'' iiiKl EDITOR' AND PRDPRiETOR,", '• ' . 845. • lEEE • , • . . ,:,.• iti64:l: - e;'j'eli,;4al,,i',i . ,,f l .4 , tabtirg co i n e i c p o ia er nt s ors i i1y... ,- ''e ' - r some of the 8t . ''''' 'l in 1 11 ;";9 0 ncillet ° ~. • 1 , aehlke-nf:the--recent. ~, ir-v::., 1%,,ik,‘ ~4`ekil ie nt 7 . 0 _ome _-• , aritita :.)^l4 • i ns. b' ... ~..•xt;, put the prev , ~4Tinttrt? up 'f if landlords also raised the rent of their . 11) 1[ I! . In "contrtidistinelion to this heart :-'.mes. _,.oti!es, : .••.,..„5,i44-tice.neighortag c -.--.-46-51-3-n- 04, c .7. 1 . -6 1 11 1 3 ,! : - - - ..- rabit,,„tss have. • ' tiara --the- 1.11 I , . :115ailii'10Vtig.i!',.1V.,.:, • . • nd money to , , . .Fy contra, tcd P visions A . , ' ' ' 'r lievglilje;.69 frerpts : , : , ""t 7 lrEttliTitrikcg.r.elVtectera.vl.—Tlle I t eg: • . ii I t r q I pqso9d• an act at its, late session', by Of each , town,, at thair.an 'Oleetinika:t.O.4goiote"y'ea".."or ,"asy." ilickqueetiOn7,Of.'eratiting lice nse to sell ' 4 ardeiii spirits, within such town uunicig the luceseilincr — ;tiriTlairie :matlalb .4Tlie ta !pea tate pfee I • yfavAT.Tllli VirtoTv. lora fiem thelliihniond Star, that , a disgraceful ucetw,ted..ettheJloi vereityuf Virginia giowirig out of sortie ill feeling , betWeenihe:,ektitiPliikktid Vier W. .thuppinif ,attidetits'AttCeltetl to the . litivo,uudatfcither of theloaculty oppnly ...demettnee4 - 'Psrdeeedinir Mile!' (mused their hetteee to - be mobbed; 1-he - College tvinclOws‘ doors were also broken open . and enTriday.. ] nighr lawan -aftemat was -mati4l,:to . le,ruplite — eld frees - around Ale • htatlinge - .. 'it tieceaary,for the • . Fa6.oky to call on the police, and' fiiially: the - ;;MilJTaryi - emr - awlioiitrsity rs 'pow,. t.flys-lhe',Ster,itilnieeetiaien;Of.s.ooVeoldiers ta~OlP m eel! ng aPd leb g kV' iherriselves, i'stortt oriltrALt _require Hon: addreiied 110,ie'left; coy:, :o.e§ - 64-01e be brcikeatip ::; ; ~ - • infciritt a liitc.!y;to got into sertone difto.olty with tiiii,l'potintry,,Dii ite ,.tiotittt,o4,,tl..- St . 8 01 % w ekti . "4 o 4';.bu t „ . 110 1r111 %'CLgvnr7~eii~ of Et6iil'Cdiiii;;ll4 it ttiatti. ,700tler. • • ;?ns#uptions.-wliut , to so?FF,I.P*t. quO ; A6 - 'i.,ll4`Aii9ii!ttiru.4llllll- United -800.;•C•The ureFepy,o'sen:ted_si ilillxj.'ineuting • on r flog, u#,l, t he;Onvet:urrtent, , is fitting out Its whole naval.foree the , full helietthatn . .zonfliet-is-at !mutt:. • it is , also 1 - abninet Conn •eihrhays, alreotb:heen held .upon . the. sub= jeet at yli,ushingtaii; dvUti-frtifextra B,lop l of Copgress'.taijced of . r • •, ; • . i rr s -tAtt'aticii'oo4. l ..*** * .114..1;104 . ritelt - 444ttpl f AT*754.. igtit4 'liiiralxisHOCOb* •.14 J . ; . 149 tte•hY • I • .""`..'" • 093 1gPr a 4 4 4 1 1ntiOnIAP'itMkiekitlik `las vir tz *54:141),•4,t00 4 7•Viw*: 044 'a oro rit.474o4,Ongfp.h*ftii • nyea ea ponyon p ti et:" • .4, _, • • • • .i:Corasitchove•-•44..disenee • called the heti: •netrje . y . eil7,prfit , all4i : ieys : tiler lotlgetl t .et.: •'llloldiun!vereaile4q:T;ph 'the eemPlVet . er.*9r.i.lloamdf*nd. •ttpow the,prkgtirtillyfitttitr,pr . hesbends ;:, e ettamine ell h te, "ZAAtTiOgßlgily .„0 1 4 1 ,,0re.1 11 • , 0 00 ' • • *444444 iii" .. f;thiteriditi4;itii' • Se'vefito s iithd , thitil . tt itietwartiQllt hee'. bee* etc.' sr • rfitf'T.V.l7- trill4o4lriallt? O f VT611.1 e l i t e g aliki ge 0 t° l tit mti r t in a law lidos „ yen. • • carry. glp,lnn -, •‘.Bll , , • . ......... ..- ' sr Pit rt'elatiitted" , ,for 491PiOr Dal 41"4 13 Ilitll. I j6-11411" 7 1 ( 1 41C - a.i C' the , d: I TTi il itt fil Tl l l ll cret.. l l ) - ' ll l , f i ii4s State ! , consinfule..!iihqw, egl1 3 2 . 1 , 1 , ~,,. ""' 4" "'i}4 .f lee? 'b'AittV letielioind • babe r to olrertan i.4,1#0 l' ; "• , /1 , ...II d•er 'Et Iliellehi l k i liate i t ritilt - s . balf SUP" I l! rn e lg% r . ;Awn v l c t"u iCui ~) • rdit ic ipai t h o r„,gd, ounew 4 e!' , ".. "dr'gr Lt i lrer •,. 4. t'll- 1 1:: 41 .r.nai ,li i i) g.,}l?. : $,, 4" • —LJii r T ar ?"'r' 51; TF - r• 4 0 } , r_f• ,-. I,fts 4._,1:.. At, v 70 a1: 11 1i i rizoretlfT dr .0:10 1 , a 541 1 .14 . ' e ta ' e4 i ne Ralle tq l° P 9 1 . ;T i lt 1 1.Y.t:It.- 1 • tom- of :1,8096,f4,14944,..6) 13tr":, gixiipsalli*lhltaficymti,ffitottilfq , ; ,1 .010,414.;'i1iim0'14 1 , .9..1.9 ,iiliPii 10,411 , ' ''ilVllßlVisliftriA'4lB#ll4Pltit'A3 _4.blit'':#sll g i tfiN 4 .4 '471-1.5 9. 4- li - e 4 k.,11i., '41,0 , ,, ii*- 1 f , .-1 ea,,t ~ , , , f sti I.' ) 111 , 7 ' I V V CiiiiiiohMOWol l ) Ai , P. 2 ( , ~.,8 ii 1 , 4 'ill. 4nri i ititolviiii), ti A l it iii 'iltetlinilapaii 9iir'illifi, it) T ni `• i; ." itf - Vhbiti' 1/ bih blr . lifititighe- A ll ishitbo - . ,„,, . 4'l 4i)itc liNgt 1 44iiiiii '44 PO "' l liq ! ) 1 6 ° rPtitili a l itkir it i teWeecAßP -L- o . 0 , 1 • rig-itt744lo,4ltAllr*Ar, jroost , ' I Kari! ' f° ijk*fii#4o(olo.43/11 8 : : P. 0 11 8, 16):11 0:06f4 6 0 8 ; tit . t : P r i ; , its= coliimnfl . some - ; exposition' ut• ;'iii the - bead of ,/...‘,Wiii'iioll.:Er44, 1;11, ih4 .7 biiist4i4 4 , 0/AN : LP,. • maraet, and the heni;fit iinguished , .lzy • a , eatieineoe•"'f .tiarkithestuin.r.eitalaenee*nne-who-feels thnt he has 'loot? giye an. tioppunt, individ uully, fin' what !id ihy:s, and *hp. oyerlOolts the kind ef irepqtiinee which, he may_ be supijosed te'havi)-orOthe-eollecti, t ve.,:inass;—:.,- HThetelnsibtfliaragrtVh is-.vefy,tignificant _ . 'Nothhig was ever 'niow there , awe; .Ithati the sentiments eipregieWbsi, mt. Polk rn his 'inatigurki aildresa—!-iitai-evetY: •extension of ,our;etitpire;:gave:fin.. addition .. security .iMace.to the:iitArid.:. • • .•:' '."YO beim, we been. foreeft; ct times,ninl; that, taiii'annleftlie.tnittleellaLotirrillere;'. 11Msettled .paliey, auegevern :men tl %rang it is ouredlewneonOietion that 'we shall sood'ago'in be :coiled on to : take: irri Arms againetent‘ former and „ant: . ,h they-regard.thii..as fa:tremble-ma- festllla anent -to renew. 'tile sYstein of -aggression tipon us : which infterresolted in'-War - hereto fore ;• which to submit Po only.to. invite 'new wrongs,—tirongs, - preineditate_d, not for the advantage . whiCh accrues to aproi, but arranged 7 ar. - 4asttlet) upon merely as _theineans-ofLbringineOrehe - centlier - ed urine,. or .an• entirci.stbait4n - ment of our rights as-a nation.;--' 3 *(46' . uly-' coo, a , .void .this is the firm 'adherence , by -the „Piesideut.to the- letter : and-spirit:Of his-in ittginfitaildress. Ile - will be sustained, by the nation in that; for, netwithsanding.the English 'Ministers _choose to, level .their lances at Mr. Polk, it is not to be forgotten that the. previous .action of the tionse , •of 'Representatives had, by an irnmense . ma -je rityrtiVerrjheir - sarittiotiTo — lirs-1 a ng ti a ge: .By th e.truckli ng abandon men t of our rights pursued by Mr.. Webster in the Ashburton treaty, we lost the „subject 'of' controversy, forfeited- the :respeet-of %the World - and - of ourselves; :and - invited new and utifouncaed Trettettsietutrironto=ative ..-Here, then, is ,a very piain,. irithcatiort Lthat.4.lv - _amitroirtnam:: - 'l,arlfflnitggrAVE,VlOWL;:# 11;Viii: , IliTiciople to iitqUire-_-',Wirat'is-lhe-silecif. pitparations ? -Are there". funds ..in the Treasury ?.- Is. our commerce - in-a stme - ter . meet.a-sudden laration. * Of wa - r1 4 :10 7 6ur. Navy in order to 4.lefentiour sel-ports, or protect -- ot - tr' commercial - Have:: we on'. ; army.i 'llave-we-inierii Capable of cOMlMiting the. A . rerf •,cause Misereble,iedeed, is thei:state - orth . i . ; . . - ifici - ; - , with all 4's resources_ spread abroad, dust, bplethie*pci% a 'career of-' os.erit _ . and.crusbed down to the qt . & br ivet Of .00 w hp;. iin m it,of . 811 puked's. nnd.pro -;•rietieS . pliielt.atd.eninie;,''an(l then turn.connif as, loni4heil that . abroad they should be .taken 'at their word.. • , STEAM N'AviEs.—k correspondent. of the York c - ourier - gives'e'cOmparative statement,of the stearn naval foice . of, Great the United States.: The for merhas-pi4 steam .vessels,,in Commission,' and, 40 -either building or irt eisevf.-war, the. .CitOrnment control for•their- use, as men: pf-tost, .tho Westllidia. steam ''paCkets;'ai• NiCilleelhoSe.ivhie-Ii run to.. Boston aatd;te• ' - A:ielidiii'ptabli:jt - Ogeihe ''‘ , oo l o;inakb.la,:ppAt.brrolfiads . 4!"9.4follP.l:Ort!qr : 06 ' 2 0 .60i f i':'- .l l ovi i4i, / 41 g,;Wi.!PTiikte.it, : §4o4 o o:? ) io46'.oo ' o o *iii4u(iiori 44 - Toiiii.;!: • Aititifyiilitsi;lbarte#ii*iitt,r, ::: lbeib.`44O'bei'.6lli ib • gbo d''eandi Lion': • We have nova ,einglOpreptirabon made,. while :at,;4arybuda;h . o..:.Thioall „Governotont,? has. 1 ' ; ipiialyl44;...4l44ltia4fetti4t4lll.ilite%7lV i(6lt• tit they, !jog entiitititeil a 'o . ltitt.sifrfiliiarit a:seeking, ;It depot of IlVtlif 1 . 1 atlti t16t:(101061)1:0 tit! tltipliaates , i tit ria4Eif • Iler4llre now nadlg'iiingthe •A .. ertib heap' atl ijfiXto 46.915 . 6: f .u ppla e t4 6l4 olreireg!lahOtkiint lei. n 'T.;';';';•,!::;,,.1."- wutos litlizawybiaiikt4 : t4lN let tot inorbslo, tgeilcitia l / 4 by ttif,T7.oolllleoi. ar,iiiliaiteil,,Wiffroikihe Oill'il l t, ergs it' 0 flob 0 ini):61 r Y(• 4 lti Zliti i iilibiltritire; mih , ,.l , Leamvsiitit;'l4eNfio*blio d ite., La., asill,tigtoi*iii49 .1101Peliin,11 • N e the wltereCl ri u t o cif op t/ ' Miet . ( d e , en plikeoltliej t atileta9444l C1 J et !In; leetr4ib-ptkeiir#lo,, iiio - 43141., . is erviet, ycey ,4 , , ,'„,, ~, , s , ~. oliecobio3“ , top f utimge fr " ~.. i. xi., ~.,,.11-11 , 17. AeohtifOiiiro,/,lo494lYrteg;s4 , * -( f mP.rvit Ih„oggt93 ttierii,,iiitjitkf cones irayitt i pripero. sw i tkAtillosonixp, ''''' V''41 . 451(1 14 Sfaiftitrioi'k; vo ' ' 4l.4u it A ft' 1 ` i 9 11 ' friin VS e gOto l o# , pil.*ulttdi , X5'391 0 ., 3 ',6 ir, ollotir, - 0.;;VI o ilpfri m kti4tind 1, ~ b z 1,,, I -7: 0 , .., ~,.. ...__ Art l. tiehPo 4*,lolllll4lliktrr it l) : 1 61 1 ttil l i \ti g0i.t`i0§").09,141961;9,101:1, *iieltni,optip.sitti. l o646) l loll ' kAsiii• vii.e,. 1 „ .;, 1 ,k4; ANL...O ~_, ~,,„ ~,,,,,4 A , , A Yr3;pi.. 1 .,. ; 0,.. ,,, k ,,, , 7 .,,,.fr,, 1 r r4thilitThillreriti'l4.l*44o l3le diet orahepihment lap 'cleattil IhifilliTn 4 111, 1 4. Jgenl 1 , 1 04 01 14 itic t t A Mfteet 1 0'4. ike ). 11 1 1 seaset.hw ; ..' s ' ' " ;Pijr. ' 1'74 4 . ' 4,, --` 4 1' ...' a:1 774--":' ,l•a % '; ' l :. -- ktkvitg4ori dim- . .-5,,-:- v. t,..,,,,,t,,,.. _„...:„...„.,."....,,,..,,,, 4 ....„2„ ~,,,V1:41'1?-979:40,04-1Y,14;;PV#4'25.0-, t v,e , ii iitiolO s it - OtS•frAtedloitkiiittAleiiilalt - Teliii: "._:• keiii:baßlie6v„inißillorttlol;do"tlik i ilie -431 : iirtali:ZPIalereekl-'ipii"'iiliiii.rfereiip- ------•...„ . - is ittit 'ijlMUNCl n gt*, , ” liuDjeci; , - --- 11'w atifd Re hie - a :ii -"Tielikrtin t. di ii :the :°l 3l n 'of ' the:BritttllC/Vfinjoti - Woh Out 'lo4fieliiijii Wreark'd;736lit :ihr:Ctiledcee .. : 4 4 . 9:40Ittineit.ecie:4ey;!1•1,ercler"co`jitiili on IgliAtiOig';rif•ilisii 'qiitii,iinV ‘-iliel k ; too ..,,,,,,, 4 : •••••,' .- ,• - ,:' •- - ~ - Plaqpiti:'7Pirlillrr ! t on the. 4 4 1 '-tnot.. %on tytii . V..10,43:g.e..te10.i,•.,' , ',.... . ',- „ r.,:` .1":PhO P RentitPnt 4 of`the no*-7.ortools°' eisilly:ieiteigietie lelieigii free gro'vetil tuber; 1.0 1" bor" 40 1 ; :The jen'eral' produce markets ire _very; -frtlix -- 40 . ,41 , e4Witlera14" ; rnilklu,ni of lsuai : ;%:; The;FeSheh Govern,Mcntligelid'Aci- or= "genizo a, ; !i4,. F : Tiii.oo4eo ere iMmedialkly:::,' e,..Minhiter Maikti6.; has reported a•laiv . 1841, LI willell'Simt.*lparners are : -to:;id ' betweek•gheirhipir,k-. 1 360 jt wai - vepoiteil—in - Dublin;last. - ";weeß: that Mr. - o',Oonnell, e tknablslohger to ;with-. smOlhs'preseursrAom_ the;,lepOrs,_E. the; o eiiril k WaiiliTis Tim mer; to' .it ice monster meet-log.3'op the same:e:l2 • those 'which created so much apprehension' in the ye:it- 1843. : - It - eripearS . :illtit-o!Coniien-liati-liscoMe : perfectly_rabid-on-the --stibjecrof vexation of 'Feiss. thst.he could not find.words:-lii the . - Eggliiklati:„ 'gtiage. to eNprcis his con teiriiit-to'r 'stave•t_l i lioldet4 and for Americans kenerally,,--) ' 'rflo.aollE - G.ON QUESTION. This question-has • excited intense inter est. The'excitenn;nt , has not been Confin ed to, the Hodse of Oommtins, but, 'has• trevatiedivirore - or - res.RT - Slf.ltre--gireal corn;, inertial eitigens, burst= of cheering which followed the' - dose of Sir. Rpberi . speech,'When he y declared that_ it our rights •tiers - invaded;we are, resOlVed` . - •-"ltosugtirttattt rom all parte of •tho house, without reference to 1 f te". , • • gmLituit_tery4eascatorzelleiteliteAßstimg almiisetlY - cal;cd;:the attention of the' Hotise'C';tlinfp ,rt.or:the-Inaugural. liidietiriLtififei:itieltitfiollt;i4;hisehi.:fefetted to the titiNen!:of tke-,:Pregort,ierritory.— . 'hall. taken itits il'i. , '“colAg'r‘;t4iiiirilt i ploNigic;prrOigernent, atitlrequired some notice,,on the part df .the'•on'emti:cts. of . .the. -coMmetacti 4!rettglYl'.sV4sn%tke:,'ltinitug of tlie: `Cress " to the country of ; Oregon clear.mpd ungoesinii7 Atbre'''tid li t eittirelonii)loiireparini- - - te'peifect .1 • by . occupying it with . their wives and children.,."k _Be edited this a " blustering annotteceMent," arid having . • given a history of the negotiations connect ed with the subject, ieffthe matter in the hands of the Government. Sir :Rohert- 1 1 etelHtlie English •I'remier, followed in iLspeech of eonsiderithle length, which ••nonclutled with. ;he following em= • - • .. Al arch, '189 6, • of. the , 7Jnileil ;States, in age Mitt, ich , `.the`•riople~ loch jias is right to e, that since Mot' inaugural .odilelotk-Me4olgik-hod-mo .40MM fi nicotion- ,li A n t -cm,.--Pdiniator f ip . Alie ~iklied2s tales. • He- wrote - a= -.trotm.- minin g the; address li t t itotl; - no limo to Make,any comment upoOit. No •:tlipio-, p.go-,:ttegotiatione-imire , :m t imii*pikerOiew: twoon him aid the pfemmt.Govero*Ti of 'iho linited ,‘tomsi;.: o i I re: a m . s t v/proe./41 -When. lksay .tltat4cmli neg./110mm Imp - Iken•l' l3 *l:# 7 o l t . 1 "1:uP *lifTTI4 5 7 7 eat time, ..thitz..iit'-ittliliaotit'l:of:Jtim.',liiiisi -iloc du nto - : - ,lNif-'liaiiii`M'd .'it3irdbett . ' P o r n : in:0 1 i '''' ti° l !o*-t . .041.k . -4-4iiiiitirilmbabio iiiiikitr....Piki*ii:OillifAjOir7"cciniiiiued witliAlio present- Gefeitimeii t tho ne g otia • ons- 41 4:0 1 :°&#"44"-8j4e4 1 ' resigOtiPl',.s4;:i.:l4•Tf'i.l.ol4l)°Fik.;,wkd'l the O P9iTIPP,I3I9 I A, Fiß#OP l lWecretarY of 5Pft.):•:,,1..11,VP:1/14.,•!1710 , Tititisation,, litism i noi f is wfiet- i i o : contained ip, the, i' re e i ti e ni' i icildr e ai l . i t:'.4l: t ifit .; iii . t,i g hit .li,i*Pb''bl,6%th!!lk, ll l,o,,l,l64llloo4ll4 .. .ti.;iPAiii : 'r,1 1. 91, 1 "11.,fr• , r1054-‘f i ttl. l .9 4 .rir:,.! l *;;4ll .6 10 9.,„hallitA:'Yriino:'11t40ttii.011014 . 15 If If iAtkit;ltchewedl l l kIY, t9)?I TN , Or, ,k_moviii-Artlseikkifordlik,ttom,i.#lp*, iiviirlikftite , roi* tir 2 ,oo' pgi#ooo94' 6 ,iii.gi.,4o,446l4l,si:iififpt oll'ueirtioipi4e, I , ; :eitit d e;;l . r . ,, ,ilib measure Molt we have . ~.. . ,.. 12 iiteb, .i o i ect id and , al;p4ip,o74:lPa" e:Tri - • '. •• ; tiiii!iiattlii..4l . iiiiiiiikiiillititild bo made by 4 1 11 .1 ii,i0AtiAiA* ; 11)1440 :)1 1 4,Y. !P. if" . ...** l o"!Picillkto*dittiteliftii . 4f-*46.oi!!'fili iiitolirr l ir i thitr i t ifiiiiid: : be-,AiiiiiiiileAcifill -1 Ihe'Pwrninimt'kday• ;Plifilt4.4 l 01. 1 . 9 A_ l i e ;t4 ~ k • . - . , 1 11 10-4(0 1 00CV W e i j, lll ,Ki i !tisfi 0 00 4 1, -' aiii#4roll3l.4kidViiiiisto. pfre4C f yast, . tiii#. 4 ?iFii:;' , l 3 ..o, l lil.#), or 0091'4014it*0* I.o l .4o:o'4lllt# 7 . ll .initi*Klidiii!yinflat.Ot :tiimioonif:fg4tit'ioizilTl3,isilo6iii**x* !qiliil . ,4lßAAlaittiiiii,*) - fivies . ..t4o3o l l4l. •timivioiriffe.i`A?iii•:V.:l::',-;;;;,:',7..?,'..4,-.,;: It . ~,,.......t .'-.l4iv i , •..iiki Eb •-i 5 ,"•; 1;.-t ifstr'hfilfenCt-40 • r' . " - ` .1:: cr . :ffietfOß!.:Attillealietfir ofit# 0,..- 1 , - wore *ll4 hOgit4o7*o Oc*l . •• t r ‘6l : 4 - 1 1 .voio**64010*f tit i t 40 ' • • ~... -0-15 0 An* r• 2,6 f, 101,.1 I - .4 1 0 - 4411 6," 1;;Z446.11..,t0mi, lkiiitigo,l7 . llader,Arikt. t ti,,ri.,rolfga' ti6 plot ti` u by iia t oibilijAYAMOttrattY6 C! n.9 IT( ,-. e'''i3rt 81,1t,'141).Y15'1,; 4 d sete e 0 4 1 9 v i n , I a aquage 4 • rierateibO s tailt e same •• tia've•:l:igl . t . t , , tyttst 1- 0, - y r* 10,04us1"1:€1$11i • e tree imc a it; e, u t - 9f r bUti'lia;r3nlextiattated every, alrcor.. ` oyefiectThat , 4,;t#,:l'orpeit-•:.dize tee. are . :pte-; " sfirO - 7 7 7 , ? ,4 4,F . vr -f; • .E. 9091 : .• 0, ficiuse r 4 induaet, I hV teV articipate; if•ln ej la ma,tlua r rig .„ edeift • levrpqablia: rdlE69,Boi.oll.ovlq) e r i R.,4001- 'l' . tiettnent s • i re: autorr,a( v id tO.:'-Petll,ra 'ita 4 ' .- e`ciritent-iti'leavei"the matter where. t tg,maiit ;;Tcylf4;Cgiiie .- kierpiii:ilitiiiii , rriltitkipii==e - Ftyfr if ii ' " . t p l 7 4 -. ,A8 tic4ey:rfe tenee - ef the obseeva , ti , ens . l iilliifeaie , or,.e former evening .p' , tng- c . *!h urtorr.„-eafttulatio„ 11 047tergeit : iii:_thetlipeeihtnade-in-behalf. rcl dr,LCkriit;'•U • ,• u`; PJ)ropriation Bill ap proliOticiiis. cif .the bill intssetilaY the•Legis lature„linCaigned'by the Governor, I'he4neerest 'gparaineed on the eto4s - of thelfali c rigle le, an cl. Spri n g Creek Naviga tion•COnytiltrty,:lho Tioga NaVigathin Corn paiiii-'..anAjlieisDanville*and Pottsville Hail.: ir,cletecl to Fepatd;llll4 - .P 4 io : n.o,lloiintivtg . ,Commilsionors to in- Vestigatel4erlikairs,,shall fi n d. llent legal ly 42 ie erpropri 'ateAll.foOltat linrpise i'„trone:olit r howevor, lii'l4iiaidgntil'aftet the lot •of A tignst,,and kerl-:lll')tiiii,Atitrie---7*-etiiiirfefii.rmannet% as Ihe'initeietWon;the-ftindi• - fiebt-ig: - •::-21 1 .he Tolttr4lng, are. the alipioliiiations_l3t 7 4r1:74 . .g.iiitirtz *tierriT: .' ill - diid th - aT, 4teis iirve•hVen - iii - ; HO 4 4 ( ,(.11 ~ ikAli*tilitio itiiii:tiiiiiWk,4 -Ora 1 fortik : ' ; -,1. - 14 5 4-: .` : . . -..-: - _ . - Eipettinkrt.xeeutive - -Depart- -- - • -- -' `''O,lerk--1..L..:_.—...-Ea21,430:100, tiiiieuSere Judiciary, 0): ~, 07,500-'OO Pensto6it oil :9,tratu i ties, . • ~ - 32,500 AO ) t ouini4-0 01,4ipose - 5;'.(e)..i . 00,000 ; o _o I.loultd,ollfe , goe., "der-theaet :' - - • - - Of 1144; rif;il '40,, , • .. Insiitutii*ir„thelllind,:' Inslituo444r the - Deaf and Reliaira-,9p:tinals mid...Rail __ - igiubial'- - 4-_- - '• - ---,•- Oriliimbi4,e2pairs after Ist De , er.Mrtbd;l. - ; :, - - , .50,000 00 &l ie Ganid- ar,i; Lock-keepti igliMasters, -. 'Colletstoi . la n; , -511104 - H3 - 4)0, Completion ci e.Easfe . •9 4 1, servoir, , '• -st"' 20,000 00 Payment-of daiinges i care., (d) 32,600 50 Payment of old dbbts Cm . fin . ished Thies; and tlettirancli -- ExtettsionT,. -- - -„jr --,,,,,-: -;" - i i ,.. r,l Interest:7'o'ff derneink, Freditine , eeitls4tes ,',.„-, -'- ' 0,103 00 Inercitt : rtu 4 'W. ..ii3x4ssiree,. ;21,204' 32 51iScellanipt tigis, -') ' 4,000 OiF St4te..iiibrOr: - . 1',,L. - 1, 44 '.' ~‘. • , ..„ 500 Gratuities to . dischargelkdoaviets,. : 'DODeO ) :PuireeniAii - Coniinissioneis to :' - _...-. • ~. :sell•Delaiiitre Division end . ' :, ;, - ,7,litain Line, .";,--•;',- - ',.;',-- • ' , • 4;04 lt.io Easietti .Peniteatiaii,..' ~ _____=_' _84)00100 - W6 ) ettitetiary ! , . -.-,_ 5,000 00 Repair , Ptihjie, - grovrOi!, - , . •-- " . 2 - 00 'OO Professiontitseryieesiricertifn . .-- e4s,est ,"'f's - , , .' -' , ?-:- , ,,,'1c - i' , ' . -: --, n 440 ' PaYmeht of - -,August-liitetest; „ 85,,0iii 00 Legal' iiiittialfstfihd_Fla- ' ragaps; --" '7. ' '." , tiptmses iit,„tegialatuie, goi.id:Trintirii,,&,o:',-ri, ' .- ---i 12$Pense-_B-, o f ' 4{e.ire.o.9o'-'coni. - A. Lli - ini,aiiiiiiers, - -'-`7-.4--: . •- , -, -----'• Guarin tetil-AQ:. bird gifiti : 4llo- • . 1.. ' - 003;ittg*Prkiik-:Aaingattort L: -0 90110 . 0i 4 ,,:_1 2 31 - 5 1- t LT :,r - .) , - ':''F- .- 1%000700 ( I T PlRPtefi,''Aci'7l l * : ' ,l !4Vlga-' .:' - '''''../.'"-:•-:- tiiiiiooingiaqy,i ° ' : \I , . .Gua*tellto , :;4Datieille - L'and-- : gii:ttiligfititirroail,'.' 45;00.. figuillne*AtFiOiiiqePart ' ":.'-' 311 - 4 1 01,:ec`:/:n '':l7bW,,Z.. , ,I r.'t -,4.670 00 Bi t raiiieSitkPai;k4:oo4o"•:;•;:":': : 4' . ': ' ''"`4 1 ,;0 4 4411 Of OA ;" ' ,1 ••': .. ..A1u1i4 7 .„,1-:,.;, inat*liiki.Ar: '::: 1% , ..r ,- :;: 1 141324 - 02 • • , •xs .1--''" i f ,".......ct 1;:f / s' I•ielli/UMIXIMPOWii 01 4 34,':,L, L . .. .vopio„.9p , Ec nT a ttitraiiWillitinTAlll i t 7 r it2ktf *iitiltarovA - L .4,-.f..., % iloo oo ydricus - oiti'airiiiiii, , - ':. ~..:: ~...;. 306:G5 ' '• .' 't ..'' (Ige /. . 11 4:t".4-. 0k , ,i 825 . 7 t 9 'tii st i (a) The sulabr.4ool3 . ftitky "Arlon bird/ Icier to` be 8000.af44ki;g'•% 'iki4 l'hiv,initiii , iitibtklti . gies_of_q)e Ditt ivedith of. FaslifartitiVabirk itetililinCi^l3C I ) 1 0 $ ) ~.r0 O 1h h a I ' v - ar0 . ...- %;...i....4B,ll.i.ittreiC.i, , 11 1iii ,.. %- . 1.14 1 1 t . i. ° 421 1 - 841 .." , ``,. 4. 1 1' co . rd. . , ' ','', ing to* the,,,ll3oll6,loo)finitikit#Mhsaenept. • inidistiioll....aitidiiig :e4ll4l7lo.lHOP9'ilicied to draw ? late 31 1 6* lifiiiii ;VP.' 'IOW :liti Treaeliiikilitch diikillii:rdietile - Pt!rPedem: , /,(fMATo-ljamaifgi beittlaftin.,to:bo alldwed ' f ?T,A i l le lt r n i _ l s i l, g of. °°/..licr° 'Pr i 3 oiitteti4byt' spanie Tr le socatootives,tir nn i y, , of the l slue 'railtiiithrivitelo quchlinjiiii' has bet:tire:hen 6.4 TifeystlioititiOthialiiiit'ontl itee'oflOeothiliVOn op socltirVe.sftc.• •-• is• ) '' • • .".. „(0i..) Ail militii*ijmiierio.ontrapteiVAltee the p?e,sdigo ofl4lo` 14,011vAhril t .f44: AO' tpb:•pa id 'oliS'itAlgt. olr i yjund , :i# 7 lll3 7 i v ijiitsrlirtliatiacteNC L i w --- .., % 2.. - ,,7rbe bill ail:1100y .e 4 Toilotithriitlie*er 'llfici,lo:',l4-gov,;l9,ll,,thii?Olabsf4eliii-miid- tantaitpayepktfz; ititopiolnni!ollo,#, f dtliiiii4o eirlo , . 'theltrillfttlilr iiiilitiirlskiiiimPc',VY-'11,„,..'-'?VY...,. 5•:.6•. R :. • .7- ; ,v0:-. :2 0.,17, -. 2 , , ~..- •,,,y . :‘, 1 1.. mot ddlYi:U'C~3 «, ~~'~~., ~~' _a:"' ~.t:v,cF~:~"~y~iw,^u,.:~:. ,:.,p:. ~"~w ;~=~:i~J`~~'X~ 4,000:00 'O,OOO 00 1 :-- , -111000=00 175,000410 15,2'74 31 410 44 435,000' 00 15;000 00 2 :24364* 5,125 42 • rotootOn Conipairy, *t*'.:0 140 1 1 1 1 g , too meajire house of, r. John or, at 3 o'clOOk,. on Saturday the 20th of April next, fi r` - the:hgtpi se : of'per . 1'604 d z,uti ;f or. a l ' nti4ing ,q PUlifilii4 41; suitable of eers,Nintl r e},;90,F,(0 9; , 4 , c• - • s' • Y'9l . ) , e nip tip ri;''',l,tittrolved; 9 . 0 !(3, , OW WI, „,,..,. ,„, , - 1 - , i , . r t'' ' ..': 9 . nforit -,411:, Park:— iy hi ChdrrY: Milara.',,a wiatiiej,.nalatiiy,of, I, un v e i co ld;' I.9glini'li: '' t ‘' r. iiiiOlaiallalk°lls` I”- eiglitti, for, whlolv FOX aa - ~,,,- ~4.-,6,3' liiittlea a , 1 Bina' Itiii,9?3tObati .17 , .0r , --, , igoortion Or tr k en . NMI% , firaa , ~: ,:., ~'' ' aafFiliviih:.:arisid‘''i 03,41,Tet,rifra4.‘ ' . og' o49ditalis r a 1.,..... ~ itt4l.,ll,,viciliity,_ ~ 'aiyaikil iillp9i#P‘..4,Paeft v , ,dko,ActweioeciA /%. ' de j-osCP-90011:14-0°)YP'.been io et i , f or c a -9 :;i4, "-- fir .7.A 'othorfmkediad 110 , 7 , „.,, !;',.,„•':;•."'.. • cured! -w. ft-- wh ere 3 . ~ ,...-4 , ....,•,:;; ~ • - 6ibi o yaiitii.Wlolo.ol,9,l;e:i„,6, or; tik. hign% lA tro lir ' -Intritt.:Mar• 141;iiiificiii'brfOlOilltili:413-dedi. renieal f 1 t: 149 - - ii f liAiiiirialoalr V -d, 71 `OthrlFT4a.6!i!lP4l4'lf°llll, A-e'rt.' 'l3o''lillies.ll-Rit'a,la,44 ~ -ryi‘iiik.,,,osti.tuar;pii, !11, •t:,., , N i; • • iyeilli':' 00d•I3#); ' hViiii; lil IV it'ron,or,igif„,r, . ,iiiiiiAl.tiiplb.l)° 1 4 1 t i,ii 1 . "--.± lf: ... . , ~„,,tfii„,,idet, 0 , !',l'.*'ntc 6. I^ i o AND 'ltliA .11, / I.°o 0 -,,31' n liol....prpito .4.,,...',.... ~ .,,p...t .sh n,...v....tR.n1yg *--, ~. ~-4,,,,,iv,„..„‘,,,..,, , ;114 -.s' Pgl,ll,l74'h,i;;*-faiit44fPPi".'*" ",, ' , i.. , .- t) ~47K 54 4 1'01.‘ ,-, '' 1 graitiotel:g4. Rtg.rl3. -4. 4 1-9.11111:?i41,*.i',°,0041A40 oiri,,-fip-42, .: - ohoolirk 14 '11 Mt pipo4'4 1-4itliti.N4ltotiptkious -*, 1# 0 ' 00 44% ., iffti.t.ll 4 ditmeir' • qoalit.l4t...4tolifiikftle,ol, ,r,P,OttpahtfilltifsirelYz'iligtlls6,. ' eftti, l'i (kJ' - '' -,, Aiiti/V*o' i„,iilltiaCiihitiot(4lo347 r%. ; ii.- ,, 6 I r ,vii,lift,-fitatiitt %-,-4, R- I.t 4oitc.f4t4rtk,j; 41.4. ':. lifgAikt, It v i v,"!.ol .1 1 ( iiy,t ~!irt,f,glrlolti,to', 0- 0 , 4,104,v2e,-41. t . ~,,,, 0,..t.,z, situ ,iji* 4-:?,-;.,, -1- "4,7',. , 'q • I'' fir;,.e4112 1, . 01 -,-,, -„•:-: ` ,; „ 7_:4: . -.:01 ioliiitifti-s . '• k o " ,, AY , ,aeW..4.1:Nk,, , Np1t0, , ,- , ,,,4,,.,„ ~ , ,.....: , . ....„ 4 1:1 1 , , ,t0...t w0b5. ..0,,,; , ,,,,,,L 4, ..,, .1 1 *.irfil t iO l An ,, r -e fftl:'PP):.'! lo :''Ylrrg 'oiiMiit:iiili4g:4444l4. l. ,llitit:trg!p*, AiiP , :litotii,ii3O.i:Oolty4 l 9Blo: l loll7o3l‘l' Ti# 6 !: :ij4o...**o§4o";l , kiptoitiohilit.l446,' , Iyl4o±:f*itf. - 4:01..! - iTiiif4410;:iketiii - fj414 - 41', '. piitt ' clii*; : .; : ifv;iiiil` -. oi l o , 44 l 'i'rt.tit4l4lP4**; . 4 .6i1 47 ,t.V11P.iii , T1? - iij. ` ,4A4o;;EiaSii:;lol - ti er:s.iii ~gi;', . ;:‘,filin a t i rsiiiii'n4. O tbeis- -, c;f ~..,....1,.,,.,j . .._ ....--,,,:.=, , ,-“4,- , ., ,, .•t" , -.',l,: : be l oved .: 3 - .: .etriinOpedf' 'o- *.Pg4 B 4 - 79 . PP.r 1 0 11 eq. , , :40:::Oiiii.O,O01104 4-* :tif.Oji::.;:i.liOS'S.:'5S'Ofett * l; ;f4WO' 6 o Bl l.illi,i i, ,,feo,l_,*_o:-hW•7100 . 1: 6 ( 1 ' : : -( 4l '4 l :iiii.'ril . ikiiiiiiiretkit'afillikkOP; . `YvAooo, kli?:i.r.APln'e..„_h 6 .9 . l3ioP!!;4''4,i:a-09hiqr?'piikii ,. : rdli...,ijii); , ' , :kioll -- .Trpsicpiioal - gt;p - 4...;'ilti ,tim. - .:::iiirfieli9), -, : , :0f ; tip, - 4.6eitipoco - ilhi4:‘,liiiie . 466400:iiiiiite*vk aliniSikq. , :tnjinliT : ,. ..-i,L: - , t , - i . 'Dion irl.' 7 :Xit eini . l . 6l::ibe u. p reiont, , iini;e;: -liar '..o6ol.oond-NiornitTie;mlich7orpossible. .t,ii'etWeiiiqiiitf;eii. ifi'd'gkbai;siVliieji:Eiity.by• ',..J4';C..iii4iiilp:ottr.p i);WIT'f2-'l . l;ol,*;','holq . r4tifilti..4iir ,;[4llioiplo4. - : . -ib,e ; 'priiyeotep . f.; - 1 , . Wlii`e:ii:': ) . i,;::,hov - O'Sii•Ogilell:;24o tong.. which • 49,.. , ti5tiev!"..0 . 101.0.crep **l...,: a wkfijberlb r est fiii;i4iiiitii:Of die nnilori.'inilttie fiallFinmp4:. Viii,liah:..intrit:#: : anie;•' , 6Scanid -, irn'th 'l4 .lioiverint, - antl Wlll ,- piviiiiill . .-It4nutit be 4: , _ _ _._ r.. . .. sburekrofprt (Lan !ensure fo,.efery . vyiag . to. know atutto"cenljbotilnillit..the Sirtir.: ipe4iiiirl,fei•nlila_O4 - -ili;iiiiiiiii4 "Piillt;llielloO s hiTi, - I:io 7 ,iiiiifiti:ii - liii g lierity. Of the :Wh:obf nni)oil i Were near 'Snd. dSar to. the . hearts of the'great mass oflihe. W . liYegiiy, Sliir - Weii • in t iiiiiiiiii — iiiil 1 -ths.:nlebsnrea.atiAl.docninee Ovowild - b.: • can itt3te:,...4Y'eVl . .:oor,great.leaders, and tfte. vf?hige. _ oI ` '_i(jet iioi> generally.. This; conylctidli?,Mlfeel , ias , foreibly . now', as id - InAlist 'lt e s ti L. o f..tl e con test.— "They from conviction, from frim:a belief that tho canal of 41)e , :.Whid•pliftyjsas the cause . of .national Ihonoi ofitarieiral.prosperti/jMid of nation 'eLpatrietienti-;Z•Theyare Whigs now,. and d for, et_thcaLlee _p, higether; . JfiTrefore, as a bril of brothers. Let them:ityo:d all petty jealousies,all'see-- tionat ill' - ‘3lll, 'all diriisian's into n'es harrpinll . ted at_ilt s-pr 9 per- tin me .ti:pt Ake. proper,-. ways-<;~. nr*lrclu ilt:i?,(l . .citi;itrfiliiplie t().:c ery hpu r, .6tid .cdi) frilefil of: trium ph'in the end. • paving9oOrredip flte r..-Ou'in eilinict - Fu rnaCe, lifei'..l4ff:oia ., 'Ournace on .„ .April, to_.4eiisp;:pqastiree th Iso"nnkcierate4"or avoided :nriyVPlket - hrlfuitir67.' , tn9l . %air, and aptinin ling' W. ')ersods weve-t ten appointe .t . canfinitted:ts'pre.. pare a . preathlilit and resolutions, expres • sive : of the objector the ineetingo;iz . Gen:'T, Miller,3oshmi . Sellers, Col. Lefe'vre,-J„ Weekty, Esq., George iiinsinger, Martin:Snyder and S. Beetemi wire reported the following4hizli were Unanimously atlepted:— inereas, - Wehave greatly Buttered by. the frequent fires which have broken out in the,namintairt;• and -particularly 'by the late disastrous one,' which.hal swept over .many milis of our most valuable timber lithd t burning nriti destroying every thing hilts coursel_podithereers,_we_haVe-great-' .13i felt ilia log_ fro m• n t of !eon burl uf, - :aciin,l!lUjarftatiug its: priigteea, `anti,, - believitig -, i`rbin *it bur obaerVition - flak ,ries, 4.may be avoided iii filtljrer lry=ul r .I lake, proper and 'united exeriiena; Wltight can only be'attainedbyf an orgllniztdon„or oi,ho a r e:qreOly 'intereSled;iu aeotriog prep 4dt .. oll:Alin - an injUry , froln •tltia.!,trneftt!,pis;ilA`ngerobS,ele ottan` ize ourservesiOtO tornpany7iinger the It` I '"2l' . name 'of thi to • •mson • own_s tip__ - , tm er. •. .•, -- ~>=K~ tr .4ell Acki,,rVAttrmiiis: iiiiiliAiiiit - ifikifirtilti., 0 iltiviiireiK - ai , vx•gpre . ....,,,t r , _. .iiial ~..,,i t h, :„. ~,,,.-...,: Jl*OvglAtßlA4ll4P:lntr.„ °P° llll #l,anu! iiigl),ilvii2,oiiiiiii4iiii i , 14 . 0;::,:*kii . - .14' . ..,. _liipAoiikiiilli4'4:4l:l iiiiofif •,!), , sty e: ;slip) -, ii:lati moderate ?bi i 'pielty-iitilfitroijit 44 50 1 fronci 'itiiit'iiL.iiit:.:iniisii - ;:-Ei . ii,ift4ii`tAliiifigP, , d,Oal#is ! JaiArt 9 , 9 l9 tkl 7 o)9 , fAh9 , ears.:: Ae iiqs*Rr4•9l ' 9 9. 9oP / r 9119 9P :1 909 4 4 9 9` hatna;,b4l- iht i t ( ogr,' I C I-11717 4:71 11 :19iP 6 9 6 9i:f 9 t , tfi9i.refiii'eo,in; 0 - o'sa , 'iiie , ,-,-'follo,Viikli;kl)oioand'..„.littalli.ies3 - 1 49, 44 ilistie '4 / 4 4tifig',Iiairels; i ' 20, klialf bt..; rel lE4'. Ci lk Vlll5 - 2 41711 hbli'..fib`d .1.54 , hill, bariels Suaqtiehinitta.2,4B2 , ,barrels;'.oatiii:! I. y.Piodao6l , ,,barieiiiltiiiii-ii9ltalf barrels.— Tota t l-u40;451'-bilirels;arid '496 hair blits'i iwherUlostli.-2_,.., : T . ltere_TwaiL'ulscOnspedted, "04 .6119, ti',C 11 0 i 1 t 1 : : enci: 6;48 barrela anti 24 r .ialt.bi4rels,eorn..ine'al., .k: !'":;;;..' ,'2:‘,4,-.':, ~:. tiiiii„`liiro_Siaiis:tiii. : TSeel ii18.,4,. %VII ea i aohtianea - moderate, nod thara is:no, change .; in-yetes,_:inferion,reds,raaging TrOrn: 85 to:9o'..:.2ol•:gOOd'l'liiiafi 63: ceiit.s',,tO 81 : .03.` - OormikitOt in so . - .good :- denianif, , and pfic'es : ,-inive rather reeatle4 .white` go-' log oira!,pp,ip' .4). eeeta.,3•e110w.,42 to: 44. the latter- i'Onsiiivania. =Oats are ‘icirth 24' . iii:,,24_::dantfi. ',: - Ployer l sead is kis' tAnlie,: week:c;os . : - two,,,antrkvnAtavo,ltearil of no trimiaations bf any hind, but !loftier's of . printe hits 'tin= vedr,nolittoLinetrin_sell . vindo,r bodtel, • .Wo continue io - ijubio%Flax-seeti - pt2l.to'2li; :contain Itheos. nut 22 t0 . 22:1 in 15615 - .` 'N. 4titit ciir. s tinueasta 34-to 35 Cents; •• —. I MIIGAPE , jisISPit - TORS MKi:t2MM WIrE enrolled Malkin and Volunieehr saject military duty within , the IniuntinOf the I et Bri gade, I I th. Divisidin, , P. .., are orderedriaparade.V coiisanies tilidet the eelfruntind their., resfiectha coniintindin - gullicers, on Monday - 1465th de-fig-May next, end thd Iteginients ;Ind . :Be : nations foi•inspec -_ alder the - -eon , - - • ilietr respectava:-.F.i,' .ton _under the - connnand r af. __ Offleers,.ll*folloirs t.-' '. , ..'" ' . .-. The let Battalion of Cuniberlend Vplttnteeri un- , otriuts.oa r e.,4..gti 4214;a2C4;541- ' - „ ili.ftlartstgarrir-12ill.tf a te"-.' The - 107th Regiment.P...llt..tnider.th#.ortortelid' of Cdl;"Aliiiiiro4.4srelileVet the . saine ritne r ii4 -iiiiide; . .Thii.24 BatOicin . lll Cuniberland..47Olunteers'un : ' &Jr tlitr:cOrnmend 61,Idajor_dohtil.11endenitt, kt: Mor. 'Ohanieslntrg:urt_Tuesday,tho,loth.latill.dy- , next.--1.! _ ~Tire lit , Battalion- of he 86i;11 . Itekir*lttliniler ml the conand of "Lieut... Col. JoOrlt Ingrain, at the - The 2d Battalion Of. the . 86th Regiment at , Oya , tons . Point, on Wednesday the 14th day 'Of klil, . . The Ist Battalion 'tifitte 2,341 Regiment under tile comtritind of Col. leant Wyneoop, at Mount:4o,k -.oh Th . ih•faiV...ob , ,) . stiA 4y. of MO , next. -- , -The,LC4mbethina,grayli.,uMiertika...eommand of pp!: ot•at.NMOille 6firof,i4 ay 'next. ROginientor . CitinbeiltifitiViSlintleerkun• der' the ! 'CinninaMi. ot. on Frida 'the 16th -f . .Itilir r n •.• The 24-,Battaliort., of.tho.ig3d:Jtcsiesertt the same thni - a - Ml:Ok* • The 19611; Regiment under The cominand of eel.. llenry B. Relipok; at ShiplienabirreOti:Satiiiday the 19th-day of . .. May nett Troop.mnderAhc command of Capt.i. A. Young, at the moue thne.and place. , The Union Guards under the command of Copt. David Wherry, at the. same litho end place. The Atount Rock Independent :Light Infantry orn iler the - command of 'Capt. B.boads, et the same time and place, tly order of J. HEHRAR, 'Prig. Tasp; . ;... - . • Id. trig. 11.11dtb,..1 ) .-14.: BrigaL fil - speoltß.'s Ofilce.? ' - ,'...V4ol#l9;.Apiil 10, 1840.3 ....,:,.... , The tin Cit for non-attendance wilWo bu Taty; ; ooo . bacti clay, and can he faid,toihe County ,'treasurer or the Collectors of the State or County tax before the days of,trilitinz„.or_withindility_diva- Aberenfrer--at which titre all the Collectofs will _ reqUirod' to rusk° t_iellionttbt... , The _balance th fines idler-, deductin4- tha2 , eXpense 'among the Volunteer ~:•- 4 1:07,- . :rtio":, . #ficprd in cOnunltull'ir inertcnie;reAteited . -tcrriihkCatipoiliftir'‘';otir, pant OtTteirshr rcatikaf,alt ~#4l i iit ' l Lt i, t `.; gc. , ;."•• 1 Me ED 0' aim~itoi±_,-:-: ETiltics sincere . thimks to . thoin, of his ILILIow oittzeno throogh''Whoso , exeriioni tire" of April Wits BubdueJ;:ctinl , : : thaeruißilial,part,..olhk stock saved froin •acitNeilon., llti;siloct:sincorety, thank ' , those frierialtr,whci, withrhit his InoWledno, con tribtft@ - splibersilly - in - money;:towas - , - pa rdrcilug his: !psi.: "tieing a gnu n g man nnd,, without ti faint• yOutlfs;li)r tp.bP-hbUluly-Ao:;4litaihieLFeopivint, • Font ributions..which , 'theft. .geneiositlit; ittouhl'lhitts' placed in'hia;Mirids.; bat ho this' opportunity_ of infprining. all;his friMills,tind 'cl‘izons;:tirt ho hopagairf , crani*cod on4 , ,that . cithi:onoand, 'and serve, all tlitiaiwho ' turn to eatontißolim in. tholysy : of j.;,Carliaie, April 15,:1845. ' ' 1 tiikti4eo talio'ouni , GEb u It, Mr , ' and' 49uN 11)4 flTi Of::,:trenty; fifoiwoo under a Oetyl•af 0 1 ' 1 4.0f ( 494 1 0 11 9 P 'Pkcas '0( salt' 44tid gith of thelifeinotii:OuttloibOjiOlil,iii Otani& frititii fotitiiioe - obit ANkttiii'oitino will IttelY to , 'Ditchi,66 1'64 ile°• l libr ' ;; : ,14':`.;1848, Pxothonotorli.:ii c „ALA o,lolthle inliabltinit of wthe boroagkrittaillpiltheldirctlia - Sti. - 1 0 - WefA Belle-ol'exeri.naLr tests agrpeablita a NOV :of Beetil-er SchoolDireTtetr: ITP4o4: =l litietell argaajzoilognd , deida jam,* additional • ; cum•ahahl,,lorpjaisrfor '7 - qt tor, Or enruiag yearolimoilyt r Withe the keere,Vii4o,44lielittifc,9#l r— v elr 1 K4%.: 010 - , - ::'- , :' ,. ....: - ... 7 e 4 T.*::. - .Z. '...1' ,- .. ,-= `. - .. - f'..` - '::::' , ' ; q:•;..! , :,‘... -, , ,, . ': , • ~,•.,...:,....%:-,.. i%,',`;.',, i'. 74 ...r4,: - .:...i4 , :.!,..:.' , "..r. , x , •:. • • .%'. ', _. -1 -.•..,)4- , 14, - -, -,!..,-,,,,-,7q.,,,,4t:,-7.4'-::tt',7;.1.-'7F-7::::-.+'.:••••:,--,14.-1-:‘-i, " = - icii`otkien - pAviontrieu,l - , titian ..im0.104. - svd.th f ir - berhioilikeoiWtidi for lost jiy Vportpliy t iJn f9t`m' 111 e ilit,L the are niv:iPrieP;ikr4l4'*eiv6 Produce _ uud;'''lllcechaudize,~. ; • ' Pi otluce will 'be iieTritYreilto'nni•hOosi,),oy4iladel - olio or itottlnflre.to ttieleßinitst ciAtgforp 0085,1; Thei F Ifigeot in the olie04 6 111 . 10,:::_, Messrs. Y,ine et, Nnirr. pn tl!o q pnipre. burg 'owl' intehogdifity'llotiiii, "Nilsen= gore nieciltor4hofilYthlind:WZfit,:alliinet • - • • teP,MARTIN lldrrieliii # g . fro 1' c • ' tre •• := , clifi s tr:tie - ;&.:.tia r i s ._ ,_ _ inld-ididAlolll3 = l 4 - ' oo pindsgusik - ITOi , - , .?. ,- . -, 1-,..6h4vt,' :,_- --, •, . • ~... - spEatvg,Vlikliri,BALTlM°RE•,.. VbEcF , lVES‘'entlitulfs"Nsills, Pig reoti, tioomh ,R, Hie Iron, lila Rods, CoiolOgs 4 &Q. - • mess . ; iror,in k5 . 2,.,,5. Ni Lewi!, . • , 1 ".. • te:Av i i roA t t r na - , - .K.C°• ' - Phillidplo • 4., /- " - "Mcierts et 9nr.esw." ' .---, '-. -- : 0—.11: p,„ iluti)!l 8; Co." ' „. ~ , .. , - • . 4 . ‘,44..,.: 4 ,. - 13enj.-11.:F1e1d7F.4.;. . , „ 4 ,,, ,e ,,,,,, , y 600. , ,;:l'Ai!nr..4ll.`‘/,ls' '' j, ."- • • ',' „yra ,F. Whitney:Fag. , . , Ai v. ,,,, c , iithr. brass..( li du b.,-,14 ; F. 'flnirer. ~,,, ,f, A ika iiir:-.Nierchiil4l goporalifia.ll.iltiinerc,:. March 12.; 1 845. ~ 0 napinbrellair,Purasal ,and Sun , Sl94le:Nanufactory, • , . itt'SLAti:`,•*•4;PLAitKE, -tieeessor to linberk ieltie;:htiOtl-A-tn=4-5 o uth 'Po tt vemOYod - the North Weft comet _of_rourfloiilittiCit,kteeeti, irhere-Ite-kbefil;inan -sTfitttll';loi,:i&.e't.'ugeefeir,,,iiilieles of the shore named gniitte,:wintittliketureii:ittnclne his own intmellime su ptiiisneinicristOtiirl„.Witfrititted at as good ginility us • entt•beintrplinSid In this or any other city. Reaitog , for , :Co411; JiW. c. is enabled to tom ii:nnul lie I esiieel& fully ioritni•3l6ll4nniis.:iniil others visiting the city, to eali--.Net.exitnjnisi':liii,:ifosk:.z.nnti prices hefor'n puissintsing ••••• .fOSIAI' AV. CLA RKE,, •N AV. - corifeiro r ron e i.thii,ial Aforket sit cols •.• ' i pl in I '26,18.5:411111:-Vi , • Registe iSotace. • ItEnfuvverrOvrice, - Car Hide; March 29, 11345. itikTOTIC.E is ttel.dtry given ro all „ persona inter. 1111_sated,:chat...the folluccing - reconnts hovinlosn filed itr this office- for exarnidetion — by the ar. countautHherein ned,-ant , WO:he premiere - AV/ 1 M to - the Orphano'Ccurt of Cifruhiehirkt_e elle r yr r er conliffrititirirraria cI lo wenpc, on 'Tnerpfay We 29 riay of 'A .61 A.-D Xrdrce for of: ilioliuol"ltub oyr - onfrii m-I"—lntatripa— late 1 1 10f.horough. 4, l ll l 9loo4l , dgeeased. actunipt of Deofornfn Ticket., Achninis. trator of GeorgelEcklihiatonf-.Newton-lownslilpi • • 3 . Th e 'eeeeuer. a r Q h'tAdmintv. trat7fr ofJohn R. Ste,wort, inte-of liorough •4. Tho acciitrat Uf John Garman, Arinrilnial.n. ton. of Daniel flenChew, late Or Silver Sprinit townvitipy derma/sett. - 5 . Tilt account of John Craighead, Executor Catharrne Dixon, lafeofEsut,N,Alid . ilkton town. shi .deco - .6.. Tiro .ae;uni of DeVld Demuth, Executor of Sa 4 . eip lite iff ITlCkiniew teun ship, de• neaten. ,• lel& triii'Ailm in iiiio of ;Sohn rby :. ~niu t?f,sOuth A l lattlutou tots' a . . .. , . , .13:,11,9 ntenunt , Or SainiierMiller; Executor o H.Ont„i Mlllui,lutc"of Alice township, dockised. -,, I).'llie atodtint of Jacob Pallor, Admini.tratoe of Ch risl lot Pailoi, lititi.of M dilliti township, do. celled: . . • . . 10. The account of Adam reeman Adminia. train'. of V.alcntinO Fecmon, lute of Allen lotto.. sh in, &ova sc4. •. .. The ;moon - tit-of 30611_11 GOacar, ki'414..1- tretor *I hpttia non •orlshioci Oci,lito of the tiO 4 mos, h 'nil Mocha o ieshuct; dunce Sod. ' • • 12. Tlao account of Joseph and 'John McClel. . hindcAdsn•nistratpr of Joseph McClelland, lute of Hopewell tuninublp, deceased. 12. The, account, of iolen'tioacr;. Admiuistratot of JOini:,Frclielt, tato of Slicer Sprink townshi p, aCcemicd.• ... ' •,..- -' ' ',• , '"' ' ' • 14: The account 0 f lottii.reckfer, - A dministta, tor of Christian Keckler i lute of Dickinson town. ship,,dcocased: .' , , - ...,: 15 .4'lltesaccoonColAig o b Duey, 4.duircilattalut , ofititugs Mutton; lute gf tho , borough Of Carlisle, . decOanfdi._.,:. , . . ~ • ~ - • : ,1 . 6.: The-up:cut/at ofJacohClippingcr Guardian t. oF. l ,Ohn-11 , ....5105vutf4_,;!..:: -.., '-,' • _7ll - X l thWr .- ?liii.'o74l4;if , ,Williato D. Bey more, Guar. , , Cliiitemf . Rikkard ..•;1361Voiiik$4,4 of„„tho.llorough of "it'`ifsiii . ''• • J. 0 ' • .": 1 3 3 .! , 1 1 0 -- atehOrit'cif , ;300:Th0 1 1 i Guardian at 4i'did,iiiii-;.,,t•itq.l;io:,kotet"od.,:by,lienry, Rum ' E i - eSli t or . ':... - ",,i';..1:-,7WA,..., `," ,2',ip':,,,.ll'hintli'cutinl.'ol4-Ifetirripip"' nardian of E+4141U1!!:-.11tViffitiItftm4. 0,144 .. i)i - " Wilt de , ,---'?" , -.%.-,- ,, , , -.1„..,-,r's 4 . _ lititTicettfaltßl t nr„, , A, gtioqi With 1 1/t ik I POOS:4O I3I IIOri' . O/liiiVof. • c e0t40P *4 ,. di1,: . & 7 :' :. ' 7724 ' . .. -41. !4111110 0511 4,1g; ; V:3;Witti „. .Guardian o rthi : i p l u t ipnilition.if „ lti - dipami - ,Brpkn du'd. ,:, .The i niattnOrliViltrOni.,'Llitict, Otto rdian Of„Sa• iiih: ' Nnic-Ne . i dicliNU;nbiinfectiiliit'nf_Samp e lli o L.., -di cli;..dUeiainid:: - . Z' , l-6: - FfiLi - ir,F,,As,l,-, : .. , ~- ! ,11 : 1 , 1 l oaucOlinr:prIVilliriniAirti; ;Einitdlah of If& fir igPielinli46. Ydigi' . f diob..- # 04 . 340 14WA: ,' ) ' ,,Zr ", i : ;-: . 7;; , :.i,`,., ~'''..,':: ..* ' r • . ,:rliq:-C4o6o.4:4Vllrigniii''' `Liricv ., Guardian . of • Jiihrt;,lll4dlgli;r:,'nlll:lo,ol4lAlONV,Samt,tol bteidlob.. ;:':'" :,': - ; .1 '..; 7 .; . '-',' , A : 440 1 34)1 1 ;001: AU giant. : :...:..- - .;,;.-- ...---,.,-......,,...., -^,----;:,--‘ , • - ,--, 1,41. 'IT ..' . 4610 i . .. ' ..4.. k!,l%)litilitliikekCl4".!" , 7 . * a at:,•phfld#Al4l!. . , duoby atiote ANI it Nijk•Aqi RENA • ' ' - ItaNl4 KA.?•• „—•4' 1 as vErirrlAN• „ d , • ,:;,;;; nod• Nallienarl'i:lo, it AS illwris 411 1i1 l iZa Tatir;iitrfol: IffliqCV ° Pf IV ' ' 81>kilie14 0 ,r,A,,i6i*.ill ,gxe4 14Q/1:: wild at bilPitYqthrttlYl S'ilejlllllo PkYOnnd 7, plied ~, iii, otho, us(abi.,!...t,i„,-,.., ,Nlvehaql4lS tilindtkre. - the velli)*".tta'shoyela lbllCe'l-e6-,Teii. Idly Olketitil-,Z- ,„,,, e(kittao9VeliiNf ,c4'ffillier• piiilliOU'alii.4llllll itivlVt 411;.011 r ,nio,usilig 'He' Vetiligetill .Y 43 hi n i A call be 0 1 . Ilind,otiettitl::',Bl‘ ~ , t , , ,, -', • ; u ,, A ) „ uqualja r, ilmelie,7llbre'.l,4orn iiiiipting exfcti:thijorrierey. ‘;(0119Plik n gull *WOO. niTttl,wiLLIAMS‘ =' beak-OeMts , -•k?3,.-4:8...1.'„,, ~, ~, ,•,, , ‘„ - ' ; l'j e ,,, I :43..' ”: " '. V itii61ir,10.‘,444R17 .t.... 4 .` " ' tinokot4now and z av 4 1 1 e - 010„t i bil 74 ed-Slrennl;4,m /I..Aigitlcr7,l4l and' otAY," loklntil,4lt'r* '' 11 t aod lugisP,T;ll..rprr, tkopr_e4 El RCM lIMI tardinn 01 'eclair, de.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers