g • 4 •01 4 d. • , "i•P' 4 44n...*Pirgv , 4 4 ,,Y;r 4 / 5 6 40:;,0§ r,4 t,...4k.V v1 . -.,., -i mart MN 'OARILACLIE: 11 2 A '` ' 4 ° ,•••• • ^ f Iregnesday June 20, 18414. i4;O Oar bnpea. now, gh are a pivirc4 . . ng;:. In btqpicik it l there diaalajra, , " Tile 4.4,1 • :PRE81DEr . 0ry.,at.;;1 4 .... , 4,, ok.! = MEI ; y' ODORS,FREUNGthLYSEN,;:. , , JOSEPH MARICLF.,. fl.4,:9e"*!ST/V: I :PI4NR, •;-EdR;pAN.M . , SX/1•0*. 0 / 1 . 1 /0 , 0•Rik:*Lobgro .013 'co , • _ For the fittle'of the alai* Line ------=-VEMOCRATTC YJ G, tUNCiPItS, _ IietCIALLIP.POR i'flE PUBLIC EVE.% •1 IUR 1. A •tiottird National Ciirrency, regulattil The • Will tMd authority of thelkiation. -.2.7A.lnitdeouttle-Revenue;With fair Protection to Arnewerin'lndustry. • , dltietetetiriabiti on. tte Pxocutide_power, ern ilini,Wrestiiition on .the exercise of the:Voto. _ . 4. A/faithful iidminiatiation ef the nubile domain, •:dwith ea.equitahle distribution of the proceeds of sales of it flinging all the States. Xg..1144*444:60- I .,ggsKahbj. administration et .Ithe XTenera ortrnetethlliblinffi6ns perfect freedear of thought and of the of •sltfrage; but with enititefe restraints .against - - --Improper:interference in efictions.- C. -An amendMent to the Constitutive, liteittog the incumbent Of the Presidential office to a SINOLIE 1 4 E5E. . These objects attained, I think that . we shoot - Chattel° be afffieled With- bad administration of es Government .--HENRY CLAY. 02PRottlre_peaporeinembetiliatfolk_nn , t _iaa.ate_itijavor_of_acrnoxing: . _Tows, and ,__ ot tippling tho,Nattonal aelit of thatforoign country, konwp P.itmoont to ttvoi;ei millions of (Pius, " gy t•eVersing the loiters in the name of rialtos, the. lo p sf9qo eanrlidtites for-Presiclent end Vice f'teihient r *ill niriko - Po/k - a4&ii/rA - Tho be ceo . lite in thelleetion for sueligiltlis in govember nei4 and the people won't swallow 'em. Oci-Tho tocOrocas ace publiihing the letter. of resignation of .the Han. Jelin barn, In 1836, 'whed he left Congress, in'which he pays a can . : plimetit to Mr.-Polk, then Spacer of the tiousti for the manner in which he discharges his &dial: Ali this' iatorreet-it was subsequent to thatpc - rlbd that Mr. P olk ... played the petty tyrant in au thkrity. Eanconfittms of - Jokin - Banlis are an honor to any man, but.if the locos are inclined to kook becluand use Birch testimony, we shall avail viorselves 9f-a vote'given on the Bth of;Mai.9ll, 1825, rifler the charge of bargain and corruption bad been !nada against Mr: CLAY, when twenty. ti even Benatore viand for his'confirmation, among whom were Messrs. BENTON, DICKEESON, of New jersey, General 1-lAanisorr; liiKe; of Alabama,- • tiOrwria• VAN il , firtEN,lffullgiVinglin eraphut . • .1* .. thdietion to - the Charge! " • Nineteen . Locofeco irieinhers or Cagoules from thiniState have, united in a tiara declaring that of Pollfia a farce—that he will'get no electoral Vole but that of South Caeolina—and that ho will lase ..Is4w York; by Forty Thoutortd mnjority." Moser& RiChard- D. Davie, David .1 Seymour, Joramith g.fhirey and..Cheselaen Elbe, have not • seen:fit to unite -in this card.-N. 1 1 7 :.. Richard D. DaAs t member- of .Congrets'frotn . . Nyw York, treats, by ,a letter in the National H0n.... 11. Pon.on Tenytes.. 111r.'Peiton iaketi 'theert trq-joetly,:itr!'aevirely to leek foe their publtca. flop, Which Wan datittleetorltinke it. appear, thongitthay:itain -not actually: nn 'ptionnunso; that lischntipt.ths7asitOrtion ineyoly na that l ora mhot f , trom-:Now—Yotitl):-i n -n of , tfittit:b-Tli-piTtnra „vent the "!3ipreitiht Immediately ontinitttanfifl'olls; , In tint course' o f a =!=i= Bieck ' , the pineobeing quite n public one itt'Wash- Nakpio.7._ 11E4Yolk American thiti)ie that the re- . _ eien6, 'prove Mi.' D atie prophet. VllO R,lght:ll(!vp!Ond Bishop of tTie 7 ThT"Olog7FoViititteirtitAro - iiiiii; itiOanuritr! , todetine . bis ' , resignation `tt jlishop, on I ttoPoltitt Of:tholtoPottod , state of hie haviith..! .. Thi Coffithrito 11(1 .1'A'ogilesked.0 0 ,Plaitoli call a --11 P e S i g ° T Ve n t tf : th ? P, h tqP l2 ; l _? 1 4 11 ,r .81 10 - laic tbisabjliot b:onsliterittipn,tO 'staifeikt. the 4testitarit designateddesignated_theitth Oflopteiti bar eel t, ) r - iatti a e•oovOntiotii Witt 40004 to bo coiled tugotiter4s , have Ived, says a coat* ,v, ;18 ' ft drar 610 a.1 4.4 1 r , 1 r Y 01 . ° T`r 4k ," 4 " , 411101 Paigh ,- PPPr 'latkfroni 4 hit OA° Pqnn 4 Y vtiniAqi PPI'l ear"trpiiio-. o 1 :mkt Conriiitaiptthiforeiliaeini ortlib Litiofikaa mak also tha tale. aoalanisaiotlhe whale , ifilig it eventide f r i t aid, upon Ol'ecignordibia hPlit/t, call NP-Or Pftl*P t,f-the Pitiset And, lot FAO I ,O IO blend (o,t, .4alliet ghti.. - 0 p p t iciple. t() . . *Tit, qtirp pot `!E, - svluktaatari li„i the putqa, ',10,/p)g. w "'' r'~^!Fc :4<<' .., , . . :,-..,...,.. 1'..,.-.:.•'.':.-A:14,444,1 510.,.,r,,,,.—',?.,,.,,,..'.,, : ..- - ...e.,1, , 1, , -,...-1 td e , .• - iiii.a,.;, th , , , k r*.t irq , 1 - -• .10':.=!!py , •v , Y••• ••, , y_4 4 .6,,. 4 , kimer - i . .oi t, „ Nieml,t6' en the• 17011411, ~,,,vizaT . itti iitiiik:! ; ei.o4/C 4lll i4i •,:p• 4 .• , e• 1,., s u ll i t '' , •i• litielmisilsl46lo!*!,. 6 %1 1, 0741 v ' ! efi r i i 1 air. iii * ted, dping:.:;i - temiN.kifoo."Pm„ Aro. ' ~ ~.,,.....,.,„p ri, ,,‘„0 „, .,„: „ ..4 „ ,,,,, , , b,,. .. ,„,~i,e , --- d'' iiiuifipi';o' ceviett, tll,Pu!''• in s i O t •!' l 9 l ° "a."47;i. - iiimoultio *is , ir-Oii !! , , , 41P.Tri,, ,, g` : , i,li 6 ,i 4 • to:Wfig*iialk4,ll,lll,ir , !°);!!!!Tt:t• iii , f4i , 01 Ci i iitii** ( f5ati:P 1 ?4/ I ,_ 6aO P: v IV.! . .!Tr ,s ..,--- • t' ' ' 4 ' h . 'Haudiiitilitriitilolo,lg!kpppc . ... Justai—e, -111. 5 •,••„ A i ..,'' ' %. t tij e the Bitte, - 4„,.,,11•• . terfavo-hr. , a o • • n:' '.11121!!°': Whig 2 ' ''' . l i ' ' ' /30 ' i of. Tylei of defeating tha.. "!.. 4 9 9 : 1 !' . i'4, • . •• i,, , , credit eihOUnken."& " VrOjeCt Wh l P , fer enrkplr4lT. s x.! l !'t ,-- • - ••• i, P'' nu .' withtihi-7 '” soddenly' cpraheilth4 • ‘ 4 5, 55 !!. r ~, ....,,-., ',).; tl W r a e ll. ' If . nervieSiettii-the'' ,lipAireheti .. in #f gy,;;171_19• ' t am eied . 4ciiii - ta'rtitifiiiieet the forpeasa:4 and 4t . ~... .iOl5 (Ind, " ati .q!, 4 Lo a.l. . 4ater. ;iv, 'illl44ifitai ''' I:'''''.',' Ail hilloa of the.:VetP' • PT!. Provielelti. thelFedj t ournrae • , ... poker I,_._„. gave ahot.,. ~., ~•„, , .. 0. _ . t. the ,Mu illioiog;.'4/!.rPMl3!AfTri ' Eastern lir '• b9ers. :: -'• ~'• , i. The'entto ` bill v• eda ctot; t 6, rates 0r P .., ORt l ale. h••hier-ii-the_Hcase•—, -- . . the Senate on• the-table tiie , inatiotiiidrEdivarti' icing iio , ll.l.l:iyaitiOtli:tt; be 4ustieesmtthe-Suprenie•gtmt,-to,.tatecoad liege thompaon,antiiithlain,:tieenaaed.t.i., • The 'Senate alatcrejected,lnnantinentkii mimination of . ..tames . i'Gr en to be Secretary' of the Veasury: • The President then nottilMaeii,',genige'lli.l3o, bf 'Kenteetty, to :13e.tie'reketaYbi' the ' Tierteury, lie Senate confirmed thattippointinent. L • • FA.'kreAt virietir - of.andirsdrifirisitiOns' *trio also !confirmed or. rejected. , M. Peacock the P. Al; ,af : Harrisburg; Pa: wen Confirmed. , . . It is rumored tfiat'i7io Priiiidat:trillAnnke texian afraip 'the 'ilr i etext'Ter palling_an ext.& ' • • A Remarkable FatUt 1;:a it is a somephat temorltable feet, but is true lir; itis re4•liiiitn,...thal - b - oilt4l4 -7- lOCOiiicoff candidate for Goyettor r of this And the Con , didate' for President of the tlaited States, were only nominated by the treachery of the delegates Instructed arid pledged to vide for other candidates. Two or throe Western _delegates to4he locofoco State Convention who were -instructed to vote for Mr. Shunk, turned traitors...to...their: constituents,- us'we have the' authority of the Pittsburg !Geol.:ter Post forsaying, and thus defeated that gentleman and securedlhe election of Mr. Maihlenherg ; and half-the delegidiOn from this State ruid •several delegates to -the lacofoco National Convention, who were instructed - to vote:for fan Boren, -be.' trayed.their constituents, us we bavo'the authori. ty of the Official &Eleven - 4e of , that Convention, the Lancaster • Beenderat and the Isltm-Yorit E vening -Poet,-Mr. Vain Buten)l3 especial organs, -for-sayingrand-thus-defeated-the-nomination of. that gentleman and 'secured the nuiliination of James -K. Balk, who had - iroVer been tCought of for that office . . Ainiexaiion or ilisuutoiii itCThis is Ow battle cry among the Polls ten of Soot!) Carolina. They propose that the Taxi an minister at. Washington ho waited tipon with remonstrances against tho Union of Tex q s with any other poWei , until the people of States shall have considered what course they will putsue.. The Richmond tnquirer, it seems, pub lishes "tineh portion of the proceedingb in Sop . th Carolina as' favor the election of Mt. Polk, put supprasseethat portion-which-threatemolisunion , The Globe deprecates-the influence of these poi.- nieious nullination doctrines on the prospects of the party; and seems to think'that this friendship to Mr. Volk in connecan with threats of disun ion la that sort of friendship, which, while im printing a kiss upon the cheek thrusts a stiletto in the side, a sort of killing kindness. Skip the bard Places: The Locofuco papers are publishing biegraphi. cal notices of Polk and Dallas,trimmed to suit the state of the Market. Tho Utica Observer publishes DIM of these in Which Mr: Dallas' Son ! - aerial Career of threg yeiri issdespatched In - i; many lines as follows: "Ili 1838 he was appointed to fill a vacancy in the Senate of the United States which be accepted kr three years with distinguished ability, and in - a manner which reflected much honor upon him• and the neuntryl." . ' The reason of this 'brevity is obvious, says the Albany- . Nvening Jourrialln -those-threo -years 111r—Dalki. ' du a a. e. a United States hank bill,,voind for Mr. Clay's Dustribu. I don Bill, Sequined all appropriations for Internal, Improvementelti.:thp general, Dovernment v aild 'went' With - ther-Whig - Seltators, fur proteellort.‘to American'lndestry. A beautifel:eimdidateOrn. ty, fur alparty whioli:claiinsto:brAnti-.llank;Ati• tkpistrlbution f rAnti k -Inaproveneat:tinillAttit4'io-- , tectire Tariff-! ' I . Cliunget;t :. CO' papeis making—re feria' out=cry shoo liked desertions from the, Whig dirt dui ihdy: anydinkole,erWel 'the fo owing? it . the_ wldi Toni ,dihetint, Chester co unty;" ode' toivtishth Sent hverywhig\troter withirk' 411110th; rsoendsbnt Mors , whig deldinten, ~ thin s there ; voteri. in 4.F.4(1.0nd one ,hodr(delegothin, put-nnnt'hoting its whiiiith 084 9 by more then two htindred v When eVenhiltire 'these are taking `Oland in ohr irtythat all .ie'iiell; and Will be well, so lorri'ds the , spitir which in' yore. 000neeting* L hir =Fiver •_; ' ; Thor ,who, upT,IIIPP!?I,to acitt,ievite alindeTe, - pettio,r•o;roc F , ~9/,°V.:6°.v,t'S eaya'an exchange paPer 7 rid iieellerii ghee" they ' ; Caine; 'fidni''rezairee the!, igen - 1;44 were poured upon the heed Cr Gen. Ittrrispn. These .sento papers mile' it out " " I d *PnloolllllfarYi; that ho: 3;° c4Warde t".(lo , l4 abilee•P ,baltn-!t " "Aarnekzparty—ait „ 114 i ifinae l t 2 'iliiii,eod::,* ?ktfekeileit thin itteti'fitiorie the:fitiriii rether'lhan:itic dOadt 86 010'S11e Print. abeubd with 11144413 M UPpil, ( Mr•PtiV 4 of pen. Antillon, .they l Yilli find at,'th l 6 11 4,i0 of then. itliXlll3 will fail . tna thlnldetbOitill upon, filf4 11 0. 1 .9 lOie and 4 iono 100 oh own roio9K+OPYtTriio.to 6OP,O4Vintlrl net bOlovo thlfth°lW " " eT,"; • • laty .1 y ,A 4; c l 4 l' Wiofofi ~~~-r~ 1 6 . 1.0 , 11 1Vf ittr.,4 0 1 rAtA il i o i i i , r '‘Vl6lied : 1 0` iiii 0 fa i l l;;WPIPTOM0 141- ~ ***4si..`Pfito#44 -* r4Li tAiF,'-• iim ~ih `Sdrelloh, , . nerverifiadi itawaverF , :.,Our, reidete illnst:parden, - lerintirallicing lei ranch ,blisphe:. ;,the.,,so stent.mhich thajlinisr;;reati;:`reridetthe - 11dititetion *b7tiik down What !ieTart-4 '111.90 • Viet ddeit' - not, instinctively 400tiat aniditOtiiitideiteittaiadliguitingiiieture? And who le, there tgat ,:ivcadd.z . net ",'scoria.:(e'2,,rank . 4 Ohnse , with men who,ceatd employ such t raegps - agitnest.thetrOpponents..- • ' - • , Iforuielti piety: r' Ai tiie orttif ottine,,,• • • • place:,thefi:tcnte„lif m.,.4tragarrian, wttli'a'lapel:leach: :a lir; ,oner- Ode- "repreeenti ego. lititwy_bitty: with'a. pititot ih ;ono . litindlind pack . of cards in thnotheriand ihe other-aide epriaenV. ing Theeddre'.Pretingliaysen, with a .11ible inr his hatid;•:'Below 014AD:wards :. • We:fig/4 tiritti bath - carnal - end, spi . ti tu - fil - teigpop 4 - :-Under-this'_-ehe•-eheet-into-two-cduinnai- .011 • the left put a• . cut'regrebehting' Ildary Clay shoatinee,s,felli.y, a•: duel; on ; the 'right Frelingheyiten nrayieg.foieinttere. ' Below this Cray at referd table / playing - a game of brag, and 'Frelieghuysen atavonadmaieft table 'partaking of the encratnent, . • • , • - Then'Cley lan brothel and. Frelinghuisen- amtd his pious sisters prayer,Meeting.. . . - • - • Clay White his overseer -Whips tlie gro"mant.and Frolinghtly,sda walking arm in arm With iiblick'dandy, - 1- iitiartitotia tolie - inar . spereed 'with'appropriatt sayings.from the mouths of the two candidates -Mad-concluded b • -a rocesaion_of clergymen who support the tie et, escorting t e r JUGiitiiNAHT, Henry Clay, in tho shape of Ole Nick,.ter_the temple of blvii Power ; while Freitrighuyeen, with angels wings om site beside• him on the seine car,= with this inetto Our. Moven isPower. though the Devil be its Go4.'" . ,Let it be recollected • that this miscreant, ft en dall, is the s sarna man whevins 'warmed into life and fed upon Mr. ditty's bounty, and who in hi& biography of Gen. Jackson, gives the following account of Gen. Jackion's cold-blooded assassin ation of poor Dickinson I He talk of Mr. Clay's duelling I • Read this t: :Al the wirdtlickinscie . fired, and -the, dust was seen to fly from Jackson's clothes, the next iu•. dant Jackson fired, and Diekinsoit fell. • 'Dickinson-was-taken •to a neighboring house Whin:the survivcd,but afew hours._ The firmness of nerve exhibited by Gen. Jackson on this . occa , sion hoe never ceased to be a subject of admisa• Lion! There aro many brave men who can look danger in the- lace without a alike of ma i : l 'th ; lrucfow - tliere are who can _bold a steadiTlG - 1.- at. the'instant a-leaden messengeror-death is passing throiNh their-bodies. Not a man on the zroUnd eicept Gen. Jackson himself; knew that he Was .hart v his:Sand-- was-as-steady,- as—lf- he :hed-tcit. known' It himself." The stern ..purpose which might have nerved bim, was best described by himself, when a faondt pressell'astonishment his self command •"l • iri'leald he "I should hose killed him ifrhe-gd . shot me raugrih e • , The o1 Al Democrats."- • • 0:7. Major Noah, an old standby otthii Tammany Hall democracy, is out against the nomination of Polk, and jays, "Weounnot rally the Democratic party throlighot the 'Union to support a candidate for the Presidency Medged to imme'diate' annotation In In' another. phice ho says, ..what 'chalice do we stand With a third - rate I man against a candidate Of the force and t onceed, - ea - Popu I arity-of-Henry-Cia-y-r---And-again--he write's.: bleappointnterlt and AisnfFection seem to pre; vail.amorig many of the old nien bf the.perty, par. ticularly•tliiiiie men who have voted heretofore for Mt. Clan who remottiber hini the supporter of the war and the nezminter of an honorable tieaceieeir candidate for Speaker scrsionidler session; and a Democrat et' the old shoot. Although sceerated do questions of natioaat policy, they cannot for. get the palmy,days of the Poinocrach when Hen. ry Clay broke bread and ate 'atilt With na in our wigwam, and - we were proud °C - ilia advocate-of our prineiplea and the eloquent supporter of the best interests of our country. The remembrance of these times and the result of the present nomi. nation will give Henry Clay many Democratic votes.whilelit-wilbrbeyond * a-doubt,---keep many old nen of that party from the.polls in November next. We have - much to say hereafter on this subject." • ', _ Markle I'n• the West: (I:7The • Harry. of the West,' a now paper published in Pittsburg, saytt of Gen. Markle's prospects in tliiVe - fdi - • - • - • !!.A gegticmun ' m-Butler infiarmed-ttayester, day that:nuarkti• the entirtiVerman population:of lititrirrthrtlirttiliiiviralcor Mi eistuneWn, Oetober next.. He only kncTsys,two Gerlnons irk the county (and his acquaintance with. thein in that section pf country Is very extensive) who'are pledged A. Multlonborg . l In our Ount.county,•,thelitineat men ef - 1111. patties aid COming,cut nobly in favor of Gen.lttamp.a. • Mr. Babbiftin, the editor of thO - Only German loco foco . I pa per.lwthia,nityi_ta. Miter:in man Of iiequaintanco that the 'Germane of of and 'that ;Illuldpnborg cannot - imintibli , int more than TEN Gcrutthivotes in the,- county. Hurra , for the 4 "finiiiiintit.ti , iind'herrhoq tlipt prevtills la the ranlm'ofJhe'Pentocratia . party, .1n- °veil' , port' our `CdnmonivealK - In relation. tit•ttut, Gobornatoriahientastl'i.: bY.LiOhtiltnip: We trorp,tho Chronicle that tjoa . honseof/Mr`,.ifoincri ifontiOnign". Ifving near Lobariinli ()hie; fr . * a4l and,,,htei • latly"Yvkaa the. only ~peTaoink. i , n _4ko honio,„lTaldu On' 4tinghtinni. , Mtn. ineenell4'4l4ai*ining f :lliii. Ifirnoe wqa, anon re7ciniffadi • • =1 Igta4dote " bi<,DYt €1114• 1 'The 'Elpreee'etateilthat an iniellii Befit bittethrily ~ Deminarat," ott being introdneed to bin Chip found him agroable e;toidth to ' H aiti, bin!, tht4,,though differed with Mr. Clay in`poi. 'dello Me tetft we a good* l oll4'4ltd 0 4an ed / dr 6;°tTPR 9 , ' °7• ' YSkd ortiiiotk a ria arohly;that Aeon queethinalllif Aad fouhd tt ipodiglicy to The terithinianieliiied lie thought 46 trouid have t 0,4616 Int u,. c -r e Loco helit TheThe,eaptblitunoya, ItitatiViaf id' 4 ,l4o:Pi,tr!",3nlart - Nrevßrillft • PO4,,Miriff'4 , runt GiPPPltYolYlw.tit ri,411T4' 11 .°, , C?htti.').', 141 4 601 " 14 4?" 144 6 01:1 44 -OCTI r iirld 1 0 1 pity :iiagiporrOiregos.‘4l46*iee 11)4131?e, *O'lol*4lll44oliiii 1/e" .014 1 iir*iiTilt:1 11 00 1. 164itiutot .'• ' orr!Th‘i Poe t. V the Op:, hl_ r 44 . 2 ' ; 4 Y 41 ' , . : 4/ 1 I' . ;;;:r..,;:7- ~.- ~~ ~: • , D . „ 4 .01 , , ,PATMS ,„, ' ;aft wy Coriuorpeotatoctatek,,,p-:!;? n 'E," • atriWW a fineVr..o,9o(qiitif:o4iiitii444;6ll 'iti'elitol;iitili•igre44 6 o l l-Ii*OTY , pionotiphhtgOdik:*oo veycd to the Atatinind Vier prisariers.:, ..gop,satamauendy,,isettelt as tv;..., *eat 04706 iiitil4 4 4l44r VQo4ol l 4 . 4 o !in'. GtOi §tael; at , :Be %doied !,o , , , rekma - 010.0,; to Prie,, 6l l l *Ri'Ser 0 10 * 6 0 1 "' € 61 i 68 . -46 :1 4 9 . - i'fiiiii;litgpfiiro'tiiiioFo4 l-7 34 ' iitimi-idikee 'the paireirforsWe'n46 . 4 - ii;4 4 omiifiei lyyin stitetiea;ef „ . £5OO Afiet,e"rielay=Ofabout in hour halt witickzave:thrie'le o allay', ; 9ta ;excited feelings Clio p ` eoplo',out of court as well a, .for , the Sari preParatitine;ihe'.TraVorsuirs Were',CortieSied; thTeir — flaci — lioraiiifirsisiii proceeded, thither . iti:.,hies ; carriages , attended hya . large,bedtetf,police....-.o4reat ninny people,' ran along,. and ''ltePt,, . and there wee also large assemblage outside the Penitentiary tin Ms arrival: - ,When nell 'stepped 'ont.- of - Che'•eari:laiOte was greeted lcnid cheers, and :immediately "enteieCthe gateway., Within tial,notirt.yard a: largo , ; milli bar Of respebtaide Persons, most of hit:most They received Mi. O'ConnelLin 'silence and um. he shook hands Witlftheni. ' • . lie-Ahns _entenid..tfia-Goveinces IMMO; whiCh we understand, he .and his other fellow prisoners will be allowed . taoceupY. The Penitentiary is a part of the subtirlis'Of 'bailie The aavernor's • „.-., house' is' large and his a. garden_ attached, in .which Mr. O'Connell, with his *daughters, Mrs: Fitzsimon and Mrs.. Preach, walked alone', soot after hie arrival. The Prisoners as they must now be called,.dined together at about half-past six. Thu were all cheerful. There - has not.becnilte slightest breach of the pence duffing the proceed. Vriii Vann ,Ivlliventetit---- Mr. Senator Benton,ima qtd pubjishod in £rl. day's Globe; speaks of the 'reins movement and those concerned in it as "A schetrio, ori the. part of some of its movers tb dissolve the Union—on the pad or WOO othsrs, as an intrigue, to ilia' Presidency—and - on the pia of ethers, (1 only speak of prime:movers r not-the-miliions-who-fol. low,) as a land speculation' soda job in .scrip, 4l • - Canal CoinmlialkinCre. The jiereiehurgYnion,publh;h e s the opinion of the Supremo Court, in the Quo WarrantO case against the present Canal CommiesionersT The Court unanimously sustains the present board, elected last fall by theptoplo,. and proves the con. stitOtionality of the law m a plain and unanetyer. able manner. . • • Maim Meeting at Wilmington. The Whigs had a Mass Meeting on.Saturduy last-in.Wihisingtan, Dcleware, which is mated to hive been attended by TWENTY THOUSAND. porsoni. The linn. , John M. Clayton presided lipTsh - ThrocCinianand - ir - eas assisted by Presidents: Theoelifodo Papers say-4. Henry Clay still rem_~a'ns under bonds of &5,000, fo prevent him from killhig e Senator fist wor4rapolte . n in dbbate." Now thp.truth is the very opposite from Villa is stated. Mr. Clay was' put undcr.bonds to prevent him from accepting a challange - from Mr. King, and:thus to prevent a to6focn Senator from kit. ling-him I • I:rnt% 1311ADRETH wishes mankind to .consider this truth, MA health solely depends upon the state of purity in which the bleed is kept, every part of the hotly being supplied daily with new blood from .the-fooll-consumetl-nconsequentlyraceording-to-the pureness of that blood, so must the slate the body be more or less healthy. To Obtain, therefore, the most direct purifier of the blood, len questifin of no little importance to.every hidiyidual., - It is a well known fact, that - Hrtmdrith'it Vegitable are the most direct puriller-of Non& , There will be no doubt ot'thie When it is efinsideFed that they have gained their preient very extensii , e. sale by their, intrinsic merit, proved by the .outnevous tires %lila' they lave effected 111 every variety- oT' disease. . . . Sold in CarlielO biCHATiLES BARNITZ, solo , . -rh east oti tig' 'Faluiily of Co newripti - loudly Tor - the united Stertiontrof ulty sn4Philanthropist,•to Amy, as fauns human, means are available, the ravegetof . this direful. monster.',lL' rrlll hardly be lielieved; • althOUgh stator! upon.the authority of the "Reports of the' seterallionkds Of Health" itkodr.prhielPta that ConsuMption:of- tho'litt MIS 'it prodttiell ve of mortrthaprouNfortit.of_theititsisdit.‘ in thiose'bitieit.. Wnt. Sfe,ellipea .F,'Flmonary: Splip'carisAsthrhoilitflienia,Slititing of 'Dlood s Cotight,,Cloup Ind 01l (lineages of the Lunis;:' . .. .A eon of;Moryll. Hendiinkson ; cruswtoht,•N4. ,svis_ iestorddls — hoiltif br - 'Di'iStteltngs: Pul. monsry„Ry,rup,sftotlaborlng Midei a cOughind •hoitisnesa • nearly s pest.; - :.• '.9015.1 in .Caslisla by' Si ELElCire, : salb agent for dihrborough.':,' , ' r • • ' • • ' • _ • Couptt I. t ozEntass are now rnpitily,tup'erd sedint allothorpildittionittfOote roller iircotitliK A s tbmw,,,NlT U'ess of theTliest,- ioncliitie, and aintki.pulrtiona-„ aistatilWicir,,that - Ittrgo pro portion. 'of, ccra:or-ConBU ihption, by which. eo many liVcs dice Nnhiinlly sacilficetli oWc dick gin to the neglected:COl& lOW Coughaiwgiph-rniett, ealsily !laid' beet ecrnoir ct illt,am tarlikr, pertoth. inielliiiiiii'4lll,befoulut so Cillaitaintie tn. curing palms ai,these,GozFnr:l4ltcy,likitlifully lay'tith bone, by lienuiving 3 , which ,keeps it up, whi _ lo o l oatullituttlit,Miettiliti;tutitTeliteMitm e _ atuttelleve congistion.-,+ , • .•.,-1•-•+• paid in cbeat Or' Ado, one Or PEI= . ThlllSAPLAortags, (price only 124, cent%) by liiollll oirer thp part anti vellevgdvw: §lplct.in CapEele',lki , S. ELLIOTT, only agont for tap boruliiib. • ~••• I • Lt#.lF.;,dot.i!,tinfivr,.xtmze'!•rottivtgl4--. h 'hativaitjoct, Ihiough eudipprifituttioni „it As .ed , tr,i,l l 4.piirtetitiyfitiie'riofiiiiilLiblinii briihnels; !Nimes' Compoytiti.,Ektriot;.bf.iliorelk4und;lCitritly,, forifigil"oi" twbnty-ilier:4itreient puTe t,iod tiip, tncitt .talueditrtioley khii4o micodub rent"-• 14;30 "for batimg , tba-!gogadito-tbO4oo.4oik - tliTaTikhot gc .- 111 , 1Fictittlaies-put.itiO kitp.tike: coier: :Tho,fiKat'symppiiifofkooultb;•Viltl,oi , Ibliteslatt i d. not bo Mdretcd, to ilp.l..bh . cause it Is tmoNhemitileut tholipiten ifiseasO sttloPs. fttL B ol344o,s otto:O.or ttifiCtintk re•en tei ttie. ooptirltirOn'oP4booh, Pl# AstokT.4 s 4:l4,l l id,lunipq ti &ova: ,r.'.l'fickirvolio.tryiJ gelid* fa)1,03 ktieto' l 4 ' paOlcar vueme?ateittly. - So l i at 11.1y1F.148,k...LANypti3TICK 4 8 Iriaioi ;F40.0,1111:4, progN. • .• Fe ---„A*l4, csßaio, • ‘6l.ptiriik;l4 ow, 00'1 n tt %the crateoll%o by h0P41.4* 104- 4d163rY.114-fpbr 96141 bitbn ib,ll6th* `ioo 41. itoinl*l—ith-/A.mro ;ee .:r x . i .,-ii , ~ .,1 0, - ,i , , -) 1 , ;; r , 401 , :., ..,.. „......,t 6 „..,‘..,.:: ~, f i , • o ‘ a •V• 4 •- • it:,.„ , fVrVl.p.i4k"• — • , ,TA: r , orb : it._ , , etaigrenotia,n. . ~ , tirtifitui,.! 0 ,`'1 - MW itl'illiXtr 'liii 'tl: itiltiK ' t IV'' 0 „l0, 11 . 1 f}'Cl,tini)l4lhte *fel • , hibOloii - P . 15 '11 . '4 tr - 9 2 ' jr '*= - : , ,k0 , vns - •X‘'• •••• . 1 1 , 1) -•' 3 1 1 - , ' . '. k-."•,- , , -..,,, , ' , 114 - *Ootiligirias organiiedify 4 ,4o, l 4poitnt nnie", Of4helo,linwlng' officers t'=;';L ' . • , ' ,. ' , :i*Wirriß , t , s. - L, etepALM;,;Pi:AliritVAtt,ro. - Midfilie,' pi,...l49bNeAver, s.•,leirruiliiiy;laiWottiliqho;' BakOi- *l l 4FotorYt Go,OrgoF;-otin.;,W' , ..'-'.l*°+- = -'l .2 oi:ltiiiiirOiiiiiial- SFOliii; bi:'.7iiiii444:icipr; thwie ten'iing 't,,i,q - 4''Jointpit doev'erl i Viiiinder''' ,ItOzier and I 1 lefrii.l owg, Were appointed acorn rnittee•to,pro phrO'4F , ~nonik., presidia ..•ef , the; :7:::fo t ild::::: oL 4 tr o s h.' 4 , :vi t, - ,':, !i'd'orp' rtead' l '47 -I . : 'e e 4T; t ':- diini .!-- . , [-. ......., , f,' , --whin,* Irho -Achen6i,,,. boloii . lo, Were ; once utider:the,;yoke.ef.n". foreign. despot_ whbf'ritled thorn, oa With oroil of iron, lioritlio wing thOlll4o Piavea vole id majank tholakve 'hy'.Whicill:_theY.„ woro'go64rlie.ds,.And wheroasilciai,olol9,tio MN; era viewed.such'n course' hi thelieighl of oPproli= siointhei therefore- received Ipitmetnff hill aidin , v/ hick they werrosuoclufsfult , K.iid:Wheri;, Its, our libertkeit were pUrchased*bY:nojess tt,,prico' than the'' blood of` ut - Patriet • Ttithersoret-hold it: to be both' n 'duty' and a ; debtriftrtititudn-Whinh; we owe to their memory,. to ; thotre,liber: , , tins inviolate:ft:Oink foreign potentate and his vai. l indir.--Theinfore-itis-by•thielneeting ,-,,:',-..-' .:: 7 - iteiclied,„..Thatiwe,bellovi.the-time,hatiarrived, -*lien Pie lants granting 'treeemigration and free I naturalization to'•foreigners unit') longer: a Mess ipg but, oti ,evil, endouglititinpediatcly, to, he aboV . Ished;nl• in ertiendetfai to place, our sacred-rights kandisistitution'slieyimd•theie futtnegraim. l -'• kosolved, , ,,Thit , nature: has .iaiplanted in „the 'bread Of eitiki'hurnan tieing an innate principle of_regard,fir thii, land, that •gaiii him - -birth, that . its hive, and -pustents,.habite r principles 'and liiiticiaiionican_never be_po'rfeettyreradicaterlagm, his feelings, and for 'this rinser" if,there walTno. others, flint it is more,,safo , to trust . the political reins-oreVery-government---in-the- , ,hands 'of its. citizens-thou; those coining : finny 'p *stint: prone ! , tfy„ whosai_nti'll;: ieligiOus inka Pelitleallnelitu.• - t •-•- . • '• ;;11',",,.e rietliiiii-iiwn-OW - Tdith . . - . - fore we hold,thernatiin horn : Americana should. Thle_America, • ____, ~ L,_ - - , '', , - ..., Resolved, that a Union of Church. and State is one of the greatest evils that'has eiet itiltiVted - Alio hum an family, and-consequently that the Most =distant-Ottempt--toLfaiorso-deploroble-all-object hi ' our own free America; should be spurned Ilreinf,i_ riond of liberty, and the great balanced foreign influence nowin out midst, is tending to that re. suit. - Resolved; ThaLthe Constitution of the s .United States gave Congress-the power 'atter the year' 1805 to abolish; altet or amend the laws-regulat, ing the migration and naturalitation plforignera; . and that the same power that rn ak nJaw_fiart the tight, When tins good of the country requires' it, to alter and-abolish the - ram% and, that the re. cent attacks upon our Common School !system in our riiktinfid a ;sister - Stale; the growing ainculitt iff : '-dibinirthiOfighotit our' country;prineipally mougloreignora, tile number of. paupers support ed at,public expense—the - corruption, - strife, par.' jury and usurpation at the balloCbox ; and the fact that the whole, foreign vote- of nearly so,,is , eontroiled - by a foreign potentate;'or liia-agenti 'heir4-ia-ptisf-positive that-the-safety andluarpetu- , !Vol our-country and its inatitutiona must ur. gently reqiiire,siteh alterations. 7 • --Reeoltuad r !rline-many-of the - prominent-men-in: both of the great political partiei ere'corrupt, and implipatadinthe treacheroustiaCilf ifurrender , :. ing . American rights - rot' foreign - votes ;" their total disregard for - the - wishes of their con 4 stitrientit- - -rtho-rights-of -A ni ciriemie—the-honorof their country, and their unequalled profligacy and wanton neglect in the adminietration, of laws has deprived us of confidence . in them, and removed all grounds for_lsope of a reformation of osi grievarfees: a . Resolved, ,t,h ) ii oiri t conntry has been, and ever should-ha - the asylum for the oppressed and dutvn• trodden of all nations; but that our fathers. who ' made it such, never intended that-the of Europe shoulstregardit as a place of banish. meet for, pat degraded-snbjects, or the inmates of their prisons, nor that those who comb hero to r Awl im pi tnlities of our, country and our free institutions, should ever so !Weeds the heirs of the 901 iria tug or adniFistering ts eh% tut t tat 'they have warned usurvevory page of pick histo ry, to beware of foreign encroaChmeuTK Resolved, That the donor under all eircumstan cos, has a right to &eine. upon! the quality and quantity of alma that - ho may i wish to bestow, and that the recipient hail no rigllt to complain of the terms upon which it itt administered ; arid there. fore we, hold that Americans - have the undoubted right to prescribe tife terms upon which foreign• ors.may be admitted to citizenship among us. ResolVcd, That we therefore hold the naturali zatiOn lawbabobld be abolished - hr. - so amended as to reqUiro an actual residence of tirtentit•otte years for all foreigners in thol.hilted Stats before they shall.have the tight to the elective franchise. • Resolved, That .no person 'Aneigri .should-hold:any-political-officiref-trust,ott-profit-in. these United States. ' • ,Resolved, That Ameribanwq Ihrth shOuld hive full con troLof all tho political, alfitiFa of their coun try; and that fbialgnera,should not he allowed to belong to atty.:committee, notriinralnuor ,other• wing, where their influence niay in any way, have a controlling 9 frcict in• the selection of candidates 14... office. ; • -Resolved, That, the Protestant version of * the Bible, without_note. or comment, is not a soptari 7 an book s and that it should boa clasi.boolt in cv attempt An the cities of 'Philadelphia and New. York by Agents of aToreign Potentate,. to expel it - fr,Putt.'„Ahe Publle*Schools, is a gross. inset!, not: Mill, to the state of Pennsylvania and New-York but, to, ilia:people of these United Statini..' , '." ResPlVedi entiniferuniabja-of our po, Jnichl system ; the election - and appointmont of none.b.oc hones t ,,solier;•and.iminpetant Native Ai meriaans to elf Offtidiftiader; ecOnOmrie the adminiatrationitif-Public-iffakrit;, and, corlieeuen tlyk ; in in ut10n..0f , .... the, 'enormous and tippr,ealivi,,74o,!sind , a rperal;iT.- formatibifldAlie Goneral Ooferniiionts,. are-ab6Plutory 7 r':-= ' ._ltesolveili_:„TbitA4.tho_einifttftittkikotalteAni.„ ted'Stateirprovlden that the •Prtisinierr of the:.V., S. hfAMPrietui borni the ,.fnerioaii = Rti b ; ' Hans tiave,,nothlnc Ao,with,.,thaketibje'agNit prniteiAi' • • , - coniritr`y's; welfare, teliaittrittoint", ti Avery- other; coneitteritii dui) slid wether in:Weal dr wee, we w it never desert „hey ' -- : -. Resolved s , That ttli that Vristt elf thin. ingot. 14 that AhO piebeedihge aliar6of shonbt katui influence', On , the apPrdinihirig_l 4 iesithintlid elec tron ; - ,,but :Abet :evaryi - one.:6ltOnltl liberty,tk vpiii:feii the ealtdidate Of his ek610,6 rut: .Preeideittrand'inindidatbit , 'float, they be Native- AMeOcanti - • •Wq_ r view_..with-conteatpt.,._the: Arnett - 1141f any Ptilitleilledliorken'tlin.Pape and i1ii,i7P1 119 ," 11 2 thP:Pilifolie7o llo lkiiiilrllik_i, al' eapitit Iw:response p the glorious 'Mat Whoa& :Of out:istiltetiSf•.Cl o l l ,ltellgloils,'OV'POlitleill..' : " ! ' , Resolied, .That the thinks 'of ; thi ii,yaeeting tiara} , tendered the, iton..Mr: Archer, of Yirr, fit; the . . minl,,Yl titind;iii hie taken in the Serittief clnitetl,43l4l.” favekg,liattie Oiler PitimirinciaPles.'24,..7.,-...: ' ; 71,.J1t sillgekThattie,b relleiturienAto . the ht(flens of :OmfseltPtitißOrotigititiid fravtnetilPit the: pounty of Cturiberilind to'hOld Plativp , Aoettken, Reno coOt?T,bp.t ,i $, train, C.plijroiyi , einfiar , itrineftii be, a. ecuntrutteo prponre„ plaint And. Pintilot; the , 1106 heldidi4ll6 ieil.'metitlnti Of. thiNitlip:ArperiplitisortMeoliatuaktiureartililtio • : Pad, *14116 o . citeifilintkeifiNiikAiiidifigi - : 440 4 'fit - 40,40 1 004 it 1 4 . .,•' 1 11 41 1* parte t 6 county. , C. gigneirbfthd 01490 PM ~,~ I ,p~yy~[ ~$[~ 1 1~~p"yp1 ay~y t4 , 442t0e40:0, 77 7 - „ . 1 . 1444.x1, .14A ,cv • - 4 , 7 ,„,,,....pto A Pip Pf:g i tlPT. ~ r ' ‘ ./ ' r.7 ' l7-. T ‘- I , 3 ' g latiik‘ $ 4 : 0 0;*11,A?i ..,r.;• itajt,l% ~ .01 pit4litiolep ITN *Ott 1°44 • .... ,- ,,,f1q49,,, ttr.4,',71 1 , topiwit ie k. a , t r isr* 41 7f#,,, * :11k, .. ~. .1 5a4.11 . ,, ~,;. it' ,„,,..Elt '1) ~r' I I, •'' til. . t ille ''\sTrk, IF T ' # * '. 4 11 . 7440; L-, . , r,,.1- ‘4,,:i'.41..,. eilitig'ql7:ivtitjt lEVIPI"'''AI.-,..,, ...• 2:000" '44 ''' --' 1',.'10,000 tAttlkoao lite•--' -, 32 '• ' Rhode bia # 4,-, ' - , ,- 7.3-':•,,'"'"';'-..'4',,,, ,N":g.i040011 icentactigio 6,g,,i,.4):*",`,1 0 c,O cc,-Deitiwarpi-.,..4n, eiy.f.` '1,0....„.,.111111-„, a11e..q.514"-" L,-------,--i.7,r0400Y.'?.:', ~ -32,00,-... _Virmant, -,- , ._:.: -6,006 ~..„ , --.. 0, kil. ,_....,,, 77- ,„!,,,,, °Mei , r. ii,,4, ;linei, • ,_:-....,•=23- 7 ; , 9u."' Nort-"X"'" ...--,:-_------"-"'".' : --,---36, ~.. -,, • 10.000 ---,-;;;,--;777. ' ' 26 , , ~ 1 - 2,000. -- 000 wilt?r,,K„ii,.. - • - • '..7'':. ~,-..,lz,ft'a, , NewpennsYlv- , . ~,•,,,,,igAFS44,-'- . 2,00° JPr.',171,1,::3.,,,-;iP,''`‘;', ' t ,,,,, 0 ,. /: ,- ' ...,.. - .i,:not •? '''''' ilidia,tdiT, :,,,, ~,,,,, .`" ''",,.:,,i3: - G°Brgiati ~, -,';:''l7,,- -_--' T ennell . l .- - , ' , TPtak.:- ekt. ',GAO --.5;006" ; ., 0,000 . ' • . '1; -Arkinedio "' .„ • • - Totala Miclupn b Mattid,- . . Total, , ' We onildetaflf.expettthat soyekortlie Sictee We babe a6l, tim doubtful. will go for 'clpiy: while we ahall.not,entfrelygive 4,the)Cet three in in tliectiOik the,,Bikinieer, ppitfaferat But: for:thC - Teaiii tion s ,Ave,ehonid stand .an even chance for. ,thcm , • ind:Valley Mtitlial•PiAfectionVehlflenYynlAck-• inson•Township, •ihnt thsir prompudess„,itijneet:. * liiitheiiiigagernents,should iis-, , trisde i kno!n the public , ijarticulatirturit-May-h - o'4or-the-Mir , tual benefit - of; buthr:compenyLend ' °This excellent association hiiir bran recently fo7reed for protection againstZless by fireVit holds .foith.io . our citizens fur greats* . adyar 4 ttsgesthan any oth-: er body , of this kind, .therocmbeß2,•4unht . but that it.is decidedlpthu-piti ' eliFkifaert prop Mounds to indemnify and" so' mire himself against, less, in saikcompapv, since: the, .tocms aro so reasonable—the protection 'sq. great—and its . engsgethents,se promptly, met.• sln Week's- papei you noticed the dist ruction • the dwelling 'mule Ofitichard.VFoods, ES, on: th e Thursday night' preylousithet loss , s4poo, with en insurainelof 81000: To the cred.' .q. • "vll: — lt' 1 have jir informed, at o t e company ieen credibly . Viet the in - aural:lei was paid, liefore -your piper with the notice of the , fee*,vvaastruak.,Thistmealts -AVZirfarthe-coMpany,.yet-in-lts-infanc.V;ancl-by 7 this elrettmeiatiee the' public may-seethe edited.: rinitiritnie i and tat initifinCe this -last suggestion, •M. W., althoUgh generally., -a-rent arkahle-di scree t -man the-lotl4- of- 1 $3OOO, He id . a poor mionomist,, who td save few dollars risks thousands; and fire 18 one of those insidious endmies ) tigatost . :whove treachurles,_we should ever be.On theralert:z T6tntrerance. ..„ The Comity Comrnitteelmpointed to make at. rang ants fox holdings Mass Tem psraneo Meet , lug at Carlisle, on' the 4111 day of-July next, in Remind: Reeolvetli In view of the • political . meetings which Ws doilteniplaicd to hold in Carlisle, on the day d our na on s in .pent tined, Ingot er with .the probable engagemenh s v of aliofirritiers of our county at that time in galliequg in. the early liarvesmlint It will be expedient to defer our Tem. perance Celebration till some later dairovlien it is supposed it maybe more universally t)ttairded,and he inure extensively useful. • Reliolved i (Ai a substittlfe fur the contemplated mass meeting,) that it is deemed advisable, and that Ore do limb) , recommend to the friends Temperance tn.tliq different partsof our county, 'as far as practicable. to Celebrate the dux by local,. meetings, and that efforts be made to induce the chil4ren of: thelespectivesneighhurhoods to parti cipate in such ritectings. ' M. 'CALDWELL', Chairmen: Caritele i June 8, 1844. - • INFLUAZA ANb CoNSUMTIoN. , — It. :is indeed A mel ancholly truth that Unman& fall victims to Gansu nip-, 0611'm/chi , year, Trani" no other 'cause than neglected (iolds j , yet, we dull hundreds, nay thousimds, who treat Both cdMmtints with the greatewindiffertme. and let thew rtiat -on for weeks and even meal' Without thinkingur the danger, rrAt you you-eaten a slight Cough 'di , "CCM ; you allow'liminess plea surer. o,carelessness td , preyent yeti from gi'viug it any attention ; it Then Settles upon your Jireast 7 yoti hecoine hoarse; hake hi the Ode or idlest, ex mittot-ate:lstrge. tio:tittittel of Antler, Wlth 1/1160d; a di fluatlty orbreathing ensnes,onshlteti, tu—hirtllurvemsroTliinlislrlieglect-hatt-lirouglivdn' :this cumphrint.. If, tirpt, you value life Cr,lieallh he warned-in tithe; tind'don't ,trifle' With your Cold; 2 or_ Apia to aq . quatiltropstrui Aohtire,youihuthpunetli% at ely iiriicitywii horde or trio of that tainium remedy; Wisturfa',Balisiui.‘of , ,Wild Xherry,?whiclu.• will knOwn to thp hest cure ever known as thousand,' w whnsh been eMied :it•• 'Poi. . lidluenza it is the ver best niedidineAtidlnizworldi ailiiiiitl I ri - eiti- • 'for this burouzli., • ' ••• " • - .hqulins'4lthi.anil ; tht:.earcasSes'of. fetid ' animals, 't.o.llie.l.4oe,leedinie filial 4e, phen Spring' ibtirfliitie'Tiliii6iiiliii.lieliF:Hetiilo,a(Oriltlitt,;tool tioutude of Abe llorenh&tfalq is to glye!edtleoi . io; altlaudN, licit ( hr cacli ' nnd'crcry ' offidee '011;4 . k vi er llit t ftg(llhe Reeeltielof the .oerodgVlawe.teill tieJ ed Vdliout ieepeet -; - ti-Ity , OrdeioVi.lie.'T4i - wir 1011 N WALIF f It o rl - figtt gOotttibto.''S i 844: "*- • ' . • • :3r54. '.llh.li;;sl* - tieysanWdeedieleie Iflie;4ll43l74)6liett to gleeiise ihietreete end' alleys ip rrept of tl,loll , ,ele i i.. pe utiivtieOlfotiiiii::4llff ...''J'.rt , r.. . • I • usiltirlDitigl)Eitti ". • . . t' i l i l o g subscriber has now add keeti r., 4 o hand all kinds of Lumber Il!etlit so‘ liMtb7PlitikO r eantlitiai Shlnglea;Shitiiiring_ alidylatteringLatltiii, &a all'of whiott will be +Mid at, thetirer pilides with die addition of 'until ogieraistr, etilie Virartilhause WS'L. 3W torkiele.SaY 22 ) 1844, t; }'Li Ueis + fanc 'Direbs - aftils ": j l 3llll4*Peetqc o .Ctirearlheaitiiiii 4 itt new dd v oriM, i lirl l lo 4lll P.7o ti , Fgalrgd n .4iiike Afili g s r fin ' ,„44vRhIrr. 105-tii4l l 4 teitiVtnsticK, o i l)te,..h a trNl i thWr.olllllg D a; my on ovilgo, poe nen,-Or,Y,Ot raMin'itMkt,t4:l-,4osW4o,o''4loll l AreNth +•:pird. une"..l4i, , fi .161. • bt ": F ttio i *l,.q emits i to - ,0 1 W 414 soilltdoktlQlo4;, , , Huttel 4 o4w ilicillknukt. t ,411t01 1 t4.r Tkr) VI; .i...7 . =7:r...'=,,,^...z,7=”, , ' ' f : W hi le" De t al g ' ,4': ANNIONS OF\i, IG POLK - 7-4 1 ' -.. ,L ' . - 14411E_TARIFF1* .a.= 4 -) 4,- "'" --'-'" 5‘,.,14 .P 1" • ' '.'t,Aie IN FAVOR 1 &mg an adeiibatoillo-' ..: Pro-. uF 11E10001RO THU "iiu°.; , wi t h ' far " f ro ': DUTIES T 1) THE tectiebcoainierlean 01 - gArpgwvotoom ' , A lilt- 4 ,lf4ii 1PA.04 . Aox . ~, ,4 ! AaiiiiAL P 7,.. -wkiElkaAlftr i ga ---- istaii _ , 4armak. AloNORrol: D ' 1 1542. Iti( Vle Millini I' e THEN ON - TilF43ol " ibisiattelll4ir,• al re:: -of jvNE , ;"1134.2. 1 .': • "-- A eo tt un to mariefaetureelt---frirmimet ppeeeh at and oopinserve n bi inliret Ni 1 . 4 16 , 0, ;,0 0 . 0 •=' !Ap r il n , 'Nateverklt%irnify`lbe Hi' 3 ,, , . 113 6 . , • '-', ~ form, , ...inuasi • ntgelOinllo•' . 1. .!!. --- ,;;. -4 " l l'''' . f. Ardst4uin 1 . The' 9 131 . y . t *., '4 1 14 44410 i bf the* ta 611 1 ..7.f = ; 4.1. 7 - 0 1 = }, 1.4 , clans °fib°, great telf. J , , , . 11 btaicg 0 1 .74 1 0 10 11.;a- •'' " I Tilei?(Oreizik.ii‘ eight e 'it, him , the.lween the • Wldf•-Part9 ,ticreiitii4,uncithi fihiel aint 4 ntylielfluk, =whilst :iighti-the ;saddle ;oncl, thoyare , the , advocateer - - • OrjleBB ;riaker, f 46 ,.._ er P.lslltliftll'Llr , ....TAP ailer,ihi henter,the shoe- a_,Protectoe TATtyF sker, the eab(let MA. ---liitaddrVittlhiCh Icon. r, and iniisone tra'd'e" is `air iiiinseuirtiiti)e",in.:. • ;enters. ',llia; .coniforte ' 'seivilie, ;o.,..lhe.7.ireltdtg— •nd theitii 'tite Vet!) are tind espeoiallitolhiiio. MO' itie?eised by such tetielitil of the Flaming pioxitnity, and they are Stiths r - , :t haie ,SleOcii,ip riabled,toapgpsnatthstr raid at.hrittioistfili#ed , • - iniftfp.pres hod ,pro: loth." ' '.. " , nOtibis _.. ''Bittior whai ItSittneA3Pheiffilittiti. 1 • vairiroilditlieliTrini f : ish'okby-bloo.r,:;'•.i -iplligiitinfillbintiebni. , : ' -6- ':-. erhir; foreign iind 'do';' '` t i.M t piiiiii'ililfiralfle s , estii4 wbose. Ace, is that,Aool shg r ild •,,,Ife • T x _ citdisiribettrthelurpicia' ,:duty R t e" 6:" ,_f '" ' • roduee or• agri,(fvitere I .•[Congressional debat nd of fabrills of the di. Voli9, page 1174. echanic and inttin,ure• i , ~. ~,,, , •-ei ~ .I y i turerr' '' - ..• :,- ,1 .; ... " HENRY CLAY.' ~• ' ' .'' ." ' ..- . finith are the evidenee of tini'political faith of the Whig and LocothoweandidOtafor,the Prost. leocy., The , zealoui advocate and steadfast.friend of_Atnerteari Induotry. - on..the_in'o'hpii- , , ; _n_n,d in , , th i o deblared friend of Fre e Trade ; " Foreign " Foreign Pau . Labor, British CoiTip . titio44; on the 011100 - yront-, ,y, - en Blechatiies Fa • ererod ergo frornAhe 41112!ESMI MEE . 'ArT- 40 =1 evi.enccs.;lc I,wi ...1 1 PP.5 0 ; wi I ycni, ,-. • il r- CANMOr BIE DENIED _ . . Tenth riealllghlgj thaV trznß„tf,ElDY'r ,- SdIR — &fPZRRI4Ctr , Is the ruresi, strongest; and iiloirelll6otftiq,p(-Any otherirt paration of Sar'sfitiarilti that is shade. •It wsietanteV ,be,streugerithrtn. 6,Notles MOST -fogfiriiapmE,Bo - by:inyAilliriik.theYnkted . Leidy' 4' pii*liiiriltile-recommenifed by all 'r!ipeCiiiiiiii,', l oViiiiiiileinlirefeririafr to. any,ottier. .Who, hAveeyot! hsne4 fit kom. Ond bottle tbmi ilree„ke,letlef,etlers; those after batlitg_ used . other's - ptelterationso without benefit, Will,. use Dr iDeidive, will, soon be eenvineetl, (us thousauds liiiiiiTalready:beep)....9f the _foregoing : assertion:. • t r . -- .The.uppnr,Stifs pr. beittetqvtteacis nisei his preparalipa nt.Barsaparilla as. peep:lied ° , ii`tbe.oaly one ia Statel imported by Dr: Lehly..bsmself rrein the eelebrated heuse.of Pelletee Clt*entod t't al 'e ense'-'and is pan, e:o a tttmltting t a.; ipei i 614). virtues, of gt:ppa 7 othei..iiroecie • ' ' tectirtimeedas. tions 'Trani iles•ap.len 'Shit physicians-live-kern friiin-stltilititliiiiitiliehiell-sti;iliavenfL.iiifteiti t : it is only . tliouglit nettemary-thieepAll,o linb.litestgenin teilitsio_svlier_c_ll6..Vettl:o-ii•tlitTaliiitillieitii.ilte'ob- tnititsl in: this oity Oimilin'e,ziiimiely;sit, De. Leidy's 9MortlrSetforfir6teetv:titice -Vine Fr..d. Ownw nittlYredailel t's Diu); tier,liottle,'.:3 bottles: for June, 26;1844, Vlcrs ' Dn. goc:idY l i4 • 'Blood Arc iltdonli 19 odpialning &wan Their cotritinaition is Of n Wield - jar character, composed of yegetable P..stratus that are diuretic s sioliteilie; expeeorant nod cathartic ' hy whitt , l ( t_ca : }dilation they are adapted to Most forma oil foams . :sod any be token at all tilnec by yortogAnd old, ro bust tool feeble. with perfect safety, without interl'e-. ring with habits, 'occupation, or-regular course of liriog. They . wilL nt 1" if rn'ei; !)c. rptin . d errricenme lls a •' rurgni ler i eleaffiing tile gonna:if null howeifi, as ' weihns a purifier of lie; Monti anti .atuenal fluids, in. lififliffin,,,to their other tiltalitiess linUttitti . 000 l :di.- ling Na-sitp rillatool other rettable mirdical is:EL . tracti in toeit,,composition, and.which multes them preferable to Wolper Pills. , illot'e ilaiii"-Clia C,eretficates -------- -- , , . have been pithiftslit4at - Onus times of their Om; catty i various disealtett, autit , wlirre•all otherme di , ' - lifilicßiliiiif RIP ;3ft - the public. must hare yeiill'ion o v or ilieVn, fur i publication of them-is deemed on.; nebeiolary, o uccolik of- the great ,exPeosel . . er ' - - More ikon .IPO OW Boxee- haveliOWrito iti - t'biltt*Pliitt4iliitTC;ll,le.past yitirl thus Wowing - that is the place where they arc ratfit- • facturet...4* they hose It 'Peptitatlotii Oriderinati any • other pi le—which keisitaterini the. fact that DK, Lel- , lyr-- , -is-tiell-kutittur- at honkie - a.Tivithy - inki - irciwr - and Wapitis are consequently • employed with' 'great er. einifidenea than - any- otherFiii.pddition-to . theiil T.-- ; 444 l-r'itlite• iiibik4-- , z--- ' ----''— ''tie not the quantity 'pf pills 00, other mei leine . .yoq,. ,can get (or 00, 5 4 orie . money, lit lic - boit . 0 cheapest T —'blktlte, quality.'__ Oh' 'oloi itiedioiii"69' Or' Rain s : yon, ll l r temt 6llll e, e,g un t tl t e li r ie . l:n h l eli t it* 4ll(Bl St i g - n t !l tl ?l r rlN'." l' il i 4 td -' l' tomb- turirtt.wlll act Mare-good, and poi inalke, , ,drog. , shops ot :yohritomehif,, eatiiing:tlftdathilei• oerio4i injuty,toytairselies for 1ife5;:it ,,, , , ,c1,-4.1 , 1, 71t./.' 2 - •.. . 'F.loN , Ueidrik - nliMil - Pi,llii:nr - eliatilpotiellPf;tiftire i4: - . • ' ''• ie Pilt- ita T tliet* AnitheqUirk ti .ifonitileity In - d lam`. . boi. in:.their'peeartitti!,lldn i tnYeatipill ,thet' rpparatusalcm-f p lrapatnttta wttraeleoohliiiited ,- • Mliii,pilialgOaking l utdr.t tiuouelittldoilici.• • -P.rige:o3-oeeipilOpotai, , .\:b._: - :::. - •L-,.....:• , ?..t'ti. -i , - , , - , .-;-' They: M.P. prepared . only; anti hold *lot& driantil , -.--'' fletalli-411-.‘pl..4lly's,glealth-Emptirlllip,,',NO-191 ' ,Nook,B - rOood 11:4 ,strcjet Leto*. yiiwfiu.:, - Aholy;y , : ., ,-2., . ' q. , -. • • 7=7 ,'1 ! t . .. 1 ..-,,L .o,i - !..;: , :' f fl - - , i , ;:::) , ShiliPAgbilt few Carlisle. -. . ilime i 2ii.l.ll44 - ...:.... .-,. - ,11.1: ;...e4). , ,T . ',... , ' - , ,-• ly.i. ,- . ' I - DP. Leidr's celebrated Oiiiiikihe '"" • knifing to our° ihef - Toteriltbia.A . 3 4 ,4 trite u r di pi nipletoi'thefatie•alat holy : , ~.7 aalt,„ Op , oat a s alt Dipeaaak 9( thciAin k , : ri., ,,, ,lwfif i lk- liiiihafr I 1 cit. iti611144) 1 11fanaaChatitesi rVA a , n _ tgtlea4litii,the arorda • DIN-Lattly 2,1 ater,aad ; it, isl an ~, Olairaatig, o ? , ,,Ailoca"ln the:Oda) , neaetnakkiliattaa , tragaittailirtiar liaied - fivailwtheragjaslaPA'iti ~ • hat; at; tervaaaem ban'ihe' ratidepthekeitiia),, _ _i r7 _ , lik - th, 1 - ITs - altiiirtir,A.4l4Fitrkaconitittli,e7:4lFT! I , lir, ramlllen, Bad- refilfialtealoilld4,,baOK i 18T„h„..._. iiiimai, 13aCial' kkedelle"rin.Notniiinii.,a4;„,. al in M 1 M1K 14104 • 161 .4 -116 " 1 1 4t-iiii "° 4: l l, drif nod I , ra•au r ipi t. a a , afregions.. ' ll l , ug..ng , Drl he :5 vsmed efi, P"Illaild th" 94 " e"'t° t el 't iu ► , *ell, is this 4 . : rettis..,nniat boo ,iiiiti i tiate, 6 1 . , i., , . .._. eu ‘ erfm4 l l. '''°lg ilt t4tAilP*4".4l ' lean 7d l i i : n al ul l Y e, 'tlie: ' l4" ;lin i hl 6 ' 4fld ' r il l i itta l ra r at ' a , atlottle.4 ,',--' ~ • • alsika and t orap AliliiEk:' Tr a c e sTE.EssoN t -,' * •,,4 r t , -4.tvorti ~ , .. x ., '''' - -- . ' , ;,i ''' , 1.A . 4. , .Aii.....”: , es- g ''',siiti , . 7 ., , -7 r : 7 : lit t lfEl li t&T. 4 ,O 4 I OZTF ': SigiVit. Bl, T# l ile*Mii .0 - / 01 -ii — '•,- T it t it 7.T10.) 1 , 1 e Ohe,C°oo P ° lli' ) 1 ,9, - th; aiti'd des dr, uiriberlend, egvhe td, a.,,,, , thellbrkY:lidat "if Tiro: Itllll#4o 1 ‘ 4,,,,, . eild'eaureofebtrdnO 'Melte ror41.1(0,101,y0 ~. „, ~ .bepliiiidchereliioie Oelif prsols Pitelniiig A Itiihtt.. piribe A , tiitli so 414 to ,iil: '44.040 1 for vpril - 11% 11 ,/ toilet or Oyer knit Tetthil t „.?, Ikea. Pnd 4 - I,scot colwa i ,i) . 4. '4 'tv tin( tv.brik • , 3441 11630 “ ;81 4 111 N I 9II I, NI I.B*ol l l.otAtY Ami .,, - , AT thligarowanitiookipfp rgotioptml -41 t rnt ,blarofyibo 0 5 03 T74 01 ? - 6 42.0. 1 . 4 .* • , A ,,, , , ,,..:.,A. A pi:, - 0 , 04 , ... , .:.,1...,:1m. - AP'''. ERIBEMBII . -'r. TI VF sov; Sole-Agept fpr f_tarlisle 11113
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers