• W. A ~~~: 132 z. 2oPiis DtAnt AND`giulaAxx: . . The New ii orli, iVomcn't I'o4e - ranee /Wei O. :iiiiiiiiea little monthly, edited by Idia. Mail, q.'"Vatightaui,gives.the folloWing statement by Dr. Snedgratis; formerly Of Baltitnore=where r.. Poe entered the spirit-world., :;:',"°4tioflnlismiliv etb l o YOMP ortqta m it4 J;ireasked_a_note, stating t a '''n mau answer ing to the.' name Of Edgar en.. ." -- r a n, w l io. teldinied; to know me; was at in ing hOnse 11b v_ in Lombard 'street,. WOMom. aka eipCof deep intoticatiou ititti.giltflestitution. I re- paired immeliat'ely. ta -titt c f, tPOt: Ai. , was .on elaCtion day. ,When I entervi the bar4pem, . , of the:house, I instantly , reeogn4ed the face .. c ,n e iiiiilap I had . often - seen and knew tlioughit N 4 0113' an aspect of vacant stupidity which ciriade .me shudder..' The intellectual . Mph, of his .e ye liad rtniihid, oir inthar. been • TionehO but the broad, capa cious 'forehead of the aUtliorof;''' Yhe• f liaven,' ae , nave ; ; appropriately. dehigneted')kiin; °we's still there; with a width in the regl'on; of ideality, - suhtt'ea' few men have , ever possessed. Bui Perhaps" . Would not have so •rendily'ree 40w:fixed:him had I.,,nokbeen notified et his al: urel. ,llis hat; Qr 'rattier ,the 'hit of eomo body,else, forhe had ,evidently been 'robbed of his clothing, or cheated in an , excharige— was a cheap * palm leaf one,' without;„a band wig soiled ; .his . _ emit, of Commonest alpaca, and 'evidently second hand,' - and his pants .... 'of grey-mixed cassimere, dingy and badly`fit ; lie wore neither vest nor. nealtc,lothi ,if remember aright,' while his rfiliit was sadly • oruraplcd and selletl. Hewes se utterly etu, • pefied with liquor , that I thought it _best not to seek recognition - or conversation, especially -- afrbe - was:surrounded:by w d of-drinking meh,-adtuated _by - . Idle curiosity ,rather than sympathy. I.lminediately..ordered a rot 071 for_ • /4.111,*,4*-40_(;epuld.---be comfor, ere .were Bev `erellililaitimerti. Just at at'Moment, nue o'o.Wizi of the poisons refer ed-toi getting In -ICs:Mittion.ottheOt!c„crrived at the _spot.- They declined to take private care as, signing 4a:reason, that he had been very 'abusive and unotefut on—former-cccasions, when ilrut!lF; ttn'd advised , thatit t o,be sent to a hiipital. He was accordingly placed in a cocoh and conveyed to-the Washington College Hospital, and placed under ,the ogre of the ' coMpitentaind aentive re dent physicians _ortbat institutitint-liase sible was he that we had to carry Mtn to the rriage, as if a corpse, The :muscles of artionlatitm 'seemed parairced'O.epeeehleesnese, and mere incithe: rehi'thitteringii We're all"thnt iverC'brea'rd. He died at, the hospital, after sonfekthree or four days, during which time "he enjoYeAly occasional and fitful someone of consciousness. Hie Oiscatte; as will'have,,been anticipated, was' mania polu—a . disease Whose finale is . 'alWiya fearful in its Maniacal manifestations. In one Of,his more lucid momenta, when ask ed by. his physician 'whether lie would like , to see his friends, he exclaimed : Friend ! my, beat 'friend 'ir'ould be heivhb would take a pie ce tol;ttna , blow:Mit -my. brains r and-thus-relieve. — t ae - 404. -- These - were - tunong - his - last words." , I', l • • So much for the manner of the death , of Ed r ,gar A.‘Pee. It has not been called forth by anything:in your'! Woliten*Temptrance per," but in other papers . thaf that - priblished ° a iteteMeni hinting that he had -died by his, own band: . • , • . ._ , ,'Now, for .the manner of his burial :. ',, 4. The , remains of the 'author of ' The Ra ten' do not . I ,liermouldering in a corner of the Potter's 'Field'ikt 13altimore:' , The truth, as I remarkeo, 'le liad - ‘enougb, and discieditable ___enongh, , to his relatives, not • to say, the . 'city 'where hiWtiiii: 7 'l4 - was, inorred - itizatt - pld - Rresbyterien burying ground in areemitreet, which his,not been used. On a portion of tt a, ehuiOli - 4 einoe ‘ beeq' erected, but not over hie,gritytl4 Pi:tbeienteval,erthe - dend; which telienoner or , later take place, it in quite ' prithaisle 'Oar tballentrer , fder — Pifirillr 14' collected among . tbe-retMillis - o;:fins , ,,friendlose .. and un4 ol 44 a nd.'' V*ll , . 0 l', `, ,i* , ~,, ..,?..v ,d , , _,, . ii i ii i , co tion, f0r,,,, • ,*01 '.l.,;ti:lt'f . - esiiipllriierilitic . , , ,fiOds I r) were plO ),*f_ is:: 000 4 in lieu atones. ''' nit ivorse 'Allis, and ore diecredit l - .. : relatek ere irert,t a . I ke pla4ifik r, • coffin:Me mina/ __ ecTi l W_ ti ' :,, t ,:Tk,#l,„i't#- , Till t,,t l F 4 rohil' . ..,.•,:.:,*_:.. , tCkrbis igur "itiosor7rinf r;:eqp:4149?11!0: tc(iiit.rilAiio,ka, , Mr Imiiesslon ofit' , lukc, lie: v er heeoreinsedtte My uiti i iietyi' `", , Veiti now eil 11%40 1 . iioo4bikreo 4l Atere 1 tieelli 't o, !/!eltr rii:e„qti# t:toi! .l !Oit AtAhl tl!:;iii110,#00 1 1i "4 , 0!.- ' . fir, ill o.tiit ' e,,i*Atublt! r .. d P ri roill'' Ali, t#plaiuilk= diliiciemiii 4 , t:i.161, oimipin't 1 lt lilllfiC;litiVii#( „,..,,beon equally so to tha twO relativie,:,tifif;iii . sir i tt di.,,,,toolit,t. Ve4laiii 4 itio I eittdating , s , etli(riyqi4i,,'*4i was hiniselia :10 1 4 35 ;f , ,, tte • deceased , and who, with the d e Ftak e i., no • tvio'4l-40illo(Ftd myself mo4e.-44p. ttle - len,, tire.funeral cortege." . . shoOilng affair-=an elearlo nischipei: week - Were oolisiguedreatito _p ace, ntrollyard of, -.llefifilq, - IEFH . , faortal:renfams_ofcvi of 1:419A‘ -Oben trio i'eraana,tilat ever lived, a plan_„w' sroluMarily • j ~'. ': t: - tO•ked.- In „goo - d lutalth, ; end rensUrnet, .there far...A:period' of 119' year. r. ';lle Vent"hY thetdognemoh - of-"fi•Old Three°laps . ' in tile neigithet4tooili; hui his req 1 name was WiMani .§hary,:tuid ife'lived at a plitce celled, Worlds,. riot very larfrom,Braithwaite, in the; parish' I : Of teighley: wai.the son of tiisniall Jar- , -and - fiiinitatiVistly - Th - ge -- Jutiree - shevited' much inclination Act" sttidy work,'""When 80; -years-of ago-he toek te-his-bpa-antl_the_rom. which he never.left till' parried thence on -the d_a)' of hittfuneral: th -ordinary phuductr.,,m , „ . ; , difficult. to L wittx , anydekree of certainty, but the princi. .pal-reasou .ettetrut. to. be . _.a 'mate ato'nist disap •pointtnent. The ,"wedding“day ” was fixed,— This shigular character, then ,a .young,:- and doubtless, ardent lover, accompanied. friend, !vended his way dtrwn to' the Juirish chdrdli,' tint' there'patieritly awaited the arri-, ,val . of the bride elect. "But "the bride never came. Theaather of the dueled sternly and steadilyrefused his consent. This. combined,, it may have been, ;with other grev'unoes, im aginary or real, preyed heavily upon -a mired dertiiiriltnat endowed-with-move:than-average intelleet, and bearing unmistakeable traces-ef. hereditary ldfigularlty ; and the re et-was that - the young many consigned • himstlf to a small room, measuring- . about 'taut_ feet in every direction, -with' the ,determination of spending the remnind r er of his existence be tween the idankets, which resolution ho kept inosfunflinchingly. ..At the time-of his death his window hairnever 'berm opened . for •88 years.- -During:the whale period. of this self imposed confinement - he never had any . .serious illifess,--tho only , case , of . inclisimsitlon_ these connected with- him:. can remember being a slight loos of appetite, caused" apparently by indigestion, for two pr ,threo - Anys. r- . tainly, physically at least, 'did • credit - to his .fciOd; fnt,.thiftigh arrived - at - the long of 79„his-flash was firm, fair and.lunwrinkled, `save With-fat, and. the estimate' of- his weight was 240 lbs., or thefe - aboutS. 'Aa'a Matt& of . - course, the curious came far aril wide to see this eccentric being,, and Wh ., enevei a stranger . was ushered into his s den be'iMmediatebr bur led his head in the bedelothcs. About a Week before his death hie appetite- began -to fail, , his liMbs became patitially.benumbed, so that he could not take his food in his' ucouittoitted manner. From this attack ho seemed •to and not until the evening before his death were any apprehensions entertained that the attack would 'Prove ultimately 'fittal:Man chester..dazeta. • ThE *Alf GreeteY , thus writes to the Tribune : I have been told that a man4ho flack art in disputable claim' on the Government for four or five_ thousand dollars, danced attendance at the Capitol _for two 'or three seislons to no purpose.- At length an old member who knew the ropes, struck,-,by his pertinacity, called him aside, and gave him the benefit of some yolUnteercounsel.,. 7 ".l4 Mend," said le, "1 Washlimtan. Just WithdraWyour papers ands increase your °Wm to twenty or thirty 'thou sand'to this ene r and-,,two .:thousand' - to that, and so on threugh a 31st ofliitlf a .dozen ;'who can help you i .andlit course on the contingency, of-yonr gaining yotir ctpim. - If you should_be cutciawn a little, you can afford' it.'' The claimant thankfully took the . advice, acted on It, .and time carried home due and a:little more, ' "llaxan Tirtrrn"--Irs Ottiol truth 'swl Falsehood, travelling otter day, , Aver, anti both went to bathe at the same place. Falsehood first out Oribe water, - took: his oompatiiori a oletbes, and left his own 'vile raiment:4n en went on . his way. Truth coming On of the 'Water; sought in rain for ttia.ewir est), disdaining to wear the garb - of Fel' hood. ,Irutb started, all naked in pursuit of the thief, but not-being eolkiA 00,9Ptc 4,41 ..4evCr 4 Vert l 4 o3 4i the' ver since he. .has: been itnovitt se ~Npkbd, cµ of alit. iierespendeate finer 1311 W eiplibeilea of the ;ortgiu' of itietooranion teroi at the bead of this' °sea that which le:glean in theabove extract? 6 4'ff ir 9 144 ' • t ; GOD BR , t--,lvie,saent)Oned e. AO•ipi.00:401040 alversarlei 11,1 Nt7. kat .wil#, - :',o3;er. one ihousand Lao unieriait ivreto4,oB l • ruil.ll9l,ls!'9r thi'righ'olOotb;inst they :reflect rho olosed`band and cauntiOli 'diti;Sitor:isipoorleyp;a: 6 ;init bllle't "-;4!.;,' 7'; * ; 10' ireity.!, said dandy to aui • ntolligen I gotlahldos it; my: head : '4 W 01 , 4! reidid'' the . ' otbot t !if you ;' don' oberioh it with great rare; it will die' for *ant of odinianVonikl • . „, . •,'l. . - ; ' .. . t , le ~ '0 . . • ~.!-,:,..,,,,, ..? •-, t. r ~ , ,,,.I;.+k ,..v.. : . tV. .. - . u 5.1.1 i. • * ^Y. , ,r , ,I. '-,'l' O ILL T r 4i/f . • • ,' ': : '-:. ' MEE . . . --- • t i t t litt :• • o.lt&tli, Of Ilan-- • - obor and Lo . ttilter tits. CA . • IrEl.Bl,l , ..—Tlkov.ndorslgn-. ttiti.hstikAtock...of_ruptirlor. Otbtnet_ IVltYo,fti till p o whicii-lio Is prepired. toz. 'Hell Kt tliti.lovrestivrloolV4o:4 l a l / 4 10 0 attontloti-part.lcu to ,thii 4PATIIIft ,sriarld,B 4 OTTOAL , ' BkrisTsiD,4 most: uso bOttoni;ettti'lleitttOs l l 6 4.*pldllledittiods. ig,lvon entire tititi,stactlotq'o;6l4.)ytiO - -, 1 . 0 ,14.0011417r11.11t.: • 13 O.I3ERT 13. MAKI:it and UNDRktil“ I' — Nottii - lraireviir's trent, - nexOdoor Ulass'S , , • w • • Ile eak' 'respectfully Inform the citizens of Carlisle and the publie gerirally," thnt he naer on MI - id'al:lry and rolegantlissortment of FUR 'NFlVitill,conslatinglri part or Wardrolas4tiird and oth er Tables, Sons, ' Bureaus, Ridsteads plain and, fancy Sewing tands; &L.., manufactured of, the, best Material and quality wprranted. Also a general - assortment/of CHAIRS .at thekowest prices. Vesirmsr made to order, and repairing promptly; attended to. - - rite - COFFINS made_ at.the, shorte_st notice ; andlar lug a splendid hearse he, will attend funerals in town or ,euntry. 44,1"' Remember the stand--next dper, to Clinss's Hotel. ' , " R. B. 83IILEY MOM scertain • 17.XT$NSIVE FIJRNI.jUIt ROOM 12, - -JANIE.% R. WEAVER :would rosoecfeully- eall • the attention : of llouse-keeperaand the nubile tithisextensivo stock of elogint FURNITURE, linel intim; Sofas, Wardrobes, Centro and 'Fables, pressing and, Blain Bureaus, and every other article in , liis braneh•:a blislness- Also now on hand • iho lurkiest assortment df CRAMS in Carlisle, at tho•lowest prices. • AOFFINS made at the short est notice and a Maria) provided-for funemls._lle solicits a gall at Lis isstablisbnient,ou North II , • _ • , Arty-Furniture hired out by the month or year.. • ,*. OARLIStIi FOUNDRY ". 114141 ' • 7.: AND 314.C111NE Stipp, rho subscriber has the satisfaction of in ntirifaugE ibruiltig his old' friends and patrons that establishment is again in active spur; u, nee buildings having been eructed !lined the late aids. Irons Are and the whole establishannyt put In coin piste working order.. Orders am Disrupts respectfully solicited(for work lu his line, whiChAvill be,dtme with promptness and in the besf mnuuer STEANI ENOINES nuira TO ODDER: and repaired.* All liinds Of Mitchlitory_ in 'Paper Mills, tirlst -Factories' repairud—at-shor- r uutieti.-Mlll-- Spindles dressed and turned. - • ft! • PUIVI-1103 aud 41'uitEsitiNa MACHINES Suchtati Ilevll.Uean Four llbrso Power, llorhotttal Guar Four Horse and Twitllorscakiwurs, Ploughs, Corn .Shol lurs and Crushers,*c.,-Pattiiiiis made to order. 'lroffitild. lass CASTIMIS iixecuted to order, If nut on hand:at the sltortest notice, such as Cr:ulks and 31111 Ue;+rLtg, Spur./Intl jtoyll ... fur Saw Mills, Plow • Castlngs.(ut tors, PoinfSh W ears, agn, o As, ;F,ploilles. C W liar .heels, Car ettairs, Se. Hu has also on-liand a large supply of Plilladolphla and Troy COOK. ES. and is constantly making Cooking Stoves of various linpriired patttiruS for coal o r wood, ton plat« Stor6s,Airates. kc. Itopalrlng done to. all kinds of 'Ma chlnery.• All kinds of old Iron, Brass and COppurdak. !6 n oxclutozo fur work. : insyA_.. - - - - - FRANKLIN GAIIIINEIt. v l .1)111,-ES11 1 , tVINGISUGAIt.,- , ,A.ge!icrul_ -A. assiPe unt of Crushed, Sifted rind l'itiveristal Suors of egt quality, as also Soft Crutdied,.Claritied and other qualities eoustantly on hand,;-suitable for preserving and all other purposes—generally. at Out Paters. - . .. • . Also a _constant _supply of the choicest Coffees, Teas, Spices and otlit4 articles In rarluty•aletlys on inind: attention Is invited to fitir stock before buying elsewhere. Carlisle. July 25,'5k. J. W. EBY. `ti PAIN'S ATMOSPHERIC CHURNS ki—A full supply of the above relebtated Churn, now on hand of all the dilferunt sizes, froth 4 gallons to 80, It received the brat premium at the late Pennsylvania Slate Fair, the brat promium at the Franklin 1041tule and Delaware. and Maryland - State Fairs, nud verbant others' at different places. It will make More and better butter than it given autoalts4.,' and In less time thin any churn in the - market. Vor sApeealla.,le wholesale and natal' by - rASDIIALL MlIl3ltIS k CO., • Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner of 7th and Market, Philadelphia. . Dec. 11, 1854—ti ~ 'QADDLE AND HARNESS . MAK .kjiria. .Thd subscriber continues to carryon the above business, in all itirTarlous brandies, In North lied. over street, Carlisle.two doors North of Leonard's corner Where he intends keeping on hand a general assortment In hisillnereonsistlng of all• kinds of . faxhlonable SAD - , DLBS, Bridles,' 3lartingales, - airths, CI rein glus and I lal terSialso T HUN li S, ' • ; ,., 1 _,„,,‘ ~, traveling and saddle . 1 2 ,.,-ii ii ~, : .., ‘,;' bags. Ile also man- , i.,..,;- 1 -,- , . lii L AIL ' nfactures the most tr t i j tei Ili, , ~1,11 approved SPANISH.. ' , 1 lit, \ j'l 1 ~,' 81. - ItitirO - BAIiKES flikirliged hi this ----. 1 C'e ly , rountmart - tlroso -- wishing - a - irand- - i 1111 ' some, durable and pleasant saddle •—.— ..... ' 'will do well to call and sea them, Ho . ~ A . also manufactures Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips in all their Tarte , ' ties, and confidently bellivis froth the general approba tion of his customers, that ho makes the neatest send Bost gears,in all their :sarlety;_of bredth,that Is made In 'the - country. lie: alio makes all- kinds of ldatrasses to ordar, , vlz: Straw, husk, Curled Hair and Spring Mat rassos. 'All the above'articles will, be made of the boot unicorn' and workmanship, and with the utmost des patch.. . WIN,I.OSBOB,N. KIENNSYLVANIA:„LIOUSW—Pub. ~- lie Entertainment.lio subscriber yogic/finny 1 1 0 ..A nus,the Whims of Carlisle and the public general , ly, that he intends -opening P.- public house_ of 'enter-. • talument.on. the ISt - Pf April, lathe- bdilding -now op: Cupleti by Mr. Woods as a store on. the Corner. of tisietti-- Hanover and bouther streets, in the beroughof Carlisle. , ire will be ready at tkli times, to accommodate all who ; may favor him with their custom,.and no pains will be ijiiiiiidlO:malicaltfeeionprolyatheme. -- I,l l s table will' at all times be supplied vtith the best the. market -can afford. ills stable With a geed and attentive hoStier;.,, , and Oirertbing to.intike man and beast both coinfortable 1 i iiiii,be provided: , Boarders. will be taken by. the week' roonth,:or year,At•reanotiatiltilitic - lie .hones by striSt .. attention to. hus lness and is desire to please to receive' a share of public 'patronage. , 1 . , ' , .. - ' , i • ' , ' ''' '' ' I'AII(I,IIE,NIiAUff 11. • :-.,i3tribtityifferXh, 5, 15851 , 4in0. •, . - • - -,• • • •'• • .. 1-O IL E . .; re: If A .1%1 ,E :C . S.l-'-' ~ r ..' ' 2 .4. , • I .• , f . .. : .'. ; t- ,, 1t, MARTIN . 12- 80.24' p re . • spectfitil* ahnounetoo . the publte goner 4t n `li ..• that :they inured. opening' an . • extensive tutu ':, . I ' . and i n N ow eumbehland,' this Spring . whtier theriti 4 ' tend to ' Pall kinds andquilities 'of 'ffiVer 'liiimbig 'lOl al that t heythave on hand now about line lOW - 'dyed thoniand feet of dirboaribi and'plankit, (Pine ant. liemksok)ef 'different qualities. ',whit& Aar , •!41)30• O• thellublle .01i reas*ablp term ' .:• ,', ' •• '.' ." •'," •:' •`" .I.ffati ff0,183(W.31u.r fi .ri: , ::•• , :,z , ? : ,•,• •., :• .o ~,;i, !TM ' ARM,: ERO., L OOK" It * . , •„: ~i • , .. -, ----% tttio#NardAelanditj'::ii.l4-14.4 .nola l ll u g' bg thillti ll irit6 have on au e rem ilin ,*4lll,H l ‘ ' 1 ?!% ;' uukaullictokriol i mt4iii Ittiehlatts yank tO. 4.1R1'.,, font Bltkor;* 11 a f , gewilly ymptipik • ; ._ . } :;t4 : l di bistiirttgleii . a 1 . use. Alt iy4 l o ,W , tillinf; Om* Stu:Ohio „ rid' f 4 tNT. ',, • '... ~:, . - i-i ' Wad tal):3":ieWsltig ;Of' t . . . 4N, ~ . lal6( bitoia4per .in.14;94, viol ? ....b.,.. . ; . 1,41 1N6411 4 4 11"4".5444 —T":21,—:..,:' '' '' : l : II rdiOar,,,ti*, ,:# ( 4. 2 o i Pt 4 N: ' '411:040,;:iA • itlltes . ... . . „. ~ A.., , ,,, , ,,,,,,,,,Em5:_,. _....,,,:50u...„. ...4 etciud•*i yieWil Wlttithbi e "'"';'• °. Q u 'r cu m; , O.liidllttiii_liffil Amin , lieleiLeareolit everiNostrilin before the pirate without cutler, wikeill to you try , MOWN AptiPyttpeptle!!-and you willowy be conitactid. of Ite4rout h eupoclOrlti t OW orerY other . , , partition.. 'We could. pre you maw tertlficatee prob. o ting.eur rosertioni, but a Ought, Arirtlie worth more• than all. Thla remedy es prepared and sold at the Prim sore of 11, .1. WEIPNBR, flkuth Hanover street a . for' doors south of,the Ccurt Mese, Carllele.: • - - "e-•fprattr ~, ~ mYa,= ~x,kl•:!>y+~~~k r>9➢Sd3~f,YM,~.u'4~~•. :h::;-{Y%:'1'kMYt{•.~•.t er.: a;ti"4'li;~ /.till :V, -PLOrgeo';‘.4lno :\V1)013,51i . MMEM I',: • ---- WWII) j;.- .' ...;---, l Eref..:-- , .. -•,-.- FAiiCrir JEWilbitY._&c.:''" .11 . - „ , ..-...,..........t"--r- '-''',..- . 4 - hirvortWlitirifinlfiiiiiiiWAll int t 1 - my uld-Stand'un ntain,Streot, bppositeMiirlon-.11411, nal entiretittOW. - aikiblogiMtetticki& -- "% 4 L'' - ' - ._ . , •• - WATCIIAS, JklW_ELitY; li , th*DA LION'S,. &c,:,, ! • i Gold Lever , Writches, hurititipthd oneW.ctisii;.Siliej:*do.7 k . Sii , Ver LOpiTIO dud Quartor,ll atclies,,lflarge . variety. ' 1 Gold Auchort for Ladled and Gentlenten, .. ~ •. :- Medallions, a splendid assort:mint for.ledie.s and genti. ' i • Breast Pin; rif every' pattern; and ell nrlces, .' tlidd Chains foilast and fob, gold curhchnins, , • ' ) Finger liings, Cuilliins Studs,Sleeve;B . uttons. ~ ' - Crosses. Drop and Ilooilkar-lngs, Wittig° Torbay. ...•' ' , , Silyeir and Plated-Forks, . Table and 'tea Spoons, Ilettei, • Knives, &c. of various styleti and prices, , • ' i iloilLaud_ElLY_erihinibleo., ' ' - __ _ 1 Clop; Silver arid Common Spcct ides, a largo assortment . , ',. •to suit all : ges; and to which wo ; invite particular " • • attention. . .. price, fottiiimanales, a 'pp:assortment at evory' .Gold Potts, of the hesttiritreitt ,-- iiiiiinftfprices, 'Fancy Bozeir, - Pott FollosiAoCordomia,-Spocincle eases,-. - Ladles Card Casek, silver and pearl, at various Prices, -- .- , Bracelets. gold and coalmen; Watch Chains ditto. ' • .. : : Also a large variety. of articles in the Jeeivelfy line, - ' i tek-ef. , which I Will at the lowest 'prices: All - aft war- ranted to'bo what they are sold for.. .- ' ... ' ty.n.;.Particular attentioninid to the IIEPAIBIN Olt • ,WATCIIES Andull - work - warrrinted. --- Returning thanks: - . `to my old friends and customers for former patronage, I respectfully solicit a tontinuerfee of their furors.' ' jnne2o ••-. • • . , - THOMAS CONLYZI. ' ALL . I) . YLE 01 1.. 11 ATS-t CAPS..• 1 .. WM. 11. TROUT, desires to Intone his old friends' I t mt he has removed to his' nsw establishment on' nigh street, near the Railroad Depot, apd is • now opening a i large and elegant assortment of the FALL STY id: • OF HATS, just received from Philndelplshf,.which the gontlemen.of .Carligle are requested to Reiland examine. Ile line also a large - assortment of Silk, Fur - and Slonell flats oe his own manufacture, got.up in the . best style aud•nt Various pikes, the excellence and 'finish .o) which.he will warrant. llls stock he hi contident on-• ' ly needs to be exanalned to- he approved. :Alsh, a.largo- ' supply'Srlilelff. - -Ifeti3Olit/druteirt7APSir.ofctlutix. , and Fur, and of every.sarlety . of,style and price Jpst re- • calved from Philadelphia. Let all who want a ILO or Cep give him a call. ns they may •be sure of being suit ed to their own satisfaction. • • ~ , - , ,;?:. • A-PE'N 'F°R. THE . MILLION . • 4•11 USti r occlrSi+gmp Fall' • P., AL.., • C IiON Stock (if • PAPER HANGINGS, • •, I u ft, 41 6 —, which surpass In style/rot:Illy, • and pried any- that hiive 'ever been-exhibeted In Carlisle. I respeetfullr Solicit a call Crum persons In want or Paper Hangings of any descrip tion, as I am confident by misortment far :impasses-any' in the Borough; and In style mid prices his but few ri -rale in•the-city; I-only-ask or the public to eantind amino-my assert:mint' betbro ,purchnsing. as lam Conti- . dent my . chaste designs cannot fail toplease the most !IN ty NE., • West sidgof North Hanover Street, • • - MEN GROCERY' . ..1%.1r.41,a 11 AND-YAMS:TY 4Tont. r . Thu gumwriiv-wourd-rwipectfuns inform his friends and Um public generally, that.he has just returned front the city with a -large and variell assortment of - OROCERIES;(LASS and QUEENS-WARE. 'NW" which ho offers for4atio on the t ...% 1141 ; 4 ,0 ). - most 4 ronaonable terms. - at' his Now Store, corner of No - rtli Ifpnove,r street and the Dui. 4 •• Ite Square: directly opposite the Carlielif 1)e.: posit Rank. Ails stock _mimeses bYerything usually' In a tlyocery and Variety store,- - The puldie hto !hefted Wcall and examine, his stock_ . befompurcbaslngelsow horo,-qs-ho fenisconfulent cau._ sell the best.goodeat the lowest prices. . - D. TIALBERT. "e4s.=.. bAVIS . . 4 Co, 2713 Mnricit Street, ._ • Vbilndelphia, MIENFS FOlt JACOB RJEDIIM„CABLIBIt. and Philadelphia. ears leave both places East and Went, twice every Week. Tuesdays and Fridays. MI business entrusted to Bingham. Davis A Co., will be attended to with ppomptness. whether In sales, produce or freight. ^A.M. BA RN ITZ, North street, Baltimove, has also entered into this arrangement. and Wilt attend prompt ly to all business entrusted tohlin. _: -- f-r t r o -ire --..-.% ripEAs, COFFEE- 7 -; E--.. 1 lES , J. The subsCriber his just added tirhis formereteek a general selection of 'CIIOICE GROCERIES, as'well'ae all the other variety Of articles' usually kept in a Grocery Store, eniteiteing Rio 1 WF :fee—roasted and green—at 1'234 and 13 cents ..'"? . I per lb., Orleans, Clarified, Crushed and Pulverised p ,ro Sugars, of fine quallties•, Chocolates, Spices. Dairy Salt , 4 and a variety of FanCy articles. all of which are o. feria at the lowest cash prices: NV ernt !thankful for the former support given us. and In't he n further call (An . our Mends and 'customers: • ' J. IT. LEY. . . Marion Ball, Carlisle. . • v •:. . . CITINA - , GLASS' --- .ATNIF - CIURENS -- WARE—OId bousekeepeas and' young, 11 itli thos also who aro expecting to beconie housekeepers. are blv it • ed to call at HALBERT'S FAMILY GROCEBY and ea amino Ills elegant asssrtraent of Chin 11,01 ass and Queens- , -warartud.otherartkles...in...the .housekeoping line -such— Mcirettell_and_EnglishAralrete,heavy...bandedrindidatn, White Granite. gilded and blue plain; Dinner sets of ev ery variety and price, bowls and pitchers, tureens: dish es, &c. Glass-ware—contra table and mantel lamps,. Candolabine and other lataps;grout varity, table and bar tumblers, goblets, &c. Fruit and preserve dishes, in lat. rit,ty., Cetiar-woro•-•tubs, buckets; churns, boirls. - butter prints and ladles, meal buckets, &c. --Brushos-sweeping;- - White w . , rubbing; hand and shoe brushes. Atikters. brooms, & c. . irket; clotlieiraird traveiling-basitetS. al AlsorOrhol ,assertineut of ,Tobacoo and Eecars. Cull he who-are fond of choke brands of E. egars and try, tbi,' Principes, llnfant, Stellanohie and otber Gillet var I cties,.; and you will find them of unimpeachnlio q uailt Abs nor, 'Spanish and Corer:44. Regare..wltb elude* siefand tobacco. • . • - 9AS G AND PLUMB- T : TT7 , Undersigned would infordi the— el so ns of Carlisle that be has made arrange -Monts to otIASPITTIN4 and PLUISIIIINO at sbont me • Me, and on reasonable lams. He has engaged the so vices of a first rate handfrom Philadelphia, and Inman!. Plied hltnself with: eztanSive assortment of Willetietlabini all - ordemprornptly. — - All' work Will bo warrented, Ws stock of.Clas. Platitres • Will be !hued in the recap , exactly opposite-his Tinning estaillislunceit on NsothHanorer street, where he invites SPOUT/NG,. &c.—lle 1e : also. pre_ pared to • furnish; er-make to order, every article of TIN 'MAIM used by housekeepers and °therm' Ho will also attend fb SPOIJI4N% -14,0HSE e ltOoY1NO, , • MILL 111‘..NOINO,; tind PLIEHHINO.' • , • ; Thaultful r,, E the patronage with:which be lutsalready.: be* faeored i Cho respectfully., solicits 'a 'continuance , of: the Sat* - , • - • • H --%I4ONROE MORRIE: . 'C , gap 110 C . • :: • '•' .OENUINE . -.IIONEY sofir.-,P9n,w40. • til*Vk Oharaleell Oliver !limp; A. run .vvipiily of times, t t 0 xtellent &at Pest roceitevi, ,end AV! sk Jrsl IIOOKY/M 4 d l ot• 0 4 1 c l i 4 0 1 1 P/11 J.I - • ) lkl. 'R(WADIS lakPrionsei'S*D'- • ••,.. . .r ; 1 4$ 0*,•nd•oinamenta ~,..---- ,-, ~ , ~, .4„ pArTWAND PAPERWANIIIIIIO I". ~f v ia a m` •A ma oho .to South . llartoVer fireet; , irpiscota %, tii - o,l3epalrellyterian Churebp- licalitenee Hi lhati4,l l, - ,ftrea*,a ti , rtr,,`,Aftiance , below , Ifantirdw- , 111/0 a tta n d pt,1 1 ,11:ohll 014 above ilestaiptidni Of NOW? ' ,k 4, at eftionage Woes.' , The corking Mao 61'011{11as -, ',„,„,'.wraea_ ruck a. ladliAillAYPiNiki Wiliiiii,tko., lif lin' I ~,i rrEtwia7 awls. , .1 ,'`;;- • • , ; , ..F...1 -, . , , I t ,, . , ~. , __..„ , ~, r i TARintARV, (,- , 1 ; ~, ,,T H EJartIIoRST SPOOR IN TILE 0013IVIII `I I ; Prt a 0 4324 4 wh°lo/41P,:+ind'iryl hffailt ' eea fl , ernian aria Eroillab, liardwarwana Vni ; *iv, invite thelatinAlon of MeebanO, Yarnifts; and e ; talk generfilr, to our unnsballY large stock, coniblent *mi f f aro wiling 4ioode ea more reasonable term a than, any Mbar bonse,ln t . a cOnaty ." -- 11 - 0111) 40. __ _ -- AXE PAPIt E •by the T0n..,;--juSt : reolved-a, , largo; assortment or- Wall ; raper, 'wlll.lm 'sold Tory cheap. March 26,1868.] • ;- HENRY SAXTON. . . ; d . EMW7II7I • • 1011abefpOla . - 1 - A - OkILIA• • - I.I:VANIT 14E! , TIIIEF EA,FF.B on-inerelnnit4.4tiar.,Onstratois:' and •••othe . T ai•Jul Ennka Far Or Ptheri • • vainaire)l7tinst, cafrVn .! p. FIIIIeorI3 EGLAItSir' _ .q • ~ , Daji4tid Neeroll's (Ifehb's) RAN,K7LOOESret, , ;..: -ACAtin.—The " Fire -Proof Safe," got- preserreeiz--- -- Dias, Papers; drcipluringotho great Fire at was purehaSed zvAzio, on t3t4 • • ' ' IIUCI ' - . ?, • • ^ ' REFRIGERATORS &WATER FILTERS. EVANS' Pferaluth Vent.ilided.Refrigerators for cc, and • preserving Meats; butter, milk, icater, And: artieles for eulinary purposes. - IVATER FILTERS fur purifying brackish or' mY erritarorhother_uffertod_by , mios,-11inestono,-mac . . ['Other &turf; ean' be had 'Operate or netitelMd Itefrlgeratorx—a swell quautity of icooooliug lira 4 , •• ° In LIM Nrannest 'weather. • - ", ' •. SHOWER' BATIISi for the uie .of -nr - eold-witter.-- I_ o WATER_COOLERS,:for_lletels,,Stei'es:n'da , STORE TRUCKS, for !poring boxes, bales: . . SEAL PRESSES CoPyJng do., TruggistAb. , - . I '. - '4'IOLIVE.R• • No. 61 South Second St., ( 2 doors below. Chesr..l garch 5, IlitiCb r —ly. • (Established in . 1626.\ • S - .TIA:I I Va, f sAvINGS",, 340. 83 DOCK :.STREET; NEXT DOoy.-VVl'llit POST .. . . . . . .. . . . „. 'Tho State Savings Fund la Attracting defositati' ' ellciasses of the counnunity,ln every section of the .. eridl' country. MI sums of ineney.rettirned on decor -Deposits forwarded by tnall,to the order ef the Trey • ter, will receive every necessary attention. # • . .• _, ;. ' O.SO. - 11. -11AltT. Fob. 20; 1850-0!n ryEACHItRS; SUAVE.YORS; GINEERS AND DRACUILTSMEN supplied qthematicil thawing instruments, separate an: . • cases, such its.Dirlders, Parallel Rules, Ivory, Ilex- , • • and Paper Boles, T "squares, Triangles, Doti, Drawing Pens, Protractors,. Gunter's Scales, Tape Aires Motallclapes, Surveyors Chains,. 2 and 4 Pol. and 100 feet, Surveyor's Compasses,, Engineer's L. and Transit*, Target Rods', Sc.; &C.. Magic , Lanteri the best ccinstrUction;ficriptural Diagrams; Astro'' , ' Natural -History, Humorous, ChroMatrope or Artie Fire works,'Dissolvlng Viates,Magnets, Poloramaic Pumps, Electrical - apparatus; Galvanic apparatus a, large collection of Philosophical Instruments, au for colleges and schools. Also; Spectacles,' Spy 01: Ilicroseopes, Thermometers, Barometers . Reading/1 MT IC. • Ilan ing remited • the agency for the sale of BROOK'S SCHOOL APPAIiATUS;I em proper' • • furnish - Teachers with an-Oriery,- , a Tellurian, N um---- i a C Inch 'Globe, Ifemispbcre Globe, aat Goonfelrical Solids, a Magnet and 'Text Book, all pa • In it boil:with lock and key for .s2 p . illustrated . • priced catalogues forwarded Gratist? • ; lIMAy.. QUEEN • ---- ..--28•44Theenut "et: Philidolphi •E . ait of 10th - . • ,Q . R4 ME . li !-SI„;B4 * YJNO , , F:UN"::; , ; kJ Clutteii ny,,the; Stave of. Ponneylvania In lt:4. -,.; . - RICA 63 WALNUT .bTAIIET, +l, •”. 1+• 11 + One our. above lie coed, ktreet ! _kblladelptda, , _. ~,1 .Ifeceiyea„ Depo elt e in apple Of One Dollar and •opwe rrit J front_ all dittos of the commUeltr, And allnwsinto.e . .. 'at Abe rate of Illte per cent per annum. - lilonoto ) .,, , , 4 beckon demand.. Air,Office_ coon daily from 9AI .r. 6 p'clocic, and, on lilonday and Saiwday until 8 o'cl it c , ;In! the eyeningo ; ~ , : :- -. .. ‘,, -- z-. i.. It- • ~-4'. TblA luatltntlon trill,ba ;Mind A Mircentent- and e , - ..::c 'sge AirloPeAlt Plr.FATPera end „others I doing busy: ; 4 1 ;n'pita Mphia. Depopita are paid on ilettetudirltbi .4 - ' any.prpvious notice being required:• ~. c.: , ... ~ : .Iz, -..'--. ' ' . DaltAetalk i . ,•;, c • ',:t4M4l4A:.gen6r, :. : , . lop . J ob R. i 5),,,,, ~ : `.810v01, 8 ; fljeliop, . , .; 1, ,-, ,George,Boldln, !' -st , -a . Antes /l. tent;„, s„ 4. s 4 .Rotert Morris,, ~ '!. ' t ~,y. : . '0010111(filago% Ts i i s,. , ~ s F4Rfrd.4-C-41 1 14 k `-•:•-•.11 , 1,, 21licult eats; „ ~, Ca .jebn laalbighle;,ot 1.... Joseph. Cowell, • IJo nilicei •;. - • Jea, _ P•11icr,,,.. ~ , / 1 rd - it .got, tom lAnu rd 11:-Ttytie.0 1 ' '” ill am till - lA*or, . 1 --- i.N.YrtMlillpjlitcoit, -,r_ , : , :. :War. P:Jenks; -- t - t, I ; ~,, 8 4 , 9opperi ‘_,., , - -.. Xdgarit Pettit, -ii-, ~ :AI „,„ (.., „,.-i:, .. 4i 1.. • ,:Prealdent-;;PBANKfAN•-rzo. f.kft l'• X l MAiiinilAkkii , St'iktonms,:t ~ ~ L.- ~,, i'W, itS• iiil' • kl+` -,1+1 , -.1.” t ' • fieerotary,- . JAMES ' 8: PRINCILVO 1 110, 1 ,43%tckipunprovi!fia.:tioqio . manager, oflicol;i .' ..., ....,,,,,.,..,,p,i„„,„„,..„, ~..:.-.„-, wciuld.pintenlarlyi call thesettentleng, ildraukrill Im s ° 4 Milliners to their large "end-handsome esnortatimtniP sf i ~• e ~ •SPBllie , mummuly ,uoq*: , ,- i ~,,t , ' A _.,„.,..,........1 rt i 'Os* )11' ^ .. 1. IRENCIITAISIYAIkiIiitIOAIIi , -,,, • .5.„ and every artieleeppi3rtainins 'kith. Millinery p..:,", '; Theabcreir gobds . havb been imported espressly 1.. Ar.-.. Spring £01,14 and comprise the W, assortment...to ,! found la ti‘p city. Lafril 2 1 .1 6 W - Ilig . _ ... ,4 ‘,-;;.I3,IARLFS I. IMLAY • 'Trammel 1 ' I 40, IMIA i. .1' ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers