~~c~~c~Q~_ ~ ~~~~~l~~~~~u~~ • • c.anlaszn, I'.A.. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1848 Democratic ,Whig i 0111 \ nations, • FOR PitFSIDENT; GEN7 ,,- Z.TAYLOR! LOF LOUISIANA - VICE PRESIDENT, MILLARD FI LLMORE, OF NEW YORK FOR GOVERNOR, Wi\l. F. JOHNSON. ,QF • ARMSTRONG COUNTY. 'CANAL COMMIRSIONERi NER-MIOMESWARTH Ol 19N COUDFFY (ELECTORAL TICKET I=l John P. Sanderson, Lebanon. Thomas 'M. 'l'. M'kennan, Washington rtErnESENTATIVE. 13. 117nty Johnson 14. 11/tn. Colder., : . 15. Wrn. Mellvaine 113. Giros. W. Fisher Cnnin 'lB. T. R. Davidson 19. Joseph Markle Agnew 21. And. W. Loomis '22. Richard irm•in 23 Thomas H. Sill 24. S. A. Puiviance 1. Jos. Q. Clarkson 2. J.Pi tee Wetherill :3. James M. Davis 4. Thos.PA Duttield 5 Daniel:D. Hitner 6. Joshurt„Dumtan 7. John D: Steele 8.. John Landes, 9. Joe. Schmucker 10. Chutes Snyder 11. Wm. C. llorley 12. Francis Tyler - COUNTY TIONEI Ccogress, JASPER E. BRAM, of Franklin county Assembly. R. P: INFCLURE, 'Sbiripenr4burg,' GE6rfuE a' , PIXY, E. Pennsboro Prot/0)/0(1).0y J. J. IIEYIPH•IILL; Hapeweil. Clerk of the Courts DANIEL SHELLY, jr, Allei' Register. AUGUSTUS A. LINE, Carlisle Commisstocr, JANIES McC1.11.1.417G11,. NV. tomisboro' J)u•cctor of the Poor. JOHN NV: CRAIG 111 ID, S. Middleton; WILLIAM KNE:TCLIL, Mifflin .sfreArou Ready? .;`Friends of TAYLOMI The election takes •place next Tuesday,' the 10th! Aus-vou READY? Are your township committees at work? Have you every man, assessed! Have you, arranged _Means for getting out every vote ? If not Unit lose no time in doing so—delay no' lortger—.—itiacti on and neglect now will be fetnl. Victory is within vur grasp, but it will slip from ps if we are not wide awake and actife The Mass 111e,e Ong ! Friends of Taylor and Johnson, don't for get the MASS MEETING oil Saturday next! It will 'be a glOrioni occasion, and the man will regiel it who stays away. To say noth ingyol the pleasure of seeing and hearinc Goy. JOHNSON, we should like to see the enthusiastic friends of TATI.on here from ev ery borough dila township in crowds. IVe want to see the big wagons rolling .in with the tette democracy, as they came in 18-10 and '4l ! Como in and show that the thou sands of Taileirmen in Cumberland county are awake to the kirpOrtance of the contest, —thOhey:are "eager for the fray !" The triads tWeiUtitg will be the first blow struck for VICTORY on Tuesday ! Let it be a MEETING OC THOUSANDS ! Coy. Johnson Corning. Gov. Johnson having returned to Harris burg born his Northern tour; pa'ssed through this borough on Thut;sclay evening last in the cars, on his ivay to the Wetil. , Ile will re urn o larrisburg this .i,eeh, Bedford on Thursday, in, Clutinbersburg ou Friday, andln 'Carlisle on Sawrday., From tbe,gi , te, of prepaiation on all sides, we anti, cipate,a meeting 'ot thousands to welcome the GoVertirif an thielebroug,h. ,• . • • ellike,:Y . v n $; presence exotics - entlittsi- , aam 4m:tug-our ;friends wherever ,lie.goes, earl dOrms.cinr . .iipponentOof •all''prejudide against hirri. Nothing itflaCt bit the - bitter spirit otAparty'ettn dcinst'rairt , men to vote ngainat , such candidate+ as Gem Taylor or Gov'.'JOhnsiamand piitg: pttl 6 . lkre all that thiff e riogreOci leaders pretend to i'fi'qte, against I I ':-,Gan. Ta I. AtruCGovjolitteon ate, btiittl in'ety , Oti§rtiWho 'httve - sot ved ,thOir. , ;:cooottl with triach4loycitiOp L nod" ate t: • • '• • , ~1 ePAPP9IYY;,9 I - l eirk9.4l'.+Pi.t i 4qt ri. '!"4 P', l o9n ; , tri Wl3 , VO, 4E{ 4 itile' !nn).we•{:have' oir - liOn`eitityloh a- ti tif: the f. It p di is bo.rOtiglint. l ::lo ,oll l l PY • peak-Monroe Grailys{iepkiti.eloquently,:;antl fill.' ',who imple OPP c . ; / 2 " 1 : M,0f..1,9%.;''.;'';'.:3 • ..,.......----- .-- ---;-i---41pe4K, , -,, )•'- ''',' ' ,r firm.page, -i,V,P --f•'' h oford Zt1i;'9(1,43," ..,..,,liimas ,i,C-',llhOirel"l4,l.-;-ole'; ilajett t-'adiOit'''!-Ti'll4 s:'- ft , f6 f p , lll k,ip 4 ,l'Ain,,4p,o ,;.164 , 0^ • ~ 61,4,**. . ,114 1 ,,, k. ~,f,„,,41,101,i 1,1........ ~,,hrf plan,.vicf:mko,cl4,llrlac2lol.„'43a4, ,'.,4tolo,o,fkwz,liiii,i,iv64l:tti**l4olo3..,ll.-- ',. "--14,1$4ViinblicIn.- ''‘,.;,-;.,,,r( ilij.iii'ilid '101913.6110i ,''C' - ,-,, " li "•* JhtiractOlt , „`il , , i.- - ..i 41 04,",°f ~ " ' A o r,e'gthiti , '6 l';' * l° ,' , l ll , 1° -!* t in V n !` liilY e ' N 7 ,rl,,cif l'o,lltjFPlin)!O'u't 14TYgrf 1 j! '!1; 1 4 ; i.,474ii***3104,TP1 -Irunier9, -,,Eitow7lt'rEQl49.l3l, ,114.?1 ,. t at ""velli nQt ', VP' ,B . i ' - ' ..,C•4INY-' ll,:(''Sit;,V, .44,, ,1n......,,;.„:„4,,,, itril;orey4l7lPgs.' ,. . -r.,. .' .4 4 4. ' ''. 4 1 6111144 '"r ' , 4 0 7.. 4 ,'.:' ^. I', , 4,,v 0 r'uij-WV4 i i Yi ll ,' 4. :41,1.4,,, , . 7 ,!' ''/r- i 4 ;, , t• "., I ~ • . .. h o' :(“,..-w„.,/,A . ~- f,` ',li' ,a4',.l4,iqulai. ..,attgiriliOq tc! ~ ~, ,-,:,:,+ l4 ,c',,itr 4.o4 „w, i f f t i ; )_ t v, „ ,i f t° oo -;P u , _1 , 1 , 4 ,1 , 1 - 11 , , s w e - ,, h:ti,d l, - 6 .iy # 0,.. %) . " ti i:t ,r.,:; L ii t i, 44 ,- ‘ ~, .7. , ~,. ~ 1 1 -,•, ' -:,!•iviiich,W, 141 T, ',, ~,,,,,14-, ''''''''''Sliiiiii4.9ll6-1119n.',,, -. ' r;,o 4ir 4 P '' '` .;,; -g -- ~ ',-:t';1,,,;,,--. .0, ,- ,, , ;; , ,,,,•,, , ;:-';Vae.',, ~ • —'' : --o,FA'.',.', ~fl'',:',s• '-;,'''','' ', q,, ~,, '''• -),V.-' ~,,,, , , - 0. , - ,,,, , *- --. 1. No!'s the Days ; and=bow ' s-the _ flour 1- Titg , GB S EAIiJkIeiTLE! • ' Al • ;It 44,4Y - 14.14;111-iti 01 - inffSda6 , 7iteXt: 4 13 Pitig„ll3s #4 , TA Az1#9, 0 4 -SOlNlr v Tlie l time% come. NEXT TUESDAY_ you Will „have .the privilege of :VOTING for the noble candidates whose. cause you heiie espoused. We have but a word. to ad dress to you now,•anchkat.is to impress upon you the DUTIMF . VOTINGI The Annericanyreeinan.has no prouder privilege than this, and yet there: r is no privivilege which many persons, ilia tt;it) many Whigs; :so - 'often. cast 'away 'or ne glect to exercise. • The, .:Whig cause might have triumphed yearn ago lad its friends come manfully up' to the ballot box evelSr year in their full strength. , We shall triumph in Cumberland county and,throughbut Pennsylvania.; on Tues . dey z . l next; IP_,EVFAY WHIG ...VOTE —IS-POLLEDI The Whigs of Cumberland county haveeVer,wiriduCement4o•-inal&:a man ful struggle at the Pok,.. ; There. ii no motistroits locofoco majority here to alarm us. - We lose the election by apathy, when we might gain it by activity. We w 7ld not deceive our friends by holding vitt false hopes, but at this moment the .Whigs of cumberland county have VIC TORY WITHIN THEM GRASP if they will but 'act with energy and promptness! Shall we appeal .in vain_ to them to come out to the Polls on Tuesday next? .We have zealously labored to set fairly before' you the merits of the canvass & the eh-- r.acter of our- candidates. We. pow call •i• on you who claim:A° be their friends, totome out and VOTE FOR THEIVII— ‘ eS • ni4 In, friends, and veady, GO TI-lE'—J L'LS yourselves, and see that your neighbors are there also. if you'have an aged or infirm neighbor, see that means arc provided for- convey tug him to the election ground. Those who have carriages and wagons should devote them to the service. - iiill Let.there be a perfect organization in every district. Much can be done the present week, ir• THE 'WORK is AT ONCE BEGUN. Let no man wait for his neigh bor to begin—butlet 'each Whig do his own duty. A glorious opportunity is now offered for redeeming the State let it not be thrown idly away. - To THE POLLS, then, ONE Ariudim.,...,aq,4. we shall give a vice fo Permsylvania';ibicii will encourage our friends and give tho vote of the State in November to-the man that was never conquered, and - 'll'llo NEVRR SUIIRENDERS. NOW ! NOW I! is TIM Tuutt Iv net Remew ber, o....,—That ono Whig vote in the ballot box is better than a thousand out of it. (* . -That every Whig vote LOST is a Loco foco vote GAIN ED. Theihe Locofocos willTe sure to pot TII F:IR whole strength. fj* - -That there is no use opposirql, the evils of Locofocoism at all, is we tall' lb record our oppositionlatconuiNu •re LAW" OH the day of election. Kr That it is a solemn nun- which every man owes to his God, his country and him self, to let his voice be heard m choosing rulers to preside over the destinies of the people. A vote lost is a 'talent' lint in the earth. - Finall3•.-Itenientiber Kr That. a lull Whig vote is a glorrou Whig Victory ! lici'Examine your Tickets Ail I.ook well to your tiokets„friends, before you deposite them in the ballot-box. Care lessness or design may'have omitted a name, or placed a wrong one in your ticket. See, that all tho, names aie right;Thr Gi:Tria r f doWn to Auditor. Bear in ellind, 1 hat to reform National abuses we must begin with our 'own State. Let eve ty . lriend i4Divi.tin. and REFeaF vote for JOHNSON', AlininnswAßTit, , and Wltig,membera' of Com writ!, Rion Who'se:'MMOS.4: irinttapyi of Protection ; Ffe e soil'' antl''~blher;ini oils . measure's mainly dppepd • • . . ~ _ . . .. ~ .., . ..' ‘. ntutror TOO. -;1111:e'n; ~ • ' - We hope. the, active \V htg,s, in each town ship now know every.momin it who is di:`: . on'ed • to • ' vote - the .'W hig.,• ' ticket, , iond • that thaile ailanr , erttenis to Fetura the utteuJauce of, all suckt.ai the,pplls, pi!, -Fi s s• day next or, it they hav9 rtot„il)ja. kuool• • delge'ni.iw, or littv,e'llipt , lyit"niltcle •Ibitge raugwi sifts,'- ' • '• • • 0 . . r.• We , (46 A p'ini ;43 et: ; ready rs •the peossiik h ?l,' ((Ay Fre r n oble:befiti intin f.l h e!pa tri ot , Hariisnii h iliteiiiVV6:ol6i:r t litiiiitiiis, Peep . le brthe , iyiliffur , o uW.N.,,, - he.jol lot : tiezcee Aro the artillery•o(i-Eminieul " ,- W9,learn 4974 tho..§bsppcgiebUrg OPa'a nrOvpll rig,by.Lprlyitt9 , teOr/figtikti a 'gc, ll ;ead 3 9 6 at: "ttier,449 , 4"-!;' - il:::$344 Our , friepflalitr the t j3[qtf tier P, or ';144444*i Viiie•AdWili l4ll J 1 ,1411401dd cif ;4VlkErsir.V. - 11 !;.Wk l 99PlßPpso l 9a4.9l!VVßot?rmititl'. in g • "tAnie, l l', lo fits'skieLFrOfisk;ure;has bait, ; . k 11 : 3 AitiOlriAPACg r foOlitgOf4,lloj o 4 l :l l ooi q4 l o44Fitllltel 4 eildiNi#V4 :46 00;1 3 ,i011,*19,, rtittibsnea"fai:4 l3• 44' l ":AVO>;' , s:;' ,? A`OL ,•^• ME • . .._.ol„,irt.[AcOußtti 4 _ll,"_e•t- 1 : ..!---•.,., I 1 - 71iegy,iff s tiWtP.curQbRi"d,°*•,filt:F l . i . -44-6, r , h a ii; :i nkilei,i(iiiiiy,iicket.,thit,w thit .- *kicit, is 1, ri&i:::, iiitlga4i ' Slil m. . Ili - p . (44"0t moral epiff,:gitighltaAding as citizens, .hobeitr:fn:d; intetgiiioi - Mem br 'qualificatninsaruf C . d . - lithc .. ityit.,offfeers, ter_ not a Man on - ik, 1 frittiijliAtti.ernPly•eandida ei 0 IlitilAndliet,? 'pgatinit alb' n't the elighteet objectieri. badby i st brou'altr:- . % 'lnle many. #o-lacota6titrienTe: Re ry sOctiOih _el, thenounty are greatly, dVith7ireiCtitaiel,lliVfiiiisiiiiilr whisilig 6' c :iiiiiiitsteeticiti 61; : . riii : eciiii amoiii. thci urhig,t( ,I"n' 'retatiOn to our tiekeir, Stand 1,1 your ticket, Whigs !DONlicit'Aitul A SINGLE MANOFF. There in in;t himait' im` the toenlbec;„ tick e t Cyitititi 'Of, liefrig,;u'bY stitched Inf. ,. pne• oe Ours: ' VOTE 411 E _Wll.ol..ill,Tl.K.E.T..then, and mulling but the, ticket! If it receiveii:every Vhig voteln the county it must be elected: "Has the. Volunteer ever heard of General . Taylor cruelly besting his slaves ?—Carlisle. Herald. res, sir, ine have. There Alt Men in the borough ul 'earhide, who witnessed General for torturing one of his slaves, by hang the ,two thumbs to the limb of a tree, when he (064 - T4IM) with his; own hands, whipped him with' a ont:liide. - every ten minutes fellWcr hour's . , and laughed at the fun I The. gentler:raw who told us this was present, and witnessed the cruel treatment,,and if necessary is will ing tri make oath in the above lams. Any 01::er question, Mr. Herald?—Volunteer. • All that we have to say to the ',above is, that we believe it lobe an intanious false hood and,Slandrir, and if there is any man in' town willing to hazard his reputation for truth : by swearing to Ruch a statement; let him come on with 4iitr affidavit. We shall be perfectly toipt the public judge be tween him and Gem-Taylor These slanders against the character of Gen. Taylor have in every case fatally recoiled upon their authors, as us the instance of the two tlegratted Ohio Volunteers, who chrirged'Oen.*Tailor With blasphemy. The commuciiyovill not tole rate this thing of slandering lAA villifying a soldier and patriot like the Hero of Buena Vista, and the mat who dares it will find his own character suffer most. . „ If there is one trait in Gem Taylor's.c.har acter that stands high above another, it is his humanity—that humanity which led him to -desire that the further effusion of blood might cease, and-the lives of women. and children spired, at itlanterey—a noble and .humane act which brought upon his- -head a--vote- of censure from LEWIS CASS and other'Sena tors!, Cruelty toward any man, white or black, caMnet be pioven against Gen:Taylot• The most reckless Abolitionist eannirshotv that Gen. Taylor has ever cruelly treated. his slaves.• We" find .on the contrary that his treatment of them has over beendiStingursh 7 ed. by kindness. The chiclrelFstealing slan derers of, Gen. Taylor in Ohio' have been hissed out of decent societyitheir own party papers even abandoning that: Let °Him ;landereri beware.. how they jnsult and: out rage the community by uttering 4almmnies -against the brave soldier;.Whose lame_and character are his country's priide,Tist they kindle a Haim, of popular indignation which shall consume them in its terrible wrath-I . An "Extra" Aristocrat! When Mr. Cass was about to sail over the Mecliterranenni Gem. Elliott. was obliged to give him such exclusive and elegant quar ters on his ship, as would proteet his High ness from the intrusion of the - "herd of tour ists," and surround him with the society of Sir Howard Payne•and others of. the French and English nobility ! And in this country it seems Mr. Cass won't allOw plain country farmers to ride in the same stage-coach with him. The Wooster (Ohio) Democrat gives lie following statements from men whose character and veracity it vouches for : • "In 'the summer of 1844, I 'entered my -name in the stage office at Strongsville, for a passage in the stage to Wooster. When the tango' arrived, all toe seats in the Coach were full, except the irbrg ions of the coach,'whielv was alone occupied by Lewis Cass. • When I attempted. to get into the Coach, I was told by Gen. Cass that I could not get insit'e, as all the seats were Mil except the seat upon which-he sat, and that I could not sit upon the same seat with him=_4h_et he couhtdo within I was consequently ciiniellid _ outside, midi the driverandilie -servant - 01 Gen. Cass. Gen. Cass oceliffied, the front seat of the coatih alone, notil•we arrived at 'Wooster. Mr. David Fairfield of this town' was a passenger in the coach, 'at the same time. - SAMUEL HONTEI.I.': Wooster; Sep. 14, 1848.' • .• " was a,passeriger.in' qiet-CoaCh mt' the . time itlletled . to, by Mi. tinnier,: and' the pititern'ent:tviatle by, in the abeie;:iii,stib. statitinlly correct,' " • '•"! •"' ' 0,1 A: ft We +.itra. informed t core arch}Treiidt+resmis-cutilira'ni,he~poto-ere~ti leo,,ile4;ffenke:eiglo. it malignant and zraveki ejtiriis.lhat dit)- th it icy iliaguiece the leepe ot . !Anietibtiii freem en N4ct,„ !:),11, : g4p'4,. :to) e repotete'?,,W be lb ,fkthe V ; etd~`polvev is' itt*pOtit.:eym'of:.the !i) ' Tlii CliESTgii &Oil TY ‘BANlellOilltEttY . :* , • 118. 1 i beeinlieee4r6. ~'f ,6 - iii !,. ;, tomi i, eue I ~,,,, ,',.. ---,-,-, ' The trt9liett,"Bloposed , ,ln., ~ a r , ~.. ~,, • , Thu r 6hatil'and'iiTatier` jinle L'n ' 'Mid 'pablie ed in the rob bery, T) , ef,.:"PtsDitilitigtori,,iheTre ' i 1 p: i i o ''''lii full i.ii;ll 3t :llie - giii. sident of the `Chest er County, ftank l. are now iete,ot the. wind, 0n:11,191u4x-illknloPt!-litti In F° o° O , Y 7 :! ° ' '' 1 ..P - F as9- '` ,11.9 h r g 2 i , g' I'M' trailing its- d lofiy)harain , p ie , the rrind..; i The -.vegige!iniv ,, itit Ali 0• Philadelphia tgi:lfnfillxl -- -•- been - - --='consider a b le - ibrierta. , =-ITheniinieeel those in ' custody are; 'Vol ualeer ) h?td!110 'wry _- • . _ , ..,,r , •-;', -;.. itii).llo#,licci ounces lately, :q4:4ll.•lo&ill,Robert 1)1 :: 61I t 1 . 1 1 - II - ;-Ltic Y„l' lija il l l , l l )er? not 01.fliig,it ' t Ai-Abi5,,R0c4k0!.04141., fall of, 1;0!!!! ` ,..r,P1 (4 41, 41 10 ~,a1,4 ! ,ij0i0,3 , , 9 ,,Y:4 '112,1!n -'43otocoitsillironarueiglaP A elito 0 t G , ' , . k'.- re , ''' wh,i,teh9uo, , Ai!' s ' .-Yl4 Duke ' i; G l' 9 rqs IVO = :17, - : : ---, ; 4 1; ,- 4 , 4 ---- w-t-r•-•*= -, -" -i ' 4 ,' :44 't - _, - r . - -4,tif 1 ipinir a cia*-pmlepy_o3eatj4MrattgAdlaOld q i' nepti eADiriAl.R 3B hY'°Vr'" li ‘'' AYIA3Nt 1 " Bee ' Plait' ~ ni:' 'Big' HOT; Unfii ,, Hollnitthl•and I,‘Oltty'dllii?l'lltY",:,p`N,4 York, is 'ati,ikia ll i l. . ''4(;; ; ; l girrilet*e. '''.4ll"iiillttOPlkOlkil.i4 .1. 4 1 . 17 ) .I. , 7A n r -ii, 44i 114 14 , ,i , , , ,,,r!/;:ii i i . ew,.(l 3 ii i i n i"...'4 o. i ~,4 1 . , .4. ,f., V 7 • 1 .. .0 6 + , L ~ ..,.f.A . .,,,,i i, ....;._ , ,r?;*, , ,yr„ c •, , tt: , L ..,...„ Ji "TtrAil 14.,....,11) It 'i,.,L. rl - 'coo atnitieliningr,tlo l l l t4 t-.7, , 1i m.f,v`v , T, `'604"4"/"''2l'itY'l"'-'°ll4ll-4'Pikfqnll9C"?'"4 4Yritnplidiatitiglhfaiin-lheAtimmetelitaii,r,iiViitler • lloiisnpath*Wl'Vauxalrinier lo ,'°*Pl'Ve d : htiliNiiMilli'ttfiii ,,, , , n4Th do. P .o ";Ar i ' li4iiiivell iii,idityvevetiitiv'fi 6 g l ... ;94rix' i!t4nAedi, • ,' k ok . r,t 4 - YeOliiiiiirirjittii!lqt. l6 ,#'',oi 6 ,l l ,T); iiif fri,,ltii } O'tirde ot liGi eptiiichi iciiihitliecl4 :,:,-,- ) L,Y , ',, , i,,;- , T ,z.. - a,,,i„ e ~,,,',,,0 wilt', biii, i ,'„ o . I 'FI i ,' ", P.l '', l' , ,V . ' - ,' y‘'i ~1 lIP '^o.l.' qe(4ll{7:4lN?9,tlrprqr .-4 r.nrm, rr, ~ 4 -re.,,7 414 004 , $ )mitrefcr# 1 , gRPPoTh Pl ell ,9l.klVOSTi n t aiiiitiorie'd °Wit:ill:4l6rd tr Mted thonel:dll4 alad`o l Oil aaol o ia r , 1 1. 3 .t. 4 ,;:!4b.i1ka0 1 , 11 Pr :dlioliitess I‘tii*lhkiveFbe 6l l2:tli47? ofi t l l4 l iik'*eatiittl).)l4erettiteit,;aie'l.iibill- Bra ,•9,4, pass i,' , ";l47rTiff 4 i •*Pia,tfil ' a 6 'ilit% iiipit ;s' l ;l l .o 014 7 ;00ri . ' 841 0,i) 1 V,fi°i'ii'fliitl ifi en i hli6.o get ' 77( '''ltN il t4 . l.4 " ito Y ''-Vil;qPii -' ,.44tttl i AiiiiNc l ifi i ' it4C . gCt l libigrit; iliil'lliiiiiiiit (ii'.l:lie*P' ~ ,v , ,, ;.,-,,,,,-kindg i t i , ;,pink e r,„ ~ s , " 4 „, ,4 , .„, .114,,50 41 11.1., 1•7 4 ! 1 . t , i , i•'% • ~.• ,' #.1:'ol , Litibolo 6 lAntl.''' , >R!o'-1 L AI' .. 1 t ',0 71 ?4- q.. l ' l ct *illiiitet44 • 11 3 1§40,010 61 1 01 i ii f ad 'O' I° l l, ilifikfr. i!.,,_" 1 ,.....'02,4 1* QM / V T .4OA . ( 4ibeinkg T h stOtiii`,`itiii',e, 4 *ji,Aty , pgiotticCatu) , FibiiaaTotetiiclw in0", , Y71. 1 ,”4 1, ..-4,%,. 1 .t...•) 1 , , :,,„ ir ,, ,.1‘.1„.,,'„ 71: Plit,”? - ,Aila. r' e ' oypojigiaaripri.l4:Eiiiday;,,last/' ``,,'>,.,';',,', r .o' . `, - 'r !°°",P.74 ‘`,P'' `;.'''' -I ''' ',,.''' ,',,.. . 1, , . 4., ,, -.1„w,,,;1-:,, , A , ,%'i -, ,,; ', - 44 - t7-74 , -,4,- . v. ,-, , , ,, , r7 ', ~,,- ,r; ~ ~. ' : , , ,, ,i ' , rl , ,::‘, :: , z; ~,,,,, ~ ~.,,,, - , ; c :;A:a.,6, 1 '.,i: ~, . ,, . ;, 4 •, ; - : A4tr..., , _,,,,',4-r/ow-L,..- - ! . :, Ax.-.4L , ,l , AJ,''':'' , ,i' ''.: 4 ;"', -1 ' VIY - • ' , ..1412':e'1 . N , Jr. ' ' ' . ;,!• : *!j.,ff-tic.".".: ,4: ::iE < _ : '': , '"':,:&,,V3',.f.'[4 l :::','.:Ait.'it'il'e l ' l ''' ; ' , ''' : ? . l'I'•'•;:"' i , Ig' , •'‘/F -7 ,,TT,' i ,''-c - ir. 41 ' -4 7' . ,5 , , , , , ,rai 1.i.-siLi, ,, , , e-, , r...i.1,,.A: , i: ^ ~ I '''' '''' , I _ pON tl 11 , I - EMS =BM ''flooOkoco •, , y, , ,,;...e4,....,... - ,-,...,,z -.,,,, ~:: - .4,, ....4.4 , 7 ,N, , ,,,. , ,,, , ,,f01 . 4.2;:f:A1;: , 0.';', , ,' '''..i ,, :*''' , '''''..'L. , ''' ' '' ' " 40 -:"'" , ''''• • ''`'''''' '' --.—:.—..----- TrtiiiiffeAfiretn'titia:W 6 o. 6 a,': to leaktice tlie4iitdn'ittalliti - diii4tpreve' that Pio - is ! . .4ap t attlitte_iti:4lspiteri , titl;t l o6 4 f.,,r,itlienlotis. o:,..4fil7l#l.4oo,o,(4o;''?;ll,#g'b.f.,ol,lhetPrk jf!he 041q5144fintYPIY;ei'04PY1-o.lAil:Oomino iiiiiiiiftzzfigieitier'.•'Notir'i,:;eynifioite-, who 11.16 , *-4Jadie inovis Ci• siAortnne lA!kl.2 l 2l,4! l P‘rifaact ) 1111 3.!'entitlet! him the, #ll . llsitEri-:.1.1e then ;•puticliaged m rignifi cent grathrty - gr,i7 in the 06oitty . of 'Mont .goro tir , S,:rOlired;)friom liuSiaiT Itoietiti ! IT he moier , ,a2rictrino4,opo.clafe work thcpraa : , tio4l Potl'pf arming hks, life I Eft!, never -ploughed.a• furrow or • thcashed a inislieLet' grain ani yet his • supplant:he are •trying to ofr upOn the honest .yeomanty of the 'Octiiiiit* as !Tanner Longstreth!" What, base humbuggety! As an attempt to, deceive the honest voters of the_contitry; , it is only eritralhfltl by the itssertion of the Locofbcos in 14411fittijni, X. Polk was larg,eiy intere . Steil the,irerr business teal therefore friendly to a Prolclctiie Tartfl. ' 4 'WEAT.3II OF THE CANDIDA4EI4.—The N. Y. pay ,flookgiries eitinaitte..oc-rfie. estates possessed.by the several:candidates for Pre aideit and Nice President. It marl follqws: Taylor, $60,000 or 580,000; Cass, - $1,000,000; Van Buren;, 6200,000; Fillmore, $15,000; Butler, s2o,ooo; . and C. F. Adams,ooo,ooo; besides a hotline cf ; rel. less than $1,500,000, of which ida wifif:will in the ordinary course. of nature Wm conic mpossession. Mr. A dans or nearly all of his pro perly; and. Mr. Cass. acquired his while in the service of the goveintrient.—Pub. Leflger. The way Mr. bias acquired this enormous "Plie!?. while _in Pie - '!service of the goyerrt ment" was by plundering the United States Treasury of over $60,000 ip=the shape of eztrsr allotianiei for pretended serviceB iri. tnakintt Iniliait4reaties, drawing Ins salary ttvo'Or three tigi r is over, and receivingaten ra- Jima (1,43. , " in money, for a large portion of the time; whllti he was Governer of Michi gait ! All this time too he was playing, LAND SPECULATOR in the most extensive style, biiying up thousands of acres of-govern ment 111114 :Fin' TO CULTIVATE TIME, and 110 give ertidoyment to labor, but to snatch them away from Mbar—to hold them OUT OF THE REACH of - the lIARDY SET : TIER unlese he Would - pay double or tre ble the gevernment price for them ! This is the way -Letvis Oasii made a. MIL , LION OF DOLLARS! Henry A.-Wise, late a member o r Con gloss, and now a_eass and Butler elector, in Virginia, .during the second session of the 24th 'Congress, on oath; before an investiga ting cominiuee.ol the-House, testified asicil lows,' as• :Sie journals 6f — that session will show: -m•-• , - .• "1 believes that LEWIS CASS, Secretary of War,. was engaged in speculating in the public lands, - whiie Secretary of W.rircthat ho-made-atotbitant allowances to favorites; - pad one , for services never-Rerformerk„anolli er, after he.had full.kriOwledgfi tliatAtie faVQ7 rite forged hiS signature;',Permilied chin tele slolls under _him io 'be atite.ilatdriind.bari ordered a TreiiiMirWrirrant .to-be prikl.to the assignee of a disbursing offieor who had gambled it away, after it hart been protest ed by a tlepoSite bank, and was counterman ded by the Secretary of the 'Treasury:,.. mid to have been •',gitaly of several other acts of violation of dutyi - Taw can any one Show that Gen. TAY LOR has ever received any EXTRA AL LOWANCES, gr bought up Public Lands for Speculation ? No. Old Zach's hands are unstained by any act of dishonesty or plan. der! "WILENEE TUE SPIKING OK Tins ARTILLE RY?"—During the famine demand for our agricultural products in Europe, the loco loci) papers were fillet) with eulogies upon the TAM' of 1846. TLey attributed that.demand to the influence of that act; and cited the high_ prices paid. for Wheat, Cprn, ()eat, &0., as/Pvidence of the" utility and wisdom of Pl . "eiTTrade. But the prospect bi a tail crop has "spiked this artillery." . Meets have rapidly, fallen, The limner no longer feels the benign influence- of Free Triitle. Be Mike of .cominued heavy, importatigus rd foreign mantiluctuies, but,he.has nb informa tion of: unusual •exportaiitTiV7uf-,ngristrltural pioducts. The bubble has burst. 11 Europe slaluld become enguiphed in a general war, or her soil reins° lo,yielillur fruit, the tariff of 1816 WOUlkivnils lint "while the. nations , of the earth tare ,at peacis i and full harvests reward the husbandman of the old worlifas well as the principle of Prolactibn for'ffiis country : keeps: up a demand for, 'the: In bor ,o 1 the ,operative,'.antr.selimmi a steady home 'marli.M.,,for the' pioduct , of - the humor. 11001 ‘VESITTIN. ilßnuityr.—Tlie • Indiana • Ourna, 'as confiereedVittr Intellige n t gentleman who 'inte.,travelled .exteneiyely , thmeigh The„ ..Statettot.liliesmainiiloara, and `'lol'i - raw who gives It , 'tis ins deliberate;opin- ,jen that:TaVeit wity'eary nil al} Those' States 3SI4;YantWOOMA II 49r,O I ;,!7. ,I3 PFIPPRFY,-'4) l - all that:region4s 4.ery strong. MID To.read the Yoluntik one 'night suP -Poielthe Cass and Butter-ites. were hold ,- itiginfinense and enthusiastic meetings ' all over the coiirity. ' ' y or - meetings are all , totalolilitres.'' The reverse — of this statement would be much nearer the truth. On Thursday last a locofoco of Allen M. Cook'a . in South Middleton towshipr which we are informed , was sosmall that ,they Could not have raised their hickOry (pole ,if sdnie neighboring Taylor:men had not come in, arid asalsted I On the I hext day' the. Whigs had a large meeting :it Bichwines, in. the. same township,,, - ,wheie 'Et , lofty Taylor ;pole, was relied, find the ` warmest enthifsiast n in "thy cause. exhibite& The locotoco;. 7 reeeting tin Dickinson t,ownshiVtis:Jar as' Dickinson was concerned,•was, a ,compleie failure. The locafoco meeting last `weekin:Wiim-, l e fsburg . :_was , tatliti,e;auintiering as we are tog, but nineteen' persons! But the___Locos, ,are, playing the .!.brag game" very strongiand. find it necessary to represent their own 'fineetings'aS large and spirited, Ay hag - the-Whig Irnee.iings are asserted to belailures...'The'prO,e4' togs of the,•Whig meetiriga..„ . WlttoPit gire below show -fiew little -titrilifAltitre is in this statement: I..e.totiiirlendkpity no attention to the bniggings, and herist ings of the locos, but go on and` do their duty with* diligence and and all will be well. , Carlisle Jay aPing A grand rally of the ‘Vhigs of this bo rough wet held on Monday night, at 'Orth'e Hotel, in this boreugh. Although the night was exceedingly stormy,' and but a few hours notice Of the !fleeting was given, yet several large : moths ot the • Hotel were filled Pidli'etithusinstic Whige,'wlioShed cotne;ciel to hear Mr. our - *sent excellent member and candidate - for re-election to Cohgniss. The meeting was — orTganized as - President—CHAßLES MAGER: —Vice. Preivient-13e91 Wontlerlioh, John Gillon and-John - O'Neil!. Sicrelaries—James &tile and Woodburn Davidson; The officers having taken their seats .4 call was made lot the:lon. Jasper E. Brady, the Rough and !leady candidate forCOngress in this district, who rose and addresimd_ the meeting _at langtb, - exhibiting with great force, clearness arid eloquence the important issues which new divide the political parties Bof the country. 111 r. Brady'srar y speech elicited warm expressions of applause from his au dience, and gave the Whigs of the borough the most timple assurance of his cpialiftca tims and fitness tar the station, as Welt "is (is courtebus . aud gendematly qualities as a man. Mr. Brady was followed by &m at. F. LINN, Esq. bt Bellefonte, Pa, in an eloquent, sarcastic and humorous address, which pro (laced rapturous applause, and/put his au dience in the very best humor. The meet ing adjourned after his speech, determined to go into the contest with renewed energy, An adjourned meeting was to . be held last night at Glass' Hotel, and meetings will be held every night between thie and, the elec tion. ''KEEP UP THE FLEE, BOYS!" roice of Lisburn! .At . e,targo and entbuilastto meeting of, The Whigs -ot Cktiberland and it'ork counties, held at the public house of. John Heck. in Lisburn on 'Saturday evening the, .30th 01 ,Septemberlift 10111:m.)11g procabitinos wee Pressdint—WllllNHANl 'Trice Presidents—Jacob 1.. Zook,' - Rankin Courtitl, Geo. Shister, Isaac' • Barton,' James Youhg, Gl3O. M: Reed, Joshua Gehr, John Jimob-14aguriatt,' Jonathan Millard, Gen.'kedetrs'or - . ••" • ••" ' Secretaries`—'l'. L. Cathcart, Iteuben Stern, Jobti.Brandt;Michael Ltirithert; - • Jaineiiiiri:l,MS!z'llairiacte er Geo. Chapman, Ezekiel : Worley, John • •,• • • Bowman, and Samuel Grove,' were appoint ed a' committee to draft resolutions , express ive of the sense ef, the meeting, who repor „ted the *seised; Tikni,‘Vii : diem it: necessary, to, loker teut - -encourn,„ 6 . ti4theiicanlinthiiik and protect all classes, lathier laborer; Mi..: tchante and manufacturer, againilt•thetruinowit tcollTlpetithin - of, ,Iforegft capital , a n exisstienfe pi•Oy,esl that:ln tiof!ht gteat.” est 'ptbSre . rity Weise intetest protected ',l;l3i:a.,jtit.ietentelarifri•thaethisiyniliielpftV IS of iftieltrvifil - irripilitaittigospeeially , totenney l ;. iq,lhat; ne at I y all tier , sonsi, of both' ticiliti 4 jlattfea, last election themselves'. thii4iiin cle• and iidvncule~s or the i rip i. 142 ;, but ,'Atie 10t414. -dila' Of h Pol k partyideceived its t oncredo- lbuOiiithis?eititit;:anit &lie; 'lined dot rankled. bitip'ese , piniiii'Xld4iiitt ortiiti; An'alli , „creifealliint",' k ankCioulunaiy!belietioial; 2 064Dniuctilik V tk- - pOinitieoti,..:of.ft#lliti* )liitOide' li,V ) :*tfilieitehOe;tinVVitiolVhies Alia Inning tissidli "diffinigOitnes, 16! liti,splki,::! 4 ' - q ll ‘ o 4 , 111 „:: , 4 4 .' e Geniral , NYLOR.I- - ..tiellovitiglittit'tti -, 111 OE4IN itri'd • tho 0)4 (fimvgpieelig r dii.in tie riViMitt)iZ gobeessllß :tuft! that 4V:i 4l l 4l o4 l 4 ll #'dlirek'!illt Abtfletishi joptpaen ivga u`n i;Ort , ,Atto' subjeOt.pt the Tariffi' 340 WM ) , 'fi(ltig6,•,tlitkeegltiVfilit•id:o6, t o a *tilt ocOuli42,r :„Itt Oti .#l9( l :l4 l 4lactritir - TregtvitAt , ,01126. erirviou4vio‘cftitiiptiki`f ,filkteli 103101* C 4 , L ' • • , , .14 •';' ~~.~ ti~li:. ES= M=I2=IMT=MAISSI the soundest'pattotterril Petinsylvaitia - *Yres' hurt a deliticil: gra 1 1 file for his , ;ealcithrand ineCerisftillifiorts tlit"k otficti tiet;hertioil arid Wiles" by Molar fi AO_ e • 1 reeognikk irroutOrecl soni Morthypevriritiit,.W... FkiAOHNSON - a tite:patritiKand sterling adifir4tiftr • That' me 'hive findirn in iihed confidence in the . carincity and, : honesty, , of our candidate for ,Canal Commissioner, NEC Nlinormsw,snpr. end that ,we will,use all hon. :.'l..ißosoived, that we heartily ratify the nom ir.ations.of Jsstenn ,E....lLit'snir, our . . candidate? for Congress, knowing him to be in every way , worthy at our support. Resolved, That we concur fully in the 'nomination-of •our COD.NTY:TICKET,..and giVe it ourmited suppock. , 7: Resoltied,)Thab the feregoing ...proodedings be published in the Whig papers of Cum berland countr, dr; tA; I During the Absence 'Of 'the ,comtnitlee the meeting was ably and forinbly addressed by Thos; Craighead Esq. . The meeting woe • alsci„entertained for' some lime by O. B. Nebinder. , . . • • Fran t kford.,,S . 'peakipg! ' At a meeting of die friendaol. Geti.JA Y. LOB: in' Printkford"Mtintitilii oti•Fridareve njng'Alie 30ih ult. the meeting was organized by the , appointittent. of: WM:. BLOZLR, ae I;l',Oieident, am.l„•,§amatiF ; Bowatan end John McDowell' Secretaries. • --- ' - ' 7 '-' ' ' 41 . 05 lollorAtik r . iicilutiofirti refo.ihen intr6 tltiCitifanA unaninrio9sly adqplett: • ' ' Reedo(4l, That we cqnsider the appoint ment' ot'ponimittees of Vigilince iinh.dithontilistiict necessary to insure a full turn-out of the friends of TAYLOR !,111,.1.-: 'IVIORE and JOHN S ON ;at the etaiting-elee lion. Therefore- , Resolved, That James McDowell and Semi. Bowman be appointed 'tor db trict,—Paul Randolph and' Wm. Blower for Sulphur Spring district,-- -- Ilatthies Kemmer er, for Gillespie's disti ict,—Johri Daulhauser 'and Cli ristian yers ,for Graham's d isti Blozer .and Henry Rickebriugh for 'Possum Hill district --John Hays and George Strome, jr. for Hays'-district,-John Lehman and George Liven for Stone Churchdislrict. Resolved that we will with hearty dim& will support the WHOLE COUNTY TICK : - ET placed in nomination by,the Whig,Coun ty Convention, and - especially secure by all fair means the election 01 Messrs. RUPLEY, and McCLURE. to the Legislature; in prel erence to their Locofoco opponents, - Messrs'. ' Lamberton and Lefever: itesolved, That we have no confidence in Lefever's; firmness a public servant,' hay ing seer, his vascillating coulee while a Di rector of our Public Schools-and as for Lam. .berton we williet the THREE THOUSAND DOLLAR ROAD to his own Saw-milloit the, expense ofiht COUNTY, _bear testimony to his disinterested devotion - VP-the public interests t —that we consider Lefever his supple instru= merit for effecting the passage of the law for laying out the said road. Resolved, That we will with our whole hearts support •TAYLOR and FiLLMORE, , for the Presidency and Vice Presidency, and WM. P_:.....KMNSON for the Gubernatorial chair of Penrisylvania r believing, that every intereei.of the nation mid Stale will-pfosper wider their guardiamearn. • - . • Resolved, That these proceedings be•pub lisheil in-the Whin . papers of the county. (Signeilloy•the Offinni.) . - 011brilt, - ..4llliddleton. 'awake. A large and entlitisiastict meeting of the Whigs took place at, ltickors tavern - on Sat urday night. The meeting ';sttii Milled'tet order by ap. pointing the tollcrivmprptficers: , President, JOHN MILLER, Vice. Presidents , Isaac Brenneman, John Gutshalt and Joseph Stayman , Secretariii, Jorreph..Porter , and Abraham Whitener. " . "Chi motion—lsaac Brenn,eman, Levi Hull and 11.. V. Henderson, were appriinted a dom-' miners to dratt rescilutions expressive ot.the sense of the meeting. During their absence the meeting was ad dressed by R.• M. Henderson Eaq.''l , The committee reported/ the following' Rough and Ready Besolationa which were unanimously adopted: Resolved, That the Whigs of North Mid dleton recognize in General TAYLOR, a man eminently qualified to discharge the-du ties of thehigh station terwhich he has been npreinated by, the American People. Resolved,. That the straightforward and upright course of our peseta excellent Governor, WM. F. JOHNSON, command the respect •of every true Pennsylvanian, and will insure to him the vote of every man who deaires to see a thorough .reform in the Ohl Keystone Stine; , „ Reso)yed, That . our COUNTY TICKET deserves and will receive 'our hearty and, tritedisupporL— Resolved, That' white''' ur principles are in contest, btle rights me at stake. and our couptcy in danget,, we 'twill/toyer say die," but light on, fight ever! - Oitmotion the meeting rillinurned to meet in Carlisle on Saturdny, the,7th of October, ut the great mass meeting.,.. „ (Signed .by the Officers.) An Original Taylor Man. , We learn from the Genkstimg Star that Gott:.T...C. LIAM, of,Diaiiinson township•in ttris c o unty, was . one 'thp,,,speakers'ai: the ,greaqaylor mass meeting there onithe 2tl illh'Gen;Ailler is one , of the originardemo; lush° Taylor-rnfn,Whn sent (bah that lamous I, Ciroular" so lavishly` eulogiaed . the Old Hero of Selina But pr most. of signeraV like: regular Wade° spoil-hun; ters,,haim,deserted,thesarno,ot , the' o)it oral,• , while ' 4, ltenest George ; Kremei,P, Gen. Millst,anttn . few, Optiertifemitirr qua i l d o their, inn - sole a:,irind. of eXiarisivo'ialNenn,O; gl a d to know is aellieli r *ignied " l liiitheting the . . tpcp,mau,so,.ot4,l - 9;4 Par . 9 ; wlto,"n,evar, qui?. ere-ath, , ()hid PnP 14, nn.--The _ ,1 ~ ..eit, s t , ‘ • ..sGazir4s?rAl-, ,--- ;Gii . iy. r Le FM' : i 'l ' d ~,rr,—;,.—illkiii:nr7,,CaY t`‘. A Indiana ; a" "n°l4ll'`-' i' bitleb`ll' 8111 ` 131 - ' bihliraieal IgaiLalor;eo.,4!lin3l,ericiirrisighin:i'MlV-5, -7- '' l 49 ,'.la , me i - ' , 72.7:7, , 2 1 1: .2 , . i wilhi rri tip :ln i ciii :.,,,,„ i;iiind 118;1"9/3e3; ; ton.'.ri.;,'2,,,,iie, st tt . .01,i4inor'0!..Mkp.tr .":, ' ~06. • ba gtiVIII!,!.. t.TI '4'i ' 4 1 ''4wV.o ,k? t;thWiio".*l4lit)rtl'- r ' l "`" 1 ' ''' fras lollll ‘, l l . 11 ' 1 ' ''' ,oldirgattl-99" ' .uoiit'' 1 , 0 voluneer , uentlY: 4111 1 1 - - . - -.',- 4 i n b \r'' 1 4 8434'g id *enPAP`lke l'''sM, T-ii.iteci'igco4).6ofll,' ,' - '' ' aid' A'.:-IMl't Ge". -'-''lt`NDlo-41t*':"1°V4'1Wts" toeitiO, wi a; ina -1).11," ~,iotedllarcolll3lllll- ',+"' 4 ' I,aooqi'inal,f.:,7,:, :,,.,,, = . l' Y *A: , 'iii di , -, V 4. ..... 77 ..... 7 ..._,..——:=A' '''''' --ir-telin'ol.olsl: 'it,r,,,, ~ ', - .„, - Tt. 0 ,0 1 ,,, il.„ vaq' , uct#ll7...i AlRAP97,lll,lot'iv,ut. ?.--,..16 tti"ey.ipprpal I,i n d' of Te3f,3l&‘‘didain,,vt.,,m). bi itioan.324l°' Gank.a' "Free 11(9- ...gee \ iSkeittlPMl, .0.4.4L15i V F , '` 1 ' TirIOWAN... , ^ ~. frie-1,1.•,--, diga.,,, 411,." ~.7 nrn iarearr .'''"' I,ll' ado ure PP- .1 p Dorsi' —,42,,c,„ r,"?.oavolliarltvi nt - n 14 .1, 0 1 1 6.4,,,„1 liil 4 ./tidlialaal .'“ : , tipparil.. tr. 41 i1a4i..,„ 1 '.11 LI n• 4.sl,nta'R,lllgitr'': ,I;#,l2,T2'aii,'4,:',.'s' ...41, ii .Cala'afr,„r. at t';,'itt-tlakv"-':,:' '',‘,,, ~ 1,1 2 ...• ~,,i' ', r .. I- e" , ' • 4.47,4,-.1,10,1r,,-1,,-,: , ~ ~‘',} ~.Fty ; ,,.., :dit. „ 4 , 4‘.:-...,, 41. ~,, , Ai ~ W•s, :, ~, 6. M=MMI DEES :-- . • , .--: ~.:, .r'nficlf6 litit. 'i• ""' • - Ifigrii . ket%on slapq-)yoyin. , --. , . i 7 ~. klitilittr:6lk4lll6 - iiiiiintionTler the l'isx.s,K -- i l'aierslof ,bliifibli htieautiti;tins'-bien latelY'.. , j• ',milled 1 04 4 ii„ic f.' ty in inegieS's,'Stiletrue ',. ,- new ro d ;: . ?fir , ent.V . ,"...The:'':object of -',', is wi l *irie 'l, auk I be, ,the.- contiec,ion Of -, ' '' f 'r ft- 1 1 ' • f '1; . • o f ' • umberlmjsLys I 4 err) coon y r y means *hat peri3iiita'fo be, ori easyocce.ssible, ex, i ., iniditinus . route: Having some slight knOwbi ;',' edge of the momitaiti which- , seperates 'Meer; '. two.cduntiee from each iiither i 'llf . er which .. this road 'would necessarily bevel() pass, ley curiosity, was excited. as •to 1103-.:4""i"tec-si"-• ~ which its ahripiti inraeasibile laigh , t o l Wrillif 7 be reached by hs Irerat. piojeethr; b-,OgariS'4' Lambertern - -Eiv- - Accordinglypiiitvlsdinifif 4 : morning (mind me toillrig f ,dp one of the -. steepest known. 'ariCliVities on the North _.„,. - .. ,mountain, under the guidance,,ol a , fin friend, o. 'whairept es.!tiriag me at, each fresii tent, iiiis s ..'i. we stumbled ovei`greurid oaks, li!use'rolline ,'1 , , stones and frowning projecting-rocks, "that its, `was a beautiful undertihip.,to be sere." At ' length almost 'eibaulited; i i retiehadAit top, wlibre seating, myself open a i0r,,..1,pt4,4,1 6 ',, F. .ed to .whittlebqt for Ilia benedt,ol4par P ;tiad- ; ers,-- a wood-cut-repreientinelliiBtleylouS -, . winding's over Which J . htitiiiiii'Stp4se.ll,l 7 .•"_, , 2 Now tax payers ,o 1 .Cumbe,rliat4p,lalte WT.% -. cut up arid exair ipe.it..;,,,-„,:,.'''• - - . - ': . . - . , -1 -• 4iirii,ii sitliciiii;hiOttt,"! . ,C' ." , • . 1 It MlClWilltKilmo vettatoialtit•totta,tN , ' 1i,4 . - big , which. your and. 1, and' litberjr , fra),r . e: lc! ' . 'plank up the roondrium Of THREE kir FOUR '" THOUSAND DOLIeAqS I in oaler ! to gratify 141 r.: Lain6,e~igr , in getting at serve us 1 Now lax payers ni.Cumberland, rife we to Irma Ab'm. Laritherton back to the tegie lature, to concoct sortie new plan-lo spend his neighbori' money 1001440y411 wello send him beak, }e may to hare ail act passed next winier e enthorizieFe tumid through the very heart of the mountain, in order to conduct the water of, the Saw-mill' thrmigh his plantaligiv.„on thieyside. Why not have taken Maitre° theirand dollars ackexperided it on ttiMterrett's Gap road, "where nature pointe• - the only and proper MS BUINR:QMRE. • ? Query. If a horse should start to run down the 'new road,' according to the wow=L cut) where would he be most likely toctir►)tl., out at? Answer next week ; '''• A friend suggests that. he would come out at either Mount Ruck or the Stone Locoroco DENOCRACY.--FO!.111000 011110 ' 10 cotocos who nominated Gen. Taylor, .fur Ilte cl Presidency at Harrisburg in Jime; • 1841 i 'bei'vi cause of his. "knoWn•pa,toelism 'and entire'' . entire honesty ol.purposeAnd action which was the marked characteristic of those illus- •-• trims patriots and heroes—Washington and' . ' Jackson," have recently publitilted a•lorig'd recantation of their former high regaid fer ' the Old Hero. And what think- you,•• demo- ' cratic reader, is the prominent reasonacso; ed for this sudden -change? Because Gen. Taylor has said that hewould not 'leers - .. 1 ...,, I..ye-to r - riiiii of the Vrro, Ripes' laws to...ptdtlilifii• Ca ; tot:papa tiona-r ~F,pull. men would fall flat.on,,tkell lacA, Ivlnte l a Turkish Bashaivif they'were paid for it! ' ••''- Bear' fivelltintl. That.the.elqctititijor,CrOv4noi, canal ; Com mitts ioner, ' Members 'or: Congress. &c„ tO,M,.held on Ttzii4v,iil'l9ol, DAY . That•the election',(or.Eotors ofPresi. dt , tot and Vicey:resTel'etilig,lo beiteld on the Falai. VirEttiliterbenti,.ilOth n,ty, OF NOi:EMBEII. • •,•+ • , KEEP IT BEhOltfin'lig I'EOKP I. T l lo::V4kOhil.!gt.o l , l ro4P, t4o.`!Wtfk94l r )Y " Qtgayir ol the giant, , lo:F.Rfc!0:: Illiir,ty) giAf..ktke true peal t ten 0f . ...;1'ti1l oi t 44 4 Case .on .011/1:i ~,..0 0 . - 110,1 '9l Slavery: e'xtetiiijoi)jlhe!i;ltir,pk l /1 1 , 1 P.*Oci . fili#43l*g,ii' , *4;"Ofi 6 : i iik t o 4 ), '10 . 0,, 0 . . t utipe,:olli readers in,Miptetteittior;sAir .,l-- ip . ,be : oloeiatit:pihe;; :,iioiiii?ii::(llo.S.fiii#ii - P. , But•.the..loliiiitliig,ext:titeie frtini;,the,s,,ikl4,lo474, filleitr',it,''ettee.'bii4i:ii4Vtkndt,'.:lh4Oitli,lfir ,a'„ ' ti'''''''"iti'i;iii'l ii!'ii•"Yel,4tilill'e'''iriliviit'idzi EIMOOt i: C )I l',J ).. - i.. 1; ~. , .•... , 'l, ',OAel.l.,iT it tf 0 r . i :k- f . t- :`'.' §l(ic :' '.':.f#'.'..,e''.,'';'': 1 . , 1' . .' , :,' ' ;4 4..: , c 4,4 Li3k !1 At,all we erelaPPY' ?!*.,. ' .eteiUtyitrlkate - leiterethet:..4eneta A3‘ i . 6644teejitie 7 iiiiii4hikiSltasitekenF 13',101iiii#01040Yiiititii$kil!'f't*:*!'1161Tt,,01:11.15: , .. ',Wilriiot-::soiiiv,'ljiii;ilpicilaraciitillOgyitlifgly! ';', Ith - iiiiiikailliiiiiekte •'hfiirXiehitilsoo:Z i legi*lked4::_.. 1 iii:thii - statiiiiiliA - 4,Riic4riffaiOluio. ,-?l,ti, Occu4'. PirOtilitirdscittotitiiilPTl:Xit..o.oJAVA.O.P i l o .: ~ . • 11 , 5ix44V 1 0 11 , ; ,4ii i00 ' . 7 1:4 !g4?!'0 8 1 . i .., J i ?. 1, '' .:. :. . o L'l. s l 4 P#**44 k , , ,„pfilt "? ; - :: :. ..'. 3, , ,1! iv.FR,q„ itePinftily--0 /, 41 --- ,I . o *be Tit Pivxlfo 4.59.41' 0*(6041. 6(. 6 . ' , s,Poillvt 2 .7;;' 1 ', i',Y.:yJlis.'..l4ll,llloiiite4if/. 90Ine$: -, i - 44 . h0;r.,;11).K., : .. 0111414.9ittti*1411V.W.9 0 .t.: ,pf gai.' 'fi 4 -ijsrigiiiite .::: Ikei:.i**4lo:o r iAiWi 44 .9-;•ii.i . gummtg i atis 4 L.:. teishes*fi:it.4oitill, ViilititiSiv Of 4 1 0 -iio 4l ?s . . r - • 1 1,Lhortii2,1tht4.0 4 , 0 1$;1041,,,?Viti t ly.,. ~,,t, , „. ;171' '," ', ', '-i '1,1'41 - `1:1"1 , '," O. '. I i'' ' .. " ' oq , k ' '' Atii . Wi g ` ;I§ 44 !; ,' ' '• 1 1 '1i4 '..! '..} ', '4;4 ' ):1:7.,1:. 4' . 2 ' ~i l lift # ol. ,! tk.#i,,./Atit'Pol.l.kh:e.i. P 4llYll.4wittip;.:! I .oo, , ,: , ,.....'lt*W . t,tit'i#'#!• l "' o4 ioMityliilli'F' , ' . i ti , ii , lf '. • ii* i(tilillig p r ielit iig'rti44 4A44(0,....-:,, , ,,..:,..2,0..0!..15:11 . 100.44110„ti011ey0. 1 /t, • . - ,iir bet' ~#:, .1; .: ioJ*olj.iftifiViiao6*tiicii,,[ ) :::', qi, ~ " , bitej , ? ,, i ,l. fi(V i itici . thet ttiAiglitiltat. ,. :..:.'..;. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers