E 3Aritultutal. Agriculture Among the Romans. The Roman farmers, like ourselves, were fond of putting on record any ex traordinary crop. Pliny says that there wore sent front Byzantium in Africa, to Augustus, nearly 400 stalks, all from one grain; and to Nero, 340 stalks. The soil fioniwhich this immense yield was obtained would seem to have possessed a remarkable quality, for Pliny says that "when dry, the stoutest oxen cannot plow it. but after rain, I have seen it opened by a share, drawn by a wretched ass on the one side and an old woman on the other." A soil that "bakes" so hard as this in dry weather could not have 'been plowed very deep with such a team. Iu Italy the crops seem to have been less extraordinary 'though good, according to Van.o the yield of wheat was from 21 to 31 bushels per acre. When Rome was at her greatest height, in the t : itne of the Clesars, the fanners obtained almost fabulous prires for some of tlo it )roductions. Vitrro informs us th-t —f;rt, birds." such as thrushes, black bir k, were sold at fifty cents each. awl sometimes 5000 of them were sold in a year from one farm.—[Farms were geom.:lllV' small.] Pea fowls were sold . _ - at ;an egg tit 80 cents. A farm sometimes produced as many, of these fowls as to sell for $25,000. A pair of fine doves were co nmonly of the same price as a peacock, $7. If very pretty, they were much higher, no less than $5O. L. Anins, a Roman knight, refused to sell a pair under $6-1.• The "chicken fe ver- it seems did not o44nate in this atfe and countt.v. Whether the Romans hail any Shanghais daY's that conld "eat corn off the top of a flour bar rel. and stri •c over a sixteen inch plank w;thout any exertion," we are not in formed. Woodward, in his "Essay towards a Natural history of the Earth,") publish ed in 1695, says, those who have written de art' : combinatorie, reckon up no few er than one hundred and seventy-nine millions, one thousand and sixty differ ent sorts of earth," Modern science in= fornis us, indeed, 'that all agricultural soils are composed 6f some foiirteen ele ments, but these are so combined as to form an almost infinite variety of soils, of whose characteristics at the present day, we can hardly claim to know any thi or. The Romans were orally igno rant. They characterised soil as. rich, or por. fieeft stiff wet or dry. The best soil they thought had a blackish color, was gluttinous when wet, and friable when dry ; exhaled and agreeable smell when plowed, imbibed water readily, re taining a sufficiency, and discharging what was superfluous ; not injurious to the plow irons by causing a salt rust; freiinented by crows and other birds at the time of plowing; and when at rest speedily covered with A rich turf. A free soil WOl3 always preferred. The best situation for lands, according to Colamella and Palladius, is "not s) much on a level as to make the water stagnate, nor so low as to be buried in the bottom of a valley nor so exposed as to feel the violence of storms and , heats; for in these a mediocrity is always ~ best; but champai7n land exposed; and whose declivity affords the rains a frc e passage ; 'or a hill whose sides gently decline ; or a valley not too much confined, and into which the air has easy access; or a mountain defended : by a higher top, and thereby secured from the winds that are most pernicious, or if high and rugged, at the same time ooyered with trees and grass. The situation of hinds which Ca to reckons the.hest,.are at the foot of a mountain with a southern exposure. Pliny says that the best lands in Italy are so situated. Planting tree's to screen the hind from the high winds which frequently pre vailed, and for fruit, was recommended by nearly all the Roman writers. Cato says : "A land owner should apply him self to the planting of his fields early hislhuth;. but he ought to think long before he builds. lie ought not to think about planting; but he ought to do it. When he is about thirty-Six yearSof age, he may builcly provided his fields are planted:" ' .Pliny gives the same advice.. "Men," ho 'says, "should plant in their youth, and not build Mill their 'fields go planted ; and even thou ought not to • ! •be •in a hurry, but take time to ,eonsider. I,t is:best, according to the proverb to li alit by the folly of others." Many -ouna American. farmers might follow his advice of the old Roman with ad antage Better plant a good orchard, !nin build a fine house The Romans paid much attention to 'le breeding, breaking, feeding and Jorking of their cattle. "Bulls," says 'alladius, "should be tall, with huge tembers, or a middle age, rather young lan old, of a stern countenance nail horns, a brawny and vast neck, and confined belly." The cows Colamella lost approves of are "a tall make, long, .'ith very large belly, very broad head, , - yes black and open, horns graceful, 'moth, and black, hairy ears, straight iws, very large dewlap and tail, and .loderate hoofs and legs." Breeders of horses mid cows, Virgil observes, should attend principally to the make of the female, who ought to be large in all her parts. I) Ll 0 ill arc, J ()UN P. , 1,1NE . -11 r Ide.ale and lie i tail dealer iii American, I,iiiid al and iiertiiitti ARD %VA It I.i, oil', Paints, se.. it. ~...iiititics, builders nl tho public I:mom:illy, who are iu omit of Illardwarn of anv kind, are invited to call in and my ui.asunily larg stock of 400ds, which 1 .no selling at rory low loos. I.i; it will lily dotal,' you a very c minutes to MI convilMell Lii IL what everybody says that Lyii's is decidedly the 1 .1,0 to got go.' g1101.1:4 at .5 11111'0S-111 list MI true. I. i N E'S Ilardware Storm West its North Hanover street. 44Alit to WA REt Ylt SA XTON. The Ileon nom 11a,11.2, it, in... U flllll the city would rail the iontion or I,is mend , and tile public goncrally to the and well solected,osortmout of Hardware which be is just cirri rod. 'insisting in part of BUILDING 31.1- :11l A nails, sore, s, hinges.locks. bolts glass. putty. lots, oils. &v. TOOLS—edge tools. Sans and pianos n. 11:1111111,1, aliVils, g0 ,,,, a 1 SIIOr.M.\ KEW' AND Silt t •:i•ther an' , shins. sir;m throat', wax, 11:11'111 , S illiilint •&,.. Thl 111 , NO—onnvass and mak , ••-ml.! ',Om( and onamollod loather. %p lees. shit, 1,. Cabinet will 11n4 3 large as— Ttmont of I'M, 111:111 , IaIllly and WII.IIIIIt ccnorrs, unnildine, rtltltAttlS err I+ It h I • i 11,1 ha ir. . . I'hr'.ct,,,•!c .1• I r.n in largo and will ..olootod, 4 all th,• !dud. in Fi•nernl tt.i...as hammered and rllod , ..r slits. Ila t. hand irmi. 1 if oval irmi.lmr,e-slitie iron and nail reds. with.a tar t ui eagt and spring steel, English and American tills r steel. Sm. llom•eheitperq and those about commeneing will Ord It their advantage to call and ex :1111i Ile our cutlery•. brit ia and plated ware palls, kettles, cedar ware, haskets. In addition to t h e, above we have received a splendid : , irtiniit PAPER. Inal.hpz the -to. and at utteli prices as valitiot 1111 1,, v i v ,, sa t ish i e ,n, IVe invite nil friends to rill. It nowi nu it will he I ~ . ir own mivitiitinf.ii. Remember the nid stand, East , Stroet: liarli4le, Pa. ,b•t. e 8 .115, II ENE 1 Y ' 1 " IN • . sz a a II AR DWARF,' !-T Ike larg. ,t 40 and most carried assortment of Ilard r74, ware in the county, and selling at the J. North Hanover St., 'Carlisle Ni•;c pricu6, ut _ Ag_ricaftqrtu: CARLISLE FOUNDRY '• AND MACHINE Sllop, I • • • 'he subscriber has the satisractinu DI- V= dige wining his old friends and patrons that lis establishment Is again lo urtiro ope n, nett imodings having been ereeted shoe the late 4 a traits tire and the whole establishment put in i.Olll - ...wain::: order. orders are theref..re respevi fully for 11111( in his line, which mill be dune with duiptness and in the best 111111111. M. STEAM ENGINES BIM LT Ti) ORDER Id repaired. .\ II kinds 1.111 . Machinery in Paper Mills, fist 11111s:id Factories tepgireti at short notice. Mill endles dressed and turned. .1 1./ESEEitS 01111 .teh as Bevil Gear Four ilorse Power, ll:)tho,T,t,l l 7 ear horse and Two Horst. Movers. Plou;glis, Corn Shel ws anti Crushers, tte. Patterns made to order. Iron and .rose CAS EINCS executed to order. It not on hand. at to shortest notieu, such as Cranks and Mill Gearing, per anti Bevil Wheels. Gudgeons for Saw Mills, Plow titings, Cutters, Point Shears, IVagon and Coach Box „ Spindles. Car Wheels, Car Chairs, Sr. Ile has also t 4.11111 a large supply or Philadelphia and Troy CI elli• Ili s riv ES, and is eonstantly making Cooking Stn es various improved patterns for coal or wood, it'll 111111 l! ''yes, Crates, &c. Itepairing done to^ all kinds lif Ma tinery. Ali kinds of old I r tn. Ertss and Copper taken exchange for e oris. 13.9 Fit.lNl:l,lN lIAIIDNEII. FAIt.NIFItS LOOK HERE! 1.1(..111NESI the subscribers desire to intb..lll farmers and public 'llolloly that they ilow !vivo on hand and are constant• inalittlaaturinz l'hroshing Nl:whines with Piorpont's (tent .Shaker, which are generally act uutvled zed to ho to best articles lIQW I n use. .%ls, a variety t.l Clover killers, Goan ShAlers and straw Cutters. They also .till,, to the rep.tiring fit Agricultural Mad) fiery in le host niduner and oil reasonable torn), 'iv on North llannover Street, directly' opposite the 'Adana() of ileorgo Metzger, Esq. A ugust S '55. A MUMS & I.CAN IC. ltruiturc. ) ()BE B. SMLLEI, CA 131 N ET Lik„, NI A KER and UNDERTAKER rrtu Hanover street, next door to dasr.'s [haul. flu would respectfully ififorin the ticens of C:u•lisle anal the public generally, that he is now on 'pad a large and ele.rantassortutent of FUR ITUIt E,consistlng In part of Wardrolats,Card and oth- • Tables, Snfas, Bureaus, Bedsteads, plain and fancy 'wing Stands, he., manufactured of the' best material rd quality wafranted. Also a general asmortiffent,,of CIIAIRS at the lowest •rlcus. Vt:Nfruor llivms.inade to order, and repairing womptly attended to. OWFINS 1114.10 at the shortest notice; and hav- Ita r a splendid hearse he will attend funerals in town or Reentry. £C Ilotinnabor tBo stand—noxt door to If.. ()Nag's It. B. SMILEY. XTENSIVE FURNITURE ItOQ3I. Ui —.TAMES R. WEAVER would - resoecfeully , call _„,;£x the attention of liouse-Iceepers and tho public to hisextenslve stock of elegant FURNITURE, V Including So s, Wardrobes, Cent re and Tables, Jressing and Plain Bureaus, and every other article la his branch of business- Also now on hand, the largest assortment of CHAIRS in Carlisle, at the lowest prices. AUFFINS made at the short est notice and a Hearse provided for funerals, lie adleits a call at his establishment, on North Han over streov, near Olasse's lintel. .triy.Furniture hired out by the month or year. 4V:: : Miti cORNER of Han over and Louther )its Cv" C RLlSLE.—Theendersign ed has always on hand a largo stock of superior Cabinet Ware, in all the different styles, which ho Is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. Ile Invites attention particu larly to the l'Amtv SPRINO BOTTOM * BEDSTEAD, a unet useful article, which entirely obviates all ohlections.— The bottom can be attached to old Bedsteads. They. have given entire satisfaction to all who have them in use. Ake COFFINS made to order at the shortestlintice. JACOB FETTER, .481vikt44)Mllt o sllistellancous, CUMBERLAND VALLEY BANK. ritormETORS. , WILLTAM K Ea, MuoitonclißF.NNEMAN, HOBERT C. STERRETT, HENRY SAXTON, RICH toll WOODS, JOAN S. STERETT, HENRI' A. STURGEON. ""-'"' This Bank, ° business in the name of KER, BRENNEMAN & CO. is unto fully prepared to dna gen eral Bauking Business with promptness find fidelity. 3l.lney received on Deposit and paid back on demand with . tit notice. Interest paid ou Special Deposits. — Partamlar attention paid to the collection of Notes. Drafts. Checks, .te. in any part of the United States or (':uvulas Remittances made to England, Ireland or the Conti nent. The faithful and confidential execution of all or ders entrusted to them, may be rolled upon. They will at all times be pleased to give any information desired in regard to money matters in general. nv_lianking Mouse in Trout's Building. Main Street, a few doors east of the Rail Road Depot. Open for busi ness from U o'clock In the morning until 1 o'clock in he eve tang. ii. A. STURUEON, Cashier. Carlisle, Sept. 19, 1855. d' .. l AS FITTING AND PL UM B ° • * N..A INU.—The ned would inform the A N citizens of Carlisle that he has made arrange intuits todo UAS ITIVINO and PLUMBING at short no tlee, and on reasonable terms...Pe has engaged the ser vices of a first rate hand from Philadelphia, and Pits sup plied himself with an extensh e assortment of FIXT URES, which will unable him to fill all orders promptly. All work will be warranted. Ilisistock (if Gas Fixtures will be found in the room exactly opposite his Thllling establishment on North Hanover street, whore he invites a call. TINNING, SPOUTING, Ax.—lle Is also prepared to furnish, or make to order, every article of TIN WARE used by housekeepers and others. Ile will also attend to SPOU'll'sltl, HOUSE-ROOFING, BELL HANGING, :Lod PLUMBING. . . Thankful , 'for the patronage with which he has already beet] favored, he respeetfully •solicit,s a continuance of the same. Carlisle, Juno 14. '54 LIA1)1)LE AND lIARNESS !Nil. The subscriber continues to carry on the above business. in ail its various branches, in North flan over street,,,) 'arlisla. two doors North of Leonard's corner where he intends keeping on hand a general assortment in his line. consisting of all hinds of rasilional.le SAD DLES. Ilridles, Niartinvales, rlreingles and Ilal ters, ti,- Tit traveling and saddle ,771 - s-i - T - ') bags. Ile also man- • V. 4• s•. 11 \4t ),\\\ , l l l . •• . • a l ' lui t : i l ' . • N , It IN el l t. , 4'lll and so, 010111. Ile ra 11.1,0 manurart ores Ilarne , s. I ',alarm nod NN hips in all their ;trio des. anti confidently believe, front the general approin. tion of his customers, that he makes the neatest and best zears, in all their Variety of 10re,11.11. that is made ill the r . a(tintry. Ile also makes all kinds of Nlatra , ses to order. vie: Straw. Husk, I'lll-1(.11 Ilalr and Sill iii:r•Olat.- rasses. All the above articles will be made of the hest material and workmanship, allOwith the utmost des patch. IVNI. OSBORN. ...., .., c. ,..1. 41 „ ,, ,. 7 ill A. . : ::.ru.f . T : t. 4 ,-, % i N . ... ~.;) ) • - 's ' '' ~:',ife,?;42); . •k• -,l l \ tror 1 i vi•*--, ----"Th A Tri N T SELF-riAP, II ENING Y A Nit.I.IIM II ED Cu rr E its. in an u tn. t ..—A for /Dit IC Er &.14 A lin ENT, No. .110 Market Aa rr, Ph Hada 3 This cutter is superior to any now in use, for strength durability, and simplidty of construction; it cuts fast er, and is the only self-sharpening Hay. Straw and Corn Stalk Cutter ever made. It has but. ONE STit A MIFF kNI Ph:. which any person can Lrinil and set with ease. but in ordinary case, is ground in the machine. Thou. sAinis have already been sold, and the demand Is daily illerl,l4lll. In Most cases an examination is sunleient to eoue hive one if is superimit3. No one after a short trial would part with It for any other. All Wes of the abuse constantly on hand and for sal() by J. P. LYN 1.1, Solo A uen t for Cumberland county ME 3nEiurancr. ARLI :7; AGENCY, Fort INDEMNIFY AiiAINST LOSS BY FIRE. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSURANCE COIL, oF 1•1111.11 , EIA . 111A. Charter Perpetual.--i,lon,i)oo Capital paid In. Office Chesnut Ntreet6 \ftxr: IN Ult t]c6. eitherpornrtnont or limited, against 10 , 54 or tittolatte by tire. on 1 . 111/19:1LTY 111111 EV rF.CTS of de.eription, in barn 01 l'oll,llt rY . 11 n tiw 1119 St reasonable terms. .I.pplientions tomtit either persouttlly or by letter, ill r lteltroutptly attended te. C. N. 11..iNCKElt, Pres'r. The subscriber Is rigent for the ahoto company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All application's Mr insurance either by mail or personally will be promptly attended A. L. SPONSLEIL Riad Estate Agent and Scriveber to by dcc. I'2, '55 FIRE INSURANCE. -TILE ALLEN AND EAST PENNSHORO MUTUAL FIRE IN SUANCE COMPANY of Cumberland county, incorPo rated by an act of Assembly, is now (ally organized, and In operation under the management of the following commissioners. viz: Daniel 6silev, IVllliato It. Gorges, Coeklin, Mefehoir Brenneman. Christian Sin) loan, John C. Dun lap, Jacob 11. ('never, Lewis Ilyer. Henry Logan. Ilenjao mitt 11. Musser, Jacob Mumma, Joseph 'Wickersham, Alexander Cathcart. Tho rates of insurance are as low and favorable UM any Company of the kind in Alin State. Persons wishing to beemno members are ❑Mined to make application to the agents of the conipany, who are wlll4lg, to wait upon them at any time. BENJ. 11. 1510SSER, President. HENRY LOGAN, Vice President. LEWIS lIYEIt, Secretary. MICHAEL COCELIN, Treasurer. All ENI S CUMBERLAND COUNTY.—Rudolph Martin, N. Cum berland; C. B. Itorman, iiittstown; Henry Zearing, Shiremanstown ; Clfarles 8011, Carlisle ; Dr. J. Ahl, Churehtown ; Samuel Graham, West Pennsboroutch ; James Me Dowel, Frankton!: Mode Griffith, South Mid dleton; Samuel Conver, Benjamin Dover:dick, Meehan-. ieshurg ; John Sherrick, Lisburn; David Coover, Shop herdstown. YORK COUNTY.—John Bowman, Duisburg; Peter NVolfnal, Franklin; John Smith. Esq. Wits! 1 1 11 60°11; W. S. Picking% Dover; J. W. Craft, Paradise. ILUtltlSlllJltU.—llouvcr . t Lochman. Members of tho company having' policies about to ox- Ore con have thorn renewed by malting application to any of tho agetnn. .. WOOD'S ORNAMENTAL IRON WORES—Rithte Avenue, PHILAD'A. • The attention of the public le invited to the extensive manufactory and wars-room of the subscriber, who is prepared to furnish, nt the shortest notico, IRON ItAIG INO of every description for CEMETERIES, PUBLIC k, PRIVATE BUILDINGS. also VERANDAHS. BALCON IES, FOUNTAINS, SETTENIS, CHAIRS, LIONS, BOOS, &c., and other Ornamental Iron Work of a decorative character. all of which Is exemted with the oxpress 'Wow of pleasing the taste, while they combine nll the requisites of beauty and substantial construction. Purchasers may rely on having all articles carefully bowl and shlpded to their place of A honk of designs will bd sent to those who wish to mako a selection. • ROBERT WOOD. Ridge Avenue below Spring Unr,ilen St, Phila, Oct, 10,'55. "T AIt.IIn;ASOCIATION, To all person:4 afflicted with NexEal diseases, u SESIIN A IJ,WEAKNESS. IMPOTE ACE, C0N0.111t11.., OLEET, SY PIII LIS, de., Thu 110WAR1I. ASSOCIATION of Philadelphia, 1n•• view of the awful destruction of human life and heal ti ceutsnd by Sexual diseases. find the deceptions which at. practised upon the untidd ulnae victims of such ilivenst.- by quacks, have directed their consulting F‘irgeon, an a CII A ICITMI,LE ACl' worthy of their name, to szive,, NIEDICAWADVICE ODATIS, to all persons thus af flicted, (Mt le or Fe ma lej who apply by letter, (post•paid,) with a description of their condition, (age. occupation, habits bi life, &c.. 1 and in extreme poverty and sulfuring to EERNISII MEDICINES FREE OF CHARGE. The Howard ANS6,l:ttion is a lainevolen'tAinstittition, est:dill:died by spneial endowment, for the millet of the sick and distressed, afflicted with " Virulent and hip!. dim& diseases," and Its funds eau be used fur no oilier purpose. It has now a surplus of means, abich the Directors have voted to advertise the above notice. It is needless to add that the Association ,commands the highest Medical AID of the age. Address. (post-paid.) Dr. t 1 EO. It. CALHOUN, Consult ing S'orgeon, Howard Am.:Mutton Philadelphia, Pit. By order of the Directors, EZRA D. IIEARTIV ELL, President, april 11. OEO. PARECHILD, Secretary. W 3 • ) ( i ) . .1, I, i tor k B. r D ebe Preen 1 ?min Guwnm<•r Artiste y i n tillta. ug 1 r W g :nal Elastic Band Toupees. Instructions to enable Indies and Gentlemen to measure their heads with ac. curer). . . .. . Fon inches.—No. 1. The round of the head; No. 2. From forehead over the head to the neck; No. From ear to ear over the tor; No. 4. From ear to ear round the forehead. Toupees and scalps. inches.—No. I. From forehead to Lark as far as laid; No. 2. I Iver as far :is regttir ed.: No. t. ftver the croa n of the brad. IL :DOLLARD has iilways ready for <ale a splendid stock of (lents' II ig,s, Toupees. Ladies' R igs. lads Wigs. Frlzots, Braids, Curls. fir., beautifully manufartui ell and as cheap as.any t•stalilisinnent in the Union. Dollard! , llerhanium Extra for Lustrous Hair Tunic. prepared from meth American Herbs aced Doots, the most successful article ever produced for preset, lug tile hair from falling out or changing color. I esloring and preserving it in II healthy and luxuriant state. Aimee other reasons Wily I\o lard's hair cutting saloon nialin twins its Immense iopttlarity Is the fact that his Tonic is applied In 4,1' ••• • hair eta at his estahli<liment. eons...intently it Iv kept in better pine sere al ion thou tit, der any known amine:Mon. It being Chu. , tically test n•,l Ly t otters the greatest guarantee of Its MON ROE MORRIS Sii INvivili.,:lll. allll retail at his Old EstBl , llslinient Chestnut street , q polite the State It. Dollard has ativitst disg,,serell the It phi,. alien of II \ I avid ann ,, titnies It f r snit• si 111 p eg t ee t tad, littetive in its surigissinz ejer thing of the kind HISS it, Its, It ,i,,1, , rs the hair either /tact tir hrlwn, ins Inas he desired , and is used without In the hair r ..kin either ht .t tin ur otherw {sr, 1,111 ipe washed 11l 111 tl.ll Minutes after detracting (ism, eilicatiy, Persons visiting the tilts are Ins itial La gist hint it ettll. let tors addressed to R. 1)01,I.A RD, 177 Chestnut st,. Philadlphia, n ill receive at tention. ITERHING'S PATENT, CHAMPI- ,1 ON EIRE PROOF' SAFES, NI Ith Patent Powdor Proof boo.. n blob Si Vril warded separate Medals at the 'rid's Fair, London, IFbl, and ha' at the World's Fair, 'New ork. I Sti:i and ';,4. The sul , s,ri. Ts are the sole Mall ufactur,q, id proprietors hr this State of outing e unequalled Safes and arks. 'rho reputation of the nllllllO —Herring's Safe" IS worle ide, and for the last thirteen, 'ars the mercantile rommunity .ve witnessed and borne testi. minty to their asviat PAILINO fire proof qualities. .alore than 12,000 of these Stiles have been actually sold: end over Two HUNDRED have passed triumphantly through accidental tires. The public aro assured that all Safes manufactured by the subscribers nrq not only guaran teed to be fully equal. but In many respects evemstupe riot to those which have been so severely' tried 11,11re'_ ifew )rill forget their services in the burning of the "Tribune establishment," Now York, and nt the Orent Fire In Strawberry street, at the large lire last July, opposite the Birard ilollse• and still more recently In the Piro at Fifth and ('hesnut sts., in .the city ut Phildelphia. In Mittel' these 5111 . 013 came forth the ay. knowledged CHAMPION, when twiny other securities failed. FARREL t CO., Bn: Ssrr csa RINK LOCK )Intros. :14 IV A LNI"f street, Philaßelph in. Chilled Iron Safes, with Powder Proof Locks. manu factured expressly for Ilan ks, Ureic ors, Jewellers. and others requiring Security from realms. Brink Vaults, Boors. &c. on hand and made to order. All the most celebrated Locks for sale at manufacturers' prices. Seeond hand "Safes" "Salamanders" and 4, Tro Chests" of other makers. have been taken In part pa munt for Herring's for sale at half peke. J EAT Ell ! LEAT II ER ! FRITZ. HENDRY R CO: Sr.. 29. North Third Street, Philadelphia, MOROCCO MAN I - FA("f URERS. Curriers and Import ers of VHF:NeII CA I.F SKINS, and Dealers in lied and Oak Sole Leather and Nip. Feb2B-1y proved A N D STRAW CUTTERS, L Colo: SLII:LLEII,S.—A large assortment' t - ved I lay, Strifiv and Fodder Cutters, now on lotniV— A lso. and Ongle corn Owners for either hand l E ir horse power, 1.1 the very latest manufacture, including the premium :duller at the late Petnisylonia State Fah For / , talo by • PASCHALL .71,i01t MS le Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner 01 ith nd :11arkat, Philtulelphia ; lire. 6, 1864—tf alt E NUSSES.—liernin or Rupture successfully treated. And comfort insured, by use of the elegatillfrench Trusses, imported by the subscriber. and midi. to order expressly for his sales. All suffering with Rupture will be gratified to learn that the occasion now otters to procure a 'rruss combin ing extreme lightness, with ease, durability and correct construction. in lion of the cumbrous and uncouithrta- We article usually sold. An extensive assortmen always on hand. adapted to every variety of Rupture In adults and children, and for sale at a range of price to suit: :ill. Cost of Single Trusses, $2, $3 •.:4 and •;5• Double, $4, i,zs. $ll, $8 and $lll. Persons at a distance can have a Truss sent to any ad. dress by remitting the amount. sending measure around the hips, and stating side affected. Nor Sale Wholesale and Retail by the Importer. ' CALEB H. NEEDLES, S. W. cor. of Twelfth A Rat) Sts., Philadelphia. Depot for Dr. Banning's Improved Patent Body Brace; Chest Expanders and Erector Braces; Patent Shoulder Braces; Suspensory Bandages; Spinal Props and Sup• ports. Ladies' Rooms, with competent lady attendants. april AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. PENNOCK'S CELEBRATED WHEAT DRILL— Adapted also for sowing oats. grass seeds and guano. Krauser's Portable Cider Mill—the best In the market. Halliday's patent Windmill.— Horse Power's and Thresher's. Lime and Guano Spreader's, Daniel's Hay. Straw and Fodder Cutter. Little Giant Corn and Cob Mill, Spain's Atmospheric Churn. Theabovo Superior Implements dith all others, fir the use of 'the farmer or gardner, fur sale Wholesale and Retail by PASCHALL, MORIUS & CO., Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store, corner 7th and Market streets, Philadelphia. July 26,'55. Nos. - 21 and 23 South Sixth, Stied, PIIIL4DELPIIIA. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT MANUFACTORY, 1411ii01, Pa. SUR OROUNILS (870 Acres) Bluomsdnio, near Brlnto', Pa, pl)ilaclpl)ia IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT (Ebutation. IV HITE HALL ACADEMY, Three miles west of Ilarriaburg. .V The tenth Session of this Justltution will com mence on Monday. the sth of 1447vember next. Parentw and gurdians arc requested to inquire into its merits Instruction high . en in the ordinary and higher branches. of an English Education, and also in Latin, (heck, Fre»ch and Herman Languages and Vocal and I nstru -1111.11 tat musk. hh Boarding. Washini?, and Tuition In the English Branch es. and' Vocal Music. per Set.sion, (5 months) Instruction In each of the Languages - 5.50 in I .o.trinnental Music - I !UV For circulars and further inf. nudtdon cadres , . D. HEN LI Nti El:. Principal. Harrisburg, Pa. Si-p. 26, isr,6 1) LA N FIELD ACADE 31 .—N ear OAR 1.1; 4 1,E, l'a.—The Nineteenth Session (five months) will enmmence November WI. A new build ing has been erected eantaining Gymnasium, Music Itonm, R itb Die reused facilities for instruction and ample accommodations. Ibis Institution presents gicat in ducements to parents Isho .desire the physical and mental improvcmcnt..of lbeir sons. • Terms per i. , ession, $ll5 00. Per cireulars.,nith full inlbrmat addrel.s It. IC BP lINS, Prineipal and Proprietor, October 10, 1555. Plainfield. CuMberland co.. Pa. • "eZO,/'?''',;/ et)NIME'lt CIAL COLLEGE, to-thu nem and tiilleiVUb llnll, NO. Villind U. K. tMira/ 11114.1 Lecturer upon Mercan tile :cirque. h. 1.o:out, in charge of Writing Department.. • G. 11. Ki.oo, Instructor in 3i t uh uletions and Aesociate in Kook hooping hepartn.ent. J. Ai. P1111.1.11.h, leacher in.Looh. Keeping. T. M ushime, heel. Ul or on ( notion ini Law. 9ht ve earn hur c hut yet ehtut•tl einve the entutolik.h teetit et I .lllNillitliinlioll, dut i lig xhkh time up%arth, of eh.ht hundred sttlentt: ittne 1-yell iu utteu (nth el., (I ep. resenting 'wart) el ery Mate in the t tiiti ntheeg a lien: are 11111.Ititelli its nal timure uud l_tilteM Lent. ,t yupy - tag pretehient p..sititais nn I.llsiltess uten and a kits. COUIt.'SE OF STUDY 111 i KEl.l'lN(l.—'llle Ira/ Lut the tit st n Iltieflel• ill unsurilig the puLllr ILQI Utter Olt Tome, f Gnu ti eii 3 vale ill ifisalii)ll,g Lieu for ether eaten site aeyttainiatil e the inahagi nieht usi.r) Le is 13 tilt entlLs 1111 . 1.iiii1:11,.] taw cs,Ul,e 1.4 ti aht il.g ii. tLie pilitmeiit pro. tietil vud hisii nuipt...l to the %al nue ball SULra 1,1 t I ninierie anti 1 lode, 11.1 Issuing Io di\ idual, Ia: tattle. Aisti unit i.uu log, 11111.11•1011, EA( iittlit,t•, I :111111Ang, learnt tat. 114.. 1 141,1.1111 d t I 1111.1.3 . exert - nit, 1./hirer this head are e, eta-) till ginivitil.o.thbliiii.gial•lult) 1.1 vxes ss nil Ipeisuiy of the fittnletit to is rite lan elegant tiusii.ess hand S./ thu 11.1; CAL( U.ATION Sin nil ti:lr Inirious I nut 11.0, itre /alight by the Inlnt nrt urate ULU 12:11.1:111- tl4 Daily leo:tines are delivered upon the :deuce ul Ac count, ",erestutils. t itets.u.;,. /se., theme in el I,Leetion N 4 nil a .en e. of Ilqtllll, Cl11:111lrl Lal 1 att , are et the 14144 111.)4,1 t 11.141 aln all salaring tl. t.ectils) inineut p,elid.i.e is. the bIISIIIeSS toiatiunity. i Dine 1551 ',ear) I,r as, ilidtd•trious etudent to 111111 , ktl, the U. Ui 14 . • lane:. Don IN to 1:4 aceh.. Lenin; Its. tncatluu, applhat.te can enter at any tills, and attend both day :11:0, et cuing. hatiminatio.e :1111 held at elated perieue, and diplomas :to awed is. Lim'', who graduate. For terms, rte., is rite and lane a nil lac forwarded by [Vet. 3, Oniq More I — RESII DRUGS, .1.11,'D.1.C.1.NE5, &o, &e.-1 have Just received from Philadelphia and • New York very extensive additions to my • former stock, mu bracing, nearly every artimo of Medicine now to use, together with oPt: Paints, 1./111.1, Varnishes, 1 urpentine, f mery, Soaps, stationary , Fine t ing finishes et almost every oeserii.- .IAI all ulidivs, 11111 ' 0.3 01 001 11111010 s. ibich 1 umdete, milled to cell at tin viviv \\E,l pikes. All l'hysit•lans. Country Merrhants, Pedlars and oth er, are respectfully requested 1101 to puss the OLD .TA\L, 104 the) may rent asnured that every article will Le sold 01 a good quality, 1110.1 1.111011 reasumr Lie terms. Ma) 10 IIR S! DR ("6 S ! DRU 6 S ! Fresh ij PP LV : 1 lun o just roe..ii ed u, fresh stud, of . . . . . Medicines, Paints, Wass, oil. Ac., ii Well, having If teen purchased with . great care at the Lest city houses, I cancentidentl) remnimeild to Families, Physicians, venial - ) Merchants and Dealers, as Le ing fresh and pure. Dit ttis—Patent Medicines. Fine Chemicals. Instru ment', pure Essential tills, Herbs and Extracts, Spices, ground Mid w' hi le, Essences. Perfumery, itc. . Cod Lii er Oil—warranted genuine. BY E-si'l FFS—lintigoes Madders, Sumac, Alum, Log and ('aim Woods, Oil t itrii:l, Copperas, Lac Bye. I'AINTS---1‘ etherill A Brother's lure Lead, Chrome Breen Ina( Yellow, Paint and Varnish Bruahes. Jersey Winaom I i lass. Linseed OIL 'forpentine, Copal Said coach Varnish. and lied Lead. All of a biell M 111 he fold at ow N cry' lea cot market mice. Also. a fresh and splendid assortment of FANCY fiaaDS. Fruits Confectionary. and innumerable other articles calculated liar use and ornanie6t, all of wllllll lire offered at the lowest rash prices, at the cheap Drug, Book and Fancy Store of the subscriber on North Ban. over street. S. 1 " 11A VERSTICE. I 1R( SAN I. CONFECTIONARY. J'l'he undersigned has just returned from 'Phila. with a fresh supply of UltU&i utd('ONFECTIUNAItY. Thee thriller in connection with his stock on hand will make his assortment of Drugs, Medicines and Chemicals complete. Ills assortment of CONFECTIONARY is also fine; consisting of pure sugar white and transparent Candy Toys; Candy. common, assorted, and tine Candles of every' 1:1110tV; also Fruits, Nut,., and every thing belonging to that department of trade. Ile would call special attention to his supply of FANCY ARTICLES for the Holidays, and general use, among which may lie found the good, the tasteful, and the useful. All are invited to call whether they wish to pusehi.se or not Carlisle, Dee,r .54 MILLINERY 0 OBS FOS FALL SALES! JOIIN STONE A: SONS, No. 45, South Second Street Philadelphia. nays just opened their Fall Importations of BONNET SILKS, RIBBONS, VELVETS, FANCY FEATHERS, FLOWERS, LACES, &c. &e. Including a general assortment of MILLINERY ARTI CLES, of the tenet fashionable styles. The above Goods have been Imported expressly for our FA Li. sales Mid comprise the largest and best assortment in our lino to be found in the market. septl9 pOOK AGENTS WANTED. • Agents wanted In every Town, and County In m United States, to canvtuts for the most popular His torical and other valuablo and saleable books published- The works are particularly adapted to the wants of the people, being beautifully illustrated with flue Steel and lyood engravings, and bound to the most substantial' manner. Agents now canvassing for us, find it a pleasant and profiltable employment. Our list also includes the best works of T. S. ARTHUR. Over 100.000 volumes have been sold the past year, and their sale is still increasing. We have just added sever al NEW 1100Kti to our list by this most popular author, and shall add others the ensuing fall and winter. We think we have the best list for agents in the country. Send fir it, and judgo•fur. yourselves. For,. full particulars and list, Address J. W. BRADLEY, Publisher, Oct 10 48 North Pourth Street, Philadelphia, Pa. AILS NAILS am now pro , pared to suppky country Merchants with mills at manufacturers prices. 11. SAXTON. a. }.1.1.101T, Multi street,. laaslub 8.. J. KIEFFER
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers