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I:, ••••'•••-liellOr• • rell..)jeja Otcl4/11111 ,- - .. ft k,'Virlt - Au "' L ..- '.• & 4 '''' , .'-'•r:_s•- . li•''l , '• ••4 - -0 9, -•-''4 r - . - 4 4 " , ... ' ' ;•:,t, •e. , "*km - ' i'vt 44.14 •-.4ktktivstljitlf ttAttf4llf I.P:U - •;',,..• tut • "T••• ' .:,!•.. ',i!'• ,•• .... , ;-e•- ~ , ' -v • ~ ,, r f.;', 'i g- EV . ;y ,,,, -',...{.? •• - ,--,$ - S -',. -2 ~ '.s•;r-., - ..- • • • , -:? . ." 1 1' ;' ,••• ''' -- - — 4 ' . '-':'---- ‘4l -', :ki,4 ,I'l ' - '64 , A- .6 1.,4 461,Niittur f rzy t at t •Q. , L. ;A-4o 1, , Al ft. • - 1•.." .tY•tT ' ---•• .: i:•,.,. , .• ,- --••-•. ••••,t .1,.,,, , -, ..."'!•,,,„4••• V,,., , '.. , , '' ,% •••',,,,•;,•„,, '4,; '• ' gri, , tnitc , , - - 4, e i - T.C7.,.! , '"1", T.:,'.:,,q, •iiWoU •$i ~. f * s kri . 4.' 4- s ''',' ; , ' , '", , ' ,,- ..:1,,,. --:,,,‘:«..., 1 , A , '- ,.. : '; ;s'-..,-- _ ji $.41:.„,,,: . . y ~.., ~.. •.- ' ,N. 1 ,-., ' ,'". 71!' ~ ;... ~1. : .• • - -, ). .- '.: . i, , ,... i f !..,•,-,;, • '‘,. li, ~ ...,' l l,':', . '',...,';,.-.. '4 , i 4 .. ,1i . .. ''' ' ..„ ',..f "•,"•,?''•'_. i1Y,..• " ,L,-...',=.4._,,,, '•. ' .L 2 '." .4"' "^ - • 7 4%. ri r :i!,::::•.:: - 0f, ~ 3.44 tift •, ' , -__, iii e ' t ? 4... , •--,-• .•.- „_,.,..,., • . -•?7,. - .7. . ~. • . ~ . - fo ., . 1 _ : „, ~b .„ ..i ., .,,i i ! ,, !, , , f !, .1,-4, fir' 'ko . ti.,i , ') . 0 . ' 1 0 . .„o;,g - ,4.:;,:i . '•: Vi .it`•; ~,,,,, ± .f:: 'Fai k : 4 , ; I-" ?f1 . ,:: i • rie..*4' '.'''' ' cfll ,. •f - =.. : ,•)''' iv;i , '",4,',' . 4 I 'o s - ' 1 . ?..:..:\' ' , 1 : 1 t '- , ,4 6 i - 04.. k i;k:r 13 '14 , ' 4 .,. ' 1 ' -' 41::''l f 3.4 i , • .F: r7 ., -,-,- - '--...-,;;;. -'==-7 • I.'‘ , .^•! .:1. k •• ~..4•,.., „.;,;,,,,,,p1131. 4trti ,'.... -, - i;•: An ---41 , 4 o':4 ,t , tAt'rif;_,..- ;, ,, , , jip,4,f;,..,,, t I:iif i:: , •;;.,- ad j . i..,, t ' s - Ta t Iv-' ~ . • .. , . .-•,1 • • i4l-.9t 0 4.0(0.,t TR . I eba,..l:, *s, ily, .0 ..,, 1 , ',0 - , 1 1. , ..:,. ` Cii i n.l baloati4•W4 • 44 .:!. 4- • 7 4 - '-- ... , i-..:- ,•;:-.4- , , ~ ; k , ! :VOLI'I :t'T! ,, , -1... 4.Z, ".:_.... : , J.. ~,v ,?. ..Pi:•,„ 5, 5 -, - 'F. '- i. a. t ittflt - Sfl,ilD 111 - 16c1 ! ttl) . 113 i, 411 v... i.i.....c.34 ..,; c., , ~.4 ;;;bp ci 1 .;,. 2 , 7; ~;., i,„ j ~,,,i..„ , , 1 ;.;1. : , , ," .11 ,; ; „ ;;;;; ,... 0 ,,, 1 ,_ ; ,,.., ;;.; . _ ._..... ~ .... ,i ,„., _. ...„,....: , ~, i ......,-.. ,-.. , i ,... , ,..... i .- „...„- ..4 . 1 ., - ; ;;fiAl f ;;l ci . r ,p, ....„4,,ii 1 ., c41...4....-,t ; 4,t , r. 1 ft,[1:1:1, i . -,-,-',,, .4..".C1' , Ve11V -..3.,-,, : 4.1,1.' - ,14-6.; , ;, , ':' . .P.'l"i''; .:- y,:'' ' ,'...., 4+ -•w., : '. , ,•,' • - -)„.;,,,;', ''',.`,...tii.. , t: .2'.1n2j1; .- 4: - .4. - .• i" ~',- '4 ,•: , v,/</,4,, , Y1 OA Iki . .1 ~,,- e,,- , -'' t , ' ii,l 1 , ; ,-. '" "r ' ' '," ''',** ! k "•' l ' , ' i'•". 4 , •111,:itt•',...111. :..• • Wil'o- •i:' •1` , ,*• , •54.1•0.471 ?F , i. t . x _,,,, simii . q. 140 4 * I' lint 8 El FM nti - ?gib qr.,4 In : nig t Mwmg Hi) ti t T5ll Cllre , ft, ""- ro-BiT Auar , .-,- 741.111ceiyCeptre usiiitaitsw,S.T9l4,P7 "atriWoiiiStdtrait'' • ?. , •44.,•g. 11,411. ;411 411 /14 pov 'legs PregIiBTAICAT , MA:4,i, ,•611:0.40 f p., ",;EX,e7ro rtige . a Wika 0 iiel,utT 0 'JD la tkvsg:Mptifilitilliioiiyiiirld dthg the time of subscribing- ; TAu teArr3r, , ,mstsrpi t atthifiteoo 3 4tikoar o tiub-rFßP'frill',o,i9l94-410P1"0-ha4,44x papir `"? tl;•'CliaiikeVelbirokitiiiit b the t.; „is 04% , ,engagemen6:-, ! 4 4 %:°4 1 PPIttkirt 1 9,0P9i9,5 1 ,9Ae,Riin4literms , p. "Lei to stge r tafention itst be•kiost Odd ' ' Attl i . . e . 11141ii .. 0t ' ..134ki titl;iji• U .,6 42;;;W ' 1./ flii• ilf llaW 611!.1 . .; i'1' . ..',...v.t1.1 1 1 , , t it' . 1+ . -r: .:••, • , ~ ..•i , : •_„,,. ~,',-,., ' ...„, 1 „1 ,Nh7 ' , iiil., - ,„.}ol7K,oo4444d„iptp,ptrykesMiVoppd,•, , p , — .r. a,e. - tith-OeureAw,wlinitend • to all business entrusted 1 tiftY,'era;rlyr.;4l!.tl . l 11'.•1‘; :a., • . ! ,•;•,1,/,,. “,:.; ,• • f,_ . , ~,, : .. Itreetii sae* di,tirirweet - v .; € 4o.lbVillcit'i l it u t2at "l :llJ .' M%V.ll s .i e oiliirct „-opposiC g :the l .: l ll, 4 k. i • •;i; ;;;••;; ; ~,”94.Ft41 e i v,•1 5 ,,114 1 43 ,1 , , qr - 'FiE•XA.NDR `L,'.,10.1) . • "" • '''"- • 1 .. t l : flF •rte 11.11 i tindersigUlV associated as 'p'tirinern'en tftenroo - Ctia . e 'or Law, in diiiiie.i -I,laed.arl tPerlyeatetett YOne. At botlfciftbeintrohy "Iv( l !)lfottediatel ,6posejte,4 at the (Alice hereto ore outajpie;tlPy Alocanler, next Opt: to to the given to all busi l o4:l4 ll 4"fatia - tlicir,atire - H - "r • sAmuP.,L AtxxAisrnr,ti. s. , LEAttiEL•POI3IIO:' ''-41.147ralartnr1i11tEr- al= ,Attorney at Law,,, CUM ,i i nvriag-rtmiovulti Ati, tib'eie.m'A 'Mow, the NAS9 4 O torinerkr.imfoupial by Si 1). - Adair,- Esq. 9fflisl , 'APV l , l 3 ,, 1 0 4 4.. - ,ti-43 jil , s; : .pOLWEr;;;.% Attorneys' dt Lff t d tifT 111:•;,Itti'iyi • nimlitly tr ici . VV. :them. ht cpuntiti Frain iu._ Ofilelat,.matmlotirnyteitAlf-the--.1 it High etreet, -' A prin4, 18447 - • "-HARBWARErCUTLERY; Tbor.: .ouid fes - 04411t11y lIS r r, friewls tlieriblkt - 1J et1111i$11(.(1. his stock ,alferipg a e '7614 I ltitiOO'Sfriat, a - splenal ;assort, • ' , meat /A - RW=lre: Ottile4,orol..;eonsistog in part al na.ilf,atl , spilies, of all kinds ' - 'tint aiies Gram, Caaal,atal other tials r Shoyala. planes, Iron; . Wister,, i tlitsLanti shear „Steels, ,Sallille h soli!' Saddle Tree's, girtillg purl flllfer''Wrht;iiqr„;Vine Piwlings of. 'every de reripting aihl Glass Ititabs of the la test styles. Also, . • " a0ry,p.,.e 0L ,41_40,1. • ;span Varnish. (; of all Vitekii rtin?ll.B by_itt .940Karil t) Als , l s ,.tpt assortment- pf Patent t...anAks,ttriptlter with iitilehtittelis too nuttier. --: • tkLe'itilli flu. pee cent tsr that, thry hate txtei• he it sold imfore, for eash.and lit•tore ppilehasiog hero; Atli) if ilti4•: s crtieleS that prices are - not fottiolfati ttlittalj , oti Peell• hat purchase. •Call tl tiny \ late. JACOB SEINEK: ' 'tl-4 REMIIJAAS-REDIJGEO I . liih---.llMerloan Inonzanee ompany nl'Aila.delphia,--Capitalssoo,ooo. `''' OARLIBT E IGEivc.3 4 /. • All 111-1* • ifiveutors 7 oF tbisreiiiiipstli3:'in qrder'to telt 0 ,41, tite , timee,,ll D vs. ilklteriiiiiied te.rdilluiti ! .! { lre ,rtittcs 4 - f t prenliere!, oit.,Erik nie and Lpgll34zillpo r to giv i NNntifitrilliiiply,,i9. ellA!rviieety liol de re, to a Villj ate lll ..elYttooriip 411?fi1juage5.:„,..,.•,,,,,::,„ , ;„ , i.,•„.., , , „.,, thi Fr4inie.r4r 1.,0k t tlei;fll44, ~ .;`, s ii.rts. oq:$1{114: ' -it Oiilllrrek 'met Bi6i , e;, ' ' ' 1 - ' ' 44 tun. • M :WA '-'! Oilfht - ? l ,ittlia'tiiliikii? tkilliiiiiii l ,6l '." .',' , - 10.,, Hen . e'euti..!Briek'fiiilliliiiis,"' r ' 4t1 . 463.:, , ! 4,1 p, _ biuoin Frame, , ...., ..„4 . 0{y."1.f,,1, ti` . - • _;.,i-alrfiTriiii or,r ii?„* $.4.0 ‘ ( -' 1 • • 1;t 00,, t iti prietiq . ,tp 'ha vet. . rile{ ,{q ,themettyl{{-; lit'ir iittoiradintittil,'"aktrah{itiellye,iter, epel ,0111.0 p . ifitiffil it 'of' 'Pe r iaill'illilild. ' l' ' .." ' .. ''. - .'-'• ..„ , Applieqt cm' eliltdritiii6rll6o'l3Vb - y - fitiei;' , 4;'lll . ve- ViWoutiine laid Utt6iiilbe: '" 'l' 4 ' `'°' •"''_,'" , I ,4,,,i, 4 1 xle'n..ti . `.! a “‘ ,4 301 - 11 , VilitERS':" ni, ~ f ',Vighl'ilititp:44gllB4l4;.!, l , , ,,, "r.', :;L ,ffitylf,l6 eilf . iitEdionitryaulTg."4 . i: 4 t - - . • .-- ‘l. -- I.:P r iga- 16 •!, f k j i tr.M4i _ . e1ia1i,...,P 9 ,14,_ 11 0ii.#105 , ( 11 1141 , 011 1111 1 1 1 it: Pill ity.ajwst_rgeetreiLiir—ulefit-stcqain --- - tlVlV4tiidtkivOi ,4trotq6-13HeiVin-' setribtAAiiliiii6j , reloll9l#ll l oll4VeWlit:liegiqutOtikotleit , NDWS3 timyaillaidsrilagtzagittid';:att tiiiicheilmoit: rehiclitible'r.tetiniat rrlieir•usiqktitielti 1 -V irAMSCilltl}o9grPlicliaNiallicgiF,lo9ll lin - , Of ' . il *est, guallif t . .•, „ , , . 10ID 10 M09.' ,4= iiiiitL'iiiNtileburlillitifeeritiatil . Vipiti#l.444oiliel-onit!,.tul4'e'citl4titol ht ehosa4 f un . " igiltil i iiih l gg i attiVtliesql n aTi l ' i t i- e y 4 4ripii3fi .bsilifj.ii Whitllikiikjoliisalleiiiii f a t! ?II gvti,m i tt l i.PA994l,4lrom .o.l3,tArovr k 6,4 • vanilla r il l ; au g:Mi , ,, : 4 .:lY ( .9 l rilhj, -'—tptil;',s4lllll6l§,n. Oal i nglilitijkiiiiiitirialAtlirl•- , _.. hu ri i ,.' l . , , cte t ! , f, t!) ft 7 71,1?)!In 19, 90,1 titi qrotti4 1 _....E4.01 4 :8=--_V;1740 ,grtoir;artifi;', 4 lg,,prtiliet- ÷ - I —ttillittitrio Al iri'reh A, 14. f••. • .:. :—: 1 i ..,, icier--al -qe#Nr i Et. gllghliOgiiitii;Pli iiiiiii3,iiifibil ilitillicai so — AsulepiaiitiAritrl4iflefinlysikiti(o4.l)Zlc,io 16014, Weil i ttfro i lf l ' 4 4 4l tl P-Pi 7creitV il iti 4r i s t • ' rill t e l 3;optiellobt :In illitiit fiAiiiit i ou i t# s l,l,x ec civip waronfige t ort.timputluiTy . ' egg irmliciiii. , Ii , .„, i , . . 1 _ . -P l e ., K o t ir 6 i; i 4, 1 r, /0_ $1.); I,W V 1,1 i- 11,111, ' • • • . • - iii o.llvr i, —4 -,04 - iit ! ilic t ttl. , - i'• , lit, xFo.:O '.. 'oollll4,l4XfaiitTA' YA44l,4lo§SfkviltX L......:p0ic..;.'.414.1:p.41,... , : . __ L:l o4.o o l l aßigiaolofictiqq4o4l . ;o;',,, 4 1 --' ia4 . 3,#: :4 4 i)s . : , 4it..o 7 i*jal:ioiiiAolfi . l,oi:lo f .. 1 . lOnitlKA*lolCPll l .4lfiii* M . 1 , layttlfiri e iVirii r Alit ;.*: i f 010 1 14 1 0.0 j , ne,i , r 59tott 'ettOppett,'4 f t r.:! :fri li•illit . ..l . orpri i ltiii i i i i i ot . 4T fatm:r .4,iit-1/41, .0514a5443.4 >i ;n ' 1 , :.; - aci , :t ti 'iwitiliiiiva '''' '40.40.4>A000!!...!,914,1L„Akr0P.,,MiTi1i, ' - • EifilignAelav g.. e .4, T t •.# k ,e, 1. • • •••-7•• • • • " .".. - ••• -.7 . • ' , 74 1 / 4 ,77. - Ai , " •7' • • Yllud ' ' ",, ~,,stakia Z 'Oh . • • V Vra , ,• . , .• t • . • • • 7, • • V 2 „info. ' ' ' 4 ' .llt , t , 47 - ! .. ."`t 4 I::-t-l';•,7,T.TI?,r,ti,r;;;;,5r. ,Stn-3 ER, R. P: Meetunt EE , OCcasitin.waa.,a. political, Meeting the urator-cwtia a • titihilani - todttartilist-.91 Columbia County, piuniinent in ,the,l'ans, of Vardiurenism 'and lea audience chiel- liiii : driv,orltingineo from an „atljoiriing Inanufaiitocy...!l'hesentiment:wad teceietl vri,t),l4;,bii,rut of applauce,,tipon downy, tong Bo Elidtln i :peculiai i as at condo to', I'r fw'the efea atsll ille . 33''Pe4i6e—;a l alelitl der iria(i Rtlf fi thin and intbilektnal aspect plainly •Einj. 3 ! -1 I • • tiiht o tha - diatorl has fefaryad: :asap ,to I". ' 9 , Pkg -1 1 1 4.Y 4f ) ,P 6a.C.414 t • . it. bejnkgranted, He rinkiliderit: Some-rwrifer, 'thee ib ; r'o s m it til4„001-40* ,tryiiepcortedgWilrgror'd aft =til l .) riP Untr°l-tilrelnYPS ithoti i4i 1;316 n ny t nyi : , They p4i'd but !Mt; '‘:l l # .l itiltuk.:oo4 4 rafor iigereret664rlWeniiiio eliifli 1 u 'Vqr c 4 (41 1,11 m vas. "tirutinigal, ,Worpoa;Ammirtte_d_ - su, dAtiuttl but also toiaquumulutent Belt, luililUto I Ong icjeuied , A , ltti my Mitiditionl awl:1110nd i liiiikif(ll4ll'd ?4i3lo'olinfecid 1111 101 11 0) 1 (fiiPtiih r el l ''llitili!ilAtiial tqii4; l ll,` , --.) ti.: 10 , 1 , .411/41 i n " ,, ~ , ,q ~i ,: 1 4,? 8 k I li e M I PA u rlitl,411A4PnWeiTgiff$,IY,itRI kleTofluistb;,9olpifiy44,f.ihilkovoningo %tilt 11 taw 84 e 141.0 0iiilkinglilioligVanaiettlikingV i wm wermetptivittid*lttilitilY thC4O:- sttil i ltore, vie tHaiglif Viiiiialy[43 ° Witlicit(ti'VW' 15e 2 A I LAiiiii i iI , C 4, 4 3 1i0 8 -7 ,0 4 - iisilede I TEM- Iforcrecielhilullit'Vutl?kitetilt*Oioii* litig i iiiriailiiink'',,Oiiihiv` ei' miimralife. 0 Mier ,-, i 4 ~ .m.,,, to . IA Iht4if e'A l ßilit#P4A6*lLY,Aitlik4 gtirmptgr,lßho , el fa ...rt.? .41 ) W : eti l : l7 ,P c .tre f t :77 „,, 7 l ::: t !A:t i i:::i:: ti fl i ai i tu l§ l :l7 . : pliPA l WAiti t a l iiii4o«) T.' , -o,,lti : trii,,,i6o4l`ier, , n ,, , ' 11 ,#}0 1 t:',#13400a l lsigAtiii,:6diRe l , likla t tiTiiiiiiiiiiAl4ill;tiii:44l;th, -.- ,, t-, i , i t.t ~,, , , tik.,,, , ,, 4 4 41.1(040t1011AM444g11/19A , er Otin4lis,o ll Ili' beo*OribowoskiAnetim 41 PAYiAllifigikkairt* vielio#o '----iift‘igitp ..;1.. t 71 47. Oigifj3RXL 7 • INtfittMNerti-4140VER4T/gi: 4 1 t 0 , '1 1 17'44 , 4, #, 4.,4t1' 141 . R 4 5 4-HA : %.W t tr . FE ; , copletWi.n „ c: '..t1'.51 iki.l •.• . . 'i: - 1 -fiFlYinr.,C l, 4,lr. I l', , " ,tti, - ,." - 2 f.-----'-- - , l,' ''' . l . lllV foiltlillitlantliffeit; ii " , ilkilifiliirillti : ) 111011' kr,ll4' qt ‘,l4t ,t. _,,,,, ,It ~e.. to - 4 :41* , . 1 " ) „ , . °.'•; , , !!RFT! ,l4 , ° ; { PM Pft 4 1 ,9.-19!ef,ti IKYYRRns POI. Arlown itilkks,imet, andy tile tfrini?d, pfjabolition,twere , fir , st I pablitilk;d:in_tbeyear,lV6._:` Titexlw . n t 'tebtid , e,'Etionbl l'il •Nq ii i' iVi # - /V O il f•" '' • ' it ';' - ' 7 . o b .• I, •,- ' 'I •:, r i . : . 14 °, 1 t. -4 1 .)P°1 -11 ,?) ".!',0 1 :i . .V:4 11 ' :.it 1•• •-•I - ' Ang Rißired Alleghenyinii. 7 , l _ ' - 4“__:-;•:,. ......:_ndik.o4elloAilts's Kidnetitieo d ,••;•• ;•-• ..-•tri. I•lrti nßtiltinteleivird in:ittf Mighty 0444 "' , '' l • - Y•••• - •Irtria".CISItittibrallittitietildilirlddifi' t '"------ ' i ' the'diltilnieVWMid'tliNellfAtAd: •' 1 ,' 'lle'yenOt falldh'Llie 0 bind ', • „ ,', : '',”. _ ; 4eOO,OP; ' 4 ' iPti . 1 1 A! )i :I d F"1 t ;' 1i. 44 . 4 -'' ' , "'• '' t• ,- uPP9 Bo ,the Coll'enl-' B •l l ,eadidzgeOurnel: '• ' --=A:nd-turn.asidethe whirlwind's foree•-•%. 4 n 4 But dielim mot that' the niighey 'mend ) •• 1 , , •', , Will beitcl;lteinie'the Milk ne ilia's,' • . ` t '''" ' 'Or quail 'ai t dark l idniAoagiiViiii:-: ,:' `•,, Porll ' • 1 11 11 I l ii - "i 'i' l ' • •I , A Qu ,", i e ‘ R .. e 9 a. F , , , „) '• : lt,stoops not tram itst higamstatql., , • AMarius , madst-the ruins' edit ! ~ He,ts pot &Ben i-revery breeze ,4,1 -, , • • • •• , Mutt wanders• o'erColumbiids i bmions., From wild Penubseot's forest trees,, ' ' ' I frotroseannhorts-z-frani inianti•abas; Or I here, the rinkknagnplin's blossom „yioata tiopw , like; on die•aldtry, wind, - - Is bearing onward to his ear, , .44 homage to his loity . miiich-- A pitied the fallen nesen,find-z 1 - A pr - tnWlw hie il'Aratofs-l-hearT Ole Nest ey.e4 _ . Are turning gladly unto him 1.- Thositrine of • Aud,utenasyulteasfrotAit-dream • .Or rnutsomllt4zling,toliett*, . And bow hetoresurer - Tfie ettimeitt of a betier clay! • • • , . . • ,--. • Whrm, vainly lriturby — Slander's'llamo, Columbia shall : beholtblier.sou. , Uri6artnetl;lyitlioutit Irturel.gone, At froth the flames of Babylon trintlmitme ! . • VlM.Slandericumbull-be-sileut-ilten,• . His spell shall leave the minas of men, - -And higher : glen) , wait upon 'f Wisiiiti4"..ceintirr's ttfre flmrs. _pY _.~.~- p~~ll~~~23~~bd. PFikil,the Geneva ,N. Y.,Conviel THE LABORING MAN'S SPEECHi I:NCIPEN ; r: • "In tioiicldsion ,, Then, Mr. President, Who are ttl'ese aristocrats,. who walk upon their Turkey Carpets and ride in theirsplen id-iioae.liesran4-Aflinse 111112eb .i;e lea sting with untold•kofd. wrung from the heal toil 'of honest; ' Who 1 sip; are lifeie rleh nabobs, that they, should calf. upoit us, the, poor men of the country, to he taxod,to swell the profits of.their. lordly nitmufacturns.?"— _ • - Totea . r ttOZZAMTACOUICLIEVE.).-tattEibetiLiki 7 V3W . .• hifgoinit'ithidekOSititty. , l"i3l4'Aili. ' i , v ii, ,,, ...,., ~....).:,,, -,., ~(, • ,., I ,:t. a , ~.,;.: Agn:...°?•=!Agkl te l B lq.9WUMPßY , 9r , P l fian,toccpplgin, 1,1 , atters.tea?pflTr . 4i i ' i!kk e4 Mll l ;4.fii , go°6 l'o 9o4P4O o n ' 1 g,ine,:p09406,-.l.6qing..4t...ile;heitli=v liuspiet,iilC4 - .llo,:tiorkitil•: , !ty-ir*eie - a11'.4 'iiii i llischaige'd . iiiiitilie4 , *'4liiintiliVi'td?iiti e d; In ihiiii . 'To ' k(Wilvii l li'4 . 44:„'o44!l', In ''' ,irtft: r ilioritgo:ol: . ;;,:i:Wp.i' ' .l(s4 . ..,i*,4rPt:4l.lna . .:(14(iic1; , i)Kkificiiir.y. ,reduced -tm pria fltkee..ll2.tics o.4sla44 . 4einilliA ,,, tliati though_ AlllllB3ie'affOrd!'itali;semtiht:lkigii--ValidyFit ;riel'llfer-61141Cli; ii - :M'atqeir'n'ili till's - 'his ,i 1 , --If ~ /i. , O ttliiiit .1.1 ;. If .111..'. ~, 15 .., ..i• 1.l l'.• . . stompe ,an,, ) tnat al %tic past s way r ot,mig 1 ~iuitt" .... e ..t......— ii --. 1; .._.., ng o a tree is y Its_ ratt,...so_t e_ est-wa) of, judging - of-a - theeiry-is-brits-4irtictical .effects. 04.E1forMerly krievi.MYself , halipit . , I tioirvfoilndernyself mise r able: :I'folitleic ly AM' ' layint i iiii'itiOrieji!!;""t now was as rapidly ipending it : , . SO tara, had not cer tainly, changed tor OM .better.: , ! ..1 , In a short tulle my surplus became ex -IMusied ;,,en4 as my • name , -hada-become ' somew hat; prominent'ail 'a iefiiiiiii , 4 1. ft:AAA irtliffietilt : td get Work front ati.teliiiiroYer, as all 'alike:feared 'Myiiiildena 'And:exam ple.' t'overty now stared,Ae_in the: face;; ,and though Neceitedty be a hard , . school, --fools,as-it.is Saidi-Will learn-if-no-other. I -determined to Wroht, if poSsible, by my ex '.pe'rieneev:ind set'inyself 'to - consider My ireletif condition and' its cauSee.• I now; i ,remenaherdd tliatthespialierl_witose_ariur, pent had naptivafed. my, faircy, • practised upon a. very different;.theory from that he prelched ;Altai thmigh he denounced Wealth' no pric _ was • moreiobsequ ions 'to-the' rich; and though , he sympathised 'with tlip.poor, he - never would, tOucli.the 'cadet!! of tt,ppOr map unless his fee '(fie ivaii,nawYet) was paid_ in advance. - I henrie concluded that a man's - acts are the best test of• hiszinei. , Ttros, - aiir jut tvfiniri4tli - d - Vniiii ireaelil ing One thing and practi'sing another, we Mayr'easpliabiy diatrust Ina his doctrine and -his-hineerity -In my own - particular, MY theory had-operated .disastrously.' It had reduced me' fpni comfort to want, and hail filled me with discontent, envy and jealousy, toward my more faVored, neigh. hors. ENE What had happened mme might rea sonably happen to' all; and a theory fol. lowed by such effects, might fairly bb pro nounced un'sobird. But wbethet tiniumnd • fulty - iiirm • to iiiiffirHite:My money:indepeddence, and substantiad advantagesfor a pleiti idea, the vague cOnceptiou or another =ll'B .brain, We have heard, my -friends, the rich de- loUnced ; but whf denounce the ribh Suupose xnu by-prndence and indini as well we May; attain to independence gm we therefeee r to—.4 •etigaietfeedvas'aris toerats. .Qt; supppeed Wfl..lefire our prop erty to 'our 'Cbildren;Ore Mel k br prO scribed? And why should we Who want eitiOloyniebt . proclaiin:wei: against the ,riCh; tvhy plone,ban give it to, us ? Btipsp,e,a all Wore lig needy as. ourselvesl.who irritt-em- . 1 hint if no - man einfploy . tis,.where is our bread ? But -why" .. dehounee thit•Ta. if? It innt•e - aiieNltin - liiiiifily . l , ,how then 'ban it _tniss ... ihe'iiiieS 'ii"6reases..,,the - hav9 - np:,..ratim - thd" cich will -uwhatever th9y. 3 ivotidbroildiodd-tilifiloYforeipter,si it ydu the yi : ro F sliy. the tivo'ilo ; yoii p refer fret ditty ,ia duty; to - ill_ .I,et the Anietican , notreindienelOOk -but4ipritho*tnefirattfeoplihill- - e Governinept to T tap pli - IT - Or the ..N), , .Peegle r4 ::,Wd, ety file9ds,, pßeti- , e'ineit;f3Ale'tryAnsii'rugalitypsitouldiregneep We - Relit ', plain ililiiiito l ii' 4'4 ''Ai4l.` - 'e'd'tiVi l oill , .•`, ' ,lii ,4 , < >,I ~. * ,• .. ,_ •A',...•2q___ .. • wellifail 4dbe:pttepereuei; , l , We ehotild' te;! ....,,,,,1i.,.. 1 1. , ..,. , ,-,, : ,,,y, 31 ~,1.i,1 1..,r6i , - 1 ~i . . • - oi 113,:!tqfW9 - , 1 1. 1 f . 4 ~1 . nij 4 I ', vOl ,'[.. ) i.li /'. ..iii) 171 1 :' , 1 i • ~ . j G. riyhTo I/judge:Tit 00,,p40: 0A1 . 4,vi i fi'c r iQiiiiii;' , ;l6guri,;;;ii , ol«;ir' . Orore.i: I; sigijiLlic-,flik:44pk:4- i4l4o, l ,4,`liiiiii;i , ' illi Idtiw •• Ad Aoir - iilminiiiVoool oktri , hire inie.'bOkil" no ,it 7 ./.,INI (7 I d r „ .i. s i oft 5•..0 .N 4 1, , t,, ,cOrrtippon o t*to k ya ga n or,publiedebyt t I IlaY, r ,Y 6 ,'i;? l. l, l l l v,i4h„ ' if,, ,, ,i4r,i,i,iiiiii4 ,f,;ll . 'wi l ' al I hi ' s ilitt • f rened Onnk i nciy_li'ofeil i f fYi,(99',l 44i 14`bfgkin , ',t16141;11 will show • ', iiediti Ate t ; the. ti/veVci , Atf,',i , lriiin, , eur4oo • 4 ~, :„ Dl.lo_l P 1 +l. t Sit at Itt .. 4 41, " iti , 0 1 1 1 0004 id Dettiobratt Ritsetit of milte I hint, I go; , , .. ;Lpiu, ( v i 1 , iteiolthtlillt lie &dill pitiediit , td ietiwen idiidtigti tibAd'i i - joi , thVitjxsoilihilli:diipg lbetteT than °ii 811161 4 13 ; ' YeLti/L!eig tilhil ,lints.-iiteedatietieittilViaii'utithiel -i 1 " ,- . „ ~,,, , ,,,, r . til t J ./{4ll ili t . 14,1m)1,,vccniippi 4.4 remember, *tot loin dfniffne de - Oetiddifpoti ihealilOaitt /of _,,., ~., ,_ .>lwr v i„ ill tioljri nif 01 .o.tt t ...I cgiVkstit4 ;RPM tAngi tACtkvllY , ,,3voh, , littillS4 .t it inotoio 4 n 84411111131 4 , t0 Tiiiittlfitiotaidit,t , thd ?SWAP? MOO 4 Yri , PF e li 9/1 " 4 - 1 4 , 6 , Ottig Idr i lwn off to pay„forior o ig n too4i , tllkii Pre'i/clivilii t ol l iiiiiiitt f itlltilr e40 4 01" 2 A t+,. # #I, it in manufactdring.. eriterprioN Inul'thus olertliiiprivtilrthiglif',thif 166440;11A 01. IR Akt - ,i .-Vp; 11,10t1., 1173,29W1'd .T . L 441 , 7, ► eFI ilY,WeatlifotPokmNauro , 08110 . 00Pitaii it ittg, l 4#oll,l4lifrillitfd 4iiitisi LirheiVesirniarkt Or -)1,1•41,141) u 4" 4 lkwiC•rieva, 0 ~ t, i timito , Ati 1101 k tfs44.4ftte,..,tutt,..l+l%t /Mak i jp Offa101) 1194 1 01#1 1 041 1 .g0/Vt?"411101/1.1 i 4 4.- 1:1 1, f,. IRMfOr i laf t #lo7l - Tifk4t V 'tk 4 1 3 1" !lit . 41441 1 01 ;14 41 01 9- t o &mkt , 0 :17.77,7t1 _ . ' - o ILAEX AS i POLK-ANEXASi. . • rl6 s m,p,. Apply ; O;fid; Kosentod,Aho prly. the election 9o . f.tloobefe '56. - Olooli of , tyaVegOOtli'Oit;ys t., G .nn- meaningr-oog - ,l7,r9pp i nt, - .,!ql;4l.ance ,wh oiplanatory, corounerits. ;leo ; = Resdlveill 1+ the ,nent., , one of' derived soleky'frelnShii,.oOnetitution,andithe grants of ; power ther'einioughtt4'hh strict ly constriiectLbpitiLthel4iep'etiftiielits-an& agents otAiti,";PfiVe'r'in4 ; titi,4n.t.kthat it is, l inexpedient and. + dangerous. ,toolexerciee douhtfpl:Constittainhat OtVeral heretTdo these. scruifti lone, 'ad vocatei of limited-pow ers,, 'contemners of the =exorcise of powers, find anti' ioar'ranl at all Tor uniting this cotintri,,with indePetideiot Foreign Isiajion . T . 2.• ;That the Constitution does net confer upon GOvernitient - the. power to continence and . carry out a general, sys= - - tem of Internal Impioveinenis. -:Beautiful • • casuistry 'l;e'ltiletabe9ot Congress of illiejnirty—vatily vote -wit ,out stint or scruple for spieid, local, par iiatvorks-of-Internal-Iniprtivei6ent-,Avtfith happen to benefit their .pai i iicular districts; • thisis all right and goastitutiiinal--ina any comprettensive, ,unifcirtn, ..generataystent of Infernal linprOvements is gravely 'de:. _ nounced ad unconstitutional .! . . • 2. That the , Oonstitution in does7not e fer :authority upon the Federal pavers ment6litietly' dr indireolly, - 44 - SOtithelhe debts 'Of *the 'Stales, confiaeieil loeul , ihternul - 14nliriivinht — inTe r Vir:olire:f.Sfare: purposes r nor would'such - u6sUniption tie just and .expedient. . • Very _petit there ails Dot fifey_peiSOPS in the Union - who abbot& any such As stimptitm, and no more danger of its sup- . cess than of a railroad td the tin.Mti.. But, sirs, if it be so Utterly tiriWairanted to as sume the 'debts of-our own tates,' cop: tracted in, the p'ro'secution_ of .enterprise; Many of whiA him benefited our whole People, what do you think of assuming,the vast debts of Texas—a Foreign country 1 i t ):There Ast.y.suiltntLatithority—for-that 4. That justice and sound policy f rbid the Federal Government-lo foster .ode 'branch of iridustrY to the detriment of an other, or le cherish the interests , or one portion to the injury of another - pOiiion of atri oil common country `— ghat every citizen and'e. cry section of the country has a right to.'ilenk od,a n d.insisit tiOon an eclua y - of ri_ - ndprivilegeivond to comple e and ample ' protection , of persons and pr erty froni:,tiouccstici violence or foreign a gres- Mon: ; Thia is a Irery sneaking and cdivardly -way of declaring hostility to a Protective Tariff: Enlightened — Protection;' sielf Sa is . ..tdrorded l), , our prelent,Tarilt does not "foster one brOnch of Industry to , th — acfci H rt-. rn r etif of 'apoilier t " f(as the laborers, , m:4 chanics and . farmers, ' 'whorh, you tem . . , pararliy ,'ilsc e ived in 1.t34 shave found :by: , actual - 'expericifo4PclintrliktlitCadii.antala .5. That it is the duty Cif avery,hrahch of thelGovartinthift to . anforCa , andliractlcti the most rigid emin,oaty` in conducting tint. pdti lic,tiftsiri;lilo 'that , no;:iiisra'ravenuti ouglit fo"bcPraiiad'liati'idr, 1. e'ciii i rid "15 'defraylthe necessary eqensesf.if iiiernin e , govanf: - "t' , he,conntry,,.reeolleolkthe-'econoniy! , bf 1 111 e.';VaiI 3 urpU'ia'A i dinitiiii#4.iii- I :itii'bilYl tng,,cpr.drynoir4B.4o:,,ithistdoiwithii..,fiirests LIE on 111' h!eik4hOuktidtt `At Cls79;pi;ii &0ki..011134;W int] , 11 , 1f ; tr r , 1,?; I PAi09:1, 1 !ii 3 OV*0 ; 0 1 4k(k t,d,d,ll4c.kir'9o).)l' y o tir cleAtlerst6t n. plitveriiWith Welk'ttarti4 r,oetp i t,o „„u uetdini itlietT4as ;War to varryo dii end - 4 1 ., • V . lO, t ici I - , 41 i - 1 1 ; 4 11 1611 0 41 Y -0 anger-that *op-shalt-hate , A itnitifluir tir t iefOtiuqibi:tHolhrikt'holt.gefi4' vri 7,;:;11.11, 7.l,4.,qou gr typii i n t nst pilit e.44:.c.har e----D*RiPiiiinT4A.l"tt'"../Yb.3ii.9.+Ve Bi ! e , i) • itiiiinii on •b o ky It' 4 e , a n„. 1 47, 1 , ..,, ~,t 4 Sii /114 w,.c.• AO* P I _LI ; 081 : 411181 V/Wof.. 41 le On illf.Y• ,Ratlg9lPOPitri iiiii l lreabileit% '' ilia ti id gond and OsAll],err ag!, idiiiii w gniiliiiVnir 4a14144 : 19 fil#l` , l i tlfObiiiiniiiii - 13(ilie'coitiff,ii'I'riikkun the cop:: -rttlroll.W.Ycinniiniiiiitgdz'oiniieliVitlikiiii4l fiboteilliir,failitiint lYilyy-1,11/131111.0??4-n 1 cT ' A iiiiii Pt 6 4 " ; lll(. l \ l l) M t if t i b Ail lt sliK; p*l ' M Ict i Or,kiirt., , ,!, i ic.g?pfra4pi,r,9, B , , , PRtiVi)Y;I II 4A4: thcmr;' ;IgetriPlui'tco.llo46l-6 , ' ! ' . . ' prik ildAliti,(Poitgveiiiiseqfil79o ralidi'4l3 - • t 4 lordidlio"faii. f gAt ' 4 i l S t Y'Vieeke*' , 1 c i fivAochdii , itix i ii#.646#4. l .'eatlicilisi': ViirWifielliireiliAi.L4tyyi l lif„o44o: 40,i,:u ~ pi 4. , ti:4l A‘ l , c , .o'l4 1, 1 1 ( d r ArcAßdsflOrß-,14A9. , At.gE-9 1 f6; nesi I `OO#§4LYeIRM-ollawiliio..,lfierli,ioOhtt: sliaorgromiklolappitihilitoopuliwitino , .4 ) l ieelitliwiti!retail - ! , 4 1 - , 0?-*;l a tv - IPtt' - uhortiiii h iihiciatiltittieeritt'opi , oleoSii itltiiiighrb M AN* th'o.l:oo f of ;IWe? atimiitiaiireinifoliVii 114 2 0ifiRri 1 111 40 4 :c1h.** 11 4E 1 .04;0 4 04 1 84,* tio llll sll4 ho N efril- 4 160 , 00 1 1 5W - ' lilt' I= _ :.raolt: A y. uT'-*Gincv - •petii)leoiand kendangerihe,stabilityind:per,, fliplcn.cy.,Rf_tlie,Drtion"..•antlesugliii t a t to, bet: „,-,-,,.,; ;, : ,- 17:-: . ,'i i- -77"' 49411!ena,ncgd PTtan),ldelljto.d4tippliikal , Institttions.• . -: '- • 17 ' "'' s ; ,A,SLAN•DER-N . AILE , D ll ..., s ~..; ~., ~ery•• - •We ' give 'bej6 a. letter. froin Mr. Clay 1 . .top..i.Telm, •,- o .,'Culhou'ne4outc•, / v : ,1.:• :. • .1 ,, : • , :i ~ • , ---. 4 -111,cDuffi.e & Co.. from . agitatitigibe , Siavevi, , t.1 0: 11" 1,/,'i l ciffi'-. 11 ?•,9,:; 11 ,4f{nP.ITnif4lig9nnr ? : . in . ijustiotiif,:you don'fwatit it. agitated ie a P49t' 9, '399 9 *#9 4 _ t6 , likmy, the Hon:; , they;•••iilio' "ititeifere''tiith - 2ii i .4itleiiti/.4 4P1i0..n. hiPv. calling - Kr ! ayettM ail Ati: the .siergii;_t . .gy4,ifaititure7' '4.44444'1 miff e p i t , •elin!ge - thatTiMr.:reb, •::•lilidlia'tid:'":if,:ientle •• .- ~'., ~,-, '' - I ' _w ill i not,'Bllo . w"-ti-A i•ltiv : e - - btiWSla ves; we 'nide- discitsSions.,•w i lth-Foreigq-iNyMnr- • 1 .. .- • , ... • ' '. ' • ~' ', . ••' . , inh haire y sTi'viiiiii . ones , '" 4.. e in' 'S debate and Joadtrkt ~.?orpig•tt„l/ebtsi and .Wara mr, - , ,,, ..i i ...., ... \ ~..,,., ?• • .', - ,_..., ,nfl rt . o . l*nriAu - O - fien tyrempfeur years the .country omtbe ground of •strengthdui i. ngi 0,-• 'Sliikfery";t 7 Tileraii`Wiliiiiitil -- :;" 7 •-,.-. -; c : . '--; . - .- -•. _. '•, • , • •,• • ,`• i II That the iiWOMittioirt'_citillatan'eyit' of ~ *what a_ confession Ai; weaknesd—what the Govertinientjrdebanking . inatitutions,. !!!_utter lack , of.merit'in princiPle,. do'these 'is indispensable fol.'ifte -Safety 93fthe 'funds' ,Iblse.and i nialigniti`i,"ittaclisAti,..One Whig' of;the:•Gbitel'fittl'ent:tnd'-the'rihta'-oFtlier - catiditlatiilO7ll4 . Presidency ,disclose Tin people ~..•.,, ~. ~.- ~ ,- i ,-,...,.....,..; ':/-.....1-1A,Va4i,.. -- . ' l ' tre- measures •, ''Well i' 4ip ie " i ,c h . ii ;13 ' 4 ' , 1 , ,i 'i't '. ona t rni. •;a - th l ein • ''. e m e e i v. e . a •• • ; 0 8 : .tVe are ready ler that 'question whenever - ' ' • . : .strongly to - the good sense. of all honast you .see fit to callit,on,l.l . , :- , ... ,•• . .. ' h ' t f • . , • ~. :s -. ~ ____ . , men in t 0 loco °co runts thstane organs -9. 'That, liberal.princlples-emoodied of„that_party hay . e no 'othe l r hope of success. hy, Jefferson • huh° Declaration Of-Inde than, through this miserable attempt--to pleb pendence andanctioneil in the',Constiio= i tic.iii,-will;7,h- make ours the 1,0,1.0 Liberty; 1111:- MT ,periorially, in a false position 'and the-asyluin of the-Oppresied .of 'every- ' Oeforithe',,American people:. nation, liaveYever‘beed'eaedihar - prifiCiples= ''\ -- in the.Deniocratic faith .;.and every ttenip s t ' ' WastriNerox May 7,1844 - to abridge the present privilege of bebdn-- . ;lAN. r .1../ i Sill i"1 have received yodr EARA.YI X -' ing citizens. and oiviws of the soil eiridng ----- . _us,ought to be Desisted with sante Spirit note, bringing to la y notice a _certificate which swept the Alien and Sedition laws ,spbscribed by fiv e gentleptlan i members of from our. statute-book. ' the present House or Representatives, all - Very-good,- 9 fares it ie6tes to the legal 1 - of- Ment-my political opponents; - which ' :-, =l,ecuniitig- taititreiss) but „thero.---jtoo.-..ieforrn-eye-is-going-theivum4-vf---e -- =are 'ways of becomini citiiensfratedulen9 nco papers ' ThP objecLofi-that:corlfficate iy, without fulling the conditions requir- i seems to be to verify the correctness of an 'ed by bur laws, whic h •Vve,liorpe. to see ex- extract taken from the National Intelliken .. . posed and 'stopped. As to your . quarrel cer of the lst'of July; 100.--An.that ex-, with yddr brethren who started the'Ameri 7 tract It 'by a : for Mer Member of', don' paitY,yett mutt settle it amotigst your- the II nee of Repr anteif tTe' ieir(lielienot ( a 'selves. -- - ' - r' -'' ' row It mg) to have retriayke, in a debate Resolved, That the Proceeds of the Pub- - .Which occurred a - sear before, to the fel; lie bands ought to- be 'sacred) applied to. lo wing, e n' et i :.! If i. ent wir nen. w i l l not ;1., the National objects specified in the Con- • •,- ••. , , low•us to Jiav!;black swea r theymust, let, - sAitulion',..aritl that me are:opposed to_the lateirlately - adOpted; - and - terany .law - for the - 7us , have, writte-ones:-for-We-cannot-cut-our Distribution of such . proceeds among the ;firewood, and black Ohrshoes, and have State's, as alike inexpedient•iti pctlidy and !otir* . iviveS and daughter:9 work in the kiteli. repuguatit.te,thepe t nstittition: ...- - - . So we •underitood you before. But if you can find ariy thing in the constitution /. which-forbids the'Distrihotion of the Lend Proceeds to the Statesi,dthe Reveltationary Debt being ,paid,) just specify it ! We khow you catft,lowever. • • . , -:. Resolved, That we are ~debidedly Op posed to taking front the President die qualified Veto power by which he is en abled diiiler restrictions and responsibilities, amply sytlitiefine gua - a - the pub - 110 - 1 - 4t - ef-T est, to suspend the passage of a hi ll,whose merits cannot secure the approval of two thirds of 'the Senate add House of Repre-• Sentativei, until the judh•iniMittf Abe peo ple can be obtained thereon, anil which has thrice sated the - .Anican people from the corrupt and tyrannical domination of the -Bank of lite United States. - -' . . Why eouldl`rit_ you Slip In a word bete eclgewiee . fOr•John TYler ? You have cor , , .rtpted btfillleltroyed him, and you might at least give him a few viords.of hypocri-' tical.condolence, as yoti do' Van -Buren.. --- Resolved,Thatimititle to the' where of the Territory iff,Oreg,on is clear and bilk ,4`uestionablel' that no_vrtien of the same ought_to be ceded toklnglatut or tiny other ;power t- e r a tliiilijie reoccupation of Ore gon and the, reannexation of Takes at the . carliest.practicable,period aregreat Arneri _,tmn measures, _which_ this. Convention _re- co,mnieqs to the,..oortlier .sti s pport of the -i , itOcatirt-of4" - Ite4liihtuc' - ; •-•------- BoldlY, 'ay' owed, 111essieurs,1 We will , treat yoti ;to ihe commentaryOf 4:ine of yoor ., Own organs,ihe Neib Kork Evening P . oit, which, after heartily' °MOM 'ending the other resolutiOn,'spy_s - of - this , i., . . ~ ,not i'lliereis one of ilient , . *high deso appear so clear to tie,qi rOlipi wlli4) sen l l. in flagrant ' cZit'railictiOn to nearly Okr,the 4 P' 9 , 1 7 al test"--:,- . '"diiiiAini n w4icil' i'Ofelst9-iPe.- Impotattonn-!_... , ~„, '' ' ' Sopifticie'of Oregon and this nexa ... 110. , life, 00, de - exoti i ii r li, c iit ti gica . . ,, ilFA`iti ;s 'ei;l:tliffi e ;;; . M ., ei h s: l i n rep' ir,e,.,a ‘i J iol , id ,to,the, /eeklee'le.l " ":' '' '.. l l "" ' '''-' e l 1661 refieivitiiilloillib6iir at; home ' am ). I • n.merreati'nfe'aleit, ii.iefir,it',lnt , p ,,, .i , , ,p . ~,. , ,_ ~ id : fo h r e ., ' Which haVe EidehlfActiduslY mo de enccitiragement of; its , establishment .,, ~, meaburesi.. ~ h I riell . iidie`of'iit4' •I t z .' '' all',:lf.Phitietiot-been-ablq to & 'llsurpi'Aii 74 `tialei:'- : a , ,--, , r ,, r -,- To:-,,q dip' s''''n.r'e"' ,7 6- I bi4aei,; e . ; 'tentibr4 '''''''''' ''''' '''' - ' • '.‘ i; 'to'Ciketi'ili&se exortiOk t !iiis,,, line 1,,,,,,, '' s . ,ii.,,Asi.io the o re' 4l6l lP'xiii!°n ' f " f ' . , r 9 x ! ! i .'•'-' 'it'pOnciiiie lOriliYl,ol,li!!rY,,,,A„.,ble..r !theiarlrestlitaddeable,perificb' 1 ..ve . 11 a.1:e.,17P1 , 'fleiu I , Ofit bSOadie . Of , esrisi'd r eiatlons - and p . ,onylitopT flsoollhiociti4oilin'.thia:3i ' ' ' l P ;:ifli'tuillgiill3l ; ll:l" : l:l::4Brllflo ' sll ,k,.' - ofn'OetelY — Ondi - ione e Ttl • y: er i t o r t a i ne d, ei#reof. till , sualtli-perioth-orriyes.---Wa4akiritl o r- -.• , , n ' e••ad t happinesi: , of "-both) the ~ hi 1 her o ' cant; ' ln g 4 6 peac e - II hate' 6 iitidP.l grantpd4liet.bypra,,ckiya r 0 , ls m _ bib' illid`blibte'rAeeet".3,lliiiit' e ~ ~ - ' ' ' n'arit o forps oeulatore;douti ; w 1 1: „- „,,-, --.,,.. , .4.,", ~ • AVI> ..41 r,f , . not. nPrel '99l)viehja-- aiatife's,fi?T'ilonesty-tell'ilreikeitiled,f.o.,:9ll'l,l3,l!??l,?,,;,,,i, ~.,., ~..„i,,. 19 - ,i4f . c,c,if‘ 17 4K', 1 .1; ')'9o''it imr4ave-rori '''' '31"4‘,--i‘-teoit..l,44olkarg,iing:.4,o L._,. 1 L., ru i , &9 o 4 1 p.,,,, ie,. P. Yen.; • • r-itils P) ;f 1 - - • ~, 1 - • ' a '" ''' ' ' •'' 7 - I - fro - ntliiid,4pogerous -' ', 'f th ~, , ,i nsiitutton;to s averYi wyci,,fl) . ` l .ltl, ir :PR.' ) t- -.. , 1 or 4 ,"' the l ,, M it a tt em e .9.-=t, ''' ,i.ci'ee...,....reir;p:a,4ou,p,kvii;9PßPt,.ll?,49P%l!‘tr'',..-•',ti" hl, thii_eo;itifry4l,l4S,klia.y'otcOßte a ''''‘We ll' 'Pe 'tele' .i1 11 1.,p0. - 9°.lte II on the ----) '.- • . . ,„e •••-......%•••...1,hb' it....„„e• f ; t :h c ;irif. ' an' '' . ' ' - ' ""`'' 'lf i r d' oh = l'ii'dp`e„iiii on'the , ihe bifickl race ilOpppoy i„ to r to i r , i i v , .. , ,.. L hei , .. -- , , ' 4llBll'7e re ea e p '''' '' ' , #rei'dii.'' " lil' ag; `:fliit',litiitil. l iiiir'iparne of . , Il i il 'prachcabi ity' of regooo?cylg . 13.. .H t , 0 . c, . ~ , . ~, r.;; ,;:ii,.cni _c0,,,,,,,,,iire boo resolied thireffigobsioulT," (19-1-"T-t-iii..l.l,lfAtaft49lrwAllti!,t4l,4so\leai -,,c-c-m-ret-iruoitirVihiri.-PaliiraPT4°"Fi!!"' i4l;6lit f,i,',4,i9rif,',on,q,p,,;PEl-1 8 6.4' , •1 0 .tnentc-direatiy- 43E ihcliiiipity - plii i ii . liotirpt 11, i I . - i i +i ; I ; onact , , 001401payettthe.white, 'debto,ofgihifYleveMl'plate..,,ahkwe-116P., ?-gi,l'.____ihi--for --ii'iti.atii;se,;:itorip;l" ih'it.th's tOo4llllb97,tiorbe in(foindi-Aelten irtreflrMn. e i y e r . , ; ,1,, r , li„i t io , ,-,--,-,-1.,-.,„„-,1-,,,-,60 .to , klecide4WhethgVir ie' iits.'ll'are'eQr.on lot 'Oeli_ , li , _ . r,e .__,., t y t 7, Illirtc6i,;b"i4l4-p.,Limikuine ` O , thationtliiilliott debt' totio-Fo6l4lloeNio rilleiliiiiiioh,.oli.ter9P. ... 1 'F . 1 1. '' '—' ' ' ''' t toliii tormetf, )-- •,, ~, ~of , Yoli p.,.i ~,./ ii; . 1:‘ , ._014_1 , 1:11 . 0,ri,1 1 1,4; , P ,A 4 o,4;,e l ;9llPteitß4LAAll 0114 . '''. 4400,0 fliii , glii. Wei° err0t!e°0_,..,1?=17,7110.,?..;1:542 'opt, of ,Teite,..9/4410'-gft4il*Mir i/ „,..f.,,.., ;W fu t d tt “y li (ro4i.ii ; , *, 1 1 1 91,ti qt. I P 9 VP , ' ' ht',"44,'nr'reisdho pe ,, pel i, t'' , 9r)'''Potit?'" '4•l - ' • 4 , oriq , -0. -''''' ,'- ' " ~.. • ~r- k ti, TI zo,'l l i ''' - 1 'I r fl ' ' tt APOitly: ;9 6 ;1 1. iilpriio. ri y' , J I :1 ,1 / 9 1bA 1 , , h r ..,,, 1 ~,1 f,,, ~,, 'riirrik-.4ar Pen ri Ut. j . P7 9 4 'l' 4 i 1 f ' . (141iii640,taithige"helifid"1" i 1 s e y e i a l. vi ilit,upt 4 9 9(.9 , 1.,i,i .„,i l, -,ll.gvali o ,,., . : . 1 4( , -.11 '''di hv 14. "`'" '' n * * "s sr i rijt; Ytt.2l i..J.' 'll N ' Tti iiitifile 40 4ntfY ra° 1 lir, . „ .:41ett!i i m.44 1 111 1 ,24 s t g o .4 4 1 1 4,.;,;,,,' ,', , ailtlN , fallY 4 t 4 :: II . . i . . , A. „ ....4.4,..4-, tcctirse,i Pp' i f t r -PI ' 1 '` A.l4 "( u7li nieFl, lori",i6loiiit orAttelile'dr,diri,Te.ll3:4P,l!. i; tokiia liviblio re,eejil iP , ?1:14/4*-. l i I ttittattal6oNaeo Of4toitier,7, I , , t ,_, i /4 . ii, l'„„ it i n 4lt,..- , t , , n ut •it i ve th og . tot r - ',_ ~.,p 0, ti. - 4,- 100. ~1 0. Ci „ZAM i-wi d i i kl i tli' ° 4 ' 1 l it, " lilV lr d'Vrn -1 ` l tili; 111 1 " W ., , foifniettozo''''"ll6l' tiii*,"l.lll9; ti54.4q-Jit'Fa. i-lin7Fsiliah*Otirovivilptiimitse'ro, iiiiltilil"44.l4,tit!Air/Wfi1,p10.10,44443: A p kJ9 - 1 titsi l it ~,, Its a ci; la . 14goil "' i t '', I -,, ~,. i, , - ....,.. , 1 4.„, 1 '1 4. ii o , t.t : 4- 4 1 , - l i 4 y. 64 i'liiil4P6/1;11 - . 1 ;. " I i ; Z Otri t # ii. ,4•',,-lersi,ii' # 1 ,034,,,5))/ktr. .9. , , .‘ t o, li t ) ; .. „, ‘.i .,_ i l th ,Wic i ii k t, l lll ; 4 . t i fk,',i •' eidi*t,,) ....,I,L k2, 44;tiVittirAr'' ''' ' 11.44,;-1./..e11:II'll'il lik lii.wstr, 'i-, le - •' 1t '(3 ( , Sri i,mn0 . ,14 , 6)1V ~'34frt,''T try,Mr,..'!,his , Afilq,-. A 0-?, ------- • si,i,'Oia. if;.,i ~: ,i , ~i,t ; / ,,, o ,i2_-. , _. ___ )' 4 ,0, , ,k4 ,, ,, , -, 4 4 t t iii . .o4iintlft &A ll A i ~ •0 - , ifti4 iil;',','frtg', t 4 .00 if '''-'l4Ctit die# l *l4 l4 ';'.tt,lb' L ow 4 .100 kel 4 l l ~.,, ~ v ,... . ,. tir)444lii ITP,:2IfOI ' Oili - iiiiii'' *0411. 2 k 'll4lxlio .7,q - irDvil. I 1 i,3'. 1;„1, 14. .01',.r.,t:1,,,.ct1;,, :; ANOTHERI LEITER FROM- Mk , CLAY; EMI . • ' . \. I think you attach an Importance to this. miserable attempt to projudice_ine whicti it does hot merit. Dere is•an extract from the:files of the Intelligencer, under date near 'twenty years ago, nut from any.speech •of mine, but from the speech of another member of Congress. He does not wider , take io give mY words, but merely states hiairopreSsitiii orthe effect of certain words isett-by-tne-a-y ear-heforq.— During the long and arduous discussion Of what ivas _called the Missouri iluestioo, I was so engissed with the importance of the subject, aO3 fiô deeply apprehensive of the a!vltil . consequences which it inyolved, that I ne r ver wrote out or corrected akin' sPeeolt of hlli t ftlatle during the . progress of the. debate. Un the last and, most im portant occasion of the agitation. of Alta• uestion; I made an elaborate speech o' several hours' 'duration, no part of ..,, . , , believe, wati ever reported by any . of the stenographer; as it certainly never wne by EMI . , - I Certainly will .- 'not uneitilti Wi recite .. what were the precise word s used by me on the occasion of any of,thninnerons speeches, host ; or long, which I made _in Congress .on the - c Missourio ' question ; ,, ,but thie-1---Avill-tinilertalorricr-mrseit, wigril mostlp.erfect•canfidence, that I never-used theiiords,'ini any . words that 'WOuld'bear theinigort of•the extract, to 'whiny thave' I d fid i . because 9 I ,e$ ce,n nut o never _entertained such-a nentintein .in Any. life.: I never conceived-a contingency iti 1 1 6'6'14 would favor "or c:ountetiiince rem thiOinifivhiteiriett.to 'Po etieli-titi-1 A gir t. ailwacki.,zat 3%, • .„ IVIIIGtONVENTIPtii - • - ; Whigs , of 'New' itlehca'greal iiin. , P..4l4lo'grriftrid:on:Yiriiiinesdat teat, Mr. WASter, arrivedby;theiNetv.York train on . ' was ieng,:r.itrilliani,fjank , grarl. t heft the Railirea4 - dppfkarAto7plishi c illikioneell= - ed:' t`O'... l tlte'e3cire'iiiiiela4lif i iiieTrear of the Stati? peitite, Where most admirable at:, rangementa ,made for':the occasion, Tjte prdeeiaton.itinomited to - ,onwards, of 16;00 p r eliniti.":' , *.'Teiinjngten pre- - hided. 'ReieltpiOns were passed, ratifying the , AV 114 i P444l4q9tAin d PledgmeiheStite to do its - sluty - . , The , oeriventiOti "Wei- ad: dressed, by ;AV. who both advocated ,the,Tarik and:protec tion,:to Manufacturers and Agriculture. , • . The Wallsl'4i was now loudly called fdr, and the moment he. was -recognized.as , -corning--tor-ward-to—addrese :the people, he was received Witli ; s_perfect storm of acclamation, -w hisch continued - for several minutes. As soon as-'the 'cheers had-subsided. Mr. Webster spoke to the following effect. , He commented *pint- iiii, - 11Tarurrhct found - himself obliged to the - resulutitin of ahsraloingleoni meeting la'rge asseMl:dies. lie was dispoSed to, do the duties of a good citizen and a gobd Whig—and in making the psesem occasion an exception to- this rule—he must never. ' theless, having his private aml4liofessional" pursuits, as a general practice, -suffer the duty of a4dres.sicg largo bodies, during the present contest, to devolve' upon others, who might.have inmettlia,g-triore df-vigor -- antl . effect. - Wo met here, as at - 13altimera , —and the unanimou s favorites of the pee ple were before Its. "The state Of khe coun try Was somevvhat peculiar, and much had been accomplished, ---yet the revolution of 1840 had'not been 'aocomplished. '. We most proceed as in that contest. We did not know at this moment,, who ;night be chosAn to lead the oppositionagainst the Whigs, nor did it Inettei., Mid whether the opposition were strong or feeble, it•renntin ed our duty-to achieve a victory, if • we could. It would bo unpardonable in'hint (111r. - Vv.) to tafiali;"e -- mq --- AiTi* -- e'fitw of .- te - leading topics on which the country had been divided.__it gavirhim satisfae.tinicto he two distinguished men from the'South foc !themselves and the Whigs of the South -,--'''esqpr' esti territieliae , in favor of the salu taryairnicip.bs in aklort of American itt dustrt:,!--' . He7' congratulated the Meeting that *ct had-gotten round a great point, aciiiived-ti--- great end-i - mthe Tariff policy. ' wto . the ... 'beak was, that in the Hbuse,...a..praposal to alter or redtice the Tariff of 18 , 10, has! signally and finally Jailed I Arid i'vhy r why? Why, it had 4ealt i dis C us -Pf d 'l b Y the talent Of-the country_ , -the-contititutionr_ al sources of, power.lad been eiploded-= had been traced, back to the timerof Wash ington-4o hefore:and after -tiiii' pette4' ,.. 4 . _ 1783 -- and it alai found ici' bellittdi s t:ll - awl= ' 7dred*recitil pro,ih - Flfci'ilt o to "" t t 1 .-- the lab l ni and ihdustry . of the pgq le . ; of the Unitid States, itgainst the cheaper labor of Europe:' Next itttihtited the ciiitgett't the manly manner in which ,the , Sialithert4 fir Itigccha4„.comeput-10 )4or,ef- 4he.-tatitr; They did, not see that .thecottonlibltin iverci .. ' • blighted.hr the triiiill No, their mgelit hi E - iiiilriidl - rtelligent'natiieil'4l4"4q i ' - re)lMce - bireltitliarreCib:FEk/- -- vale' - liifethiritii t(lir ~t hY '4 , -+ lii : g l b of iie;fairitni ini6ihiis'Of l 'iltrE . q,Re . •iiiid Co ine,ty :Wilde titii# thi jii k eiter l e,gre c t; 40:at;bt.,40%,.„Sp,Fopqi , J1191kiiTAPlainer) ilislr t4afir itolicY tPrPteg.ting t!ie"manufaii•il ) turihg,imtqa,its-4thellot9l) bcinsilmer=4waii: ' . alblicy greatl y t6:160 - c ovan6ih'i,r itel , farMing'interest. -114 twoUltiLlia d ieffs, hi hi -- selLio the Tatinini 'filierftialit-leier' r Se I _ 4 , - 4,_1 , ) '4 . 4 44 4, 4 4 71 ; 4 , 044414 41 , 41) 4441ti 1 , , v 4 -4 04 k 11 7 . '. 7 --- '''. 4. j '474 1' -,4 , 144 -V 'il "4 1P- Ili/ .'..r,, tr ! I FC!4: u it t '"k l' "%cfsi Yalff id hay en 6 lnis Pt ihP. ,"P‘OW , *ilt italtirtindlcal :,. fate. glir)e;ii if aras l =iliat' thel'elreei of Ake - • ,st:. , ,- .b , , ip, 1 ,:i .':, 4 , v vv. 2 . 4 ~I .P, A nty,-.... • - _ Tariff was to rare itie!„ .. prnee„el gmtpor,,,. -, f4;Mi'r, hlr-lliu --43 i the firmer she'll& .-- look .‘idess4a4l)rieiramo r btiy latidli u l friodito af!ll. , kle.niiiato iriqtiiii'lltritkeiZ!:, ' tiketh'ep, , tliedrati.ff'had'aliiiiigaiiiiiiiiiitig d --- - t 1 Pftecf;' in' iiiiillii r tEVl4l6oBr‘Vialr itli; O.J apliet_tled to'la•itiP o , tittliiiiCAL 1 . - - itifigillePtiie'tiiiti l efOi r tl4 7 tifelFOLii#, , r l , .: ii_klit'liii ita t 'lpilo" `OVliiltltiOiiii r . ' iti)toirp4 ari ~- 1 1 4 r l : 4llFihit 4 .,ciiii,; . 'ol4 4 ; , et L pelt 3..{.., • i , i . ~ 11v 41y,..11A •• ~ ••• t .$.. •_. 11 /.T 1 ' 14 "" P n i 9 ' l " r 'vsO r9ol4o, 2 chla P l Y tlt,l I Wh t I' Atte) inter4ii - efituivipatier,tl42 , f;Lp P ASitH v .., ~.... foci p q • a• .oPfDPlll l o,4, l 7;C t m , P,ll,9„cvtemyr --- .. 49 Atf..l4eiopilizti), , ,Lik.ceogi*Anfolipse , T • AMt.' , h o OkAYOrelthivliuti bRI- 4 0"4 41 0 64 t 44 4 .* ' 4 1 ' 6 ' 4 ali4to'such;Wak 4 tIbt 411 44 ,lii*liill - -'''-', 'idffi,*titll 4 ihWkikftWiaY kerAtitifioh p- - ' . 'l;:, 11 j La' ii,iitii it tfO r itiiiagg 'Pit 11' . .. , t ilitklool%;fiiftiOtWegitiliffir6Orlo V,'.,-, - ~. t ~,- - ' kykiiP;OAittOikYriiiiwiAvir , . i-'O, , i r ~ . ..,.,. N,3...„„. .,,1.,, ~.,-, litilitiot,iso. ,- 4 4 4-0 . 64. *; , .-''''" , t ', l . rktiil,l.l, . 2-- --- , _ ~, ~ , „ , wp ,, ,,v , ,,, 4 - :thirotolitoot,'. )04,trei , i 0114410 mi 5.' k - ~- .., - ; ,„i....,„, , itt thu5,444,1g9 1 e 44 41, i : i v .", 1 4 . 14 . 00, t i ' ' . i ll litirt ;-.4 141,4.4 111:=MMil '~ - • - _ a .rh: lEEE
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers