I~ SYi~rket. E II VIIILADELPIII,II.; - ;IIrAttICIIITS.- . _ ' ldetinAYV ki art* 27,' Fleur is In better demand, and holders are firmer In their ' views' 'day; 'Salm; ornticlut 2000. hide., mostly. straight, tire reported at $7„60 inoludipgfioo,,tiblefor future de% livery, at a fraction . mere—the market closing .. With' inurebityers than Ilc the farther ratel-.mattle of . 1000 bbls; a • Si:looted Western brand, was 'alito•made at $7,76 bbl; to • fill tiNcootrSct. The hums demand is more aotlie Mid sales are makifig• within the range of ;$7,- 60087111 - 4 - 1 - (or_ common to good - retailing' brands and extra ltye Flour is. holitat l bbl, with small sales. Corn Meal is more/ inquired' for, and 200 bbls Penn's Meal bro't $6,6U i bbl, which is an advance. Grain , --f There is a fair demand for Wheat, but the re-. ceipts and sales continue light, nud the mar , ket firm; a oars° of Southern red, sold a few days since, was prieed,to-day at 1690. and 600 liatiliels afloat Sold at. 1700; white, is worth 3800, [Lynn] in demand at 90e,91e, with but lot o offeriug;.. Coin imatinues in ropiest , and , Karoo ii further advance; -78 c. has twon of feved and refused, and 800. asked for South ern yellow afloat. Oats are rather better, and 2000 bushels Southern at 46c. BALTIMORE MARKET AiONDA; March 27, 1854 Ftotitt AWn Brat.—Tbe Flour market this m o rniug was quite, active and tirm, with en upward tendency..' Sales of, about 2800 bbls Iloviard street brands at $7,50' bbl; and' 1400 Ws City-Millunt the same price. These quotation's show an advance of 124 cents qa bbl oder Saturday. Sales on Into 'change of 400 bbls at $7,50 bbl. - Rye Flour $6.506 5,62 i; country Corn Alcor $3,75E0,87, and city, d0.:1pieT,40,4: bbl. • GetAiw AND Seeps- 2 The•Orain 'market is firmer;' and Ohms' advanced. 'Aboitt: 8000 bushels f Wheat offered, and partry sold' at $1.7501,89' for"ardinary. in good and Prime' rerls.;• while 'goo'd to. prime, $1,8061,85 bushel:. .14erior lots 12 to 15 cts less. These fniures chest an advance of 3 to 5 cents aver thtj pripes of .Saturday. Corn .hrm—Alint 7,000 bushels offered; sales of white 70(4)72 cents, and :yellow at 72 ®73 cents "ill bushel.' Nothing done .in Rye. Cits—Pennsylvania 48®49 cents; no Macyland Oats offered, Clo w:rated—Sales of 30 .bustiels at .$5,25. quote Timothy $3,25 'l9 bOsiel. • Nero '2tbnixtionneuts, ILA OS . I :Vitt AN VEI3). BEING 4tensively .eitgaged in the Mantr- Meture of paper, we will pay to Country Merchants and others having Rags Mr sale, mere than the preselit market price—CASl - 2.• JESSUP & :110011X, Paper Manufaoturers,. - 24. end .25 North St. [ls: street below Arch; between 'slh andAith. mt2e. 1010.11.. t NEW BOONS, THE Nailing Now Bolts . -hnye just boon received at the cheap Book Store Of. the sub- The Grinnel Arctic Expedition, by Dr. Kane The BeiOlays of Boston, by Mrs. H. H.:Otis' Marie Louise, by Emilie Earlen. ,' The Lamplighters, a new and popular Novel: Eatlinter' Castle, a Tale - of tho . Jesuits. The Miaer'e , Heir, by P. Hamilton Myers. Kate Clarendon, by Dimon Bonnet. lisps and Mishaps in Europe, by Grace Green Wood." ' The Old Brewery, or Sannealn New The Potipher Papers, Our. .Best, Societj.' • A. M. PIPER, Ag't. • testate of Christian ' NOTICF. is hereby given that letters of ad ministration on the estate of Christian: Wisler, late or Hampden township, Cumber• land county, dec., have been issued by the ,Register of said county to the .subscriber., resi ding in the same toivuship. ^ All persons•huv ing claims against taid. estate are requested to present them tor settlement. and those indebed to make immediate payment to CEIRIS'IIAN. WISLER, jr„ mar22Gt Adner. d.sc, NOTICE: isherehy given that lettere testa cnoutary on the, estate el Itteob Spangler. late of South Middleton township, dec , have been granted to the subscriber, residing in the same township. All persons indebted' to said estate are required to make immediate payment, and hose having claims to present them Mr settle ment to JACOB RITN ER, mo-agGt Estate of Henry Baker, ciec'cL NOTICE is hereby given that letters testa rat ntory on theestat Iteikry_l3eker, late of. WOW Curt - :talent' county, dee'd, have been granted by the Register of said county to the subscriber, residing in Newville in said county, All persons knowing them• selves indebted In said estate are required to make in u red ate payment, and those baying elaints to present them for settlement to THOMAS A.; Meli IN HEY, n9y22tp.(l Ex'r Atria IVAIa Or - SPRING AND •SUJIIMEG GOODS, At CHARLES o•=JLBY'rB, In East high 'Street, Carlisle, Pa v u - fr,' have just received a large and hand 9'some assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, consisting of the latest styles of Ladies' • DRESS GOODS, Barago, mouS debege,, , sad enrage delains; lawns, black and fancy silks of etery descrip tion and quality, black 'alpacas nt• , high litAtr: billet bombazines of irauperior, quality, and a good assortinent of MourninGonne ••• . DOMESTICS; DO MESTICS,.. Illeached and unbleached musline,sheetings front t to l yds wide. cheeks, Glasgow and fine Fronch giughams, tiekings, dannask towehs and table clo!hs, pa - Pains, red, yellow and white wOollen flannels. shrouding flannel, tsc. • • &USW)/ DESIES AND LAVES, • Cambric arid Clwiss ruffling, edging and insuri ng, lisle, mechlin .and - Berardino taco, French worked collars', do udder-sleeves, do spun' and coifs, itioprithig collars,h.lack laced vet s: all styles, -A very-- handeoino . assortment Bonnets and Bonnet Ribbnns, . • . Sidi a la,ge and, handsome. variety of Dry Goods and Groceries in general. alweys to be line on the lowest teems at "Ogilby's &Man. r • Mar 22 . . . • sim . . aNG AND . - ' suaroxEn , 18.54) Stylds . Of ilati4f . _ ' [1654 . ~„ J er ft; 0 !WE ,ICELL;Efi.- respectfully annour.: Ulf cue to his old Patrons and the public gen. orally that he has just received the SPRIIIG_SOY,L,E - OF OENTLE-: * MEN'S FIA,T,Y,' .manuftictut:ed at .;„ one- of ; the best establishments-Ali e riiy— , Philadelphia, to which ho invite specie! attention. • '•• •' , - '•• • ~fie has aloe constantly ohltand a large•and varied assortment el hie °Vow .manufachire es well as city made . ,• , , , , , ~. , . • • HATS AND CAPH., dutiable for , he seaeon,sodintialog eve r y . tot ij.: , oytt , o r Russia, Beaver.; end'Silk finished in the latest style. tegether.With dDill assortment of Caps of every 010 dolo leription,and at, eviity p ric e' ' pfirtiouldr,ly , . j ost l es the ',Odic to cell, nndeanniihe'his eaten-. +etre assortment; w!doll. i ,ettY,ltY,' pinutrial' end. 4 1 finish, ea be• derpassed 'hy 'any In 'TOOrkev, \and which he is able to put at prices lowei.thim . over. Kr,ltonoolobor Ws old 9,triod,,onlgoriti Honovor stree;',, r koviet4po..filimortil'orill:lonorro • rgi'rft,•` 2l ?;, §54.,„ , Slar,ing. Style of Flats 147 Caps' •:-:titifi , --, ...-. • t - 7,._.. ~. tFi..-.` , N,.. , -, ?4 . 1..3 - . r.... .1.... r? 37 ; .1"--Yet% " ' 6 - i-Y-' • iiITIVL'. ~:, ESnies le fefliint hie old frlO:9,dili ibet, .1 1 .° has remeireil , te-his new 086:1111)0inci!t,o,n, el !mil, heer .itie Rti l t 12. oed P. el)9li' l"!° '',. °P;°P.Nlik, Ijirgd,RO4 v olegees essortiotlet , ,pi . 'M'il•lpl(i ;STy4p.pr • .kiii ~ ~, 1..-. J oii%allt4pi..l'iiitiitioipfdr i Yilicl l ,ll l o ROSI-' ' of CerlisL ere..requestoll . ,to'etill and. ex. , 1 ~,l- b t:di,teoltei a large aoso runent , of Silk„ 1 SIPMAIL'IntP of Ala .ow.n.nehholeetee, I I 'n the hest ioy.le gind,tioeetioue,pfieethr, 1 Mime 14 11 (1;5018h of whlth lie mill. qter.t is Mork he iii confitleittioOlylneedtrie 1 ntel to he noreeved, , ,t (Kt Witte oilekoo Alan's; Rare entfehildren's CAPtP. t nd Fur end of.seehrY, olliOlY'Crl.iltYle' I . list renelioil fegv' Phil edhltfhiltitL e t r, hlllat , mr thirirp t iun, hip], ndittli'e n : , i ole4rO ; or, being euiteltintheii nail o p i ° ' .' . t.., 1fr1ir`21,4135,1.,'. . - I • ,',.; ' . ~-, ',CI 'I ; . i•ii . , UZI LIM alliu Fur , got u 1 ,the ,rant. be •ex! lupPlY\ of Clot awl prii, all who hey ma), m 1003061 PRor;nouse. St GEORGE SHEA-FT p,F,T),RoE 'Poitilund of! borlaudicotilltiriiifeacoOnt 'with "January,.to the - 31.t of t To amotinCroslitid Irdio Conidy treasurer " • $600060 du rammoing io.tho hOodp.of " '• ~Blerat 124 721 do *rebeitied orlf - umes: Clendeo. ••ifirrdi , tildes sod ll6 88; d o db"'inr tido of Wm. ItiSit '177 50 ..do , . do; ,0f , :12. tSnodgrtutm fur , 080. . ' '6500 do pf" Woock;nrd Schmidt • • forTioversecd " 76 82 do do of C.,Matgittu_glilin. Mr ; , uso of'D Smith 62 25 do ' do : of G' 'C : Sonndersim, Ge 01 M. .Kheitlc 50 00 do do "John 1 tiiigllli tor use, )74: 60 ". ' lortallow ' " '45 . 00 do do Pairy county, for the • support of sundry pauL pers.. . 93 17 do do lantes.Walker, for use , of ',l`. Walker.. 20 00 do, do ins. Dunhur, lor,use ,10 00 do do , York 00 - uniy.for supper,..' of. sundry „ ' proipere, 5 '2.5 do do for Indooturbs 5'60, do • do for Siindrios - • -8 70 !MIMI JACOB goulEit 1 , 7. q., Treasurer of the Poor House, Mid House of apploy merit of Cumberland county, in account „with the Directors of r ' Said lirstiiittion,'from the Ist day of January, to the 31st - . day of December,lBs3, inclusive, viz: , ' , . • DR. ' CR. . Cash roealved from County Tress. $6OOO-00 jßy payment ofpireetor's orders. $6,154 40i du , do o ttom J. Lobaeh,Stow'd. ' -"j By balance in hands of ccetra . lro u dilferem. sources .... 1 urea exhibited in tho fore koing . statement, ' do . remaining 'in hands of . Treasurer at last set tlemunt "Stock on Farm Ist Janruary, 1834. 7 head of horses, 13 rnilch „cows, 17 head of steers, 2 bolls, 20 head of stock hogs, 4 pigs, 7 shoats, 26 sheep and 2 calves. , • Beef, Pork, Mutton and Veal; fattened and killed on the Farm in 1853 , • , , ,13.5 beeves,,aveyag weight, 587 pounds .04,6751b5) 31 hogs; average weight, 238 pounds, 17,378 11)01 37 sheep.average welght,43 pounds,(l,l6l lbs) II Calves, average Gu pounds, (660 lbs)making in - Ji11:23,87i lbs. • . . Fnrwitl_Utensils on the!Enrm Ist oflanttaiy, 1854.• I brito and 1 narrow wheeled wagon, 1 new stone wag , m, 1 wagon bed; 1 pair of wood ladders. 2 :p ot hay todlors,..l oa Lam' gbafs, 1 tilburyOand harness, 4 Plowe. 4 narrows, 5 double - sidivift •Olowa, - 3 single . ' shovel plOWs, I ijireslog; machine' and home goner, I faeoing mill,l rotting -schten, 1 corn 'Moller,' I 'ground roller. 2 coning boxes,3 , grind ao.t, I,a i tri , T 0,,, , : tkuoniar tools, t, sett o,r nif•eksriiti ••: I • .I's /t . ' •I if 'I •••• f r , 111.1,' . 1 IV ,e 1;, t,o• vs, I 5, 4.rani crodles; 18. mooring ,scytbts,4 matmeks, 5 erowberer 1, shovels, 1 sett hornuz touts for blasting, and tivaiiefy of ajnOiee fortis, rakes, corn hoes, stono hammers, sledtes, axes, mewls, wedges, &o.; . Schedule showing the proceeds of the Farm for 1853 . . . . 724 bushels of wkeat, 19 of rye, 14001 of corn', 608 of , date; 48(. of 'potaioe.3,4 of I.irnothymod,..2 , of ,dater :mod, 9 0 . ( WWI beaus, I 0 of 01inc.11 bezuvi.-and peil. 30 - ol olloos,' I or little, evionr, 15 of par. snips, 35 4)1 beet,2o of turnips, 3000 heads of cabbage, 616 (linen 60outoilors, 43 loads of hay', 10 of cornfoidor, 2 barrels of eider and 20 huitheli of wiofor apples. . . , `Manufactured and made in the lionie and Shop • . .. lig s h irts and chanties, 93 froc,lia, 39 petticoats; 5 caps, 72 aprons, 17 bolsters, 50 pillow cages, 7 - Stinhopngts, 38 sheets, 4-0 pairs of stoking knitten; 21 pairs- footed, it towels. s.ehifiee.h r 311 oomforts, 10 pairs ,if drawers'. 1130 pounds of hard s,,io, 23 It irt-ds of sOft 40.t0• . In the Carpenter's Shoo—niade 23'enfilns, Paled', :3 large gates, 2 small gates, 1 nation laddlr, 5 r. , lcing Qradlcis, 1 w.,01h 2 ,x for the ofli !e, 8 wailung machines; also cot 75 cords of wn id. made 23n 'rails, quarried stone far and ilia le 2l rods of stone fence, put up a perch at tenant horse, and done $3O worth of blacksmithing. IMO Number, of paupers in the Institution let of J nnun r y 11153, of which :!:1 were cold, 108 Number admitted Itii 16 the 31st Dee:'s3, of which 15 were coi'd and p born in 'in the House , • • ' Malting . tbe - Whole - numberthrough the year, - Of ',which l 7 died; 6 children bound, out, 21 eloped and 198 were discharged Leaving the number ofitsupers in the Poorhouse 'Jet Jnb• 1854;•of which t 4 are colored Out door Paupors supported at public expense' through, the dear , . Whole namber . remaining chargeable at the end of rho year Of those remtkiningto the foorlionse 3lat December, 1853, there arce:— ' , Males 66 of which It arc colored , Females 40 of-.which, 6 are colored , .. And II _obt_door_oaupers_ „ 117 There are as near ns can he nsretiniosd 1:1 under 5 years, 4 from 5 to 10. 15 From 10 to .9). .10 frcm'2o to 30;41 Morn 30 to 40, - 5 Mont 40 1050, 9 from 60;10 from 60 to 70, 6 from 70 t 0.130, 1 from 311 to 90 rind I from po AOO. In addition to the above 30.V I trarmierg ptiopero or travellers have been .supported fpr•ahOrt periods without regular orders. . . . . ...... ~ D We•vbe Directors of- the Poor and'ef'thaoWe o}' Employ pa en; of Qttrnberland eoutity, dote ;. tifv.that the.abnve and Ibrogoing stgternent to contain a just nne - .true ektiibit:of - the 'lnstaiudii, during the period above stated,tacciirding'to-tbB best of our fieowledge, ' Given under., our Jain s 'his Met cbty of December, A, D., 1853 . . • • GEO r: GE 'SHE A PEEL} , ~ , . GEOIVIE II RIN DLE S • i Director s, ' 1 JOHN C4,BIi3OWN. - . We'the tinder Signed Auditors of C r umberland enmity, circled, appointed 'arld•swor'n accordirig tn !my; having examincid 'the necohrite end 'voncheraiof the Directs-s of tha,Puiar and 'Route of " thee any ..of December; ,it'v 1F53, dd'certifrthat we 'find•tylia'latier'' in `the the bandit ofJdonli Squici,,Es Treasurer, ctf.- Six Hundred and Fifty one Dollars' and Thirty half rents: Giyen'undar'ouihande;thiy t2;tli day of Japuary,A.,P„lBs4. , PAMDEL EGAW •• ' 4 l • • P. QUID 11^, Auditqro: • r B, DRAWBABGII - WALL f.fiPprt • 'put TIDE IaILLIODY. . . , jitt*.:action. , f IRATE reeeivell•iny..Spring stock of fi,AP4R,,HAIIGINGS,, which aurPaas , in .Si Oh ,qua , (tad , Pri”o„.pny;• that boa ever beep exhibited, .o,orliale. respecilPily eor, lich caillrom pasatma in tvaptnfPtneffhag ingeol any ileseripilon, as f urr confident my„ mmortrnen, fa; aKpasaap arty, in tha,,bpro n ot il anibiti at i OprlcV Itafkbut lbw 'ala in,thc city.'' Only gai t 6lth:a phhlic'to rind 'Mt a mind thy ' ansortmkint • titifoi.e mire 46810; aii,l an Confident inY chaate•deaigna eanipit fail' t 6 pitinen.t66,triost , •„•,,,. JOHN P. Won; Side of North Hooovor,Street, Mnt22.• ,-• i' ' '" •'' ", 0 1 140:00 6 05.7. , 5P1 *4O. !Virg sitherriberivere no pr , piired.to exhibit. ii,et,theit Splendid , N•hrv,klaintiliehinenijiist euttipleted itri.tbx site of their. fortner stand, • . Np. 4,1 Stnix,p, Srpcpp, unit' 6eautird 01,891 Ti I'ancy''ehd Silk' Boi , ifutu . ( Ind,l , l4,ts„VloWch. dcoi ohd•ritnitins;'l'4lrn s9d Suirttricir'lltitii, ps frogs,' Aitirefttiiits miffinbi% generally; ens I nvited iEintuitie , ppntidentlrprlnninink tlion; in -ettSint; in voile= Iy o Wnn.elly",iemdln u uthek tiliefin ill led; "13 1 3:9Dedutai ourefullt, and prdniiilly.axeimind: 0.1122-3 m. THOMAS WHITE - de ~„ . lIITEI , liArit Ac,2,i,ravil.' ~ • • i stiaii ;41ic't 1:o.il V ifarrutiioi; •ria:""' ' „,,... ilri HE SEViNTU RESSIQII of thel gour ', %.11_, 4 ishing : V 1011660 %i , 111” e'ollitiwiiiiCeToW , ht ; ONDAY, the Ist dal of MAY tiext, l'Oe' e 4 4, vile ageitwfiloh. it'lifrotii€l, it l ik•lielieVetiAre ertP • 'ti up rioro.oharactere mut .tiii t onfo , ,orld poardietiri are lllagliefted , to •inquirwinto iteloottits beard ', sett log theix,eoop ,orn:wordeoolsewlietea: I.,lvid. ‘ tdvo ably &Atomic(' ; thoinetcuetool Oso-Plifoto,-; 'iie:n t tt(o, Axpprioncld.niteyb the course of in - et,(uoion le 'extol - Own:I ,lid thpfyhtklb,and apivie), , rvieption is paid to t a :torn fdft , tind'fibitith 'or .•,') 4l Fi 4 t9 43 1 1 !!'' ~. •... -ri,::.‘, '', , ,c • i•Acp;.• .',: i . I ! ~,,,,. 411 .0 krAi ,•,..: P...11;:i , ',, ~,,,,, it.is 134VdiggiWheitingt17,4ulIgingo bud : ..' 41fi4 f,,, ~ Toiti4m ill, tinglieift tiad„lVOttirl .Iqu: ln i, 1, ,i 4r ,., 1 :f ele. et i pmiton,(s.pl9lllllo. :,;11 1 -,. , ) t ; ! 45.0: ROL ~,,t , i n finß,y9llllo 2:t.A9pot,,or„,Appflpro ; . •t r.n , 'I , .1 Lan oeifiep i ecto4,• , yi , ;, , ; ;IN :„;•; ~,,,pp, rnmtkolimt, ! ,k , ,, ~i siq , . f , ~. , „ , 10.99 Ot Ifdr Cifittiltiq Itittitttiii. tiirOiniatian'ad4oBe„ ~; 1. . p .„,, , ~ , , 40. .10,' 0 ~ Ist IA 1.4 YAW. , ~ ~ , Ag1ir ; 13., , , . ) 4 .., ~, 4, ' i 4 ii. ; ,L , i r ! '' , IlOrti: l3 U p 1.,. Tr • MB terpooii..fdilfi's.3. C'''."" II tI L • 1 , 2; Ci NbLt• - a - fiLat'l - ortN"ct, ; mci f wN, the Ifoi.ise ( )i" ,, E . .kpiiii)kikke,kt; . or Cain- Ist„day,of j • • , eC6lnfier,, inclusivey viz: -& -:',. -•!'. ...' QR.: ' .:'„ ,'. • ::`, , 1 '..V (iilk#letl'f of ltnrent 'bit tdlP:lrfic,,i , !i ~. ,„ . . . . , ' 'ftivpr of 'Aire..o nrl6ll, .Oitletild, par, ,'• 6 ---. clinadd,of A IVloLtividll in 18:12 .•633,01 'Cash for'„groattrieti, • Ousreltandixe, :,” , - -,, I ' ploihing,:bncliiiiim &U. • inClUded-, g'18,2,44e -1 Fdr suiek ',, . • ' " ' " ' ' 807'32 ii Sho r emakittg,, taiiiiriag,rind ,hatting .301,871 , soori...t. 6* door,,paupers ,; ',. 333 Be' eci ' Stonetif ler.;3 yenta , ,,' .„. 373.88 I 'SlAlfliiit .4. pnti'pers At„ Lunatic flos'-' , , p ttaf hCHafrisburg ~. Flour, grinding, &c...,.. - • ' • Blaekstni . thingOncliiling one no . w. . wagon . . ' . ForLenther " !, ' •'. ••' .. ' 6 171 32 Oat , door funeral-expenses '' 90 Id Constables'loes in removing paupers 62.75 ' Materials, 4c, for use, of House and ' - '• Faint' 77, 63,1 ' FM. lincdvorre• . • 85 . 283 '.ll46iinlacturin* satitiott • 39 98/ For Lumber • ' • • 47 62 , For plaster and grinding • 57.50 Freight mi groceries and lumber . ' , '34 76i ' For out door medical aid - •30 ft • For "Shoot iron and. repairing coal c. -, stoves 30 81i For fin and copper • wthre; end molt ding . " • . . ' r 24:34i ... ' For saddlery ' •• 'l7 40 , . E . , r• Carpenter ‘vorlc ' -21 Ou For one conking stove and coatings 27 67 ' - ' For printing and stationary 1 2 58, Car fare and travelling expenses ' . 9,18 For sundries . • . 1 33 Joseph 1 / ohaeli, 'salary, thireling'ti' wares melnded) 600 00 DrAY W Dale, srCary for one year . 130 00 Lemuel •To4d; Esq., attorney. sal-' ' ary for one year ... . , , Jacob Squier, Esq.; Treasuaer, sala,. try for'one year ' 40,00 Skiles Woodburn,Esg., extra yity a nirecto I$7;805 so , . ' George sheafle, Eno, lid' • do 19 00' George Brindle. Men. ilcg do, .. 19 ,90 ' ^Biglance in 'band orrrmurer.. ',' 691 29i .$6,805 80} fial oli 114 74 • • F $6,805 6O • ;.• . :; ' JUST RECtXygp — • „., . „ , . . '.: • ' ;' ' gertiNt , •„ „ hleeccexel o 146,),, 2,3, ' " 'Codfieh.' ' • •, . ; eheve haki peel) pelectvi with ettict ref+ ; 'er ricie to • (Gr. pplo dew..: "• , " Fig-Loaf—mild and !kgreentite oyai low conk ripk.,qpi; • . i'ttotfindish-4of • Con g reen , (7, ran re and Itagoltletae,.. rwiet,-&20% S;11511:4S-' , ,• ; lretti 1:4111636 , ifl id r ilt "'' l l4; lll ,qP l ol 9l l 1 • lx.ef,iPiqrPi.trlp!llrginci C.omnion,l . • A I L I the it o.ve,ertial,ss ee.heed,nt Uru ••• ' • • W,1,14,11048. ••• '• '' ', • 31 ' IR 91q,, . FP. Z.fds TA, 9:. :41,,,-;1:,., ~. ;',...StiPEk.' PHQSPHATE ..- .'IIF . .'.LIME: . ~! r ! u44,0 0 : : ',.: ilr'lllAaliinil anninttil:Vertntnted• ,elsppo . cler.r.tunittyi.thrt.,eltenpeet nranure , iii , the Aw°tlc In 0 gAr,(1 1 0.4, 4114 lagal,twa euppfied nt to w . , , i? EF, 1 ,11:A.,;,QU,AA , Yr... /04 D,T,LASTEIit ~ ~ 0P1. 10, P41 . 5e 18 clflFAXlVeliq Lend .p laateri en.: 'rectodelpressly - for ua : lerliitzing.mtalny.k ..,: 10,nuntbmptiettref,etteetr,Litt.bullt• 4 - I , 4 , , ; I,ooo„hpyrpl4 Celetned Plaster. ..I.) i 1 . 9,1 ~,tln, .., Dqntiati. ; ~. i ' PBRUVJAN OUNlsitii ' . Title ardelewe o ff er in confidence-to onrene :::lllomere.ne,e(vialqpitnt:itntpq(tAiditnt'dfee..ooo- - ntaig in ifie•rnorteittr,• ; .a.v. ~ I , .I . '" ~ :7 C 4 l 500 p bag's' if ''t hie ant, allot' Giteno'litr.,el,iffi l aS the Iloitnnit' ; 'nterke'r' rates.: s .,Also; Teinkon nii ' , Guano. Poudrotto , Ground . Chlirreal, Ste, &c, ,1 F 4. ~ ~,..,,,,..' •:,.';: ..' . C:1 1, RT.:Well ' &''13.5.. 1 At the •StearruPlastor MillsiniretitM of York ; ' ^t' • Irresh'arrivq . iiilEirdtkrarti: 1- '' ':( ~ , t 7opoo,',Orciwnonikenildwhill', O treettvPhilot •i ' ti th i g6i,i7V.'h ov i6i retn1 44 1 . 0 ,..0 .0, ‘., ,..., , • .., : i i"‘ , 1, 1. 1 ~. ~, , ... ,,,. .0 ,, 0...rt i, 14 (~,,,! . ..“.,,. .., ,•,.• i t ~..,... ll r , 4;,,r;' , r ',., ;4011 ..- ).' 0 , -'', , 1'; ~,',.', 40 ' , ',l, r u. , nIfI 4 I MIE4.PPPIi II •Aor. t,attEllita ••,..,_ •• ,• • . r ~,1 Ira o a large rend volt el#ll,oe,t9d.elock err, dOct.h "1- 1 -16 1 .Eo.lllill',,tlo XV I, 1k1,P100.',',, ,WARE ,Terniettilid"ilinfiehtle.' li.Vicuurev... i kk :nil .0 i4 g li t ' VA . i.,'„,',',..".,".• ' 6' . „ „ 4 ; e n ' " 1 ,',.., , .4 thlirginivaliVilliinfd'itilliat liiin b i llet t' ..kl{l. . . •.'""''' ''''''• l ' - ' ' ''''''. ." '7' 'T ombeofitot or tvnoids. , oisii.tifil iiiiNtiB hintrip lA A Irrarlarak,: ‘ dir,, , 1310X17 1 R,, 51 , 1 ,',1 - , ;o i l .ie reepootfollyiatiecteil Id 4110'dkiti nliiII: V 341. 1 .1 " 4 §'W4941k1it:A1T1V4:91 ' ,14 1 :44,det. , -, RR and, assuring thorn that goods of kl 'kinder , 1 . , At the ' 40;114 . is ic,et, 0i1,44,,,0up.:1 4 y 5FT : v wi Ibe sold lot' Gash eve very small advance on i:Aftalreiiii'bg Wad' Isivihec?l.,..NrurderAdireehed.. , , ...laplicturers pri4atr.A.f , , '. ; ~ v, t, ; .!.0 :,+),.., 4! 'Hp 11., -, l , oASitt .i...,..1' anerfavynf;:pr,;,ly,4,.„P',.. ; ,„I',irF ; egternber..thelold land -',,rEast Mein t ' tt.,,l' 1:13E1'1 r :1 1YR. , IF•1 Ci'L".4ol.lPr I rolit bc:P&PuiPil,r , "Catim e 'rfh -- t.. I .1 1":; 4 1 1 . 1 4 1t , d 11 :,.. 9:,:t ,f,'! , . , ;,-,' ' :.,f. ~-.1.. .<'''zt`..?(''S te,N,)o;• c. .„ ,i,, , ..t?ar 8,•,,....1 ..,) :,•!•/:' • HENRY 'SAXTON , t il , Pal • ?4521i SI .1, IC 'FL S ; . . . - • ' ' ' O'INkEaS, • CRAPES, • . , anti Oery article, ouitoble.•to .the ,Millineri Trade,,t,which conetanrioddition will be made tintinghoot theatimenn, therahl. ;enabling them cifMr,thii'larg'eat and frost, esirable selection 'or ortiales'iti:their line to be ,round in the City. ''' - Philli. - Mareirl3.lBs4--2m , ~ ~, ItEtsTONE' DAY., GOOD"STOAT , • . . EfERE'S :Corner of 4th and Arch Streets, Philit: FlavA•this idaiion enlarged-their r etitablishmenti which enables them ..to otter •a. much large ; smolt of DRY GOODS. Mr tbe inspetion of Couniry Buyers, In.the assortment &mays be fonnif a full line ell •• . .•: 30.00 . . . . _Black Sillte,.._-' , ,Siapio; Linen Goods; Fancy 'do .' , dO 'Cotton do I India ' do. ''' ' I do • ' Muslin do '` Bladk GUods, ' ' 'Woe Goods Craps Shawls. - ' ' ' SWAB, all kiwis. ' , Scarce Anct desirable Goutiti'cau 'aisvays,be obtained Vvty l plying , tO Eik:ti fr."Landell. Terme:die t.caaho and prises low aecording ly....oa-floo country Money received. , . Murch.ls,lss47-3m. . • . ' • ' 9 00 q , t,805 80/ • Notice Fiihernien and. Gunnel's. XT Ua .o hereby , notifiedithai we the under ,' • signed. Farmers ol•North Middleton twp., wol not. permit any person to Fish or Gun on. our premises:. -•• .z. . • RODERT !NOBLE; - • C.l PER, BEEKBOWER. SAMUEL KU'PZ, JESSE ROHL.. JACOB' KUl'2, 3OIIN ELADFELTER. • • ANDREW- 140ERNER. • ULRICH 'STRICKLER, C!IRESTI A ICCLEPFER. DAVID KUTZ. , Meroh 13 14354, • 651 596 Agricultural Implement Et Seed Store • ritHR silliscribers War , for sale'a large vatiety I,of Agrtealtaral Implements, among which ut.d the 'celebrated PIAGLE PLOW. Protity PIiI Rodzer's &IWO! Sheliers. Alta add nay Musters, Cdrn Fodder Cutters nnd GrinderA, Fermis' Boilers, approved Ctil tivators, Road Seropersr&c. $6'NO5 801 Hi/Yea R: HALL, AgEtentuiraLimplement . and Seed'Sfore, marl)• Harrisburg, Pa. Tlj F sutwriherit are prenitred to'recetve or ders for FIELD, GARDEN' and FLOWER SEEDS, of the choicest varieties tied warran ted 'to he pure and Genuine. Imong which are Gniden Oregon Corn Stowell Evegreen Corn, .11atanake_Manimothleorti.-Adams-Earty 7 nod White Flint, Orchard llard.' 'V; mot hy and Gin. ver Seed, ,ind every variety ot Flower an d G ar -, !I den Seeds. Catalogue's ;famished when re• gusted, ' 110 YER& El A LL, ' Agricnltural Implement and Seed Store, mar II • ' Harrishurg,, Pa. CHEsubscriber,'Agenl or the Mann , gers.ol the PHILAIMIN.LIIA ROUSE diF 11,F,0111;0. is auttior*,l io reeeivl wppli cauioua)iit,u-Farmers, or ot here ‘ , ho may. wiekto kayo eluldren, either white or col , ored, intli4ntired to them as apitrentices. . The ages will dary from seven to twehtY . years.' In all cases weere lire applicant* net known to the Intrenturing•Committes or the Agent, antis. factory references to.persons:residin 4 - in the City, will ho required. A N1. 0 .3 ° BARRY, Office of tho House-of Refuge, N• E. Corher of Aroh and ith'stra., Noladelphia. • March t 1954-1,0 ffiurtL v ere, ft tratvare. ----_-- _lsu_:_ sywheo to draw the anon ..t„.l on of :lie 1.)::h11:: it, hail own interests, ,which they . ./lin:1:11 10 'good advantage by .:xantitting tot; aod complete aasort 000t of tt Li .tt ./1 every de9cripuoil, which ite.is now :t cciviug zt: his .1,1 stand on North Januver 13tC.t.lt. _ . We luseulu 'large supply ol ...prune, hubs, ,ands, laces, cu. - tants, and door clothe nod _irab hung to your, line, . -4 • U.:LILL - 11..1131 NlulX-14 A ii,43R We offer complTe ustts - 01 . -ventuerp f knobs end noaldi age, et; walnut' ixnui - irValloganY4 ouch the teuite:diud the perie.t-r, • CAJIWENTEIt.S F.X.I3IINFI .a eP:lcedia aeserenent.of tunic in.:your line ta oleo a complete Kock el - buildingmaterials,, hinges; - screws, paints, dile., vurnishee, turpentine. &c. and iva. nous carpenters tools. cheaper , ban ever, an lea been acknowledged by. a.eaipcnter who, eos,eeen them. - • I BLACKSMITHS- - unmet go .svrorigin giving us a'call • lor 'a sup— ; ply ot.hainnscred, rolled, slit Lad *.ather /ron i generally used, as sleo cast; shear American ' and English blister Keel. &c. Ate. OUR FARMER) .FRIENDS ' • will also consult.their inietesis by-looking-ar our cheap shovels, forks.trace chainS, Ilan o' , and every oilier article ilmin a .cradle to a Plellgh:te.enit them in price and qindliv.." v ,f 1 , Tll4- PUBbIG .GENERALLY: ate oleo inpjted,lo examiner the - .quantily:.and . quality pf. cedar wire tabs, Owe, huckeia;.oile, Such as fish, aperm and flpitseed which will be .spld at. the 'lowest • gash prices: - - I would also call sitentionr to My. splendid assortment "cif WALL PAPERS, pre.,entina,a nu inber.lcselotriety,of .Putterns' at rices 1i01t),6 cis. upwards. 'Remembdr there la,,nif 'mistake hereos all articles . will be sole. at the leevest nesh * prieee . - et ,the, .old and well stand en ~North [hoover ,atreet. East ice, setweee , l4l44laughlin's Hotel and Roll. er's'Hat Sutra. JACOB SEAER, march 16 f . .1 • , • A • - R'S'Etli • "TLI S , Sce. , • p •":.` ii•EN•N:s , •l3oeit. 'Dread Of Vette, Green end roeollio.peekagoej.alsoinr balk hit& FITIP , qt imelcimee. • A Jorge and rreneral L *Bt. edrtinoot_pf,tho qcst.. W HIT .4R,ON ST.ONE. A NI). GRANITE. W,A4g,•Arirh a 7eriety..of 'Grag C'onimoil . War e of every sette of , Du i er l ,4gy ? toeuit t r ho per. ; h~ eery yolailiiieivith'• • , „•, 1 • , • .• aiiid!ever.ety Off raltc Werecollweme. in istr.lo. aria' tor 'tijkle, t "Fii . giAltekriaclrYr I leici'll.lB.l3; J, W. V, r, . . - ' ;:c f #l.l l PLit.e,t;: , .lol.o4llVo. l ITA l 4.pubsoriber. is now linvingtnindeN up n lot Fryslncinabloond,..Sulintantinl.l3pthingtwhich ,be pilssp if opt: diespst• Ulan snyres titbit's anent. in boraagif. Tits 4 1 :001% will tpinsisi of .f /„ 'Ffni . bßgs.4 ctiAT .1. SACK " IcANTAI.O I O‘4B,' AStc. heClotl?jog willqt4:....mtdovont of nbnoinid tho fin e; 'qipility, gondoi,nnt; flok!.by:an,rxrin. , . rigiOed ma; giaal • ail'ter. ,ap).tmwolic.g9t,l P inftliteknionnoki' by dia,bOii of bonta.". Vte.hot WWl' l: lot Of shgirsti tipihing fOt.:tiiiColisSers to, gip; aaa col4shd they , ail! bei'Menneid 'With tlie, Worlt and 6riceo l if nkt tlio old 'skill& hlfolieSitent;': ,T;in,4 d!,CHARLMO. oortArin: . • c• IMP S ..6166'*.' -74-f24-1-Amtatz,74* -. 2 ® 'of 'f,',YACYlo, l ,Piip..o!ttt•doeit.fNill , 'Oriceslreingiqg. ,tctimo,,aoats upwards„ flock ;cantina or a ?all osspithaept: of,,PommotrSailh;.-,Silverati and Vll,t,Pappis i .a qC;whithrNYllk be sold holy' at • t.; il-.BAXTONS.I Carlitutdrie and fa r vited elniaine the assortibbni eav Qeltel Hingbe, Hingekidardwa, , stlinis,' Polly': Oil, im , Paai•&c. uill.foy salticha mar,la! : 7 1 S'AXTONIS.? TAKE:'Nqr;cE.,-I,,ttkil!:..ol,ReKAods abslo coin irteuing maekeepind cob 'l.lEf.' C • 'them,'Can rt . ,auppliad,,iiiih fCiiiLek and Foiltif: SpiMith .Ladles, toffee , Patia',. Kettles; S'ad' frOah, lbivelt rams •maY 13 1 - ;; l• -Ai. SAXTON. trit 400D5. - , Sohn stolid s& Sans,,.,:: No. 45—South Setand ' Street Philadelphia, . Have nciiv.iniS,tore . ; ortheir own importation, a Jarge and handsel - an el!eerinient of t - ' , -.11.11313oks 1 ; ,1 '"" • • FIELD and -GARDEN SEEDS iirrxtEramtibus. GOAGiI lIAKERS drat' eotate I).Y.,virtne,fif% sundry writs 'of ,V1 . 6n(1 1 1 .. Exponak.. intim' out of the Court Of Gfnmon Fleas of ,Cumborlantl eounty,arici to ,r9p.,directott, Dwill expoe:e ,to . ventlue,tii outcry altrho ,Coort Ifouso.to the borough Caelj?la„ u n FRIDAY the 31st. day Ofllorelt, to'o'cloCk A.'Srl., the t'lloVihr; 0E31• iortreal estate,,viki • , • ••• • cs.LAtTfact o 1 Land; Situate i n n Dickinson tothiShig; M a therland chanty. containing ACRES more er logo, boondoLoiLthLtiorth hy_ lands of 'Adem CMtie•••!end David ! Dernuth, the, west by 'Wm .SMtver, on:tho sputa by lends.ol .19hn Thitish'and on the ea,at.,by donde orr; C. Miller,lisving„ thereon erected st two story WEATHERS OAS D If Q USE, Kitch en;:'.,l4-ig !Barn, ' Seized:and tekeirtin exectk lion as the', properly-, : of Thomas S , Wilson, John 'Stockton and Mary ! ' Jane his wife, lath Mary; 'Jane Wilson in right of the Sole MSry, William M .Wilson. A,lexander,Wilson in right Millis late wife Ann D!Wilson, : noy detach:anti rameS G " Also . a Tract of . LilO4, situato.in limn township, containing .20 ACRES, more or less,•bourided on •the.•.wtitit by‘T C on the, north by T C Millet- r ein the east by land of of Dr. W,C Chambers amt ort the sigh!bi Henry Shank and John Lefever. having. there on erected s one' story:LCGIIOUSb./. &r. • • 'Also a Tract of, Mountain iLand: ore m DickinsOn township, doniainiiio ; 2o'AorMi more or leis, bounded' on_the inorthify T. C; Miller, east by Variiii 'Shanli,loouth and west •by Jacob Keller. Seiied ond'iaken'in'exeau l tion the propertynPinenb'Rylet: ' ' Also a Tract Of Land. situitte•in Dick Mimi township. containing Yo'ACRES :more or: less 'hounded on die west hy Itinds'of T C till der. on the imith'hY T C Miller. east :C! Miller and on the south by Inn& of Martin! Clautly, baying thereon. erected a two story; LOG7J - I . 6"USE. l Kiichen, Log, Barn:, Seized and taken - in mtecution as the ! property •ol John '''• ' • • • Also a. Lot OilGround,-sqnSte in ilie to - wWlif Central/Me, boiaindttri townehlp;eon-! raining 0 N ERE more or leey,'hounded . by; tot of. Mre 'Shoffrier 'on the .ivirt;Alr:l36orenti orvia, somn, John Mehaffy 'on - .the Oast, ands ,the ;Bottom road on 'the north,' havingl ,thereon erected a rwo story HOUSE.. part brick and parting, &c. Seized and taken in execution.as the property of Beniamin Shof . tier, and all to he sold by me. . . I(,)SE,PII MoDARMONII, Sheriff. . . Sheriff's Offipe, Carlisle, Z NI stela .1, 185.4. - • S Slterill-`q Sole. BY virtue of a writ of Venditioni Ex pones issued Out of the Court orCothmon Pleas of'Cumberland county,•and to•nie directed, I will expose to-public Yendue or outcry' at the Court House in • the borough 'of ;Carlisle; on FRID A V the 7th•ef April. at 'lO o'clock; A. M. the followinz describerl_rod ,p,s . tatp. A Lot of Ground.' situate ''ii bor °ugh of Carlisle; containing 140 feet in. front and 110 feet in depth more-or less..-L,Bounded on the emit by lot of Jacob Zug on the south by.lot of Wr Breeze, on the north bit lain st.' firid:on the West by East street, having-thereon erected a two story Stone House, stone, back building, Log Stable, frame ten pin alley, log blacksmith shop, &c. • Bellied and talton in execution as 'the. proper ty of Robert S. AlCorn, and to be solti by too. Sheriff's.pffice, Car ? lisle,' 5 ,51ar 15, 1854. J. MeDARNIOND, Paluable Refit_ Estate AT PRIVATE SALE. Th'''utuleisigned executors of the estate of R: B. Stevenson, deed, offer, at private sale, the 1011ov/trig real esta , e, in est Pennsburo I wp,. Cumberla Ad county,. late thO property of Richard B. Stevonson, lute of the boroligh of Carlisle, dee'd, viz: , All that FARM situate in West Peonsboro township 4 aforesaid, about one mile Irani the, .boyo gh of .Nhwyil!e, bounded by landti of J. McCulloch. W Lau4blin atd othersond ' CONTAININi3I:: 142 ' ACRES, . more o- lose . The land is first, rate limestone .land, iii gOod cultiyation and. - well_leaced,.9s. acres al witieb are clear end .the tent in timber, 'llie improvements are a large doublestone and Ivbrick Dwelling HOUSE, two .:v.zy,, stories high, a hire and subsian. 4 -At . v 1 ..:. nal' ST 0 N E Bet It N,'£t good well ~ 11... ,1. l Limestone Water, and cisterns '.).4 , ;':,,,'.,....,!. for rain water, There is..)tl, the_ -*--.., `:"",. !I:went - Ma en 'archaic! of Welt aeleett4fruTt . frees. t Also, a lot of WO 0 OLAND, that has nem! used with this fatal, situate about one-lout th a nide front the Doubling Gap Springs:n . l4 ad: joining that property, containing alton t 22 acres. Persona wishin(to esalnlee the'faiiioTan - do - so ; by calling on Mr. Long. the tentmerm the place. Terme made easy to purchasers. Possession sand a good title will be given on the lat orA- Pri1,1854. _ _ I'. COLLIN STEVENSON. JAMES W. MARSHALL, Bern of IL B Stevenson becomber7. 1854. -HOTEL PROPERTY TOR SALE: BALRGAZN: ALL that valuable property situate on. rho north west corner of Centre Sonar°, ,h, • in the boroughlof Carlisle. known as oeeteni's Row The Main build-.• ing.is now occupied by. H. 1.,. .Burk- Vv ' 1 'bolder,as,a hotel. The balance of 1.- 1 the pron.n. Y is rented for offices, shops,'&e.— Titisis_ono_of_the_very_best-prworties tor- bniii• dens in the borough, and to °annalists othq:e. great inillidentepts , for incontinent,. The pay ment if desired wits be tends very' easy. 4,lseea Vert. cornfoitable 'two merit. nw EL TjE.NbE 110 USE. on- the cant end oP Main St.; adjoining property, , ef Andreiv•Holines, Esq. and nbw . ucciipied by Mr: David Greer..l The lot 14 42 foot,- front by 240 lie; dePth,:intd tootainsit nutober of chrome fruit treas, The property,ja ira_good has'. cistern, &rook° !wart bake oven, stable, &c. n"„the, lot, • ,E;orpartie- Oars enquire 'ef ` • . , ifebB) GE A 13.1:E.0:1:1 GE.,EI Y. . . . HOUSE AND . Lqr FOR SALE ... . .. ;T.r.tr t ,.t.v.ro•tori F 141154 lIOIfSE, •. • anl t LoCof Grnitall .in South • Hano• ', ' var street, nont necupical by Charles •1 ■ Bainitz, intmediltelyoppositalbmVa, I I . Score. ia, otferatl at private,sain.. For terms enquite of the tubsetibor, Attorney fOr the:owner.' ; ~ •' nov9'sSifj . ; • • It. IttstlaNDEߧclN. ?•' •I'lirgeons l .lllavulage Institute nEmOVEß'ta,Pict.:4 'Ninth street. ftizitt. siert) :shoe.° .111aritet. B • ••EirEttErrrSPettituiaredunfing POssure.l;BUSS,, fur i dle, cure pf Rupture; SUulder BVhees; Supporters, Elastic Steckler., Stkettoneary,•,'llentosrhoidel;•.:end Bdridsges tor deroriatties.‘ • • •1. J. - Junl 11-;-tyr.: •' • • 3ITAIZIXON MUNI. V: • • '•J. W EBY'S FAMILY GROCERY. • :lava and litaFticalha•Goffeee, Green- andlt 'Rotated do., Orleiris and Claratiedi. Redwit, Sugars, Pulverised, Crushed-ands' Loaf de.s oll •Crashed (PrVEleniiag)doi Wee; -Tarim % and , •Coen'• f3farclr.' 13 l'Oni a: Cocoa, Chocolate,- Vanilla Bean, • Piece, Cit2o..a . dth pieea of ,everr.yitidiff Sperm. 1 auld, Adnraam~ne Candles; 51rAgatis , and Seger )kl- SYrlP , Albjil'esee Voyertn:g's•finent.qualny'Syrup..42:;;4o9' 1r)7.41 - fresh assortment of all the above aril.: nlea..and a ,trertoral eupply. or ether articles .usual;p, kept by Nai'xiti just opened and for sale :at opr nqw ptoro.rooms. • ' Saha g• : MEI ;" SHILMipiAt:OIOI4IV44' Pr„,4 . Anpl ruf;.l",' . 4Bb •' ' BIPPLE..jr. ‘4 ,-ic:.: . ~ - . 4 11 , ,.!:1 , i , t . : .teg -.on .-. jer -o Ices: , '.'..0., . 2,0;.., , .: 4 (i. ~4•,,..,.ti1ac...2,„. i • I:tATIXAzr.P4Pat:'• C14%/11.k...ta,thp pTompaaPp lhei tpubscriber,,pnanppticn , yvP • fish of November, hoar SEle,,orip whue,Hud the', other b;ertt..„.Mhey, }mite. rtutches: in the eareinit . nn other mnrke... The owner_iFl requ •ited to home to'rwercl4riiv'e'lirepFY, pay) nipargea and Pak° t ‘ fteni nivny. . 41831 Pd JOHN 'SHOPE': vromrcla. . . , OTICE:is hereby — given to - allpersons in teretited the following.nooountsll,,,Oe thoProthonoturyls ,Olhee forex amiorition, by the eeeeent, tmerein named end Hill bu presented to,Cie Court pfCelolosh Pions of:Cinnherland oounpy, for o,onfunation,nod 411 (},w 1 ‘ 1 3( 10 , 014,Wedraesday,the 12th day of April, A.ll. 1864. Ist:, Trust account of Professor .Jarnesk W. Marsholl;.otonmittoe of the,pereon nod es tate or Richardl3: Stevenson, now deceased. 2d.. Trusi account of :Professor4ames W. Mar , shall, Cammittee "()f the p!reon anti estate of Jettptili 8," Stettenson deciared'au habitual drunkard, ivho.ia , now deceased ;,,the same .boing the, Orial account Xt. said Committee. March 8,'54-4w. G Eo.' ZINN, Pro'y. ,Estiiie of Dtkiiiel'Leokey; 'dee. • •• brherebrgiven'that letters.teetn ,mernary. on the estate brt Danlei Lackey, late of Frankford 'township,. Cumberland mum_ ty. deceased, have been granted • by the' Regis. ter ni.said county to the subscriber,'residirm in the came township. Alt, persons knowing themselves indebted to said °utile are required to make immediate. Payment; and. those .hipting claims tn•presont lherri l for settlement to • - JAS. B. LECKEY; E'er. mart36t,:o: Estate pt ilkipsy, A t Bittier,:dee'd.: Ol'lCE'liCheroby giveu that Letters Testa. mentary on the estate of Mary A. Bitner, lhlo'of Lower Allen township, Cuniberla en. dec,d., have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subseriberi riuilding in the !slime township. • All persons knowing thorn+ selveb indebted. to Said estate are required 'to snake inintridiate 'payment and those having olefins to kesent them'for settleineot to MATTH,IAS Exec r. , March 8.-6w'; • Estate cif •Petee: Jacoby ; dec'd. opjools.l,:;ret ? Y-giyen.t h atlctieril Testa.; 11l mentor; to the estate ,OT Pet& lacebi, to of tuvvriship, Gumboil - arid cuunLY• deceased, have been granted by the Registee.ot said county to the subscriber, residiug in. the saute tpypoip, All persens,lnowing them selves indsbted to said estate s are required to nnike immediate. popment and those having claims to,prosent them for settlement to , PETER JACOBY', Ez'r. . Moich 8-6 w Estate of Henry Rickabeugh, dec'd, ITOTICI is perboy given tiitit Letters Tes• . tainentary on the estate of Henry Ricks. baugh,late of branb.iord toWnehip,Curuberland county, dee, have been-granted by the Register of said county, to - ilia subscribCr; residing in West Ponnsbore township. All Persons indebt. ad to saicrestate are required to make immedi ate paymarit, and those having claims to pre-, sent them 'for settlemnai to' .• SAMUEL DILLER., marlt Executor., Sheriff, Estate of Mich - ael Millet,. deed. Nm TICE hereby given that „Letters testa entary on the estate of Michael Miller, late of North -Middleton township', - dee'd, have been granted to the 'subscriber, residing in the same town-hip. All-persons having claims against said aatate are requestedio present them' for settlalruant,, and those inclehttid to make mediate payment-to JOSEPHMILLER, Feb 22 pd • Ex.'r Estate tr:if, Rev. Martin Wolf, dec'd: ivo'n.cg is hereby given, that letters of ad -1,11 ministration on the estaloof Rev. Marlin Walr,late of Hamilton county, Ohio, deceased, have. beers granted by the Register of Cumber- Ita.d county, Pa., to the undersigned, residing in South Middleton township, Cumb. county. Ali: persons indebted to said estate ate required Ao,rinake_immediate - payinunt; - tind those having claimitto present Them to JACOB RITNER, Feb226t „Estate or Mrs. Ann . ..Ebetly,.dec.'d. . ___ r GE is -.hereby g iven thatletteta of .ad• 111minietrotiunon the estate of Mrs Ann E.,. erly, late of•Weat Pennabore'township, dee'd., have been granted by thu egister of ettid,conii ly to the subeeriber,residing to MeehanieSburg MI: persons having claims against said. estate ire requested lo present, them for, settlement, ,and those indebted ro make immediate pay pent te• • • 'JOHN EBEF LY. -Faiil,s6tpd n the Court of Co'rnmon,Pleas of Cum. Elizabetl'fratib, by' her 1. N0••32 •,Augitst next friend George Spun.l Term,' 18.13. l• „ , t • John Traub,, ,ktp. mttn9:l ) !tilY N o -N ov-term 1853 vs ' AliaS Subpeena j • flro,st . • . Sur Divorce. • The Bald Sul:vomit and' riliati'Sithpreha having' beep issued nutrof Said Court, Cud proof insde• that;iliosaid.inha Trout), the , defendanf,' cpuld reit be fohtui in Oa tied county ,ut Cumber,= hind_ Now. Said, JohtT n'raub thedeleri, dant it horeby - notified' and renuiecd tOUppap' °tithe first day.of tho ndxt Apra ierin—iDun dr, the 19th of ?April . .nekt--nnsWer the said . c mplaint..; T:OS. fiIcDARNIO t T - Mar - 1 - 1854., ",' • .„ „..,, , , , • ... . • ,„. 10 liiitl uopit'of P.Oix.ithori Pleas , of.Cuiri, ' ; berlag , Ooonty., ,• , • • ' ' • ' •'• ' • 1 Siiphialßice; of tile hbr: ':' '''' .' ' ' '' ; ' - •cidgh ol•terliale,'-ey her , .N6'.3, November '' next friend Geo. Foland ' ''Tirinl3o. •. • '''''' ',v B. -'''>. • ' '' • ::..;.: ,', 4 ..9 .., ''',‘ 4' ” ' ''• r ' Suhkerie ; , ~'', I , -ivetitrlti c e. "'' ' I :atir:"Dvv,orde. ; .;. - " ; Revne party .. No.; 2, January,Term • ; • ye ~. • : ~ , Bliakeubporia •, ', ''' Seine"` ' • sur Divorce •.• Ttie.poidaubpoonidand .hlina Bullpens hiving beau seaued.ouv.ollgaia...-Couit,' and prod made' that thp - raldireter,Rice , thi xlelendent, could nut .be lound In the paid county of eumbei'land:• Now the said Peter. Rice, ' the delendeni. Jo I ?Pi'cllyfriotifiod and,-required.tb appear on the nexi.. 4 HI, iTetnvr4vlonday .it.&loth of April' npii.—tp anr.r,or the , stud. coir.plainf.—' ' s 1!:,;:.• , 109,;••111cDARIVIOND: 1' •• •'.'. - ''.' ' Sheiiff. .' Mar ).4vo ticiamation ' - ‘IIOErp,E4P.4 :obi, ,iipnorallo..tH.:.Gn,) V V ILIA 1,!1:08 id i.l :11140 •of , the nevelt. , CooiteAC.Colinmon..Ploes - ,ef the counties of Petry antt!juniata. in , Perdisylve• ,nia,and,Justitie orthesevoial Cduittroi Oyer Apd ,Teirniirier And ':Genertil Jail 'Delivery Pi' sail counties. and UoL. Tolin . Htipli end Satyr: 'irol!Woodbnin.qtidgeriiif thisdour!. of pyer end Q . enerAil Jail Delivery fur the . Irbil Of '4ll'.'di'pitSY and . Other.- Wenders. 5a10.0 4 44Pf C. 00 1 , 10 rland,by theirprecepts to . reogiteetud, tinted the 10th of JanuaryvlBs4, hnvo orilCred the Court, of Oyer and Terinindr • and goneradJailDelktbry ‘ to di 'oair lisle.. Dili the MONDAY:4AT A'prcl:ll.l44';' . : (bring the 4 i,litirofoxer luireby,giveiNib the ( "Peit Juslieee of the PoscoAnd,Conetahleb , nif! Vie said ~ C oAtity,of Ounalierl iiirlythinr taut ,irtntiy the , said priieept:o i 0104 lb' twi6ato 'mil, there in 'their 'props, ells. renords: 1.110.10c n •viiiileh3RMoif . ollicy.s.cippgrA4l3,tet . l4, iihpq 4 and rep9go)zaknimpl.ito r , prerentii i iiitetirttlif tirisousite thai.orsi onthenl :ohu I . of ,Oliiii•ro?o,oFricts'i rliql , eo • •"; t , vVe14.4450854: 7 '•‘ ,1 • • HI, i l I ,t l' )1 , , '' i. 1014010., 4113 gn busheln nrinie , Oltiolnd...P, riililryo „ , i .'"l"Gb9ziritrMrt i ,' Z q ra ll i r'44 2 . ! . ` ribulitirAtimpteii*iielltia,44'h 4,0; ; I , ~ ~, ~, ~ ,J , FIYA I ; b lrq:i. . ' . • g 44MS Alltbitißa':isztr.';•' A ti*filbriivo. Gln6itineti and fir mein ticW rocery Store; in West Main Street, TAlrliaPr 04.1, riA6xlCAreitilit f r intend to -LI apply atil)e otreurug, Leila of the Court' of Quarter SoatioUs' cit'Curolforland county for a Lieen,e to keep t,publiq house at the etanct 'now' ()really ittl'eueh in' lleOlitaniettiAtfi". " lAA /1; WEI the' - undoraitftod Oi . ll4tane.or thplioraaih of klechanteetturg. county of Outiiherland, do eartifY'thiii we are 'vool'di'tpi6iiited' a bine, naruad J • A , :tieloy. that he. , is Of gOod repine for hoaosty and FetnpeJnnce. and itt well and Con'ientences tOr the nooommotintion 13i t'ange}t. anditroliilare ttindrmat -ouch Inn,,und,Tayere necesautrio Recent made to ilia pullic and entertairtatanmra and trinralle're:' • -"'•'• • Dettiel UrielvPltilipUhler, , Oeome Singizer, •Belliamie How, Adam , iigutdc, Jul n, ..Kozgr, SimmiArnold, .10,44) 'num tltne ,* ,VlR)tri Miller, 'R VVileoe; Joe! .Berling,'Thhe 'ffitoet,''Jbhn Oarven. Adexit Stetter. , ,• :it. , - 7T4VERN.. LICENSPID,; IPTOTIQE r hereby ; , given, that,_( intend to 1 . 1 apply at the ensuing term of.the Court ,61 . Quarter Sessions at yuntherland county, tbi*n ',teens° to keep a public Imubein the Wind now ()coupled, by Fkederielt.. 24i - teller. being-an n. 1.1 stand.'in Newton township. stud county. . tnB ''•' ' fIENV.Y Wo the'underalgnaiLeitizetin of the t'Mvbehip. of Newton, ,cumb. pouniy, do.certlfy.that:we are well acquainted , WILil the ebove .named Henry Harsh, that he is bf good repatcTirlion .esty. and temperance, and: is well provided with linuse,raom , and eonveniencee,foe the accom mbdation'Of - titrithgers and iravellera, and that: buch inn 'or . ' Tai;erri is ile'aersat , yl ta'aecordrilo— date,Jbe..publie andentertain etrangera:'' T A Mali.inm,:y, DaVid ,R.Saker a Deavittii W Vendel•belt;JOliedili ICisainaer,D Wes:heifer; Joel- Bri'clidt,^3cani%Weetheffei,'D :Vf yore, Samuel ,Green, Henry Harder,: David' Waggoner, Rindid Jacob Landis. . T..a..tintiEtAT • NOTICE l ore .givon ; that , Lintend,Cce apply ai, the ensuing term of the Court of Quar- ter Scisioneof Cumberland 'mutiny for n Licenie to keno a puhlic.house in .the house I tniw cia•— cupy os such in the borough,of, Carlisle,. .• niB` " GLASS.' „ , HEN RY, ; ki Writhe mid - Craig/mil "Milze , ns of the borough , of Carlisle,. Weat Ward, in the;contity of Cr fit:: berland, do guru y that.wo are well. pequainte# withthe named henry praes. that lie;m• of ;good •tePide for honeetY; srid leinperanm , ,,. and is'well,pro,yided ;with payee end no:woolen cea for thc accommodation of 'strangers and travellers. arid that such' in'n or l'nvern is ne4 Aviary to accommodate tho . public arUkentertalh strangers and travellers.; C C ' Sipuoh, GeMge Hondo', * George' L. Murray, Jo:4 iV Pktfrin, R A' Noble, Thotris Conlyn, John.,Noble.;.la , ;Egbert,•S•A Gould, H L Burltholder. ROYer, J p lefG „ NOTICE, is hereby: given that intend tp OP(); at the ensuing. tern) of the Coact of Quorier Ses%ions of Curti beiltind ctienty, lot a License to keep a public boiled in the house eceiy_ occult): as Suck, in Shircimitietor n, sajd county. .mB. .OAVID"BOLLINOEIL We. the undersigned citizens of Tewer township, in the, county-of Cumberland, do certify that we are welt acquainted with the said David Bollinger, that'he is - of good repute Mr:honesty end temperance, and is well proVil ded with house room and conveniences ior,the accommodation of strangers and . travellers and that such Ina or Tavern • 'necessary far the accommodation of the public and •to .entertain .itrungers and travellers. — lraae - floshart; AVM 'Tterger, Brubaker, John Shealy, jr, Jeremiah Niss/ey, Jacob Long, John Sheely, ar, II Rupp, Jacob Bates, David Wise, Long, F N Reichert, I TA.V.CRIV LICENSE. NOTICE is hereby Dived thatt intend to apply at' the 'in : ulink term of the Court of •Quarter Sessions of Cumberlond 'county for 'License to. 'teeptt public house, in the house I now occupy as such, in North Middleton tvvp., Cumberland county. me • ' J. C. BEECHER, Wo the undersigned citizens of the townehirl^ of North"Middieton, in the county of Cumber ledd, do ciiitify . lhat we ere well acquainted with the above' named J.O Beecher, troth he 'OF goddroputo for bouncy and temperance, and is. well'provtded with house.ro , 'M and copvenien; ces for the entc..tainment of itrangcre and'trav„,, ellers, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary. to pecommodato the public anti.mtevittip,etren- OM anti iravelers ' • Datiid Nailo M Swiger, Jacob Wagoner; Jacob 1,1-e, John K Beidler, M, Wynkoop, J: Knelt Conrad J it Beieline. Jacob AdaM. Christopher Orris, Levi TA.V.±.RN lraiCatiTats. NOTICE 115 , herehy given that I intend to ripply at the ousuing Term el the Court of, Quarter Session 4 of Cumberland county lor a License to 'keep o public hoese m the house I tow occupy-as auch,in. Wormleyobttrgt . muse• Pennehoru !.wp,` Cumb, comp v. m£l ALEX. WILLS. ..\Ve'.the.ruldet'signed citizens-of the. township ; - of • Foist .Penustioro, du; eertiry;that we 'tyre - sera • ocquainted.with.tiluqune.e minted •Aler.. Wills,:; that lie is til . goS"d ropute for hpitesty pod telur• .pertince, ari , e . Well provided' With house roam anti the 'cnnventeneee for the oehommedetioh dPt strangers Anti travellers, ,and that.pach Joy. or • Tavern' is necessary to ar . rominociate the public and to entertain strangers and traveller's.' Geuro - , Kann, .Dtivtd Eichelbarger, , David4 Brown. S l wruel Fi.4l, Daniel, Neetbantinfr, Michael Fee, Jones 'BieheThatger, Martin, lireezer, - ,John - P - fiayerrianalr- Ebersol;':aeCub Ifeniger, Joseph Martin.-,_. ME §ukipcana ur piVorce. TAVERN .L'ACENSE. NTOTICE is -herehy givoo,that -1.-quitend l(1-7 1 r apply at the enduing !ern' co tee. Court of, Quart.§.r Sessions bf; Cumberland eounty'liat . a 7 ' I.:Medd - a Iteep,o public. linos. at the ifeW' eeeupy such in . :1111111in towrisbin. White.Sulpher Springs; ' ' • • • SCOTT COYLEI4 ,, ' I I - • We the undersignecl,citizenp,pf county of certify. that we ore wed! uoydainted Ore .libove mimed •Seciii" Coyle,vhat he is of geed reppte Jet. lionesty.an& I terupetanee, and is well provided ,with rootnand eliventedeed for the•ndennibMilSt ton of strangers and. itrove dors' bud.: that. and Tavern is ne . c,essary, to accommodatollus,.? and entertain 'strabgers and travellerq,_, Jaeoli - Geds; Waihuniel G. Brewn, , Win, . Hopn....John Finkbiner,l .diudos JarneS Harlan. Heerge. Kri,etlkbe I t HanisliDrielhottren,'WM.'Mebbnald. William Hoover:, George.Asner. , v.lH , " • •' -• • • • • , it TAMES R.WHAVVOMOnId 'reels' ()billy' el call the attention ot House Keepers and the public to bis extplaiv_e_stecta 'mf,._ELKISA,NT FtII2I4IPCK . p. inclnding Horas,., \Faterolios t „, Centre antl•other 'Taltits.•'Diiitesinp" moo' plain Barcaus aodevery,othq 'whir brlntellool.if business. Also, now hpod itte,lprgyst: pr 0..; .; sortnietit OUCH/A litH in Gntlisle, at thte lowe q r prices. %. telTotiins• made awthe arid a .111epree priteided _for itraeta_lt. De: solie...ir ite.t'etill'at tits establishment on .Vcttb ver 'street, uenr Glass's I O'LEI:: Moire ,bired oixt by. te, manta (tryout Carltele.March 20. . [Dollard, Piendt Invenf.Or:pf the C 1.461, Wig aqui Elastic 13e instructions to enal, J. ; to meataure their head Fcir' Wiga, inclice 'No 1 Thu Pluto! of . the hettil ~,, i . 1 4 2 Fa:gm .forelteacl.! o v er tho head to.. I . (Ito tleak;i: ..... • - $ Prom ear to ear I „ oyor Ilia tOP I . / 4,rroln.cuirldieAr ~ r o u ,ottne,ftwenek,,t, I, A, •.. ,%.4t i:'. ' , ~' nf ,v, ii •• I. of t ,I)(l4l4.4ll:Rl),ltas.!alvtiityi , rtisoy , f a t. we. t,,.., i 1 imieutt iii.ttouk of CAttnis' IN tgaa'r ouitoot: Ladies* , r*,kl l‘Vigo, half .WigsoFtszotsl Droide, Otteloi;ltik,' ' ' , '- 1 .bssul iNtly,.topottissi ( rell, fltVits"lchesir is'. " 1 (6); . I's thliahmert l . c l it the. lliniotil , 01.. ....' . -, ';,. li-,ii / ,nri , )ollarill A 4erhattium Ostractor Luste'oos!%iiit i P.' ' et obi, lirepar4d, from,.Soutit ~A roilvitsatv, H OtiOiooo 'snit Ito 3 , 1,110 shoat imetessful article ever, pro- - /Newt' .for-prekerviag Alte.:hain t'''aut &Whig out , or, ,chanzliounlor, reatoricg)ttol itreservirg it in it healthy turd .lux ii riart tato.. Ainunti other-vett—. tarots why Dullard's hitir outt r ing s9loop rfkaintaii.g, , it Kii i n mense l' o ll.oo.itk.(tittit;lttlirAllaillfst Tolle ^ "4 I !l?l , lV,S l 4'.'cUrk!?lld , OfJkltill.MOll iir Ida oe , ATINI ii i ilnnthitillf:9?e'rfu' kit k'tlkF.Ptiilt.llo . 4toli!folr,,' t olatfoi t i hal, tottlfr,rny, itoolso,ovistoraltaitt.4l6,i, Il being . l . 4ot prqp n ca IkAestett.hrtliouVahlli, tlfretia" - ! , 'II' ;re4l'lt:kil!r* , o!: 4 l o (like,', tilijcioti ~,,, .. i..g4v.,.. .1 r s)qvkptip,l 4 4s:lttpd,reAttil ot Itia.ol.ll . ,Kahilillala sat 1 I n r cni‘ i -rt. n iv,ci f ig ti ldi , t s 41 Xillit ~Q 111)0.ito ;the...SuctotV . :l4, .!...l` l l ,l ' r4 , ! 0 1%. , " ; ~, ,; Vt:1:1 r , ,r ,, i; 2ii .i 1^1!1'41 to , lit' PA:lair11,1110 111103 t. (I),sopvtgell ; tfle v irie.iilluv , ,,lft ultia i:ir' II .kt), i )YP. ..itpq, .4,ktapine in Afro loloo.i;i ) ‘,1(1 1 pephs4.scoi tilser: pri.jits stwintOtitic;tg2t.ll IlliiN dr iettqlod !tow .. I n..tiau.- It colorn.theLhatr--- oither Itliisli tr ltvoyi4,,.„(sse»fiy, lwA itysilrl)^lll47sl ,i a 004 Silttitioe,ll4l.ll , l"ltit ilitiAillr‘F-sittn. oil hit " Illy fitttle. or 1991P i r st ;tatiPtetitte swathed 611"At_.:wIt minutes" 7 1 t...eir, -,agpllooi;inithqatiidarallairtf Jt). froisillit' ititllt. 1.11, titiy,AttAdttAltiitAitOttOtXtketA:t itivittlit'thf" ciflittiV,ilk 1., ..a . .w 1 0.04 'its) ti.) ~• t liettore toltlrkAs ihif 16 4 -It.'lllool.tAnti; 71'' ' , Chestnut street, Pltilitdpipliii k ,iv ill resit's., miters. !' ,(ion.. .' . •.• '' --. . i -, .• 'Jan ss,, ly / ' N`• • , „ , PL'AVZ,W.N, icticENsE. tfnsic!!' ........ um Artiste in•llair. ot!diectilataitmer, Mitt!Wink iond„rgerpooca.,-, ; )1; ble Ladies , oml.Cenilem • is mid! sethrooy TOurteety.k . • No l A?'l4,,opfortlieml bunk, bad • :five'. for as requip6l 3 ()vet. ii/13 •• '•• • ' •16111
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers