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' ' ' ' " • , " Y -- E — FAIVIICI 77— TIIEWSPA -11 Elt --- DEVOtp,o - GENERAL - INTELMGENCE;A#WMITISItit4, * - 'ool*l4:ifklk,,TilliE MORALITY, A 6 RI[OIIINRE, ARI . AAND,CIENCES. AMIISE.IIII3Iirs,.#,! I= vozwmaz 4W7Eso Ith 7- D, 44IPOSKYOlt Office, Ccrti;e sqtein•eiS.' Corner, at rho , .010 *and,- rEams OF :RURLIPATION. The HERALD &. EXPOSITOR is published' eekly ± onadoublo run:18116ot, TYVO,DOL., 170th — in three moniin from the time ?f subSerjbine; on Twomom.ans A Nn FIFTY CATS, ['Lille dud Of the Year. No subseriiitinteiVill - be taken:furless than - alit menths,and no paper discontinued until all ar l ; real agasare paid, excerpt, at the option of the publisher, and a,failurp,tn.notifyn disdottinu , nne will bq conSislored a-nuiVengagement. Advm tising will be d'ona on titanium' forms. Latta s to insure attention Mist.,he post paid. ILLIAM MILLED., Attorney at Law. , --.4)4 4 1. - G - R - REMOV my te Ticctemls—R-owl-te r som lormerly inetipied by S. D. Adnir,__Bsg, C0:441e , A pril 3,1844.- ' tr-25 :I. S. COTAVF.Lt. 01. W L U - R E. • Attorneyii , .'at;Law, . _ ILL attend promptly, toAkusttiess entrusted to them in the - counttes - --cifetirnherland and VI auk li a. Offices, one door vest of the - Jai I,l:last I high street, Carlielo,__ and next door to Stumbaugh irc.Th over's Drug Store, Shippensburg. • April '24; tf14.4. . tf-26 NEW STORE. ', T v 11. subscribers nrr nnw .opening, in the room ndjoining J 7 r. Dutllehr.s• Ilardwnro Store and 'directly opnosite to S. Elliott's Drug store, an en tire New Stock Elcirnney nndStnple • .'" 73 P • ----ontAinuiggi:getteralliss9t.tmeni of Ladies find Geo. tlernieit's NVeat , f stailt as ITifir - oli7Eiftfiregva . Ilttiof ffe ines,Oiltanily Lose Must I' Lawns,Citintzes Calicoes, Cloths, Cassiineres, Surrimer Cloths, Maid anti Plaid th•illings and Bat tun' CtAgiffitti•e9 of tattoos ileseriptionki• all GI Which will be sold at manful:o)le priors fpr e i sit. -GEO. 64. CO. Afar ‘29, 1814. tf-31 N. 11..Thi! Dwellin g part of the house attached 5i n er , 47 .. 1 ruAtillN. • RLISLE FEMALE-SEMINARY - . _ Ei ;are . respectfully - -- . ---- Idstitution will he opened-Limier the Superintend. _ .Cha rhitts. Paine, on., the 2d day of January, 1845. - large.and,commodiuus house in West Lou (her street, recently occupied by - Mrs.:Stevgis as a Boarding Solinol has been taken - by them and is undergoing repairs. It will lie furnished with special referent:o'Wilib — Tictri - M.rffiffrof - the , Pupils. A' few Misses or young Ladies will be received as Boarders, and it is -intended to efford I , r,such all the advantages connected V4tire-rosi -1113466 in the most genteel ifrivate family. Expenses.. • itnAtta, with fuel, lights and washing, will be f iroh.lierl to young la dies,at $2,25 chi. during the Simmer months: and $2,50, during 016v:into-. TUlTlON.—Coinrhon English studies r.l Ge2g i raphy, liistory, Grammer, Arith. PrtliographytiiiingiTtia. rmarter. 85,40 With 'Astronomy, Algebra, derimelry,' f Natural Philosophy and English Coin , isition. 4,50 Higher branches as Botany, Chemistry, 1 lietorieNentul and Moral Philosophy.. 10,00 Instruction in the Languages, Prawingi tinting &c. will invol.lre an c±tra charge Lessons in tnstrumentol :Wilde by Prof. L. Wnllier, lhr an extmcbqrge of 12,08 The Tuition will be required quarterly and the Wine of Boa - rd modthly in advance, and no do dUetion mode for aMience hut in once obivickne November 27, 1844. tf- S. ELLIBTV OT , Ftits tnr snle ilt veep reduced td Wes, a fix! • aiii - Ortmeiff of • Drugs, reitedicines, Dye-Stuffs PAINTS, tog ether with Statioparv, Fine Cap Paper, by the nen na, Let ter ei Shoo{ ify the ihzant, Silver l'enei Is, Mewing , Sable heir do: ; -Drawing Paper.' Sealing • 'llex, Warerarl'enlint ven,, a 'if fine Painting hrushea, Grnr- Ing in. Shaving. lin. 'ninth fill. Tel Ilet•Son ifs in great Ehilegs th.'n4thetomdLeqlrrollatd, • toiellice willi.Ovory . qtliorneiteleiiitlni Drug line i ..-- lie ntlenti no of l'4sic mon; floolitey. NI erebritits nod )y ers ifs Obolitiktilixortlttcrinfteell-norttvee owprices for quilt. 7- c --- . . . tClielisle, March 15;1844. •. , 1:1114 PAM S6IYE4TIJEES._ • ilirl'EßS hicve jttfit opetted an ITEatatiaive - aatedrtrrtentofaltil(3S,selected with Iv cat care and warranted geoultie and Puy:. Thy . ai chateau(' Country Merchants are requesteitto call extol:wine their stook.before SKI Sd.; A large assoitinent qf [Wets and Dye-studi,eVefy netiele:warranteilliereltliit the `hest un sale' 'Dyer's, Paintevatintl.Fdifers are reiittested. Id gall,as we are thitermind to toll the cheapest and • 'best articles Of this line in the eterket.. , • - • Books and sstationary. We have added to our. ositalatock, choice selec tion of Book's and Stationaryi which we can San at a very reduced peke. _ 'rite largelt'aatortmeat of CUTLERY evemotrar tit at this plade•:-Apkattier wAlLtlto moot titatidnable .I'I , ,RFUAIERY an(l...l o (taey,ff9Aolui. ....,Carliaigdualt.ll ? tfi.,4ll;•,' . ' • ' : -.: - IT-54 - Washingtion . HoteL, -.GrafErtorAVIARKET-Eirrtaar te—iiertkisr Bcttimt6 -N - ,a Ka ,• , . • IPrha "Elebeeritier itegki• leave ta,ialotia s ,theohths.shns he hns- lease() •thie, wvii known .160)4:w-trick:his rOoently tuOler4onea.tbotonoil-re oßewe4ittt tlie best Wiled • nt.lfe'i 4 kifroititrO;nntl 'pow, , 'prepared .tc .Ailuornotlatii - Seirtlfeti ortlie,Gegidature LL. :_ lll *iin.thtt'Afeet:treet : StY/ 0 9it!ititipim:Pkek,Iterlileik xiitipat,titq l to :pletee.:•-' • ' - wt'et ;I :RORER /1011 1 Nri•' , SJGN;( I, I 4I ASIONGTOtt, AND_IACK . SIIN, 'looll.4Ons thnt Ire hoe removed Trom hit blitelfitke West High streecto the publie house littitTlntit4P,#` ll( avid Bimini on Eimnhfilanover,streeti GNI ifbefough4,,eign et'Wnellinon anth,gookeqn, 'l 7 9herp Isms 911 be nINOVe glad go te e :his friends front "'the CouotersimiTioliglierihendedeoinmodote them I / 41re bout 2, 4 nntnfnolnktnin se t t rf.. , •A' t o p it,lijkir,lllll.ol.,llB eenttenu i plied I ihjhe has. TAB film • ''t'tk4Vrnalt ,l oo l s l npt*enref OST4RAIWeye , I . 2 .,4§ , tlClii,i4Hornaermood nothinter!kikpe,tert , pA 0tk0? , , • f a *five - with•htio. • vo.XN tliitti by, tile wail_ tnontlior s y eq. •tt•T:' 'N/DREWIIQUEI4B' IYAI Virg 444'e • r W•4- 1 itt'a -o-.Btfikdi • A.fu:). " Zgoth ei irdt;T4" tt A „ ip g oko4 ME :.1 ''::',`,••.: , •E'.:[;: - 4..-'!' ,; H -, ,: : ,• L ,,, ,,..,.. m ., ~ -:,.1,,..;.1, l'':-: -'... , :..; , .':' , .F1...!'41' ,. t' ii:.'::'':',':''i'::-:::',?,',.':':Y:''';.M.-'f,',n..-..:',;':.f. , . ''C,..'Yc•-.'..;";i.,,:.,,..,:,:,:.1!(' CHEAP .BOOK--tTOREi , THP. 'Subscriber has n few drays since received from the city a general stesortmeitrof School Hooks and Stationary, which he intends to, sell at reduted prices. . . Purchaiiers can be supplied with Bibles,Poper 44. thc : Nlowingrotein ' Good School Bibleo, • SO Good StIAMI Testa - Me - Mir Pocket bibles . meroceo giltiedgcs..l,oo 'Sellonli Books all the row arkinds in Use propor tionably low. Ilia Stationary is 'tripod quality, al so a .good 'assortment of Lithographic Prints, Toy Books and Books suitable for Holidays. / He also 'carries on' tilt: Book Binding buti'fiess where persons ran yia o their oltl books rebound ; ttlao Blank Boo3ts,l)ocicets &o. made to'ortibr,. The subscrib,er in connection ivith hie Book and Stationary Store, has eatablished g . • .P. 11.1111.1" GROCER": HE hn:l now on 'mud n tale and geneP 4 =2 ral assortruont offresh droc9riest, s ices =1 LIM litliiil sulecteil vitl)-curo . in the oily, and %Ilia ho is 'enabled to sell at reduced each prices tti suit the times. . Thankful for the patronage extended t° him during the few 4nys he has been in the basilicas, die hopes by, attention and endeavoring to. please to mer,it a .continuance thereof, his stock in part consises.of •Strong Rio and Java Coffee, Best and 2cl quality Liiaf Suinr,•Brown, white, Havana and crushed Sugars U. P. Mcet.tint Young ITyson, Imperial and Black Tege Sugar /louse Syrup and New Orleans Mules SCB. Rest - nnd 24 best Sperm Oil Sperm -and - NI ould Candles. Spires of all !ands fresh grbun,and unground,Chcesn and Orqekers; Lemons, Niece, Citron, Indigo, Starch, Saltpetre, Logwood, American and London mustard, Rice, Homeopathic and linkers best Chocolate, Raisins, Almonds see Filberts. Crockery, Cdiinn nnd Glassware. Also Wash- . is,-.lLuks,Baskeis Churns,...dirmanis, _l3csL. curds, Halters, Ploughlines, Masons,, and Carpenters Lines, Market Baskets, Best Cavendish and other chewing and smoking Tobacco,- iprirtislt,- halfl Spanish and Common Segars. A . generai .assortment o f good Spool cotton, tlirend, tnpes, thunbles, hooks & eyes; Pearl but tons, pins nnd nt, s yllcs,suptllf brushes, I air tirn•ilies combs, pewter sand, shoe blacking n n vat ietv hornittankrtrtireld!rr'Yv. • Mkt smoked. Heiring, Salmon, Cranberries, (Ned:Mgt ALFRED 's. smear:fp: - AviN Q stock or good. , • belon,ong lo , rseeh - llentz in North liniiover reef n few (lours n ' imve Wm. Irvin's Office Is here e will keep ennslant .on hand and for sale at the Leuiv,e . st l'euees. _ r GROCERIES , & - SPICES such as Loaf Sugar Double & Singleßclined,l3rown Havana and Crushed Sugars, Young Upson, Imperi al and Black Teus;Sugar-house, S y rup and Orleans Mol lasses, Sperm and' Whale-Oil, * Caudle Cheese, Crackers, liner, Citron, Indigo, Starch, Saltpeter, Mustard soil Chocolate, (Hager Suleratue, mon, Cloves, Nutmegs. Crockery China and Glass -Ware. Brindles, Tubs, Baskets, Churns, Buckets, wash boards, butter prints, ropes " and - twine, tollaccto, vanish, halt spanish and common Segura. --- B - 0 - OTS - AND - SHOES of . every tlosceiption of City ntal Home mrinttfactore just re'ctirml at his store, consisting of Willis' double and'siagle soli' French nod undress morocco shoes and boots for Ladies', Children's nbd Mea's wear nl the Lowest prices. FLOUR. for sale by the !inure] and small. .50 barrels sliilo cheat Plane. trbarrels Pres!, Groom! ...aro meal. • hat rels Buck c•neht Floor. Versonh ' hour of me can 11:14'4! it deli,: reed of any part of the town. Those who innY fit ror hitn.with their eusforo, sill be dealt withy on the most satisfactory terrns. therefore 8104101(5 Share of public tottreone. January 8;1845. 5. 1 ,0 Coyntry Merchants. TAKE NOTICE, THAT YOU WILL FIND . AT 'TIE STORE OF TIIIII% . S.UBSCIIIIIERS, P. 0.: .40 North 411‘ - idreei, Ctirner of Co,;.. t ?now street, Philadelphia. • • A LARGE sToct: covrAtsmc•AS GREAT A VARIETY IWWMTeiTi'I Elk any !louse in tlhe City of Philadelphia. rgv rg Wady 'hie sales by unction and nee fi etluelltly able;M:purchase prgiy seasona ble descriptions at. Goods ranch. below the regular prices and which they will sell at a .entalr mivance. •Thervlsret • ' . • • • l'olll, In man ulacturers, null new styles of Foreign Goods as soon as they are in the Market from importniions here and in New 'York. 'flick assortment consists part of the D CLOTHS IletiVer and liilol Cloths, a full stssortment„Satti l• net's, ,('cans ; Flatmela; Kerieys and •Litiseys, Mar seines aral•Naletteia, Vestings in great varlety, Black 'lank Velvet', Figured Silk V lent, alues-Satin"-Se, Red Paihling, CrtneiltS, Britten Hallam), Canton Flannels, filioghstnts, Checks, Tiekings, Colored Carnbrios,•Sileeins, fluelcram, Eta., Fee. . . Also.—Prints-.An ektetislfe aisurintetiand are; ennitantly receiving fla, neweit.,ttyles as they coma fvoin the manufacturera—Mous de Nines, Print , ed Li was, Canthries t ,hiconets„ Book 'hail Mull q~luaii 18, Swiiitaf Wins, frith Litmus; Litton Lawns; Russia Sheetings, Burlaps,' Russia Diaper, :4ton !Suttee, Linen Crash, Stu., Ste. • . A I.,PAA; AS in great variety, figured and plain, !Lulli . ]; emit i els, a lid I assorttriont of Cotton and Silk, Suspenders,,v Cloves, Thread, Buttons Lade .Goods, , With a full assortment of arowit t and Bleached Shirti ni s and Sliemings. ' , .• M. H. !MOWN' lk Co. • u.40.210rth Ath,at., Februarys, Dissolution. of _ telanAtiershili_Lheretaforn:bilsiing.lbetneeitiho_ utiderllie • firm' of J. I'. l e yne & Co, teOminated 'on.'ttie Ist 'Riot: by. mutest! iionsent.. The .Beetss are „in the leant!' Lyne' oat leation; and Wolf% afe ,requested, to call" at: the store 011111 settle.their asontintili as. It le destriele thatthe houisrstionV '• • •.•-•,• • , r•• •-• Dec enNier ta -1844 i•-• • • , - • --- g';:. PA. Larkp a ; w d resifeetally inform Tiia andlifiPublie generally'. that he 4ill,Coc-;. that e'the6il/.4./eDIVAREI'd! US/NESS'itt the cad eland 'where may ',he fount a'firit,4site,asiortmento! '(:oohs, each ai LoekeiHhigairiSitrotiTt'ailgtc,, Clip` Nnila=littil a ampitlete assertmetit citreenter4 ; Tool ifj_fitatery, far; petal; - o laid Slit. lron. Steel otall gad every article , usually . kept la, ' Hartlioafe stcre; all of 'wlalerkwo *Hi Bell at,the very lowest pitee . e., Call and see bel:ore isitrehasiag: - - • -Patent , .llfledioiiridst f. 461ireo . eiitglAt liike' *inotiment of.ttio - rdp,„"lo 0 ini'..pagii,it, 'lifediOperi,•WilAk 7,13 °Mir. (pi . (3,.A, !iv licileggld and, ret l 4 l- ntA ' 0 .11.::tailil. 13 9 41 •In'td,te•! .. : - "•Y. ' - !e4Ri . Hoio , pirkinidnuailvourp.or.,i'lltiri, ',,..- i, , ....... ,:....' '",f , -' , `.. ,.. .l)r , Hvi.Ciii po 0 nod triaoe . ,,pliAluten ei... ,. . , ) . -,:. :: A • •ZA; ',l kri)i ) , ll ,i'. B coi re rf6 e l3 i 6 k f1eath K 1) 9 , 3.':,.22 , (,i 1 g., 1 V Rtt ,.' l ",'Xi_F,, tiriS,fitAli'ar , WitTC4,,)W, 1 1:4 , 4 ,,i„ . ;., ~,„,,, f*".'N . - ' 11 4 osl,ooloflrild,,9llgritWAM •,.l.? ‘..•-...pi1k.. .1 ;4 144 4 4 . .;:i ., *igiregiA 1 4)%9 . ,::,iii?t61!;ti 111 1 ,i r il , ', V T ot -.4 l 4 l l 4 l %ttgATA 4! I f rof; ' •071..4# "Oil . „ It iiinitiijLelp jr '' it . .2,2 t ?1f 1 11 0i.."-:44:4`,,i'.. -Of 1400,511.1i1tri - ,..1ef , 4,qt. f , 4 • c ... ,- . it, i , , , .•.;: t -,, , ,,, , r 1 ,, ip, p , oi , ..,... , ,..:;-, , k ~.., J. LOUDON'S MIDI EMEi 1.04.,,0A, :;441, : , Che efrpets, we, , . . 'T UE- 5 0 1 1w rater would . enll the nttetiti on of per, inns in—want-or uNitypyys,'o - The, excellent nutria) citt It t now ait (1 , to e4jtel:t4Ate,r9ply low twines at which they are . , Superfine llngrai n :Pine St.Commoti 4,a lAlAinttattitilOt':- Ttnynl tw'd - veratitin, Pipe Wersd do rinip Striped d.O. j 4; - ii - Itirk, - Stocle or - 1.3 —.. IL '•• • . : 60 - 1 . 3 - Aldo; Rooms, gIiiOTHS,. of all widths; cut •t 0 q t /labs . co..rag.ether widl.lfetirth Rup.Piatio and Table Covers; Stair :Roda, .111atting -Ilinifirtgs; &o. Wholesale or. 'Retail very low for Cash. Low priced ingrain Carpeta iron 35, to 501dentit pr yd. and Entry and Stair Carpets" from 15. to 50 cents per yard. , . ' - ELDRIDGE & DRQTHER, No. 41 Strawberri strut; one' goon alln*e. Ghee unt , st. between Second & Third ata..Fhtledelpnia February 26,1845,6 T. ' ' RT B. WALKER. .I'o..s.lDith Second Se °Monte Christ (Ira eh Plait:dd./4a, tasjust recetye on( ts.now °roma very e and beautifurs ssorttnent of CARPETINGS,— I goods ore flesh alit] of new styles, and being Purchased prinnipnyfor r CASII, they will hebsold at the lowest Kiel:B4 ley consist in port of 'splendid 'Brussels, (rich patterns.) Benntiful Iropcy4d, 3 ply, Super Extra Ingroin, 3-4, 4.4, 5-8, Twilled 'Vent :. lion, 3-4,4-4, 3-8, Plow do, Colors warranted dun. ble. . . Superior qualify 6-4 English llockinga, with a lsrge stock of welt seasonedpil Cloths of elf widths Rugs, Piano and Table . CO'vert, Sheep Skins, Stair Roils, Bindings 83:c, with an eittnisive assortment of Low Priced Carp'etings, of all descrljitions._ grains of good patterns and quality for 57i td 50 eta. per yard. Purchasers are requested to call,'•and they any reseassured of being pleased. with goods -and prices. • . - .. • ROBERT B. WALKER, Affircli 3G , 1815 . . • ; .,r D, O.' PROUTY, , opf. , N.. 194} Mot IC gr. STREET. DETWEEN ISTII AND fiTii ST., PHILADELPHIA. MANUFACTURER of Agrictiltimal imple ments and dealer in,Gardeo, Grass and Flow er Seeds ; olreg for eale„Prouly and Meats' Patent centre draught self-sharpening Ploughs, for which nine premiums were awarded in the Stales of Penn sylvania and Delaware the past 'They are made Itoth'right and left hand, are light in draught, cheap tp keep in repair, and are partieuldrly rec ommended fur turning under green crops, and are strong enough for any soil. Sancti] Ploughs, for two or three horses. Side 11111 Double' Mould and N. Voak Ploughs, from $2 to $5 each. 'Tay lor's Patent Struck' ittef,{new ) Green's Flo v t 3 's Conklin's, Shiclair's and improvetTGuillerme Strew' Cutters. Corn &r,lk Grinders. Grain Fans, front $8 to $lO each. Corn Shelters in a great variety, for hand and horse power. Ilorse Powers and Threshing. Mat:hints. Meal antterd.and siOffers.— Mums. :I lavt'aucl manure forks. Does, Spades, Shovels,' Relies. Transplanting, Trowels. Corn Agriculthral furnaces, and ever • other Im - prirmufirwgiittirVirriffVfiVra or Cate me., ALSO—The most ertctisiienssprtment of Vegeta ble and Flower Seeds, in Philadoli hin,lnnluding 50 nrty• atalimpizior kinds, crop rat 180, grotto' ex pFossly for thikestablishment, and 4 , 1141111ted (lithe best quality nod_ true to name; can lie' obtained by the mend or bushel or nentl • nit u t and lobelia' wi t t woe _lona nr p Mitunf. t bus mite an Fruit Tutees, of tho choicest kinds. Deniera;.:nra respectfully intittul to call clod see tIM Assortment,. 0:-PROTTIPY: 10.4 Mar Jantlary.2ll, ttis. 'Crl"Prieex extremely Imir. ----JOHN 0, FA'' 112 Chesnut st.' . t i ailadelphiai• PEERS for sale'of hie. own importations or -- manufacturerthe-followingrwith-a-variety-Of other goals in .the :the most, *advantageous tering as to pricep,lcd.' = • • Gold. Lever Lupine and other One watches, Silver Levers, Silver ',opine, Silver,Verge Waitehes,Eb ony and Rich Gilt Mantel Time l i mees. - Large Mu sical "loxes, playing 0,0,1'2 titnes,,SmUll.do in Tin and Shell manes, Plated' Table Castors, Tea Setts, *Crave Urns, do Communion Service r iewelry, Sil ver Ware, Lever watch movements of variceus kers, with a general assortment of watch mukers tools, files Mul.wateh meteriall. Orders from the Country are solicited mitl eery el orA will be made to give safislaetion. Aug. 20, I • , . •-* • . u .-WATO Si JEWELRY.Iko,.. - UST vaeived a fine assortinent of Writeltea awl. . ,levelrny aonsiatifig in part....of 13111,1.1 , kial Sliver •': _ , ellc - SWP lilislOT - N4GAliriftelfail_binii,. Rifts, Loaketc Watch key .s; Ear rings; Bracelets; Clasps, :Miniature, eases; Silver •thimblea,- Batter kniVes ; . .aw, toan'llair l'ins,,let Ilreatta. Naha Tlarge;lot ofilliannion Speciasles, ‘Yatch,Chaink and Cittardif;'Pemmon WateW 4 Ke Gye,'.oggle, and', a -great _many_ ether . I.ltiasti.l . 4llel.l_ poisons : will ad , *heti they OIL . ' ' •• • 3, •". . .. :, . ... . -,- ,- -'.-• , ' .4 4 1-10 MAS. CONINN,* .'. N.' It - Any artieled Vlllieh I may. not., In&e 'oi, ledul will be pa_toinkint .ittihe shinia t est naiied;and a -low - us diet aim tie itereinnte4" in'th'e.oity,' Wa(chr repaired as, Usual., , -. ' ..' . - ~ . . . ..: January. 8,48i1, • : '..: ....,,, :•: ‘VP..; WO - 01 L EN''' FAIT 0111"' IfrilllE-Siitibliber youll4l":4Fßn , .l . le --- "ii ------ miaili. at ho'still;:enntinuei-i-O.'carty on" at ' MO old. L eland iwel) :known or the Ildito:W.ool,4,EN. FACTORY; • situatad in South Nliddloton toWni. eltirOtbout.. four; miles south of. Carlisle; Within: eight: of Craighoadtp Mill and near Harnish's mill; and within two' lrillos. or Spring'," , argo - Wham' 2o ! iii,nosi. 040010 execute. all tailors fo uniting.: ;Caralngi.lo: 886 'll uktiring kinds of goods from' : .14 flooci; MO ''' j.i,:Cfernineliri Ma ?Oil s r both * bitikdind',jloo ' , . Cattier aitiel9o,in.his lino:- Ail:Wi#KWaissiii liffiii. 6 4 - donclin.ii-worfimi . inlitici lirut.iiiimlllibiri:6l3idOiliat**ill !titko.iickotiy.;,Mro'i dtMe'iUMOliiingo.for!-Woik, , at rAtOsot 01011; audit :.,. 4# l 9t.t i66 i 4B mP ro 4 ,. 8 0446 , ~, ~„ i .- :::T,.sApO3;HOO VE t, R,:•V,,.; oimilatttokohtvoiiiiiifaplto•ost,i:,'” irIf"AIiOPAORKI, . .100,11k77,,. A.ip,l.-trirpidd' it,AutimAA, 77', a Tan ilpia44l"l, r-4 `• irstitillfitete 104)--itkv-- •-f .1,t,11014 e4211;14 , 1P 2iate ::':*z PROP . ItM47.a . MeeltiltS ILL p e ,rthen,. 4 , l oper„tteh oo r t lho T-eeth V Vs that aro required tor their proterration,suoh its-Seating, ntillx; Plugging, MY, dr will restor he loss of themiliy inserting ArtiAohiltieth,fro off), to a full.sr.th PLO.fntie do Pitt street, a few4ciais'4outh of the - itairrtiad D: Pr. Loomis w ill be absent,friim uarlisle "tholitsttiiidiys, Oath mcratli..: - • • • , ‘l. ••••,-• 4, 4 0 T k ' 47 - - j )1' 1141111111111111111111111111111 _ ln__... l 11 111111 11 , 1 lli Lkq - tr Z 9 1 HE sulyscriber takes thitimkdicod'Of inform lhatAcrearries on'the bADINET In all its %%Hods .brancheo, in. Locuet-Alley,'di reet.ly in rear of E. Bullock's.chttirlFastOry (N: Hanover st.) where ho keeps Onstantly on hand, and will manufacture to order;,i!-X. Secretaries, Dakar's, Tic.. Nes, vii•e - .7r, • mid oveiYoliter description peCginet Warc—all of whielt lie will sell cheap forcini,,Vor,excliange_ thr - Country' produce at market Oleos. He will also take Lumbar qescrippons in cieltango for w ork. ' . • COF)E111(S . tnade.ert termh re/tenable. al short notice, anil he will tirteTtfuiterals with splendid Hearse, in town or dutintry. ,A Hearse will also be kept for hire. He' ffiFpectfully solicits a Oaf° of public pk. tronhge r contident-that he can fender general sat isfaction: • WEAVER. • --March 24,-184 . 5 ' -tf.2- 4% @Em@®fi:§ama TFIE undersigned respe7c7tftillyinferm'sidsfrientlit 'tool the publiegenerally, t lint he-bas=leasetl, and will Art it e n the Ist of. XprillneM, to (lint well known, lava. and columndious . • VTIZI , 321'1 0 -- .. si„..nteg, on ~,,,, corner or Main tintliletlferd.streots., I Close by the Jail) in 'the . liorengit Of carliale,and owned by Commodore ,lehse . D. rllibt, of the U. S': Navy ii hich - house he will. contlnuoto keep awe. II (LIM, Oretifertiiiiimelit for alfilibALW. , ho may faibr hi ni tillifii - e7iTE Ire, theretoreirespeCiTiilly . aslie a share of tublitaTtcgringe, ossuitrigjfka visitors diat . all things in this power sliall - li,otionatteted in a quiet, genteel wily, ant that the 4 Oharges will be made moderate, much more.sa-tharr.wlicre he now lives, this lie will.heLemined to-da-in-consequenee 1 of die ve . ry grentAillbrence-in- the; rents of the two establishments, and at the.sante 'time lie begs leave.i to assure all, dint. Juts TABLE, BAR BEDS,. and all other.- thingi eotineetbd4rith'the- Concerti shall be as good, if' not Putter•.tliii*Wliere lie now lives. rig therefore, hoptvttri*lOtntr receire'n share of public - pa , tronage, lor,:'44lli.ltlie will be thankful. FOtaili,: ... . , „. Mardi 12, j 84.1 CHEAPER THAN EVER, • • TI II: subscriber is just receiving a splendid assort- I moot of Spring and Summer Goods selected with care, to which he would invite the attention of purchst:ers. Call and examine for yourselves if you wish to purchase cheap goods. .1. A. CLIPPING ER. Shippensb'g t March 25, 1845. A . anterican litsukance Co. OP. PHILADELPHIA, • • CAPITAL 5000,000. iong established Company makesrinsu. A . either permanent or limited, against loss or &mop by Fire ,on property and effects of every description. Their terms are very reasenabbi,,and property holders will do well to avail themselves of the advantages afforded by them. • -The ,subseriher is AIf.4Ii:INIT---for—the Company for this Borough and iiernify-and - application to him, in person or letter, will receive immediate attention. • jOllll J. -MYERS. Mardi it, 045:2 , • — lam. 1 ► - 1)61‘100)016)3/04.13101343,=A rrillE partnership heretofore eiisting between the 'AI nbscribevs Erni of 3.•.A.,.,clippinger & Co., hakthis clay been dissolved Lv mown' con sentT.Ae llooks ufe the 111111(1 of WO'. 'Carey for tiolletitratiouil ; those intlebted will 'please call . ' J. A., CILAPTITNpEIt, • W , -E-C4 I .XEY , r. ----- Shippeirrityg;lV triFuTilui 045. • - et M. PluilatltAphia J.A. t P l'lNGFAVvouhl,respeetfully inform his emis geirefdlyAlniiintving Int re,1111. , ed W.F. CayerljAktteiit i 4,l)%yi.estabils'oment , he bnainess w.. 111 In future, eohdiniteci !.I,liimseira so hopes bytn strieeatteationAilnaiaol,,,,ain.! termination to aelltinidi‘al tbp:yprx . loweitkices. to receive It'oOiltiiiOuntei`::Of `the verq 4gelieratelbreextended . ..to-the:nita %Mb '40331:131,01744•11' . 1 ' 4 • snbseriber .11115 pne'„year, the. I.,itinelliugjilattiklataly„ii'ilheVeentainey of .51 it shell AleCielliin, Siatlti, Elsinores' it reci;gra ; mediritely oppOsnetfieitfrEe of:Mies ISlepinnis, and R fdor doors. south of itufkliiirdpoi linfel;'Where he vill„enntinue •• Upkiiipterlng,. , ,Bedd!ngilattraspi : ::16rioy Lintels and . liiellings as heap and better, than Can, he °knitted in thp I,Charge. nghtiflabori tile mitnriOla can' be - flirnisheti at:fiest cost. Also, an d kind , of'AgeneY biisitiess at, tended tp proMptly..c Wanted .130,y ihouSe work: • :LADIES' SH I RE MANUFACTORY '' ~, .., J lVSTlCE•itAltranna., . -,---,•, n n.tANK K UL for A t lie'vei7,,lllontl 'iiiii•oniige.lie • A; • lois r'4,''Myp4l4otild ,iiii,i?rn die Ladies of'Car•'; , • lisle:and itiiliieliiity.i.det lie,ool oontrietes tcr'inan ' u acrTlCrt .ii" • LiVIOJEgt:''S I I 40g,' El:iii,laitieveit iiiiitlity":.Ond Narlety . , iitik!' following, ;;'iirtocil , foi'.CASWltelier,, .kciips; no liiikka;t.'"-: ; •-.!, ',.; ,'' ' ' '''''-,.'"; ,';',,''.'; • , '...!.: • ,I;sidree'li.rl'eniiii: , • ; - 131itiki! '',:g . iitY It:ic.4olol6:iMefr . .' :-,,r '.. 1, ,..&:..:; , 1 7 i , :: - ;'-':: .43A9- pilleiwiiil4.l--thoil f r-or--- . . - T- -.-- z ~ :Iva-, ,;,'; !T:, - :Gititot fioCk, 4 '''. s„*.`., ' .. ...--;"- 8 7i ~, .I;l:l . fiftiore v ianl;qtylllygiepSecii le : itrotioilir...!Ali: '...i'dic. (I # llo . l 6ltili!irleratilAlKO A tip,o tepii(rOd; giWt 6.-,: ciali Ale : i i iii , ageOiy iiiihiotoe,:irto*; ot i AvNt ddait.l9•X r. l ,47SlNPiglrail4 o, , ,ii,iV-... - ' , : ''."'"• ' ' Cliki r itaireliitiaiy's, '1#115,6 ''' 2' i'. 'o l ' ';' ''' " iMardh B e./ 8 , P riff - ..•=. - •-7_ 1....,.-- ME MSS " RIR. CALHOUN AND OR(;}011T, 1::TWo invite the aftention . _ot pnr rea ders to the folkwinrrerdarks of Mr. Cal hounvanacle in . the Seniteof 1 . 1,11 b United Stales, in January 1843, on thrk.sulleet of Oregon...lt will be seen:that then Mi. C. was ready Arid frilling to - oonsider the diffi culties of. our contending iigainst Great BigaitifcTilheiiiiiiiiioi - -=andthe prorirl eti of ,ffisiinguithindthat may be, between •an'indiiputahle fart of the pro pheild'raniarlis of Mr. Calhouti' have been fulglled: We hare. persistetf;to fiseert„, our clain, and Groat Britian hailliserted hors! Said and (indent rot. tia.to attempt to as. S . 4t and. maietain our eiclusive right to the tie-adverse-andterritory agairiel conflicting clairn of 'Great Britain ? I answer, nO, it . has not; and that for . the deeisitre'reai3eir because the attempt, it made, most prove unsuccessful against the resistance of Great Britain. - - - We eoulfteither take nor hold it - against her; dn() ma - For a reaspn riOl less dccisi ves—th a t—sh nld ho r ter . time, and 'et far less expense, doneentrate, a far greater forte than we could in thb territory. We S'eettflo forget, in the discussion of 'this subject, the great events which have occurred hi the Eastern portion of Asia, . during the last year, and - which have so -greatly-'extended -the PoWer--of---Great-Bri sin in that quarter. of the globe. She has thefe, in that:periAtermlnated inecessful ly two war.4l by one of wiali .!slie has liirOnviliereasedrquict chcl tb.her possession's in (mile and b! , , , the other, hall firinly planted her power on the easterkf coast of Oltina,wherrslie Will undoubtedly keeplap,_at least for e — thre, a strong Mill= Lary and' naval 'force, foi the - purpase of tradititift . nritiftTiefariglfei acquired possession. The:pint- she he cupiesthere oh the western shore, of the . Pacific,.is almost directly opposite to the_ Oregon-Territory, at the distance of ,about five thousand five hundred-miles from Vie mouth of Columbia River, with a tranquil oedan - bWeetT:which may be passed over in - six 'weeks: In that shoyt_timer-s might, place-at a moderate expense,a strong' naval and military force:pt : l4e- mouth of that river, where a formidable body of men — eif Hardy aturene4etie — is any on this ,con ' tinont, iri the service of the Hudson Bay Company, and-numerous tribes of Indians under its control, could be prepared to.sus tain 'end co-operate with it., Such is the facility with which she..eould,.coneentrate a force there to maintain 114 - claim to the territory against ours, should they be brotight into collision by this bill.. • - I now turn to examine our . rnertni of concentrating an opposing forfie ;lir land and water, should it become necessary' to maintain our claim. • *e have no ipilitark or naval position in the 'Pacific ocean.— Our fret would have to sail from our own shores, and NVould _ha,vt to cross—the line and double Cape Horn in 50 degrees' of south latitudol and* turning north, recross the line * , and ascend to latitude 40 north,in order leo' reach the. month . of Columbia river—a distance_from_ilew4rk—(Wver the straightest and shortest line) of, mote than 13,000 tyiles,,and whidh would re quire.a run of more than 0),000 'or actual 'sailing on the usual rottie. lnstead of sik Mn.., CAatitit niks Lr.NT ANAC4I/AINTANCE . TII4, Faiptit V'mpOtta.,* * • , l 'Ahl '-'That's the third * umbrella gone since Christmas. 'What were you 14 . dol : weeks, the •voyam - i — would require eirtYhy 'let ititil go plome• in the rain f •-- to - be. i , _.,....___ . rro - c - ffififir.'l ii - petik on ,the authority of one sute:' I'm very cerMin there was nothing or the most experienced attached about NM that could spoil.: Take °old In to the Navy -Deparfinent. - • ' ia des - ile-doesns-t"look one of the soft: t - d •.: These facts are decisive. We could , do, take cad. Besides he'd better take cold by water. As far as that eibment Mail take oiff only umbrella: Do you hear is concerned, we could not, opposeiiilier a I the rain, itti.-CandleiLsai:dci._•.you--hear gun' or a soldier in the - territory. , , . the rain? . Arid aslim alive, if ,it isn't Saint But as'great as arc, tilt jrnp`ediments,by ,§within's day! 'llO - you 'merit against flit ' - Water, they pre- at preaent not much less windows? Nonsenso, you dortft - kn r iose by land. 'if We assume some central /Mint upon me.. - ton 611'1, be asleep , With such jn' the. t stido of MisSouri as time ; ` Afice Of I a; shower es 'Oat.r.' pp , yoil kear. it,•,l-' Say? rendeivous, from Whh, 'o iour.militiiv fordo . Oh; you do hear itt ylVall, 'that's a:pretty Would pointnei:ed ifs march.for the territory frond; I' dilnk et Will lint ' fOr ski week Siam) the distend° to the math of ilia etoluMbia_ nastirrinjallilte.timiy (mita ttioihotrse'.= : *liter' will beatiuviwo thousand' 'Wilder of . Pont!! dont Think ine a fool, Mr.; Caudle. i,,Aidilrpiloh.,l;dro than ii "iiiaig a k, Oka , Doith'insult die; 'As retiitn ; tbei•#'in4i:ehal ,would lie Over' an l'ineeitiad ` , 6eifttirr golf- , ; A's if,any 'hotly pier did retuthtf anatiielle.' Meting of naked:- [MOB-,at''ln'otintofrtuali--4her,e-do:yeulfearitt4W-oitieTtifil7'W-Orliel riegiOne,E--,wititOtiOi_itii•Mia;tiekciiii(-04afr,tatitliiiittileigii-rtfrid-feriiii-w-iiiiiii4itiaiti; game al! the ,ride - I :AVM, aapply ! I;o9ii Pot-weoks! ' And nn , umbrella! ..-.--• 4 • greater ii 0 4 16111 * : this kini ill .04 i4r, 1: oglilfctOT like ici knoW ,thehOW'-Ailijd,, kree:vihitd•ii'd:iiifiii i.;:,bi,itliOied 'aitd' reff`trato':ka;t6 - sehOol itillitiiii•Oci. they' arrassed by - iniiiiireitii, end. warlike iyibe ` g shin'A'go,throitgh.t/ifeh''Welihee'Ptel,t)eie,r-; . .of lndia n s ,; whose hOstill(imi Mt& n l's 1; be tea- 1*d:I . 43pi'eit.'Whiill' - etOp ',ll4"'ltoliip:iiiio, dil7,- tii*d4iailiii:;*.i,,YAhijtiiiikti3O 1 -never.lernanYih!ng§. k eseOds' 404 :4 0r5...'..'1:0 march euelt", 'pv'diet,oneoiiii'lloit:, ures!--aboneribini r eg:ao 0 *et. ' And opposition *nuidinr“iii 4 li l .46lo:443iff whg,o,.-AlitififolWP , '. l *(ifid . ii ` Piin they'll assuming ' tlt,lttta MX tO•J b er , el, 4h030ay1•02 Ats.i ky!?,. , .stta t 'ng-faknowidg nothing • 7 16who' slThilitti,ry=for4s.tgltoultl,-it-bonetli,/d' l)fdifONlA 6 o :- 40,14 - .7Pi4lir 04, Vi iy:iti9llolo46llol4444;io44o4*Plii: 'd ii OAig l ol•;,th****.ol4,4olt never *it1i 4 45P.rC! 1 000g',.,''!t;7)?':'.777 7 7 - ;' - 0 IthP;foiiifir" : ' ':.•' _ : '1,, : ..,. :.ttit4'piri,'.** ceiftlif 30,- 60 10441* ;A , .::?*4 1 14 1 .iir‘69;7 isVilf!#illi utn 6 re ll ,ll4' 6 1' 4 > , Iiii"iiiici109/it*P'Of 14in-iii46l4 *, : )`elt ,l ) ) thti4 ver.V*4).'- , :t.W4oaibl, through iagi*toßfili*e'jptil,44t iisii'4-i,NOTOrt#l'#,:t:t,'iiso.#4.tiiilsort.. ‘A49 llO ‘. I, ' , :# o ±triii44t , might tifaciiii iinyi • ifist;*ai'd, it.„Ott..OgriregfOigopA RlT:o!,aktresource ; iv forin,o4;?ii.iir;ie 6 , 1' ('*`!lfooi,loi,Aleg ; (1 6- 0, 1 0 . 4. 1 .' f rn* : 0010k . - oti iqiiiitiitit - -every iteriiiii4i4Oitic,(44,:;lll,o#ollo.4' id* : :i001:44*4.4609:0064i#0 1 ei1tii - cll4is . 0 , !.i f' o iiii4iifi t N-°09'..0.#0 1 -(0 - ''''''''` l i? l ' 0 14 1, -, AoNotjaipitol.l 6 loYfiliiiir6h'*ihle, it it:Ot4itg,sl,6'*ii: l 4.o**oo" )404: . It' t pyAt ii tt ' l v Ok 4 ojil: : -044," . 0 61 f..: 1 'Ai5s *okofnAltiototi#MAN ,4 l9o , Nunctiltivitid4letiitotY'4O- re to id; iiiitvi iilit ' "ii i .4o44,.* *i 4imlif f f4 i:" " ~„., ~. , '.. -.....- ants : , -.1 ...., ' 4..7.: , '-... , ..-1.. .- at 'ii Ail IrlatioAtit 4 laS a s u lllloo ° 4 - 1 ; -0 1;k0 il li414 , '0, ..p.44.0.).4,,, J 04.,, 4., s-- --, --,,,,t,1,,, , • .. • i*.***o/Aiikt#',eiti;iti:4444,4, l / 4 7i , ~ , 60 -- ,'df,tk. l ,4;_co,' , 4..oo4lVemF6lo''Asi.7: 44,4.64.0, '0041;• . 4,ifg;1i*,..1,,,,, , -, .11 kisi in, s' rs,*-1' 51 2' .... * 7ll / ..*.: stil i t'' i ' e t 1,1 . i ttit il L A ~0 : 4 4; 614= t* -t ' go i ll". o ot i iiiNiii, hi k , li g / ~,,,,,:0;-.i,,,-0,1,414 I r Mw'nnt-n•; :7„ 111 -4.nrrymkt6- - 47k, 4 ; ~ , ,,,,,,,*, . 4.., , ,v,.:,m74.,:.§7,,, T 4 K ,NN, ,*,,, , -- % .,,, i „..- g,,,,,a z ,ta*. fi.,, t A 4.,,1, ...v., ‘4 '7: 4 • 1, Z : V :14' 4! , ..:r; -4. PAM • e' .• ; - ;:'-414:. , :t1 il'' ' ,. '4,..!., '.'li 4',; , '". , :A - ; , Y , .. ...? .. v . '''° w: 1591!; -!’.§M.‘».um ,1 , , • With the oceanin front, 'closed' agaiusCit Ity'a hostile fleet . And ho* could 'sup= plies be'found to return, it a retreat ilioeld become necessary ? In whatever view the subject may be regarded, I ha*ard nothing in . asserting, that such is - thir - illikculty7at Present; on our part, of concentrating and . • • . Maintaining a force in the territory, that n few .thousand-regulars advantageotsly-for— tified on the Columbia river, with a-small naval force to imPpoit them; could, With the . aid of the Illideottßay Company;'-end - the co•:operation•Of the Indians under its influ ence, bid defiance to. any elrort we could make to dislodge them. If all our other difficulties oould * - he surmounted, that of _transporting a sufficient battering-train T witl alt its appurtenances, to so-great a distanee and over so 'many Obstacles,•would. be -in superabls. • . _ made good thy nist pneition :-that the attempt, at.present, to assert and maintain our exclusive claim to the territe 7 _ ry; against theete:fm of r-eat73ri-- tatn; truafit priiveintuitit;cesikol, if she resin , ed, it now remaitis . to inqure whether she would resist. here lel Mosey, whatc evermighttelltb - deiibta of others,-surely they *lib have, in this discusSion, insisted so strongly on her power, her-jealOusY,and. her detrmination to hold the territory,. cannot doubt that site would resist. If, hi• deed,. provoking language can excite her to resistance,_or if half, whieli'llas been - said of her hostile disposition tle true; ]lie not only Would resist, bit would gladly seize so favorable an occaSiOn'-to---dii-so;_tv-hile we die . 6omparatiielk Weak; and she so strong in thatquarfer. -, ..llowetrei tinker able the- time migliljto for us, for her it .Would-be the most propitious: . • ller vast_yosources - and ririlitaiq . POW& lb the Last die lilierdted, arid at her dispo- L sali - to - Ire directed to_assert and maintain her exclusive_clairo to the tetriiory against lou6, if ',she Could deterritine folloiv.our. example,in case this bill - Should pirsb.— Even 1, who believe that the preeeM Min iatry - is' disposed to peace.;__that the recent mission to this' country originated in.the spirit of peace; and that Sir Robert Peel exhibited great titsdorri and moderation —in the - midst or splendid success; and therefore; more: o be.truated: 7 4 she Woui d reSiit;lf 'We 'filiiitihrlidciPt2`tliii measure.- -. We must not forget; as clear es we believe our title to l;e, that the right to the territory is in dispute between -the two countries; and that, as certain as we regard our right to be, she regards hers ag notiessi se; It is a cage of adverse conflicting claims; and we may be assured; if we un dertake to assert our claims ; and we may be assured, if we undertake to assert our exclusive right, She will' Oppoie us by as serting,hers, and if the appeal shoiild be to force; to decide between ttg at tfreihnt, the teeult ivould be Inevitableth6.teirito ry would be - lost to us. Indeed; Ulla id So incontestable, that no dhe hae ventured to deny it; and there is no haiard iit asserting that no one will, whci under Stands the sub ject, and does not choose to have the Sound acid of - his judgment questioned; - . Zrs..tandle's Curtain_lgctuyes,_ g , W77” :ezflT-ar-Wfia as: at babs; - indeedi . :4 shoulit like is to pay ='eth t;' , and sure you 'caret, if you 'do; threwing awa)i.iour. , ” Roperty, .ands: beggering 'your 04ililtOn-buying umbrel las. • r.- audle . T say do jrou iteai it?..' care—Vll go a - tid what is morm.l'll . walk° Oerk' SYSP' of the way; - - and- . you know that . will give the 6i. death. , Don't call me a fornitron4ii 2 L-it' r e yoti that's 'a •foolish -man: toulinow that I can't wear clogsi and iiß•timhialle, and:the' wet's-sure 'to gi've me a icijd4it .always doei. But CYhatdo ykijr cafe for thatt-- - Nthiftwg at all. maftie laid. 4 for.what ypu care. as I gay -I- -Shall—Ail -a-pretty Akittor's there'll bed I lopeiliere - Willtz• - •= - It will teacll4 , ou.to lend your umbrellas a•• • •-, gain. iyonder if I caught _my death; yes; and that's what you lent the umbrella for. Of through we, liar like this My . .gt. bonnet will spoil quite, Needn't I wear -'em then. -Indeed Mr. baddle, _I shall • wear 'ein. No sir am -not_ going ... opt 'a ' dowdy to please you or any body else.— jt.ietet often that I-step over the ihkesholdi 'indeed; I mightas well be a ilaire at onee-bitter Flut *lien i die out Mr. eaudle; I abbess to go out as a lady. Oh! that rain—if it isn't enough to break in the windoWl. - '4lllgi.t do look femora with ilFe I for get,io nioiher'S" I'm sin l e can't tell, But if die I'll No, sir; I wen't•hOrrew an uinbrella. No and you ahartq.bity.ona. Mr Caudle, ifyou brioi another umbrella,_ throw h in t3te . etreet. haili tits o!t4 of none at all:. ' "Fla! and it vine only last-week Ihatl nets notiel - put - to that , unabsella:-;riti k _ sure if I'd haya known -tnuali.aii I dtt---7 now it Midlir haim-geme, 47villiiint—oni for: me. Fay Ong for new notiels; for other people to laUgh at you. Very well (of , oti=—you can gi to sleep. You have no timiigh far yourriooT tiatientwife, and your dear children. You. flank s of noiMng but leildkig themselves lords - ofireationtirrettrlordi;' - w even take care of ari_runbralla; "I know that walk to=morrow will'lie the' death of me. But Al{' — Whet You want-then you may.go to yoOr ehib; and ilo as youJlite and then: mit:poor Cleat children will fie used—bid then, sit; then y.ou'll.hd hafTY.. donCtell.ine! I know yod - will. -rds.e you'd neiet . have dent the • -tO gci on Thursday about th at an rumps; and, or course, kou..cate.t•gto.r— i4o..indeett, oti diet go - WithOut the um brella. - Ydu may loin the debt rOr 'What wont be io reiteli.na siioittng your .clotlies'better lose it; peo . piadeseive to lose debts.? who lend .tun "And I shohld liko to know how,.l'n to go mother's without umbrella :I),h;don!t • fell me that I said - h would tug- to - do think I'd neglecting her; and-thelittle - ney ;re were to have; ,Aire',ahari,.t . liana, at all--;because yre )cave nc(tmibiellai to-nhitt * i n oppu ,weir fo r : s top at home they shin'''. fuse thUirlinririgt , all their father wilWars, 11u . ' j said they sliorilli'trYpiilaYeep#ggraiiiting Osedief you'd spoil thntempnr geh r othey--idial VgrA-to-sehripli-itiark= -- thatr - And if 'they get their cold,: it's '• ieridi3hn , yeabrells. '";'fell ealnejii 'end dreamPtiliatthe.shy WarPturn , elOo'; with Whalpyrqui ribs; iliac fectohEi',, world t"eyclit'iid'''iiffittit' torlieridcAr ' • ' • A a . CoußTh sm spar or with sister Sal;`~anil iiel" , " • gitibiaii:o4t.” , ?' • ! tmnajTblinr4l#`. tije; 1 • 1 0:0 1 ek t !' 6'44 fie'' , • din' t• hurt her rdontrAl , -- •'' "flurt . . ,11•••.; does, - .cos abe ; linft,t)illittyahri: , ,ra',49n say notht l ') . ! 3 utiiffi,o l; o l 9ok.hiiiii o o 6 thong *IL • Jhrcuiglilthe "'• b Vlbole;.t ; !! , POlW' s .o4!t" oity*pktfooijittfg.l,;;;;•;:„:.4:;,,,-:. t. ,- tllls"*Tbifillii#444/OMcBJO7/,',01*41n,an,"( 1 ' 60 0 4 40 1 ' 040 1 4'*•Piittgl,* 441 00010 : \ 4, 61 -t 4 11% 4 0.0i1 1 00 11 .i.44,; . 4 0 14- 0 • ,• ' / iM rV , :"%t 4. 4,.*:;.;%A`r, REIN EC - - m • •:.* •. r • •• lk St.,: t a ', ),ol l iPil•j'h.VX, - ;Z:l ' Atip,Ao4sl • • '-"• •"1 : s ISEP2I ' - - - • _ . ~`YY ._.a~.;. ;; Mai .i" .- ti*okiiiw.**l4.. ,K., MI El
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers