S ( 1 11)c iilarlicts. CARLISLE PRODUCE MARKET. , It I.: l'olUrED FOlt TLEI i;icitAti) C Wtninetit)ny MorniOg,'Deu. 26. FLiniu Superfine, per bbl. 11,, Extra, IBM WIT ITE WHEAT per,b sel , do do I{ I I, 1.11 F. CORN OA I, CLO VEII SEED TlmoTitvsi;rn. do WINTFR BARLEY. do SvoiNG'I3AOLEY: dd .1F1111.A6111.1. 1 111A MARKET. SATURDAY EVENING. Dvo. 17 • FLoutt ANo MEAL.—PI I e recipts of Flour continue to tall off, butth i e want, of vesPels and the unfavorable tenor of the late foreign news, have depressed the market, and some holders, in order to meet the - views of buyers, hove submitted to a further idecline of 25c per bbl Since the close of last week, the transactions, however, for shipment, reneh seine 15.000 bbls, mostly western. including some lots for future'delivery at $8 25a $8 50 for standard and f;•nod straight brand,t, and $8 75a59 per bhl fur extra and extra family: at the close there is rather more firmaess un the part of holders, who are less anxious to soil, our lowest figures being generally refus ed for fair shipping brands. Itye Flour is also Inner, with snoop sales. in all seine 20ibt 301) hbls., nt till,1:21 nlli :25 per lib' Mosl has been very dull, with sides of mono 500 n 600 bbls, only to notice at *it for Penn syli , aillil GRAIN—The receipts of whmit continue light, but the demand has fallen off, and prices favor the buyer; sales being confined to red, in small lots, at 180a200c, including 400 bushels prime at the latter rate. Nothing doing in white worthy of notice. Rye is rather lower, and 33435000 bushel's Western sold at 1236 Corn is more plenty, and the receipts, consisting of about '20,000 bushels now Southern yellow, part mixed and old, found buyers at 80a85c; afloat • Oats in moderate demand, and atalut '3OO bushels Southern sold ut 40a420, as is quality. . ,W safe anti Rent. Sri: AM SAW MILL AN D -, 4 4 /1 TIMBER LAND FOR SALE.—The sub. scriber oilers at private sale a STE.A m sin er A ming SAW MJI,L situated In South Middle. ton township, Cumberland county. with wind> is connected about NINE HUNDRED AND TILL itT Y . -THREE ACRES of good Pine, Oak, Chesnut and Poplar. .tituber. The Mill and Engine aro In th e best runniugord and can he started at a days notice. There is a nod double two.story DW ELLIN.; 11 lUSE an the Property, suitable for two families, wit hmn office and go a About fifty acres of the land could be advantageously cultivated and converted into a pr )- Ittable•V,lrm:- The property presents great inducements to put chasers. Terms will be made easy. For other particulars apply to the subseaber at Carlisle. l'a. due. 5,'5.1. WM. D. SEYMOUR. rlO LET.—A 'large and commodious a l wee. STORE itiYDni Mai I (n street, Inquire at this. nuv. '2B, '55 PUBLIC HOUSE FOR RENT.—The Tavern Stand now oceu. pied by Thomas Costamagna, situate It the head of Belling Spring, south ',,llddleton townshlp,Cumberiand Co., 4% miles eaist of Carlisle, is offered for rent from the Ist of April Rest, nay'. 7, '65. t , ~ j :-- ~:. ,J~=~r,y DOPLAR LOT PROPERTY AT pitivATE SAM That valuable piece of grown situate In South Hanover street, In the borough o Carlisle, known as the POPLAR LOT Said lot contains about one acre and a quarter of ground and from its desirably and advantageous lore ties is admirably adapted for building purposes, The lot will be sold entire, or in lots to suit put , chasers. For terms and further particulars enquire of A. L. SPOSSLER, Real Estate Agent and Scrivener. oct. 31, '55 aIIDUSE FOR SALE OR RENT. The subscriber offers for sale or rout, that inrg aml.cenvoniont two story II ICE lIOUSE with back haltdin, situated on the cortivr, , f IledMrd Imuther streets, in 'Elie Muse is new and in good con dition, with n Cistern, Sake Oven, Smoke House, a good garden mid moms choice fruit trees. For par``h•ulnrs rail ou JOHN SELLERS. oct. 17, '5l, ALUNBLE' CORNER PItOP'TY. ATPRIVATE SALE. "hatvery valuable and well known BUSINESS RTAYU situate on the corner of North Hanover and [Author Streets, In the borough of Carlisle now owned end occupied by .Jacob Vetter, containing :10 feet front On Hannover street and 240 feet on Louther street.— The improvements on Hannover steeet are a large ni RUE STORY HOUSE, with a large brick bark build ing finished in the most elegant manner, containing H Moonlit including the store room, besides pantries and convenient closet arrangenten taw, The STORE A00:4 feet In depth, fitted up in the best suessible wanner and one of tint most desirable and long established business locations in our town. Thorn is a large twostory brick building fronting on Louther street, with a shop attached, now occupied as cabinet maker shop. Alcoa stable on the foot of the lot; and other necessary out buildings. The property is in exollent order having been recently fitted up by the present occupant Tor terms &c. enquire of A. L. SPONSLER, Sept b, Real Estate Agent and Scrivener. VALUABLE TOW; i PROPERTY NOM. BALE.—The large . Brick House and Lot eithated on Louthor Street one door east of tho Carman :1' .„.. , Reform Church. The house contain,. , .... -42) nine large rooms, besides two finished .; itir ',-,-. ~ , attic chambers. logo kitchen and sum r ,ar • mor kitchen. The lot has 60 foot front ...—.....1:_".1f , !'" 'on Geuther street by 240 feet back to a wide alloy, and 120 foot on North Street- by 210 foot to the same alloy, containing in all about nu aero of ground. There is also a good tenant house and a stable 60 feet long on the promises. The pr qwrty wmild suit admirably for either a gentelmaier pH v:Lt t! regi,l , ,tl , l , a h ardlng school er fartvy establial m.mt. Ver terms Sc... enquire of * ' , A. L. SPONSLEII, AO I.', 1 ., !teal Estate Agent, Carlisle 11104ineli, t MARVELLOUS REMEDY FOR, A 31AIIVE1.1,0111S AUE) r .. 9 0' . : % AP 0 .4 , f I I I . ' '..:' ! v 0 . 90 .7 , :) ) ' t . ‘ t .4 . 4, ' ,), - ,A 4:t . $ 8.25 8,76 5,! 7 1,90 1.80 1,10 118 35 . . By the ald (if a microscope, we seti millions of little openings on the surface of our bodies. Through tio , o this Ointment, when rubbed on the skin, is carried to :toy organ or Inward part, 'Diseases of the Kidneys, disorders of the Liver. affeetions vl the heart, In llama ti ot of the Lungs, Ai:thongs, Clomths and Colds, are. by. Its Intlaini effectually cured. Every housewife knows t aaL B.dt, tIaSSOM freely through hone or meat of any t-t.tickness. This healing Ointment far trwre readily pmetrateS through any bone or fleshy part of lie living sly, curing the most dangerous inward complaints, that cannot be reached by other means. ERYSIPELAS:SALT ltilE1:31 AND SC fitilliTlC 8,25 2.75 1,10 I,po No rutnotly has ever• dont. s i in ueh for t 'me ours of dis elltiett st tlw Skin whatever form the ) oay assume, as time thninmeol. No ease c•f Salt Ilhr.rn, `curve. Sore IL I els. Serofula or Hrysipoles, ett% lo id withstand its tailitoin.q. inventor h.is travelie I Over many parts of the globe, visiting the principal im spirals, dispensing this Ointment, giving iidviee us to ILA appliVatioll, rtAd hits letiM the means of restoritm4 countless numbers to imealt tiftlt LEO S. Blt EASTS, )(INDS AND ULCERS Some of the most scientific sitrzeims now rely solely on theThse of this , :titinent. when having t cope with the worst. case , : ,If curls. ,vouti'ds, ulcers, zl tmlular swellings. and to ,dfrs. Professor I lolloway by nom:nand or on. Alit ~1 li,verilinten ts. dispateli e the hospif its of the I. .t. large shipments of this tnotnient. to do used uo the fill venoms of the Ilfsli• i . Ol rtniL in the worst Vil,••.11( wounds. II will cure any nicer, glandular swellin.r. stiffness or eentracti•fn of the j riots, even of 20 year's .at tutting. ====l== t+ T. , .•itiall) cured if 1,11 • Jintment be well rubbed in over tae parts end by otblinvisu iblb)Oing lib, print directions Itroutbl each put. ' 57Th TIIE oIVINI/INT AND PILLS SHOULD lIE USED IY T/IE 151.1551 NU ASKS: hluinns riles 1111115 I{llol.lllllltiS la LIM igt=ZEl= MEM Fist 'this Sore I.es nit. Sore Breasts I.anthaqo Sore I lead, )lereurial Erup- Sore Throats tions Sores of all kinds J. * * told at the Manufactories of Professor HOLLOWAY, so 31aiden Lane, New York, and 14.1 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggests- and Dealers of Medb does throughout the United States, and the civilized world. in Pots, at 25 rents. 1121,6`orris. and $1 each. There is a considerable saving by taking the larger sle.es. N. It. Directions for the guidance of patients in every disorder are ;011xod to each l'ot. oct. :11. '55. ‘,._ DES!. DE R ATUM!— i M. JAOOIIS. No. 391, Poplar Street, Philadelphia, I% 1,”1" manufacturing a ,currist; PEN, composed of metals which nut being Lode to corrosion will he haunt as durable ae Sor to "...eel pens. Resembling the 11u1.11 store than the gold pun in elasticity, they will be pre ferred ac not injuring ;the color of lied Ink or collecting say of that sediment about them which steel pmts in v.friably dw they will he found to invaluable ituryirove moot. One trial will prove the }Act that they AOOllll4O 0 •011011fiCal than and%uperior to nay pen in use. 'Price IL IR and 25 cents per dozen, or $1.25, i..:1,5t) and 52,00 rt. gross. Fur sale in Mechanicsburg by .E. DIMISII- IitMI3It, awl In Carlisle only by art. 17, '55. . A. M. PIPHR, Main street, . .. . __ ILLITSTRATPD HISTORY OF A L YEAR': EVENT IN TII II CRIM EA.—Complete up t 0 the present date. limbracing a Journal of the -legs . f .-:et estop .I—Battles, Aorties:::;torni... It resits, killed, ii m u ted, q igsing, &v., alai the latest reterehee. Maps of t h e Crlinet and Ithwlt : , ,01. .1:sil, three rives ..t 1...,e -t a....t ,ptl, with descriptions of eada, and a splendid kit. .r.tvin„ of Croudadt, showing and describing Its fortiti vaLlollS. Size of Map, 26 - by 32 inches. Price 25 rents, beauti f illy colored. Sent by mall to any part of the country Cm one runt postage. Map, lied. and Print Agents wanted for every State lo the Union to Nell from a list of popular Maps. Lot- U•r.s of inquiry promptly answered. Catalogues and Ndeeimen sheet free to the trade. A. OCE N, not. 14, '55. No. 60 Fulton st., N. Y. IRON I EltON.—The subscriber has the satisfaction to auounco to the public that his I ..ge and extensive Ware !louse is completed, and is filled with one of the largest Milt best assortment or , lIANIMERED AND ROLLED IRON . . ever offered in this place. Those in want would do wo to call and OKlltllilltl before purehnsinv elsewhere. Re member the old stand, LAI Main street. Sept. 141, HENRI S.kNTON PETER" P. ERE tUST RECINNED.—A lot of pattent Moat Oriudorm, a nicuarttelo for Farmers, or family uoo, for sale at J. I'. LYNE'S thinovur St., Carltsla. VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that _Li application will be made to the next Legislature of Pennsylvania, to alter the Charter of the CAnUBL Ua sir B tNK, located In the borough of Carlisle, Cunt. icadand county, en ant,, confer upon the said Bank the rillits anti privileges of a Bank of Issue, nue to change its name to the CARLISLE BANK. Also to increase t to capital of said Bank (which Is at present sixty thou. said dollars, with the privilege of lorreasin the Caine under Its present charter to one hundred thousand LI 'imams) to two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. By order of the Board of Directors. WM. I'd. BEI.ITEM, Cashier. Carlisle, June 2.5,1855.-lim NOTICE ,that an application will be made to tho next Leg isiaturo of the State of Pennsylvania, for the passage o a law to incorporate a Bank of Deposita with a capital of EIVTY TIIOIIBIND Dobtans, with authority to increase the same to Ono Hundred Thousand Dollars. To be cal ht the MECHANICSBURG DEpostni BANK, and to be located In the borough of Alechanicsburg, Pa. 'rho 'object orsaid Bank is to increaso the' general business faellitied of the public in the vicinity of its location. • Daniel CHOI, Jacob Coovor, . 2 , John II ursh, sr. Benjamin Eberly, -, • John Iteigel, , John Brandt, Henry O. Rupp, tioor,th Singizen, John Mouser, Elias Grabill, John (*vet., David Miller, Androw `I. Kauffman, Solomon P. (forges. . Mechanicsburg, Juno 20, Iftlifonm A.RLI§LE Dlt; POSIT B A NK.- ih:POSITB 101) he received at this Bank fin any length ottime over four Months anclintsfinit paid at the,rate of yOUR PER CENT. per nnnui I, and the mildhaek at any time after ntaturit without notice. Interest aeries after the expiration of the time specified in the certificate, unless renewed for another Oven period, In which case the Interest Is pabtup un• ill the time of the 'renewal. Bank opens et 9 o'clock, A. hi. and closes at 2 o'clock, P. M. R. PARKER, President. W. hi. Ilsrant, Cashier. apr2s SCOTT'S LITTLE' GIANT CORN . and COB CRUSIIBIL—AIoe yttrium Patunt of Moat , Cut tore and Stutters—for Salo by Bt. SAXTON. uov. 28, 'bs. ; nel.,Cheap cjob.aintineat, this office TII E 41RAND EXTERNAL REMEDY Ur 1101:h IND FISTULAS 1=1:I linitft Notices. 1 1 .1(isiqAokt - Qi)ITIJA 00,, S UHArExaus, EN d'INErAtS AND DRAUUIPTSME;N supplied with :11.ii.hetuatical Drawing Instruments, suparate nna in CUM'S, SUCH as Dividers, Pardltel 'Lulus, Ivory, 110 x-wood and Papiir Scales, 'l' squares, 'triangles, Dow Pens, Drawirritioens. Protractors, Gunter's SeaMs, Tape Met's urea, Miitalic Tapes, Surveyors Chains, '2 and 4 Pole, Oil and lOU lout, Surveyor's Compasses,' Engineer's Levels and Traiksits, Target Rods 4:e., Magic Lanterns of the hest 'construction. Scriptural Diagrams. Astromical, Natural History, itumareus, ChrOnliktrOpe Fire works, Dissolving Views, Magnets. Polorantas, Air- Pumps, Llectrical apparatus, Galvanic apparatus and a largo collection of Philosophical Instrunient 4 , Mailable f colleges and schools. Also, Spectacles, Spy Glasses 3licroscopes, Thermometers, Barometers Reading ci las . ses Ac. Raving received the agency for the sale of 11014- illtOOK'S SOIIOOL APPARATUS, I am prepared to furnish Teachers with au Orrery, a Tellurian ' a N emend Frame, a fi inch Globe, a Hemisphere Globe, a set of Geinnetrfriti Solids, a Magnet and Text If iiik, all packed in a box with . lock and key fur $2O. Illustrated and priced catalogues forwarded Gratis. JAMES W. QUEEN, 2114 Chesnut St. Philadelphia, East of loth St. TOYS! TOYS! .TOYS!!- W. TILLER, IMPORTER, Ilan received his Fall Assortment of TOYS AND FANCY GOODS, forming a greater variety than ever beihre offered mid at lower rates than even the low prices of last season. Fancy Baskets, 200 patterns, plain and embroidered.— Crying Dolls, China Dolls, likt Wax Dolls, Aecor deons. Yiollno. tiarmonica Yeah pets.S; to. Toys of Rood, China, Glass, Tin. &c., over 1000 patterns, by the dozen or ),rross in lots to suit. Also o.ises ,d Toy at„, , ,:p, 10 and 20 per case. withan endless variety of ne11 2 4..5t styles of FANCY tith WS. per latest packets, itni lin sale at the lowest rates lu the city. W. TILLER, Importer. Oct. 10. No. 1, Commerce st. l'hila. FANCY .G 00 D S NEW EST STYLES! ' 4lOC ' • .n endless variety, now opening and offered 1 ,•,5 , in lots 1. suit and at lowyst prices Work Boxes and Baskets. China and !lbw Goods. Amoasier Articles, Bohemian Wass Toilet Bottle., Mir rors, Inkstands, 'lea Sots, Rich Paper host's, cal Toys, Puppets, ,le., jl:e. W. TII,LE R. Importer. No. 1, COMilleree St. Phila. QIVING FUND OF THE U.S. NSU NCE, ANNUITY & TRUST P'Y• S. E. Corner Third and Chesnut Streets, Phila. .11-.A_ CA PITA', 5250,000. miey Is received .in deposit daily. the ,nnolint tt, entered in a Deposit Book and given to the Depot.itor. or. if preferred. a Certificate Will tie All sums large and small, are revel, ed, and the amount paid baelt on demand, without noire ntertiSt Is pall at the rate of Vier Vitt CENT.. rot r mewing from the day .if deposit and ceasing fourteen days previous to the withdrawal of the umnev. Cif the furs[ day iit.iatlllary. in entli year. the interest of call deposit is paid to the depositor, or :Oiled to the p Inripii, as he may prefer. The Cotnpanv have now upwards of 3.500 depol:ltor, in t h e eitV of Philadelphia alone. Any adittonal information will be given b; addressing the TREASURER. Sprains Scalds e•welllng (Hands hllif Joints Ulcers Venerial Sores Wounds of all lids Stephen R. Crawford. t'rea't. Wm. M. Godwin, Lawrence .lohnson, Vice l't. P.uil 11. Goddard. Ainhrrise 0. Thompsiin, lien. Mellensy, lionjaniln AV. Tingley, James I)erl•reuX, Jacol,-.L. Florance, Oust. English. I'Ll7s; V FISK. Secretary and Treamirer .1 t`14:111.5t7111.1 . 9ER. Teller and I n terpeter Sept. 12 .:15.111.• D IVE P.p. S FUND OF TIM NATIONAL. SAFETYTCOMPANY. Wal nut street, south-west corner eif Third street, Philadel phia. Incorporated by the State of Pennsylvania in , . Five per cent. Interest is given, and the money is al ways paid hack whenever it. Is called for, without the necessity of giving notice for it beforehand. People who have large sums put their money in this Saving Fund, on account of the superior safety and c1)11. SCIIIOIICO it affords, but any sum, large or. small, is ro• caved. • . This Saving Fund has a very large amount of Mort gages, Ground Dents and other first class investments for the security of Depositors. The rules prevent any Director or Officer from using or borrowing the Money. The Office is open to receive and pay money every day. from 9 o'clock in the morning till T o'clock In the evening, and on Monday and Thursday evening, till 9 o'clock. People who have money' to put in, are invited to call at the office for further infbrmation. HENRY L. BENNER, President. 11011 T. SELFRIDGE, Tice President. WM. J. REED, Secretary. October fEIS' • • " CORN SHELLERS ! CORN STIELLERS. 'The subscriber having in the last few years framed upwards of a hundred and forty Cent Shutters for Hen ry Rhoads, wishes to inibrm the Farmers of Cumborland county that ho is.preparod to frame thorn anew. I will take Corn or Wood In pay for Framing, and will in sure the unichines to run well. My shop is at the North end of West street. aug 29.-21 n. , JOSEPH WEAVER. FANCY FURS FOR LADIES !- JOHN 'PARMA, importer, Manulbcturer and Dealer in all kinds of Fan cy Furs, No. 2 1 Market above EightlfStreet, PIII LADELPHI A. • 0 Having now diiiiploted my very large and beautiful assortment of all the different kinds of Fanny Furs, and fashioned Into ail the different styles and Widens that will hi) worn during the present season by Ladles and Children, and being determined to sell my gouda at SMALL t'ROIbTd it will be to the advantage of Ladles and others to gyro MO a call before purchasing. o.9—fitorekoupera and the trade will do well to call, as they will find one of the largest and beet variety of stock to select front in the city, Sept 19 A H. FRANCISCUS, MANUFACTUTER OF COTTON LAPS Weakling, Tin Vern. Carpot Chain, Cotton Yarns, LAM I', CANDLH AND FLUID WICKS. which hosiffors to sell at tho Lowest Cash Prices et No Markot Street Above Second, North side, Philadelphia . -18!., lAM NOW RECEIVING . e c ony spring, stock of PAPhil HANGINGS which tike largest and most varied assortment ever opened in Carlisle, to which I invite the early attention of the public, as 1 Intend soiling at prices which cannot tail to ahem tho closest purchaser march2B 1 1 001.3.—A rimmoioth amortment o Tooth?. of all kinds now opening at nil and coo thew, J. P. LYNES tfitfabefp(jia. DIREC'COSS ktrl... „AL ~, 1 1 ..„, ;‘, , . . , „ JOHN FAREIRA JOIIN P. LYNI litjilaheipOtn fIENIJINE lIONEY I SOAP kJf purity, fragrance, niild enTolliont properties of this Soap, renders it especially ' deserving u idace ou every toilet For Chopped hands, anti vario n o diseases oldie skin, it Is Miequaled. Each cake is stamped W:i1. , 11.70N• WAY. Ins South' S. 01 . 1 , 111.1 - street, Philadelphia. Nd other is Hen nine. IMP ROVED ell I:NI ICA 11, OLIVE SOAP, warranted to wash in hard. soft, or salt water. Thin soar has power ful eleansing propertie,, \V MAI readily remove Oil, Paint, Dirt. &v., from mery riestriptii in of goods without Injury to them. For till tionestie purpii es it is ttnyierior to aoW of her asap in in: , : a id '2O per cheaper than the common rosin 'mp. Each lwr is st: aped. W 1.1.1 A laS South Second street, Philaderphia, Manufacturer of Fancy and Staple:4,l6pH, sperm, stear- Inc and tallow candles. Imparter and dealer in sal soda, soda ash, rosin, &c. Orders by mail profnialy attended to' Sept. 12th ant rII. SMITH, PORT 3 , IONNAIE, POCKET BODE. and DRESSING CASE telanuthethror, N.W. corner 4th and Chemut streets PHILADELPHIA, air Always on hand a large and vaned assortment of fort %ninnies, Work Mkt's. . Pocket Books, . Calms, Bankers Cases,. Travelling Hags, Note !folders, Ik s Boards, Port Folios, Chess :Den, Portable Desks, Pocket )leinorantlum hooks Dressing Cases, Clear Cases, fie. Also a general aeoelrtment Or English. French anal; er man Fano . Deeds. fine pocket Cutlery. Manors, Razor Strops and Gold Pens. second and third Floors. apr I S F. D. SMUT!, N.W. eornt4r 4th and Clu.su ut streels. . . N. 111.-011 t.lO , ree..lpt. of $1 n superior (told Pe•n will he sent to any part or the r.nilitry Ly nutil—deseribing pon thus, medium, hard or soft. I) E E I E. N LAN 1) & CO'S who} at id retail Li iTK INU G1..1t-: t) 'll I. F. ,FRA ME I I.IN F.D"Tolll ' . N0.1:26 street, ~vrosite the Theater. Philadelphia. E. N. .Y Co. received the on]) Prize Nledal, awarded at the Crystal Palace cChillition, N. Y., . in the Viiited Mate., for Kilt, Decorated. '3latitel and Pler Illasss. T l' 1-,4 S ! T 111 7 S S ! (.. NEEDLEs. I;i:stz AND ItitAl ESTAIO.I:AIMENT, ME!M=MM=IM=EiI Importer of line French Trusses. coulidullig extreme OnSO and durability o ill, correct construc tion. Ilrrnial or rupt wed patients .-an be suited by remit ting ano.unts:-- - lendicg number of inches round the lilps, and stitling side :iftecti.o.. Cdst ..f 'Truss. $ 2..`:1. $4. 11.011.1e—5.5 $ll. $5 and $lO. instructions :is to wear, and how to effect a cure. wh o . passible, sent o Ith the Truss. Also 1.. r sale. in groat variety flit. BANN I NO'S INI PROV ED PATENT BODY 1111 ACE„ For the cure of Pl' dapsus Uteri : Spinal, d"Nps and Sup ports, Patent Shoulder Braces, Chest Expanders and Erector Braces, adapted to all with Stoop Shoulders and and Weak Lungs; Eptliah Elastic Addominal Suspensories. SI, ringes—wale and retuale. 25p-Ladies' linoins, with 1.1.1 y attendants. ‘ZUPER PHOSPHATE OF LIME. AN (MNtoVED The subscriber informs Dealers and Farmers that ho has :neatly Improved the quality of his SUPER PIIOS- Af6 oF LIME, and DOW confidently recommends the article manutitctured by him, as St.PElllOlt to any in the market. You are Invited to call. examine and try It. Also PERUVIAN AND MEXICAN lIUANO, OILS, CANDLES, SOAP, kc. At the lowest market rates. JNO. h. POMEROY, Successor to Thos. W. Morgan. 0 and 10 South'Wharves, Philadelphia. 4eirra ere canload on two trivet° Vio fs,ted. avoid the crowded wart IhitY S, 99v QEAMEN'S SA . VING' - --EKI:L__VD; ky Chartered by the State of Pennsylvania in 1555 OFF1(11, 55 WALNUT STREET Ono door above Second Street, Philadelphia, Receives Deposits in sums of One Dollar and upwards, from eyll classes of the community, and allows interest tit therate of five per cent per annum. Moneys paid back ou demand:. :410' Office ,opeu daily from 9 until +5. o'clock, and on Monday and Saturday until 9 o'clock in the 'evening. This institution. Will be found a convenient and safe plaecrefdenosit for Farmers' and others doing business in philadelphia. Deposits era paid on demand without any previous notice being raquired. ' MANAGERS. Edmund A. Solider, , lion. Job R. Tyson, Stiltvell 5: Bishop, George BOldin, ' James P. Perot, Robert Morris, 'John McCanles, Edward L. Clark, Jacob'Sbeete, . Capt. John Gallagher, ' Joseph M. Cowell, John Rice, Jea.epli It. Myers, Richard G. Stotesbury, Edward 11. Trotter, . William Shlppen,jr..'t ; Franklin Bacon, Wm. P. .1 en I; s, Thomas Cooper, Edgar E. Pettit;. Pretddent—FßAMKLlN FELL. . Tnasitrer—ClCAS. M: :11011111S, • . Secretary—JAMES S. I'4INGLF. iresllTho'Cliarti.r provides that no manager, officer or agent Aiell o directly or indirectly, borrow any money {rem the Society. 0ct17,1855-ly CORN SIIELLERS; STRAIN' CUTTERS. „ . •A. large assortment of Superior Corn Shellers, includ ing Reading's Patent, capable of shelling 1000 bushels of Corn per day. Also Ponnock's hand and power Rol lors,•wit If.varloutt other natenti of rariousprlees. Ilay, Straw and Fodder ,Cutters of the, most approvod con struction and In greet variety. Sausage Choppers and Stutters. 'Double .Michigan, Subsollo Eagle, and Bar Share l'lows, Super'or Ox Yokes and Bows, Grain Fans, Farmers Bollera, Corn and Cob Mills, Lime and Guano 'Spreaders, &c, for sale Wholesale and Retail by PASCHALL MORRIS & Co., Aeroflot's" Ware' ouso and Boot" Store. N. E. Cor. tile and Market sts., I'bfle. Oct 10, '55 FALL STYLE OF :1855.-- GEORGE KELLER respectfully announces to his old Patrons and the public generally that he has just re ceived the FALL STYLE OF GENTLEMEN'S HATS, manufactured at one of the best establish ments In Philadelphia, to which he invites special attention. 110 has also constantly op band a large end varied as- Kortmont of his own manufacture no well as city made Hats and Caps, suitable for tho women, comprising every variety of Russia, Beaver, Moleskin and Silk Hato, fin -Med in the latest style, together with a full assortment Of CAI'S of every shape and description, and at every price. lie particularly invites the public to call and ex amine his, exoonslve assortment, which in style,'Mato ritl and finish, cannot Lo surpassed by any in market, and which ho Is able to put at prices lower than over. • Remember his old stand on North Hanover street, be 4een Ifumer's anti Senor's stores. •- TUST RECEIVED, a l*o assortn►cnt I t , of FLOOR OIL OLOTII of dlifeiont widths mi l d torna—for sale at SAXTON'S. II .-'1'11(. ICOI . P 0 L A 1).1 A7l ()N I , he Ilotosable kU Es IL liIATIAfI, I'l'ol4- 4 ~,, i/19a Judge of the ee,eral Court,: of Conunon Pleas of . ), •" .7 I tin , eon illdes 4 , 1 CUlallorialld. Perry and tlUilttll, and It 4,4 l'enuillt ania, and Justice .1 the neveratec arts tl3 or • k . Z . . and 'l. miner tied C e 'eoerai Jail beliNry . said ecuu ties. and lien..louv t nod Z . .;.1311,3LL 15 L l / 2 4rIllliN Judges of the Court of li3 awl Tel miner and., tieneral Delivery for the trial of sl I capital and other ollentlers, in the said eon,. t 3 of Cund erland. 1,3 their precepts to nic dire, tout bent lug dab the I_tl lay of Not outlier. 18:75, ha. e ea -I:ct uI 4 .yer and Terminer and cr3 e in leell :It It 1,1: , 1,1, el, NI llt hAr, the I . l anoar3. at 'II) o'cl. .1. to the fore: men, me 11-ut!II I,t• 01 , 11(•01.s. NoTICE 1:1 1 - . N. •to the Coroner. .lus tices of the Peace Pull tli 4llid county et ` Uninherland. that flit} are I.y the said precept cern -rn1111.11.1.1 to he tle.n and there In thoh proper persons, Ii ith their roll, ree..rds. toy a lnitlun s, exalphlationo and all other remembrances. to do those tlitilgs vrhlch to their odice upper Lain to bo done, and till those that are hound by revoguiZlllieeS, to prosecute. against the Prlroners that are or then shall be in tilP jail of said c.ointy, are to be there to prosecute then, as shall be Just. JACOB BUNN 31 AN, t_ 4 IIERI OFtICE. CARLISLE,} N" . • 28. 1 l i ISTATE OF ANN KENI4EGA, bet is herohy given that Letters of Ad ministration on the Estate of AHD lignnega, lute of Filter timberland county, &teemed, hn i 1. I. en granted by the !Meister of said enmity to the slit nu, residli in Carlisle. All persons In S:1111 Lstete toe reqnired 111111111tV Ut end timse bay log claims to prtsent them lie• set itellient to dee. A. j ' STATE 01' JOIIN COYLE', dec d. —Native is herel4y given that Letters of Adminis tiatem liTi the Lstate nt John Coyle, tote of 11i4gues tan 44, I 'uniherland 4444unty, deceased. hale 6,, d u ly granted try the Register of said county to the out rwri bet residing ill Newt ills , itt , said county. All pr t eves sal,' Lstato m ill make pny meet 11101 111. Fe ilgaillet it will priisima them ter settle niel.t t.; SCOTT 041 LE, 44.1. 21, 1455-4;w Adminlstratur. I U 111,1 C SCIIOOI,S, CAIiLISLE. L oder the '27th Section of the School Laws of ..•1111,4 :Mkt the Teachers are required to make a mootilL% Letw t of the pupils attending during the month designating the ?loather of days each utteoded, the 14, used, and bratiches taught: these reports setting f..rth ah;o the induct and Noll, ier.) of each pupil are rrcei% ed. and on tile. and sohjeet to the in „r :try eitizens of the District, especially un the lest etfue , tla.) or each month at 2 t i 'not IS I. 31., at Eilu,athqt F 11211411 ., Select School Ls held. J. 11.113111.1'l I•leet . y. I • any. 7, '55, :;t..1 a 81' A T P.' 01" .JANEEWING e' d —Notice is hinell Oren that letters of whainis 'll the Estate of Jane Ening. late of hicEenson tea Cutalwland county. - deerased, have Leen clouted by the Itegister of said county to the subscriber resi•ling in the same township. All perstsls indeEted t•• said estate are required to make payment and those ha, lug claims to prownt them ter settlement to • dee: Ili. p JOHN EMlNtElAtlm'r. 11 A S TATE "of RUDOLPII HERTZ -, herd)) gig en that Letters ration on the Estate it Endolph Ilea tiler, late of Ilonre tee nship, Clamberland voulity, deceased, have 1..111 141'4131 , d I/ the Register ui s aid county to the subscriber. residing in the t.anie township. A l] persehs knowing themselt es indeLlett to said estate ate regnir ,elt to Make p 11). those l a sting claims to present then. kit settlement to septiltqat CHRISTIAN ILEIITZLEII, AtEntr. FAMILY COAL.—;-560 _IONS KENSVALLEY COAL. Broken and rescreened, prepared expressly for fluidly use and kept UN DEU rovElt, so that I can furnish It DRY and CLEAN during the n inter season. 1 hare also on hand and fur sale the Lu CoAL from the mines of Boyd. Losser A Co.. am cif AMOKI:\ COAL from the mines of OA ran, rWil CO., itll of which krill sell at small tomtits for cash, mot deliver to any pert 01 the borough. sV I n0v.14, 'db. A. It. llUlil.AV, Apt. 0 r r ORTON COAL. T'';i i irTON COAL. Owner orlon o , al Comp e how prepuredio,fur nish the ettirens of Carlisle trod vicinit) with an al oh dant supply of the titm nine Trevorton Coal.through thrir dealors h. MC 1:1( A and I +, brie 1 - 0110t1111t•I'S can proenre ' I S t la . : lump, Math Boat, Broken. Egg eau rerumend it to all, as superior to and other of for Meant, llowestie purposes, and lium burning. For the information of the citizens of Carlisle ue tot uld in form them, this is that superior coal, a sample of which N , n,, sent by E. Itelfenstiue, Esq'r. of Tretnrtun, about the "minter of 1862 and gave so much satisfac tion. Trevorton Coal Company Port Trelortofi, Union coun y, Pa. Aug. 22, 1855. • 11.111.5 T FAMILY COALS! AT THE NEW COAL YARD. '1 he subscriber would respectfully inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he is now prepared to fur, nigh the OENUINE TIIEVOIITON COAL, of varkus sizes, a sample of which was furnished to a number of citizens three years since by Mr. E. lielfenstein, and which gave such perfect satisfaction. Also best qualities of Lykeus Valley and Shamokin Coal. Also BLACKSMITH'S and, LIMEBURNIAt'S COAL of the different kinds, constantly on hand, at the new Coal Yard near the gal works, ept. 5 '55 NOTICE TO CONSUMERS. „..._CO4LI COAL!! COALI3' 't nu EllbSCribgr would respectfully intOrni his friends and the puiflic, that he is now receiving WOO tons of that very,superior 4EI/ ASII CoAL, tram the Luke mines of iloyd, !tosser A. Co., the only Red Ash Coal brought from the Shamokin Itasin, introduced and known' In Carlisle as the lielfenstineCoal. It Is entirely , free from slate and.all other Impurities, and Is perfectly adopted to all mechanical and doniestb purposes. Its readiness to ignite, renders it partic4,larly, desirable for small stoves, while its Intensity of heat mid great dura bility in burning makes it equally so for large ones. lie would also call the attention of farmers and others to a Superior article of CIIESNUT COAL, from the same mines, for steam and line purposes. For sale only in Carlisle by July 25,'55.41t. VAMILY, COAL.-500 Tons Lyken's Valley Coal, broken and Screened, prepared oz,-. r - snly fo use, receiving and for sale by 'ins. 20 Um W. 11. MURRAY, Agt. • '..MEBURNERS' COAL. 2,000 4 oui Lyken's Valley Nut Coal, a superior article melt • g and for sale by " Jut luOtint Lt. iIiSMIPI-I'S' COAL. - 5,000 Duel is Blacksmith's Coal , a first 'rata artlelo re co ding ant or silo by Juno, 2O t t 41-7 e ,4000 TONS LYKENS . I , alloy, 'Dauphin and Pine Orem. • . r ` Nut or Limo Coal, Lykona Volley, Pittston and Shamokin Stove Coal, Also, best quality IllackamitliCoal, Also, LIMIER of 411 hinds and best Cypress Shingles, lid of which will be sold unusually low. Friends call and judo for yourselves. aug 20 tf . !!, FOR RENT for one or more years r l l 1 ! 1 , 1 from the let of April next, the clhtil.le corner .. 'STORE ROOM, opposite the Mansieu House Hotel on Main street, now occupied by Henry Peters.— Also the Blacksmith Shop on the rear of said lot. ' AP ply to ROBERT NOBLE. nov. 28, '3B, . • . . Notices. lAM ES WI DN ER, Adm'r (Cod c ? orbs. Cunt 1n .1 ACOII SllllOlll G. W. WILTON' W. B. 'MURRAY, Agt W. U. MURRAY, Agt S. M. 110ml:it
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers