PiEM 7?- , • . -t-t!'e; )';‘*; laX • itetOil • • , s ., • , ;. :V. • . . '.' ' I "I ' • ' V ' b EiP.Xve#ll4:4ta,lol.it!:, . FLOUtiris' held "aiTell • per ' barrel .W. lib a limited b tairE it atVlanttu e ir;Miei '; 'll ' V .. e'A l nominal; ' ' r , i,.- ..iq „?013>i„,..,.,'", ''y • . 4 .. .• t • WHF..ATi4ThiutuidiefSibiti, . ,x 4 ,,,,..- : , 1109,N-dßnirio ?p limb ,290c1 , -hpehele pa , ii‘ tbbiliYittet bOld aoiVete.'Weight: - . • ',..c....:. . t,111 4 111Mia),.. bie: ItigAiltfitic: of Newburg; fo •IVitee , Arrn?. iiefrl , oftNikition 10 • 0 . , t , 60ef1i!?404 . 1" OtEgidlitein-ltd'llliee . 'Artz4•E;O2A A li` of • '• ,; ; 4 :s • - 41.1 . 4'ib i e'24iii elt.VbS , AtiVlWlt.r.troif Cr:inapt:let HARATET . • ”111,•, t•.` t, t` , PLEiUs nY. • C 'fa Et,snintthr,' Peri. of lohnihndteittliegne;'Kelly,.eged 4, yetirs, , • -9 Aionlhsan37 dada. +> In Cntroll - tp; •Perry, county, on the 4yih alt., of- typinto-feentlr„ ,, Mr;tDivin CULEN, an estimable youngmihyltgedlft yeafe.i• Teresina were attended.to. the Araile.by the !,military eomponies of this , . On the 16tlx.:ult.:inibleogeniceburg, bliss rEt.k. Z iOeentneod tttei 24th. yent• Of; her age; after, o . btifflokt.P.Rloftilillneee.: . , . IPhiCktilva Noir, tbrii!g:Goods. the' argest - ankshlTP' 'estliiitiottniethfisl•OfToNEW G 0 ODS: " ever bro r i Cerlialtikgt etlifshits - , Fine hhie , black....Ertgliskand,F,renelt'dloths. 'Fifiebhie•black and - Fancy Cassimeres, • - Vestint4Pnfeshiortable:styles,. " • • • Forty - pteces French and Scotch.Ginghamb, at: 12. 15, IS and.2s cents, , Five thouearid yards Calicoes," from 4,6," 8,9, bland 12 cts.,:,the ‘ greateSt assortment ever bro't to this place, an'd uncommonly cheap. - ' , A lot of •Moutrde•Laines, Plaids, Lawns, poi; swine& , • • -: "Viook. ',ivies, cambric andloconetMutdinS,b; • . • Hosierrand 'Gloves, Checks and Ticking's; Muslin& such di tarleton, pink, blue, black, mode; white e &e..we me:almost giving away. • Licett,Edginga,-Shawls, ftil?bons, and almost everythingin' ur line of business. AlsdeburAsual.aasortmenc of Groceries and Queenswarao Hardware,&c. together with mens and,boysl cloth and oil-clots and palm leaf lists. ?ertazqui'degirgus:of purchasing good and cheap P oode-will,sava-money—bl—ealling-pn - rtarestik - above:stock has.all been . bought for cash at low price!, and. will. be sold. "cheaperihan flite cheap. eat.M- L - . 3. doors south , of the Post Office. , EMniive =Furniture-Roomer , 1) . • s fz; FETTER, wouLD 'ietipectfully call the attention of V. V House-keepers and the public, to the ex tensive stock of , splendid FURNITURE, inclu ding Sofas; Wardrdbes, Centre and other Tables, Dressing and Plena Bereaus, and every variety of Cabinet-were-and - Chairs, which they have just opened .at,their NEW ROOMS, on the corner of North Hanover and Lowlier streets, Carlisle. They 'are confident that the superior finish of the Workmanship,. end elegance of style, in which their — arid - 1W arti — tot together with their oussrness, will recommend them to .every per. naming Furniture. They , -htkve also made arrangements for manufacturing and keeping a constant supply of every article in their line, both plai 1 - . end , ornameptal, elegant and useful, at prices which cannot fiato-truttpurchasers, They would,earnestly -invite persons who-are about-to- coMmence , house , keeptng. to call and examine their .present elegant stock, to which they. will constantly make additions of the newest and mast modern styles. - ••;COFFINS made to order at the shortest no tice; for town and country.. u Carlisle, April 21j, 1847. . • • - The-subscriber desires to inform the public that he has removed his entire stook.' em bracing a large rind elegant display pi FURNI TURE, to the above establishment, where he will be glad to see his old friends and customers. march 8 • JACOB _'EWER. Town Lots -Fot.flale.. sold at putdic W 1 D. r. M,..0 the Aftth",of Marc' h, inst., etobe „public house of.lienry Maas, -in this borongh,•et .2 0'e10ck . ..P....A1, er LOT OF GROUND, con tsiningFol7R AND A RAMP ACRES of first rote .Land, under good fences, situate in Cove Lane, .and very, convenient to town, adjoining lots of Geo. , Metzgar, Esq. Jacob Fetter and others.— Possession given on the tat of April next, and a uoild'title, made to , the purchaser. Terms will be made known on day of sale by MARGARET ED WARDS. Carlisle, par 8 Tairein License. NOTICE. is hereby given that I intend to ap ply:at the ensuing term of the Court of Quarter Sasstonsmf Cumberland county, for a license to keep a tavern or public house, to thellouaa I now occupy as such in Allen township,in said county. DAVID BROWN. We the undersigned, citizens of the township of Allen, in the county of Cumberland, do certi fy that we are well acquainted - with the 'above n tmed David. Brown, that ho is •of good repute for honesty and temperance,and Pyoytdecl with house room'andoonveniencesfor thouccom modation of strangpro•atid , ,itraVelletit, and that such inn or.taverroe,iiiceiatary to accommodate the public and entertain'strongers and travellers. George Heyde, Samuel Shirmati, ' :David Wise, .William Smith, Geo la need, •Allen Floyd, John Shiretrian,* 37; Bitner, John Graff,Goswiler, David Mosey,' Isaac. Goshen. Verll LioeD e, NOTlCElahereby given Ault I intend to . ap. , ply at the next term of the court of Quarter . &aeons of :Cumberland county, for a license to .t keep- a Nayarit or , public house in • the • house I now : occupy rut Such: in Papertown. Cumberland county.- THOMPSON Br 4V.EAKLEY. We the undersigned citizens of South Middle.. ,ton township,' Cumberland county, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Tho7sea, B. Wealtley4. that. he is of good, re. . pule, or .honelty and temperance, and- is well Provi edcwitli house TOMB and conveniences for the. , seetim,tsiodation,of strangers" and travellers, .and , that such liner Tama teneeeseary to ae co,reingtdEtte dtioublie and entertain strangeriand thivelittprA: ritA Wleirind . er: • 01. ' 4 1411(61* G. 1); Creigheid Wyk.. R.. Moore Samuel. Zag , ".".I' - Cleorget'O'Donnet • :lesse'Myers , • Jacob-Burkholder - E. to:Haskell , : i z .;Jofe.otrigarp ; 44,,, Detain; i.. . rrlar e • 'B ~~,Hrx_r. arohivoitt!„,. , fru • 'Mr. ' Landiath,. and for "' ." r.". • , "13;''ELLIOTT. v; • . . LOldorofbrii3. Agflif large ", 4 . ( IPPIY gARru, D,EsuEOO. receiVed,and for ' X 11 0 4 9; 11, . I #ootithiP., hqi*OtOrQll3,eeXis(- ;!v•ttAigilietween'iiii6fitto,f.o•o:YLE . i4. 3 l oll ß gorilitorß,Cjinibeldißi cowit MlUa,c9MAh . ,9 ll i t 4 /Pt akirW40 4 . r zeros!' Moto , HL ~'ycri.Nei received a •a• linrrol of k'saohlpirin AC.. Jan OS, • ' t 4; '' , t,- - i : ' , ;- , ', 7-:• - :% - :.::' , ,,,,: . ..: - .,..: , !..%,;; N:. - 1c;' , '; -, gT.• . ; y - . ,- :, ,, : - ::: : e. - . ,- ::: , 4 ~P.'- ,; 2)?',!,e,i•c4:.T,, ! •,,.:q4 , - . 4:; ,, ".;; -'.',.:'',;`..:',tt,-,;,.4,...%:,:,-; MEM ESEI 00 , ' l n • : ,t • , . j " • _ •42t.7.41i , v0tt , - - 3 - ketstt4-tititit &Poor:and .of , fen Count` iln 1847,'010 To atigiunedue' , _tristittilion 'Saul,:,'- , '• • montiti 1846;Jiy:JaditlildiputiBec r i; -, `s/;077.-; 2 0.f . AinountAirtarnlnfin . foantiTreasuier' 4,000 60 . Do„, received 'front Bi4l.lexander's •ce • executors,.,, . , ~ • • 47:1; 69; - ,Skrem dr.....totidgrais for . `" hides oqd skins , . . : ' ~118 391 j2,4' :Of Huntingdon '' `' Übe' D,lindsay • •94'25 . Do, ;,of YtTZ:Pitr, for ; use of , „ 46binson,,(sQlpred). Do .Ot.S. Flickinger for use . 87,80! Do for islibit and lard ' ' . 30 844 Do . of R. Snodgrasi,EiS, for uso ' 30 37,i DO of John ' Mixell.for use '14'58 7- Dir - -Idifrid 7 Oiriliiilfoar of • • • '• 'Bolland b - drlbeased • - 17 195 Do ;of P: Dyeerd, deceased • 6 88 Do. of 'John:Smith and other dec'd • • paupers 2 321, Do of Rnum for r uin 5, 40 D for old potatoes • 6:124 .for blank indentures 4.50 . Do of J. %aline for grass 3. 00 222 ' Do for use of cider prits' 1 311 Do of J, Brannon for pump stocks . 1 00 •• Do • lot sundries , 89i JACOB SQUIRE, Eag., Treasurer of th of Cumberland county, in account wi the Ist day of January to the 31st day DR. - . To amouut due at settlement, $1,077 264 Do received from the county Treasurer 4,000 00 Do - received from J. Lobach, ~ .Stevrard, from different sources as exhibited M • Balance due. Treasdrer Six head of Items, 31 head of Homed Cattle, 25-Sheep, 4 breeding Sow, 27.atock Hogs, 30 Pigs and_l Calf. -.„ • O .U el .1 :II . 1 Of a 1 if •' 29 Beeves, average weight 552 pounds, (16,008 lbs.) 15 Calves, average weight 66 pounds,. (990 lbs.) 62 Sheep, average weight 49 pounds, (3,038 lbs.) 37 Hoge, average weight 209 pounds, (7,733 lbs.) making in all 27,769 lbs. 1 broad-u heeled and narrow-wheeled wagon, I wagon bed, I pair of woodzladflers; 2 pair of hay ladders, 1 sled, l dearborne and,harness, 1 cart and caregears, 1 sleigh, 4 barrows, 4 ploughs, 2 cul tivators, 2 double shoiel ploughs, 3 single shovel ploughs, 1 stone wagon, 1 horse rake, 1 threshing machine and horse power, 1 fanning mill, 1 rolling screen, 1 corn.sheiler, 1 ground roller, 2 cutting boxes; 1 flax brake. 2 grindstones, 2 log chains, 33 cow 'chains, 6 pen of wagon gears, 6 sett, of plough gears, 2 sett oftcarpenter's tools, 1 sett of butchering tools, 1 sett of blacksmith's tools, 2 sett of blowing tools, 5 wheel-barrows, 6 shovels, 4 spades, 3 mattocks, 2 picks, 4 grain cradles, 10 mowing acythes, and a variety of axes, corn hoes, rakes, forks, sickles, singla.and double trees' &c.,. &c. • • 4111 bushels of wheat,:6oo of oats, 1100 of corn, 400 of potathes, 250 of turnips, 20 of onions, 30 of beets, 15 of parsnips 6 oft beans, 2 wagon loads of pumpkins, 200 bushels of winter apples, 11 of clover seed, le of flax seed, of timothy .seed, 1800 heads of cabbage. 5325 cucumbers, made 50 loads ofhay,•2s of corn fodder, 20 barrels of good cab, 13 of water cider. • 126 shirts 484 chitMse, 10 sheets, 11 calico frocks, 7 flannel frocks, 17 cotton frocks, 15 petticoats, '33 aprons, 7 sun bonnets, 9 caps, 48 pillow cases. 2 bed slips. 7 chaff bags, 2 bolsters, 26 pair of Min ton flannel drawers, 4 pair of mittens knitted, 16 pair of stockings knitted, 35 pair footed, 23 barrels l ir of soft son , 62 lbs. of hard soap, 196 gallons of apple butter. JOSEPRLOBACH, Steward, • ELIZA LOSACH, Matron. The Directors of said Institution annex the following exhibit of extra labor, &c., performed by the Steward, Matron and Paupers, from the Ist day of January to the sl§t day of DeceMber, 1847., inclusive, viz: Made 25 coffins, 3 wheel-barrowi, 1 sausage stuffer,' 1 small ladder, 1 bedstead, 3 benches, 2 writing deske for school room,l table, Cmauls, 6 single trees, 1 double tree, GOO rails, 90 patmels of old post fence, cut 100 cords of wood, quarried and hauled the atone for new balfo.bouse, done 833 worth of blacksmithing, painted new bake house, quarried stone for and burned 700 bushels of lime. Number of paupers in the institution lea ianuttry, 1897, of which 26 , Weraoolored and. 7, out-door paupers, -; • - Number admitted up to 31st December', 1847„ of which 13 were.colordd and .2 bora in `the home) . . . • • , and discharged, h t h e yea r elo ped, ;g(:). - • 46re celore6 nuirlbertllguild out, cd•whietE 4 hi°. btt,•T the l'.vi o o d e :/0 children • tjanuery'hiEli year, p!"^'? Makin. the the house le t through.t e's • 80 Pauper' hi,r4PauPer:pinubilu ear) ' ~ 3 9 ' • The num 'eupPofted a , ;7 theroer:•„:—, Liovl pal/P,egradied • ~,', "1841, ~,„taber,,,!,,B!, Outdoor.iittedoeu - • let Joeull'itglei Pe -jored " • ,t777' 127 supported; Pour +3 ate e° „tiered's). is,,,.'lorod; ••„ "witolut the hick - UR, "g erf Z 7; J. tOIV° 4'. 60 'to whole num ber 'alet/11/. 80. °I We %ihtok . 4 , of which ,. -At;“ % ' ,_..E.from • 5 ' Moe' 916'" les 39. • ' ' t 0.60 • Of dm" , P0,./nelt 01,01k.q "UP'? froinolo sR'e 'v 4,14," Tear dtelt 7 .9- tty 10 30f 's 'day thm"gli Ila Med u? /6 fr" 11100. !J' • ,;-',%'ll;that' per --can bema:l.3o to 4°6 90 *tieetolll,l;, es' 00,troatio-30i 1%70 99 , 1 '•) eol411;411161.11:, T4eg/' 6(); g'tiMl - J7 • • 'l7g /I) v, tfriogAcioZinire;tre best r, "12, rdirnga,%.'lB4ll‘,;," hey* f haw- vrD AT .heAbve- riod g! l it da y 'of -"DA unRl3 intutio hit Pe thug-- • , v runs n durkeg t hands KE GPlea r " MN , ~J,',/.4 ..% , '';f , :e.F , : . : o• '• ' ;•:,,:,,,1,,i,.,i‘...',t fq,...,.._,,,.,-,,a liiyadikdadlth .1 „ H • • • ncc ' ,t, ~Emplovntent, 4`,v,'':,li'vet.ltniiii' .41 6 , 11 i i i.4% . 4 'd ., ito ri,,.vo.Llimr,:oPr ihniTnetirenciOirin-'#PillaPi.l64,46l. Purr* da,:c"ll:Yl'hihretic‘u '•';-•":±a-rnl'in'iii'...the 0930,401;:f641}J:ZATiatik401/WgILIC °,l'..—"lnA of'' Eight Hundred ,- ond Forty ' .oased virfi.•-tifgLi,t ~,,,--kilf.fioniaideer',...... britieboipetom,",o.efuor.,,., ~,, tamer of said .Noon;11 .,, ~.1 . () - man...,'" 'odet duo 44. cou!Pt I. ^'. hands Oif jaookaqUirOc.r.l , ltbt n r, :i ~ ,;:, . N ..' 1"•:;,... , : . •'. nki A, ~..iiiiv4oo;col4o, ki!,,?,,,,,2 ~ ,i,,,,:,.-;', ..o.'t:nir,V` '' ',.4 :::i:!..,;-',- ~t'i.::,;.r..,.::::tir,,;,..i Itingqhttlq4l%'444AliMi!;.9Tl77)4,,,.V:{4il ' :°4s ":ul7;7 ll :o' , 'for•f'7'4,',2l - :,',j'AdOWEITEMA,,,,, 9, ' , , , ' ,',A .i,toitiw,4 ,:,,.!.^.::,,,;,::,,5;,!. i,„;.10.k0,043'n'-,---`7,.t.- ,:.:..;,10.f.t.N.3:0,1:0RENNi-.-.. .:.'. .: .F.P!7,,,A•:,,,,Yk,'..,,: il.l:' ,I';'-'l4:"OP,''',.-pEorEtt-leiVlNGEl.4i';l'";;'4l.l-4'141'...."' 1 NE , March g,•lBSB,=-St s6,on 991 MEE 46,032 991 the . foregoing etaternen . t 955 73 " _ pale 99t LsB43 29 Stock on the Farm Ist January, 1847. Farming Utensils on the Farm lit January, 1848.. Sc.hedule-Alptving the Proceeds of the Farm for 1847. Manufactured and Made'in the House and Shop. =NE ~,,, . ... =I MWM E'" WILLIAM Itit.;:tisquires lo4se Ipty, .from thcit Ist day : ofaJ anuar,Y,: " " er Byliapheni hitiiroht'Ain' dovrit'br ' ' ;favor of Mra. "07BrienOn' the land ' Fiurehiniod 'of , A.';',,Mcßoyrelli'i6 1842'" 838.91' By dash 'for.',grescarlea,' . 6l6robitildizo, ' clothing; and clothing ; prtaludii":" - • '1,528 55 Oat& for snick 4 ' ' .737:10' D 6 461. • • 4 19w 42 DO' for support of 9ni.denrinincrer6 ' , 17.5"- 923 06 .I'4 w•df fr d'im—snaeor ' . 82 'B7l .foroui:doorfinieraVeifienst. Do for outdoor medical -- Do for. ailoring, is/paving rind • • f '!o ‘,, J:1 129181 : Do fOr shoemaking -and hitting 147 00 DOlr hardware ' 135.01 i Do , orstone etiV , . • ' • 125 95' Ip~ rJraight:on.con] and rocetiea---a2 Eft Do for rnason work • , • ,- 120_60:. Do for earpenterwerk •913 12t Do for wagon. 'lO5 00 Do Db'for l a t t r mith • ing , • . E: Do for constable's fees for!remoying paupers. . f • 77 521 Cash paid to Blind iThstitatiencor use of Sansh_ i llnati. Do - forglidit,.grm - ding, ice Do paid•to borough of Lewistown for support Sad . removal of , patmeni. • . . 40 48 Do for buck - ' 49 20 • Do for castings ••36 29 Do for plastering and whitewashing 24 97- '`Do for „tin sod copper•ware and tin • ning ' , • 30 28i Do for spouting, and repairing coal stoves and.valves 24 08 Do for materials, improvements, &c 44 75 .Do for farming utensils, tools, &c .20 50 Do, forcoopenng and Wagonmaking , 13 ‘46i Do : for travelling expenses • - 17 54 Do for postage 3 28i Do for sundries 2 07- , Do Joseph,Lobach's salary for one _ _ „ gas Do Dr. J. Baughman's salary for one•year • 86 25 Do Jacob Squire,'Esq,'Treasurer, salary for one year 40 00 Do 11. Gallauglier, attorney for one. year, including extra fee of 810 - 30 Do Ab'm. Myers, Esq, extra 'eon-. (vices as Director 10 o-David-Wvlr'V, kr; -- - ---- do do - 8 - 50 Do Jabob Idershe, BEI. do do 5 25 Balance atte by Treasurer Balance due by Treasurer e Poor House and House of Employment th .taie Directors of said Institution, from of December, 1897, inclusive, viz : - ' CR. By Cash paid orders flaibove stated $5,189 70 By balance due county yreasurer 843 29 SE _. _~;~ BM - •••••• .• . epro... TA...• .., - , islOTlCElitiiherettititiTtliatlintatiiitditin..7 . ply at . the neat teem olthe editrt of Quartet Sea loons of Cutilberlatalltinnlittfor.4 liCattect `o keep ,a Tavern oT. pttlqic,hiara,,,to. S. Ittiddlic, i.- ,- - , ' '. ''. ' .': ALLENIe-utt ,-:'• - . .';.. , '-'C, " , ..+l.-.:.:11..:.:. - stc.r , ,1, - L A i tr I •''' Wil the'iirideraftined - . citizane.of Chi t to '' tailp .1. ,or, S. Itliddletoronl-theicounty,,ottColmili lanG do,certiCy.:;hat: wct,are . 3 ,vog . oqquOpred Vii.,i 1. - the abovo - ,nenced-Allen_,lgaiireojc v,thatil9, i". good, -repute for - huittarity tn4.-,terefieraniti,,arjtli 'Fell- PraYttle;d' t tlitth hOiaso T oo tp: pp:Let:ll:clone a' for tha iiecinit otildatlOn',Of_,_' War:gal.'s', Oa Aravalle.re, - aryllhat duClildn Or' TaverrovitdOessary)ol.6= - coriiinodire'ittingera 'end' travellers:','; , + ' , ,..r''.. - "lt ,::.David• Cir...- , . - -. , John Johnson. -:' ..,. ~. • 15.: r. , Baikal! ,: - , JoluriM..G66d :I , - . ' Tdbiart Kabli'man •, • ~, T homas Bradley ..,.. ', 'Jacob Hata.(:. :, , ,'. , , .T. B. ,Weikley ~., , ~, 'l"hotops..raxton y ~ ,V,'S. Jialdeman : ~.:4 John Stuart , jr..•• ~ .. lldalliew Brattre , ; ' WM. Aliirander '' ' ..- '- - ' - mar' ' ipd 26 50 . . • , tieense•-' • " •_..N.OTWE,bo hereby given Mat I intendto apt ply.at the next tetra of t h eqobait'bf quarter Sea;' stone of Cumberland countY,lor'i license 'to keep a Tavern or 'public houaein the house now °cep pied by Wm. M Maley, in 4 Silver Spring:to, MOOI3 guity, sr. We the UndersigneecitizOnt(Of the toWnship br--tilva-r-,SPringignilte , countrof , CumberlandT. criCertifyi that we Are wolf acgholntedwt ll i the above' honied Jacob Kuhn 'that he lb of good repute for, honesty and temperance, and le well provided With house rotini,.and conveniences for 'the acecimmodation of• strangers and travellers; and thafsuch Inn or Tavern.ts netesiaryto ac commodate the , public. and 'entertain .strAngers and travellers:: - • Wm.; George V. Coover Jacob Murrima Joilinalhaffer "- SaMitel Sonseman Samuel Fought • Peter Bricker • tleoi-go Trimble _62-50_ MI Tavern Weans _ is hereby given that r intendrto ap tdritt the next term of the "Conn of Quarter See .sione of Cumberland county, for it licepso to keep a Tavern or public house in the house I now occupy, in S. Igiddleton township. • MATHE W MOORE. 600 00 50 00 We the undetsigned.citizens of the township of S. Middleton, in the comity of , Cumberland, do certify that we are well acOutunted with the above namedAtailiew_MOore.;,..that. he.--fiyar-good_re..- pate for honesty and temperance, and is ,well. provided with house end conveniences for the accommodation of etrangers and travellers, and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to deem modtW the public and - entertain. strangers and travellers. . - Wm.. Alexander Benjaiiin — Ony — er Wm. A „Linthurst - George. Rahn , - Thomas Paxton 16sse Myers - George Herniae George WalIM Jacob Zile, jr. G:D. Craighead E. P. Natikell Jacob Hatz - - Samna Zug C. McFarlane • A. H. Barium H. Niemaundr Peter Mattson Wrn. It. Moore ~ John McElwee Jacob . .Btirkholder marl-pdel ECM 05,199 791 843 29 $6,032 991 843 29 Application for. Tavern License, • NOTICE is hereby given that I intend to ap play at the next term of the - ccititt ofQuarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a Tavern or public house in the hose for merly kept by Joseph'Eberly; in•Monroetp. • GEO. MORRET. _ $6,032 991 We the undersigned einiens of the township olMonroe, in the county of Cumberland, do cer tify that we are well acquainted with tke above named George Monet; that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, and conveniences for the'ac 'conithedatien -Of strangers and travellert‘;'and that such Inn or Tavern is necessary to accom moditte the public and entertain strangers and travellers. • • patDt Diller ioln Paul' - Daniel Krysher Daniel - Eberlk Martin Diller ' Jesse Yoting- George Smock Daniel Shelter David Sheller - Joseph Brandt , Jacob Westfall • Samuel Genider George Sheller ;Samuel Brandt Moses Bricker ' Christian Brandt Christian Ricicwiner- Application for Tavern Lictim-e. • oTzcp..i. heneby_stliftia Oat inLaat War' ply at the next term of the court of Quarter Sea. stone of Cumberland county, for a license to keep a Tavern or public house, in the house I now oc. cupy. WM. P. HUGHES. . , . iVelhe undersigned. ' e ns e of undersigned lend, in the county ' . t . h.'rla N nd, 'dt 'u c rn e b rt s 4 that we are well a a wd with the above named Wm. P. Huges; 'th t he is of good repute fur honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, and conveniences ter the ,ac, comodation of strangers and tm.yellers, and that such Inn or Trivern is necessary to accommodate tho:public and entertain strangers and travellers. Thomas Coleman J..l.lryens ' • E. B. Dodson James R. Book John Rife - ' John F.'Lee .. Lewis Willet John Young Joseph Coble Charles W. Dohn Adam Freeman Rudolph Martin feb 23 . • - Application for Tavern License. NOTICE is hereby given that,l intend to ap ply at the next term of the court of Quarter. Ses sions of Cumberland county, fora license to keep a Tavern or public house ip tho house now oc cupied by Lewis Young as a tavern. CHAS. A. DOLSON. . We the undersigned' cititizens of New Cum berland, in the minty of Cumberland, do certify that we aro well acquainted with the above nem. ed Charles A. Do!son; that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room, - and conveniences' for the ac• commodation of stranger's and: travellers, 'and that such. Inn or Tavern is necessary to accom modate the public and entertain . .istrangers and travellers. - •• Wm. P. Hughes • Jelin ,Young Adam Feentan H. Bretton= - - Wm. S. Proven . • John Rife B.Dodson.. • Birom , Hatitz • Lewis Willet G. W. Masten -. Jainesa. Soak John „F. Lee • Joseph Coble John Shank Charles Oyster , Joseph Feeman . . , .Tavern,License, " • • , NOTICkin heroby'gbion that X _intend to arc ply at the next term of des eourt'ef - quarter.ees'- : 4none ' Cumborlond' county;;fOr" rt license; to keeps, Tavern or public hone::: in 'the housti nov{ occupied , .by , Philip; Pile as SuCh:iti" Dickinson Ay/nub:pi' ,s'Apoo TR4PC: ' "•We theiuuderingried"cinsenn th township .of,Dickinioni-in - the' county 'Of "Ctimberlond; that we arnwell :acquainted With'thd above, 3 nerned Jacob ;; 'that ; hairier good"repute• .for bond:4 and temperaticitiand Is ;well piovided. with, house ; room, : son'eanveniennic for: the 'ac• . commodmicin of strangers and travellers, and that such Innor Tavern is pews:any tO accommodate the public and entertain etrangers and travellorn Daniel Keller I, tl . Jonas Newcomer DaVid Demuth . ,:; , 'Prancis Hutchison 'hfaihew Lynch "'".'' Hentminger i Samuel Galbraith , 'Thirnen, 'John Green John' Theasner sfd • 770 299 .= ;ago MEM - 127 :" • . air , on .anSteel:;,"' T,ollo'Hairiniered:addlti4lial!xin;': I, NI -I do. Gsu!t, pheer; Steel 90 b - oxesltiri,PhitoOporrbeeked and - for sale a Cheap Hardvvare . gitore of SAX Nailmandlipike& /Ift 'NEl3 . *:Niiitteand!Spilied;li,iet riceiFe'd ~..1 4 ‘/V,eutil:, Or, Agala Cheap Birdwlo utore ",', watqfirlirs.::A7C,TOlC:r 4 , 4 -4,0 9 66 WITItiKT N 8 0 Wikiid:.ififiniie9 - 10r.tiVrkyilio; 44 4 iNicesv Mite!, Ortd lq A.Vhigiplitirdwora 13 taro' of , RIG HLW , ice4wloN:-, •'-- o 41!14 oi."'it6itl'or ofruet qllAs Ogila3Y. ,„ . DWI I 'Nor% qvtiontt—trltr;- • IMllEREAS.the'itonierabie Sintzit‘lice Itlr Pee.4.:,-rresidept...tudge pi :ho7edaiu IC, . 11118 Pupa tifthe bariano; , :rorty . nniate, ad.rentipylititiilak . and.4uatice of ; the petter 4 :Coe ite.ofPnr 1 0 4 , lcrmtnar and GOneiiit Jail Delivoev, Odd' Stnart Jabn:Chii, l : , 'dente. Judges of .the COtirt ' of:pier:ard Ttly:', antiGenoialla if Delivery;" fr;e'the. trial , of alt . ,. capital other alTendere;,l.n the. said,: cPuntypf Cuinberliod-bY theirlifeeept*te trie directed;dated theltltit',day.eilanYterY.lpap, - thei:Cenit: Ogee, and General Jail beliiery;:te be Walden at'Crif." Haiti : ' , ';At 7'el,td! , ".Y* :.''A , 11610 :: dayXiit:;lo;,e",eiOoi. in ,tha noon., to continue tyrp Neeke. • -, Coroner, JuatiCea.of the Reath* .end_clinstablea Of the said that'areY iikKilttcco .LoixpooLiii*Lto,be A _thinnit_ theta in theirFiroper Pereohe, wilitttheir roils,, records, inguiaitione, .examirotiehri,lind remembrance?, to do those things which te their races a priortein'tri be done; end all those, that are boded by reengeilancen, to proaetnte '(against the priapnere tout are or then shall be in the Jail of said county. are' to be there to prosecute dirge air shall be just. • - • Sheriift?e.Offlee f Car)il3lp,), March f 1848.. f • Notice. Cvmstitt.AND Covrnr, ss. . •.• -. , The Commonwealth of Perinsyl. : . r . r) ' . 3 Tl , liiiiii - to - Ttio - mas W. Pancoalit and Pi i t ~. N.. :Spinirina his wife, and Michael Mese, ' ....) ;( 0 • , v.t i er and,Mary his,wife; supposed to / ,tie,of the State , 'of lowa, being heirs of Adam Feentan, late' of Cumber. latid'eMntY, 'id the Crininionwealth of Penney!. vania, deceased, and 'all others concerned inothe premises . , Greeting: We command and firmly enjoin you, that lay ing aside all business, whatever, you be and ap .peatliefore,ithiandges-of-thelCOurt-of-Comman- Pleas of laid county, to bit,hald at.Carlisle,'the 25th day, of APRIL noxt, to show cause, if any vou'have, 'yaw the witnesses on behalf of John Feeman sind Joseph Feeman, on their complaint against you, before our said court, duly exhibited, should not be examined, anti their testimony re duced to writing and filed of record int..4said court. in order to perpetuate the same a ' Oly Ito the _constitution et our government, a t'oe' act of Assembly in such case made and provided. lAndlereoLfail-notar-your-peril. ' . Witness the iron. Samuel Hepburn, President of our said court at Csrlisle, the 15th' day of Feb- - miry, s.,D. tlpts, ° .mI 31 ' W. M. BEET 51,fProtley. Samuel MIS Thomas Anderson' John - Hoorcr;jr. DMinima Fermi avid.Emminger John Kiener • • John Babb , • XnuMlod Cheapest in the World !-12& Cents per - _ pound; Wholesale.' J. RICHARDSON, No. 4'2 Market at., OA a Philadelphia. tides pleasure in informing the public, that he still continue& to sell his very Superior Steam Refined Candy at the low price of 812.50 per 100 pounds, andlho quality is equal to any manufactured in the United States. He also oilers all kinds of goods in-the Confec tionery and• Fruit line at corresponding low pri ces, us-quick sales and small profits arti,the order of the-city.. " Call or send your orders,, and you /annot fail 'to be satisfied. Don't Torget the number, 42 Moot et SiREET, Philadelphia. 1111 N. -& J. N. Rowe, BROOM AND WOODEN—WARE Stine, No. 63 North Third street, one door above Nrch, east Bide, Philadelphia, manufactur ers and wholesale dealers in all kinds of Brooms, Brdshes, Buckets, Mar Ware, Willow and French Baskets. Shoe and Wall Brushes, Scrubs, Dusters, Matis, Blacking , : Eastern - made Wood• en-Ware of eVerl.; description, &c, &c, at the lowest market prices.. mar I —Wholesale-elothing—Wafehonte. No. 152 k Market street; between 4th and sth. Philadelphia. - TllE subscriber respectffilly - solicits the atten tion of country Merchants and dealers-gen erally, to an examination of a complete stock of DEADY MADE cr.orntifo; which for extent, variety illti-A'or-kninnehiP , be flatters himself will give universal eatisfactiorroy_hdp_hig reduced scale of prices presents to purchasers:inducements - 041kb' cannot be surpassed by any other establishment itt filo Poi•nd Rtovnv 'JACOB REED. FOR the removal and permanent cure of all diseases arising from an impure state of the Blood and habit of the body, viz: .*o" Chronic diseases of the Chest, Pleurisn„Bron. chills, Catarrh; etc. Scrofula in all its forms, Totter, Scald head, Cutaneous affections of the extremities, chronic Rheumatism, and Hepafetis, chronic .Enlargoments of the Joints, White Swellings, Syphilitic Affections, •Con stitutional disorders, arising from debility,Mer. curial and hereditary predispositions, &c. Ikrl,.evety change that is taking place in the body, Maestanifeet that it is brought- about by something' having a substantive exiateace: • Hive suppose the organs of our body originally perfect, they must continue perfect unless changed by the intervention of something that bears an unheal thy relation to it. In all cases of disease, there must be the interposition of some now ingredient which by playing its fart as a cause, served to modify the properties before connected with the body. .It is absurd to talk of spontaneous disease taking place in organs previously healthy, with- out the interposition of some morbific agent; as well might we expect a piece of chalk to transfer itself spontaneously. into Plaster of Paris, without the aid of Sulphuric Acid. In all disease there is a prior cause which must be removed, - thro' the agency of the Blood. For this purpose there is no remedy superior to the Panacea. In evidence the following is subniitted to the public : Philadelphia, Jrme 7,1847. Having been apprised - of the nature olthe - Pan. sees, it affords, me much pleasure to be able to recommend it - rus a valuable remedy'for all those chronic, constitutional and glandular diseases, to which it is especially adapted. - To those who are. afflicted, and reqoire medicine as an alterative; they, cannot obtain it in a more egreable, active and uniform statethan is to be found in the Pan arca: I have used it in several instances with de. cidad"and signal success. Yours, Btc. - , • 'IV Ardasolq, M.D. end sold at the North West corner of Third and South streets. Philadelphia, and re tailed in Carlisle by' S. ELLIOTT. Put up in pint bottler! at 81'per bottle* feb23 , • , . Railwaysaldipate• Soap. WaiirlEk'efrizzai.vr ref Priiiiitilril-=Our agent of this place writes of a mysterious incident which eceurred in .thet._ place, in relatien to an ex.: 'Callow young lady; but who tinforturiately:pok. sassed a very repulsive Complexion: Her face was covered:with Ininples,, - ;blotehitii, pustules.—ber akin dark and yellow, cracked and chapped—her lipps in colditwatUer wmttd become sore and bleed. She- hOwever; several .good' traits; ~ ene. Of . ,Whithwriertorend,the nevrepapers:' One morn ing as she' wets lookincover the columns 'of the Dispatch; she saw in large lettere the Words RAO.' WAY S 'COMMIS, MSDIOATED ,SOAP'!' .AS firOXli exterminatorof. all'skin blemishes, with a direc tion foialliadieri to read the:papers I Now mark , the advantage;. - . On.,Funday morning she :took her-place urniali c imong .the , choristers, and 'to the. utter Cowie() her t'ellow.songsters, pre., awned a ample:ten as fair as a lily, and beauti•; tut ati,tW post , admired, hello of the; rewn.--.-. .Strange , wentlering ,enit touch :,exCiteriierit wait exhibited ; by the Anisy crowd, and nothing. abort of in explanation;of how this sudden rransfOrene.% thin from Ugliness to beauty was attained, ;would . answer. ledy,',like all her eeit,.full_of gen ilenseirtind -kindness,. explained -the caw, and..tii, the, greiWgrand' and ,benefiehil rifiects of .1lad: way*Vedicated ,Chinese 'Soap,' which ; she lied been Using:for:two week!, was awarded , the full 60Probation'of the people; as the ''r e s torer of 'lost lieauto' 4,, Our "agent concludes' 'thus—'ttlinea. theaboia• haw become knew:l,: I have had a per. feet Med Ilahweys.Elosp , r ';:;i P 664,0111 eontleipen..if you wish io get itah:, ..vray , ti Soap in snits 'petit FLEMING. . Ofeali ; • C:1 2 1 I his , entire otook.of oftgrjN.9. "TOBetticCek kod .ClGAftel Orrediided IlfOitoCti c'orisozos of e*Folloht.. Cow/tile)! "OW' Congrees-' , Vobaocci;'-Hovitna', , i2rAiba auk:l . /Seed; ito'4oooD }Ulf.; ppanisht Cigari,l43fildPlPikleolindi3Ocaforlittilgmbltlog Tsibeloc4oll which will bi ;gold duadlftte - olit Tin' Ttioa'a cattswta t .. . MN _Steinillefined_SugariCanditia , Dr. Heeler's Panacea, - 7 - " 'JUL 44 k. 1 ••••• Inman rpliE ..NtLIGN - Aztv r . p.pv suo,,qtrGt 10)1020. Full ; Apsuratipo ,Connimly ofAlityr ber)9io,olitity'o4cort),l4!aled by - ab a ct , of Aseedi blyA 'anclik9pArimi6iit.un• der. the t o ugemcnt of the ful ( owitig .'. eoinm>s. Itioneirbi'vii7 - • . Cht.,Stayman, Jimob ' — --- -- ' '..I;S ' - ' ,Lewis, f - I.Vcr,:christian 1 itze H obert, ;Sterrett, Henry-Logan, Michael 'Cockhri;,Boniiimiral. Musser,:Levi,Merkel, Jriettir4lik,.Saml. P.M*: ell*, imd,Melchoirrpreitomen,,who.rotipectfully, 'eall•thb attentiOn - of, citizens cif C,umliorland and 'York . auntie's tothe iditiritageii,whicli the,nom:, pent' hold ont. .; . „ ... , . , .....,. f e =• r' I,liii ratetrof insuratice are a s low and'favoralire" -as .any . comPany:of, the kind-in the-State. Ter: soon wishing tb beCome Members are invited' to Make' application:m Abe agents of :the company, who are willing,to, ait.upon them at any nme., 1. ,.. . . JACOB SHELLY, .President *. 1 - . " . ' , litgacy LOGAN, V. Preet Lewis Min, Secretary-. ~iMicit,42m..Cocatran,..lT-reatsurer-. -----:-,---,--- ,----- .i Aoanrs,-ißuctolph Martin, Now Cumberland; qllrititian Titzel and John C. DunlapriAllen ~• C. .It, Harmon,..Kinkatown; Henry Zearing, Shire manstown; Simon Oyster,. Wormleysburg ; 80. bort Moore, Carlisle. Agents for. York County—Jacob Kirk, mane. ral agent . ; John ?Merrick, John Rankin, J. 13ow man,.Peter Wolford. Agents for Harrisburg!-,fauserSr. Lockman, fed l— Application for Tavern. License, • • NOTICE is• heresy even that I intend to 1.111 apply at the next term of the court of Quer .tor Sessions of Cumberland county, for a license to keep; a Tavern-or. public house in the new three-story - brick - buildinifewirikidWitithbareiby, situated on the corner Jai North Hanover and North :street; in the borough of Carlisle, county of Cumberland, , HENRY W. ORTH. We the undersigned, citizens of die borough of Carlisle, do certify that we are well acquainted with the above named Henry IV. Orth rthathe is of good repute for honesty and 'temperance, and is well provided with hottett_room_and-eon ortiences for the lodging and accommodation of strangels and travellers. • Joseph H. - Weibley Jacob Leibey Jacob Wolf Henry-Glass C. hge. Henry Anderson ' R. M. Henderson - J. Wise Jacob 11,:eihy • Henry Waggoner Hentylloohler. rotor Weibloy John Moore A. G. Lechler William Baker • Jacob Weaver [fcb 9 Matate-ofitobert - Lairdole - 011. ----- O . TICE is hereby, given that letters Tea ''l tamontary on the estraeof Robert Laird, late of Frankford township,' Cumberland county, dec'd, has been granted by the Register•of sand county, to the subscribers, residing in 'the town ship aforesaid. All persons having claims against the owe of said decedent, are requested to pre sent thorn duly authentidated for settlement, and those indebted to make payment to JOHN McDOWELL, JAMES L. McD 0 WELL, , : Tp Executors. fel) 9 Estate of Abim, Bowman, dec'd. VOUCE is hereby given that Letters of Administration do bonis non, with the wil annexed, on the Satato of Abraham Bowman, late of Frankford township, dec'd, have been granted by the Register of said county, to the subactibor, residing in the aforesaid township.-7. All persons .having claims against the estate of said decedent, aro requested - to present them - 41111y. authenticated„for settlement, and-those indebted to make immediate payment to feb 9-6tpd SAMUEL BOWMAN. It Never Fails. ..cal CURE YOURSELF.—From time immemo rial-there has -existed in larger-cities and populous towns, a species of disease, the depend ence and propagation of which results from the violation of divine and morel 'laws. To those AFFLICTED, the AMERICAN COMPOUND is presented, - as being the-most certain, speedy, and italuable.specifidever.ofieired _torbe..tinfortunate- It has wherever known acquired a reputation that daily experience continues to strengthen. 'Thou sands have boon cured by its use, and as it loaves no odor on the breath, requires neither restriction Lor_business, nor contains either - mercury or noxious drugs in the least injurious to the sys tem, it is boldly presented as the best remedy for such =diseases yet offered. It is used_ by physi cians and pronounced superior. to any known re medy.- -.full -directionaaccompany each bottle. For sale at N. W. corner 3d and South streets, Philadelphiti, and by S. ELLIOT, Carlisle; Dr Elarnltz. rush., c• Aliller, Lancaster; Dr. McPherson and 3. Wyeth, liarrisoutg, ru.; feb 9 Umbrellas, Parasols, Parasolettes, and WALKING CANE I.I4),WRELLAS. M. IC. RICHARDSON, steam WAlte only one in the United States, Nut 104 Market street, Philadelphia Merchants are respectfully informed that T con tinue to manufacture all the above goods, by the -aid of steam, notwithstanding i the great opposi tion of parties opposed to the introduction of ex pensive improvements.. My assortment is com plete, and prices so low, as to'givo entire -saps factiOn. IrrAs there isr , ..eit Umbrella Store next door , of nearly the stone name, it is important yo u should , remember Wm. U. RIEDE nosom, steaut factory, and patentee of the walkipg dmo enthral la,:eign of the LADY and EAGLE, No. 104 Market street. fob 9 Notice To the Heirs apcl Represntntives of Pat rick McCartney,late of bora' of Carlisle A MKE notice that in pursuance of a writ Of :A partition and valuation issued outol the Or phans' Court of Cumberland county; and to me directed, an inquest will be held on the real. es tate of said dcc'd, to wit t A Lot of Ground situ, ate in the borough of Carlisle. fronting 60 feet on South Street and Chapel alley, and running from street to said alley . along Hedthrd street 240 feet, on SATURDAY, the 18th March, 1848; at 2 o'clock r. , et, on the promises, for the purpose of making partition and valuation of said real estate. JAMES HOFFER, Sheriff Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, March I, 184.8-3 t S T. H., Skiles, i II A S io lg t a re n e d ee il e s d si a supe ri hich he will or French 'br make to order, on terms to suit the times, at Ids old stand opposite the Railroad office, West High street, Carlisle. @ •feb 16 Notice. • AA LL tbo creditors of JOSEPH INGHAM, of htechntiibabu're ato fitilificid 'that: i wUI ut• wall !at: die hdu BO 'of Joaopy Ingram ~ in that,:bOrough,' On'•HAI'UItDAY;: Ilia Oily of March; 1848 cat , 10`goitrolti•kin, to: all claitnamainat 6;111,80 'pay Otero' out of- the , ea• eataiotreucb - Ppi rata shoo' as each is thlitlfd fob 16 '.104.1N-H "A IJPP,'tiaiitee . pogis;,deed. • NOTICE nu herebrgiven' that attars or ad ministratitin on the.estate of Daniel Gorges,' late of Allen' township; Cumberland' co: - ,dec'd, have this day been named by-the ' , ll.egister-in nnd 'for said county, to the subscriber Who.resides in East Pennaboreugh ,towgehip; said county; - -' All persona haying chums against ;thor mutate o 1 Said decedent 'are - reqimitted to make known,the , kiame without delay And those, indebted-to make' pay• ment to --- • - ' 2---- 71EfitAIUEL Bp‘vioN.. • feb..2.6tpd . • . . ' • . . The'',attickliblderd'Alti,thet CtiMbeilsnd , 11ai1 ItuattComPany are hereby jtotified,ter t incei at public house of 3.;A:.AVinrott„irtNarlictle on vti 1)11'81/AY "the 9 th pft Merch .110 8; a/ • 1/, ce.clok A. M., : at'whicli,,meCtitig the' act of .Aa. sembly of the:lsth . February; 1848; increasing the capital atock_of 1110 said..contpeny, , for the' purpose of relayingl:4lo„said,kopdwith a will bisubniitted. - • - %FlitE4..Vlr4l 4 ,l • S; Preait • iTtHE _, ':gives"' notice hr that,iie purehaeetd a colt;thelfirerty,ef Dan. tat Allergist,' atiConatiabla'aitale, itt22d'pf 'Juno 1104 hd has loft ini trust with said•Ar begat, . - ~. .. ~.... , ~ ~ . _, _,, , .. . - .. .':' - 'll3lLsOiltijil3hEtWlSl.::'..,' ,. - ..- , .'7-f .l 'i4;, - .$00110; .-.;...as.,B,4o4ontt::::(Cliiillerje), 1.4- -.*.;• 'BriNtii t .;•tiii*oio.,;:„Thilifiiiia.;, - inlii4ok. 'gt;iivbi;",. at ; tli4);tl?itiottord lif:WoitiCHtliqtret4'' '7 . 16i Al 1848 : '''; - :'iiii':'"'! .. .PNA , ;!4-9Aq''', i '.:.-;.:..,,',;.,''';':: '':.-:..;:',:,•+. -..:";,'.„.':',' ,-;'-:;-:.-{1::,'.:E::;.•.77",,S'..'.!'-':'‘-'7'..:' For Web*: • , THEltivo•tettniihriclitPWEl.:l - • It ‘ z,p,;l - 10:11t3Z,':on, PAinistreeti. ' • • lit' 'tiOW odenpietVete hotirditig•htinolti ;•- • • G. - 41811. i•ltis aceintr:- 4 - *" ••• ft:ft:Able_ and. commodiouti hodoe, ,- ,• ited H it:toted in,a , pfetwant port of the town. For terms app!Arttii feb 2 • • Rh Qr.:: _0 EVERAL 'Bride ;Dwelling Houses': '4 Yoseossion givan Aitrittet,'lB4l3. , ' ' '...San 26 CHAS; ;• fOR_REMT,- THAT excellont.:l3 :1/..8 INES 8 " S r:elk N D on. the' corner pf .49 1 A tg 1 1:•11] Haniwor 'and LoWher • II ?. • occupied brChriation Inhoff, Mother ' = with the room in the roar tif it.' It is. wcommotlions room, and its situation iq a papa , .lOus part •of the 'orurnakes-it ono_ liu`sinesa stands in the place; Fin: terms enquiro o f • • • JODN_A:,IAII I / 1 11,1CH.4- riiCarlisle, Jan. , • • FOR nnNir. Four or. Five two story brick D WEL. LING HOUSES in Alexander'e Row. ..a Also, Two Frante D welling HO USES , I in East Louther St. Also, two 'Frame - • -D wel ling - H.OU.SESlN7SuirliFfiatiritin - r - St, adjoining Bialn'a hotel. tine_plastored Dwelling HOUSE Church alley. For tenni apply to the subabriber. ' • , • • . • LEIWL. TODD, Agent. tarlisle,"Jan. 5, 1848 - . - FOR :BENI'. ..; . tII .. .1s , Two BRICK lIOUSEg, in 'that well ii non busiiiess.part . of Carlisle .ealled - '.l-Jarp'ers Row,' on the Norfh•east side. , of the Public Square. Possession to be given on the Ist day of April next: For ternis.aPnly to ' - JOUN H..WF,AVER, or GEO. A. LYON. • January 5. 1848—tf . . , • : EMI . . The two.siory Brick Dwelling HOUSE, adjoining the Methodist • 1:-•• LIE Parsonage, on Pitt street, at pre• t sent occupied - by Mr. M. P. Ego. Possession given on the let day of April next. Also, the SEOPS now occupied by Mr. Gregg, chair-maker, on Pitt. street, One door "south' of the Methodist Parsonage. For' terms apply to lIANTCH; ABEL KEENEY, W B. SEYMOUR Carlisle, jail 5 IS4B. , Valuable Property at Private Stile. The largo and commodious brick DWELLIN C.' and STORE, shil ate on the corner of Loather and , Hanover streets. Conditions made !mown by tho proprietor. Carliele Jan 12-3 mo JOS. REED.. . • For Sale or Rent, ~_,. A HOUSE and LOT, on West ; ;;;.oOil . e s treet, at present occupied by Mrs.. 3: : .. 7,11 ,:' Parker. 'File house is nearly now. ....:..' , ! baying - and is g been.tenanted but one yeAF, . ---- _,...-,... . -in perfect order. For terra* GEO: W..miiroN. apply to For Sale or Rent. THE subscriber offers for sale, or in . exchange for Land, the DWELL • •• - MG HOUSE and LOT in Which us - he now — lives, — situated "on - street, near the Spring, together with two other buildings adjoining it, and two and a half totem( ground thereto attached. The pro perty has every buildibg-and-convenienco necett= -stay for a Tannery ; for which business it is a de• sirable location, having formerly been occupied as such by David S. Fortiney.Five Acres of ground nearly adjoining die above- w ill Rise bris sold if desired. Also, for sale, the TAVERN HOUSE and Lot of Ground now-oc- : cued liy,Col. Wm.)loudy„on Main gai ' • ifieetTliy thiaraidiainfildge. --- fe to a commodious Stone House, and is -- an old, stand, haviug been occupied .as a, public house for many years. There' la a large, STA- . BLE attached to it, together with a Blacksmith Shop and otherconventences. Beth of the above' properties will tie sold on. liberal terms, or exchanged for good lend, lying in the Cumberlanit Valley. Persons desirous of purchasing are requested to call and examine . them. Also, for rant, the Store-Rooth on the corner of Main street and the public square, lately occu pied by H. H. Grove. and one pf the_most nqblic busineaa stands in the borough. Mao, a .Shoro for rent, situatedin the square. For terms apply to JACOB ZUG. Jan 26 Valuable Mill Property, AT PRIVATE SALE.—The un dersigned offers at private sale, a val. uabk MILL at the mouth of the , is 11 :•-• Yellow Breeches Creek, and within sight of Harrisbutg. The Mill is re built, with new Machinery and new Darn erected. There ib also a new Saw Mill juatinti up, and only running for a few weeks. The Mill House• is of stone, and attachod to it are near. 40 ACres of first rate Lara Lon which is erected a Tenant. House, Brick 'Barn ) Brick Dwelling and a good Orchard and Well of Water, with a Spring and Spring House: This Mill, situated at the mouth of the Cumberland valley, and within 3 miles of the Railroad and Pennsylvania Canal, offers pe culiar 'advantages for the purchase of grain and manufacture of flour. A large part of the pur chase money, if satisfactorily secured, may re main upon the property: Applications, post paid, must be directed to THOS. C. HASIPLY, York, Pa Jan 26 ' lif } altiable Real Estate, Near Winchester, Va., for sale at Public Auction - on SATURDAY, 18th MARCIL.IB4.B. BY , virtue of 0 decree of the Circuitaperior Court of Law and Chancery for the county of Frederick, brought foe the purpose'of effecting a salOand 'division of the estate. of A rthur W. Carter, dec'd., the subscriber,. who is appointed . special commissioner, for that purpose,- will pro ceed on Saturday . thelEtth of March next; to sell at public auction the following property tO wilt I.' The MaNsuni 800 sE and 'HOME nut, about 41 miles from Winctestor, contain ing about 300 Acres of .first 'qualitY slate Land, with a largo proportion of funk meadow land,zwe teredhy the Opemiorion the east and Rabat! on the south. , ' -Something'like •!100 - deem; , Ottliis - '7 ,- .t:Tract tare, !in j Timber. , '-',-The im provements consist of a two-story 11 - 1 - 1 :Bitioxp,3,llELps.oi-gprj.so -n --- iiiik - eit,,rinitiiic ih;il - a, bascmtifat , , . Which' isluied as ti.kijohtin and ,for - c , are: ~.•_ . a oril.horierre.oritO Brirn Corwl , hdueo 4tOtilettAO:, ,T,lta2,Barry.av il liCte to pi he!: !indit; . r.6ll% l ,lnobeirter,- puttee svlthin* Mile Of this ,r1;11:111', Mad 'Mille.; shops and'fameriee aro 'ill convenient ~ 2. - ,1,114 Wi.AW.En Ttlioi adjoining: !,h6. . L . __ . - ..,. .~. .... ~. klomo,Fitrin,•Jeaso Calvert and , others, er i c b iz ,., , _ • t o irnejj.lso • acres, of which about ,one4oettjeis in :tim bar.: ~ This tract is wirluitit , building.:bllo. ia .welioleared and fenced, and ivali , Watstedi bit running streams. , , r , :- , . , -.,- ,, ,,--- - -',... , :-.:.:. 1-44. 2 1-44.4....- -- - .3. A Lot '6f. Wocialtind' on , •the• Ope , : mien; between: . Jesse • p a lTeTt. and TalitferiTyre . - heirs, cantainioglYi acres. 7, . ; ,,,,,::•e- , ....., par - . - • ' ' • 4:',Tlie" Paper. Mill Lot • of the`,:innotion_ , Of -, RCO - iid - - ''iiia , cioiiiiii..,Cio - iititroiii i'ttlit4t 4 " ''' acres 'di:MOP' wtth , a' contrortairie: , WsPhig '. • . Eloise .• and , : several "eld;:heildifigii;;:htaitt iti,c'the , ..• , ; •old , 'Patlei Mill . , Writ& rte4gfis-'44llfi,in it libin; - • • h aiTing, • tr , fall'ol , abliet. Ad 4V• l 4u. t .fejeTtai Atfine' • stream;: : and+ 'iM - in . -•expOlOontrighirt4O ~. l ilt* ,::,• ~, 'Onstome:4 ~ f , - 4:,.!A1( . - H::: ,, , - .7 -4 ,, ,, .:-;.. ; ; , : „..,,,,,., e .,y. , ,,,, , ,„ ..,, 's:,..;Ttii*•• ; FietiQTY.. l.l bl;** ) ,t4l l. ol*. - . viii;',Nii*,,l , o34limi rieio.ry . irtkill?g:46,Sek • AtutfOtit pi*fa4toreal of, Wood '-lone 2 -;••„ .--••;'-".' - ' ,- .7 ,--- q_rio , :, A-. i,typt , :crfc,b,ilt..o:ti.,t;r:ii,444n,Abo- ---- . ;ipittlaown - ttnoutite,' Ottotomittii6o; setae, ,, itd:: joining 'Mrs. ItillePh-4, 9artor, , :ketnt'Aldittatt.., ~ • 'And • otltOre:w..( . e ~,,,,- `t' ' S 'r.;! , ':,i" :.'. VF:i. - .'1,-- , :?, •••_f.;•••••:!.,... - ' • . • , The,. l ealoa. wtli, , 4-lbo: inida4ai: Atli. WoOlitir';.:'C Frietoill`.b.eirtC° P in n-kcinvenlOnt o : ' ..tti!stlrithi,tli4: •'. ' •••Tittio l-' 9 6 9!1i4.0 : 1** 1 10.. , /itire,',-i4, , itiigi MIL-, '.: the balance in: Oki - mow , vlatif'plitin'eniiii :with:. ••..• ouclattioot: to bOttootitia . 444oo3 - initt44o. -mei ,•• when :MO' COutt,elMii: itiornit4ofiTinole Ili" '.'•';, Oele:•!:l':.''.,:f ' .'', A . ' ,. .. ,.,.,,... 4 , ..). , 1'..•;-ocn - ', t' . .*: , ,11 will, 6 *.Pn ' Ilkilreitiltr.440h`d6t,liliiiiriiio: .. • eala,intlirtomd:-10 - • ithi:47•liio. Eiro'p - Oiy.;§*36 L ona. -: . %!!!!I.oPg'K l 4?.Ngte:aait.. .1.•_ . ....„' ••.:',. 2 •-•‘• •• • ,A...:4•,;.,4,,••' . -', .; - •,,.. • :;-_,.:•„..' ~:.. •;:,:.•, •,;I.•:' , '.',',* ; itk:A;;CAßTEß.'; ':,;:- 1.0 . TA, la ~ ~ ,, i, : , : .4 . -.., fr:tz-t7.3:::.;, l,, ,,:spocititcatifiii ler; ~, - . 7 ' ~, ' I'.: -N' ijV,, • ki ef 4":10W !iiiiff46,' il or q uali tf uit iocoP d iiid-iiill bel ll o d i." `4, 1 .;; fr'4', v.: % , : *.y . .' '-•-,-. :1, , T ~', • . iffil
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers