EXPO'SiTOR, --' Aittit C.". 75- L: "10./A NLARGEDIENT.',7-Ajiiir-relideri3 will Ituti"'wO l Oilii'"Ueilik'eititit'ir" an,• ; {traheet cope[ probiy., , 'enlarged. ::f131.• the' elongation of bar Oelittpes, as triode this *plc, o,ll . etilo,pretiept..iritoh of ative(iia °acute is laver; ccirraritit,nling , -inCretm a • more intereatibg aiiipktrioisr;','.Andllls;;; bO iCtoCni. inyincreaaa of our price of scar Atfive.tkiiithereitai our lubpra' for eAc putt w o,truat•thoy w, t ll reciprocate . kind officea , by exerting theniselvea to increase - our, lief Leanivicribora.. • • TEMPERANCE CELEITATTN ZN PEW vu.LE.L.-Divisfam No. ltS,Sone!or Tem perance, intend having a celebration in' Now rifle; on: Friday next, the 14th The members...will walk in procession, adorned with the Regalia of the Order, and be nommen pied by tho Ncwvillo Brass Band, an amateur associatian,whose tepatation as musicians. does credit to that - place. A number the neigh boring Divisions, we are informed, Will also jelnin the celebration, displaying the insignia of 11;e Order and flinging to the breeze the" bright •bannors of the-good cause of tamper nem, After the parade an address, with •ap. propriate czereises , will be delliercd in one of 00) 'Uhuiches. Tho occasion will deubtlose be lOU ofmuch interedt, and we he pe the friend"; of tho.eause may find their efforts encouraged by tylargo attendance. • MILITARY EiECTION.—On Saturday last, the Ist Instant, an election was hold at the public In: r ouse:of Mr. li. L. Burkholder, in this borough,loicCla Second Lieutenant for the SCar lisle Independent Light Artillery," which resulted in' he choice of Mr. Allred S.. Sew; 'by a very hendseinlAnsjority. DICKINSON COLLEGE.—Tho new ses sloe of this institution opens on Saturday next, the 15tir inst. A number - of Studenurbave-al, ready arrived. I AGRICIULTURAL *OCIETY.-A meeting of tho Cumberland County Agricultural:ocie- y, o ma.° prepare ions or e ann. / Meeting, hi called in to-day's paper, a d wo hope will receive duo attention from members. STATE Etscpcitt;—Thegenenti Elec tion in Pennsylvania will Make place this year on Tuesday, the 9th of October. The Sheriff's Proclamation is given in toeday's paper. TIM CRY IS 'STILL THEY COME 1 .--Two more Circuses are advertised to exhibit' in our borough this season .The circus-going portion — or - the , commttnity - wefear , witl-have-a surfelt-- ettr:Comstook & Co.'s List of Valuable Preparations, consisting of ' The Genuine Balm of Columbia, for restoring the Hair. Connel's Magical Pain Extractor, for Pnins and Burns., ' • Hewes' Nerve and Bone Liniment for Rheit matism . Dr Mcblair's'AcousticDil for Deafness. _ Hoye' Liniment for the Comstock & 'Co's Concebtrated Compound Fluid Extract of Sarsaparilla, for, puri*lng the Blood. Dr Spohn'e Slck Headache Remedy. 'the Mother's Rellef—an Indian Discovery. Longley's Great Western•Panaces. Rev Dr Bartholomew's EXpeetorant Pink Syrup for Colds. . Dr. Cannel's Mixture for Secret'Disbasos. Rolmstock's Vermifugelbr Wormer In Children. AIM Mrs Brown's celebrated " gain" Killer," for relief in Cholera inorbut, Dysentery, Cuts and Bruises, healing sores on man or beast, &c. To be taken internally or applied as a `wash. All the above valuable preparations,which want of room prevents us speaking of more particularly, hot which have labial:ad the highest—celebrity, are .for sale hr Cap lisle by CHARLES OGALBY, sole ageht,'. - Printed dirsettenewilthttfoupd.wlth,each - -r „.. CONSUMPTIVES READ ?,-An . parable remedy, TROMPillilf*A.oo/006A10§911UP op Tait for the cure of incipient. connehiPtion, climate catarrh,bronebitia, asthma, litikaliAlseases of the respiratory. organs. This preparation now se exterisively used, Is pre scribbd with' great success by thri„nMdfcal faculty in the Many, Pulmonary complaints. Which are so pe culiarly prevalent in this couritry;tifin which anon ally hurry their thousands to tbs . -tomb. To public speakers the coinpondZSyrup of Tar is invaluable, soothing Irritstion';ostrengthenlng the volee'And removing' any pre.disposition to diseases to the Lungs and Dronehire. - This invaluable medicine in prepared only by sna res, end Dickson, at the N. E. corner of Fifth and Spruce street. Philadelphia. sold by 'D.ELLIOTT, sole.agent ferCarliate. situ Aarkefe. Patt.anzOnta,Sept. 10, lir. FLOUR. The demand, Or Plant continues limited, and the market doll; sales of 3.0900 bbls. mixed:Penn sylvania brands are reported . ; the exact ritice not public ; and 300 bids. good , brands at 83 I.of.t,The demand tor home use Islimited.';!Coni Meal nditre Flour are also without denthild; and nominally held at 8325 pePhbl. ' WHEAT-L-Not lunch irtiehiginrmall sateen,' ants are making at 105a106e.ogoad , whItet at 113c.,.and 200 bush els choice, at a pries . naknabllc.4.. , : ' CORN, with,. lisbt.receipts, li:nearly stationary, end 3 to 900 builielkidOuthern,ycllete, sold, tnoitly at 64 to fill tin. , 4- . ' . ,'" ' I OATer=3te' 600 basheleield irdOci for good, and 31,e: forSery.prlate Delawans;*,lneg. : ' • „,• ” ,4. laCtdith,traltWrOMpLiii ••• 04',Theadtii.the inst. by All Itey.Janies U. Brown,'Nin'JOutuffiniln. of Pittsbura, to bliss Ewa, •astir OtUtst to. datightay of . Col.l3corge Nimes; of New Oxford' AilantsrceninlX. , ” . On , TinusdaY the , 23d Online, by *the Ude. JOON. Uothann,WrillenuirMaCeLLy. to Miss ELIZA MAR LAND, tH/th.pf /dotal' Middleton township. • Oa Wedaeidareirening,the 21hit ult., by the Rev: Mervin,,M..l.lotinsion. Mr; LIONAZD KOFFIZAK, of CATRAZINZKRLLY' ors; Middleton, .; . .•.. • •. • NO=M To tho,,.Heirs'4ind Reprose,o, tatlvei;ruliv,xLiaAm FAurrEsTocit, ste. oC,diumberland\county,dee'd.` 13 ULE nit till the parties in interest to show 111 cause on MONDAY,the 7 l2thNovember, 1849, why:ntrolleied erretirt.tlit Fu lniinistreted co acunts of William Xibnestim ,l'deceased; a mountineto.s4s6,29,sholl nOtebe eorreelettit• Lnumbly to the?, pe titton; 'of the 'rinid ahn es toelLthis dity iimeented to The ,Eourt, and remoinink on,filem:therniphan's nug,27 3w - THE Cpußmt,t, „To the Heirs aktiL.Le` Vioriresdit.: tottveS, ot CoaisilAN:EnzsgiN, late!ofßopho''tOwnslop-Ltincas torotth,4',:Pti;:;'.4o6'4;: tiiio,thel"titideftiigned, :Adria& istritto , OoitMd''Chilatiiiirt deced.', still in i)tder COO', of Lottelister.,isOunty,:osi SAT IJRMA:Wi,thB. Gib of.:Stitober; r-the—P!l""°- house or .744)b Sumniy;•in "Oid,44:kiiiiitiPiklik &clot* littlio;bliiinilani*elilprpubiltYtri,cteir, tefiV64t2tc<of ilituatoiiiz'ApeifrAdopepiziaiciifB242:oo2Bolaii rietipq)memory. and , biltetti, Wofaiii(itistig , ",,,oA`;'•Aifefir:? lid' 82 Per lyn .Wlll4l splp'jiiii . dikeittinit. if' mi2hiiik-proper. yttvz , tptullkU22o,L. ITAIR.UB A IL , la-acwatrAg, eI"..2I''ERTBIWAN , 1 atig24 Adtrimstrulors, .t s, ; T., , ense aqg 1 ,- ee, ttttrf s l - i - - 8 ' 13" ' I' g a '. 'll' 1\11¢11 4 ,10",lo .hereby givdn film I,l3,ttilia of I.* - -wawmiairniion 011 theukietato,ofiJClAN '7.13014013,0), OH. , ' lete-.of Mifilio;itornshm v eleold;l:fidylott , beeli. wonted to dieisuloptslter, 'llll.. , pe t eptie,4o.ltereb,, , notified to makei.peymeot , ', , ittuo Rtely,,Ood,-thoee 'having elniind to.pret . ,-"lir- i R (11 , 40 : , ' f' JAMES,,,KENNVAYr,7I:I; au m0t;%..:;',' , -:,. , ,,=0:1 . ,.., i:• , •---.,' 6,:!:,-,-AdOdt.'-1 , . Etiktis" ( of 'l3O - tijam" . in ivOTICEtis OftrAdintAillitalion on IhOteeniis if Oral? ihlp .4l_lol, U riib TZ ntl ; Intobf AortirlVll4dleton .4 4 m ,f grauttidt,to ship, 41 Allytillinii",Nii5OtitaLtka0 4 vßkt kerebytn4n ..troplcOlarnolo4ketovpronoh. end tlyfifisq nii,p`ro,eni,;AeOpro.r, gettioniode ltt:i4R 4 Micg,TZ:4o;!Pfff : : ag g2 2 li A ;IC bEtiseiriavnitaTintv4l4th i p':, jußakigidefOid &Midi clitircattleTattlYri I.trisimng*V/10.tegttsitifis4ion444, Corlipiet ME :.~,~ New '''2l6fic..4io';,lllgitti;„,._.. ELE" -- 07T10 - ki'ROitiLADIATION:' , aylvania,entitiMi "An Act. elatingtriThe'efeetimia _pP ; tl i is<,Cotnmonwcalth '. . iniased..thei! - ,114..ii1kyl of. Jujy, is made tbe.ilitty.ftif th . e' She, . clil' ever ntY_within This t ommaiipealll, to give imblitfn ' of theGiiiieral 14eittionikasid ip such nolteeiv to eilinOeritte - ss, • „I;l'Vheltifficiers to ••• theiphatic - at'4ltieli the. elaition4s to beheld. - 1, JAMES HQFPOll;Higit of Ciimlierlantli do,lteruby'lnakn known.inid thia;Mihlia the!eleetors: of the miiiiiO4,: tim'S.ECONDIVIES I / 4 1. fi/P : OCITOBER the' of the .niiiiith) Geeernl-111eOtioirvilll , biriiiiil the aerer4l'electiOn ' died icße:-eagbliaheil ,' by~'lfiw in said county, nr, 'Mach', time They. willryettilbY ballot for the- ti everal!ollieers hereinafter nan j ed, viz • . , Or Canal C o mm i ssioner ot; also Stale!'nfl!dnivi TWO 'PE [SONS to — represent the %county ot Cumberland in 'the Rouse of Representatives of •Pentutylvattia. •ONEI PERSON for Sheriff, of the evenly of Cumberland. • , ;ONE PERSON', . for Treasurer, of the county of Cumberland. ONE PERSON . . for toilamissioner of the county of Cumberland QNM: PERSON , • ' for of the Nor and•of the House ofEtn4 ployinent.of the county of Clunbe'rland,,,,,, • 4, ,•.,•••:" • T WQ, PERSONS - • for Audit Ora, to settle the public acCoutita of the,' county_ of thimberhold t r Clop to . sCrvp3 . and the other ' - • - '• • • • ONE• PERSON . for Coioner,oftho county of Cumberland The said elecitiOn will be held throughotit the county, as folloirs : • The election 'in the election district COrnitosed of the borotigh of Carliale and the townshapi of , North Middleton,SoutltMiddleton,Low6Dieltu inson,Lower Frankfort' and West.Penniliarough; will beheld at the Court liouse,•in the korough of Carlisle, • .• •-• • The election in the election district compoied, - of 'Hilvetppring township, will be, held at the., puFlic or.Georwe Duey, in HoguestOwn, , saittkiwnshiti • an n it of the' General Aisembl,y. passed (hi,' 21st day Of APril, A. D. 1246, the. elCetion in' the election distil:et composed of Hampden townshiP, will be held at the bowie formerly occupied bYr I. Bressler...in said 'township. And •by the same act, the election id the election disrirt, compose') . of Lisburn and n part of Ilion township, known. , 1.13 the Lisburn District, shall hereafter bold their. elections at the putille7hointe now occupied by - .lohn - G:leckiirtriTisbut... The election-in the..election district iomjiised nr - East PennsliiiiiMAtownship,' belieltrat the house now occupied by 9 IterMingerott the: west end of the Harrisburg Bridge. Time election in the disinct composed.of New Ciiiiiiberlind, Will be held at the mblic house of Firnin nal Irs-rtm ME The election in the district composed of the port of Allen township, which election was here,. tofore held at the public house of Wan. Hughes, in the:borough of New Cumberland, will be held at the :repent House of George Heck, now' occu pied by Robert Coffey,iu saidAimnship. The. election in thr districfee•rffliosed.,of that ; part of Allen twilliship, not include,d in the New Cumberland, George Heck and Lisburn election' ilistricts,w ill be held at the public house of David Sheaffer,•in Shepherdstown, in said township. '. The.clection in the-district composed of the borough of Mechanicsburg, will be, held at the public house of /oho Hoover, in said borough. The:i3lectiondurtheAlietricenompofied=cil-bio roe township, will-be held at the public beetle of John Paul, in Churchtown, in said township, ' 1 he erection in the diitriet composed °Clipper I)ickinson town - ship, will be held at the house of Philip, %Vetiver, in said township. The - election in the diStrict composed of the Borough of Newville, and townships of Mifflin, Upper Frankford, Big Spring, and that• part ot . Newton township, not included in the Leesburg election district_Nereinafter mentioned, will be bald at the Brick School House, in (lie borough • of Newville. The election in the district composed of Hope-' well township, will beheld at the School House in Newburg, lu said township. The election in th i district composed' of.thr. borough of Shippensburg. ,Shippensburg town ship, and that part of Southamptoktownship not inclnded in the Leesburg election district, will be held at the GouncililHouse, in the borough of Shippensburg And in and by an act of the General Assembly of this Commonwealth, passed the 2d July, 1839; it is thus provided; ..That the qualified electors of parts of Newton and Southampton in tbe_eounworeumbarluud,bounded by the fol. , lOwing.linesand distances,visi,„.l3cginnfing at the Adams countyline, thencenliing the line diViding the townships of Dickinson, and. Newton to' the turnpike road, thence along" said turnpike to Cen tre School House, on said turnpike, in Southamp ton•township, thence to a point on the Walnut • Bottom Road at Reybuck'sssidOluding Reybuck's Farm, thence a straight direction to the Saw Mill belonging to the heirs of George/Clever, thence along Kryshees run in Cm Athena county line, thence along the line orAdams county to the place of beginning, be and the same h hereby declared a new and separate election district, the election to be held at the public house of John Reback, in'Leesburg, Southampton township.. Notice is lieteby Given, That every person excepting Justices of the Peace, who shall hold any office or appointment of profit or trust under the United States, or of this State, or any . city •or incorporated. district,' whether a Commissioned officer or otherwise' a.' subordinate officer or spot, who is or shall be employed under the legislative, executive, orju dietary departments of this State, or of the United States,Or of any city or of' any incorporated dis ,trich and alio that every member of Congreis• suid•of.the State Legislature, and oCth•e Select•Or , Common tbuncil• of city, nr commissioner of any incorporated district, is by 141 W incspable et. , holding or exercising at the:same time, the o ffi ce dr appointment ofjudge,inspector,or °tette( any elections of this Commonwieslth, and that no, in specter,' judge or other officer of such election , shall be eligible to be then voted for. Ainithe, said: set of Assenribly, entitled an act relating ideleclions of thiaCpuitnonwer.lth;Passed' July 2di•ifl99,•forther prtiMiliti - fellowitito will' ',That the Inspectors and judgei''shall meet tha respectiveplaces appointed . for holding' the' election in the district to which they:respectively:l belong,before. 9 o'clock. in' the, morning Of, the Seiond Tuesday of October, and ettch•of said in.• Spectori shall appoint one-clerk, Wheslit4lbol , qualified voter,' of Such diStrict. . , "In case, the person who shall hays received the .iciond-• highest number'of votes for inspeetiM;, shall Mot - attend on the day of the eleitiOnirthetir' the person who shall - hive received 'l,lM`SeettifdP'• • highest= voteiTor 'judge the preceding election- shall act as inspector in pla'ce. And in case the.person vier shalldaahr received the highest number of, votes far iiispec (or'slyill not,attend,thci peratm elected judge shall . splionit an inspector in his place;, and in case the) ; person elected srjeulge 'shelf not attend; the,, the. Inspector' who .received the highest rsinmber , ofi • .votes shall appoint a judge in hut place; ur irony ,vscaney,sliall continue in theboard for the 'Of one hdur, alter the time fixed, by law forithe 'openinsof the 'election; the qualified voters Of :lie township weird or district for which' suet, officer -- shall have been elected . ; present at the 111111 Ce of. .Clesition;sluill /elect. fintrof their number to fill '-*°° ll orono.r.. , • ,V.:E1.1':1 , 3,;it-' l t,?k 1,4 shall: be,pie duty,Of the•SeYerul . respectively ; to. attend at'llie; die ;: place. ; Of Aoldl)M,'•' ; ', every general 'special' tOWnsiiip elbctiOni ing the, whole' time said'eleetion is kept•open‘,,Or,' the p . uipihe of Miring Information to' the iiispectora,' l . iin'd,widgeasiken ealled'on iii irtlirthje hitherightf." OC„'anypersolrassesseil , by,•thenr:tcriote at lsuelfz, eleetion,•or:inichlother , mattera hi'relatiofiqo t ho': oriaters either shall' fromtime to time require. , No,persets.sball :be perinitted to.yete , ,at election affi 'Mudd, than white of ; the ; 'agent i r sientiknieirbari or more, whoshPll have Veslded in - Mut 'State id least ono yeihrgnil election' diitriiir where heoffers liiti vote at least'' ten ilaY6 iminedistely preeedihg':ittieli'Aeetinit," 'snit Within two yenrs Statc•or Cranny tax which. shall. have been miaowed at least•teirdaya , before the ,election: c n - Rua citizeof • the'United • States, - wholms, previously been ihalified voter:. of this State,and reMoietitlievilfromeinkrilturned,O, slid WOO shall have 'resided in the election district , aud Wild taxes' afrweinid, shall be entitled to.vote after residing in this Sate six morithes That:del , white'fieenien' bf the United' Stetely between the ages di , tienty one sifid twenti htkyptipl:iii4lhaVo resided in the election district,:' sludli entitled,to. vatirsl; , -; „dioliOtliettioilt 'nor hare'paid:Asites./ ~.) .; Vera! wypinne permitted,.to ' , TOM , wlinse ,name isliOt.'ilifitaliteiPlirthi , list of tai.fildellihida47."...., fueisisheir. Uv die.•coMmiestiniOrs; lio - .P.r 4 o.4.oi,reimilit fertile ikaltuuei.withnr•• 'tiar;''yearifi'OrZie elite : or. Minty c'essbiled c '' '`agreeably to the•constitutioni feel give iitiallifitdry- ; :t evidence either °Whits oatliT:or,nfllrinstloe,*br,:thite:•,, oathfiffirmation' - nr)OWA i :a . 6sc u „ Lc 111001 , 1 On 1111160:44 shall ,T11111(e i tlath to the; payment thekkoW otid,lf fro eight' aright to vote h,y. toe tweizoillia ago oftitieoily oar alid • tiventSkike Yeari, , fie'shall.depotie •Ifellaslreiided the•Stittei 'neat ijOhrur, hi.siappllastton and MAO Autshliisll: 44110ffrev) Itiedhitffit as Is 'l44jiiired thik:44 , -t toll'it,(hitoue dioelOirilY:helJefe frOtitill(s4,lcorbiltit. 4 ?ghee Adieltififfl bliniffl.tlie Ige,'ltorewild4ifielg oehiiiiierMik so OE =I • '••• . #44•o9=.l,t•itAT•wiA:l:•.,:..-411400,4•14,0,1-4T4.,,1 II , i'M' lilr"LiCi(ii`,XN:l;,fiee!d•••••." stf4Pl'L.,4- '' . .ibb &HMV or lA'4..inior E a ~TeßtittrielTirr 9,7,,,,, „ rah! , fora ' moat.W.4.I3GANI 41 0.... ,0!, _t,, t _._ , towpship.,Ctirnb4lit#olll9AleY4,°trir g;,7;,h7p, been .griuneat,tb3he.elltr i f.c9 0 0 0 , 1 t ,„, hi 0 , in yo 1 fetilniljn , imme town , s ,u w ertio4 atilviiinsabx 78 11*) lowlBl°Pni.t'llintechilonlefifihibLdLiiirtne 4 101 f e Achrii'ake?l,l-iieurthein for tAtt'l`l7t7llW iiiiytkioolklTdasili q woCi rELki . latcilsA p 4 , '`-'''''47`;`.'".'l(s4'7ALElCATlQC44lol.4'?t'• : ;."lir 44=7,1 yf i krafi'''I a lf.i , ;-`, r ~ 7• '- ' ,..:.,t t; 1 )-444/ t 5 G ' t il . r ' 4 `...-wnwilrgedlPMlslsll": Vre l),9 rdolartrtN y l—,ootii l i i iif fi r6 AdV'''' ;1101 A t , , , b ,f . .,,, 1,a i 1 / 2,440 p 0 ~. '' 'A t,;l*kk ' %,,,. .••,. „ hi', : .,-- ~'4 ''7 l '''''-,,' :- ','-,.' '•• ' " ~f;•!:;,f',, = hilt -114.i,flitis-41001*":a...eoielgtilelorkWsill'e thereto .. loy. writilig.;tile . .W.ortl.!iSi,' alittitfedto;yrits4pitaserreiqutvilig:Pilitl, thx• qt. the' %OSA !rigd,!'ir 110 tffirritlMArnittrid tio - retet by. remelt of sueblirgelibilltAh';' - erilleil , qiiit.lte the alOrk•S'iXv.ho'xluil h onake' : thibliktieotesi tirct n of inters kept by, them.' • - • • 'I n•ni l; cases ;Where , 'Of-tbetoPeri„" Claireingtmvetkis found rintlielistfuriasued el' Ilit commissioners end , assesse*or •ffis right to: vote .wiMilier.found thereon or not,. is,olljected to; by tiny eitizeitOtxliall be the duty of the inspeciora,,te examine siestiliersen.en'ontltms to i.ilreelattu te,limereSi dell wiifwyilry State.. frir. eile,:•Mar ; inorechis mak :stuilt; be,sufffilicni prepf,thereoritart . ,shall.:Make prelli,,ty , ',;leSst one'.erimpetent ,Witurrisoiho Atittlißed„ffietstor'offittlie;lias, 'resided Itirstmreithin,teMilioiArext, irterfetlietdfy lireiffiding als,i,hi'erse thi,t,liiahonts fide *Wince, iii put sulitice of Iris ,lewful'effiling,lsisithjii the district; Mid did net reiroye,lntri •saWis trict for the, purpose of milli*, ' !hivery"e• rum 'tjualified as aforesajd;ried who shall make due proof 1 r requi red, of his residence aaurpiiyineni of taxes as aforesaidilir'shall be ad mitted to'vote in the triwindip,ward'or in which he shall reside..., .. •;• ' 1 • Wally prirsoifilisll prevent Ot• . attempt to `to pre vent any °amt. - of 'any - election under this act from holding 'sibs!' .elcctio n, or use or threaten any viclence to anv Such officer, or shall . interruyt or improperly interfere with. him in the executisit bf .his.'duty,r3r shall block up the window or avenue. to ary•windew where the same may be holdieg, or shall riotously ? disturb the peace at such' election, or shall use or practice any•intimi dating threattnicrce or ..vitdeneeovith • design to influence unduly cii_riVerawe any.electimor to' preteit liimfrom,votilireir74 - Festrain the free doni of choice, s • uoli.porson on cOnvictiOn shall be fined in attysum movexceeding Ave hendred del 'a m i end-be mprisoned for any-time not-less than. thiee , ,nor, inere,thati ttielv,e months, and Wit shall be shown to court, xebecs the trial of such offence shall be hind, that the person so offending was not a resident of tile city, ward.; diStruit or township wlkre'the offeiice was committed, and net elititied to • veto: therein, then on conVietien he shall be sentenced to pay a fine of not less Mari One hun dred nor more than one thousand dollars, and be imprisoned not less than : sik • Months nor More than two . years. any:persim or persons shall make nnybet or Wag:tr.:upon the result . or any election within:this CoMmonweirlth; or shall offer ht. - quake:any Such bet or•wagerieither, by verbal proclaniatfen there-1 of,'or; by any writtcmor .printed advertisement, challenge or invite any . person to make such bet or wager, upon conviction thereof boor they shall forfeit and pay three times the amount - whet Or to belie. • 'lussy person not by law qualified;sball frilud ulently vote at any election in this Comenon wealth,or being otherwise qualified shall vote out of his proper district, or if any personlenowing the want of such,qiudifitiation,slialleddar procure -such person to vote; tile person Offending shall, on conviction, be flned in any aum not exceeding !two hundred dollars, and be imprisoned for any 'term not exceeding three months. . 'lf any person shall vote at more than oneclep t Lion illatrintor odierivitio.katolnlently . than once on the same day; or shall frataluleritli - fold - antlalelivort• gethcr, with the intent illegally to vote, or shall pretence another so to do, he or they offending, shall on conviction be fined in any sum not less than fifty nor m - ore - thaq feveleutftlM - ilfillars ; and be imprisoned for any term not leek thasfllfree 'nor.: more than, twelve months. 'lf any person not modified to vote in this Com monw.eajth, agreeably to lad, (except the sons of qualified eitiztals) shall Appear at any place or election for the pit s posd'of issuing tickets or of influencing the eitizeaqualified to vote, he phi! on Oonitatteit forfeit and many stun not exceed ing one liandred Minors for every such offeope, and be imprisoned for any term not exceeding three months." reebbieALthC_Rra.VitiOng_nr the_sixtypfirst_ ectiOn•o — f — s - aQ act, every General and Special Election shall be opened between the hours of eight and ten in the forenoon, nod shall continue without interruption or adjournment until seven o'clock tat the .evening, when the polls shall be closed. . And the Judgesof the respective districts afore said,nre by the said act required to meet at the Cour: House i in the borough of Carlisle on the third day after the said day of election, being Friday the 12th day or October, then and thereto performAtillings required of them by law. Given under my hand, at Carlisle . , this 11th day orScptembee, A. D. 1a49. JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff. Wi11 . % Office, Carlisle' September 110849. S VALUABLE REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. N pursuance of au Order' of the Orphans' I Court- of Cumberland county; will be 'Mid at public sale, on THURSDAY, the 4th of Ow tobar, next.rit 12 o'clock, noon, the following described Real Estate, late the property Jw cub High, decd, to wit :—A tract of Landi•eit• cute in Militia:township ! in said county, bound• ed by lands of:lsaac Christliob,-Georgy. North's heirs: John High . and others, containing, 2'17 ACRES, 81 PERCHES, neat measure, having thereon erected a two story Log DWELLING HOUSE, KITCHEN; Double Log Barn, Wagon Shed, Corn Crib .j and Cider Press, a' well of fa '; never failing water convenient tp the door, and a good, Apple Or' chard. About seventy Acres of the Farm aro first rate Timber Laud, and the residue in a good state of cultivation, of which about 40 Acres aro good Meadow, the greater part of which is suitable for tillage. The above tract will be sold on the following terms—The-costs of sale to be paid by too pur chaser, on. the confirmation of the solo by the Court; at which time he will be required to en' terinto re'cognizatice in the • Orphans' Court, with approved security, to scents , the residue, of the purchise money, 'o be paid as follows: One-third to remain in the, hands - of the pur chaser daring' the life of the widow of said de' cedent, themiterest to be pail( her annually cent' mencing on the Ist, April next, during-her life, and after her death the principal to-be paid to the heirs of 'Mid' decedent ; one other — third to be paid on the lst of April next, when possess* ion will he given and dyed mode to the purchw per the remaining, third. to be.paid in two equal annuallayments thereafter without interest.— No grain or runt will pase.to the, purithaser.— The taxis/Sof 1850 to be paid by the-purchaser. Any,person wishing,to view said Farm tmly ctilLon the subecribor residing on the:prerniies. ,Adm,r of. Jaeob Sept ,5 ts VALVIIIILE 11ILL 'PROPERTY' . • rot.Sale*. .Tfis , subserriburofferirat 'Private 'sale, the property on'airhich'he now lives, situate within a quarter of a wile of the borough of Liver ,pool, Perry county, Pa,, consisting of la 13'AW ILL, GRIST 36 ACRES, of Land, I:. and twdprood HOIISEIEh-&c: all of 'whiih ar e sETGliif Milt is. th °rips.. high. wit h,4 pairYOF,,l3.urrs, tglour,lVltichinery 'and ether,;neceesary Mille are , ho arranged as.to be,run,byboih - steensoinityrV ter ,TheY*are.situateifwithirpsiltitiartoi of , a rnsle.ot, this Susanciferina river, and Penn's. Canal,lhas,haying 'overy:feeility for;_thOcheep. Iran sporta t i , pre dace — m ether.' : Uoing determined,tasell, as I desirdte bitivo.Au(see: sign of•chuntry, I will ` the farms most 43sonahlajo any who wish,to purehase.l„;,,Per, goluiare.ro,guosteil tO Calrand Soo thp . ,,l49orty, orradd . reas thehubseribev-acLiVerpool, in said , VALUABLE"FAIIWFOR:TALL' , ' aintioliZed,in:oltir at pd. E.4olA.M;oo3ituated. near Tt c : °l 4tVille;:fo,4 6 ,o o lc 00. 0 .u.ntY• 51 d,” , about 'lO Miletr.tionf" , ,tho[ r e,qttnty segtc,and 'd miles from . .'olituatott ruintlce, eon tain mg ; tht AC ES O '3B, itaprovamont a tare, a. , fiaii3 'PRICK o.olls4;.rrioaarti "built' 60 feet .font; •536" dealt, :two .storiee 'high . , ;with back', , bu P ding,'LO,G DARN. and; water ;convenient fo . The whole 'under geed fence 'potions desirous of ascertaining tellies Of 5a1e.,7 4 .. , w,hich, ..be aaarifare requested tomtit on the ;subserittr CI:allele. ' W 11-,PARRINgOIsti nue29 i ItII LILTAItYmENCAPAPIIIINIVT: . limit oh t 641' hal d:itt- . lkle tvv,1110; IAY Sep terabapol 'd d: !fori•tti; tats on Saturday tho 22ditu a alak o uoliielf.;Voltintear 'Companies ra'rti 'mato every' ittriaugtiment l,l lol to ticoontaloda!lon ". ' , 4lltfOrt oT 11 Voluniutir!.ciimionhiaiilliayltffit oinkprquer All Field" dfCorraoled;CitigcriB'. ro ittvltddlckattaudv ATAidrl:l l oWlietANTlqt',l! I..uiti ~: ' , fil' IVAI4A I RICINt3 tlal l o3ll3UV , ,OßTit;o:!*tsr.r , :-!' y:rCoiuplittai,7'l • .khY~Y,~nl9l~. ` .:.- v}£~4s£SyCa~~Y?'' • :kl 1P:1: • 11 LE " t al ° ;...;‘"! :• pug. AOACe OW.; .1 1 4DA.Y.g.thh'i41.2 'oditi/VOlZOeittber":: itekti; ,then tvilorpignAd; papeutora c of §protiel, is , Atibie,"tlee'd:, "Offet,fillablie. Baler - 131)4m ,prerniseeetha' EROIUNT i 6 Pid 494.44 aitAlMoNVOß:the'Az Attind;9lt Weef , Pertnaboro , tpwriship,lCumberland:coun Iy - i;•tnikee - Uouth,' ofahniqsjewilille ,Depot' 'the c l utpkerland V,alleif4uil , :gped:bA:hara are about, two,;A:crue jaado El op Stl;re'f. , iiti" 1 10100.itted , ,tt !PO OPcT, hop:. attnched:to; said ARIL a;frbctffMill,•bqtt pair 'of Fr Uttehtßurre,;;,l,4ipik oft- gimping !Stolle'''. end 4` patr,,o(.etoues lot,' i ithianglplatiter„nndJa,, : 'provided with Antickt,r,t,erYthaaarlY new; '.and' !ne tnost‘up proved;gon,etttction l ,and ,not ;tally 1,. fitle :11;p,,bes!. qatithlialin3entu:in the. county: 7 ., Sate to commence nt y 2 ti b clopk; Mt, when al. - tondanco will' be given and .terms made known, by; JAMES. f4t r ISAAC put 29is . I cPON'P;,y. . con 08. , .IdministeatorlsSale.'" . ON. TH HILSHAY, 41ie.27t1i Of Seticiimber, I .eipose to public aide; Who premises ita:"t.Prankford township, Cumberlanii• county, Pa„, - ' the, FARM 'lately' irkisitPied , by. George lEekhard diac'd., shan't° m,said,township. nbout 'three miles northeast of .ille, and the same' distance, from the linit'of 3itogg Cbmb. Val- Rail"'R.oad,.containing N ACRES of first-rote rilittetinrid,licarly all; of which is S under cultiva tions mid- hit' good 'OrdOe. 'Zile improvements ' ' are ti Lag Double Log other 'nenessnry out. bitildingif,.,olo(il..,weJl of never , Inning water, at the door. an or ehatiL Of , _: good Iriiit..:-..l'horo is about 15 Acree*.of first' late' Meadow on 'th e linet,:and rithAinewnior Within ii fOw-reds,of, the improvement: 4Pert`bile forth 'lids been' limed, and•iis"sitninthinjsfYiitiewithfhlive miles Of tbe ,Limestone km/ion:collars every facility, for itnprovitig.in that wa.k. 'R 6 4° BBlOl, will by given on the -Ist of Anil 'next. Also, at the etre time and pltioe, 4 AGREE of Woodland, lying within about 100 rode of the aboVe do. scribed tract of laid. Petition's 'wishing to see' the property 'can &batty eilliboin the subseri bet:, 'living 'near Alter's Mill; or David Krouse, living on the -pronlises. tto commence nt 9 o'clock on said day, when attendenee - willao given and terms made inown'hy JOHN McDOWELL; Ad'mr. ang2S ts- VALUABLE TOWN: PROPERTY FOR SALE, . THE subscriber, adminietratUr of Dr..A. H. Van Hoff, will offer for sold, on the premises, on THURSDAY, the 18th day of October, 1849, at 10 o'clock, A. 1111., in pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberland county, the following valuable properties;Oitu." ate in the Borough of Meghtuuceburg, in said 'county. No. I—That largo double two story. BRICK . • HOUSE, contdinlngsabout-sii ..?.._s:i... ' teed'rootnti,.kicatod In the centre :f•-,• flfr of Elie town,lnd• ticiulidelf on the • .. • I •. 0 - gCTlltlf lirthir.Maiii - 113 'met, on the ..--- -_,,!- .:. --. west by an alley, on ihe north by the uinberland Valley Railroad, and on. the esst by the Union Church lot. There is a good Vell - 01" - Nra infind - cistern on_tlfe premises, a good stable, and a numborpf choice frUit trees. NO. 9—Ten lots adjoining the Depot lot of the Railroad Company, will be sold either sep. erately or together. . 10. '3 --Ten lots frontirg on the Simpson t F rry Road, will also be sold separately or to ga her. No. 4.--A lot of about 9-I. Acres of Ground, in the said Borough. bounded on the south by , the Cumberland Valley Rail Road, on the west hp lands of Michael Hoover's heirs. On the north,hyAlte_-Green---Lana-and:on._ thaenat-by the heirs of Dr. Oliver, dec'd. The properties offered for sale are amongst the most vsluablo in the town, and Worthy of the attention of eapitalists.or that:. desirous of securing comfortable homes or ont•lots. Per sons destroub of looking at the properties will I have every facility afforded them by calling on I the subsctiber, residing ono mile cast of Me. ehanicsburg, C. TITZkL, Ad'mr. 1 stipts'49ts' VALUABLE REAL ESTATE 'AT PUBLIC SALE. IN pursuance or an order of the Orphans sours of Cumberland county will be sold nt public sale, on the premises on 'WEDNESDAY the lOth of October next, a tlO o'clock, A, M., the following described real estate lite t property of Henry Miller deed. to wit A 'tract of land situate in Mifflin township 'Cumberland eminty,ab - tut three miles w-..st of Newville and 1-oaf n mile from Eckerts mill, bounded on the South by the .Conodoguitinet creek, on the. East by Abraham Whisler,ion the North ,by And'w. Middleton and: on the West by John High,,containing 158 'Wee neat meas. tire; about 40 stares of which covered with goisiksimbertv , .Therlimactrat a te and...creek hoc tom ma high State - of cultiviitionoitieutr4o acres 'being creek bottom of superior quality • for the production of grain or grass. The Irdprove . ments are a large anti commoili . II I log, ia 1 0 . 9 1. T frame,O KY new li n ° l tj ai S •g E e P-rt ' - Bank Barn, basement' Stone and - the balance frame, together with all the necessary out buildings it, excellent re pair. There Is all orchard of ahoice fruit It,, said farm and a never failing well of water at the door. The terms of sale are So much as •may hi retliiired -to pay the costs' and expenses, to be paid on the confirmation of the sale by the court one third the balatisntosemain in'the hands of the Purchaser-during the life of the widow of mid decedent the interest to be paid her annual- IT from 1 st' A pril next and at her dent It the prin cipal, to be paid to the hairs, onehalfuthe balance to Le paid on the-ilt April next whe possession will be given RIIIIII deed made to the poach:leery and the residtin in three equal annual p nyinents thereafter without interest:, The whole to be secured by;recoguizatme in the. 'Orphans court with approved qcourity. f thcpurellaser to pay the taxes Of . the year 185,Q.., ivrt,Luot KNE,TTI4E• s , Trustee appointed by the Court • Augustt2T, 1849.—t5. , , , , --- - Lana at Exnentbria . Sala, : ' THE s'ubaeribere, Exeeetoie :of Dariiel.ll,luh f A ~ • ler, late oll4iitew liellip; Orb:lberia nil ea uni . y,. • deceased, - Will expose - A° .p,iihlie 0419, at - Ale •la.o. iielderfee‘„ on 'Tuesday.'ihe..l,6tli 'gr,;.o6tetier, , 1.84,9,411 e following ; Eitoto,Ato the, prop... eity',of eat! deceased:; " ',' . - . ..:.., ., ' No.'l:;•=4 tract, of:Ltin'il,.69;titiaini4lo acres, . : altuateln . :Alleir toWahlyi, about two miles and , a half otiatlifMeelnitiliaburg....4inir,; the Sate , I Road fret* Harrietiorg . r.Y. ,GettyAliurg.„, adjoin- -, lig lands of Petitr ohlor; : peqgp, k y.coaA 'and others. It te:fiiiit' "M 'iiile ',lkinmtrine, lancl, jilt or . whioh'-ii•ilefifad-butSYs-rpsscakund - ,Orider - ai)d - , .10iiciliiid eibiillectetiAttyatona. Ji.,...9intainorio„ ini p roienien ite ,s but)q , .oxsf9tit*9l 3 ibil l 4 4 t 4 o, t" for, fiiiiniiliimrimies. . , ~t,i.Pp.. ,t.".Nri . . 2:- 7 gt tract : aqui:4, ritßatojei t Oe •attmos:, • ' ciartiattig'criO'coutai t? i fig ). 2, - . lto roe 1 ,.0f i ti , .got)ii,,',i 'qualttklpf Slati.Larid; Itaytrig,,iliarcon :ajaarek: i. 1, •' - JJA-O,NE srtsmt-t-m:ogotiArrAiqk .• Er ti ET,AHLE,'WIt4 it yopoi".(irch'44l. 7 .,,c . 11...14 :, under ; : : 'Ttlglo!ki 4.0 : good, : , • 'fen 6 P. • • ••• . I L.,_•it'• •yr . a .:i , ' ';`. :; q , , ,, i ' ' No. 3,.-A. tkoet 2 of , woooliioli,oklAiltlVl- 1ri.,,-; Menaglinh r,roiwniihip, le,op.iP'pelty,.cpttle.tlicift.,, IS acres !mt , I."44jerellimi:, ; sl7ttirryrg ,o,:t,hetiout„ , ,:., timber.* .„.o,,djoi!lingyeipltpaippg . .frysitlgr . ,„ Eldock and .othore• •,t . -,' ii!il ;• , 'at,',fr 4 i:',..• ,- y,••:,, .-•,•. Atteiu taii.O6rlo:4EAA.M,•.B.l l il•OVTßOl;- time made Itliowii 'by .. • , ...:', , ~.. , • • ,•••• -., : • e ' - 2 scfLef V 214 Affitli; Eli. ... , -1: 0 "•••;:t . : ' . .. JAcOi! AtOHLER...:,,,, ~ . 1 Eiicrtora ~.• . ' pure uanO"otten- , order. of:the ;;Cir,plityg- : : Court or CainbOrliiii:Ciiippnlyol4,l,Bobspribor; Adriiinjatigtiii:Oftblin l p,,ghtight:i do o'41: div 9 FRJDAYvttie,sthir, 'or.:oo,totiiir; l -949, , on the , . folloviing;deilijilbco 7 oi,tipoit*;;Vizs, triptror,Gandi. ielpiktirlyl:!Sityior , 114-• pe m v 4 ve4o l tci c , kyr. notlui sTottypeAm4 pplfrst;'lll9i pim, nskille;. : unf) , l .4 9 Teri '# ; .Ports c .;,! , . „ . , , Tiie i'otnii.9llB,iiltrate cite A follpifie=44l ye Dint 0: r•r, paid ciplifirriniiititf orooreLPni.lialt or. thet 1- 1 - 1 - ang9.pkthelbrer 061,0114110ipt'ciii;',00!,Werpiiiiii it;?;11,,...E ; %11111;' I BpJ,V4. l it6t4e ge, r VO47 110:Rf !no, Ille:Yit,l* 4 , P 14.0,$.5tit.itt libt!r*fltfON; vAylkin e .,4 . 9.4ollii# 3 of Koptmitor,, lweoti:tltofigiftitOf tifkd ~ 1 3 .t.oldltrEktt.P- 1 11qh0. StffNPOe s qktif the •,C.Okroiy, e r t POpoo •c,,t:gifoimind.ll Xr.OßlClPo(;Wid,hikl:qroo•:: ,torn a io;ipapiiket , tlueoffolraiofotti?Ompony., • 014,n Btu ng'yoor:r. , l3 y .ord.eKoffillio Dottid.t f!.9141 pojitsio, NEM y ISM _ • A A.f4''''3s6`al+AC'Cri:"Y@J''''.7'll4--q.`..4-t!r44';','Y'F'lAlS!..,'l,of;V"':'''''''Tt' ',....:•.-''' 'litqcir 44 t t•;.. .... ' ~-. • ..,.... , , ,fr,4,- . e.:. , 11 ,, Y,.. , . ••11 , R.LLt' si,II • i V .ILLUABLriatEhIaEST,A.TE" • :•,',•:. • • jAT. EXECD.TOR'SWS'AIigr • ''. N lIC.UESDAN, the Sd•orl/ottiberateicq.will k- Im gold at Public Sale:on ,tbe,imimises I Mob, reef tewnshipicumberlantkocunty,en,,, 1nr. 1 .917, low? ityytVal •Es s c,, late' thU ,iteppeelP. :Feter BeiekeeitlebUtsitl„;'on:the'raeltotity idlle. gest el sprink Forgm• ' '••••'.,''' . 7 :‘''."--'' • i•,., , ,,:X1: :„. NT:ll...Geniallna i• 130 'OBER refi`-'olt;rase 'Litneitatitii Land.. , ; - .The •vriajtektvtamellttl::-arecli l'aege.Stene.:House,•l3attkilaten,•WitgomSbeda; ,Corn.;Grili rttitl, office.; out-buddinga. : A Iso,:n, 'first-eatp,,Speing'nittr,theidooe,andjut*.ornimed, eitßice-f01i,i,1.-• - •!•• ;,,.: -;',1• , ,m , :d) 7 ) , -7..a ' N0..2-Coqtitiqiiig:,l69. AC R .I.S ;iX.i m as ns i t 4l oi '4' l l f 6iii 'l •0 illioiii, -. t . T,lt6l)inp . i.(Yee,tilettts, :VA: a i nne.StlMYlinuiti;ti Bliim",:llaim, an iit hO,r; ,out.htillilingi, and D. I Triiilbi. It64Ve;lllll " lieV66 apritige'rienr theluitise:' BeitliTtirtrti'are',ti . , a high state Of cultivation :' • ,,, ' , v. ~ p,,, ,t ..4.,..): ••-, , ...., ~:, '• 1i0.'34-Contiluting rtGeACllES,`Abitling.'NO'i 2, nial one-fourth of a mile south`of Churelttatide :about .. tea Aerois'AVC. cleared, the' rem Eli IlliCr !I 8 covered with fine.i.isitbur. ,• .. ,_•, ., . ,;•,-, ,:- •. ••., N0.4-7-Contains 11 ACRES, on the, nentli, side of ,Ycllmi /I r'eeches •Ceeck. lite. i IT) peeve-, minus are a good Log House and 'Stable •teid, a 'good.Spring And the taw d is usiirer:good.enlti v 1 4 4.-- .; . Contiiiiis'tiboat TWO ACRES Ott the' Eerie R ORil ~ Tie mile east of ' qpring 4 Forgi.— The Improvements arc it large two-stbay House, part stoilo, Frame Stable, Blacksmith Shop, and other out-houses r with a first-rate Spring in the basement story of .the house. ~• .. - . No. o—Contains r about . THREE- ACRES' unimproyed lonct,, on thn . York .Readlitear, Chtirchtowd, under good fence., . .. ;, •,, No. 7"---;4.; l arge. an d well ,finisite,d ‘tiii37:itiory 11011 SE ' and . lot cf . ground _in ..Cliurchtdieni aboue'4o (Vet in front and 150, feet in delith.— lndisitutable Hiles will be given' forlhe 'abbin properties. ' The albeit' propirties shown and all.neceeSttey information given to persona wish., ing .to puechase„,,by.calling on either 'or the' 8U b acriberi;.or On '3 olet Lutziliv inglon -lots No. 5. Sele.to commence at 10 o'cloek.-when atten. dance will be given and deems made., known by • , , GEORGE BRINDLE,- ... • •.' . JOHE.BRINDLE, , Augti'stjks -.- -; „ - : : Executors,' . - namable Real. Estate AT'T.IIBIIO - SALE. • 10-THURSDA.Y the 4th of-October next, the l/Subseribeemill-expOseitt public sale ; on die pre:lases, Soutbmiddletori.township - , Cumber.. berland county Pa., the. farm lately occupied by. Lehman, deceased, 4 miles south of Car-. lisle and one mile north of Creighentl's containing about 105 ACRES of good limes ne Land; in a high slate of cultivittion anti under ' Bond fence. TheHtpovementemre a lire story • ; ft DWELLING 1-101.1.01;. • ' 14ige Kitchen, plaitered inside 'and outside ; large Log Bari, Wagon Shed; Corn Cribs; a nd ether•mccessary. see, together with u 'well of never. failing , water nearthe door; aniline-. °Mbar& ..witk_ every ._variety, of ;elieiee. fruit. :Also.nt theoiame time and place will be Olfereiti tract of 20 ACHES o 1 Chessia 'timber, near the Holly Iron %V orks; on the East tide of the Turnpike. 'Also, the one undivided half of. Eight Acres of Cheimut Timber, about 4 miles from Holly, on the .east side of s tlie Gettysburg read. Also, - • .On FRIOAY, the 5111 of October, next,:nn the premises in Monroe township, ,Cutnberland county, Pa., the Farm late properly of Jacob Lehman, deceased, on the road leading from Churchtnwe to Midillelex,2•• miles north of Elirclitown, containing 85 ACRES. of good Limestone bond, in a high state of cultValion and under good fence,about 12 Acres of which 'is covered with 6rst.rate timber. The im provements.are a Iwo story STONE HOUSE, a-olie - story:Kitettetifra Log Thirni-Wagen-.Viech,- Cdrn Crib ,Cider Press nnil•other necessary out building! Alpo a revel -failing well tsar the door. There is else All.excellent Orcpard of choice fruit on the premises. The above - Farms are in every respect excellent ones. lutlispn tabfe titles will be given. • Persons wishing to see the above properties can do so by ealling•en Samuel Lehman in South 111illilleton township, or on the subscriber in Monte township. Sale to commence at 1 o'clock, P. M., on both clays when attendance will begiven and terms made known by GEORGE BRINDLE, • August 1-ti. Executor.. ASSIGNEES SALE OF FMr'AMI7I - 17'11 WlLlibe Sold at Public Sale a' the Court House in -the Borough of Carlisle on THURSDAY, the 20th of SEPTEMBER next, the follow ing described property, to , witi No. I—MILL SEAT and FARM contain ing about 200 ACRES of first rate black slate land, situated iu Frank-1;1rd township abou. three miles west of Carlisle, on the Cobodogn. net Creek. This,tract is well . proved, having — thereon erected a MANSION KO 1.1 S 1111 • Barb, Corn:Brib-; tOgithir with a Clover Mill, Saw Mill-add d Pinker Mill, and three 'Tenaht- Muses. • This properly will be sold in ono or two tracts to suit purchasers. No. 2—About 70 ACRES Litues.one Land, situated ori the Walnut Bottom Road, about oue-half mile west of Carlisle. The improve.' moms are a BARN and a well of never foiling water. No. 3.-7'Mo one undivided hnlf of. ithont 70 ACRES of Limestone land, immediately south of the above tract. The improvements are -a STONEIIO U SE, the lower story of a Barn, &c. No. 4.—About 85 ACRES of Limestone Land, situated on the Walnut BottoM Road, nbout 2i miles west of Carlisle. There is a Barn and Well of Water on this tract., No. s.—About 5 ACRES lel PERCHES of Chestnut Timber, near 'the road leiding from Carlisle to Gettysburg, about tO milos•from Corinne. No. G.—About 5 ACRES and 27 parches,ol. - • MEADOW LAND, near Ho - day's . in .tho. Borough Carlisle Therti. ia building for .1."7,...' of 1111.. a Manion , with waterright and, a BRICK 'H this O USE, &o.,qii- No. STONE HOUSE & LOT...neer the Second Presbyterian Church in the 8010 , of C14.14,1001.° Lot 0,0 feet in front. and 120. foot deep. • . . • . The above profierty, Will • be .ahown: end. gti ,iiocessaiyinfotnintion giiron to paretic's°, by culling on Other of ifieialisen 'Wars; of:On 111r.'Johiirays;;Iieing ' on` tn .- . Mill, ,•• ~•.. "'The terms will be ntdo.known on die day . Of • . i RICHAAVVARKER, •-,. "At • WM:M s ENDERS° , 1.10,47'49te ofnJohn Hays.. „on *Melt .Atirahein Maley_ pow-, 'iwge wil be sold at Publae Safe,.on thsvj pre m . itunf t On WED NESDAY he _19t11; dltY.of September nekt. ' eittit4e'd•in,Plortli act on' teiNtishlp;;';on' Conodogninat Creek 'about 'three' i ” et!eirof Carlitile, _and itliette kalf toil • • 'Aiter_isbarg'titid'Chatmt. 'lnirsburj iio_koutig_WCFLES_ isaqrhsunnfiroiiii , ntente-ci -HORSE,II Bank Otittl; . &O.: T., • : Nio l / be 811 0*/ 1 1) X AD ,BUl;ogri . bey, otly'Abrehttej,,NieleY, reehlee RR the. PVT"' 111/' lade 191T'vt!..,(MAlle daylif . , Ihdr."•HEN topn SO ,'"je2 ; P49iii ; • t /rice"; ~ t ,THE„,Cgrrior,StQ n e of, evneiv , Loilioriit and German „RoloiOjod_•,,dhuroh ,yvilli , ttlid;,. oil ,s i vru fp AY, ',the ,Itph, iiiakarit i , at . 7Chilreh l ', ' iOwn ihti4' Ooanty:" OicOrelsim.:ivill corn ! , Mende - at - 10 OtißliirgyofoO;iwho ord peeled td"be.toilieedij . dn';•tbat' , ogette ~ idt,Tlitf, public are'reebeetllilly;irivited , 131.BELTZI-IOOVER - d c 1' ' • , JOSEP II BRANDT, - ECratk,Nl7•Miq':, • •.,:.;', 1 ;! - Boot 5.1 4:4 a ' , L' , he All'EtirieTAON'facoaiis fin 4 Nitta? Ptiblie, i lidusoptrabyjd :the 1116tiiii.oelo dr: 1 11:,- and Al-11EDDLE;'Sent'Ye l : , : ,01111i0le•''BePt r; . . 4 ; N: 4 ~,,... ..i,;., ! ..„.. ; •:,,, 4 ! cii - 7 Amyx ~ . ~ ..,, ~koitititg;'ii- ' 466illWlLtitli;•- i ethoc an ciiiiie -, Wall iooommorolad,-abcc. giverif•ie - qaired, eie: t etiatiri)Y foOltatlitithfoliporfoarttinap Of.his'opn.. trtictl to pO.amp.l9374l.l44 4 Neageeoptittlafgo 1 laratiant Mill;',w,ahin .ipt:t3o "niii,e B ,q; , CtlV,V,' littniliat be thorglltepluOnte.d,lpltia. uaii, t 1 . 6 0. 0, ' fli'fi'vviiiitcl . NI, ranted if:lid: an Otto , tuatelliritidladAtti I fi lw,lolittgq; , a iliet*l .. naOleopri,thletEditoPat'tt'i;- , ,c. ; , „!,t, ,- 00 ,9 9 1 .1 ,!,-,,,.adutioit'loriiis: , hllo:, rstp.ttorvilil, tik.ll,ilatipti o' '' Sr lijii•ag Atitaiiaiie(iif . dAilisli; fa. ,- leaoT. 0' 7.VAPtir 6PWAPAtIqO; era ,IntanOritOto lid; OW ';. WM liti' 'dole ;id OitiatitiOte: __ ~,r . :.k i li - ;';'''n''.a.d .- : 414.0.11 7 4.1;1ia1e i tat i i tiC''.r. Atitagginrl".,q,qt , A , ;sl.‘,l3l6tED . JAI i 0,11,1‘a,n ,:..,1.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„V;ri,:;.,V(.84.:7A1 ~..,,, `,'.,-li•‘,.,'''''.,:,.',PACt '1,,;!,1:1,,,,:'n,,,','"A1,11,,:,,'“,•:* ' l' l -, ....:1 , ;,' 07 , .: '. k , ~ , s .." 1 ; #4,4114 - 81:4b OIORFARMAT;,:-:,! subieriyer:ihtending tb,:rennive Meet Willson atprivate Sale, the gayly', oMwhich, ' ,he lurk - resides -locatettTio, ;North -Igiddlpion tokliship,'Curnbeffand't till ply; laiillio;turtinike, trail ;loading . ' firolit , •Carlisle 'to - • l4 itirisbarg,'24" •niilea,eotot .Garlisle,,and,7one half .nlMa...veat olAytidietiex,'Millir;at;the Letart•4ringOilin teiritag44o,'ACnp,'s, : of,. first.rate , ,l,iiiiiestera .Land,..ma of t Aih the , itibove.,,io, covereit thriving timber.i ; The . ,Breater, part. ,locnatl Pest Ad. clitittout fence. , ;The:irriPttiviimente, ainsiet. Of :,„a„ conifiirtable, . Secity4WELLIN,G, , 1-, KiteheKeuitable:for. two fainilies. ln] together whli' ‘VaSh,house • Bodge, Bmolte,houtio -and a never failing Well of Writer at the , Kitchen door ' .with ti Pomp in it..„Alse„a Stone Bank Barn,-,80.by; 37! vii,itK - Corn Wagon .Carringe. add a horse stable 'separate,t.with,rint-1 ,ning wepr in the yard; and a large apple Or chard; with ahoice fruit trees. Together ;with n. Log ' House and Stable . This is one erthe Moat productive farina in this section of - --'• •4lsei, at Private Salo, another Farm contain' ing '26 AC RS,',Ono half mile south east of the above Farm,/ hay* thereon erected a two story DWELLING HOUSE, 30 by 24 fact, well hnished, with' a bank barn 48 by 42 feet. Also, a Wagon shed and Corn Crib, all new, and a, young Apple Orchard. This farm is tho'best orlinidsione,land, and in a high.. state of culti• The "subscriber will — sett—th - o—ir Thims•togethar or separate to suit purchasers. 'Persona wishing' to buy ,will do well to view ' the ;property.' it is a` moat beautifal Canoe anti see for yourselves. . . . CHRISTIAN .a.tIL assignee's Sate., • N so:tuid4y the 29th day of Sept ember.next, will offer at Public Sale on the premises the farm •noW occupied by Samuel Mari Sr. situate, in. Westpotinsborough townshiA,.Cum. 'beilaiid county, 3 , miles West of Carlisle; I mile frotn Plainfield bounded by the Conodo, gidrinet croeh, Samuel Beer, J. Signiser, Smith and others, containing 150 acres, more or less, of good LIMSSTOgE LAND.' There is a good meadow of 20 acres, 20 acres of IVood Land, the balance aro phder fence. Thu int proyemehte are a -2 k.-. Stone ;Dwelling. ;,-;" I Stone Bank Barn, Corberib!and I 1 Wagbn. shed. with all the hence enry out 'buildinge, There is an Oki:MA - RD of choicafrait, andArnevor failing Bpring of watet-near.the 4 w oi. The abbvb pro perty will e sold in whole or in part to-wit the pure : :A part of the purchase mobby can re sin in the••farm for one pier, if dosired':---. Apy person wishing to view the farm cah do sO by , ealling on Philip Shambnugh, residing on the farm, or thli subscriber at Plainfield. • TifomAs. GREASO, . ' 7 Assignee of Sarni B . 'illy 48, 1849 LIATZSTOIVE ritikivis AT• _ B LIC . SALE. , t?e t i t e . tt ermined to g t° Teter atSthe w r e m i s t at public: sale. No I—ls situate in West Penneborn' town ship, Cumberland county, Pa., 66 miles west from C arlisle. miles west from the turnpike at Jelin Paul's, and 1 milifrom the Alterton Dcpot, on the Rail Ron It consists of 125 ACRES of' excellent lime tono land, one hun dred of which is cleared end in a good state of cultivation, Cho balance covered with fincyoung timber.. The improvements are a good two - - StotyArick Farm HOUSE, and a argo rams Dann, thefie buildings VI V • • nre new, having been .orected with• is i n the last eightoerrmonths. There - -is a good well of excellent water, .with pump convenient to the House. There is also-easy:nceess to Mount Rock Spring, 'die- . tant one half 'tilde. • This Farnt is located in the centre of one of the best portions of this county, convenient to Mills, Schools, and churches. Thus rendering it ono of the most desirable Farms in the town ship. This Farm I will sell by public outcry on the premises on FRIDAY the 21st of Sep• tember, 1649. No 2—ls sit Sate in Dickinson township 63. miles south-sOrnt from 'Carlisle, 2 miles east from the Stone Tavern, end on the Yellow Brecches'Creek It consists of 125 ACRES of first rate Limestone Land in .n high state o cultivation There is fifteen Acres of good na. t oral meadow The improvgments . are a large Double ST - U N E 1 ,..„-*? ,- --= HOUSE, : a good Frame Iltirn :' 1 ...',1; • • Corti Cribs, Wagon Shed, Car- •.i , ,,J Mb. tinge [louse, Spring House, &c—. , .:, - _-c:4-:::..-• - ,.., ' There is'orte of the beat springs in the county,. rime within a few "yards of the house. This farm possesses all the advAttages desiraßle in a Frain, being' convenient to the °Great. Drove Road," where the. - Farmer can always find a Igood market for me . prodnctions of the Farm— will also offer this Farm at public sale on SATURDAY the 29th of September, 18 , 19. Terms made known on the day of sale Titles indisputable For further particulars enquire of the subssriber residing on the last Mentioned property JOHN C WILLIAMS. jytls49te - - , REALVALUABLE ESTATE FOR SALE., ' HE subscriber has in contemplation to remove to the West, offers for sale the ,Form on which be now resides, situate partly r in Mifflin and Frankford townships, .Cumber land county, Pa., within three miles of the Rote' of Newville and tiro CuMberland Valley Rail Road. Containing about 200. ACRES of patented land of first quality gravel and slate, about 170 Acres aro clear and -well* sot with clover,'a considerable portion of it has been limed . .. It.ie underlccud: fence and' generally set *kb locust stalcits. The improvements are 1 a 'Double LOG HOUSE, :and .... 4., '' run ' , Kitchen with stories; a.: large .1 4 ,: Hit : , Frame Dam, with twd threshing a-_'`». ; :,:,.. floors, -Corn Crib, and: Wag'on Shed, gempleic.!Brfok Smoke.and.,Wash house, with Water.'rising- in the Wash house, amba Tenant:houso and. Stable. There is a never ' failing titream Of Water running patit'Ore,int frOvements. There are two orchards one of which itiYoung and grafted fruit. - Thitabtiiii' iFirmjrwoll - Calculated for raisingUither„grlii.O •orsti6elf.. - ,Tll,cre is running water 'in WI the 'fields:except two. -The Faith will suit tci.tie 'divided; and will,-, he sold in lots to suit. put, chasers.: ~ . . . I wili also 'sell two pieces'of tune rand situate in Allan township, one of .w`inet_t ts patented.--Fersons-wishing—intortnation—Wlll. please call upon tho stibseriben'! •jy2s`4.9tf • . .JAMEWKENNEDY:',,,, UESD A Y, 4 tli's• 25ili - ,0f. 4 ,5a 80, thtstiptiorjbers will -expose to publio•sale im4he prennees, hi Franklord township, Quin. - berlind.couliTYTPd.T'thirWlately occupied , Gay man,.. dec e ased, situate in said ..10Wtishp, about 5 'Miles northfrowm'Newville, 8 Tilsit: West Of Carlisle - and I - mile" friim',Blo-: iervillo,containing 180 . A.CR ES of gdod land, all 'unarm culrigation.but about•' twenty , heron r' of . woodland, end in good order,with, good , !likens.' Ationfltiventy acres of it is fine meadow.,',.,Tl 'ere isti running st ream" '; through • the plac e . The ,1 : iinprcivamenta are a. two. , Story' - LiWE ' LLIN GAQUSE, Log • ; urn Oilier necefieary,,,,aut 12 • mikes. ' - 'Also; a 'wolr• never • failing . ivator, at the:door; end an oraPard covering three acres, with every variety of choice l ujt:; ploplado is in revery Irespocr an'eacollont farm. ./ 3 08EIRBSiOn will:, be given id; the fall if•Ziesired.'l,Tersons'destring4to Ben it bait de.so by calling on Abraham. Onsminpiv , iug;near Alter's. or.Frian'a to.cont,', monde:at-2 , b o'cicick - , P. At, when • attendnnoe will bd;given'anit forma :made' known by • i, 7 4";•• AD IL AHAM &MAW - GAY,II4ANO.- r , • .—,,,.,,..1?-•Exectifors:,;,r ;,auklste .T„,: EXPRZUUS.-- ' id iegnentfully infor ; ITUN qnd"sigliCd ' t "^ li a nd the surrounding ilhdr. citizens ;of Carlpie , , ,,., .. ,:, 4 colingry.that-theil:: " -"' ',s ,ipHILA66.6IIA, EXPIiEtS' . OO',S;IO at:. FROM - , ~, h c amah , ~,,,;4..- tl uiess dully '' thr°"# bailor-coml. 1 1' , .1- `-: ' 410,1111 -kbratitl,i,lioli.'Bor,- • ilecY 6 &!?P / I,..phibiddirillie, hridizieV.l 4 l, 4l 34 . 78 miiiker etre° 't . t it • will tit iha attd'adiatent co in I intended l or ,.‘T a i ti.„ - 1 2 ,-,,„ • J.& D. Rhotid's Vttt9 l De. de/iVer.'" `"tr.."-"rnress,to7.-Philitdelphid;'ll, hotted,- Goode for -.......„ will Meet with nit t Rhona's' Whreucrus°',-+ d f (ree's i iii i- do`v , ithritti r peh e tteilit?h• , fi ) rk ti. ' , ~.00 ain e . x , i , ~., , .11 V 191411 be' .. nr 'lloit florbt•logo. 278 Menial e . t:. , i,ik,tgente;ll...r& ',D,.. Rhoads., c dribilb_.:4`;,orlb, trike E s A.:. envy freights ‘vhgn Pv9r....g le i' w ''' ' sdi`c .li tti e lk , t . hiindred. 'Pttk--Nit . 0,13,, 5 .. , v 1 , 0, ., , ,,,, ,1 1 1,, ;in .nrciortlo to' size.' , ~ , ~, ~ „ , , , ~,,,_t „ i i, l ;sr.'A•e•thiti is a ? new' enl9rPTIR6'-"PnrittVilt[iit7ni ,t.r. • c centtudddlimP,' '..- "11044 c6n,ieniehbo MI " -.4.- it liiitielilf tvIL „- - 91.' 011111501611d' alltin7 l ' leillisliiV l l , l ol U'A, rl;', , with thtilanithsttrticelln-,44, At t ac,g tr . o ti. ;.., 1411)1911'014°4140,rtiiiigtallitIttilifil!,''' 'tts•.fv4_ kt — t-il, ti,i•TipP , . to .. ..,_,,, `li Of ~.quppo. ,—An h ' ) TS:': x;970t€1. 1 -4.qpthoVl kt* 4 '...t. 05 . 011( et3filief iiiiii:'oo l ,j , klinT - ti MIT A% ir diicirtitv.iit.4tl4ls & x,ne3pAlt,q py ttrn 11, oc • 0, F ,,,,,,i,,t,,'.40,-idilat ,5f) , T.,4 1 . 4 „, 0,24.4 k,., ~.. 0pmk11,%',1,,,.!!)m,,:.,-m,,,.,.., reidtiO • f",;;,v4 ~ • • 7 • " ' • e .. , :azitikurietoT4trAo9,,lCßi'4o9.o,-A { c• p2i• Chisiittf. - Sfre,44loo46;ezefi' , -PHILAZIELP ! radi0...A.66 A bp. „ f 'telitieii , lti , hidinioerior eh& • .Dteehine' Chsi,ts,; Ciird'lCSSOo t *geed,' ursee.""`rocket Wolves, t Oth,w"fine 'Cede/Jo6bl I , ''Perf , qls',:Segit , bisee r:Ohogi"' `,i I ' 4 ,"• BeerGironion, , "‘ ,=1 , , Boarda,'Domplecllkil:= - 1413 .liible'end!medehr il*leifrof).ll6 Bhetit ' giiulity" lid" "' excellent üblo.fadoyriatlern , ;!vihiehr.he tiel riitiletitl= • be liriapare'dlo exhibit ri:odffurnish . .wholesitlelpx v. , retell-on 4ho mos t.,reaserib le. tonne; , r4:4- Ki - Turehaseriir wlieVesire tci'43upply , thini 4 c=4.pl helves , vv th.artie les, of the:test quality mill) ; Shit hheie.e.wn interests; by, calling-, at this:l)2c Dal tablishment,. ,F,:11,8MITI-I; 47, up.. 1 .Pecho(Book Manulaeturar t s ,• , 4 1 -4 helmet Street. HE imbebribete inytitilhe'ettention'Of Fite• T' mere and , dettleti inipplY of thie •I ^ makable feitilizerL=THElß OWN IMPOR TATUM, AND SELECTED BY AN EX. • , PERIENCED SUPERCARGO. ' 'if' • B eting; dry like; the P ERU VIA N, I packed in White Cotton 'Bags—but not being • like ihatot Government monopoly, ,OAN'IIEYILF. FORDED AR' A ,LOWER' PRICE/. • 4• • • • , e r,m a ,, t 8 /moon ,e execu • y,uk either from our stoeke,here.or at, New' §l - .)UTTER , . SZE - CARPETS AND' OIL ' (MOTHS ' '' ' , ' .• ~ AT ELDRIDGE'S 'CHEAP 'WAHEHOHSE' PHIL!A . - - E R S 0 N S who wish to. got good:bargains ~,,te t, - in, CARPETS :oxt r : o cLowms,-H that.: u, WhOleatile or.,*iii . l, will-do well ,to galloon ~..; the ; subscriber; as' hi's expenses in his present, ~,t location aro very light, he •is tabled l and, die•: , .: • ' lormined to lien at `the lowest prices in the city .. Ira offers for this '-season an excellent assort. 'tent' of -,'- - '' , ' + . - „ . Splendid'lmporial, three ply . ) Beautiful Superior,lngrOin I ^ - , • Find and Medium' ' -do ' ' CARP ETS. j „ Eniry,and Stair orall kinds, , . And' List,' Cotten- and ''Rag, . . . ~, And Olt CLOTHB•froin 2 to 14 feet wide, for Rooms, Ealls,''&e: with a great vatietv"of low priced Ingrairceorpotsfrom 20 to 50 cents, ' and Stair and Ent _ Carpita from 10 . to sOnts. • -perlyard. Also, !Wettings, Rugs, Floor Cloth, Stair Rods, &c. 4 „ , : •-H II ELDRIGE, . • . No. 41 STRAWBERRY Street, one door ' - above. Chesnut,' near Second,: Philadel. phia. [aug29 am' - SPRUCE STREEt CABINETAVAREROOMS No. 119 Spruce st. - beloVv:E4ll; - PHILADELPLILA.; (J ONSTANTLY on - hand. a large assort ment of superior - Walnut &. Mahogany Furniture, 'Manufactured in the best manner, of modern' style, and at moderate prices, embracing:. - Sofas, . Parlor Choirs, - Wardrobes, • Rocking Chairs, • Dressing Bureaus, 'fete-a-Tetes, French Bedsteads, Centre and Pier Tables High Post Bedstds' Wash Stands, Hat Racks, Secretaries Extension Tables, &c. &c. Every article is made of the best material' and workmanship, and warranted. augBly T & r) ILENKELS. s:frAll goods liought at this establishment packed under the immediate superintendence of the proprietors, and sent free :of charge to any, part of' the city. , • , MI TEA WARILSOU,SE, DAVID RANKEN, No. 73 Chestnut street, corner of Bank street. PHILADELPHIA has for sale die following TEAS, to which - he 'invites the ado - Mk:oh of the trade ;- 200 half chests Young Hyson Tea. 100 do _ Gunpowdiii do. 100 &a Imperial 10. 20 dam finest' Company Hyson Tea. 20 cases, each containing 4 131 b boxes finest Curious Young Hyson.. 20 cases finest Curious Gunpowder. _IL 10 a. • do Imperial, 200 half chests finest Chulan Powchong. 100 do Ningyong Powchong, "30 do very finest Oolong, 100 do second quality. 100 do Ningyong do. 50 chests English Congou. 100 hf. do do do, 25 chests Padre Souchong. 25 4 do fine Molten do. 1500 pounds prime Company Nutmegs. These Teas have been selected by D. FL With great bare from` thevarious late cargoes, and. ill be found to fully sustain the high and unrivalled reputa•itin which this establishment has enjoyed for the last forty'years, and his prices, as heretofore, will be found as low neat any house in the Cnl,lpd States. [mm22 9m • Fancy Furs, Zak Boas & Tippets. DAVID H. • SOLIS, (successor to Solis, Brothers,) Importer and Manufacrurer of every description of FURS, having just re turned' from Europe with a SELECT. STOCK' OF FURS, is now manufacturing them in very superior style, and trimming them in the In_ust elegant manner, and would invit6 the attenltom of MERCHANTS and OTHERS, toldeeu perior and extensive assortment which as he MANUFACTURES 'as weIrIMPORTS;he is efinbled ur offer at such prices_as few houses in the United States con compete with. DAVID H SOLIS, 86 Arch (Mulberry) Street, 6 doors below 3d et. inrNext to Louden & tio's.'Family • Medi eine Store, ;• Philadelphia,;aug 15 Gm. Store always closed on. Saturdays. highest Caslr:Prico paid ; for Shipping Furs • 11 . 7 11esnufactory. •- • . • CLAR.K,,, Veal:an 111;nd Manufacturer. ,Ell. sign of tild GOLDEN EAGLE, :No. • , 139 and.l43, South Second Street, below Dock • Siroot. PH,ILADELPHIA. licepe. always On hand , 'a 'largo end' fashionable, assortment of :WIDE UhorNARR:OW' SLAT'WINDOW menfactured, in , .the best nianner; nf . „' thelbeifinetcriitle, and at the lowest icaskftrtees s„' Having refitteotanectrlaiod hie eatablieliltent ~ , t he is ,preparaftieothyletenrdere to ' onb amount'" at the eheriast notice.'Constaroly ".:, assortment, of MAHOGANWFUH , FURNITURE " 1 ' of every yeriety.manufactprad'exYre own sales,: and ~purchssers gnty. there ts: ~ ' on a good , aiticle.; ~.• KrOpen L ie the airening4 Ordericfrani - aTdittunice , packe - Z761 - Ceftilly7 - ,-, 4 iiiidiont free •of porterage to• any pa r t of the. , [aug 15'4] , , H. cLAgAL,,), • • •• ;:777 -7 7 7 N . 641sAGAZ/RFNCI3 i- 7 •0 , - 'A g eig fir the sale if Sohtliworth Manufacturing' ~, Co'. . Writing POirs.Warekoyse,; , RG,O: I 3 , ' , 3 ,,,, .111ind7'2 , 5t;;I:Philadfitritio." .-," -' l. ~''‘ , ' li ~ z. ~ ..."I , t,' , etincOASES:lbpthertbare -'eiipoilrii PaV ' 3 =i . 11a1114, pore now in. store; and , for Bale tOlhei'''' '-''' .: I . 1 trade, at the ..loweat 'market- prieee';' 'cloninating in"''`'? ino .tlielr. , Flat .cops; ti 2014, 1.5 and •• 16 , lbs.; Mile had white. .... .. ,- :.,. -, ... 'O , ;; 'il : ; Suporfide Ainditimand Dernl,Wri!inge;"bin'' l iti W/11P1.. .I!, i , i i,-.-..01 .; ~;t,„ t 0 . 3,, " .4itra;enteraidsuerfine. Folio ' P oste, 614; :,;lond white; r plain and ruled.;,-; , , , . .':.!..,;;., 4 V:. -,ft i,.41,Y y d ' Satierfine Cornitiefelal'P,ory..hrtoi,And;whito 4;6. , pliiiin and ttiled:_, - .' `;,' - I'. '' ~... :..•„;, .-; ~,, ti ~ ., ' Er. d ra". a upar Linan'''..,kroia'!yapi l ta; 0,004 ti ; ; , ,,. ., iy." l , ~- „': - '..;',.' : .I.''',f l o n g,i 11,,,,0:6.4.; ....... Superfine and rine Bill P pora, end ,t0ad,4.,...,. ' . • i Superfine' and fine Cannon; .! -I.o aue';calaf 'aittli,,i,V=, '. tifpme,-'bltiu'ittni'.whiteo ',4--'- i , '-'-Q-', ,, ''' . - •,,.• - '. , ~,•, .. "..14,ExtrUaupet Con read Copo'lunif-UtiersOlalnY, ; % , -',,-,, , -and 01490; blue and whit.i47, , r,',,' . A"t; ,- . . , .., - ,..v."..??4- -: Extra Au oa r , o ft ingrear prim rnd,lte t tete ' ' gilt:t'''" ;f.l.';rSuperlitip:Serstiop,Capeleod.lleate.t , ,iL ~ ,,i-N 0, 1 0:-0'. •= 1 " Superfine; Roe „Linen jlun .lAttere.... ' 1 ,.,:„',,T.: . .l ‘o'i , ... 7 tExtra;auporp,oftißolYpii:k l u4 ' .dirliCril4tkplijOixt - .1‘ , .., 4 and ruled :',!?.:' ,',..,-, , 1 L ..„, ~,;,5,, ', . ,' !,., i „i„,.. e op, ' EnioraidiitOtl'aito ;rapers luul .Pvir,elapair.. c .t: , .... 't':i .. ..11(Wyet'e••Itief PApato. .1 , . -. ' - ;,,:',''' 1 C: Putigran,d, !la& fina C alai aati 'PO4ii,; rtilatt'dtiti‘;:''',' dm; bine and whitii - various cinatititat - .line ''= ' 5, '• , .*:.A.1p0, 1000 tennis 'i , i , liite' , iidd, aimorteif lllll4h , ' ,,. ' 1 ,, ' PPepets, , ',Bonnet lloardio white. ..'aridi :adierted; ;' 4l "' '-Tiaatic; Tea,‘WiaPPhirr..q - Elivelapti,. alsOrted ~ dr; Pelt l. 'Ague Naftali!, :Capl - 1-Vritpligittellitriliiiirltro.";:riar para., due.: ... , -1; -1. , ;-- ..:,.; '4.1; J-3 . ; ....; '.-...,.. ift ol: tip" , . .1,;-It.., . , ARLISLE fOUNDAY I fb - MACHINE . irilc,;hitil4lsiitiiilo 11-1 1(riliintiOW ::‘ Lt . , i'- 1 1,. - ,',' . 9 c lifil , ;,.ni l. Imo - 46- n,tlio v 3 t , , , ,,, :and ha'ritirt lOW' Ail htifftp# bli•AillitotiV: YirlV ,:-. ',Pattottit4T.iii?,, , Prephred..llo? ia10:1111•4Ein , 1:4 4 1tc, , 1- ~. '-'/ROl 4 /ANDY.;,; , BRA'SSCUA aTIN'GS !rdirrhio,s-_,9 , . ,''beat;style adit oudtatkParehort.)notioe - i'P IlliwItt ; a1( 'IVO a iaYgn , litintl,,*larOdliairrittient , . ol.,,caatti.; =01:,+t7,.. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers