'HERA wituraThE! rAqt , WEDNESDAY, 101. 1 6.,a -z wok ; rcirtluial.Coimdtioioner. TAIIES.:K., - PoVi7y 4 lt, , 14Y , ~. PAM P- oq:, m lus -Nirod6a-, ne2: 4l 4teitto, tflab.44lFMo — EW.:or nexlnd , istkilte,iiteqtrii:Phila.cielphia, is authiiii ti. teceliiiisigit% ciipii.ctiiii4m,d.wlver .li&meittri fiilhiigiiiicy.iiil4sollosisiti, aitil giVeitreiiipfs fcir'iiiii 403. 'clilitttifa I its, IA e -iiiiienitiiiilmiiiiiilieh genfiralli',fimV, Xiilii(l 'tl lite* Citialiebi tt,iiiii ii.i, rx i gi i ! , l . l en1i , 164.g. - 0 ' 1 Ito I.xiftetirteisikieftit 4 / 4 b4iii%it coilorpplipers --srnisroileiti l ictitAiih.,: j- -,, .-. .. - ingion coneipoinient i gi - ve all :of import:men :that has ii:anapirnkl in Congrose Ink some days. Kr-We rareconapiledAtt pirex4;ellia‘7. ;Ike 13%0t Siatp twerveritian frow ape !report's Q:l—Read Ode' Washingimi letter It tt our fourth. pow ? • , Peirnsylorroin freemen I .subinit Ilyet in Avern of lOrt dig( Manufactuz ajilikilegtationed'aitmr_ltintional_ Capi-. tgl,deoiyitioaitduntierrating American All an- Ufacturas for rili;o puspeee the.pol. 14 -Of looking -4a En4liand-aleuc for :dl — our mailufacturedanicimil Milian as you work- ingmen? Tim .Rmv„ liein.—We am authorized to - elate feat 'the carriage .of passengers and height - fremiPlitlaildlpliWto - Pittitb - rirg, open :the Cumbeilarti-Tiftey Rail Road, will go , on without any em'barassmeut or delay after At_ few A ficelar Into of 'ferry-boats - immediately established at . the - and als the water wilt soon be down to the •orihnary Siiiingstage, the passage acrosiite river maybe ;aocomp)ished - With the utmost ,s_afety andisith_no_mor_e_de_lay.:_than former-- (1-y. Rassrvigers now cross the river in 'flat Ftrosts:; dim ears yesterday brought thirty-three ipassehgers who had come*from the eastern •ei4e-of the Susquehanna. • • The iiiails Were brought across the river on Aronday. : With .the .mate..came two frmalcs,.. who were the -first passengers that erossed-af ter the destruction of'the bridge: Their in • Aregid . denture produced .a -great sensation .:aiitong the spectators.: - We learned - that the ..two young ladies were enuiute to St. Louis, -bnevre. very much-cloubt.whet4r *such do , :ring heroines can "seillo?' short of Dieg 7 on ! NEW ll.rositiaz ELscrins.—:We learti by the New l'ork Tribune andthe Boston Atlas, _ that Locofoceistri-has been defeated in Neiv fampshire, their Basler - 7i str u ng hold, there be ing no choice for .Governor or Member 'ol COngress. The Legislature. is believed to be hostile to the 'Pi:EMI MURRY. In 89 towns " heard from, Williams thelocofoco candidate has t,440 votee,, and this' other candidates 15,008—majorifi'against Williams thus , far '4,568. In B'counties heard tripi• this !Witigs „have elected:,77 , AtoEiroinoKnO . so4iko 1 4 el:* " The 'Affiyi states• that. thetLocofocei , Ices Orem last year is from ',50, - Ict:tlo,' reniTeriag n - ctogalther probable, it n ot eertain, thataqy,4vill, 16tri . in . 4 minority in tbe.,LUgislaturo: The ..irolyorats ..thetargest everlivett inthe•State Avhichireriderstheprostrition of LoCofoeoisut in ''the Granite „Stale' Stijl more ibirious„— tsteii‘ 'lleatisshirols;,*aviaking to 'a .sense_ of her ..dogratlatiorr, and we - have no doubt will cast Oti: the 6hael; lei That hiVe bound "the it .dakettq of 11/o.eda': -PP O 6 ; t! • 174 e : 3'ilige Auld, independen t '.llWeibmatei -.. 'Boma !. for the rederititiOn -. eLePtieeq. , ieettiaitid New Ilittipitigio i, ' .-,' :: ..; .----7., /1 . 07 ' - Ll4 - !Adel* ‘ . the V, olunieer!,- u ns fe c kd Lii`undred'?(4lgr.t. s wiret.i.itiviiviitiidjiiiiditeli . ctraviisielsiiiimi 4 CillliAliillefili - .5 , A liii3o. 1 1 ? I ' 4 ; 1 11 1 1 11 5', Y.F al ier ' #-Tg l en iMPIOuI 'not iials.'a44l.o4;*psort -w itioli.was laid before and _ iipointeakity4he ijfitritialr: pa rlitiinent;:pe'etitted '.ki:theifor , iiiti'llaielliatiVi l ie4i4d:*ii4 :8 1 ,4034 1 i,Ceiej#. : ,:. ; t:),Fliighirilrideci nei'gh liiie4nieeitieentftie O'er, but make.a quota. fiat fume they f - leaekl.7:irt...telation to the Rev. ..........mayAlfilirulititorighiptiseibly. convict tie of flo didPedatelli 4 llll,l6:itr* lt ritit' from 'W,rienitier 411,, ~.( Pf '6 ! lii 3.4* ; POti'Po7 2 .j . , he` ' d" Sliit' ; ‘4... l'o4,‘o*-. . feriYiix ''ifila!af; !Ike pi tf. l t Steartier Han& for, • tito. ed4iiiiietilt.faet lit thellailotitioii beaii not ' thmtietiti.FF. eO ll ,-,W lile'liileil kin ' iti — .7iegiie; .44- Titor4litioii i thittlArel• - iikid'±u - itfiiiii —by- the-oller4wll**aelWoulyreo.lon _f ". Ilflitl:514 !){tiffl:4llp.-:' lik.? the fox.',wltb) the . ~ gtfite&ktftefelaikattsitteanioal exio_edient 44'- elphetn-to-Vkleaki#el'iit''' ''' ' ' ',','l r '':''' ''" 1, . - • ..fr, ~i ~ . u tquii** l 44 01: 4 0417 - uf'.1i#Iil*RieVe.sril. :. syl,trittpt*piiliif,:fic4.!, A . pi4aoly • ~ • ca4lo.l.l4ispenlion. ; llfitueioiga#fout for, sortie. Tattle, - ailleite'r ;Pii-lioni-er;thc4:lWeetent'''iiiidO .-.. N*ial.xii -ohti v ii. twc•iet7ols.lieptitiation„by . . iTeirioaileiiiklifikoitiiiittielfokiieribUt4-, ' ' ';11/1i 4':1*!illK s- V. I ? ? 0 11 * Si. - iToßwir , ;', i. 04 r ..,:....iii, 4 11 1 . 1 4 1# 441 4 •lin . - '4444oloitliiii*teilfittl.'Vriititiibie , entp ttiiii t iteAW:' , t'Fri , ; .",xiios, r.' ',,fil 4 ' .. 1 , :0 1 ; / '' .: . '7 l l -, I 1 .1 0' . 6,444**4; . ' y*44,4 di ' " ' — 4,1 4 4; , ' : 0 . ..- 3 *.A14 1 104 1 t6111041;', - ' 'ltitiO t wi'l'O' ,'''.; 1 . .:' 44 #' lllaiifii !o* il t: 1 15 3 44 11 *V1,-..ve. ..'4. .._lt - ,l,4l4ll'qii i.. ll,:e.'ipitir_clf_i.;44opeyll4 th(*4oKatlistifilioo9s trogotgdfbiltii*ned , ' ;iy.f110 , 10P4iim.f14,7,1* . t129,b04_ 4 .'21 1 1 , 9ii)k. f ,,t. ,11:14, , i*itirekiliiiiiiritfie4*:, , Of : IR: - ' , .;Clikiiiitatii-wkerit . , lrtliike4--ttiul-, 77 * 4 44 9414 .; 1 0 ,04 °A -1, t 064 , . 6.:1- ; -t ' t; w", ,' ' ti ±-14:t0K ; -.: ll l 4.oloiiiiilr,VlCicietai*: *fist-J:lg .4 #iii#: , Y,4o4lo*fti,mijki: t '. 'Y I.I / 1 1 ~..0 : 3 ( 041 4, C9i 1P !! ... ... 4' 5 .k*ai4; 63 . : ; ;. 1 ; - i_ _liii4o lo 4 l .okl4oo4e'lliiled: ' * 4l lls* A4iiii3kllooo4elitiAtieti*V Aiiiiel"4.4, r ! . 6* -41 )6,i0A9L. - 1.0 4 ,, r —1 .4 41fa:t "'" qr.; goi *i1040:74)4441 ro 31-0' i" -- 444, „.,-.c.0. .4j ... i ''. ,''''' :1% :; , ! ,;; ' ,1, ' . ;.';'' . : I_ : ) .: . ' ' '' :::: '' ' ''4 7•o' ' ' : 'Vi'..;:1111;:;% FJ - X R 1 , 64 twkiffeizegiiiidia' ti4geian .. T. . (fi - I. 11 . • 4* PriM eily ..:' ) 4'.., 1 ".40 3 4 , . ./e. g : 14 4)Ft7E!." .. 'ilf o,tioniliteonittry waa lefted4M' fdtiy!ti ".:(iing 10i.,41 , n ,. a hea i ldl of ra I riti ii.:cran '' ied . .iiy h r% In(iig' ! th?ed j Alig: iike)4enct . .e gi i it'd ~,;, e nighti'and during which the rain, felliti: ter.:. - rents; with little or nointenaission. 4..rvarra , atmosphere contributerat the Sante:46i* hasten the dissolution of tho tintiw Mien:the' mountains, until every streamlet and creek, atkaumllen•-to•a.height , thatieaPed overalf F, • , z o l‘f p former-bounds. The flood that ensue -eirr4Cded •in magnitude -411 d. disaster • even t litl . .CClViiftipitirilfdiar r 4Wi l ffleCrifl7ctek mily . by the " olliel3fiiifiabitsm,33 4 l % .rt , 419..C7Ii644iiinitiet artifit sii . low i lreeehes creek,,. libicif sl . ,3irt flo,o,4lroiiiliiiid southernhomers.- of this county, .were :333,i91ien" /to a heir,iit ; :giNQii.'thitii,i;iee'ii;rit'briown, by the ' 4 ; tili - rest ~i it,ttOit4'olBo,:iliiit' Om, b r anks of these generally;quibt stream's now present a' scone of rilgSji , lfit(p:pi • ajlilo . v4iii::::!the Hum e•', Taus null properties,ori . :both,ltriiits. have. iv:arty:4ll heeit MAired more or less and their . operation intelfered'ivitiiithriligti th'O'greatestl lose_-wilVprObably-be2felt-ilt-theAltiitruction of the' fences iilnng the banks, of'Whichihere .isproliftbly. littlwl#ll7l - tv - Ilwvvlitilir - distatice . from the source to thmmontly of either creek. The 13ridgds which cross trse ire . ekiTat . '373,gi- . . nits points; we learn have generallyresisted the forcrvof the torrent, although they stood in imminent datiges‘ . MAO grain- Rids. along the banks of both cieekS have been Much injured. 'The largest amount-of injury to property,: that. we have yet 'heir& o 4; ',is - among the - Iron wrks; Sc. on the Yellow .Breedhes and Mountain ItAk,.iyi i tto ~, i cirii., i, ty or:Papertown. We re ret to hear that the loss to one cirVro of these ropertiep . ihas been very considerable. i ELOO.MON .XIIE. _SUSQUEHANNA The ri;t3 of water in our ereeks, and the consequent destruction of•properyt, bears no comparison, however, • 'With the extent and devastation of - the .flood4Pon the Juniata: and Susquehana rivers. At Hatrisburgthe water - s-said to have stood at about thirty-tim feet dove !ow.:water - mark Thole who have wit nessed the most destructive freshets u on ilinurieer, -were appaledl:Fih - O Harrisburg Telegraph, published on Saturday morning, says; that the river was then higher had been the year before and was poll rapidly rising, leading to the anticiplition that a great flood would ensuefrom the nielling,of the - iffeW 'the mountainsof the north.— yew persons, however could have anticipa the flood of ice and water which swelled the river hi_h_mountninleight_on ...Eaturday_n e ight_ and SandOyL-rushing forward with. raging force,overthierilig - all that impeded its mad career, and carrying away in its resistless . course bridges, ' mills, houses , fences, &c., in one accumulated mass of . week and destruc tion ! Every island in the river was com pletely inhiiierged, and Iheiilfirtifled itanta obliged to flee for their Lives. Wo vis ited the scene on Alonday.last, and although the rater had fallen several feet r the view of t'Se noble river was yet fearfully grand. Its mad ravages of. the day :before, however, bad left a melaneholipietureol,ruin and de vastatieui,,. The' beantifutislond SO ' Tagil - .:ferttlit " 4 1 .4t 1 ' new Rail RbaJ Bridge t in-the-rebuilding of. whielicon -sidtmible piogress had:been Mider,:seareelY n'vettage piers or supeottiuctimsnow re itiniUeil;Of the did 'llartis.burg bridge, the :e.4s_IPM-Section,eitending from the island to that librough, is totally eiweptaWay, while the western, section itimuey shattered'. ' The bank on eithefiride:Of the river ‘'yiar lined with fragri!Mits of :Nreeklitoittibers;'&e. , The loss at this point on the river, must amount to ti nay thousandrof-dollare. -- The-partienlars we• were -able to • leAm_oLilieLrivrt,freir fie flood on the river above and' below • •,... ilidAnia•ara".',.fiecaliiayily,varre , :fevr ! and len! ;theimal ttlekF•ame -Fi t t - sno4. give _ to us, , le`aVing :open tolittnieliiciriectitin .f:7A ilatrisburg•:vitt lean! tlttit lit•ed :done.'Foreing:Lita through - the s;pefdtra. Mile 'Or 'ti?Oty?,:flOYi4:4 . ti . .flOk;rOd downward 'it entirely coy ered the, plain along the Soider of,the Canal in .tho rear of 4hei boro ugh . . It;did no injury liiikliowoVer;:fartheitlitm'xtinguistring tho OS.4f, the new ; FurnttO'e,,liuilt . Ex-Gov. Potter.'.z..-The rail road , and' the. township bridge over Paxtiiii' Creek, immeaiatelk, ioty Harrisburg, were carried, away...N.,7lia roil , road and the Candi terieveral miles ha* also been:moo - li' hijititid7 t Ailqtlio' passage 'Of the , ear iniooded..' orty'Wo learn has nlso,taken : piuoe eta dale s , town':tind:olyeitherfsidoiot,itil '.PennsytiaitirOConalk:paAOi 41 - 411 nista, the amount of injuiy;Oa rlaid' to be so iregt..as , *ON fietiion': - ; Two :spans` t.:01'401410 Weletirnek pal*..boon earriciay.r-Dit tiatiaTtl i and • it hal ejAL: "iced( to ,betake , the tnocliitit :btOtio.CAyitieh mii.iiOtOred'lolfeeit;tO sttu (A was 808{tiii e. 84 4ffiiliSWhielithad g088)181,8 8:888814:18at SaturderttigjhOl 'tot 4 , 0 it , 01441i9,6,',iff91$ .io.9Ntigansii Iron' orks Att-gotry v icoottttlho• itilsaid beet lout ,I',#giipjfiiiiii(an'd 011i0i,,1101 !njOtis J ,:fopt "4, .r*o,li r Cartel:itt said torbe-.rel4 . •PPR'rti4V4 ol dO#l 4 ll; , :ii. We' lave :not heeti ablotoleitni:111:01190 , f .O.l#roll4li4fiiaiThe njury dens t4rti,lt. iikkit e ti;; ll ;,'AMore destrUottiPi"4llloJl4o4.: WO '4, 7 1 —6. Aff 6 ,104 1 .0411 6 034#0 . 0011be•Vii 1 4 1 . 1 . 1 " , r 0 . 4)4 1tr. • Ifir*lfii - 411 ) 4 100*fiird e 0, 1 i ! 4ii o r o r) ?: l 4i . l44, AstkiiiiiwAo 4 obYwsif.o4, l olo,oo-IMrc Lithelming says: tf It is :11#OaditieeiOf the Deth tit*TO* tad of int • :1 130 . to'ne . .nitinta co.si oitfi; =Oldie 0.10;&44,04Kir.7, tr • opponestit.--- , ' o l l o:o in P ' 23o 3 -at' prme and vigor of life, and iroitifig,id, K 10117114,9.01101 stt 101:41lilfttiflit/Viitil*: isteetrilOsr#39anSpoar,4o,t itst the • man for ps,,,nni i forAie people , as the , Y 4 V P f •t rhil wi4 l l Pf! ) Yetf, ° F e , Tl•r 3bnfi' i iientlihak ' a petter. se)eolionv or one ihat , .prev.eAttore •satisfaetorrtrotliettVpayai: of . the Coirirnoii‘ieldth;Ockilenk'hayiVibVen made' , • • • , • •7, tt • , 1 • t :• 7 . .•.: . • .40 -L11N3343:409341031,14'. ~ r,..4; 1 i...t.,.- , ; ; '',-,.,..... 1 1 '• , ',Eitract tit a tleptiF. hi' fhb F.il ifoil-tiatee,' 4 .7 1 ' ' : • '''..-'. 1 l 'ltiittlxo,o;tolaMlilii ; ,444,l 'Dear Strl —7Oktii,irirthe ~ beginning, o f:#4. exciting-11' bateTttponfillO"NOrth-AVestillin ; . dary; has traelilitihekCifinOlitf , P,revitiflTily - this city; air: c af'iliillileileitt, motnitqt... ,-: BOti;h 1 alter 4P 60 0:!iii..1:10en..-Made= and, some dif those ortheMost furious 'ehatabler,tbal yrbe . has preditced the affect that ha' attended e' deliveily of Mr: firtYwook cif ;North •earo lina, Inade in the Sopate On. Thursday , of last weeks Remarkable *ere the results, and I I iiitiriiiidirril the 7 ,initiretTL - ri - oirs 'made by ii r . -- :01 the frery,mid bombastic. speeillies'of Mesirs, Allen, Cass, and Hanriegan, you have doubt le;s seen full reports. Theseleritletnen'arts called the 54 deg: 40 iniri.inen,:WhOdenan the Whole 01K:orogen or NOSE. The.posit of Mr. Allen as Chairman of die 'Conimi I on Foreign:Relations; gav,e authority to lla,, sentimelits, aft he was supposed to be im ma; session of the confidence of the. President and , to express, his views., if such were thelict, , 'our friends in the .SerttesoiddiMt_helpi_bul conclnde that "war was- inevitable.' Such has boon thg, impression through, the whole ofthedebate,=-Thatimpression was removed only on Thursday-last, after the delivery of the able irril eloquent speech of .Mr. Hay- Wood-,-a ,I.ecofoCo, -(or Drimoefat r as.4he Members of the old•Fedeml party are now called by themselves)lrom North Carolina, but a follower-of Mr. Calhoun on the Oregon question.. . . TO a stranger who enters the Senate Cham ber, Mr. Calhoun is an object of ritygene ! - rarattractiou. But It man can look at the distinguished ',Senator from South Carolina, and not notice:a`very young but exceedingly interesting Senator at his side, '•The ladies would call him-handsome, and the gentlemen pronounce him. ferbe - very - interesting.. lie dresses with great - elegance infdlasteiTlii - : coat and pants are idaek,--his vest smcnvy white, and °alibi haqs, hie well fitted gloves are generally seen. 'N. porfeet specimen of the Bilk stocking hating i demoorats, do ).hear you 84 ?) He iaroly speaks- 7 4 Mettieitt in hitrappearance, with iv:voice soft ormilvpry, he seems the lAt yery , :peidettifioMiO Wrinin,thi: 4ity- ikaii64 .laiiiiiii e l ' 1:1;41,3. 'Gt . ; i e tend to It °thing- . that is going on in, I he„, Se ti ate. Yet such is.theSenatoc that brorthrowm a bombshell into the''Senatesplit the /i'tle nmpratio" party into friignients; . and .. pro nounced. .a,speech, which, for, its eta" Ming assertions, keen and , severe thrusts, witty repartee, , and flashing; overwhelming 'elo quence, has found no parallel in:all the,:ex citing speeches of this qciting session,._ If was late on the afternoon of. Wednesday ; when ho obtained the iliior f andat his request the' Senate ad'inedl . lie W!•as greeted' by' a erovrded_house on theanntvowanawhai-a eensation heproduced! He averred that the offer to 'settle thepregon questiiiiionithe' 7 4oth parallel, was honorable on,tite,pal t of s tlie that-pesmentifoi foi , pmxtor-iiitilt *:honor .heis bound ~oatirey calve aa:offer-froin Gitiet-13ritaik*n8 4fOse ditlaingline'a' - nif 'that mr.' . .4tOn'is;rn'israiOir; tc ( I.l . eceetends that thb President will de= mand 51 40, largo in• war.- He htirnated that the* eonfidenee* tyWresi-. dent, ailitilia(geantor Wa5,104:44(0, 1 1190'1444i the',‘Awhole of Oregon ?' arni the. country 'lacing agitated front' one end to 'the Otheri.wasintended , tto put.. Very small Men of icee." ' You, pri„ form, no vstimate of the excite- MI meat, io4toseand uodiegeisek.that followed. Intertitpletfieeteq, qiitevtitieeAoo•eil m , 4'4 tiiiieiiiiiifr3 6 iii , i , :i*;,§o#4 . 4....'446: i OefLaati*an;.tie -was calm s imitieem it ee± vete chi hi e` re,slorie. 'lt was! denied ihtk*MK. Haywood iiiiilielihev,ele l / 4 vll- or tiiii,'Pieygeilik. : : i-Lbit' iiiiiiiOir ''' "s*iiiaaliiii `iiiliiiiiiif could, *hake or move himiz.;ifWbei.l24 , 4%llen: iiiikeitill,ijr:ciii . fiiitiftiiiitd'iluflifiulik , eoo o Al* 01 1k i fi i ii . "14 . 4 1 40040 1 1 1 ,01* - 4*- t is t o,* Ot 4. 13poltAul) Alio 4POReibv auttiarity,ll4l‘,•t• 4-loyivotelitroplie&thol.a:l!v• - iddeiCltiiyjn*. of Ar i cr ?* iit *' d lV/AFOK- 4 004iii.4k 4,itie .ifiiVerje' ilWeeeistiel;yibtaskini qties: tiomt) here !about , the yiewe and oplitioho: et the presiiieni,h)ii4Oeidoti4,;`,...Thetrifafi•%e' • i ieV 6 OO l A 4 , :01*.' #k i .04fii(i ` tO t :A i i.Wt i a t ' ;' fil'YkipAiir.4,ly.h4i*olo9cow*Qot-li : the,Wllt [mop And ; whot /uts enjoyeti:tlokiettt ;Matiotte,o!,•bbitigtt itOthe..''6oll:lofirAlt, °• 4i *il_4.q s3, of : itii. r it 43, Yio/ 5 484 , . ,io l lq-..,.f0: „,P ,P 0474: Mimic' , HOrig;,. .ihet 'lf ;41;•,., •,Iffirkg*apoke3 lot; ...alithoyitsri ' l'vhiti.: he. todekhati flgi:l}Potksetedo:#ti: l 4ol . 'Aridlelt:beitititrP 4 ioiiinijiiTtilS,q4kVo 6 4. d IVY' iiitii i, -. 0 tY;4iggcf„t49riil i (wliii7* - , i, l o l kikfiripotYlAttilgoi(!!?,4 l o l h:YiT: ' l o4 4 4Vi i #r# l ,4 l ":',lTY 6 -,' s iilfi,! l ltl ' 4,?tP;', jit ' Rts l ? - :` , ,*# 1 ,: ( 30 - !et.r 04rigfi,to , tittApppierw?,44 o poilidpi ..l3 . :! ,,, i ,- 0 , .. , , , , ,, ,f4Aitaki't,io4o,o,i,e2MA-PilAel' :• ' " W - 4 ii 3 O ',' I• it whioh, , • • 14 1kr ••*" 9l+4,'' 1 4te l!1 " f!iP" ):7411to't ' eitbet M e ;lik e uIC %7r ..ii •• -‘'' ' 4144 ::it' ti il Ofthe* nr i ,it#PYti: . `,ti1!„. 1 .4 4 ...0 ,1 0V:4414*M; #ll.l4 ,l lVitt i til, .04 1 1. v 4 or . P#9ootPo, - ' l:*0 ', :.04i 0 ' #i.o ', i 4 ,ergarit of '..‘qemorr 'Taper: of pen the majority of the 'eflitfryug their ttYe Ewa va Cation of tAF' Vt'A mister Was present-. that et that time aplan of notice was agreed IPkthar. ,Otv,BletrattaidXl7l4 l ,4l9PAPX4 (the IBriTuih-itlin istetj.isitt by it the thaiaoltuity , T!tit ; :4.-‘440" 0,....!itk" I tien rt r a w o iitt 0 : .at! 0 44! _ 40teir.4 o.zl,Prrt9n4.h.faiigtf,oii,B4 l l,l•§OtttO:oo , No.P .- 40144102(1 . aftei,r65dinithe4.11ticle at length, , 00ifinfitiitettijor•Setrietitriden the - otnitottuded sso'rtiiinsof3tiiuu~hof t vet he ' )01t114:-" AndAlbeicingttlritAllendatently therrifae63 , he rerritultedllial F~twli her or ito 4fiel3lloiP'drili . tit .be itpt.,-tuitiOrlake. to , sail,.trowever this .iniglit•fihei . Abe.thotights ' iriceritiaratedt in' it, d never, Arnie bat by •ot • Ttfeisifity• everting the, 'charge aS efiVill - itOW:olthjtifF !'d i i.t i ortarireentratioutritere*ggiOit.tyfitihilheir .4heraeter, and the, speeeh,,of Seitater:„Celqiiiit istraiticed in Oat style of liliastenesa And 'put rity'safiting,uage peculiar to a:6,8401610s :of e wOr'4 l tliarii,i,,,f feel, ti• ttidiot," i'grounriling,",tfscoundrit,” itcatopaw,t! and other.iiheice epithets areuTeirin riehproth: latertY ':i'lirteditor;iattetteiterating.the.charges, ditres':ari in eatigati2ri into trrith r and . 'l L :eair-prove - has been charged: • - rieral impression is that the author is thatgenator Allen, of'Ohie. yesterday, the Otteriifen. of the Senate 4,eslfed to this Subjecl.by:Mr into egin; of Tennessee, who introduced a resolution that a botrimittee of five be appointed to investi gate Iho matter, with power.to send for per . sons and papers. . Senator Mangum-pro nouneed the whole thing; in all its parts, to -be-false=to-Lbe-a-ealumny-en -Om-Senate- 7 , -, on the. British. Minister, and. on the President himself, as no such plan could succeed un less he would approve of it; and as the edt; toraf the Times gave as his authority a m ber pf Congress, he thought it was time to knowtivhp he was. Messrs..l3entory,Speight, Bagby, Chalmers,. and - Calhoun, DemO crats, reprobated the publication-7disbelici ed_the whole - Statement, and ihiniglit it lue to the Senate that thojnvestigation should be ' made. The- resolution passed , unanimously, .and.,a s eetumittee.consistittgof three Demo crats and two Whigs were appointed by the Vice President. The Times•of last evening, in a short edi torial, notices the appointment of the Com mittee, and M. evidently preparing the way for a total “back . out.". it says that - should owe"'be enmj» oned4f iho aim - in - Wee and permitted to call witnessea, we will endeavor to show that what we said was true. Butt must stop. ' 'POTOMAC. THE STATE OF. TEXAS I . l" fi . rk Le g iBl l l Fo,q i P• C §l a l9 , 9f ,Teßgo ,pies Inevow et, i!ustin• on, 211ondajf,: the 16tli ultimn,!and idtls duly organized 'by - the chdico of EiliVard'ifuileson as Preptident of the aria IV; E. Crump as Speaker of the House of Representatives. On'eanvassing The' votes recently cast by the people for *a Governor and Lieutenaift Governor of the Siatii, it appeared that Gen. Henderson received for the-first office 8,01 0 . vote's and(Dr.:2l/iller , For the l'efenci office, Gen. Darnell had a majority of 48 votes according io the official returns; 'but these did not include the returns of six coknties,Which 030 votes. lt is considered doubtful, there fore, whether Gen. Darnell will accept the 18 W (6 Yer,n90 6 ` 1 4eMnVal dulY, :•into,,of6coiinotheiltreseiteel of, the Legielainre and , i'hogO'co f fficininte of ;igiectrit tOri: ajty , aolenui a:nd2i,rOpOsinir iitor.player had been offer topheihrorio of,Grat,_President Jones delivered his yoledictoyy id'ilte:se. , The oath of 'office 'lyas adtninistired to the Gay 'ainOr'.,'eltictbi-jfo.§oeatcoor, of the flotipe .of liepreaentatiyem,;trhen:the banner of the Re publican deacenc&i. from its position'abOve the Gaßitol,:tO to - the, ,firs' and, tr,ifiea; aAi nd a,Pgal,itkiilleri announced that the,Reptiblio e*iated,,anO , the an• nexatiiin of :Total' to' tie Arnetiditi(tnibn' t (**l449,mpletent_thltztuAL.StateinithcSoFt• W0;0 itnizi it iiNDithllr , PlLta die iintliiiiii:44 , etiiii ti' rm, 4 41:1141r1 Rilildflemblell lane expeiiimeemo: R.T*ll..4 o lrael. . 4.l*.uNii my ipeciogoon.. him th ey, Lii er'esforetto la' failed' totlhey are leitoiiilsilie Ilse' tolAttlitastsetka'ltheisleiblitliked_bbii)iiiin Ih'il.O.AP •,,iriptleled,l , olquiv , eioesiltefairmut;bliiiilamm4 ;14ireAr lettliti.:leop (bite.? 11 0 4,b 0 1 , 441 Of fliltbnui !wed vebeiiitheYeli , ' rrellaklnelt Vil bialel7;eilldolei find i iliDneloni. • 'ltiohtedlv.4 i l o i l ei ic4 lF / 121 . cfnirMOVOPAhi:44nktoit , gr t,io thee, kis ! lie exit . 1., , , , *cild 4 5 01elliiltlilitZ, VentritiAalii4. '' i‘litepben:Culbertithii, 01 00Peekli00. qi" .' '' • ''''" '. . ' H. Dte#OMAD 1k , F9.4 NOW' CUMbilltlnd; V.), '..1 i . i. r .' 1 4 1, 3 }: I,;,.Ete,itel, Thaniesoilte, .. , ' ; , ..., .; .. ' 'A. , t*Minor;. l lA , ti Douse' .'0; '' '.., ':' , l“ ' . ":' s ~. i'.lo. , olceer,"l 4 /dre enstowil,:i il: ,*:,,:: ..,n1?..... :1;11:1 i. 1 ti * ijityliet?ValtArrh.l( .':`:)i 11 T, frW ~c '''..a riiiihaiitiMbwibtirm:Ah', ;:-..? ,i1." , eyti",..1 ,, 4tivi.".! 1711 kilaDino4/ 140 00POW-itTU . i 1; 11 1-": * .:t:' ,) ! 4 . , L., ..; ~ , ~,, .„Ilitzii,imr tiptlt: : Oct. 10, oi,. , WO feta W.' Kiwle t 'ilei!oliA 13 ,i44lqh • cqi ;• %.„, J 0.: viwormi-rtpari‘hrobritill 010 powiNtirtiiiibatroll lio l a F ICRA itel * ;Winter . rt u ga t trO l f,44l',l ' b tryp mow pow erene'yeti,ilde, thmablireetiOt i 11% , Inedlcine,ljt, MY 00 1 4Yllieh, 0 910 OR 6 4 OO Ar. Li 711:2 1 r ON v.rpogille eie riled ,I, v,,, ry PiAl coAitp; , t a Wt . • teptiy•ielim*ho,v lid,llo4 ll #l l ol l,l lDed 'leo meg etee.mililetedldlootre ows hareoagii.: ) iAtt • 41 qi l lll o -41 , 5,W.101T.4.041.. VtgAM o ft WILD . E ilv -, -1. :I - - *all elk‘Arnreke ;e - bottle ,eg K. iilthia•phieei 70.voikier•vv: . 40431oure4) r: uthjinalreln4DuringOwntlutet•I ;had itlher.nar width left me . very week sod ; ee T • ble-,1 bed ik,feverugyittl,4oll36looed pm • soinV itiintr.ll lalt=l 7- 14 3 764,3Th:CA - 1 -1 414:12 - • ,i*p et00(411.1 , ,,:4 11- eittlfelt ,1401 1 .-Altwluthiera ba4l 0 e t4r 41 4 - C",. / I'Rf.tre 'Nl .WoArt i t i taitif irk. • ~, : . . . ~ O . " • • , ,-- t - ' _ , litrA4*lttiVuitsibtMlLl?;outiumfrt ; i at 4) ;V" , ^ , "(1 1, 'Y r'',.. il 0 E IK I X 91 U 4 - t i t o iTi l' •3 — ,i" , k '"',,'-'' . ' ; 2 ^ ' I ~ ' , -1604 i A juk ./,ivigiallisrsio'Hillyjadquitiliiiiii kiiiti%24oA#etri loit:' ' linviiiilf stinstn•nt 0.1(4 trelim14, 4 0 1 1[0•1 1 110t * 0114 ; Zll#o4,fthe IngMci... ..•.... -IJFea Prit''.i i iia ' 4 Vird{l4.,lli%lizelibytiriinleliiiteh atit4 enbrlitge. ri i , 6l,tvill,§lfßel b wovai:pion.!;nr;rl4loo, k' APErtfigiVii;igirg:lo'j;a::'( ) ' .V,Pil,4,4,siilrtcgt 11 . ,-',',M. , A111111400- ort I , ' f4 lO t404, c , 01104440ittup:Imitilitc.iicari.` :401440' - Oilite , #Okilliffillzo 6 l4 l , Y ',.• ji,doo:falletifl , pii#ll: tho:;pedi-iii;st,' , l.,:•':' ::t',l' l , , n 4 „„'• ' - ::::•'; ' ,•: , ; , Z•:':A.:1, : y;',.• - •; . ;i r 5; . :2' , ;• •,,.••,.. -,, ; -•! .. ...-1 7- • :- •"- ' WING STATEMINIM ' ..-_ i . ••-• Th r e Delegates to tl nt t iie.Whig: SIMe Convz 1 culledar 10 . .aof . noninatin ' - datelCt , r C.r , taw klter; assenkl il irtAtter,VOrf.lietites, tii ar• risburg, on We.; sitay i lhe 111Pliiitri at 12.1 o'clock, M l a , igamieil biStlie igiat• mein of GE. t' l \PARBIE,, gig. le Telly, :Preaid •nt -To tan ; Col. Jon. 'Seto& g ;4, of Butler, .and 'THOMAS r: T11.11"iltLIN, aAry., of Lancaster, Secretaries. •e; 2 l9l. 4 .ltittlithrolllVlrMadhrarrelltetoll4lll/010 5 gates from the several counties and Districts 1 1 yveralalr lityl the clerk ralclat.:(olloain& 1 ,gratlimetukse,:eradjalliiiir na es : ~,.., il • 'SENCORIii,_DEIEGATES. mo i ti, 1.- Philadel hia city—Robert T. Conrad, -- •-* i, paitir—'-'ireA. R. Mal, il'lliwte.el f Daniel Eider, • t . o t , 31tiOnitginiietp—Beinaiiiiri;Flick',. 4.phetiterfin#eltaware--H,.l9rrllrooko `s. Berloc—joseplilt NA 'O. 6. Bucks—Geo. W: South. 7. Lancaster, and Lebaniih.:-Tho:, E. Frank? lin, Tho.ll/I„Bibigh a im e ,. , „. Schuylkill, CarbonAlotirrit,'and Pike— ' . " 9.,Nortliarnriton 10. Suitqueharina; Wariio and 'Wyomirtg7-; Henry Drinker. .11. Bradford and Tioga--. . • 12..Lycoming, Clinton and Centre—Jciseph 13. 'Luzern° and Cohimbia—L.lßutler. • 1,14: Northumberland' and Dauphin—Jaines 15.Juniata and Union-Tames Pot , 161tuiriberlandr, and ,Rerry—Thodas D. (aubatittite) 17. York—The.. Cochran. • , ' 18. Franklin and Adoina--John Stewart. 19. Huritingd - on and IktiltritrdAlfd Spas gri 20. Clearfield,ladiafia r Cambria, and Ann ifrong—M. D. Maiehanci. 21. Weatniorlatal and Sornerset—J„. Edie : • 22. Fayette and Greene—A.l. Jones. 13 'Weehington:;;;Collin M. Reid. 24' Allegheny. and Butler—Geo. Darsie. 25. Beaver and Mercer—Robert Darragh. • '36. Crawford and Veriango-- ":' "27 . Erie—,lames D. Dunlap. • 28; 1 -Winer!, Jefferson 2 Clarion,,Potter and 'McKean-John C. _ REPRESENTATIVE DELEGATES Adamr,Daniel M. Smyscr. Allegheny—Tho. J. Bigham, Alex.Hilands • and Daniel McCurdy. . • Armstrnmr—Theodore D. Cochran. . .Bedford—Samuel L. Russel[ Beaver—Thos. Nicholson. . 11erlis-,--WiLliarn Shearer, Jacob Kriabb, Isaac Eckert, J. B. Bell. • . Bradford:, • Butler-40M M. Sullivan. - Buckslatthias Shaw, Benjamin Thomp son, Abraham Reiff... Crawford— Centre and Cloarfield—Andrew G. Curtin; Jas,.T. Hate, Cbester-4bilipD. Thomars Geo. Lailley Ferdinand E. Hayes. - Columbia—A. W. Frick. Cumberland—Thomas Craighead, jr., E. 'Beatty. . • Cambria—John Fenton. Delaware--Anthony Baker. Dauphin—John J. Clyde, Thomrs Duncfib. Erie—Lyman• Robinson, John B. Johnson.. Franklin—J. E. Brady, Sarnuel•Seibert._ , Fayette—; 'Greene ---Iluniingdon—Theotiore If. eremorißobort Lowry: Indiana—John McFarland. Jefferson, Clarion and Venango— Lebanon--Stunnel Becker, Lehigh and Carbon—Reuben'Strouss Luzeme;--Nathan• Beech, A. C. Church: Lancaster—Lewis Urban Abraham Kau man, Jacob ' Frantz ' Samuel Daffteirl-rblarik Hoopes. I ...`'s . ruial , otteiL;io - wig A'. Matikey. , Mifflin--3. 1 11n:H. Irwin. MOntgomery— ..Mercer—Thornai,Pumroy. • Northinnberland—Wm. C. Lawson. • ~ Northampton and Monroe-- • • Perry --C, W. Fisher. r• ;.Philadelphia city—. Morton McMichael, Jo. siakßandalh John Swill Edsy, Markleyy, John McCanless.. . • ,Fttiladelphia.county—T. W. Duffield, Alfi . x. Quinton,,Wm. F.-Hoghes,Jobn D. Hardy. J. D. Nineeteel, Robert Linsday, Thos. Smith, J. C. Channon. . Schuylkill—Geo. N. Eckert, Witc.. T. San- Sinerest—W. W. naively. Susquehanna & Wyoming—Willard Jack 8011. Tipp— • Union, and Alniata , -Jacob Wagenseller, ,Jehir",BOVlaCrtim.. - Westriorlcui&-0.: - T.-Markle, ...John , Co-, vode, E. Cowan. Warren dand MoKerm—B. Bartholomew. . Wayne andTike— York—John. Shelly, Levi Welty, diehard Mr:"Ciiiiqui of Westmorland, me4ed a bointriihee of one from each Senatorial triet 'be ~appOinted to nominate -officers for tho,permaneyst organization of the Conveu. lion. - The following named cemmittee was op pointed' by the Chair; viz:, _ ' - Josiah Randall,. Morton McMichael , Thos.. W. DUIHeld, Bin): R..ll;leiiis, John D. Hardy, Beat Frick,' fl: Jones Brooke`' , J. 13 , 7 - Billt• 4 ' N,'Sotith','Theraratl: Freaklia, T. M. Bib*: hansei . D J. pagef,'_ Joseph Seger, :Andrew, J..Chai' At' Hen Drinker b.,Butlei,Jarnei James' Potte r ,''Crich' - Joh it. rep l '-.- o n. Stewart, ' A. ..I.iiriaii m:p...Maii c elia a .F.d4ar, :Ciltviin j. ,4!A'. I. — Jones, ,T: ltara t il: Ml,' ' Iliiiekenli4o' — 'o6Bert : Dayiiiik, James D. Nnlap; 1 : C9kiinliist " : ,''' I:diouniiai ; ,siotair P.M. -. . 4,---,--,-,-, Aritittrotii4 sEsOok. 4 .- - T -. L . ' .. 7 40,0niventiTliretriaseMb1 0 013 o'clock: 4 ;,T,h,e,Charriaas of the .eemmittee At apPolpt.: ilikMltl49f.t.l.4•l lll a ofliCOM forte permanent, prattqatioaaf,l4,oonyentiou,sts.folloms! 1 !. ,- .it, ''':.l., t: l ,,, .t:.Prtaidnits)l:ll sr: I' 'li 1 1 t '' ''' . :1 t• HOIVOE4SIIGV ` DARIST,rr w ~ " ' / ~, ,c,l - ,:qt , c, Yet ;41/11,/,,L1:,,,.,-. , , ~, ,t 21,! :„a / ~ ,i i." .-:^u-;.' , 4i:,:1,,c 4 1 ." , F 1 4cf, !•,.,- ..!::-: -. : "41., l' il°ll4.,Pyr;,;_rnillidahlllM:eity,;.:::t,A, -;-4';,t t • „ 11 °.• .0 1 an_ar.I.94,410aYer., - -,• .1 ...:1! .. r:i. , ..Li-... , . , t4 ! .14 .±.PrIMI 1,11 , 11 3 54 , 4 PolavOre4: i ::1 dt'. ".) 4 jao.ll%l4i",;,9o.lltrabitiv Li 1../.A.1.41 . 'i` . 4. , /'Hi. ItolVT. DIZBINGLEI, York. •_ti: , 4 4.t, r ,, ; '.•VY.IV.--SitiotlL.P4 , Teke.-. , i - , s", f,, . 1 .1 . . V ., ,-S M. 1L ... M.11.mi; uzerue. / : t" ,- ' ,. ' , ot Titus. utamaraan, Jr, CurtiberlaMl.`_ .fig`'.. ' ~,,,D ll" :l § A i l l• L 't PYrrlE L Df Lan6e4l6i.: „; r •L 1 i•inaTntral!liMayrlguokl!Witif7. 1'1;7 , ~,, ii„-, i' I ss% Pr'rt gMalallTi..rMrtklim :i 1'..1:• ,, :.,,,- - -,:., . rip: .10 1 ,tiaititlewityypstmorlaild'i / : •fli i:, is; t -4, : , • , liallut:BaterPoiellaNY, Warren... - 1:'4•44. t•.: , t4' • • i ..- • l 4 l 4GEo..4.EcK9FrirSotrOylkillr , r t , t.! ,'' k , ,'• ' •::.: r' , , , ~, Tr,: , ;MrAirefaiii. I , -.(1):' ~', f‘ `r; . 4.1 -` . -- Nik&Mtpiiiiiiiiii thipii - -5Y,-. , - ', , = ,- 7 ,, ,1 e. S ai .1 Viti#fOkii , ''witio;i4:6 ,J':, ‘ l l - ;•'...1„t,' 0,, ~ IP 4104, Ev..hA 10.1k0Oil ri ' '" : P l) ..1 14 ib . * Z ll 4r ,) - Ti'KiV i. 1 1 ,1 t:: , 73 9i)*Bi, Rif k ?., pvc... ,c, liqp ;911.rt "4,4 1 11 i, 0ufv(0.4 ., ,,ci1,e, 1 90;o1P. ',; . t reAletemiw•p: gyoutr4q,soi „ y ,f, ,, # 4 1 1 4 1 CP.4 ,0 t19f;i44”.09%,' . itlitt 9 4hOlfilifitON09,4 1 1,Pg*ti . JV 5A11: OVSK I OrtMtPiIfWOIPB,OIIiNiiV,VIOI* 0 frANP,P - 4,lota'mo ,I ih1,10,1: 1 I„tirigtlll , ! , ..,..,..pxyztvoit n k4).s3 il d lrt,jl' ;KV,47Z117417n5141. 1 51 nig --'/'"'''.-, '.- ~- ,:,..',: ',(,, ' ' .:•.: ' ', ' F ,' , N.-- ,i - , , , • •:, , t ' ;': -2 •,',, d; '.,•'' ' ' -`, ' ;'••.' 1 : , ‘ , ..r'••• • ,Y; z••,- 4'l'4 ~, ' -,:- , •!' • `., ',!)-'•:.: r.' ) Mr.•M ohms; nominated ' SAL Karns, _ , as: Don , ..-- it` , ''''.V ,Ins,ll.l)owecW , Mr,Kati aft, 'I!, ' -.'3.•Koniginacher, - t. - Nic ~ 401, -, • '--1,1( • t, - ,- Kan.. , .• '. 36 ‘ ,. / :E. i kijadlit t.' itqi h ; It t ; I.: . Ch : 17' jiiiitlet, ' i '‘ r.:Yot9 - " .: I , : N. i ,di p - 01 1 ,1 ~,.. , Fi r . , , ‘ •l6 " • --, .' 1' • . 7 '•••• '',..W'rf . iti ', ( MrA , iey,." . ' ''.l . . ': Patton, Mr. La w son, t , Jos,W. Quay, ' Mr. Jones, •,- "- - ---GoorgerGratt, 'r.4-leWthniettinati.onretased.. :•• .. • • Mr:Thos. - 43 / ,,lJte, Was substituted as Sen. •atorial detegateltorn -the distiict of Cumber. and and At - '7 7- freonvern viva voce for ill ination for Can *lcitzlzpre. nom useded to pnt in : 5a# 1 1 4 . 3 . PP. kfriMlVAol447:t 33 in Joo . o Al t Power • 31 jos.,Kelm' arthevAlTlMi, 'NUYS 16. • 6 Cheteer er N. Sliddleiwaftlr: • Jonathan _Knight,. r i.r sx.~] " 'Ge oige:cfa ft ' JW•M(lttOlt !, 0, , , • .7, . .1, John Lipton - 2 -44-4i4141'.. cheeter , 'The names Geotatt 'le r , John Linton,' :frint:lit 'l l:4idaleswriiili anti emit; E. M. Biddle; t , n. Wilirriin Tweiit‘vere V* , l The PnYOOdO,'4 j B o a7m:eis 6' o l M n D iap ..P K o n s6 w Er :::: l4 ! 43 : 664 : t i i i'll ::: °d : 4 4, L .' by A m ir t. K K o a n u igi tit n n a a e n li . tir,'s'imino was withdrawn _ Samuel I). Karns reeei'yeil - James - Al - Power - " Mr.. iOinkel, movek-thit -the--Convention. unanimously agree to supgort Mr. Power; which was agreed to. •°. - .Mr. Edie - o ff ered ft' tesciTuticih that - a -corn mitteec of fifteen be appointed by the Presi dent as Central State Committee. On motion of Mr. Brady, a committee of nine were appointed to prepare resolutions further consideration of the Convention , which was agreed to-Lancl J. E. BrEdi, 111:8;IV ser, J. R. Chandler, Maris Hoopes, John Covode, Benjamin Bartholomew, J. C.—Run. jcel, H. Brackenridge and Benj. Thomp son were appointed said coninitiee.. Messrs. L. A. Mackey, James D. Dunlap, E. C. Markle, Alex. Hi ands and John Me tram jre appointed a tot nLitte the nominee of his nomination. ' The Convention lben ht.ijounte4to &clock this evening. At 7 o'clock the Convention re,asseMlAecl, when the President announced the following State Central Committee: iirPbannti, Samuel D„.Karns, plDauphin, Joseph Konigmacher, of Lancaster; James MartincolDremhin,- James Fox, 4; Morton DlcPlichael, at Phila. eity, _ George Erety, of Philadelphia county, ' Theo. D. Cochran. of Lancaster, • -- John R. Edict, -of Sotrientel, ,',CoL lVilliam Butler; of I;tfliin, 4., B,;;Tohnston, of Ede, Yighiir Slocum, of Luzerno, - ;:totEdoilrd_eowam of IVestrnorlond, .• • "'.V<ilfoward, of Allegheny. DY I , - from dies committee-on res olutions,.ibported the -following: • • • Wfmnissi It has -hover been the policy of the Denver Mid •I'Vhigs of Fennsylvaitia to disgttisd'the principles ,they profess, or dis own the meatiresihey espousearrd advocate, lit.rather to embrace every proper occasion proclaimto them to the, , worldiatideoto t the Sertitinytif .enlightened pu • opinion; pe r 'sanded • that thetnotc they, escrta in i zed and ii:eighed, - thit.itronger . w llbee their held tt,p •nn pit lie confidence and aceeptancc:- And Aber The ,Convention of the party assu min,„to be the exelusfve.'Derineeracy of the country : which assembled•in this place on the ,tlstitnitt, diditby„-IllYirte:P.Plll9.•#44tPttes olutibu iepOrtedby the Committee on - re 5 . 0 11 3.7. ii tt74 , l 6 liONigthh'ii4 , 2o o .(litie t /414 ti 6 with .an urnentlinent ered ilierfomgaiiiiinriiintTaTilt sthipl2,7 and relbsing again fn tal,l up` fo,r fifial. 4 aCtio'4l, .'• cline Mid shiiiik frorn and per - chiming'theirpneilion an this goes= min of 'stfelf , yttal intrust and monstrous cols' cerri to the poodle of I'Cintsylvattia; in con tmytention of that spirit of openness and can dor iii iffissed i el.-Lnultatiertfly-in-therprearn- ,- 1 tits and - resolutions adopted; agTo si , ,,nitiffy falsified by their action:. :And 11.7urcas, It is the desire'ef this - Cotiventioniliai: the views and position of that portion of the community which'it represents on; this as Well as on oth erspbleet?,,shmildtielihoiy,l3 ap , kl,prpplaimcd r , .withoutthtigfifert;reseiyaiii) . fi,.pioneeitlmptit: iinet,o l l4 liii-fi,COaven7 tion, for the. annainattori . nf, a na,ndidate foi, the Orley of -Canal Comm itistenet presents a con. I venientand suitable occasion to. reaffirm-them_ with the -litinikness,and. openness becoming, freemen, oud -of their rninciplesiiiinil'uot liffitifflo - prOWllfeiffitrilitriace of world ;;•-Therefore, be it. ' • , Redoli-ett ; That in ornii tin ti in dig the Whig banner, we inseribe!uuost no folds, the same mottoes grhielt , tirltikonedmit . : when we marched !beneath it 9 : victory, and triifitiOn' in' tiro glorious, daya,ol4Blo,,and when we ral lied anaml;it in the no lesamemorable strug gle of lft44ot Their:lh, pierced v arid torn in': m mire 'tuber eon tl ivy that!. uold , itag"' has. never been lowered prourrenclered;andshall wave.over, he ,e to theot,nalst-niapent-eileur , Politidali3tigt ed: ',, ::. • ~ z .s, g ----,RaiOlved;i- eV' thrilW-hike!oh-loermaylfe ilia ebleinn)y,44,l elide' Ititi . ,Ortirei,ten'Oh:th lith' 'uritotivating Atialan ".hi, the Tariff Of '1,042 1 17 n'Whiiilnettaurfz:the":,,t StOr,,rilxpelley, — , -paaied:;hy*Whig , Ceirgrel:iwioyl,l4 hat. ddiered-lhii- iiount& WO Umiak/5,44EL ktrk_9l),N„an4Ye:l l .49 , ,i , V:P4A l Eltly,,4o.xill pull adjura,every ttiio - ;.4.94044 - 4NmlsylVkibianiej3f , ivbqteyer i patty neicieisto, gusto:WA: ue:in ; en, degioting - icklesawAti-trio..thevAis*ttoits overthrolrwitk which if illinowlmenaiecd: , l?y. thoN9tiontil !adniinishditiotiva , ;T!! q!!!!:!..! : !% . :!.. I. life;ol4ifiThat;miihturintUpro .tectiorvandP,frcie4MWdoett. Ines , ' proclaimed 6y.the pisethlent;oPthe lYnlN,d . .Statesiri bib iuunhiP in 4setige ttiton„, , neWii ' ve , a Rhine& by thalsanrentitortv!Tiadiaii in his Trehetry Revenue 11:114R111'* . tie`frhioki the Revenue suliiiiid'e'etbe InierinaßM. ees of the Presidilnt di:thartilimmnfee of Ways and Meatliotiftiliqukkqf Represol'i latives of theTtansdltaleg - §nOlendoniedas te °l 4 Y iig i r ir, gftwilteekr. tiTi I n the4th - • SI Ail -05 100£04-111# 1 11 1 116 .905 1 10dundOittif,PlinPeleactrAtitace -,1 ) , experience,, and so trgallyputurennveref evlry, 'vital-and-oherisked.inteMitirePeeetvathal ivhiotrwiupprapaito 'itr-offirid flip n',.. ios nntertulze . oddrey'Aii. teeiktti!Oioilitho sl 2' a . th* l Fl l O O 4040' tiktio l 9o,llk. .0 uote:iit*lciilturt,iltifiiiirtgio telds,and PefOlgelAlen, thatveslito:ihel , lylvers .and i ec outttkootootrhin and vaniPtoolsi•of . sferWiiimohitd tiV"-e ipbbutation'atid. tinthrits 'OOl/4Pop - sante.- -,- . 77 .4.7 --, - -- = .7 -- 7 --- .. —_. ,4001,104, Tiatlin'iiiBVC3VlAkt doctrines ' (10, 1 HARINIRIIVefi,kkleitZet* . t vi l 4171.1,, Vfrlegosmit,,Yrktn,Jwytink professions .:in, favoF of proteetlony 4 .liin arid' of - 4842,- during. the Tr to denti sl onteat, we ask th4qooo::l) . ooyiSdritaia I , 41419004900 AIN • mt lic opto cl . illilY 11 4 . 1 1 1 1 '; ", i .., dr.,,_ in. i 1 , riMeliee all 1,. '+ /I , NltlitJtel n tesPeetKti ) bet• e r et y , 11)044 to. mom to ME INI be deeeked ne'longer, no any furtil'er to the. selfish . and corrupt leaders, lured them - on to the verge of ruin. Yed, That the unqualified praise and eon': ; . ,,%nal aproval of the course of policy i'; .the President and the Governor • tn ommonwealth t expressed 'by the Convention in their resolutions, • MIR to the world, whilst the first is mg energetically to destroy the protective system, and the second cordially seconds the en . &avow „replaces that-party in the position it always occupied before it- was found neces sary to deceive Pennsylvania into the Bull - mit of JAMES IC. POLE—that of the bitter, deter- mined and unrolentin o gcan,i , a , 4,10 Lap pal r e r g n itrl a ti eof ed That tHeL mb " 0 Tr!) - felkityieitizons againstAhellystimptimpOlicv of thaßaiiiintl: AdMiniskalciin, by which it, ' -c!'-,Tlr 9 Pc'F(. l lllaityPl.lll ROMPIIICIRIXPIIIII anti - inn intiliottit o tm - oatpori e -the man uf aettirei p j ilhP4intit ,3ffi slorificed to noslit_ea y iA pOtte'tom,Loiioiptikat Britain;'illettiitAilitkMilli4t%Giettlirtsibi must -have r ptriviin t i o, ,tAtri-idbfoopli,pki r people:./11f,:§14-04t,A14114.i- 2 gethat the Governantii&kof rifle "itainti-1-*Jilllibe,eorrip,ell - t l lko, lP* l6 : o k4,#q t k i ttliTtraintftqsl ii:llElVAraYiPoiditinlitvo tilagaiielfoii:4? - 31fo . - Tarifrofi-1842.16-Thitstitre opt,l6 7 lstitiiktffet . people with a p!efWill . , eii*lptB6.ttOY,:cit.44, .of the iiiiiioTcharitr(ti'r,loloflikitiecatitivo, course that 'piiiplaTinidtheisnecessftttyLltil tiential candidate (diitirittl'klaiintt i ) a "betferiblitidi)fltlaildifilrikiii.' ii lus , . -trious-opponnt. i , iThetibeStisAliq'' . 9llkii!):4l =on falsehont);18450)00jAtil11W::Iliciii010-,--- , - -/4. 8 9 1 !0 ,1 2--Tl4iikttl-fAalialatAle-tiWoPle OT-Peliri'syiiiiini - ,:turatisnettitS 'MO'66 with taxes;that NitillscarpoivoinD of any- farther augmeptatiob, anti bowed-down beneath The load-of.an,enernloUS-deliti;contmet ‘ ed in the - construdtion-tifliviirks'ofßi! 'liii . 'citlitility, we claim ourjust share- of-"thii nikeeds aritring from the 5a1t:3 . .14 . /1W Publl Anntls, held in tonttforthcevefarPlVesrbYlllifi l fttitettStote - - and, ihatit is one OE the- (tomtit' es of the 191 A; • . :party, now re,affirmed as . esti - 10(1y: its: iv iii_ „ demeabfotir,opponents,- that 'sprik..piStribii tion,', on lire FS:demi or sorne'6f)iee .ftiii 'find just ratio, should be 11)44piViip44, 1 tIelay: Therefore., , " 'ResOlved, That we accept the issue,ininitt by-our opponents. of hopelesit r indefinitei- re-- - midiless TAXATION, with ,afitill further in crew:o,6olle burthen..on thiii . .. , orte-qtart s -or -I)ISTRII3IiTtiON,. - Atithlatt iitimeilible reduc- • tion and eventual remoriol.the littlieoien- iirels.; and espousing:W.ll;n will - feitßeaily and confidently await i le decision of the peu- ph...,_:. ___.. Resolved, ,Thot.ifAvcr,4at&tii , .:itid, , 2..e of the' .. puke It oin the pasylie P obi in Wprkti of Pilo .. syluttin, if left as.they-liavelleen., ill the no compiled' power.. and management al 'the dominant party. will tenant as, they alw'art 'have been, a wince and instrument of coil ruptiod, renalac= r peenlutian' afid' , fraud, .:11, soilliug,uunecuisgivi , at ve,PIP O I3 a rke , r rivertne, In rniuhiferitt;,r to ';11101-10;tipTilliV'ittal enriching the pockets nf those, iiittuAled . .:ilitli . their inamigetuent, and their I.r7liv r oluseleAs, and. Often itre;t'ptinsitiltt 'hangers on ..,4,41.1;o1- _ . . . _ • • , , itescAreti.-Thair tleibt„ (lob, tractea in the construction . et' . "Pii . l,)l,ic? re s: alike upon all yourthlizetni. interest a.sl , clitirges em inently inst that the Whig; parts Ehnuld Dace. a yoice_tp regulating anti - controlling :the gko. penititturs upon thchi. Retsol t•ed, That the • retretieliment orthu experalitui es of the National and State' P:tit. ornrrients, hy - auttinz - utlaltinfrtegin'y7 - 4ti - t pentlitures, and introducitur a r)gii.lsyltom f of accountability and economy, • is itin't of the. easu re 6. hi:Whig') al le IvElvvraor r h., l ,,. r, lief of the people, and that . theypleile them selves to the attain tnetit of this object. s de sirable to all, by endeavoring ,to 4te..mrp limo election or appointment of trim to etlice,,who faithfully2to ,necomplish Resolved, That we hold the Anrineiplesiof the party adequate to all the wants mid exigencies of the Government; and . tliiiiglits and comforts ,of ! thepeopleondAat they are adapted to tint political govern:Mein ,of.lneit °f lip - 6 licroirprixiecia44 - social and polincel, to alhti lso tog* si,quiglo rims COnstitutioa for pro:ecttonto themselves, and qiiN foravi 'igloos libdify 16 their .1. 1 1 .. Ye " RAM ~,,Thrit this Cenv'ditti r dmin'eficitn&' ly impressed srith,c - sense Of lle . 'impOrtinice and truth - 6i ; set t ford) and esnreSsed, Present (0 tlip,pqoplp 3 • PetinsylVania, of all parties.. who .ere. petti . ;- :rated with like conviction, name JAMES Itd..POW ER, as a candidate , to fill. Likalll4llolT,Fiil t .° tame' at edectlon,,as a gentleman ermo ry was' qualified to carry them -outiritopsue, eessful acts n , 4FPII de,erving all their eon.; faience, and etninentlyllttA usefully and hotiorahly,,,inid t eleeted, will do all in liitpriWer tO"reite'etellth pledg z es and fulfil' the prtneiliaa made . in. [lnti was mode to rfloceed fo their - fikilfid tug; AvhOst.tlioy wele cult. tir,,t3Jayser tie!' the ieg}iiierg we'} grecfpti with rowel* el, eliplaße, .'s t I.llkuntsnend, , Mdfdli'llth, 184 H;., !, To the Preiidcot of the Democratic !Pak Veht. _ !maim' now in session.' • Sin : I thyihte th rough ' y'nu to re , r , rnp.st 'gr%olllthatelcs: to' dig, iii,e#lliiii•ti ii j di Pitt vet-diem' 'ty,hb.supit?eitier ane*ft',44illelin t though not,fnv,ored by.d majority :of the•vote', of tho bodylover whichprdelitll3;_2l 4 l44k , loaVe fe• hay f that+ itiy Wel' Mho copseil u h t in/Hired, nen riji•deilie' toeitH i -suEo.64'of the nientineo, the leis.. — ln • votinYfor- Whig - • oalicliclatoNi isl i ept t ei t ia: della/0400W 'hig _ rr..illaiPfr ; 7 .41,?, Pof9 ilie, ?"_. 8 4,,PP1np0n', 4 9, 3 41,024 etktl9LeriniiiPilt,l6.lstWivikor.. ovlrilwit , * .01.fionorablil energy, .1 have only tottentirttp • of my friends to "go t ielito:fikowisegirk4 ' _1:::_!..-'.. • il_k_iiii,...,ipceifylly.';'' l'l'A' ll '.`e!'.;?:'g . ," '' - • ''' ' ' - '`Vhat,Aleklioit : i g efaiir:•, l .;; i . ..; ,{ ',:' . - :4' , 4 '4 - A14 ,4 1,04* 1. i, , s . ,e i 1111... Kaufman also grilse:rho thit fellotilittl*', 4 1 1, letteikelOidepellailituidlavilaiiiieerod': wiarrl9,los , ,entb4,ll4lpß.;,, , k 1, ~ , , 0 0.,,. Te. , :tir . , 1, - 1 1h:cilia! licit* r.i*ldare)illitir,lB46 , . gri. • , G kp ii2 .. r il ii,i, 1 .1-? 4 , 4 , 11‘1 !, 1404,1 0,10..!•'. -.' '4 . 0 , 8 /fi 4.' 1' 4 '04 4 '''' , It't - .3 , t 4 . 04 - 4 1 . th•viqt• . ...,,, Aitit..k.ktt*: Imerfitgtidmrethftismur 4 iftni teienteition prevailet.that: itoznedof . 1401e4WW-..i" dateWliefiritribri , Ce,liVention are a siittlitStel . , ivithlhellatilt am-immti . . irporthet, ecerudon'tb Oat Mdidorbi ~ .' the Co l ., • .*firitkin;',„Jfi, th - 44 6 1 ) iiVirt;'.:kn'elifir",,Vie 1 " virirm and. naidiai 'appl•n%*;4l', , tiiii , : 4 " • I)l4alkEetiliiiiilf,alla ins 'fiiell : ort, ~.' 4 .tt tn. rir txi iiVA . o B o: l6 tr . litiii"t l / 2 .t:0vi,014 NR;ak ftlitWF. l VA.ol,Pilif I . rt t'.o .. • .:••:::::IlitOrqii'Akianitlsl) . TI-Olintotithipth—Cettniidatutionteftheagentirif— tiontimuLtourriettonifthanpitindirdint9llikid • being again before the Coreceetnicirenflid ithinieted'inbeebes werelrmitle4b .2lfelisis. Wil•l : lei:o-Phihietetlitiiii 4 Birryetilielb !Ati : .Tl, ' ' .B• k eid ,ry ilklity:pet*arkiarVrejitino :1.,,,,,A, mi n ;ir . "3, -codiiil3: l 44 l lolt4- .414i.,70 •!: - h . a d iort nabbig.tiv.hoirmat loon **lSt: ohommoiea.. o q , , ki. 'v,.itigkvilttyffl ,, ,m..mu,oom,pkwartw . .4;, , i,.,_ i - v mE(BidnottAlkunOolo l ,o l, 4=regular - fttortu,: aticiiL__lmi beell ' 2 40 1 .•.1*:# 144114 .9100401!, . ''• cff4',7'W '3' ' lighr u f Of , h ilt'' o, ',IV,,e, „..* • wi11,10 , : , ,_,. , ulltrliith - dWrlft i dthilft PO 0 rfiaisrfi,•.... : •v 0 * o,sltemit* Afkili 1 . e ' a ll riist i , l iitir 7 eil'ilt, , IB.tii,: • •, . • „ 4 ",:x,i ' '
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers