3gta;=g , g4 l "gt , ' - frWe 7 ' t :•tb, , • • '••• johnlivrffiers • As 0.1- 4 D Mcp•anilldwidie: to .the h'ousi3 on, West , ;" ISS GO Willis Fonlke, • ~•.; itift..4ll% or Oil: Jefrerboti Medical Collego of Philidelphin, - idopectfully offers lilkprofeeiticinul services in sturproctice of Mogi. one, Surgery . and • „OFFICE', gctlie sisiidenco of his fatlL ' er'in S., Hanover istreei, directly. opposite ,Morrets' Hotel and the :7:d Preets tericao church; op 7 '47 Doctor Ad, Lippe, . I_IOIOEOPATHIC Physician. Office . in. Mun at rent, in the tiouee formai:aeon:4 pied by'Dr. F. Eltronin.• _I oft 9146 ; , . 0. L n . abo e •••• ' •• -,-- WILL -perform-all, perkst, k 1 operations upon tho . "'" " 'Jowl) that_ are milt-- red for dick preservation, sulphas Scaling, Filing, Plugging, &c, or will restore tho lose of , thclll, by inserting Artificial Topa', from' single tooth, to a full sett. Irt'Office on Pitretreet, a few doors south of the Harped Hotel. june 11 '46 Wrn T. Brown TTORIsItY AT.LAW, will practice itt ills several Courts of Cutitherland court ty. •Office t in Mnjn street, nearly opposite the county jail, Carlisle. fob 9 • • - • • • Wm..XIC.' I'enrose, • TTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the- several- Courts -of Dauphin comity,. and 'offers his professional services to the public. Harrisburg, Jan 18 1848-3 m : roBßph Knox, A TTORNEY AT• LAW, Pittsburg, sm. Pa., has retulmed from Carlisle, to the practice of his profession In Pittsburg, Allegheny —county,-Po. ": • • --feb-10-47 Henry Edgar Keene, AITORNEY AT LAW.' Will prac tice in the several Courts 'of Cumberland and adjoniniug countids, and attend to all pro faisiimal balances entrusted to his care with fi delity and promptness, Office iti.South Hanover street, in Graham's new building, opposite the Post.Ciflice. august 26 Japies R. Smith, • A TTORNEY AT.LAW. Office with S. D. Adair, Esq, in Graham's new buitd- Ing, opposite-the Poet Ofh mar 31 '47 Caison C. Moore, TTORNEY AT LAW - . Office — ih the robin letelyoneupied by Dr. - Fo - ger, •,:leconsed. mar al '47 R. A. Lamberton, - TTORNEY. AT LAW, Harrisburg, op 28 '4B, - WRIGHT & SAXTON, IMPARTERS AND DEALERS IN FOR ---ErIG-N-&-DD-MES TIC HARDWARE, Glass, Paints, Dye Stuffs, Oil, Iron, Stoel,Nails would Invite the attention of person want ing goods in their line, to the , ' large assortment they have jtist opened, and which they offer at -the-very Lowest-cash prices. feb9.3 - T . WALTERS WALTERS, & HARVEY, (Late Ilazlefiurst & Walte;3o. PRODUCE and General Commission Mer chants, Nos. 15 and 16 Spear's Wharf, Bal timore. Liberal cash advances made on consign ments.of all kinds of produce. • • feb 93m magistrate's Office Removed. • THE Qt lice of the subscriber, a Justice of the Nice, has been removed to the house adjoining ihe store of Mrs. Weakley, in High street, Car lisle, immediately opposite the Railroad Depot And Winrott's Hotell. My residence being there, I will alWays be found at home, ready to attend Ft) the business of the public. In addition to the duties of a Magistrate, I will attend to - all kinds pf Writing, such . as Deeds, Mortgages, Bonds, Indentures, Articles of Agreement, Notes &c, which will be executed in a neat manner and ac cording to the most opproved foims. ..rbo omue lately occupied by me, in 111 r: Gra ham's building is for rent, and possession had im mediately. The rent is lbw and the location good. jan 12 1848 GEO. FLEMIN G. • MOraftell HOWL' HE subscaiber respectfully announces to his T thends and the public generally, that he has taken the well known Tavern stand on the t•or ner of South Hanover and Pomfret streets, form erly kept by Mr. Andrew Robortp, where he will endeavor to serve those who may call upon him tho most satisfactory manner. The house is pleasantly situated, and is furnished throughout with good bedding, and other furniture, and his accommodations are such as will make it a con- . . venient and desirable stopping .iilace. No exer- tions will he spared to make 'it ppeeable in all its departments to those.who may favor him with a , ' call. BOARDERS will be taken by the week month,•or year, ac the usual prices. ap 14 '47 SAMUEL MO RRETT, Napoleon Le Grande of the Tomo risi Tribe. • , . "rip ICHARD JOHNSON—not the hero of the „US, Thames but the Knight of the Razoft-re spectfullYinartna those requiring his professional services, that he may always be found at the old st r andin Loather street, ono door Nest of North Hanover street; immediately in the rear of In lion>, grocery store, and although he will neither brag nor.boast, yet for clean and neat SHAV lNG,Ashionable HAIR CUTTING and taste in , laying out and cultivating - either Whisker or Moustaihe, he does defy the county. Ho is also sole inventor and manufacturer of the calebratod and never-failing remedy for bald ness, ,JOHNSON'S .APPILATORY; which be is so,lcertain of :its restoring the hair, that pnould it'fall' he will return'one4utlf the purchase money, 'Price al tie bottle. i t 12 1848 ' Acidemq, foinr.milea Weet of.Carliele, between the Now vine State Road qnd. Cumberland • • -- Valley. ail Road, • HE' session • (five 'menthe) • will T conmience l on -MONDAY, Nov.,let, 1847. The pumbsr 9f Students is limited; and every offert made' to bemire their' oral and mental rivprrient,'lth 'whit as their comfort and health. ,pritiethid past., yetir upwards ' of forty students ave - been With the mstitution,—, - '— ‘4•liiii aithdieirenibrace aII`AMC etre requisite for college; 'Or , ofiy btiaineseCtii.professien. Every 1 3 iyh t iivill be made As secure. 4 404ti444444 •of palronage.froiri the - friends of edacatioil.-.. •lieferencesi. tame, lice, made known bY'aPPli; cation, toreonally or by letter, addressed to . q-',417 pi` • 11. K. Bunws, ~ The - • 40.),' he DER HIVE has ' • •So remova' alje house 61, o .n.."lateltoccinne hY Dn. 'd H ArnOld on N. • ' ' , lltuiovergroet. As due - ono of - tha Moat' con"' - tral business partsof the ~lewrii+l;flattersrmsalfc h , strict apontion, busi -- ,Isainto fid:ahlo accontracidato .all who may fa ;4lottinioWith‘thiqr • ,• In addition' to nix'fonner stock of givas 1 have .Atidt,fseelVedikgiineral Supply.of DRY GOODS , •and,GROORJ lES , 'lt s useless tn . tako 'up ~. .tipusc.tatrundt4cprises.Ol,,gooda onIy:A . MCITOR .in this - Barylliire' and for tho,oasis I Will guto good 4?Oodir; 404 Bahl' .idna and jmodattention,.,- • • • g;s-... • $ 4 , 17.1'..!.f 440. thetolleke; 'dyed Llidiam" ineres:appaTrel,,all ohm", and :warnmatp allAvork . satutfiic,tcoty: , !,001erof . , in hie lid@ r,'ejipectially ,fpoligiteOPl l T "1°- _ JuiCiteceived IV*VVI' - cIORPS: 4 - it#,C7,ll be, sold low, c:t7,04‘04 - and ja . :, ttlijof; flreitt_rff4llll • 3 .'G• C4R ,NY WX • • • ; -KEDIV kai i hYp B rV A I t IN S YEGET th AttZ O SIL EC IUY l . . bied :6k-cording' Co dirliationli;n• Mint ion 'LIFE itzufti , •' St - ,lffiont''WTftE'elLinass;',-A common COO sequence -of ihis'affection is etkirid tensiniii; or, bearing . doutit sensation , an pall.: ed'i'thereittaltioti lidatOonsiotibrid throbbing in' the:pert; varying frinft'a' inciderata degree of these, sensations to the niorst'exe'rutiatinesnffaring - 1 -= ' these" Or e caused' by the 'great flow of blood to the parts.• So me t Mies' the inner coat of the Vowel. protudeit - at every ' °incitation, ' for Ming what is called Prolnpsus; or falling of thti bowels; this'fs the effect of long corilintied'irritation Lind Week nesnof that organ: ' some finnan - Os the niiiient, experiences 'nervous pctins WhiCh ihdescriba- • ble, and known only to"-itt'esuffdreri. which com mence immediately niter anmvneuation, apd con y Mini° from thirty inteulds to aeVerail hoitis - ; 'these,. tonsations are very itniluYing kind senfetitnes'Very alistressing,--This-diseas,when-oflonecontinu anew, is .ottetttle,d'iby pain anrweakness in the' -back, irtitaiien of the - kidneys and -bladder,•and other organs in the vicinity, pain end numbness in the legs and feet, a 'sense of straitness about the chest, and unnatural fulness of the-abdominal viscera, accompanied with palpitation of the heart and "oppression. Individuals sometimes experi ence, previous to an attact of the Piles, symp toms denoting great derangement in the eireula ttoni-there-m-a-anide-Lif-Vreklit and pressuoirifi the abdomen,.with-o.:, peculiar feeling . of Uneasi ness in the bowelk,' constipation or pertmenm; at:- tended with Pain in - the back and loins, nausea; and Slight pains in • the stomach; pale counte nance; confused serrations in the head,-weariness, and inimitable anddiscon tented state of the mind, and a sense of fulness •dnd oppression- in the re gion of. he stomach. . The eirculintioß on, the surface is 'feeble', and the torrent of blood-deter mined inward and downwards. • - For .all of the aboite diseases and complaints, Dr. UPTIAM'S VOETABLE ELECTUARY curesvf fectually, and therefore proyenta Piles, , READ THE TESTIMONY. • • Hunsox, Dec. If,- 1846. GENTS:—I have used Dr. Upham's Vegetable - Pl - 1 - e - lificctuary whte A purchased of you, and. ,find it one of the best medicines in use for the. Piles, end also for Bilious affections, arising from an impure state of the system. Yours, &c. E. A. CaLE, Marble Dealer. U. S. MARSHAL'S OFFICE, N. Y. Dee. 6, 1847. 5 Messrs. Wyatt & Ketcham7--Gentlemen, un- fflerstanding thar:you are the - general - agents for the sale of Dr. Uplitn,s Vegetaele Electuary,for the cure of Piles, I have deemed it my duty to volunteer a recommendation in behalf of tharin valuable medicine. I have been afflicted for ma ny years with Pile6;citpd have tried various reme dies, but with no beneficial effects—indeed, r began to consider my case utterly hopeless. But about the first of September last, 1 was prevailed upon by a friend to' make a trial of the' above named medicine. I took his advice and rejoice to say that I am not only relieved,-but r air I-believe,. perfectly cured.. I most earnestly recommend it to all who may have the misfortune to be affleted with that atinoyilig and dangerous disease. Very respittiplly, your obedient servant, ELY MOORE. REMARKABLE CORE OF PILER!—THIBTY YEARS - STANDING !I • Mount Washington, Berkshire co, Mass.? . ' November 29, 1847: Messrs. Wyatt & Ketcham—Gents: For thirty years I hat's been afflicted. with Pile's, general debility and inflammation, causing tumors and prolapsus of the bowels, and which had resisted all the medical treatment Dr. Chapman and oth era could give. - The last three years of that time my sufferings defy description. I was confined to bed j unable to help ihysell', nnd .at knit g4ve.n. Lip ky my phyiician nod Irian - di! in despair of ever gniding-iienlth: in fact for three days before I commenced using Dr. Uphafio's Eelectuary, was- entirely speechleAs and my • burial clothes were made. But under Providence, mid the use of. Dr. Upham's Electuary,-though-an-okri-mim- I have the pleasure of-staugg the fact'to the pub lic that my health is now good. and hope to live many years , if it is God's will, to make known the virtues of Dr. Upham's Elcctuary, and to.re _commend. itro my afflicted fellow-creatures. It helped me beyond the expectations of all that knew my case, and I can only say to • others that it ls. in my. opinioh, the best medicine in the World for es, or any other disease of the bowels; and they will use it according to- the directions will myself warrant a cure in every case. ours, with the utmost expression of tnank uhiess, CORNELIUS SPUR. CUARLES HARVEY _ . Egramoat, Barks co, Masa. ?_ November 29,1847. The above certificate tells a simple and truth ful story of suffering and relief, of which,.as phy sician and witness in the r. rimy eh rinrea Be • cHAP.MA.N. • NOTICE—The genuine Upham's Electuary has his written signattire, tints (perrA. Upham, M. D.) The hand is alone done with a pen.— Trice . Bl a box. Kir Sold wholesale and retail by WYATT & KF',TCHAM, NI Fulton street, N, Y.,'nnd by Druggist generally throughout the United States and Canada. SAMUEL ELLIOTT, Agent for Carlisle January 5,1.848-1 y Stanton's External Remedy, CALLED II Us S /XL MEXTs :Is now universally acknowledged to be the INFALLIBLE 'REMEDY For Rheumatism, Spinal rlloctions, Contractions of the MuScies, Sore 'I hroat and Quinsy, Is sues, Old Ulcers, I'ains *tile Back and Chest, Ague in the Brenta and Face, Tooth-ache, Sprains, Bruises, Salt Rheum, Burns, Croup, - Frosted Foot, and all Nervous Diseases. HUNT'H - S LINIMENT is sustaining a notori ety unequalled by any . similar remedy. It requires no puffing to give it n reputation, it has been for some time silently and at rely securing it, and uli*; when its beneficial effects hive been experienced by so many, -the expressions of grad iude are -continually appearing, and those who have been made whole by its means are desirous that the afflicted should. no longer remain igno rant of its invaluable and infallible efficacy. Mr. Geo: E. Stanton, the, Proprietor, is-con stantly receiving testimonials of benefits received front its use, and many of the emelt has effected almost exceed belief. In One case a child had been a cripple for eight years, having wrenched the spine, when at'the age-of two years, by a fall froma-chair. Medical treatmen failed, but four bottles or the Liniment restored him to strength, and. he. now joins- with-- his playmates" in — therr youthful gambols, es robust as the healthiest of thorn, and only-a phial hump on his back to re mind him of his early sufferings. Price 25 cents" per bottle. The .71Nerses .Friend. • • STANTON'S PAPILLARY OINTMENT acknowledged to be the most valuable reme dy that has yet .been discovered, and may:be re ked _on with confidence:by all who may have oc casion for its use in-cases of /Una lor.v.an, Anus I)ltEMEtri SORE NIPPLES, • This Ointment .is partthularly intended for those complaints that' Mothers are liable to during Me wling of infants, end maybe truly. called "The': Nurse'eFriend. "-Price 25;cts. per time: • E.; STANTON, Troprietor, Sing : Sing, New York, Ethld,by ' -• . J.:Myers.and Chas. Baraitz, Carlisle.. • ; r Edward Scull, Nhippensburg . ,•• ; Donaldson* Green,-Palmstown • ' A. Cathcart, ,ShO:theydstowti. G. W. Lisinger,' , Churchtmin J. *J.:ltlegel,-Meoh'amesburgi— ,,, - , -: ---;-=',..,-- ":111",Bitneri Shiremanstown . • ~,; ' J. W. Clever, Leesburg. " • JamervEyle t Jacksonville] - jan 12'1848-. • ditional Medeinca,oontitfng"ot' ,Irsyne'a 11.:itpootorOci. 1 0 ';''Tiiiiiii . Nrnrei Ojai • •.‘ „ • 'v , .'' .Satintlie •' '';j 7 o lineeived and for snlP l ),ry• ELLIOTT, ' ••• : - Agent rot. Carl isle: - .; GREAT vorior.Ori•FFillgoi Ai;j lll ii i :YelY,OAibb9X l ri9 1.41 q! 6 .09 1 :N 'Pr.. ir utimg,diessii;noP,oPePe, wiliTNAll '4.A./4TelOek'4o -, tda , rcor-.ter9 41,0,S pourticr-,0 f 41*-411Ni,•,A1A9 Mrti*Verieltti ts."l'l4 ' 6 ' 4l Algi . o;)A4Tl4'4l , flk. x COW p rima • f- • " .t0iri.iii.):006441012446 . 3010/si 9 n, 9 7 . l3ilitilieenild'''e4 tti inform hiS itiehdeand' miSelnirtitinnsell.the getniindAlll:TlOHt saVTE',witk the latest itnirevarnentm'i After mi..Pi::Yeer.o,:,Xforlenee In - the muritiffielaio of theea steVek s - lte, ',lietv'e nabled ' Offeite'llie ;ivith oVette; Suitable' for dining teems M.' urserfee:' AllAi the the RMlleter'plani' makes a sitlendid'etill economical parlor striVe, Vvhien'hvve'ehld' call '1 Pertletilar' attention of .thcosa Want .en 'elegant; and usefurertlete;:;fer esserttneiti,ofCeel;)'n end Cooking tnoVest' he.will`sell at the lOvieSt Prt.':. Would Tnii•ehusing elsewhere. - . the against Air Tight'Sio 7 l6o made bi,inost Stove nia re, ns ,they;do'riol enstver the purpose intended:, Septet/Mier:29, 1847, • , , MIIIIMTPIPTIMIN7II7I7IS77I7I74Ireft Collins' Celebrated SKTUTATIAGUERREOTYPESI. - nroy.o SILVER IVIEDALOaWarde:d at the' .Fairs of the Franklin And Amerimin In stitutos for. the best'andmodt artistical speci. mono of Daguerreetypelocirtralts.. ' This recent iinprovement made by ,the . sub,. scribers, and which is , peouliar to theMnstabl, lishrticat - alonetvizi receive() the highest recennathidatiens . from the prints, and also written' testimonials Aron% the' firet Artishi in the country,, as to its great. 'superiority ' over the usual side light. The peetilia'r advantaget•of this light is . that the natural expression of the eye Cll)riLbe obtained more cried! • than heretofore Citizens and strangers are respectfully in vited, whether desiring prittralts or riot, to visit our spacioub galleries; probably the larg'• est and most extensive in the United States, and examine for therasolves the astonishing improvements made by the subscribers in this wonderful art.. - T.-P. &P C. POLLINS,,_ Proprietors of tim City Digseerreian Establish. mut, No. 100 Chesnut et.,2 doom-below 3d, south side. - • September 29,1847. ' Rover's First Rate Premium • WRITING- INK. Silver. Medal just awcirdid.by the .timericari. dilute New. York "(1847.) THE following testimony from distinguish ed Institutions speaks for itself: UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA ' Philadelphia, May 11,1841. flaying tried, for some time, the Black Ink matitifactured by Mr. Joseph E. Hover, we Gave found it well suited for manuscript, by its run ning freely, and its exemption from coagulation. Its abode also we are well pleased with. W E HORNER ,111 U, Dean of di - Faculty and Pa of. oh Anatomy JOHN LL.7I I LOW, Provost SAM'L B IVYLIE, Vice-Provos . HENRY REED, Secretary of the Faculty of Arts . - ROSWELL PARKE. Prof. of Nat. _ _ , . Philosophy and !Chem - W W GERHARD. Lecturer in the Medical De'partment PEMILYVANIA MEDICAL COLLEOE • We fully solicit r.ire the abover EASI'L. GEO. MORTON, M 'EI, llenn of the Faculty CENYDSL 1110II.SOHOOL, PHILADELPHIA , A D BACHE, Principal f SlOl UtrivE,:m • Anatomy . AISENICAN Fine INSDIIANCE CO, PIIIIADELpHIA. FIIED'h FRALEY', Secretary CUSTOM flours, P/lIIADE (PHI* .1.0 GEORGE, Dap, Naval Officer • HOVER'S ADAMANTINE-CEMENT, • : A Superior Article, IVarratitecl. For Sale, Wholesale mill Retail, at the Ma-nu et Dry, No. 87, Nord, - Third street, opposite - berry street, Philadelphia. by JOSEPH E 11OVEII, Manufacturer . Philadelphlsi„ Nov 17,1847 IMPROVED WIRE' MANUFACTORY. Sieve, Riddle, Screen and Wire Cloth Alanufac tory, No. 48 North Front street, between Market and Arch streets, Philad'a. 11111 E subscribers having made great improve ments.ll, in the above business, are now mann tincturing of a superior quidity,all kinds of PLAIN and ORNAAIENTAL IVIIIK WORK, Beall no Sieves, Riddles, Scretten&e, for all kinds of grain, seeds, sand, ore, suulf,starch, briekdust &c. Founders' Sieves of a superior iputlily constantly on hand. Also Safes, Wire Dish Goverst Sofa Springs, Twilled Wire for Spark Catchers tte.. ORKAAIENTAL Wtaa WORK, such an Cages, Nursery Fenders, Garden Bordering, Flowar Stands, Trainers ' Trellis work for Grape Vines, &a. Also Wire Fencing of every description. ocr Orders thankfully received and promptly executed by WATSON ze CON. September 22.1847. Cheap Watches and Jewelry. A.. AT the Philadelphia Watch ) and Jew.ilry Store, 96 North ', Second St., corner of Quarry -„411' Gold lever Watches,fullj tv . - ....i . _`=i - •:., oiled, IS caret cases $45 00 --tZiNii.tir Silver L'ever Watches-,a full jewelled ' 23 00 Silver Lever Watches seven jewels' 18 00 Superior Quarter 'Watches 10 00 Imitation quarter Watches not warrented 5 00 Gold Spectacles ' . , 800 Fine Silver Spectacles 1 75 Gold Bracelets with topaz stonea 3 50 Ladies Gold Pencils 16 carrais,: , . 200 Gold Finger Rinse 37h cents to $B, Watch Waseca plain 12A cents to 181; Lunot 25. Other articlei In proportion. All goods war ranted to be what they are sold for. 13. CONRAD. . Cowhand morn° gold and Silver Levers, Le mnos and Quartiero lower than the /they() .pricea. ~ Philadelphia, Feb. 3, 1847. - ----; moopE , 0100 RID -• • , . 1a 2 1 11 .0/111M Thir Street; nesrly,opposite „ . ElkeitattO,FhilatleiAitt. • t EStik.ICTRULLY annotitsco fi iendi i ,and the 'public thiit , they:irti , pared to. make: to order, ot• the-finest and 'heat • I ,roaterisis,andut moderateinices, every article: of: Fashionable elothinit constituting:a .Gentle . ..: man , A.Wardrobejor which their complete stookf a.ehoice' and , florefully selected .Cloths,'Caisi- 1 ' merei;yVestingsi&c:of - the , ltitestund most ded'? sable patterns; aro particular)) , designed. • ,, ,rbeirownpratitictil knowledge of the husiness and i perioul attention to every guelnent, enables them tollvel entire satisfactioniand 'to both and• hew.7elletemere they, , reatiectfnlly tendert ati invitation to give therait call. • r'• • • 'llaVing:been - toryearebeitheited With - some of 'the' best and most thiltionsblis 'establishments its this"clohntrYi:etiiploying none btit firet rite work.. `men, arid being in the . constant , receipt, ofthe la est &Odom; aud • best - Styles -of .gooda,thei are', "MiltPr.epared to accommodate :customers in'the best'lnenneK Angist 18.17,,-Bmo I)!S,SARSAPAII.ILLA; —Thi s ,article is nOw'eStensively used by physician, find• others for the remoral and permanent cure dliestsei arising from impure stateerthe.bloO or habit ';or. -,the system ; : it is •warranted by,the manufacturer Aci be' five times stronger than , any. pteparation, of the saine , kind:egtant,, and. each bottle le contain a iluart.: , Pilee $l, per bottle.' srpr4ialfi'..by 4,VA17. 11: , FLEMING, July 7; 1847:',- TUS'r rlaltedni,tdtirlistie InoplanolinpretPv'eatvtcrts,l:::it 4,1) tali* 0,15111 0 -• '- ~ . • ••• •,..,•.; 1,2 • ' ti, bv Ad Plimers. ,) .. • 5 , ........ 1 0 . Et' so i ons RF : ', • ', °, ',,48A uu Jr .—') r!' if ofe' 14;iii."8.18.47., '- - . Pt; : „, 141. ; ~„ ..,o'. nER ; i I TRICOItAPHIN-t.l l l* h.. 411-4747.thvorth i i,..10 m!t d Vp!,,,, 14 ', ~I, ,p) ,imomoed•byl.l i''.4,,:,,(;„,":.F6iiiiiiiniy,A • 11111 ;" Si r e .R 4 ,,, , r ~ ,f ,. ,i al iitliti o :o4 4. " ,A , '' +.,.." '.JL'e'l's,.>(.4N'',-,1),r,,e, 4' :::,,, f)' 44oi:rilklß ' r, 4 . 4' ..i ''' '' ''..,- C , , , ‘ ' ' , • ‘ . ' = EMEM!ME!M P I M!M! ' f t ( iwro- - sqp, ,KRISS . KINKLEIMEAVQOARTERS, tO , `.. , q41141111011710C1ER43, - ; ~ 1;;•• ti come la yoU with the idOeini'year, i r riralt*lthiiiiiitleite:li One mien fbanlitiliell afire frinat the!peasing: dab thbilbeetert HE'stifilli?iilitir litti'crieride and. Ike *dine, ;:in: Orierii*that ia,:eeinitantli;niabnfiretOittk. *4 - fietY (Which for qualitymins tit, by ettinatieed, .any manitfactUred in the State) which he, •will sell Whelesiile , ;or Retail at Alia lOLD. North-liti - noser streeti'Where lie 'also keepa Foreign FRUITS' and NUTS of the West ironertation,.'irhich. will the'eald let the lowest piaci 'lrk 'MIA: His stra'aenitists' irr liart;of t4a following: Lc mons t ißeisine,,Truties, Grapes, itron, Dates, Figs, Cocoa Peanuts: Feetui mite; Aleicinde, English Wel. niborte; He would tiled call the attention Of the pub licAtilds stock of :1)44 Artioles, suitable for the approaching. Hullidaye, consisttng of ' l• Toys, Dolls & Fancy 'Notions., I . whifiik 'beauty - iind surpasses any 111144..0f.104iver ofkirditi - thiniithiturtit - af Carlisle. In -;eontiooticin • 'above ,he has pet recoiyed; - ipilme lot - of 1 1 amily . .Groceriest •.• • ' nonsisting.'oi..atipertor -crushed :and,. refitted; LOAF ,SUGARS, and, e gobd'qualitiof Brown Sugars; COFFE; from 8 to I2i ate por patindr. a superior 'article of Imperial, Young Hylton and - Qlac]c ": TEAS .; Molasses of atl kinds; Chocolate; Crackers, Cheetio, hied, Bltiekingi , Matches, Braelies, - &c. FRESH, SPICES, vi.: PaPper, Alspree,-Ginnamon; Cloves, Mos-. tard, Nnimegs, Ginger. - A supply of Indigo, (best quality) Alum, Starch, Washing Soda, Saltpetre 4.e: which will be sold at, reasonable .vices - • . The subscriber , returns his sincere Menke to the public for Vie liberatpatronage extended to him during the time he has been in business; and hopes by attention t., business and a de sire to please, to merit- a continuance a the same. All orders from a distance promptly attended to,. --Carlisle, Dec. I, 1847 ,__ FALL AND WINTER . GOODS, THE subscriber has just received a nd is now opening at his storey on the South west-corner of the Public Square, an unusu ally cheap stock of seasonable goods, such as Cloths,. Cassimeres, Sattinetts, Flannels, Vestings, 'Alpacas; • Silks, 'Lloinba eines, Shawls, •Muslins,--Gitives, • Hosiery, &c. • A splendid stock of CALICOES, at prices varying from 6i to 18. i cents. Also, Groceries of all kinds. - Also, a fresh stock of the ORT.NBRATED FLUID LANDS, 'which he hue lately introduced, and which aro found to be by all that have tried . them, the most economical and desirable article in every resrleent.now in use, Also the The Pekin Company's Teas. He has been appointed sole agent in. this place fur theaale of the above Teas, to which . he would the special attention,of the lover)! -of -good- - Teat -- - The : manner in which-therure put up is euchos that the flavour is preserved "for any length of time, being incased in lead or tin foil. - Families can be supplied with any quantity put up in this manner. The public-is respectfully Invited to call examine his stock before purchasiCg• elsewhere 'inasmuch as he feels confident that his variety _ and prices villl tiiiitifiraitarY in puroliuecie. ROBERT IRVINE, if. • Carlisle, October 6, WE BEE HIVE, FirgHE'subecribur„las opened a handsome stock - of FALL - and WIRT-RR - GOODS, to viluti:lici.wurild cull the uttentrun of. the citizen", of- CoAlale and the surrounding neighbashoud_. I will nut go to the trouble of enumerating articles—lt--would take- up too much time and room—l will only name a fmy oftholgading articles: dassimera, Sattinetts, of' all kinds and prices; Velvel,Satin and other Voetings; White and Red Flannel, - liish Linen,Canton Flanbel, Ticking', and ,Checks, Gentlemen's Glove'sind silk Cravats,:white Linen and silk Handkeichiefs, Muslin"ipalicoes, Lincies, Src Plaid Gto Bail kinds, for Ladies; such''art mores, Jalapa, Cale. dons, Mous. do Lit pd Ginghams, plain and plaid Alpacas, Bruit izines, Sheila, Glove and Hoskins for Ladies, Misses and Children; Bunavistri Caps for misses and children. Wooten Scarfs in great variety •, Guns Shoes," very handsome article for Ladies; Gentlemen ancl. children's Caps, of all kinds. Groceries. • such as Sugar; Coffee, Tea, Spices, Ste., &e, After looking through the market, just an. chor at the, BEE HIVE, in North Hanover street, and for the" CASII I will give you a good bargains ai can be got in the state. S, A. COYLE. Carlisle; October 6.1847: SW. HAVERTICK, having just opened s his WINTER SUPPLIES.df GOODS' deslres In •Inoall the particular attention of Pam ilies and - Physiciansio his replenished assortm' of DIt,UGS and MEDGINES'ovhich hove been purchased et the beat houses in Philadelphia, and may be relied upon forfreilhess and excellence. Added to,.these will be foiled an entiro stock of PAINTS, OILS, .DYE-STUFFS, Varnishes, Glass, fxo..Stc., all of wkieli he will ensure to be of the hest quality and at Dm very lowest prices. . He has made, many additions to his stock of ROOKS, besides securing a new supply of all the 'reit Books; Histories Ileadet s, Lexicons, WO • ling Books,•&e. noW - in use in College and our public schools w Koh he will dispose aim terms suited to the eircumittances of. all. His stock of , PiI.NCY ARTICLES embraces a rich andextensive collection which it would be. impossibly to enumerate, bimenroprising many novelties which cannot fail to strike the eye and please the taste, such as Ladies. and Gentlemen's 'Cutlery, Gold and Silver Pens and.-PencilaTHair- Toottuand Clothes 131:ushes,. Perfumes of Rou- Belle's rids and extensive varieties, Fancy Snaps; Shaving.Creum,, Gard, Cases, , Pocket. Pistols, Pocket Inipits, &c. &e. ; • , • ; Alio, it new. supply., of 'Cornelms'a elegapil• LARD ;it:AMPS, to therwitli _SperinsudMourn Candice, - thitikets;ll4usical inetrurnents,llinbrel.. Toys, and 'other 'aril; tiles Abe.. Variety whic h . with it ' Consta nt supply 'Of fresh, FAULTS oiuts ncl .c.onfeel iotiary the e rlobcst quulity, mahia ii.large l anifsplendid sleek. to Which helunnfidentliiiiiites.theatielition and pairouage.d his town and Cauntry friends, all ',ihe old stand in North Hanover etr,eet,pekyly posite. the, Carl lit e e 7,- - Decemlier t I. N.RisDON ,Fresh elrrlvat:., , THE. %subscribers ',hare ijulserfi '- - iieivea, from -Phillidelphisr.ft •14ortiitelfitoffiRUES.MEDIEINES. / P I TS, PERFUMERY, FAN CY: AR'I eves, i te.dr.e, haahtenaeleelod• witlucftie'aind all Warranted to give . eatleface! llon;,..botli!aa regards 'qualitty - Mict,prida, to who Will-faiiWthirii , svlthai • , • Hernimher the stand. opposite i the Rail •,. , ' 13:•FLEtlING.- Carlisla;NOl4,l-90.87Y . . . • • • .*. - • ZonesePs. Parfamoty. ; , .. - . ...,;. A well selepted Itisortraent.Or die prepanttione e t; or thitLeel orated chemist, among it , hteh.,nutyJte, ' entirtlerijet thifollowinCartielee, ela,ilieee and Al*ond-S 014'4;A:rear, Allilittiryltharlisiditp; nee erashin del': Calatnee,Heart!,Qll, m ai reo,ii ne : Liquid 'Ha r I.4l4Arnantliee rer, tihipited bifida; Odoid.ine, i t aitwartieleAir the teeth, Itose,Tooth' Paate:.Stlartirraliati fite.,battdinat'been meal v eil, Att:tha„Drug and, Variety. Saun et, , '„ • •.4 , : -;' . , q...7-'.,.-,'''' . '.' , i'.. -,' J.* IV,II, VE 4 PMIN f 1..,,. .-:Ciii)isielicei; 8,1,848,:.:: if , '', . . , '.:: !, ..To : .111461iiimithi;' .".",' , "?'' , • ,- '''t 2000c.P00 6 44 4 , 114- Aq4P,WT.fij • • .....• _..Q 04:L:torsalcohopp by ,7,.-'' . '!* ''4':q.;,: - .Z ~,..;'-,;7.-, r 1iN1CAW,1511. 1 444,1. 7 ii '.1fi1n:11 . 3b#46 . 1,401,9'1848 - CV ~ ,'. l, •-;:',-:.,':"/ , , -, ', i .1:': ] :•':' , ;- . 11,14is,:100;s1 VI k 4 0 *ill 4ii 4 . 4t0 4 Drugs, atediciites. „.•:. 0,.- -M+l-4 DR.-1410Y? . 3i VEGETABLE ;VNIVERSAV;PILLI; - 1 ., ;,.:-. 13E unly : knot4nzmodlotno thiir at! Zile 4rtte, time purges, purifiCs, - and, strengthent the oaten'. Dri Le Itny's a new medicine Mich has Oat appeared, .and hi fast titkinj the I . ' l .haes °rat othertator thri heae 'pills nre co mpos ed„Otarianyt ngred iepta, but the, :two principal Ones - 4ire 41-snraaptidllla,and:VAld2 Cherry, so,nnited)lnd they . act,together4,,the one 'thivugh ita adridatilfti:With Otharontbititngegit tifying and purgingirldle,,thia,otbeila itrength., ' felling the aystem. • this lhloie . pills,tire., at, dm , same; time tonic and Opening ' long and eagerly bought forchylnerlicalanen; but never before disc eyed., In other wordajthey do • the work of two medielnes,amd,dn.: tmnch ter than any two Ave ~know oft for, they,rendivel nothing from: thd system so that while' they purge Alley, strengthen . ntid,lienne thdy cause no debilitation, and are.,followed by. no:reaction. Dr. Le 'toy's Pills.have it - wolOtterr: -111)olluence ou-thehloodoltemoLodlr. purilyi Without' weakoning it; but they ,:remOveitillnoit-1 louspartieles from the chyle before.it :is convey into nod fluid,and thuamakE impute . blood an' utter impoisibility. Al there is no.debilitition, .so there as no nausea or sickness. attending , the operations of thio _moot Oftiellent Of , Inelltinnell. which never amine or tortures the digastie fune tiona,but 'nausea tlidna to work iti at erfectlY, Oat; rat-manner;-and ponce.-.p . nrsona-ti en them—do notbecome pale and emaidatnd,liu(the. contrary; fi r'while it is the prciperty ..of the Sarsaparilla; united as it is with other ingredients, to:reniore 'all that is foreign anti impure, it is equal* the property ofthe Wild Cherry to retain Rath:it ii natural and Bound ; and hence a -robust. state of .health is the certain reatilitif their united opera - • Chr. ; J. Myers, etfle Aent, awl by Enby' itntl V.; s'inv,et•;in Ktogstowti. geieril' n ho '' 25 nun. Carltel F%b•'• 1018 , 57. . • ' . Int:LISTER% OINTME NT. • o_es_use_all,esterus 'SORES„ SCROFULOUS humors, .51{IN• DISEASES, POISONOUS INT OUN DS, to discharge Their put trld mutters, and then heali Mein. It is rightly termed All-healing, foe there Is sestrcely a disease, exterattl or internal, that T will not benefit. 1 haveinted it for the last tour teen years for all diseases of the chest, ettnsuinp tion and liver, involving the utmost danger and _respousibilltyoull - declare before heaven and new, that not. one single case has it failed toben efit when the patient was within the reach of mortal means. 1 Aare had physicians learned in the profession. nave had ministers of the Gospel, J udges oithe bench, Aldermen, Lawyers, gentlemen of the highest erudition, and 'multitudes of the poor use it in every variety of way and there has beenbut one voice.--one univeasaL voice—saying, ".Me- Allister, your Ointment-is 6001).". CONS UM P'rlON.—. s ltcan hardy be credited thiata 'salve can have any . effect upon the lungs seated as they are within the system. Hut, if .placed npon the chest, it penetrates to the lungs sdparates the poisonous particles thst are conso.. ming them, and espois them from the syltem.--- It is curing persons of Consumption contipitslly: HEADACIIV.,..-The salve has cured persons of the headache of 12 year's standing, and who bad it regular every week so that vomiting often took place. Deafness and Ear Ache are helped with l llike success. RiIkIPMATISM.--It removes almost imme dintely the infix motion and swelling when the l iain ceases. Read the direction armind the box. .GOLD FEET.. 2 - - -Consuniption, Liver Loot plaint, pain in the elicst or side. fallii.g off of the hair• ono- or the- other- always accompanies-cold feet. (This ointment is the true remedy.) It is a sure sign of disen.ie to have cold feet. In scrofula, old so s, crysipelas,:itarlieum, liver complaint, sore ~es, quinsy, sure throat, bronchitis, broken or sore breast, piles all chest diseases such MI ilethrila, oppreisions, pain -also, sore lips, chapped bands, tumors, cutaneous true • tions 4 nervous diseases and of the spine;there la no meal cue lo‘VktiOw it as good. , - ,SVA.LI) HEAD.-- We have cured cases that actually defied every kj as well as the ability of 15 or 20 doctors. One man told us be had . spent $5OO on hiichildren withitut sny bene fit, Whets a few boxes of ointment cured them. - BALDNESS.--It will remove the hair sooner than any-other thing. - BURNS.--It Is the beat thing in the world for, Borns. (Read the directions iiround the box. W0RM5...41 will drive el cry vestige of them there is prohablp no tnecheine on the face of the earth at ogee so sure awl so said in the expul ■ion or worms. CORNS.--Occasional use of the Ointment will always keep corns from growin.. People need never be troubled with them if they will use it. PILES.--Thousands are yearly cured by this Ointment. JAMES MCALLISTER & Co. Sole proprietors of the a bove medicine. CAUTION : -No OINTMENT will be genii no unless the .mines of James McAllister or names SlcAllister & Co., are written with a pen upon every label. Sold by SamnelElliot, S. IY. Ilaverstick and Di% J.& Myers, in Carlisle; ,l Sr.. L.Reigel, Me chanicsburg; Singiser & Paul, Churchtown, and John Diller, Newville. CONSUMPTOVEt) Let None Despair. /111HOMPSON'S Compound Syitiri j of Tar and Wood Naplabia, for the, mire of In.. cipient Consumption, Chronic .Catarrh, Asth ma, Bronchitis, Obatinate Cough, Liver .m plaint, Spitting of Blood, Palpitation of the Heart, and all kindred diacases•of the Respira • tory Organs :Phis preparation now so extensively used, liai no parallel as an eacient remedy in the class cfdiacases fin which is applicable Its peculiar composition enables it to act in a kindlhinannet, upon diseased civics; soothing irritation, quieting the tiough'aud inducing an easy expectoration, thus freeing the lungs and air vessels from etre:Mine Matter, whirl, other• wise would aggravate. disease and, ultimately result in confirmed consumption To public apealcerelhie medicine is inveltu Able, rendering, the rtice clear and strong, and retrieving any predisposititin to direase in the Lungs and Bronchitis EfecliThatna Physician Says. The lollowing,frem Dr. Young, the Malin. . guished.eculiett , . Philadelphia, January 18,1847 Having used In my practice as well as in my min family, .Thomscm's Compound Syrup ot- Tar and Wood Naphtba, l .l . have no hesitation in saying . ttnit itia the BEST PREPArATION of the kind in use for persons sufferioCfrom Con sumptiOn, Coughs, Colds and all affections of the Throat, Breast,4o, so prevalent at this Season of the year - , - • ';" • AVM YOUNG, M -1); 152 SPruce street medicine lnvaluable is prepared' by Away '5l. Olafson, dt N. E.,corner Fiftiv and Spruce streehrePhiladelphia. • Sold by R. ANGNEY, Carlisle. Price '5O. etepor bottle-115 per doxen , NURSE WRIGET4 SOS+RINGi'StRUirOR3' ' • CHILDREN TEETHING. LL MOTJIERS having children ; afflicted 10111.-. with any .ef• those diseases . incident to the tote.of.lnfartoyiiuohlifi'iUonyelsiiin.spasmo.: do croup; mitarnmea., irupticini, disordered stornaoh, , and looseness of the bombs ' should never'be • without this in fallible romorly.:_t_h,sl. I L nes ploved eflibtolaue all' the above di&- _spos,,l . Ntimoreactestimonials glrm e , prOYo.l4! flleribi.• but I,trlal is .bettlet.- -:,.•;; toSold. , by=B; -;)?'' • . . • 50 1 9 0 : - liarrisburgpsify ME 0 e- Ittii' 4 •;-..... 4.1M8 -.' litai'i Vy - t -' . ' . -/ . -‘4 4? „ .-•. ~• .-.•• , ," ,'; ' NItURRIIADOIVISiU l!': •:*t_ , :_j___D . ' - ?.: - .",•`,-c-f. - 't 7J/__--: . •'''.• .. - ' i ;•, , , , ,D . 0' ." '''''''''''' 7' ''''"7 7- • (~ YCe ~. :.' . '''-': ''Olifiql'Illfill1111011111100110;1111111 i ':.':: ((-) \.... 4w.7t, 4‘,..A. , Jet.,Evir,TER;„: . ~ WOULPtiestmetfully call 'the attention' 1 . lfriaaeheepers and theptiblielotlic'exten save stock of 'aplendid Turnit are; iliatudiaiS 6 fie,lWarilruheo,(3'ent re riud'elhor l'aliles; Dres sing and Plain 'Bitraittii,;atid:everifir, itilmy 'l3 • G . .abiteet4oirircatid'Cliairtiir... which. .heY _ha ve,jtielP;Miertert t it'. their new ro Ortis; '1) it itlt e 'co rn er• - licAtirililittri O'er and Loather Strepti,.Carlials,,, ::1,! ; : .-- .: .: • 7 '''-., They ; are cenErleat Ihiteop,akikiiiir fin ish - 4 r Ile wait i_n aTaiitipTarritelegitimalit,'styWift ''w4icii :their aitieles aro.,got:up, together with their OH EAPN ESSi wilt recommend them 'to every person wanting They have alio made arrangements for manufacturing and keeping a. coastant supplYWei!ery article (111 theit lino, both plain and' ornaMeatel, elegant and tiseful, at prices Whith they_caanot_faiLto_ enit — p - urchasers. ' They would earitestly idtiito !arsons who ['mahout tosammeneahousekeop. nrto: call and staamtue their. Orosent elegant cock, to which they will constantly melt° ad ditions oPthe newest and most modern styles. . , COIF'PIN'S made to order at the shortest no. ficek for town snd country. I Aprll.2l, 11347.. _, . _ _ • _____ ' NEW AND CHEAP Faintly Grocery 1 TtIE subscriber takes this method , to Worm his friends, and the public in general that he liasjust 'opened inthe house lately occupied by! _ D . Rhoads' Warehouse, a large 'and general as sortment of Grocerses, such aw. Tea's Coffee, Sugar, Molasses, Chocolate and Spices o every description. Also, a liirge' and well aelee QUEENSIIIIR.E, 'Willow-ware, Brushes, Buckets, &c. &c. To bacco of every desle'ription, from.the common smoking tobacco, up to Woodward's best honey Dew cavesulish. The public are respectfully invited,to cull and examine his stock before 1 eying elsewhere, as he flatters It i ttt sell that he•cannot fail to please them both in priee'and quality. N. B.—His friends from the country *ll find it to their advantage to give him areal' ; the store is conveniently situated, just a few steps from Mr Rhoads' tavern. • JOS.D. HALBERT Catt e liale,4iine 2. 1.847 Atte , and Cheap HARDWARE' STORE Main atreet,one door west of Martin's Hotel._ " a re now opening u large stuck of fresh goods, which in addition to their forrerAtock, makes their assortment larger. atitl•beittim ism be found elsewhere. heir stock comprisei a tullMajicit - o Wild ing material of every descrigitieuritabOdyleiNkith a' large assortinent of 'Cools chanics e w Melt have been seleatet“rith'great care and are Offered at the lowest t s.. - Also a full assortment of ooda for Carriage Builders and SaddleriOnic I a Worsted Damask and Rattinetts, Curtain Clot $ Oil Cloth, wide and - narrow Laces, Pringei t Tassels., Tufts, Patent Leather; •Lamps, Electric Springs 1. - on Axles, Silver anti Brass Plate Carriage Springs, Japan, Brass and Silver Plate Mounting, Bridle Bits, Stirrups, Buckles, Haulers of all: kinds, Bock- Ards, Hog-skina HMI all description of gOods in the SADDLERY LINE. Also, Waiters and Trays • Candlestieks ; Brass Andirons; Shovels and Tongs ; Knives and Pork' of every style ; Fancy ,CLIal common Bellows ; Butcher and Carving Knives, Steels; Pen and Pocket Knives of every style, Table and Tea Spoons •, English and American Hollowarel' Sad Irons, Brest; Kettles btu. bra. - Hay and Maattreirorks ; AVar„on Ilamers,Shovels and. Spades • Trae 'Baiter and Low Chains FA. do. Also just received, Rev, Band and lloop IRON; • -Russian and American Sheet Iron; • Cast ,Shear, Blister and Spring Steel; Tin Plate Zino, Spelter, Lead ; Dupont's and Johnson's Wasting Powder; Dupont's Rille Powder, Shot; NVetlierill's Pure Ground White Lead ; Linseed Oil; Copal, Coach, Japan and Leather Varnish ; IV indow Glass of all sizes; Putty, Ttarpentine, Cedar-wore of all kinds, Eco. Ste. have also for sale Harvey's Patent Spiral Straw Cutters, which are considered the best now hi use for cutting hay, straw or corn stalks. RIG IIT & SANTON. September W. : 847 CVEILL/SEMO.LP:a. - HARDWARE AND PAINT S! NO NUMMlttra! MIKE attention of the public is respectfully .. invited to a NEW AND••SPLENDLD STOCK OF Hardware & Paints, which I have just received from the City, and which "I am determined to sell at the LOW EST I MEE 4 , 1 do not pretend that I Import -any Goods myself, but buy thein in tire City all for CASH, and of course ge,t them at the lowest rates.— Thepublie i therefore invited to become acquainted with th6 - pricesond then call on toe and if I do not sell better goods as low and a little lower than the Importers, I shall not ask: them to buy. ' I will !subjoin the prices of a few articles, viz: • One hundred. Rego , of - Nails. at 54;50 .per Keg'; one, 'tundred Kegs Whitt; Lead, B 2 per Keg . 6 of )tis.; 2020 Grindstones, 1..1L2 to 2 - cents per lb;and nitotlierguods at equally low .prices. Cr Call' and see at the old atrnd i North Hanover Street, Sign of the Big . Mil Saw. . JOHN P. LYNE,, Ciirßile, April 7,1841 FALL AND WINTER FSHIONS. 'HAT . CAR' STORL THE subicribeil lint recently :returned from th city with alarge and fashionable addithai to his stock, and is now prepared to furnial4l a- dies andGentleMen with all the usual 'articles in , :his 11116i:sit - the reiiiiencsble‘. jniees. His atock, will be found consist of H rich andOev. glint 'assofieneiitnor: MOLESKIN, — BEAVER, 111.f t .SSINiF,UW- 'WOOL' HAlrS;'ierY hand.. finisheiWl'l7llOLOTH' OILED SILK-CAPS, of the latest etYle lad LADIES? IiIOFFS,',Of a highly,suporipr quality. :,. Gratified' PatranaVerhis old an : a - U.6aq eiesteenciyt !fiords him grist iclei T sicie't6 bilable ailive theme and he hopes every One - Will 'find if itil*fintageous to themselves to' giVe him a call bitereporchising .•' ,GEO..KELLEII 'Sr ' . •—,r • •, Bortti:Hanover street.' ';' - :cailiste,'Olithbilr4o 4 ; DOT: •". , .:NEW.1001:1S.; ': `AGAIN: `. tiedinid Arrival ..of Winter Goode 2. at,.VGIII,Orri ;Wholesale • XII and Rtittilt.Sttipl4, splittidld gissostinent o r cheap Winter G Cod.. Among the,.' lot will bei , found.ajasso,,atook,-Ploth., Cissitners, Vesting., Casetnette 4•Gotio• Gontlomen wanting ts cheap and handeome atilt, will do wellln saving money by calling at Chia establishment: . • Ladies are, particularly ineited to call and, osantine our siock ofplpakings. Shawls, Cash* drr Lames -- 11.1erinioN'IrliekTaid 'notnred Coberg ClothevApricasi California and. Marne: Plakts - and, niany,other dress - goods,,-; N~ier will ' also be ferind a, 14go'osiortmopt of Vaticl4l4nd Sitirtingi 'rind Sli t io, ,iiigfir29.499l4Tiakiner, ..-""Aa usual; ono ;of t. 0, bcpt t an t ‘ lll frift IltoPa . cif'Bool.tr andf.hoes of ninny Recollect the stand East Main;'„atreet t ,' Big Sign, Big Windows,,, and , -cheap- goods have, head " sold. gurinik.,Allo , 4i.,t, yetro,: • • ' Ga_ Aide, Raw 1, , 1847; , , „ . iftM ET-; ~.} R niedy' t • _ n e . 2Z113 . .133CM . roThis nuidi rateable pri)neestl e.l 4o. A9,0,0..14,11?„YY0.05041491 F-9.9, 11 -4,P4OPrit' Ot theinoist troUblerioine dignifies-a/an 'dthich the horse is affititifdainithiont destroying the, hair) tutelt:es old, :strains, ness ofjolntrii galla,Preduced 'bi:tbartollsOikiff7 saddle, stria - no of the elintilders,:stlfijii;Jtoni;l pattern. and coffin!, joints, strains of ,the-mhiti• bone, knee; and, fationk; , . titiyil:.fituls . si a curbs; splints , spavin, vrlndgalls, puffs,"etite, • verysetto ‘ curesiold 7 or fresh. wounds, cuts, bruised; Thanks, poll oril,curbs,cke.,,on4 Instabt rehef in the scratchetr,grerutectefould,' the diseases incident to horses having whiter" filet and nosea - krodu c ceilliii St John's Wort,. which'eo often detstroys, the hoofs iuntlaelea pf tliefeet, and resists the actienloCinlPhtirlaft&-• - - vitrinliniitioents, and %thee rieuedies equally powerful. • No, application has heretoto4.preired-„sO) useful in relaying stiffness of thiGtendonwepd 1, - joints,. and 'producing such 'isnukdiahi Land 4: benefiCial effects in crabbed heelar.bronett'oii , by high feeding,'splints and Sprains. This_Einbroertionid-highlyiligomtnernifo6' farriere;-.-beepers of livery'stables,:vragonati44 statiliriiiirlistifrarkittfirititirgeatTOOU ing„lhorit4s, ; ,as i an ~intrattitilde,; -tsntenidvid shoiddle,carrstertily kept in their Stabler. • Also fariners, attioso .horses are, se liable 410 t kfalfarfints' and - 6hd. advantageous to .keep it Cnititentry 'on is. equally treatment' cattle,- for lore' pee4i, cut.. ...wounds, etc. •• • 'For stile in Cern4a by Dr. JOHN 3 MY— EDS, SnlrAxent.` • July2l, 1847. Brandretta-Pills:' riIRE effect of this celebritieil , brio putilyAlte blood, to convert the poor, rapt blood - i n to healthy, rich blood. -.A,stlealljt. because they do this that .they have been so stetalls.s. .ily sought after by all classes of woe, citizens who hive required medicine: Anti it is - beciiiiieot .the power Brandretli ,- Pills: are- won' k,towi tte • possess as health -restorers, that renders them Ito popular. "hey cure affections, simply - becatisi 2 they make the blood pure--abstrast ent of-it those qualities which produce disease, slid glee to. it-. those qualitletvw loch produce -What is their effmit 1 - Icir to -marry off-the impure matters froin the, lilood,leiVing only-the good to- renew. every part ef-thie , body.s , What was unsound now becomea sound, and the stem, sell soon gets into So health-la condltion4thst even bad air or unwholesome food for a tiipe are unable to injure - - the' ' health; nutlerisilly,flEven when the climate or food continue unhealthy, the occasional use of the BrandredszPille will sepa ate the impure parts and cause their expulsion, leaving what is good to supply life and strengths the body. the'b`ones are tiiiiiiiiii,Wheri - e - veryir - a; mification of the ICIIIRC is oat of eviler, the Branureth Pills will in nineteen eases out- of twenty CURE.. Remember that the body can be entirely remade- from the "food, bones and all— and aided by this most bewifieent medicine. hs Teeter the time it takes in, the ordinary course of Tnatiise. 'in from two to fouryeara an entirely new lietibbyrbody. can be exchanged for the sound, the diseased, the -miserable one. - The slowness or quickness of the change altogether depending upon the effect the Brandeeth Pills are made to produce, wilich effecteatibe gradua ted just as the patient ploaSes. - No possible. in jury can result from this-nothing but good can follow. - Ent wire the effect of Brandredes Pills amolig your unprejudiced fritnds,you will hear sufficient to satisfy you that there is no nisi in making the'lrial, and ihat.you will not be doing yourself justice without it, 'When your , blood is once erni nothing in the shape . of food will hardly come amiss, nothing will sour upon your stomach, you may . eat pies or anything in reason, and die greater varlet) , of food the better blood is made. All who have weak. stomachs,who are dyspeptic, or in any way all' 'limed in the Witty, should whiten , delay reset t to Brandieth's Pills—whiCh will indeed strength en-the -life- p rinciple, a nil-fly-perseverance-wit I. them, entirely renew the whole body—the mate rials now -ink, good, will be kept .so—those bads displaced and removed. Good blond can o n snake hatl,boute or bail flesh. -And heir in mind the ilmititleeth Pills surely . porify the Mond.: 7 The method of prepating - the Erandretblati Pegmatite Extracts is secured by Letters Patent of the United St-ites--Patent granted to 'Bow min Ilrandreth, 20th January, 3843. ' The extracts of which Brandreth's Pills are composed are obtained by this , new patent pro cess, without boiling or any applieation of hest• The active principle of the herbs is thus secured, the taupe as it is in the living vegetable. The . public should be cautious of medialnas recommended in advertisements stolen from me. A sure test of genuine lirandreth Pilli—Y.x• amine the box of Lulls then look at the certificate of n gem.y, whose engre'veil - ilski' Must be within the yt ar, which every authorized agent must possess—if the three labels on :the box agree with the three :lithe!' on the certificate, the pills nre.true--if not, theystre false, . The BRANDRETIPS PILLL are sold for 25 cents per box, at . Dr: 11. Bratitlrepi's Principal Office, 241 Broadway, New York, and by the fol. lowing duly authorized Agentit • Wm. S. Powell, New • Cumberland. J. G. Miller, Lisburn.. M. Bitner, Shiremanstown. • J.& L. Beige!, Mechanicsburg. • Ceo. W. Shigiser,thitrohlowen A. k D. Leidtch; Bniling.Springs. 114, L. Beclman;•Whitc•House P.O. • • • llosetiburg Welting, Centreville. Janie' Kyle, Jacksonville. ••••• • ,P.OwardScull,-Shippensberg..". '• • S. L. Sentimini Newburg., 5- Ir. • Sold in Carlisle, by , CHARLF:S•BARNITI -Sole Ar.,ent•for-lkiiilacirow.h-.•:'''-. .* MOUNT EAGLE, -.TR11 3 01.1. 7THIS is din fi . Cii i stitiOleesio 4 distoveind for J •ocleanfing• and. poNshing eicrilltitrot UndiGlass Ware, being superior to; t often stone, whiting., &U., as it . prodUbra Ilia most. brih haul and lasting polishArsilExertlittle labor:. • t is also an excellent art icle,for eleansingarindow a and mirrors„'. 'Thu' Ittnirlatisitil,Tripoll•la -alto gether free front aeldaand corroding 'stibstances and iss - therefore superior , toil!e=ltsklicti'so h used n Europe: No person who; han' - used'ihti Isle will bewidiout it, • •Pritia.l2i;eente -- Persons wislttniu4o ,. .parEhaii4o. seEl 141 a sn,ean be stipplied at the' manufacitirifix• - :eortr. 'panes pt ice, by calling at ihe'drst store'of , • • • ;'", • • • :4 3 1 W , 111' FLEA! [NIG Carlisle,,O4dober IS 48 WZIW AltlinrAla 0171 „,., lt - 00 . **: is tail, SNIOIES, :,..: ..Portges!' Shoe,Stare, cr ,b.,iy,. 4 ,,,-* A4dise Chur' ~,,, .'..ltleala Kip Progatti,:ilfeblal_Thick • , T . Brogan,- dad zYaiith'sdthick - ""7:Bititii;litoileini .I;iiii liststio; — ' 4 ,,tip 7,Thia Work,hiiabeeri inanufacturca tri c .o.rderonWeady,firlh`e;TW)nter, end is war.. routed to heititrraitilatia silty:oar autd, la Car. V, 1 , 7 ;71,4 ' '''' '' ' ;'; , `"'S , . * coltslantly op , hatid. a ,entirla t impertinent. : of best, , ,qiiality'.Bopts, Ellmos_,,:ll:rottita„.G auk Shoes, Buliblo Oyci:Shecji.. l36 eltstlect k OrAl. la. ! which tha atteatiortiff4liajecrts )1 solicited. ' , • .7 - .. , .: i , Virhll.4ll4.YpltTEß, - ; - Carlisle, Dec: . 4 1:1,1847,. ~..,,.., ' 4 '*"..::•'' , . , --- • .4„., •?, 7,ohkap Taris tuulTaMblita; T,raneived,lilar g e neloitment.,r, !iii;pg Ores' Jars and l'uniblerninnjobn..-, for ; thg p,ronervirig - MYE 8... • -J9l3r- 2 . 13 1 1 ,t 34 7. - ” mioeifikre t., boAs i t 31,1;-,200•tons. T.' NS-Pine gr;..'lllo byrnois rum 0. • 00,0*" I Pi • al-5000,3mA; sli,(.1,151,'„:•••• • gla,ti ••!'' U11 . 18 .f . , Odgt , , br fresh rgoikti,l6ll:" . • m.44Evirla44:oHaPaTOßßin,Naiii 11110 e, hd'me,?Ohnghem ggiarffhistid and; UnblatiollegtvMuAliti , ' ic i &piqta 'iisi - che - 0.46;1100/oryVA#Oniki ,;pt9t PAIPOPSTE: - '.._......'t'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers