El 10°,41 6 1V11 0 4 1,1 .# 4 0 , 4 194,, 110411riloip:F . 14,i)AttktF' rltiurti ii,M.O.-;611.1vp .04'1 i i -aI:d4PF. :Stitt 41 4, 14411117 5 4, w ;Itin . 43 c F , ' 1:6 ;:,(1! 2.1,0 trx ~~; . ..744,,,x14 r It v , v , ' n• H ,,, -T . - • atik.2llm i ..! lfli: -‘,,• •. : • ~, :c,,,:?4,,,............::70:{::::,,,,..1.,. :.• ~,!,,,,,. VOt tit E ~ 1 113611 X: .:" 'L•• ,, ^.' . e t.• ? t ....',' : eat s. Moder Ad. Lippe, ,r l Q_fO PATHic physician. ; Office Atitin'aireee, id tlicat4usefoimorly, occu7 Ibd b# r. Elir - ottu ap . 9 'l6 L; 0. Loomis, • ,• 9 —, :WILL perform al operations .upon thn. *l.l ;2 . • .'leeth that Ore tiqui-„ ) Tor ? their.preservation, such as "Sealing, Filing Plugging, dc.c, or. mill restore:the losspf Ahem , • IttinsertiOgiAttiaciat , Teeth, from a single toot! to a full sett. igrOifice on' Pitt: 'atreet o a fM , ' doors south,of the Railroad Hotil,..'Dr. L. is ab --sent the lase ten days of every month. • • Dr. John J'....)ffyorsr -, 11A.,8'REivioyEp hi o.gee and Awe' ' ' the 'liousp adjoining Drug Sior 7i;t t 'West . l - I,iih street. ' sprit 1 ' • '' WM . FOulke,.., .„ CIRADUATE or the Jefferson Medics ' ,l ` ol- COliege of Philadelphia, respectfully offer ' his prOreglioital..seririae to thei.practice-of Med. ' pine,'SUrgery and Midwifery.,pFFlCWO. the reaidence of his, father in • lianoyer street, dkeetty. oppciaite Morons' Ifott pad,rhold'Preabytericio church. ap 7 '47 Dr. W. L. Creigh, (Sitccessoi qf Dr. him Crete, deceased.)• ILL attend, all Medical calls in town a country, by DAI Or MORT, Itild will giv • ai!ent, attention to patients entrusted to his care •OPFICI on East High street, oppoSite Ogil• bY's store. • ++•• ( 116,122-6 m J. Windsor Rawlins, IN.:D. RAD CIA E o Nefferson Medical College, G respectfully offers .his services to the pub. • lie.; Dr. Rawlins having had eight years expe• rience in.the Procice; of his .profession iteMary• land and Pennsylvania. flatters himself that ht ....CSC' give general satisfaction to. those requiring • .hittald. Office in Pitt street opposite the Man• AfiontHentso Hotel and first door south of the Methodist. church. Pehruarylth,4B l9 , - • A Card , .. MATTEL HEPBURN will resume the ;. practice of the la* in the several enemies ( § Mdberland, Piirry and Juniata) of his Into " Judicial district. Arty butiiness entrusted to his' i , care,' will 'be promptly attended to. OFFICE in - Mre..Ege's corner room North illannyer street, immediately opposite the Bonk. Carlisle Mrroh 7,019 tf.. ,• s • • • John B, -Parker, r A TT ORNEY AT LAS.—OFFICE in North Hanoyer Street, in the room [or ocoupied by rho Hon. F Watts. • : - Win. T. Brown, . A TTORNEY AT LAW, will practice t4e, Weal Courts Of. Cumberland coon 4ii,Alrice Main. street, nearly opposite the 1,91?#.0!:.1.u.i1, Carlisle. • • feb 9 IL: Smithy - 1-4111k r i I' Xiair tan 'in GtatarN new ` e, estOmce. mar 31 '47 Carson C., - Ziore; ' • TI'ORNEY -AT , LAW.. Office in tlie•lloam'by 'bi. l Folsier, 4ederised: ' -" " . Unita. 31 '.,17 EDWRD' OLARKSON, . MINGRAVER . b N WOOD, No. 80h Wel Val nut Street, Philadelphia. otr Orders May bp" sent by mail. OinveyanOing. FES VIEEDS, BcoND,S, Mortgagee, Agreernentf• r ey w ipd other inairnnients writing neatly ant aty rely draven . 4y . thrt . subEiiitier, whemay bt Iroof 4i. the olnee,opte PArliste;lsnnk,l “-141.°811.0' ; - qous. MILES_WESt _ FIFTH' SESSION. rig liE Fifth 808E6011 will Commence on MON 11 OAlr;NoV:•Stli, 'lB4B. The number of Btu, boats tnaited, and' they are earefuly*.preperet. for Eollegf , counting tjouse. &c. &c. " Pint situstioh pruoludeß the po4oihility or. etu dentsuaisoCiatineWitit I,he vicious 'Or deproyed . behiglortiiike'irtim lowa or village, though aaeaa'silile7.l4 State(RoactorSuiplierland Railroad, liotla whiah item; through te ' ride i rti,, • • TERMS. - ,—Boarding, washing, atitioa, itte,'(per sec) 'B5O 0 - Ltitiii'or Greeks , Y , r ^V;V: 0 linstruinentel MaSid • • FrArichniiiiGerman " • ' B{6, ' 'R K'i)Lftv4sr Principal '• blictt ; 81;' "; IMP ORITILS: itNa':DEALERS IN FOR' EIGN 14,D MESTIC ,HA'RDWARF, Jiyo,,St-fr- zoo"l 9 Mititt *fr - 1 ;Sr. Tife , the' tte of 'Oets niaVant ingigintiiin, , ,their,; line:: to', The , the ,avo , julitt,olionedi and , wliiclu they alter a." fraßamMiovireVii•ctuth fej-itj; . • 111.1.troln'Al*c ohn- P. , Lynei , ~ , •, Wf49lAo;o4:74elgitileat: ' n • Voreigneind imieeilo Horclwarn,!-Painti Oil, Olasn, Varnish, ko, at- iho•ohl stlind.lo N s. ' 'llgiovor...stroot,- or:lido, has juin received -Cron - N°Viarktilf 6 .ll l .ol i !‘tkla'Xiirgfe.o'ddillirt Ii 7: his (nor./ ochoil w ke. ,the, orittylif,pf 1, 1 orottliAeiXrftslienii . , 3 nit' help,' lila ernOnc i o '34;0? u, ow*lllilkillit'itleerld4ff"nt *,tii' , x 101,? , —oh od I 01 ;, , y ,, :frallieet 67 •01 . tvio, ,, br1h7t , Ali i . tliarCodsiiiiililoit4iee'aleli4glico4**T f deernilletirsiner ftikinforiethe;pithhn; tltr,'llio,stft. i ,, todEtWentilltli o f Ihi,"Briatil ilfekninills loillirlr i lt,l bit IliolOsit'llin' nonhnifoinciPurfti fohdisylk n ot , LiiiiiikAilglitii.iitAffildliotie' r lt , ,PPßKlflelY,i , business , with''eahi'lloorcl . , ',*,lneol !. op ~ the Sen iF-` l4 ff ri ' '.. * ilefLifFCl4e ~n ,„,,,.,l • iit,, ;l an -; coping, :1 -111 , ',(31.1.R Virifai . Oft l l3lA4R,'in bolllidt jilt et, 4 1)/1 lb 4 4 ,11 4 4 044 6 1 0 3 1 b ) ittg i rra4l4 l rT t4f il I t lie A l r a ~.ttokuo 1,441.1.34r(rth Pig a , hpAirint' 10,11,,41tettf4111iitri471iFffibcrif*ar ty'tl:4 sim p%43ofr-14't"titce4 lit , At ffis` 0 04.11, O ' •fig' ' P)ri lir tt nSi lt t l . i 5 1 iii r: OM 1V 644W1a1'*444041,,:14. 4 14 ,,R1 11 P411 . 011CCS i ', " ,r .1 i l i rtKli=k; iO, -•/' '4,", _ . ai . ,,,,.,,,,... ,-, ,-. 1 , 7,,,... ,-, i%•• ~' '.i..1,,T,,,i44w439,17-v.lrt ~ ,Litgolat, , , . ‘ ot, vi.,T. . , , •.... , Ap..', , ‘. '.....',-, ...,,_, .. 4kitnkikpep,4l4ti)db, . `,Atior. I: 1i,4 , ,i 9 theo6b*lriflereiS eil dn . '..4 ' ? - Oii° iildidtbrio#lol2[P, d prr.r , m° , . , hame,4o'iliglfllk,,‘,. '::)+ ii, ..„14, 9r .t. toitiitif Att . ckt* he' , ' , l - net.s' , 1 1. 1 ',,ro 'w -lii 1,, :"1,. ,„, 1.11 , 00,Ab0ri44,,i '„-..,:t:', , " ''"' 7 ..S ) A, A , • 444004141. .1,45AM",047ipp1e+4,7 PRIVVIIaVfg: ~4 ` o: 4" f. ', WirnitY I Wroa4l7, ' ftt't • rf • ., , thfigs l 4 '3 )41i - 1 ' ',,'..•"*. . 31'1 4 47e r. i . 3 ....•:Y j\ 4 ' l . ."...' .. 6'e. ' ''' ' . h .' ''. '• • .): S.ii ..fxtr.li'.. , .i:ilit j , 21 'nbiiilli , . l . ll ll 4* . 1 . r.r.liiiiitAiV ll . , i ' . liL ~ .1 Valiotill 1..;.'i • ,, t' vli ' ' l:ii* ' ;t. . i =, • - -; :, ' l;'.',. - ' '''' ‘,., I -01 4 1 '') t•Z‘igraM4i,,.l ' . 111 ,-, .. , 74'.0 1 ', 1 ..0 11 4 1 1 1 ,4 :1 ' ' ' ti c ' ,• ' 'CiY L' , l:il6 , :tr'it.t.H o7, A •,vior. ‘ oaf, , . ... ' '';:•'.. '. - A ''. • ‘,•• " .. 7 4 , 0 I 4 l' 1 ...V.1 . r , e . '31. ' ' ;I ' lti - i ili''.lll .=ii ' ...14 . .1.ert.. ' o , fir 1 . . fir. •• . , 1 , '1,1,, '' ' 74 l ,-: - .11.ify, 9 !?qt .. . ..q. - ;lb. ' : * it ' t . ... . 1 1 1 i two. C ..lill •,, ' N .... 1 :ffj. , i. , : X?) , .. . ; 1, i,_. . pc.. 1 .', - 7 , 1J! fl I ill' 4 . Y0.'n6, I.+tqfq, it , -%f:.74.1 : ! ~ . :.1 !' i . t 1 4...... ~„ „,„t.,, ...,„ 3O s . 4 : ~ 4 : 1•1 1 c, 1'064 I. ;Til. , i 6 ` , : ; ,?K,r; 1 .. , ii. , .'4 9 'f' .;. 1 -, ~•...,,,.. ..,,... . ~.,.. i-, ,, ,..ed ; ~.,e,:f !I.t, a- - , .. „I. , ,-, . ~', lot „,-... , , .' .; . A' .... !; • I ...:-.',, ---. .4.344 , .;,'" "''' ., liki , ' ,ll ) 1.., , -...; ,), 1,, ~-1,- . ovl , ~. ~, -. i h:i,r, ~ , :i. . ;). i 1 ;;11.`11.•.,`1 . 1 ,.,; 1: :.,,, , ,,,,1 .:.,,11 . <:., ~,,,,,,,,,, 1 ' ''' ''. " 1.:142.).'"4:...2...'" ' ---,,...,,, ) •,. :, ..-..,.,,,,,- -_,,i. ..1-, 7, F ,W 1 ire 11011111111 EN MBE In a Anie ‘ Atint lone and dreaiy, ,By ati , uuttaguented road, an old man nreary. 'Dwainein IhAdtaar abode; t • weary, :•Entered 1 one inorn'ills Wishing Mifeli . itie.grief to heal ; Noble t 'toughie my mind impelling• And my"heart was full of zeal, • Love and kindness,— . • "Never Mindless, - Of theautfereri though he be Sad and weary; Lone and dreary. Teased upon life's troubled sea; Why so gloomyl Whyy , en sorrowing') Why so given up to grief, Aged pilgrim, trouble borrowing, gay, con'at thoutind no :liken ' Ever grieving, ' None relieving Thy poor nod anifachlng heart, Can naught lighten, ightenl Nothingjiiy or hope impart, - Many sad years 'hage I wandered ) , ' Full of sorrbw.full or grief, Anxioun thoughts my mind has pondered, And I could find no relief; Yeti linger, • &lone traveller, Sorrowing through this dreary life; No one caring, 'No one sharing With the.ivorld's hitter strifef Du: con hope, no blies imparting To thy end and heavy heart. Causing (grief' and care departing,) Tears or Joy unbidden mord Doth hope cheer thee, When thug weary; , Sad, and given up to griefl Doth it lighten 1- - both it brightenl • Doth.,it give thy soul relict !' Thus I linger, thus I linger, Sorrowing, sorrowing, sorrowing on, But hope cheerio me as I wander, Ilope hide all my fears begone." • Thus replied he. . . • "Sad and gloomy. - Hoping yet and 'sorrowing on, . , l'hus 1. wander, . Thuil Inger 4 . t ; ; A , FATAL COLLEGE "FREAK. t‘" , l3ounds with onelhihkg the mighty brute • ! Wide waving to and fro lilt angry tail; red roll his eye's, djlated glove." "Where hle yam neck jest mingles With.the spine Sheathed In his form the deadly weapon lies." I.Trou.one evening a party' of collegiaUs and young bloals of the town'haci met to gether lit mY r merit' t 4 flay and caronse. to '1'40114 meeting, 'of the Sub ft .t ,'•„ ;., t;• •• buntersr who 'assembled twice m every week We kept it upiollily until MiLlpighe haying by. that time managed to•get full of Paccihh B .•:wben -Somers propoB4: that 'We ahoup,aally forth and astonish the tom some well•pladned and Well-directed piede of mischief. WitliOiit any one of us having a.very 'clear cancel - Alen Of Our nations hailed . the' Oropeiitioif with drunken rapture and'itiarted forth. . A.,trv,( ? ,141 1 ; menagerie had arrived in the iim4X:thelnight belore, , and among the wone dersit :contained ivas a young bear.. , The poor'--eNrnal,had' been'4ii-w'ell.beaten,..thaL he' beartine. very. humble' Mid; acquired °a ifairibWr;;s irniiiiirig"trieks:'. Of this iv e yrere, all ft;ivare,having,iitided"the menagerie the tier before ; :','.lost.,:sis - ire',.paiiieri" the spoil t'v,litireihe animals vemiintifinis4 itocciireift, , tu',,in u ,ha k . rare sport : it. woe lii.be:to , itapyorie,, y,pttng:.gOlip„VOd'.iiiiiee'hiiti . in . flit? ehisinici4J ) e - -- .9 4 1 P r° 0 ,,,t9: 1 0)MeW,",.. , 1ht - i:iieii, 'cikF,,-.. ' ihe:prelesuor and' i , the'oltiusi'"f,‘,, `-, 'f',.' .- , ~, 14 , 611,16ariiiif.t:iiilid;r:iA , pfotineition ltd.. this effect than it Is:its:ridertitoA rtn,Aayt,iptup. teOyi.l!th'OFatiliiiries iiiOirrying,it.antii_eroi_ hilutiom . ...,Ttili !,)nt-)y 'fia,viting: . ol4C,Ofiviii:;l Okitiiliiiiiiin,, was erected in ttift*Myrd," I c'tA r !I c 3 iio,4V'to ~ie , i o ii;,,'Ttie 4 loeges,uauh : ° l l l li l tr°9l 6 r ltc!*iiiiio;i4,lire,iriliii . giitcAvoe4;,etinkpwott l 7hellif ; byAS4` 61 05111 3 MY Nd:gai 6,ll gge!l'?nr;°Vl. ' 4h° \r;l rel ! n g? t . !!c9 l 4`o 3 'liinor. OF k i''ol4 , lOr „ ipgl%circllar 4 1 ki+':0 1 .'4#00c liVa l ,iYolf. i ...ll4iiiiiiiiiiitikiliai.atiy one would; ' Isiu*lii:uulmula.,AheLutioWoi,on-1114kt4R1- - ei,rii2 l oVOtiiii#l,9Tra:ti(diiiirith the, inmates! ii!'lhti 4. .lo,l efi c )aoiflg')lie"iqui,tiniiritliiiiii. ' ut `'""*. I:t i r3,e,Mll:i.mmr,,,, - ; q90.04,4,"01eit" e.14.44,,w1ii9;t0 ozetiuto.oni twhiiilfto,l'''ff4er. '. several igiti:liiiiMrlitiif4irit.ioisiiitjas .8 ntinelsi - the le.s(ltlity;l,,,ix .tfrtclitkeem,asm a itionitervd; she , -f , i,renastr. ftTirmt. , Vig i MiCl , OtiMilagt);;lftilika4p.aaritifttatorthiii . i • yi , m,..... twig., p p l e . l . ,i .gti r igY;t!lr slPP:ilksvfbkibournidendq tH aur , shad.beemidadittir.tdAiKet4 74Arrie!ifiii;`, ~, . , . „,„,, 61 sTirrlld` 0d.., , r,i,, t ,,,i , , 4% i n e KO IV A Ia ohi r r: ‘ Y, l , ,! ! °l + r i a ": 1 r. + n A ke *T. , i I° , ( k a lk Nil 100, 1. flar f liPie, ' 'Ana: there' 'il, 'II" t 'Lp' til t rig l;7!..tnAit i f e i#9,,k ,b AS4h i lii.ii 4 roWW , ; = ; li44eritePloofl#l4l l mile*gerrulethirMitift! ; e t ` t b 1 . ,liiii v -1 1'' ih'iltiiii/141-4Tiltila while 'eYes A i.i.ote4,lopoi;oi4i.aii*toktonatfrduied-,)rtifit= -hi iloihrillithlitiko-14.:,,i,"1,*4:1Vr/C:,:o;r41; MRVI I A.'44, ifilllilt i lbiA'o4 6 4treiiili;i 3 V4 L . i,01,' .ct, tl : , 4 4 9 , r0.i.n,F1 3 1tw'b0,%.t01h,, 46 1 1 . 3 i0,' L*4' g*.ilaieeYfr4l:44 l l.4gatafdtvilsiltht,-- ' " 0 ,. ; '` '1 ) -i i, ork , i kr th 1 . . lo , *ol' ~cMgAle, ' -o r rp 4 1 1 ''' #9 4 !5t [l'o' atitglAgAjiti4Ar .0411444k0ind, , 1 1 11,4 0 1 4 0PANOOINA . Viri fiOitiiii '?i011,41116E4 sliWO ~ O lithr,iiriiii 'I4I,AINA . .... . . , . , I Ist. ii'll ',( REE 15,4,, • •,'lt z' fl;l i El MEI ! rt T - OaawT4 " - FronytitOST; of entimerce. T 'E. .10143-101-111 - A-N: - . 7 • Dwelling dreary, yo , nn bowed down by digbt of yeers Aged elranger,, Lonely wundereri.., aorrOiying.throughible vole of teais Oft I marked him, aged stranger. At his solitary meal.' •„ • , And i feared leirhatm or danger, UllaWarea on Lim should steal; Sad and 10ne1y , ,,• Cheerless'. gloomy, of troable„All of care, ,Afttigelin ifetier, Rertowing.ever. Loads of grief he seemed to bear. . • "Aye." responding, thus be answered. " Hope, the,beacnn of the soul, Lights to me a happy goal. • - •"" s Heaven's blueing, Hope impressing, Gives me ecreogio,ml gives me power, • Gna dotiffld me, • Gddwill se_Ve me, • God will dicer My dying-bonr; Mizattatlama.wo4 ClUlde liqrold's Pllgilmage Ei .. . ..... . , ~ , . .' ' '''' o ,l; ... 04„4'4 , - , 4 : 4 : 0 - , ..C.... , 3 , 1•-•-•, , ,',",,,,, ~ .-.Z.'c, ,m ..=,,, , , , ,*,,r..,,.;,., : 1 ,lo;•ol46AAStticttr,ST 0. ,, ,,, . v i c, *' liii i , v iiiiiirte,eo ' o4 . ~e Y IN"4tqVll,k: , flt. i f4 I l liti V , li 4 .. ;14 . 301:" . 41_ , 4 lit II •. ,. ,-pi..9r y,. ,1,,,-,j0t,,,p,a-sq4,t%ti.rl 1.7,111 . ;'•: 40Car , 40,44,A ..Y, - of tAi.F•ifer ..,. ! ~!, •.. t., ~.4 , ,-„, li ''''' ' . , ' -c , --:-, frottov..,lpio ) _ Or ,Obit 7 " .1.. ;, ' , ...1f -Ai ' ' 1'11t: . ,:"',,,* , . 0 ' .::, :- 1 . , ' , 0 '. t iii:.:sii - , + . 1 :::: 1 , 12 ;9 ' ..: 1 4 , - ' ,;.„: . ~ ii , FOlthtql:' •'4o.`-'7 j ,n ' A .F$' ,17,,i 'At -,r,i!,‘, , ' , , 1 . 1. - "of".iirt.tift.Vill'iiN 45:+1144t;i1 , - , .. (:, :..1.1 , i,,u .' Y: ~ , ,I l.' thin' . ~ , ' .O, I I tv..4 i..e.1...11%', ~,,, trA el UtMIA: i'M I :..': 1:1PW Ll 3 =tURE3 , II,-.4....kAtED. , :irki it . : ~„„Itt - „. , l y 1- tel3l4.liklutel:44l:oo -•• .t,?.,1 , W, ;S 4.1,1, 'o , ' Il'S.l l , 4lltitliV d, : - ; l' ' ' a, 't , lh '. , ,i . ' , ' 4, -' , 4; • - •,. lar. 1 r..;" , i ,-. ~ .T.fti ,t.t.141; 1 1. at, ql+)7o-4.ti.1 , 1 4 , ~,,,,-.TA1.:,:1i..A1A4 , j l7. ' ' ' ''' ll ' )l f t l l'i " tti q i ,:tiq1444.fi14',401C it;fi;o l l' . `'f , V OOll ' 'V''',. 4 A, / ).: 30 :p 0 m ..':ithi, ,, 1 ,.. y l i 40 ...Td, j .,,..:„ .;,,, , i; „,, r ,,,,, 1 3„,.., 1.,,,t0 t ,, 4.,iir, , , , ,,,, •,,,Lit,,,,,.. , it5 , , , , ,Ntp-/e ~ ,s - - i,, ,-;Q:4-a _ ,_, ,- . 1 - .: ~;.,?::.,, !,',. 0 ..:.., '" .' .:, ,,,,-ct...iiggiiiiih.,,piii,_4,oitiaw,,,P,,,y) .aqi,;,,ii ..:, , 1 1 ,' , ; ,l ;r;P; 1,3%9 ME at that point 'which :nukes one tianger,-holleat we should 64 soon ,by.soine late . straggler :and,have our fun 'spoiled. A -baiterplan-waa r after-muen-schemnigrdevi:--t Ned : and one which met with univq eal ac- qinesceribe. tavern yard,stood a water hogs-heady !t with a gliding lid fastened by meads hasp/. and etaple. We had 'Onljr toll' 'this. in,t.: slide down the box from the wheels, upon the door inirtieiliUtelY in front of the hogshead,- and drive the, animal. in; We eguld: then push down the lid of the cask ) . seenre, , it by therms of a rope passed through the s !ttaples and roll the prisoher, and prisoo,house in the college. No sooner was this suggested ihan"we has. tened to put. it into exee'ution.,,,Ttie_33age with our united eflort's; was Old iguletti doWri = tirne.in anger—ihe hogshead was felled in decirtolaced the open end"in fr.g . tit'ofthe:cage .4 . int the animal stktred, up with , our clanes. With it terrible yell the gushed in; and we closed the lid suddenly doWn upon him, fastening it_ at the gaine Lune ina "secure manner. ~The yell of . the beer.haa roused_ the Other anirrials,.and our ears wereregaled,, for the next-ten minutes otith a variety of hideotroommds that.. wakened, fearfully. thto • sleeping,ectioes Of the night. The animal in the hogshead growled and his voice came like tlistant.theeder;'eo cletel e ened'ldis it by the the wood in which he lay. tbs.lellewe had ,nninctimbrance to their voices and they howled, as , clearly as though they wete in their native lerests Fearful of being discovered, we remained quiet for a long time, holding our breaths in suspense . But no one disturbed-or thought of distill ning us. The animals otten'staried a chorus of strange noises dining the night, fuld - the keepers thinking nothing unusual to be tbe matter, cursed the unruly beastsdor destroying the unity of their rest, and turning over went to sleep again. ' As soon aslinet was restored, we slit a hple in,ttie canvass, for we were afraid , to •emerge by the aperture which faced-the ta 'vett). , rtilled our hogshead through the yard to thgbitelc_sate which We unfastened, and then Passing in the road started at a quick rate toreur spot of destination. Over and over wen: the hogshead, the' animal , within growling at the tough treat . meru he received, Wii — nearly 'convulsed with hipgbler at the 'uficetiihelleises "*Je o ritii,Wa'!eaoe,cl a j,ho,.,hapk of, the. col lege, w h en ono el our party ohmiied,over the wall and unisisiod the .gate. We lolled in our prize to the back'door of the laboratory, which was the place Film our pipfessor of ciiisrilist6i lectured. We found that in cqn sequence of the narrowness.of the door the the hogshead would not enter. Such being the case, we were about testar_h,„the,snimal through the open deor, when an idea., more redolent of fun atruck,.the fancy ef„Sorners• 13 E1 94 - 0 ilip,lecture room was ICMlllall 1- partment co:liaising odds and ends; and which was not visited perhaps on ce a month. Fre said'riglitly:that tl ~we placed Bruin in this apartment, he ,would not, likely be dis; coyeted"uotil s , omatime, during the lecture of the cherdical,pofeasor when, the noise he w6ulti be apt to make: would attract atten tion, oriftiheploc wo,ol readily, be brobght to , . joined our strength,, and upon our shoulders, up „went ihe ,hogebattil until 11w,ms plaoeFl ,on, a level, with the win der.. A Aight young. iellgw,, tint smallest .of the earth climbed hetatott, the window, • lird.! 11 14 0 , 3 0 1 !p ,the Poetic., We. shook ihe ; fiep,slilkd viMpot!y i )441at _pose. Tip Animal. was,thorqughly, , frightened, and, lay still,. or with only, an ,occasional • .growl.Wa att d It a lurde. gave l a , ,apring . through , ,the window. ‘.;There !was crash of ,gless,.ar hqw.l and the,terri• tified nuitnit, crouching:-in, thecornerire rll,ainPfLl3il (1 1 :4 • :0,11r,1 it tl .cohn pa n clohed amk.ittapetiltlonna rolled the pfig*eali up,An,to •a:ainmer, Of •thetyard;'and ,returning lo,.9,PrzsoonyhOOntinued our revelry dill neafOnylight. )1.4411‘.0 It was about blycificiibpiil awoke, ,3 1 1 ber -2gibd,wri_ipiltillitbe'rl,lpiasell42,iietvicAvulT,i 'th. l / 4 7 ti r iiVtu,l; sidlii;Vi7ei l l ' , el'itte eitidatliiii,:tintlT afterwards a CuO:iirgolide',"anY isii,lia,ippqa:'. oiihido,iiiiii:"ft' was 'the 'pOli F , Of,,flor pr .l , f6a6P'isr'cil,Aiility,:ifk!'!iii,i .11t ,i, reci,.itii , to,puis I jiiiiiittehii,l l o. 'Cornmedoeir t io ? doaccitai , Upoß, , ' did'ilibli'Ot: Tge_idit i gio!ieio'4l.V;rueP9d,iii, (itieritioti:ll-for ifigl'geliit44:;vti4,pp ,bIP i n, a n,' eild'Wo l it t(eitiiiii'Up;W:iA,Tiht'''fli 4 matter Pl' i. , i .. ~ a , in erdst, and capable of beatit4,ol?li t uttrAtor. B • -11-sad-liiiii`clely i nieileci • '-'-iitTsbort i aud-RO T . upitiiii7riciriliiiin: , tiefiii44 , heaid it l olimp,oi; liottled'inalt, t lWw; staiii`inighlivtiii i tbeTrit j 'reicidt. `zriiiiiiiiitTsief"r"stile i ci l l i sfaW4ll'W*„. i I ,a i iitit;filitklrPtlibill u efilie orit'aiiilyii, Ifi'l Ify, l 'prat, Idiiiiitcl i iitiitkiiiiier trifeloWslitnipt, 77l ‘ .. Ol'here was a pause Pi a few_ seconde "diia. , I,ll l ittiti , then , th'e pridesscirrprocrebdiA.' 4 ''''''' 4 , 1 ,bc f gau to ibis isalarpletiol '1 t refilerriberie 1A I , t haqbuti bean; donei ' ttt Inlglitimiket„, trip.o4 410 , r .ordftuary ,, oiroumstitnelis Ltittiibtliiiiie Wel t Aukni‘liobir , appitilteirtibaittlTtidAtieiti vhiri tC) tiirao;sutougll,, , andthadr , beeti•Avilipptid 'tied! * hii,had:initabedta proper botion'eflitit'stipiWil 1 1 01114191,Thaniita , Bip , trovitqlloreou'odsVliddel” ed iLat,,ArmiriAtztiiitvirkedt ilinitiettivitdiniVi' r,dnil, polyiseparateds,trotwea, piii. th yds li i. l at liciougia of, wintioliiin lytirdlit*iiyavigief, ft t 1 141 . tiiii various drugs ettedithiruliirakiiiirdi ' '''' , l '.irtiftie'P o llilii'We/is l iiiiVegi l iUntii i rkt aoll - tiottleVb,PriOtillitifiti 41 4 ''%,,,N4 1 , 10 Yii4 0 04.i'''Of 1111 4 rt le 1 n 1 go,ltotopily i tillitiVb ', _Joik' rt i li # l'i, s hrOO k lllig_Efkkii , ,ohkVie.7#fi tat, 1 ;, 0019puz;01601,1 1 11 betooliqqppidoommil e - ENE .C l l l ,l =MEM him. By.thellooketoktnyet4Vantlnta / isaW4 they emettainedAte sameleerrf ' l')M :,Thera.was.lanotheV'Oraati4 t ilg44,roWi r tel The_professor,,OtoppedLagitini:kol7thtielass looked roundilt disMay.nyrkatadtwUowere acquainted •, ithilthencaudridol4.lthei hiiise, could ;startteel itetegtiktair'viii, Ilie_Pii'il,, P' l3 •l 11:1!!r ( 01 ispitft of, thelder under: hlstrffittily 10:outil there,..was .somethutg sO „ tudieieutiOn i thcr growl,,especially , Whenr.setrAgetedAnit,- 8 8)Velk IheP9nlitigaanaterdiPT l ,4 3llo .! 2l , a' t 4;e that could, hardly retire - OM:1i labghtug, flutright,i, The) professori •vliri)Cort . 4!ndC telt rOtUr whence Abe ;sound•propetiAllpand:ittiff' it . a tnok of the class, reprovpdtheomartvere l ; 1 3r, aa; l lhaaaantiaaed.,Plikititifql • l "Gla, l 3r , tlenten,""statr be, ; prepatiogll9l . ,Abipt,ot , experiment. "I w, i)L,tO l €?%7lP l 3A,9 3 °Es;F 4 ai l- ' liY k g effec,t" - '' i Ir- , ,5;.4', , , , ,0 .13. • "'Atli-he did. Hatit I iher, tea a .auddeti erish, as it l every i botde in tbi, plciNict„Nd beg!), destraYad al atie7a sffl° ll 4ll!?lel . :3 : lP7o','"' was a terrible howl„that : yrtapyhe,,mcekl, turdle:and ,the Marrow i thri),Vatand,itimugh; that frail - glaser—Fatly3t,paf,RilltklAPt l l, mistaken the cage- 7 -112ereleamj,,forth, incur riaiediiith the bum - Mglt - quid that" streamed ," .i ,I .t.o.••lt if t fit , i s . .. , i 'over hint —horrorl 7 -anuriiti Iml,ttger . - No words cii'n(iirj)lo . ,,Klra`flOtra}RMVit i of the class. I , liit:orie stifrfti t i sklyige py', Ito rrer -- ITI ot idhles4 7 --lireathht7 - tliorez, We. *e sat. `lsrof a muscle mitveredc so t pgill , were we will our intense fear.: ; It *is our , preservation. Maddened' ileiNtitPlillense pain, the animal kushgri tilt 'ultiltfeirifi " .3 bounds, and 'rneetclig" - riO"`obefeJle pasmi.d down stilts inba'zthargitiit Atli. There he leaped and rolled and howlettin 'hia:ii"guny, the eldest daughter of our janitor,iedinmu in with a messige;unwittingh'ltifilered.• She screamed •and felh—the•:tiOrilrantic'With, the• acid, which eating to his very ilesh,i .heeded: her not. On he 'passekikand ihesirl lived. Batter had she died,ifeinfevei More shone the tight of reason oi , iltiii.: 3 / 4 , 4?iirtfpyesf From that qaythrlhsh!i'lrilo f‘liiliiio,o l lo'-ih' curable idiot., - • ' -of.t . '"ip' , o , l- -. ,-. On dashed ifie".tiger—on !ptil,rolll, ll 4l#o' the streets withthe populaCelintial#iieeY 'side ter sheltef --, , passed it ;fiPilinV'litritien4t where,he: iceepare ~etoo.d,,Waltderkng,_atiklis escape— on Ihe went, bOunkiliter' 7 l3iitind;- 'howling, screaming ,. vsonhtl agiiittOn went, while behiall,tbeforeetnidinebria,Trise,, up. the : mingled- , cry tnetiotrariiith;' rir. i df; tif ' 1 " ' OtithS44llll% ;Yeeler •was riding' quietly' tri-his , heard , the. noise behind himiland Castinrhis eyes around, , saw the-canalt;ll Be 'spatted his horse, who started, snorting With 'terror,' .tor he ,saw thef coming let the 'mighty ani• rnal as well. ear his • master: It4vits'in vain. The tiger noted , not the Imant itHe only-stw the terrified steeil. , ;ionei leap; they listande stack!his claws' into the hind quarters of thelioitietwho munincb 'MI of hie:trouble but'deryinstiadlcmpbeating the Jearlel.load las lhoughit , was !re featlier's weight ;: The mansreeeiveld nolhuri.: ,, ' With a presenee oil mindifaiti : F a' dolrieiis roost determined, ler - it - resulted born despair, lie cfrea.'his bowio-keilc; and ivith".a firm strokit;'butied,ittaiiie hilt in the nook" oP the tiger.' Tlia''iiiinaFrriatinii Of the royal brute was titiVered 'end 'he 'clied"on the instant.-- , :lintiliti'did'itet l ieleak , elni Still; With tthd gittirliet'nl iing . 'in his pleeei;.hie eyes glaitietil'aiteglaring;'anif hitt claws Bunk intei - theloileehl" 4On Wein ' ithe , horse; snontrik,ipiniTging "i'eattriglie mingled palm andlettiatzUjen I 'Went, .etilteutited bylatigttelindvidell'el btiid"he ,• lell,prostratct. I trin Okay: caw: -the'Abree itretehetitiig,iiitlir'POlty'Weiehed; atole , !up*;ttiotli; were , •dei'd'.;• and itomi traveler, ; ti 'io '1;0'4; .1 r, fAilrag*ittitikii lin.t , W , t.i?i . 1 : ONIA tr Ruebert)ll2oll44 i tib r, VlNibie'idwed the uGenetal aboutv eiiiiiiiitinhiii4 tiurt / di'.. ' White lie twaebPlebiBitifilitHit'Sf l aYs ; i4dietti brotighiitetieffabll* . t1i424 - iiiiiii s lltiditim h iinl • • tetotitaittedietitOttitiettitiontliklienifglinif the .; body - of, the - dektrefitMto wee tattpu iii)ingire;liaViiiid4rigg l iii#l4l4lk!init . i , i. I r trol.olt( n .le ..c.fx:v.) •ilon ; dila lied'britildihekti bsknno Der eted in ,vtt;- ';iiial,47. , imil. tivii4.dikett6 ' Kt , tlg,yi49,iiii ~ 110, 0 4fi'.1ariViiiiaiiiliff t a ilhe'. , Bil,ll al i ',.ata*ilaidalvoitkilial4lVgTrCyifi , toAiti;," silapafrtq'.l4iiiiii:iiii#B:tiAnVOili'Oril, j , :%!,itett!iiiitteiviird'st?B(.latiii"itilViliWg f tlt 1 14,' ''6oloo a kitP.iiiiirfaei("iiiioe'Ve .40 q' i -iiiiiiai . iiopg : OtittatgWiiigA-liailganTailim: piioaiagiaaaii,...l4 , ,yalriad .4 . ,W,,,v i . ' pair Wait tocaiitiAql l .o,c !'ifili;U:i i ii . al o i li .biyilatttiaa , ili Mitt?,} Vicijig OiKati iir l IET, ,ldr . liiiliiiNelliiiii'lelliiifVf 61E4 . ( %•,itli ' .. i . full diecher and .0 9 , iiffnA Va ' . ~, • •iv . ti i Tftig*.• f; 'AY 3 :iie4."df" fi dvl iilli q l .94lol4n n i r fril ~ )loi(4lttiiyffal,,e'tkniirii) o til t l4ftAllie4 d o l iA,tt '.ht . iiiilP,;4lfiet iii've`i:li;? t d;dtti.ttljtr o lo}dti f itiiti Aqt , #!ivA3OrtirettOokAiindititierflo44.,; v .dtil i it k ‘ o4 ol 3 VO4f#i r `Flett 4 4lF r° 47l idioWll4.liiitf.'o al rit , t iii ' 4l l;# ll 4' u a k: '',iiiii* iiiiiii_flii4o 11i'1 1 " gii f : 4,Ye ' ,00.04000,044'ifii , , .0 iii So.` bift . R.' '(o66ll644l4).*looo4ollV.itiaiutix. : •gtkoiitii,P*OtiViiroVli ilailillina' i i44. , :diffii*ilol6 ' `., . 4 tr ' N i64l} , ilf 4ho**** - ; '.4 tif4lavelr tktiOi:',4-iiliK446-! , ' _ :- 14 111 0,i 1 1.4.. 0 1091•40): t ~ ~ : .7 7. 7i 7 .4itilitOtit t :' 6 °" r lhlol 9,l i`f‘ :1 1 10 ' . 10 60 000 i 0,M0: 1 ! w eil/` ' ''iiiooo odlittleko.oopro.• . .• , , • , •• •,44 1 / 4 nipo l ei 1 , 10;04.46. 1( . 000 '•• ' 0. , . . A . * i ditiii,`*itiiti, 10ii.k0-0001005i;11.4;,..X''.'c2,,,;:i.i,'...',,,,,•,!:,.!,,,.. 111 MEE =EMI '4A . : ApiAN:ALO zof: ;I hit:, , )t.,,i! . t. , j.%. IltFill , 4:i Er' ~,:=.)•:kisi,:,?, ii: • c , -0 ,T 111 111It'LN' •"' „ , •„, N9 , 4 l ltaceLo' NeuKtookuo,o,, , ,tll4'our:kit IN Firer 'so boo t mi. AO •We, t,(x4l-1.. - , Then"dro o xi ty ..,: .0 n.E Th 7n poorpl epAll Mine eye Ming eye my Inert , rillorake AL'dlididd earl Mine heart 11 " ) ' To Muir To learn love Your fats ',Vann tongue,! , Wm, wit Doth lead.. Doth teach Doth move ‘' wit _yiritry belyzne,r,.„. IW4n egond svcl , Witit let . ,Doth charm , , • 3110. Mine ear ' Mine heart ;Moeller , ' l ll'4MinMeiiirk " , e), Mind heart , ' 4 ' l 4 Ol _ ll PMl3 teen " , `.,""lriiketongneT. , . out,heart ' $ DOM feed r' 'fete!. 'Dinh ll -S yr~l , L'',L,(4lollonguell..l •0'3,1 1 0 Veltr; , , t h rW1th , c4 4 0 11 ',4 , 1 .. , _l_ ol ,V l 9 l l l l o Pli %WrOrienot., Ve*,b6r wciundi n9E . , ihMihe ar`c`'' tMtiie'heart , ,Thia l eya $l , Tltgo eat: Thia.heartt'L ribald head Shall ,siveat . Your thee '',+-ILlYofir tongue ' 4 " . Taut • al !Hueco; To treet, , ,',T4oz. --, r ei rel Psl,s, f is II 011 S E Le o`B DIO Matioyao and • , .( $ 1 Betaey„iitop yout,leuitbind thetev Sate: make bait', and wash the diehea,,, $l,) Add, Medd • kiwi , fdifeee'breeekii! , SardrilY, rented„feed lhotoge;,. go opl,aqd briog geode top •, rij*ele loit;lehn, you ughrydkit if you don'tidod'a klaklfig Sakei' , " ' OE -- - ~Ji '~lt;r~~~yp_~ _) • I) 3' irk PlTia ,nat the :Nor all of • deiith46' ' • Whf don'.firoti A, "Qorti e ' :',16 is group, c:0P 0 §9 4 4 14 1 1 t ii,.,91-every.fizo 4 that iremionts our Sabbath 'school. ,•• don't , skit • you iit •Chlifel,' my child'l' , • il'ne Vtleli lil=l lable sre yon iolisp,LOur Father who actin heaven!: -.Then ',you. are%hot top,, .young lino trait Tritherii; house, 'end as onr mind ;oil nd s of the' Wiiiiders of tiuie iip l 4 jOin he has in..store,;loriyou if loiti will•only; obey and trusf , him:.•••'Remtmberlit 'Son end:"yoq? PRie Pe ,and forbid•rhemmotilor of such:is.•the'king orn of heaien,i..and Wholes ;;,, 'ohcisert' Shah 'little .cnealir yiou to be with • away in 144Tvq.: . glOripp,irf.1.1e;' 1,- would'he not be pleaied were leiti see-You Sabbath tatter •Sabbithi morning :ntiAl to-meet him in his hoose , of litaYeft: l :•peotir p'recintil'Aitlfngiiliiii' are Et ',OW • tnere cola uetorwyourloung natute.tiecomes berdene4-I,by - i ihditlensuren; . orudefledctatil l why dOn'J'You go to Ohnieb my ' 3Com health and vigor are indicated by eve- • ry movement:of your iimbs." • clethas are not fit. , "9Th I r that is the reason is it?' Why, then, are you at Sabbath School? .. Why are you daily on the streets, meeting and mingling with those -that you see' at oluircit?' If you! father in , Heaven has seen fit 6 lci past you]. lot,arnepgshe destitute; there j ilt .the, mon+ necessity. for you Yo draw nee}-to him, for he is no respecter OP:persons. He fudges nor by44%,ra:FO appearance, bit ''pidgaa Ai! the heart, a nd ' has himself said that he will, be a friend of the poor and needy... But how:can you : ask him to be your; friend, if ypu obey not his word; and honor not:hie Mosel . ..Go, theft; - chityoh; 'theme you tit ay hall, a opo, (if there be not another on eartho where yeti may forgetlour rags and Wretch „Tliere” equal, apil,.thougfi i'resitiont orGoverimi sit . by , your side,' he ib tia the , sight , of , thef GOrtitiO jOit "tit garb.- Qo Lit is;your Nathor's house; he , has Let not: , , the 'lettir' ff ,f man 4FLIP-Y.c4:1,0, 9 ni ) 1 4 ; 1i; (I • ; , here, is a Aide, girl ,jost• pastitem4— A - S(1 , 411 1 y . donT • yalticr itraltuipti" my &lid!' jEe AciVl peuq T ; i iDoldniterente pate' the. ihipel eo little Oictiiifr"Pai*:44l.l?l,lAviis'l',Ven two Jointajor ite mangonanoe,l !Do. they. wish to ee" . ..qte ' !anomaly Ibioded. , -the 'Sabbath a#1611,04„ 41)) . ~,fi:ii). , l f liPtif ' 3 ii 9 e, - .04: i i e.CY: lllllliiiiroaro•haok to 'the darkneea of, heath... 1 indarniont.of evlioh the'xiVeacheit toopel',bas , 1 4§ 1 0*, .00 ii'ii I •;•,P°. tiy,'llii*:!fiiii , • •solegeortle and :bieesings of eo t littie•itnpolt . .i , aiteeo h etiso fat ea itb eir , solibn anartiteNto - . vg - ili t ifiru.4. 144, Ti4Ati-CXA9-. mkte to-giyo(analat.istantulind onjoir:witat the ut nee id imberelAnivif beit•ind'aNinit 1 010 1 1 tl i ii f ili9o l o EA'o4 l 3iiiiißlO %YohoYourornothet imulAttoot•ortehaald 1 aft • apeaciapidlii tbsi:doiaa , tflkklib,tnitr. tired w tii i li i i i .i i i i ii i iii•ViAtO e li i i i i:Viiti: SA 49114 ‘ 04,in1e;v.%10..; tit 'Pt e.eutvi ll* a I • ,t ! i a • tor 4 ,l.o.qatel",batiol !t I'. I, M i r i l lt i ?” I .f .. IA , I , 0 ' '/. f, irirb7'7 , 64lf, titiV-4 , !,' ettfAPPlSl i r, ' H ' S T Mean, FORlctifitYlitf,tnarr litidaqiiiiiiiiiiii'::praiiiiri JAlllthigi itlitek 1 1 " i t i l, 11 0i:If i Y I PIR I P: i jit . ..0 4 ,c 1 Vi Otilii, firOkliiii.llll Pl(Y.44lltio.f9olY, Arty pilot for•64(01 datetibrijlburnitip all ao t) tavpalfiit iat l iiitik s tiii)li i i i ili i i kl itfCl6P i N l 4ll; just ilid a great , ;!nnuthino: t• Meal* a sink powaK to! set: fir witonini . Atir, ) . vaditt!itilliiit. 'lli s o kiY#lo ' 9olol4l 4 ;4 l kri9liiki l itlitiki !Motives van neithbretlirt, not etoygbhn pthirp; ' iaay: per Id , hill pliy ( * iltilyini 'it:thill . iddots . 1 t ar,elika4litiiollo.o‘ii.l;g4l44lW4;i: ap o omltxe..beehttfolpieetsvflineohniernio . 7 . atlnevOt t atiniiriptintiiiitdl./f0 1 4 " 7 ` 16 ,, 1 17!... 1 191 . 16 Q.• i .; 4 414 . .144A.,%. 1 4114,Yai e p% ' . pionfrifetootb-4nkfitnalthinem e Rya:the,: , l i I; " I g ni f Cs a l t i r'*fa l ". l ttal i Dfl'atg; 4,14 46441. iltioclwaivii4 ow, 1 ,4 . tuikoiscp!% Isocoiolowtorbootrittc .. .011.6stilizoiewit t izil tdi 44) .. 4 til it c ftlll , I 1 i f:* i fii , it i 3 O . , 4041.510,041414 : ~ . • ' , p iig(t2 • it, •)•!' 1 , . i : b ••- • • ''The'litiOlkensiti;+43olLitifilt `'.'' 'l3helipioiiiila mairvitio'dootti* , •4 ll igildit • -,. ~., ~, . . . .,,,.;:, % , Y;".5i , '%:•... .••••••... ....;';:•.1 :•'...1.:.V.;•'.::!.'&4`..Ri.;i:7;','-,i'' , . 0 5 .7, , rgiii.i 10 . 4 .%•" 4 ` -' ,1,.1y-••4,,•',•.;4t•.•,,,1,:;,.,1 :a ~,,!,1,A1i... '• VTh" =l '4 r Art341821W41.1:7:' ' . ..: ',, !V‘ , ,?j , l ' ?•• • :::,•;,,,it ' '' ' •" ' " • '"" .,,, 11.?",....n111 , 1',..•1 • - , 1, y , 1 ;;,,i -i'. ~ , 1 ,, 4 ' o 'th irlififtsigyllaWAliar .0 ,ogi. 0 , , .ftv , PßOOlO r Xists% r‘e rtAttlailf` 1,-,0 , *,-.7.,':i . k, qr , ' 1...0.-r.,-...-.,:;.. , ', , , 1-,,t 'y )o '''..' 4 I 3r J ''' a rNzarn l ),' while:T . be car Pi ' o4iFeine ii ?. -11 V i 'itiOr , 4 1 it'xiatlerilieti different trent' any that hits t#noaibilistYrirhehghia';''„ ) At iike !,I'l” , 9 : ;iiisig - +SOF , ` 'o66l9,4•Aidalimrti hriii. ,uollll4s to jrqluee any b!.it' 11 0, .otft*it.f.t, Pi4ii, `Ot - ',,t I OPALM9 I 4 iI i;g ' e I iC A Y IIO C - qoing''' ;,fir. `iistrriertalmostitriptieiiblett i epeittetthiffi4io / ti', /,OmPlefO r ike* o o9ti, l Tiie;iCentrinnincr :itY , qt;tliinie .i , liO rise high in the service rise, 'KY itheliesej ''Se'ittlitte'Y4o,',ied '',,eiteetieitril Nfi t ilm'sraTQta' , 4 6 l"P i le heie S ,e t 4 g ll g hted i i that every man pito:enlists lc , the-I,,itte Must' 4, 1 / 2 ? l P r f c ,,t - ke=1 ) ! 0 et 3 e fthY.,Yeare'ih'elimate , Pqft9 i7 , P. r,a ,t3 l PTlg, t he health ,Etmliiiller•ef`,theatire:7; 115 41 11 .W.P. , The IlIfeY;of ;the Long Pitriti., ment was raised for home pery iced The , pay , of the private soldier wasmltelt t aheFe ttle Vagets'eldiallii,lh 7 r . ;',, 4,4413pi i ii ) ,0`-th q 41814 7 , piei"ee'4'ii'','l 4 ' . tii ' itieo4 ' ith&l. ' 4 11'1'1 ,014 br • liitelligence:ar,coUrage; titi i ,mighS i ktine,lo, idtiitil high 'enrcaldrlds. jiiniffniip neyv aes , Ciirdiititly4cimposed'Of ,LitiMi t tni; superior ''. in , ~r ,- - t , ,- • , t • ~,t.4,,,,,,,, ,:persona 0.,,,- .....,-, ~ 'Medd': `And, cdtuiehom , to ol theAMdfiludeetL, Thellijliiiiiitifitt,lMVer, moral, d i iligent, and s iel . ~ORsteplefl:te. reflect, ad' beinfiltdiieed ;to take ep, artrukhof by, the, mssurercii-l - went i , Pet , i;ileY,P,Pl.ltoeitY; elle, not "bY tliFt. a i etYl9l::,teeTyitiritr office, iii by-_religious ; And ,pplitical4eal, mingled. tail the ; desire , of , distinetion And PrOMetiellV-,The'boait OF , the soldiers, as we fi nd it recorded'initheif solemn resolutione t wits,-- - iWthei . had 01 'bean loteed'intcielbrvicOnOVllii itigioenlisp' , ed chieflylfor the-iiikerief'indir4'iiiiiViii4, were tibr.iftuitteeliesk but' litie=beriatiglishi , men ) • I who; hadi-MAlltielF,Pl4 i 11 f t/e011, 4 44 Their lives jeopardy:feirftheqibtfrliiilll4 religionlid•tEnglaitd;landt l ;khcflie'lriglit and Ault it.vras•teywatcli ever the Willfillifiifithel ,natioawhicktneyhattsaveV . 14 ... Z:' V I ••• I 1 ' A force thus criinOcised inighrtivititUtielif= juryo itt L efAciefey ke r indulged. ft:lBmile', liberfies which ,if alloyed ,to apy..pther troops ? would,haveipEovedAlbversive l to,alf ' 4Y u l t l ii?eA---In,g(l Mr#soldiers W i rY vh°n l i i form ' ) ! 9 P e i ii,C l 4°'P ° loFiA t it a r - el e 4 i u ti ata ' a n Pr? OPCitigPPe94 . Ngh glo'p, :P °9B`, E; f' at i t i!!!!WA u .k4 f99l!,l2riftlitl°, l *q.7lt.fett 4 ,t il i c 3 i l i ,.-t1),! 9 1 12 ci'MetP'icuel , C,4ettlki ,il u r - ,7B`4qr e fl n ill,,_ l, 11Rinc,irktRadJ11114 40, 1 ' g' rclus, • °f «:: r e o N , l.R 4 , IF IvAtilti,..it ikle.A.OeF ill' 'Mill si ''e to tort:lite - in - any - tegimost 011: , pious meetings et which is corporal, ‘versed ii; Scripture, should lead,the, deyotiona, of his !ego gifted colonel, and admoniSh a back: sliding mair. But such was the intelligence, the gravity anti seif,comirnand of the.warriors whom Cromwell had , trained, that in their camp, a political organization and a•religious ' organization could exist without ,destreYillg military organization. The same meir who,, - oil duty, W . ere ~ noted „As demagegosa { and' field preachers, were disiinguished• by stea-' diners, by the spirit of order, and by prompt obedience „mi. watch r on drill, and on the field ol battle. In war this strange force was irresistible. The stubborn, courage . , characteristic et the English people was, by the system of Crom• well, at, once , regulated •and stimulated.— Other leaders have inspired their followers with a zeal-,es Went. niOther,leaders have maintained orders,as strict,,Bht, in bis camp alone j4e most rigid discipline was found in company, with the fiercest Hts troops moved , to,victory, with the - precision i t,:i.i. Tas:l l ine,spvittle.burning withlthe fierce. est,,entimsiesm. , - .Proos the time when the 'lrtliY,!l7s,teetedelf3d to the time when'it wit. .., ,`Pt i 'F'delli it never N 00 4 ,04131 in the?llrit.,; Is. lslands), et .99, th e , c'or.tiiiet, an , enamyi ,whe could ; stand , its priset,,,,ln., England seei 7 , land, Ireiftlldi.Palldele,taePuritan warriote, often surrounded by difficulties : sometimes contending agiastiktipifeht ,e 0415 tle,t l on)Y; never faired "M , ' . eoi i iuer, i l hUt ,I,l9Yei -1 ,4 1 04, to destrOY' ; and a nd : bleak il4ecitt,;olltl7,!l force Wh 4 ii oiliiithiff'to • iyieri l , I Th i ty t Ait c Astio 'iiiiie n VO,iediii'd lie . 4i'6:510' tife'lwi t amil 'iiiiiiiphiiiiie aiiiiiiiieif,,io. 4 i t g it? fllgtt l it , liiiiivrielif iiiigiViii. of Siipn;rltii4o49i .frit eileffillinici:UOUVWri,lsfariled #Y,tIN3 dbhiiiiiiiirdidiiileiiiititionnwltil,. . 441iihis n.:,,, • glish allies, adyanced_te.the ,n „combat, an L d PAlttPthled theefelight of a true doldief,'When hp /gam fAlitikat itv viasiaverfille,;flabitifilF4 Cromweleappiskedonerilte , tejolliff • gieklit !Apr' 4istti.ehnict itheimeiny ;1 and , thelbitriJ ishedteavalieridelttan , emetioWcif - tihititintii pride,r.whop;lharatiivcia ibtigatisitolvAlieli t , . . eedellreanyoUtnumbered bticiiiir‘fribliiii dotted, Ibysililest tdrlving , ifieltire'itqafiiiidi `longfolite - tlie - Beast - irifanttref liiiiiiti,iiiii , .lorcp.. aFtsrg, f4 . q,9;1i.,img0trpp.114.19440, h , h i d ` itin atilt irodoneced' i 'intr)restiAble, b ins lA% l' i tiefirthe„44o6(fteitfie.'...4 ,i,3 1 /i r' al i f f ,4 414 *-0 1 10 1 ,1,14fV 1 9.00 , 4Pq , itu "Vil tOia,`, 4 o)v If 9), pttl,eotlffliktler YAM', IA 711 f . " 4 nicil.iir f 1 4r 1 5r, 1 9A1:901 , 0444'14'4(1i / 4 .41 fApifi•i r *ltmiknisr l ** ? - if'Y yiy,Le tillo'Bogeiii63' 4y a li t p h opto rk , het iliegefer,,cin i p r ee_ostli.osas- heard, ;to -'''''''' - tdriev i -' • ' itoliMhl l 4'34'S''44. l -iiii 7 r.. ' tWes` .:7 :t :0154141 ¥. 7 q 10,,p3ia?..Y1 . 0*.i ,teta ,f 7/ :41 AvAkiu, Ad *3 111'1,71% - ',lql4i,tt . 41171 10 iikisAioliiii":4";o l o! `4:gei--fati6l:tY '3'4l ft ( 46.4 !ip.7llli' •M, linal 11.1tv•AJit,t:101+ •••'"ir'' "11 'of M -9 -Ptil r ffMtlai int% J I fi k e re , c, i, mil• u7Apaitar itti ijf t 4l, nbt pg w t 940 Poo i API Ino .deff,arnielerlivymkogiMpt,theretiskine the air • p y 1 tii,ailpttt hanipsratt+theie are few who do natant) their ora?1+I iiirn'ff ; (l 18 1+911:1 0 tbe,ettnosti.iferis - v../ oil's '.: fr 1 f•VitnY fa nom *ll°'lOilild Igatiinfieloto ':,hope, IndOell a bitillehltlid j llikatlibi l l. t 'CleklitatiOW:tliiii 4 ili' iIIii*EOWIPRIMPI.,;) t trlklibielpl*qliitiik'fifiagyi:g7ol , "inin the question ti?q4;ig i i i h r fOttl a Wl'Ald'. t r ;',41.0,.„q,,ti,,,,,„, ..,.,...., iiiu.,,i,J,,,,,,,,,,,..,10,,,,,,ffi.,, r 1", Pottdil'g k a trtmit,,f ,till I 4 ;i4i I)W' .I'lll,`'lllll.l44lteo 01 i f.I I RV I/ A tt ,1 1 4 401 4 1114 . 111 . 1111 a 11 / 1 4 1WilW401111tr ir togibiet'Faktg+lll'ai toil`P` 6 l*tflbri, the)+, hafeagrarlitimilriVetritiNitinTeitwl,- Iwardikyltereetitirriguillil'ii ,, ltliglloy to give•initruetkeilitlillablb teecer li t igant] ; c yf.,..vt 1,; fx i 1 "I : Lf 0.15) P ;•01S.1 'I • I ,: " , 1 nr,:4MAILLI;V:4 . (1 , Atl ihaii.."o6t4rAlfi , 'istito,rr.plr c i f t,il is ilkpopi• 1 6'411. !: ifir .t -tiu .P ' lsl: l iftsilf44/tilith+OP ' • " s *!i l 4 l 4: ll ii e4li :9,k n 10 3 141.1 klabieetAVVl I I i thie,,B, ( t! k ti r ilitt rrit - rOPYiaPit Iliviolirlitl,tk ill I rlf,qct i k e ,49N+micall excellent lidteisa.W.*,l,), flllftjßeira4 hXnuaticoiieiw t oi f ifia, i a 1180"migherota4oribrfigvt#91-- tioa4 o be ralliittpci aq liti64 t _ aPdea , i fseitw.oitif it .fi It ~t,ft. ;t o ;041lktot 1 .40 '" file i t? iFiiia-p; ' Miiiir444;dottiwea- - 'il°4':',: l4 6"ihrTiseiPmPPßoPitY•l3744c4 re- , I r al il . , ' °ol l ,l4l _4 . 6 . 1 ;a.F91/4Arlifi neildefOre f if" ; ,ItrittmlitmAi +Thakettlirecriattomig , 11 4 st .!IrYtr'Ye'iilltillile tactlingivlogiiiihitireLtisino ilAArlah Meek, ifln tetiely'-titisritt4itgr, ;of •porsureittioti **elf 14outialii.Pei sr, riqoPportelittitlignilikcAiittliiii?l9 .014(14 t ti, iiq•vietthiCingh t lieinfieeitl9im AO lii- 1 1 3 04 tha lgf.Sit PF. 4 , ) ,05 4 4P,;;- 1 .4 1 9A4 1 " 403,1 16 til l ' i#0 , 'Ilei.. 1 )Jmlitt"Mfl1404f011tOo )81e1 ! ve 0i 4 t it' 4l >!l , b lB gtunothivrivitii. ewfbi question must be, askieleether+fritiiii 11•1/1A,TfrpeiptisAitti.2,07, ~ . 1 A.in:iet.6-, 1 4,T, • ,OPt tildi Potiott#44+ll4o4ls 11 1 1 i 2 1 t‘ qtalktbklllllll)lifighl NAWO 4 4 4/1 n" ~ r ••talkeloff ifilfelik)irkew Jig I giil qi ,iii. . ,.. ~,,,„ ~,4 , , b -ii,viirp, ~, - marrnorty or ninurs ‘ i r eunrpao l ikno r mt `'l '#h):Cfdlfa;`4l/114PUF9/4k.PMice prove, k tyi i tiollie4ettl iB h4,a iisvplinion.' 'Aitigif gOiiii"alial" lean s'' ".1. 4 ' ' h :a.l._ that , xkir ,fir9o 3 fir ylontt i: oa,tnat hem jiaglympported betbmil4 "il+4ir ine a r l i di. - 4drii Avt 1 ~, J." . ar,,,..., _tt i ut,.. mune er, y l. 'lllia.No. l4 .ol44+relithil ieswe4leitei.eo• Itintilitfrtodel+ei by riftWlef:itl l 4l.BY f)if..Millitfpityroireqoifidlit 40.fi1l '' o nye ienethari hittitinatearififOlar. "pt, 4 ii , , or lama est:limarrihii+: tetVe:ia, ,Plialfie out of . ini,ip i ri ) ''', ': -, „f„--,te'l, rhidvi . '''' sliriu !l• ll l . mY neark,WlWßlWEVY4ktr4re ready,'` repl i es the: laughing fefrooneiliAtiokil _carried thns, far is easily niadeerinest A point likelier. eartied•bytakidd4 4 ll44 for granted, A. gentlemboi.Whetlisbspeu paying attention to a lady` tinge"? ...' "'" 4 Wel; ihflary; when 'Weis' liiii l tif iin„ c:• 4 4 What"doYppielifilieliihr 44,;'18n sdiousibliisht-- ‘' i 'i , ,i,4 :y).: } f t : 4 1 ; In i ' 'Whic t ,T 4 .9• lB .43rMßwe.,ll,i 190014 to P t : m li a l 'ir rifi c t i ) ,43 4J l l•P i fo4 If.VISADbrAile 'time .. , .:Atlmapp); !icoyhtn,B4awit bftthi4 CoMered io thip 14abloa iherer.likilittlie .llTiti-, , ..., .• 1 whi1.:..... i if• ~ if- i tin el +Jane, ',love you. h., Wlll4on flttlifirtlfixr woald be 'soknowltal ibrept f litiii-it"trlinli% given 'Yes,' would flieshoit ;A - 0 i %Alt if.- T , , ~.1-,,, r o Itorm3 3 / 4 au answer. - ' . '"' „i ~. ~,, brit. • dpettlf ff +Ellett one word"Arem yel l + y i vgr.,4tifitio 'ote the lulk4st:iiiiirlq t llte!usinp44•,,f i d* ' 7l ' 6 ° 4l4 `. 1 ;1,1?u4i . " 33 114 1151 I'll.4olll l .Wip • `Milesii 464 *",voit 4#4, 3 99rei, 00 ,i ;#l,e.r,sics ' I gts!i i iiiikef.tihYfOetletiolloritirtaiAlftiwivs ‘ ..iilil l 9cie s iioft — W.4 l ,Yoo heiettiiirt cretlw • ....Xlmtlady of,'eourse UPI ites,A l ifillailltle happens tp prefer te. wird Of IlltielaWitigid aillireris.',Nd): • r. , ~ And so this infereitiiiiiiiifierrible mos.. in practice, ate•simple 'twirl A/0;1,9y, IA varied in a hundiedAveltit, iiiocitilitt4tvir ounishindes7and the feribtilisalllollll44. , n. Ohaliteidjitielleiekhibliel:olo4,lilkay loblemiefi'siliehiutgliik - sktMgatkr,Va' 9- ;Ulm. thiehipistlitt %health-WAWA:I44Ies ita slienificattell-i 4 ilevtv *lli eifilniiii'oo , o r sW.ifirifeu telViiiitvital`' *istlali tt o li n i ow itlin v. , igi4,,ral Naa ,3 ntAt,ll4l:sW4ll , Of.l I yeo pf k a iti.r'l.7 tx ort:,4fotot.. hetnimple +.; t< +The fittip,il`dirdfiiiNy Mil 4474 •rie,lAl tot o,:”tizi •. lo Of 41 t lla tott,o fifAtte4heil' +AyeL.4IW rEffie W willtiltai r S fulhatialliltheriVolial'eMelr4igr% fthill.neoiillx. RA* f 44 LIV ( 1 4 1 113 $ 1 t 1 1 ” " tf ' 110444tib4IrOthi IitVOY , iilitikitAit* 61 ' 1 ;At kr4trilirAbetitead teblitiltilfieVniltitil Alrititilell thtipatille) kokdsviiihrtott4o , a '..v4, ' , . , .4111.ner0 thdiglioiti4l4 • Ad new,be ,tifuheil.thtoetriltaii? ' ' ei heaelesii oteprettekillhdeViltifie ' la l `imutagteigi4titiiiirelitikkiiirktellille llt 1 IA 4Mhive,dbets*tita iter* 1 61; MO' al pi .IdembiratikotwicormeA , oat-Lank/3 xt., iP suti'f, oiliefreerkalieialao•vta4abloi, 4. A,99ll2%o4oxiiritmii:ganfolt &kVA 11',1i1C4,0,4"091,11 ( A,Aoolryirioltbelogheni I?!l i ff'fPAP,totlf tkfir,Fiett?!.l,l9tier e itigillitig 1 titk riiillotlaqg s. l omprsi oil" 43ipoit t lat [''" 9 4 1 )99 Aia lftilfe9 onoidembie t 4444o "-I I t. i i Aq , 1 94 r i lt il .r i f3A 4, 4lll .4 4F*411,0-12Zr :;: . ~f? El L ~~, y t. ~~,' Mi ••• , • 111 4 r Nif
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers