11 Igthutturai. WORD FOR THE SEASON THE CORN CROP . _Froixi 'this time fereraid .the farmer !should • bs rapidly and .energetioally sotting to work Preparing his corn, ground, getting in the crop, 4t0.,, for the sooner the better niter the period in which it will escape the frosts, seeing that it hal $o withstand - the hot summer and , pro bable thoughts. The American Farmer for March says of the corn crop. ....Let what may be said of other products, that of corn must be considered ne the most important. We lay it down us a proposition not only susceptible of proof, but one which is justified by the perierme of all observing corn planters, that a profitable crop of 'corn cannot be 'grown Upon a poor soil: unless the soil be liberally manor , ed." After giving tables ehowing both the organ ic and inorganic constituents of the grain of corn, with a view of deMonstrating what its food should aonslet of, and how much of each kind an acre of corn will abstract from the Foil, The Farmer proceeds : rmaration of the Corn Ground.;=-In the first place be careful to distribute the'rnanure broad-cast equally as possible over the field, in order that equality may be produced in the 'state. of its fertility. lituth of the success of 'acorn crop depends upon the manner in which the kround may be prepared for the reception of the seed. All land that is not wet should be plowed at least 8 inches deep, and would he all the better of being sub-soiled from 8 to 8 inches more. . . The plowing should be exe cuted with accuracy; no part ahould he left unplowed, and care should be taken to.use the barrow and roller freely, so as to break all lumps and reduce the soil to the utmost fine ness of• filth. When clover lays or grass sirards are plowed, before harrowing; the ground should be rolled with a heavy roller the same way 'it was plowed. If ( danger is apprehended from the out and grub worms, a top-dressing of two bushels of salt per \ Wore will be found useful. " Indeed, under any cir cumstances such top-dressing will be metal, as will afford very acceptable inorganio fond to the plants; besides-which, it will • increase the powers of the soil in the attraction and Of. the moisture from the atmo sphere, and in this way operate most benefici ally. After the operations, of harrowing and Gross harrowing shall have been performed. then the ground should be rolled. This done, it should be listed preparatory to dropping the corn; unless it should be contemplated to drill the corn, in which case the drills should run north and south. Depth of Lists or Drills—The depth of the lists or drills should be from 8 to 4 inches. Distances of Rows.—Upon this subject great diversity of opinion exists; but we think that by 4 feet apart, or 4 feet at the furthest, are good distances; the fire, distance is the one we adopted after trying general others, and where 'the troll may be naturally rich, ornitiths so by manuring, we think it a safe-one. -; Number -of Stalks in the Hill.—ln manured land three plants should be left in each bill; goals° may that number be left in land natu rally very, rich. D(etance Apart of Drilled Cora —When corn easy be cultivated in drills, the stalks should be about ]2 inches apart, butOe land to boar such close planting, must be liberally manured, broadcast, as well as in the drills. Manuring in the Rill;—lndependently of the broadcast drooping of manure, of which we have spoken, corn should receive a proportion of manure applied in the hill, to give an im petus to the growth and vigor of the plants when they first come up. Of the Cultivation.—Upon this subject it'ie almost saperfluous to remark, as nearly every neighborhood has its own best way; from which it is timeless to expect a departure. We. seise the occasion here to state, that it is our - firm belief-that-he who , landertakes to make a good crop of corn, or anything else. by simply applying mineral or inorganic manures—un leer his, land be very rich—very fertile—will meet with a most lamentablb failure. To grow ,a profitable crop, requirea.h4th aiiircial and mineral manures to be, l'ipplied. The soil must have in it both nutritive and; - Mineral substances—it must have in It athieieinents -which entir-into, and make up the entire plant. Therseness of smelling, tasting, and even of feeling' or touch, are liable to imitator- . able causes of deception. It is mentioned in the Museum of Art and Science, that if two Angers of the same hand, being crossed, be plaoed up on a table, and a . marble or pea is rolledtetweentheM, the impression will be, if ;their ayes are closed, that two marbles are peas are touohed. If the nose be pinched and cinnamon be tasted, it will taste like a com mon, stick of deal. Many substances lose fie 'or when the nostrils are • stopped. Nurses, therefore, - upon right and scientific piinciples, stop the noses of children when they give them doses'of disigreable medicines If, the eyes are blindfolded and buttermilk and claret:be al ternately tasted, thepereon tasting thern,after a few r .nypetitions of the process, will be Unable to distinguish one from the other. Neunatuck.—The emigration to Nebraska territory is very largo: The St. Louis Repub. Item says a great number of person' have ar rived:ln that city, on their way to that territo ry to settle. The steataboats were taken up as they..arrived, to convey the emigrants to , their destination. . , HJlü iit n.:. • 4 LARGE SPRING ARRIVAL! WHICH surpasses in quantity quality and prices any that has ever yet been opened ,In Carlisle, coneisting of the greatest variety of all kinds of •Hardwarei such as, Shoe Pin dings, Saddlery, Coach - Trimmings, Points Oils, Varnish, Glass,- Nails, files, Anvils, Vices, Bellows, Springs, Axels, Bows, Pollees, Veneers ' --Cedarware, Farming Utensils, Bar and Rolled .Iron, 'Steel, &c.; with a thousand snore' articles 'unmennonable. . • ' , Having purcheeed largely of HeaVy Coeds previous to the advance in prices, I am enabled to - soll goods et old prices. Persons in w ant o Har:Wore -are Invited to call 'and , examirie,ali goads, and hear in 'prices, and you will be eat lefied where the Cheap Hardware is to be had. 0:7•Nly amok of, WALL - PAPER-is nnap preached by any in the Borough. Thneklal for the.fortner liberal patronage, a continuance of the samo is solicited by ' 'JOHN P, LY West Side of North Hanover Street, f,. Carlisl PARIV/ZlllO. • • SHE subapribiii InTorms the pub -: lio that he Mae constantly on hand 'a lumen/ er.tholco piing • . , o- CUBP TREES; tiom. ten to - filleen • feet high which were 'raised fr om the ased;they are all of the' yeliow locust. He offers them it moderate 'prices, at his npriciry, situated in Hanspden township, Caleb!' county, about s miles West dr,- fforritibuTiron the ttirn ipilked Call and examine for ourselves.' ' TOSS AttIVI I L-'EERLY.' , „ , FRESH 'Huts AND DittE4 BEEF. .1:114ed 1141141 A FREER vulva of 1114 get . and DRIED BEEF, jot 'leaved from Clumandl add ibr iala at WILLIAMS' Family ch e wy Stout, 14 Weat 151614 Street', . 2itiaellancous. HARDWARE--FRESH`IitIVAL 11/11 4 71i1t SA4iTON. • THE autiscriber havinkienirned ,, from city would dell tho attention of' hichiends and the public gnarally, to the large and We lected assortment ef Hardware which be, has just teceived. consisting in part of BUILDING NI ATER 10. LS, ail a .nada, 'acrwa, hiagita, lucks, bolts, g ass, putty, paints, oils, &O. TOOLS— ' edge tools;'aana and planes of every dewing; thin, with file, rasps, hammer., anvils, &c: A general assortment pt ,SHOEMAKERS & SADDLERS TOOLS, together with morocco. lining and binding liking, shoe' ihrnu t, wax", pegs; lasts, harness — mounting, saddletrees, (eke.' . COACH TRIMMIN G—eanvass melted, figured and embossed,) patent and en- Eamelled loather, axles, springs, hubs, spoke, talkies, shales, &c, &c. Cabinet Makers will find a large assorment of varnishes, mahogany and walnut veneers, moulding. rosettes,,hair cloth, curled hair, /cc. The stock of IRON is large and:well eelec ed, comprising all the kinds in general arse, as hammered and rolled tire of all sizes, flat, bin' and band iron, round, square and critil iron, horse shoo iron and nail rods, with a large lot of cast and spring steel, Englishendalmerican blister sieel, &c. Housekeepers and those about commencing will find it to their advantage to call and exam ine • our cutlery; britiania and plated ware pans,-kettles, cedar ware, baskets, &e. In addition to the above we have received-a splendid assertment of WALL, PAPER, ma king the stock complete, and at sal prices as cannot fail to give satisfaction. We invite all friendszo call, knowing it will-be to their own advantage. -Remember .the old stand, East High Street, Car.isle, P, Oct. 12, 1853. HENRY-SAXTON: - Great attractione HO FOR THE HOLIDAYS. IRISS KINGLE'S OLD HALL is now K and wilecte3ifilittadiMPuPelied with the greatest novelties up•to the close of' the Realms, comprising in part, CONFCTIONARIES of the choicest varieties, such as Fine Candy Toys, Jelly Cakes,.Bon Bons, Gum Cordial, Lemon, Chocolate, and Fruit Drops, Rose, Vanilla and Burnt Almonds, French and .ea- Wading Secrets. Also all the common ratio. ties, all of which will be sold _ wholeaala and retail at low rates. We have just receivSci FRUITS AND NUTS of the latest importations such as Oranges, Leniona. Raisins, Figs, Pruens. Citron, Cur rants, soft and paper shelled Almonds, Fil berts,- Cocoa, Cream and Ground Nuts. In connection with the above the largest assort ment of - TOYS AND FANCY GOODS of ovary kind from all parts of Enamor, - mail ufactured of wood, glass, .hina, papier mache, tin and India rubber, zinc, &c., such as Fine Wax, kid and jointed Dolls, Sewing and Card Baskets, Work and Fancy Boxes, Flower Vases, Motto Cups, Tea Setts, Music Boxes, Port. Mc:males, Battle Doors, Grace Hoops, Masks,-Drums, Guns, Trumpets, Dominoes, lotto and other games, &c. Fancy Soaps ono Hair Oils of every variety. In connection with the above a large stock of FAMILY GROCERIES, such as pulverized, crushed and brown Su. gars. ot every grade, Coffee, Molasses, Starch, Green and -Black Teas, Spices, Butter, soda. Sugar, 'Water and o,her Crackers, cheese, &c. The subscriber returns his sincere thanks to a generous public, for the patronage hereto fore bestowed on him, and hopes, by a desire to please, to merit a continuance of the same. P. MONYER. Carlisle. December 7, 1853. , of. OU Olki s • 9 ' • OV:i - Corner vf Sandier - and Louther its, Carlisle, %VHC undersignedhiii alWays on hand a large . stocjs, of superior Cabinet Ware. in all the did:es-eat styles, which he is prepared to sell at the lowest prices. He invites' attention partic plarly to the Patent Spring. Bottom Bedstead, n moat useful article, which entirely obviates all objections: The ottorri can be attached to old Bedsteads. They have given entire sails ac tion to all whb have them in use: ill-COFFINS made to order atthe shortest notice. JACOB FETTER Carlisle Jan'y. An infallible remedy for Sorofula,K ing's Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cutanecus Eruptions, -Pimples or. eustules on the 'Face, Blotches, Boils, Chronio Sore Eyes, Ring Worm or Tet ter, Scald Headi Enlargement mid Pain of the Bones and .loiutti;Stubborn Ulcers,. Syphilitic Disorders, Lumbigb, Spinal Compla ints nial all Diseases arising from an injudicious use of Mer cury, Imprudence In Lire, or Impurity of the Blood. This valuable Medicine, which has become celebrated for the number of extraordinary cures effected through ita agency, has induced the proprietors, at the urgent request of their friends, to, offer it to the public, which they.do with -the utmost confidence in its virtues awl wonderful curative properties. The following certificates selected from if -large !number, are -however. • stronger testimony than the mere word of, the proprietors ; and are all from gen tlemen well known in their localities and of the - Itighest-respeotabi My many-of them - residing in the city of Richmond, Va. F. BOYDEN, Esq. of the Exchange Hotel, , Richmond, known every where, says he - bas seen the Medicine called CARTER'S SPANISH Mix. TREE administered in over a hundred cases, in nearly all thediseases for which it is recommen• Jed with the most astonishingly good results.— He says it is the most extraordinary medicine he .has ever seen. ..TGUE AND FEVER-Great Cure.—l here by certify that for three years I had Ague and }ever of the most violent description: I had several Physicians, took large quantities of Qui nine. Mercury, and I believe alt the Tonics ad vertised, but all without any permanent relief. At Mast I tried,Carter's Spanish - Mixture; two bottles of which effectually cured me and lam happy to say I have had neitherChilla or lever , since. I considerilt the best Tonic in the world and the only medicine that overreached my ease. •, . . JOHN LONGDEN; Beaver dam near Richmond 'Va. G 11 LUC IC Esq now in the city of Richinond . Rad for many years in the Post Office, hasCuch confidence in the astonishing efficacy of Carter's Spanish Mixture, that he.hila bought iipwards of SO bottles wide!' has given, away to the afflicted.• - - Mr Luck says he has never known it to fail Nihau taken according to directions .' ~! - . Dr MINCE a practising tihysienn end former • ly of the City -Hotel in the city of Richmond, says he hiis Witnessed in a number of, instances the effects of Carter's. Spanish - Mixture. Welt were most-truly surprising: He seri in a case of Consumption, dependent on , the Lifee,'lthe good effects were wonderful indeed: • SAMUEL M DRINKER of the firm firink. at, Marrib, • Itichtnend, was cured of Liver , CoMplaint of Ti years standing. by:the use of two ! • ',bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture, , - GREAT' CURE OF SCROFULA--tbe edi tors of the Itictimoqd Republican had servant • employed in their press room cured uf- violent Serofpla combined with:Rleinitatism, which en..i tirely disabled him from work. Two bottles of Carter's Spanish Mixture made a perfect oure or • Idol, and the editors in a public notice say they "clieerfUlly recommend it to all'who are afflicted With. any disenie of the blood " •, , - • STILL!ANOTHER CURE OF 'KROFT)... LA—T hail a very valnable'boy cured of Scrofula by pieces Spanish Mixture.- I eonSiner it truly • valuable medicine: James Mil nyder Conductor 'on the RF & P It Co Riemiond -VA ' • Mr ~/ohn',.7Phompsow :residing in 010'434 of Richmond, was cured by three bottles of Carters Spanish Mixture.of Salt Rheum- • which .he had nearly 20, ye-rs. and which all the physicians of thecity would not MirC. Mr. Thompson Is a well known merchant ln.thei City R letraMid, Va., atid blaakare Is most. remarkable., ,• • ,L Principal bepols at ;NJ:WARD,' CLOSE': :It CO, No 83; Malden Canc A New York W.I)YOTT BONO:1So 132 Nhrthi Qd siieet; Philadeltittic, ; ' ' HENNKFT Ellr•raSithiitia Maln street, , • Rtehreopi) . .,Ye.., Anti , tor Vile bf tit ietie 8. Vir . llitieritielt: earlislon,ltw pay IlleehanicabotlPX , li'Hei"roe, Newtlllrl U C. Mtle, , ShipplethurveetlV der. res in itYldifaaal InTrii*Ort tox :, ; et, ,91)1313,,5. First A.rrivEil of Fall I)ry Gooirsi At the Nete'and ChetiP t se d6'-.Cana,p'b ell b WO 1.11 r o a r ocifully announce ta_their friends and the public that they 'have. just received Item New, York end Philadelphia' • a. largo and handsome asaortment of. • PALL 'AND 'W,GOQDS,. ' • 't • D consisting of the meat s y es tees Goods Aerenot plaids, cashmeres, mous de lames, all w.our, moue de begee, Persian cloih j • • plaid, brocade and black silks, uh . paces, and Mourning fjuods. ' DOMESTICS ' • Blenched and unbleached muslin' checks, Gisighams; ticking% wht and.c.l'd Canton Flannels, table linen,tbble cloths,Napkins . Damask .towels, wool flunnels &c. • LACES AND EMBROI DERIES I cambric and awies ruffling, edginc and insert ing, lisle mechlin and florentine laces, collars, underaleeevee. spencers, culls, &c. HOSIERY AND' .GLOVES Silk, cashmere and Saxony, hose, merino half hose, white and black silk holm, black,Qihite and mixed cotton 'lndiee and gents silk, kid, fleecy lined silk andmotton gloves • CLOTHS A ND CASSIMERES A large' assortment of cloths, cossimeres,sati rieleflLentucky jeans, merino, satin and black silk voiding°, BOOTS AND SHOES A large assortment of ladies and gentlemens shoes, slippers and boots, childrens shoes, from the best manufacturers. FAMILY GROCERIES, .Rio and Java Coffees, New Orlean , Cuba and refined sugars, Levering's, Syrup Mobilise: Cuba do., and Spices of all kinds, Their goods have all been selected with great care from the best New.Yorkand Philadelphia houses, and canuot fail to suit purchasers both iri qualityland price, sepl4 NEW DRUG STORE 1 I South Hanover Street, Near the Court Roue& ino J. KIEFFER.,, druggist,. would respect.. . fatly inform the citizens of Carlisle and vicinity that he has opened a new CREMICALIAND DRUG STORE. His stock is entirely new, and has been selec ted' with great care. As many of the articles in daily use by physicians and families deteri. orate by age and exposure, great care will be taken not to allOw suckarticles to accumulate in such quantities. Attention is espeCially invited to his stock of Medicines, Essential Oils, Oils, Tinetutes, Wines, Extracts, Con(cottons, Chemicals, &c. Together with the above ho has a ful amortrdent of Paints, Varnishes, Dye-Stuffs Point and Varnish Brushes, and CONFECTIONARIES of every variety. He has also on hand a eplen did assortment of Perfumeries, Soaps,Extracts, Fancy, Hair, Clothes and Flesh Brushes, Supporters, Breast Exltausters, Nipple Shields, Tooth Washes and 'Pastes; also MEDICINAL WINES AND BRANDIES, of the beet quality. SEGA RS, from the best. Havana - and Spanish houses; of every flavor, from one cent upwards. In othr to ensure his customers against mistakes Turingany tetnporaray absence of the proprietor, the services of en experienced and competent assistant have been secured, which will be felt to be important, in view of theresponsibilities which are knows to devolve upon the druggist. PRESCRIPTIONS will 'be faithfully and promptly attended to.— Orders from Physicians and Merchants in the country will be filled with care, and at prices which must prove Satisfactory. N B.—All officinal preparations made in strict - accordance with the directions of the U. ‘S. Pharmacopoeia. A liberal share bf public patronage is res• pecttully solicited. Ternis Cash. May 11. 1853. B. J. ICIEFFER. ANOTHER GREAT. ARRIVAL! FALL AND WINTER DRY GOODS Al the Store of N. W. WOODS. Second Arrival of Winter Dry-Goods. , THE subscriber respeci luny iniornis hie friends and numerous customers. that 1101100 returned from Philadelphia with a large !mien. ment of Fall ar,d Winter Goods,c6neisting of - Cloths, CassimeVes, Vestings. Muslins, tick ings, checks, flannels, linsey, cravats, suspen• dors, gloves, &o. I LADIES' ; DRESS GOODS, Silks. bombazines, merinoes, eoburg alias fig'd plain end changeable poplins, gingliatna calicoes, alpacas, shawls, hosiery, &c. HATS AND CAPS, Men's and Boys, —a very large assortment, al ea Bonnets and Ribbons. BOOTS AND SHOES. A large assortment of Metes Women's and Children•s Boots and Shoes, Jenny Lind ani Buskin Shoes at very love prices. Colored and White CARPET CHAIN, GROCERIES, Ailarge assortment of GROCERIES, such as Sugar. Coffee, Molasses, Rice, Teas, &c. All who visit our establishment are free to acknowledge thnt we are selling Foreign sod Domestic istry Goods, Boots. Shoes, &c, at as tonishingly low prices! Our low prices have already attracted a large number of people. • The attention of all who wish good bargains is solicited. as great inducements can be offered to purchasers. Don't for et the old stand, Humerich's cor ner 'North Hanover Street, Butter, Eggs, Rags and Soap taken at market prices., N. W. WOODS, nee Q 8 1853 STOVES!, STOVES! STOVES JOHN D. GORGAS, WOULD inform the public that he has now on hand at hia establishment, on Main street, next door to Marion Hall, the largest nd most complete assortment of COOK, OFFICE & PARLOUR STOVES to be found in this county, which will be Bold at the lowest prices for cash or approved credit. His stock consists of a large assortment of new and highly approved PATEN_T COOICING STOVES,. Finished .in the most complete manner, and calculated for either wood or coal, or both. All the old standird patterns, which have stood the test of ',specious°, may be found at his estab lishment. Also a great variety of the most ap7 proved-end beautiful PARLOR AND OFFICE STOVES, Including a number. of new styles, possessing very superior advantages over those heretofore in use. ,Families and housekeepersare respect. fully invited to give him a call before purch . sing elsewhere. Stoves delivered to any port of the county and put up at the shortest notice. He continues to do al, Janda of' TIN' AND 'SHEET !MIN WARE, and Copper _work, and has constantly on hind or will make to' order every article required by housekeepers or whets in this line. Me stock of Tin and Copper.ware embraces every kind of household and kitchen utensil, warranted equal to .the beat manufacthred. Persons In want of articles in his line may always be sure of being , accomodated tu their satisfaction by giving him lactl9 • SADDLE AND HARNESS N.AHLiII , rikllE subscriber continues to'xarry on the 1 above.business, in all itsvarioue branches, in North, Hanover streeQCarlisle, two doore North of Leonard's corner] omo he intends keeping on hand ageueral assortmebt in hipline, • Consisting of all kinds of lash ionable• .aADDLEB, Bridles martingales, Girths,Ciroingles and Halters,- also TRUNKS, tray. "Rueslat sling and saddle hags, He. also --' "" • 'manufactures themost'approved Spanish Spring Saddles' ever . , used 'in thie , country,. those wishing a giideeme, durableand .plessant sad dla will de wall to call and soe them. - He also martufacturea Harness, Bridles, Collars and Whips in all their varietiee, and confidently be. 'levee from the general approbation of his cue Somers, that • he makek•the neatest and best gears,in all their variety .ot breadth, that is muds in the country. He also makes ell kinds tit Matrassee to order, via r t Straw, Husit:Curl. ed Hair and Spring Natrissee. All the above articles will be made 'of the best material' and workmansielp,'and with , the utmost despetoq ' WM. OSHORN... .Srs - • Beeoher'B Matadi:li Cordial,' mime snedieine has neyet .known to fall in curing Cholera .Morbus, in from°lo (1 to 16 minutes; Cholera Infantum,or summer own. Plejnia of childaren, DYRantery. Diarrhea, &a.; In it9Ale 10.2 i flouts, ' it is certain' and safe ender,,all oirounastancee, haying been fairly teete.in .upwards tor ,rour hundred, cameo with. out altingtle failure.,.Let every rankly provide Itself with M. least one bottle id thii.mvaluable r em edy, '..Try it, and it will rticenimend pita' It le Prepared upon PgrelY saiontifisprinem . les, end leannot bajuetly - termed a quack mvtlimilo, °Ales!, saiosaishe quaekery, I Forvate by • • .. 13:j,,KIFFFCR, Druggist, - • South Hanover.Streeti fevedoorilouth 'of tha"t'eurt Houle. ,Istine 34, 1838.';,' , • ccttaiup,% At CVIAPLA I INIT,; LITE IPSIA, NRRVOUti. SM ITHS iI.IDNSYS',.:_ANDrALL ARISING' , FRONI ' - 'IIDSRSD LIVE:R."Oa " tiTt):%.l ASH,. CHRONIC or •1 , • • *•018 1 , Puohite,, C we rd cptleei fulnet.e I . head, uoidity of the etoin'tteh, • . neurai heart •urn,.dieguet fur:food: fulness Cr weight in the tuensch, sour eructatione;:sink- Ing , or flutter ng at the pit of :tile ste - nadir, swimming 'of the head r hurried• breathing, Oil cuing °Utile heart; cfioltiiig •or suffocating se:Bodoni; when in a lying posture, - dlinneali ;of. y sion, dote' or Webs belcue : the eight, fever 'aud dull pain In the, head,: 'defic.: fancy of 'pereillrafion, iellownesa of• the akin and eyes, pain in the aide, book, chest, *O., sudden flushes of heat, burning In :tlio testi, constant imaginings of evil, and grca depression of swite,s, " • DAN BR - EFFECTUALLT - CURED - DT DR. UOOZ'LAND'S CELEBRATED. GERMAN , , BITTERS, Prepared by • DR; C. : M. JACKSON, • No. 120 Arch &Feet, Philadelphia. Their power over the üboVe diseases is not excelled, If equalled, by any other preparation in the United States, as the cures attest, in many cases alter skilfurphysicians had failed.' These Bitters are worthy the attention of invalids. Possessing great virtues in the rec. tifiention of diseases of' the Liver and lesser glands, exercising the teed searching powers in weakness and affections of the digestive or gans, they are withal safe, certain and pleas ant. READ AND BE CONVINCED Teatimony of the highest character! HON. . GEO. STROQP, Judge of the District Court in Perry county, Pa., Nov. lEith, 1852 said: ...your 'lleofland's Gorman Bitters' has been in use in our pipes over a year past, and to the astonish ment of OULU has performed wonders. We may notice a few instances that have come under own. itoinediato , nonce:—almost every person who has stopped. at the hotel of W ,Lackey, one year since, predicted room his e. ,maciated countenance and debility, that he could not live,much longer. Ho was unable to attend to his buiness, and for the greater part of tlie time confined to his room. We rec ommended luni to try the German Bitters; he didi and to the. surprise of all, hie friends he is now able to attend to his usual business end perform manual, labor. The case of Henry Asper a stone mason, whom no one supposed wliuld ever recover from the debility of hie asystem, but was looked upon as fast approach log the grave, took eight or nine bottles of the Bitters during the last winter, and this BUM. mar he has been Ito the surprise or all who knew his case] following his trade. The case of William Murphy ia no less astonishing.- -"Hp too was so far reduced as tq induce the general belief that the grave alone - would be his only remedy. Mr. Lackey recommended • hint - to try the-Hoofland's German Bitters; lie is novr• apparently a well man, and able to do a hand day's work. We could mention many other canes of a similar character. if it were necessary. I myself derived much benefit from their use. I hove given considerable of it a way, not for your ben fitalone, but to relieve suffering humanity . ; and let ma assure you am pleased to ,see the happy result. To the afflicted we say, try them fairly and I will warrant - These Blume are worthy the attention of ii.valids, possessing great power in the resto ration of a healthy action of the livar - Ond the lesser glands, giving tone to the stomach and nervous system, and bringing the system gen orally to a high state o, health. Far sale by S. W, Haverstick and S. Elliott; Carlisle; Ira. Day, Mechanicsburg; J. H. Her ron. Newville; J. S. Altic. Shippeneburg, and by dealers in medlcinle every where., AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE AND SEED STORE. THE subscribers, in addition to their exten. sive Grocery, Wave. connected . therewith au AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE and SEED $. TO lir ; 110, Market streq, near the railread,'Harri burg, Pa., nnd are gortnred to fill all orders, y wholesale and retail, of all kinds of Agricultural Implem nts,Negetable and Flower Seeds, &c. Country rchants with reasonable discounts to sell agOin. Horse-powers" and threshers, wheatArillls and seed-planters, plows, harrows slid eultitra tors, fodder, hay, and straw-cutter , grain fans corn shelletp, vegetable cutters, hand grain mills, cleft' shelters, horse rakes, cburns,grind stones and improved hangings, hay, straw and manor forks, farmer's boilers, ox yokes and bow, patent bow pins, cciw chains, spades, Kies and rakes„ post diggers, wheelbarrows, grain cradles, scythesand stip heotones, potatee drags post augurs, axes and hatchets, grain bags, grain measures, garden. trowls, pruning. and. budling„Oives, grass and grain sickles, screw. wrenehea, pincers and gimblets, rat and mole traps, cattle cards and horse brushes, curry combs, garden reels, cow bells, whiffle trees, guano, plaster, poudrette, bone ust, lime, gar den, field and flower seeds. _ . _ . A leo, a largo 11 nil fresh assortment of GR 0 GERI ES, 'IIIA.B, &c., all cheapfor cash. . . . BO YER & HALL. 1 :11-6rain and produce of all kinds received n exchange for implements. • Aprilt v 3, 1453 :7 1v DRUGS ! DRUGS I DRUGS ! • Freshet Spring Supply! 1 HA V I.:, ids. recuiveu a fresh mock of Med• i icines, Paints, Glass, Oil, Sce., which having been purchased with groat care at the beat city houses, I can confidently recommend to Pantiles, Physicians, Country Merchants and Dealers, as being fresh and pure. . DRUGS. *Patent Medicines, Het:bound Extracts, ( Finehemi eels, Spices,ground and whole Instruments, . &settees, Pure Essen': Oils Perfumery, Sce. God Liver Oil—Warranted Genuine. • _ _ .. DYESTUFFS Indigoea,• Log and Cam Wooda, kingdom ' I Oil Vitriol Sumac Copperaa,- :- ._ - I Alum, Lao Dye' - - • . • PAINTS. - Wetherill & Brother's Pure Lead, Chrome Green and Yellow, Paint and Varnish Brushes, Jersey Window •Gless, Linseed Turpen6 tine, Copal and 'coach Varnish, and Red Lead. All of which will , be ' sold at the very lowest market price, • Aleo,a frost and splendid se moment of• • FANCY.LGOODS,:FRLIITS, • 'Confectionary, and innumerable other articles calculated for use and ornament, all of wLich areofTered at the lowest 'cash prices; at the; cheap Drug . Bookend Fancy Stored the sub. scriber on North Hanover street. • • ,S. .W. HAVERSTICIL May 28 IRE, INPUMME, The Allen • and. Bast Pennsborough Minna] Fire Ineurenee Company of Cumherland coun ty, ineworatea by . 'AM of Assembly, le now fully organized, and in operatiim under the menagement of , the fellowinucommiaalon ere, vizi Shelly,' Win; . Gorges, Me heel Conklin, Melehuir Brenneman. clod dt34y. men, Christian Vitsel, Jacob H. Coov Lewis Nyer..Henry Loon, Benjamin H. M,enr,lai ebb , Kith. Samuel ViroW°ll; Joseph Wicker sham: The Meer oftneuragoe are follow and favor able es any Company alba kind in the State, Peroona melting to become • menibera are in. vlted to.ntekeapplleatlon to the agonte of the oempany, whu Ire willing to watt upon then: at any Hite. BENJ. H. MOBSE 1, President. fisaalr Lenftan t , Vice Predident' LeWi a flyer, &weary. • lreasurer.:' - • • AGENTS. 'Cumber!add Coutlty.tedelph MAriln, N. Cumberland; Hermark.KingetMvin ; Hon ;^ y -Searing ; Sblredinnstown ; len.; pall,.. arllelq.; Dr. Abl.• ,Piturchiovln Samuel Sidle Weet . P,enneborougli; James MCDotw prenkford.r • Mode; Oriflith, Sonth;Mlddle, d lon;. Seine. id/leiter,: Eißtli4llllo Haveretiok. ricabar l ic s bprg; Jobo Sberrlok, Ltelitorn'; Dam 'OA 'Never, Shepberdetorm - • • York .00poty•—Joho ',Roman. Dilleburg • Peter Welferd, #rinklin; .)obn Bea,; Neebingtoo ; W. .4. ' iffenebergor; W,Prtift,Parildiee. „ i lNarriiiburgr4foueorde, I .l 4 Memberp, of company, baring, pplicies 4 19,'oxpirts can ;have; them rpnewed ,by reeking opplication to any orthe rgente. • , Nov444Jy. , :•• . I• ROCAH LONGISHAWLS— Just - re':' 1 ) , fleivod . e' few.' Long End Scivare Bracjia i.B taws', and fut ! abi:by . i , I , It , ' 3' '4.. :... ;' , i ; 0 : - .:.,::: , ' 4ii. wIVITTNIIft '.,, L!i1)1I1) :41??D,C,III,S,c111;111:ils;:';.t HAYES', PATENT TUBII.I4AR'OITIPI )10T AM ; RANGE Varsoua Sizes, 16 suit, FarOlim,goarging , , ' ' Rouses and 'Hoteta. • Vwsrn OSE,inof superior Con king A p- ; Paratim ere• invited tonsil at out Ware.. house and examine thisEatute,..For-durability economy and minplietty, in operation it stand, unrivaled. It has a:perfect but air yonittatioi meate halted in this OVati will retain them .juice and flavor equal to that rodated:belorc as 'Open fire. Meats andpastry; caolted at the Annie tmte withntit 'one affecting the other. It inifficlent heated air "to heat addi tional rooms fur the - coldest weather.' It has no deem nding • or return flues, and 'is equally ' well adapted to bituminous or common hard coal. The steam valve over the'beiling part of ,the Range carries off the' steam and . secnt of cooking, as well as heat in summer. ' Every Range sold warranted to give satisfac tion, or no almanac to the purchaser. HAYES' VENTILATOR, Pntepted-Octobor, 1848, For Public. Halls, Factories. Railroad Cars, amines, Flues, Ships, Steamers, fie, . Pare air is a subject claiming the attention of every individual, and all buildiags thould be provided with the proper means of ventilation. Also, a powerful Warming and Ventilating. Furnace, For Dwellings. School Houses Churches, Halls, 'Stores, Factories,4s - c. A large .assortment of Office, Hall and Cook.: ing ; Stoves, Parlor Grates, Registers,' &e.-- Wholesale and Retail. RAND & HAYES, 82 North Sixth street, Phila. WY-Persona! attention given to warming an evntilating both public and 'private buildings. DAVIS de. CITDISC Deniers in Lanips, Lai Iterni end chandeliers, • NF Corner Fourth and Cherry eta., Phila. HAVING enlarged and improved their store, and having the largest assortment of lamps in, Philadelphia, they are now prepared to fur nish Camphine, Tine Oil, BURNING FLUID, Ethereal Oil, Phosgene Gas and Lard Oil.— Lamps. Lanterns of all paterns, Fancy Hotel and Hall Lamps, Chandeliros, Girandoles and Candelabras, and Brittania Lampa,M; the man ufacturers !owe* prices. Glass Lamps by the package, at a small advance over auction pri ces. Beit)g large MANUFACTURERS of Pino Oil, Burning Fluid, Ethereal Oil, Alco hol and (the only true) Phosgene Gas; they can furnish these articles at such prices that Mer chants will find it to their advantage to buy.— Call betore going elsewhere, if you want bar. gains. Also the Safety Fluid Lamp for sale. October 5,1853-1 y cheap. !Patches & Jewelry. WHOLESALE and RETAIL "4\ at the '' Philadelphia Watch -CI and Jewelry Store," Number tit. 4 ) of 14o u r a t r l r , y Se i cc i d u tt i r p e i v. a ,.corner jS'r+~a».;:;;t''.:s Gold Lever . Watches, lull toraiVn, 4 %lls jewelled, 18 carat cases, $20,00 Gold Lepme, 18 carat cases, $24 00. Silver do jewels, ' 9 00 Silver Lever, full j welled, 12 OD Superior Quarliers 7 00 Gold Spectacles, 7 00 Fine Silver Spectacles, 150 Gold Bracelets, 3 o 0 ' Ladies' Gold Pencils, •-1 00 Silver Tea Spoons, set, 5 00 Gold Pens with Pencil and Silver Holder, 1 00 Gold Finger Rings 37i cents to $8 ; Watch Glasses, plain, 121 cents ; Patint, 181 ; Lunet, 25 ; other articles in proportion. All goods wtdranted to be what they are sold for. STAU FFERIt HARLEY., sept7)y Successors to 0. Conrad. On hand, some Gold and Silver Levers and Lepines,still lower than aoove prices. / • ~ COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, Located No 127 Baltimore Street, Baltimore, Md. The ostensible object of this Inittlintion is to place in the reach of individuals proper factli• ties for obtaining a' thorough and prvetical Mercantile Education. Nothing indeed has been omitted that is calculated to pioduce the desired result. The rooms of the College, are well fitted up, conveniently arranged; and situated in - the most desirable part of the City. Connected thereto is a Commercial Library, and this, in connection with familiar Lectures on Commer• bid' Law arid Mercantile - Science, is a matter of the highest Importance t all who desire to become Accountants of the Viral order, and or- . copy stations of profit awl — responsibility. A young man can here obtain a more cor eel knowledge of general business matters in a. few weeks than can be acquired in,as many years in any one Counting Room. The course of study embraces Double Entry Book-keeping, and, its adaptation to vat ions departments of Commerce and Trade, Mimi tile calculations taught according •to the most approved methods. Practical Penmanship, com bining rapidity of execution with beauty of construction. Lectures on Mercantile Law, upon various important Mercantile subjects beside many other points necessary for a book keeper or business man to understand. - The time necessary for an, industrious student to complete - the course varies from 5 to 8 weeks. There being no vacation, applicants ran enter at any time and attend both day and evening. _Examinations are held at, stated periods and- Diplomas awarded to those wh g• aduate.— For terms, Sic. write and have a,Circular for warded by mail. March, P. 1855. Iy. ..7 ' = 71• 7 ',,..: • 7 , 1 , 15.4:e :... - ,„,. : :[[[7 : 717 . , ,::: ""7„;[,f [,..,._ - ' - 'l ,[‘[ :... • [[ ,' [[ Lf .'[ .( '''L-'-' - [ - V [ T - [ - TT •; ) ,;•, 1 [ : . _a ,[1! • [ ..[,:.....,* .-73[W, 17. E. GOULD, • . (iSnocesson TO A. FIOT,) No. 164 Chestnut St., -Stetting's Building, Phila. MIXNENSIVE Music Pithlieher, and Deal .!) er in Musical Inetruniente ever); Aii• ecription. Exclusive agent for t to snle,of Millet, Davit Ce's Patent Suspension Bridge /Eolian and other ' • PIANOS, L. Gilberespoudoir Pianos, MolodconS, Mar. tin's'-Guitars, - Harps; - Violins, Jlieu& Music, Music Books, Its. • • • o:Residents of the country will be supplied by mail or otiterwise with music they rnoy.wisb, es low as if purchased in person. Having one of the largest. stocks in the United S toles, Ii fee; confident 7:iMintiSfyitiv itti m 01l way;favot me with a cull or 'order. Dealers in-Music supplied on the most Biwa terms. Pianos to let.' Second-hand Pianos for sale. mai-20 1853 ly).' 'THE WONDER OF THE AGE, For the Cure , Saltrbeum, Chilidarns, Corn .moo Sores, Chapped 'or Crooked Hands, Ilurns or Scalds, Cuts or. \Voiotia, Piles, Inflammation of the Breast, bites of insects ; Sore Lips, Mm ples on the Ace, and Breaking ,Ont and Sores on Cilildre and'idl diseases or the Skin. This •Ointnaent will, cure the 'Saltrhetim and Burns, or Chapped hands, quicker and street. than -any other medicines of the kind; be(bre the public. To substantiate' the shove, I can give hundreds of, certi6eates. butrrcoasider, it no use, Rs (anV pirson can do the same.' it they have' friends, for even- a worthless article) I rely solely on the merits of the Ointment toe the public patronage. • N;.411.—A box'af 'lids Ointment will keep any Blacksmith's, Farmer's, Sailor:a, or •Mechattio's hands; let thorn chap or croak ever sti bad, sound arid in good working' order all winter , Prepared and sold by • • ' • MONROB• •Naugatuck,COon, - Sold also by the " principal ;Druggists; . and Coutitry Merchants. Price 26 oents per box' Nov. 16, 18.53-=.4: - ' •' • • ROI3E4T B.' EVIVEIREIt, oABINET IVltitiEljANb rAND ffth tILTAIi. !folk Ildn'onel;Sfreer and n:e#tet 4 idr to Wades , - THE: tindereigned would respectfully inform the citidene of Carlisle nndAbe public,gener ally, that lelI e l novv , hos on hand a large umbel°. sant assortment of FUR DI teppje l i ng in parCof • Wordrobei, gird and mbar Tables, Sofas; Blifettna.%:Brdste,edo‘ pinitr dud bailey . EletvinV',f4tands;'' manufdetured Of the beet material and quelit,tverrented: • „. Also a seneral„; aorn_rtment, of 011AIRA 'at! hid loahlat 'prided. Volt, an" Blinds, , mni)er to oider,'"arothmaliingivoinritiOtendett co, • , 10-',Coffine'rhade titthe ahoriest,notiee, and bettinufit ifilendfdlitarso to will omnd:fetter file ttitt'or codittry: " • ' VlCltatnember, , the stand next n tierir nor 24 R. B. SMILEY: , 4 ,• ::lututtittes. " PANKOR/TE09.9 : ; • MY MS' : EXTRACT,. OF ECM( . ROSE, ~ A nin...squate. Remedy for all , Berojulout•Die — ease', Adios/ion, Salt Rheum,. Sick Head. ache,. Cancei., ,Sore-- Mouth, and General Debility, and as a Purifier of the, it is , „ .• • Utiequalled: The Rock Rose; kisyeniiied'icriitiutaiion at home and • abroad, which' no 'other medicine . hue ,e,ver done .in the same Jength of time. Acconding.to the opinions of criiineni Physi. nciane f the Rock Rosa Plant ieuncquelled, in Curing :croi'ula in its Various Format. - :STATEMENT . OF REV. E. R. WARREN (Pastor of the 2d Baptist Chureli,Neiv London. Ct.,) relative to Myers' Extract Rose. To The American Public. As my name has been used in connection ith recommendations of Mr. Myers' Hock Bose Syrup, in various advertisements by the manufacturer, I beg, leave to make the follow ing statement vt ith reference to my acquaint. ance with the remedy and testa to which 1 have subjected it; and the reasons for having Intro duced it to the notice,ol private friends in the community in which I reside, long before the medicine was advertised. I make this state ment freely, because 1 have, as a principle, withheld my name from all patent medicines, and sedulously abstained from recommending them to the public, believing them frequently the spawn of quackery and humbug, and as tending to Increase, instead of lessening human disease and suffering. Such, 1 tear, is the character-of portionrof the patent pana ceas of this medicine malting age. "Their name is legion," and troth their influence,art from the demoniacal spirits, wo have reason to pray for a safe deliverance. The Fir . st Test.—l had myself suffered oc casionally with sudden attacks of Sick Head ache, and Billions Dfarrhea, and 1 had sought a great variety of curative agents to but little purpose; and suffering from this diseaseldiar rhea) at.this time, I determined to test the new Syrup first upon myself ? The results were be yond my expectations. 'lt was a powerful alterative, and the morbid action of the system was changed, and the functions of secretion were'restored to a healthy state., It gave tone and elasticity to my system, and corrected the derangeinent of the digestive nrgaf. end gave 'me that inestimable' blessing—health. Thfs fest was not determiUed in a week, or a month; but 1 took four or five bottles in perhaps as many months. Since that time I have suffer ed but slightly from these derangements. My sick Headache is entirely Cured. Other. Tests.—Fiuding this medicine so use ful to myself, I at once gave it to several inva lid friends. About this thine,. I was earnestly solicited to give advice in reference to u child, POl7lO eight years of age. This child was severely afflicted with a Scrofula humor, of a very severe type, the humor showing itself on all parts of the surface, and then suddenly dis appearing. The child was-, very sick, and it was thought doubtffil whether she would live, The humor resembled black specks of mortified flesh. In addition to some other remedies, a gave the child this Syrup for about six weeks, when she had sufficient strength to go old to' school Occasionally. The swelling of-her timbal ceased, and sbe was restored to health. The family feel that they owp het life, with G blessing,to my remedies. This test satisfied ins that the Rock Itune possessed specific powers fur Scrofulous hu mors. I then tested it in cosies of Cutanpa s Eruptions, in Measles, Chicken Pox, Caney, Sure Mouth, Erysipelns,Salt Sheave, Piles, lite In all these cacies with-pedectauccess.' Altai testing this Syrup for more than a year, I wrote Mr. Myers (October Itti, 1850) entliusi• astioally, not expecting my letter would be published, that his Syrup was a ° Panknrite," all.healing, and I gave him the result of its operations in several instances.- 1 stated irf that letter that "it was invaluable as a remedy in Cutaneous Eruptions, Erysipelas, Salt Rheum, and other disorders, included in the varied family of dii.eases known as Scrofula, .Sic.: that in D yspepsia it acted with wonder ful efficacy." Illy opinion of ittr value for ,the ...boy. named diseases, remain, unchanged. and the same as when I wrote Mr Myers in Oct. 1850. Ido trot recommend it flir all the ilia of our suffering humanity ; but I unhesitating ly say, that as-a remedy -for Scrofulous affec tions I believe it superior to eh) , known cure live agent. Ii has bean sufficiently tested by domestic practice to establish its adoption to extensive useftilness in mitigating human suffering and removing di.eases. Bat What is the Rock Rose? Tlie following history of the hock Rose plum and ill, medicinal primerties - , - We lake from the New Haven Palladium, March IC151: "'The increased interest manifested in the Rock Rose plant, in consequence of the many wonderful cures effected by Myers' Compound Extract of Rock Rose, calls for a brief history of it, In' ofder to corieet any erruna is opin. lan that may have 'been . entertained. oncom ing it ; and also to set in a• true light the na tufo of a plant which pro Mises in be univer sally Lena fie' _ "We ore indebted to the United States "Die penentory of 1847, for_the following doserip tian of : _fts It is entirely different from the common Rose. red-stemmed, oblong lea • plant, having a bitter taints. In' addition to remark able peculiarity of the plant, of bearing two erops.of flowers in one season, it also has ano ther interesting and bountiful propeity. Dr. Eaton says, that in the months of Nos •vember and Debember, ho hue seen hundred ot those plants, sending nut near their roots, broad, thin, curved ice-crystals, about on inch in breadths which melted during the day, and were renewed in the morning. Fora more minute and authentical description . of it, the reader is referred to Torrey and blray's Botan ical works. , . • Its Medical History and Properties Are far the moat important, since: upon thane, depends Its value to the community.. Bi., Lou. don says that in 1799, it wee eo valuable in England, that it vvos ooltivittud %from sande, &Ur since 1806,"Profesior ,Ives of Yule Col lege, has habitualli used it with great success . n Scrofula - and Chronic diseases, sun throne' him its virtues wore made known, Until, 09 Br, Tyler voys, t. it is now in• this section (NeW Haven) a common artiolein . domestic practice for the oure . of SeitUfUld and 'Cutaneous die. caste" , . Whttlaw;a Scotch ßutpn let of notoriety, whilatravolliOg In Ambilea inlFll4, learned its US fl in Canaria. Returnipg,to,gogland, eniploycd it in medicating, life bathe, .witieh became greatly celebrated for the Ogre of almi. lar dietitian. , ' Dr. J. 11. Thompson. of the same place. pre acribed it in bud cases of Scrofulous patients at ,Wille . Hospital, His mimes attracted •the attention or eenlor physicians, lie reports the following remediable ease of white swelling of the hip, in• February, 1814r-61Mo lad eras seven years Old, and hail the disease three yaws. The bone was dislneated both upward end outward, There was a large opening in the hip' leading tolhe hbne; into which I could thrust my Ghger. I counted three ulcers. Be lad,been under several Opticians, who bud given him up, I ordered a decoction of Rock Rm. • In two daya.lAnight sweats ceased I then ordered e teaspoonful of. Rock Rose three times a day. , i 'lldriymine days after he wari entirely toad. u • • ••• , Dr. 'Webb, of Madison, Ct., testifies to the indite °f•l nch llose,,as evinced in the cure of numerate cases date Scrofula; csFecially in children. Manufactured by vi m Franklin ik Co.. Now Haven,Ct: ' , ; : O ,Mr. Warranahough,e minister of the Goa. pat. hes.for 1 period!of yours. given alien. lion to the subject of medical science, to.quel. Ify him to ad miniatee to the sick. In conneellott with Isle minimal duties. gDWIN Xtr Wh. UFA NeW , Lentron'.4Rit, 2 0 8 5 3 1 A • gent, an Cumberland CoVnty,ZEi. W :'nev erlOolE,S. Elliott rind W,',ltifelse, , sarlisle; llaverelich & roh ingitaw6 wisheri Meehanicsbnrgt M. flitner, i t Shironiatdawn Eppley_ Erna. Ce,ditt Sterrett'. Opp; Tilbaties' G*l'64o; Tommie, , • 3...11. Own, tlew , vllle J. fi ? Spring Yherry•& Eisentioate i c;,Eewburg i D. lirtys,,EhiPlicheburgi , uak.l &' Dice; tilbkin ; Aleasndei &Mu lan, Faperlow,n. El Liiiihey,Thurohtorts. -131Teicinc, - EPILEPSY CAN ,BE CURED. Lake's.. Vegetalle 'CoMpound, FOR.. Til •01311. E OD FPILEP.SY-on - Isreiforrtiing mnre tioude r f u d , cures Than any . other medicine Fiel known or before the public. PRICE FIVE DOLLARS A BOTTLE. - . - -• The Prt. prietor has in his possession numerous certificates, narrating the • Astonishing and Miraculous Cures effected by this mrtlicine, and diverts attention . to the following only, in tostit e thos'e eho arc so un fortunate to be' afflicted %jib the territ.l«lisease heretolore regarded incurable, that L f AKE'EI pre paration • IS ALMOST lISTALTIBLE 111 ITS CURE! „ From Mrs. Brocks, widow "f Maj. Jas. Brooks, late of Conneaut, IL _ r- - Costrtmtwr, - Peb. 3;1853. At r.. Z. LAELE-Sift! Pietise-tend me another bottle of Fit Meat:ilk.; as I no not like to be without it on hand. . hen I commenced Rising the Medicine to my soll,..„Edenr, he had (tom one to three tits per day. fre has now taktn the me dicine over hve months, and has had. I think, but Iwo fits that t nie, and those very . light. His body and mind are very much improved; and by the pleasing id God, I feel that the medicine will restore his holly end mind to their v. onted activi ty. Ito tb fitt veers old, and has had fits over It years. which 'have bast:-very frequent, and very destructive to his constitution and mind Hun dreds of dollars have been expended for medicine to "mute rrrs,: hill nothing has reticle(' hint un til he used your medicine. Respectfully yours, POLLY BROOKS. From Jhtlson Landon, County Superintendent a the Ashtabula County Infirmary. KINOBVILLE, Feb. 4, 1858. Mr''L• LAKE , -Sar: Please .send a few more bottles of your 'Fit Medicine I ' 1 may not need it, but think safer to keep it on hand. your me, dicine has done wonders. I gave it to Miss Jane Delano; she hail had Ms for 26 years, brought on by having the measles when but Ibur y fars old, which couldo2b ri e brought out to the surface.— After *akin t e tedicine a few day s,enE FIAD A FINE COOP OF ALEAJI.EB,aIaiI has had 1,0 fita She had Ills or synqttoms almost daily: She and her father coneur . with me in saving that we be, lieve the medicine has or will worlut perfect cure; I also gave the medicine to Miss hula Ilsnder son and Aria Corby, who have had fits' almost tidily, for a number of years Their' - fits hava. ceased, and I believe the medicine will have the" desired ehect. Much money has been expended , by the friends of the above patients fur doctoring„ all to no purpose. The "cure was left for' your medicine to perform, and I can cheerfully recom mend ti as a valuable discovery. Respectfully. yours. , JUD,SON- LANDON, Superintendent A slttnbn In Co. I nfiirnnev Prepared and sold at wholesale by L. LAZE. Conneaut, Ohio; • El F WELLER, traveling agent. Sold by . vv Hsversliuk, Carlisle ' E H Thomas, Mechanicsburg ; W Gross. Harris burg. out 5-ly" -IOOTOR YOUR SELF-PRIVATE!: LY, for 25 cents, by means of the POCKET /ESC LAMS, or, Every One MS OWN PHYSIAN —The thirty.sixtli Edi tion, with one hundred en aravings, showing Private, Diseases and Malforma tions of the Gen'eratire System, in over) plume. and form which is ad. Disease, of lernales only (five page 1919,, being of the bigliefit iroporbinee to married per. ple ' or phase m ose coetaphitnigniarriage It) YOUNI:, M. D., Draduate of the University of Pennsylvania, Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, Londonoind Honorary amber at the Hhiladelphia Me diens 6DCITI . y. The various introstit Secret DistisCs. Seminal ;Weakness,. Diseases of the Prostrate tihmil. - litipotent). soli. tary habits of youth, are litiditully deseribed, and all the recipes given in plain language. The eliatiter-on sellsabuse mid Seminal NI eakness is .worthy of prrticular attention, sail should be read by every one. Young met, Who have been tinfor tthude in contracting disease, pre, lout to placing yourselves uutler,the care of au doctor, no mat ter what his pretensions may be, get a copy of of this truly valuable work. Sea Captains and persons going to sea, should possess Dr. Yonng's Treatise on Niswriegt, the Pbcket lEsculapius, or Every one•llis own, Ii), Fician. Orr Let no father he uslratneil to vietenti, copy of the JEsculapius to his el ild. It may save him from an early grew. Let no young, man or Unman enter into the Mad I.lllielitiCl.B of married life, withrint rrntlin,, the turt,sl./E.tis culapius. Let no one suffering lien, a litielkided cough, pain in the side teeth Ea nights 11V1A01.15 . feelings, and the whole trail, of Dyspeptic senat. timis, and given up by dick ph) bidllll, be an. o th e r moment without consulting the ./Esebrk• dies. )lane the merrird 01 . :base about to be married any - impediment, seal this in I) useful Hook, as it lion lice,, the means ci 611, it , g thou sands. of unfortunate erentureß_ fr, , un the v.ry jaws of death. -Upwards of a MILLION copies cif this , 'eelehrtitetriwork has heel, sold in this country and Europe since 11158, when the first edition was issued. . _ Any person sending TWENTY-FIVE cents enclosed in it letter. will receive one copy of this buok by mail; or five copies will be sent for titl. Address De. WILLIAM YOUNG, No. In Spruce Street, Philndelphin, — Post paid. Twenty years practice In the city of Philadel phia certainly entitles Dr. Young to the confi dence of the afflicted, and he may he consulted on-any - of-I 6u diseasesulleterihed_inahleldillV.:(-Ut. dublicntions, at his office 153 Spruce SttPet, every day betw se rtv9fflid S o'clock, (Sunda? es.. cepted) arid - periniti at soy distance can consult 1)r. Wow 1* letter. roar eAffl POETRY. DY dt PIMICIAN, Ho I Ye upon whose sinking frames . Disease his band has placed Upon whose sunken, earn worn cheeks Constunption's rose is traced ; Come, freely quaff, from out the fount, Where health loth overflow; At Shriner's find this glorious gift— Then say; will not you go Whyestiffer 'neath the racking palm With whitill you are opptessed, , Why; why complain of weariness And soreness of the breast? When SIIRINCR'II SYRUP heals all pain s And to thee health will bring; • : Will cause disease to tlkappear Like snow drops in the spring, .bioLtongue onn speak the,wretchedoess, No language can convey ,The.g.eat amount of suflbring : Oceasioned by delay 4. little cold or trifling avail Mai. lend one to the grave, • But Shriner's Syrup taken in time, Possenses,power to lane. I r. Yes, his Ilm,ssstiC Salter rare • Contains lint migiuy power: And. mothers speak in tones of praise And bless It every boor, For when then• little ones are racked With Wllooplag . Cough arvere, theylly n t once in Shrivers Fount, And find n solace Owe. It la a sovereign, - !needy cure • For Quinsy want of !lead) . * For Asthma, and l'lwnet lhaeasea, Which often 'iu dealn; "( • •• When others fail, this, o ill argot • Al permanent relief,. WV/ bring the anlrereir,bark to health, And cheat old De;dh—the thief, Jan 25, 2w. • • ' SHRINER'S , VEHMIFUGE. - . • Hetter testimony than wII 3 es:in• offered in Fa. xer or any other Verntange !. RECOMMENDATIONS OF PHYSICIANS,'- , l'We, the .suhsenbers, Medical, Pfacliotteresti .basing been made acquainted with the tomptod.:•l, Jinn of " Shriner's Indian' Vernsifitge,"..tako; l: pleasure In recommending it to.thit'publio as xi' valuable remedy for, the expulsion of Worms 4 .., iS , being With safe and ellectuali 1 ., ~,. S I g a: i ffi ii : ,iiilwitl:llcY Weaver,°,P, NCit' M.U.I 1 1 1 . : I ).. ' :: 1. ...i ' C l i t r ft i ro:l i l l e e t tl.: l ll l l 4 . ; . d i . , Jtio. E. D. .Ig,get. , . I.lberty, Fretlerlett eo. id.—Tlionnas Sins.' st; D. 0.0; Owings,. M 1/1 rhos: SappatigtO4:' .4,l),Sidney Sappington, MD. • •,, e ,Inines NI Geyer, 91 1) Woodsbnro,Md.4llo' ' • ~, t; t?„. Sappington, VI I.)„.Uotonville,Md • , ' ; 'w,,, 'A' Malinke; M D; Westminster, Md ' . ' '' On pertioular to ark lor for Stilt INERIIIN DIAN V.Filt MIFUGE,.and tales no other: '' ' Prioe2S Cents per,Hottle • ' - ' '" ; •C ! Prepared by W E Shriner, Druggisrand Chß',' Wilt, Weatminrter, Mil, ' ' ~, - P ...And sold by all atOrekenpers; , , '-'' '' .• -, Jan 125 dra • -7 ' 't ~.. ,' '^- qtr ' meburriOr'!VA oak • ..• ' 1060,NQ NS LirnelstrOes nt the 11 juai Tdr..eki,rink and kir on'Ai.,b7E. 1 0 /i 01,k1; 1r...; ,0n1y101,40 per ton. . hinrish'ia, lan. , • CI Mil
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