C TarLOR; John .,son' anti TIIE,. t .CONSTITUTION, FREE SOIL AND • ROME IMOUSTRYI =twit =ORE an.arm • Th 6 friends of lin PE.QPLE'S CAN TAiunt, • Faxiiont sortind,Momi,EBWAßl:ll, in. CUNIBER- LAND and the adjoining 'Counties, are hereby requested to assemble in generi4 MASS METING, CARLISLE on. SATURD.9I theseventh of October, ' to take niettsuies•for'promoting the elec tion of bur candidates. Friends of the brave, the heroic, the unflinching old warrior—Gen ZACHA RY TAYLOR—the youthful Hero of Fq t rt Harrison — the great Captain who covered himself,;his army and his con& try with glory, at Monterey and Buena Vieta—butwhoio the friend of PEAOE —who is as humane and magnanimous in victory, as he is ;lion-hearted in battle —whose greatness is:only equalled by the modesty and republicin simPlieify,of ,his charaoter—whose military; fame is only nurpassed by the purity and ointegrity of • his irreproachable and stain - le - as-life—we call upon you to . TURNOUT on this oc casion I 'Come in the majesty of the People's strength! Froth, the mountain, the val ley, the village and the town—from the farm; the workshop, the furnace,the forge and the factory-=-Ter the toiling sons of industry, 'of every class, and every age, and profession, come to this mighty gath ering of the true and the free friends of Gen. - ZAC ARY TA YLOR ! - • 'He has led forth your:-gallant-volun- 1 seers and met the enemies of yirur coun try in . battle—he has "never surrender .. ed" to tjie foe or been defeated—but has borne your striped flag in resistless tri umph feint field to fleld;liatlifir,g its stars in fadeless glory, every successive victo ry surpassing its precedent in splendor, and now, the War ended, he is by their spontanebus_ and grateful impulse the. candidate of his countrymen for the high est otiVe in the Republic ! Shall he not have - it? 'Hisactions have shown his 1 greatness—his unshllied fife proves his honesty—bis Patriotic career has.shown Aim faithful* to the Constitution. Come their, free hearts ; to the gathering, that you may advance the good cause of TAY , Loa and the Constitution ! "Let every friend of good government --4 very, friend of Peace, and opponent of schemes of Conquest , —every advocate .of Free Sell and American Industry--ev ery opponent - of 'the. One Man Veto pow .er—every one who desires to see t he pol icy of the earlier Presidents restored,and the government brought back to old-fash ioned republican simplicity—let ALL COIF TO THIS °warrens GATHFRING ! - Distinguished popular speakers wil be present.to address the meeting. The Hon. WM. F. JOHNSON, the Rough and Ready candidate for Governor of Pennsylvania, has promised to meet his fellow-citizens on this occasion, and give his Views of public p olicy. Other well known and eloquent speakers will also be .present. • . . Conie, then, friends of TA.:tti t pn - arid JonassoNtcome to the !Meeting. POple out "is secki, 1040 It Let g o to then, and. an equal ly; trittiapharit yistory will -crown our ef- forts a Aty , oldo of th ere city Committee. JAS. S. CPL WELL, 'Sept. 11. 1848 '-•• ',Chairman. DELkir NO-.l.oNess>--Whee disease levities thethe pystentframe, negate• should be lest IR procuring a .proper remedy to arrest the malady et once. ' , For. the cure' ot`,., petitionary Cansemption, rironehltle, itethnuyOlistlnste coeksi,soittliig Blond, rittaitkOle.nrealli. to short all.dleenses of the Throat and ,f . Thotapson7e,,Contpound,SY:rup or Tar and' %Vood -, Plaphiha" , is soperkir to all other‘tmet dles;tiptistinglitildttilinl pleasantly in Ute general spacial; etrangtheiting and healing the lungs; titiollt. lag Irsitation, - Arrestinglim.nollall.'allatin's, nervous rnniesiness„and Importing ! tone to ; the,Aabllitated Value.' Thong:elate havolulen restored to health lir the auperalletedetTleacy of this excellent Medicine, and proof abundant le °stores of Its superiority over every other remedy,., • 11116k1g04 Prepared errs ioid KNONCY & ON , N . C. corner or Mil and Spruce streete. , Phitadelphla': nI4 by .1 & B numiNa, Carlisle. Pricer& els sed 1111 per bottle . A tidy in Troy, N. Y., who had been itivenAtp,,Py, herPbgeielanai-Set:de nape following: • ~t• ,76. Troy, May 13;1845, Pfrt , fosvitir4ln,l3ctober last, I teeth ,vlolent cold, which settled eh' fetlungs end pregticed*ltichlng . 011 Plo aCtffil!triektatth bight 'sW 'W eate,hlch; *eau, • nod coat:very w44l,At•,eiV Anywittewliavnii4tiknn 1, employed oneidf,nue beet physletantl f bet itieelvied no help cl,trled - npothetalut,Wltit ao Better auccese, and finally~ a Ifitrdvstill'grotting worms Ali the . At thup stattaeof the dtseage. In I,tvas reduced so low as to • be- tinahlmtninin`mysitlf In'y'bed,nr sit np While retitled was' made; Ady:phylleleds t gave me and said teat 1 hadahe centlaumptlon, and that there :Wan no help, for .:154 - 016ndpadvined the • ittAry,W,flitteg,ituiliare of Whld.t herry.bnt'the,doe- .tg.rs ekteeted, Said lhatwoubi o nly l hurryJne out of • the monde l'finatfy . prneund home; and by nalng thrtlebottlekTivag;restored to perfect health. = , B 1118: '0491d 16:01,1101k,d ,;! 7 be erdatomki , - it,_ditklsiD: bitALAAr hit the frientip,9oPAYLO,Reed•JOHNSONyie Shep- , -,- ..-lagtAstownotet'gnunseev . LEvetitsa, - ..the.i sdrof, "• - thiteltiee;reti'lfWelti - ek - iilA'heilon: 44 Jesree7E, -8 a Apri this candidate ). for,Congrelei, . • expeetatk•to..bovreeent_and addrdee the meeting.' Rellypt friende.of Taylor t•-• •',. ....rt 11',--H---`lq-11,-I', ~_11._1,,-*.,,,cri.pe- t,, aoit*fitif, 3, ';',ltiart',lo`dlvied;;lrS4;slarliw litit4,;evor fwoll A . . qgglinftritrgrgr,,lOir ClothP;n:r7lPia'V',l"l - 'TY , ( ~ v 4 low Zg. i11e , P49.0e!i t Pt o of.. ‘ Jt it, ,,,,, 4 ,, 1,,f, •• v , , . 01 0/ 1 ';;;.,, Fit.; 6 F 'BO 0.TE:4111:nrire(1,11: ", -Wml4tuVii - of- kiln° 'l4rasiontPrtrO;;;l,l(' Pudica' ' Shoes %01,49P-"7l3Plett Tif Id W I W I ' - 1 Ant l ilper/i" 8 1 " 50 1 1 1I ..1 '..0 OILY ~ . ~.. , i -4' 4 . '', ' ` i;i ta fil l iq r f a ff' 4,'‘ . 44 0 ,_1!.,,t --' rtooliolki , ANp.:o,4o4,.9.ltt• v,„-4,,..qp,4t0, -itar 1, t, ,-"'''Oe f l if ',t';'''',. .., t.s ~.„ ~, 4,',,,,te . 4, w, , 1N,,, ,- ,. ~ g , - fi: ,t''' *f. iti4Vrti`tifirikilqr;tEßDat,lcti , — O' , I Psriltftilka, t(iiiitlelltydeileololq Ib il i wild , 'ldaptllbrellt y," '''''';c:Pl^'Tvo 400 1:14023cAP,,„ dliikplikte ~-,:'!",:q0,11r4t4444100ki11Ati0.4140 .;10,1110gliieN'ea 1 gediciaielt, wriLiteliibiF,Or:'. tatv,t, 41',44,:zt,):1,tiroltripgi'L ' - ' 4 ;:'''t - ' 1, !7 - •.* , ',,,,2 , 7";' .Nrts vi l'.' 4„etipt.A4)7 , Ti , .., . 114?i ; l 'itr , ;4 4, `;1 11 ,t 1 1' ,3, :fi• P`ttA:4,stir4?.. rf* . , t•,,,'..-, ~ ,1,- , 1,, :, ~ ~, : ;,,,,, •0 , ) , v „,y,t,..0,,,,.',2,-;...„---,,,,,-14.:,::'„,, perttoweiliqi.r-; , . IgtO,OLAMIATION•i, jrviTl*JitA's;igitiitea4thfet v nuitir';:Preaident"Jiitlge• , Of several Courtiofeenatiien,Pleits of the'COaikitief.CCM-'. berleml,.POry end.-,J.C14144;*,,rti0ne.i.ti4,1}14. jestimiZorthS seseral,cpbrti'efflyered; - Turntiiittilitid_Oeneraf-Jeil-ipeliiiiritrili: i'st. tfanties,itivd Joke Stuart tnaJunifcle...: JudgesAfithe Oyer _ avid of Oyer avid Ter, iner General of all capital and other .Offend Ors,, in ftlte cotiat'yOfCuitiberlevid==by theitl,preceptattierwi directetkiltibid• the 29th day Ailgustl.o43, hive OideridtheCiiirt' To/niftier, OM General Jill Delivdry, to be holden at Car. lisle on the. 2d Monday' Noimiliir next, being the 13th day) at , 10 o'clock in the fore. noon, to continue two week,. , NOTICE is therefore hereby given, to the, Coroner, Justices Of, the Peace and Constable, ofthe said county of Cumberland, that they are by the said Precept:commanded to be then and there in their proper persons, with their rolls, records, inquisitions, examinations, and all other remembrances, to do those things winch To "their offices appertain to be done, and all those that are bound by recognixancee, to prosecute (against the prisoners that are or then shall be in the Jail ef Bela county, are. to be there to prosecute them as shall be just. JAMES HOFFE R Slierifl's- . offree, Carlisle, _SHERIFF,. Oct, 4, 1848. . •. CHEAPER THAN-EVER! THE subscribers have lust received from the City the lb est quantity of DRY - GOODS ever brought to artiste. Their stock consieii, in part of the fo il ying: CLOTHS=BIu ', brown, blue black, ,green, from $1,50 per yar up to $4. CASSIMERES and Vestings—good, heavy and fine striped Cassimeres,7s eta 873 and $1 per yd. Some of the most h andsome Veatinga m the county. Cminetts from 25 to 873 eta. CASHMERES and Mous. de Laines, from IQ. t 062,1 cts. ''! . CALICOES--ebout - 5,000 yards, some very good at six cents per yd. Alpachna and Merl. noes, 181, 25, 371, 50, 621 cts. Splendid lustre Ginghams at 123 cis. Yard wide Muslin at 4 ere per yd. Good 'Pickings; 63, 10, 121, M. - -Sept quality domestic Ginghams, warranted fast Colors, at 121 cts. Fine Irish Linens 371,.50, .623, 75lets. Linseys, 121, 16, 25 .cts. Woolen Flannels at -123,-281, 25, 373,.50 eta: - Guth Shoes, all kinds, and. sizes. Ribbonalor bonnets at 8; 12 3, 15, 181, 25 -cis. Laces and Edgings, cheap, real - thread *lace. wide, 121 cts. Cloth, Glazed and Fur CAPS, 121 corm sl. Together with almost every erticle in our line, which. we are determined to elotte out very low. mAlso, on hand an assortment of READY' MADE C LOTHIN G. coniistingpf fine casinett Coats at $5; Pants, 1,75 to 3,50 fur.eassimere; Vests, 1,00 to 3,00 for satin. We have a large stock of Cloths, &c, font winch those can se lect and have their mensures taken who. cannot snit thomnelves in ready made. - - The Clothing Store is conducted by George Demo, who is acknowledged to be one of the beet Tailors in thik county, who will take mea sures and manufacture clothing from $1 to $ 5 on the suit cheapertitan con be haclelsewhere-- Give him a call mpg men 0014 t A & BENTZ. Saddle and, Harness Making:" riviE subscriber respectfully interims-tile pub. t• lie that he still continues to carry onzthe above _business in all, its various brandies, in S. Hanover street, nearly odposite the 'Post Office, and, near to Morret's Hotel, in the borough of Carlisle,where he will constantly keep on hand and mete to order, every thing in his line of busineas, such as SADDLES, ,BRIDLES, Martingales, HARNESS, Collrs. Whips, TRUNKS, Carpet Bags, We. He will also re pair old Harness., Wending of all kinds done at the shortest notice. He will warrant his work" to be made of good material and clone in a supt"• riot- malmer. He flatters himself that he can offer such inducements to the . public as will make. it their interest .to patronize him. By a strict attenticn to business, and a determination to sell- lower than any one else, lie hopes to re ceive a liberal snare of public pativinage. GOOD WOOD will be taken in oachange for work. oct4-3w] C. J. CARMONY. Cumber! and County Agricultural Society. FALL MEETING. WEDNESDAY, OCTO BER 25, 1848. 94HE Commit's appointed at the meetibg, of I the 28th May last to select the ground and superintend the Fall Meeting, have sClecicd.No bleu' Burn, near Carlisle, as the 'place for Ate Exhibition and a lot close by for the Ploughing Match. • The following are the Committees fur this year,. liz : ~ Commutes on Agricultural !Mt:temente—Rob ert Bryson, Ch'n. Staymnn, Skiles Woodburn, 1.1 C Sit rrett. Committee on Sheep and Bogs—Christian nivel, John Stlart. Committee on Horses and Cottle—Melchoir Breneman, M C Davis; Thomas Lao. •• Committee on Plounhing7Thentaa ,Bratlley; David Sterrett, John Hems' , Tiger, Venial Coble,' Abraham Lainherkin. ' ;Committee on flo rsear4brahatri Myers, John Zug, John Noble. •••• • ' Committee on Seeds—Fred'k Wins, George Brindle, Richard Parker. l Conintitiee on Butter. Cheese, Vegmables— George W' Sheafrer, Wm. Kincade, John' II AVeaver. The several members of the Cominittees are earnestly requested to be on the ground early, and to mako their own arrangements for the examination of such'artieles as shall be present ed: Provision Will .be•made for taking care of - till'animals — or - attielea-Which—may-be—bivught : there: SAMUEL MYERS: ARMSVG NOBLE, W M HENDERSON, ocit4o-4ml • CoMmittee •• ' , -Leaf Tobacco. • 3 thins. • KENTHCEY • and OHIO U Loa! Tobacco, for sole by • " • '• • PUNIC & MILLER. Harrisburg, oct4-4m Naika t` ails Gi c S e ;D s ip ti c i a r n v 7 a o l t? :, N .. c d ti o ls a n S d pj k es ; 200 for ante by . FUNK; tz MILLER. ' iinrriabtiTr flout . , LETTERS "I'eststnentarj; on the 'ciente 'of .ELIZABETIVWOOrt WA Ra'lnte'bt Von I.p•;ded:d; have been grinned •,tolhe eubidtiber, reeidirie: thylhe ••enme • to,Nneldp.'"' 1 having eiairine egntnet the ideate of Snitt,decedeet; ere'requeSted to preeebtt bra those t hetneelves 'lndebted ' 'to • make ;nitriedittietniytn'ent;• , •••'•1•••• •••-•, diet4 , i-6tpd •JOlibl 11. , CO OVOi, l Adisis•.• 1 • . Adtrtiniitratton'on'l lt e estate e 0 HANNAH deed; litte Lonito eoutttiyPhio; have beeo gritmed . ru ibb..tiubsert: 'tier, residing 'ire.putilborlapd Pa. . All 'ruir . otirelirki!ing eltinte'rignlnetlhe estate of sidd . da" "cadent ere , requested to ' present th'oriO ' for se tile inenti land ;khosit knowloO'ib'eniatdvea;indebted to:runke itrirodiated os.vrneot , tr.lort4,6tptlj!-1, [Vali:table Town - Property " HA tkrideraddited wil -4,fer tat --1 .;411e.. 13th day of NoVember. next;-at 101 II o'clock; A t m; Jtv'the , Cobit M 164 1 - - ' the .<.oorOugh of Carlible, , ,"1 1 41 . , RD; with all neeeeenry,Toofe ind p. perapie; - : - . This ie-,one-obitke;largcev-addmoal:l dehitablo.'renhrikte Comberland'countOfllie. Ipe l gthin ln. good; eonvenlent,tpitd 4 'healthit„ odd , cooldir wanted:be enlnt l ged:to , eprettliinfa , - , :"'.: , , will ;abed ofrir..lot dia.:Remo time ,that.lhyge.STONg 11,y 30' fifel;', dit. .vueted-ky=EneCtittatfrbildfilivithinafeyvl l 4, tif;the!pkblie.drylibie. ?. 1.2 k 4: Terms' medit.,knowtt dayiryf *ale\ ft:4ol3'l' SN ODg ASS.. ;' I.': .1 o T„ .0,1; affoswvii .ct—Mbo isgbacribat hapttg .ir i iiWl WI 11 1 ,p /4 1 1 a G T /l itei) 71 , ...... , ,-- - - liiiT.:if.g(l-97 FRINGES 'g r , " - 'il l : t 517 Vif itels #4 IMP. TriN--t brOillP a : di, ,qutititles ri ll he ror(inen ' , it,. 0 tvikri° 4 t I.`{k,i: 't IV ', ti— • NI 'jib:Pl:4..4ll' -1 0 1 qrh L'. 4 /II ~, - kr, an , o'' ' inTlfEß,,,i , 4 t 00r 9.14°.-1;4, ~I.l',fi ``' 1 '44llAr' ' .4 iand;Pticulli'; 71'.'f,, ~,•t r, - J r ''''''r , .7doiik;ii'Vtfifr.!? figP27l" ''uvii,l477ifOrlifikirt ii byl'A!'.. i 'l' allTr4Pik"—Hirlo?'ll96;,On,c",W,lll7'l4Elt*, '` 01`11°',,l''';' .'i';r(l';l.l7.i:i,' 1:4;43:;',9h=e1-'="'..''c.!3)4l :,fiiillti=.4i',i,i,•4',',o,l4,',e', 1. 44 7 1,11; 3 1.0.;.,.rj. ,,, 4, ; • ::, ~,,,.. - ~ ~..;.,: j r . 5 ,, r,,, , , ii- .7 x - ,V - i.., ' , • Aglß,.AOAqtY;tl#lt:tjPi:.d•kji --- - "4 ' - ..", -. ' ,;. ~ ':'-‘,..... ,, ,..-:::-:•.. r-,', - -,,, ,t9rithal*-00, 1 #104,0; .;_ .zi. , -'4':54144 - o ! ie;iini4liair;:aiti6.,: ..,,.- :14) fe hans',!•Court, if f ti e n nib ttr lan4i 1 l ', ~ ;;q : M 1 . Co, ,ilfe:lollaWing ,Real ; &num°, ~, I1 11. latt“the , ProPerty'• - ofArtrstinifig. 1 1 222' . ' .. '....:',.-I,rviine; dee',d, ,will i be , sold on-shet premines - OMTSATURDAY:the 2ili'day ok(Ic-; tuber next, at 12.'o'olcicki:norrh;of thif..caY,,iliist.l "'".Altrhat,aertain. - ,Planitition oi:Tiont of ; Land; .altutite in:Pilvei Sitting tr6;iit said county,,,bo n u n n d --- A3d by lanai; Of .Geti. Belishonvor ! .licob - ,flar,.; 'man,"Andrenirlriina and . O - theiikeitinainingaboat' I . 2llMee..aboin 85 . a0Fes of which is Limosteril: and-the iiiidife:Slitte Land of good palitY.--- BetWeeti ga and 30 acres arc in thriving Timber. and the residue in cultivation. The land is wolf fenced, a large portion of it !Ming Test. end rail: The imnrovemerfts area large STONE DWEI.,.:, •. , LING HOUSE, Kitchen, and Jorge Stone Rank: , Sarn, with..a, Trealiffiritrachl le atiachad, ' other out-bnlldiags. There ie a good Well at the door,-and a very superior Limestone Spring' near the house. A young Apple Orchard of grafted fruit and oilier kinds of knit trees'on the premises. There are two Mille within a mile of this Farm. There are a great quantity of Lo cust "grecs on said Farm. . Terms made known on the day of sale by • HENRY W. IRVINE, Adm'r of Armst'g Irvine, dec'd ______ oct4-tel • . Real..Eitate - at Public Sale. • • • _ 'WILL be'sold It Public Sale, on 'the premises, on SATURDAY, the _ si; glst, day, of•Cletober, at 10 o'clock, air; - - uate in Silver Springy, Cumberland, near:the , _linc,Of - the .borough•of Machtinlcs- . burg,' bounded, _lty.dands :the" Hogeittiwn iciad, , Cronflich's heirs; . !Adatri- Wea , • yer and others, containing,•so Acrea,- - n tr Mea sure. About 5 acres of this Tract are-well tim• bered Woodland. the' residue fir r quality Lime dtoneLand, in good cultivation and•well fenced/ There are no •buildings - on 'this property, but from its vicinity to Mechanicsburg is. welt suited for town lOts and for building purposes. The property will be sold altogether or in lots to sun purchasers. Persons wishing to purchase can view the premises' at any time before the sale, by calling on either of the subscribers, who re side'about a mile and a half from Mechanisburg. Terms made known on day of sale by RICHARD MEfLY, OCti-tsl JACOB . Adjourns Orphans' Court Sale BY virtue.of an order,dl the Orphans' Court Cumberland.county, I will-expose to pubfie sale on the premises, on FRIDAY, the 20th day of Oct., 1848. it 12 o'clock ar:; a firstrate Lime stone FARM iri Dickinson township, lately the mansion ftirm of Wm. Wenfiley,.decd, situate immediately south of the Walnut Bottom - Road, about half way between Carlisle and Shippens burg. It contains about 140 acres of prime land, 120 of which is cleared and well .fenced, and the residue in fine timber. wThe improve ments are a two story BRICK DWELLING, with a Frame House attached, a good Frame Barn, a good apple orchard, with other choice fruit. The land is all unbroken, and of &strata quality, with running, water in nearly all the fields. Altogether it is among the finest farms in the county. " The terms will be mode known on the day of sale by JAMES WF,AKLEY,'Adm'r. of Wm. L. Weakley,.dee'd. „ • oet4- ts Adjourned Orphans' Court Sale. 13Y'virtue of nn order of the Or t, rims' Court-of Cumberland co., I •••• Mt will expose to üblic fale, - on the pre kb g. raises, on sAT wom the'2Bth of _ October, 1848, at 11 o'clock; A. M., all that Plantatioh or Tract. of Land situata.and being in the township of S. Middleton, ..and county of Cumberland, about one mile east of Papertown, on which lie - OryllartzeViliieV., lately lived, containing 92 Acres more or leas, about ten acres of which is in timber, and the residue cleared and under good fence. The itn• Proitenients area two-story_Ernme boarded 11011 SE-a pretty.good BARN, Corn crib, an excellent young Orchard and a Well of water at the door. Also, at the same time and place, will he 'sold a Tract of Mountain Land, which lies about, half a mile from the Farm; and contains 1131. acres,. merit or less, and is well anted for timber land. no attached to the Farm. The tome will be made known on the day of sale be JOHN AVERT, Adm'r nct4—tai of Henry Hamel, deed. PUBLIO SALE. BY virtue of en order of the ..,,,;c44- Court of Common Pleas of Cum berland co, in a proceeding in par tition between Adam Crouse and H. , the heirs and representatives of 'eorge W. Carr, dee'd, I will expose to Public Sale on the premises, on SATURDAY, the 21st of October next, at 10 o'clock, 01. a Lot of Ground situate in the borough of Carlisle, con taining 60 feet in front and 240 feet in depth, bounded on the north by a lot of the hatrs'of Martin Zeigler, east by Hanover street p south'lfy a lot of Susan Spottswotid;and %Yost by,ii*loi of Melchor Hoffer, and having' thereon - 0640:o ; one and ti half. story Frame lionso,'Stsblik At.e. Theterms of 'theaplci'Vtiilfbefiye pe rcent, of the purchase nione'r to be Paid-On the proPertY. being itreck Amen; and the balance on•.tlitilirlat day of April next, when.pessession will be given sep2i) JAMES fIOFFER, Sherif FUBLIC SALE. . • , THE. subscribers. in pursuance of an order of the Orphatite:Court of Cumberland county. will expose IJ to Public 'Sale, on TUESDA Y; the Nth day of October next, at 10 o'c at., A. X ' on the Prommds; the following de scribed Real Estate to wit— A Tract of Slate and Bottom Land, situate in - 6 - r - 73 - tp, containihr6,6 - A - eres - and - 140 Perches, in, a state of high cultivation, having thereon ereeted two-story Log House, a, new Brick Barn and other out-buildings arul improve. ments, a fine Orchard and a neverrfellitla well of water at the door; "The . land bounds on the Susquehanna river . andis•elniet.3i miles - north of the Harrisburg Bridge. - All the land iti'tilear ed bqt about Tor 4 acres, and t . liere an abun dance of Locust Timber on' thb whole tract, , The 'terms of sale will beOno-third ;Of . , the purchase- money to remain in the' land as the widow's dower, one-third to be paid on the Ist of April next, and' the Valance in two equal ta nned paymente without interest. The purclinee' Money . to be'seeured'by recogniznaces. "PlSsee= sion qtvon; on the Ist of Ann!, 1899, • • ' • •J'olllsl . BHßE'iS", JACOB SHEET& Sep27-tti Sheet's" 'deed • ...„ -t GALE; ; " t , i o. • • THE EiubScrihet?Offejiiill l, iftVe, t ,, Satelhe 'Faun Whietildr,'Wciit' In] liv'os;!ltitutite DrOini,cM, ;toWn , , 11.1 t' ship,' Cmoherliiiid eb, :op the Witl l , • riul Bottom fotti",:titiettf,fiihr mi ea, froth.'Colisle,'cnittiditing: 109 'Norse, 'inore"ot., less, of first rats ' l imestone, Land, shout ,96 itettes Of which hr , elesited; snits oftultiva. „The improvem ems are , slar4e' From otinid PlestereiLHyv_elllng•Hommi,Lorßarn, 2 Tetient Hol l l@ ll , Corn.Crib,f,Wegon kilted,and sltother , nec'essitry oufrbitildings. t Also, two yountOrch,,,, erds,of,,verrfino , fruit. One ;OriWhich , fe.,now . o.lll , l,bearing; order,: - ;Facrn is t admfittbly. ititl46Bo,tiend , presents atro n iAn ci oq ments , , ttp' Orchitsero. , tP'Ol - ,:tfurtherhinforntationinitidy,;lo-. , the subscrittor, residing on'thO, farrnitt , ,N;:c , ',•eci127:701, frrtlitutbtstert,,Esnminer-tpitblitth`lintivolmithi', "" 1 0 1 OVE. t ;.0:4 f • sAt;E.,, v; t" ilkirotAftwitti , Vrftteitti , , S le's Farai'!itatifate invisTowtom t_p, 9utab4riontico,;abodt , ti quarter of a 4trrapik'Ooltiiding. I:, " ' f roth ' • Carlisle,lce ShioPenl4b4rdt,onal. e leading from Stotigliatown 1 ir .;olf ec y t l l e Y :e g ti n ; burnt ands :cith?rei.-J4tl t a l l ' id ‘', eintt !the tore, adjoining ands of Skiles . Woocj=. v'filicil:lBlel4°,l.r9o..„LtigneT.ll4llde'''lltittiLld eel! iv re,mainOer excellent ! '-,tne: —OP . d • d A , I ,kaaparatint'ortogatoor, as .11M A . ft.rs, ,oatre . laireamonmater fltiwaxhrough the Pinwland . An , IThe til?Prpyrithenicti_ailtt , rg, si,tp•otory D :IdOuse;' xtordiir„ghwarroll.:Sheci.; Ifoupe idad , btheir odetmarf kiiit4Mildingao - Map a lof!kotid* ter arid ':"POtsortt,Whibing lo. purehasel a Irwin Itt , tlrgiV girea.= to r!°,1r)511!!!!.; . SAMX.J.NL. plra_ip:: •: , :,it:r'tlfr.,l;4t , f•f*'Zll' rot :.13a /Pllf i ii;' , lo'l:*l; Odd O tr e t a qm, k , 'mi- op d4ii ` , C o l d , o o l VV;k l l ll 9, l , l ktltt9,)","'„Yig ra ; Office:3 - ' , ftliCtit n !Roan thoi4iom*iiiti44wlhipiitit their Cash to"_ title ve,,i1:0ea1.:1441, `•eriallatagelf • b iletlt .imnietiso aplentlid!stoakePlAtettnth 3WINTEIt-DRVI ODS,nand inspactfalltri: • sites ono, and all: to:cull and:look befeth4lif 'aft, ha.' is. deternilaed to? nive' , ,trankr zpbtir smote, fn theCway'of prieetrand beautlfargboi4. l - eintsims of all -Itindimidjnalitieti Cloths; Oiresimeres, Cusinatts'; Realm:A*l6olC' . .Lins,3y a ,m)Flattitols; 'Blank:its , Mtd . :it , tlietitallid other"artieleslitr-the-'Weollen•line;:•4l,`,o4ooh.i.. Manse, ADelaneriCitltmeas,f`Latna' Plaids, 'rid!' stile Winter- Gingliams; 'beautiful t'and , clioa Calipoes;*Uslintirof every kind'aden - unlity, e. trenielx.eheap' , the - biist - and. , largest stook': , CARPETS th at he, hue had for ten years; th are eainiTill paitinnark geldlirierv'end vc ilargera Bsortmon t , of jc: lo .§. l full and abinplelir adsortindiit' Lttdi 'fine: PRESS GOODS: a Inviii:Sidek of . BOOTS. SHOES and GROCERUS, allot witich will. be sold at the smallest profits. Be sure to call end see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. Remember. the old, and well established Stand, East Main' Street, Car. lisle. , . . Out 'fdr the Lirne 'Sign, Large Win dews and Large Stock of GOOD Cipdtist. . . NEW GOODS,I: NEW Op:IDS a** ' 41 ' eerier ttnent ;IVA • WINTER . - GOODS; con'intiing Irt - pert of the • _ ' following arti l os, , `"Izr4n1111-6. • • •"" 11==1 Rich satin striped Cachmeries, Alpacas, Moue. 'deiliain,'ner style Alliions, figural 'dices Silks, plain Silks, Paramettas, hlerinoes.,•Fronchwi..r. iced Collars, Kid .Gloves, Shawls, .Ribbons, assorted Silk Fringes, black' do.,Silk Gimps, Bonnet Silks, Flowers, Thread I.ises i &o? Jett GE3ITLEMEN. Black French Cloths, blaek•Cassimeres, randy ( :Cassimeres, C ravats,'Sat in; Meritto and Valentin ';Vestings, Cloth Caps, &c. Also Muslin, Gloves, Hosiery!, Ifiq,Sheeting f bleadted 'and unbleached Shirting, , Jaconet, Swiss MUll and Bishop Lawns, Ityl . k and col'd Kid Gloves, Silk, Cotton, Lisle Thread, Merino Gloves for ladies;gentlemen and misses; cotton, merino, cashmere, alpaca and woolen 'll.ose r for Indies and gentlemen. ..• 1 would inform ..the citizens of '.Carlisle and vicinity, that the above goods, suitable for the FalFtrade, are mimed and ready for inspection, and-I- am confident that persons examining my stock, from the greatly rcdated prices would .be induced to make their purchases therefrom: sop 27 S. A. COYLE. NEW AND CHEAP STORE Great Bargains I'VE subscribers, recently From Philadelphia, 1 resiieetfully inform the eitiptis of Carlisle and surrounding country, that they !lave just opened nt the corner of N. Hanover and Lou t her strgets, nn entire new stock of DRY GOODS, C OCE RI ES and QUEENS WA It S. together with "a general assortment of IrOOTS and SHOES, 'ell of IC It (Pave' ' b MM. -rho present low prices, and ••will lirrsold very cheap for cash. Please call and examine the stook, as we arc determined to sell at very sulfa pinfits. They-have- also been appointed agents, far the sale of the Pekin tea Company's 'rA S. of which they keep a general assortment "at delphia retail prices. • sep27. S. D. powsw„g",, co. 31r.T4'..Cf° 43 " THE subseriter - hes just returned from the city with a vnriely of Fancy and Staple DRY . GOODS, to which - the:intention of the public generally is W MTN ETL. sep27l TEE L 0 1:A, &c4—An 'assort tnentof Bag and Purse Clasps, SMati and dings: "'MAO oiika,Stebt Banda, Crochet Patterns, Needles, &c, just received by sep27) n the Court of eorderion Pleas of Cumberland County. JOHN ICEISER vs. Elizabeth Keiser, Jacob Keiser, Wm. Keiser, Catharine Albert, Rosan na Albert, Peter Albert, Barbara Roddiek, Sam uel Fondersmith and Catharine, his wife, Saint Dunlap and Mary, his wile, Catharine Early, Sarah Early, Elizabeth Early, John Early, Hen dricks Early, Barbara Early and Sarah NI nick, Take notice" ' that by virtue of a Writ de Par anima Facienda, issued out of the Court of Com mon Pleas of Cumberland county, end to Mg directed, an Inquisition will be held on the Real 'Estate of the above named- parties c -to wit : A Lot of Ground in the borough of Shipperisbarg. on THURSDAY, October 12,1845, at g o'clo k r. .un.the premises, for the purpose of making partition and valuation of said estate. aep27-3t) - JAMES 'HOFFER, Sheriff. Auditor's Notice. THE creditors tif JOHN R. GOSIVILEE, of Cumberland .- ipunty, Pt:; - are hereby notified that the silbscribor has been appointed by the Court of Comthon Pleas of said county, an Au ditor to marshal the assets in the hands of Chris- tian'Pitxel, the • assignee of tho snid John G. Ooswiler, to and nutting the creditors, end that Itmwill meet 1b dint purpose with the said cre ditors, at his office in Carlisle, o n , :SA.I.II;mA voile' I•ltii4ritty of octotier; at, of said day. sep27—tm • W. M. DIDDLE, Auditor. Pocket Book Lost. LOST by the sttbseriber t .on Satur.ay t to 23d- inst, supposed' to liaVit.fieSti dropped front his p igket between Stambiiyglis Tavern and Boo ver's'Lttiber Yard, a fair leather.Peeket Book, containing Ton Dollars, in one note of the Get tysburg Bank; and a mimber oC Mte-bills and. promissory notesi'amounting to'about sixtyulcil; lams, The lindiir will be liberally' rewarded on leaving.it with the editor of the Herald; or' with lite Subscriber, living in West. Pennsbnro tp. •861127 „ DAVIT) GREEN: Wanted., A' 'IitOUNGAVIAN tointtend . in' n STORE Otto front thp.Oonntryi, find' who ie ucgtinin ted with the Gorman' 'ltitignigeOlkiniti:.l.or;hin fdtred:th' , ... - Intip'27] ; kmoi)rcs. h DIAS° 11 tioiu ,1•• • ,TTlP;partnol:B4lll •Itorotolbro,..oxisting , .undef the firm ollicob_Fector k.Sons,iwiis dissolved mmualliossent on,thiidst of September inst. The: books the firm will4i3.settlediiby Jacob Fetter. . ; JA:a 0,i3 = llt F.:&itA.;iCAPETTEIkii IkelPt7] • • .4t.t94.1.49,4 ••• • • " rfild4;r: Citilll3. rotuNtr,f.lrs •PAILADI3- in Pt onithstowir onyr ntsn.fr 'the 17th da)t r ,nr,liotki*.k h' clock, A. in Stnnrn9a9 . ll . 9rini:prbpnrly enitipt for CPlPLl°r:comPondin fa.npy;t Aulpfant.,r, Itir.IitittOES;•CACHNIERES',BI.4"A: e r o - nesortmeity;'of ‘3Fretidie. IVl4inoos; 'Oldhrtioieoi;VdtiEo Ltiiiiits'ke,ijuoroOO'rifillty NV ' .t , ; - , -- , -- : - .. •,--flito-cßlZl4t'lediaN;i:' 7 ii ' 1 - ;- I .!' '.!,,__ . .- : ' l l ' ' ' piore.ot' ilia se h. ~mit'.,ty'i:13.00,4ri.,;?,.,:,,,cra.t,,,,,,0r,e.1_1:1:trazve.,,,A6,,ti''17:4it vi5,it1:0tie.0'ap;m4':p11_0;P0i1iwara.,,nra.t,5,.,8:it..:.:77.,.::,.,..u.„1.,.,,itct..::,1,1„74.1,1 I ,-0, nnd6tB,vzii . likr — , ~. Plk. -r .',,,, ~;•,,,,,..,.; i,r -. 76,7p,if, :11419..W, bite f 5 .i4 ( 1 1 t,'", ' 1 '....;, - i' ", i • .., , T 7:, ;4,400 „,..-!1 .- ilarAiifk*i',l4'-:',:.:jl`l"';'ic ; ii': ' 4 :4';'. ::.Y!.:'106.1:1-',/MPfl , r' l liligi4....---J!.,'Yl*W.,"k, ..''l99, .IT-4111F.!.;R• !!ini- viu,i.iiirer , ::fOuttdc i,ty. 4 , 3 ,4 4 : 1 _ , . stAiiiv,l4.l'..6,o9,itattilljaiilgiPeiitli*Pkr clit*l',i;!•;',l tore in.40 181 4... , , , i - A,A. 0N.4-.04•01-0.4%• ME .401t1601' ;* • • rFtlV't;i:eq'Aji .TRO 'extnbliriand golnlty A o artitioporto r inform the publip. tdpatyag th .r O S p Board of,combl iogiritrA "• ll rbo•Jo3logreo.,Flrpnd Avd,roiri) l 444o4oytio ; 004 4 inSii 3 O I 0higl , 1 00ITY40**Atiltig• butiP s s*t4stilltOreet'? l4o :dt , . ; ' • 4 1.PlIttH' 'NY Di V- - it•Lrt; Y'l,ol.llWi 4, .„.4.;,,, ..oflfi,k, ti(4 -7 `eLtair I ---,LETTIORSt.. ti ~., Ift ~, - 0 ,,,,t., il itin p,r, ;;ANT,r,-;croaro Its o 14,1 , 11 , 5 , w h : ,;„, tit. ; cnthoomvo ' , irat 3 'ti e 0. 3 119, 11 l Ait , 0 9 et . 1 ilhel goiglitt4)%o4/4 Aiti t ,i o -1° 1 f,' .° ' roaidgliln'POfiefaVipl4l7"qj, AlPpßrpotte I y ‘ ing, i , iittirtiCl4o l loot , atibilp l i t P-reol l ,f, or l ic , ixatlifinfinktomohth 4. , ;13 jniike_pny en ~., , ,#,,v i rt,, , Miqi;.+4l.:crtt:rll"o, 4 fl, ~.p.r 9 7l,TEßti'd itp10b0 , 741111114, +fi xst 1 . 4 '' 7 I'''''' , ~, , 11c11:1Rocu(s :, T - s,t r -,,,,;1-,z.4 • - ''' l‘-qt.tv) , PYY , t f't rifly , ' lo '''''-'• ; :r. ,* .C,ItYK4',XE/4 ~,' ' ; ,‘ y.''''''"';. 7 1N- - ,ltki'.4 fi-. - ;;;:,`"- - .;- ,', ~)' ',.-',,, tf,:'::, ..:,.., , r-',',t. ;.•'..,,;, ',4,,,, ,- ,N' _,L„,,r4.,„ IZEINIE3 G W lIITN ER NOTICE. Valuable S 1 e ..,. P'armf AT is ustlocsAttA4 be,gehlc • -.my $4T.L1AP,:? , Y . ,: 0...,0§ft 6 f :0 6 ' 117, toli-er,i)eF,ti.iin,tlio,Erp.mises:fif.flio: • seh,Seribei c iillldtiehreif '; - b`prlatidfee,''thh ' v 61611610 ' • .Pttt tti. 'on; Aiihichhe 'Nestrburgi-tider'QUitaiy!ts and cittett4riileslidrthi-cast of Shippene. , -I.)ogpeentaililtigi.96 , Aoreit, , mere or. less;of first rate - . Slate 4andi'abOut , ll-4.-acrerti.of: - ...whieli., is. W.eoditind,-.atid,the.•rontsitider. in a go g dstatwof Ottbivation, ..There ritp ;ng sides Ofdtliti,l'artu,und lire .Portion of it is t rate Meadow Itutd..The iniproVententS tire Friune rheStefed DWellittg. frottie;'witliKKCllV on, 'Beni and,' other.neceSs'aWkiut-buildingS, all WhiehltrelTO geed ordtir - ,•to . g,uther with a good Orchard Of • Arrafted fruit. The 'Farm' lies - about litre° miles from the limestone section, and is considet'ed, : one..of the best slated - arms in the neighborhood. - to.commeneo at--10 o'clooky s.-ts..tvhen. terms will he made known, and an indisputable title given by . 5ep.2.7-ts .• ‘. • M. F. SNAVELY. REAL ESTATE AT PUBLIC SALE. • • - ' " IN pohniance of an order of the / OrphattaWourVorCemberland co, 1111 - will be sold at Public Sale, oh the premises, on :SATURDAY; the 1. 7 1 -•- : '2lst day of October hext,"at 12 o'. •elocli, al„the following' described_Real 'Estate, Ewell . Woodrow; de , d- 7 A' Lot of Ground, situ* in• t h e town of Springfield, Cumberland pi): on tha south side of Main street, bounded un iho enalAtinl aimth - hi' an•tillny; and-en - the wait by-a lot of Ina. Smith,, containing fin feet in front & 180 in depth,haying thereon erected a large two"story'weatherbbard ed HOUSE and FRAME STABLE, andpt her out-buildings. This property has been occu- Pied for u number of years and-is still occupied asa Tavern, and the only public Wiese in that . town. Also, at the same time and place, will bo sold n Lot or Ground in the same town, boUnded on the iionit by-nn alloy, oti .the I:kk letn:et Grate; Margaret and l'eier Palm, on the south by a Jot'of John 'Palm, and on the west •by an alley; omit - Wiping about one.lbitrth of, nn acre, more or • The Tavern propeity will be sold on the fol• lowing terms—Fifty dollars to be paid on the confirms:Min of the sole by the court, ono-huff the balance on the Ist of April next, when pos session will be given' and u deed made to the ;purchaser, nod the residue in two equal annual payments thereafter withoitt interest. The ether Lot will be sold on the following terins—Ten'tiollnrs to be paid on 'the eettilirmn lion or the sale, by the court, and the balance on or before AU Cst of April next, when possession. will be given and a deed executed to the,pur chaser. The payment to be secured by judg ntenti, and the properties will he sold subject to any quit rents in arrear or that maybe payable howitter. and the purchasers- tollay the taxes fur the year 1849. - O. 11. V AND B sep2o- , s) Adm'r. of E. Woodrow, doe'd .1"11.01MIRTIr. • A 'l' PUBLIC SALE. WILL be sold, at Public Sale, • on SATURDAY the 7th day of /f.. October next,.at .10_o7elock", A. af, i+,:onAlm_prentises, scribed Real Estate, situate in Sil ver-spring to4mship, Cutnborland county, viz: A Plantation or `Tract of Land, bohnded by lands of John Gatshall, Henry Grissingor, Abut. limn Kunkle, Jacob' Hemp, and the, North Mou - n t um, containing ti39.Acres PorcheO, more or Ices, having_ibercon erected a large i story LOG HOUSE nimble LOG BARN* and Corn-crib. Also, - tt small Tenant House and Stuble.• There a well of water near the door, an Apple Drchard and a number. of Peach and other fruit trees. About - 200-neres of the above described land is cleared and inn good state of cultivation..about one-half of which line Meoraly been liincd front 'Limestone quarries on the pm irises, from Which any quiimity of limestone can easily he numbed ; the - residue is Tintbsr Land of_ on exrelle - r - te - quality. There are shoot IC 'acres of MeadoW. and a stream of ne•Ver-failing matting water, which passes throug h the above , described Farm. The above land is about four I Miles north of Ilogest own, and • tear the.public road from that town to ..` 4 terretets,Cap. The terms of sale will be:—stoo to he paid MI the confirmation of the sale by the Court in December next, one-third the balance on the let et April itext, when possessio will be given and a deed muds to the purchaser, and the residue in two equal mutual payments thereafter without interest, to be secured by judgment or mortgage. ' The grain growing is reserved, and 'Ate purchas er ht nay the i/1X1, 4 it'!" the year 1819. 'rite above land will be soldAti oileoraet or in separate pieces, to t:uitt be wishes of .1131.EMIA 'LEVER, JOHN 11. SMIT/I. Guardians- of "the minor ebildron of Firp2o-tsl Henri, Fel,enberzer. REAL ESTATE • • AT. PUBLIC SALE. . IN pursuance of an 'order of. lie Orphans' Court of Cumberland co, ff • •• • will be sold at public sale on THURS. ftt I • O • - DAV, the sth of October, 1848, nt 10 • o'clock, 'A. M. the following descri bed Real Estate, late the property of JACOB HIGIL-dee'd, viz : No, I—A Tract of Land, situate in Mifflin tp, in said county, bounded by lands of Isaac Christleili, George North's -heirs John Digit and lands of the heirs of said decedent hereinaf ter described as No. 8, and containing 2u7 4cres, 81 perches, neat pleasure, haviini thereon erect ed., a two..story Log Dwelling llous.e, Kitchen. &iv, &Able Log Barn, Wagen:slicd, Corn•erib and Cider-press, a,well of :nover-failing water, convenient to the and 'it good Apple Or chard. About 70 Beres of :the Farm are first-' rate Timber land: and the residue in a , uood if t.oli i,iiirmrof-whielt-ohour•-80-ac.res-art, 'good meadow ? the greater part of rwhieli is , suit able for No. 2—A Traci of ntljoining the` aboVe described'Enrni and land of Illennt Abut. \V Wider, Moses‘ ,- Whisler? Daniel •M' Laughlin, Jacob Ifitnuf Geo.-Boon and.othors;, containing 181 Aeres,,4o Porches, neat measure, having thereon °whist] a - two-story_Leg, house. and Fitchen, douhlo ,-Isig Barn, Wagemslied,and Corn-erth,,an' Apple Orchard and a ngrpr•fitilin g well of 'water near the doer, About it acres M Alie above Farm are hrst-tate Timber Land, and ilic residua in n good, Stiini of rultivatioii,:of whien talent tli acres are good meadow. iThe.tibovp , tritsta will 'he sold separately br togOther,..tolsuit purchasers, on : the following terms : The costs of stile tolie paid by the purchaser.or, purehaserition the. confirmation of tint sale by the Court, nt which, time Its.or. tiny will hoirs nired to cm er..intq recogoizanee,in the yltfitps' ' I , ed.,security,..to te7 ctire the rCsidite' of- pure lase mons ~, paid as' follOweene.tlite4 Ale haraler'.of •the' pitrehaser Ilfd Of the' widow:el oulitdeeptient, ilitNiiterbieterhe her. , annuntly,. coninioneing,oti,lthe ISt' ceApril next; during her lifeitind.inf heildenthAlie . iPriWz; cleat thadieire Oftsnid,decedent.;— , one ether; third.lo,llo,,ipaid.-eli'tho:,lBl.iefj,Aeril next.,,wheO poseessiou mede.td,t,lie ptirelt . assiv:7;the,irentiutning , third ht4.pairFin iivo,eguerrtiptird poy m eros theY . onfter withdut. interest, , No, ereinisrjenCiyitl miss; l e i th . e : purelinserrati and 'the grniq.Tmssettto theAunter,<P:Tli r e'tnlthii 61 , 1849 to he pnid Aity person Wish ing, to•vieWsaid7Farrn , ritity; enlltori ,theatibtteri• heryesiding °Obit ; 7,!Or7qcollf igh v.VILVITAISZEIZof ),' ,. .,i'r, , .4-- , ,Vt.q.uPR1VATE.15ALb.101344..:24 , ,,,t , ;.4. 'l ll E 2 itthithilboriolrarloll l. ll, - Salo iholelloiehtg . doectittect" toigfq.olll Akaidlotoo townehlp„Citinhorjetyl, couof3, o ;, ceittittniegs,l:lo Aot . 9tl; inotcr..ou .pateateitlaild,.abOttt }'..) . 5 of: tiluch Ore olporcuilaritl4il444igkaieleoultwation, and i he, reeidtio covereA tyltlf thtl i voik yititok Tlmitpr n irnlyTttnpriivotri'crit.4.,:kriv A' t V_VO/PlOr i ,ll4Alt gthite tfh Potn-orib,lotftra Rne".septioethrivind Orchard whet.: oholke',fruif.'"l'lio For in iewo,l ere& or:of never faullh runnipg?iiprifte of ',wtottr tfenr the ' The' above` Mentioned tr ek, n)f, , rime. otonel.44, , lttid" heahWneightlehood ; ,within I WA'AI apdlino unlit from the :Ctimberidna, vpiley:ltailiQiq „ /tin g the Conotloquitiet oihokiVl'hoTiattp.::,se eon.; 11,1'1160t-to tho,Geflielo oak heve. - :tlici.,tylitile _Fiittt i .pr,Aolf':Eteree*l4;xha Ikkriplotteroe,nte. o r. Orettiet 11fo l 50';,noroo'.4);: 'N'idiMilitfte.fti , q,t toil lot e, ' 4 ll*h.! Io AlO f ifißliertY irW:.` bi ll it 'l o l ifi rellikkof.lallit..„ ll % ., ,: l :.,''.4P l- 1 ( ';,44":4i I ~ , A•niedispetablelitlollOVP° !imply; to the 'atibeer,itiori,roet4in tilq.t,. l 7 l, :tti./tl l lAff , it! ; • :;; , , , .,Air,*ll3lll6„ MOM' stipsdriher,lM:rarteui,lig.,A:G.t GE4.-will 13411;t1t4h s e Cdititt. , n6useilti'tilie'borough,o, l on i'tSATURDAYu..the ct he r,- at -IVo' el Oak-, A; Tract:4 MO VDT ;PAIN .'LA Np,:' Containing. • upwardst of: „TEN .1 HUNDRED Acres of valuable Wirnber; divided' into'leti to - 'gait , purchasers; or sold. tatoketheri; a l litirelfeaere may 'wish .. The sale - wiltbe-Posi..' rive and tarma aecom niodating. Pale positive;.::: Persona withing ,to buy lota of :the ~ .a6. 0 %!•:. liandechn do , no at private sale, by .calling upon: tile sublicribar et any' time mt:hinieflice ulyl9-ta' 14. BIOPIC.; Ar't' Mae. In the Court of Common rleas of Cumber mid . - .• - Courtly. , - ' Dovid Strock anti Colltarine.his - Wifc, v5.'.44, nil .Crouse, Jacob Crouse, Geo. Crouse...John C. Crouse, nod bahella Crouse ado 'Geo, Couvo, children of 'Felix Crouse. . notice ; that by virtuc-of a Writ de , Par tition; Fneiendn, issued out of the Court of eon' mon Pleas of Cumberland county, and tome' directod, air inquisition'wili he held on site Rent Soma of dm ttbove named - parties,.to sit : Two tfncts of land shunted in Mifflin township, one, of which contains' 20 scion an 1 - 47 perches.. and' the other 3 acres and 107 perches of woodland, on FRIDAY the 6th of October, 1848, at 2 o'clock, r on the premises, for the purpose of making partition and valuation of said estate. • A MES'IIOFFER, Sheriff • Sheriff's Ofrv.e, Carlisle,. ---5ept r t20,48413,-3t. ' 5, .. • .Waehin .111Cachines. `IST- reeebred,..ZlNC. . o C I.lsl . SS,Ntki n e.w nd , i provud , FA'l' I'RESSES_. a new inv.ennon. so, Six Lund Worritins, for sale-losx—uHlie store of. reep'2o]. Ak .W Cheap Millinery Goode. A _ BVLENDID aSsarttnen't; tonsiming • of it..IIIISONS 4 , SILKS, INS, V rX.A . ETS, ?LOW ns and fliATllEßS,chenp for rosh if EDW i)S' - .aep2o -37 S. Second.st,ll4ladefolda. Dr. A. B. Arnold, A GRADLTA.TE of the Washington .E3a. university of Baltimore, and who hss tended one of the principal vledical.scheolKmf Germany, the -University of rertngylvanin, and for two years the Blockley }tomtits], near Phila. delphia, respectfully offers his Profess!One! -ser vices,in all its hretfeltes, to the Wills. Resiiienre—Prpinfield,rettraherlinid critirityi five toil's from Carlisle, on the lime rend to Vert I 3-3 mo— o Votice TIII ontiv'rsigned Auditor appointed by the Orphans' Court of Cumberland cy, to settle soil adjust the Imes and proportions of IWe newts of JOHN VVICKLINR, sr, deed, to and among the respective creditors of his •estate, hereby fornotice, that he will meet with the creditors for that pepose nt the house of Elias 'pickle., inkorporeett the borough of, Nen-rills, on' SAT cc I) AY, the 14th day of October next, at In o'- clock. A. u, et which time said creditors rill ore sent their accounts duly stiestri. .1. 13. VANDERBEI,T, sepin-Pm - • - Auditor • Notxcia. ALL porannP are'hereby - notified that-Letters Teationentary on the estate' of the Rev. Dr. ROBERT EMORY, Into President of Dickinson College Ififire been granted to the_entp• criber, residing in the borough of Carlisle. All persons baying claims or demands against the estate of - anid diieedent, are . requested to pre sent them properly authenticated for settlement, and those indebted to make payment to W. P. SEYMOUR, seplt-r.tExecuter.• NOTICD. LETTERS Testereebtary on the. Estate of GE t). CRAIGHEAD, Sr., We of Smolt Mid dleten township, ilee'd, have been granto by the Register of Cnmbetl tad county to the stilt. scriber, residing, in the same township, All per. sons having demands against said estate are re. ,goottleri to sake known the same without delay, and these indebted to make payment to GEORGE I). CRAIGHEAD, - MARTHA J. CRAIGH FAD. sepl3-4;t' ' Executors New Goods TM.; tii sepiber has Just received a variety of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, to which the ttt• tenfimi 1)1 the public is invited. rcpt. f. W. tiTTNER. Watt Sr. Patterson's Truss, -, 4 L ": I k ii r 4 1 4 0 , I , 4 FOR THE' RADIt A CU RE OE HERNIA • OR RUPTURE. • • • • A% SUPPLY of the above truly •VaTitubte TRUSS received and kept eonstnroly for cub! at hut 0.3] . S. ELLIOTT'S rioTrem LP:I7ERN Testamentary on the moue of RIG It:1 R D C RAILHEAD, late of South Mid dleton township, Cumberland county, deed, have been granted to the subscribers. All per sons having claims on said deceased aro re located to-.present''them for settlement, arid those indebted to make payment to •• • RICHARD CRAIGHEAD, JOHN W, CRAIGHEAD, Excatoors. nug23-611 EB LETTERS of Adininistration on the estate of C. , Eli!? GE HYDE, Jr., late of Allen township, Cumberland county, dee!d. u lteve beer, 'granteil to the subscriber, residing in West Matielier t ter to.witslim, York county. All perscins belting elaihiS against the estate of said: decedent tii present them for settlement; end :those indebted make payment to . (fl O, HYDE. Sr., atig9-Gtpd ' - Administrator Extensive rurniture Roonii. JACOB FErl'Ert & SON TEATOULD respectfully call the attention o V V . 1 Innee.keopera.ned: the' public, to lhe ex tensive stock of splendid Fit R.N ITU : I2E, inclu ding Sofas, ‘Vardrtilice, Centre and Other Tables, Dresaitig and Plain. Bureaus, and every varietrof Caldnet- ware, and.dliairs„which,lheyjhave juju i) Jelled at ,their o,llW,ll , o • QAt,p,,iin ,Iliezorner • IlitnoVereirpoty• 0,101100.! are.pon trat — littit'l-Weefterior' 7 finialt-0 tholyprktennsitipopdelegance their: aritelei•, are „ger: U toitittliev.',Vvith :14.4 re t winittaitd thorn;to ; every, per also mails a rya ug ntogts for,:iitadafaeturtng and, keeping n Pona.t4at 'vaPPl.l';.'9E:Oery.arttele !•beldine. both Plain and orarP4entali nit& await., -of prices whi:?b, crinfteffeillo sutt:purchnsers .o:hey would' earneat lyrn vite ;persons. who Pre' tihour to commence -Itons64eopnlig, to;Oali nnd examine their_-piesenteregeoc., stock:in which • thep will cilestently. malto,additions,of the.neiVeevand•nibet inedern• at ylepi „ , -•.,i•••••• •! •• • corizlpT§piaeti c k:Aird or ,e!..112,0,. nlitirt est wiz, ties, for, town.rkod:cotintfy,:.4:,,•• • :Carlisle, Sept 6. 1348.: • • ~,,, • „ . TAKE notiefi that , i Letidis n‘iinirfenepititiq. Aiehtst Itieniniont . of I 'WELL, dbe'd: late of out; bkirqugli IfiVe - thirdert4Ailpir tionieitrooTty,l47,Rw, intifr!, , rwhod-lor". iltfi'acatrit y ;of • Ctienttorlnnav __So t the the sUbieritier"%eho'resitles in the` Said ho run g All persons• tidying claims or deniendsleitliuse . the estate a t said decedent; are-requested-t6'' multe.ktfolytilhoitinde;).Vh•Olit !Aoltihv a - 6 oßpit,offki I tUdebted to melte. f itpsAivl9-Ap:p t .4:W, Er:i.teee. To VI Italiv4- , J;tiiiins„Faihniti6lso7lO'rti)6A - ; l ` , A.ltt rtching;Alntiltinolied , AMllti*r- ,TablcitTl bdlYstilk . Ibiret6lherehdo• - • (1, C MINI() yr,%c: ~, • ikpaß 00 '`• • 1,11 , 112,„,'.60Ar. JA; • 1 redt:4l.ohkaaw, atithtatpu gneaßAtitatat tyro .. , of . t bii:vortolasit lit: gonad 'at tife . 'counter of, ,COL 4 :cgaVafAinit4Q/11 1 ERSViibrth cri!mtverateeisk;', ' N 33 rtilsKl4; e l'E t . 1 0 , 4 of; IrbililAndt l }VvertlO*; trn ei fneil• t ' nd `,,. ,4•••1 lt g kilit l i.l . 1 ' ' ' 111 elf 7 ? „ 7 9:4111. sexytiself,l oth - P,thilie ;? 7 kiii. 4' ,;&I' ' SATURDAY `the 7th Of Goobet neitrrdt 11 0',010ak;..A..-at o ' 4 folfawihejlmOribed property, iive,polu9sip:Ctgi i . prekitytry; de peasea ; v iz— t .11, f • = A Lot of, .Gralind•aititatOotilfartii—Hanover - T -- -- *treat, adjoining proliertitaftWm:q4heem on.the• north, the . heirs of aitmtfer ;Alex:lo6i' Ori'they south; fronting , on i'orth liatioveratieet.42 feet.l and extending the namivikidth , east.24o , faat, aid the foot of the lot eictendinLout to•Millberiy ' alloy, including atinneCafable. Thaimprove memo ere a large : twoletort,,StOne,,Pwelling louse,- with Commodious. Etritik , l3ack 13aild large. -Stone StableV-Ice;hcluao, Ar.c:•&cv The largo Store-room in "eoinioetiOn 'with the, di4611- i is in inutile circler,. and Wont 'theccintrat lion, of the property, , thero itinet• ahottei stand' , . • in ilte borough for itmlreelettloced for nitrivnte re.sidendo7 -- • . • Term!' of eel° made ' buoys' and dap.a ! tend. a , nve given by , • OEO. SCHAFFER, .3 JACOB 811110111, seplo—lA) • Exd , Prof Forney, dee'd OAISMS!, 'COURT 9, • • WILL lte'seld Ori did premises, siftby publie ;N:Ondue - .or• outcry, on , - SATUR-DAY'.the 14th day pt Oatobernext-, at 12 o'clock, at, the t'• 1 .; •-f following , Real Estate of John- Saxt tinrlatte of Silver , Spring township; ,Cumber landlbot-deold, . All that certain Lot of Ground situate in Said township, bounded by lands of Henry Groie, Christian Keller, Wm. Keller,' Peter Kissinger and tho'Voad "leading' from the turnpike to Clark's mill, containing about 2 acres. This •• Lot is situate near Kingstown. aqd has' there. on erected a weatherboardiA Dwelling House, and a Log Stable. There is a good selection of fruit trees on the premises. Alto, all that Plantation or Tract of Land sit• ante in said township of Silver Spring, bounded by fondant' Christian Keller, Michael Kos*, Geo. Rupp and others, containing 1.12 Acres and 109 Perches, sttiet..measure,,,,,The . _land_.ia - stoacT-in-good--eultiv4o - onL.and_wcl - There ie a fair proportion of it woodland. The improvements are a two-story woatherboarded Log Dwelling ilimac, a'Stone Bank Barn. Vie-, Fon,shed, Curn.crib and other out.buildings.— There is a large Apple Orchard of good truit, and other fruit trees on the places A stream of Water runs.through the premises, and there is a woll of water at, the house. This property is well.shuated, being about Imile south of Rings. town. Persons wishing td tiew the premisca.can-do so by calling on the Subscriber.or_tho tenant re- siding on the land. The- conditions of. sale will he mode known on the day of sale by sep2O-ts - -GIEIO. KELLEL Orphans' Ooiirt, 'Sale. • IN - pursuance of an order of the Orphans' Court of Cumberlaid co. l . ;• • .If will expose to public sale, on the pre q*, mines; on THURSDAY; the sth of October next. at 11 o'clock, A. x, a. Tract of Patented Limestone- Laud, situate _in' 'Allen township, in said county, about a mile and a hall north of Greve k Wentz's mill, half a mile from Sheplicrdetowyt,' and about two -miles-•from -ICleelinniesbrirg, adjoining lands- of David Eberly and r rcderick Garrett, containing 120 acres. more or less, about 20 acres orwhiclt are. Woodland, and the'- esidue in a state - of good cultivnlion. The improvements are a two-story Log (louse, with a kitchewatt ached, a-first-rate Brick Bank Baru. a - Tenant House, with a welt of water close by, and two good Apple Orchard's. The title is indisputable. 'Persons wishing to view the property -will pleriSe call on the subscriber. Attendance given and . terms made known on said day by • GEO. BEEILMAN, sep2h-tsl ol.Philip Bovenmire, dec'd : Lincaster• Examiner insert till sale .and charge this office. • Orphans Court Sale.— - , . IN - mance of an order of the • i Or na'. Court of Cumberland co, .. til•.4 w be exposed to • Public Saleinn d ep lit ILI' , R 'DAY, tholGt4s of Oetobernftt, --=_ on the prentisek,in the borough:of Nlechaniebburg. at 1 1 o'clock, A. M, - the iiilltaiv - = Mg described Real Elton), late the properly•oi Jacob Rapp, deed, viz— _ A - large Brick House, and Lot of Ground, hit mile in said borough, and bounded by Jonathan Franklin, Jacob Hartline, Silver Spring Road and others. eontnining about Two Acres. Also, n Train of 'And, situate in East Penushoro tp, hounded by lends orGeo. Rupp, Goo. Oyster's heirs, Benj. Clerk's heirs and others; containing . Twenty-three neres, more or less. The terms M . sale to he as follows—Five per rent. of the tturellone money to be paid at the titno of stile, the residue of une.half on the Ist of. April, 18 , 19, and the totlonre on Ist April, 1850. LEVI. MERKEL, Adml , , r , or Jacob Rupp, deed` EIM REAL EST'ATZI. Al' PUBLIC SALE, • ~. • . • WILL bo sold at 7, on ' 'MONDAY; the 16th day of Onto', y Spa nowst.2 m fel- R . lowing • ea Estate,late..the pros • party of Ccoiteßitpiv, deed, 'vial Ali thtit 'certain Plantation or Tract of Land' sit nate in Silviar'Spring tp, Cumberland eryboun& ed by lands of :Inviii - Lenor.lncob Brickori D 3 Coble and Jos.. Briggs' . heirs, contouting.B2 . Acres and 1I perehes,•having thei6ort elected a twostory LOG HOUSE and largeFrarrte . Barn, Wagon Shed and Corn - Crib; and 'all-ether ne cessary out-buildings: Abouris.ocreeare clear ed and •in n good-state of -cultivation, ond- the balance covered with thriving timber. ""This (Orin has coutderahle locust timber, and 106 tell near the - turnpike...wit hinlialf-a rhile`of Bricker's Mai, and in sight .of.• Silver •Spiting -Meeting lionsif. 'rho celebrated Silyer Spritikriens*.lth jn n few fent of The house. 'AlticiTen - TLIESUAY, - TheT7th-day6f-Octoberf next, at 2/o'cleck. al,.W111 • be sold. et: public le;•oli the Pretnisesolie • following , Trant '6l Lorld, bile the property of said dec!d; ttintorradt of - Litnll, , ltottntlednby lands of fehrie: tint' lie Ifni, Bided Tarker•lind.Jolitt in inia g 56 Aries ri'fi/' Ptirches;.frovingi herrid n °reeled - 1r 7,0 G HOU Sg' nirLog. 11 tan Cati never-failing 'will ilf_gr j eter netti.Thelibilsa; .25 'a c hes' 'a eltrin retrat d, ba anee'if hiirat rot e timber." This property is located shettilleeTittifn Cniliale and three from . Metlianicsbni t Tarots made known ort.dny ornate. • ' • GEORGE' EU P';' 4 l7 . :' '"'' tir,p6-tel .• • ter" Lincnitoi- V6lltes'Erettnd; fileirt , nnd'initid hill to this offic'e. r•-• L tPriv ate ' -House an& o , at ,Prejeg,, , ~•.„ , 4 4. o j " 'r sentler,onor,at priva 'd!biths )11e' ',llClATS'E',,tisld'l;or , he .oepiei434e4.l. , r ; w;l et , fide otnilfs'„eaaKtkilti`tewAlld4on the sks t q toad, compatitif three.faertbd„ec'ett,npre.' vynli a new 11ltICK . tbitty,by, tldept3l- fvtti rook as: elegatit ntge 80.6154, and citber„rker cetys'ary. biddings.. ,Tho Lotban be dividedlptp three lots . . convenient, for hailitiag.. This ,49, fairly is well eldetilatedforie tavern' sitind;lanne the'conite;between .carlisle, ;lad Ne‘diille. `l7ersons Mishinir,3o: ; pgrellape„:ool,of gninttd will get ltfputd. reliwyp,tp ,It If'net . ,poidsp , ot,befoje t Alst.. , ftt: u.a.tatit,, w it( `)#, otreicd et r ptOla at‘ 4 1 , P9 . 4P4, 1 1 1 14.16 , 41 , Vben temps 91 . side be made - , u tt g3o ts] , v ,r: "2.'Farriftir - rn.Eaubsanberiofferalat-pnvakte , . FARM, ainlawitit , Mallin,; , ten , :_naltipe.Cumber,lanavooutaiy,-n•-,'„ - 615111‘ • Newvilloy, cow titcupitmlsl?y:thfriff If.oro,toofttetning flo.2.+Ai3rea , nf good .Blntejlaind: ellotit„:7B , ,antelt; of, which-is cleared end in n i k e ed ki6totolcoltittatior4 and the rematntlevietthriving . lintber , ;,,,Tho . .-improieinenta IV ELIA NG, HO V SEl t e:Ki tclfertriana. wills - a•vapringW;the :oollttrtk.uXtd laid-16441A 73an4 will) all olltei•-%-neceettark ,, cietboOdiekt... 14,1• 8 ere into , DriOnti:dal'on Abe _TtlatinotionteWi#,- attert,varfety- of : : One !: E ne e d sk noi efi c:b e ,„ - feroltlytitipor °Hite-bootie: andro public road Oireet•fronti•theiFarm to 'Net , vvillet*aa•likO l if•-: iperaonallealying to cooAheratiatiniaketoOK,ell,, le tatilen. ) the': present -tenaet, , 00mni.404,11#40,4 ;.ettoi4t,Or 444) . 4141 e: Ntrlglifi l4 ,1,1 ~.• , ~. ~ 4„n) :tm 4 vytt - tlia a,, Aill•littE- • illo. . ''lVivowt, 'Al%nt,l-1, bekk tealApilva 0 44,0 ~411- ~ 2Te Ot 7110.144.1 Pf ' 1, , , ' 7. • -"' otkei*,, 04011**4474,wf05k ;' ,41,cw0r,, ~ ' . v,k ~,,..faii),F.-, ~:‘, _,r .faztr„,.:15,;:1iv>,,;,,!4‘,.'' „ ~,r77,r; 4i00,711:,:';,",,,..;:_:,_.--i-,...,,i;.+k :^.:,:,',1.,,:' ~,,,;,--, „iltik',if.r..;':J,_:, 7t -1'..11-)--,),:,`,-1 i Ilto I,s 3
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers