y r tuorou GRAND EXHIBITION. FroM an exchange we clip the following programme, ,which is about the most olussic production we have read for many a day: TiIS GREAT PERFORMANCE AT SYItACUSS ON THE 25th UNCEMI; Just. opened, with 100.04 -- Cariesities, and performance, in Lecter Room; among which may be Ibund TWO LIVE WAR CONATEIOLOI IB , • Mail and Femail. Also!! A LTRILPED ALGEBRA, STl:', FT Bcside§!..l A PAIR OF SHUTTLE COOKS ANT) ONE Sill/TILE LIEN -ali ve ! BIVOILD WlllOll GEN 'WELLINGTON FIT )VITA AT TILE RATTLE OF WATERLOO! WhOIR is Slx feet long, and broil in pro- portion with!! A ENOW101:4; RATTLETAIL SNAKN- a regular wopper! And? TIM TUSUEIt OV A ItIPPOTLIENUSE! `Together with ! BENGAL TIGER: SPOTTED LEpuosYl. (MEAT ?WEAL SPECTACLE OF "ROUST vgsuvius." Part One Seen opens. Distant Nloon.- View of Bay of Naples. A thin smoke rises. IT is TILE BEGiNNINLJ OF TUE ERUCTION! The Naples folks begin to travel. Yaller fire, follered by silent thunder. Awful consternation. SITUns RUXIMES! It is the Mounting preparing to \Tondo! They call upon the fire department. IT's NO usx! Plight of Stool pigeons. A cloud of impenetrable smoke hang over the fated through which the Naplers are seen makin' tracks. Awful explosion of bulbs, kurbs, forniquets, pin wheels, Berpentiles,`and fourbillion spirals! The Mounting Laver be ging to squash out! End of Part One COMIC SONG The Parochial Beedle, LIVE INJUN ON TUE SLACK WIRE Live Itijun, OBLIGATIONS 0:k; TIIE COBNUCUP/A. =1 Signor Vermicelli, Mr. Mullet. In. the course of the evening will be an ox.„ hibishuu of, Exileratin' Gus; upon . u Isitfiul Higheun! Laffin Highona, Part Two Buy of Naples luntinated by Bendola Lites. The lava gushes down. Through the smoke:is seen the city in a state of conflagration. The last fatally! “Whar,is our parents?" A red hot stone of eleven tuns weight falls onto 'em. The bareheaded father falls scentless before the statoo of th ' 'nl Denumang! The •whole to conclude with a GRAND SIIARSPEARINO PYROLIGENOUS DISPLAY OF FIRENFURKS Maroon Bulbs, changing to the spiral wheel, which changes to the Star of our Union; after, to butiful p'ints of red litos; to finish with busting into a Brilliant perspiration! During the performance a No. of Popular Airs wili be performed on the Scotch Fiddle and Bagpipes by a real Highlander. Real Highlander, Mr. Mullet. Any boy makin a muss, will he injected at one't. As the museum is Temperance, no drinkin' aloud, but any ono will find the best of lickers in the Saloon below. Little children are as apt to tell big stories, that will not stand close examination, as older people are. Witness the little follow who came running in from the barn, zind"oi.lo, out, •01t! ma, I seen a live mouse, I hid !' , YoU did?' inquires the mother, with a semehing, look. No, ma, I didn't just soon him, hitt I heard him squeak s, little.' - Another of the same size, got bilk fact rather mixed up, when he canto biune nu began: ~ O hl pa, I have just seen one of the worsest dog fight*, its was ever seen or beard tell of in . the world!' , Well, my boy, how was it?' there Wall' 9110 great, big black dog, 41t* white ears undo brass •eollar, and ono little black arid green dog, what hadn't no man with him, and.as—' , Come, come, Simon, don'%talk so fast; you g at, everything mixed up; stop and'get breath a m oment.' 401, I was going .to toll you 'how ono dog w ith the white ear's, got on ape stele of the meeting house with the yellow ip g; ne, no, 1 • mt , fin , e ttet meeting-house with the yellow, green ettrs,,got 'On one side of the '(Ag;.' ern i the other, he—no, no. the white dog with th e y e ' new ears,•he give a yelp at the 'meeting hougo•, and the dog 7 —oh! dad, I give up, I -,itat.believe there was any dog at all !' Mr. Greeley, in the midst of his 'engineer ing ftir the Spoakership' at Washington, has found time to converse with an intelligent ' ,gentletti4 vibe recently made the trip from the I ) aolfie:ncress the Plains and whogave a horrible account of thb mend and social con dition of tbe Mormons, with whom he spent some months. lie left them wallowing deep& and deeper in the slough of filthy sensuality. with a Certainty of from bad to worse till their whole fabric of imposture is exploded by the miseries it creates and diffuses. lie says the women are nearly all anxious to fly from the horrible den; especially those who , have been 'sealed' as the 'spiritual wives' o f the scouOrelly hypocrites who propagate and uphold this monstrous delusion. Nearly all the leaders have from three women each up to Brigham Young's seventy, sonic of. ithoni make a poor living by washing the clothes of the United f!:;tates soldiers, Hundreds of these decieved, abused women secretly attempt to beg the privilege of coining away with the troops and trains passing from time to time throutth or coming from Solt Lake oily, but this cannot be allowed. Nearly all would get away if they could. Such pictures of distress and despair as are presented by many of these deceived and abused women can be found nowhere else than in Utah. Hundreds of them never heard nor dreamed of the 'spiritual wife' system until it burst upon their amazed vision on their arrival at Salt Lake. And such a mixture of profanity and blasphemy, non sense, impudent assumption and buffoonery, as is contained id their sermons and ether re- ligious exerci,ses cannot be purnlleiect in the world. A 'Gentile' of any account is carefully watched from the hour he ventures among than, acd there is little scruple as to the means whereby a troublesome intruder is dis posed of. DEITLI OF A lkfisiat.—The''Sanclusky (Ohio) V,mdicator announces the death of a German named John lierryman, at that place, leaving a fortune estimated at from twenty•five to fifty thousand dollars. lie was one of the lowest class of misers, equal to the most loathsome ever painted by Dickens. For the last sixteen years he has constantly worn the same blue, linsey-woolse4watnus and pantaloons, careful ly run or darned all over with strong thread, so as to prevent the possibility of wearing out, except on some important ocoasionst'ettcli:atil land sales or something of that tutturp t Alipti they gave Opus - :to }emit it'atieettit ho 'efteg bOattied had served him faithfully for forty years. Ho contracted the disease of which he died by walking over the bad roads during the most inclement weather of the sea sou;all the way to Putnam and Henry coun ties to pay his taxes on the land he owned there, without sufficient clothing to protect him from the cold. In fact, we are informed that he scarcelY_ever ottire - ,.a shirt or under gar ment, and that the':Ante lie had on when he, died had not boon changed for over three months. Although rich, he has been known to chaffer with the' smiths over the price of a horstshoe which, he had picked ..up in the street. So far as is known, he leaves no heir. He always resented any questions as to -the place of his birth r Telatives or early history. / - - - Mr. Mullet Mr. Mullet Mr. Mullet 'The most characteristic instance of carry ing politeness to an extreme came off not long since to a Hibernian ball. As related to us by one of the eons of Erin, wholteenly appre ciates a good thing, it seems that ono gay Lo thario pro tempore, in ctossing the room to. request Bridget's hand in the next reel, stutn bled over the outstretrohed foot of Mr. Ter rence O'Grady. 111 x. O'Grady promptly arose, and, in the politest rnanneilf imaginable, said; I beg yer parden, eir!' •No offence—no of fence, air, at all,' responded the other, 'it was intirely•my fault,' was the response, .acoote ponied with a graoefal bond of: body and: wave 'Wand. sir,''aitswered Idisther ToOl,:yer inlirelj in;the' wrong, Atir,.l it was: altogether my falt!' 'l . ,till;,ye it, was not,.sir:' responded Varatly. 'de ye mane to say I'd be telling a lie, sir?' !Bad Nellie you, sir, de ye mane to eny I'd be telling,a yten L tell yolt•wasn't 'yer' faida r responded waiting wroth. ,110 luck to yer bad brading, yo Ignorant bosthood, d'yetitink yo'd be getting the bother Otto in manners?' shout md O'Grady, ps witka trip and a. bloiv.he laid the unfortunate O'Toole upon the floor.— O'Toole rallied; and.axough and tumble . mi. 'sued, which waled the expulsion of both gentlemen from the biarootn.' . Mxnotat PoTATOns,—ln the early part of the present century, Jobe 'one . ,of the early settlers of Mercier Co:, Pa.,:Prod,uoed front heed-the justly celebrated Mercer potato, - which' was• afterwards Miltivated by a .Mr, Pearson, of Mercer co., lit the neighborhood of Darby, Delaware co., Pa., whence it spread over the Uni'On. Thus Ginty, a poor: solitary 'exile of Erin,' has done more to benefit man kind than manrit hero of a' hundred battles, and it has beenn - propaSed to immortalize his tumble name fiy calling the `Mercers' front henceforward Condition of the Mormons. =:=m IPXII.IOIIS . A Dtwornn BVlo.e,—AnEnglish paper gives a singular instance' of conjnal affection rind feminine strength bill—eliduranoe. An old couple in Newcaitle became reduced to want, awl' it was neceSiotry that the husband, who suffered extremely from confirmed rheuma tism, should be removed to some charitable institution. Lile.,besoug,ht removal to Dover tun lull, and his wife had promised it. The journey was a long and expensive one, and nut only so, but, by, the usual conveyance, such as must have caused the patient much additional suffering. The brave and affec tionate heart of the wife was stung to a noble resolution to satisfy the desire of her poor husband in the face'of these difficulties. She undertook to carry him on her back the whole way from Newcastle to Haverton, by the highi way route—a distance of 60 miles! This she undertook and perfArned, and the couple ar rived 'safely at the end of their journey within fourteen hours from the time of their starting —a temporary reist nt Durham having been the only intermission the faithful woman per mitted herself between the banks of the Tyne and the Tees. 11.%.,,` La me,' sighed Mrs. Par tin gton , 'here I have been suffering the bigamies of death for three mortal weeks ; first I was seized with bleeding phrenology in the left hemis phere of the brain, which was conceoded with of the left ventilator of the heart. This gave me an inflamation of the borax, and now I'm sick with the chloroform morbus. There's no blessing like that of health, particularly when you are sick " rife" printer not long ago, being flung' by his sweet heart, went to the office '*rid triel to coinn4soicide with the ishoutiug stick,' but the thing tvouldu't 'go off.' The 'devil'. Wishing to pacify him, told him to peep into the saneinin where the editor was writing duns to delinquent subscribers. He did 80, and the effect was magical.. lle says that picture of despair reconciled him to his fate. , lhoinc.o3 tgarbs. .;. ii All. S. B. KIEFFER Office in North Ly I lano v e r street two doors from Weise S; Campbell's Store. Oitlee hours, morepertlcitlarly from 7 to U o'clock, 4. M., awl front b to 7 o'clock, V. .51. ' L -f------.--------- 1 DR. I.O.LOOMLS South liatiover street, 9 1 1111.1 --- r . "W e ' hest 'doer. to the' Post *moat. front 04llsitrotho tox?" days - ; - Sf eat* t tntYtill.' • LAug. 1, 'B6 F it. Q EO. W. N.EIDIen DENTIST Forofully attends to till .. . 1111411 operations upon the teeth and adjacent parts that;all:oast" or irregularity may require. Lie will also insert Artificial Teeth of every description, - Such as Pivot, Single and 'Minch tooth, and tooth with "Colitin uons fluras,'! and' trill construct Artificial Palates, Oh, thraters, Regulating Pieces, and ovary appliance used in the Dental Art, —Operating room at the residence of Dr. Samuel Elliott, West nigh street, Carlisle. DR. GEORG-II Z. BRETZ VENTIST. OFFICL: nt the resencu of 41,4 kt 4611111 - Idsbrnther, on Nerth,ritt Street, Car- ECM • OTlCE.—Notice is hereby given that Z hare, this day, associated with me in tbo practice of my profession. Win. M. Penrose and Thos. M. Eairs. All business,iii future will be /attended Why the above undeethefirtaii of "Menu: ,t; PmacasE.". Feb. 14th 18G5. W. M. 111DDLE, At'ty nt LaW el P. ITUMRIOII, Attoyney at Law. ki.-0111co in Doototit's Row. 7tll businessoiltritse. ud to hint will be promptly attended t 0.,, Wa1t.L11.42A301,11,..0.hi Jlnfn Suet, catrint.,TrytlaOy , 4V•ltutilnetis ontrustod to to will be promptly at tondoti tg. - • leb o 7. •55. rA" N. GREEN, Attorney at 4aw, has /Vs .suttlott iti Mechanicsburg, for the practice of ni b profession. All kinds of Lognl Writing, Uolloctlons, Gotta business, &r.. promptly attonded to. Nike oppo site Pr. bong's rosidanee. SURVEYING in all its diffe rent branches promptly attended to. . ° c - 1 BE : COL Attorney at Law, will at -x- tend promptly to all businesx outtpsted to him.— nro In Ow roomlormerly urcupledby Willtun Irvine, 45.1.. North ihnovvr rztreet, eurllsto. ,- • April 20. 18f.2, arli_ W. IMANDT, Manufacturer of • Minerai liVaterg, Fro Deb Mead, • Bottled Ale. Porter and Cider. North :itreot. tricar the.ltall (toad Bridge, Carlisle SCRIVIINER E AND CONVYAN .CEIL—A. L. SPONSLIIItIe Register of Cumber bunt county, will carefully; attend to the transaction of all 611th business (14 may be entrusted, to hini, : ;sueli nF the:wilting of Deeds, Mortgligns Contracts; ite.s7lo will jtsn d e v o te his attention !.o tlorprocutidg of Land War rants. I , lMilons;ke. nu 11'011 fls the p1,11 . 11111111(` 1111(1 ROO Of Heal Estatevnegotintions, ()floras, .+:c. est:Al:oi St root, formeri y ecouplild, ' y W. 11. I'enrost: near the :Methodist Chu-lh. Ti N. ROS.ENSTEEL, House, Sign, L Fancy and Ornamental Painter. Irvin's (formerly Harper's) Row, near I Moor's Dry Elms's Store. Ile will attend promptly to all the above descriptions of paint ing, lit reasonable prices. Thu rarbuts kinds of graining attended to. 81101 AS mahogany, oak,. Wll/11111.. (tl'.., In all improved styles. THRASI . HING MACHINES of the host unthe constantly on hand and for aalo at tho Carlisle Foundry and Maohine Shop. FRANK ( I,I,ILTiNER. . , .. _ F. REN i I (7 () 11,8 ETS.—Just rceeiv , , I, , oa. ii. lumber supply or, Froneli Cm.sets; of e*tra si tom. Also narrow Linea Fringes for tlilllllalllZ 13tfieltiss 1 jams 20 , ,:., . , GEO. W. lIITNEII. lIITALT, PAPI?,R.—J us t re eel v cc`l a ! T Tsplontlid 1 , 4 , 10: of Paper Ilanglue . s, `Window 11 'lo.oe:tillitt li'iretelaill l'attts, toolwarktug all the newe st tett most 'tttprovt.‘tt styles., The tloshms are neat am! .1100,'aitil the wires :welt its II:IIIIIIII. tail to ;rIVI , ti:lt:1:i. Ettetion„ iVe MOM our frletuttt and the polite general. IV to VIII and oxwaint, mir assortutimt hoforeletrehositig olsowhero. ' - ll, S.l,Vl't.)S, utar,4lr2.l . 'East Main Ftreet, Carlisle - —,.. ITO It AIR I/E A.l) Dlt PISS E S,—,mist. iv it ~0,,,,,i I,y the subs...nilior a V31 . 1et..' of 3lnir / li• 111.11 Dre, ,, ., I;r3rel,fi , . 800 ovt Fe3therli, l'ooliwt Puelo.s. Wlikker.Bloml" , . &e. Nov. '...:.:, ':l5. ~...,...j3,1 • '`.-- VOir4fultV* 424 „ ; WATCHES : CLOCKS 1 . .14._'7.?>,:1-fr.". FANCY JEW ELit 1, Ay. .. , •. - ;9.,+ , 75. I have now on hand end to. sale at ,111.1 stand on street, oppost .Nlariou Hall, an entirely new and elegant stock of WATCHES, JEWELRY, MEDALIONS, • Gold Lever Watches, hunting and open case, Silver do. 81h ur Leldna and Quarter 11 etches, a large variety. Gold Anchors ihr Latileaandllentlemini..: • Medallions, a splendid assortthent for ladies and gent. Breast platter every pattern, and : all prices, - Gold Glialtig for vest and faith - gold curb chains, Finger Rings,'Gutt•pins, Studs, Sleeve Buttons, , Cresses. Drop and Hoop•Ear-Itings, a large`v nriety. Silver and Plated Forks, Table and Tea SpuonsOintter Knives, to, of various styles and prices, " Gold and Silver Thimbles, Gold, Silver and Common Spectacles, a large assortment to suit all . lee, and to which we invite particular attention. Port Monnales, a large assortment at every price, Gold Pens, of the best make at various prices, Fancy Boxes, Port Folios, Accordeons, Spectacle eases, Ladies Card Cases, silver and pearl, at various prices, Bracelets, gold and common; Watch Chains ditto. Also a large variety of articles in the' Jewelry line, which I will sell at the lowest prices. All articles war ranted to he what they are sold for. ct'a „Particular attention paid to the REPAIRING (11.' WATCHES and all work warranted. Returning thanks to my old friend, and customers fin. former patronage, I respectfully sulielt a continuance of their favors. jun e2O TIMIAS CONLYN. !, 1 CLOTHING ! CLOTHING N. lIANTCII & Co. have opened and now of. k for ihr sale nt their Store on Went high Street, one door west of the Hotel formerly kept by C. Stough, :to entire new sleek of Ready Made ..lotiling FUR MEN ANI/I'S WEAR. Also, Cloths, Cassimered and Vestings, which will he Mali.) up In the hest style awl on row/amble terms.— Shirts. Shirt Collars, (:loves, Hosiery, Suspenders, Satin and Summl Stocks. Handkerchiefs, at.. of the newest style , : and best manufacture kept constantly on hunt). Confident of their agility to please, they respectfully so telt the public patronage. _ 4 I ALL STYLE OF EATS & CAPS. lL WM • . 11. 11101iT„ desires to inform his old friends [dolt he has removed to his nsw establishment on !Ugh street, Ill'ar the gni!road Depot, and Is now opening a pim large and elegant assortment of the FALL STYLI.: oF HATS. just received from Philadelphia, uhieh the gentlemen of Carlisle are requested to'nell nod examine. Ile has also a large assortment of Silk;, Fur and Sloth Ilats t , e his own man What're. got up in the best style and at various privet. the excelienve and finish oa ish loft lit , wilLwarrant. Ills stack he is confident on ly needs to be examined to he approved. A Iso,'n large simply of Men's, lloy's and Children's CAPS. of Cloth and Fur, and of every variety of style and prier just re ceived from Philadelphia. Let all who want a Mat or Cap give him a call, as they may he . sure of lining suit ed to their own satisfaction. EP is FOR VIE MILLION . 1 6 P I am just receiving my Fal • • VAC stock of PAPER BA:WINGS it which surpass in style, qualltv and price any that have eve . been exhibetod in Carlisle. I respectfully solicit a cal from persons in want of Paper Hangings of any descrip Lion. as I mn eonfident by assortment far surpasses ILII , ht OW Borough; and In style and prices has but few ri cols In the city. I only ask of the public to call and ex. amine my tnomrtmant betbre purchasing. as I nut coup dent my chaste designs cannbt fail to please the mold fastidious. JOIIN P. LINE., 1 :0ti tje ~., 7:3 - VIM GROCERY c.R I Ebk, 11 AN DAARTETY STORE The subscriber would respectfully itiforni his friends an( the public generally, that he has just returned from, tin city with a large and Nitped:iissectuientror ., '":- '' , (li KWIC! ES; AiI ( ASS Willi qv rdi IS F.W ARE.. 1 1:1414b,br„ ir„4Whleli hdrette'rs for sale on tin , ..... 14 ' i,ll most .reasonable terms, at his Now Store. i "rt Nt corner of North Hanover 'street and the Pull. t i ,., ~ 1!,, , ; A lie Square, directly. opposite the Carlisle lie. posit Rank. Ills stock °mimeses everything usuail) In a Ormery and Variety store. The public are Invited to eall and examine his steel before purchasing. elsewhere, as he feels confident he cal sell the best goods at the lowest pekes. .1. D. lIALTIEIt7't4 BEEN 'GROCERY STORE. HARKNESS t :4ULLU sire to Inform the citizens or cadtoe muLNivinit) qle r. 010 they have Just revelved from the city and are non opening in the room adjoining Bents 4. Brother's Store. A-very-complete assortment of - tirnearicicimilli 6e PRIME COFFEE, SHOAL. TEAS, MOLASSES, and all the various kinds of SPICES and LIMED MEAT. such as Hams, Dried Beef, Bologna Sausages. &c. by the piece or pound. Also Herrings. Mark )ille -M I L erel, Shad, Cod Fish and a great variety, or articles not necessary to enumerate. In addition to: the ahoie, we will receive our regular supplies of ' " '•' :L4 soon es they appear in the city nierkyts. to ell of which the invite thy attention or the puhlle.ne ae In. tend to sell et Mt very lowest prices for Cash or Conn `try Produce. • t lhAlil<lltSS fi MULLIN. - 1 - 3 00,:rsANT.flea• oni) SHOES..T . h e re find Wojl Re• eeted stock of li 0 0 T S and SILOE which he will sell at unusually lowfitic es. Purchased from wholesale dealers, at low rates. he. can otter such induce ments to purchasers ns ruak‘e it their interest to vh• it his establishment. Ile has eery article In the hls and Shoe line—for Ladles' or nentlemens' wear —h , therefore deems it noill,,,SS:try to 11:trtiellbtrtZP. ro . Persons desiring good and cheap goods are Inv it ed to give him a call e4s i tA 13 INV LIA I)AVIS G co.. 270 Market Street, rir 4.4 litiladclphin, AnENTs FOR ..tAcoR Bit gum. ,CMILIST.E. and Philadelphia. Cars leave Loth plitces and West twlee ....very Week. Tneadays and Prldays. All busines, entrusted to Hingham. Dards A so., will lie attended t. with promptness. whether in SAISS, prednci‘ rr 11;eight. A. IL 11A lINITZ, North street, I,laltimre, Its, entered lute this arrangement, antkottlatteud ly to all buslness entrthded to himi. . . . ' fGß43 — r.r. r PEA S, COFFE I , : ESl5),_l Thu subscriber has just added to his former stock a general Ytflealioll vi 1 . 111.4(1 . , GROC MATES, 116 well as all the other variety of tirtieles 17.f.""-/ r . i ., usually kept hi a (4 , r0,f rx Store. embrarlng 111 . 1 )4, , Coffeos—votuited and' greon....-at. 1'2,!,.:: ; and 14 reek ,-, ;A per lb., Orleans, Clarified. Crindied and Pulverized ,Sugars, of fine qualltles: ell (TAM i.H. Spicvs. Ita iry iiiiit, mid a variety or Fancy artichis.' till of which are o. feted at the lowest enshlprlces. We art thankful fort be former support given usOind Invite a further call from our friends and enstomer4. 1 3. W. EDI'. Marlon lien, Carlisle. lIRE G- SERVIN SU GAR. —A general ssort molt of Crushed, Slferci and l'olvorised . . 4 itirtirc of host quality, as ab l o ti , oft Crushed. Clarified' and othor (1111011W:I constantly on -hand, suitable fk nro;orving and nil other purposos 7 genorally at Mi. Also n most:tut simply of the ehottest Coffees, Teas. Spins anti other nri,i4-los in voriety ittwoys on hod.— atteut lon ts lllVitod to our stoeic botoro busitig blse when!. Corltslit•July ' • . ' J. ; CITINA, GLASS AND QUEENS imusyko”pork ati'd young, with tlwr IIISIINV110;811,,enleking to 1101 . 11h1Olintisokeepiws:arelnvIt ed to.eall at ilk 1,111.:IirS 1'.A91,1.1.1f and 'ex' and nr., his ele!.ra.ut assortment of (`lira a. (11,'s ItinigtfOens , ware and other articles in' the lions4:eepinft line. shell ne Frotleb lidd English tea' wts. heavy 1,311.110:m410e. White Granite, gilded and blue plain, Dinner scts'obe , .try varletv and price, bowls And pitchers: turotns. 1110, &C!.. (1110..S.W:11 . 0--ctottr9 table and Ina niel emuleialmas and .alter lamp,. great, varity, table and la, ttnablors, goldst,s. Fruit and lire , orvi , dishes. in ia• rlitty. Cedar-ware—tubs, bnelads, eltur,,,:. bowls. bu laintsandladies. meal bnehets.,Vc, 11r.nsnes—sw, , ,.14:1„ white waßti;cerubbing• hand and slew braube,.. duster. brooms. Sr. 31arlict. clothes. .ind Also a choice , B , ,rt ?sent and he , V)10 11E0 f.tnd et"choice I,!ti h ~ I ' c,.:.i : rn l try ri •,,j„,:,, 1111,1111,,i : S11;111'1 , -11 and C.r.,mot. to It It i t h , t• .1 3tores aui West side of North Ilanprer Street, FRESH VEGETABLES T E. GOULD, [Successor to A. I.iot. R., No. 164 One Stunt St.. Swain's Building, Phlladel puts, extensive Music Publisher, and beater in Stusl al instruments of every description. Exclusive agent for the sale of Millet, Davis a Co, Patent Suspension Bridge ..I:olitin and other PIANOS etilhert's Boudoir Pianos. 3teludeons, 31artin's Out Harps, Violins, Sheet Music, Music Books. Residents of the country will be supplied by mail 01. otherwise with music they niay wish. as low as If pur, chased In person.. having one of the largest stocks to the United States, I feel confident of Satisfying ial.nb linty favor Inv with a call or order. lira lets in 111usle supplied on, the thoitt liberal ter ins l'innos to let. Eeeond-band Pianos for Pale. May 20, 1803-l; trIHEAP WATCRES AND JEW EL• k . _,) Ey, w.tioLE:•.:A LE and RETAIL, at the ••1 hlia. del ph in Watch and jewelry :- tot e, Number 90 North Second Street , el. ncr of Quarry. Philadelphia. Bold • Lever Watches, full jewelled, 18 car . 'A . . at cures, - - - $2O 00 k r z..„ . ~,,..; „,. i ... Gold Lepine. 18 carat cases, 24 t 0 2 '• ' -/!..1,„_ . ..... - .. Silver .• jewels, 9 00 ~S ICONI- 0 -11:f i '3Silver Lever, full jewelled, 12 00 Superior Quartiers,- - - . 7 00 Gold Spectacles. - ' - - 700 • Fine Silver Spectacles, - 1 i 0 Cold Bracelets, —, . - - 3.0 Ladies' Old Pencils, - . - - 1 00 Sliver Tea Spoons. set. - - - 5 10 Gold Pens, with l'Onell and Silver Holder. - I (•tt nob! Finger flings 3734 rents to $8; 'Watt)) Giarspoi plain. /Vt; eentN. Patent 1 - CR'. linnet 95; f , thernrtiel. , s in proportion. All goods warranted to be what they nro sold for. STATTEFEIt !TAPLEY. On hand. some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines still lower than the above priers: I A)ll,'S NITLINTOCK, M.l).,—.Late e Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in the Philadel phia tolleg4 of Medicine. and Acting Professor of ?Ma ivifery ; one of the C moulting Physicians of the Phil-. adelplilit Hospital, Block ley: late member of the Na tional Medical Association: member of the 1.1 1 111, L n:1- plan Medical Society; member of the Medlen•Cliii mei -0:11 College of Philadelphia; formerly President a tad Professor of Anatomy and Surgery in ( oat leton Medi cal College, Vermont ; anti also, Into Professor of An atomy and Physiology' in Berkshire Medical Institu tion, Pittsfield, Mass.. &r., &e, this lately introduced in a popular fort:llo4ll.mM of hie verity prescriptions for the principal diseases of this climate. The name of each article will imply the -dig ease ftlr which it Is Intended to he used. 1/It. MCCLINToCE'S PEeIOItAL STRUT, $l. DR. MCCLINTOCE'S COLD AND COl.lO MIXTURE-4 , vr COWS, Coughs. &c., Price 25 ets. DR. MCCLINTOCK'S ASTII3IA AND 1100 PING COUGH Blur- DT. Price 50 cts. Dn. MCCLINTOCK'S TONIC ALTERNATIVE SYRUP—For Pu rifying the Blood. Price $l. DR. McCIANToCK'S Dyspeptic Elixir—For giving tone to the stomach, relieving pains after. eating, heartburn, and all disagreeable symptoms arising from indigestion. Prkke $l. Dk.',llcCuNrocß'S RHEUMATIC MIXTURE—A Purely re getable Remedy fer.internal use. Price 50 eta. Ds. McertNvocv.'e.lingvnanc OTIMENT—For liheuma& Liam, tsprains, 4t icolllnga. &c. Price Ml cts. i/n.?kitelaNTOCE'll ANentsEllixTunE--,Fo TOM b ache, TleadacheoNettralgla, Lc. t Ptjeit.6o DR. MCCLINTOCK'S RE vtli: AND AGUE. SPEC] Elf—A certa'n cure for an Intermittents. Price $l. Da. McCLINTocK'S DIARRIICEA CORDIAL AND CHOLERA PI X VENTIvE—A :We Remedy. McCixeroeß's VEGETABLE PURGATIVE PILLS—FOr Costiveness. headache, &c. Price 26 eta, IM. 51cCuNioex's ANTDDILIoUS Pnly—For irregularity, In the Functions of the Mydr and liouel-the best Liv er PHI made. Price 25 eta. a box. Per sale by Dr. J. McCLINTOCK, at his Medical Depot, N. W. Corner NINTH and FILBERT Streets. Philadel phia. and all Druggists. DAtgists and Dealers in Med clues who wish to be Agents. Will please address Dr. McClintock. furnishing refere t e, name of Post °Thee, county and State. tr;l_For sale by W. A. Kelso; Sameel Elliott, Carlisle-;- J. H. Criswell, Shippeesburg; I.:mnfingera Co.. L. Kann"- man. Mechanicsburg; Joseph Herron, Newrillet ~1. B. titnplerman, Andersonburg; Haines a Fertig,Millers-. own; A. C. Klink, New Bloomfield; Harriet M. Singer, Newport; it. F.-Oardtmr, York Springs; A. J. Miller and J. S, Nixon, Chambersburg; B. Mentzer, Waynesboro.; George (Bergner and D. it. Jones a Co., B arr i s b urg . Dlt. MeOLINTOCK can be consulted. without charge daily. from 10 to 12 o'clock, A. M., at his Depot. Member 6, ids4—iy. .1A / I AT° HES ! MATCHES ! j_ DONNELLY, manufacturer and inventor Of SAFE TY r.+TI:NTatUA RE I.lPlati liT NVOOD BOXMATCIaitIi No. MI North FOURTH. Street (above I:ace) i'lllßAl./El.s;, pill A. )latches hosing become au indispensable artiele in, housekeeping, the subscriber lifter a great 'sacrifice of time and man oney, is etiab,l h. oily to th e Public tai nr... tucle at once epntAni ie.; utility 11111 i Cheapness. The in senter klu,twifig4 he danger apprclusnded on account 0: the tnannex In \Vidal Notches are genertply packettisr paper, tins by the ald of Now of hla own iILVVIIti./11. Succeeded in getting up a I.4AVETY PATENT SQ TIE U1.'11.1(1111! WOOD MIX; this bus is far preferable, in :LS much that it occupies no more rts to Lau the old rotted. wood box; and contains id least bitindred per Vent more Matches; which to Shippers is considerable ildVATlltage; U ihltutirely new, and secure' a:0111st urO and ,spentadeous combustion, dispels all clntigeron tratuPportation by means of Railroad, Steam twit or any other mode cif Convvylince. W. FIIELDON These Matehm; nre packed so that one gross or more May be shipped to any part of the World with perfect natty. They are the tenet &hirable article for llama Consumption, end the anthem and western market, ilhat have ever ikeen invented. owl 8111I'PilltS, will do well to call in waimine tiw themselves. roatehes, are WARRANTED to be surerho to anythlug heretothre offered the Pub Dr. JOHN DONNELLY . 100 North FOURTH St. Phitont. Phila. Dr.e'r 4. 1554. • F RENCII 111,USSIf,b , , .61 ,, 1iirk 27 .* less : th:111 ouneos, tier tho cure oT Hernia or Iturtnro acknowledged by the highest Medical authorities ot. lldl adelphia, incomparably superior to a i ny- other In 11AA;— Sufferers will l gratified to learn that the occasion noxr offers to procure not only the hlghost'Vtild most eimy.but as durable a Truss AS.Any MIMI', in lien of theemobrnuti anti nnennifortable artivio tn.yally sold. There is no tilt' iculty attending the fitting, and whoa the pad Is heat ed it will retain Its position witlioUt change. Persons at a di itance unable to Mil on the subSeriisr; inn hare the Truss sent to any address, by remitting (Ivo dollars for the single Truss. or ton for the'dnyhia-- ivith measure- round the hips. and stating side alba - fed. It will be exchanged to suit if not 11‘ting. by' retimoing At once, unsoiled. Per sale poly by the Importer. CA IX it NEI:DTA:FL. . Corner Twelfth and littta. streets. Philadelphia. ir.43. !Araks, requiring the betitlit of .'3leclitt»iyal Null porters, owing to tint derangement of the intern:a Or: dgnus, inducin g falling of the Vocal, Dilliptaiary,,' yspeptic, Nervous and lapin:ll Weakness, /11 , inforinc4 that a eeinpotent MO experienced I uw will be I n a t.. tetniance at the 'Rooms. (,:et apart for their t,xyluslie itta) No. 11:1 Twui.rni sc., Ist di,o, below Itace. J at, 4 '.l.‘'.cF3 NTI ON I) N.`SI)IiII".VI . . .of yow who liavolirtiti nfliktril for ypars t!itit tlSla lotiteritono-ilito‘iisr, wlui bine titrorkpll'ikaloatii4 till! 11011 In yron t " ttllysyt , Tith'" amt.:Olt 5i64"4 inleollVll , eoil t•tiporiority ovor prtirtrAti,u, you milky rurtificatt s took : orating our !trit , ortionii. but Mogi° trial I.n . wortli :111k Thic risinolv t 4 iVripavol and at lb.? Driiti. sto r t,.r K • 'Sow), v - or htre•et . ; a 11 , 7 ,hors ia' , utti of t lot ". I)A'l'l , lN'l` &e.—.Titst`onen , ",1 nnnator irn•nlre „i Nvhio. , .irl-, XI •, :t! ett uith a V:111MS ..r July .111'.-I.*-11. IPl)llLitic , lplpa. ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers