M!!M enTIVO 411.4..4b:littr.flit PUBLISHED EVERY WEDN'ES:I7.4I;. OT~ICG'in tlic Smith Wed Of e pilLlic Square, bnck`ot he Court-Rouse • ; • TERMS OF : SOBS011 5 1:10% * One Dollar and Fifty Calash year In A DVAN4..,P, Two Dollars:lf paid ivit nun the year One Dollar for six,noithe - • • - Theatstertos will be rigidly adhered tn. To Recurs the_pa pet at the reduced tonne IC:atisr be paid easit In ittlVatrce. ' RATES OF ADVERTISING, Adverilseinants,ittaklng fifteen lines or, leas, will ha charged nt tiliVrille of Fifty treats for one ill.4.llr tion—th(ce times for Ono Dollar, and tweet ysave cents for n very sal:sequel:l In:writ:Va. Yearly itilver. Users will be chargell at the rutiow lug rates: One Coition], with toe papor,for One yen r. Half it.coittion, 110. du.. • Two Spig,rps, d•itbgearlerlychnugca, - BtasinesiCerds, with the paper, - JOp PRINTING. OF EVERY DESCFIPTION, Fliichfif, 111101)111s, Matins, eirentnre nod every nth. or description of PritithiV, exerotrol handsomely nod xepeditionsly and nt the LOWETRICI36I' • VreO2dential Election, IA i R O C Ir. .101 a T I 0 wlr. ITEREAS. in and by nit act of the Gene - rat Assembly of Pennsylvania, passed the 2d 'day ofJuly,. IHay, it is provided that the•elee tors of the several counties id qualified to vote fur members Of :the General Assenibly, shall hold an cite ion at tho' same, places at Which said members Allan have been voted fortit the preceding election, on the lot Tuesday of November next,,theing the 7th day) fot' the purpose of electing Electors of a President and Vice President of the United States. • Now, therefore, 1, JAMES HOFFER, High Sheriff of the county . of Cumberland, in per , seance of the duty oroined on me by the above' recited net, do issue this my proclamation, giv ing notice to the freemen of said county qualified to votefor members of the General Assembly, te.mect M the several Election DistrietS therein, us follows, viz : The electicm in the electioh district composed' of the borough of Carlisle and the townships of North Middleton; South Nliddleton,Lower Dick inson,Lon,er.Frookford and West Peonshortmelal will be held nt the Court House, in the borough of • The election in the election district composed of Silver Spring t ownship,:will lie held at the pidlic house of George Duey, In Hognestoumm said t , ) Ity nal act of the General A sseinblyr passed the else lay' hi the election district comprised of Hampden - township, will be held Pt the house formerly neempied by H. . Messier in said Musiiship. Apt by the same act, the election 'the election (list iiet t .composed of Lisburn and it part of I.llen township, known as the Lisbon,, District, shall hereafter hold their electiotts at the public. 11(1111ge now 'occupied by John G. Heck, ip Lisburn. The election in the elyctioli district composed of East Pemishurongli township, will be held at the 110119 C 111),v occup-ed by s Itemiiiii;eroit the west end of the Harrisburg Midge. 'rho election in the district 'composed of •New Cumberland, will be held at the publiwilonse,of 'NY P Hughes, in, thu. borough of N;;;ttcombor- The election in the district compose(' of the part of Allen township, which election was het e tolbre held at the public 'mese of Win. Regius, in the borough of New Cumberland, will lie held at the Terant !loose of George Ileck, now mica ' pied by Robert Coffey, in said township. The election. in ill! district composed of that part of Allen tiwitsitip not included in the New Cumberland, George Hecki and Lisburn electichr , districts, w ill be held at the public lionseof David Sfientier, In filiepliertlstown, in said township. i I lie emotion n the WS riot composed of the bo'rotigh of Alecliiiiiicsburg„ will be held at the house of .lobo I looser, in 'Gain borough. - 'flie_election_in_the_distifietcompos.d..of Mon roe township, will be lurid at the public house of ''•••• John -Paul, nt Churclitown, iu said township. 'I lie eipiciion in the district composed of Upper Dickinson'township, will br held at the house of - Phi ip'\Ve iver, iii Mit' township. The election iii. the district composed (11 the ' 'Borough of Newville, unit townships of , Upper Franyoril, Ilig Spring, and that pArt. of Newt township, not included in tile Leesburg eleetion district bereimiller mentioned, will be bald at the Ilrick School (louse, in the borough of Ne si I le. The election in the district composed of Hope well township, will be' held at the School I louse inNewborg, in snid township. lie election in uhf diStrlet composed of (he borough of Shippenshiirg. Shippeusburg town ship, and that (sill of Southampton township not included in the CreAbarg. electiou district, will lie held at the Council Rouse, iii the bet ouali of .Shippensburg And in and by an of the General Assembly of this,Commonwi•tilils, passed the "11l July ' 18.19, it is thus provided; "That the qualified electors of pins or New ton mid Southampton township, in the county ol'Chudrerinnd, bounded liv'the lines and distances, viz: B.:ginning at the Adams eminty line, thence along the line dividing the towudiips of 'Dickinson and Newton to the turimikeroail, thence along said turnpike to Con tee School Ilniise, on said turnpike, in Soutlitimp,. toil township, thence to it -point on the Walnut Bottom (toad at Iteyhitak's, Farm, thence a straight direction to the "Saw Mill belonging to the heirs of George Clever, thence along tiin dt t to Adams coittity-line, "Thence along the line of Adams county to the place of beginning, lie War the.same it hereby declared a new awl separate election digtrict, the election to be held at the public house of John Itianick, Leushurg,3u..tha moon township." „ At w kick time (ilia placii the qiutlifid electors, • its aforesaid, will t heat by ballot— > 'l7‘l'filtlTY-SIX ELECTORS for President and - Vice President of the United S3ttes. Awhile several Judges,hispecto - s, nod Clerks Win shall attend at the precedir.g election for members of Assembly, are required to ;mend and perform at the said ,election, the like duties, . and be subject to the like penalties for neglect or iniscondnej ns they shall be liable to it the elec tion for membt.rs oh' Assembly. Agree Ade -to the provisions of the misty-lirst colon .'of-s lid net, every Genertil and Special - • 'Election shall be opened between (lie limits of eight twit continue without in the.foreneon, and shall ctinue without interruption or adjournment until-seven u'eloc't,in the evening, when the pulls shall be closed. " . And the Judges of the respect; ve st s afore ' mild, are - by the said act required tO meet at the. Cony House,iii the borough of Carlisle on the lfdro..thty tame the said day of election, being 'riday the l'Oth, day of Nov'ber, then and there to perform, the things required of them by law. Given under my. hand, at Carlisle, this rid day of Outi!ber, A: O. I'Bsll. r .JAMBS 110F.VER,SheOff. Sligyg's Office, Carlisle' Octoller s • turn at Private Sale, , . .r : THE subscribefoffers at private sale atFARM, situate in Mifflin j B ,township, CuMberland county, a , e I bent seven miles north-west of ' ~"`: Newville,-how occapiod by'Hehryi: Lore; contioning 'lO2 Acresbr.good State Lend, - - about ' , 78- serei'of iviiiclyie cleared 'nnd in . 4l. good siste,9f cultivation;and the remainder in thriving titnber! l-0 The. improvements - are a good iwo - ,HOUSE, -Kitchen: wlol.,4_:!ipirg in.tho,cellaf,,, -- trAre: large , l3'imW .Harti v .,vitith ; all necessary oat buildings:7.. —Th ere- ere r.ttiM-0 rehards t oti .theylace, containing every:Variety.6f.Fiiii4-1-Wfinis lieu be fbiektiksAbiat..4,o63- hoßkpAind..n rsetirmlWriiiii Ndwville.q..... ~.• • litrisroiKoestritigtia seirthetrEdnivitra -requested to ca on. e present tenant, or on the , subilarl'; , . '• s t MI 10E -'-,' iloillin , ofr 011/Ti , ~ ~ 1 ' • ii,Vte ....- . , I 'b. Con ' '.-•-. ' .. 'c Court of• •09°° Y 4• ' th K"SC'' ,a6Mill. Ill' the- "°-.•. ti ,'. 1`.,., . B :.,.Elizelt.mbeit .. satift' .. - A ..;,''{.;l* ithISER I; oniliarin. -..Rilddick,'gein'i • • ' .' ...iJ 01,1,11,,,,,,,,,;11Ci11?9,„%1., 13 ertiar.9,•his ,;d,-...arc,.., , ,Keiiiiire' ryi pOti3ol4"digitlkari9ect.olB,.loq.r:lt;rl.l - ' :1111:11`;94ersinitn.n.; hi, 'W)lill,44l4',Nsi nigh.. ‘ , ~,.: ,uil. .9—'),„fi,i. A1,%9,7),0iti r4(„Y a'n4',§,,,,a tit'dd roc-z, Dwitalg„,. if Et!ti te F',Ar ~- quit......0r, .r conJ•4 ' • . ' ; ,t‘fikJ.l.jr•lFT.:l P:i,Barba br,virtue-th_ cebl.l.l. ,6...—5, - ~..gba• ,Y that a ou, of_ ",, vanli I l" , Rtial .1,-...:...-':4lricttib eofiCo'.,.,eatio. dr'colth Yd. d11.t..9 . --.,. - .--7 as° Feeietld°6 'in tioriaP il b e (told , ,„ , *it.: ~,, t , ":7='.:-• titi9°°- 1 di ' 91'1' 11 iiion w j fl 144,111°"t- 6184619 ~..,,..';'ft:-..iiioo.l),'!'„„-1n9,1!,,'.°,,,„ rulm, ° .1, qf .h.lPP2...eyelcp c, ':',- ",,,,,iir,oll,''f,7,llo 'ft,9,7&,'bu'19411,,,;,ifi, 8. at_f rhakiplf ''':';.q',,,.y.t xel.°Af'olfnd.i.i.,,,petollijil,i;qi. 01397 ~ ..:. ': „ ' , :v;;... '.otzi3t-A , , ,p D, A ., i i inii; for • d ,081711 7 4 ' o f Sheriff ;','t.-.'cin ,ll ,. ib`',i, 90AtrPir,;Riifint.'°,111To D 7,. 5 ''' '"1. l'.o'.'cli: 1 , -f,'":'',',,?,i',:fi.l); 11>i ti ,O!!IiiJ,A;NP,I (ii..,'-ivilr'"Viitiiii t /i '..:y;11.111:1164.4AT,0'fi3,-'7c.',4-u c ,: ; (l7, lt,ti,,,liii' At r !,." „,,,.,;:0,,, :14,4 * „ ,-,..-.,,„; 0. `iiit,t49,..t'ittyfoi''!'t,"'it.' iii.ti, ~-;,A,.;;xi V iptc.o.t.'irt ,ITlEl9%•2llbylsi---i..i.,..-.:011,u,...r.:.,-.,..1.,, '..."),i,,.„,.,,,,,,1';i:, !goronle .? kirdiliv_e „,4,-1tVe.c!...!1::- ":'.1V,,-,,7;47/R'/A ,ffkg)Yi5''',T,1.;,,q,,,t4,„..V21',g.iiit...;5!,,i,14,1eiv,.,•-•&- ~,..t,.,!,,•;,,,,,,i131A1,.,41,1v45fkgy,t10.Pvk''''''' ~;;'lTihqvqi..”, ~,,,:7c.rq1i13.4,p....p.0., - •,'-'.. ..",, ,-, :, r '. ,:',,, ; ~, .:. 77 - 7 7 7 7., 7-- i , -..:.: : ~: -,•.:-. . - .. • . - .', , :.•••i•••.„,g - ,;:,llltsceitaitcotts • • --•:.• .„...„„,,...„..,,,...,,.......„„„., . 4,.......„ ..... ......,.......,.............—, ''Stovetr stOiresTl - :Stoves 1 I !..-.. • -, .4 11M.6'1,, - - Soiith, gecond sp:icP:Plulailelphia.' CJ. ."I',Yll.DACilil, vesPecifujlyltivites !nil . exuriiirefior;or hie lergd.steck sil Stoves, •etsibraciug. setne'uf the bdat.:nnemost 'elegant patetnif of.rennsylvanin', N.uw`Tork .Peclo- kill,..llroy; &c.; together with .n beautinil assert incint'citir.nney .7ilfect Iron StoveS end Radiators, ler, parkirs, dining rooms, chombers,or kitcheija. ile believes that his assortment will compare , to adinuittige with that .of, our other estebligh itiqnt• Ito has also a, splendid stock or ows celebrated A i ' , tight 'Stoves f: ler „which he has been agent , fur ninny years mains city,' in the. manufacture of which.for sicellence and cheep ness, he refers. to 114 nuirierous purchasers, and fur beauty of patterns Ito believes himself unri valled. For Skives, whether of Wood or Cool, his assortment is complete. 11, returns his thanks toltinTuld canto:titers, to whom nntnallte. public lie renews his invitation to give hini n cell at the old .stand, No. 97, S. Second Street, Philtulel. phis.__[sep 2o . ___--. EMI NEVI LINE OF STAGES, TIIE subscriber begs leaVe to inform the tray oiling community that ha intends fo run a ['INF OF STAGES r•sont CAiILISLE TO Y mut •and back, three. times n week, as. fellows t—Leaye Carlisle on Monday, Wednerday 'and Friday mornings, at 5 o'clock, A. 'at, an. 4 passing through Churchtown, Dillstown and Dove:, arrive at York at I o'clock, r. sr, which will be in time to take the York train of cars for 13altin u n•a. Leave York thr Carlisle at I o'clock, r at. (immediately alter the arrival of the card",) on each Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday. The sobscriber assures those who may - pat• utilize hint, that he* has..prep,rmL himself comfortable and safe Stages, and will use every eilbrt passible to - accommodate travellers. Pas sengers front Carlisle will engage passage at the oflietror the subscriber, and will be called fo - r at the places they request. In York they will en gage at the Depot; or White Hall tavern. GEO. HEND EL. • Extensive Livery Stable, 1 THE subscriber 'respectfully informs t h e pub lie that he continues to carry n i t the IA Bi=sixEsit in nil its branches, at the old stand'," His -lions Es are numerous and well assorted, and Ids Carriages eufbrace every variety of pattern, such as Coaehes,/ligs, Tillburys. Hades, 'Bug gies, all of the best finish. Ills drivers are careful and attentive. Saddle horses of the most agreeable gait, always ready Mr customers, at low cotes,. The .subscriber, desirous of securing the pot menage of the public, with.s pore no pains or ex pence to render hi,, establishment worthy of the most liberal encouragement july'2G-Int 'Physicians and Country Merchants WHO wish to purchase DRUGS, &c, cheap. are requested te - ealr and examine he large stile received' the store of the stilkeriber. The arti cles are fresh and warranted good. and purchased at the-Very lowest cash Mites, and will be dis-' posed of lower than articles of the same quality have ever been sold in Cumberland county.— Call and see, and if he does not make it to you: advantage to purceuse front him, he will not ask you to buy. Orders from the comulyovill ,receiVii prompt attention, the articles gmtrantiodegood, and prices to ver than any other place in Carlisle. - J. A. BISHOP, Successor to J, J. Myers, Main at. Carlisle. -:=Extensive-Furnitureltoomsr-- .M. 12013 EE'll'Eß".& SON. woui,i) respectfully call -the attention o Ilouse-keepers and the public, to the ex tensive stock of splendid EU RN I'l'll R invl ding Sofas, 'Wardrobes. Centre colt other Tables, Dressing and I'lein Bureaus, and every variety of Cabinet-ware and Chairs, which they have...lust oprmid lit their NEW ROOMS, on the corner of North 11anover and -Lowlier streets, Carlisle. 'They are confident that the superior finish of the workmanship, and elegance of style, in which their articles are got up. together with their CHEAVNESS, will recommend them to every per son wanting Furniture,. 'l'hey have also made arrangements for manufacturing and keeping a constant supply of every article in their fine. both plain and ornamental, elegant and useful, at prices which cannot fail to suit purchasers, They would earnestly invite persons who are about to commence house•keep:ng; to call and examine their present elegant stock, to which they will constantly :nuke additions of the newest and most modern stylieu. C FT I NSmado to order at the shortest no tice. for town and country. Carlisle, Sept C, ISIS CHEAPER THAN EVER! roliE subsCribers have just revels , . d from the City the largest mann ity ul 1)11Y Go ODS ' ever brought; to Carlivltt. Their stock consists in part of the following-: • CLOTHS—BIue, brown, blum•lif ck, green, Boni $1.50 per yard up to $4. • • - ,•••• • A Si .1 ERE': -and-Vestings--gaixVintary... and line striped Cassitneres, 75 eta 87+11Ild $1 per yd. Some of the most handsome Vemings in the roomy. Catonetts frotn'2s to 674 cos. CASHMERES and 111 this. de Lantos, from. 134 to' 621 -cis, CALlCOES''—nbnut 5,000 yards, some very gond at six rents per yd. A iptichas and Merl- . noes. 121, 25, 371, ti2l cis. _Splendid lustre Ginghams at 124 cis. Yard wide .Muslin tit 4 cis per yd. Good Tieliings, ii.f; 10, 1.24, 181.— Best quality domestic Ginglinms, warranted last colors, nt 121 eta, Fine Irish Linens 374, 50, 024, 751ets. Linseys, 111. lb, 25 cis. Woolen Flannels at 124, 201, 25, 374, 50 cis: Gum Shoes, all kinds and sizes. Ribbons for bonnets 'ut 8, 124, IS, 121. 25 cis. Laces and Edgings, cheap, real thread lace.-wide,.l24.cts. Cloth, Glazed mid Fur CA I'S,' 121 eta to sl. Together with almost every article in our line, winch we uro tletermined to close out vcry.inw. Also, on. hand an assortment .01 READY MADE CLOTHING. consisking of fine'crisidett Coats at $5; Pants, 1;75 to '3,50 for cassimere; Vests, 1,00 to 3,00 for satin. We hove a largo stook of Cloths, &c, f;om which those•cau, se; lect and,have their measures taken who .cannot suit themselves in reedy made. Tito Clothing Store is conducted by George Bentz, who is acknowledged to be one of •the best Tailors in this county, who will - take mea -1 sures and manufacture clothing from tit to $5 on the.suit cheaper than can be had elsewhere.— Give him a call young men mud] . •A & W RENTZ. VERY IWIPORTANT To all those who Avlslailn layout their CaSh to the very host iid= • - C~t. HARLES,, OOILBY is now opening his immense and splendid stock .of FALL apd. WINTER DRY GO ()DS, and respectfully in. iites one and all Jo call and,look before pumas• ing, as be, is determined to Rive onsAT ons et/oms. in - the wily. of,pricelt,iindf,benutiful - goods. I{yshiclt i•ontiists of - all kinds Iml:qualities of Clgths enstente resi. - ,Citsinetts;-KantliakY''jeans. Litts9lB,.FlannOK ,Blankete , tine' a llionsand, Sitter; articles rmiretio;:nelanet,'!'Affittelest ',Lama , Plaids, rich pfid, cheap OsJlP'Oce, of...e.v.arY „kind and ex., frenfeireliettlil.;the - ,best end stook :"of 9,A.RT ETS bliaiiiifulv.atidins;;_oatt;fabries, n dynviay oneAr• rgo nsoorf room, 0 .Ttilr.TOrd alarm used? Kw, me -DRESS:. GOO DS largo , slook of .sciaTs., SHO ES and GRO,CF4IP„aII of: whiclLwill • `aura to call and aeo foixofirgo,43.ieforn , P. annenrl.l?er tha old; oral; woll~„epipbbshed stand,. 3yin for,ilio'LLnrao: Slop, I l argo !. 'dowa and 1404 Bork qpo,p,o.9Pdal ' , ~,, liisf:retu.r".94 frn roi the . . ..„ • . .t a: oily ,with : n hires . tied' 4eoutifal = stoop of,' PA X. ,7 40.4nd.;,1 4 11,D1TZ1i* go 0 D flo a Woul dt ittsto.tho:nttrintion . offlbti.iubliditicillliiinit see, la gabdr: bilfOtß. 011 Valutiii ba. I 'at Oatprol 'oRAVAst otke *est brilesiqrati3rllottil.:l'4:6nA..:•P%!; , :'•: - e J . oat) 7.. ',2 l or4itti ;I, l ...jfivrirAMAY ,cohltini ; siOte:jconiploro tid. Ilori11i1," ; , , tiop27lr,„. INX=MUE • '''Sickly'SOason.'''' • '- - 1 • ,TIIgRE is nbt k ,nin,.yomap, ei;'Obl, , Ibit.Shoelctaio Medicine, at tßitsbasak ot,tM,year,,buirnoreespebialy,at.DTOrkatiit umet,for tharbLprobalnyl.weib.neVoi.so.biini. miens existhigat 'one period ae there are "noitri' so likely to-produce' Mate bf siekneeM, :Tiiki repeated • ehakges in „the: aima l spirbroo4y.' acting aether de upon the'bonstitutiob 'Lind rqualty of the blood,: itself; girro Ibbaasion fo l t . the 'most:Vital end maltompt• riiimrditm• The o bi le becoinotitliq,tteßm ithouLany Warning). In anost, adrimanibus condition from their) repeated changes, and. if the stomach , and bowels have been neglected previously, the first symptoms require immediate attention= Even thbse wlio litive a healthy disposition 'of body, are subjectru.sicksiese under these cir. cumstermes.. Therefereos, prevent. any dan ger; we ought carefully to guard against a CJOIIVO . state of. our bowels., Once or twice they should be evacuated in t enly-four hours. There are many •eauses wh 4 i h produce un healthy bloodr'semetimes ay arise' frOM Lt„ griof,.ut others when the sySto ' is in a slate of fullness it can take place fro, sudden joy; close:application terlitorury undertaking can Frocibco it—in all cases where many persons have to be seen and pokes to, Which prodke it,g nervous ex • eat, is a fertile vourco'of unhealthy blow occasioning that slow berVons fever which has carried oil home of: ourlbost men, Men martyrs' to their repklation,-, but which 11. knowledge 'oh the powers of Brand reth's. Pills wPuld huie prevented. • Those • who desire to secure their health, under elmost any'adversecirjuibstances, can do sh by have, Mg BRANDI{ ETU'S PILLS un hand, and at lonce resorting to them when the first feelings I of disorder take place in their bodies, • As this nd•iße is used so will the health be. The time will yet be when a man that makes a good medicine shall be honored more than he who is nn adejt in the art of war. Ile exceedingly afraid of COUNTERFEIT fILLS. 'Phe Agent is the only person from whom.Drandreth's Pills should beburchased. l'he II RANDRIETIVS PIMA-ere seld for t.)5 i - eents per bolt , sd Dr. 11. lirandeeth'a Principal I Office, 241 13rotolwni, New York, and by the follow log dilly authorized Ageto a : • . Win. S. Powell, New Cumberland. - ` .1. G. Miller,Lisburlo. • MAlitner.Slaireinknslown. - . .1. Sr. L. Ileigel, Al eellanienburg. • Geo. \V. Singiser, Glntrebtown. A. & I). Leillien, Boiling Springs. . ' I). I.,,lfeehnell, NVliite Ilonse I'. 0. • • Rosenlon•g Fe Welting:Centreville. Ismes Ryle,.lackionville. . nitWilrit SCIIII. Shiltilelltihttrg. . „ S. 1.. Soloman, Newloirg. Sold in Carlisle; by CHARLES BARNITZ Sole Arent for this borough. - FIZIZIO 4:E(). SHEPHERD'S. SARSAPARILLA; • Fur the Permanent Care of all Dise,isesari,sine, from an Impure state of the Blued. HlS'll - riliti•ftWerttridpdrtlc klylipeti the Blood,.end cures' disease without vvinitita or pinging, tuncYce_fitils_ he most ObStltlille cases of--Itheumulism, pis-. eases of the Lungs, Coughs, Colds, Bronchi tis, White Swelling, Scrofula, Ulcers and Sores or longstanding. It is cheaper than any other medicine in use, there being 32 doses in each bottle, which costs only Tents, and to those using. it ne cordin ,to direction ono bottle will last 10 days. Certificates arc pouring in from all parts of the country attesting the virtue of this medicine in eases of long standing, which lin•e been giden up by physicians us hope less and beyond the reach of medicine to 1.:111T• . WHOOPING COUGH, Shepherd's Sarsa parilla never fail,p to cure CONSUMPTION cured by the cal, of Shop herd's So reapurilla• The following is from a gentleman of re spectable standing in Baltimore,who wan ef fectually cured of that dreadf44-disease, Con sumption: by a few bottles of Shepherd's Sarsuourilla. This. is to certify that I'vylts..fitat oinking underay in Timms ofConsueoption or tho Lung., until I was recommended to try Slisphard'a Sarsap rilla, which fortunately I did and um under the.atrongest conviction ‘ that IC saved .my' I am now ' revidly, recovering and hope in- a short limo _to be ..reatormi.to perfect lieultit,and.uniler no consideration wouliit. he without the inudieinC. - • . . DAVID ItIcKIiTTS. • No. 23, Hill street. Shepherd's Vermithge, or Worm Destroyer. We challenge the world to'prothice n medi cine better adapted to the expulsion of worms limn the human bidy thin Sheplierd'S Virtni fuge. It has been used by tleius inks with enure satisfa eti tn. It has the udvantage of most other Virmilligos, wrapover itieltens person using it. It his cured children that have been subject to fits for years, and thnt had been given up by physician, patents and friends. At should alivnym be used as Is purga tive e fuNhiliCerii, iteirengilmus them, and at th so nug time carries off the courser par ticles of food, and. worms, if they ore troubled with them. The following .cortilionte hoe been handed to Uti,hy June Koons, of Luzerne county, Pa. It spealta for itself: • . Town 1 - 1111, Paasn 20;1847. Jouu Kootts, Esq. • . Dear Sir—You will " please semi- me !I bet tlesmorebf-5, hopherdta Vermifnge.;:The three bottleirptirchased of you a short. timo boo have been used with tfie hapPiost effects: They were given .to three of my obildren—in one oaae 65 wormy i f vere expelled, in .anOther . t and in , the I,ust, 67. am , nnsJous.te e,,gis the real of my family the benefits of this medicine and therefore order as obove.,,,:This is dooid, ,edlythe best.artieleferilestreiii has over' bconin this part of thelietiat have' fried Orrielemiteaker'iOlerrich's a d without any rod effect. t routs with initoom, . , . . . • ,Sliephord'e . SArtinporilla and Vdrwifiigo 'nVo chants of.Cutn4llßnd'coupt7,.Ph; egdigi`ol:. WW.: I ITITN:DR; caitAr ; q; Dillon; NpwbuiP:4l D.& .1 .S.l.:Rakey. Bloc: .I,p &Bar, Kingifron &S. A. C?yle,Elogew 1' own'. . • 'repo of $lO New Crari.'" 4iki1 ( 11:1 ; Qfieethht it': . adelphirt, - hag etde the fplioNsjiigint4i . T I T -6 500 halVoltestp Youtig , flytiqi Teo ' IQO ' Gtinpoydet. 'do '450 "•lid 1 -, do s, '"'" ,12 • , •••,t''';‘ , -d o •••• • t .1 • 100 u ' • pow n h on g. ::do, ''t • - 1 •do ' lqingrong 1.:7100 laolonft —d o • • `,.'75 - - - cheidni - rtidro;SnOeliong ".'stiok.; blilettlatif•Peloo ••: ; ~ty• 25' half "otiestei .do • ; d'o t,• •I' 257-'740- 4 tt - Orrulgo`r do; is mhttetCaetie ,, t ,`7s'heiti.;' , ..Totiti'llomprpe the' beet ehopq'hittiorted teshioe,t t Sge•••-"Witell ., lt n' I ' frx lo 4' enkrllitotressOntid 6 erie tAunl - ; to% anjt•krodi that linve,b4eit T elibrett thistttlerket' t tt t P•t , , • ti•zt!'' Titate,4 tt thf M 'lhn A.op,s DTI* '),141 :./ 1 „, 34 ,,' a l 3 ' Id' to•esqle •at (.6,1,;17i(' Pv.r .== - Baltimore, Aug:29,1.647 SAMUFIL SNYPER. i7.'~;%:s: ' ri;ry„tikaxY.•:ix;=n:G~:a:;e•=~rxtw.+gym ';r~r:C~ I:~ti^r.. a p )la, • Ili 44:146;4i Ihith street, PhiladelidiliVVENlTlAN,4ll/IND-manz uketarer, hos mow,on hand the lergescand , rifat fashionable assortment ofmarrowiltdoind.other , : Venitia,n ,Illiedseof any. other est . abliehtitent'in 361011110 d States ;!compiising immolators-Myles; : tritmaingg and colors, , which .at - the lowest-Prices; whblolale and :retail. 4 Old. BIWA palmed and trimmed to litik equal to new. The - tinzens of Carlin bland adjaeout country are respectfully invited - toreoll , and - examine - his -as sortment, before 'purchasing .elbevvbere,. feeling confident of pleasing 'and .giving , satisfaction , to all who may favor Imp with a call. , . BENJAMIN J. WILLIAMS, No. 12" N. Sixth st.oPhilod may2,4-3m °ZEPTNENT'S Washington Gallery' of . Dagnereo• , types, No. 234 Noith• Second street, N. W. corner of, Callowhill street, Philadelphia. • THE Likonemes taken and beautifully colored at this x'vell kiattp establishment, for ONE DOL. LAE, are univerially conceded to be EQI.IIII. in every respect 10‘ANV in the city. Pictures taken equally well in cloudy and clear weather. A large assortment of Wlsnar.molvs and LOCICETS on hand, at frohi $2 to $5, including the picture. 'file subscribers respectfully invite the citizens of Cumberland connty, to call and examine spe ehnens of the latest improvements in the art of Dattorreotyping, whieh•will he exhibited cheer fully null without chirge. julys T J C TENNINT. Perot, HoMnan, &. Co., Forwarding and General Commission Merchants, Not 91 North Wharves, and 83..N.Water street, Philadelphia. pLASTER and SALT constantly on hand, for sale at the lowest market rates. Liberal advances made on *Produce.^ Rel'en'ts, Le. HUMPHREYS FRANK N,PLATT & ColPhiltura. LEA, BUNKER &CO. • J. W. KERB, Harrisburg,. . . • ' npr 6-6 m Iron Oommissior Warehouse, No. 109 North Water streot, Lied No. 54 North :Wharves, THE undersigned ; still Continue tho Commis sion brininess, for the sale of all descriptions of IRON. Our experience of Mbar years, and ex tensive acquaintance with dealers and consumers of Iron, throughout the country, has enabled us to establish such relations as give us peculiar ad vantages. to serve our correspondents, equal to any other house-- ' mar 22-61 n ' ORRICK & CAMPBELL, AtwOd's Empire Cooking Stove. IN ngnin attention to this unequalled STOVE, the proprietor has the pleasure to inform the public that (externally) it has under gone an entire changd—the pipe and hearth pla ced opposite each other, and a SUM Al ER II NA ItTll AND 1101 LI NG APPARATUS, being lidded, 'thus rendering it faultless, and un less there is another faithless Stove inle mar- Itetohis is unquestionably, the best, us it now embraces every valuable improvement possessed by any other Stove, in addition to some peculiar to itself, secured by Letters Patent. 'Pile success of this Stove,`since its introduc tion is unequalled. Nothing has ever,, been of fered for culinary purposes iliar has gtVen such general satisfaction. Stoves have been copied ufter'its form; some dealers have even used its fundangental principles, but' the proportions were no unlike the migintil, that they bear the relative value that-a counterfeit does to a gdnuine coin.' Complete CO OK and other COOK. STOVES in great variety.. Persons desiring these admire- We Stoves, are requested to call at the Stove and Tin. Ware manufactory of the subscriber, on Main street, Carlisle, who is agent for Cumber ' kind - ciisnly. may 24 • 10 - ITN D. GORGAS. N. ',Si, J. M. Rowe, -- itßooM AND WOODEN-WARE ji " . Store, No. 63 North Third street, one door above Arch, east side, Philadelphia, manufacwr ors end wholesale dealers in all kinds ot Brooms, Brushes. Buckets, Cedar Ware, Willow and French Baskets - . and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusiers. Mats, Blacking, Emstern•made %Vood oo- Ware Of every description, &c, &c, at the lowest market prices. mar, REMOVAL, SHOE THREAD WAREITOUSE. .... 'LI LA Rlt A BEE has removed to his new 1 k i EA • W arehouse. corner of Calvert sad Me cer streets, B now in store, el laltimore, and has. reef importation front the celebrated factor of Tittley, Tatham &IWallter, a full assortmen of wit )1.; ••1' lIItNA B , viz : brown, green, 1, ,1) ill bleached', white and yellow, which he is p cps red to sell by the bale or less quantity, on as good terms as the same quality can 'be bad for in the U. States,. Also a general assortment of SIIOE TOOLS and FINDINGS, viz: Shoe Knives, rasps. pineers,hatinners, awls and awl • handles, pegs of all sizes, bristles, webbing, boot cord, shoe nails of °Blitzes, cut and cast tacks, French irons .cotnplete, peg rasps and cut.ters, &c, &c, &c. rreniidin - Glass Paper, to take the place of the common sand paper, a very Em poria tirriclS, !tieing our own manufacture, wan a A ren. ' Lasts, boot trees, shoe trees, crimping hoards, rill'bf his own rrianuftieture,..44-the_very best hitnlier and of the latest style.. Every arti cle combe obtained at his establishment for man ufacturing Boots and Shnes,oseeru leather. • All of the slows will be sold at the lowest market price. Country Merchants aro particularly_re quested to Call. ' , E-..LARRABEE„ .- 'ntign—lttio] No. el, Calvert st, Baltimore REILOYAL. LABORATORY OF' THOMSON'S BOTA NIC AltillllClN ES. EPIPM. LA !MABEE, No. ?1:0 S. Culvert street, !Wilmer°, has removed his Labora tory to his new building N0...24, and has always on hand the larvist and most complete' assort nista of put° Botanic remedies in the United States, prepared under his special care at his Labortury—hcing.the first erected in the United Stales for the special purpose of preparing THiI t fiISONIAN BOTANIC MEDICINES. Allot the pulverized and compounded articles are put .up quarter and half pound packages, and neatly labelled, with directions suitable for retailing,. and upon better terms than the same 'article can he. had for in .tho4lnitetr Strops.— Every article , in his line is warranted gentnno-7 the Wine cptt'rely. upon this: liberal discount made' fricituntrynnerchants, who are!Particitlarly'reriCsied to call and exam ine Ike;• before . purchneing. Teo wrations. Treatases;embracint the ,most reputed ' authors, upon : the Thomsoulan or nte7ASystem .of Medicine, mny also be had at his estahlisktunid,bribequarnnyoi single copy. jt, tlelre Tails. •-• Ari URE , YeIb ItSgLEI.4I.-From timoimmemo-' riot Ilioree,:bas indated; in ; larger on& no,Pti, l 9l l B towns, e anodes of dieense, the , dopend , , once rinCpropagaiion Of iy/liich results, froro the. '0616110:ob.! divine` iincl of t Immo Ait LI c•Fkip . ,-;ilie AiNIEIt;CAN ourlp is nraented;'ne' being 'the indee'derinin,linie'dy;ied . vulenb le atiebillo 'over °flared tO 'llia" Unfortunate: Yr :hha*hereverk uOim'nenuiredrenutetion' 010, 'deilFertrWerbieeontinutiekib - if,robt here; Than', "send& liar d. been coned by its , useoind ea it ;Ifunies ho odor op the breatlkenttires neither restriction in: diet.,or'.businpae, nor otrutaipa ~eittier,meroiiry or ruircionerdregs iris, the least injurious' to tho eye.' tern,. it is bold lypreseru ed, as' the' beet reinedy for. # 11 . 1 . 110A ",y)frigOil'; witd ta • lee or or to , nl/1., • ..... mealy: ~ ' Faill, d iractione,needmpaby, eaph ~ bo4110: For imihiratr.lVlVVearnef 9d and Sotit h PhiledeTphid,:z,dihl byI3,'ELLICiT ,',!:arrago ; ; Rarekt;:- Irerk'ro.; • IM."lgiller; Lan'eaptei;, tYt.; 11icPhereattond.L Pa.. 000 N'rtNfltittif 'eutipl3r , Of wripufacturei ortbis article pociticoN'accdrtikha. it'contnine no nehborony.p,ther.articlo ni the tec.th Op AUTO' lc; -NY -J3iFtEiVIINGFP ' ....41f1".0 NS, rioVn to prod ;A;l4_,Ttollesl " I#3or,,Elliatpr !.gimioxitigiri'Plato;:„piio.;r4eived; , ‘ trod Tor silk( at '• flit Store - • Pr NY,Tkitl# D l ia',§AßSAVAltibT , A;tor tire Tenioi!iv: 4 ,4o - P9rlptintts..t:s 6 o , .9 l n ll 4iounees , , . , , . . arietpgfirionTAln Impure, ont,.? pf, I he,blvocl i mg* I.;EiClietillitTiirtillsrB4—': , ('''q'fi,l4n'arsi,`4l6 -` *hue iditidq ol .l B, '.,. 4l c;'wMtt/n,lfd,ll , ,RP'. B „rio r rlii: any . 1 IP .i iisirf merit9f:sloll9 l lntirMililliiiii.,co, l l 6o. ",hair WO' PrONkrVS'n. o r, r B ßrauPorilla, PRN :in I usgs Or iit.',the'.Cheap Sitio,:.;iri.tffiristrtligli . Aitreet7 l ,,Cll4 eats by ,the dorn,pr`f,iipglp.bottreilit , v4, ~. r atittri4Rini4o‘for Sio!krit,tlyfier* , ..-,,,, , t ,i 4 ,1 r.r,:q.rn'i1..',,'..."- - , - r, )..,.".. ~. ',.,'r,`l';', .1 . ,. - r . ::, 4 , 4„;408y5i10P.'.,5,,,•:: TAttii26',.. , , ,,, ,,e44 ,, .74 3 1i0ARN10M . 5 , ": `,, RIPY(f ) : , :: , ",' ..' - - ;4 l OPg, 4.,r.'ilr o t. 4ain tsi'e,rc r t" %.,:pqr.g.*: , ,h4Y,tti, 4 4ll Tii;:f''',.•‘-'4',Esl'-'4l l -:;;;-ef - '44:-- , i,: , - - ;', , Ir , t , ':,j:`,l ~.',• , 43. .i„ c:: , `;' . .,t:,s•f' I.'', ;.I'.,!'i;' 11 •:P;40 ,4 1:;`,VV , Y-V2,trii , Neo:, , Z r - , :i*if..02,14Z1A;41'L1eir1',;: , 4:44•' , /;';' ,. ,:' , lzg,gl::', l !: - ,: ,, ,a1 . 1)1'.',1 , :. '4.: ;Y:e, I Bil . . gurnbAltallay,TransprtationAfloioe ; ---- GAL - 1 5 l a" banal and I phis, Bulitithore's'PitQ'sbti'rg,Bcc; =--- ;Forwarding an4dOMMiseior;' Mereharit, , ,JIASSISIMIIO, Pa. informs , his friends and.. the ,publief.that frOm the •liheral pat ronage.' extended to him duripg the past 'year.lie. has been: encouraged ser.matefo nroremcionsive or, rangamenfe for he Wasn't:season,' and . , hat ad= tied two new, large and splendid Boats- o his LINE,' and , wilt be fully prepared , after , the op • ening of -I he Canal, 'to:forward R UDC CE and MER.C.IISNPIZE of ',ell kinds to • and-:from Philadelphia, Baltinuire, Pittsburgh, &c, at the' lowest rates of freight and with the utmost des. pats t. Ag nts for Bents, • CARLISLE 4. GASKELL, • Race street Wharf, Philadelphia. •. GEISE & SON, • No - " 44 Commerce st. Wharf, Baltimore. . • tCLARIL & SHAW, ? • • J. iIIeFADDEN & C 0.5 Pitts'g Agents for Cain, • WUNDERLICII & GRIER. No, 272 Market st., Philadelphia. CIIALORER & REYNOLD 8, No: 423 Market st., Philadelphia. SITER,. JAMES & CO., — . 'Broad street, Philadelphia. 'PENN'A.II..OI-110 LINE, North street, Baltimore liat"rishurg,.March Harisburg Transportation Line, r . - 7.464 rirty,s- ,„1.4 • FUNK & MILLER, TNIRWARHING & Ctill - mission Merchants, liaactsnuno, Pn: ship Produce, Merchan dise, &c. to Baltimore, Philadelphia, &c. Sze. Coal, Plaster, Nails,- Solt,_ Fish, Groceries, &c couseint ly for sale. • Harrisburg, march 29, 1848 Dr. Keeler's Panacea, 11 1 the removal and permanent cure of all r diseases arising from an impure state of the blood and habit of the body, viz:. Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisy, Then- Chins, Catarrh, etc. Scrofula in all its forms, Teuer, 'Scald head,. Cutaneous affections of the face and extremities, chronic Rheumatism, and Hepatetis, chronic Enlargements, of the JointS, White-Swellings, * Syphilitic Affecti4ns; Con stitutional disorders,. arising from dcbility,Mer curial and Hereditary predispositions, &c. Dt:Tllln every change that is taking place in the body, it is manifest that it is. brought about by something having a substantive existence. If we suppose the .orgatis of our body originally perfect, they must continue perfect unless changed by the intervention of .something that bears an unheal thy relation to it. In all eases .of disease, there must be the interposition of some new ingredient which by playing its - part as a cause, served to modify the properties before 'connected with the body: It is absurd to talk of spontathtotts disease I titbit:. place in organs previously healthy, with , out the interposition of some morbific agent; as well might we expect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spontaneously into Plaster of. Paris, without the aid'of Sulphuric -Add. In all disease there is a prior cause which must be removed. thro' the agency of the Blood. For this purpose there is no remedy superior to the Panacea. In evidence I :he followilui is submitted to the public: Philadelphia, ' . Philadelphia, June 7, 1817. Having been apprised of the nature of the, Pnn acciOrnifordi me much pleasure to be able to recommend it as a valuhlile remedy, for all those chronie". constitutional and glandular diseases, to which it is especially adapted. To those who are afflicted, and require medicine as nn alterative, they cannot obtain it in a More agreable, qetive and uniform state than js to be foqiid in the Pan acea. Lkave used it in severafinstances with de cided and signal success. , Yours, &e. A11.1 , 05r. 3T. D. Prepared and .sdld nt the. North West corner el-Third_ntl _Sant h st rcets,--.llhi ladelphi a; and- re tailed in Carlisle by S. ELLIOTT. , Put tip in pint bottles at $1 per bottle. febt:la Dr. Traphagen'Etßalsamio Extrac of Sarsaparilla, IS the host and cheapest Preparation of Sar sepiolite ever offered to the politic. being instilled from the first quality ofitonduriss Stirs. liparilla Root—and one bottle of this prepara tion is warranted superior to two bottles of any other in the market,nisil wilt retain its virtues unimpairible in any climate. It is pleasant to the taste, anal from infancy to ,age this Extract will eradicate disease, invigorate the body , and is the best medicine for the prevention null core of disease. aim discovered in any age 01 the world. lit iiiiiim is mild, rind it es.i es w ninon sickening or debilitating the patient. Time, sands have used it in thin Dr.'s private practice, soil consider it the greatest bleating ever offered man. It acts in perfect harmony with the laws of nature. and has never been known to tail, where Its use was persevered in, to cure even bug 8:A111141g Mill desperate eases of Asthma, Bronchitis, Cattirrh,Colic, Coital's, Colds. Con. ' sumption, Cram ps, CaTlet.TollB &wetland Ulcers. Dropsy, Dysentery ,Zrysipclas, Peverand Agile, Female complaints, Fevers of all kinds, Gout,' 'Gravel, Hysterics, Inflammation, Indigestion, Jaundice, Leprosy, Liver Complaint, Nuraglia, Palpitation oldie Heart, Piles. Scrofula, Spinal 'complaint, Salt Rheum, Sca'al Head, Synhilitic octopi:tints, Tic boteretts , Pimples on the Face, Swelled Limbs and .loints,.Pitan in de!. Side, Spitting Blood and all cases of Prostration of Strength, and General Debility of the human hotly. In all eases enumerated Above, Dr,Treplia. gain's Sarsispasilla t•npially and sorely restorei to heath.. A trial will satisfy any one of the truth at thesis repretientat ions. • • . . .To Tim LADIES. " Delicate Fern:des whit stiffer from the Mistime- lions and debility to which Ladies of sedentary habits. sin nal.)e, Will ° by the use of or two bottles of Dr. Traphegan's Sarsaparilla, regain their health and color. It is vithiable to tnose who are approaching womanboodpia it is eaten- Weal to Instil nature by quickening the blood and invigoratitif the system'. . Ladies w to have pale complexions, alulleyes, blotcheit oe the face, rough skin or freckles, and are iow spirited, use Dr. Tratiliegan's Sarsapa -9,11a. It will elenniie the blood, remove the freckles and blotches, anal give you an animated countenance, sparkling' eyed, fine spirits, and entaiful ceramic:oone. Children who sire suffering from bail and un healthy lit more of the blond, can b g miickly re stored In health, strength and bloom. :Dr.'l rap liagnia's Sarsaparilla betegyery pititeant and pal. Mashie., children take it readily., end such as are thin - boa wettkly.seon wear a robust Anathenithy. appeiranee. It can ,he administered to Infante with perfec(infety t and such its are sufferitigfrom 'Sommer CoMplaint will reeelse.grent ;relief. : Nothing can ' be 'mai& astpoishing,t ban itttlitt7.: I vigoratingeffeets nrioWthe hnMao,sylitern. : Per-. atsuo I t o, . e nte, a ie l ! ti t: 0 3 0 51 1 1 i : e ui l e o a ti n n i s i t .W6.tiestalit4iesatilibbeyfoclrieoteitik., his t ug i i, i t .. ; flambee- ' • '' • -. ; . . . ,'• ; 11 'PREVENTS` DISEASE. .. " , The use gra, bottle of Dr. Traptiagen's &weep mrilla occasiotailly;Mbll prevent, thseaseopal as n. Yell soil Spring ,parifier .Of the system it, stands .unti •bil I eil nt the 'peeieettins.". Its, nee m ill . pre. 'vent a' worhfel sufferlagani,l plai,: .If all persons. 'w i I !keep' their.bloOttpitridett .atoll : titoir Itmliel steeng - thenirti bi.tliObee Of Ttfili.Sabsiapb ; .ri an; iltey Mill hit nuroto esenke.'iibe atittiete of:nny. In , , , aya!aat. :at'acintiigianailiaanse;•: ,• '. ..-- .;, ~.. , . . , , ~ _ ~ --- - - c yPruratiasarti';, ,m lltitn'rnataFtirfili- ! C, E nni.7.9i , ;that avoribattla'of; Di, r, ll ocig'f, 3 ii?. 6 ,..'oo o6 .'o)q . Pxtrast'arSareatiatilja:.tiaa, hiis,.;wriqim sighs:. itireiiiibtiickLiiik,con-tlo,e jaliaf ol..ttnatnntia,and, a . fiiiiiiivallaiiiinteiliri, -ia 1),- : , ink on the'outsidit' . ,. .. . . , . ,Mmippec,..na . ..atgunrd- . agtnayi,t.annatorfa IP:, Pat • ' 14raiii!tr,rtrWIlitiVtchnfirvitnnVb rottlair-av 11.10 I'4 of pf ' o; ti - 4 . , qffortittliem li . olostilti,a nd,rot4il by:.COLLI ER 1 1 •Inft . QROPlERlil . only;''lo.'tlitiii.toroi . Npitli!' Alttottv'er styooL',Carliele...: , ' - - , t... -- ',' - ',. :: .'- ''-.'": Li-Sprit 12 •-•"..:,.., -'-'. '''. .. ' ' . .., . , pEi , :umpgr;-,..—iJost-Irocuefived; n" fresh' supply'Of 13.4 - )ussol's .Cologrie;,E,TyrSets , Club, Bougot de Caroline, Gnomon-I:and-Vet futno_chi Jenny-Lind_ ' • ' •;i11906. ;ELon yutriWv,i.Lizsip',Ho6 s6iyiibeui6felS by `a it utitjt • col NYo0;.134 . 110 r; 61STOGY! j:i~iGkYS^....':l,.f:.:_`.::;^::l'T=':C:,Y;Si res.- yaps: , • .Pairdiftes;.-0116,and'Sbaps.., Lt'F'itlt,,and,fresh sunpl . yfrom.nottasePs find • other of. the, best city houses .among,which dri3.douhle exttact - Sweetl3riatileose Geranium, Verbena, ;Patchisly, Ifelietropei Milleilehr and pucup.and for salh,tit the lowest prices.: Also, ...for,. the, Bandoline,. Tom- • made suit rlaure; Jenny Lind hair-gloss, Ocoee Oil, 111accassar ,Oil, .fitieocented,Antigue PhilenOmei Beare Marrow, fine. Myrtle and iVio let Pommades, , ; . - Also„Fancy, ;Shans i . such as sltaying.c..reard; Wright's duiMllittiry o, Almond and ; Palm Wash Soap, making an assoittneht unsurpassed-by :any in the borough, 1.,0,fty31 HAVERSTICK . . ' DRUGS XnufraS! , A. BlSHOFoucessorto Dr. J. J. Myers,- td • has just.,redeived and is now'Opening a lame & well selected assortment of FRESH DRUGS, MEDICINES; &c, among which will be found the rollowing, yiat Opium, Camphor, quiniric, Epeome Salta, Dye SiMl!a, *ices, Cutlery, Oils, Alcohol, Turpentine; Pine Oil, &c., Also, a large assortment of PERFUMERY, Hair and Tooth Brushes, , Umbrellns, Walking Caned, • 'Rousstil'a nail Hatiel's Shaving, Cream, Bear's Oil, Cologne Water, Hair Dye, Ox • Marrow . • Farley Soaps, Extraol, Mettv Ft;it, Curling. Fluid; and •FA-NCY ARTICLES oreirety deseliptiOn, lo which ho respectfully invites the attention 0 the public, His assortment is n full and rich one, and lie hopes by strict 'attention to business and low prices, to receive i f iiberal share of the public pritronage. Physicians' prescriptions enrefully rompouri; ded. . J. A. BISHOP, marl West Main street. Cnrlisle PICKLES, PIiESFIRVES a—Just received and opened by. ihe subscriber, preserved Ginger and Pine Apply-Ornnge Jelly, Pickled Lobsters, Gherkins, Mangoes, Peppers, Picot till; Tomatoes and. Onions, Olives. Capers, An chovies,Sardines,•TommAetchup, fine mixed French Mustard, with a very choice and puce erticls of Salad Oil, fur sale nt mny3l HAVERSTICK'S ilk R. J..T. :MYERS has disposed of his entire etock of Drugs &C, in Mr. I. .A. - BISIMP, of 'Harrisburg, who will continue -to tin husin.ess at my old tumid on Main street. Mr: Bishop has had considerable experience in the Drug Tipsi ness, and I confidently recommend him to the customers of -the store and solicit a-continuance of their lavers. . 0:713Y ihis errangealent Dr. Mvens will be enabled to give his undivided attention to the duties of his profession mart THE subscribers have jut received from Phil• ndelphin, n fresh supply of Drugs,Medieines' nye•stuffs, Perfumery, Fancy Articles, tlee. Our stock is now large nod complete, and ns we are determined not to be undersold, but to sell at the lowest cash Prices, we invite the attention of country merchants. physicians and others, to examine our goods and prices before purchasing elsewhere, J. & W. R. FLEMING lune corner,of Pita stud High st Confectionery, Fiuit i& Toir Store, • Mirth Hanover Steed, Carlisle. rrillE subscriber would respectfully . inform AL country merchants and the public generally, that he is constantly manufacturing and has al ways on hand - C,AND4C . ,* of .every variety, (which for quality cannorbo surpassed .by any manufactured In the State) which he wilt sell wholesale or retail at the ot.o sTA sn, IN. Han over street, n - few doors north of .to . flank, whero he hes also in hand FRUITS std iN t)'l'S of the latest importations, which wit. he sold at the loWes: prices for cash. His stoett - consistkin nun of Oranges, Lemons, Raisins, Figs, Prunes, Dates._ Cocoamtisj'rennt-nuts, Pea-nits, En glish \Val - nuts, AlMonds, Pecan-nuts. Filberts. Ile would also inform the pnblic that he has just returned froth the city witl(a very large stock or- , FAMILY fiROCERIF.S, F(hnrtertfrg of superior double relined, crushed and pulverized LOAF SUGARS, ',Brown Su gars„,atnoug wintb is a very fair artille for fI cis. per lb.; COFFEE, from 8 to 10 (.19 per lb.; superiorarnele of I mom inl. Young Hyson anti Black TEAS ; ;11(2I,ASSES , ofoll kinds; Wa ter, Soda and Sugar Crackers; Cheese. C boqp• late, Rice. Blacking. Matches. Brushes. FRESH SPICES, Anz Pepper, Alspice, Cinnamon, Cloves. Nutmegs. Ginger mud Niue -Mrd. A supply of Indigo. (best nitality) Waithirig Snda, Salt Peter ; all of whidr will be sold at the lowest rates. The and PSI . riber returns his sincere thanks to the Wale Mr the liberal patronage extended to him. and hopes by n dosire to-please to nwrif cominnance of the same. All grciers from n dis tant it thankfully received and Promptly alleq ed to. (may fl P. )10NY ER NEW YORK VARIETY STORE. & N. co & - 1112011117,125, 'beg leave to infothi theeitizens of Cumberland and udjoining.enuntics, that they have just open ed an extensive. VA RIP,TI( .sro ME in North Ilannvey street, in the' Imilding lately occupied by Mr.' Ilanieli.;hetween llnverstick and ',yeti's stores, where 'they will he knopy to receive the calls of nil wishing articles in their line. They will 'nt all times keep on hand n well selected assortment of Colored Prints..(French..English and American) domestic and foreign Perfumery, Pntont Medicines, embracing nenrly every de• seription, and in filet n little of every thing usu ally kept in an extensive variety store. They am the ,c,..xclusiye agents for the. .sale 61 Dr. Trnphngen's eelebrated - Pplmonic Mixtnre, and his Balsande Itlxtrarit -of Sarsaparilla ; Dr. Green's celebrated Oxygenated Bitters, for Dye , pepsin and Phthyste. They .are also the exeln• . sive agents for this county of the likw Yortx CANTON. TEA COMPANY, and will keep con stantly on hand a large supply of their superior Teas. In eonclusion they hog leave to say, that they are determined to sell nt very small profits for' CASH, and invite all wishing bargains. •To • give them n call. Orders from country therehanat supplied upon the most reasonable terms. Carlisle, may 4 irtIN'GTIAMS.—Just received, o)ewsupply IA of Ginghaint, cheapor thou ever. by MEI T •ii IV NS. —A lizindeorhe nosortrnent of LaWns .1.4 - -on hand. and will be sold very-chenp. by, , jiilyle 1 - Git CROOKS Knr.RENCif WORKED COLLARS.—Just . received, e lorgo nesoriment of Worked 'co eautiful-nriiclo u ninl 7 very — e np, iy „.1.4, i julyt2 .". . .G 'R Clt OOK S . To Baclismiths. 2000 Bushels !L AC KEW ITH COAL for enlechenpt by f • [FUNK & MILLER. , norrisl)prg, Jan 19 1848-6 w ! , • • Nails, and Spike. inn KEGS :Nailoand.Spikett,iost received VA/ and , for enlo •nt l tliveiteno,llisordware ,Sttiro. of • ,SAXTON. • . , +6l , 11,Er,411ATIONS von: Tun. HAIIITAW • . tit r rltellidny - tiriieles prepared for rionenro an deservedly popular gi Reuseel'a Eny Lustinl, justly onlebinted tbeeleiinSing. bemttifr pr jrx t Oreservjug:updoilieqng, , M,gt!#lll, • 14 • • and AV FLtlitING . .„ . iiiiCo'gion for Roo i by CRO.O K ~. . . . - . . deem it prepor to itiforinlheouldie, diet Ihe fed meettege•Of the, BrtardAir COmmiseirmere ‘yihl he 'held 'cirr",the; second and fourth' Illotti le itl of eachltibtit tr.' 'at :which:time , in y mint e htieirietitt_witibutid:LßFOr_d;,rill. meet them- at their.OffiartltiTtirliele- , ' • • .W 111": RILEY, pl'k INIE WOCk PtitteKsont.a%Trusfif iL —• „ cu R '0: ar dcc itt i l v ikeo„orntitir ror A,Tauss„zo,cer3rl „s..ELLIOT7! 4 1,F:.i)4,:' CARD. View Aririval xvzoNwr.B. , s 0 R CROOKS tonevt-o .I~~.; ^rt~xr _, ~,~., a:~~.k7 459 ilu ll 4 ;) ~,rr • DRosilmws:vA9E7;Alg.A.pii4r.vor,c9t.mtitri 'Ptierciihanti 50,000.ceaes mired in_the paagyeageL IT thedieflie 'is, warranted; ib.etrkeoipr........ 11 4 1 either .bleening.cie 1 internal oi external, and all e mflarittiveloty,ellfix, eases foimhr coniltriblien With'' the Pll69;4=i' such as'Clieinio Dysentery l•elbstUribddileViti. 9 . followtrig certificates:, .„!,, Philadelphia, §ep,t-9 1 :447. Messts. Ketcham & bout fiva yeara.,ago'l. wes.efilictenwith•tAlitt Wee tolled chronic dyeentery,•,l, h aveeuffeted With it eter.Bieco, and „Phyeichme ,havelte9,l, the that inyliver Wes . , affected, aia,,th4gt„ bowels'weie accreted, fieOilotod and.rine, et, ; tended *jai Ik peculiar piffle!, alibi], i ' 4 Were.:l94 - ; fragile:it Oise:berg& A short tithe ''4llol', . made, a ‘tisit: Massbdimseile; lie IMpei ;if; . benefit from change a air, but Buffeted tifenti( seyere than ever' bade°. While thereol,9loi • sician offered to cure. me fat 940; in thti6 l months. Happily, in tale midst of intents pain, occasionapy relieved , by lendnum,.l se* in the Wrapper of your Eleetuary, a peeled. description of my complaint, together : many certificates of cures,. This gave, nit great confidence in the"mecianc, and I put.. chased a box, nine doses of which has (Twit rangy. cured me, and I abs •iitepored to say everything. in its faVor, or render any AMMO I con to humanity by subscribing to .its esorila Respectfully yours,. BENJ. P.E.RCIVAL, 80 S. Sixth at, Weakness anti inflammation . of thevSpintl o ' felling of the bovvels, Womb &b, that feinalaill, particularly are subject to, under peen)iat circumstances; for which 'many cm!)lt atell cobld be given of speedy cures—but delicacy'. forbids their publication. • Severe and ;habitual .costiveness, flow cif blood lo the head, dyspepsia, fistulas inflalet. elation of the Stomach, find a epeedy cure itl , Dr. Upham's Electuary. It is an interned remedy, and s cores by its action on' the bowela - end blond, the relaxed state of which is the cause of the above named diseases. .UNIVERSAL COMMENDATION Fronn every city, town and village, wheel Dr. Upliam'e Vegetable Pile. Electuary has been introduced, the most gratifying intelli.- gence of its effects have been received by the Proprietor. In hundreds of instances it triumphed -ever - cases - Which - were—detiffell incurable. Letter of Capt.o, W.. Lean, late of the U. . service.and Member of the,N. J. Legislature • Rahway, Juno 16, 1847 I flays been afflicted fur yeere with the PileS,.abd have triad, without anything like permanent benefit, almost everything assum ing the name of n remedy. I had as a Matter to course, lost all confidence in niedicinif.-- Under this feeliag I was induced—not Without reluctance, 1 conies,—ln use Uplism'sZlectu cry, and having used it about three weeks' according" to the directives laid down, I find to my surprise, us well as satisfaction, that every symptom of•lhe disease hasl'clt me. I think it due alike to Dr. 'Upham end myselfto make thiS statement;,- . G W s MoL.EAPI' Addressed to the agents in Columbia. CM: . Russel Codniy, Ala., Feb. 80. 1 847 Messrs. Winter 91 - Epping—(lent,:—For the lust filteoh years I have been afflicted with that most distressing disease !The Bleeding Piles,' and have had resource to a great many medicines, .Without obtaining relief, until I obtained 3 bozos of Upham's Pile illeatuary frog' you, Which have so far relteieetine that 1 take - greet pleasure in recommending it to all wins aye afflicted with Piles, as a safe and sure remedy, _ _ _ • • • l P.1111.L, formerly Bookkeeper, Bank of Colt,ihri Remarkable cure of 13leedipg.P.U.4., l'Ortlatd, Ma., Morel; 1.4 lily Door Sir—l cannot express to you tvy sincere and_he;) Vat thanlis fur the-wsradetful cure I have experienced by the nee of your truly valuable Pile Eleetuary.. 1 hire been a perfect martyr to the Bleeding Piles for ta■ years past, so Inuch so, that I became reduced to a there Acleton, with loss of, appetite and general derangement of the digestive organs; my eyes also became affected, and in fact I was a misc.!) , to myself, and was obliged 'to, give up my office here, which I held in the• Custom Doutic some years. I have tried all kinds of' medicine, had the beet advice the physicians of Dos'on anti this place could give, spent-much money and twice submitted to a surgical operation: I had become perfectly tired of life,' and at the suggestion of wy friends I was 'minced to try a box of your medicine. The first -I found selieved me slightly, still I persevered and purchased a second, and Miseiyy.' you. when I got half through I found my Self getting well; I still kept on, and now I am a new man.---My dear sir, langrtage cannot express my thanks, that not once more restored to health, and now in a condition to support myself' and family de pendent ere me. YoUrs . respastfully,, with great regard, .• SA MUEL CHARLI'OI I I Now York, Jule 14,1848 Messrs. Ketchum ag lienShaw—This cora.. fies that I. have been severely pfflieted f.o. many .years with • the Piles, but)imore e tatisularly within the last nine months. Hornig used ell the remedies prescribed by my physician, also ' having tried other means to little 'or no ad: vantage, I become very nineli discouraged and felt as though I musfaulTer naliing as I lived. But 'providentinlly. I was informed by Mr. Mott, instructor of the public school at Staten Island. that I could he cured by your Pile Eleoluary. Having confidence is his. statement, I immediately procured some of the medicine and, am very happy to inform you that r a'm now perfectly cured by the use of only one bcx. Very truly your obedient. servant, GEORGE it CROSS . Sold wholesale and retail by' KETCHAM lIEDISJIW.V,:I2 . I. Fulton st,..N. Y., tine 'by druggists generally throughout• the United States end Cu nods. Price et per box, Sold in Corr.sla Fy S.LLIO,TT, July 213. , 1848 • StantOie§ Diternal T.LED, u. 4.475 s ..I.la , —nutaLunieereally-aek-tiowledgeti.—to 7 ina—the • • INFALLIBLE REMEDY; 'For Rhenniatism, Spinal Affection's, Contraellmni• Cof The Alnaelea; Sore Throniand Quiheyi ague; Old kilects, Paine' in the Backend b Cheat, Ague intim Bieest apdT,tieti,; . hail, Tooth, h che,..Spreine;' Bruises, .Sult 'ltheurd, 13urnt0,Cretfp . ,--:- , • .." - Fropted 'Feet', rind all , . •' UNT'S LlNlMblNTitianateining.e , , 'et y' unequalled' by'nny t ,iimiler.,..r.emedy;,,,lC , requiresjne to'give tOryeputalleti.,,it, hes; been - for :.sente it; end now, when' hi benefiiitifilliete,liale,Neer: experienced by so niany;,' Ole:expressions of start_ AutleZere-eontuititllY-lappearing,-arid- , theie *lap. have , been by.itirmenns-are:deairimat' that t allliei ed ehould Inner '.'rernaiit'ftAtiow' • innt: o „t , m11310..004/ calettoy,.'2l on;' the;Priiprjetoti'aa,eett~~.. 'at antl Mr: Y. receitirig.tellimonialer4 benefit's reielvA' from Its e e Many ofllie.qu'res it •hartiffeets4 , almbst , .'exceedsbeliey, , ir.' In 'One'ease 'a been , deripOlti , foi eight, yeare, , ltivinkivienPlit Illte4pine,. when at It holge,..ofi.tvrte.y ebtroyy :fwurr,a,chaltlieaLtxr-MineMifolled;'butltt,e' Smiles e&llto'Linirnent:restOred-lilif fie airetidas;;: td; fir "•6•,•hf—" -- • Ater ''ther, dint i.o jdins , with ~.id:Voimsfeefftil , youthful gurnbdlicAdivibbieit ad',the lieehhicet oti! mind"hire - of Ina edireriegai. Pried ' 05' par•bottici; „,: The; . : 7lriei•Ses`ln'icheil.' L'4 c r'AisirroDL'S;l?A , llLLAßYoll4ll , lElktir' 01 noke . owledied,teltobe most valuftble,remo , dy ili4pri. yet ,hee,rt dieeOverect. end; toil tor r. •” liedpn_weli confi'denee 11_811 who.may_boire otlV— eneiort for its uee• 1.6 -,, cries of , •hitrar. FEVIER, AGM 'iIiTIIE,BREAST,',S . OIIFeNITP7 15L •E3,c..,, - ~ : `,,' ;' •ZahiqPitillnePtlelkul.CYlntbdrdended for t 1102_ complaints thit 31colicie are liablele 4bring "Ai•' ) liiirfilpF,9Cipihnt#i taut rip.i.4l# imily:called,tt ~ , ;KOrAce 8 Frielld.' Pltird 25 - M e.' tter bee. - -• , 0:s:' E. STA NTO,N;''''Pripileter, iiitti'',%§,i'da: - l'itw -, 'Worfrr - StslOitr'ovi .- f'"rf ,- , - "' 1 5. -4 +' •=4"' Y ' I° ' D l ' , '`A'TvilOill find ehrte: , llarnite,'Carlisje, 'i' ' ' l E66,ifir*oulkShittitentiburk ,:' '., ", 1 .'.•', ' i Ilitiolideott & Pregit, P ol 4 ll o= l l ' ' " A. eetlietert,•Slte‘dierdterrere ~ ! , • , --,',,, Ot 'lr: - Lisie4qrro , l„t9TOterretipt' , ' 11- `441 -',,,-.:. ~,., :,, •,," '..---4; - '1:1 1 ~.. ~'' ,' =I 13 Vita OM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers