N' c w 3 th.rti.EicincittEi. GRAN U ~ I AIR!! OF dl IO 0I)\V1L1. II '0 CU I' AN Y AT \IA IZ lON II 11,10, fievottiber '2.101 1, issll. 11.1111. Year = thy. • ors •ii, deidr•ins •if 'llll )lAS furs Ii:SEN art , roi.ro.•tfull t,114 attond. •IF• Ilier will Ili') of every servod , in r•rr•rr 01,le; 1.414 one of iitt••reirt. wr 110 , 1int•i not to call nit 1r thoir m,toltlatt••t. ,t. 14 patr•nta,:e. Pit I (;,11.1) 11'.\ fill will b.:offered:tin; drawn for on \ ew•Ve.ii• All II irs :triode- te will 1•1 Nice le•l't them .11 the •if )Ir. .oit• e:l4 nil nation ILcll, on lorid.ly, lltc ritli day "of lie••••inlair• ter present tlie(nnipany with cike, will plesl:e give dne itif•rnintion to the ennyniti Oil of I.:idles-11N. iiene . ze ',Y. Shearer., Mrs. I'. )Irs.:11”:”11 Eby and \lrc..lohn I). ilor.ois. n 40.Lson 'rickets. mintit Ling• one person. :50 cents.— SO.gie tickets 19,1 cents. .1. U.IVUNDERLICJI, Cl/limn:ln Corn.. f Arr:lngrict dee. a, -4 :rurf.E Lt LNG, STANI3IE'It [NG-, Kr) Cured by 'M.. .10NliS, thotit pain or Stingleal operation, in front ten initiates to three hours. 110 NEVER F. 1.111.5. -and his NN1,911 is the ugly .111, 11.1.11)Wil 11 man by which th rn, imp•di• 1110111 S i•,II1 ba V.)II.Br:M. I !CILEIC 110 is 11 , 0" 1101,1111(1 arty boultsulted at the NIANSUIN when. h, ate routva till th.. :11th hint.. when lie 11.131 ,% . I r Harris bur(g, and rentain ritear. Uinta weeks. Afflicted thin iv your chance. Ito. require , no pay till his pat klit Is cured, within shall be le,ted re.tding and spelling right off without an Impediment doe. lit. '55.--'2t (100 1) S N E NIT B.\ It.klttiAlNS. The subseriller4l As .iu•it returned froni Philadelphia, ,and t.pvlii.).; assort intuit of 11INT1111 3731,/I.H ip it than %vet . lormuzlit to Carlisle. Frenell Mario I. tins, .41615. AIp:IVIA:I..:4I:tWIS. Il P1111121,111i, Clot its. "as , imores. Vesting's. Calicoes, Muslines ite.. 111 grit rarioty. Au i tin •tis.• 43,,,): of 11 1N1) SII kinds and p• 3,8 it th, i eiw lowest notch new stock of hi lies' Furs s on' 0h.e311. .50.5 style (I inter 13 .1111eLS must iotli , truth dill C MI, • 1,0..1.1 all in want ~f ehe.ap goods. and you trill be sure t t hi suited .it the :Rd Stand.. Ilast )laiti street. Chi I 111.31:s .1011,1:V Ai_ Nlic II Elt IN VOlt' 1 , ,' ( ) I , ' l'J ‘ le'll II t. n ... r . ' coellin 11 . ,•1(0.1 I ',Mir , . Uutllin.z. I nviirtini.cs anti Lit... ink,,. jivit reveived fr..in Neiv X . :wk. at vory roltua,i pri,(4. ( Alt \ RIJN: , Mil Lily. dn , - it,..:,:i. FOR RENTI—The curlier Mid , • rilar note orett plod 1•11:2 • ' by N. W. Word: , a, a Dry lballia Store. It is t/Ill) Of the hest qtands in the borough.. Ais I. !louse W 0.4 ',outlier street. now oc.mpied by Mrs. Elizabeth Stough. Teruts math , known oil application to du. 1J,'55 I[ I :TATE I OF' BARBARA HOW , ARD, ,h4-d.—Notir,! Is hereby given that Leiters 01 Administration mi the Estate of Barbara thwart!. Lite of Hampden Cumberland county, de ceased, have been granted by the Register of said county. to the subscriber, residing in Silver twat:hip. .111 persons knowing themselves indebted Lo said Esta to arc required t 1 make immediate pat in.tnt and those ltavind elahns to present them for settlement to JACOB MU MA, Atha r. dec. 19, ESTA.TE OF G EOItGE, SNAVELY . , doe'd.—Notice Is hereby }Oven that Letters Testa un.:..e.u•y uu the lisude of tleurgo Snavely. late"( [ramp chm LOW 1181111), liumberland county, deceased, ltYO been gratnted by the Register of said county to the subscribers residin.; in the sate t,vuship. All persons Ituolvind thowniolv es indebted to said Estate are required to make iininediato payment and these having chaluis to present them fur settlement to 3011 N RUPP, dec. 10, 4 55.-61.* 11EN Rl' SSA V ELY, Executora -1 4 -I STAT E OF ISAAC LONGENECK -4 ER, deed.—Notice is hereby al VO II that Letters Tes,ounentary on the Estate of Issoe Longenecker, late of Ifampulon township. Cumberland county, deceased, have 'boon granted by the Register of said County to the subscriber residing in East Pennsboro township. All persons knowing themselves indebted to said Estate are required to make Immediate payment .and t hose having claims to present thew bur settlemontto dec. lit, '53.-6t* JACOB ESILLEMAN, Executor. jAT[IO NVA NTti o to be E M , A.11. E D Thu most extraordinary wok of the NinotomithOontury TILE BLISS OF MARRI.WEI Matrimony made oasy; or, how Tho way to thu Altar to win a Lovor One volume of 1l5) Irt;es, :32m0. Price Ono Dollar 500,000 eeples already issued. Thirteenth edithni ready. Printed en the finest papillnd illustrated iu taut t style of art. "Love rules the court, the camp, the grove. For Love is Heaven. and Ileaven is hove." So sang the Bard: yet thousands pine For love—or life the light divine - who, did they know mute gentle charm, ' Tue hearts of those they love to warm, Might live, might die, in Miss supreme, Possessing all of which they dream. The road to Wedlock would you know ? Delay Rot, hut to RONDOUT go. Thne dies, and from his gloomy wings A shadow tans on living things; Th:m tielZ , 3 the moments as they pass, Ere fill the last sinds through the glass; At le tst the present is your own, Willie all the future is unknown. A happy niiirrlage man or maid Can now secure by ROND0111":3 CONTENTS: It teaches how to make ladies or gm:tit:men win the devote 1 adeetions of es loony onto: opposite sex as their hearts atay, desire.' And the plan is so simple. yet so Captivating that all may be married irrespective of age, :weal:nice, or position: and it can be arranged with sash 0:180 and delicacy, that detection is Impossible. It, teaches how to make toed. It teaches every oye'to forma a beauty of his own. It teaches how to act when fascinated by a It teaches how to make the wrinkled face smooth. It teaches you the kind of wife to select to render home happy. , It gives A',lvlce to the lover who has been nitee trnly -avoptod, and is rejected afterward through the intern: react: of friends. It givexa remedy for unrequited love. ' • It gives you instructions fur beautifyitu.l the person. Hew to make a handsome face and hands. flow to remove tau and freckles. • A Looter° on Love, or n Private Advice to Married Ladies and Gentlemen. This is decidedly the most fascinating, interesting, and really useful and practical work on Courtship. Ma; trbnowey, and the duties and delights of Married Life, that has over been issued from the American press. itrunad social system, wldell in so many instances prevents union of hearts, and saeriticesto convention:L. Ilsm the happiness and even the lives of thousands of the young and hopeful of both sexes, Is thoroughly nna 'lysed• and exposed. Every one who contemplates mar riage; and wishes for an infallible guide In the select lon 'Ora partner tir Ilfe , should purchase this great text hook of connubial felicity. Nti one wiltever regret the piice paid for an suAt In ,a;uable secret. little tt any of lice specie-paying, banks in the Enlied St a l es or Cannlas received at par. Geld dust catipe sent from California. Allthat is necessary for yen Ih.do is td write a. letter' in as few words as p: s.sible. int:losing ON E DOLLAR.; ' and writethe name, with the Post-office, County', and 'Staia mut Alreet to I'auFE6solt noNnouT, rumasn fil.'ATITllOll.' No. 82 Forty•Siillt Ft. , DEWITT & DAVENPORT, 1172 Nassau St., are the . wholesalea,l;ents. -1000 , ;aunts wanted. ei !I ARCO constantly on - 1;nul and for said by aur.''l.'3s. W. ILMURRA I V, Ag't. Clt ISTM AS AND N.E W YEAR. Thu store of the subscriber is in refeipt, and the mei yes Al , now supplied with a handsome selection of fine and rich FIIENCtI C II I N A, and decorated fancy ware, such as Inkstands, Baskets, ° Vases. Collet, cups., Jewell hexes, Toy Tea and Dinner wits, China dolls lii variety; and a variety of other articles all well suited for the coining Elollidays. in every variety, fresh and of best quality have, just ;won added to our former stock. • N W lIETIII,InIpOI BUCK BAT, , f very lino quality in small saelus ale° on band, CRA SHERRIES, RAISINS, urrants, (11 rel and ether foods adapted to the season 111 varioty, constantly in store and tot sale by Carhsio, Doe. la, .10. .1. W. EBY. - AHIUGS AND CHEMICAL 7 S, With a Splendid variety of LS co N FHG T 1 0 NAIt Y AND FANCY GOODS:. Yhu undersigned has just replenished his stock of oods. nud no his Drw.n: and Chemicals, have buffo so lected with great rare. he is prepared to fill all orders promptly' Ills friends may rely upon the gcnnineuess and parity of every article. II is stork of CoN ErflON ARY is large and selected with special rethrenee to thadloliday's. It will afford any variety persons may desire in that lino. dle has a large assortment of French. Gorman and domestic Fancy t 'noodles, all fresh and of the very best qnality. Ills as• sortment of FANCY lilli)11S is large and embraces al most every thing necessary for the Toilet and Family. Ib invites special attention to his Fancy Work Boxes, Ladies' Bags. Cologne bottles, Watch and Card Trays, fort Pot boos, Portmonies &e. Quick s ties, sat All 'profits and strict consistency in trade. shall characterise stir business. dec. 19, '55. 8.. T. KIEFFER. GooDs FOR TII I , ', 11014 WAYS FANCY (10,MS, IFT BOOKS, Ste. I):{, .J)NI AGAIN: s. 11A EitsTlcii has just received (ruin the city mid is now opening asplendid display of FANCY HOODS, suitable for the approaching Holiday Season, to which he desires to call the tittootion of his friends and the public. Ills assortment in this line cannot be surpassed 111 novelty and elegance. and both in quality and mice of the articles. cannot fail to please purchasers. It would be Impossible to enumerate his HOLM 1l FANCY (MODS, which comprise every variety of fancy titticleiof the most exquisite shape such Paine!. Mach, Hoot's, Elegant alabastet .ind porcelain Ink-standttand trays, Fancy Ivory, pearl and shell card eases, Ladies' Fancy 'baskets., Fancy Work li“xes, with sewing instruments, Port Mon nate , . of ever) a tiriety, littiti pens and penstels. Fancy paper weights, Papeteries. ad a urge variety of ladies' fancy station ery. Mott, seals and wafers, Silk and teat purses, Ladies' riding whips, ele4antly finished, ladies' fine cutlers, I'Cl . lll_lll, bask et:: and bags, Ilru , lic. of et cry kind Ii a• the toilet, Itous.tel's Perfumes of the various kinds, M u , ical instruments, tit' all kinds and at all prices, together with an innumerably variety of articles elegant ly finished and suitable for holliday presents, to which he invites s pee lal at ten thin. Also, an extensive and elegant collection of HOLIDAY (arr Bootis, comprising the various English and American ANNUALS her Isati, richly embelished and ilustrated POETICAL 1% iItICS, aRI CIIIL DE EN•S PIC DMA L' BOOKS, fur tliiidren of all uges, than which nothing can he more appropriate ur pleasing kitiolitlay gifts. Illeassortment tt School nooks and Schtsil Statioury Is also complete, and comprises every thing used in College and the Schools. lie also desires to call the particular attention' of Families to his elegant dis;tisv cf LAMPS, UIItANDOLES, Ac., frota_the iixteusive establlsimueuts of.Corueltus, Archly Others of Philadelphia, comprising every style of Parlor, Chamber and Study Lamps, for burning either' lard sperin or ethereal oil, together with Flower V 8741.114, Fancy Screens, &c. Ills assortment in this line is un equaled in the borough. Also, MUM', FANCY CONFEOTIONARY---NUTS—PRE SERV Eli FitUITS, Sc.,, in every variety anti at all prices, all of which are pure anti fresh, such as can be, confidently recommended to his _friends and the little folks. His stick , embraces _ every thingin tfie line of Fancy ,loads, with many other articles useful to housekeepers' which the public are especially invited to call and see during the holidays.— Remember the Old Stand, nearly opposite the Bank on North lianover street. dec 13 1855 S. W. 11AVEHSTICK. , BOOKS FOR THE HOLIDAYS.- A. J. PIPER, Main Street, Carlisle, ass Just roc ved and Is now opening A splendid Pllnas sortment 'of N iNV LICATIONS, tiIFT BOOKS, t Miscellaneous 1 Mks, 'Fancy Articles, Pictorial Papers, Albums, Port F lies, Port Mon nais, Diaries, tr. wnich having been purchased at advantageous will Mt sold at the I,,SWESII CASH. PI:ACP:S. Ile invites particular attention to his splendid stock of 1. A. lIUMRICII Annuals, gift Books, Illustrated Pouts, thtandard Works, all sizes, Prayer Books, Hymn Books, iS an day Seln, il Batiks, riot Books, J or 0111100, acc., All of which are N ENV BOOKS. fresh from the publishers, splendidly bound and einliel lobed nod pit up expresdy ir the Christmass s. A Is. FA NC Y STATION BY :mil Caney. drt generally, in groat variety. The pub lie are invited to call and examine samples mute • ready ti,nfiuspoctiun. 4 .e.loutember, the place to buy ''books, cheap, Is at PI P Nlain street. Ilee'r 1i155 Tll E E OF FAN Y! NOW ()PEN. Awl will ho at his Old Ilead quarters in North llanovor ,treet. Burin„ tin Christmas and Now Yuar's 'ostivilles, With ono of tho largest assortments of %Tr Oirt!red lu this plays, consisting in part ofillVine Candy Toys and Fruit:, Jelly Cakes, Bon Bons, liuw Ch wolate and Vimit Drops, Hose, Vanilla, and Blunt Almonds, French and exploding Secrets Sze. Also all the COIIIIIIOII varieties. FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest Importations s uch as Oramtos, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prumis, Currants, (Atkin, soft and paper shelled• Almonds, Filberts, Cream, Cocos, and tiround Nuts. In eunneotiou with the above an extensive as sortment of of every quality and price, consisting iri part of Fine Wax, kid, china, co fug and other Dulls. Sewing and Card Baskets, Fancy Boxes, Flower Vuecs, Motto 0111,8, Tea Setts, Masks, Drums, U one, Air Pistols, Accordeons, Ifacmonicaus, Trumpets, Chessmen of bona and wood, Dominoes, Lotto and other games. 'Fancy Seeps. Hair oils and Port Monales, tic. We ,have also a line lot of FAMILY GROCER( tiS, such as pulverised, crushed and brown Sugars, orevery grade Coffee, Molasses, Starch, (keen and Black Tress, Spices;Butter,soda,Sugar, Water and other Crackers, cheese. &c. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a gener ous public for the patronage heretofore bestowed on Idle, mid hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same, P. MON YER. Carlisle; Deer 12,11155. Lar. e CAKE'S, FRILL'I. I B &TO YS _ oor,.- ~, : FOR (11fItl(iTN1AS ANDSEW 171)AltS, (r , —The slib«eeiher has just received fnuti ,ir.Aao •- ''..'Phihulelph:A • mad 1(4 ,mule opoulug an 011 ,11 0 ,:s variety of . ~ T01,75 , .1 1 ND ,t:ANCV AllTlet,liS suitil•le f,(t• the u'upro.tehio . .. , . thilidays. Alo, ii h,„ 3 ., ~,,. hand ever),.. veriety of YA k:t.,V, ()Ali ES, Fruit. (::(1w.,, Jelly ();i1;.,•: , . INlniel Cal,,•••, utel ()very 011i3r N a rillty, WWI a rITSiI and cal./4,111y' Istli , la Oil :,t , ,,•1: of FR (Tr :11111 OON -1,1x,i• i ,)N A it r,; : ill llr whi,ii will 1,.. , ~,hi at, .n3ll 1,,,,U(... (lite frieu(ls Arai. le(eliettlarly itivit••tl (,). :::iNa` us a ,101 dlarhY4 the I,UOiliay SeaStal, 011,l'itt greet IMO Iltiar rlVall t V collier .t . )lain. ,ate. I '....-'5ll. • F. PORTER. _.,..._ ob I 'r;nti egpromptly executed NL w l urrtionnott. D-ROLIERIKS AND SPICES Is COMINO I MUSS ICI\IILI• citoicE I'oNFEcrl9:s;AltlEs TOYS AND FANCY UOODS . 1 14 ‘ $10 , :g • AC ' P 3451 V 4t' Nu .fiti e r tis e eat s ),E SOIS YLV AN IA T ELEGRAPH EN'I.ARGED FORM AND REDUCED PRICES. ' TILE CASII mum ADOPTED. On and after the let of.lanuary next, the PENNEY], TAMA fshEintArli will be owned.and conducted by the undersigned, who will glee thoir best energies to make It w , rthy of its friends and its cause. Thu weekly will sig.oklize !ts entrance on the new year by appearing in IRMA' NI.IV TYPE and in a GItEkTLY ENLARGLD FORM. TELEGRAPH Will be issued SEMI-WEEK LY during the sessions of the' Legislature on a single sheet of twen ty-four mt. n u ns, and WEEKLY during the remainder ~r the year on a DOUBLE SHEET or quarts form tif FORTY cjsur poLUNINS and the now proprietors will spare no pains or expense to make it a first class Political and Family newspaper. The very best talent that can be commanded will be employed at entry• point where in , formation of general ieterest Is presented. TIM TELEGR ern will advocatea liberal politnoal policy, and aim to unite all those who, thouoi all hooted by the same SOIIIIIIOH purrses and looking to the same Pencil cleat results, seem distracted by the conflict of distinc tive organizations. It will sustain the highest standard of American Nationality, and, while yielding a sacred (Medici new to the emnpromises of the Constitution. will determinedly resist the extension of Iluinan Slavery. It will give a cordial, earnest but independent support to the admh.istration of GOY. Pol.i.orK. • The TEtsos AIM Will contain a comprehensive summa ry of the proceeding of the Letishtture; and all impor tant general laws passed4oll be published in full in its columns. TKLEORAPII will he conducted STRICTLY ON THE CASH SYSTEM. In no other wit,* can a first clans jour mil be conducted successfully in Harrisburg, without eitarging enormous subscription rates anti making cash p aroma pay heavily to make up for dubious credits. The Tri.roakPli will be furnished tench cheaper than any other paper ever printed at the Capital of the State, and it can be sustained only by advance payments. The proprietors will bring abundant capital to the enterprise to establish it on a firm and, they trust. an en during basis: anti they confidently appeal to an intelli gent public t , give success to their efforts. By a little effort clubs can be f ‘ruieti in every district of the State. and subscriptions should be forwarded before the Ist of January. as but a limited number 'beyond that actually demanded will be printed, The h•lhnom: aro the terms for the Semi-weekly t single sheet,) during the session of the Legislature. and the Weekly (double sheet.) du ring the remainder of the year—TlltllONEV INVARIABLY TO ACC:llll'Oi% . Tilt ORDER: Single Subscriptions - -- $2,00 Five Copies $l.BO per copy) . - 0,00 Ten Copies ($1270 per copy) - 17,00 Twenty (',.pies a 1.T.0 per czpy) - :41.01 And at the same price ($1,50 poi copy) fur any nu m. ber over twenty. All orders vii uild be addressed to 'McClurg) A Sellers, Harrisburg, Pa Ifiirristkurg, Der. OSEWOO I) PIANOS 1 , ;()It SALE. h Tw" new.andr elegant Rosewood Plan 44 aml octives. fruit the celebrated manufactory of Ifni lot, Davis a. ro.. llost•in. These Instruments have 4,11 rue, folly , ekai'd (P.M a large stock, and see .arranted to glve ontire satisfartion. They will be sold at CITY PRICES kept in !Inter be a ,minpetent flel,oll, ter one year from dale• of .sale•. Those who nyty wish to examine. or he 'lurch:is , . a cu••ul instrument, nrr In, iteittl , still upon the stile:cher at his residence in Carlisle. KENT, two good se,on.l-hand Fort. It tiS per quarter. .101 IN K. S'l'.ll"l.k.N. nor. :Pi, GBEAT EN'CITEMENT. . PIA NOS A:41) ME TADROSI4 AW A In— .lotlN MAItSI.I, ,NfASONIC TP.MPLE, CHESNUT ST., above Seventh, Philadelphia, respectfully informs the public that be is prepared to make the following SPLENDID-OFFER- TW ENTY Boardman, t ray A Co.'s celebrated PIANOS, aud TWENTY C. W. Fisk & Co.'s PREMIUM M I DEONS will' be placed lu the hands of a committee of gentlemen, to be by them distributed among the holders of my certificates. To each purchaser of my Popular ?lush, a certificate will he presented. entitling the holder to an Interest in ONE PIANO and ONE :S11l:LODI:1Es% to be disposed of by the Committee Mr the benefit of those holding certifi cates when ONE THOUSAND DO,LLARS' worth of Music shall have been sold. so that oath person investiv, One Dollar will not only receive in, anti the value of Meney paid nut , but will have secured to him an intere-st. in vifinmon Wit II other certificate holders. in the abovealis• trihution. The su-ceeding distrilito ions 11 ill be con tinued. subject to the 5.11110 IWOlatinll, u u tit the DI and '2 o Melodeons are distributed. l'arttmlar attention is lovited to that feature of this plait which enlister a disposal of the instruments when hut 1 Oau certitientes have been issued. thus tivoidlng the vexatious delay and probable disappointment attend ing certain s..henies now before the ph hilt'. Music may be selected from my entire s tock, whi c h comprises every "atalogue in the United States. Irdors forwarded by mall will be faithtully and promptly attended to. N. B.—Constantly on hand a splendid assortment nt Pianos, from the eelebrated man ufaetories of Boardet. t ti. Cray ,t Co., of Albany; Jacob Chiekerintt h A. IV, Loll A Co., of IS,44111; Ely & Matter, and lteinwtt New York. Also. C. VV. Fisk & Co.'s Premium )loc o e Amos, to be hod at the lowest mattuftteuturer's prices. (head the flalowlng from MuNic3l Editor.] 80UL1M%,":.( 7, 11tY O..'S PI IN. , 1 ,,, r , 5'.-11 4. ar,• so well pleased with the Instruments made by this firm that ev t ia , d e t e rmined to be ins! tat 111;4 la, In turnishln¢ our finbseritiers and a110t5,4,111 au article that we eau recommend and 1 , rrant. There Is always a .1101oulty attonding th..o pu r 1.0( . 1(114n persons cannot rely fully upon the rus,tinnontia nuns they receive front manutatourors, olio are inter. ested, of in till' 1.111.11 . Merl 111.1IIIIilll'Ittro. Now. we are not interested in the [natter in any way. except so far as to Si,, that they who patronize ear -Book" shall be well s , rro,l with life best pianos made. Fora list or pvi,s sot, C . /yet'. lit which :n n o nnts we V. ill 51311.1 Pianos. warrantott for 011.1 Yell'. the 'lit to be paid by tho parwms ordering. Wu annex a [otter rt%- oolved from a gentleman in Virginia, to wirgn we sant one of these Pianos:— . . "L. A. (M em', Ilso.—Dear.iiir—l have great pleasure in acknowledging the receipt of the Nano Forte a Welt you were so good as to order for my wife li•out Ito:lranian (tray's. It was delayed for venue time at Wlnchester:' but I am happy to SAN that it rate in excellent condi tion. Wit are ticeltiolly pleased with the Instrument. The rosewood i . s of n haalltirtli quality: the ea t , h a pl a i n (we like it the better Mr RI: the touch Is very easy for a new Instrtment. and the tone la tlrm.,lear and sweet. All who have tried It. admire It and spunk in Me highest terms or its 11101 11 WIleaa null .sweetness of tone. NVO deeply„regret that we did not order the 'A thtehmonte we Kist have it yet. We aro deeply Indebted to you for your attelat'y in proeurivq; tar us so "mod an instrument. He pleased to receive our acknowledgments. Your obt. send., . .1, D. W." F. ow ,", st , Conon+, Undersleeves, Thu BItOIDERIES. u Pennsylvania, Just received et nip cheop storn of ect: 17, '55. CHARLES 00 T,,A.RN 110,0 II OL LERS.—A' new ) and suporl.ir arLivlull.r hanging Ilartrpoors. Just rove{ ved Mid tbr sale at 11. SAXTON'S, nov. 2 , 1. TAT I I I J ih r s A t.„ l: k i l l o i r t i ;V at a arul Prints, embraving all the newest „ad. must ,pp r ,iro htyles. -The (I,7:igns :UV 110:tt and Cllll-40,1nlit 11.14 piles sur.li :is cannot tail to ,:tho sgts fActiou. We Invite our friends :out the noldip ezeneral• ly to ,!all mud ettiltaltio our assortment I wt - ore purrlinsing els:v. hero. 11 . S.l XTON. uutrele2.l 1::‘ , ;t Matti St roet,Carlisle Ari()l I AIR ILE AD I) It ESSES.-:--J fist • Opened by the subscriber n variety of Molutir II •.1.1 Dr,,sos, Dravelet , , Bonnet FoatlU , N, Bonnet Ruches, Witi , kur.lilomis, Nov. 2'i, '55, W. I'CNEIL. Jii'w Fuffications. 31111UCCESS!!- TILL 1 DINO 7.lsa: NYt , 1111). 11A1.LOL S 1101.1. AU NONTIILY. DLNI(/ N Eilti A:4E1(1(11.N llo3t Encouraged by the tutprecedented micros,: with this popular ❑ninthly has mot with, and the rapidity with which it has ittereaned its circulation, the proprietor lilts resolved to nuke It still more 51 orthy of the .patronagt: of the public. That this admienble work IN A MIRACLE OF.CIi EA P.N ESS, Is admitted by every One, containing, 14 it does °Le Hundred pages of readinenuattea t In with dumber. beiM4 more than any Of the •I:3 ma,cazines, an 4 Mrming too volumes a year of six hundred pages each, ur T 01 e Hundred pages of reading matter per annum, fur - MexTin.v is printed a ith new typo, upon tine white paper, and its matter is caret • ully ...im plied and arranged i,y the hand- of the editor and pro prietor, who has been known to the piddle as connected with the hasten press for sixteen years. Its pages con tain NEWS. 'I \ LES. POEMS, STllltl ES OF THE SE 1. SI: ETCH 311:1 MILL ANT, ADVENTURES, 1110011.1 PM ES, WIT AND HUMOR. f am this Lest and most, popular writers of the country. It is also spiced with n record of the notable events it the times, of pence and war. of iliscovi , ries, and improN .- mentsoccurringineitherhemisphere,f:rming an agreea ble eompanion for n leisure moment or hour. anywhere, at Matte or abrad, each number being complete In itself. No s,rretarian sultjeets are admitted into its pages: there are enough co taro, ersial publiratLms, ralh de voted to its peculiar sect or clique. This wullt is in tended lire. TII E MILLON, north or south, east or west. and is filled to the brim each month with chaste. popular and graphic misc.+ limy. just such as any rather, Brut her or tricod would place in the hands of a family circle. It is in all its de partments. fresh and original, m i nd. what it purports to he, the cheapest magazine in the world. Any person eneloAna UNE DOLLAR to the props Mime AS below, shall receive the Maaazine ime year. or an) person sending us Film ItT tilihSerlhers mud MG' 1 , 1./LL.1116, at one time, shall receive n copy gratis. M. M. BA MAL Publisher and Proprietor, Corner of Tremont and Bromfield Streets, Boston. Nov. 51, COS MS) 1101111:AN ASSOCIATION SlrON I/ EAR. Ann kNGI73I} Nl' r the 'soon of Annual l',:ilootion of this now and popular In tit:it:on for the ditiu , ion of I.itorst aro ul Art. hark been tondo 611 the nisi ev tusk r seall•. Ahem; the works: A. K. McCLITRE, f AS. M. SELLER:, which originally cost Ton Tletusantl ttellar In frming, tint new Collection, the (thins' n nC works of AMER:4 Ar, aunt the imen4tlra.;eiliont of Awe ricatt IlaVe Ilikt heen 1,er1..1,•.t. Commissions have been min)* of the in , st diet illeilisthed Aweri rau he still contribute Oen., t , f their 'finest productions. Anteing them are thin Marble 'lusts, voevUtent by the greattNit Ih hug .`...sculptur . ,-11111.0t PurnEtte: • ... th M.( 1E ASJI INGTON', The Fatheref Ills country; BENJ A MIN JAI N, The l'ltili,.pher; BAN LEL 'l'lll. :.httestnan. A special agent has visited Europe awl made =refit and Judicious selections td foreign oerkt. of Art, both In Brinze and Mailde; Statuary and Choice Paintings. The whole f,,rming a large and Valuable collection a Paintings and :statuary, to It, di.dt tinted eras: among the members of the Association lur the 3 Secund Year. TERMS OF MEMBEIIMI4I'. The payment of three dollars constitutes any one a member of this Association, and hint to either one of the following :11:1ga:tines for one ear, and al. , a ticket in the distribution of the statuary and Paint ings. •the Literature issued to subscribers consists if the ing Monthly Magarines: Harper's. Putnam's, iinickerbockor, lilackwund's, Uodey's Lady's Book. audUsthold Words: Persons taking the memberships nra entitled to any five of the, Magazines for one year and to bl X lICKLTS in the dish ihution. .The,,ttet .proceeds derived from the fate or member orteduroted to the purchase of Mt thr the mum lug year.. by 1 .0( 1 ) 1 1 1111 g a member of this Association, are -Ist. Ail persona receive the .rt LI. VALI I of their sub ,riptions at the start, iu the shape of stet ling 31agazine Literature. 2d. Knell member is con trilattlng'townrds purchasing choice Works of Art, which tav to be , distributed among themselves, and are at the saute time encouraging the Artists of the country, disbursing thousands t 4 d o llars throutth its agency. Persons in remitting funds for menibership.i will please give their pest-oflice address in full, states the month they wish the Ma,:.azilie to continence. and litt‘.• the letter registered at the Post-4111hp top vent -s: which.nt the receipt of which. certitietite tr n iership. gother with the Magazine desired. w ill be , forwarded to any part of the country. Tlit,se who purehase Magazines at itookstorvs. w II) ob serve that 1. joining Chip . A,o•-intion, they revel% e the M F. and TREE TICKET in tin.:unauui dist 1 - 11•Ilt nil at the Winn , price they now pay for the 3lagazin, alone. Beautifully illustrated Cataltvues iflvlng, full descrip tions, sent Fuel oil application. For Membership. address C. L. DEBBY, Actuary, A.. A. At either of the principal offices— "lC er Mug:l'4ll ' w" 011ive. 345 N.Y. NVestern. M titer street, stintlusky, (I, 110 V. 21. AT U I):1Y EV EN I N(; I' os" T ESI'.IIILISIIIKD •••• I u issuing their Prospectus for th e rr..prleh,n; oI Ili. • l' ,• st take It for hearted. that the puldie a t , nb l' a air thrill 0 ell acquainted with the charm ter of a paper that La. grown strung during the idtamts and sit oaiiiie ..f liss. '1 heir object al. %,- vs has been. a. it 1'111:till, to Ito. t. p•:.• I'm the ,1111-h o n ly Instrurt :111,1 ituj n s.. 111itttl• 11.11 read ac hi• I. the I , ost :trii. ;Ire Nelvi ti frall fiaeipn ailli d lat,litt it 'I ittlilt altd tt• iilill.ll 11111 , 11, t f instruetii 4' charaetor psocured, whe Lt , ters from Forolitti lauds: Om most Interesting. the \I ,ehly Ne‘s. .1 the 1%11.1, :sket. 1., if hlfo. t.l,olatho .tit Character; Seli,ted and tit zim.l Arti•le , .Vgriculture; Ace,alot I the St" k Nlarktiss„: and a haul. N. to List .tro ineithti at.t.iihr the s dot , lar,rmatiourto be o.llstahtly fi , uud ill But t h e mind requires it NI has factil- Deg which dtilLtlit in the littinqm .s 111111 lively, the in, a.glnative aird poet teal. These timititios al,, must hync heir appropriate Mot else they bee. ane enfeebled. nod, tug a comep.ittevice. the Intellect heroines and amps', and la uot tilde is take :in enlan!ed and trei.erm s vlo.v of human net tit-Wand Its do.stlliy, To satisfy heaven.hisplented attar nirutal I rote ❑title im it i o t ri.loll at the halt to FICTION, mot 111:101I. Amon:: other contributors In the first two ofthe above Departments. are spvet nl nfthe nit.t. gifted Sri in the lamb We also draw lively from thy Fiction ai it Poetry upon the best periodicals In this country and tireat Britain. NVe design commenelnir a New Finn' 1 v Mus. Sotrrilwoutit, rattlior of 'flit. De.erted mtriam," be., In our first paper of January tim.t. NOTIITS ,TIIK This Is one of the few lari.te pajo filled with life aril th„ ng ht. Imtesil of lumbering: trash. ItA m: ii:. is nutrimd 6y Illskrality. courtesy- r 'ability' 4 .3ti4 Met. employs the best literary talent, and spare; 110 paters' expense, As A flintily paper. one of literary Atilt genti: I intelliAence. we cordially recommend ft.—Cayuga nib f, Attlittria, N. Y. IVO hare lieretctbre spoken In high terms of thb me rots of the Post. as ono of the best papers on our 10, 1411(1100 lust, and we regard it as one of the best Ilteta,ly pitpers to be 11,und anywhere. Its editorials are written with ability. and tahe a liberal, independent and' eon -1„.,,b,.n0 ye %bow of men and thlugs.. 7 --Star and Adiertf- NVii!litsl pa. It i; .I,..ereedly one of the most popular publle km , nals United States. combining as It does. in no lit ern , point of view. all the interest.of the heel ninpu xines, With it WlOO . 101101111 t of general intelll3enee. Itepublie.m, Litelitield. ((lash in advanee)—Singleeopy, yenr. t copies, l) s esp ies , an d ens to gOilt.r-upp , .f 10 oil find Imo to getter.up oftlinub, 01)11. 4 . niel (ales° getter.np ni clot,. v NUMBERS FOtit any one, w i,e t ',quested. Ad Irei-s, nluarn post.pitbl. • South 'I bit , ' P1111.1.b I ONE DOLLAR: letity enitiozeil. is the fi u •.f: u ncd Ia:MU CRUCIFIX," TILE ADVANTAGES SECURED, N% KEK L 1 1.1. l rik.N hEll%Efly ;10.61.11 ', :t. 011,i1110! \T - ENV G00.1)5. 7 ---The subscriber bus 1 I Just returned from thu city and is' opening' a ~moral a.,:orttnent of Fancy and Staple (lends. eonsimt in:.: Aterity. , es, Ltobnr.gt+, Alpneetts, Printed c. 0.111. not Mutts do I,trlnet; lhrocn ;...411,,i in great t uric ,I. nag Itrocha t-lutsvis $l5 to ;:t . 20. Front It Blanket Mewls. Cambria Ottal Swiss and In. ...I,l'itutbde and' tiwlt•t; Collars. Merino and and Draws.' thei;t4 Triuunings iu go.at, tai get. ttith other nines and Staple lioi do. 11. NN MTN I:11. It EAT •AVCRACTION!- NLW 11001)S! NI , : NY GOODS:: m. suLs,rilwr hat to just ruturned from the ritioes Nvw V”r1: and Philadelphia is now I.pentng a lery l'N II! siVit assmrtlllent, nl FA LI. AND 11 • IN'rElt (MOOS, Consistl.li.; of elegant Xi inter :hawk, sidetalid Caslitilearsand Un Lains, Freneli M aid F in ara ottas . . Notaile \torked Collars and hufll.:s 1i0.....s and 'Frileinilofs In great variety. I. I:s a., sinieres, ra.ssinetts, V estings. lair nels..lentis ithil 11: - si..r . i Kr., rn lot of new Carrettings. Also a I itl. rid ‘5a.1.12 . 1..te assertuient of 111 atTS AND AlfiL i sous in a ant of handsento tuitl,eheap a era et:trolly invited to rail and eXIIIIIIII this stock het a 'peril...lA.lg elsewhere. At the Old Stand East Main ; . '•I rect. CII Ali LES 00 Mill'. N. It. stack of well made cluthing'un Ist , h will he Nald at coat. I wt. 17, '55. rll _RUE ECONOMY Consists In buying such goods as 0115 rosily needs. lint buying them there they ars Sid at the Inv rst re.ielvist and art 1111 W , opentin: tin QUAN'rITY 4' new, cheap and spletolid }toed. Farb ng the gen nine old )11..1111 Aillis.Yrtoteh )lerittoes. of all the ttreipl.le 'Phi het Cloths. Alpaehas, plain and printed 31t.us le laitte,Calleoes in :Llanolance. and all the other hit.ds Amt are ❑nw Worn Or Ali.o. Einhod,lerks. a ilorv-. 11 , skry, wares. Own tili t. Cnrilet Bawl, I'l th Caps. wts, Bonnet, an supply of EN'S )V l•lA It, ttich as Cloths, F t atinetts. l'assittercs. Kentuekv Jeans. voni nos. tmtins, Vlatinvis. nut a4tootral supply of Hoods in ottr Ilnr, ullleh we In cite every body to examine and stt !Fry them sett tlti.t c are selling goods at such it drys as will satisfy the htscst hitycrs. it :NT'/ ..t BR' rulat. A it T oct. 17, 'sri, (i( )0 16.—Tile subscriber has s _ just rn,rir, d and is now ,penina a lar•;n:issort ,l,l,l oi FRESH suitod to the seas i•aso ~.111 and t7arlisle. N0v.14, Tolt E Fll It S L E The Dry GOotIS 0,111. and flatmrs of .11.1111 Coyle, t iee'd in ilogestown,plinherl.ind 011.11Ity. trill Ito offered at private sir by the Administrator viii easy tl.llll, 'llnt , tork is in good order and will amount. to ateitt. ~ • •••ltttr.• The dwelling turd store rooms will he rented to the purr baser. They ate both two story illld neatly new, hat ill{r a good garden. every variety of ft - nit arid grape. - etaltling and n titer 'on the lot and every eon vit:,1011:1` teanitlete. I'os:est:len given ittnneillittel). the 4.torn will be closed till 29th inst.. after whieh time the subscriber %\ ill be there u few vretikr. tot. 24. 'SA. •C111"1 . OVI.E. A timr.g. ‘II LK ELASTIC BELTS.—J ust ()pun - 1. 1 ea a lot of Silk and Worsted Elastic Belts in all . . . n. .funlifo 4juoceries. CiGROCERIES: GROCERIES:: COME AND SF.E. _ - If you want prime Groceries, If you waitt Ileautlfni Quoenswore, Go to Bitlbert.F If you svant splendid Lanhw, If you want the beslt If you Annt Tubs or liaslsets, If you W3iit nnyth:ng rise In his Ilnu Th.• sulcioriber haw just returned from the city milli& lame and gluier ass,rtment of Groceries. Ii and China Rare, Fish. Salt. Itast‘ets . . Tutet. and ON cry tiling in his line of Idndite , o4. w Idch he IdTers for sale at the Inc est prices. Call and etsatnine fir yntirsels es. J. Ir. 11A1.11Ell'r. NOTICE. I 8 e 5r,.) Ith. ust replenish ed his .i,s • liitOCERIES AND QI'EIiNSWAIrEn , • itolls prepared to supply his friends and customers 1, Ith almost anything required In inuwntic WO. at prices which he hopes trill prove Sat it.ial`tOry. Ilk stock con sists of overt' variety or tossls suitably for tot, n and country use. lie has also on hand it general assortment, or II .k IDtVAitF, such as tinny be Ilet`ded by farmers and niiielinuies for overt' flay use. Ilto stock of WISES, BRANDIES A Ni) OTHER LlQUults Is lartte :ma ethbratos an excellent ii,s , rtinent of c lod,. itialites. All for sale It inlesale null b Last c.•rurr of ilanovnr and lout her streets. Carlisle, Pa. I`,,un try Produeu taken in ex Chance fa` SAMUEL II U Eiji'. fioNW.\Y'S GENUINE HONEY S,Lkl'.--Couway*: , pure Palm 's tu pr”ve4 l'hurulonl Olive Swip. A full Supply 111 . 117-so truly vteollimt itU4 ITeeIVV,I. /MI I :tale at Ny ILIA A Nis' uAmiLy ullocEßY, Street. earl 1... Nov. Mr Iri l f: 6 ) 11 •7 1 1 , -..,-. i " ) Z - I ; --r-4.;n,..4- , - ~ i'F'.. I ~y -r - .1-• .........—. ..--.......-. cl j J Ml 3 1.1 li. 1. AN I ) VA 4,1,F, I' It. It.— i cirANd 1.: OF UM:RS! (01,:,11,1 aft Cl' M , l: , DAY, (tet.c.l or 224, 18.5: . , Plissezwer Ti.:o,‘s „ill ru I :,,, 1.411< s: o , ltildtlys oxeeptecl : I , ‘ II 11 %.1t111: 4 11131(11; . . Ist 'Train. '24 'Crain. I.rar o Chttnilwrslatrg' 8.43, A. M 1.40, P. NI. " Sillpiwi:,,sol . ,;, 9.17 " 2.12, " N.,wv111,,, 11,10, '• 2.42. 4 • " t'arli,le. 1925, 4. :Ll7, M vcllau iosburg, 10.50, 4 , :{.l', A ..rirrisbitr:, 11.25. 44 4.15, " FOR C11.1)111ERS1111.1iG, Ist TrAlO. 2,1 Train: , . • 0.80. A. m .1.00, P. M 0.03, .. 1.:12. " '9.41, 44 2.11. " 10.10, <, 2.47, " 10.4.0 " '. '. 3.15, " 11.10, " 3.45, " TRAINS Loave •• IlolaiaulcwLurg, •• •• Shipiwilsl.llrg, .tt Climberslitirg, Loaca llarri.lum: for Philadelphia at 1.12 and S.lO a b t o at 7.;o1 P. NI. and 12.35 N. mi. via Columbia. Leavo Ilarrisliurg for l'ittsburt.; at 0.20 A.M.;• 12.35 nonii, and 1, I'. M. Leavo Harrisburg for. ilaithiiitritl l at a, 11114 8. 3 0 A• )14 at I P. M. 4-•• • .• • Cars of Panithin nnti Sllgfiltelyinna Pall Road leave-Han. Tioura at 5, A. M. a tIll•I.C41'. M. for Auburn Potts ville, itandiult , kg. itirAt nil Ft:111(ms when) Tickets are soil, Fares are TiO; CENTS LN:IS than when paid in the ears. A. F. : 4 ‘ll'flf, tzuperintetnleut. Chambersburg., ) t,tutwr 11' S • 1)1-111,1PS, ST It Y 1.; It & ENING-S, k . lIRITIgIi, rlll:NCU • • au% AmEiticAN• DRY OOODSI— I , INCLUE.:II:CLY AT AUCTION. Nos. 1 and 3 7 Bank Fixed; t , ! ),w Jlarknt, LetWeOrl SeC owl and Third; l'11114,11)1MPIIIA. • .ay.. To Cosh nr sk - al, time lluyeri+ we wHI e.ell at very small lolvaiwe 011 Alla 6111 ' 100st. 1 . 11111111001111. Sept. 10 AILS! NA ILS ;—.l: Dow . Bro ,wpw,v,•onntry 11f,1 'lllll i ' • 11 t uL,ntaotillera • '' i 0 uDFiY I) it S () ()I) S ; CM N. •'Nuln7lt'.. OliO. IV. lITTN Fit Go to llallwrt's Go to 11:01,ert.F Go to Halbert's Go to Halbert's Go to Hall el t's IM 23
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers