41' VOLUME XLIX• (Earbil. Dr, John J. - Myers, - HAS REMOVED his Office and'ilivel ling to the house adjoining his Drug Store on West. I ligh street. • °Oil Di. Geo. Willis Foulke, .C,RADUATE of the Jefferson Medical College of Philadelphia, respecifully%offtirs his professional services in theTractice of Medi pine, Surgery. and Midwifery: OFFICE at the residence of his faller in S. 11 iiiiiiiiraTiiiiTe7diiidiri - oppnillintrirrets'Aliiiii 1 and the 2d l'reiliytcrican church. np 7 '47 Motor Ad. Lippe, OMOEOPATHIC Physician. Office in,Mnin 'street, in the houth formerly occu pied by Dr. F. Ehrrnan. op Dr. I. C. Loomis, WILL perform all operations upon the Teeth that are requi red for their preservation, such aspealing, Plugging, &.c, or will reitore t to loss of them, by,inserting Artificial Teeth, from a-single tooth to a full sett. D:rOffice on-Pitt street, a few doors south of the Railroad Hotel. Dr. L. is ab• sent the last ten days .of every month. •„. Wm, T. Brown, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in-tho several Courts oC Cumberland coon ty. Office in Mnie street; Hourly opposite the county jail, Carlisle; ~, .feb Joseph Knox, A TTORNEY AT LAW, Pittsburg, _CA. Pa., has returned' from Carlisle, .to 1110 cv - Titaciico of his profession in Pitiantrg, Allegheny county, Pa. fsh 10 '47 Henry Edgar Keene, ATTORNEY AT TrA.V. i 11.ptaC llef, in the several Courts of Cumberland and adjonining counties, and attend to all pro tensional business entrusted Id his mire with fi delity and promptness. Office in South Hanover street, in Graham's flew building, opposite the rust Office. august2t3 JaMO3" "A. AL-TTORNEX kr LAW. Office with -‘4L S. D. Adair, Esq. in Graham's new build it, opposite the Post - I Iffiee. mar 31 '47 Carson C. Moore, I ~TTORNEV:AT LAW. ofihe iu the roem lately occupied. by Dr. Fo•oer, h.leveased.• mar :t '47 R, A, lamberton, • A TTORNEY AT LAW, Harrisburg, 41 k. PH. W.RIGIIT & ZAXTON,_ IMP-M . l'll :MS AND D,I'ArtLERS IN FA?R EIGN t‘r. DO Al irA.tum A iz.E. Paints. Dye Stun's, Oil, Iron, steel, Sails ik.e. would invite the attention of ,personsAvant ing goods in !hair line, to the largo itssorittieni they have just opened, and which they oiler at the very Juvicant_cos.l,priaoa. _ 1(.11)23 Dyeing and Scouring. WILLI/A:NI BLAIR, in Loather Street, near the College. dyes Ladies' and Gentle. teen's upparrel, all colors, and warrants all work 1 , ) be satisfactory. Orders in his line res, , e,tittlly Pnliclled. rep '2 'l6 Pla,infield 019.3310a' Academy, (rOL'a MILES WET or t'AIZLISLL) rotwrit :iEsszoN I R Fourth Session will commence on 110 N DAY, May lot, I:418. Tho 11111111,0 r Of SIII dents is Moiled, and they are carefully prepared fur College, counting house, &c., &r. The situation precludes the possibility of stn- Monts associating with the vicious or depraved, being remote front town or village, though easily accessible' by State Road or Cumberland Valley Raliroadl both of which pass through lands at._ ached to the institution. TERMS. lloarding, washing, tuition, &C., (per sec) $5O 00 Latin or. Greek 5 0o Instrumental Music . • 10 00 French or Garman 5 00 Circalars,,svith, reLerences, :cc. furnished by apr 5 IC BI'RNS, Principal. lYligistrate's Office Removed TIIE 0111:e of the subscriber, a Justice of the i'eace, has been renioved to the house adjoining the store of Mrs. ‘Veakley, in High street, Car lisle, iimilediately opposite the Railroad Depot nod Winrott's Untoß. My residence being there, I will always be found at home, ready to attend to (he busineis of the public. In addition to the tinder; of a Magistrate, I will attend to all kinds of Writing, midi as Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Indentures, Articles of Agreement, Notes &c, which will be executed in a neat manner and ac cording to the most opproved The Men lately occupied by me, in Mr. Gra• building is for rent, and possession had im medigtely. The rent is low and the location good. jell le 1848 GEO. FLEMING. Ojnitlierland and Perry Hotel. . • THE subscriber desires to. in - fora) his friends and the travelling cc i ptlblic that he has REMOVED from did old stand,,' . ltnovines Wciblv's to the'nubliehobse r ecently' occupied by Johh ea Corn tin.ori:North'lldriatier dtrest, near the pub lic vinare, rherolialkillrbd gldd to see his old „acquaintances] from . .PerfY.dnd Couriberland, and eelmany new- ones as 'possible: Ws hosed is,large and-in good order, containing:li 'sufficient number of.well,furnisholohambera (linty for the most comfortable accommodation of travellep and tio,arders,', . hit s labfet]will sup plied:wok-the:choicest delicacies mi the markets,' and Ifta;liar }vial ;the .bost of -liquors: There is. • " coMmadiousi. Stabling attached to,fite. Is:nise i and, a - carefiff alwa y s bo,,in.attendenco.H Ile raspeetfullfinviteS,it.pall from, travellers and! knitere, ccittlidemoflifeet bi lity, to give satisfactio% , ;. 11 4N it-Y:' o LASS , - ilde . - -;Napoleonlt:ti.'. , .iti.l': - 915 . ...thi? Tonsco, „ ~ ,i,is-qi, , , l ;iit.', ,. ..ris. r Tribe ; - tb' ibiL&R,D , JOHNSON—not the hero of t le• --- Aiti - Thenresi:lntttthe - Ntigl?"f - Ilnriftitzur!"&7 epeolfellyinfoting titoecr requiring h ie profee . elonol• cervices; .that he , may. always bo cound;nt-tbeld nd'in Loitther;etreet i lonedoor.twent or . , Nor . h : .1 6 .. 1a UtICIIVerTialf*tiiMml_d d t_ a elt i e t i h t u irt h , m tho e ;:ren r of;In • g will-iiiiiihiti hpilliEgr'°"l74"ll'7l 4 .' tetin• and • nent .SILAV- • braff..ll°F.Ao44t uY " itt r ilio(3ol l ll.lNC,b.and teete.l ~.' 1tT. 6 4 1 149 , 1 41TY1" ft 6,liiiiatng;e4ber.Whisker, dr, - Iv o ll Y o WPw h ' 7 '3 6 -' O2 -, 4 0 t40 0 .to un i y 4,4, .. (4f ;.,,, ~,',, ... V , ' ' ,-f- '.7 . A ?le l 1 4 lash li I oris- ho 91; ' , in'ventoe,4l4;llllmiltdelefee,of, ::''..4,cipxijeb,t:3atrnlf ind i : vfr t.i i l nilirrned# for , ;I?kl;iiT.7o g li l 4,b rbAi oxy; ,whieb . :a ltla7:1; i ! :f: 1 11,igiorihg:lhvy,iiii;iiia: c iiidTrl4lll'ieiprn one l helf thelllgreheiel, :iiiey.7,7E0 . 13; , 1ickr, 1 . 3 •41qr•v;4, , .•,i,:t.' , 1 2 )§ 4 8 ''l i, ' , r z e S f pWryi4f4l-1:4 4 t 001311,,,r.'hyne • / • ' • , „ Riatiß,l36l,er,ih, paw., .• 14 .1 AlfitPlA 4 1114.1 4 ql, 1 11 0 ,,f0 I ,ffiatkiii ,l4 .‘ t. t h opcjlket 7.9;91 ( r,0d . Iro6 gwr)6904111 1 14 " 40117rg:1094 40* )4 Oa r ' t g 9o 01.9 , 19, ,erfi j"'f i ?: 4 °•TAPPO i t.lt d iff).ts i lv i ,,Asits '- 0 ' .`; "' • .• • rt. --I- . "1 . • • --- • - • • ••,- •-tL': . • .; r 7-, • . " \ ' ' - •4 . . • - ;.. . • - •'• • 1111 - . • ; . • , -2,•••••••• : ‹t, , .••••,..„ •-• * 3. ; : i y• e •• - : ' s •• • . . - .• :•• 370 p, - •'r 4. r' • • • ••ytt•••• ypcip, .• • • • e 4 , 1 • . • , . . • • ' • • •••- . , . • • • Jittitrance The Franklin Fire Insurance Corn UFFFCE, 1634 Chesnut street, near Fifti sweet: !)IRECTORS: • Charles N. 13Imcker George W. Richards Thomas Hart Alordecai D,LoVis Tobias Wagner Adolphe D.,Bore' Fz'amuel Grant David SZI3fo - tOf!'', - • Jacon It. Smith • Morrie •Paitaisoil • •Contintie to make insurance pertiertial or litni -ledi-'orreybirdaseription of property in town and country, At ruteans low as are, consistent with sectit:ity. The company have, reserved a large contingent furid which Wiihtkeircapittd and pre miums ~ safely iliveeted;:alrord. ample protection tc the insured. ' The assets of the- company - on January Ist, 11348,•as published agreeably to aneot of Assent bly,'Were as follows, viz : Mortgages ' - $890,558 65. Real Estate ' 108,3511 90 Temporary Loans '324.459 00 Stocks 61,563 25 - Cash on hand and in hands of agen.a, 35,373 28 . . . . Since their incorporation, a period of eighteen years, they have • paid upwards of ONE MILLION, TWO HUNEDED THOUSAND . .. :,..ILIBEC , -fir' _-.- iere )y a or nit; evidence of the advionges of insurance, as well as the 'ability and disposition to meet .with promptness, all liabilities. Clf A RI.EIS N. B A ITCKE Pres't. CI, S. G. BANC'KER, P.cc'. feb 2 Plae anbsefiber is agent for ihe - above , company„ for Carlisle and its vicinity: All applications for insurance either by mail or personally. will be promptly attended to. W. Diaßy-m-farnt At.1.1 , A AND E. PENN.SBOROUGH I Mutual Fire' Insurance Company ot Cum berland county, incorporated by an act of A•ssem bly, ie now fully organized and in operation, un• der th e management of ow following commis sioners, viz: Ckt. Stayman, Jacob Shelly, Wm. 11.-I;orgas, Lewis flyer, Christian 'lnzel. Robert Sterrett, Ifenty Logan, Michael Lochlin, Benjamin 11. Musser, Levi Merkel, Jitcol.) Kirk, Sand. Prow• ell, sr. nn' Moir:heir Breneman, Who respectfully call the attention of citizens of Cumberland and York counties to the advantages 'Much the coin patty hold rut. The rites of insurance arum low and favorable as any company of the Enid in the State. Per• sOns wishing to become members are invited to Make application to the agents ortlic company, oho are willing to wait upon theta at ityyrime. J.krt HI SHELLY. P ,k.ident Lewis Secroary 1 , 11 LI. COI KI.IN , ..I.l.t.ilHUrer A el ENTs—Rnunlpli Al Nen. Cnrnberina; Onristnnr . " - Pitznl'awd - C..punlnp, Allen; C. It. Harmon, hingsn)W II ; en ry ''/,oaring.. Stiiro maniton•n: Simon Oyster, IVntinleynburg ; Ito- Liert Moore. Charles 711 , 11, Carlin To. _ Agems for York County—.lngot, Kirk.,..eene rel ngeto ; John !Merrick, John Rankin, J. Dow man, Peter NN'oliord. A gems for Iltansburg—llowser & Lockman I'e•b 9 - 11U CUMBEID.A ND VALLEY slittlitat i'rotecitian Cow.'y. rivm CUMBERLAND VARLF.V MuTu• Al. PIM I'ECTIUN C , "Nt PAN V, w ill he miller the direction or tier - rollow log hoard of .‘tannins for the ensiling year, tie.:--'rhos C. l'residelli; Smoot.: Vice Pre sident; David W. McCullough. Trelmll'en A• iller.Seert•tary, , James 11"i•nkley „lotto T. Creen, John Zoe, A.,1,1%.10n niche, d ''orris, Smoot.] Iluslos,, \\ Whim l-uott Coyle, A levunder D.l%idson. There ore also 11 111111ibel. pis Agents opimitited in 111, AllilleCl.l Colllilll,l, Wire p ill receive 11111111C.:IIIMIS 1,/1' sursinee 111,d tnrenrd them immedisdely for ap proval to the oilier oldie Collllltilly,M hen the pot ley will h e issued without delay. Porfuttier iolortme.ion see the by-le ws of the Company. T 110.9. C. NI ILLEIi Pi•est. A. G. MlT.t.r.n,See'y. The tullowing gentlemen have been appointed H. Williams, Esq., Weslpeansbpre, Gen end Agent. .% S. A. Cole, Carlisle, Dr. Ira Day, M cAnitie slum+ . George lirfutile.,Esq.. &Hume. Jns. M. Alenue,h:Rq. Newburg. John Clentlenin. Esti. llngeotom 0. Stephen Culbertgou,Shippensbur; September '29, .1 it 4 7 IRLA ND now offers to tic pub• ) lie his Indian Vegetable Premium Plaster, the Otalities of which after long and tried expe rience have been satisfactorily established. To all women who may be afflicted with the affection of PnimArsts Umet, or the Fallen Womb, he now reconunendsbis plaster, guaranteeing a sure and speedy cure in the short space of time of flout to three weeks, if applied with care turtl rest, dip carding all the countless instruments and expen• sive bandages so long in use. 'Phis he feels Jus tified in stating, inasmuch as he has not failed i one instance out of three hundred and fifty cases. Price One Do hz„tn par box. Solirin Carlisle by S. Emata and Dr. J. J. N VERS• feb23--'-• I y Daguerreotype Likenesses! y C. NEFF respectfully informs the ""- • Ladies and Gentlemen of Carlisle and vi cinity, that ho has taken rooms on the corner of Hanover and Lowlier streets, in the !loud now occupied by Hunter & Reed as a grocery, and directly opposite William Leonard's store, where lie is fully prepdred to execute lificiumutcyrvrs LIICCSEMS in a style not td be surpassed by any Other artist , in the country. .lie therefore would , intntd ill toted Wish cortMit tniniature to honor him withd and lie flutters hintsalf in every induirtee to give satisfaction. Medi= .size, colored true to life . , and warranted not to fade, fur $1..50, inciitd ing,ti fins Morocco enact. _ • mar do. P niture Itooma, • • • • , ' • • • 1 - se `4.• . the uttontithi o . 13ouso z ` , keepora and - Aho - publi6; to the ox. toneive eroPlciif, statiodid,r. 1,11,1.N1T1112.E; .inc h i .' dingiSofaS, War'drOlies;GOPtio thul %shies,. IYretiaiog'da 1 aiiil3 iireitiud;eirork''Vetriety,6l. haVo' jOat; opsnqd at their Nrtv.iftll:3ls -- - c gr t t r y c d pn ee bf North. Hanover liod'Louthtitaircais, lirO:.corifittent ' hat lios• pf the Workmasehip,. and elegikpos their articles . are got up, together - , with_th,4lr; outi Efl them' tii ., ; . eveirY, Ocr.' sop ,wantipg,l o urill!Nre;' Ther.hate.tiiao;ivad a . itriangothanis fur- roanur a 'ctunag and' .heaping, a. donstrillekitilly , :tif'avetly'aitiola in plaip.,) nog., ; price which pannot fail 19 ; atict'ptirphasera; would iti'P °nob a who 'aril about ' to 'bmtualiCoilkli.quse-luieging;Aq•;tall tirid laxeutind' tHoir proms:it. t gegtin t , :eAosic jo..Which w . ill. adlitihns the'rieWcattutil ril9o It 7: ,?7!'71 , .; (.) FFINS.modO to Order °post* , 'lice,' for town .tin d, 'Jou , • hiee/im itepits4k . o' eltraciiiipJ4o 11 , 440gati(ditp i: r i c at. ,pugpi?: `,T.Entit•Ao:t argp he: I, l ?4xo , jcs.talius frtelid"aiid,`ciietnuie e.:. .nmafgbfe,7;l;',lil;?,;:"7.:l.l•T pang of philadelphia. $1,220,097,, 67 Fire Insurance. MUM AGENTS, Premium Plaster. 1: - .9 Lkk UGX32.z.-,./L-U) • '4'Z:OLMI tgl -2-21 StlizlrAgaluvp.o, From Oki Daily IPen•e. • -•-• OATILISLU, ;rutin oth, 1848 • DEAR NEWS;n-All 40611 as D. was announced by telegraph that General Taylor hail reeked the nomi nation or the Whig Convention, it oeourred to ma that irresw Soya Hoox 'would lie . WOnted, and I're.• solved to contribute u mite to it, which may answer until a better Is procured. It containa.but four vers es with a chorus. tint IT the voeal , p t eWers of any should desire more Bxerilse otter singing' it through, they.rnay very appropriately sing It over again. flluzza!:now for Old Rough and Iteady,” - • ,• 'Detre—Twilit the Bow.' • • Hoz= t now,.fer Old gimhrind Ready, • 11laytelf‘the poiriiMe ; e ahrerryle !;•eadyi le'ellw eeaf lilo brave free Chorea—He's the choice, &c, "feneral Taylor never surrenders!" ' Though hosts should encompass him round Where bullets nod blows fall the thickest, s'lsitere_kg_lqll tclrlys be found. • . Chorus—Ms there, &c. When pressed by a lmet sent to crush him, .When the spillis of, most 'gan,to EMIE aft LITTLE MORE GRAPE, CAPTAIN BRAGG:" Chnrust—A little mart, &c. Our Presideyt r rwili make him;• Nis urospai r tiaglt Hour, arplgqin,s, In th e White Rouse weAturoiY l.44 l l ace him— •'Roughnrnl Ready will oheaye do righi{" Chotue—Rough atul,Ready, &c: OLD ZACH SURRENDERED! THE EDDING PARTY AND GEN. TAYLOR The follows nglively description of an affair, in W114:11 the General wasfair-ly fib rround ed, is from a correspondent of the New Oilcans Picayune. latlnvn.i.E, May q.f), 1848 The good people of lberville have been in an excitement for some days days\ clea ted by a,. expe( ted isit from Gen. Taylor, lie thaxitig peotniscd to call on some 01 -hist lie m that pariah, and partake ol Melt Quietly and unheralded, ,accoinpakied by an). Avery, Esqq.. lie pre sented himself yesterday nt n0r444,-(Tnesdayo at the residence of J.'N. Brown, Esq., where lie pa/tool:M . ri sumptuous dinner, and then plia.coded 4 lo the house 01 u \‘ltEm_perscral ii lend, RA. wall. The General was_ ut l'aiiitithablb line ansi since he has !Mown Aside the indititry dress, and come out in a new suit of black. it t a he Ma had mined track Hie , and stricken the mat ks of ten years Irom Ins ea pacitrus brow. --- It so happened that On the viTry evening of the mil vat ol Geo lor at Col Ste the beantihrt - It sidence of Mr. Sunoq .Le line lic:ued t ip natil .- . it . seemed .Irou Nazi! of ligEoind ;‘ , ,,hiri its prevints were heard the saint., of tevelry. The patriarch's yraingest dangluer had a few hour's belore stood at the bridal altar, and hundreds of re latives and hiends were joyously celebtat;ng the event. The ninon went through the crowd that Cert. layior had arrived in the nec.thborhood. .1 he bean o tol 1 , 1 hie, the troupe of la ir:e's makts. %%hole circle of 3,0 . !11 , 1,11;1's lair e-r Mat dared the festive FVVIIe, nye:tied t:de honmed tone, while the gen tlemen more bohderourly gave vent to their of admiration. In a lex moments the ladies formed a plan to "capture the old Irmo." l'hey felt confident they could do what Saida Anna and twenty thousand pick ed troops caulk) not. 'Three lovely young ladies were at duce organized into a power ful army, suppoi ted by several gentlemen. The affair was entirely suceditsful ; the light military got on the gallery of the house unperceived, as'it was mining very hard at he lime, and boldly mei ing 'he s.dlypml, can ied old %itch in (Theca seconds. At the lime lie was (bully sawed in a huge tad backed aim chair; t 01. Stewart supported him on the right, his accomplished luny on the left The Ceneralssin the first attack attempted LO manoeuvre : but it was a total fitillirg ;Ate ditch waq on the wrong side, and the first discharge of a little more mime of bright eyes set him fluttering, and with a few mo tion shots he surrendered at disc)ction long be fore the heavy artillery in the rear was •brought into.action. Old Zech, however dis played considerable presence•of mind even under the novel position of a defeat, and ca pitulated that he should ride to the wedding in the carriage with his cap-five-tors, and be treated otherwise with all the cousidemtions of honorable warfare. Gen. Taylonwas instantly hurried oft for fear of a rescue, as Clare were large forces ,o 1 the enemy hovering about, all anxious to get him Into their possession.. Ile acted in a most resigned Manner thronglintn, and as Jar as could judge, showed a little of La Ve ga's spirit, tieing, rather pfeaned With his place of imprisonment. .06 arriving at Mr. Le Blanc's he was Con. eucied with due ceremony into the crowded rooms. A buzz elexcit'ement followed, and when the old General wns seen, the waving. - 61 - fair hands-and loud shouts of welcome' General Taylor,, followeif;"b-idal favor" was imrheiliately pinned on iris right OW deriand another imprinted en his lips, and ho d became the obierved of all.olairrrverd. • The Geteral was literally crushed under favors; he lioU t vermaintained his position: It Would be:impossible Torun to detail all, the, interesting' incidentrf , ot.the .occasion;. And , perliiipS It. would not be, proper 14,,u5,t0 no• rims: that thir•litile grantlionMi.••Siment - ie Blanc,. who rejoices ritimeTat Zachary Titylorj7,weir placed in. ILei'ald:griii erul's Arran, hia,pAiliasyjogotii to en:general~tor►to:ot-these'da . -riga hin jgdrrioy dewn'the coast; calling at rho ,resielfrDP-Pr;2. A•4s., • ftoberlsiiii; Ed Wifict 'Mak: John . ..11figalidt;_and'IL-C: YYJDS $4OlOll - i•ltlf 16416401Y:4'A ':raxiiier: • , - , ITittt Bognor Tim Hotis.:-4Theit term PiIUSL billitlr':iitieritietl'fienitheArigleStxon lord dignities the "bend of the'lioliO,Vou4 it. W m as anciently spelt ',hoe oolitihueti!. en he spelt thus in some_Engl4ll Q,IbIO, alter the hittid'uotiotr,cfcii tfirt , '`u,f ' A Nis benqi 'theft': a'behse:bonti.:—the bonii of l i bo o th a t wunsh t engi,nlies the , fuelily; into the union of oneuese Wye, , Wile f ,entl: Child tin), tualsirtinger within the, all;their inferest and theirkbeppittese , ups'en:: .eirpleti',in the- “Itonse'bentl'lP-.elphrtikelllkro: 01 19 01 ellf his' Proist*ho4:lll.4l'.hUsipeOPAl. tiijnl d*3'i)ll:ll4 a CARLISLE; 'JOE .21: 1848. A noblciman in the city of London, who. kept n good number at servants, relived considerable confidence, in one of .them, - which eiwited — ajeahniq iii th 6 others, who, in order , to prejudice their -master. against him, accused him of being a notorious gamester. Jack was called lip and :closely inferrOgated,.bal he denied ,the Jactj at the eamo,time declaring he never plaied a card' 'in his hie. To be more 'conyinced, the gentleman articled him to be seareliedi when.•beheld a pack et cards was found in his pocket.ighly,incensed et Jack', wont 'of - veracity,, the noblenfaMknearided, iti a rage, - how he 'dared persist in an.tinti nth ?..,-- "My,lord," replied 'he, "1 'certainly de not know the meaning of a card"; . the bundle in ,my .pocket is my Alumnae." . "Your Alma nac, indeed I then I desire you will prove it." "IVell,Sir,.l will begin. The:re are loin suits in the pack, that intimates the lour quarters in the year; as there are ilinteec cards in each suit so there -are thirtegn weeks in quarter. . i rbere are also the Fame number of lunations; the twelve signs of titer zodiac, through which the sun steers his (flume' course in ono year, There are fifty-two cards in a pack ; that directly answers the number ol %.• &situ, •vamine the more minutely, and you will find three hail- ' Bred and' sixty,five spots, as/Many as there' are days th the year; thtiso multiply-by twenty-four and'slity;.aml - you have tlve ex- actnniiiliet, 'Minims and — es ralißii in a year., 'Altus. sir, 1 hope. have convinced you it l's my Almanac, and by your lordship's per- mission, I will' prove it my Prayer Book; also, I look upon the tour Fllll3 as repre senting the four prevailing relig,ions: Clirls tianCy, Judaism, Alahornefanisrn, and I'a. gamen ; the twelve court cards remind me of the twelve 'Patriarchs. nom WhOITI sprang the twelve tribes of Israel, the twelve Apos tles, the twelve adicles of the Christian Milli. The king rerninds'ine of the al,egiarice due to his majesty, The queen, of the same to her tonies;y. 'l'ire ten brings to my recollec tion tlre lee cities in the plains of-Sodom and Gomorrah, destroyed 'by tire mid brimstone from heaver: ; the ten plagues of Egypt ; the ten cornmandinerils ; the ten tithes cut oil horn their vrees. - The nine r : enrinds roe of the nine noises; the nine :.(Ible orders am ong tnem Thu eight remialls rue ol '' . the, eighteen beatitudes; the eiglikattitudes fire eight persons saved Or Nuak!, "ark ; the eight persons mentioned in SciiPtfir to be releas-. 'erl from dertth. to lile.', - 'flk weir remind*, me - the seVettAalniinistai ig spirits that., stand, belore thel4hriart6of . ,Q d One seven seals wherewith lice book et tile' is F:ealetl; the seven Aiheral arts and sel; flees given Ify , G-ort- for the' instruction of ift In; the seven wonders of the 'Amid. Thai ,`;reminds ore of the six petitions contains In the Lord's prayer. The' five Nminds rr . ..afalLoseift•es given by God to man—lieacVii4teeilfg, feel ing., nutrig and rituel-Img. 116 e-four puts trio in Illillti . of lIM 'tour Evariggitsts; . the lour SC:ISOTIS 01 tlre year. 'Tire three reminds the of the Trinity ; -the three hours our Saviour was nil the cross; dui thrice days he lay in toned Th . two reminds the til the two tes taments; the two contrary princrples strug gling to man virtue and vice. The nee re minds ore' of the only line rind to adore. worship arm solve ; one only 1“ . 011 to 1'‘..11(2.ve• one null! to I , r:clic:L., and one , :...00t: inti%ter co oho)." So lur is very %%c11..' said the no. blemart, 'Tint I beliet u you hate onii;ted one card, the knave I'' ''true, IIIS" loin, the knave i moulds rile of yonr lordship's into! rm . er." The nobleman berarne more pleases} with Jack than before; freely forgave Iti'•',i, seised his wages, and discharged the ft DEMI Robert Emmet and his Betrothed 'Twos the evening of a lovely day—the last day for the noble ill-hired Eminet. A young Indy stood at the castle gate mid de sired admittance OR; dungeon. She' was closely veiled, and the keeper could not im agine who she was, nor why one of such proud bearing should be a supplicant's' the iQon door, However, he gratdcd the boon her to the dungeon, opened - die mas sive door, then closed it mgt in, and the lov ers were :done. Ile leaned against the pri son wall, with a dywneast heed, and his arms folded upon lit breast. Gently she raised her veil horn her lace, and ~Enimet turned to gaze ripen all that earth 'contained for him—the gill whose sunny brow in the days of his boyhooh had beeq hie polar star —the maiden who 'had sometimes made lien think '''the world was all sunshine." The clanking of heavy chains sounded like ti death knell to her ears, and she wept like a child. Emmet said but little, yet be pressed her to his bosom, mid their feelings held a silent meeting, such u meeting perchance, as is held in heaven, only that we part no more. In a low voice he besought her not to forget him when the cold grave received his inani mate bods:—lie Spoke of by-gone days—the happy hours of elii:dhood, when his. hopes were blight and glodomS, and he concluded by requesting her sothehmes to visit the places and scenes that were hallowed to his memory from the days of his infancy; and should the world :ptonounce his carne with scorn anti contempt,. he prayed she would continue to cling; tai him with affection, and remember him when all otheis should forget. Hark ! the church bell sounded, and he re membered the hour of execution; The turns key entered, and after:hashing the teaks from his eyes, he separatedthem front their long embrace and led the lady from the'dengeen; At the entrance their eyes. Met—they could not say, farewelitlio - door 'Strang en Its heavy Magee, and they parted forever.• not forever Is theie notheaven At' , sutirise the tiagt Mitlithld .116 ' giflle4o4l:l gloriously—a piartyr , to hid cuuntry and , • "Amt one-vo er the myrtle skewer,. • • Ite leaves by 'en winds ahem! . She feded 30014theltallan v , ' The af --4f-lities-ittaiii s ritl= - 41.-linly,wliq;--a-g0i1.v6i.19- Iftrie - of - slanset Italy 4.-wtiat a rniignifinerik scene ! A riste,ertkne,lnlqcl;girl lnympon her bed o 1 tleath: , " 4:lh k it,oug; !luta for •Itok‘..tP die; , for iron' 1111.i . ,tinattlif lend; whets Ilowp,rililtiomrpei ) ennial; , niiit'belmy flowers eon-le . :freshly, to.lll6„pining e-L Oh! •Itlier , star' htid sett the bagine s t o f her , tlKettlil• hat' l,ttitt-Ther , heart, wowbroki, o , %V I)pn Ikeve;b:gim, laftglat; °II olose;!buhiliig Mere hpßrt-Te rt0 ing=Utid ' agOinzing to Ilia spirit than to find at 110,0 thebploved , enit liiittohedAt*PA" , heit nll ou(lnvels gjiPari-ta 4 cilaslinq fl(ityer t P), PV'r . l)6ert 6 4 g(1 10 l hPBl3llloYelYrSgrait it 'uP lieli ! tardt fi rent tektitifr , 11idir,Itc,tg,caecoy f rpf: - IMPgrftveiMpli :the fa'r 06161 .. 1 AdPhdrd ea t, '11111Pm‘1?11e'r.• mom THE PACK 'OF CARDS HENRY CLAY SL GEN. TAYLOR • SPEECH or GEN Comm.—One of the most gratifying incidents of Inn great Ratification i Meeting, in Philadelphia, was the fact an nounced by Gen. Lesliombs, of Ky., that Mr. Clay had been informed of Gen. Taylor's nomination'by telegraph, mid at oiler -acqui esced in it. The announcement' was greeted with deafening cheers \ for-tlie She of Ash land.. General Combs being 'introduced to the - meeting as 4 'the long -tried and trusted friend of lIENfiY Ci.Ar," 'was received Aith deafening shouts. • :Gen. Coins said, he had come !tern a sick bed, at the' request ol'i he comm ince and in obedience to hi* own sense of daty, to say a few words Oa this occasion. Ile would not deterve creditJor anything he might utter; it ' ' be did trot 'frankly m'ow that the result In which the convention had eoine sorely bruis ed his, heart. From earliest infancy he had learned to li.p with gratitude anal pride the name of-Henry Clay, arid had ever since i been his item. neighbor. Since 1824 when I his name was for the first time, presented for 1 - the Presidency, he had preferred lain to any -and-al4-other-nreti-in A merterfrirmlifiiii nev er, for a trinmern, faltered in lii. FUN - MM.- 1 Ilis•great abilities, long experience l it p u bli c ' arrant , . his pine p'anintisin and ivi4e states- Ythinship recommended plan In all men; but - 11 - 6 had been More - Vilely slamfered and base,- . ly abused Man-any public man or the United Steles; and Gen. C. had desired to see the , verdict of the people emphatically recorded 1 aaronst his 'cowardly assailants. . `-:en. C. remarked. that he had no difilieul ty or hesitation iit taking his position in sup port of the nominations lust made. (Loud applause.] Nor did he iloult tt hat Mr. Clay would do. Ile had never thought 01 jam self but ol kir country. The hghi n iog's fi as h which this day bole Ise tidings of hat yo• have done to ever). (mailer of the Union, found the Sitge of r\shh•uul calm nod compo sed ; and at this Very hoot, Gen. C. doubted riot, he wns sleeping soundly under his clam beloved roof. having liist ()Med up a.pray er lor his country and the grenlPlVhi7 eame. Oh! if you had FVCII lure as I have seen him—he:H(l,ll4n as I hate heard him-- •when pressed by unrelenting enemies and grieved by ungratehil thiends—pm would not wohder at nit• deep devotion to 1, 111 , Old as he was, he avowed himselliisot too .old to vindicate his _principles—to stand ht• his frith - ids; or to defend himself: Inc is the Same brave and great-hearted Ilenr • Cla • gallant old stag! yon have long been roue srd by the hinners atlll the hotrods, through brake and brier,- . and have, at last, tetumed in your ancient lair, to lav yr:nisi:lt down and die. A nation's tears shall bedew 3 our .:1,1%.,.! —a nation's heart shall rent a lasting monu ment to your memory. !litany at le a st, will doyoujgoice...,,,,, , eli'f'eAlthiiTetiniinl that he had long known General Taylor. He had itis:ingtm: led himself in 1312, while only a captain, by his gallant defence of Fort Ilan ison on the western [Ranier, and his late went vi , ew. Lien as the MeXiVIIII war had only hillided 11,1: high promises of his early manhoo,!._ l le v.:::s Itchiest and true as he was b la re ; and as he had neve' berm varrqui,hed inn battle, so would he never betray a rust reposed in him. Ile knew that the personal 'ieititions between hum and: Air. Clay had ever been moat kind and li:wildly : and it old litstilnit *.ilf)4l(l now tat leave dam k regions 01 Locolo : Itt.,4od . ettaild by her gallant sort,—and if r ' 4 1. ! tirg e,, , iftkunitilbaistana and other Southern gic . 'l Ipr ,ould Wheel into the Wing line in sup ?iil,fl plftrtheir favorite entlllidale, Inc would re r po;;'emost sincerely, Let Pennsylvania do ter duty, and she need not fear lot Ken ueky. Although Ilr.mtv CLAY was tier flat dunce against the world, yet site had ever been a Whig State, and would &fend by any good Whig. Ile doubted not that the Hero at Bu ena \'t• - rut would sweep over her mountahts and valleys, turd fertile plains, next Novem ber, like a whirlwind, and roll up thousands of a majority against Gen. CASS WO hero of :lull's suit ender. Gen. Combs closed his brief remarks a midst the deafening shouts of tens of thou sands, and when he turned round, exhausted, several gentlemen near him caught him in their arms, and complimented him upon Ins high sentiments and noble spirit. oTliese they felt were the right sentiments, and this the true spirit with which all Whlgs should go iuto the - campaign and the support of General T.m.ou. • (k...`rate of the best storv-tellers in ale re cent Whig Convention, was Col. Haskell, 01 Tennessee. The 5 tfisjoilied ;thee dote, which ho •told in the comae of a speech ; is a fair specimen: id was remarking at a convivial meeting of some Wends a•sliort time since, that if AVe could op ‘ ly - get ilte - old -- Hero - nomulated jiiA ilbollt Rix mouths ham thin time,•Gen. (hies would find Unwell' in 01'dt/111111i crindition rta Joe Laikin did when Bill Albright streak him. The facts of the .eti.au were as.lnllowei.' Hill Albright lived down at Sugarrl lill, and - Vas a very quiet good folloit, whit never snuck a man , in Jiia lite, iikaelq Joe: - LericiD• „iit up piiattn. that. Jide . witA , !it - ritlarrelscfrrie felliriw, and dne' day he want (to Aso one or our weeefn e'i p ref:sinus) .tiay,ortifig ( 1 , 6 wo 'lbollt Bill's ddigliberheoil; boitgitng:thitt, he, iirtg the i.be rilitit that '6l'o' 4 ool lobt'bu*Si)giir Ifilh— ! No a , ,' l !:ilaithi lig; "1. - c!,inild licl."infilid '' thel; ndi jerifflicii . dilm tinder the e buri•Of:the . ditri Aetl. , ftnook - :4,:l)o , i.lbyty.".,rodii"tiitti*fieldicdr:- rYitig, wttlf ' hitti abeat,tventx,etiOppt:efrilitg' ...ii,nd' tnailte..'''.. le'::tlideift :get milfin.mOiatery; but , fay.iitit,t d''',ol i I I 46,1 '1 5661-6 ' .l i7 l *sl 7 o'lliiiisth , - hti atarted Ai . iii7ilti&luokediiiitinil , kitidait lwild' 4.4`...010 ,4 iinte"l,:ll4kti,o4.4hii,..sthrm . dd;nnico.4iii.V . #,,i4 - .., - (qieet :,iiim)ettaf.).; Lid ilte Vzinth "!stYike:64::, - efil'lnientel'i.;` .'..: 0 . li t. . !s4,' it i ‘vill; hei,‘Vllli. Gep'Carti9whyf 'lie ;etiitglitenttfpefer,reeeVaringfrem.illa(blow. :WhlllCaelProl.tlll4.*4 glie:himli9Rdef. tkiti?!biie'hf'hi'.64o't l est. , Nefinai ; rl.le. 401,0ik , fnue • thiietnern:iitieiel.ftiegl, 'Dld ... .thd:'lottited," . .strilfittny';taio,'4,elso ; but iiiii,l4:.T(Gfeat,appleeiteliV., -,, i m,..",Y..!:" -- ',1 . 1j ~ BtiltiTtFtn.Y•l'sAyml..—,Fliiosurt .li s t f yy'?f ,l4l ideg4cili;:giVektle; l 9 l , lo sVo . lo'. 'by TOI O /iic• • ' *— I pOlkie , ,Wp ri,1 , 1141#4 4 7.:t ); tortin TO:ei•V 66 , l4 t l 4%.4 ll l l P4sillg'alYtiii fflutolil;-,lmoau4Cl ,piiillistp?.`;2,llloo4, "lb 076 6', 'Oeon. Oti • ••;.-.' • •,. • •••‘. •,• WC= IME! THE WHIG NOMINATIONS! RESPONSE OF THE PRESS! Our Vhig centempoiltries are responding to the nominations made by the National Convention : in the •inest enthusiastic spirit. Already, the indications are conclusive thut the whole ,party will mirte—and that '‘ve shall secure the votes of thousands mid tens 01 - tlions.rids of patriotic Democrats find in dependents. N OICE OF MM;SACIIUSETTS! The Boston Daily Advertiser, one.;ol The oldest and inostyespeetablejdurnals in New England; also declares iqt r i entire ticquies . - ter= in the nomination, and determination to support P."- The Newberryport llinald "corgratulates its readers on the riciinininion,n• and says it "will be hailed with acclamation' by tho mass of 'the people and be borne trinmilh. antly into power." . "There are civilians of grea . t . er ability, possibly' eve,, greater Gener als, who might have been nominated, lint he TiTfa - honestiind safe man, one who may be confided in, who will SW101111(1 himself with strong, practical and patriotic talent." The Bosion Atlas, the leading Whig paper of MassAchttsr(tts, says( •"GENERAI, ZACHARY TAYLOR is the regularly nominated candidate of the Win National Convention, and consequently, of the Whig patty, and in him now venue all the hopes 01 our party, and hl 411 who wish well Inr the peace, prb,perity, and safely of our common counts v. lls has been selected as the standnul-lwitner iaf grvni patty, mufti we lure b:11 !Me to ouiselves, his FIICVO . S, and te rescue of onr country from the hands of filet men, and. the clients of bad mea-ures, is as Carlin as any Intine event cur be. Ii matters rot In us. now, that w e have hind other preferences. It matters not that he was not our eho.re, It the _choice of i\ fassaelin setts. We fuel IK turd iiy hanul, Massachu setts !laving taken her part in the Convent to•abule the result. awl In uwara• II our lull, lice and untini..i suppor , :. — Inn :•••ipringfiehl, Mass. on e 1111[10.r/id guns were lied be the Whi;zs on the receipt el the nomination ! • SENTIIENT OF NEV YORK ! The 11 'I he eatirgas with apitjh The feeling which tvas , feared xvould cause troublc : has tz;t:Pll to a -seise of l u ui iot ic duty. The Ro:hester I)einoorat 53) a the • nomination of Taylor and Fillmore etimottcl l a considerable deLti en of entho.idsni in that `city. Ronfireir and ilhitninatiahs pervaded during thc...nl•tlit, and s bated al 'music re;.:,a- I led t - ' • s• ii on'aentOly ;puttered multiMd at e flo I ' the lidlcalty at the Eagle I lotcl. Thu Alba ny (N. V . ) Joni nal concludes an able allicle upon the sobjeet as follows • ~. "lVliate‘er dt-appintment may he felt, we cannot doubt the tesitom.c fli Nett' N . ,,lh'. 1!"....ill: Mil be 11111. iii f remora el It i' greats t lig , gie. The ‘Vltitzs of the I"torde Nair, Ittte our :4,lli:ea t. , ..,e,.1,11,1 Iteare:, ••Nevitit Suit IiGN DLR..' • 1 ifi'll Illillto wi ll ) ,.. 1 r b e a s i t h. is been, "Erre!! !hung fn the L'ottie.' I..',larail iiitz•tetitets id ill ptIN , away. A, the tidy ut battle approaches, the \l'higs al New I.•ork trill present an unbroken front to the enemy. 'Theo charge will be :et t•tea,ly and irre,islii ble as that of "Old Zaelds" hoops at 13oena Vista., and the vwtory ti ill lie an complete. To our brethren tilseti lief e it e say with cou fidenve—lailt down New York's thirty I SiN Elel'lbrai votes for TA il.oll ;111,1 Fit.i.monn, the \Vltih: Notnidees of the Nail mal Lutirem titan." •4 • rhe Albany lidticke.beek et says : "'rids notnitialic.n, we think, !ertninales the Ptesidential rattipaign,—the elei•tiou of old "old Buena I'ista" being as celtaiii as Algebra. The sooiter, therelore, the keeper of the White' House Inds Did Zad i ariab" nn the door plate the better. • The New York Courier hold this language Mu place in our columns to day, the honoured name of Zachary Tityl,dr as the candidate of theS'lnt - ; party in the nation ; atid twin this day the banner of the Whigs is in Ills bands. Ire go. into A.kre contest with him as our leader—and will come out of it, as he ha , ‘ always mune out of battle— Victorious. There eanbe no defeat of Zach niy * Gel!. Taylor is Ilia mini of ihe Times. I e ,has been called loith by:the emergencies of '11:e 14301114 c, and Is the only from as present troubles, eau lead the nation back to peace—who can withdraw it from Me un- wise, narrow-dnindedi and badly unibitious acts of the present F:Necutive. The Express, Widen had ably advocated I i'Pritiyiple and reescm, tell iis, r Fillipnrt the ticket,, with all our heart and hand.' As CoogresS is to be, the Government tinder God. Taylor, le seethe ihal Cimgress all our aims must he boa Getieral Taylor's some; what equivimil position can romil what tad us in tlie eeeutity we demand. Under him, we can carry. States anal Congressmen; both members of the 'louse am! Senators, whom we eduld not cal ry ,tind e r oily other man ...--. ifl i .nuttie alone, puft.p,robuhly , hire u.§ peli• Slates 'euotigli to Semite the imniiiiiz, Senate 'of thb'Efiited; 6iiitei: ' Theo, is mit "rhiell a vichiry, II ;4;6,0W:ill( U;:it'Vjettiry gahetatittal': etpugik?"--' ~...,: '.... ... 7:, ..-.*, ..,- , ...;,i , .Tha 11a, w,Yo, rk. 4ad mill ,cil, Cti ai ririe iv a au ilitlaphatliit iihp 6 r liket.ibb 'Le anv r . hays••: o .PW:gonwatilltile ;oar' 71 . and* ..' had tho. aim a liymir,the rialipiliiclus.resalt..:i The'livit'.' 'Htiztitln sec,arlaisplecli .p p. begmitignii reAsrma. ; lili:iniubt ..,` Widi dep. ‘,2 4 44/ii futv*Weiiiliht, and Pedie tb+th all Me,1601d,110 #aitivVill' be gofe'rincipTiOiliDOL=-Tho', , i)6'*atirthei 06.10 'station- : Y4lf:raciei fed. lie ra ~ .0 th. heartfelt satiiu, Faction; and; wil l be, .ar,a L hay,a,np, ,4014,1, by. the coati try. giaarally.,., ,„ . t . ... liinairttil teh , ..kciiic':Ztkrni;cigilts'ii 4 tiiiiii•io`lit• GunaraP .. .l:aytar 4164 , bowl - afialinated by 03 4 1,V,14Qp#giihandlt,.PfuladallIbia., .t: , ;;;; .:: : ,.,,V t it p pW.199p.401)04. th a P t it:si do ii tial.qi cis- AlOtiaiiliat,tl4): - , l ie' ibill'sawit ~10,`SOuth. e ' on i, , r aipe'L'ilikifte 141);reil,",,atie.Cjtoiri' Olio° id ;Ed i i. th.o „f •Ri.i"';'GßPirg.l": -.. V i rgia la A(lll' ; ftiYo'`bV Ni*lP..fpr-TliYPr''ns. 4 o l oY-11S0. 61 4tgarolilla ' :Npi . ' ape - ,.:i. , 711 . 411Y1 S ' 4lll3.4,(l4,ptireliaie, '.,,llass,k -41)1i-fipiCihaVettai'fir'111i'easi\4hPrip'1;11)., '.Willi'llf tin" htObtibkiltiligiVii t ile' 0 IVO iafiVaf MIA* • ithiY olo ,... for 11 1 e, , .PfO01,0,1.iriy,;iik ,19;10 ,14.,, , Aci .. l. tic l!iis pasiipoft3 afa.KarOJY,4P,ol,4.of#7‘.., -' 1 2.1t, '''''..,•'::••-' '‘,.. ,-; ':::".:' - ...i;' - ' '.'!•::Ej,,,,'i4A, ,=„ 4 „?..,, , ,,, , , ~..: ~. .:, ~ :2;,:..:•,;,, ; ..'..i. . .4:1, Y i'; , , A -,.p.,1, , A , . , , 5 t,...L.0tq c ,-,,!... -7,':4.41..... , . ,,, ......; - 7. -, ;v...? e-Y,•-r:',,ru.:::,..ii.;,'24:41.P.,.m.9-2wa., MEE f Xcw Yuck arfi NUM. XLII _NIA . R-Y-LAND - . -• The naltlenore Pahiot ; u sterling IVlng Pa per, saps : "In 13aTtimoro the nominations were ra.- ceived with every Alemonstration of joy. An anxious crowd I . people hatl filled our of fice in the rrierning, waiting to receive the news of, the nomination of Cell. Taylor, - for the report of the ballotingit the previous eve. niog had fell no doubt that he •, old. be the iirr _wo mail. 'At-' length the at . Incement came, and was received with . very demonstration of satisfaction. The dews rapidly' sPreait lirr.nr._rh.the city, and :every where were to tie seen smiling'couitteomices corighitulaling. erich ather'on'the noriiiiireiOns." The 13aItifilOrd American, also one of the first to take ground for heattils res• ponds. 61110'S LOUD REShONSE . - -• The IVeStern mails Lang us flolicps of. the reception of the Whig Presidential ,ziptriina nations at several points iii Ohio r viz: at Col umbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Zanesville, &c. At all these places the nominations were well received, the Whig Papers not-enty . proniising them.a. most cordial support, but expressing, their fullest confidence in ;Herr entire success by receiving the `support of an overwhelming majority of the people in November' nett. The State-Jounral, of Fiiday last, published at Columbus, says:— , l'here was good degree of .. pontoneems r , ;nibm.t?on in the k.irmic.vrirm of the norni nations by the citizens. Without any pre concmt, the show was magnificent, Julit_the enthusiasm scorned initmunCl6i!. --- Every ono seemed to be operatiou upon his own hunk. The priticipleitouses .in the city wore liautly illuminated; bonfires, were built at.' !lie intersection of street,; rockets and fire balls ulaticed threfigh the air; music lent its animating chitlins; end canon lent their Thunder-tones u, speak the tidings when the !I/liming has voice. .Dar clothe population —men, weinen'.ard eltildreiL—Feerned to be our, am ) . in the best of humor with them- se; vei: and with each other. Festi vas, songs and speeches occupied the time until 11 NEW 11.11NIPS1111tE The Concord Statesman, in speakkg the course lo be perbued by the ‘Vings of that St,uo.," says : , •However averse they • have beer. to the nominalon 01 . Geo,±likuue,were—the, mo, mentotis decisions io belt - rade by them for tie wholo countly: whether ZACHARY TAYLOR or Lcwts Cms be the next Chief Magistrate of the Am e rie a n People, the one would re main in Mtehigati—the,other fill the chair of 11 achii;gton." . vEnAioxi The Stale Banner says:— .Ire Mrs' week place at bar mast-head the harries of TAYLOR and Fu.L.monc, as can (Mimes for President nod Vice President of the United Slates. They have been belec led by the Whig National Convention, and we call upon the IVlngn every where to ral ly and give their support. If these ever was .0 Until for the Wttig party to sllow a bold trout ; it is new. Rally, lieu, fellow country men. lim i er the bmad banner of - Gen. Zech my Taylor and Millard . STAUNCH CONNECTICUT. \"tu• Haven Pulhiditern says 'The noininatinn of Lien. Taylor is receiv ed by the wings in this city with cordially, in the foltest confidence that the Convention after weighing all the claims and prospects of the different candidates ; has puisued that course which Will give .the gienteat surety of success, and we have not the sliadow of a doubt that the Whigs of Connecticut will rat• ify the nomination by an overwhelming, ma• jority to the fall. The Locofociis have not tlicAi..2,lnest idea of success now,, either in the State or nation, and the candid members. of the party acknowledge it to 66 . so.', THE JERSEY BLUES!. The West Jersey mad says: The people of this nation ' from Alaine to Texas. limn the liour that.7..achary Taylor proved himself adequate to catty the Army .of.the country triumphantly through the dull. collies and embarrassments with which an 6inbecile adiniOstration had surrounded it - - singied him oin—with one heart and one voice, as the man lit for the crisis, and best capable of rescuiog the government, as 110. did the army, limn its threatened dissolution. The IVliig Party have merely ratified that noininicion, and the people in their might, at the ballot-Loxes in November next. A:'ill nib n,2etil and deliver' his title to the White !louse, by such a majority us will silence all party cioak nip, and bless our country, once more, with an Administration—republican as Madison's—able us Adams'—aud pure as IVashingtott's." dr!siEltAL' TATLOc7A . V.D FREE T,Euiroz6Y_ •ston-Atia• - ittipbrla'nt . . . Col. Johnson, of Uppbr Ptque,.'oltio who Wei selected by thb iVitigs of . Nlianii , ..as their t i telegate to the Convittiont.-- - a stauffeh Undoubted .1171tig,--mho has, ia - arkng life devoted to the cause, done it ilreat.service4. it delegate lo'llarrisburg in 1830,.and10 1341 r iirtipep, in 3844', ittarwiai has known Gen. Tay ler long' 'and 'intimately, Writes • iii a lei! ter. holore us, that ho that we could do: . sire upon tlthisery.poine lie .writes that he hasbeaid hint deslarc, ;with %tick force, that. he'rtigarilOil'thfriVeryas a great to the eanntr)y,andlekpressial'a *6'4 ihe• ivlieit'wevabid of•itAto'g4er;,,(ol.3Ohnscal desiti fir. rrfieiceiniviction •t.l, o. • ft) .1111r,Q0W'LuttAnitY.-•certain bonoTi . Quaker in No York as 'ii.ltaby : • isoof , mari; moriOyias ghn r ityjibef i c r, 0 0 , 01 . k„ • it4uakoF.llobPat,y.tuir!-g,Ft.ientl; qc - doM6f klitTiVV,htit I; can fr, 179, ftulp , 41:7104 .ee ; thou Mityest take, My .i;Ooirtii4 . yalq; up 0uth . ...,; tulti:-,l'Ny . ilr:Aitogocktor ' donne?? Th ikb ockii Find' tilo,,joh 1410: him ahntnce.m4hety, lie camean'tt 1114 ask O&M htittad'anyr,Mot.l.:je db.:"r; t earl Abe i p i p ak c gi ii i ßet :l, wood ' Itv,k , ,lhoe-a , . 4 , 07;^vN1) to lettigM,iho 1.0(14410 .4: '„ht $0 11 .*91 - - Sigil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers