•- - . itittittattit 1512 ,• • F401(04 11[1 4,it • • New-Lawci-of' , -Pennoylvantai . 6 fogiezta Pla 1 474 !r . • ted 6 " ' l 9. tirqMOUice','llieriiaky.proxisions ; eh anted.fdigliii improvement of thelaws as : lhey bear sitkifiXhii i ihrinueintereliiii; of, society, and, It will (lOC etteMpfed; Those ,or a general Interest only be nolified A (narked 'pro gress in the ebieimeof legislaQpri hat been made, .that _will faeilitnte„eunl ahorteri. future:enact ' meat's. Instead olloherteis, containing a great vaTiniActr flPfal.inl:501314(9 11 • 0 !!1 13 9 , UPI* ft), the garnet and' sucesesive; sesekins,. comprehensive lawsJilvei,lieentpaSeedlOr,relOPAlng air Ahura rallroeXttirepike endplailk.reads, by, which .a" unifoxmily,ef provielek•xiii l bei Observed , .and . the risk 'oUgrantingispeCial:clauset-of danger ouslendeney,greatly leisenedi•inTo create a • railroads lirnpireoe , plank rkild'Comiinyulth • the requisite power o 6 organisation, construc tion, and operatidKiti feW lines only will lbe ne emery. hereafter ro . e•tliatl eutstr' individuals us are named Shall be Coin Miseloners to opeif books' for lie.s 4 formedusener• thekrafi . 19th Keilirtft4,lB4Kol,oo6t 4atkJanottrif,• 1819,1? ,ppoefltiOr. such road , from oneldeeigua ted pipnitAo yalilhei.jAdequate imwers are granteduniler thasegeneral acts:while the rights , of citizen are, cautiously. protected : i •end the Legislature reserves the power modification, doirquno•inj glee to the ; corrairaterc. , It may, therefore; be e will heriafter be ' less of special egislation, whi the facilities affordedi,to.:enterprise by co;opeeatfoli - pftepflal and eiertion,„ will ; be greatly increaseSl,and resources and 'Wealth Of • ther'COinmohwealth • .commetieurtitely detrelOped.• Besides the pow er of - .Connection,with railroads and canals un; der the Interairailroad;act;34fverly now unclieriled to, connect ',his. own premises and basinela ,* i th.edy l risilroikiiiir . plank 'road which be constructed:* • n pink idlids'are coming -iitichlinte favor and use, end New - York are' rapidly superseding 2 • . Bf general Officals are *tight ender Varidis'ealeterY restrictions ,;, supeilaten)lentS end SuPervisori on the“public• works are brought , under a etricter , _regulation as to their disburseMehte - foreign eOrporations are broughtmain reach O'f• the process of our • courtWurndeerpolations .within the State are inhibited from issuing ' checks, 'clue,s • end inother respects properly , restrained*,,, By ant' of 9th!..April, ‘ Ltisliginnente of mod gages'lll4. be'recorded,.and civets of the record thereof 'aye made 'evidence, .hefore.whieh, - such recofds'were no validity;, yet have they been, in probably pipe cases in tcn, the dnly evidence, preserved for thin satisfactiorCb,y assignees of mortgages tithe amounts of hundreds of thou sands of dam. • BY.Act,cif n 1•1 41 1. April, Courts are enabled to ' revisdabdieeti.esiido SheritlV , seletl of•• persanal property, and . .rrcieni. en Infinite amOunt of frauds. And by the: liiit‘Ahe Orphans' CourCOMY,fill-XeCanelea in testamintery.truiti where there is one or•mordeurviving trustees, thus tkowlngradditionaleeduriti. round dace, dents! Oates. ,• „ • '•. - • • • .. - Lmaricertinalfiarti. - Though the judiciary, under the Constitution, is to serve as a check upon 'the Legislature ; it notunfrequentlY happens that the latter corrects the errors of the judiciary. The sets 'of the 'last Assembly furnish several instances of this kind. Au Act of 1843, passed to prevent preferen ces lb general assignments, declared - that all sueh should inure equally - for Ilia benefit of all ; yet the.SupremekCourt decid,e4rityrthose cred itors,who did not sign oracc&ding to a condi tion ki the ' assigninent,'OM , participate; and that therefore the assignment 'should-not inure eqiitilly, for the benefit of This was ' corrected by anotheractrif thii-16th OrAprii. An-act -rot -1840 • obviously intended that, the creeiter:Shotild hareAha v roptiolvof selling el life estateunder execution: or byliequestratida ta king the rents, buf tke'Shpreine Court held that 'a sale would be, invalid,'and .piss no title. The act of 10th April validated such Miles, and gives • expressly_theyower to life ',estates. , The same CoUrt had decided that k Mechanic's Claim could - OM include materials .abd; work both ; which wee corrected Philadelphia - and - Chesterco's. by act of ; 24th March. The Courts had held' that the Orphans' Court had exclu sive jurisdiction in partition , of Intestate proper.' ty, and the other Courts of testate property; but recent acta 7 litive, extended-Abe - jurisdiction of the Courtirof each kind to both descriptions of property. Supreme court, strangely to the com. mon apprehension, decided that when an *own er sold his house he did net 'Convey the party 'walls *MOW are, to be used and paid for by' the next - builder—which was instantly corrected by . the net'of 10th April. • One 'Judge of the Supreme- Court had said that a`Po - vier of Sale in a will, &c., could only be executed by - a page sale; unless express au thority, wee given to sell at private sale ; a dic tum that, if well founded, would shake a large propertioeof all the titles in the Commonwealth which at some period have undergone . private sale tinder powers. The error was promptly rectified by .theilislature. • • ll had uol - lk Zelda& who became' earners of a ro street t but the Legislature, not choosing to leave the subject in encertainty, lieclared, in confortility - wittrthe dictate of jus tice, that the adjoining owners" should take it equallVor ICH had' been originally unequally contributed on the respective sides, then to be , taken again in , the - same proportion : - REVENUE Laws —But- the crowning' moss: - urea of the last Legislature, to produce an im medilitey great and enduring influence on the public credit and the,prosperity of the Com monwealth,-are those which relate•to the reve nue and public works. I willnow only notice the change of granting tavern' licenses to all who shall pay , a rqund. tax, ,a ccording to . the classification of the apPrMseri ;' - a measure that will greatly : increaser the reyenue, while the evils of , the new banner, be greater, thin - the old systeir; With •the difference' thet.;,tbe tax 'no* gods ffito The Public' fornierly it went' in tnOther.directions; including court Oasts, hush,,iiioneY, etc. ' . ' Defaulterit inpaymentpayment . of collateral Mixes; who Were,many,,and tO been - ',Welicetip,to geed Porpoo, t hy, ,an '14404 penaltY - orl2 per cent per annum for tlie period. Of thgault. The ' *emits of, this, county ' has ciroblated gibilaw.mid served fnotices;with an effeel,graally,profitable4o..himself and, ad vantakeous to the State, since it has - :produced payments to him of this tax; since the 10th - of April t iefeightyi '' 4 " filmif"Alf;FAKitfiimbt , TAlttst'readers of foreign news ire habiltiaily 'puzzled in "peak., ing tthippparentir.unpronouncible' - names or Hungarian men and places,,, The. N. X. Tri . buns ascribes - the embarraesmetit in, partAo the fact that ltie,ebaractema,ihe,Romito a lphabet as us(lo.l4,Ahti: Hppgarins.stand,, for ,perialti aoun4Pishiph,tfiiheparts,uot found-in ,our„lan.! guage, or are•differently represented. The lot; • • lowing-pranudaiations arc theittived us tiocier ! . ding to rule and cisme: ,•...'. , r .o. "Kettuiltisilirollohnced as IC written ' 1. Ii ooth, (co as in moon;) Gorgey is not like Gebr;• gle theldimfititlie of -Giorgei bOt, , aif if'stitittoi ititlyur gay,at least this ;Is ;thh 'but' 'tviiy,l',wp at itlici, c thinklbrifor conveying an' idetnif Ake viiiq , el Lind in the first- syllable s ttm.vcivitil';itsifif _ we' 'SW not in English.'' The name lesiiim - tirries, E. Osprey, aS , ;.Gotho o...aonfptioiss writlein Gotithe.• I ; ", ' .1: ,, ',. p' It';' , !, ; : -- ZI•l; - ... ThWil iti,o' of Count Wass, theminvoilin Anil'. '. • counEy,ls pronounped,, , , yosh, ,,, that.'of , - Nadfii - , • Etindor; t 'a famous Magyar, ouvalryt lifftie? ; Is Noclj,,f,ihsador.; toe fa In the second mail (which , . , I al, way. Is , tho'chkistilifnatiie , i The,Hungte. r'ans. rays pot •thetnirniinie fiest,r-and:meafis Alexi ififivybditig'pfotiolthced di dirifii;' - rang4 sar is Modlar r Ass is like' arch with the r•left out ;- DetielickenOhli is thtilratitipellingmf , i e ward,rthoagh,9lB,,,Vg4u)dmiTiiaT r wham we gad ' erolitpc'py d write thd, likt ,''sYliatifp • "With iy, is '. • Dekspt4anti`: - Atkikoleis - itt PifiekkOloli r Biii. i • - " trios -,‘ ke E;rpipps wttleAtJaisigicz) is . Big.: - trite ; settitiiis,,flPlittilit ; Szegedin -Is ,fiege . • dln't , ogoS(lS,G,l l 4oll; , ..SaiashAphstasp, (a Is tr '' ' .1a.f.,a , !. 4 - Ragibil, l l) . dr Pahtisbkit;th,...kler..' man , e*lnciatukN. ,! st o_._'.+!Au.ifis,. l . l 3' "PrevaN .. . ' ' 1 !1111.140412111 Itti . 4;11111 - 2. . . . _.. met ,kge l oi li c v ni r ~,F s egr,4 l ,l„ A . ;:r 4„.. .p e r oo ra r,erti l er, i • i ff In,tho,p r ti . syllej If lia4 ..' ' ingastfiAtiOrstati abltriiif ,' ',1, , , 'ati,iii " ' ^a'hy.oy e li; , Aasod,lS Atiaiaidi , ataassar,,le tame*dviikri(lbet was lii taa,):. Amigyas ,•is,a stunipet, und.we defy,iiiir 'PAP to. describe .. the Nay, itlia-prOnouncedom thatmnollter man Iproq -,,:- ?houndatit ,aright,froblithefultiecription:: Those , • , Whiidant find Mnymnie)lo tenfitheci Ihd Sounds : ''''' • PAHA'. MlUWeeetent - theihs'eltmki with , al.ptitlit.; ', '-,• laahl yualliatiorolildliai !Wan.* SzouillA4 '4, 0 m u ' thik i lsignoftrAks* t*rn4br% , b)it :, limy 1 1:4:0) theta* the , C4Odol; ' 119:13;i6M4thlifilike', 4 3(14404e14 .t butfUt , ox r. ''l 4 C 9/; 4 / 9 1! V '' ,) I L . !IT14 "1 : .7 . ; Nuliftki)iiiii`..oo.%,,Mo363(4r nslakefic • -14 .11Ung0(fii,b0,1 1 1 . 0 WO4, , , Alga,o o P l P4'i:Ci, V '?: ftanolthOeit 1L094' 7 9Pg , t lit'l4 1 11140hr,!Pt ,',•'.,,,' 1 4 1 Ittintre_ipP1 8 06ercorP ,0 0 A l,i ho• . o fi ) ftF , ,'"l',"• , rglilPP,*l - 4 .-Fifer.' , iszgi'lbTfo. "=. l ri?r 6 o l , I,llllSol , tkApfiliplAttplititiaMli'whio Volsci, p•-.,"..e. ,- -..:•-!..- , ..•,;^..4 .. . l q, ~,• , • • -3 ',11);,,,, ;,,,,,havo,lll,olnAnwthles,,as or.,lns anosigellaci , which 'ls pronounced - Yel-latoto.iteli, with - the emphasis on theseepadtAillattle,./11Ceisulti% is ' also a Selavonie natins,'but,tits beddltlagyari. z . ellJ Ifi,ViTtn;lSAillinrt 4l :•3 4 ,? l ,Tl'ki,, .--, -,..., - I ~.... ti i /• antipotiaotiii jUt , ~,' , ~• .„, - ~.,...„,„,,, , ~ , ~,, -. :,-,,,, ...,,,... , „,,liiw I C TI ""!V 32o . ,33 ROOPLilLA',l3,•? ' ••,'', ' ARENTsARGAIMArIadu AND 'JEwtilit sitiii ,i, ,,,. ....., ~ . i ..,,, WIIME:GojiI tthd 811.: I - • j ,P-- ••••,- tit,' ,4 /01'' ` Watclies of ' 'eve& . 1 _ ,f , . ~,,,.. eget pule can e a •,• '* 1 .,.: - . ,,,,,_ at from tenoto 'fifteen 5.,,. 9 1 ', . less than angethefstore •-, -, • `.e. ~, ;?r i. ' hi New ' Ybilt 'dr Priibi= 1.; '-- • s. _ dolphin. t ' 4 'Petntionii 'whci ' , Wis. to get,o goodwatch, perfectly ,regulated; %,'lwoo, ddo welito,.call 'at' • 'the StOre”of thicaub. -4.tocribei t and the quality and'priee of his , watcheO dth..-.that. of other stores. ' "- :. GOl ;*AT3tES ITVtlt yorzowinoTrcesontOe lt ''--v t iow Patois: ' 1•" t' p: Il Gold •Leias, filljeelte,:B etratddseo,Od 0 0, !::Silva do '+: • do . 's'' ' " •".. ,12' 00 L! Gold, Lopinest;jeweled,:B - eirat cases' '' '23 00 Silver , t'db -. do ; "• ' ' $;,00 Silver Verge"Watehes from $3;00 lAsivards. • Gold Pencils 'from el to "$8 ,00;' Oold r Pens, ' with silver caseav nod pencilsoirtnaild,'for'lsc.' ", 1 x Also, a handsome-assortment of new and ...lashionable Jewelry, at prices far,belckw,the - ',Suet store prices., Old Gold and' eilverliought ,;' or taken in exchange, • LEWIS R BROOMALL, • No 110 North SECOND Street; second &tor below Race, Philadelphia. tip:B'49:,,y,• . ill - Cut this Advertisement out, and bring it • along, you willithen be sure to get into the right store. ' • . , ''.; • Watches and Seurely I • „ - •k• •CHEAPER alum. EVER— Wholesale and Retail—At the ' 'tilt " "Philadelphia Watch' and Jew i', - - elry.Store, No. 96`North SE; i ,?-.` , , .COND stroet,eorner of Quer : . , (Lc t) \lt It; ry strdtst..,, = ipold Levers,'lB k. , cases, full jewelled, $3O and , • upwarde '• . , Silver Lovers, , full je oiled, $l5 and upwards. :Pold 'Lupine, 18' k. , ases, jewelled, $25 and c r upwards ' .- ' Silver Lepines, jet elled,' $lO and upwards . Oilvhr Quartier Watches, $4 to 10 , ' ' Silver 'Spoons, equal 'to coin, per sett—Tea, ; $5, Desert $l.O, Table $l5, other articles in pro portion: All good's warranted to be what the aro sold for. Cl:instantly on hand atlarge nSsortment offine GOLD JEWELRY and SILVER WARE , Also, an assortment Of M J Tobias & Co., E Simpson ; -Samuel &, Brothers, E S -Yates & Co, John Harrison, G & It Beesley., and' other superior. Patent Lever Movements, which .will be cased in any style desired': - t , . , , Arrangements have been made pith all ''t he above named most celebrated •manWiliturers of England, to furnish at 'short notice tiny requited Style of Watoh, for which orders will be taken, and:the name and residence of the person or- Aering•put, on if requested. • - , • O. CONRAD, nOvBI Importer of Watcher )I.HE NIAGARA ..'SHOWER;BATEL rAn entirely new Article fin' Shower-Ba thing; with warm Or cold Witter. , 11:!TTIIIS Bath took the premium at the Fair of the Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, October 1848, the only Bath that over took a premium at that institute and also took the first premium at the Fair of tho Noryland Inatitute,NoveraL ,bar 1848. , •A groat and important improvement is made in this Shower-bath over all others, by throwing the water immediately on the body; without wetting the head, unless at the will or pleasure of the. bather; but a greater point is gamed by being enabdsto bathe with warm water,-whiclt no other Shower-Oath is adapted to—and, most of all the Bath 'canlo medicated without-injury to the'hair, ' Many persons cannot take a cold bath7,--their case is met in this•as they can regulate the tern. *attire of the water to suit - their . wish, and commence bathing at any season of the year without any unpleasant result. Ladies can have the advantage of bathing without wetting the-, hoed or covering the same. . - • • The arrangements aro sithple and complete, and not liable to -get out of order. The Bath call' be adjusted to suit anrheight, from a small - child to the tallest person. When the door is closed, the fixtures are hid and the outside up. pearemce is that-of a neat piece of furniture. They have received tho approbation pf seve ral medical gentlemen—others are requested to "call and examine them, Manufactured by the Patentee. EPRRALM LARRABEE, • - 24 Souill Calvert street, Baltimore. DATHING.—Read what Armstrong says: Do not omit, ylrwho would health secure, Tile daily tresh ablution, that shall clear) - The sluices of the skin ; enough to keep ,Tho body sacred from undecont soil. Still to bo pure; even if it did not conduceriy.w. As much (as 11 does) to health, very greatly worth Your daily pains; 'tis this adorns the rich; The want or this is pover,y'swoir foe, With this oxternal virtue, ago maintains A'clecent grace : without it, youth and charms Are loathoonte.' , 4nuary 3,1849.-Iy., bartetico. FRESH TZAS. "IXTE.htive just.roceived an entire new selec 'V V nof choice and fresh GREEN AND _BLACK TEAS, embracing Young, Hyatt% liiiperial and Gunpowder teas, of various quail'. ties, ranking from 3 . * to 81,25 per pound, from the tea store of the Messrs. Jenkins, of Phila. lelphia, 'neatly, securely and freshly packed in quarter, halt, and pound menthe and paper pack. ; ages; ,as,,well as in the bulk. The selections are made by one of the partners, who has had expotience, in the business, among the Chinese thenOlves for about seven years, and i,thitutul. vantage, 'together with our own'experierice, and the enceuragenient extended to us in the selling :of these' Teas for more than two years, past, encourage us•confidently to reccommend them .att suPerior, to any other selection of Tees in this market—for sale at the Grecery store 'of 1; W, E 133( , Slatruga,' Elediciftes, Ike. I have ust received from Pinladel.. . phis: , and' New York 'very extensive additions to my former'itock, umbra cmg nearlyrovery article'of Medicine ' now in . use, together with Paints, oils,' Varnishes, Turpentine, Perfumery, Soaps, Stationary, 'Fine 3 -Cutlery, Fishing, Tackle; ,Druhes. of ;Almost -every sdescription;, with' an - eridleas;.variety of;other articles, which I am de. terminal to-sell at the VEMLOWEST prices. , Alj Physicians, Country,:Morchants, Pedlars __.itild.nthers, are respectfully_requested not to pass the OLD STAND, as they may rest assured ~that every article will lie sold of a good quality, end npon reasonable terms. r • , S. 'ELLIOTT, . ' • . :Main street; Carlisle.' 2 . - I 'Brusheistarashes!' A groat:variety 4,660 . iistif4,ltitielee 18-4. cored, Sale, consisting, of ,Wbiteviash, sweep. ,„Ing, Ocrubbitig,'Pabildrs,,ClothiShaving,ailt urf ,;:Teat and Nall, Plonk and, raining ,Brushes in , great yaruitis ali ,which,nre of the hest !mai. beAsoldfat jlie , lowest priceop • et:!•-! ..; S. ELLIOTT ' !* <!i" Rags , THE iiubscriber 'will pay the higheaturice in or. S,tn any quantity,do nt h'sitore; . C BARNITZ. ,„ p, r, TOwnsendis !arsaparillai. ‘Elart saki ne the Drag Store of • "4: r. [ntig22] fi r A STURGEON. THPinimoriborniwaySlins on band an assort , niont ot,wideLinsnand.-Aluslin.'.Bltostinge ;:*;Patils Linons Pillow. Gass Linansfund Mu‘sline oeoll, ,kinds,. with qi:varisty of art , c IO P dmertaining Ilousoltenning, • .1. • casivof vety firidllo ETA'noif i dil and, "fox .I .. .VV:!•E. 'IriY4;.pTUFFS 611.1tinda,pitonatantlly:qn AUV juitichirthe prlig! . .. 4 4 ' :nug22:- !!!n . STURGEOA::,:, ~- ~,,wHnniiirvia eivii4,and for n.°-3Y e l ect i on pt Clo, ILI —Vt ' e b ' t nnit''clipopor•t's , , ~, the city,.. II , " t 11, ho on • hcro 014,m' ' ' ' lirefourvit allY•w ,•--• . 4 ~ . , t•P AI I B Ri t • Min of • • f ,,; , mike" olpo. P i l,.°,°ll• , •(.. Emiio,' . t .. -i, ,'• Gr naderrttr,on,.' ',.. -` ti,a „P lyiri a V e '''''' ri, ' "!calitenderff to. '' , :• ° •l l .l'. 'Ltion D'Ar° 4°P11,,,; ts i" ,, iphytiirtiolly , _. ,` ' 1 ,,-„,'.., , A.. , , ,. :II" qifte,., Ai, ~....,•,. . '.. ; vPr:r,„er:,;,h,:iii&tic,,,Stis.Mt-itEintri*". 'a;:mi .., ,'.l,l4lf,,,n,ol9.,finitfte, ‘.4414,r44,1:694 :piel IMO Mit , °l l . IR' titaa n imdlhli.b . o.oc;•._ tt In. 1 ~.! taus ex•md mit, ad ctiltfm,h,ehiNPll ••• fit, ''''Sho beettC9Algr9:,seAteb,9tit:to.,,p,4ooin),lpilloq, . it 'viloill 1 118iti nl all l'Oxiiiriiil piT, stpocriker97,7g4 ''h`..l9"4 " 'II soirtik• hP: 97 ‘*°' ° l 7 j; B 4lnce ~IMasivg.• - . wl he e i t i, ..ps,,nl; fprgll.) ; • . 1 .. imn bk had74%irtipo.fAqtl;l4‘:"ooSWELL - ii?Penarlrtil4liugt - - ..'' - varietr Pan.ll°*l 0.,ar.,-' Vr,.ta,ilF.if3 i° ' °v .l Y :• a t 'inn vea,110,70 i- Jo *ltig9lalv''9l;•lll 'I3SLIII, .. . ' r:: i . liiil3l. - - ''' S. • • .. , A area ' too alt '"-' ) • ' i eat Im 2P r '' OAS ' nr° em 1itf.,...,4) pito° .° , A• 81, ijitt; •, - 01.4-, , 4h ' 11) II , r•••,, , •--- • I h at 'iM l y.•l..., °1. 1 .„ .•'- . • . ne"'" n fr"Virtettirll 4. ' ..t...1',11 , 1•40. :,obramonweatit!' cgu t sy ° T I t!. '111.111' 3 lititiOllntetU • Rel /live to.ati : Arizendvient of; hue: Senia*eafetiagotti q qa*Aliklifl*** ,, *: Aitiernbib met, That tfie -Constite: tioi ofthe.Porinoniv,ealth beTinnend'ed setend ~ Section et'. the, fifth, article, so i thattit ihaßieittes.. follows i• The Judges of ithe pilitne,Court, (Attie heveral.Courts of Cminnen Pleas; end of , sunfrother.Ceil nicer :Recdidsnii `tire or shall be established by law, abaft* Went: OrMentors' orthe',"Goin7non-i wealth - din t6e .rf~'dnner, folleividg,te .0'0 ; 1%e Judges, of, the SuPienici Goiirti by ,eleetoretit lariei„'•The'Presidentindgeeefilie setrerel 'Conits.OkOnion, Pleas nßdkif such iither,,Ceurtswifißeceril. as are or. 'dial" be' estab. lishlid_bilawvand all other. Judges required tp be hairnedditt the law; .by•thd-lu al i fie d electors of the respective districts ovorwhich tliVyare or 'itetits, - .llidide.- lAnd ate ;India of the 'Conde df;COnitee Pleas!hy , thequalified' eleceereOf the - ,e6untioirresPec titrely.'' Thil'Judies of the SuProrite'''Court shall ,hold their •offices for ,the tarot of ; fifleeii yenta, ifthey theinsolVes, well : (stibjectle tho Allotment hereinafter pro. itided,for c subscquenCto the first :election* The President-Judges of-the soVeral Courts of Common ,Pleas, and of such other Courts of .EecOrd 'id rimer Skill birestablishid"hY law, and eillotbiir , `Jedies required to lie learned in the ilavOhidithold their': offices for 'the term or ten "yente,^ , :if they'sball'eo long behaVeihern seivee Associate J u dges ot,6infmo.ri:Pliias shall lield their offices for the, term , of film/lents, if, they shalleolong , behayerthennielves.well allzof-ivhom shall b; ,conimiisioned , bk. the Govrnor, .but: for any reasonable- cautic which !shell Vieth° sufficient grounds- of- irimetichment, thevgovernor shall remove • any of !them priAhe hddress. cif :two• thirdspfeach tiriiiieh of thellegislature.' The first election shall take pike° •at the, general elation this Commonwealth nest ntifteethe adoption ot t thls amendinenti‘nndithe.commlir dons of all thejudgesyrhorney be tifenin office shall-expire on the fret Merida - ref toecidliber following, when. the iernis - of.. , theludgeii shift commence. The 'persons' *he . ..shall then hit. elected Judges of the Siipreirte,Geliet shall lint"( their - offices as 'ffillinVeci ;one of tifehrOtth .Years; 'One for, iiiii-yelills,ent,Tor nine yearsjoil, for tw:9lyo,yearEi, undo:4l6 - 14, fifteen yeaistrthe term, of each to be deelifedll lot by. tile said Tifdges, as soon alter the election as ... convenient and he result certifiecb by them ; to the Gover nor; that the commissions may be issued in aecordencti thereto.,. The judge, whoop , Com: *fission ivill,first expire shall be. h iefJustiee, during his-term, and thereafter each judge 'whose be shall, firstrixpire—shatra turn be the Chief Jiisticeoftffi if two or more commissione shall eipireinithe same day,the shall - decide; hylot -which shop be the ghief Ruffle°. Any Vacanci ; happening by death, resignation, or ntherWise, in any of the'said courts, shall be filled by ap. pointment by tho. Governor, to continue till the first Menday,eo December succeeding the next general election. , The Judges of the 'Supreme Court and the Presidents of the several Courts of Common Pleas shall, at stated-times, receive for their services an adeqinto compensation, to be fixed by la*, which shall not bdliniinish ed during their-continuance in office, but they shall 'receive no 'fees or perquisites of office, nor hold any other 'office of profit under this Commonwealth, or under the government of the Ilnited States, or any other . State of this -Union. The Judges of the Supreme .Court 'during their continuance in office shall reside within Obi Commonwealth, and the other Judges during their continuance in office shall reside within the district or county for which they were restnictively elected. - WILLIAM F. PACKER, , Speaker of the House of Representatives. • . ' , GEO, DARSIE, • Speaker of the Senate. IN THE SEEtVrE, March 1, 1849, Regolti4l. Timt thia_riaOlutiou ii mes.—Yeas 21,1sli:ye 8.. Extract from the Jcornal,__ SAML. W. PEARSON, Clerk. • IN ma Ilona or REPS., April 2,1849. Resolved, That this resolution pass.—Yeas Nays 26. Extraotfrom t he Journal. WM: JA-CK, SECRETARY'S OEFICE Filod April 5, 1849. A. L. RUSSELL, Dep. Soo. of 11w dom'tli SECRETARY'S OFFICE PENNSYLVANIA, Se: • I do bertify that the above and foregoing is a true .co y of the Original Resolution of the Goner Assembly, entitled "Resolution re. laity oan Amendment of the Constitution," ffirifiliffiame remains on file tn,thie office. In testimony whereof I have )• hereunto set my hand, and caused t •c 0 0 to be a ffi xed the seal of the Sec. , t , • rotary's Office at Harrisburg, this # 4 ` . "- -4 eleventh day of Juno, A. D. one thousand eight hundred end forty.nine. lOWR(S'GNP HAINES, Seeroteryer the COnirnonwealth. . . CORRAL' OF bANATE: " Resolqicin, No.lBB, entitled 'Resolution relative to an amendment of the Constitfition,' w as, read a third time. On the question; ,w ill the - Senate agree to the: resolution :1719 Yeas and . Nays were taken agreeably to the Constitution, and were as folio*, viz: , :. • "Yeas—Messrs. Crabb, ,Cunningham, Porgy th, lingua; Joli nson, Law-, fence, .Levie, Mason,Matthhis,, M'Caslin Rieh,Riehardi Sadler, Mason,, Small :Srityper SterrittandStiden. ' Beeiti. film:, Friel,' IVO?", Bing, Kenitra Ocher.; Poi . iger and Deride, ,; Sri the question was determu ell . in the affir mative. .; r , • 'JOURNAL OF TUN UOOO.I(OF'REPS. pa ea the rosolutisin pass?. , Thalami and nayi were taken 'agreeably proVilion of the tenth artioli Of the ConOlitutionoind are as fbiloW,'viz . "Y-was-;-M4ssrs:L:OldetniL,l-1-Ball;-David,J- Potei'D David M Bolin 'Thomas, Bull, Jaiob- Coil, John Diehl, ,Nathanial A ° ;Eliott, Joaeph s Emery, David • Eshleman, ',William Evans; John Geoid, 'Samuel Segley; • Joseph W,Fisher; He ry ~M Fuller, , Thomas Grove, Robert Ifaroson, George. P Denney, Thomas J Her rini,'Jose ph Higgiiii,„gbiiiiest lifortisaaseidi ,B HowerV Reboil 'Laird; Lehi i ii; ra Odes WlL:ong, Jacob M'Car tney, J ohp F W.cidlOCh, Hugh MlHnii; John M'Laughlin,•Adant Mar tin,. Alamual Jahn Clllyers, Edward Nielileson, Stewart Peir'oes .. .James Porter, Henry G Pratt; Alonzolltobb:, &Give' RtiPley, , Bernard d ilkhoonover, Bamheitleibart,4ohnehdip;Oliris,tian iyely, , hernial; C JcirOmiah'.B-Stubbs; Joel J tutziroui;'Minnhall . ..Elwarfaivalder; ; Sannial Taggaie r ' GoOrge,T,',Thorn,Alichniao Thorn, Aruriah . Wittionalarn tie) ,Weirich; Alonzo I 'Wilcox. Daniel Zerbey Racal*, Bpoiikerc-513i'1 . wHave—blesiirofAug us tus IC Corny h; David M Courtnoy, David Henry , s Evans, John! Pillion, 3dlin" W:Glibrge, Thomas Gil hi- Hll 7 l4',7cipa ph ; 'R Ober t ,a lt' Little, M'EeitKjoSinti Williank,T. - Morrisen John r Robarts, John , Rosebeir3), BAuthiirford,,,R . Rundle Smith,'. Jolh, Smyth, . John Shuor , , George Walters and David le .Williams..-26.' ' , l- 4 ,s po'the:4l343pticia - viag4.1900:41,.1)60.116 the vir fi"iintive ' . , , ..,' , , . , ,:---r-'..., v .2 ,, 1 , ). r,, ,I ~, . !SxonETAltlea OFF/01' ''. '''ir.V.l2•; -.ff , 'He rri eburgi June .14,;" 2 ,1849:' ~_ •;_; t) : , .. 2, L.i4o " 4 , ‘,"'fddi3:certify , 1' 4 4 ' i . OOLb 9iP • ' n 4d ' :.)),c%1td01ig,1P,.0.,400,.and corro9t copy of the " Yoga" , apdiunny.,? - ,ial9p.ln Op' . 410010,t0n' r elative ' lei li c ri'anieluiifteiif iirtliii'eciiiitit,u• liprio , ',iv ilii9cl44o l rAppfitifif on. t4e d ißprnale .of 1 % . 4 %.941 ' 4)4991 , gf..4.4i9 4 T1P!q1;':44 1 !P1ib1Y , 0f , f , , , orn il e r, .9..,.,.. livlrilo si t i e,vaqiipaNiph r0f,, , 11849•' 1 - ' 1 ' - ' - '1 -. t . r` ' J .; ..-", mfuPlluttt,gl tpittid. office: 1 lia fi lg , 1 -1 0"Pf ., ' ani 7illOthkokiialidiliallit ilkl ' pil'fortyTliiiW. t l fi' . 4'. , li ,, y.'ol - .40M1'. , ,',.'i).,..1?„ , ',.‘i,"M ...‘ , :-liiii",ITKIANSENOO,AIDIikq r ; ; ..,..,4,-,ly.,;,(..l,,;.s,ol.4,tt(tir,:otthii(Corriiiioilii,,ooltliii,:t; , 0114,431. quantii.Y **•"'" , .'1 41 2t4 Anus g mumps, . 9 1 1 4 4 1 1 M 1, naltAMOreilP/tillbUrg, 64f3, , : Merchant vliandrse o' , l"te. inforfris'.his iiir ends and • the pubhmthat . from the liberal pat.! l i nu g e , extended .to him 'during the past-'year '...has been encouraged.td make Marks eiteitsiVOll-' rangements for, the presiinvsatiseireand has ad- % ded two newilaiggand'replendid 4 Boatst , tel"9ife' LINE, end will be prepbrad , after the' eningof the%CattaiNefotward P ROD UCE MERCHANDIZE! , of.allikinds"i6 fide :Philadelphiaeltaltimore; ',..Nwest rates of;freight tied utmost 'rids' : patch: • Jtt "7 r 't s Agents for Binds,' I.+ , 'CARLISLE' r 6A.SKELL, Race street , hitt{ Philadelphia. , ' OEISE & SON, B.Comniercirsti.Whatf;ll).tiltimore. 'CLARK SHAW, '; • ' " & CO: P itts' A'gerss:for Cafe,, ' ' ' ' W.LINDERLICIii& Jt t I No. 272 Mruket at., Philadelphia. • CHALORER REYNOLDS, '."No.i.d3'Market'st., Philadelphia. BITER, JAMES & CO., • Broad street, Pliiiadelphiii;'' PENN'A. & OHIO LINE; • qlorttt street, Baltimore. Harrisburg, Match - 29, 18413.—tf. • '••OI7L.ATAER, • - ••• • : . Uji - .11 alkl[ll-4P.ii: 1 •GerieNl - Mercitanii-Xit;l,9,Boivly's Wharf BALTIMORE: • ~.. , OR .the sale 'of ,Flour,"•Grain, Cloverseed M- 7 Whiskey, ' Lumber:, Sse. , &e. Also, for warding Goods, via. Tide Water Canal and_ Pennsylvania Improvements. Orders for fish' • Salt,. Plaster, , &e...ke.', Supplied . at lowest prices. ! I , , ~' Having beini.engaged in the above business during the last five years, &continuation of the ~patronage of his friends and the i)ublie is .re i!speetfully:Solicited. • , Refer to ~ :Av Form & MILLER, . . i': J'dr. E.Eay,', ~ ...- , i' ,- .1- Harrisburg • ..!. " • BRANW & ZEIGLER,. -Pa. - - _- - - --, • A. OsTuesrcrrsinlerestown, Pa. , ,__.__.—GEORRILIRRIGIEER ; echapics . burg, Pa. Feb. 14-Iv. . . . • ••• Harrisburg. Transportation Line. • sue • • 1Z . . • FUNK lc MILLER, rgo AWARDING &Commission Merchants HAIIWISIIIIRGII Pa. ehip , trodace, Morahan , &a. to .Baltimore,„Philadelphia, tie.. tic: Coal, Plaster, Nails { , alt, Fish;_ Groceries) ntlyfor sale. flirrisbu g, march 29, 1848 ' • S. Goldman% Olothing Store, On the corner of Main • street. and Marke' Suare, formerly occupied by Nathan Hantch. THE undersigned respectfully announces to the altizens of Carlisle and surrounding country that ho has just arrived from Philadelphia, with a splendid mock of READY MADE CLQ TH ING, for the purpose, of conducting the ready made clothing business in all its various bran ches. - Ho intends keeping an assortment:of every article in his line of business, and at such pri ces us will snit every one. ° His stock embraces the most handsome and tashingable styles worn, and made up in .the best manner. Tho subscriber only asks a trial of his goods rind is sure they will give entire satisfaction. Also, a !urge - assortment - ;of Capii, Shirts, Cravats,Collars, Bosoms, Suspenders, and Hosiery , al of which. ho will sell at very low prices. Boys' clothing constantly on hand . SAMIXL_GO LD,MAN.I April 11, '49.—qm.' • • - MEW - (M=111,.... CI STORE -'• • CORNER OE IVORTH HANOVEROTITNRR STRETS CARLIEMM: • THE subscriber has received and ienow open ng a choice selection of Winter Goods,-consist ng of Clothi, Cassimers and Vostings, newest style at the lowest rates, which he will make up into Dross and Frock coats, Over Coats, sticks,. cloaks, Panta and Vest s, Dress and Frock coat?, of cloth from six dollars upwards, Pants Irate $l5O to $6, Vests from 75 eta. to s3,oo,'cloaks frodi• Bto $2O. sle also keeps shirts, bosoms. collars, neck and pocket handkerchiefs, coin. forts, cape. gloves and Hosi.ryi in "bort every- , thing appertaining toa gentleman's wardrobe.-- ' As he is agent for an extensive house lie will be enabled lo offer4.freah good's at least-oper=a month. He will! receiveregularly the N,ATork and Philadelphia ,I"ashions. and, will spare no: pains in getting up his work in the rnoat'durable • and fashionable manner. He will also make up work• purchased at otbetostoresin the most care.• ul manner. He will pay particularattentionto Children's Clothing He respectfully solicits a share of public patronage • W B PARKINSON, Dec 19, 1848 Agent for the Proprietor 114:*1113'40 4110)11 :ffi)SIII , ,LIR 101 Ares the tongue often white and loaded; the breath heavy and foetid; a disagreeable or sweetish' taste in the mouth; occasionally thirst; the appetite. extremely variable, some. times remarkably deficient, and at others vo racious. There is sometimes a sickish feeling with vomiting of mucous; flatulence of the stomach and, intestines; 'pain in the abdomen; swelling and .hardness of the abdomen; the, • bowels are irregulamthe 'stools ardslimyrand . there is an occasional ,appearance of worms evacuations; "the urine is often milky and turbid; there is frequently' itchiness of the fundament, and note, which id often sviellon; there is occasionally , disturbed sleep. - with grinding of the teeth, and aridddinipwaking in a fright. There ire; - tit' times; headache or giddiness,' ringing thd earn, or oven dsaf ' nem, 'faintness, convidsioni,,drowsiness, Inds. Imo° Of mariner, litlemper f some cases .",epilepsy'and cholera; and even. apopleotie and' :•paralytio symptoms, and several of the Ripe, ordropsy of the brain" and . catalepsy UPpear. connected 'with worms::" FiecjiientlY there is a 'shad 'dry cough, and Pleuritici "OBirli , itiniestbeble and irreguiar prilieowlpitatitriti • and an irregular ,lever; ihe"copPlenitnee • generally pallid- or' eceirriyihe 1 " bloa.ed, and"thero etertalCnal" flushing' one or both cheeki. these awns' LAsiindicatikeMfAllorits;_iind..thimCst r efrosinui best and cheapest remedy is , Da. Joni" J. Wicks' • WORM' TEA, by Dr: W RAW LlNkat MI MO. Drifg ,Pit," and pond !genuine:Without his riritteri"eignatipt. , : The - Proprietor of We , Medielnd is'so,oon-1 - &dant of its iniperiorityln any other' Worm ; :Medicine, now to use, ~that be will ,cheerflilli astroait wits' itawr in •• ',Ouse' whialtkla: Preparation Tails lei give leqpal'intiefariti Thh 'WORM TRIO vklien'tiiirde "iideOrdirig to the "DlrectianeVis pleasant incliellEke taken by the, most fastidious child'. Rank 4riiektign, contains eirffielent Medicine'fOit he cure of the ;most obstinate 91180.,:Pricl 25' 'cents (crDruggiate pad StoroVeePere supplied on "'the ,most liberal terms. ".. [ma23'49.ly, A Purely Vegetable- - Medleinei %,yORSDELL'S'YEGETABLr,RESTO= .RATI.YE PILLS have been gradually . but Safely. coineing Into !Sven' imeng the :fairit 4 'loser this Country Ter some years past. 'They , have done this entirely through their great worth' as a',FAMILYi IVIED/PINE , Agencies have bee appointed but no pniSng t Oid humbug such . as Is resorted to,,bY quacks to.pell their medicine one, t. -novilvarect - vlintocrlor — ehlg' end luiVe 'and - tvilleentiituelo, be Bold- by fill 4. l :eci, ' principtillterSkeopirs. }'The , proprietors Odin • } for } their Mellieine.the folloViingedvanteges over all others-Aisy }-:Thei are } PURELY VEQE TABLE.}., They, are -(CERTAIN TO' OPE.' RATE,, Their operation is FREE fromAllii PAIN ,They can be used with EQUAL BEN 'EFIT by' the,YOUNGF,ST.INFANZP, and the „.(3}PRON(.4psT,MAN lT ,Theiutiffesien'cy in Ve,-. Vera, Ague. Headitches,;llabitpal , Costiveness, pyipepsid, - ,Cholc ßA. *ortius;•&,e'. has hion . pro 7 , ThbY Cer,Mul Uu.,rg „forYirorms.;- , Tho' MUPrietors Otiose _P t eeitin, , !. ‘ `oatefrorma geritlemait in - S6 - DottiPwho wris red eIAPE WORM'bj'the usiisartliern, : 1 1rItY TEMA ., Travelling agent ,for the 'State.) of , Penneylve.d . . l ulS- 7 -Cusitzus PI Attpri ,Fdi.intle . ,; price 95tso h bok containing fhll 'di- . xectioni , brthit following agents vAtpupberland: flusttou rT Llgeyvvile:, 0100fi':li6A4Lcir134k4i!ftiin t i .O.OV 7`,,t Is Tin 9 V II IO. O OD , }*, (3 OP I P°E; I }PbOA' .111itkiMb --10114;14,004:(14:e*Pr 1 f i7f , t iilei t, ,,, ,t,ii•oiTli e , , 4ie., ? ' r k: - . I' i:-,i', ,}, r ;y 9 '.. nouram.,(Ceinpanico: , ':,,-,, he A i rikilki4:-PirC 00 ligaiiol6l:o 1 . 2 .::_[ , ~._4 0i...01//iiiiiiiaPhi a:: 'I. Op e ,ly,e , , , ll. o ..l63CUllosmit.stiie'ten'eauFiff , • street. ~. , .' ' ~."•il, ~ , 1 :o".i ~,,..,,, eji. am . ,„, t ,„.„ 1 ;,z: 1171. - RECTOR.S.bi =v4ll It. '' l ' • ' diletice .14 : :7.11ancher,:z ~ George Nit:':Rteharde;:.. l ,=! ' hoMeti Herm.. -,...., :••.---- ,• , Mordeceit 'Th'lnyiris . T. , ',. ' . &nes :Wegner , ~"'; Ja A .1I dolphe , 'EkiniSs.! - , '."'', !Meal, Giaet'a 1 4 -' 1 ' ', ' - iDevid...9. tfroitiitli' I"" :'! ,l'aeoh -It.4SMith- ~,' ' ''t qpirris 'Frit toricnlT ' .:'''-'-'"; , "'. , t Centinue to imike , lintia ura'petetuidTbii:liMi• . i44,lde •eye'ry' descriptimPpl . propert3P hi Mihin ;end ' cl:plinti , yy' tit , rntes'es , ' lowjes aro cetiebilent ;With" sedero...2 , The 'company have ' - reseri,:eli' tilargd9 , ohtingent fenc:iiiicb ' . u i * i, nt' t ; h eiretk .• .hl tu -i d'pi, k. i,,,-, I . T uiiiiiutisifelrhirseted;,iffeo.44Upltpectectibyi liVirsifed: ','• ~,v. ,' . ..; .'i he" % tnae'6ftlii:'4ittiitiiy pC;Tahutii„t3i 3 r ' 18 BV64:published'agienbi : tu'utucyid'Aeset!; ,. hl3,iii•dterte folleys vii,"'" :';, I Mortgagee -%, ", ',V8,0,865' 'l6alEsAtd. , ","' -15 g, rpg,s o : ilk ... Temporary tcial4B ,', ' !'" 1'24,40; 60,:. ;,.. d i ~ : ''StUeltii" -. . '• ' . . ' - -, ` .51 , 583, .25 . . (Yeah 'on' hand and in hin'ids of ;.. . _ 2 . r'.agon,e, , , , 35,373 ; 28: Wail OMNI ^ „, ~220,097 07.1. incorporatiou,'a.period - of oightom *me :they, have paid , upwards , of. orm mmmorr, TWb lIDNERED TUOUSAND'Dor.tiits,lossep by Sr°, thereby , aflording uiddence•of the advantbges of insurance, as well i es the obilitymid 'disposition. to . rneot. with promptness, all liabilities. CHARLES N. BWRER; Proe't. CIIAS. G.:Belo:kali • " qt3C'e fob Tho subscriber is agent for 'the above company for Carlisle and its vicinity.- All applications for insurance either, by, mail or personally, will be promptly attended to. W. D. SEYMOUR., " • s Fire Insurance. ' TT". ALL'EN.ANi) E. PENNSBOROUGH • • Mutual Fire" Insurance Company of', berland county, incorporated by atilict ef Assent bly, is now fully organized and in operation, un- . der the management of the following commis. tioriors • viz : 6W. Shwa - tan, Jacob Sholly, Wm. R. Gorges; Lewis - flyer, Christian .Titzeli• Hobert Sterrett, 'r Henry Logan, Michael; Conklin, Benjamin ' Musser,-Levi-Merkelaaceb•Rirk, Shml. , Prow ell, sr, and. Melehoir Breneman, who resprictfullk -call the attention of citizerye of Cuteborland and!. York.counties to the advantages which the com- • imny hold , out. -; • . • • • 'The rates of insurance are as low and favorabl6 ns any company of the kind in the State: Per sons wishing-to become - members, are inviteclita make application to the agents of-the company;: - who are willing to wait upon them at any time. JACOB SHELLY, President • .' HENRY LOGAN, V. Pros% ' LEWIS HYER ' Secretary MicuAsii,Coesrati, Treasurer AGENTS—Rudolph Martin, New CumberlamP, Christian Titzel and John C. Dunlap, AlTein t -C• R. Harmon, Kingstatvn ; . .Henry Zearing,- Shae nianitown ; Simon Oyster, Wormloysburg; hart Moore, Charles Bell; Carlisle. `Agents for York County — Jacob - Kirk, gene- . - mil agent; 'Jahn Sherrick, John Rankin, J.Bow- man, Peter Wolford.' 'Agents for Harrisbarg—Houser'& Lochman. feb 9 ' The, Girard Life Insurance ,Annuity and Trust CompaliTurPhiladel phia. . Office No. 159 Chestnut Street, Capita $3OO - Charter Perpetual. . . CONTINUE to mikTlnsurances on Lives on thernost favourable terms. receive and execute Trusts, and receive Deposits o, 4te rest. • - The Capital. being_mid and_invested.ro4.— gather with accumulated premium fund. affords a PERFECT SECURITY to the insured. The. pre 'Mem may ho paid in yearly, hali ,yearly, or quarterly payments. :The Company add a BONUS at stated pe , . riods to the insurances for life. This plan insurancels.the most approved of, and is more; generally in use, than any other in Great Bri tain, (where the subject is best understodd by thlapeonle, and whore they havehad the long-' est experienco,) as appears from the fact, that _ out:of .117 Life•lnsurance Comitanies, there, of all kinds, 87 are on this plan: The first BONUS Ni as appropriated in De cember, 1844, amounting to 10 per cent. millre sum insured under the oldest polices; to - Btper cent., 7j per, .cent., Ike., on others, in pro portion to the time of standing, Making an ad dition of $100; $87.50; $75, &c., &c.. to every 81,000 i. originally insured, which is an average of more than 50 per cent on the preimiums paid, and without increasing the annual peyment to the Company . . The operation of the BONUS will be aeon by the following examples from the Lifo Insu renew Register of the Company, thus ' • . .. _ .._..._ . Policy. Sum Bonus - or Amcitnt•of-Policy & „, • , Insured Addition Bonus, mayablo. at _,,,, 1 , . „,.,, :, : the party-'01 , 0oosiloi;:' No 58 81,000 8100.00 681,10 o' o o, 1.• . .-''''' , 06 - 88 2,500 250600 2,7500 A ' 205 4,500 400'00 4,400600' '276 2,500 . 175 . 00. 2 6 175600:: 333 5,000 437'50 5'43':( 6 00 1 Pamphlets containing the table of rates, and explanations of the subject; forms of ap plication, and further information can Jio had at the office, gratis, in person or by letter, ad dressed to the President or Actuary. B W RlCHARDS,Preitident. JNO F JAMES, Actuary. m2'49ly Heyl's Embropkition fbr Haiiiii7 vVIIIS valuable E:MBRO • 4. 7 CATION will cure Sprains. Bruises, Cuts, t GalLs, Swell / ing, Rheumatism, and all .1 - 7 , • complaints which rt squire an external rdmedy.. gtves immediate relief to - 'the Scratches, and the incident to Brormes keying white feet and noses, produced by the St. John Wore, It is also highly useful in relax bag stiff ness of the Tendons and Joints and - .produces beneficial effects in cracked heels, Irk night on by,high feeding, splinte,sprains, This EMBRO. DATION is recomended to Farmers, :Farriers, Keepers of Livery 'Stables, and privet( i gentle meh ovvning Horses, and' should be cc instantly kept in their stables. TheoGENUIt 4E aril- - ele is prepared only by IV. IVlAnttner.r, , No 802 Race at. Philadelphia. And for sale' NI 'lmlesale and retail at DR. RAWLINS' Drug 'store W Main street, Carlisle. •• • Moral 14-Iy. • • • „. ~. • Eitensive Firnittife Root no., 'S4IIOII • , 01.11.,D t- respectfully cell the attention Mouse-keepers end the Publiern the :ex -t. nrolotock-Of-splendid-FURNITUR;E r ' '• ." L 4 ' • ding Sofes;',Werdrobes ;.Centre' and other Tables; Three s ing and;; ' Plain Buretius;land sic Liry vane L.' I".* ty, of Cabinet-ware and: Chairs, ' which , he; has , now' on hand • at his ' N E., W Ito 011 , 113ibli - Louthot.street, near the corner of NOrth Hanover Street, in,the roar of p;owpo tor; ,Ces,Sterp..d , ' --1! ' 4 " . confided:that the'sulierior' finis li‘Of ihn'; worltnianshili, Land' elegance of "style; , 2 Which his, artielluCaro%get:'ittp,-Ltegether,..'w ith Lthelr';' orittirnss.S; • Will re c ommend them' til'erwery per-, ion want ing Fnreitutn,:,4 Ho, has;alsotgiifideiti-'.. ranhernonts • for`Ltnaniditettiring'.and k.etipmg' 81. 'Comdata suippli +ofeiery. article. in hip' l ' ine /lite; boat . % plaid ; ends ornamental , elegatit'arid-L:tuLeff u l i . prices 'Which canne(failltf:suit Re 'L would earnestly itwitappriona commence' , house-leeeping;qo a/nit:nine' his present elegant stock,; . to Whieh:Lho:,,pil • stantly,trialtn additiorulef the f neweet -:•andLinest.. ,modorn.styles. v .,,,COFFlplecrartde tolorder!at,the ices for town. and:eciuntry..., Carlisle,: 30613; , • Tho lato- flint' Of 'Jacob ' . Fekt . d- . 1 haYtng beon • dissolved, Jacob,, ''thirty on the bimijootis'ea'attrov: • DCAGLr,,r.S Now York, Gold Pen:a, the betE ,artiele; ihe day, and which 00: busineakt , map An ,61eganr,, a o sortmenVoi,ltnei , eluding , Razors, 'Pep FKrovesZ. SoiciaCne of: thh, twav English rgt,cl Anterlope Manufeot s uro. AlargomantrilY Pf oroareenjalWind.,ow,Biiidi and m' roo of :ovary, atile,end,a3 'Mdaiaalleetrunlont_B attAtiolit,to,, , AidacirV. doidite; Flutes. Fifee, V , rri lag e q l eloi , Tenglgfifill With stringrr, , ,bridges,&c,,oknid,l pridee4; large eariety ;Bashote,',lndv,cipdlnighaker:, Whips, canes, door tnafol;BrushQe ,. of;Fa I r)T.Rayno's Magic datnantine 'Paw.der, a 'rtirei , arkirde for•Rador , Swope, ,worraot9ll't ,rtnytlting o io 'nee; for setting.° hoar ir:tooth'edgee 25'ent..a,box. {Combs, •IPerfurnottwEldritta;'i'Tiftr for ho,,' how, ,a,rwit•Ated,,beautiful! , stdeortmant , Irein,theeelebiated o intinUfaatOrica,!4 , ltouattol'. ttL ,Ju l laolliauand,,eth!re; Tolith , ,Brualwa . , : , ,Tpeo# pW . ei :entL . Powdor; Nail Bruebeel,Nter-,andt tieji,WrostiesiMith iniininerriblo a y,arrety, of , tiney,aoimaolul inti-tit tgd-sof all kinds aatilptiodeillatehr„Operied ; and itta6'tflenP Book Store Ad' ( ' e'"; iNEß)trifeWeiii l4 . l' Trletr'tk i lla,:., I 144TarfoOnlalreeiblqiiigVfire'au.• 4.2. IN QUA IT, 1101711 ES. - FOR ..THEIREMOVAL. &PERMANENT CURE 'Or ALL HISEASESARISING FRQMAN. 'IMPURRHTATE OF THE'BLHOLOWAIARIT OF THE'SVETFM,NIZ Scrofula or KingYeiEvili•Rheumatism, Ob. stinatetCul ancoue Fruptions,. Rioripor Pus tules on the Face‘Blotches,l Bilet; - rhronic -Sorc'Eyes,-Ring Worm ur Totter, Scald Head - Efilargementt'an - d - Paln of the 'Boned and joints, ritubborn'illeerH, *philiticSyr o pto m e, Aciatico, ,OF Luatbagki. and. 1'116600,es arimug, 'airrinjirdiciobe use of dretriY,,AOitos or Dropsy,..Exposurp ,or Iniprtidenee" in Also, Chronic Conirtitutitinalieordete, in , thie4noparetion , ere stroogly concentrot ad 61l the'MedicinniPrOPerties of Sinesrmur.-, LB,C9Prlblrked : with tho mostoffectuell aids, the most ealetarY most, potent simples pftbeyegetable kingdom,; .and has been, so fully tested not only by, patients them-- selvea,., but •Physiciansithrit •it has received their unqualified recommenderHMO Mid.tho app'rohation•cit • the PublitiT and . ' hUe . merits-'eretintation for'VALUE and EFFICACY' frii`Auportoein the,yarrous, compounds. bearing : pip ;Dania pt Saiimparilla • bermes Inkyekeert.crired;;Such, are,,,ae not furnished in the., tecerds. ofitimet petit; and what it has already done for the thousands who used it, His capable of doing for the Millions still sufferin*and etrog, gling with disease. Ihporifiesy elbanses;' ' and strengtkent the futility.; n springe of life, rind infitises'new'trigor throw hoot" thewitole Mil.' . mai frame. The diseases,ror which thie art)eie recent'. tritindedAre those .to which it . is hnown.from personni experience to ba adopted; and those apparently removed beyond the sphere.'of its action have .yielded to its influeeco, The, cat. alogue of complaints might be greatl y ex tended to which the sarsaparilla is adapted, but eiperiencee - Droves its 'value, and ,ottgeri suiaceeding day is adding new tropizies to its ANOTRER. CULE• OF SCROFULA The followlhodatiilting and, as will be seen permanent cd7e'fif • 'an inveterate case of Sere. title, nommen& itself to , all similarly affected SOUTHPORT, Conn., Jan. 10848. Messrs. SANDS : Goetlemen—Sympathy for the afflicted induces me to inform you of the remarkable cure effected by your Sarsaparilla in the vase 'of my wife. She, was severely efflieted with the scrofula on different parts of the body ; the glands of the nqck were greatly *lhygedaudher limbs much swollen. After tn'i'fi • Crhigwer a year and finding no relief rom the remedies used, the disease attacked, and below the. knee suppurated. Her physician advised• it should but laid open, which was done, but. wi•hout any permanent benefit. In' this situation we hoard aft and were induced to use SANDS' Sarsadarilla. 'Tlui :Orel bot tle produced ii decided and favourable abet, "relieving, her more than . any preecription!she had oVer,taken, and before. ; aho had used, six• bottles, to the astonishment,. and delight, Of her friends, she, found her health quite rester. ed.. -kis now over a year since the eure'wo effected, and her health remains 'good', dhow ' iarthe disease 'was - thoroughly eradicated from tho-'systom.' Our neighbors - are all !dewing to these facts, and think very highly of Sands', Sarsaparilla. ... Yours with respect, ------ JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a bitter from Mr.lng abam, a grontbaran well known in Delaware a unty.— itself to all similarly a lew It commends itself i., Gentlemen :—lilv wife has used several bet, ties. of your Sarsatierillawhich k obtained of your agents in this place, from which sn has.received such pecial benefit, that I am in ductliffo,add mine to the abundant testimony novelleibietho:publie its favor of its modict nal 'Vhit4."'Her:tatita4'inotliiii and„miny. etherhlatiVeS,'have fallen irfOtiiiii;tir,Oriniiiiimt. , , lion, and, it was supppsed that She. Mri:Was,m, alined the Same way. She had several-Awns of raising blood, &o. and at length became so reduced that her life was despaired of from ,day to days. 'We wore induced to try your 'Sars aparilla. as before mentioned, from the use of whith her health has been restored; so that for the path year she has been able to attend to her domestic duties. Respectfully yours JOHN 13. INGRAHAM BRONCHITIS CUED • The following shows the virtue of the sars aparilla In removing .Bronchitis, a discus'? •which, if not Speedily arrested, leads to con sumption. It allays spasmodic notion, changes the semetionsiand by its tonic and alterattve properties, remoicis the unhealthy action', snd the patient is restored to health. i• • NANTUCKET, Man., Nov. 11th, 1848. MOM. SAMS—Gentlemen: I wish to Melte" publl6 'for the good of those, afflibted with Bronchitiir the. boding Propdities of your. Stirseparilla. • My , wife r Suffered foe ~ twenty months in,nuch a trienner , es is not easily de scribed vat times she. was not able I.tv speak abovoa whisperoud when exposed to the cold' air, it occasioned 'somelhing epasnis•in the throat; thd-effect of which' was'felt in the ears and eyes, causing tears td `fleiuir comiilain( - aitondod with drY:.edugh, IS)rodlfc'ed:.4 constant'kiitoicini,suiii. ,filimmOtion of ,iliejittfAl:::,l3,Y;the utio.of,Yeiir BAROAPARVIAAe ;, b,was ,perfitcty, cured, Aming , ,now rtiore:than: three Menthe sine litiefoltd4Altngt2nne otthe.disenee: , Aftinie,with•respect,, , r`_," - • • "VEORGE 13.'110EGV Extract-from a letter received frorn:lir. N. N. !fortis, it.well, - kritiWn Lo'uisa ,cc!upty, . tiontlemeri,- I =l have cured a ' negro ; boy of inine-with-pcni-attroaparlivasiittieltett With sCiothla,;eqd Of a aerafeloue •• W Rais 'Fre deal° a HalOg i auly-17;„18 , 18. • '• NOB 7, navanitiol;-g-li , scents' tainoatljifi. nee seary ' kiroet ittetitiOn CO no d ic?" dipcoKi;edijc . V6biilqr,`v:AsJihni 'nrepaki i tten; nob the,patract of, sareapiiiila'efo';'initeocl. to, icy wurthlgav coinpourida , boartng .tlfif name Auttaontaining. little or .'none of • the virtue of ;this veduablo ~root and we think we-cannot confer n'Oeatar.bonefit on our ioliders than in diretitinr, thole. attention , to ,the fidvertiatinOnt bt ; Safi d r n utnihni. &Attain. • The' :bottle"' hail' recently 'been . enlarged AO' held i n ghat. tre:191,410 . v116)&1811' a realty, good ; at if °l° " din 'TtA °l69l*t if 4tr i . l il nninat 49; 1 :«if the . 001; AIR (JiPf.ltYmeti,,Al. -thianiindshoo.p .eroved lta.ffioneyilneatritig_thei iyailoue diseases tor.,iihich7lt.la reeoirtrniude'd; ;and ett , tho'preoent limo 'root e Ahan nrir , ether; porhaPtf,:lic title rnedioludl.tisefillifin , ..Pruptiiing the oyetemi,"foi" , ti , bhaige - of ;oult.ti#L, q,),ptl B 4t3.:•:' . ' 7 `'' l 'i;`, l ;'!! . q`% . 2'.' 'Y '0:44;:,,:ii '010.'00;4411' rer , DS ggiits land o,hethisteoo6-11 1 046V's,tte84'b - oriacir brig ;`iPTlßrPqy,i:t))xcuci)lp,tit:thp, , tl,, States aniketanadikti:44,riCei.hplarliotiliii ii4Bo;tles , 01; T'; .;• ; 4 4 -.' 1 i k . :471.10'. 7 1 1 11 1 ° OlitgardYi6..6,: .. , tlatifectidierYtgr.4: , O -,..0 . 411V1i1.. i tfib. 11 ~i. .c.l ,. 'fitxll-iliNOvElt STlOr t gpA*,_„.44l.ck i ~v;34111 ' 0 NTRY 'MERCI /Vie Will 49414 9 P94.....,, , t it i,a ci l i kil h 'i ._,.,e,fij. ji, g'l lit io . :: .. al t_l !k 4 ro_ ; , : : f t , O i t i pl u eill i , j el 4 l B. l tt k r ' , iii i 4 il tio. Y ti t ,ie et w : le ii i lL .. ! , : . •klibwh 'tie - !.,P0,1 0 .. ,, C 1 94 0 9” 4 4 lf -il v p the ' • F Y eere et 1 0 North Hanovor 14 1 ' 9 0 , n °? '- I it ' rtmen,t ,of • • 13itnk,' imil:',dxtimikilo hie-,,,e,r„iff.„ , ? r ,14,,,,..,, ___.,... t. CH9ICA,',CO4IF,49.TiwI' '' 4 1"iie ~ , freshovary,. a *4-1- factitroitort 1ici.:4400 ,094, . 4 . 4 , , , ' u, ,,, .; •and , i . rarr,9ii‘g& ilk (!° be a ßP" s `'' Y R‘ 'i t •1 0 , 'thi , Stitten,,Nthi6N,L*lll- bo'• nold a 49nooqi , ~.,, , mica 4 . 11(1 intilillet / r l /Coii , e4 WlCOl?fi , Pfipt:ttlient, l e • F F t s i i k i t a filiiiliSlq_isi; l .s9nsi!ti_nkr_lll . 7lLar . t pf . ,,,0,,Af!, ,„ -„: „ ,•. ) I iNGETV, ,IIiVAIO,IiN, AA! 124 b. , i lf i l i t . tll / 7 4 , 1 1 0 -- " n ". 14 pordeciu3a;!'aidr,•Pppbt4halOcl. •A 9,1 , 1d,11,„ :1 ' • b " ' fie '0i•tie91 , 9u93, - •Pee , nuts, cocini;nilti?,• fac:..,-L -'Fivilgbp•lAlli be nold IV •the..,JeWic i ef4itlee• 11i.:' , : -1 :- id, " so' iiiiitili tenticiii"lsl large ' , lot ,iat '" 'gyp .'AND. FANCY ,GOODS, consisting' ". i nk ipy• oP„fino. ,faiiq , Itolee k .,4llpB,ll9o. ,, ,hilkoleir p,igiliittro,ifetitmeli;i+bodoo ,lifk.sets,..brais,p4 .4 , -1, tletiruartf i o, l ?erelf 1 141c! 4( 1 1 4 , 411 . n iu h t ikelitt - .4. + i t •• , •...4. ' _ 1.—‘,..,, .- ‘•.• ~. fq..,1%;‘ ,. ..t,.. gonelii yv eallnixr rp,, glip9 ,a 9 ~ - -iPe00 4 40 .!i,4,1 W, 's',.' i iftriliV tci ' ' ''' Agiora w 4 , n ie r iiipti- Accokd . oliti 'Aili .. lloll al i r fan9Y.i;tltlßP 1 e - :1 -- Pg51,t 7 ; V ' -11 ' ET; ', ;:14413) 4 1 "A hTb ti ' ii 4 :4lzOr ' '6l iluni'"4ll; 'hair' '6 4' ' eflp,.))o l l l ?ta.t; PhnYing .-: , rl,b4l.tkititi - ;'b..,ut :PrclUirgt,.oo‘, L- 41 .1 , - 13 „xt, rui t cro tt at 'da a hundreds s ,•o3ier,, ~ 1, rnakill• "; I n , . w:; r, ,t l oo , f°Sth9 ,6,l laPkl,,SP i iq 11$ t urb ': "connoutibil ,hundred' I li' 'thif , tiVOß,,ltti .. has en :- hand a ! ,‘iv '',ltole.:/ , " ' , .l4 ll rii ; l 'lC q h lk il° 43ol Gpi v V lo 4 ..i C A.Al,ll;ll6 l otl:lls . , rt...a.od:xitt, ,u'Uff d piiititlf t ,r, , i A iiii ~. i b u l ik ' ci g A n 9 4 , ,, q t. p i ! n ig e gl, R ; ,, 1 . , ~'t ~ . -t, T /B,l,#;tottulambich consisting , par), , . ~, ..,. . „ 1 .. , „ , ~ , f t # ' ..' '4D, 1 -' t ,„ °l4 „ A ..' f ,„ ,c, ,i n " :b e - haiidatrafi crap; , gctrilti 6(4r ob'..!grtt9tlc:l 4 l9 B ° Igla CINe er1t,r.77,8i ' .ll ' .1(1 4, L "`"r e '',, 0 4 47a1t1;r97:iir.44, 404. ilk°. Ut 4 -4, 11 )„ ijari,a. l ol 6 ' :ll' . 3 ', 6 o:FintrinPe r ic.Tee , '„ o llerptt ria c i rs t' it ti - t. 4 ro d • -'" .i . 9s' Ill 'ild 'po ecfpntopiiroot , .. 44,144 'Mae t . biacking,',3Aatolnet. prutfm,x,P.,,,-, t y,,, i -tt,,,, 6• 17.1 . 4 ~,1,,,,119,0P,1-4.7g^,Ai1l po'dison-,1yi1).:. and aTtarailliirilltari;.rbrurria,butatEiebt Ahitokkoftil i 1" -- ` ' T"'" -N 'r ;P rgit' 7 ' 4 l ' CTI 'lO6 , North AbOrliubliat fur ibU'llberal,,,patroamptha l anitertj , ar.A a 30.e i tiewel • t! in ,e.O h ni t :':a n ; l4 °J6u,,,,ii.Aw.4 ,told,,yea•,-;o4)ityn, ,Ititt,.:ll,9ppaq•byt*-490-0,..,e 1/ c n " ."4-" ' ' ' " '''iV P 'll,' ' ' ' '',lll .' ' 'o9ilieta •Pa ; pliWil);'ici merit a 'continatatup'oitheaamaiAß. 0 :', Mq-,.. * J 191 9.0!* ° N. , - , .. 540 ;•'ACF" .. ';.;; ; .. ;'.' ;:'' ,, •1int , 449 ' : .=,i'' - ; ;-• ._ ' ' .4' , ..14P'/IFIIIPPf . .. ' ; ' ;'''i ' A' . . -r !.; ,.. ..7../ I .t . ': ! '. 'l' ' ' ' ;' ''''' ' :'...;'''''.".: ' '4' ' ' .1' ;.' ' s ''' .1 '3 ., -,. • : ''', .. I ''''-.:/,' . . • , .'"4',,.'„: ' •':';'•;;' ' . ', ' ~' : ',..' ,-, f17.,:i'11ej.•;;;;146.,,,;.1:Ar-t, 1, .i?z , M)4.1- 1 '• •AfFROOPIALT4I74OOteIIIPS A L th i he t tßiaTmd*AtAmpa4rmiAri...7_. , ,, ankly Grciodry'Store of 30; 6 titht .id, ,L,rhetswoobuselorlabitaptbeltentrediuveitnt:ittoui: mil iaEßTVWestlitti/..stiebt CarAtt Y9opi,ll,always fi nd ,he best p 01 Fafnir GibeorieS'thite rharket his fncnde in articuliti to e r q u tn bi the n g n 1 (1 7 11 , .ard an'd incaniinV suiCk, Wiii e wbf e yttc ce , i th JarticieS:asually'ketil in Malin'l'b o uaineehi' flu poet Javp pod St outinge.E:offpo.:, Po al, Young: kfyson „trot, Black l ees of the t tlnalitt&"flaVdr flohtvfalllDeoap, , he t t arified anti hrown.Sugareaf-tvety grideAvithi prloe to suit.,,,fteney tl augap t hoasee Orionn e e te l, syruft,lifola4ses. . Spices of ill'kinds, which b e land \fresh'At'ofitid:rSiotitn i 4. buckets,,bpsketn. butter,,bayttle, ; map') labbers,, Clothos pins and brushes or every variety.— astilc, fancy, rosin and counttY'So'll7B. Al." so, a•general assortment'-'-of chewing and aut o. kingXOBACUO, spanish halfspantalitnd cOrn. awn CIpARS. Gi. , 4 B S,, ' QUEENSWARE, and;CßOCKEitrtrievery desbriptiOn7 h . ti will sell at, Pie lowest, possible prices., , Vocling grateful for the liheral,patrohage here. tofdre bestoWed•npon'hirn,lty a gtifeitus pub.' lior,,,thn,u subscriber tenders. them file .hearty, thanks, and hopes that ,ip his efforts to ,plonse i ,, and partictdar attonttan to 'busittiiss to merit a ' Continuance of thoir 'auppdito.. ''i%2" • Nov'i 22.1848• 1-:„. DRUG .AND..FADIOY , STORE . ESDIPQMt.IFAW,EUESIZIPS;3I ; .,„„M , R"PBCTFULLY ihe : • • lion oPthe public - to 'I- ' 4- Drug 'and rancy-Store,, • n - West Alain street, ,Carlisle, where- he, .hea4',„ ust rebeived 'a freih' assortment of Drugs Me 4, docines,Jaints;doils,4Porfuirieyy; - dwi3lry and ¢" .• • .r, •; • • A etigdt'hiniiiterisife'y'aritity may,,be found' , 4.pprovedTatent Medicines, • • - All Riede of Salta,,Bye Stuffs, ~• . 'Opium, Castor-and Sweet • ; Whito Lead,..lndige?,l§picea,'fr,esh grain& ' • Glass, Putty, Chloroform, • . '5 Shandeliers',..Lampe, Wickp:Sportn.,C#iidles, Shiritin# Soaps, ' s Cblognarkeive,Livender,atid.:OrarigA newer ' Bearte'birliilitairOW . and Neil,'Toa h, Hoir,‘aniESlfaviug'Bitieherii` .1' Fine Ivorr,Worn; , , and•Shall.,Comlng !Finger Rings, Bracelets, and p r ...t Pi g !, • Bead Bags'and l'arees, :_Porto Monnairs,. ..,'• •.. •;• - d Silver Spectacles and Pencils ' Gold Pens, Ink.and Inkstatfe, s- 7., Fine Writing - and Nato Ptiper,EFiVelelms; Motto WafersoSealtrand•Paper Weights, 5. Mirrors andF.ol7 fienes, J , Musical and Surgical Inifiumentri; Fine Knives and Sensors,: • . ' Carriage and Riding Whips, Taunks, &c..,.&c. Ceuntry"Physiiianii;: Merchants; Pedlare and others May hear-something to their advantage • ' by-calling , - A• , • • • VrEtheivel and Pine Oil recOivect., fresh,.. ; every week. irrMedictil aft and,edvice'gratie to the poor , January 17. 1848'.—, NEW & SHEAR HARDWiRESTORE.' THE subscribers havo l jnstrreceived at their New and, CheapHARDWARE STORE east High street, Opprosite)Ogiley'a Dry Good Store, a large stack of goods •in their line, to which they would call the, attention of purcha sers, their arrangement in the, city,brang such; as , to enable them - to"sell - Illeir goods at the lowest . city prices. , Their stuck cotnprisesca.full 'assortment of Locks and Latches ,oT livery stile and size,— Hinges Screws,' Bolts , arid' every article used for Bui ldings, -Augurs arisAnigur-Bitts, chisels, broad and hand axel,,hatchets,fdrawing . knixes, pianos, and pta - ff - 3 tart - up - Ur d, panel , and Kip ping 'saws, mill, crosadout 'and circular saws, trace and halter chains, Mimes, shovels, spades, and hoes, hay and manure fake. Abe, a large assortment of Pogket s and.- Table Cutlery,— spotins, alicivel.andAtongii,}Wilters and Trays, Hollow ware, Brass and;tenameled Preserving Kettlesi- Iron Firriacesi. Cedar Ware, anvils and vices,Filed and Riiiipa'of-eyery kind. Bar 'Band an Hoop IrdiV;;;Ctitt, - 'Shear Spring and Blister Steel, ar.e.-„".-AlitO,' 100 Boxes , WindOW Glass.- • 100 Kepi Wetherill's Pure, White Lead. 5 Barrels Linseed , OiV • 3 Barrels SO. - 200 Kegs CumlinflandNidli. - May9'49 - • WRIGHT-SG 'SAXTON To all whom , t marOoncern ! GEORGE w-. - - T H c A .v N O r li . LU d L us t e O ir h the b e p r u a b l t g r e o n n e a r g a e l t f i o l i r c p o a n st . ti to carryon. the SA ppa DDLE, TRUNK, and HARNESS 'making business, at his old stand in Nanovak,atrect,,two doors north of the Carlisle Bank,:casithe, sign of the Mammoth • Collar. He is_now_botterpropared thartever to accommodate hle , custaMers, having recently made groat altertitlona.in.his establishment, so ° as to enable hintqo'kcatta.roAsh hotter assort ment than heretofore, consisting of Spanish, Dragoon, scoop tub .quilted and. plain SAD DLES. CARRIAGE•HARNESS, plated and, Common_ , 4 -Fanners': :Gears, of all kinds, Tni-- valling , T,runks oTALdescriptions and _prices, Veleapea tiad : o4ootagihr Bridles, Martingale Dollars,;Stoalti:Leithaeand,Raw Hide Whips, Leather, cotton, and' worattd. .Fly=nets, and • all othos.articles - intla llnti!..;-fill - tervldth-hei a de termined,to soffit the very lowest cash - plias & Making and fentiiiinatrassetiofhidr, hunk-, end straw, and till kinds gM 0f,,,y n pholsteng will be punctually attended to. ap25'491 • •.." , Neurand linpotant” EORGE gIiSEM' having recently ' Ur purchased thetrinnty, 'right of HAYWORTU'a PATENT 'COTZAB. &TEM, respectfully ,` call the attention 01-the, trade•to that important invention. It is certainly one of,the greatest improvements of the age:--- This machine stuffs - the Collar crooked around the bloc it ,.faced with hair, wool; or other ' itiatatialiOack stuffs it with long straw, and also twikes!collars of the straw with less than half the tabor' and time of the old way of stufiing. - Tbis meohine,will.siuff all r. and every kind of, horse , cellars, from, the best patent leather doWif . totlie commence" hind in, use, and with but ono than iiteaddlat r A :d* stuff and shape fifty ccillatti-per';d4y:iiiji!nlater„, and bettor style than tiny othei:Warknown. , • Saddlers in the .county m igayited go, call at the subscribe ,'e establiShinbiittmiiNoith'liano-' , ver street, Carlisle, and.exandite the machine. ~• TOwnphip_ or / shop-.rights will • be: sold' To those who do not w i sh td buy a right- the . subJ, , '• 1 .. scriber offers READY'MADE'COLiitie at whole.; 4. `ci Sale much cheaper than tneyettn,:b9,,mantrac.;',7, tura in' any' 'other 'Way. 0 rilere , ": tor dellantin any quantity aro respectfullys solibited. • '-'; ! DRUGS 1, „ DRUGS I DRUGS 1:- -%.--•--- .* ' • • - lISTRECIELVEDiz. i::! i ;•..= ..,'I ItiIIIYSCIANS:- Country ;Merchants ••.: and JE. • Pedlare 'areinvited to'calr and eiineinikiny. otoek!Of , itteilicintry.Painisi! Glue/ 'Oil;' , Var Mabee, &e. • , t . r . ,• : ...--: .., :it! ii. ,„, ,". ' ' 4 ,Q 1 ,!Pateni,Medii:deetri• Herbs and Eitracts, 1 • ,: 4, '';Vine,Chtluilala,k Spices; ground end - whole ~, - • natrerseple - • - tences,, 'AO 1 - . ,, . , ~ . : ''Ptlire..E.escri'l,ollB. • Perfumery, &0.-.•• ~ •• , : .'. ''''' •'''i---• ',,i'DYV•STPAT'S•"' , '''',': '' - " ''''' I 'llitilleade,- ~...,....,:,1,... • lrg-and.Cinn:Wocidn•? • '' f •lidadders; s. 4 . r 4 4.' 4 " ; 011 - Nitrtol ' Serena , Copperas, , , • ;MAP) ••••:)11,' ': 1 - ' l -; 5 „4. 1 1.y0T.,• 0 , 'ijc . .l 4 .. • t... , ~,,, ',,, i t , . ...,. . 4:P.ARTIS"; : , 1 , _,...:., 1 ~,..i.i. etherill & Brotherli.plire -Load,' Chrble. ure kend :Yellow; Paint and•Yernish-Brushasil• Jersey Windew - . Glash„..T,Mabod.-04,: t Tiwpep 7 1 tine; Copol and ConchWarnisK•hdd , rtga'Lead..,., All 'of 'which will be • sold' iit'.thir Seri , leieest : market price, at the cheap Driiir and frooleStore: of ; •-,, -• ,: W. , '.'''';•:•'W lIAVERSTICIC,; -' • Nov 296, , 1848 >' ' ,i• • '''' ~ • ; - - ;‘•4-1' C,';' •'' ' RE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers