpriogs in this couidy;., • where • he remained nntit - lilondity, *hen be took thi evening traip for• Lancaster. •'A l coneigerable . crowd, comp:teed of citiMitia Mut mrangera in 1 43 attendance at Court, assembled at t depot here 'and were grati fi ed , With a sigh t d a shake of the hand IS hi pained through/Hie appearance did not excite_ any Ilh illigretof enthusiasni. ' 4 ' -- - ' YOUIC anrwrs.' Pk-4bl: :de:neonate of , this vetinty bale naminatioas: • Fnr Aas;:oitite Judge --Adam Ebaukh. • As ,James Ramsey; Samuel , i'roseouting kieihey, W. C. ClMpiairOf• e . • atiarrfallt,g, .; On Wednesday, 20th het, by the Rec.W., Belts, Capt. W. L. Erd.ritgr, A:.8.. ,Artey;;„ to . Ir.kiinra : EinioLs, daughter of 'the butt' Ntsjor George Blaney,-Curtis of-Engineers - ,-17. _ . . Deaths: • On the 2Sth of Jttly last Ur. PATRICK MN's, an old and respectable citizen of Newton town, ship, In the ?90th year of
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers