frk'^- : - ':YR+X gfl,~}9f '. A ~~kl;:~,'`C`t`~'.4Y.l:T , QM ''''‘''''4,1' 7 , !,.0, ,, 1' , „ ; .,.., ::',.,.r ,, t1 . ::' , 2M2 ! :, , P1 , I. , :,„,.: 7.:. , '.,'''''''f.'i;!-.i:,1 SIZE SE • v ' ~~ VOLUME MX- 41LaKbs: ISM!SMIIIM!1!IIME1:1!ESIZI Dr. John J. Nyeri, ttitig. REMOVED his Office and dwel tha house acljoininichia D 1• 1g Store 'on. Wbst,lllgll Atreet. april 1 • " 'Dr. Geo. Willis Fonike, A.DUATE of the Jefferson Medical liege of Philadelphia, respectfully.otlers service's in the practice of Medi tine, Sureery and Midwifery. OFFICE; stifle residence of his father in S. Hanover street; directly opposite Merrrets! Hotel and the 2d Presbyterican nji 7 '47 BootOr ' II 0340 EO PAT HIC Physician.. (Mice in Main street, in the house fornterly..oecu- ITd by Dr. F. Ehrinent op 9 'l6 Dr. L C. Lodmii, . , WILL performall ~.,,„' „„.._' ` - '%1411, 1L .,, , .. I , operations upon the `` "'' "' Teeth that are route ___ oil f.)r. their preseryiition,Tdeli ha - Sali - ag. - Fillog, 'logging, &c, or will restore the• lose of them, y Inserting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to a full 'get% Irriillice on Vitt street, it few goers south of the Railroad liote,l.' Dr. L. is ab amit the last ten days of eyery month. . Doctor, A. ESPF:CTF LIN tenders to th - e inhabitants .11%. of Carlisle End its vicinity, his professional periicas in all its various departments, hoping Troia his long experience, and devoted' attention to the business of his profession, to merit a share of public patronage. . . When nit absent on professional tipsiness. he raw\t all tips pe fotind either at his Office, pdxt. I ddi td Mr. Robert Plnotigrnss' store; or at, his Ict zings, at Mr. Becterns' hotel_ tmayil • --- Win. T. Btciikrn, A f ftOII.F.Y AT LAW. a-ill practice -"' in - the sereAal Courts. of CumberlantL coon tr. 01'114 iA iNliti strdet, rehhily opposite the county. jail, Carlisle.. - felt James R. Smith, TI'OII.SEY LA.W. Oflice tWith A S. D. Adair; Esq., in Oriltatti'a new build 7 nk.cppgaite the Post mar '3Office.l '47 _ _ Carson C. Ignore, • A TTORNEY AT •LANV.. - Oftide "-" the room lately occupied by Dr. Fester. deceased. roar 3l '47 R. A. LanisertOn, • A:TTORtigli Al' LAW, 4 " Pa. • t'S '4 8 WRIGHT- & SAXTON, ISIP,ORTERS' AND DEALERS IN FOR- . LION & DomEsTke _IIA,RDW ARE, (:lain, rainte. T)ye S,tuffs, Oil, Iron, Steel, N ails &c. n,ould . invite the attention of persons want inegeods in their line. to the' large assortment tlry itlye just opened, and which they offer at the YetrY limiest cash prices. , feb23 Poing ant Scouring. ittli BLA ER, in Lotiihes; Slre;el, near dte.College, dyes Ladies , and Gent le .nten's colors, and warrants all work In' be 814,1dfact4g. Orders in his line respectfully solicited - Sep '2'46 tgistrate's ()Ace Removed . tar... Office of the subscriber, a justice of the Peace, has been removed to the house adjoining thostoie of Mrs. Weakley, lit High street, Car-, lisle. iininediately opposite the Itaiirdul Depot and %Nonni's Motell. My residence being there, I will always ,be found it home, ready to attend to the business of the, public. In addition to the dsiies of a Magistrate, I will attend to all kinds of %Viking, such as Deeds, Mortgages, Ponds, I.ltlcatures, .4.ltieles of Agreement, 'Notes &c, which will be executed in a neat manner and ac cording to the runst , opproYed forms. Who Oirice lately occupied by me, in Mr. Gra brio building is for rent, and possession had int mllllstelY.."Thei.ent is low and the location good. .faii • 1,4,1110, 124 E I . • • • 13,409r11.11. awl, Petty_ Hotel. • .; TikE subscriber desires to in •fornt his- fends and the travelling as riblic that he has 111040 V ED from thu •-•- old ;Foetid, known as Welblv's lintel. hottier recently, 'occupied' by iohlt Comm ut,on Nofth - Hanover street, near the pub •4810:, to see his old ,rminuttmocesjrnui 'Perry and CuMberlindt and ns.nutuy,4oow, ones as possible. His house ie large an.Liff,un)d:ortler, containing a sufficient number olvviOWftirniApd.'cha - nbers and every other fa eiqylulthe comfottable accommodation of tr)velfeifiriniid,heavders. ICI table will be BO " phe Lwith..i.`Mehoiceal delicacies of the markets. nnLaua with - the -best. or • liquors. There is 9: rut itiii , ipts Stabling attached to the hon4e, and a eirelVto4tler wilfalWays be. in sttendenee.— Wi'fitineithlly invites a role travellers anti others,. nolVent of I • Ally to give satiifautlm • . HENItt2 GLA§S 'Now ; Lumber Yard. • " romped- a-new Impel), Ynied'Ot•iliii earner' Or -Weil street .end Pleas. hds.aiidwill koerrennstnnily- 1 itn IrinilOfireijrate isisortrae,r4 of seasoned PINE BO iltl)§ , iiiiel"•PlAN lc,' and - othor kinds of /E.Trlr.P,:9ll,.gf•Wllichlifiyvill,sell 19w fur wish. • • • 111449.ilioelr,eIlY!foillieita'the public pininnaae. '• mar • 51-11. ILA aN. o 'Lyn°, MY' :,Vir—tiOLEsAtE and Reini I. Dealer in voyFoie i ehi ‘ nd' 121, latea4 HI Elia ware, P Mei Ibirk"Vitit's;:VOnlah' , :ke. tit' did eld 'stand i Der , 'llll9 . pier,•.etreet,,Carliele, , hile , jinttrimeived - from I•rewc-.York and: Philadelphia a largehtddition •to • .• , hillrfartner; mho*: to , whieh the attentionel'. be p; all', hp is , .,tleteireineitEtarseil 1 )0 4!?*4 • -":" , :-/tt AfitS,4.4 - ,Aif;tisibitivient very V; li•-i4",1;`,1";-1% fr ke-f.ktii.63o4 .- J'Jr, . i 443411 ny . prIPPP : ::• ._.'(..1,1) , lit ,. .rii-w-Vai, "4"'''tiluiio". 4140;, ibffitv.;( stuo •Ve My'Velq9ll,,„l,i'd4ii th,e .110" 1, ,cfeoraveo 4". ' doll s .-4- , ihtevicions, 0 ,.... „,h edwit, solla- , • • , witn` - •IbisEeilmil* •• v Illiy . '.• - , 1 - - 'ocianng-,fowaile•vi lii!iSrlAnd • P.' t .,"• ,_ ~.• 4011*413".,,,,iite--11'0,164.•Rvitd 'of Pu 14nd° 41, ' , '? ~,„,ftitntitr—Ftti„flkitii!,,if .Bolt through ' ~.,,•- •••• ' ' `-' ‘• „iec, , 'l'zo 4,,!Tt ik'pa ,k,16:0 1i,4itkiti0n,,,,.....,,,. , „ I, .• , $, no :.•.. 1.,, `/•':'.2 “ko i4.01144°Z,-;•o(.4l*E'R!`"•'",:s4'o,ipor gegi!,,_-4, 00 '' ''. ~,•-''•`‘.4-''.:•'-'•',..Altig.:Pflg9Yll'.,..;ll e-"I .1.,,,i,10,00; • - ..... , V -,1 !lisiiirdnVWlnkr,,4,..e,4:7•:7". '', ,' ,••%4`.'',' ~,V,',' ~ •latiO.T9x.l9lllP '''',,i4c,A,l',.:. ~ ,•i: ~ •,, 1 • ~, i`fh-AbisitkinanAv , s ; .. -,•-i, iliiiiipted Arc... '",, "-qirm• .ch'Or'.43lbr.-414-44'414;•fi11• ' ;.-Iti iAiiii::tok tieitol, R . NS: , „,.. ~,,, . 0 - 17 - 77 ,',::,,.,,,.... 'nkit •1i",,VA,,!•4 r+V... , , , tiii*,w:ltl,,..:i'W ..5_r,,,,,i,c; -..,,i,,,ite -‘,,,i,.- ,eoloo,,i•dt -sh"The' : ' - : qv 0 ,41. 'l6 qtP 1 •• GA , , , ,- 4 ' i..''',- 4 , r wit v ,m30(1, A ' 'll , itivil 1 '' ' ' ' `.4*11,411 ' e . Ntoo '°,PKel-Itinnifi.,k`M, IbiAtiv , „,,,,,„:,:*?„`001 )F1,1.1,141, ;"+4!1:-,:wilialiou'e ',.,, ' ' ,-,tl ''''. ', ' (4,, 04 1,tt ii i prlios ,e,' No'eatezlitei, 'l, Ainit'fOliti.,,iug e' iliiitiO'AA'g,"t'TFittutiLE -14 ‘':& tP.o,,y)i ~,.ti,::„.„4: - if , ' , '•!t':- . ..'-- --., : . ~ ,: ;.;, t ., :.-' 0 , 40,„..-.,• ' 2 , : ...':'l,._.t.' ,''.,' ,„I.`a 4.1.1k116-Ste,' -A: . ':: : f it T:,it~~ ~JJ ~~~A~ h ~cii~. - 6~~t:,;i~.':~k ~J~ Z ~: ' ~~:~'•'~~:~ jay ~,... :. '~_ ' . , ....,., ~ ~ -,,.., ~, ~ ~ -.,, ~ ~ , r, ~' ,A-, err' ' .44 _,. , , ~ ~, 4 . / . , ~„ ~„- ,„ _ , . ~ ~,,.,;;:^ „,, , ,,,x,r4_l",qqa t w,!...,1‘.,(f t '• ;T.- , " , ,,...44, 1 ,04 - sl,-,. , ~ ,1.1 ;.• ), ..,_ , , ,f :s - , . , , , ,-.,,,24 4 .....1„ , „, ~>, ~,,,, 1., , i,... Yam. nn,lat, v , P'7- ,.,..77— . --.-- '- ~...f1f,', . ...:, . , : ..,, . .., , ..,,,....,', ;4. .. , .. ,,, i , ; , p: , ... ,,,, A .,1,-. dt.1ft.:: 0,, P ,5 P...‘'_ ' ~ ...4, , ,,,i, , ,, ,? , . 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'., . 4, .., ''' ....! * ". 4 4 ).--,-: I.4 l '''' ° ." , r ''''''''' ' , *. .`" ' - -.. u . c., t ,,----' .', , ---;4,1,-- - ' ':/ -'7 - , ...'. . . .--, ~. ,‘ . .' 01 ,,t7 t 0r c ie) :21 :• . r.4 • - ~ ~,.. v • , • . . ..,-•. 0 ..J. -- .----.- -- —.--- --, • . - :- - _ ,.7 , -, ; -, -,, ~--r -,,--T.,` ~. ,;;.,s , tr tr.."•,- 'c, O-- -• 4 • -, % - : , :i , • 1 , ~, ri ' '-,; ' l K , 5,, , f ,-,, , ~• 4 t ' r• V ~'' ° -,‘ .:,..,,,,,„.. 0....,,,, 4 .;: -,.- , - ,-.4.:. . , t . 1, . -..........---.. _5;1,9 , - , .-...,..:--,, '' -: -.-. "' ' ' ' - ' '''. .' - ' .• ' • ',- I . ... ;...., ' - - ~ ' ..'•" - . , ~ ' ' :'• - -- , -----. --- ,-1 , - ~;- ---. ----- .t.- ~-...',,,,,,,'' i...:;:,.,.1,..,,,,4-.-',,ni.n , _ ~ _ • ~„ ~, -,, ~. ~..., ~....,,,, :'. - ~' .'---• '-" , -J--.',.,.: " --_.. ' k c.'11:•,•'~,. , ', RAM The Franklin Fire insuranse Coln- -- - - DIRECTORS. • Charles N. Bendier George W. Richards Thomas Bart Mordecai D. Lewis Tobias Wagner • - Adolphe E.l3orie • ' Samuel Grant David .5. Brown Jacob ll... Smith Norris Patterson Continue to make ineurance.peretnui, dr limi ted, on eyery-description of property in townland Country, at rates ns low as tire consistent) with security. The company have reserved large contingent fund, which with their capital Add pre miums, safely invested, allind entitle protection lc the insured. The usetra of the company on January Ist, 1818, as published agreeablvlo an act of Assem bly, were as follows, viz Mortgages Ten! Estate • emporary Loans Storks ERA on ligkd Lind in hands of ``‘' " 15'3 - 3_ —2B ug9.6, " Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years. they have paid .upwards of ONE. MILLION, TWO IRIMERED , THOUSAND DOLLARS, lOSPCS by fire, thereby affording evidence of !be advantages of insurance, as well as the ability and disposition to meet.with promptness, all lipbilities. CIIA RLES N. 13 ANCKEIt, Pres't. CHAS. G. BAVCRER, SCC ' . fel) 9. EEO Tlir subscriber i i agent for the above company for Carlisle and its vicinity. All applications for insurance either by mail or prrsomdlv. will' be promptly attended to. ,W. D. SEYMOUR. rpm: ALLT.N Asa * F.. FENNSIMIROUG II Mutant Fire Insurance Company of Cum berland county, incorporated by an act of Assem• lily, is now hilly organized and in operation, un der the management of the following equitnrs sioners, VIZ . t. Kitty inan;.raco'b Lewis flyer, Chrietion Titzet. Hobert Sterrett, Henry Logan, Michael Cocklin, tenja min 11.• Masser, Levi Merkel, Jacob Kirk, Saint. Prow ell, sr. and Melehoir Brenentan, who respectfully call the attention of citizens of Cumberland and York counties to-the advantages which the coa t patty hold out. Thvrtnies of insurance are as low and favorable as ally romped): of the kind in the State: Per. eons ISIIIng_ In become niemberslare invited. to ninVe applieationr Id the agtints of the company, whit nrUWillingle wait iition. there at ally lime. .AC (To ITEL , 1110 f ItYIOGAN, V. l'res't LzWis fiVV.II, Secretary . Comws, Treasurer' A st.:NTs—lihnoiph Alartin, New cumberleincl Cliristtan'l'itiel and John C Dunlap, Allan; c llortnon, Kinpinwn ;. Henry • Zenring, Shire knansidWn; nt Clymer, Worniluyisbutg ; Ro bert Moore. Cliiirle‘.o3ell; Cnriisle, • - - - Agents fOr York Contify—Jaen6 Kirk. gene ral-agent ; John :Merrick, Julio Rankin; J. Bow faith; Peter Wolford. Agents for II arrisburg—liouser & Loeliman. fel) 9 nu CUAI BEAMAN') VA 1;1,1.A .1111 - lg.:nisi Protection C one, CUNIBERI.A.ND VA 121.1.1 ymuTu ii. AL PILO I'ECTION C`\l VANN', will he under the direction of the Tollow Mg board of Alimagres for the ensuing year, viz 1 --Thos. C. Alines., President; SIIIISUCi CAll'l6lll, V ice Pre sident; David AleGullougli, •1 . 1.1.31S111.0.; A. G. Afiller.Secretary; .lain es Werikley „John T. .„Green, John Zug, Alsraliam ling, It ielsard Wosols, Samuel Dilator, William Peal, Scott Coyle, Alexander Davidson. There are also a nu miser' of Agents appointed in tin.: adjacent 'eon lines; w4o will receive applications for in surance and lovelies' them intinetliatell foti.ap; pro . val to the office tattle Company hen the pol icy will be Issued without delay further injournatiOti nee thetiy-lawsof ihr Company: ' THOS. C. MILLEiII Nest. A. G I Li. e 'y The following gentlemer have been appointeo 4(:ENTs: • U. O. Willlgtvt; tsq.,Westpeaitaboko, Ceti- Crid Agant. S. Col le, thirli Dr. Ira" My, AfeszlirtiirCiblirg: GeOrge ItrintlJe, Nighrne. • Examms, '•=orin person aged 30 years next birth day, by paying the company 95 cents would ao: oure. to his family or heirs 113 t) should he die in one'year ;or for $9,110116 secnies to th $1000; or for $l3 annually for seven years ho secures to them $lOOO should he die in, seven years; or for $20,40 paid annually during life; 14 secures $lOOO to be paid when .he dice. The-insurer securing his own bonus, by the difference In amount of premiums from timse ,, other offices. , For $0,50 the heire wbulife. ceive,ssooo,should.lp die in one year. Fermi of. application and all particulars may he lind at..tho oflido - Of Fitco'x' Warts, Ben, Carlisle, Pa. --J. iY. CIAGHORN I Prce't H. t 3. TUCKETT; Sc&y •• t itEI6X.....WATTS,Att'y. , • .! ''; • Zsaminf3r. I ' Jii64l = 6nce eompanico pany of philadblphia. FFICE, No. 163 i Chesnut street, soar Fifth street. . $890,5511 65 d 11M,8511 90 124.359 00 51,563 25 $1,220,097 67 Fire Insriranee. ins. M. Means,.F.sq. Newburg.. inim*Clendenin. Fag. IlOgeßtOWn• Stephen Culbertson ,:ibippettsburg September 2.9, I 1547 Equitable Life Insurance, Annuity and Trust Cskripany.' Occ*FICK 74 Walnut street, Fhindelphim— Capital s2so,ooo.—Charterr perpetual.— Make lesttranee on lives at their office in Phila. 'Wallis, and at their Agencies 'ilirotighout the Stated, at die toWebt rates of premium: Rates for insuring at $lOO on a single Life. Age, Fur 1 year. For 2 years. Fur Life 20 , 81 , 91 60 39 99 , 1.30 2,04 40 .1,29 1,64 2,70 50 1,86 2,67 I 3,94- 59 , 3,48 I 2,67 ,6 03 . . • ' -:.,./. .Premiums Piaster.: v-. . , ,:, -. Fr4t , F:', - ;4-a-17 - ef ~ - t l- -. 4.a::::-IE-- t "<tvl';.,-.1- ..1 1 pell,lv.. P t ;Ijir..App?,novv otrora to the pub ! :, He hie' Indian' , Vegetable • l i la:elm uln P 'moor, lAualrthia .61 , which'. after , lOrg,or.iried wipe iieoso` litiyio,miNomiefagOtilyl.oe.kabliaheditterd 1 folltwoMiti who may he attlietedZ.AmOheatlemloo ffif:Pikit;i4ate . , Dram,: or: tho' Fallen Womb; he ;lib relionitneode likplasteriguatartmelog a sore _ tiiderptl•,n)Y4 6 ,ll ?I' ' Pi. Y' , ,in . . 0 ) Alvillit :F,o, -11t4it-Lilie-inill it t 140,u/ill . our gh t ifiliele ns ti 1r 1 ii• ' oat' ' piny.. , Airliir . 4404 '0;•1ie likdifillif'ii4e Noi In eat; an had itoitel/ 'nigher tiiiii' Stunly , - , 11i14, iboOi"foit'y, rniiii - 3'Scruili i Eituiiii ;tit§ighbne wddld o'ci'doV occa'aionultli . o(l,b,ring in lobe:3V, snuff; anti: ‘'' , ; - ; e I '' ' '"•'/ '' ' ' 72 1 1, lIIMIII4 I °I#Wrt9A, 4 913 I )PAllP B All,4ii§oluire, ~ ' '#,AlnilivieroN,RougE r .,l,4) ) RI ). 1 !.1 3 ,-.1 1 0,0K914 . r4Piger . -11PC 11 .arse. 1 , tillga, ‘! , z:. l ~ ..._ 2 . ._ Woultr.)o ,ii'ni i k ii • 4 1 --- ,pai -r.'--- :it -A R.ViiI3 , I,MG- -1 1).N. 4 " 1, " P. l . - 10 oe' '., ). s• , , ~P, ? l t Y, 4 P i 4, , 1 4.4 k Pi e„,,,q„!,,n. T.,,,,ppOuloillikitifo;l44iv'WeeilliiniViligi,TlV Mio , „;ll,4tit.A to. s ~,., ~ 4; v. , A 4,4 4w, 4 a 1( ~ ,a r 4, , .4.1 , , -„1i :wirquotnini.t,s,,,r.it4Zoiid been 'rtrikilleirkti ,r7 ,- ,1 ''', I IIVI,Wi'IiI!PFI I F,P,I I , I i I A-PlR.PaAe,4,l9, l ,,lllkit ,VitiVOrntcirsig; Itglitirm4o . oloinittq'iynitytt - i 4 ,!ft',i 4,,- - - 11 , 1 ;i1 1 3, 131 :019 ) :1 1 1 1 )1;‘,4AVA,VIIL/P,Alaik Aforri?9p,oifigio, , JanniOsktt Utothersi ; visiting wtkAsl,-,, ~, io.' .0 ~.,,i,,,,t, ' 1 . ti l.,,i:•- f if,,,;;;42'4,4: 5c1.1 13 ,, eitAtiPTSl_erlMlPliti.s. !Y djka Ivry d0.,1 . 4,10N,0t ?),IPPl l ) , . l ,tov.t4ni like 1,1111114Y914tia1.g. A1tt1e,i11_0 . 1 6 0, 1 ,0,t,t 1 .,",0f!h;44 f, ). If, 141r...1 , ,, -,', ',,,,‘: kiiO 3 c,?lnYv'ke'o B ; PAirMt 3 l,lnit XlV4 s tS'AltilS ' l ‘ ° P r ' 111 7 4 ! ..'1" a°rale. '''' ' ''''''';' `.,.. re: ' ''s 'kii ) t l o4 , -Wil ;mY,teig!glibloirkiAt,4o: 4 6' , I ,. ii' . ;ii;i:tir - 371134 M. ; r 44 A - N 2. 3 * R4i 1,1 f. " .! ;', 4 :, , 1 ?ft14,t ° , 11 .;! 0 ! ,1 i"' ,1 ,19.51)ii , i1,9*§1c45R44, 4 iri' , !k, '4: ,, 1r , ,, - ,!,,,.,. : , Y ; ~... , ' ;' ;',., P :;,s4' 4 ' - ' , -: 1- ;L:, , fit T:toP4' , OtiSfir,o B ,9,mlittfAATAi RlVl ' la ' (.3ffitlV f `tt3 i rafii -, , , V)9lioicrtfld, 4,i.104ii koOlypd 414'04 0,..,44, 1 „ 16 ,,P 1 4'Y,9,4.0!tPhai1fijn0L ) 11,49) 1 5 1 1,t Ack, 9.*:vac bacitillSHOP'S:DrutStore;. , , , ,',".(nuiri't PI (: ; 'P7--H, ,Ted'UliO MA oodult .;Nbo,Wity 'l , 0 , ' s l , :rf: , 'T ',',. , ''' ~' ',' ~ ';t: , ? v1, ,, .i. '' l l , -1. 'A41.1:1.;! . 1 p , .. , -, .`fr"4,111.5;- , fr. 4113.`a1fe'ff,6 ,, , , 1',. ' , r,..+TitArT:, , ,,i ,, + •. 4 i i . '4l{ A':kqr l ". - 1-": "- !.„ , -- ,1 . , .''- .. - .'0.' , ', 4 '' , `1,?i 5 ki ,, , k, .;\ ik', , V.o:l l )i'l ,l ,ilffei, ,c1t ., 415 , ._;' '1 - '.. '•'' ,',. '''=';.Q!,:;V4'l'.A.VlP: ktbEfiaAre..o3ll.4.4l4lfilvi I ri2l4bi. e 6 di ig nil the Rountlep s iniA•urnopia ipujohipin fiels 36(4. iiliectiu,syulogonsemuoh as be bei;;Tiob failed iii. OnolnetioUo ouf of throe liundied eind;Artropece,, Piice•Orm by ELl.l.o7.and P 4 4/ 3. MYERS. : 1 ,Y71. "••• • • • - • . . , • r % •- , ` A 4, .zW *41:4741M ; : -4k;:: • ; uputiSszaa•vismtzlazmium untr — tano.., ...,pn:AaJcp,cces..l7 From the Philadelphia Noith American. THE WITHERING LEAVES. Tut Slimmer is gone and the Autumn is here Anti flowers arc btrewing their.edrthly blur; A dreary mist o'er the woodland swims, 'While rattle the nuts from the windy find's; Front bough to bough the squirrels run - • At the noise of the hutiter'v echoing gun, And the partridge Hies, where my fontutep heaves The "netting drift of the withering leases. The flocks_pursue their southern flight-- • Smite all the day andatome tilt tight ; • And up from the wooded marshes come „The Sounds of the pheasant's feathery drum. - 'On the highest bough the mourner croW Sits in his fencral suit of woe— All Nature mourns—and my spirit grieves AVM° noise of my feet in the withering leaves. Oh; I - sigh for thictleys that lithe passed'away, When my life - like - theryear bud Its season of Myr. When the world was all sunshine and. beauty and • Ina - , And the IreAV bethed my feet hi the valley of yenthl Then my heart felt'its wings, and nn bird of the sky Sang over the lloweri merejoyoubrhan f. But YoMB 1$ a rablll—and licatitg deceives ; For loYfotilhtmits th loud In the.whherlog leaves... • And I sigh thee what the reapers at mom Came down from the lull at the sound of horh— when,dragging the rilhe I foll Owed them out,. While they tossedtlerlr light sheaYes With their , laughierahoui ; Through the cold, I ran; But 11w pllllible3 fareshailoil•bli oir pail' of the man; Now ;he ;intends of life lie nilfiarren of sheaves— W bile my footsteps ore hied in the withering leaves PhiloNophy %V . 's:et:rile lonely acorn never bound IN Me rude cold grnop of the rutting grolitni; the rigid frost n.eve_r_lttlrgen up - Tlie !wield alirrve its - bursting-cup-r- - Were it tieve‘r-sofik'd in the rain- or Or thill'd by the hrenth of the wintry gale, It would not sprout in the sunshine free,• Or give the promise of a tree ; It would not spread to the Roemer air Its lengthening boughs and breeches fair, TO forte a bower where, in starry Yotinglifee might dream unknown delights; Or ?tend in the woodA - nniong its petirs, Fed hy:the clews of a thousand years. Were never the dull, unseemly ore Orngg'd from I he depths where it slept of yore; %Tore)! never cost intosearching'flentc, To be purged of Meetritytind shame 4 \Very It never ntolten 'llO burning Or bruited and Lenten by stalwert hands, It would neeeilte k sown nkn thing of worth; world never emerge to a nobler birth • II would never be formed into mystic rings, T. fetter Love's erratic wings; It would never shine amid priceless gems, hi the girth of imps tal diadems; Nor become to irlie tVorld a power rind% prido,:; Cheri&lid, adored, and defied. So, thou, O Onion of noble soul, Storting in view of a glorious goal, Wert thou never exposed to the blasts,forlorn— The mows of sorrow—lite shirts of scorn; Wert thou never refined in pitiless ate, From the dross of thy sloth and mean desire; %Vete thou never tought to feel and know • , That the truest love has its toot in Woe, - Thou would'st never unravel the complex plain, Or reach hall' way to the perfect min; Thou wriuld'et never attain the tranquil height Where wisdom Ourifiiee the sight, ° • And'Clon unfuldf in the humblest gazo The !digit and , hinuty of his ways. THE GRINDSTONE; THE LOST CHILDREN g. Tins is tot the same country. that it was I forty3ea ° ia agti. When 1 first setuautit at the loot of yonder dal k mountain yon,see's*ay to tie iniith,'l wigwam, for over loutteen years. I. remem ber when the field we are now standing in was coyered with a dense loiest,ol hemlocks now you don't see a stump. I remember when. for twenty miles around, thil moat splendid Mansion to be met with was a log cabin, of one loom, with boys and girls as the principal furniture. Now, sir, just look around you, and count - from fifteen to twenty good tranuablvildings, all polished off in red and whit amt. • l feel that the• world is Fanning away from. me; It .goes too fag, for the ideas of an old man, and l the even let it go. 1 love to iiiiiik"of the pine, and lOok forivard to' the 'future: •Ittleollections 01 the past, Mid the hopes oontiected with 'the haul - ware alt that is now) , .Thus spake Mr. rsitlent ol a northern 'eritittlY lit the State of New to hearia •liltle things' ineidentat to life of Whartirforestlpionetir, We intfited. be .910 WWI , to thke a seat. , mi :Ate' felted; whew the had.Cuirsell With Onr irlvitaiien hit'cteeriulif Seeming hapP'y having met `Witifiniti 'who appeared , to.take awinteresi in' the things' ol : t • • •Ifor t ' ,tune-to lock , you arstdreit;frittill • go.tir.'llie earij , ;dayil.of large. spruceithat.stands by,•ttself, - a 'Minh). the:east of a red - 4111114x• - • • • • We-re digit: • ,13weiioliifiii-* OiPtiitilfeliii• o;4bdly•mill thit:,SettlettinGliitetWoiktiseiti:Yisarsjand•it: ki*rFuNti.,(lpookf „ 'lprixiitT a p4 • Rif T. DOCIIANAN READ =1 OY ANDREW„ DVNCAN CARLIST,E, NOA(EAOER iB4Bl pilafs before 1 moveth.,try; was a pretty, cunning old fellow; utifierstood thotigk dfd but all did' not:end well with hint.,!, . he eameitiuy the. country, Be brought with hini a grind stone and a bartel oFwitiskeictWo yely•good pieces• of property 'in Mole . tlkys, , and...t he Man who had thetit i ".vaei-yery-eure to ptck' mi the lope change 014 . wals,alloat.. When; money failed, a bil4lol*..'chni 'weld& nn .swer, an hen' ping we ways Many 'fin acre of: • land did the 'Squire ctifir',-,with.a , fewgailbils ;Of w hisk ey, got.eryinito.„ 1114 , all aNe v und you know saes-.e ill get4:4;:tlren 44y, nrtusl be carried to the' griit}iii.tents% ea.. 5. toUld 'not - efitirdtle"liaYe".'lliti "Eitrine • worn out- 'tor nuthingwritutvas, kept straight by spending.a sixPenediOr., shilling in whis key. Before, one. b.arrell, .was ont,.the, 'Sqn ire would always have another on thfpot ; tin& oe • this - fteelitint lie was corm.' del'id - a. public benefackrrand was' erected 'Squire, office whiult4e held ,for more than twenty years. I , f l o,neyer for g et thin last time 1 at. the4tiedsione. Never, N Ell lotget tgetlW 'What happened on 'that alayib said we, 'that makes you reinesneor it so well 7'. 'Why, if you have . I . trnein.hear it, I 'will W tell you the hole istoyy . .'„AWas pace alviek ed ma's, , trange'r, very Winked, a blasphemer, an' infidel-en& a diuulaid.. 1 - was going to. tell 3ou about the last ,Anne I 'sun at the 'Squire's . grindstone. well. I started one lIIIS . IIIOIIIII/ se the failet:ptirt„of May, will, a bindlel of corn oil roy back, and; as the day was long. ,and I had-got an early Start, I thought I druid g et out manitl and back a gain by •nigtd. Indeed, - rit was necesstaly that I should return lISSSAITIS dily, as I did not leave a pound' of meal in the house.— We wore dependent mainly. ttpon meal and milk for a living, as pork pt that sea'Aon of ihe year wan pretty scarce. .1 did slot take my axe that morning,' a 0 was in the habit of &dile ' haying deterninied not In maPe any Ertl , at the 'Squito's, altlfOugli it lay in my ' ; Hat Ping got alon,oo . .within'about hall ' a mile o6 the :house; 1. -- Was - Overtaken three - W neighliors, a ith thetvaies, going to have a ; rind, and of course the . sttine must be wet: They invited lite to nun' an and partake be them, its a 'deep of the'newbar rel, for st Ind beets reported that ti.barret bl very - surieiler Itasterrived a few days previous. ..Of .coursel- Aid not need much .pressing, The new stock was ptonouneed • byt all hands ao be eicejlent. and I turned the grindstone and di auk - Whisk ey unnlimon. I now thought it time- to - itait for the Mill, and it did .seem - ht--Inkillifft walked on a great deal luster by the ;di die spirit than otherwise enidd I made no doubt but-that-l-could-04tomii.bY- nighl-7.-, But for all Oar speed Whit:44lth L Was get;' Mfg grounif f - Ftnirrid; on diiiiring at the mill, that I luttlt,been , *tt Itaura. hi tray: tiling nine tidies. behave li, bto 'he -ntiller.showekinh.dOition-mark, and calculated the. timeoknAkAtftbdievauld be no mistake. ' told-', , AifirOgthti;Witter was low, and he couldlo,t*lttkiiitnifing.,short Noun 11 , Witioimt a milrirke' the have now-a-days, that cann bush el of corn in a aiffy. Sinnewriat sabered, felt vexEd at this7ittitte of things ;..f saw plain. y I could not get home that night, mid my children ninst go to bed snimerlesi. I felt. lead). to cry, for nn man ever loved his chil dren Inver than I did ; drunkard that I was: my heart was never cleat give. I ciused die %Squire's grindstones whiskey barrel and all, but it was 'of rio'use; my cursing did pot mend the matter in the least. At last, I thought, the. children .might "Voice. out with milk for supper (or one night, and I should get home bright hnd early in the mornicg.— I got my'grist about du hour - before sun doixn, and rethined lour mules, when I put up at the [Muse oh a neielbottor the night, (we were' all neighbors within twent y iniles.) 'I was up in the morning as soon as it be gan to get' light, and while engaged with a howeitil bread and milk some one knocked; the woman of the house went to the door, and was asked by a 'yr:nog man if Air. B. Was there: Beinu told that, lie was, the man entered, and pouting up to me nie,.said—=- thlr. 8., two pl4o,ur.,phildren are lost, in th6**Ocithl.' • • told for I knsw norivhat I said; but hail :seate'k hid 'of - thonght that the man wonted to seare•iitik li iii true,' lie said; I flambee!' clear down to the mill, loOkink. after you. And some olthe neighbot's have been hunting for the children night?: saw the :truin7was , in earnest. I cannel 4eserihe ruy,,feeliogs,. Waiter: a( that no- Did you ever feel as lithe earth wits Sinking away Worn under riar beet, and the, :whole weight of •the lietiVetts• cornitv , right down, wig') your head?: Did you inr . e.r feel lour healflumehiug oguiton:yonr breast lace a tilen;s:eritarmuer,emf preatening• to force iltraugh your throat?' ynu riv er feltAaCyott 'kunie-ekinnettliing la my feel hugs an that After !IV leul'l4,44 . oid•dol•bewilder me,-nor.render irie inaetive. .I•Auslied'irotn i •the ,house lik ituidnintil-..siioli : !eining the meiisenger antl the , grist • far'behiral.' : ''N either stone, nor 'Olen treesimpeded inY : .eourse. I young ; then,, and,bew..mutt•ttiire 'mere fleet Mimi than l was,M.,theopAltiya,„•l lementher. :nothing of my thoughtiutitn t-hat got *M. lilt lea Mile Of my awn' house . .. 1 then be giin enriieeturet , ,whfeh,ol,!my'eliiltltea- it geoid, be that i.:•tTh atkinst,'((dhad forgot at gild rhea k °aid ,it be. my awn dear. !fidelrep,ti• :come. il arfelegia.Miiiifher tether every her littlkkAves';'sriarklimi dialataidsl4 .Whether i; a rne•iicmkattuk or.fielber, Nally • was altsyli . rejoieed • tcl Onal. .„ . yealunfaltildieif;iiif '-i•We;ilttswitieti•talthelliftirrriatir .Y ( ?9i . 'l . A illilPs4 - ;.A,5 1 ,A41 0 ,iv ;;ti.r.the-)o,a att's tears i ,whengemembenpg:,Onditgoolit, ;11 4 %0in chili ia; l _ • •*. .:t °Wei': ;,Iv, is. Col ... ..... _ 4 cc r i li f v g e li z t _ tt x piy lg iy y ,- e e j o li t t L it L tga tt, e X i imii o o l C i e l ofh b thol ; , * the'eaiil'titd thiirThelltitiivtfl terithle.v,Aaid same ' trithibl'agdit Itit'fhi Y hotiett, a new,, idea itra o k ma44l-altange idea to enter allolili :likfrrilirlee . I thought, hbio, i f tittetithi a att4he'bitlitilfe'tiik child. f;dflok IthoPt.svhp:,/t, - ..*aa; bitt , ,doi. th'eltrat't lomilwry,,itifef,uotagrolll)ert4 *VI a),Gial.i , ly Au litty lOW 4olft , PlorTiognt QPMPI4IOIY , y, ( tuttaTiOA,'Fiit,olTi r otitcettil ' ;idyl tiiititilketlogaioi ' )"*Y,tifiglkol,;..„th.cripatiotef A poor oin.o 1igK 7 ,44,.. ' 1r,V49,:m0: orkpt4gatiAltatl., l ,i had. , evrtitteyqtk-blitilh,TANd IJA,AfiI nqXlhk Os :,.#4ltitrogledi' l tin'APPloiCAttinittietiOase., !VI o,lte6hhtiiiiaiitte , iitiil4ll l itittliiltiii'lita' iti:c4PiogitOttild*alce;ttiyistiitY,fieard:lliktifs t ' . i. 04,ti1b.h., otl l iticeilliditit ,l %iittiqtest'.f, , ,4lvia.4` lipiiipid.ik , t)l4l,-NellYl l,l 4 4 iliiie:vtitliiNihttO *hreo,4ol,§lo%!Tik'but "theYquacinet4t„fil* 4priiiK.44 PMPO,' away with.'EqY;',lifdelliYl - •i;'// ,,- , , t‘ , q , s , . . trepeafed, itintl,.save the lesi-chiltlide of i s poor sinner.' On entering the house, 1' . of my wife nnid Si* remaining children, findilled-tnghthet 1h aco r. They had all uriell hotil : their fades were at o en;and wife ItinkLl .M picture cif utter despair.— 'SIM could' not speak, and 1 could ,only say, lOh Mary • - • name Clinging around me, their faces grew bri2 t hir, they kit sure that 'father could find' ktelly and Jamie. 1 .kissed thern• all , anikolit• them they mast stay ju• the Innitie.wilh mother until I camp back was about to joiothe meri at the door, who .were deliberating, up o n the•besi . plan of pin cvpding, whet, Iny. wife road frranitOf beat, and iisying hOld of my: arro, said— 'John. the Lord ran sore our t hildren! 4 lirrailgeinente • we'r&now made tor' , :com • nomeing the search:, , We. were to go forth two and two,.each fluty having a gun, and ii 6dhe i party, should be successful in finding the etildren alive, the fact should be antioun eed,by.Aho firing of 61): ' guns ; and, ii dead, three* ins, _ . tFerhains 1 had better giVe you spine geo graphy:oLthe, worlds. My lipase was situa ted about smile from Dm mountain, to the nOrtlq , along the base-of the mdintain; runs a considerable "streittnliolding a eour!;e, hom west: s in cast. ' From the south - bank ot this strerien, rock ,rode. ter rock, up .to the very serlimit'of the mountain; so .steep and rug ged, that a deer couhrliardly ;.net a toot-hold. _ -With . the eXeeption-ol two n.r 'Mee , small fields:, all the'dinntance from the brook was covered with-heavy timber. nit was while hunting up the cows, about Alia clearings, that the children got lost, and it was reason able to sUppose that they coulni neither cross tho stream, or climb the mountain, being only eight . and six age. IVe there fore determined to confine, ohr sbarbin be , tweet' the house and the north bank of the brook, extending •a new tidies bust and trod. Doctor l'--- - , with tvah lay companion in the search, said all he co4ld to chber me, n i t but the was a tlrOatifiliglity. I could not take it it to walk, but Mtn iihnt one -thicker :m tn.oth r y calling - nut-vrith all - strength; 'Net. lyl Nellyl Jutifitt Jarnie!' -Mit no'Neify, -no Jamie answered, No• gun-was fired du ring the day ; and tightpayely dank Hight, began' to get -in. 1 determit.ed to continue the search;but-the Doctor persuaded roe to return home=ny Mg, we_would have more help fly rpernintgatid . would go in lufr, parties. 'We acdordingly returned and lound the others. had got in before us, but.rao traces /rif the lost ones had been disePired. -Fires were now kindled upon all the knolls round about the house, and a little (Ifier night about twenty men joined us. The news.liad gone out - through-the neighboring towns;,and they all turned out, every man, with his bag 01 protrigliihs add gun, determined, they said, to find Mein, titian hr alive. 'lit tub cohrse of the night abriut thirty more arrived, so that by emoting we mils• tered betweet thy and sixty men. Illy .littpHif Of rind I tg;,itlive were getting vbitlbPhlely' ,„ Vflie. night. prayitittli 1 . '.o;l:ciiih'AtftiV, yl - lefeedittfe'cliildretr. ),- Itfie • sufferings 'til 7.1 i ~ Willi hiring that long, long, dark night, were awllil and may not be des scribed. She sat In thb [thin. kvalehing for 'the first dawning of day; dial vilibn slab saw the light, she leaped for joy, as if dee day wrath' bung hack her lost iidants. ...- 'Ali it has been in hag nig ht I' slab said, the longest B,lli datka I t that eviw-suw,— Prior little Nblly-poor IhtleJanile; where . Have you been all the night 'V Why don't you cola& to your' own_motheri who has . watched all the night long' for your cornine. 'I thought my...cup-of affletitat was itlreadY lull, but how I saiv.that more might be ad-. ded. ' I was afraid my Wife 'leas about to lose her reason. On being pressed ie. go and talkil k olittle,resf, she gazed at me for a inernefirm, nd tephed— . . - 4 Yes, John, I will rest. • I will try to give them up up into the hands of God.' '1 felt relieved, she promised to go to heal, and we all preptued to renew the seat ch.— As we we were about to start, the 'Squire made. his appearance, and ott—his back a small keg of whiskey; be raid lie had been from home until late last night, qr he should have 'come sooner to otir.asOstance. lie then drew some of the spirit, and Offered it to•the. , , . , ,•. 'No,' said I t ' 'Squire . 1 have drank my last glass, and ii has been paid fur with the life .01 my two lovely children.' 'What do you mean?' sand' the 'Squire ; '1 don't understand you.' . . 'Well,' said I, 'if 1 had not tarried six Items at 3 tier grindstone, as I went to will, sliduld have got home the same day, and My tthildrett,,webld have all been here Iliis morning. 'Yes, Sir, I . , e titild it fearful price for may - lasi glass ; either you Or I - are their myrdeters.!, - ' 'I was sorry,l.'t!aid quite so much to the Squire, , ,but I felt All 4 said: • ' • 'Song of the men look a little of the spir it,+r and our plait or oPeiation, bifing settled, .vire diVided Into IWO,lineti;'ei'lenilitig Imo the, -:Jielda, to, the; ; bropk;:olie,litle.• liiOining westi'the other east ev,iii, ,titan koophig: Within -sit, few ',.viillic'olhis r .,,i'ighC..litnitl. MO; and .iii ithis 'eider :tlit,ilWhold•liiiB'l46seil; toi:i ward,llnuk.iiiv; eavegil:;4loill'illilitl: its 010 Y. progreiseck'jlialday tiasSoUll okay Au; e the lorruee; l :tiot ail xt r ali llied;:liti iiiiCei ; 'Mind'. -At night :•we again' met , tit 'llia . lidilse; tired 40peless.:,-,Overtnin miles frofttseiiitto .west, had been.,so clesely.examined, that rid living thilig„ilie,eiZe, 0f.,-it, wootbehuek:coliht have escaped lletiscinte:.,. The' men looked exhaus ted and €.aa t: :,: 4 ll.,4p r es, of findingilieuu a liVe • - *fiFiibw Aliik: and bin' little;, if any iiiipgs . tertian - in& oh • filidilid'llihlr 'lkitlieS.;-= SoiniOeeiUitly,to;tliluk,anifuittibi elitirtrosel . ito . !;,,''.. , l4iciiji r tl'o„,lalily,a!3ll , ,:ye_l,lteliil.qpdtdest pey.,ol"Oid, : ulutattfulthtveenvell;,l.-went:,itfi , jollie . : liiiilFfa t i iiihll6„-NeS, Jtigif liind fed -, theit ' •111 jOii:lo,44,(oo4,i,f4iildsi:oiikLPitii:r:.!MititiUk'.. ii, '.(oui.4..miilti r pp - r„ AtOiTiiilkcaliii'ot.t had wNni: t ; P:lelOWAiciilo.9rPlrtg.Tiiiiii:i;iiiiT„siaii •• luri'lhal ''?l,,,pet•Weill.ol,o,criglii;: . , ~,•„.; Y , ~,:,•,,,= ' ,Ol Fad ... ,iii4Ve4iblifor- 4,- attic : on. satattonli.'oou t; to us low long a Oentotf I could,,:dive- avithout Jll nod: and , ittOisletl'liiiit tme ITtmsk i ll-liope.,, ,-; r' „ ifr., , ~,, 1 1,k n y / sparlr,,ol,fiope remairmd le our . heeits,lt hied completely away, bk`mor, fling: Ttirteitiitlai ittittel elev en o'lok•k; 'sorite r tlasttes el ,Ilghtning Were ileen - i6 the 'Spoilii teld . ja •less tliatt on-hour ar.most learlUl theta 4RA: et9tet ja - , , ,, , etl ertlAkqus, -Hale:ilea i n ;to , . rents, ike,yytetr.,•l,il'itv - elikt,':itilit,r,,uptiv,ti i ,zvios, 'leitca,","l s he d'itti.tillit(erffrotia tortiltit bfthe roots,ior.taistingettplltilittaied'itertkildlrlikef rme,tifilstmote4ool4otl,olll', more dolacifilf i llitltitiO'F*lo44lo4 l l,o,4grj= l3 4,o o ,;;ltisi I ,f teg flash qt`ta.Cll jpingi, 1,11,ce,41,1y..311e11 l l'oeulditeetllids tt"4 '4,0 4r yokko laritbOft cy , ry futliitg - 044i**11 oticthii, frifilettiegivig:itti drekattillytKiptonliiiiiiitC,Lksriiiiinl9l,k9,. tyottilityitofiroiktiztioiti4ookythfi , , iillit ni t k4;', 1 00:10 1 1j* liP!r,4'.4lo4itiNti d 1 itilik iiiip',totilti?ol.4 - copy) d, 1 lie -, uriii., f ' KA.. I. ." 14 1 =I Ilithigh much exptitied to`the violence of. the storm, 'during its continuance, had' early re ,kitalletrtheir fires, cooked their breaklast, and Were preparing for.anetheftlay i s s'earch. The plan was changed, and they went out in two's and thrberk Wherever each party thought beSt; the, signiih . i, howeVer,' $.% ere to rentain the same as agreed on at'Fir:it. Thii day, for the first time I. began to Seel my 'strength failing me.. Thad In Set down and rest every Ind hour'. t • wo O ld' sometimes fancV-Vecmid hear-the tepoit h glin,hnd would how my breath to heat' the retied 'pealed, but no tepetitien 'weidd lolloty: Al. evening' Settled down uprin the woods, we again'asseintield of the house. Every face now Wore - tin - expression of deep and Settled hopelessness, and little for a time vaa'satt.l. At hist the' questiOn - Witi: put by the Doktot—, We continue the search'?' 'A pause followed, but the the Doctor ad ded—'l fur one will not give it,ifp.' So said the greaterintrt; but the prospect of finding the children was so about fifteen lett during the night In the morningowe musterod forty men."' All,seern ---....liscouraged.. And the- question-a- 1 whether tt " uric(' their. triode, whither tt was hest to rehew thp search or not. The Whole Kerned to . waver, and finally all came to the conclusion that larther efforts would Lb . _ 1 went to the howe' Mond the Doctorond informed hint of the coneresion - to which the ut;in had come. I begged . he would pill:la ver to change their:minds:—jiist to try one 4ity more, and then. I shohld be resigned to' my tale, whatever it might hk..; ;: .1 did net ex pect lo" find them alive, bbt I 'thought it would . Cie a great &tinfoit to know where they, .were buried. My wife on hearing the delete ination of • the 111611, - went out and pleaded with all the earnestness cd 'a berea ved mother ; that ilsetu!cl dy one day mete—Duly ours flay, t! The Men, (for they were Men a..d not bfithd mil er'it tears . ) quieldy replied : to _satisfy • tier, they would -continue the Search another 'day, not that they had the slightest expectations of •Thiding 'the- ehildrem all-abut-out bdily,fipteading In el/611•11frbetIon, and eve ry oust, taking his atm coursb- I had {;ht a bout two mules froth the hoitse, when nbar neon, I distinctly Heard the ,report limns ket. I 'tell down as_ it a ballet had gone through My' heart... There y:. lab:retithless, trembling in eve 4 limb. A Ibither loud re lieit like . that of a cannon--I intriped 'to feet, staggethd torwaFd lbw paces, and fell again to the earth. A third teport soon fol lowed, Mid then all was still. The story. was now told—the dent children were tound,"but titer were dead ! . . ker . _ . . . 'Oh!- the agony df that Moment! I feel it, yet; I roiled dr. the.- eittili—l strove: to be culm-1 tried to be reconciled-tried to thank God, for restore% their dead bodies'. I would look once mbar upon the (dee of thy 'little Nelly and altlioUgh they wcield no more come to meet their, lather. I remem- - berell thy prior wile, thilktese frith the earth. I' knew she needed ini;ittpin . ::irt, littler'thet it colild be,ln .Euvriticcipg 4hietrlaritatitieic-12 When I had_ of 4ipiiiimito:,oool:: ,l, my heme, I. wa rt 'Sat* kf'"ihe report of a• gun ; rinother, an'sl'anilititer lellOiCed iri ruiCk• succession, slid for eight Or ten minmesthere was nothing but firing. All this perplgi6il • Ine-1 knew hot what Manaus of it.At last I thought the , tnen he'd till got in, and-Were discharging their gtins, that had been/loaded 1 for several 1.145, . , - . • i l 'As I r iipproaclilid thb Ifoltse, a sbentr'pre,': spilled itself which led...sme,to-thirik th at MO Men litid.all gone stalk' mad. They were ditocin,, , ?, and; lthonting - and 'copetleg in hula I most atitiiragant pieta:hr. •Cau the Children be dead., thought I, and all.this going mil— -1 rtislied throgh tho bibwri, and us I mitered the house. little Nulty sprang into my arms, crying, 'llene comes my Millet, hete comes my own lather I' -Poor Jamie was Very fee ble, but he %Shit alive; and that was enough.. 'When the weeping spell. was' over, (In quired wliereilley'lutd been found, mill who found them? As soon ps the DoCtur Cobh! speak, he Came forward and ittild that !Mit: self and Mr. 1% had taken a direetion that led them tc the batik of the stream, and the toot'ol the mountain. The melted hail tiepin -gone over before, yet tliblight ' it nritglit be well to examine a lifite -rook Irliftifirt/i the bank of the Nook.' 'lt warn not long bet, tore they discovered the prints . ct' little bane teet„appittently golug, into the strearri.Thei immediately :dossed, taint' climtriog,a,4le• ways up the mountain, diacovPred what ap pears to have been a camp, Where the Phil; !iron ,iiirtust.have passed a• night. Little pie ces el •bark had been collected, and ma iranoltes broke. , _oh frtan the surrounding bushes, with' whicl:l they had (Milted if SIMI; ter Ott leavitig this , cdthp, they had aSeett- dad the steep face ol•the rnottntain, leaving irriVki•of their course sufficient to guide the Doctor and his cornpunion. After dicratW blitig up for halt an hodri dometimeg on their , , liari:Js mid knees, (Hey gun , betel el diem tuff of jeets of their search, sitting quite hontent:, a little hut; formed .by placing balk and branches ye it rod', befween two.le.rge roCks, that lay fiber ttweilter: They had lived m upon gum, and had laid in (pine a lit tle stock for after use. The boy was'sorne what feeble, tali. the :fill was lively and well. They knew they %vele lost;, : but thought they ikotthl Hod the it ay Horiiti by and kt. The men took them in their arias, and in a wort time placed thlitn by the side ol their moth lir. ,Nptice tnust v fltiti he / gihin of the disi eovery, nod lilt did muskerwas loaded and fired threw: liinbel, but as 010 3 1Dector in Iris joy had used lits powder rather frekly, ut the thud dischdrgh fhb olJAl t ang bun 7 t. „ '• • 'No 'one wad hurt, but the , sigtitils Were of courge,storiped, Until tile 'den tea:trued frOm the search, expbbillig to find • thorn iledd..= On, learning, the auto; it genital •,f!riag'lffek place:, I have nett; teltl.yeu,lllcr : whole foes _!y , ,, ,Tilli ettlltlrdltf,:fill,,alo44.l l Yll matle frifi'A ttliet'r 4oritt dia., tin :kilt rfee that "lifirrfiliKkfrientl that;l'alitlife4V:9 l °lle r-t h ati a brtitifoV"-.: 1 , 11 at Pnni .whOse.ii9W 3 ,9:ol' (l " , 61110 ' t e I ni c. , an anis iil 1 . 1 • ..„,...r, t-1i... . g fir n r .4 : : .•1 re .. ,- • ' . WI.. ttr y trlll,l-, / giving:ruff 'ttl enjor'd"),(itid ;lope throdgk grac,e..licktilwer , :iiistisif 'Wh ' itikfly; tupp, oebritriCY; Irma that' flay to Oils. ' rf 13tit - what; beearfAW bl the ' 1 8qUf .11 re 'ant?. •hbe r glindstbAtiV„,:': t. : : .110: ;,: . ' , ~ . 4 i t ',.,) .a,(Welli,theaohldititiii iiigi, , kl3 , . .).,,d tilpret Illcdto` ;. m st4', ; :ucti , About: itn`l.,.o4lle.of , the , , Imiet,foi,, 14 . 4 COuritry wet e i tt If titled dowp 4 ' 'ti . pyrt Ilia Jit,.4tatty art‘slw. Ni';ir.ititig W 4 Itlborikir leil'EClPefi tura tlifl ' ir ti,t4il l 9l)cti'. di r i l h'ff..otflit'l4 . oi, ( 4.iiiidd ,.. :ilithib) r bit' if. all v g enyv(offi he 'iliel ; y hisoo c ,illkia . o, h , a ii 4.00 tioth fitifois,kier #0,6, (Wily, Igaip, :6f:to,. kit,id iiiti'imit,ie AA velbtpiOrieo 4 oo 1 AT'dill'iledsWerfiattite';'''wyblthinlik -= siii r la%4K ,i,iiittliikNtit ivith)litge'eltijili:Oittoilii,sr , estte r ocif '.\ll6:;lll4,tigitigt6d, I, , ,epsl,lomitViljii_y#o w ad i iqlsto4 l o l 3 -.- . lo i ,OePi, gift 3sV.4* rhhiP-‘ ~ , didglittiebY6tl„lioi?4!)teo7oll tlttptioVO gent' is r ..: '• f!c.l.fiqt,tit .argii , "' i if,,,4:fii.c'..Y .f ." , r," = ~; '•%• `, --- '"‘,ATA;'‘,-: , - ' t t ' '', jii'A' ).? .' :t ';''' ''' ' 4 A -'` ' ' .. ' l " ' it 'l l . : SEEM .:.,•1! , ;'4', , ; . ! - ,' . - ::, , ' . i 4 ;. , i:.: , ,, i.., .c. .•:: : ;:i'p - F,' , 'l4 ' , ' 1.:‘, ; ;:.!; :.: .•,:. =I q `.u' - Nos X: ' - arry -- five. - DO ow weVery - one hia 'awn faun,' and'64, threw gills are married to good and Little Nelly lives in the white hblis'e you seii . down in the hellew. , Shit Often:biditsof her 'trip to the eiblintitin, atuF (in-view ol the, change it wrought iy Iter ( fall et T.tip nihkes.rill things Werk.teifether fok tab tit those wee lovem' , 141:1:snit utntAilebl Woman have s'neirt aay tog'et4; ei, Mid are liq'w „waiting the call that : h will brivg lis !to. ii.VelfefutuFarrtinxii ; • • • tivsmek 11. , vis BO iloiibtitsceetlirigli.dithcalt,.anii perhamoimgeseilifii; hi deffne whitielhatlabi ends - ond -thrson begin's.; lif iihilifile.: • But that shine Of them' are endoWed with, a, focal: • ty which floes hot (tine bio'clet Mb iibei.hBL ' non 61 instinct, will,l think; haidly,allow of a dispute r - Th i s, es if ettjkes nie,e,figf.,kit & it i the different degree; til intelligefiga i cyliicii we tire accustotned at ibitbgbiliblikbleviiinft one spe'cies of militia! 11b'ove aliilthhi4-ais the hull-reasoningeleptiald 'lei instanCsenil.the :dogrthe-triend-of-itilifti,, iv_ilie-in - Banat bf one ttilli„bie w ould thibik, hilinlibh as of another, must belull and petiktdiiii.l Vrabld not admit al our i•titisifferhig the degree, bi intellistence manifested' in one, species as 'higher or, lower than thit poisessed .bir. anos .. titer. -- Agicin, nivoh - tnore must we conceive .,_ that the proper instinct of . any,species will be fully, and therefore equallyipoteetated by , alkindiciduals of that species; - lititir ,then; upon the notion of mere ihstlhbt, §liall vii account for that superibrity bi inthllighlitti which in found in one individual, tb btheril tit the same species, and which is fatuiliat to those who are emploiltd about; of lb lack ~ way in the habit of.koildereink with onimal;t $ Bin that which appears to me most decidedly to carry the faculties of animals to something exceeding the measure'and chara4er of in .stinct, is the now alid ingeniblisblihtrlVanbea to which thby atilt otlbhi !faith iebourse, in situations; cud hpon bithasions, much too mei, _ , cidental ainf_ph.callat_lead.teil4slbur,imagins Mg that , thist bbblilliffkit bhhn conteniplatell, and plOOLled filth-lit .1h the teglilat Iretilhbi . of Viii ,whole species. Ibitituiti we should . naturally be disposed to conceive, must have been given - to regulate the ordinary habits of the animal, and adapted to these exigencies t - d ilida 'melte of life which are continually • (motoring, not to such as do _rarely, ,-anti ` _ might, one would be tempted to say ; never occur. A law instances will, •. perhapsitet ter 'explain - what I mean, slid • natty mints persuasion thim a mete argumetol. . . A-gnat lt,nan, e good shot,lentti.- - faitoritii. told pointer to a friend who had - riittch.morii to accuse hiniselloLlti_frigh*ing-tharrie slanglitering paiiridgen. Alter NWl6Ol4ly tiring' at seine birds wiiibli 'hie 1411: pined had found for We; the dog - Mid away 14 . . apparent disgust, welithonfeititiliteiet Could • be -persuaded to abblitriptitq , nth fialith per: son Illtntwards: Ye, - . ',.• -,„.* .._ . I haielefienb r eeh'ilkill e titibdidith*;ffehint; "z,, 41m mibtfririn 7 Whteh'ibtiffilt,filiko Allkok. 4 , iti , . ,l-13 itelifialtiiik 7 .ebiliiiii,Vii - Alt.W. - -14i','-' Ilfeil • • 1 (1 ficiivi:then - thie thdffilitibk:'lhhie;,:mkt eiti , - , ' route thtilliselithe iiir.ihelF-hifid leggifilfe.A.--" 'epti I ig,- entangle %itiell'iffitijii iii•lhtelettek •• ,branches 8t thitifitergllosltialit bah br,;iwci shalins, whlelt make stupid di thedhitles fail; and then qUibkly pick glean ,iliP 1 A fly-cittblihr tit/admit:l ,Tisola):liailloilili . its nest in a .pear treeogamet ,my fflarOti wall, and .1 -- hild once or twice istpppeil end !milted . sit - the bibd as shit eat bin het:h§st.;.— Consiag one ornoniliog, and' lititkiod for th 4 nest, I bodhl not find it roe !pi:ft - e'en*, btit at last discovered it,'cianiplifelYelteia4 ,pearance, the external naafi 0141'i - be imw -no _ -in somaegi eh assimilated to lfs siiittititin, Some of the leaved 8t hid iiitit.ireir al so seehteil to have Winn drawn Mere ii/Veilticl nest, as it for the ifuipose of cOncialTent. A. image browh slugiinider its way bile II gla;4l.litch, where . theopelfilleit'bf, - thh bees could be dislitibly seen: Hliiiiiekilled the . slog, and findiog that they 'Were unable to . get it hin 01 the hive, they covered 'lenisir with the dilek resinous substancecaffe'dtb: Polis, , and aills proventhll i Mis ...Ititily& ' a nuiitincli'tellittcnlohl.• . IniettifitiadatiMive one 'ol ilia edininoll , brown•shelleff stialiti alio genie(' ad mittlibee: ,Insteati-of.imbed: ding, it In progolie, the bi.tis haniiihted them selves ...e.liltAxing it ib tile :bottom-Of fife hire liy ptastering the nilithi Wlthillit - sub: tltaneti. , 1 Aidve now .iii: my.•Misselildit ii liguldr flidiffesitilin ,lhadei of, propohef itibil . of e of lay stock , of bheslllatthtt at fie, end _trench of their hive,-ti enable them . the bet' i tet to profs/id Metnselvee from thmattioke of .Waiiis. 'By means'ol this fortification, a - law hobs could effectually guard thei entrance; by Jesseitlr.g, the spnee et. admission, which' 1 hail neglected to do for thetn: '',--*.'..,'', ..''.-'• .fieesr.aticiw great ingenuity imithiiating.the, • . ittcwivelifoneit they expertept4Viriite•thit slippetind .4 ot, glue, tithl t.ettiteihtk‘ii . ,i,f, a:id 'What' we, csiti°,conceive lhat;. - 2metty instinct' ould!biOle them to do . ~ ,d ateinthe,habif • hi ii njii rig - sea:ill , glass .. glottes en,,,,ltlisi dog; of - My-straw. hiiiee, joi the..puipotat - itt haying them filled with 'honey ; and I.,blv.e,inveria bly fojnitlinat •liethrt3 the bend commence, the, Foostriloiyie':"of bombe, they, ; :place :11 - , gum; imit'll'her el ttpoiti,ot criut , atregulabtfiptaneee Irani etibti,Utiter, which .ei4ve -;edilyn,iyoy. 10 6 i fitalfß , ' . Oll thk, , ellititery giiif#,...fincti:beet . re!ttiti:4„ . .ite on kittrtlihiset'ytlth..iwpitliihilpaic Of legs, '''4•llll6tht . h Aaib•-cie!iii. , '*:PE,e; - fiogked wifftliiii - Ifiti.a.'iono s ll4if , :fh l 49 l ).4ll?o - ift!. l . l l 11/nViiiiii.,foi t ropm. c lautAtrf-AitlitOareil' which th'e,,,,iii3rke re..bilt . , 0 titglitti . ii,,iiiiiiitt , ilii 3. :oii 'hild befiii!'-itl tintekb,'..4hilir. combs ••. ~ , - . • tli/e0 , B T ef . e „ - . Ii a l v e iny a-! gt ee •: a ble, , W ;‘ oiii ix” -- 66 '6 86 0 1 "i Jleitottesetother:Yety etrii. ' • kiiiihlitetratian 81,,fteiihasoeinmpowenc, He - ,'PaYalitil'.' l l',ltitut4.,,iii,,itie, , tpe2lespeotittg-hid ' 6 ° 6l* " 13 7 i iii roo 4 /ikiiiirts: Fentleh'sgmbi . burdened,w a 1..,. )i gh , ei . y•h , a ', p#ced:Ara ,g its attathriii4; iiiitwee... ' linql4h prethatiei;',etilii.V.4' v14446 . m f sage erthebetl:4tlY ilChtei , 4tcelt: 4-I ,i , : alt., 'any.. -bu t 4 ;(*O i •i00 114 4 6 4. 1 " :1- ..1 1" . ° ; ' '..,'<": 44 ;44 1 * (1-- Al • theliing. :::,i. iblhe end; iioi4E-f1iki.,1641406011-. ei:bdiegsliithatillFtt4 . betltLeleiimiiikiti.7 .__ Pq it i iP.ail' 6l .i . fr4l l 4!.i!kiio'o l P:ititnAP:t'. 4 9" -- :' , qiO:iigiliil4lo - I,.4,o*,4lotiiii;> , \ ---- z9 ntatlpittahveiii , ead f l,* end Bil'itijd ••. .. •.t• t, , 4' , 4c1.. ii . ;ilcltoil 11 4 'i ( ?o, , ,r 9k•9? pwage:F i .A:.4."'' n .'c thare'Wee'e!'ulliPteirnl . iiSiOtAikyyttv'if i4iiij 7f. - A - 010A0 1 4000k 'i i k i l l : # 4 4 .I;th n f,41 1, 1 !, r toP9'.ooiiii-o :ll i•ii li' il s !i i # 4 l , fie'ttiiit i llhiViiiitt 'aohip IL: , ' 41 , iy, kagtl,o.7ir o.l:"Aait ~.. I iirth eiS ' ;!Ork: IlvIrl) . j` iiitiliftiiiiio , loranit: . e. , , - , ,i . ,-, ...: ~„ ,: , , ..., : Y,..:,,:,, , ,.;6,1, ~- .F,....,04, ,, , Y‘e: - ..,4..' , ...i . /.''..c ,, ,.:.!:.'-'. , :• , ; , :;... ~,,..i.,i.ii,z,,ALif..-,10,,,,...P..1 <~ M=MEM
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers