N 1281 MON e,,-Daller.•Seorge si i k e 4atie E: Milker. Be tkr,S , F,,lleker,4aapet A. 11; ,Saiterjefgtlistillty; NOW. liainpahite: Who ?.nve gin "'••',"•iiittiotinertstivith 4 . la . lllllttslatitia. nuarent" dories the' „tom rout yeats.ltithOZ eitlee• and iprittbtp ' nnf towns, of: • tertinty,Stateelliltie ir t niOn, ttlapectrittly niinohnee, 1 %g, i 1r 111 4 1 4 , 1f1a 11 0 4k•PI'll'OIPAIN 5 1k•NZ r rnt AVO ,11 • • Pr • takthlirit' - prtl fit 110411.‘ enOctiti -donllnntke gninalln on Thitraday y, On , oceaeknla they' torn Introduce 'theft CHOI. err•PISQES, innetty conthrinlng a earl et or saw. ant roPyLen aLeita..not tletrarmea at ttlitt it•Finei Concerts. hi thie• liorough three yearn ` since.„,,, idinse_Oit at 7,o'clock,—Onneert to ado). Momenta ' , althea th'etiote , phildrhn net admit ?••••;/ ted,"tinlies 'accompanied th y .inerne • adult whit will vouch, (bottle', gond behavionr.^` ' ' • pie, the 'Sahara' Ilionla aro publinficd hy,C4ll „Ka lib Sartori. and- hy 114111 Son, 4.1.. York,. ,iend Maybe tithed all Munk lawn. Intonothotit the' the The Bakers have. for, nalh after - each' •~'«Ottneeit,erfangedibrtislano neeinnpahirtinhnt. Ntrrertieveral months liace. anew, alai ahatt ' thati Slob tereangettit. 'iv fin Were sarnewhat nVer-ant. ; fat/hoar Men proepothy, pet itietteniethm Are, Otto/Web tbOwl2 tic lenrintoraclarge •tember , ,Att,paptit Ittatte.r t .oAssa,ttei alp; /wetly the sets: ' = Hearse. is yet. allee..nodlifs.-eroi=' ,• :14 Multi eitittholyarle`istonleb all who hear i - .ltC,ltriaititemtons erti-ltheadyontailethr the Bakers „ , le,Othat tqtrAtti'they,tirMybetatera 'give buYtwo an , tettpltatesote!tthhyphise. the , BakerNitua . tc• , ?, e tlinflaidirsigned havingspureh tlihe Book findPOiodieal establishment lat ty kept by. 111,r4loifeph.Kimedler,•next door 'to Burk holders Mide4.reapectfulliinfOrms the ..that - fle:-).4tendti ;keit). constantly on head id! ptiblicationst of the at rumasurns ,otki.,AnitineAkhost-rindLtnotit-popular. works itntued iron the press' re the following , ,illarpeetreheitp and 'aupterfine"edition of Mc ,CattlOY'aMistorrof:Engltinil. ; Neander's Life ,:;o(Chriet.'..ktiirge Biblettielegantly, bound - ,Inointtnnn,;doi I;)ick's Philosophical works ProYht And:Hymn Books, sopetfine editiuns.— lirdeadtraoattl,'-'XIV; 'Claisip and English ciioricireS.'fl9cuis , —.llfOnder or the Wort 260 engravings:- - D,iwlitig's History of Romatt ilitha edition, containing the life of Fidget Pius I.X.hringing the history flown ~ „ xo,theliresetit, ante,' Family Monitor, by Mrs. -• eoatalriing , her. popular works'. Winner', MeOtersiWire.catid Daughters of Englund. Beo Stesesinan's, Manual from Washington td-Polk. 2 vols.Sro. ;; Guide, to Social Rapidness, by Mrs- Ellis, .6v,g..rinth extra. Tito Caxton?, s. fernily,piattira,by DulWer. New York in Slices by,in oxperienced carver. , Roland Cashel by Chas, Lefeyrorpirt./st. The Diamond and the new,,,onfrelr by Mrs Gore. All of Ellen Ifmkertuge,•,~yj rag 0.-ey's 'and other. r no- Vele On hand. Together with the heat nssor . t- Ment of Miatiellanoout. School, and Religion? hooks.. A.lats,Stationery, Blank Books, &e.— " The best 'dal*, weekly and family newspn. fpers in the cities of Philadelphia, New Yurk M - etiitiiNss-r..qo s iesg, Graham, Sartain, Dn. op?, Nat o p al: ,old,e , Eclectic, Columbian. &e.'&o . :^reeinved:r4ularly as soon as homed imnC',the: Veen; and . - furnished nt Publishers . pricing; 'All ordera for books. &a... promptly • a trended" bia. - -hist arrangements being such es ' • him to simply ell orders in two or three days. notice at furthest. '''WT'S . - . imbecriber would inform his friends and putitie goperally that he has taken the ',ltirget and commodious - -• - - -house,..eituated on the corner ot 4 South Hanover and Phinfret sts., F.Il Abe borough of Carlisle, lately ,„ occupied by • Samuel 1 111 !barE kt . mtll'ithdenttar to set ve those who tidy es4kon:.hini , in'that most eatisfaetory.manner.--• The til house .is..pleasantlysituated; and °is furn. .t ll 43l.4 l ,oiithdaCANith;i4odiliedditig ago other 1 01 ,nitir 6 . 1 / 1 16 4thik•itdcistr!modilti ,, i1;*0,00ch as • ,lirikuritk ts.e..o - J ocitivittiohttifdtptitallibAilopping, itteeeperelloith vinkt3 It • Afritrottitio in; AI itsidopartittentc to those, who ntaf,favoi him with' • calL , . BOARDERS ; will 64,131410:44 the Week: month year' nt, the usual p r ied,: JOHN WERT. • • • • P 1111.4 EXtlilit. MOUtINING. STOK Zi...1114550151*& SON, `NO: sks'orufrEt iId,OND • STREET .p tikS - 0 "1 / 4 " • • f, t City, w is h ing to par ' '‘eitestiMOUßA LNG, are respectfully. in• '9inid - tti „Oxam ination of ,eur .stock of Spring Goods... Oj a ocettaions when , mourningiature is tteaded' t ',the incenveniebee of proceeding' .front 'shire to stere',ln search .olj distinct articles of diess is. completely ofiviateil, and,. an , abundance of valitable timaLitivaCby avieiftia lite P.lll 4A• xtra.,Pfuti EAMILIVIIIORNING , STORE; Wherajavety.desatiptiop ottpodi lietietipat}tpor tiomplete.tttfolotnebtatiniti be [huh& on. ;;Itp_mpitt.retotetabliktorias: , qllLAVg 'Boinhe -7,l4"rxdiwiti,ol6).ursilitiepde,Laine;.silkti,`,elia• laeblviiPtaPesti, real .:artanadinesi sillt tissues, atitt6eit•alre...vrooli harageAi `"&c. • • O.N.D. MOURNING , Mouseelifies , do Nines, •La*,ol;.Ginginiate;-.Chilitzes, Itnen .and . silk • gitiOant, Ic.e't 'ALSO; . 'fleck Tail* .106g.linfi thiaata • shawls, erape„gie Aina•and ..herage;ehatiriti, Frefich , atEn 'Trite trone-O rape's, craPe"too le and , use', vaihirmoarhing botdered hand arehjefs, a n ua ra an d . cur,- BaJnife'. gloves, ILO Bluth I Thqinf' . 4loteas :hove avoiTaPpearaniii of a fine Bornbaklne; rut r, hldsftbe ‘1,1;/ it coat. . tials . -1••• one' price •-•.• lowest' cash witrosse;..;4/A 'I •.-;;.•;•i • < • ; not'll*Wholriattlit hash buyertuare invited 'tweed'. .•Phll,lolphßk3 Aar!) . f,!19, • ! ~,:v: 'A . :414 - SHINGTowi , HOUSE, ': .T l4l- . 4f,v .i#TTY§hußG c ril..,!:7'! trLea.inibacriber liakthe pleasure orinnon e . ri i ' J. Anptildelrienda•and• - the , publle•aeneral . that tictlrea n leased the public...house, 'former . ' i,,, l LikePt biAtir. golia /a c ban; bersburg iitteatAGi 1 qtebilrii, e Pa., a Tow,. doors ; from , the . ( lentk It ,;,r40,.• 'l l *lliitme', !a, PlaWnilY Wooled, hp 11 it,feett4ory convenience in the way iiPita ' ''' 11l Um, and .isekll ; ,ha , Condivred oka sirir 1 TE. rrtA,Klic,PlPircOes• -, ~The.aubscribt I ,•, i II ' yip k'some l penence l in keeping pub)) 1 t i ttrAttli ilia ; oPas-Oiv-be able - to Intnisk ' w lti tICM)fr, 4 IPTortil "home" to :such' a .''. 1# Yit'#) s l l 9R 4 ll4t i rl i r bi rn'''''• " '''.' o'' - ' 's ^^P • B ~s ~ -i o . , t. , 1 t 4 -4,1 - NNipir. is. ```,,i` IDE , . zqr,e ~. .„ 1 41.-at.ii, , ,, , -, 1 ,, ~ , Vt.° Ale 'Mull) fond _ j era, the stabacri 1 64411? it, N o be 10 tOfer,lo-1‘,41r. Plgu;bet ' It' 1 twObsisYrcf.A. L.Ll3:thst „SMi a id • nit ;fl:Flll ) ,T,ltip„,tptA r cirsO=`Ainold, , Vd t t Gent rb , , I. 410211. „. ..„, lttp-4.101.-tt^a „ ' ; , I' •r 4 -I.ft ',, l , or .mi.. 10,011 ~gmenix,, , „.,,,, 1 , T i ll -1 ” i =4..:4,1,5 i t 4 0 11 utat fir• Waltloa4 dt9,• tt i 0 „11GV, r , :ct ", - :Sr CaltiffilliOn WritT . .. .., .. 4 , -1, • 0a.115,,it d• 16r •3Po.l"'TP.lY•diaril t' 0• ;t Vblir reilae tiOltrfeels,mad r tx 1 VI li r il ! ' , I nall4 . sr A s r, ° •',lP.?P,' , „i • Attiv , ;l4NOTLASTEfl,'_, .-4,.. ? #94vid eroii;t**) ,14 ; ,11', 0 ff.' 4 '• ' it f ' '# 0 -I .IZ I OhOtletitg.t', gotten thot , , gou ' itil MCOI , NelPhitt. Are tropulitotuo, rml. ' ft:4olo4ov qnligpA t I,4sl . 6kipr v ail , ; •4,,,t0r IWINMLPIeIIeg-Tnrilr1(11111 ':.*llin e9° l ll t r ?httVii b ti e l4ai . 7 ~",tij0r14,440.044-440.,ei1i ~ , , . , eappolihrithirtY4wiii,j , •• , ~,r , ~ „,..,., . , ... „ „A.., . 4....Aaryoa!rpoi 'c ----- '. nocono4•• • 0.. ,~.~;, ~~4. 1.,:;,..' , k.C ;. ::;':::',;:: : ',.!,"ii .. :.!::f:,:.::. 1 ' , ''..:.., , ,,:, ,. , - ,::. ,, , - .:...,•f•;..'5:) . ,t 4. INE*3I fia9A4/33 rts itkp - -. •••ti sxtkit4wst?RiN6topto.lk4itEßi ' 7l t:' 068 ' alum° ind beautiful selection effigniver“ and S U go °Ds which:ithvitti .onti,and all.' To the. , LADIES'— ''itit:Sill*Eariges, , ,,Linen.kopelinsitLitien'Llie; Linen :C,hanicon, French,English aid; ';,lnerteeti'Gltintzesi GinghameGingl 1 .'.awnii, Lace and ; Plaid ,i'lluelins t Bwitte, and Tarlton '.i10 . „ plain and- Taney Collide; Btinnit,s,..:Parasole, Sim : Shades,. ' " fliitteeduntetvet i. lo.bc,able ,to inideit , and Style.' Who will favor tie with cell- (}'}N .Y'.o out,Outereateekei Milt of' ."' LIN ;to „call. aiiCeXamiatt ‘.9llttlineekdoll Clothe, , Frtrjeh;niid' Englieti'fancy oolong 49. fancy French -Client. :mama, Doe Skirt Mick. and Tang. Englildi and American .Caseimers, Silk Warn' Cloth end' Tweeds,,;Eaditigton :and Merino Cossimeree &' TWeedis,' plain .ond 'fenny Cretonti . 'and Gam ' broom', .Buff Cassimeres, Fancy Jeitne,.. Super' Silk, Satin and ;Matimilles Veotinge, plain' and . high cord Silk' Crainits, ke,' &9. Domenic.. goods in .abundantai; sash its'brown. 'brown and bleak' Shootings, Oonaliurge,' Tiok inge, Drills, Cotten Pant °Stuffs (very chimp) . Colored Cambricr,Boritestic Ginghume, Dia, peiril.Checks -- Natiketiat',"&c. ' • . CARPET S!—An' immense stock o' Car pots.. Floor Oil cloths plain nd'calored mat. tinge, a beautiful aesortment .or,,Tonsporent • .131inde,all of which tell& unutiunllybial.! • BOOTS AND Sl.l kinde r 'quail. ties and pria3s,.nout receiviiittaid mulnindi,also . a fresh lot.of . GROCERIES; Which, ettnnot ho beatia.price_or-onality. MYsiock' in 'Sell la rge ;end complete, -and 'we ldsvnyetitke plenedre ,in showing- goods without charge.' 'Recollect . the. old stand.m few doors east of the Market }lonise. and directly opposite Wright & Sax , ton's.linrdwitre Store. ' - • . March , CHAS. OGILBY. , • rat*. ind...Ohenp -Spring Goods, : • AT'THE NEW STORE, • • ' ORNER.Of Hanover and Louther Streets, •• opposite 'Litinurd's Old' Stand,...C_orlisle.:...r._ The - pinforp their friends ondAlie public that' they-have just re turned-from Philadelphia with a terse nod well selected assortment of new SPRING GOODS purchaSed at the very lowest prices. and which they are determined to sell , at small profits...— Among them i marbe found'Cloths,.Cassimeres' Veatings, TWteda, Pantaloon .Stuffs .iti great variety, best American and IndiaVoniteelfs.;— Also; LADIES' DRESS GOODS, consisting in part of Silks, Baes‘. Silk .Tissties,.Alpn• ohne, &e., STRA W AND BRAID, BON: ' NETS. rt . fine lot, Palm Leaf Hats, .Riblicip and Lace Goode. An elegant assortmont' of Crilwites - and fins Chintzes, suitable for the-an prouching season, ot ' our usual low prices— cheeks, - Drillings, Linens Arid v of bleached and unbleached matins. BODTg AND SHOES—a well selected assortment of men's, women's and children's good tied' handsome. GROCERIES—in all their vole- . ty, Sugar. Coffee, Molasses , .Pokin.ComPanY's celebrated TEAS, &c.- All the above goods' hove been purchased right, and will berWl - dlow Please give us a call. . . March 28 S D POWELL & CO. ' •-• Mew Spring Goods! THE — subscribers have just received a large and cheap stock of SPItING GOODS, bought in for cash,'Which they . alley .forVsale at very low prices. .I . lfe followtog is a part, Blue Brown, and Bine Black CL.OTHS; from 1,50 to 5.00 per yard. A handsome lot of all wool CASSIMERES from 623 to one dollar per yard These ore u yore cheap lot, A variety of 14A DIES DIIESS GOODS, consisting , of Plain end Valley Alpacha Lustros,. Earlston Gitighams Mohair Plaids, Silk Plaid.Lmens, Shaded Mona do tallies. Laroons lit low as let, n great vari ety. of Calicoes from 61 to 123. We have fino • g flesh Chinfaes warranted at 123. Also, • BONNETS. Braid st one dollar, and upwards together with a variety of fine bonnets among Whielt 'Same entirely n. w styles. 'CARPETS at (21, 181, 25, 31.#: 62;, 75; 2 yards wide at 50ets per Yard. Checks, Ticktngs, - Musline, very cheep flantiels,• men and hays Sunnier Wear, from 10 .to 50:eents, and n'ireat 'and gotteral.varjetrorgeods in our line, which ' we are determined.- to eel' al the veryIOWEST PRICES. , We• respeetfully : Solicit- ran mini-' tuition of our stoaLlehtfied.. l lllltre. 'Cheaper than 06y haveever been said' in this . . A Ar. W BENTZ, . 'Mandl 14 • 3 doors south of Office; JACOB IRB . . Brigade Inspector. • imeLLow-cipznN§,:—Being • splicite4, IL 3 by Vnumber of Thatiits to serve ' m(s. a. candidata for .the office `of tBRIGADE IN• SPECTOR, I hereby offer myself to:lbn con. sideradon.uPyour support, and respectfully so. lied your suffrage. SAMUEL Gaol'. Alureh 2:—te F, ELLOV.CITI; Eta( :-.l' 9 : lfer 144.111,10 o.c yoonsideratira'as a Oliidic.l4 O 1 for a, o `cof #ll.loApp., ISSPECT.OII., et: the en:' c.4 a i n ele%101). ', 1 IiENRY. WOLF i t .41;.nAt 'eh -to Of thwaili--middleitan ip ' , , k" Estate of, loseph . NeWcomer,. eird, EI'TERS testamentavy on the Estate of JLCJOSEPH NEWCOMER, late of. West ,lleirmSeld township, Lancaster connty, - and _formerly of Silver Spring,Cuinberland county, having been granted to the.untlereigorph all,persOns indebted,to acid estnte'are requested runko,ininiediate pnyment. anchboso having' demands agatnatithe ewe will.preseni them for Outtlement, to 'either ft' the ;undersigned execu: ~..I,A.COff NEWCOMER, , • . -;• Monroe tm. Cumherlapd co; .41,111)REW IMETZOER, Last ttempfield tp:Limeaster co.• . . . . 0110tOili . firt*RiiiBl3: ; kn r wpsumg,jiio ,seiection pf C ones , Sugars, Finest Loafs d . CrusZkgirs,.Spices_.and.all the other-a r t: -igyfout fitoro,lreith and champ I nsver, i t Troth Pliihmalphiii 'B4 Etailimpte I just Meeiv,ed'4o4 Itifillitt a tit the'Tiin Orb. • ; , gerv , store 'of , EBY. ;•.;.0•21-, ;.r.;„ tt..l THR , Bubbirifibri'Wo Id reaOratfully Inform. I t 4bile friend. and • liii 'WWI& gemaralbet Ulm; 'they ,i_ustt.'opitiedi , it'Aitio' IX ISIB.NR AO D CDA j.;, YARD in Wag ti-Diltilrach a, law dtiatiOnot,, I of MesprieJle .t D'Alidadleao44fitahoniit,'libeio, , 1 , ',. th ik.tacort , Iniili , nitd 'tltlllitiep',.;ionimntli,,o.n:' -2- lnad - aq,llfir.l . o44lllloitilent t 61. 1111.1'114i Of 'sea. 1 coned piing knialrdi ihirplank and allot hor'lrindi 't . of stilitaltof.iritali:the)i will' sill loy‘for ooill., March 14 , ,i . HARN'tir.'l,4lPE. 1"; - Proposals _4 - .., .....;•1. ;1 t; ~ , , , i utru.44, ; bei, receive& ev's he office;hf Vithi:, V„,llRA,TTONvVreiniurer of-the Newvilla ti?sphoot Waffler op,. to the'3d of April neaqiiia, - kilo building of a Public Schoolhouse 50 by 22, 1 0/04 (Wn.iitoriee high; of Brick, materials-10 lie, I itrehim&l;b3r, coatroom', end ito• to oomph, te&• •13511tAtiztet next:, Apjan aridlipecilicationa zlkke - As'ifik milk tie aeon on application , tolikei: 4ratteurery oily order of the Board, ''' • '" ` , . v .... d',..iit it '; AN°. NAGOPNER;JPreetr . ~Wat,llatt;Baity.,,:, , :-..,;.... .., Roar 'I4 , I i , • .11W a ~,. :t •••••GTlleltAltinaekv n i „,„ w .,,,, t ig.+A t :,- 1 ,,,i,ier,.4 4 ,4, 441 riz t ig , x „, L , vri.i. , ,,,,, cholde 411811 , 4 0, pricee i ltot# ibrsOfrila'Pv4::,l6;lob f0r,pnce4124,36"t 3/..14 I.las,4pAehri ..;aoOtpiridei,a , Oing ,eTIV we can q09,41.N.1„., ;b. . 5 „, "dap Inititlin.,. L4lf nnt.luperiiirto, 0r42,. ra 4 , iiiplurr" . . L. , 164,4 1 0 ,, ." t ",' ' • , . "1: - . itna4von.".ot7:lll ''' ..tip't'"itift.*.°tq'''''a. :,., ,i4.q ~ , . - , 7/ % !riNteilt' w :'. ; ',';+.. ~i,::.. ..-e.'41 , 4•"-- •14 , , 0, 9!t ,Fits B l iItAW,Ve -.. lipoit'lC i t iw , t , • r ,•:.Tilii,i..;4, - ,o,iimur e d,,io,-.4. , to , o j kle pti,'pi.. , . ,14,vrtlAdA ririm mote. Wade. 11aInt t ilyllIC „ o „,.. l e f il f ei,,,, „i,. ~ f i1k.7.511 . ;14 ;".(?::/ I Tht , 4. , Irm '' '2lH'A4 te gt A: 1 11 1)11 94 . , ' :ril f : ,, i ,` L/kci 1 :(I. C' I - VA I n IlAilitt• biKkaapeollnligilifortis itierpnii.,l ' ', no- 1 4 eile Intends opening, a it g it O'Vl s I' ' CiAt i PlAti , o4l4-,Pitt ,eireet;,rehete;rhec ;II tench* the ,veritgle,4lSra*lieritafliiillagKl/Wai 1 '2o o 9ii,. , ,TltßiainabatiOn•tha3 a / a S , AO !, , aO l4, , A 0 01' 1.01e , lIMPIDOWIIIIO.OII4_OIIO,I4O , X l ,losl i-, ?I? a •Pii9a).l9o'ir•P':#4,4lPWWWl/41/17:•• ~ ', ~..: .4, , ig; 4 ,1,,,,5,,,i,. .!-T , . ,,, ,-.:ic , 1 ,....,)1 , - , *-) 60404, -1, pliormam mika 4 ' ~ !.: 4, 1 64; ,est,., 0, ~..0ki1 m i1,..7/0:10 0%14. .5.,., ,,, ~r , V .V.VI, , ' l, , —,,,; ~. ,•,,''' ~ ' , :• „ A116-: 1 l , r 1 C 4 :,:001.110ii, 4 - iiitith'lB•l9" . • '• ,•• ' ,',' - •-'" ' ,4illgl , 7,4 , ' -- • . Brigade inspbotor. I~~:~th~i . Wey. i4i,.74401.141,-ko -o.iismatitMesedePo. ••••••IMIIMI i ,1 •00/04 1 14.11411 1 0allai4Nittrfictot *knelOttliktoPil-T.t9#N u I Avotiiii*6iiCtiOhttli4l`)2l(igilds r - 6 .11 '4ol 4 lo. , ,lopittillittiin; Spit Aliputu, i,Spraluw.,tileild,:ellett ,-Sore • and th k ~,i;',-Ilittnisti3Oyea: Frieevidoreit4di" ' ' Nipplestßrokin - Bieltittler oz, . „, ', ,-. , and Woundi,Clutpped ,Lapit,',lind Mud*, ;:,; _, t , i; '• `••. '"and'ill, Micite;of, h ..: l g, *k ' “ • • - : :Inflammation ~.„ -., it,.; e j ,-4:.;,.-v ~ ..:;: ,, w iiiit il . . A li e ,, , . 11 :,i ..', Oitilliilf , l!i,lll.hi:4iin. be.-.reatthed,.7,, '., .' / 0 ,, 'No:- 'Mater ; how tiertirc ;are i'; pe , ''••4‘ -; larinloss,*irthil .'"Pain • Exteacterßelli hand"to.be uppliedi.But Markt tt : i; '_. z ,- . mutiv be theViitititle Ddlle . V" , ,, : - • 'm' ' ''''lVAßAWßß'.tlo ,iktcllttES. 1 , • 'lt may with- trot ; be all: , that'there 111. scarcely a :t'arnily of email 'children to be , found, hitt, whole accidents sometimes do De: curi'such as-Burris, Scalds, Cute, Wounds and Bruises.. children. areituttjadt Morkover •to Week and inflamed Eyes, 'Rheumatism. E. , raviolis, Sores, hwollipga, and, Inflimma, tions. ' a y s_Effaitie,at Pala Eatiaai,44.. That-iii to 'Jai. the Qenuine article; (not the': inisnamed, spiirions 'and conntertisit extriule. tore, that appear Under, earitine:torma, name* rind:dhigittses,) and whick , maykultad.ut the rropriotor'ionly:Deina ittlietv York, and 0 4 ' hie authurts,ed ,agents, (whose manor ire in 'the pape r s and on my PeMphlets,) never 'tails lo any orthe'ahove cases, no ntatterlllew see vere they maybe, not alone 16 extract tue. 'pain Ihrthtvithi and effect a epee* and cer tain cure—and thus 114VO a vast deal of suffer. ing,„ tiut,:wlmt is_of the least' imPortince, especially to Girli-and•it ipio•thhiAltat tbe , attention of Itththers is particularly requested.. Valleys Uenoine Extractor,in the wOrst Case. of Burns, and 'Scalds, leaves no scar., of un. sightly mark behind, to Amain, Witter year, a manument of sorrow if it d regret to afiem.- tiotisto parents.' •It his, 'm,orecver, end not unfVemotly,„licrin.,. the, Meane r tin--extreme cases, of preserving lilo „ Aro Family ought therefore vto . be • toithOut the 4:(etractor for a day. Printed .Paraphlets containing eorlititutees. tirourkerand--rbr--tiso-triith: of whieli-11 . Myself RESPONSIDICE", .may be obtained; at my Depot 415,13rordway,Wew Ifork..ano" 11 1 1 * plicagion. to my antheriatial agents.. - I 'The ft flowing horn George ,E .Ponadroy, Esq. Me Well. known proprietor fettle 4'.lpreu g l isaisiss fog . ..itself or tiro inaportitnoo.. of the roin Extractor to oval &rent. • - a tipress Office, Albari . A'Eck.l. 115. Dailey, ficirlii-:-With feelings of no ardinaay pleasure 1 address you in relatban to the benefit 1 have received from your litealu-' able Pain Extractor. Lately, my Man dough ter, 6 years old, dad a pitcher orbeitiUg wm. tor -turned Into her , bosom, her serearus Were dreadful, so 'Lit a crowd: , inatantly withered before Melo/use to )1311,111 the cmuseeirthe ter. 'nide swains.' 1 tore her clothes haurider, - and soon Nerved on your sal , and alio ; .tvaa Carried end laid upori,a bed. She was' loon roll eyed, front, her pa ins; a nos, HMG, feel fts'ir I.could lafiglt," and" eatiCohn 19 stieei dep. - She was scaldsirto` kblister Limit the tup al her shoulder Mop Mere. than , Milner choir, and round under her, arms. .Onithe *Mollifier and breast It wee' very, deop,'yet frsni,tha first hour, she complained WS when, it Was dressed, The sure healed Tupidly, and there . is nu contraction of the Muscle& ,1 With 111011 y wishes, my doer sir, for you, success h. the sale nethia mighty article. Lam yours, with respect • G E POMEROY. • • Eh'PECIA, NOTICE. _ Counterfeits 1 -1 / 4 1134Vare of Counterfeits 1.4 : r !They, aboond; an' lib' I am eognizatit of their pi/411(4,14de tiger', f,t,nd 'delete:risme 'etteiii, I hemititit,', , :diatinetl d declare,:_thitC.l.will not lodd hiyaelf . . E.Mipo !tiler the tiffilep'pr tiny Eitructor, ogletm ' ' two, probitrod dt toy - own Ogiiiiitn-':=41157) way,New Fariti and 235, Ckeetuoi.iitt. , ~ ..oledelpitSTOlrrintrzor - A . ,thorized Age. . IVIA 4 THE FOLLOWING I' eit, I. The Genuine Dailey Extractor, when ap. plied, cools and affords al most instantaneous relief. whereat' the Counterfeit and .spurious .Extra eters Mate 'arid increase ;Dr Dailey la the inventor of this truly wen. derfol remedy, and ho nover, has nor never will communicate to any living man tho secret of; its 'preparation:. ~f t. All Extracfoii, therefore. ptirpoitinglto :be the genuine Dailey, thrit...rre" , not'inadoSind 4W.1.14p'; by him.Vv(,biiiielinir elle counterfeits. ,IC.A [A ,:.IDGRI; . Broadway, New Y urk, atul 215 Chesinitistreet. Philadelphia. ' ..141111F,5, , - FLEMING, collide, -Agent for . the 'comity .or Cumberland ! • r ;Ors° • niIIE.BE AFFLICTED ' - it llurnere, Sores, galled elt:htid•shoulders, quitter. one; grease, apavin, or poll. ' .P 7( •• ,`evilbox of Dalley'a Orions eutre:All will convince you Ih°;-"loro.il 3 .ll o. .mislike in it. :- , •This is to certify that I have need Dalleys Animal Galvanic Qure 114,and 'found. it the,salest. and. MOSt "BrieedY dere for - thires . ' and' bruises. filet 2, have' ever uset4 and I lake pleasure in recommending it S RObLINS, • Livery siable, Joy st. For Sale at the Depot,. 4.ls'Brioadway • % JAM ES FLEMING. Agent for Cumberland ,county:. . , "DE.1141,11.1. Ai' UR GE 11 -- - Dr; Davidson - weft .Brother; o.• BSI Ell; N. 'Y. "e t. I token :announce • ict obi ; Auns of .k.kirlieleami vicinity . that they flare roome et urliholder' " aebingion Bo ? ral;" otherd - Mar are :prepared m..perlorm . ratinhe - in, all the, various branches- of ;DEN" 11SI ley; 'Gcntiernati, whining the pruttervat bin and 'Mt bit 'teflon 'of 'thole beautiful I organei,the,Teetht : weuld. do . sell ;gire , iliem ,•.•,,, t.. • -•!:e, Pc, 11'.' Davideao, having. 'graduated irr4Madi attentign , to ..-thelAittensee. oi n the mouth and •• 1,11. &111jetitime -teeth ;effectually and'perm it. ; nom ly...euretli . i the , deatructioti . oErhe tooth:lila Pftwric.tOolar: , •:;.•...• • is: . : teeth'murif4llPicleanned of ocauinulaiitin4 - 01,4infaro which; it; peintit ted toile m Qin ovill dept,oy thoir.uee ,, and :tteautya unifortninippLAbO bnat ;quotititntions ,by exciting 'chronic diiestres, ; °TV mulling 00 , breutit Atitid-ondiliiimgreeablo,o'; Tgork,Uolll Fangs u I lit extinct:ad the iticar#tiorow the, tints to rigtiiiorrwholttCote r: Of, inc orrupt ;bin. u(; perl ' ebt.similarityi wit t the , hatural.',:.initerterl, uputi+Kip, gOld, .on 'paliadittm;!iii Ibitliioatt !iestv, ,vial awl A . lurable.matmetv ! ' operUtiopu, - ; ivnffintad tells ifeot ary l tUnd .I(3lentletuthfz;vottedl upon at: chute; oablepiert,; li'! ; detiil4l,,L-,,,;:;; ,, ':, nil Marc( 14, 1849. • , . . IllrOf lift-tiesiiiiial-Itinde4PROX.I.PrI IbilluVra' wilt Poll ,biiWer4aiu been ecold;atti,itheV cobhstit.;fitvor iNlVrAlsci . 'NValle"betat'HAß tillUNAalwayo oli , lootPutrtlie tonhoOf tql .?q;1,1 I 1,7 Ar 08 ~ L.mtkrEft., 2/ 3 ";; IT . _ la 4 „4,luocte, , colo.s.,,,,v r wrpBhd,: , i piii,., 410,tibra—cri. j cl'Ally Mptu ~i.pv .. Su gE th t--M emi.ii tbifptl!7" Ocikpillits,;*'t,, kilitrpri - c r ea. . , • 1 - - ' .:,,,. I T - AistrotlaiiiG t3 UN IiOrIS 1 1 :9,m . - 2 . 5 , 'IQ So Cents 4 GUN fr.-4: - - : 1 " , -L< S 'i i 9gr : i? • 110;0 ItkVair pd`tg, l'ret *note, ik , ffifelost ett unda Nr• 'be coil /Colleen -if 14 0 4 eX. tp,ailt,;l i day I:4 l4. pi t i qetii . time anyliti dfferid'iit putilietwole. ea r POSieselo 4 1 Yfin inane PetslTß IreituAri.4llf.-,:pprahosing .will f , 31 km b - n. the pi. ' our; %Telderolitt,iiiiblitili , Enid ,acrd toe., . I 6 ,- t ' (Pr. va lo 3 a e.- men h''' ler • • . - ...THEr;flow4diltindebmoly Sn • • " 5 f4(V.411!.44p9AC1 OS C, on Ito PO t :D. l i ontiter„etreef 'irr 'all On h .'.no 'or led b tho • g tv! * -44P * crib u- of 7V feet front bOithld , .IAOOII'IP. !Apply. , •• • , TliqmpaiLEarxmonibe_Turnpike, , about one Wcstto lle ofiCsrliele..on!,,,whick:lon,Biiiny now lio3;••wtih WS lots attadted.i.lt.coatalns:abont 7 • tc q°lle...iicret, • F--•!tz 4 -DfA§AlikkiTt.T9l l .'", (11! ICE 4 ' . Ply../tfithe ittgie 'Court of Aituartor.Eiessycins of . ei r intberilistliyiibirrity, for at • —litiehro-10-46ziop, , by. tee toWnehigto.. V/D. RRO ‘ 3 170i, therownihip ' of 'Alllen. itf. the crafick::or'Voirineriand. do certify Asia wee 'arc well itc4npilited .tire ^ above ntinued George, Moirett hat: int, of good . . epute-!for- a n d provided with hottsetoonVireditititvotilences for. theoacamtaridatioit lero„ and thavoniir fia•ttiertivera is rieceasary, to rte. • , coptroodate tke•pahlic And vitkrrtaire , eirangers and travellers. ' ;- M. Stater.. 8:: Sioaki, _ Arin .1) Noisy. i.l.t -11 Gosiyollor,4ohn•Shiremtin, D'Slictiop, I (itiehari v OFrAse,":',lo,lpl.l4 T aylor, MOPanstlfaillor- • Application ibr 114,#*14Perkse. . SCITICE ishareby gielmithat'llniendWsp • • plx at the esauing.Attril Tema of4hal Chart of gaitrgifSeasions - of partMertand may. to a Beanie:6 hrtip a public house iu the.mtio hew oacapteit.by, we in.4int,••so Atiddleron township. , • '•-• - IYlairett:43t " • WertheVidertiii t klait eilliankof ti 'fflo tow. ship et "kitirth' itoki, C urn ; bitriatid,*''ssitlfySt we'itie well' acquainted with.' he 'holm named ,GeortiSatigert that he . is of good to:JARS - tor. kongsir.srul lemperante, well provided witit,hoatio,room and con. venimicesfor the' iteeiiintatidelion of, strangers and travelers, and that'aitch' ihn or 'ta'verti is no. ressary to aestamtviddifilirfhiS , 'public and biller. lain strangers and' travellers.: , ' , :', ' B Mordent; T GALA". Call: J &idler. Fritz, J C . , 'leather Xitnrod'aliirdisf. Henry fludg. Thom:lB,4 Altomss,'Johit Beldler,, - ApplieMiterlin , Tavern .Licenae. io • .bereiiv tikt-I. intend • to ef!ply at the envuing. April ;Perm of'tito Court ' ok (leerier See:donu for tr,lieentio to keed pub". lic inVie one .now oeerniled bY mu in DT: Middleton foivtiship. ---- Mtiveh'd:.;:WAGONE R. tkioinidersigneti . .4iiriii.4 OrNarth Mid. Alotan iiivroehinr:do eerlifrthet-orcr gotioqbeFihe oegood regale , (or tioneitir and ,„...toniporioneev, and. in *dr invidet:with'ikuott eittibrlMrtecirMliiorkiiinn of arrangers and trawlers,• end theesucla Inn or TiVern is neeeestiif for tko eaoininodatien of the _ )_ _ Brovn.L.l 'McCord:3 Wa. jenor, P )3anglinialVD. Waif _ L B.Mordarf, , iTs•- - • • :nonacc,at the liabiltethirr WintisidniOltut. , • Moab. 14==at ••= 4 (t tPlYtis. W. the undeisigrtialtlitend °flits tots usitiP Milifin,•bnintrsitatste•inqthe'4itiropof'Ctihrber. . Oita Wavle taeli sonsaltned Itte, abfritt •:-listsvd • Scott , Coyle; tifoi ho is of • grind seputo for, honesty iind.temperatiOe; and is welllkotidad - %Kith:juntas rportt•4llo.6dtlYanittn-• „ens lb: the site n nuliodsitcou cif pespgerp. and tra-, velars, and 'that sick 'Saint:yarn is neces';,, sarylit'aecontrrindits• `Ateentertain 'wringers 'and travetterk''‘. ' •Wni Xnettits S 'Megan', •A`'Middlatnn; J W, Sterrett. - Win: ittaDonaldrl l l - Snyder: - .1 'Wood' born. J Miller, A Sotatiett,'N'Brewh; G ior, R Middle tonil.•••••,% • Aiipl!oatioik Tavign- licebsei N o,TlCEherebtgirtemlbet,l,intend, to 0p,,•, ply. tit 'thif bgsyihß Amil.Tatnhof, l the, Coo rt ,of • Querter Session() bf qnbaberincd cotnity, ler b. • 'License 'IV keep' thb Pultilbs (Clime' formerly, kept'. byjohn /iCis 'Cr eil:1 guit'l'en n e Maratt-1473t. , )” , •' ')!? n')vq • • We, the undsrsignektecitizonsisf , Elbit Penns., h °rough township,,ip ihR ) camp y al Cumber.. • land; dt).'ner li fy hat „wa rifc, ?y,cll,,Mplasinted. •• With' hn 'nainhdl'Aciijobiso lioon, thy 114 IN'of-'good' repute for hds'bety And' temperance, ; and procidenilih"hooso ronni'and cow, • trenionoei for the'rweeninilidatioif of 'strangers • 1 - mid I:eyelet's, and , that subh•etnnii tir,Tiwern nocesserro, accomtn4didc, 4 4'lciblid'arld7en• certain ,• rtain strangers ,and , .troVeuersosid - 0 Pll,f9r 4. 41" IJpureli.;.l) J •qtaitigcr, ii9PP. At9l4 , etery iHr. ' , ford; JiTli P.ong, geo.. ".•Atann:'"' .'" • ••"' - •••d Urtirt terOtilariten. Thlt: BAROgit'S' 0141iIteip4'710W:1111:41' .%14/ 'ciditdt;theitnit. titiepialtt iirt„ihtd . " an 1,1 frifitie Onikt spr.r.,,-41.0... sae ; 11 011iaiAliliarSplitit; Cai4s; 4:?r ,:k 444itingbane,Apayin 'Sti ff ness of the 115t 4 1;4.1•1400;11tic.' ;t fa an orticlet:which` •,„ „. 411014,tiohohndo - Of:Ovary; draamqn;,and mocottabla elloaW ',be.wittiii4 4 • !Auto alit.; Price 0n1y:25 and 50 cordspoi, bbt• Ilea, propqmkooty, ,D 1 j!earoon;•lVT•DA and 'fotaild'whotnitde and rotall,,,a;„.tioa -106 51orth , Second; infoot;l l ltilidoliihtn, aqd;:flit., RAW. I..INtS 'Mil:oo4ld and total! tiddat; Carlisle; Pit, • • • • 1110 , Ada; CiAlt 0, 4 00 , , ft 'ff II tea bMiddieosi tr,m,l4ch, t - op pa, tdordlforittiehOus , ll./barkvvr 04e tie,r.. l ol l 4e , if,-,flioymixisonotWillto l taseri bb'phiiht ir, dollycl7r,tiltultlir4" , ,of Ai r tafigthr'' 'IIOL , 31;P1i49 41 4fii fif,Ufft'*,.t _ - ; _ 2000. ITReFawboirei l itirinwortr,w 1120-W-8, 1 / 1 41.D1: , Pil N.-1114111,V.C.f.111.31k1R2 :the .firet, a rnilig beer -Nada la I,,idlitai3ro and ,PhiladklUldn-in< p4pciriritkx.ot bio n con.. iorifidencu.iiibla"„lnonufacturuilkii•kajtia. in; of puralititate,fortiori niiiink,,,of ofi,narrow-end : wide cluia id Plain' Trimialinge,,!of : Arm pq les and i ep,"aliirga ad .gerieralasikortnient at e,kanrer, Witiobw Stianair; whiali. • Bali irbo.loiveat ,oaeir.tainis;' Bliiala,panuad tritnnied 'to look equal to now. . • ~_ ' Dt) - 4 P 114 , Ft VIED ,on !liberal terida.4o;,,yholoikeriaili,Cbiriberlunidtounty_ P•re'rPellPA; l ll4i.•suvuoil...loiturlrb'eforii••litiying ejiivivlifri"r_Ogurticlentrof iileaeindoall:..-0 pen in _WO Evening, • •• . Moral' 21, " 1 , , • : ••• - . • ••- SLAVE:, . •' HORGE ER ~,& CO. N. .COANER OF PINTII , AND,OIIERIIY "STREETS, l'eagettiitullk . tha' , cusiotri of 'HATTERS 403 where Ongtied in'the TRADE. They teanafacturw SILK RATS varying from io.4t,dollera-par dozen, filet will bear wcrii. cal- examination end- cothhtwerievortaily with ibese ofiny ember manufaciurers. , Aa they ore hugely engaged in this business they can fill oydermptpeAlitio:usly; • ' . ring : /tili ileli Goods . ...TORM.E7O.:Pi Flt.:4 , SONS,'lnitieiteris and 1 1 , ..D4 1 !_hiciirES/LIC6;i - RIBBONS' dt. MILL.' NERYIOO9II% , .S'6(. fi.South'Second sereeti (philadeltifittii*ltld ifti tactfully 41.e1i the .attert iii t io of lyleitekote ?l fi t t ,„),lilliners Melting the city.. 'intheht,hitteh and- rich ~%tiesortment of spoNp.,nizt.uNEitv GOODS, received. ii - late arrivalfr''ErctteXtanee;' , such aa' GLACE - 8 [Lie . k ih,t, • •ctinfnk,tigninetvolfancY , lionnet and 'Vali Ribboni"n large and I)eautitul assortment,' of ..ollPrice . ..ll;tPtilliti'''Manitia end . Se t in Ribbons: ‘trom . No. 1 to ..N.o;il2,. , Ftenbh 'end 'American, Artificial, (in gmet variety), Colored and Ware Crapes. Fatiey Laces- and Nets French Chip Hnts.Tacerriniiiiings—Quilinrs Ooyered - .Whitlebonee=.Ctme,..llackrnme-,=Wil. „low, BOnne't..Cmwmf;iind Tinetngether with every nrtidliappet.tainieg.to the ' lldifiencry trade March 21, 1849:.. '. '.. .:.r.jr. CELltlirriii,. . jilleillrerEd'l AND ENOINEE R . f • Ne.' s l, Non.nt Stiitt &Atm . ', PHI LA .O4I,pnIA:. Gives Drawings -nod Spee Rica tionir or contracts to erect Dwellings, bac.. and reenThe grounds for Country Seats or (Vane* .aeries; logether with .Ih4airangemeni of 'l'm s to give the proper -effect. Also, Churches. Hospitals Drions: - Wete r- W (mks, '',G as: W °rite dkc...on the lareet'and ITINOI approved plane, in eiiiaina heating; veutiintine. Sr,. . . Well 21t J. F.' ailLtlJ , Albentodqvtg va . '4Atrwq . . Generareonmnsion.and - Forwarding Merchant, No. 79 Bowly'. Wharf, • • I,MLTIMOR F.;,, • OR lho•Sale of 'Flour, Grain, Cloverseed. icl - WhiAey, Lumber: &c. &c. Also, lor .wording Goods, via 'ride Willer Ctrnal tint! Tostisylvanik Improvementi. Qrders lor Salt, Fluster; &c. '&e. Supplied at lowest prices. ' ' . Having been, origaked in- thoabove businass duringtho last five . years,lt cciotinuation of Oka ,patronage.el his friends and the publie is re. spectfullii solicited. Refer to . . - .-...-, Vuxx Rt. Mtr.T.En, 1 "+J ' ' - J& E Env, l -,, Harrisburg.: i DILA NUT & Zrl6l.tli, -./. .. JACOB RuccN, Carlisle, Pn, " ow - A. Cottciat'r, siltepherdstotvn. l's. Dcoltog.qinotssit, Mechanicsburg, Pa. Feb. 14-IY.. - •. - - - or art. . , ItirANCIFAETURER end DEALER i n IVA- celebrated ETHERIAIMIL & LAMPS abut PINE and • CAMEHIN 0114. with. a ismiaplotc; ,assortmeni , tir.LAMPS I r;bufrfing .the same. Having token. the: large and'entive. nista stere,„NiLle7 HA 0, RE - STRERT, AoJiltoote.),oxion4itivoromb to Light : .strest . trountain lintel, he is now prepared to supply Dealerti iu the above line, on ige besttertns, both as to' quality end price,— He resPeetfully oaks a trial lrontpunetual deal ears, believing it will be to their interest. she. sole • ageni ihn celebrated SA Fgrir REGULATING. GENERATOR. •tt - new.ind Saleable , invention' by Willett Ellie, real Oil is rendered perfectly liartnless, and the light.,vrilie4Pioere;ting as'`eenifolable as the:contition gas. L. , Feb,2B-72mor- .. • ••• CHINA, *GLASS & QUEENSNARE. - rritiE subscribers invite the attention of Conn '. try Merchants and Ourehosers generally, to their large,and wall assorted.. rks of CHINA GLASS AND' QUEEN,§ *HA, part whichites- been!raceiee&by ale °trivets trete Liehrpool, imported direet'lrom the bast. menu. faetonelland nreilah prices as, cannel fail; t f i please. All goods sold - arthis establishment are up sound'andas .saletifeci .4 the •purehaier: COUNTRY MERCHANTS,. are requested to eall-and *Mine bektio, making t heir purchu-; .1' C °KEE &CO 41 North Hownrd Street, beta ion Fayette Br. Lraingtoirtiut;ll3nliin Fqb 211-2 mo. . . • . , • - . • imcalmartaumi2: - ,==J' c m ~, : •,z.o4llteglteit# 1100 i • I • Matket . tr44t stiboye, PHILALkELPHIA, • , lins , lar g e and splottdid - lute' lieeit fur :.nished; with entire now furniture:: l'lte",l34r ;Rooth is the largese.in 'The .Per-• lore.,nnd Sittingirooms. ere eel - 16'46d . ;frsn the noiSe and bystio,;tonsetptetiOn.thir Sr itvali end.- departure .ni ears.' he'portico ex ,tending the whole front of the — ltettheYalrorda a reoll retreat warm ~wentlieritUtd.a:, ' aphtedid View,mf the vreatitatiliotottAlilare !a:the „ ....Thia,codging Rooth - werewolf The ad: well provided 14 as at , y nthei-llnte I ; .with.everv,attention of•the managers 'melte it the heet.Ootet for.'Merchants'nhd hiisiiiess then, c atirittetheir. Airty:in.'the he one 'dollar per dny. On the arrival ref the ;Care from the west, a Porter "will - he lactifienti 7 aPeq'4o . .c.pnveynidigliga, Hoff', which tft adjointhohe I ' • •;• rel) ' l B4 971;.• • • o,lri • • •• LiL • 4.• • • • • •• • • COOkingl Ni agaiincallings..tittentalat''-eo,-tifia'YtfiiiiiintlAd Ilia :,protinetor,bas thet platattnn to public tbatiteatertinltYj it fais:.,tiadar• pity an , 0 pure Thatignyttkia'llipe and.liiihitti!p lb - cgd opppoeito,c nub other, fintti .; a St.l M I It utlA rir:AND ROI LIN "APP A IcA'ro 44, being, nadail, titturliaadati4 iti4 . I): less theta Qat anatherifaultless'Etniva in 'lbw , nar kat t' is: . ittaitiestionably :t he , bee t, now teinbracata avaky,Valiiiblo bnpforiontont plipanie t d brany.titbakt Love, in aeip ) rion'_t o name 10 - 9)0111 eaantod by lantata ratent.' Jrile lutotelifer thiri.StoVt ; n ntiort ua-, ,g Lon bp unequalled. oiliing has OW? Aav antipmi ihir peps', ;Ittui 4 oyytt Attqb I ,genpralC latiefactpou; s99l` , quiad 06 1 '14.40MM 4114ndaroentetprillfflPleiGaAtt 4 'ETP O6 OOII s, Vi 5 e .09 wilikciliefOrlailtillkt vilyeadingvqoutittireelti. bt ict till' AtaPhitif , P o o 0 1 eiC,99 I,lll4lofiqioir ,l l ol.oll l P T' tt2h l : l l',l tqlr taftlo n iter•rt i .po, l ,l , lk i ( 1 / notot LlLllloLeNtlAtiltof;_n e ,Ivs qielidtint ibr'9 l i4lnttar; tad county. vj'ctittb;:ocjico*tzg. _ L,, ;, ` , Pf A - Nto 1 .! VIII{ISIPATte-ts•- E ''if.' : "right iii by it it Apt, 4 : (... , E L,E4 RI fill i:: . 6 *lv silt :1,1 ig, lt,'fbr MO. counties;'',O r Cintiberhtnd end Franklin.— Perniere''Whii , liive;.:Mteticiltis • .Corn:Sholler, pronounce it anion inVittudbleirl,. vention. it is t.impfe in its construdiiott Ind not • liable to' get but of order. it senekstee !her &ten ? -from the coin. without lireaking,eilliet, ittith delis vete the coin Wean and fit tor inatkOti*. 4IN lib .'Airuiruen.t to' hewn y.buslitils • net Wei, . tll ; hundred of them.mtve been tiOld , tliiginto eat* it' by the invetitor; all'of . w•ltich' 'We're 'hjitli4lllPl proved. . ••.' • ' ' • ': .'r' '' . ,. , - , ',! - .1'2,,i Pereoni.wishing to ette , the.botre Cain it , ler, call do so by calling at thin.show:ortlitt' lo'.' scriber,. corner kif. NOW I . l,titioeer - OPR'f;Ol, et'. :I streets,.,Catlislei where, he Will'itkip dettiattputyr, ..7on bend's'. late nut:lbw.' for este., Every funnel, ', ' end miller should haio:tlteritiovesphiipbur:Vatz • uablo Corn Sliellei: ~,---- '. ' , "". •, ,'• •,!,, i . . ii , ~, , . • ~, P". - •, , fi.A.VID ' F - FETTE4 . I.. , . „Cerlisle..llm4l; 180-4 , urn: ' —. . • ) co and egats... ..;, cOnsistlng'orrefined Caw, eighth.; And Nerve; Eldorado ', Luecieui Lirwy„ and Cungiuss cliew.iug' , :robadcor'. Plant 'togaline, lm .Primainne.• Pellori„:l2ield, ,Bornindino Crispo, Principe, Tenesitil.uncUntki, fly other btoudsoi_fin_e ciunte,_also_firio_apabisk end Half Spanish, Scatibriati and Owe!, Sitio-- .king 'rob:teen. , Long stem clay and stone Pipes . ; ben. &c. Z4:13 betier seleciion can he. found in .the place, call and . see, nit .e belied wheleiale & re-. taik,at lIIC Seger & Tobacco DepeLef the sitb• scriber id West High- street opposite (he 'nail Itourl Office. • .Tannary 24ilt )449'. • . . • PROOpLDIATION. • • viTfIEREAS,tho guntkraido c kiitii:El, Hee.; nutty', President .lathes' oi'`.lth several ' Ceu rts of Cirminon Pleas oft lie doe utieso (*Cum. lierlaniklrOrry„ and jiiiiintu d in: Peadisylvanin, and Justice of ihu several Courts . olOye r and Terminer and General Jail DeliiSkit, in said counties, and lion, John Stuart and John flien-t denin;Judges -,- vrtlre -, CriirtrdrOyert Teir: - • miner and General Jail Delivery, tar the trldi ofall capital and oilier offenders, in :the -saic county of Cumberland-4)y their precepts t oMO directed, dated the •Uth day nf — latt,, 11345, have ordered the Court of Oyer and - Terminer dad General Jail Delivery, to be holden at Car. 'llisle on the Qd - Monday of - AMP hex t, [being the iith day) ut I U o'clock in-thefortr NO, NPTIOE, is thortiforn, hereby 'given, toihe, - Coroner, -Justices-31f the Potreo. le t fthe said county of Cuirthcrlund,tlfat they'i - se hy,tlieotrid precept &nu:landed to be.then and in there their proper . persons, their. . ecurds, .inquisitiOns; examination's,. and''all other remembrances, to 'do thor tlitpga which, te their olficbs appertninlo tia - doricoind al) those' tout are boond by recognirunces, to, prosecute (againstlhe prisoners Hint are or then'ahall be in the Jail of said county. aro - Art.lm thekti prosecute them us shall he just.. - • • ' JAMES I . IOFFYR • Mice, 11,1849:' .4' •• - • Es!.3t_e_Rf Gabriel,Line - A LL persona tirifliefebY notined tliiitt :tot tete -of Adnififfiffation Ate - Estoko . of.,grehrtia, Unit; hirdtfloatlfLlVilddfaiLin ounsilipcCumb: county, deo'd, have tide darb.ecn iesucd by the , Register in uud tor laid 'bounty , ,, to the eubscri hers, one of whom Theo. Lee, residee in ,Dick; bison township' hi said county, and the other, Mury Lino; in South Middleton township alore• said. persona having claims or .demands against-4,6.04t0n) of said , decedent, bre reques.ted to. make known the seine • without, 'delay. and those tudebted to make . payment ~. •. . THONIAS lEr ' , • • LINE;,= . s t rebruary 7. 7 -fit ~ lithiPtirtilm . . Estate of Mittl)ia,s Saito, TdOe'd.' LET fERS of Administration on the-I:stet of MAI"L'HIAS SAILOR, lute of South Mid • dleton towdship, Qumberkind county, ,deed., hive been granted to -the Subseriber7reeiding in the same township. - All persons having claims tigninet bald estate In present theininr settle 'mem and these' knowing theipSejytidi Iddebted . to inaleelinmediate payment 16 • ..Feb 21—lit pd GEq: $All,;Ot. Accouigi. Account of loosph M Meanti;•Esq'.46- I aigiteo of Christian Pisler; having hi:Ort presented to the'Bourt of Comma& Pleas of Cumberland county,: said Court appointed the Ist day . of April Term; 1849, for the'final 'pee , sago of said account, and rule on all persona interested to.uppear and show rause why the' -seine should not lot allowed and .confirmed hy. Courtsaid, J FAJAMBERTON, PrO'y Prothy's 01110 e, . , . March 1,4„ 1549:. . lievl's . 'Embrocaticin Ilopetti Trus - yulutdde..Eitll3“o:' , • " uure atilaituNl - • lags, aliettnuttium. and all utunplainis which-require tin remedy... g ives immediate relief u 3 • the fiernielies.utud the Incident to gorse(' having ,white feet'uod Poses ' produced bx,the.St. John • W.rt: 'lt.is also highly useful' ill relnatiug.,"t)ilf.' ; :,t , ingtot of 'the Tendout; and Joitftsi hOittlitottlactel htinefiuitil • Offeutti: t•••• XT.; . - Foitrytiist;:tottfoil4 , . tio."ennwtoot.y, ,drii ooth pntOtilfOtrOiiii; ( by rot'milOt•.,i'vholopilii 'rote' I •'ll i f2;....11:41AV14 N 4'; toiiiit'sftre;;lN, • ,„I;garch44l.4y-,,, .•;_, 4 ,• , ,', • .. ~7: . to , Oivners 'and : llealeiO,:. in.,: ilinie s o,.. ...:, AttlifOrf .S, k OUtf Linn' 0 I KNUENT.S ' .i, / -'• for , thoc oura7 of. '..lfounder;qlzipii t, l' i , 5T ( ....._• ' , • .'oilfOofi i Afoolitiunthlifiprase; ';'slld: ' ‘,- lirkril p. c untTacred mid ;4 Fthierish *: Tent . ------“ -.- ~Wrpunda,,broliaeaf, in =that' Ffish i' 2 — Gilli‘d.tiOClSOi - OTalakl3d - .llrelfrtScratFhwrreAr, '; 7 ltiCko, ita,thitiOrrice.i cf,.,„i.,% ..ki . • - , cw9PiatV;oleir RlNCltitin)Ctott;' cur ethr7th'O 6r , e i,ti.ingrAthoo,Bfood Bpavia. Uono •Shuvini.Wido...; I;4 l 4lP‘orick4Plitii^rthtvertnin,taraoter ThliMitig l . Hoopthe ! and iho Fthinder Qithowtheildth pt. paid f rom ilthrecipeol'imtiery , eileliiiifed tlp , glich,Forrier,.oad milt:ogre ini,.thnewthlue . co l sea oilfaf, one'hOthliiiicif any ort,ho ahtrie coal.. Plaines They,44,lo.loen niaidirlariiietirolivots; men, eingeproprieioro, androthiriOilh'uiho mof 0 marked and"4othclis anomie:4 For 4ato' , by . . :I .0G1L8T. , . ; ,i,4,;..,, , , , , , ft :,... rlix . o is ' ...: o .'t . (,' , ,- ".;---- - - 1 g ' ' Pattern or-Brace& 4 Tllo4lo4l6iiilirlirifiltist reek' gii_ sailor 1.., ', meat of I tr,roß-FITWO Sfi'OULDKR,P . , .CES. which hite,4oAcii fifti l nd to Vii, inviih. ..-sitoull no arotiO!artit ri°k ititha bpi it,,,latihit.fiolti' A , RSV j /. iitri li NI, j l io c , , iii4gliagrli' .i ffirstlritzollat z ti 41 ;;;Ontlhecp ofid .*lifernnip_Viogi - health. ;,,sltkiip ijillqi $4001:11Y:4 infitAlat4his ar .. a ie t ph . jtlatirtr4,9;y4 , i . injAlrolut(hics , • ' t i,,,i , • 7 ~ ;, at. k .VS : t' , ;' , ", i' ,•; ,!' . '3) 711)Coo 4 lop .._ ~ Ili 4 I:Xti 43%tairlil.t, rzg r 4 IP .„ eilikriits' ,` j i J014 1 ;0; 4 0 iifitt .:- iti t •--y.- ~ „ •: , ,,,),,,t4: -.,,,?4• , , , . . 1 3A, , 1), ',11 . 0f tWq..O, ~'4'i1)'4.,;mgt,.0701,.... ..' : ,• I' l t:itfOil l tisiiii'iiftii , e'efil. TtlEiT4iiiiek'tivid-Mi , riiitkiebr., - 1 )0 8 !:.P#C , kk-Rilti , t.4 l ;4 6, :r:••:' , MiOn '' . Cerlii.lpt ':;;':.tr;t; 1 . , %,, L, , :,,,,,,4,:.., : , , , - .•.;,. r - , .' .y 4 ,c,;',.,•zt,;,;,‘k;0,t,,,-,..,1M:7;'4, I ''' , "'"•,kt , -•;;V i, ~ 1.4 •nit l)V 4 ,1 14 9:t • " g • ' • An e i lifi ti*lpit"4o4l4l4)4t- liiliiieriii2itollittoriveit ,:ciiAsili ooi! (--io vo il i# B cliget ll2ll4l 4 4 atiFor----- illa matitcwAn.vtittmcontAL___ ;W•Miterbt - Pileat, either ed pg or bllOlO • iintenhaboiroktetbklikiiil•rilf Milli mato', ilje. tmoes,foulatt idestriquiteiron Witifillie`l'ilee •••• •emeheecltroqic Dysentery iiicepribtd in 11011 fitlititylrig ept116, 1 30t04 •,; ' .r '; -'-I -col ' , - , ..,4 i ., ,„ V, ll l lll delPhloveupti44lB47. ' Messrs. Keleft4lp 154,1-1el?1,011)W-L14491110:—A ho'b'bits. yeane nip ',Mini 4lb Q,id,l6l,llll•what lwatibiilbi'd'ekitinietiyiidalie.' , l'liirvit• au ~ , lfered iw,ith it:•Jetter •atiecei Sticilfityeiellfine!have told , F. 3l 4l: lll Srlive*s Wiretfroetid,Q,lna: that my 0 m ila irt u islrq9lllMPdttforzblook ne " 8 . It Aided ,Willi kliveqt ar puirl i k, µ o4 Ip l e re th e 11 ' f ilretitient• dts'idid,i•ges r 1 dens . ' ' J „ 1.101.1 , vince `,lnane' i Viali: to M a atiaetht aiirti,lti"ltop ca of 1 henefif trotn,mhange r,f ny - i,q;;Wiglri e d• mole covere ll /eil;ftYVr baroror-Whill%=4l,6y„, i , p h r I 8/61 9. 11, }P.M . reill'i°% "ter M'e , ..fvf e ‘4O; tin shred Merlyn. ,I;ltippil,y, in Jim ntiAltTl4 inteno43 ..riliVt oiiiiitionni,Vraib;v - e , l b•Ylaidt;;lte • 1 oaW 'ln' thdl Writ ciperrit'yeb r* Elealliney s li perfect Idescription ior my triiiipitilrit; 7 fipi er with pilloVll4 4 l,llficaids4•Oft:liircit,nfr,bnirte,,,,,, mg I• ll rBg l9l t 4 YjAg 11'i 1 •1 1 P1)nedinittevind 1 par 1 4 Ftftil ll / 1 3 'itlie ." l 4 , illu i reir 7 4'1Il ui f f, S ; 11 c 1 Prz , r1: P o ll a l l e !Ovitiyilttitgiitt its tiodk rir:'rcb'rler' ity service 4.011,,,,,1114 1 rfi1atti14tY beirttititiibingle'fis manta 'it.44)Bl, ll ,ttitrZtartt4 , ~ .r. A ti-;t:i.::eilt...-a ..J I"P4PIO'iCACVAUSII:EfiaI 3 IBth at " 4 .40:1404 ft . iilffenyillitiWqrt*SPire • 4 1 44 1 / 1 0iiii:il V, 4411 4*(tni 6 "4"e ot l 44 l °''''' lB4 particulifrit iite:"SUbjeirtiil'n_ojlo Reculiir .c.,, J , btraeoisrances'vfof !!it!filthl!lfiatifiebrtificis tee t` cAPPK,tb o, l l .flOßPCii** l 7 l clites'--bbti-Volicacy 1 "bi9P, 1 44"1"•P0 1 .0 1 ,11 0 l?4, , • iti li••.01 4 . • "_StiscriLitinyialitual, r eastivefeato,, l fiow o tiMlCl•d'tlid '4 4 ,1; dY. 8 ,0, 11 1 311,1 016 1 11°P sP l laal imation'or the'iltbmach, find a • pe'c'dir, l cuta in Ar: , llplism'a flieceonry. ,, 'lV,lit 'flit ... internal .rr,niedy,,aiul i cqeri by, its isetitoi•eretlii ficwele . :end blond:gm relaze.d otbilebf *dab, is the - oritike'd this 'Win iienid.ghoeWiac f ,'-', 4 - • • --- 'rIJNIVRII6ATI.,,(6!;IIWENHIqT , IitIf ..., .•Eroanonery• eity,Vtowtf,` datin•ilic ie. where , Pr. Uphain'a• Vegeta blePile"'Eltfutiittry ha bean introdliced;llol'nmet• gratifying! intelli • gonee rif, its edicts have bertizroceived• by the Proprietdr. 10' hundred ! yr. lustanctut it hes triumphed over aka . tyliinlj., vf cr,tfleeshed. ,Letter of -capt,a,t W.lLda ni law al'ilie U. 8 service, and Member at the 2 , l:J._Lembilature Rahway, Jutte‘l . 6„ 1847 7 have `been- niliated ftw,yqa'rayai,ith the Piles, and have tried, witho ut anything like permanent benefit, alines; eterything ,asstimt lo g the name of, Irveurcidy. I hUd as a matter at course; tint Al "eValidence in medicine.— Under dila feeling - 1 was induced—mot without teluattince , laitoufestratrirtfltifirfeeZicetty—• Dry, and' 11 4‘fi'V,rtood it mime& 'Arum weeko. riccordi,ng to the directions laitf,dowu, I find to my surprise, ati-well• as all i inhaled', that every symptom of aid disease, iitutbeit , ene. I - think it due alike to Dr. ppinito iold.loly*.eir to mnitelhisontildiriint. 'low 117i7,EADI L Addreosed to the agentivin t"olutniths". Get ,Rporie,,l 4 Couniy, Ala., Feb. 20, 1647 ' ltleasra. Winter dr, _Apping l - t4ents:—For the last fittecn year's I hutte,hcen titillated with that- meet ditdressing diamiatt,llo..,tileeditig Piles,'ltnd !Uwe bed - r& course toe great litany medicines, -Without obiainlim-,iblter,',entil. I obtained; 3 bionht of tiplinni',B PliO, Elestuary from you, which have , salie rcileieil - ine - that 1 take .great pleasure ltit:recoinMendin g it to All who are afllicted Witit•Tiles, at it safe and • cure remedy. i • „ •"'.' ~.1 ” $ R ft ilit.L. formerly Benkkeeper‘inimk ef'Oolubie ',Re amicable puretut Weeding Nice. _ Porilatielt Ne., Mari"; 14 itly petit nir— . l cannel micpresii iii 'Yon my II incorsPiosid heartfelt thailks (Let ha ;aModrotal cure .. I hive eSperienced by tire use of you truiy — valuable Pile Elcctuary,, • 1, haverbeen ' pirfect martyr to the Bleeding ,Pilea fur to 6 years past, so much so, that.! became reduced 144 mere 11 )/° "' with 1"14:4 v‘ l ''lPPolile and ' getieralderan einem of In y;dig , estion , orgentil irliri a yeli ',also becadie nit'Ve c h.'ai:Vild in, feet"' • .woe a misery to myielf(ind%hotik•ohliged to ;mu ttp, my office hate, which I bald ; Jo the Custom House seine yeters. I hive, tried all kinds of, -Inplicine, Jtod:.tlie : .bust advice Ib9 physicians of lhprinti lirtti tiii,opf..ovviildtiTo event Much'inono and twice submitted to it , ?pulps; oporationl'A - .had b`u46afai`-plirfoctly tiled, of life, and ,al., tito• ouggclitten of,my , ftimida'r wart' itiiiudia 'toZtl); a hoiehr.Your • ,Modiefec., , -;:trhat4titt4 Unity Itiltage)uo Slightly, alit/ 1 pcnreverytkortd pun*streir e. iteciirul, and '.••• ace lie...Yoe whee,,l Ast boll through I fonadommittir :gitiftli'io "I kit kept on, and now„,,l,amm w„po vinyl y dear air, larignagei cannot. CI-preps my ill nko, that , I ant once more restored to health; il "now iu, a conditittp; to - roppattlittacif cud focally , de pandent:;un . .tna,,, i'Youra 4.n-oath-My, with' greari iisrli, 'SA SILIAL,cp,A RI,TON 1 , :1 1 ,, • :' -Nota - Tufh,':l6.4l l f4,'lB4ls • 111Crsas, - Icetchu j rn4 ficin•lii*,, , ,'„l'ldswiltfl Aea that I huva Wet; ituyerelyratili?icttrqtreof years' with Vie' NON hat Mate Porte lefty • within the last ciine.monykS,..:llitolppi t ied tin the On:oodles "pioacribed by I,ny ,physte„len,;alsv ' haring triad other' Mind's in IltlieNik,' rift:tent vantage,,) became; liarY;lncobrxiii'doo,4o4 'till' fat 'as thouih I iitupt.llnroathlyPAl,lo4o6ll* Hut - piovitteritiblly Violin in ortnet4l;47o. Mutt, inalrpoter 4:11, the, public School 'et Mittfi4 • 'lshii& that I cohld lm cured itirlopy WORM* Pilci rElmituari , : Navin?, elpFticut'l , is hie Bia r n l el lt . 1 ' anifiledititily” prturre'd`:o6no, c y 'the . medicine and ,am ,ve r lxha p py, to . I itfortr lroulthaVl din 'niter' perfectly enre,;(,,hy,tbe 'ties ' of onlyldne , bc`A.Vety trltly f our 4 edlant .- .15Crvattt., 1 , ,•• t , .''"' - 1, '•GEIOIICIVit Celt f4.4_ • .. " sol 4 vl'hulesale , and .retilPhylfralfliAllt ',Si HENSlli‘W,',„l4,,,Fultonit,:i•lt,'aitd bi ' drueolitii ge n diatil,o ,Ili m411;1141 that, (In !tot Ptatesmild Canada . ; Prices 81 pitt,:b0, • 1,34 ..1 ''•-• Sold in',lCarllnleby attzi . 917,,,, ~,t , ,, ••,inf06 , 04m,,, , ,,, ~,,;.1, ,„io ~ - , f , I : , - oiautylesqcdorottrianody„ • .. ..- -..i.,,, , ..- , ,ca ' = ••• ~, '4l,iiiiaNtr—s)zitviralkint 4 is pori,'univprettlaolttibiviedgect , l4l 'ha tlic' , " P ,l Iv' ' • INI• 4 BLS; HEM 51•fy,,,,, , , , , , 1,,,,,,,Rheumi,,i0n, SPitittl'Aacitong, COntrac i tioni , ~,of vlto Muscles, Soro 'l'lltiont ailtQuinay,Jw. • •,,rsuee, wui...; Pails iit•thosßackiilla '; - - Chest, Agust,in 01 3 /13reataltp#,Fitect t t :::;: ) ,,, -Idotit•-achot•,S 'imps ;11rtu5ca,:,,,,,,,, ~ 1- I ! ,r Salt Ithetimi' arhs;Ciokll, ; , ~, s ' .Ftofrteti-Iroeft; and lallt+ i' " '', , ;,:. 1, •-•' Nervous 1/leommset:••.ic. , ?ir•11 ' . ;,:":,l ritINT'S I,INIMEIsi T 110 staktuppagt9klHot 1' Li ,:oty, unatiatilled:byins-201mder rpatitl i f i . i l l , "-: , , ira g on‘ r i e n s t; n a ° op r isli ll m g tf ° ltir i on v Vy,"lo ' lr4 i ti t Zr l6 +lo l l:ln li tirt ••••, ,4 1. i,;and'ilow,'"chattiti Itcpeficta c(lcpoo,opfiecn-, , 0 7t pociot t cott by sts tahlty, tuft a ptestnapa al.grati -tudcAte-.ate--aitpuackagi-miduthaipm,6 , --- have beep, made whole YAI VANN itrolleikkatta l tih e f jini , litilictedsheuld actiougat icmimifigna l , ;xibt oil its invaldabki and inlellililenifiette.Ver' i ~ • Pr j .',Gr,M.•,k,l,,Staatoti,ttlni - Pf6oloo.Viprin, ~, scant ixfocpitang lasFonittlsol,betit-fittt vol k , 'Nut)trruse;Arld ma ,of tha,copokiclipAtio k 4O l l O ,;„ , ilinibat ;tl°e6drieilh'tillrnittNigi'Lle ,11,,,-,, I A itt i prti:lll;z4norof,i6 ye4, , bilisi _ , Ili In 6 cumr. 411Aical,t(oolutp t visli ec tokimi t o j .. .buttlist 01 tho lonnnight rektdred IIIIII48149888$11';C:!; l• qu i l fkl fj.• 00404014) wi th ' litho '.pytivitoores. ni - ,114, I ~, IP.Attrim,ifis. l !avtopirocilitrimittniwkrlf7 theta. A on sea s tril'h4MP.9oiiiiliad.oo t"' ' J mita! hthitorltte•iihity titterin4s.„ :1 1 0,11,00- th , e),:' , ;:•l4 t.S, •. , 1;,.. 1 , 1 ,zik,c,:;":. . ~,;'-4 3 ,*1,,, l'"' in
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers