Oil 4 EWAN . . _ i-40110 !ME ;--7.-/- - '• - - -7- . _____ ......_,...,!, .. ~--s In, spealffififif the stilt ,o* - ; irrwlitchlime. . .4 applieA,.pr.. Darlingtiutstates.:: •, :. " '. ,„ . .. • ' ".0, - is ;Stialiy...,Ohtaitied; in•,. a , caustic state from the killf,S,'-depositeir in .-•heaPa '' : . ..,T,..-.,it the. fields. where. it is spread, and will. - . - - - ie - Visiffieleint - to - sialt,ii . :it - ter-n--poWder--.Lis.:- then, brown - upon-it, • , A. soon as-slaked \ 'it is . 19,idel into carts and Men With sho.vLs. els distribute it , as . . equally.' (is - Possible, over the : , round. '. It 'is generally. eon- . • ' sidered best' - to.. put -it on the_ ground whilstit is fresh' 0r : 1/AMA; 10 :the phrase • , is, and it, is certainly easier to. Spread it while in .alight..-pulverized state than after'it'getS, much:Wet .with..rains., -r : L•aminclined to think tee, :it. is better_ . for the latid.apPlied fresh from theliln." In answer ttya, question '-ptit, to 'him,.a§ ` --"-to-wharcrep-linie -- is - 7 - InOst - i - advantage- - ' ously appli d,'! . ; and." at ; what_ seasons," Dr, Darling on rema :.s : . • • --; .- - ".It is ustu -- lied; as already. inti ssnated.to' the - crop of Indian corn, in the. _ _sp_ringiof_theLyearecasionally ..-it .i. - .$ applied-preparatory to - sowing - wheat 'in • lutunin, . When, - used •as a top-dressing, ' nt:the, sod, it is generally applied in .the ' ' allay :November, 'The prevailing lin presSiori is, that, it is most advantageous- . g. „applied to tfie• _radiancorn erbk; and .- ~_,. hence ..the • general practice: But the . ... , trath iS, it is highly advantageous at - any --- :.rint-'ill - scasonsrand - • out' shrewd -old---far -- - „,. niers have - asaying : . .L.-,-" . Get you). lime • ' on for your . eorn, s erop if - yaw - can but b , .. curie . that gon• 'get. it' on the la nd solii e.. time in, 'tlengear:", .. 4 . The litode - of spreading . -alici ineivpo-- . rating ;the _lime; lie - deseribes - as , follows: - : . " The lime is spread - as equally ti pos sible. aver the field, ' and_ the .round is Well harrowed in different : directions; in order to ineorporate . the lime with . soil." The ,Views'.of Dr.. Darlington in the procelding remarks are doubtlesS . en . lightened - 67;d. Oorre - et-;= - -they detail his own practice and experience, and are in acCordance with the experience and prae-. tice.of the Pennsylvania farinors gener ally. And as.linie has been longer and more generally.used in Pennsylvania for • agricultural purposeS than it has in any Other state, we think it safe to infer „that the praCtice•there so long.an i d so success fully followed, may -be ve6 advantage ously adopted any Where and everywligre. - . Monsieur Pavis, of France, Who.is at once a practical- Farthes---the. - cultivator ' _,_of a. large domain, tr chemist of reputa sn. tion, as well-as an expert in - the whole . rave:of sciences, after inalting . a series "of experiment's in the .se of lime - for ng ..rieultnral purposes through a long course --.lof-years_oLwateliing_and_ noting .effects," • atriisetha tflio-con el us ion -that-the .safest,, ' .most economical - , and most . advantageous application of lime was to apply -ten :Or twelve buslielt per acre, at the commence ; mew,. of-a - verylour years':. rotation, when the land caniettlne - d by the plough. #Aw. This - prt s .'eArr.,l7.6,y, • ' ,: is'' not - mate rially diffotie. skfrow that , : s. nted out b) Dn Darlin t .„ , sn • '4' - 4,1,4' 1 . ,-.. ' • • With' regi#to our owit,,sr:i...evis as: to . the applicatitWof Buie, - theyliro -these : trpon.prisl. - and..exhitustePlands,. or - light.saailyones,, we would apply.twerity, .. ... _bushels,. "POracre, .at. the timc Of breaking them up, and repeat this appliOation un -4,11"we liadifikEsiqa,e - .-.l4ind--one _hundred bushelslikr acre'. "' ;i'-''..„;;;,.:: ; :,:.;.°`, • :. Upon medium . .qUality: -of :itind,: . we . " — would apply thirtY',l;stislielii :..rts. 'the. first dose, and repeat thet•quantity,l,vhen. the land'earne to bd Plciughokup. again' in the. : .. course of rotation, - and ,continue applying the limo !midi we had.given 'it one,hun , dred,bnshels per acre.. i...: - •. .' '..: . . . ... The - strong, fertile clays, well charged .with organic” :reinains, ...we, - ,jirould.'give, • ' them fifty bushels of lime. ,at - the - Cent : - meneentelitof ii.rotatiOn;.repeatthe'dOie, at the cornmenotinient of, the „next •• rota ' tien, -and then rest for foUrteen_years::. - : Ppintold, grass swards ? ' - where-the soil was of natiff.elayey..natnre, aiid fertile, _-• we would not - hesitate to'appirtaie;..hin-, dred basheltirper:.aciii,, in a single; dose : and, we Al'dnk ,thetnoStadvanth..theous plan of applying it is-to thelsod, 'and: harrow. _ it ip:a,ye t ai or - Se'hefore plciwing l llo,-.the ' land 'After all that.. May. lle - : - . said'' upon . • thelinhjeee,.theigreat.obj&t4a,to - .get the 1imp,.0n.,„ RIO ~ yroji in.ix(4, svitli; , the 84; - • and thii : nearer we keep it to the,' surface sit4tileb...thit beqo;',iiiiu ihit'p'sii6 its ac; ,ion ,upon t,,11.0mil will he"inoregeneral.,,: . , ~11.,-on s, •... ,:.,.----;‘,--.5.,-;,.--.':-',-,-,- POTATOtErTOp, .they ,(Nct, _4lii6E , X.olst int • e . erirnent 'a , 52)4411, seate,..te,tr,y set. tisiNfomroicnisatisfattiotett leasti• - . this' machigitat,ed"queition among fartneis, teu.Eills of _potatoes, with, dir hills with uncut Seed: at the. same_ . pre in every respect they..ii-ere ',he same way, so as to ar at which might be perfectly ,o result Nuts as follows : the re ten hills planted with cut 4 22;1 - lbs., and the product 'ls_plitated • with , the. 'uncut lbs.—making a 'difference of three Rounds in favor, 4' uncut or who/e. . . , But as 'cut• seed-'will . 'go, moi.e,.,tliap twibe op. far aS lv . hnle" seed,. in 'order to. • ni — like„the . experiment most strietly and pseftil, the expense . V. thi seed. `.--itsermustlie-taien-.--in to —th This experiment seems therefore • to,rBe torinine; thst it is best to use whole seed, except "where the seed itself is very, .perisiVe'.. I am well aware that no gener al prineiple•e,an be safely, 4rtiNsfn? a • • ,single experiment , I wish' therefore, that intelligent an'd observing farmers would ; , goring the present spring, still forther, test tGis,ciestion„by the most anurate and , thorough . trials; so that the farming interest.may be-,no longer Ifeptirr SUS . - _'_pense, 'lipid:Oat _would seem to be one of tne supplest questions in agriculture: C - IVidtha,in, . • . ear6s, 4 • South 11 - mower T•treet, • IST. 176 i/ sioxt door - to.the • Post . • °flie n j. 4 it — lll I;o ai)sont from - C 7- arl,lslo . ti; last lap dais cad; month• - _____Rug• 1,- • - no t. GEO.R6 I gEA -1111111- fr en the dhd.- finite.° .colloge Dental Surgory, ie now nr,onsred tn Anson Artilloiat Tooth tcotrety de .isrlptlon, and to perform all the other rarbil9 duties -porttiniuktotto.practitunf a nrotossion, AA 44at the rosldonre oftils mother, East h . eather etreet l tidy() doors below ford:-....th Calmed—Dr._iou..Z. llrotz, of Carlisle; March IU, ' 13: - KLEFFElt Oflice in Nvrtl~ I Jltanover stroet two lillOySll . ollll YON(' st Comphollls st,oru:..oillco - hour& more particularly from 7 . !•0 u.oylock, A. M., anti fettn 4 s . l43 7 o'clock, P. - Si., - • • o(ylait,' S: P:. Z I li.',G I, E 11,-0.111(1e and itmsfde Imo East main stniin, thin' awn. Mu; hp Market Homo. Calls aitoirli and couuty :promptly ditiiii dad. , . .. • . . Carlisle - , Jon. 2,185 G. - . L LAM: O. -1 .11,11 E E 31, Attorney of 14W., OqlCl3 In Main Streot, Carlblo, yy-Ilusluusuntrustud to bo promptly at. - • - • Feb, 7. di. QinttVE'NElt AND CONVEY'A - .N SPaNSI.I.III, tyro Register of Ifuufbor laud conlity,, will carefully attend tti tit(' trananction of all int& btiNiuos.4 ita may-m untrustod to Min, k..fiali nN Via writing of Muds, 31ortgagaa ContraCta;..tc.- 110 will Isi davoto lii attantina - i - o - o t .. h ,o oXoctiring or Land War ranta, Potisionw, &c. \YOH parchaso and lialo of Itotl F.stato, tirgotiatiojA ,of Inauti,.Ac._ t",:"..3)1i1d0 alt Wo4 111 ;II Stmt. !brawny occupied, - .7 W. 31. Penman its I. near Cliurrn. dlAitu.Bl.,E I)EPOSIT . B A N•K . . .. AjSI.CCI (L DEPOSITti will bareceived at •this Hank for e y any lutiAth oftline over four wont, Is, and interest paid .at the rate of FOUR PI:Ii,CEST per annual. and•thrd principal paid bark at.any titan. fter maturity without ' Holley. Interest covies after the 'expiration of 1119 time sp ..iiied in ilia certificate. unless renewed for another given period. in which case tho interest is Paid up tin• til thn timoolthe-retiewal,---ltank-opethsat-ii-dadoelt,4l.- 31..aud.closes at 2 o'clock, P. ;11. - ' ' . It. PkitlCkill, President. •W: 5/- lircrr.4., Cashier.. ' , ' ~ itpits . W. BRAN IYP,lanitfacturor..of Mtnonal Watorg, French' Wad, North .E tsrAtroqt r ltottr-t1t0430 Erld ttarWii- Drti!.3 _torcs. Dlt:11(); CIIEMICALS, , .. With a iiplendld,vaxlety.of..'.. - CDNFECTIONARY AND FANCY-GOODS. The 'tinders! eme.l iota jutit replenished .his stock of and it 4 his and Cheiniritia, have bean se. !acted With or oat care, he , is .prepared to fill all orders promptly Ilk reb‘nds unty . rely upon the 'genuineness and - purity of evcrY 'article. the stock of CONXECTIONARY is large and selected with, special reference' to the - It will afford, any variety petaions may desire In- drat line.' lArge:nsfiertment of Pronch,German and doniestle Fancy Candles, nit fresh antLof-the-vory host quality. Alls as. forte:Mat of FANCY:OOGUS IS largo and (flatware:4 el .inast..every thing fir li essary for the Toilet and Family. :1 Ft(101 spuchill ttionlon - to - his - Fan6TWorictits, lAtiles' Bags, Celo,ne.bottlos Watch and Card Trays, Port Folios, Portmonies, Quick sales, small profits and strict consistency in tyttdo shall characZerlso our business. , • Qeo. 19,'55. . • .• It. J. MI:PFEIL ' EIRESTI DRUGS,,,II.IIIDICINE'S &o ac.-1. l o ve . Jtiet Tecolved from Philadelphia and New York very extensive additions to my • former stook, embiacing neatly every article ir t of Medicine now in use r together with 4 i . 75 :; Saints, Oils, Varnishes, Turpentine, Perin- . E mery, Soaps, Stationary, Yine Cutlery, Fish s!'- ' lug Tackle,tirwthes of almost everrdeserip ' len, with an endless variety of ether article's, which I unt determined to:sell at the VEtilf 'LOWEST Yll Physicians. Country Merchants, Pollan, and oth ers, aro respectfully. requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they .may rest tissured,that tivety, ertlele 1011 . • ,besold bf a good'ciurtlityi and upon reasonable terms; • S. Ehmorr, • . May 3O • - " Main' steeit, Carlisles RUGS DRUGSI DRUGSI.. Fresh SUPPLY I I have just received afresh stock of • Nledielnes, Paints; tilass,• Oil, &c, which, having boon purchased with groat, care at the ,bost r d*y . houses, I,cauconfidently recemuithd: 'PhYsiclans, cortiftry Merchants and'Pealare,its.he• Ing fresh and puree DRULlS—Patent Medicines, Pftur - Clrotliiiala;,inatrii... snouts, pure, Essential Oils, Blurbs and Eittracts,Spleeisi ground and, whole, Essences, l'erflimery4b. ' Cod Livc,r 011—warrantod , genuine; • BY &STUFFS—lndigoes, Madders,.Siolitio,, Aluir Log • andtare . Weadsi Oil Vitriol, coPPVrall, 1.4 e ' • PAIN' —lVotherill k Brothens Pure LOad,.Chroma Groettaad ,Palut and Varnish 'Brushes, Jersey •!; Window Glass, Linseed 011,.TUrperitine;Copal . lindiklnieh t. Tannish, and nod Lead. All of ITOlulf be sold at the • - *dry lowest market ,price, „ , • . 2 N lAlso, a fresh splendid ' and issortinept r ".t4T'd Y. •00008, Fruits, Confectionary, sod iunumarahlo'Vitber articles 'calculated for use 'and ornament, all of ' wlileh are offered at the lowest cash prices, at. the cheap Ora% Book aildiPanty Store of - the su,bscriber on,sorth over street'' : 8.. w: ILAYEIIeST/CK , • Clieup .Job. priatitig done heri:••= ; : •-; deobte . . - • :-.".:•`-'? ':* • - i r i-i..:^*, ,;,-,' -._:•',..:- , ,, t ., ,i r.:;,,-,: , , ,, . i ... in , , : .:,.. . ,. 1.14 ‘4 , ,,i" . .. ; -1,..,.., , ,,,, a; -. 1. , :, , , , ,t:,-, : .:.. - ,... 4;''' :HALL"' A 07.1:) M ' . •Throo , ii)il . host - of liartibburg • eltrventh. coq on this litstitiatiOn Orlin - lance on' 'Monday,- ~ thit'fith of-,May; institution . . Witeßication is retired pleasant and health- . ful,,and the 'ion* of Instruction embraces the. °Nina.: ry and higher,4anchcs of nn • English' Education, to gaiter with the Latin, Greek, Trench; andclertatin.ifitit. gauges,; and 'vocal anti instrumental inuete, Terms, boarding; Washing, and Tuition in the-EngliSh •irkanch-,- es and vocal intisiaktsitSsion (21'wbeks) $ 60 ,0q; ; k . ° l ',- eircttlai containing Flynt:Al:AO ad ress. D. tENLINORR. • • Itlarch 12 lfifif,) • - . 'VARY-J.:4LE ' PEMALI 4 4 St•MIXARA T . • ; it: aud; SIRS. CLARK, who Rave bien Seven th ytars bugaged.in teachin,, ,, ,respeCtfullyannounce to the tivonSuf - Carlisle - rimfyielnlty, that nnrthwitttof-April;•• OW, they will-upon, iii Loather Street, in the house lately occupied by Dr. Blumenthal, a • , SEMINARY FOR YOUNtI . LADIES. • • -Tile Institution it 111 lw both, a bearding 'and day; scitoOl, in which all the. brunches nueessary for Illa • aunl7 - plete.etincation of young ladles will be taught: Assist-. ants, of'. the highest • eintractor .for qualifications . and' noritlityilliatentpltTed accordance with the want's ofthe institution. Thu guvernitionWrill Niviiicted on strictly Christian principles, tifillt4ellarinttiltui will Was rigidly ekcluded. • The Prinuipals.tintter theniselinni thht their long and successful experience as teachers, as testified by the eeeotninonchttlohs in their irmserNion' will ennbitt theta to establish an Institution of the hittlleat character for young ladle's. They ere fully persuade(' itstithtlon will be sustained here by tl and nolg,bborlng country, an"d 'hope that C ice . May not be- disappointed. A department...for younger ciiihiref inediately organized. TEIISIP . PIM fiVISION OF FOWL Mi Boarding, ' Including fuel, lights,! • ' washing, - - • - ---Priniary_Bepartnient, - Higher English, - Ancientlmintges, each, Ornamental branches at professor's charges. No deduction for nlisettce. after entrance, except in case of prinracted illness. ' • • • E . F ERENCE H..• lion. FREIVrc. WATTS ' - 'IIuV. C. P. 'VINO, J. D. P.IEI0 0 .11, Esq„ • A. 11. If Ia:3IER, JAM ES II ANII - EVIN, EHq;- " JACOB FRI!, 1/1 , . 0: E. RLUMENTIIAL, " Bev, • • ' , • Slareli 1.851}--1 yo: r ' i. . • - . • 10 :31 ;NI iiilt CIAI C 0 L L .11 GI: , rumutod to the nin . v Rift! I.partoui.._llnll, No. 99 aiot ( lu BAi roti!af: ST.rtElq, mai imohq-.31d. ... ',..- ~, . um: ell:iMitileLlN, IN , niitl Lek.ur'eviipqn :ilei:L•iin --010-St.it•rwv: , • - -- --.--- . , __ . . . . li. li. 11, ,, mir.n, In chars i or Writing Department. .. U. W. It ::r, Inntructnr in nircati-triln 12nIculatluis and A ssnii.ii.i. in lionk.kinplin.c Departitlellt:. .I.;d. l' il I I.LI 1...5, Tyneinn. in hook -Keeping. ' .7• urer on-Ct4lllllelVilli Thret , Years give - nut yet eh - viol fiihre tiro esattlilish• meta I.lli 'Wait Utftni, during. rhlull Oniu.up ivardspi innireti-stiitienti; have been in tatoinlaneo, trop resin) titi..t _nearly every mate in the Among 111%. IkIll111)0r$ iii it tltiunu a and necupy• nig pr . .itinnelit psitwua as tiusiiieit 1111 It .and account Ants. . . couizsicov si•uuc A 001(. Kt.:I:PI:St 1 4 ..—The Principal Illla the Iltlllaat (:all litlailt.o ill asinring.the•public that lifter till ONllallatlVO 0 fourteen year:Mit (twilit:Ong ."tnet):lor life Count ' (' lug R kpe Room and other 111 litBta ions, and en tuttem sire acquaintance with ttit. m . ai ;entelif of bUNIIIe,. books 01 IlVery descriptioii, kassis ed es lie is by two scl- entitio avrountitts,) the r l / 4 mrse of training in this de p3rttnent Is ernineidely praetheil . viii well adapted to the vari.ms pursuits of Conitner.'e and Trade, in boll cidual, Partite:ll4lp, Idereautile,_ Manufacturing, Commission, I"lv.cliiiin„e, {tanking, :hipping. SteAnhout• iii teonipmindCompazij irlit`ratiolik. IV4I. - I'EN3I.INSIIIP.—TIie exerei,ps, nutter this'" hued are free, edetrunil graceful; ctunt,Su I lig ' railltlltkoiVi uc utitur with beauty of construction, tubs entiblimt theatudent to write an elegant business hand on completion if the cottie ME w. . • RCANTILE CALCULATIONS in all their varlouti bearings - are taught by the most accurate mid expedi• Mom . rue thod. ' - ... .. Dally lectures lire delivered upon the Science Of Ac counts, 31,:reantile Customs, '‘t r., Linage lu connection with a series or lecture& on Commercial I.llw,"nre ot the highest importance to nil aspiring to occupy prominent positions in the business comnintrity. • The time necessary for an : itaim,trlons student to complete the course. varies iron{ 8 to 12 weeks. There. being no vacatlon,..applicants can enter at any time, and attend both day allii evening. ' Examliptt lons are held At stated perhids, and . dtpranuts 'awarded tot Ise who gmiluate.. For terms, etc., write and have a el: *b lar forwarded by mail. ,• Loct.3, - I . . :Thwurancr. r2l - 1.tV:11 7 ,1T-t-S=l - 4 7 .1A 7 -CIT:E . :N 7 O --- Y5 FOR INDEMNITY AINST BY lattE, TRH FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COT., ^ • ."0 Charter Perpetual.—sloo,ooo Capital pal4lu. Wilco Chpliut street. t c, • MAxfi INSIIVANCF, either permanent or limited, aguinst loss or daniago by tiro, ou raOrsurr nod i.rfecra of every doscripalon, in town or Country, oh the most' reasouable farms. Applications outdo oither personally or by let tool, will be promptly attend's! to. • • C. N. itANCKEit,Prcet. The pubeivrlbor Is agent for the alnvo company for Carlisle and Its vicinity. All applications for insurance either by mull or personally, be promptly attended to by ' A."l,."SPOlgsl,lllt; dean.% '55. - Beal Estate Agent and scriveber. -r 1.111 4 1 .L.INBUI32A.Net-E4----T-11E A SLLEN -1 , ... , AND 11. 0 031 - PENSSBORO MUTUAL, Filth +DI -10:NCI.: COMPANY ocCuroberland county, Incorpo rated bp-an act of AssemOly, is now fully organiod, tud. in operation uudor tat managuinent of the fullOwlug. conimisslimers, viz: ! Daniel Bailey, %William It. °prim, Michael Cocklin t Molchoir Brenneman, Christian Stayman, John C. Dun lap, Jucob 11. Coiiver.• Lewis Myer, Henry Logan, Benja min 'll. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joopph.Wickershaut, Alexander Cathcarl. • The-rates of insurance are as low and favorable as any Company of the land in the Slat°. PersOns wishing to become utemburs ore invited to snake application to the ngents of the company, who are willing to wait upon them at any tittle BENJ. 11. -111OSSER, Ilresideut. LOBAN Vice Pres • • LEWIS BYER, Bberetary, IkIIAEL COCKLIN, Treasurer. • • • AGENTS,. . . OLINIBERLAND COONTY.—ltudolph , berland; C. B. 1,101111611, Kingstown;Hoary .Zoaring..,• Shiremanstown •, Charles 8011, Carlisle ; -Br., J. Ahl, Churclitown ; Samuel Orabom, WestPormsboroughj ,JUM4S Ma DoWol, Frankford; Mode Gri ff ith; South Mid dleton.; Stunuel.Coover, Ihanjamlnittiverstick, 111echati. icsbitral John 'Sherrick, Lisburu; Pavld Coover, Shop ' herdstow n. • • COUNTY.--John Bowman, Dillsburg; Peter Wolford, Franklin; John Smith, Esq., Wasigrigt on;. w. ,S.Pleking,'Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise. . • k LecLutan. • • Iticaribers of the company having policies about to ei 'pin? can have tlfem reueWed by making Application to any of the &lotus. , • NEW ',STORE & NEW :GOODSI- , .4 subseribor .has just returned from the city, and ianow opening , uout door to, Chas. liaglauchlin's hotel; In• North Hanover atroet, a:splendid assortment of nedeaud cheap DRY GOODS,. comprising Bouuets, Ribbons,' Cloths. Cassimeres,Ginghams , Lanms,'Call.Mos; DeLohies, hluallus, Chocks: Tic kings; llosibry, Gloves, Vthile'afid colorod Carpot Chain, &o. - , • of •alt kinds; and bese:qualitir: . Also, a large stoek•-of superior DOOTB AND SlI0114...! All 'of 'Which he will sell us cheap as any Woos% th.town. , Mutter, Eggs,:.liags, Soap and Dried }Volt...taken at Nniket prices., N. W. WOOD , O I, April 10, ISSO. !i9- • ' ain- , ;. 3 34 _ . .... . 171911;r0:—E..i5.71. , VV ir.ffiriSreCt. 8- ; - whop_ saie odd fothin.o6 ll SlN ti; 0 ',Asa 0 , 110 116 ,'.i! Icit:_ilitAlilli DIATN;UFACTOILY,..I"io.I26 AItCU dt Ot3t; ;44,PArAtilthftptickoriTbilaidelphia. -'i -,--, ' ....".... t .... ..'.' . ' E,,NTY - CAiTielediiiNtlfoThlitr - l i tix otidedithat: 1 tb o 611;61,Na/to exhibition, N. Y .; 1053, in innlli — a - Rif !St,iitosi for Gilt Dominien; Diantol and•Plef (lnos& .: ' • - 450 00 . - - - 8 00 ($OO r = ` '7 7 .oliffoliiiibla' ---.,-- --;„,,,,.,:i,,,„ii,!._ t - N6N . • .. , -,.;rocizET: 1100 K: a nd-DRESSII. , aI; CASE •Manifecturur, ,N.W. corner 4th aild•Chesuut street's 4Alrayse on•hand a•large and •varied assortment Of • Port Mon miles, Ilexes.' ..•. • „Pocket hooks , i , ' Caline: ,' • • - Baukers Cases, - - Travelling Bags, • • N ott [folders, ~ ~• , Port Fog* • • .• Chess 3`lCti; . •' • ;__Turteble Desks • • - Pecket illomorandrun flohkei DrosslngiCaseil, • . Also it general assortment of Englleh, Frerich andaer man Pane) , Hoods, fine pocket • Cutlery,• 'Razors, Razor 'Strops-and field Pons. • , • ...• ii-Wholesale-Wholeitale second mid third Plonrs. • ' ' • aprlB . • ' • F. If. SMITII, • ' cornur.4th and Chesnut strode.' the receipt of - $t a superior Gold Pen' mill _be_sant_to_any_part of the -country . by mail—describliig port hum, rtiedium-,-litifd-Or I_TERRING'*.:PATENT; ± ON FIRE PROOF SAFES, with -11all's Patent • Powder Proof Lucks, which were Wairlud separate 'Modelo- at the orhEA, Fair, Landon, ISSI, and Ow -at the World's Fair; M.O. trk, atid '54. Thu subscr4 :re are the solo tuninufacturnrs id, proprietor» in %this Stato of to .abcve Unequalled Safes and whs.- The 'reputation Of the ItpailW "Herring s is WOW We, and for the lest thlrtech the mercantile community - haViTlVltne - Ssed - and - bornMtesti molly to_their _tO:y FAILINO lire )avof qualities. More .tban L'.1,000" theseliftislniva been avtually sold,-And over TWO itusmalm have Missed triumphantly thrtengh net:Menial tires. The public are fissured that all Silitn; '111:011.1facturol by the subscribers are net only p',Aufran tOlte fully alunl, lint to many respeets even stipe rlor to those which have boon so sevtrely tried. b} "the PMv will:forget their .seiviees-lif tht Lumina of the - "fritatne establishment," .New Yorkond xt the Brent Fire In Strawberd street, at the . ' large,lire last July, opposite the Word' Douse; awl still Isere recently in the Fire . at Fifth matt Clicsuut sm., In the city OI whith these t 4 ates came Malt the - ac. itnowleded CHAMPION ' when many ; other securities tilled., • F-lifltEL & CO., .- ' •-itto!i - SAFE ANT , lidsx - Leett• . • 4 4 I Wl.l‘ Al2l . Street, Philadelphia. - _ . Chilled Iron Safes. kith Po%rat!). Proof Loots, aninn• fnetured expressly for . hauls. Dro'sers, Jewellers, and others requiring', soeurity 'from , rogue.l. Vaults, Doors..t.e. on hand, and made to order. All the wont eidelirated Lochs f.r sale at 1111t11 u Second hand " " ;1411 ti inai,dors" and "Iron chosts" other t Anakers, hare lijop,.taken In part pay vont - for Iterrhty, , s-for-Rsle at half price— .• • apl! I.IU W . D. Ati 6 0 4110 N , . • impowin.vi • • Tv till pet sons -attlictml itm ;...45.xnal diseases, stt: SEA 1., A t. At I,A It tr.u„, , 4•SY 1.123, C. . - the HOW,AiII) of vto 0 oi the awful destruction ut 1111111311 I catisartly - fuNtirti - do. - tc - uses, and me deceptions %Ouch n1 . ,-- o,wtisott upon the unhurt u Late %Action. 01 such otscuse,. t.tiac,s, nave tint Clt'd Mll 1.0/1A• A. 14 AuT t. orthy ,u 1 tutor tidal..., to tax Jl 1.1)11.A I. A tittA to 1511 persoi;s tlitts af. Meted, Olttle' or I etuale.,i who apply by totter, ‘pestl.aid,/ wt4.l , a description of their co no at ion, kat i r,o.,..o;tusdion,, 'halalsCot It 10, and lu extt nom poverty and-attuuring 1.1)1CIA • - Tito Howard Association is a bulbul oiebt est:ion:din(' by special eintou meta, tor Ulu relict ot tile nick ttliti distressed, 611in:tett With Virtdeia aial •Epi donde thiseitkm, and us Itu.ds tun Lo used fur no other intrpose. It has now a surplus ot meatus, which the tdreetor6 halo toted to ttdNei luso the above notice. It is needless to add that the Ass..vlatoat continuous the highest shill of 040 iqs. -- Address, (post-pitid,) Dr. Ul.tl. It. CALIIOUN, Consult. log Surgeon, lloottrd Association l'intadelptin, By dirtier of tinildrectors, , IIEARTWELL, Presideut. , it LCI I !Lit, :d...retarV. upi 1111 elou: DREPARE . FOR TElt . ,vAltlioit. AND cooKiNu . sToTs. • The subscriber at his old stand on North ilatUver st., -Carlisk,llitudgfrof the , -Mativatli Red Coßeo Put," de- irosto call the attention of the public to Lia 'large as orttueut of s ru V ES, of the 'fewest and most' tashiona hl9 styles, !from the best manufactories in the On country, and at all prices trout $$ to jls. An his PARIAH: & CHAMBER 6 , 'POVES ) are the Mirror Stove; tho Arctic, ilevero, Star, 7„,,, Persian, Union and :Etna Air Tight, together afttlrothor-Tgitterns-which-lier - itastrf - till - si :for parlors or chathliers, and calculated for burning either wood or coal. Also,-the Blob°, Astor, Albany, Flat-top anti - Bandbox or Poor Ilan's, with other COUR INK STOVES, comprisiug the latest improvements in kitchen stoves, and intutulod fur-either wood or coal.— Also, the Dining hoops Cooking 'Stove.--a now aud ele gant article, to which ho invites the particular littett, - Don or funilles: Ills cooking staves range hi priV s from _4l_ to 25, WWI thallstures complete. Also, Nino Plate S` yes Cl 'various patterns and different prices.. Also, EN AM Ef,l,lp AND .TlZi NED DAME for Conk ing Stoves, Brass Kettles, &c: Also, orgy article In the line of. Tin and Copper \Vero. The public are respgt fully Invited to call as ho is conlltlent with his. large Stock, variety avid - cheapness, of being able to 'give en tire satisfar,tion to every -purchaser. Call and spo. out. 25, 1864.. • ., M. MORRIS 11'0.1TES!' STOVIIS!! ST - OVPS GoItOAS would inform the public that "he ias now on hand at his establishment, on Alain St., -nest-door tho,largestansi _most - pieta assortment. of COOK, OFFICE' A; l'Alt— . LOK wrovEs to be found in. this county; which will be sold' at the lowest "wires tor ca.slior'approved credit. Ills stock consists of v 5,705- a large vissortment of new and highly BT ._ .ved*PATENT COOKING STOVES., finished I se most complete manner, and calculated for either wood or coal, or both.: All the, old standard patterns which hero stood the test of experience, may he folind at his es ablishment,. Also, a great varietpof tits most 'approve and beauti.ul PA:lti.oll MICE sl.ol4..Svin cluding *nurtiher of new styles, possessing, very Ripe 'nor. advantages over those heretofere, In use. •Fandiles 'and'heUsCkoopers are raw ~,t fully invited to give tan a calrbefere purchasing elsewhere. Stoves delivered! to any part of the country and put up at the shortest hp tire. lie continuos to do allkinds of TIN . AND SIIEET 'IRO:si WAitti r tind Copper Work, and has bonstantly on hand or will make to ovular every article required by housekoopeii4i - Or ‘ others in this line. Ilis stock Of Tin -and Copper Ware embraces every kind of housobold'and kitchen utensil. warn: Mod equal to the 'best 'maintin; t red: Persfins In want of articles in his may' al• ways bo sure in Seine' accominodated to. heir ptisiliction 01414111 n a call. ' • jOnvl&l . NVOQIYS .OANAMEN AT.' IRON. - -WORKB2-10 Avenu , P I',AD'A. The attention - of the pu blic is invited to t .extensive • manufactory and wareroOin of the subscribe , who''ll prepared to furnish, at the shortest natio, UION RAID. INO of every desc Iptien thrOPAIETERIES, - pulnaa* PRIVATE. BUILT) KOS, aIvi,TERANDAIIS; .lIALCON IRS, FOUNTAI ' ; SETTEMCHAUS; LIONS, DO* 4,1,11 Ac.; und•other , t amental Iron Work, Of- tr .' doeeratlte character, alt of ich hi executed with the',espreo vlow of plea Sing the -taste, while they combliwp,altthei requisites . of beauty and substantial construct ion ,: 'f, - PUrchnsers may rely I:10.11'01T* all article* 'intrOgl,T boxed-and xhiptied to thelr,place ofdoilinatien. ' -.., A bobk of designs will he sent to those Who, Wish'W ' make a selection, .- , ' ROBERT ;WOOED. • ' RliintrAvonne bel t? * SpripgmA 0wt,.111i41: tr... 04, 1.0.,70,5. ;.: .4.: tl4, .1 • -,.,:, : .., • ENT:..4OODS •-••Thez. just rei•ttivelKl• iind - is -116 NY, oppning a 1040 . :JutFortt. FRESII , 4IOOD3 lnittet.t.•!.v sett!ori-- 11c0e ;calllt4nii got •basilirts.• ' ' • •- • ' ' • - Carlfsto, Ntiv.l4 •' • • AI:SNODGRASS. • ' • • pkgri,cp t ititlct MEM VAN -I,lf-VIA DDNNOOA,'S WiIEAT Adeptpd also for. sawing' QM'S, gratis seeds •• and' -- HrtnssiesDertable Cider 51111--the best • if the nuittet.'-'4lalllday!s patent -WindtalD.-,_'. Spreader's, 'Daniel's Ilny, Streik and 'Fodder ,I..ntte,r.. Olitnt Cern and Cob 31114 -Spidn'S` AtnieSpherlc Churn: Theaboye superldr ethers, (4 the ute of the 'farmer pr gardnor, for sale Wholesale and Ilidalf by . ". 7 , • • "tIAaCI7ALL,co: y10111t75 &' , , AMOtltural WarehouSo and teed' aore,_ eimner 7th *. and Alariet s;T streethiladelphla; jufy 25, "55. , _ -- • PIIILAbg4 , IIIA, Aais ifiTURAL IMPLEMENT ISIANILIFACTORT,BIiPiO . 4.III. .1• •SaED ONOUNIiS (370 Acres') Blooznialalo, near lir,tstul, Pa, • • - 13 TENT 'SELII%bitA.TIPENING, YANKEE .FEED CETTEES, mantrao wesd ihr . AI,DRICII it 'SARGENT, No. 410 Illarhet Area; Thii - mutter is superior to any now In use, for strength durability. and idiupllaity of construction: iteuts'fasti_ 'en and is the only self-sharps:ling S.tritw and Corn, over wade. It has but ONE STEAI.OIIT KNIFE. 'which any person can grind and set with ease - iiiitimprdituiry Case. Is . gmtind in the maehiuo.. now sands larva already been sold, and the demand is daft .increasing. In roost, Cages no examination t'S to convince °nil of its stiPeriorlty.' No one after a sher , trlal,would,part„with it for any itther: All slvs of On abiire constantly-on baud and for-solo by ' „ '• • Bole Agent for Cuiriberland cOunty., gall .COT'I"S LITTLE GIANT c.;01IN J AND C.Oll 3110, PAILS:V/I.n 3.IAY 1014 1864. flita Lulu: Ow; though hut mentally intrcdwcd fryvn NU:4.XL I..NT eg the 11108 t. eint'Ll.., and popular Farm 31aL of the age. hue illnf , Cracrealks are probaLly the only ones In the. World—esclusively devoted to making Ihetaliaz therefore posies f•Uperier ads antages in preparing such nu othnixture of inetaik'its hest ,adapted to making ii strong gaud durahle article, ' Tha.1.1111.1: llt aar has Leen awarded the First. l'rentl .um at the principle Fairs of the Nation, aia the" most completeaud convenient 31111 now in use. . These 31tu.s are not only guaranteed superior. to all others in their construction and quality gal' material, hut,iu the amount and quality of _work they perform with any given power: acid NarrautO 111 all eaves to stilt, -or po purchasomioney refunded on return of the They are offered to Farmers and the .trade complete, at $4B, $22 and Pi, for \0..1,-No. 2 and l‘o. t, and $ extra for dweiips. Warranted to -griudlrom to 1b . per.leur.accordingio SCOTT'S NIMBtE GIANT' GRAIN . - ...- MILL (CAVE . A.Ti4I.IIAY, 165 . 5) . .. t k a This Met, is a most co iipleto and important' article n ners a others for Planters; Fa, havinii!horsecpower or other c1)11V011iOlICIOS fo lining a Wt. 'They can be worked-advantageously with one, two or '.fnore.'tiorsos, nhoxiveir a speed of frotii lour, to .sis..iindrail...revolu thins per.minuto cap be obtained upon alt-inch puppy, with a OA inch belt. . The:i . e . :kilns aro adapted to aey kind of work, grind ing coarse feed :rem corn, oatte,'&e., or lino meal from corn,:whent or rye • ; ,and horn & cob in the most satin-factory mannef, and with avast say.inirif power over all other mills, the Cub helot; rut with sharp cast-steel. The first prettily-nu was awarded these Mills. at the. late Fairs of New Jersey, l'ounsylvaula, and the Indus trial Exhibition at Boston. . - . . , Tito NitAble.Glaut :weigh's about 300 poutitta, - °COPY' log ,it !Vim of3o Inches square. It is peculiarly simple, strong, and duinble t requiring no skill:to run it, or to hoer, it in hula... , • _lnv ) . t iro ofrered complete, ready..rot attaeliing the I belt, et $65; with- rest steefeolCuttacluiiiiits7o4: 'Wer.;. I nutted to - give the ritosrpOrlect satiaraetion. • • "... .; , 1 • Please call ut the Little • Mout Works,, 41'4 •iyitr'wim their openttton, dianutuetured by .. • ,',.-- ‘,. : ' . - . BOSS fi'vo'rr k' Co, Cor..lith k Coitosi St., - .11)U5. , Feb. Is. 3mo—pd. _ . • . . . T AKES ! ".11AKES I II •FAlim EltS, ATTEN'iItiN SANDERS' IMPROVED,ll.O.llskittigE.. , „ Patented June 7. 1052.-21 m subscribe, hsving 'VW" chased 4be interest nt his partner, Aloses,D. tberlyt'is prepared to manufacture...ldle above Enke on reasonable terms, fat the old , stat,d, opposite_ Om , steam Sawmill. This Rake is simple, in , constrtietio,u and not liable ingot out 01 'al-Jeri-It is troll Otlited -to the raking of hay , or grain, and.works well In rongh or stony ground, having wet:1111c opting teeth.. .Its operation most easy and - iTuiplett-'theoperattir, Initeaskorrtite:•tttlitg the rake with his binds, rideat'and °outride it with' hie feet. 'Even's' lattie or lazy person, can earn good wages_ with matt of atom rakes withinit• resich.grettion; 'or a' gentleman N o s hi n g to, amuse, himself, can, get ma his yaks Tide a i,ot,t• hitt geld* as is bia gig, do. all much work as any of ridatusels to Ira: - l'orsonswho lave tried this, consider It the'clatpest, Itimplthd, and best Horse hake pow likuss, and alk'sold. '..season gaud general satisfaction:. It was exhibited at various County yairs, . a wl:id - shit:State:Pairs' 41- penneylvanta and Iliehlgatt,, aUd'dre , W,lber Preiniurn at each. ' • . . Navin a . , met : with 'reasonable encouragement 'het . - season', ; tie - enbec. ll ribor would . return . thanks forfor past favors and solicit a persons In wan t , Ot•a good Bake to give him Is eel; at' the Park Foundry; ilimluudesbneg, ,I'o4. ,tbe• manufactory. • - - td, )011„,Ay, person , having light wagon wheel/. about ' jinn., feet high, can have iv rake made to order by sending height of.wheel; length of hub, and sise,or boxes.., TEitbiS,EASY-r*Price $2O with wheels, and $l2 with out. Ardent addressed to the undersigned, at Ile clundeskurg,- receive prompt-attention. . blarch• 26, 1850-4ni.) '• • - W. 311111 i. moot )1-• ADZES'.. SHOES;•---4 . . - ' fiill •': assort 4 4 - , of I.o.idieylne.:AloroptlymAd litd'Shoes and. 'oots.'‘ Akalllsßes".atiii Chndrull 14,1 girt! 'varletS" just ietuiveinit tir Ch,esit . st*: . ~. A a _ks 2 " i ' , ' .___:*: .._, f Avrik 4,109 ' , ' ••' '' ,-‘ 'C144.5:00P11—.. =I 11111 ES:! 1111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers