9 • WHIG WARD MEETING --. . Ilt tifi',..ll' A large-and resilWit I eat' g o 0 wildg:Yino.PrAftl),.AWtiat %tad the belaug r .li; ~, , °f• SW * I I .IVP.O *44oteld Alf diet pablioth9nitptif . infa/MrskßogAnonlS(iturtiarb_vittnitirlast .l Mr. WILLIAM ASQUITH was called to the Chair, and Mr. WEscsr a llmts appointed Secretary.,. A l corntniAcc . was theo appoiplpfl, to n?rainato z suittllg persoris,o :fillthe,yal lieu's Oiheed.'„4.)l,theyeassing )yeari - *lto 're'l ported the following . delkca j i'thOlC6o4:= . ninlfiltlify adopted by tbo'loilik,:,,.. ; 14 41:AirlsiAbrai9ln.Xlell,dali ,-I i,.tr. 1; 1 ght argsss.-2A iniam sr4...y_oiter.+-fiil 1 !A0r.. — Mti.1; 3 0 0 ,1 1 5 1 ,, , 1 1 .04 P0r..4, „ligna idt i f ulypt Askr,skof,: 7 4aCOl? ketter, ~,001,. I ,',:t . orn,.C/erk:-- - Slajor lathes M. Alleo h , ~ ~ * 4 ; c°""ri,HPPler ,WeiNey, ;Ftderick Writt,s, l COl. Aitn;trong KOhlei„,Michael , Ma t . the a.S, Ttiornas,H• Thlalpson. ''. v, ' , In.fpW or:eorie %Nd' i nsp. i ., • , , , )114 4-- -- willil% CS9Pt-- ‘ 'Sdiocg Dir Or-41:, •J a i n A •• fiera.;. ' ,Ciin,ylo/8.-40:00 Nv. Mtn iwotit a q•;. r , . Rio it•kieNEAL.—The Ifeeklipeneri'tvith dW!aemand for. F3otts ;end cui.lB;aitsil6% 91"Aulttiiiinitit' 3560 . 447 mostly edagno brands, 4T4 75,1noluding meelebted breed: 484 81f, sraped $4 50,. tied ititi half bh10; elood 1)1'14 . at 55,123 the .1110„_:Seb,_ siiitienity nittiWtit"stteithcielittle ) .eut the iletnand'havingsubsidet - hofdere nriln - ektee form(ard..and.fidtliqciral lo the 'eitteet 'et 3000 bbls were 'ramie 'Or:'ex'port`,,att '7s' at S 4 571, the %finer rate—the latter pricelieini.for elcoicetrafidsrthe mari kettloilse's firmly at our quotations; lei, city -use sales lfa.Ce forgbOd. -Guru mealinlitirretiuest-withualeb of 2000 Ws at — s&—RyeFlouy-We noticesalesinlats,lll all ,about 1000 blils; at s3' 50; incliidin4 a small jot at $3 ports of the last two weeks bbls Corn deal, and 523 bbls Rye Flo artirli4=-There is little as yet arriving by. Water; and the eel i 6, price a wheat "is inoS - 1- 1Y above the view of millers: We )(mice some small sales of good reds at 105 a 108 c for.starch making, and 4000 bus; choice white to arrive, on terms not Public. Rye is scarce: small sales of Sonthem at 73 a The, and Penn'a at 75 a 77c. Corn, scarce and in bet ter demand. Sales of sercral lots good Southern ,, yellow at 64 a 65c, and one at 66c 6tic, tnd . 1 s enn'a at 63 a 65c. Onts are generally held. for better ricesi we iivOte,4l: :10.a 42e; b u t bear of no t,ales.—Ex pow. 19,508 bus. wheat. and 19.55 bus, cern . St:i'l:;.'S'll' l ) fln ibe i9t6 instant. by the Rev- A.ll, Kremer. Mr. .Iscon 111.osEit, to Miss CA ILO LINE 9cu A M SAC 11 both 1911111 k ToWt. II • n the. 12th instant, by the Rev. 1•:. r, AIIIr IllAtl 1)11.I.T.11, to Miss ANN CATII !BIND -ILu,rlrnoen,ltil -Township. - ' • • On the tilt rat hanentitet. Ohiti, by thy Iles. A.. 1. AVTI,IIb, thy - . hen. ,lotth I,E.iverai_, of ' Lenin, Ohio, to MitiF Lict•ito A, Wissi Of the - 11 - toner place. \ 4 t :ill t e; In ?south Middleton Township. no Monday morning ito4y. Mr. Bona. UT . TO, aggsl yenrs in Iliteristitire,-on Wednesday evening lost, of Con .titetsa libtiattor, i(Pririter,) formerly M• this glare. aged II years. In Leestimg. Virginia. on Thursilarmorning the Pith instant, Sir, Wll,O N Mrltist, formerly of this place, to the antli year of !Modest ; • • , ' "Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his .tepitmck ,, Ptottinipustir-ln.. ;, its the. foil prospect of int morfality and eternal bliss, Mr. DANIEL ,COFEMAIN, Odd shirt =tivo years. ' , . Jubui re erfew instanced Wolk% wan the (Maroc:ter °Ca Chrisitammstre Dlityplet eloped ; unit nture clearly. tlinnitoisr, that id the mittieet of thig . brlgf notice.' `llls. life *as' trawlt'iiiiinthenl kips& Valk kin s.•• While. hiaJpin,lfkeblU-pdUtmcc s submission to' filo will or Goa, ,luring 14-411nens (snitch condoned two tooraths,) together sl - fth peaceful death, is a it-rung and ileac ethillitiali of tile mighty power and triumphs of Kt hie grace: •Ilegiuhrered religion when aitruit ei 2111...`11 years of off . , an immediately united • - - . . . It iiiiitell with th e Muttwills; I..:lllt•qttita I church,' ti f which Ini rbriltnitt•il It 'fel* vereptlitile•nntl iiretlll ittelither Until Ulm 4. 3 oophiq 11.,ani.. Jit served' tturclitircit for seis'eritl years us Clioni-lentlizr and li.tntyiirdt greatly to OW , lintislitettnti of ail eineerned. 'lt was his chief aim nnti.ohJeet_in_tin-frand-iti If on nitieet of pity or distress prenented 'ltself in the neigh blirtisnil, he was sure In (Wert VI fnefltteps to the stint, ren.i In administer relief 12111 d rilirnrOTl tin the as lie could. ifhe eseellgitin arty ang gantlinure than VI another, it was in the great rent and deep interest he manifested in the happinese nwCweifitre_4pftiey,opog, We' - *di - arr Eriiiiiithee f 344cre Supetniteitilirrit. of 'a don tisitinglduntlalebool at tie ; Salem Limtab4avliere 112, oas VOL noty ,l ii trtritaittg,,ng 844 1!4111 iri ,m ieaVis end -initina those ihildren` te-ceenl, but —Tilirse3,ol4-4lltifit'akrifirtonse-tolansei hunting Pg9rAltilgter, G and encouraging (bent to coma thtlidottath'Sgliard:•anglutililine their mewls to let thertrgot Long will be be remembered for Wig labor of love in thin particular. ilia romaine were ; :o n„. preached t .100t., t,, ocptettioN by the Rev. - 111t:17aStie, of Ilerrisleire. to ti Large assembly of weeping friends end sympathizing neighloors4 from let Thes..iv.-14 ' , For if we believe iliaL,4estitt Ated mid cone again, even en them also which sleepimiesue will God bring with .. 4 - o .When nthible rdrinninenla Oral ell decay: old ,kocike thrirtustoitul mOuntaine melt away, The sainted Amine shall n'er , their,lllll , B And meet their Saviourlthroitill the opening bales:" Netd" .l -';OP.eKtiP,IIICOAS.„ c TO THE VOTERB OF THE WEST WARD Ggivrt.smssl=liilaitc - Myself before you as a entidlii kali:for the office of JUSTICE OF TIER PEACE for tile ;West Warili,enoLtuteitilye.speclifillly. gptlelt tyhilir votes, at the ensiling election, for said °glee. 'Should yotftliink nie papable to' discharge the dutlekef,the elllch, and wortlry.lot thirru tsiAvhleti *mild , tie Natl:. ded to me, by plitrAlrig pip to theellieAlSitall beffluinkl fol for your 'lmport.and shall endeavor so tif discharge the ditties of the offi ce oe not to.betray the confidence N,,reposed In me. lam very respectfully, f „Your,phedient servant, GEORGE gai' Carlisle, Marcli4th t lB46. , • c i , NOTICE.' ..0 • .. LI, persona witairi iteilebte&foe the services Al of tbst Horse J AVEL:II4 for, the years 1944 and 14f, aro - her:li notlfie„d-that, Ole book of acenutitalas?emje with paritl,Slydtb,,,ktistiee, of .the Pewi t: tle,,C rile' foe : eitiligtodeb,TA!4 ownersofaalohladdinjitaintaAVlumetitniFht on'all acoonntilhit 11101;41ot taddtby Alt:nit:6 Aka ; March 19, 1146.- 7 4 w. • • (15&° 1 E)Sti OAAIP,W.iSFOPePS.II xjG *" ll6l l o" i .lpMfr,'lnFlP!!. fe4eiVea elo IVENS 24.11,A --.. _ • ': .2 . : ". - '''..: AiIIPT;IOI4)T ..:1 - 4_ _ • . ' • ,Mtetteo4lllllolobehtddrithir dill Cum ber ? • _ .q,dma 110 .V,I "•14,1041111pritettartntebmpany „of 13Wotan evinehlp,' will beheld, it their WI lite i tirriPalgteraninite 4tI4Q . - citrir iN.I4 'vkiee..llol , 4mll , „pr i n, t .. .„,i, ~ •• a - ilf t r i 1% Eqs ..rotrie.4l , ,, ii',4 FSPMA.I.t, . • , .v,ilmot,io t idooktiAiiittii4446llT !i;ic,, , .. , %-r , tili e XlCgillanigliPe.;;il7;%itolhe-' AcisTEws ALT , H4olitis 4 :o):,4"Ngt .. , mENT..iii:the . World'. vreyeeAkMisTErli.k , __.4 o m-tbo_betuielaLreittlte_cin_AurtitstP2Alme • ..• used it.thatlit mut be rtitioßmmidii Algti!tr§ty 'ti m rgA l S l SChrgi' e M.9 l ;kikt IP!, " i g, 1 : 1 : 0, ' ~.ji • „,..04earr. ea . nicht its goo. qua..i.e! ' ---i.at '4otailod'iipjiga..of.,it,„Wallimxfpuptl in.fi iriiiiiii,itiit7lif ;pitilqti icto 'iiliTok Wei hivillil NMI ~~~ IM2MSMIh'tIII KAM 14.?Atigft0,11t5k dortio . ) iqui btitetiklllifbci k- Wet occupied by Wankoop. . • Thule stock consists of R gent assortment of Dry Goods, Gem:ea . ...191.W QuemirplMrltllP sold low •• tifoved 'credit. Rid Ili iniklu rid(' mtiefatoes; tweliopolift4iNintinuanee of same by • our I fejenda-titithtili4tianity.44 o, - 41 .Lft , u 18,111 , ! • if usT , dii)cael `stile'h(ids of—A—RICHAALLSA:LO:2' Carlisle', Afore), 18, 1146. =MOE NEW ruxurrruzzi. buliscribere will etill'itt'Onlille'liale;'at Jl. thiffr Warehouse, ie diviiidtargtoinow yule, on' FRIDAY the 27th day'liiMattiti.tlin . fulloirinedeseribed arlendid ne*.furpituret 3' DEZESINGI. .111:111*Ek domnon Bureaus, ritloga)Ar.,)*, DININO. AND BfLEAKFA • MASfeESt . 1 SECRETAEY ; 1 194 of ,Endgalcdes.:Xork Stank- Alight Statds; Seeletendri, EllnirtV4SLPt' 4.c. and ,agreat variety of Cabinet: W.erpmall. new antlgood,) which din deented l unnecesaary, to enumerate. , . • The 'above opecifiedfurnltnie is' ell made In the mciii:fielflouttble manner and of tho very best ' ' Salo to ...conitn.enee at 10 'o'clook, - A. M., when doe attendance will he given, and terms of sale made known by. HEItRON & BENDER.' ' Newville, March 18, 11146. , Application for Tavern. License. liNfroucE is hereby given, that I Intend to 44 apply. to tho next term of the Court of Quarter Seamans of CumberJamrcounty for a license to keep a tavern or public Mose in the house now occupied by me, in linguestoWn, Silver Spring township, Cumbeiland county. _ JOHN WILKINS. March 18, 1846. We;the undersigned .citizens of the town ship of Silver Spring, in theceounty of Clllll berland, do certify that we are well acquainted with Lilo above named John Wilkins; that he is o f good repute for honesty and temperamo, and is troll provided with house room end con. -.Nen iences-Sor-the accomraodation-ofstrenga rs and travellers 4 and that smelt Inn or Tavern is necessary to aceemnnldate the pablia - Tand en.' terfian strangers and truVellets. John Lutz, David Capp, DanicrrrrM, Samuel EtierlY, — Henry Vogelsong,„Jilcob Miller, John Harlacher, John Armstrong, Johuttom Arm. strong, Peter Fought, James Armst tong, Ab. -rattan-Adures,—, Application fot Tavern License. nOTICE Is hereby given. dint I intend io upply at the ',est teem of the Coon of ,Quarter Sessions of Cumberland county, for a iceman to keep a- tavern or plibllo.liouse,.ln the house I at present occupy, in the borough of Carlisle, CuMberland contitY•; • - - AXl3,lt EIV ILO BE RTs. Maroli 18, 1846 Wu, "the ltridersigned - ettiltette—of—the'Wea Ward of the borough of Carlisle, Cumberland county;da.c9rtity that we aro well acquainted with th e above named-Andrew Roberta; that he is of gncd repute for honesty and tern per• aime,'nrrd'is well prinfided.wlth house room and conveniences for the acottrimodakintiz , orstran-' gen . ' arid truvcllars, and that such fith - tir Tay. ern in necessary to accommodata the public and entertain strangerk and tt Joddph C..l'hotipson,. hum& Itinitvalt, Jan' M peorze Taylor, George W; Cart, James Davis,-LI d nil agile r, Geo t ge Ileeteht; Jsihn - M Main, Jamesl4. Graham, Janice CreVer, Adem litrbtitte. • Dicso7nftoue orrartnership. cif. is hereby given, that the partner all shin hereinfate :existing beikv ehd Ahriman' Bniiitsiatf; trailing :under 'the firm: of J. &' Ai BOW MAN;" is this day dist:witted by: mutual consent. - - Ali thoge -indebted mill please incite payment lit John. Bowman, mho: continues to curry on the heftiness; on or before the 20th of April, and those:haviog -claims will present 'to the.saine..,.. .; JOHN BOWMAN, 2 A BRA HAN kfig WM AN. Allen townshif, i<lureli i e, 1846. . TimanicE fa hereby gt4n,Altshi.htn - partnee,. ship.:heYCl9fqr-Q-eXiittinfiJtatvrean . SON & HASKELL, has thisAny; i hecp,dts.. solved by mutual consent. All persons know jog -themselyips nntinbted . co, t theAth tuned firm, are requested to come forwar their Accgukita pß„or.Perprapihtt.Prs ima .tIof: PrA gau }lts • • • r, " Y k P •" e • I T Vki " I 4 le"1 11 1 1 . 7 1 411 , • - March 18:1846 ---- LIQVID 'HAlRasra:__ JULES HA ULES' ceWirated vegetable Li. quid Hair Dyu for changing, red or-gray hair, widens's, rye brows, &c., to a brawn, or black color, plat rcccivcd and jig saki At Des drug, Vlore To Tholignicinituf NERVb; _Powder, Composition Pnwiler, pul. 'iliry ro ir r yarGiti gF rr,wiklrirreneral-ne Pdrkiii6it ‘Vrttltaititibti .. tieild i i'Llinit igretetteiti Vursolo by Stevenson , ZS' Mellen - aro • SOAPS.' SOA.PS ,p, . .110 ASTILE Soap; Rosin Soap, together with s largemni ebuleir•usibrtnientrof kibitteint Bb4.pb; pet; reccivedanckfut Stevenson & Mehstiey. d ; OwDE it tit e ~/t; IR ESTI Sfildliti; SotlikenittUaetNewAeLik just received rind for sale by. . ,;it I ti1#9141.A1 6 , 11 ,3 5 M art. ,!2-14040„ ,yKrrani e;i,t A4l4l;Allico4l,at,plilifip ti4o,pii the 26th of iiipt: v oi 111;4 li6W:ocli Win, 111yerii, noir Noii:Ville.lllololllWAitielitiiiiirty, viz: . . . • . ....FOUR MULES, ~,v id i a l i iko.bit*Far,4,,,2 wsqpi k , ) ooil . , and Hey . ,Iriithifyik,2:oliiihitolliove,l riOli )j i liiiiroWi t-WionowlOtt_3llll,lOlitilviiitt4 , i .6lhittliilithli !CO , 4 Itiat 'it' l 6ll. tilt fittiii . rdikti bottlifiloirlet, l'otomee 'lsv the bushel. Sile to egoirogOop st , 'HI n'elock;A., M., 'when .the terms '(vlltheoutiti known - by.. , WILLIANI 'I). 5KY.5101,91, l k , ' Ply ky... - .ii P!ii , ro l 4o orit.A. SteVeopyn• , 1 4 6 , , L a 5 t .....A., , ,!, A . .7.1A ...;) "ON ti.ril V •.'t t gt , . T . 7111 , 2A1d3 14 411fAll . riltie"iqiii.‘ 'Ait.:3 ‘ ../1 . 'A ,,, ' 4477.7.7170 111 ,Agoist;t4viii ittft . 141 0 . 1/Lle:l. , r,A44 'row ! Ituo -IfDROPOSALS will be_recelved_uotil tlic23d . instant; .14 the ,Board of Trustee's Of the ,Metbodist 'Episcopal Church, of the borough of Newvillo.• for building a Mouse of Worehlp.-- reil' 6 „ f iet"? 4 ; 1 5 10fli-lr i N l y kV. VI; , rigis,frojyltsilless,"s? 'eyrie olpialia t 'Ode' il f klit iliactried'illiliirjheitii. Ptilfs ;fgt. .4bhtteitstrl3Fdr' tpfi iiimf!.thinfed. lofulier -hoard,. • • • I,I44II WIEZIA I ktoMeCORDess , • t'N'irehlif:lplB467: , 3lll,,:.) lt tql!;t: ''',;3l,lL U. e, ZLL P 7.I. ' rat. ts, grid 17,41rft="1.i.Vtiii'ovitikaeril • .4kvt'ultlt 4 Aitl'lttP-AX en • NE .2 - Aptibpfil i tOVTOMAYl6.idetf§b..!J NOTICOIiT itiiettelyeirt4til jittlepir(go' . applral b ' krif ni Fihd l C6 Yt7,6 , - "fib r . v p" . ti) ". 11 I eiti rter.Eds44iiecifat " ilikedlfiV;lff' V, liOnae to ke n eVilrelfiiiva PisbildHadaderd tile' house now 'iletiiiiiiiia Vi"ttli3"fililigililif ?tar West WarjilittijebgiriffeNfecdilikle;''''' 'c uA l 0. . jear f i , 131 , M . ., , I 1,1 , 1 COA .w . Ngorrlt., 14 , l ib itch I` i..o.B;terin.V. istp;ll, l ltvo.,l , 7l bigidqtl:ll ~', t ..41 Y 4 )41 41.: : 12.Proliti ft.i . i,t4iCP.Eitt. Vt. M. . r, i 'ne,':,the . iiiikiiiiiiilib4d,;lettizdikit rtir 'did:V . o46r BVerigilmiftd'ougli - oredriliferliilhislWiiii. • pr tidi [ lierbiliii,l6 ,, tartifylliiiit*64l . 6463ll - iiC':' ifitiiiiltd,WittiAblAibiWeliinveia ikcabWrikriliti elO'ftlilit heliPaltdbd , cl. pubillietiiite ol ithal liiitteduebAiid'Aill- v4o l l.piiividditiq ' 'ha- Wo' i 6 l 4lll 601i0eliTedeiii*Oift118488et1i*littlfa of rdia nge re iiiid triiinitlVl;itid - tliiitilirdliiii"iiri TavOrn as 'ndbolidileir.i tb r a 66iiiiii4dattilliii , .'011b 1 ." c iind enteridifi'dttaike a slid triviilloilj' "'" • Robert Adtiderasi,i.Till."olilldictldsiipltliil, Pattun, e t ediktCW.Hiltbif,'..'Airiteitien`koNobl4 Edward. tabiOdfc' gditkiiir t lVT: Biddlei"i9hd` Reed, Wiilrern . M. , Pi#1.607 Iv C:'StCVeneoei,' Hugh thitilitifilieltildt; Rliiiii'di,' . - :I'. • ' '" g - Wwd Application far Travert l Li . g i ense. crleWitll/0- giv e Intend , ' t‘ o 9°ur, quarter Seat alone of iirPtriont91 1 :'fr-ii , io keeputta4'l4bj.t6:iniieriitlit proseototooqi yOk the e Mareh,ll,';‘l : „ , We the utiii,ei,Sigited, eitriene of Ward i.f thd-borotigh 'earn:de; in tho' notiritY if t are • of Curnberlatid;`oo :tett y t -we are c 'qiainted_With 'the' nbikiiiiiirned Horny Rhondda that he is'ot'iliioa ibliute - for •perance, and leiell'pitiiilded With hoddertioin and conveniences for the accomodation of etrangera and 'tt.avellerti;' , .and 'thlit atiah 'lan or Tavern is liencoaary tb nbcothinodnte the.ptibild and entertain - affi - rifibTeriCridTfiialibiir' - " --- Robert. Wilson, John I).•''tGaYies,'• Jahn B.' Parker, Jacob S. Faust, Itobirt A.'Noblk, Ed. ward Shoiver, John , W. 4 l•lebdel, Srkiligrasa, W ni M. PtirteWerertirke:iliiyloii A-. 'Noble!, John Noble,..leseph ‘ViTattisiii • - ••• ' Application for Tavern License. OTICE Is 1. ply at the next terni'd the- Court of quaker Sessions of Citniberlatia ~ far a Ifauitie to' keep a tavern or public houiaini the honk I now occupy no such, in the East Warkla tile' tinrizugh . Nlareli I l', )846. We, the undersigned, citizens or the East Ward of lint borough of Carlisle, do wars that we are well acquaii4e(l with the shove named, David Mean; that` of: good repine forlionesty and temperance, and is well provided with houseroom and conveniences for the Indging sail neemunintlif. -firm of strangers and mai/ethers,- and that-inch-Inn or Tavern is necessaryto nectrintnodute the public and entertain strangers and travellers. John McGinnis,. Charles Barnitz, Wm. Bentz, A II Bentz ' Thompson It eighter,John Gray, .1 Ulm Sillerii, W Foulk, John-Peters; William Silken, a Wil Bain Clanceyi Charles Pleager,lolin Agnew, in ni Brown, Stewart-Moore, W..Betitz. ' pApplicaiion for Tavern License. Nu . ricE tiMeby givin that I intend to apply ut the next term of the Court of Quarter Seitsiona of CuMberland county foe n teetwe iu the. house now occupied by mo as the, East Ward of the borough ofCurlisle. WILLIAM 1110'UDY. - February - 0,1846. - ' , We, the undersigned citizens of the east Ward of the.bormigh-of Carlisle; lii ' the - Colinty ofConiberlabd,'do certify that we are well am anointed with tiefebove named W.iMein Muddy, that lie fs of,gri'ed repute 'for honesty antiem.• ',crane°, and is, well provided witli braMeroem, end' Conveniences 'for: tire aectemmOdtion tiof strangers end travellers, and that, such lemur Tavern is necessary to accommodate the public and entertain etratigers and travellers.- ••'• . - Jacob Zfig;.. ' • I JetobAlagghtnen, • Christiirtle holt' I Jelin aillen,'''• '.' ' EdwaiVA'ilijoe; '''r Williannilie, '' ' - ' - . Oeorid' Mereelk, , I T; Ui'qallivan, Patrick iTavitioon, ;William l'exender, - Si man Shaury,, -.-, -, ;,1 1 43chael: Oiceirrb, I , . John Underwood, i nillidun 4.11ey. Applipatiou for., axernlteelise., litreby g iven 41)00 intend-a. I plying to Ito nn A tt. etnitebf , Quitrtei. See , sion of Ctithbetland''Cp4ti, •fiVii'peensa to km) a tavtin of ptibriorlibluisn;Esit preseqt nectipv b44tlgft of ..% • " • • j'Wethe.dersigned aititenttof the-Westl;V,Erd ',Of 'the , borough., or:D[0186 in: , 1141 , eciontrof Cumberland; .dor CC rtify ,, thst , tWeAttrifyiell'ac-° quuinkd vrith)!liii!.rthovd.dhinisd'uPb that he is bftood 4 rePittei - 0 hditeat liarapesi, ;andlr cab 41 . :c!lit in it inr.gefirin , ht,PAerv.. 2 7l r a u oltirtlUPlo , l44 4 Tavern is,,lee.cflkrOit9,o l .AcOnlPlepi4 l ll4Plialiti , IV m. T,ll3rown, Andrewoi .Leolsie44 - lenry Lechler. W. W.. Lewis.. Joseph T. Wbrd, ItIO; Ses - Bulhialt7 ,- .ls - entr - Wolf, - 9(mrsd — Ldroarioni - John {iloare, David Grier, Christian Leloy, 'Jniepli Stuar t . Carlisle Morel, ._Application for TavertuLicense; , IIiTION is hertthy, f it v'ert,;, ifikil; 19100 !O . 41 Plip.ly 1 , 9 , th q rtext,,COti,rt:,.4 Quarter ea -Biifiii dr Pq, nr i bdri ' ll;d . 000t09 . ,r0ri.0 , 1i494 0 , 8 . tO, koop-a-tamorn_on:publio_luntarhinAhoalaneAL present:fleet, µled , by, pont:ad-A.l4rd, in., t hoovrn., ship, of South Micidlutao. enothsrlind onunty,.., •., , ~ ,'; P . , ‘i-, AJ.LEN M. CO9ii. ( „March' 11,11840," .. 01 ; oar, , ! ,,,r, , .•.,, i, ;• :•,,...--+.c! >,I Is. , tfi.ot•• ', lia, W i „e undersigned, Citizens of the 4 o wnell i p .iffSot h ,Middloton , in the conntyl of Oho her. 11441,0 iiiirtiVri•ortifY t,thbvivOir`ewatll , ll6' anointed 'WI th' l litilittWitia riVed lliii M 2 Phhiti Illii 'lib is 'fir:kalif ,i'q 01 ti 3" 0 \i:.'"OrViiiiifit; iiiirkiiiiii.: lig Piiiitte: 1 1 1 00, , ,Vf q w;11 /6f l 4PsVAttlifl° 6 o Iteiiiin and Foßvitple eys: or, tigt.opeoppoto atiiiii or et rangers anti traveller,, "end, 41yot,enett,1,11,n bri r, Tareirt Aodnectoahryi to,ateehtnotodate Ihrt. ipulillitinkenterfain , strangersi , andtraiellers.,,, Johii — W,6l4 - GlihrgeirDXfaillitiadilltathees Atoore, Eiiiiiii Ginetinelt, Wilfildd M1)100 ;1.06 M. lige. igdbitifii ,0 iftiViAillitiftWini-Kitiiiiii,', Jacob Zug, jr.; George ItatiiiTTltktithk I: l *bd, J: S. -• ll t h l i f n ranl r lt . 3 n ,Ntrl` . ? r i Appljeltioll form— aViiitifiactstiset:l:l: r teliiiirhiTiebreViiiir - thirt liiiitiad tlii T a,. ~app,lptnAhrtinexixopetioNaktirtut sei. Hons . of OtilfitilititaidVtintvtifor+ iv Ucleispiviol keep a titiihitnter lint Glie Iktise,'hiltliii Naafi - o'l ,p 9 y s ,,pso 9 preis itel4,tintaliehimiSn-ttitiriahiP( i,Bilturltnty of Cutitheifand:a Ittooh, I -,.., .itt. itte , „rmi „ , . 1 ,,t,1i XII 4.!/ 1 . 1 4 . 54: 3 !TRW°. , 1 vi itaren switiogothai 1,1 i 1 (.. . ucti H „.,,,,,,,,i ,„„:„,17),,,,,itzrtyi l ..,,?), I, , :r' i 44..3 I We. th .. , „ 1 4P0•90iPuiCe, , Ovnp .Ilf.k 41 1 $ 4>3w:4+.; oh ii , or ighippoil.inAho simos,pf.C/notKollPOr do oortiklt *lit WltarovwfdtiMP4 l ol)4olwAtli,Ahos A boy° niotitd.glKoth l ttegoiAlt3sl l 9•4!Rtgofoi 'repiitb' far yrkto7 1444.giAlliPtimq90 ,1 0, 1 k %to)! PrAxidod 1 w 440,30 1 ) , 9,1fiqns LaP4 SWeIIIPP.O O B, 41.10.0.airPlAtk!!**tx3ingesmicOry,aset. Atr.",4!Rckth4 l 4 l . (till ,o ll ekgil i SlNCTlJEAPfkliqog..Y; kb11°S91 1) 1 11 0• 14 , 4 ,- 3 1 1 . 0 ii0iN• 4 04•40,1•.R. 1 ,011,4Mit• geirtapd trpy,eit§tenti v tri -.• :11./1 '1).4. , qlL'itti y4o,hrs IjilorgaiNlS;l4ll)eff?Rin",. elution, bolts:ll4'43;A .:1 ..t1 Alrt -.NO Wooderly.4l -, 1 1 / 4 Alliluirt- e t i lk°ll' --- witgri 1 =- ' Attu a fhb ~,, t M aiw ri la) ...diarrAlata-rt t--- . .- 00. 14_4 isos,...,stnilris l ;,"" 9 l,7 i ,-.P`' , nt.tr; "Psi' IlliPpLiailm: , i ngnitta4l,4 1 q;.), . 141. Wilriititekl4-1. neo9llo eilak; , , e v'elimexth ee,4 tlicre having dolma 'Olt " ( ' on wirtitlicalitriiiitdOrtleigattie"hie id ! 4 biolli ti p,;•,,„.' . , '`3oll sTENV4.IIT.:(3I i kr 1 1 -:',..:!••,Atltninlefeitto!:;eklkieliew Stpwari'Oee'd.. ' -'- 'Hsieh 111,31146 1 ', , ' ~ 1 ,!. _ -.•;. ..,. ,• tc,- - ::: ; -•!' • ....' ' ••-•••'•1 •.. • - '." -- ' • ••, : •'•.' • - '•°, t':. ,:. , o=f2 WOW p4T,,Ett wEIpLY. .. 3 . , ; fl V, ' • icatfoit Nei; deo 111Myt...et the, titittttititilar tocbtirsayivap 17 iimpvf iG'liinthirlandlO)Onntf: , abeigaisitne:4owit 10' ' 01 04 1 ,0 62 . 0 1 6 V 0 ; 00,,,,q4e. , qq ; ,11.4 2E (J 1 114Sar. wit M" m. 4e.' yip! pnuei , t cu k‘ usl,4e - he otilimonyrn, 4,o)4l. 9l h74PrlbelDutar s or 4,o6,iito9aa4,,4 4 le ek tlry,thntoi r e,iit6-4011r 4 iiin Ig r oriL.ollo.. ha is of "geed repute 41* ))kiultriniith conveninnep,,,;PF (lie Gga~t 'loin'tlfo:o oi"itiiifi*efs °Odd iTre,o,ol l Arm iht such Inn e or Tavern is necessal.f to - nermo, ' '648 1 )14 public and entertnio. ate/14140k atilt `.lgiiiirtalui; or, Riegard'tirketi i 'Belitiintik o,or;:tCtiit florin rd;ilNOiiikh :1141.1glit;'Jitehti Onishalr, John Leiin, OsiOrke:golool.o(jpgn goht4l(sno Lemon;.: MOienfAVotzei,L,Stifiinet auhiJlo,.Simon SOIIZ, J C •Breclier, Junegian; 'Lehii. ••• • - 4e:4ALIL. - 11f. al a for ayern r;iceßspi ,OENTOTIbE horeby , ,giyou. that ielenA.to '441-,atipty et ;the. neat eckol o CthOP.Ouri ,Quarter ciunherland, co unty,, (hi licentie tiqteepe tariere'cir public Wise, in the ;hoase.owned by Philijr Weayer,iii:(oia:t,reviya; Cernberinnd county. • ' .' . rat, :xi: Alarch , ' `' We, the of, tlie,toieti,' ehipufilickiniettAth'edonsity do certify Alit we rife iTiAtiriqUifiiicryfliff Ithove named Philip repute , for hhikeettiind; In re ee.;e'rO s i net( provwqd wltli hbilne''rhom.'nuicreonienienere,for ,tlip.egmnitudailiiii_Ocatienkeri.endi.rey,efiere, and Om!, encli Inn or Ifev . einlenee'epiefy:, to ancuinmodite'tho publife rid 'elitertein,O.rengere andtravelleri.' " Philip Wetiv_er,tiental - ICniii4,lBlM'lClClitEn, Jacob liemminger, W))140), Green, lteuhen C Gond h rt„Tneub criis : a ' , MCC it I • 11‘, Christian Waliely, :Fosse , Application, for Tavern , OTICE is hereby Omni , that 'Ulrike!! ,o J I I L. apply at the near term. of dm ' , Wirt id' Quarter &Raking Cumberland eettritYrib - Ta license to keep u tovern'orpublle bonne, in tliF stand 1 at present occur, in . the • horoargli of New Cumberland, Cumber - IT - mil copnty. LEWIS YOUNG March 11,1846 We, the undersigned, citizens of the borough of New Corn herialTd,in — the comity of - Ciroi er land,•do certifx that wo .are well acitiailintad with the 'above named 'Lewis Young; - that he is of good repute for honesty and temperance; and is well provided with house room and 'con veniences for the accommodation of strangers and travellereQind that sucn Inn or 'thOreitt Ia nencinniry to.ncenreinociate (he public and enter: fain 'antigen' and travellers; H. IC.nnierur,.Rudolph ftturoq..B. IC (porch. Johif Stonu4 IfOpkituc Thoinno Corinion, Ii B Bodoon, John S. Cried, Henty Brenneman, • - • Application for TairertiLicense.. :1 VTO•rta; is Hereby gmnolott I intend to pp t plv to We neat tcritt - of the Court Sessions tit" . Cumbei•lauil couutbrfr_.cliouusoio_ keeP:it'tuverO'or public huuse, to the house I now °soupy us such, situate in , A)lnn Cum. bOtlaittl eouloy. 11),VILI 1111111.1Alitai. I%lllrd' It, 1840. , AVe, the undersigned, eitizeas 'ol'AlTicn town. ship; In the county of Cumberland, dereertify that; we are well acquainted wiih the above slanted David I.lrtiltaker; that he is of good repute foti libtlisly anti :isimperimee, and is well,:proVided ivltli'house roynt and cooyenienees for the lodging Uhil'a of .strangera..and travellers al& 'Kilt mud Inn cit. 71 4 111:111 is,necesaril, to-no 4 ootnnioilate the pad ie and criteria ku Ai:angers and. 'traVellere. , • „ Mae): Uriah, M..tiitster, W;l1,1a ,AfeClure, ,Muteer, Samuel 2tniiiterihan, J. Friese, ir.;.lticob Shoup, Sa nine' Black, fiefiry G. It Ferdinand koth, Lungsdortl, Fredertel; Stoner. \ • Application for Taierii.tic . eriai; 11lOOTICE is, hereby Oven,- that 1 intend. to : , :upply, al. the next term of,,tho,Court 01 Quarter Fession of Cumberland - County, for a license to hccp a Toyer:l.ol.-001U Mauve: in. '',the house now ,oecupiod'as stich by Joseph A. Ego lit'South Middleton " THOM ?SON' • ItIyF r AKLEI. unddrei gited i ,il.lsicin,Townstud CurdBdpageinittly,`acei:: ttf t tligt we a' well acquain,tedlith.tl3sinewst Ineste`d't Thom I. on 8.,-.Wetlniji, that ho Is of g• • • ;rept' a or finicky ,a • ern. 7 cooan •1, brwillprovidud, with :hatteithtuotte and 'mum- nienctii fur the lodging and accommodation of Wingers and traveller's, and thavaticlk tiveru is necessary -tut acdoMmodeta• the' an, eu cr a n ra era an , rave crap , • IVnii. - 111 °ore, TinniaitTnet od,M whew Mjilre,'' .tohn 0.. Anderson, Join C. Culver.:llleoh ler, Jetts° Myers, AdarmFellitr,,ll.S. Ittl4cymen;, Thomas Erkttle,Y,;,.o,./). c.44iiiiin.4,,4.1?911111111111 Ruyeri Jacob' •;, , ~ Maln- 4, 1846. aVVrn. kOnsp. „, ...' Aii p I io, at 164 . fP'r -IN v „IkTpTICE ichetehr gitietr liar i ih fetid 'n:P. ~.1. 1 1,,, plying to tho nexi,Chi t tt li f ir giiiirle,i. Sort ` . don bi Cithilx.ijaiiii `:k.l94iir . ,:fif',.'i, ',lt,ioingie'JO, 'knee taeorfi' bt , 1,,b? .. ii.9,0,..t,b,,,1,1iii',5f0'nd tAt Vieaent'°eßl:a.' B .,.'lliEti)ii,W.gc,44.lPrintlf,hining I). telVtinsitib.; . ' -:, ; . i , ~ ~ ;,, - 0 , i .,.- ;, „ ‘'. ' ' T ' ''! ( 11(.0.1c, iiEliZEll3oVilietnt.' ir,--;.1,-,.,i ~,, . . ..1. l'' ',WOW.; untlerslgtiathcitishns of therto,tvpiltip 'cif 'o,ea'.i.pennaborougirfiln tho i betinti'of 01111.• ;4E11164 rlok.ertifyithigt , virifrgiOillimiitiltileii with gbp ;those , Intititedl.7liehli"'lleltiliorniii Ont . !hrtgicog t good-, reppte`lit.T.tdiiiil i ftr!itj4 temper. ;anceiland ie 4,4lllat.nviOlt.tecti T!tort,t*lttof rid 'isoneenier ! olosfor,cp . orpo iggpinloi* itron• *gars and graved - or P, U nifiltat„.. o o,,lpp..maiCT. ' ,' bui h C.,'l nppoilitlry 'As /icoom m odate tho.polgiic rtiiii;l,' ntirtain strangers and,lnivellgingi. i - .A.. riil'irii'i. coplir.4. fipm!,liggitt,AcohAar. prig„tingiriti. , Nti _, )14,, hoics,R,,Eiht*;7lo,o MittolfAirimel ra Stn, Johnt i nanbai,Ar Ottir; Shannon; Josh' h !loud ; Joaoph 811111t4GeOrkee' kcaffeyilliant-Ferg m anti 1.14 r frtt.kA 7 T3 11-Ptipe March 4,-Ib4 6,viri . ir , 0t „ . , C. , ..i.i1p , fy ri Ithlicektiou Ipr faverowLitertfiei 0 4, "lITCYticE is , heriliy giro ,to,43).iiicniC4, I.l3l;plytag r te the 'next- Cauitt u er9caerourtilera. , nun 'elf Cumberlatel • coutilyi r iiita4 L40(101016 keep -tar's! n or, , pnblit;honstAtr presisnvoehlt, ,plimi,lty,,J. Watson- hßig.spring ilotet,,N_Otkiir ,townikikjp - r --- ••••• , ' -:-.1 - • .... rT7-, rov li . r . V " ,Mq rtm OLIVER f . , -, OLII7, ER 7 '.'irlrt(iil, ~ A f t 1,, , • -.- . , :! ; , :! , , , o_ , . r ”, ~,,,, t i , 1 ,,,, lib tindersignail citiyens , oVitib%,toinil,' ',031p,P i newion'in th . op ,no mix, r pr . o4lirotil l nii;, li tPllitit 0 that wa q,e t 'aql l ,M.SiiilVai.. l -iahligP . 4!!?° 0 1, 0 l1uned 131 hiAt;,t;:ritliPr.. iSi;Xa,ie ni 4,o4 l f,t , pait , fgrthonosty'an 'temperance, iiizi A . FlA,prgiioool „tiithJinusa,rocn t . uguitionigenipip. -Va.' la-c-therlitifttlqa,r-9,4,lrlOtitt;ioSt s trairitilopi a 14 mac i 1 . ,; np . or ' vprit t is pe., 1 9144'1:t0 aceiiiihiVille ORO. AOl le , 9Ailt. ,telti,Mriingerion.d_timttliiiga , ~ P , j• A • " 0 1_ el -; ittirVit Ntratinn;Jobrt WeitiNfralilliiiir IVar, tjatillirrekeli.littheVagetterill:' en f htr'llttver, Petal' Tobias, ?Milli k 7 tiVi; Jib". i ll ski 'iy (Moo, MOM tiiiirgi)Pq3o 01 6 1 infi sic u I.@throtik. %, , : te 'i • .. afhlt o istikVilwird9x;to ;,-Itt;htt , j ,, fig! , - 4; , it 4 , 44, : : - ~ ....I,fir,cot r altilf,fasto-) v.iiiln. 4....A" , ,,1 i eyviet• tit, t. t.. pwo o;tge ~tltlllamt,r7., 4 AatateitPiaiga644AW,weile.aired , xlf ii ,iF.o* 1 14 , 0% ii i ii=r, • t i ni ii . :ii vilyivp i t'ss - - Astrqt 911 - 01ilth ..KSWO' F' IT 7 4O/Wa i lo,Tkri Idle. %cat,, vo ti4lll o oooAWlAlP6llloel#ll4i- USllgli . grivited foiIItiOADMIA m idi. AO: i WI/ 610 Any o iMp gOltpersionit.r.o* lot I hem ieltd,io . 4ohtiitiftlhllltokl i fisttoo, 1' 10 0" 110411 mo IA 41 , PPOne !k an -1 PPR A' .9 ,4 'Mt trir. regoestel m pritent them for ttloreent.',' , .. , - •-• feblt—tiw • SAMVE4 DILL ER). Asite'r: '. -- ... . .... .„ . i _ INEMPZI ' "'• - . - I'''Ai'' 'L.!' ' '. ' .....- ..,-.--..:..r....,..::-..!:: -1,11 . 0pE444 . 6 _ , , 11- '''':'' ' '' l ! '... ,;',C1;14 1 4:.. 4 - 44.4 ..„. 2'; , -.4:5 1 14 At 'a 3 N Pii da t ion tOr . Ve - fttLie --- 11 '' St) --...- ' '' ,t* . !Wilifir e qE la - heroli 'two° ihot I Intend to 1 . 14 . V,..., ) 8 ply ft 4 11 .,!iliiXtPlifijrlof,"4.0e r Co'likdp 545netta - lisibin olituipberlondlbCoinaly , ,lbilt , • LiigissitA6 , kettpli totiothi Dos publici:bilose: itrithg . Irilinotildige.n6Witketktileila t t'leerfrAßconink e ri iiiiWotttileribiliViii , 34M(PeoibihOuglilitAiiii`. • ihilfo' l " ,, -, :i. - sAge,:piattzrinactiniii*'e 4 '.' 1 rle".."l'll,' t , 0vi ,, . - A , J O IiaigSOURBECKi.;- . 4 II '.l"'_. 4 ''''' -• - , 3 ' l . 1 ti.04 ol beiirc73lell'ele lit!'s-r.FooliM i u , l " i r li';',.o • ttoldersigneti , '4ol*.ene,of:Easiens r o I '' Y ' l6ll * ""#,e4; l tTl'gtt c :P-V"1 ?.. 1 , ;et .m, , ,, !,IT4O , . , 1 Owl proorbeek that he I. of- Rood A feint ' te Tor: oPrtft,rottnd-temperonee t , :end is . Well-preivided --n , iiltioollsrr_on_utent,„,.cwr:„ ft. 1 14E44.9 , ~- - ak-r tdmanuidation 04 . 0. iz,ia, rij, - t rAti t i, ' ttbittemiliAnn_ - ' '43 lisr." ' - Co_, ' overrule the pu rartifkirilrtait(Ptiropgsrsorid'. 4 f iv e ti er p,: -,,, ur,:ru5, , - , -:;.,.„., vi,.;,?., , ,,,. ,!;;;,,,,--',.*:: , 3 Ong WhrinitfilielliPiCillhilirkc,TaanglioW.4 ''Oro.„%Davill 04t eiiir"rotins Moltoi)letosii•Free. H e ad; Tlionfou 'stipteirr., Danis! 410i - oli 'Oysfer..loorob t ßeffititer;'..lsOUVlCitliii::, ;.... ' rqt;drlislo'NToirehrkiAl34 :.? -., 4 : :e . • ..! ' - ' 44 --- „'l.. • ' *,,: - 7,, i ' •,.,.,.,,,.:-. ~,-_, ~-ut, , ,,, , . 11 '""iylipli4tIpnAiltirvetiiiiiicei10. -', '•pliOrrlCitli , lfoOkot ickcnithet . l . .ltilco;-Sci - lipply ,:it -4hei.itext7.iiiittr7iir.aieciiiiii . - 4, lirter.,, 80 4.0ni, / iit ( 1 01010r.1 1 64;t 4 0,0: 1 41; , 10 - 41 Aieetica , lo , giee.2.,,,iiotwti,Akitilo3l6oo4,l the bruise now rieltpiidlitinelflinieh:lii"Natri Cumberland, Comherlund.eounty.; , ' . . .. ,• ~...! WlPX4,l:4o,i'f'• !leg ii. O. Fehruery,a,iB46...."' iii:l'o .; , , ' ' ~, , • .s 'i.,_. ' • , .•,,..---' , t ::,,- • ,-*; i,) i !,' . , ' Woytlie undersigned eitizons;of4the borough. of lievil,Cuinlie clandAn Illii.county•of Cumber. luvd,,do.eurlify that we ore well acqualified 'Avtilo the, to bore named IV - Wien) P. Kogltea. that ,bein,ofgriood tji:nOtot,:, .ioo4l.tinif.lemipe ra fie e,- end is vill provid - idwitli_houso'rriord, , h . nd eenn , venlcnces for, this !moonlit:l,M ottioo o'. d.,trorapitcrie,, .ling tru vellers'.'n to d 'ti Vet 'NO Ohl hit .'(i. Tn ve rn - , - , ix net:tannery - to nuernirrivolete_rlie' politic en - -; lettliiii - stiangt;ei %Ad tioliiellers. '.':! • .Le. • g-,:;', Henry BrennemnK" VP:- 11. Dodgem. /Y. , -,..". Milk rreS. Pronoell, 1 Juliano' K: tiettf"' 7 ' Lew IP Willefi; . • ' .J.llll Rite, - . - - -4101 M. G.:Keit 'olftli,-__. 'illeotri . Illekenblir '::, Thomas Coleman,. John :Stoner,.s.'" illi;.Kum.nier, ~ ; A. El ! 'ividNeal, , . .., . Samuel Kuhn, Joseph robie, 11. C. lioUtoios, ' John C. Peaaler;' .. John. S. Crier, ~' Jolla fit • .- . Proclamatioh. HEREASthelltitioraleSanincl burri', President Judge•orthe several Courts of Common Plea,, of !fie' counties of Cumberland, Perry and Juniata, in Peniiqiin: Ms, and justice of the several Courts of Oyer. and Moaner •and. General Fail delivery, In raid counties, LIM lion: John Stuitrt and Thos. C. Miller, judges of Ilse Court of Oyer and Ter. ininer,and-General_Jail_Delivery, for thik trial of all. caplial and 'other offenders, in the said .cennty of CumbiltimitibY their areceids to mo directed; !nod ordired.l the Court ~)f Oyer zinc 'l'arnuna ir Jail Delivcry.tu ha holden at Carlisle the SEttiNb MON DAV' of April,tB46 (being the" 19th d ay,) at _lO n' -clock in ilae,Corenoon, to continue two weekat Therefore, • -• NOTICE IS IfEftEBY GIVEN, .to the Coroner, Justice, of the peace- and Con. eitablee'of the said county of Cumberland,that they ere by t he said - precept commanded to be thett-and-t-here their rolls, records, Viquisitions, examinations Mud lill other remembrances, tad° those things whierto their offices appertain td•be•done, and ell ilfmte. that are bound by recognisance,. to prO,ecote Against the pritioners Ow - we - or:then Jed' of said "c4onty, aro to bb there to prosecute them as shall be " ADAM LONGSDORP, Sheriff. _ SCiff's'Oflice * carli'slcd - , - Feb. • Feb: f23.,;1 . 8 46. .(' - 7 A T an adjourned Orphans' Court t holden at .Carl is 1, 0 3 n the gad of ,/ February, 1846, he t ore the iron. feat*: so c ho associates, upon the petition Or',Litocit ,yptjtsixiiitr, or Ittileetk , A tunsti , ong;•latc, or, ttie - tiornttgh• or Carlisle, deceased, showing that the petitioner has settled an see tor theokate'or his 'Montle - so tar its the alone has connt"to kilos ledge, as appears by said'stocount pigged and coafirojed Lx the Conrt, tutu the'' tith 'or , ,Tanuary, I tr4l.nnit has paid mre:thisrittulice ht "his hatids, to %ha to to whom the - same w s pgyalilo, soul pray ing roe a rule Ida the o appear, and show (wise, irony; w iv-. he dliatil',tiot be discharged as , Achninitarator nroresaid„ A Imo n tract of Land situate in North Mulch's.; :tpirtiwnshipecucnitcrland'etiiinty`hildfidedliy° land%of Jacob Comman, on ths North Os. West, Hr,uOrgo Brioche on tint ,East and „ Hay.l“,:tpn. ; mtpi.un the SuuailfCccittatnirieft ndteemerd or less, having, therconskreeted, a one & half - siciry Log' H ouse, Log SlabV, .Bark.houso alitt•pthhr' bucldings &c: Betzed — andrtaltderitiTllealiquiT as thefuiperty of John BeiirV, • . „/ Alsn'a !der Ig n itnti,,,'.linip;dll'.'tiyi the Ph , 9!??.. 49X09, Ctgtueo tyce, Oii,uPey okthe,Bouilyand . Moen pr4hp„W eca est—ntaininoAo iiit-tpithitiid-169 - ftletin7dapttr, — itittrirw t .313341) . . THIS ,.,:;A :,,. „ crectad,a,two story House and ftairnecfStable Now to wittteaell tifitesibiAtiiis - ,lo44lol(ttliels grallted,!ll9,tiete tp. be iser,ccel,oit.l. C. Puy ~gttael diem of the otipor children Ur k e el'atirOe‘itiiser,ouit elec`e.4iire‘!tq 1111 1.) ; 14490 . 09 19 N . c) ,, ,Raptl.bijl) Aleg,Cutirt. l; Coniberlatiel.cßupty..ss. ir.;• .• • ,;: • . , hereby rerttfyAleat the foregoing is a -trop eo its . lalithi!iroca thlf reeort4 of the Pill ,V O . l ll. W • (144 nen ow loul;atill 14e sual.of thu said ,Court at Carlisle, 0114ehrettrY.4844et • • oactity v o r ilr. Clerk, , •:.0. ••, .I.,,J•l4 l •P‘xelirr.zi uceukr 4 P t . 1 0 1, -- 4 - 0 -01/ 0 0 " kat CST ,reetitted:itt' K'NEEpLER'SH %Jr Cliclip 'oB6lc l oild Periodic irStore . . iirhia4.moo , . , f • - aFiAlti • . .iiiits,'2s cents (mob. - , , .',entire Stories, by Judge Hni!button, Mos= trilled, 50,sebts.. ~ '• • ' „ . 1 • • . .A heed. Gll,leusiern; the Robber Captain's . Apridoe,2s, • • • ' ' ntre Melboolp.;,or the - Return to Virtue,igi: ,•frilq. : ll.ntt of the Vestals, a Tale Of Wore Ildpemester,terilattedy; by Edilided • . •Tlits:Giock of Gold, .do • 314.• The-Hon ey nntbril tiliiblryned Mum tfilenQnt,' by Ed warjr Berao, l4 Wiill,reogravings ivetiiV ti rents. f 'Eke nit:icon Flora, singlu numbers 25 cis. • ; 1 N,Vi4 1 ,4 111 1), a novel,:by:the Author of the Rob. I3hine,2s.centa. , •,!.• t;, 6 47 ll lant'e Magazine lb! March,23•eerits 'do ° • • , 4.dd4 44; 9,s'benia , 1 NatiptioV."' •••• 1 ' do ' IFlt . ni•nte , , xit.tiliftley . 's Lady's Book, cpy l'hien u9rdpineti, by, Alei#ll4fir.Pumq4o,Q:, rite °hit I 'l],,;) , .. : - . ..F0t0 of,Sa ra Il i Al:ti 11414, deceksild ik il i vrEttm VirgAdihinistfelliiiiiin the 'esi ate' ' iirlitilirSa - rah -4 1411enrlifittrit' - Diciiihtep' . itOsy,pahli), Cuo'iberlany,Foinq, i deteaszil, (nir t e 4, heymturittilao6 tho!sidiser,iiidr,ehose rundown ja > lreithe tonlifithip adirctiumicathr,saajd : . A Ij, 4;4k? Whin:Vl) RathentsilTel: 4.iclehlQ4 eV. 4110:ansl lite t'f'll'id.lPFP'3 l 9l4-11P1r.nqUitadAnivinksiltay.ii 4 inient‘lidniedintidy; and those: hefing;Olaiina , :or. 'ilinidiiill : wi II . ptean n t tha to *duly a 111 hen lien tod . 'ltirlttittnont. ':301,114, G. ‘vILL:1;AMB::- ,s pihrstair 2.5, 1646 - 1.146 t; ~,.. i ..*; , ve...-r. .. . „,,,..4. Tr ,,,, ,tgIiCHANT7MILI - IMVIE T - ---- i tmg,)n g e sindoatolll4tTorle ! , • , - " ; ', , cam: '' ,lf, , . ' eriqg Atljtt_to(Yechidrie , ;; .I,,. [tE . 'titirliall4frotitl44nsills-offei 'd O f •:. `. : .0. 4iiiite(Pdaiinision - givon on tilt'', at.. ..,::.-........-; , !dgp,,VkaApri!,. 1846.. For I ' fille ~t tly 91.1 t ~" d; 'Enid. 41ined at' the said Iron` WOW/. , ~" ":" " ' '''' .i . ,w1 8 411 , i . .rilertep. 4 imill4 , qi ,,, • •. TIT/ V' .t , ' ~.. . .. ,: i I OWOOD. CHOPPERS' '{ l A ' It ',litho Carlisle Iron Vrilill.3'.lt . t t * N.11..1... - , --frebrt,n0 ) 13 1 ;111 , 40: 1 44z . , - . ..,',..61i,7,3 , ..: :T.14 'V '4 - ; -- ttl. f4'4. 1 , amivoil . o - :',,c,- - 2,..., -- 1 ... .. ha sittiagrihisfintsirdallynxing thaftato ferr. '. lh, e,fiLilV-1!"-Ctr-it.41.10.11hia14.0. 4 (.. 01- 11° 1 0 11 11 1 11 9 1 1 U? 1 .1i!A1ith° 3 6•1 4 84,1 1 9 , lkiti., Voillllll, is e -payment. wit tel.kle ty b ee A l elf 1 - htleint tistaims„,enujult,-,VCWiI .reeitt pro pr. ;the,* He will thetre • b al ender the et:equity, ot 'sloelot hie. olicei of husinees•en or abOutabe• ?lltitid.erth - TIVA.ti • ' .- r *mtiel4 l -01 , 1 4‘. or. 16 fonidnitit to pram t ;nu, 714:n: , ,w am i NIRO , 11 1'.4111 , 1"11,* . 1 1)?"9 4 04,4tilrestedi p7ifoe. IsttodetknOtift 'Wa i t; iiltl'le.,.l,iiiihntit .lidiihp,t; Ll'iin u bkl° ' ' ll ' ' f' ,4 L li I d irsPVikqii iVittlhdePretd44 ih:lits. , '" '"; . 4-r` itl ,i'lSt r .. -4 rot(' , 7 — `' - I TT ; , J . ,ri'stono .11agt,o,u ,hlo_,llvtlifsi4 , k tow Al' tr RAfiligalph?;lßlP!' ef t , e t .i. .in mom - • Ji.onxi' Inor 0. FotetottrY 18 084 , , { . ~d 't - filiatarttogiurui . I• • FOR 134,7 4 ,111 . 7' 1 6 , —. - cepei ? ± The .thorotiettiiiet • A ir, e4i 4 ZO; 11 144100S . P e tliA_ I 4, s q l t Pir9F.9( I I O 4SIIPT l UM I OST itte;), 17 ,f: 'ET)9I ton a!RV°P4•lFtll';' ... in Jo of pi? ' l 4 2 #7 ,l lfigriP °T 1 .14 1 14htifff4 5 7 . 4 911 i. 1 2,"1.13P t P119P1it.0 1 54 • NriPiln, r axto3o,llst i4novn,kl,.,Tiltip,g..o.fv,,. c 7 rOrligw. toith,li4.llbtrqrra mit r t 1.4?!... ,ibrrr, 4r • - . 13-171-' -2114-41444°-11*MM'I—ifrair :1111Vi ' E eu'iliii,jtje:ipt`ijinse,li!it)b . efig e 4 rryranfl leßtr A r,',FP., _ `thereMee' lakes - th in • iiidt Itb4l.nf Amore and'ttiqi4bW lettehilf, rir i the libqsl',oostsM ' ' if'A bile in the 4 , 41(0:it his, • Oro the year' elms to leeivit them ogyiu at formerly.. ,-.• • • .:;•2 , 3ti teninneh when iecineot rinr frladrin thnt ::,,P?jfil:,as'pupciu!il efoaini• iap,ateounteao wobeen in aniviugthcw: kttM, YET iVO,R s #gtiO. : 4010011 ,Int of choice Rid Coffge, y wink Guepolqder AM.-Black Chom,- Into, piperni, mould & common dandles', Starch, Eoottir Sults, Verson Mills Table Oil. Al urkot* IhMkga,Sugar flow lx, Tobacco, Shoo-him:hid is• ohm •„ A lot of Qooensf*ge St at, one:411: 4re, a 'poi - 1 g p o , te, _Liverpinil,lthintt4nAd_Aninniutt . 4tipp,Litentdd ,Stone Jars ~A 11..0f widen we intend tiellintr.,low-T—kiine Ciiott—onr objeFt:tuntl, . J. W, L Ettit... Attirdc4, DESIRABLE PROPERTY FOR SALE. FIE substitaber offers at privite• silk, that ~ ..lint • handsoinely keeled PAR NI, containing 13 ACRES Mid 38 perch . es; of cellent Limestone Latidsitisate-Attiln.the its-of: he borough of tarlisle, about a quarter nf a mile south of the Cumberland. Vplley Rail Road, and gift fll view of ihu •Li. S. • .• The hoprovements are a R - Onil -11 - - story—plastered= SPCHC--E Tray ; HOUSE; with a Burn nod other out buildin t Ibex.tl wi 1 Cider Press, and nn imprrveil mill for grinding good metal horse power a :inched to ft. Alma thriving young APPLE ORCH. ARD, containing the choicest grafted varieties, together with a variety of other frail trees.- - This property is very 'beedsonvoly. situated and prevents rare inducements to any nue who desires. to retire to the botatry, being in close :proxisnity to the borough of Carlisle, where every facility fur educating is offered.by Dick. inson College and other mule and female Schools of the hest character.-- Parsons .desisidig to purchase, will.please. call un•the subscriber, on the premises,or addrisa him by letter at Carlisle. He also p&p fig 610 . 13 83 acres of Mountain : Land, 417 on the South side of the North Aloun • about - 5) miles froPitarliac. • • . - "RAYED •SHROM.• • A : larch s I 8.4 O. . SHERIgf`SALES, 10111 Y virtue of - Sundry write of vendition ex -1.311 pones and Levan Facies to me directed, I. Will expose to public' Sale, et the public lumile of George Reetein Esq., in the borough ofCnr lisle on FRIDAY,'the 27th day of March, 11:346.; atilt o'clock A.'.1%1; fallowitrg kcal Emote viz: - :-• • ' ' AAractof land situate in Monroe township, .Cumberland county, hounded by lands of Col. Janice Winittrosen, monnwriwir;:Devif- Sterret ald„otfiers,contajoing one hundred at& .sixty one awe gild tiR parches, having thefetiketectedniwn.Story.lliauSe and kitchen, Lox end flame Dern,Corii crib; VVnt on shed, Cider rose ,•Well of water, and an sp.. pie orchard, ab?ht 140 scres of cleared the residua in thrivitir tiniber.attb, seized' end taken in execution as the property of Johnston Martin. , " c. Roied and token in esti:onion no 'airs propiirty of Dityid pupp, - 5.• f:., .? Miya two siniy yig' House end,l3o,lin oven,. • 0 1 n one re triore; - ! r lees beton4in4 , to Henry Heketi'mod. sithefed Township, - Atilinining• landeotT.,C. blijler Esq., 4fi the Voith, John HiieisO,n.tlfe. Honth,"the Steite.-Hinid leed ing' 'trent . NewvjJle to tiilyebitt',"titi he Est 'and ;014. 'actieetini quit belonging in' like ti) the said Wraildiiiiii„; 41.11 , purpose of. seid Sfiiitut Oki taken in execution es 'the property • of Henry. Otc!)F. ip:t nall to be sold by' me. '. • • '• • Atoiksi 'Lpridsriolir r sii t 4itc, stiera.orne. norch zEr 1844 ' : . ~ PUBLIC ::SALE, , . ..,,, pp rvirtlie of the (ide allies COUrt of Cnrn: '..p e ., i tnen Pleatithf ftemberlati& Consity;r'taili 'expose :o public Sole, ht the publio heirae of .Genrge Bei:dem:Esti ~ t it thit` l'oraittilf Of Carlini° on - Friday ,tho 27th , day r'eftht hreirr . A.'D: 184C' 'n.i:i 0 o'clock A. M., a certain toittletliivthir Imr.air ough :of .Carliale •fl'iftlititrili slhe-trOeliiii' ',.filitlt-fannyhounceti-kr-tbesordelatte;-.andrby hintdslahli of the heirs.,of Dr: Samuel A. It ;.,, 4 ,'..Crialky deeenoed, J firykktamiltpo Es‘,. .4 ;what woo original' I it ,, 113 e , lot, containing I t h'r e tuireattandwitrirty:o4 t , - „ . . perches. , 11,.., ,, ~ LI 'nlyzilft3 Ali ro , n;:f ..:Vlt AD , ri4aqiaßogroopolign-tt ' i7sliairmi - nint - e;#oittrae - ,,mamiloi4e.ik7 - 7'..' . ~:-.lt.f_q. I •I.*:t . Wivo•NeßAO . : k,',VaiP'W.4,44;....,,,,:ri Z i t O WNWO RWL4 ' EcconettNini iiihit'si,GE udaht ,y,.itivi.f. Osq,Carlisle :hob AVoritiWceloeoNal Mithday-0141ttilityObtiltiryi48449). tiuoinuse 41,00,studWorkoalivilt liorpolurbit tdoftlihsleil4), q 4", rT‘ „.. , trmitteriArining Homo WO fitWe Mnairdt• .•• IL rri pno 16 , 1iiiiIIIWO ). 11 4 1 4' „ 1 , 111 tet I , • -.161)- ----- I 4,6; 1 . I ,ll l: erti l kFtktl tl 'A lq kV 9 7s# 44P- A ld=4itli' Pr. - PlibF" 4 17601, g 114tia0 !or,!l,,Nupirranloy,, , 4 1 4,7 ,41419.Ard,p5, trona: for. filtidootx t 9 190 , : Tm 4 two oilifinnifolllog 1 - 11otr000 , 0/ 0 7, cll. street' nthe trio CalleioVitilOidtked for 'emelt' ism ' • IV Mr I',-74,4444 CROPPERi , WA AEtiq' EGE c ‘lito*lliit itfiliVott not tpibigt ,Boo6 loDl3 ll qtAtiometv), ii thewlwi Ottilitate,, mot dtr100 1 393 Alif4 IA Arbil 3 , • . ' 4'11014 To is wittvor w / vi ta 1p l'Autellor tha r , / . 501i4.41 291 BaxentOtt . . • Aovertipcirteitto:. , ..• tII nrecedlng ligitreis'glven to repre'sent the T irt•Esstitir •LltasrlitTrioe. II It the. gruel EVA tiOAT4lp.f,tor, the itUtottrittes of the hotly, It will noticed that ti thick cloudy inigt frinn allpoilds the'SUrliice,,which indicates that .the p e i t yle t aini t Lowlifyonititerritptedly when co are iti health. hut ceases when we are sick. I.ifr I cannot In. austidtiril 'without'. it It is throe 1 , nif• from the Ida - 41 and other of the lonic, and disptrais Ity ti1i5,511•11113 Id - nearly : ties , 3 iibiu tin. the hi,ir , tilige dl Firithitrii Is. "in istTn!lite." If it ever, heroines int., direcilv to the stoppage of the INSN.N.SIIII.I.; PF.ltli It \'PION Thus all that. is areal:try .when the..blood • stirglikeinTrinferted;irrto open the poresond it rrhesea itself front ail *:itnpliritY.luslattily. Its is. Isola and vitality,iikt sufßcii o, witlinut 'n t ,e particle 6f. medicine, except 10 (spell the al Use gtll.4lte.. .Thus\r.e..sce the " so' ottioli• hiteetod remedies: 'All priteticioners, howevOr, 'direct their efforts to,rest tire the insiqi s(ide pet spitation. - 1•14 , ThoilipsiAiiim; STEAMS; 1.111.!_11.,Nle0111111111q. SbeollllS 11/1 hi vrrt blankets; .the ..11noicepathist stools out infini '4o,:ssittitilsi the Xlintinthist2 bleeds, and -doses us 'aid' die blusterittiNtlnek gorges Its SVithl PlllB, Pills . ,. To'give snineltles of the : amount of the !risen vible l'ersplratfoti,Ve will state that the learned lie. Lout:010cl: its,ertnineti that live-eights of all we receive 55.11)111e strittiach passed Way dill, other words, if we etit . tilid drink eight pounds per day, wo.evacutite five hounds ot ,it by the Insensible Perspirtiiion. ' thitrthe - tutiFtl - up of 'the blood, unit other juides gining placelO the new aini fresh ones. To check this, therefore, is . . t•• retain in the system live-eight& °fall the viru lent nititter that nature demands ohould leave the betty. , .. . ~ By R sudden transition front hest to cold, the pores ore stopped, tho perspiration ceases, and disease begins at note to tievelope itself. _Hence, 21 stoppage of this flow orthe jukes originates so - many . complaint a. . . it is by stopping•the pores that overwhelm mankind with coughs, colds mid Consumptions.— Nine-tenths of the world die from diseases Induew ed by a stoppage of the Insensible Perspiration. ~ Lut me ask, now, every candid' mind, .what • c'OUl'lli seems the most reasonalbe to pursue to unstop the pores nfler they are closed ?Would you give 'physic; tO•tinstop the . 11tMeq Or - wortl , l yen apply something tied wortld do this upon the .iiiir lime, where the cl?gging actually is? Andlet I know of no physician who inas.es any external application to effect it. Under these circumsten oes, 1 present to phy,.t.ii.m.d.toul) othed.Ac.,,,,, ~._ Alister's ALL•IIFALING OINTIMENT, or the WORLD'S SALVE; .It has power to restore pdrspiratlon.on the feet, on the head, around old ' sores, upon the chest, in short, upon any part oh the hoilyovhetlier diseased eltglitly or severely's ' -It power to otiose oirot - tire. - t. igrAbrelq - tir.row ----- liilotis humors, skin diseases. poisonotis wounds, to' discharge' their putrid matters, and then heals them. It is a remedy that sweeps off the isliFilre. ------ e a tidogne of cutaneous disorders t and restores the entire cuticle to its healthy functions. It is a re.- trimly that forbids the necessity of PO HOMY sad deleterions dimes taken into the itonineh. 'lt is a remedy that neither sickens,p,ives ineonveniente, .or is uatigerensjo the intestines. ...It preserves nail. defends the surface from all deAng;'•men of its Morticing. The surface is the outlet of liv -eight a attic bile and used up matter. v l 'within.t is pierced with minim of op ' gs ' .4o relieve' the ' forest's:ea. Stop up-these pores and-AM:ATI" knocks at your door. It ii rightly termed Ali-Healing, for there is scarcely a ills-. ease, external or internal, that it will not benefit, 1 two used it forthe.tast fourteen sears for all ;diseases of the chest, consumption, fiver, involv ing the utnnst clani.,?er find responsibility, slid I ~.. tleclaro'before Ileaven'arid man, that not in one sioglislisse has it,faileil to benefit. when the ir s. .. ' lent As withiti the reach of mortal means. I have but physicians, learned in the profession, l-have trul Ministers of the Gospet t .ludges'of the .' beach, Aldermen soil Limy ers;gentlemen of the highest 'ereilition . ,,aitil multitudes of the poor, use - it tit tlerylrf of sypyiltritf,therojias been but' .tutestiice 1 - tinited,c ,universal voice—saying .•.111.eilliitet% :Mir Ointment is GOOD:" 4 I ' , 'CONSUMPTION. • •' Sar,dly boi•eredited that a. salve oan have anireif m eet.upon the las, seated ns t.hei• are wi t h. sysfeni.z . ..-13iif --plated • epoh the chest, it n teMeirmes directly In the lungs, separates the particles that are oonsumin • them, and egf,e, !I 1 from the sys em. •'_._2ll'ete_d_iadt_say_tiutt_it_ia.coring_persons 2l Con— stomitien. eenonually, Hllllo'lo we are told it in ftedishiless. I &re' not What in said, so long as eati elms severaldlieusaiel perstma,year/y.: • _ . ..... • The Salve hes cured • peranna of. the Headache •ol" twelve yetirs' , •standing, and who had it rap week." that votiptiag often took • •placc.. , Heatless entt , :Es' triiithe are helped . with • like auoceu.!_ ' , it. - j c9IAFEET. !Ocinstaioptioa, •.Liver Complaint: paint in the Chliarro'r, sole k .falling- off of dhe• hair, one or. the eektreet , is 6 . 6 ere aiPul'ot disease hi the system to have eold 'feet. ' • •i lie Saire•will.eurwevery.ease.:', • • Crysipylits, ;11hcutt, Liver , P.yes, .Qiiintw, Sore Throat, Hrolichilesi. Broken •Sore , lireaat,^ Piles, -all. -Cheat Diseases,,suelk, Asthma, iiiipressioo, pubis, also sore ' iliapPrir hands, nofa, • clitaneout eruptions, nervous oliSeaSeS, and of the • spiue therenow; !mown pogniiil. NS.—ltkiiidtie belt in the sworld for 'Horns.. erciiind .• the pcs,) . •. • .Ifyin rents knew how. falai 'moat tnedieince Wire I l do' 'children dakeP would'he • Sitivs l'efili4l4,ira thee,, Especially"mercurial; 004 :ailed loienges;',..*crreitugite,!' ,1 ----- nubile, ;when hat ane;.. ? l; 1 •to parenta,tiliteilile iilwayi tell ire - . Id lias s *ill r iViveevat.reatiii away ; ~ illead•_tbe„,,alirections .arciund; proliubly• tio'ineilirnie,nnahe face'., tai.l ll '"! . • Won , „, „_, , ..'r.• ItiIEMATIS3I.- -,..1 7 ' --- .1':'. , ,P , z ~ - .9 .. ~ .. it renew e s i litkoartotinrdonier nittifillaromati r, „, i I I s'", When the pain 'Oreontle cosier, ''-' ' ' , 1 In. 01l Noes of case& the hltOltiblViell'lnitin 'if; forettitiri tr-lo, 4 1:441-mlir selljet-1,:e• pret:po .. r.y..-.. 7 ( ipinttiOn linittit lo4ii Orr: , li' tligielisr toopeure oq,,,Nike tont•tlil thole:dateline: .plialied'ind the lo fJ tlltliirro ll `nlyi,„.' iilln,All'iles, l 4ll; 0,14`1134111 , W111 0 ,, n , li n i I < Air r'iev r elmeat matanny unlouti the Instil bring fortlt , the perspiration:. 1 ~, - :',? , 1,„: _ ,49 , ,,,i),,,1qa NIII,I',4IINDICINF-• ''' ~ '' ' " 1 ' IkTe • man can Measure ita value: so loniaktlm , "1 ' ltsrts reit along river the Ifest%rei=so long ss man . , tresik Qui earthi sehli.x.r e • tii' allititirtnitifs'.iir,..tlie••';'- 9 1 1411 , r'sn long al 4irear• nod' sralthestilt knOvsli-t , :J , "hat so. lons , will thla giiiiii n dimme n t 11 . 1 0 awl osteeetl: - NVhen nein erasesfritirfr`o tlin':wirtlr,: = - - then tliotlemned .will crepe Mul,tiortill,rbem,: , 1. , , ,-,-, 'JA NlO.B hIcALISTER $4 CO.- • 4iole,protirletiiivt tit'tlif , stiotOltiOlieldO.' iirles ,- Yj' ,C.laents.per 1 .... iii i~ ~. 1 4 1, Fa t'. .01 -"r-.. el '-- i l- caf : ' I . 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers