E- French. Cluinf.. For sintal venter prior. 6) . 1860, says the N. Y. 'Tribune, tim . National Vessels and, privateers of France,,-under the livOloss rule of Jacobinisru in that Corintry;•plundered 'and preyed upon the Commerce .of the •United Stain; destroying of taking _Arnerican property to the value of many millions of dollars. Our, Government Ando' re treated And urgent demands on France for in idsmnity hut obtained none. ? Finally, Mr. Jeffer aon bought Louisiana of France, paying $15,- 000,000 in cash, and giiing in addition a "full . satisfaction" for these• spoliations. In .other 'words; • our Goverriment sold the claims of our bitiAtne on France, and put thicaiiey. in its own pocket, instead of the pockets of vier claimants. •Whose property had been taken by Frpnpe, and to . -'Whom it belonged. Cur Government of course became legally and morally respopsible to the icloimanti for the amount r but did it pay them-1 Not the fitst cent to this day 1. It has bullied France by Weals - of War into paying another set .ofcleintunle fiwiipoliations committed longsince; • but than whose property had been put into our own TreaSury have petitioned arid begged for payment in vain! They were a few powerless merchants—most of them of opposite politics to the Federal Administrations of 1804-16—and they were left to whistle. If they had had a hundred thousand voles - at their back, they woula bare been paid long ago. NoCv moat ,of them have gone to their graves—others are in the Poor `Batumi; and the sad.remainder are old and feeble; . WhO cares for them? We knOw Ono widow who furs $7,000; of these claims—enough, if paid, to. render heiindependent fo'r life—yet she is living on $lOO per year, part the charity of a dintapt relative; part the product ollier constant labor. And wesee by the vote in the House on Friday that Congress . never means. to pay o farthing of' these -.claims ! Why should they be'paid? They are only honest and righteous, without a cannon or a Presidential Elector-to back them Let the claimants subsist on charity, while Congress dis. cusses the repayment of a. fine to Gen. Jackson President Tyler's i►l'essage ON THE FINANCES. The Speaker laid'before the House the Pillow ing messag:_e7frourtho — Presideitt of ihe United States, Viz: • To the House. of Representatives. I hereby transmit to the• Howie ,of Represen tatives aieport Made to me on the. 9th inst: by the Secretary of the Treasury, on the subject of the present and prospective condition of the glances. • Tim will perceive fromit that even if the re ; ceipte from the various Coerces' of revenue for the current year shall prove: not to have been overrated, and the, expenditures bo restrained within the estimates, the - Treasury will be ex lasturited before the close of tlfe year, and that this will be the case, althdugh authority should be given to the proper Department to re-issue Treasury notes. But fife state •of facts existing at the present moment cannot tail to awaken a doubtwhother the amount of the ,revenue fur the reiliMive quarters of the year will amount tb the • estimates, nor is it entirely certain that the ex penditureawhich will be_authorized i,y Congress, may IJOi xOced the aggregate sum, which has hithertribeen assumed as the basis. of the Treas ury csleulations, all the duties 'of the - Drovffrnine'nt none is moreeaered and-imperative than that of.making adequate and ample provision for • fulfilling, with' punctuality,its pecuniary engagements and main taining the public credit inviolate. Any failure". in this respect, nil produced by unforsaen can ' see, cusild-not bat bo regarded by our common constituents as a'serious neglect of . the public in terests. I feel it, therefore, to be an indispensa ble obligation, while so much of the ,session, yet remains unexpired as to enable Congress to give - -to the subject the consideration which its great importance demands, most earnestly to call its at tention to the propriety of making further pro yisionTor the public service of the year. The proper objects of taxation are peculiarly within the discretion of the Legislabire, but it is the-duty of the Executive to keep Congress duly advised of the state of the Treasury, and .to ad monish it of any danger which there may be ground to apprehend ail failure in the means of meeting the expenditures authorized by law. I ought not, therefore, to dissemble my -fears, that there will be a scrim's falling off in the esti mated proceeds, both of the customs and public lands., I regard the evil of disappointment in these respects as altogether too great to be risked, if by any possibility, it may be entirely obviated. While I am fur from objecting under present circumstances, to. the recconimendation of the • Secretary, that authority be granted him to re-is. sue Treasury notes, as they shall , be redeemed, and other suggestions which he has made upon the subject; yet it appears to me to be worthy of grave consideration, whether more permanent and certain supplies ought not to be provided.-- . -- The issue of'ono note in the redemption of a nother is not the payment of a debt, which can only be made, and must be made in the end, by some form of public taxation. I cannot forbear to lulu that in a country so full of resources of such abundant means, if they be but judiciously called out, the revenues of the Government, its credit, and its ability to fulfil all its obligations, ought not to be made dependent on —.temporary expedients, or on calculations of an un certain—chtrracter„___ The public faith to t as .In-el-things else . ought to be placed beyond question and beyond cuntingeacy. The necessity of further and full provision for supplying the wants of the Treasury will be the more urgent, if Congress, at its present session, should adopt no plan for,facilitating the financial operations of the Government and improving the currency of the country. . By the aid oLa.. _wise and -eificient-measure of that kind, not only would the internal business and prosperity of the country be revived and in: vigorated, but impoitant.additions to the amount of revenue arising from importations might also besconfidently expected. Not only does the pres. cot condition of things; in relation to currency and aomniercial exchanges, produce severe and distressing embarrassments • iii the business and pursuit! of 'Meals, but its obvious tendency is to create also a necessity for the imposition of of new burdens Of. taxation, in order to secure the Government • and the country against discrerl. it; from the failure of means to fulfil the. public engagements.. 'Washington, Feb.-13,1843. :THE METHoram.—The number of church Members (communicants) of the Mithedist Church, of.the United States;, is estimated at 1,008,901. • Tux RionT COURSE.—The following does justice to the feeling of moral propri ety which we trust will ever reign pre dominent in the mind and,conduct of every American woman: 'Why did you not take the arm of my brother last night 1' said a young lady to her friend,' a very int*igent. girl, about nineteen, in a large town in. New Hamp shire. . • 'Because,' she replied, 'I knonr him to be a licentious man.' , Nonsense !';was the reply ado sis er, If 'you refuse the attentions of. all licen tious men you . willhave none, I can as sure ynu- • Ter) , well; said she, 'thou.! can dis tant.a wiih them altogetheri for my resell? plalterablffixed.', DAve foilo;ing days . of 'the week, are ' set spartforlittlAie worship ih different' ~n etiontil—Sunday or the Lord!. Day,. liy - chrietiarts ; Monday; n ! l ry the Grailaniaileaday,liy the . Persians ; Wednesday; " tikt4e'.ll, - ssirrians ; Thursciay, F ri daYPlVtfie Turks The felloiving letter from Mr.ller„the adyk 'cote of 'the 'ilootiine predicting the second ad: vent of our S'avior in :1843, is made wo rthy of publication because public oiinion has undoubted ly flied° him and his ?pinion§ apart of the hist.)• ry of the timed. ` This letter we •presume 000 1 198 the gist of his doctrine, and fr•may allay the fears of some to perceive that he does not inculcate the opinion that the world will be destroyed in 1843. • Dear Brother Nimes :—At the request of nu. =roue Mende, I herein transmit to them, through you, a brief statement of facts relative to the many stories .with which the public are humbugged, by the pulpit, :Preis, and bar-rOom declamations, concerning the prinojples I advo. cate,and the management of my worldly con. My principles, in brief, arc, that Jesus Christ will tome-again 'to "this earth—Cleanse, purify, and take possession of the same, -with all' His, Saints, some tithe between March 21, 1843, and .March2l,lB44. I have nevcr,,for -the space of more than twenty-three years bad any other time, preached or published, by. me. I have never fixed or6my month, day, or hour, between that time, lA . d - ve never foUncliany mistake ittreekoning, Summing up, or miscalculatioh.— I no provisions for any ether time. lam perfectly satisfied that the Bible is true; and is the Word of God;. and I am - confident, I rely wholly on that blessed• book for' my faith in this . matter. • I atifnot a Prophet : am not sent to prophesy, but to, read, believe, and publish, what- God has , inspired the ancient Prophets to admin ister unto' us, ln the prophecies of the Old and Now Testaments. These have been; and now are, my principles; and shall- , never be ashamed of them.. . . As Co worldly cares,.l have had but very feW for 12_ years past. ..I . fiave a wife and eight ail. dren halve great reason to believe they are all 'the' eliildren of God and belieVers in the same doctrine with. myself. I - - ovien- - - a small - farm - in - Low Hampton, N. Y. My family support them: selves upon It, and I believe they Ve esteemed frugal; l temperate and industrious. They Use hospitality Without grudging, and • never. turn a pilgrim from the holm, or the needy from their door.__l- bless —God-my-- family are benevolent and kind to, all men who need their sympathy and aid. I have no cares- to manage, except my own individual-wants.-.. I have no funds of debts due me of any, amount.' " I owe no man any' thing." I have. expended more than 's2ooo of my property in twelve years, besides what ,God. has given inc . through the dear friends this cull: e. - -Yotirs; tcspcclfully, --- • MiLtra. Philadelphia; Feb. 4, 1843. The Philadelphia Inquirer says:—We learn from the Annual Report of the Superintendent of Common Schools, that the whole number of school districts iu the State, on the first Monday of June, 184, (ex clusive- of the city 'and county of Philadelphia,) was 1,1.13, the number of accepting districts paid during the year, 905; the :turnkey laf those that reported, 861; all but 44 districts haVe made their• annual re port. Last year there were 183 districts w hick Imd not made their report at the termination of the year. Thii;Promptness May' in' 'part be attributed mike Act of the 18th March, : lWl,,jvhich prohibits the Superintendent from i'stling his order on the. State Treasurer - in liivor'of any School I)istrict; un til their report.: has hem - made, as required by the' act of the 13th of June, 1,V36. The winale number of schools in the repudiating districts is 6,116; the number of schools yet required, 554; the average number of months taught in these schools; s.inoutlis and 9 days; the mnber.of male.teacheri, 5176; and, or female, t 2,316. Trealonry N rtes oai tsta lot i The folltpwhig- is a summary . amount of Trea sury Notes outstanding' Feb. Ist; nccording•to an official statement: Amnuntof issues prim' to ion. 31; 1842, $3,722,831 Reinaimler of those issued Under act of Jan. 31. '42, • 4,989,105 Remainder issued Atig, 31,1532. 3,011,390 NAVAL COURT MARTIAL.—The trial of Commo modem Mackenzie progr .. s lowly u and !lolling new appears to be eli t • from the witnesses,. 40 their tchtimonye'erally the same as that giv en before the C k . of Enquiry. It will probably occupy a week or l e \ is longer. Sitobitirio.—A girl about nine years of age. daughter of Mr. Heckman of the Pennsylvanil Legislature, was burned to death at liaston, Pu., on Sunday week, by her 'clothes taking fire. SIGN - or . 11IE TIMES. - Six closely printed columns of trio Pottsville Emporium, Schuyl. kill county, arc filled with Sheriff's sales. OCF"The Report of the Pennsylvania Utospital for the insane, for 1845, by Thomas S. Kirkbridge; M. D., Physician to the Institute, states that at the date of the last report (18410 there wore 115 patients in the Hospital; since which time 123 have been admitted, and 'l2O !lave: been dis charged, or have died; leaving 118 under carp at the close of the year 1942. AMBROSE SPENCER—The brother of the Minted Midshipman of the Somers; is now practiiing law at Clarksville, in the north eastern' section of Texas. In a fetter to the editor of the Clarksville Standark he denies indignantly the charges that have been circulated in many papers' in this country against his character, and states that he shall to' refute them in a more sa n slaughtered at Cincinnati du._ ionths last past, up to the 10th instant, is 540,592. 'Phis number ,is greater thsn' that of any preced ing Year; but owing to the great depres sion in prices, the export value is not so great. • cs JOHN TYLER fo..".Tudge Oakly, of the Superior Court of New York,. has discharged from custody Geo. B. Wter; one of the ap prentices charged ,svitl being concerned iu the Somers' conspiracy, for the 'reason that his term of service had expired, and no legal cause -was-shown for his detention. THE RIGHT POLICY.--The Canal Con missioners have made a heavy • reduction i t for the current ear on the rates of toll, on such articles as nest required it, on the Pennsylvania Canals and 'Railroads. .. The :Newark Advertiser states that during-Cprotracted meeting of some 'eight weeks, yet in progress, the ' Methodist' Episcopal Church at Trenton has received 176 persons on probation. TEMPERANCE -SOCIETIES. and. countrof-F'hilEiq ex_ Temperance -sacietiee, e i rellieg._ the names pratore than aixtx—thousand , meanl here. . - , 'Another of the Naval eapprnermes under S- rest 9fi - 8614erli .beep set thatle wai/ill4ollr. Lettei tio*Fathei Schools in Penns) Ivania; A Itevival. 3j . Tit the city i th re are - nine - V I. A terrible fire the 9th Januttry. ed, and property Minima of Doll , 1 . • .. COilk If •• ir ' ' The Harrisb . rg Capitolian Alva . :—The Select . 1 Committee app inted on the part of the House to inquire into -the Manner of letting the contract for carrying . passengers ,on the Colunibia Rail Road, have made report. The, report ot, the majority of the Committee approves in matter and form of„the whole proceedingapfghe Canal Commissioners. . - That of the minority diesents in tole, add gives abutidant reasons to "satisfy every honest mind;that theallottment was not made with due regard to the -interests of the State. It is - clearly 'shown by this - report that the Canal Com Missioners transcended their authority in 'the matter, and thidthe 'contract was manifestly given to favorites. The fact that no fair investigation of the tiansaction 'could be had, ) with so deaided a majority of the personal and-polj- ` tient friends of the Canal Commissioners in the com mittee, is alsO adverted to and clearly shOwn. National rintinces, Tho condition of the National Treasury is given by the Secretary, in a communication to Congress on the 9th inst., as follows Jstimated receipts for 1843 :-,- Customs, Lands • Miscallaneuus.receipts, „ Lodes & Treasury notes • $20,483,358 36 Balance Jan. Ist, 4843. . 2,840,041 - $23,323,399. Tho 'expenditures for the year 1843,areTestimat _efLat122,93Z,773.; . • • • ' .10 - °Benton times are certainly approach for it is all hdrd money to get, that we receive now-a-clays. 'The. members of the New York Legislature, it' is said, refuse to - pay the dealers in pea-nuts, who stanilaliiint the. door of the Capital, fhc usual price, two 'retrenclunent '•bas produced nitich tnentl: • The Invasion of Texas, A correspondent of the New -Orleans . /13e.e,in a letter dated VeraCrui, JaO. ?8, says:— • "Extensive preparations are inaking for the campaign of Texas, Orders have been given for the enlistment - of 24,000 men in the various departments, to be in readiness -- by the .Ist march, the greater portion of whom, it is said, are to, be employed in TexaS. Cainpeachy still holds , out." • • - RHODE • ISLAN D.—Govern 9r King of Rhode Island issued his proclamatian, announcing that -the. CONSTITUTION has been adopted by ainajerity of the'qualified electors voting thereon; am hat on , and - aftcrille first T uesd.ay in May next, said Constitutitin will be and , become the su preme law of the State, - - of.,w,hich all per sons Will ttike due notice, and govern them selves accordingly. . On the 16th inst. at WAY - Cumberland, by J. Musser, Esq.. Mr. NATHANIEL FINFROEK, of Hagerstown, Md. to Miss MARY DREARY, of Fairview township, York county. ' $11,731,326 53'272' tea1at012.25245 Establishment. THE subscribers beg leave to announce to l the public, that they have opened a•S HOP, in West high Street, next door to Mr.Tlernard :Hon das' Watchninker shop, nearly opposite McFar lane's Hotel, under the firm of ALECK, BOWLER, HARDER & Co. where they are prepared toexe cute all kinds of work in their line in the most work manlike manner, and in the neatest and most fashion able style, and at moderate prices. A cutter h:is been employed who has had long ex perience in some of our most II:shim:al:le cities.--- They have also secured the hest Workman, so that all . wito Will favor them with their custom, may rely upon having their work donein the best manner. • VC:outdo. Cloth will be made up as reasonable• as it•can be done in the country. •,,* Country prcduce will .be taken in exchange for work. . 11. .1. ALECK, S. W. BOWLER, .lOIIN HARDER, CEO. Z. BENTZ, • W. B. PARKINSON. • Carlisle, Feb. 22,18.19. tf-17 WILLIAM M. MATEER has just.re- Y V calved a fresh supply of Prime Family GRO CERIES, which will-be sold cheaper than ever for CASII. Carlisle, February 2'2,18.13. COVERS: TITORSTED k COTTON TABLE COVERS,V,' • for - sale cheap, at the storo of • GEO. W. urrstot February 22, 18 43.tf-17 • Hats, Caps, Boots and ,Shoes: FAS'HIOIST !• A new and au ! 4 perior French stylexof HATS. Also easimere and Silk Hots. Caps of vutioue qualities - Also, a new addition of Boots and Shoes—all-of which will be sold_yuyy cheap for CASH February 22, 1843 , • NIAItSEILLES SKIRTS A T very low . pricee, for CASH, to bo had at the store of GEO. W. 1:11TNEllt. February -‘22, 143. tf-17 Idemous,.9raliges & Raisins: - "UST received and for sale at the store, of .. • WM. M. MATEER. fat - FObruary 22,1849 Cotton Lace and Edgingfit! A T very low prices for CASH, at the 211. store of the subscriber. ' February 22, _ 1893 ' MARSEILLES QUILTS! A Pew White Marseilles Quilts for sale A very cheap; for CASH ,by the subscriber. . OEO. LUTNER. Febrstitri 22, IBs9. - • , tf-17 WASHINGTON ARTILLERY, ~, .. . . ATTENTION ! • You are - ordered to parade at. the AR r.,, I MORY, - tin Wideriday the 22d of Yebo " t i .i i • ruary at if to"eloek in the forenoon, J - \1 ' winter unifbrin s armii and accoutrements ,4 1 , iri good order. , . ' . filEvery member is requested lobe pre pared i " . Il 1 1 1 :: it t e Il e s i ' s w . lte te li l i on dues: et ) • 1 By-order.of -- D: nor?, tot Sergi, Eek7,71.11,184*. • N*Str.) InETTE,RiaI :Or. Administration on the EitiVor . ..PETEtt _ WILT, _late of , Vitell ueberough tOwnship, deekl„ have- issued in due, 4irm of Jaw to the subeerther in said township., persons indehted to said este-le ore requested to make immediate payme.nt,and` theae having' `OfreisOut them dUfy autheidleated for settlement• - 's . ' • "uw . arible e. ocutred nt P9O, Au Prince Si* hundred houses were burn: destro:yed - toihe amount of Fo ur 4olla Rill: Road; 813,000,000 2,500'000 100,000 .4,883,358 36 ItIARRIE D. W*. MXTEER. tf-17 GEO. W. HrrNER. it-17 A NNI VE RSARY. respectfully' inviteirtri•attend the 59th . Anniversary of be .BELITAS: TATTERS SOCIETY, of Dickin'son - college. to be celebrated in the Methodist Episcopal . Chtironioy I , Vednesdny Evening the 22nd inst.— E3ercisea to commence et.half past S' o'clock, • By oder of the • Conirnitio of Ariantemeni: February 15, 1843: ' 2t-16 Application4ot Tavern 'Lidpnse. To . .the• Ifonorable the. Judge* of , the' .Cdiirt of Quarter:Sessions for the coignes/cif Cumbir/tind, at Apii; seisidifs A. D..lBda - • ' ' • THP, Petition •of. David ItritbeClier: resPectfully represents, that he, has rented the. Tavern stand formerly in the occupinicy of John Maltz, deceased, hi Allen township, and prays the Court to . grant him a license for keeping an Inn or public house of enter ry tainment in the same; - • • ' - • • ' pAvitt ngia!EpKgg. . February 22,1814 TIM undersigned citliens of Allen tOwnsltlP, berland county, respectfully ceifify; that the applicant above named for tavern license, Is a person of good repute-for - honesty and - telisperanee, - aud - ls well pro vide& iiith house-room and other conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and 'travellers, and further that the said Inn or tavern is necessary to ilccommodate, the public and entertain strangers or travellers. - Wm. It. Gorgas;„ Jacob Merkel, Frederick ,Shcely; Samuel Shelley, Frederick Long, • Jacob Shelley, Jacob Long, '.',, Samuel M. Bitner, John Sheely, " ...loth Clippinger, . . C. Teitzel, • John G. Heck. . -Estate. of Michael Ruby, deceased' I r 4 ETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the Will of Michel Rudy, lute of East pennsbormigli toivuship,decehsed, have been granted to the sub scriber, residing in same to;Arnsitip, All persons having claims against said estate are requested_to present them duly authenticated for settlement, and those indebt will make -paymenttó---- - CHRISTIAN STAYMAN, February 22,1843.. 6t.17 • FOR. ARE,OPT. - fIE subscriber has for Rent. 'n Insge and corn _ al modin - ui SHOP, suitable for building any kind of Machines, with Blacksmith Shop llttne ed , also several Booms spitable for a small family. • HENRY RHOADS. February 15,1840. st-I5 Look - out for Bargains. - IniFl subseriber,lmittg_deLerstdoed_upon_remor ing his Stock of IlVerclinMlize from this Ogee, Will offer from this time till the lst day of April en suing all of hie Stock at greatly reduced prices for Cash only. Cash buyers will do well to call soon, before the best goods arc selected. GEO. W. lIITNER. tf-I6 February 15,1843 'CASH WANTED. 6: Lt, persons indebted to the subscriber• by Book Wl,. account or notes, :ire requested to pay up before the 20th of Merck next, after which dote the account will be placed.in other hands for collection. GEO. W. HITHER. .Carlisle, Feb. 15, I'6o. • tf-I6 • LAST NOTICE. All persons indrbted•to the subscriber are. hereby notified, that their Remounts will be placed in other hands for collection, unleas paid before the 11th March, 1843. AS. ocuAlv. February 15 184 g. tf-16 • .1_ REIVICOVAL. ,• saltmlaria-re. . 9 FracHeal flat and • Cap- • aDA az. e cam mAt u WoULD inform his friends and the public, that he has • Removed his Cheap Hat and Cap Mitnufitctory, from No. 82, Chesnut Street, to No. 129 Chesnut Street, one dooithelow 4th Street, North Side, under the Auction Rooms of Messrs. Lyon ,slid Hart, where he will continua to finish his justly celebrated it VA %ATE lit WI ALT at the low. price of Four Dollars and Twenty-fine Cents, equal in all respects,•if not superior, to any sold in the City at $5.00 and upwards. Ilk fine MUT tt fJ Al Hi at $3 50; warrirded to be on tine fur billies, Lir sur pass any Hat sold elsewhere at $4 to 4 50. Todest the truth of the above assertion those in. terested, to satisfy themselves, lire requested to call at any or all the other Stores previous to. calling on the subscriber, as he is sure that his Hats will be more appreciated when compared with others. Phila. Feb. 15,1843, N. 13. Country Merchants will find itto dim ad. vantage to call on the subscriber. SHIPPING FURS wanted of all kinds. `CWl)!MLilii' tIMIO2+Zu . LADIES SLIPPERS, best quality Willis' Nianii facture, will be sold at $1 per pair. Ladies Walk ing Shoes at $1 85 per` pair. Gum Shoe cheaper than ever at the Store of the Subscriber. Terms Cash.pr„ - 0, . _ Ml= • • C.LOTII PLAJrO COVERS. A superiot t ourtiele will be hold. a bargain for cash the Store of th , .l. subieriber. Feb. 15,1843. GEO. N. licrsEtt. Vestmental rows is n superior strticledinving stood the test 0 experience, for removing all kinds of grease tar, wax, Bcc from woolen nrticles. It is prepared in small bottles, stud for u.sle by STIWENSON & DINKLE. February 8, 1843. • . tf-15 Barnsley Sheeting, &c. 12-4 Barnsley Sheeting, of sujn•i•ior qualiq for $1 for Lard. G-4 Irish Sheeting for 50 cts per yard. Lussitt Sheeting very cheap for cash only. GE.O. - W. MTNER. February 15, 1843. li-16 BB CILOCAI*. u) HAVER and Pilot Cloth for over coats. Also Nita, Blue and forisible Gr6eit Cloth for dress coats, ost received and selling very low,at the store of .Dcc.2l, 1842. • CtIAS. OGILBY. APPEALS FOR 3.843. State. and County Taxes, .- NOTICE I§ lIEREBY GIVEN, to all thc taxable inhabitantif,..Aithin the County of Cumberland, Pennsylvania, either for State, Coun ty or Common School purposes, flint - the "Rocrd ~f Revision" of said county, will hold the appeals ihr the year 1R43. for the different boroughs and townships of, said , county, at the times and places as published below, for the purpose of hearing all persons who may apply for redress, and to grant such relief aii.to thear ahall appear just and rea. sonable. to wit e Frankford and Mifflin totonshipeon Wednesday the let of March next, at • the public house of' Col: %VA= H/Woodburn, in the borough of Newton and Neweille, on• Thursday the 2d; at the same place. . Southampton and Shippensburg township. on Fri. ~day the 3d, at the public house of Daniel Duke, in the borough of Sliippdnaburg. • Hopewell and Shippensburg borough, on Saturday the 4th, at the same place. • Carib& borobgb; on Menday . the 66. at the Corn. missioners Offi ce, in said borough. , Allen, Monroe and Illeckaniesburg, on Tuesday the 7th, af the publio house of Frederick Wan/ depiali in Mechauicaburg, I, • East Penneboroush and, New Cumber/and. on Wodneaday'thaßth, at the publia 8.-Yerkes, at Oyeetara Point. Siker Springean Tlikireday the Rai,. at the public houpe of JosePh Grier, in Hoguestown. • Mirth alliddieton, dh 1 1 4,14 the Toth, at the Com: missioners Ogee, in the boictigirofearliile. Dick/twn and IF;lft Foinebaraughi 013 Saturday, the 11th; at the house of George Sheaf. ...-fer,.at Mount-Rua: - • - Smith Mithlietem. op Moittlity the 13th, et the COM. missioners Office, in the borough of Carlisle. EMI By order. of the Commie+'loners, JOHN. IRWIN, Clerk. Commiestomes Offkse, Car- / lisle, Feb. 1841 -PUY P i ! ri:quesstisd.' :•eljpr:kra:rEdilloT'.EpryquoiwcericDoet''sco,tuom-,su:71tr::1114:171!'re7:4,11t.!,:171: # Naas; LLr tht a Y n n s a t ! I Z ot, tire. hoot : I1.. t bd a 1311111 e h d- t ll 6 , I t t b ;.- d B : :f r . V II :: It !.; will 4 - 1- w e l e t ti- e r . .. ‘ / 1 , a ; , 11 tl3 IL ir 4 4 1; 1' !,g4,Z,b . ' ' 1 1 9 ; t o call touteetil,i'oti hame mtiaot at. ruary .Itir fLq'tber, induYekinni",R°446*W: Wako4c-4.Pn tf4k: • • 2' 4 : 5 7 rorxtt , tr 1143.... ,cvaquolivaii4N.442!,q. 1!!E!Mi lEM .14Vavton Darling Scyihesd ONE HUNDRED Dozen genuine Newton Hug Scythes assorted, every one warrabted,wlll be sold cheaper Than they can be bought at any other store in Philadelphia. Also a large and general as sortment:of Hay and Manure Forks,Rake‘Shosiels, Hoed, Tacks, Brads, &c. Sze. very low, at HENRY L; ELDERS, Cheap Warehonto store, 493 'Market st. February 1,184.9 i tf-14' 2000 :i p p li ay E re m O a F rk ß et Y p E rl , c f e er i wkic s h u . .l CHARLES OGI I LBY. Carlisle, December 28,1842. NEW*, CHEAP C• • *St • 111 E subscribei; his' just opened lot 'of New Goods, censistingof SUPERFINE CLOTHS, Blaels, Blue and Fancy colored Coast meres, Casi nets, all colors and- . prices, Merihoes; - Mouse de Laines, Gloves,Hosmry, 5-4,Brown Mnslins, for a levy, 4-1 bleneheddO for a fip, Flannels from '2O to 25 cents, with' ivvariety,of other goods, all of which will be sold at very low priaesSo suit the times. 5. M. Hiantus. Carlisle, October 19, ,- • , tr.,51 A"' pirtropir hixvit)g nediitAti With; LBO'. Subryit!er, plen4e_oalLirainedi4o inil_ settle then) up , to this cline, is the tireseure•Or . times require pronipt pitynents. • ' ' • And oblige , yours, &e. RICHAIiDS. Carlisle, Jan. 43 4.43.!„ , 0.10; , ' DM mgospigttus . of the Select Literature. of Religious ; r ONE of the idifOgOiseheiffeatuies of the day is the multiplication .of CHEAP BOOKS. Publications of this - kind have been hitherto confined, with a fm4 exceptions; to works entirely nugatory hi . point"of good morals or positively injurious to . thein. The subsCriber propoies the publication of a Monthly Library; in which 'he_willmtfer to the notice of the community a series of works of another char actor, which, from the high price at which they' are hold, hie-almost sealed book's, exceptlo the Wealthy. The first of the geries will bb D' Huhigne's Hieloqj of the great .11,efor ' +nation in Germany Sivitierland. .t this time, %Then theeffidts of the Roman Who"- lie clergy to extend their religio4s,end.ad many be lieve civil sway over our country, are so untiring, the general diffusion of this work eqneot but be ad.' vaatageous to the cause of civil nnil religioui free- - dom. The historian has (limbered his task with sin-, gular fi delity and ability. The evervarying acenes'of that eventful - period pass before the eye in the most vivid manner, producing effects as far surpassingi t t. - iiiglieffartik of drematic skill.: The characters of Luther and the other lead: ing Reformers, as well as those of the chempiotis of . the church of Rome, aro- depicted with a force that 'imparts to them the reality and beeut - ff)f the most masterly 'Willing& They ,Plive, move, and haVii a though centuries have elapsed since they played their part in the Lutist eventful drama or mod ern aged. _ • This work has the commendation. a the Protes taut clergy of both our own country and Command passed, through, several editions even in its present costly form. It will. be published_in_.five monthly numbers, each containing' about '2OO pages of the American bookcopy,- and at one , sixth. the price of ,the present edition. The first number W 11. 9. issued about, the first of January. The present Work will be followed by others of a similar character.' ' Price per number 15 cents, or $l,BO "(timid. forthe Library. orders must be roar PAID Find accompanied by a remittance. *.• Postmasters are authorized to- frank letters - contsining remittances for perindiFaili. All-persons remitting Currebt Money for 5 copies, will receive a sixth gratuitously. • , A discount of 315 per cent 7 pwill be allowed to all' Agents and others taking•over 19. copies. . This being a periodical work, is only Subjected to periodical postage. _ Orders far one_or moremumbersofeach-work will be received. JAMES- :31. CA NHI3I-ILL, • • . •98 Chestnut street, PhiladelphM. February 8, 184:3. - • , 3t-15, .Application for Taveril Licenk. - To the lionerable the fit of the Court of Ceder -al-Quarter-S'eesione; of Peace-of-Vurnheiland county, at april - ,Yelanone,.4. 1843. Thu Petition of John Huntsberger, respectfully represents, dila your Petitioner is provided with the necessary requbiites,for keeping a House of Public Entertainment, in the house now occupied by Joseph Ingrain, in . A lien township; your. petitioner there fore prays your honors 'to grant him tt license for the same the ensuing year, commencing on the Ist day of April, A. 1). 1843. JOHN" 11UNTZBEHGEH. Allen tp., Febru,ary 8,1841, to-I5 We the undersigned citizens of Allen townS'Ap; in the county of Cumberland, do certif. that we are well acquainted with the above named John fluntz berger, and that he is of good report for honesty and Temperance, and is well provided with house room, and conviencies for lodging and accommodation of Str""ge" 4114 Tt:ll‘ and so therefore, 'recom mend him-to 3,Mnr honours, as well deserving of ljeeltße, sad further say thai:a Tavern at this qtabil is an accommodation to the Public. • John Best • . • David Eb , rly •', - Daniel Ulrich' ' James NI: lame Miehael Cocklin - George 'towel' Deterich Cocklin .105(1h Ingrtun •• David Sheffer • George Yost • - Daniel S. Hamacher lqichollis .-Applic'ation. for Tavern License. • To the: llonorable the Judges of the Court of General Quarter-Sissionsof the Peace of Cum. -7-bcrland County,at April Sessions, A. D. 1843. HE Petition or MICHAEL LONGSDORF respectfully represents, Oat your Petition. er is prOVided with the ,Juicessary requisites for 'keeping a House of Public Entertainment, in the House at present occupied by Mr. Brown in Al; len township. Your Petitioner, therefore, prays' your 'Honors to grant him a License! fur the same, the ensuing year commencing on the Ist of April, and as in duty hound he will ever pray, &c. MICHAEL LONGSDORF. February 15, 1849. tc.l6 We, the undersigned, citizens of Allen town. ship, in the County of Cumberladd, du - certify tha wo are well ',acquainted with the - above, named Michael Longsdorf, and that-he is of good report for honesty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences fur the lodg ing and accommodation of Strangers and Travel, hers ; and Lo therefore recommend him to your Honors as well deserving of a License; and further say, that a Tp.. ern at thc stand-is an ac commodation to the public. • _ - Jacob Comfort John Graff' David Bomberger George DcBs William Brown . Joseph How Jacob \Vigo 2 'lsaac How • Samuel Black. "r J. K. Longnccher Gary W. AM Christian Molder Application for Tavern License. To the Honorable the Judges of the Court of Con eral_Quarter Stosions of thi l'eace,4 Cumber land county, at April Sessions, A. D. 1843. tVOTICE ialfereby givem . that intend to ap. LI ply at the next term of the Court of Quar ter Sessions of Cumberland county for License to keep a Tavern or public house in the borough of Newville.., , _ _ _ JAMES KpNNEDY. February 1.5, 1843. 34*-16. We,.thc undersigned, citizens of the sorough Newville, do certify that we urn well acquaint• ed with the above named James Kennedy, and that lie is of good report for honesty and tempe. ranee, and well provided with house room and conveniences for the lodging and uccommodutiOn of Strangers and Travellers, and that a Tavern at that stand is cou.tssary to accommodate the public. • James ti - Jover Thos. A. McKinney Samuel Ahl William Brrr George IClink George Lightner Michael Hallman - Jacob Kinsbie George' Brfcker James Herron John Casey J. kleHarmartil J. s‘yoyer G A.IIIX Ii" 1.1,'T TWO 'THOUSAND BUSHELS O.F . ' Cctit . N and RY . !.. wanted, for whieh the highest Klee will be gam Cadisle,Jan. 11 SHERIFF'S.SALES. 11Y.virtue of several Writs of Venditioni Ex ..1,166;nah, to me directed, issued out of the Court of Common !gees of Cumberland county, will be efpoSed to public said, at the Celia House, in the borough of Carliele.on Saturday the 25th day of March, A. D. 1843, the following deieribed real estate;_to _ - • A Tract - of Land situate in Newton towns 'ship, 'containing; 86 acres, more or less; bounded by lands of Jima Kilgore, William Smith,'Jos: Waggoner and o(hers,.situate at the head, of the Green Spring; Itaiing thereon erected atwo story Stone House; Frame Barn, and a•two story Stone Woolen Factory; also a small tenant house.— Seized and taken in, execution as the ptoperty of Ezekiel Mcblaughlin,. Aslo—A Lot of Ground situate in the borough of Shipperisburg, containing fifty-nine feet in breadth, and two hundred and forty feet in length,,adjoining the Rail Rand on the Webt, P. Dedwibe. on the North, an alley on the East; end AnthonyW'Olf on the South; having thereon erected a two story Fraine Hense and Kitchen.— Seized and_taltenit(exceutiort_us_the-Propdrty-of John Speese. . the interest of Peorge 'rrint• ble, being' the •one-fifth part in h tract of lend, Situate in the township of SilYer.Spring, enntalti. - ing 116 acres, more or less, bounded by the North Mountain on the North, Garman on the East, Adam. Kunkle 'on the South, and John Fought on the West, about eighty ocres cleared, having thereon erected a Log Houso and an old Log Darn.-. Seized and taken in execution es tho , property of George Trfirible. • Also—The undivided half part of a tract of- hunk situate in.. Hopewell- township, containing two hundr - etl acres, more or less, bounded by lands of Jacob Stouffer on the North,Janies Hemphill, on tWe East, the Conodogninet Creek on the South, nntl the Franklin county line - On the West, lanving.there nn erected d Two Slaty Double Log House find Log Barn, and a Log Tenantliouse. 6 Also—A 'Tract of Land, situate in Hope well township,_ costa nins_twesity-two acres-nod twenty-two perches; adjoining lands of heirs of John Henderson; deceased, Peter Lesher and whet* on, which is, erected. a Log Dwelling House a n d Stable.—Seized and taken in execution as the prop;. erty 'orJame - s Henderson. • - Also—A 'Lot of GrOund, situate in the -borough — Of lnYtitufed on the East by the . Balti more Turnpike, on.,the Seutli by an Alley,"on the North by a lot of John Melt and others,contain ing about one acre, more or less.—Seized and taken in execution /IS the property of John Harper. Alsu—A Lot of Ground, situate in the borough of Mechanicsburg, containing 30 feet in breadth; and 150 feet in depth, more.or less, ad joiiiing•tiliit of - Samuel Crowd on the East, Main street on the North, an Alley on the West, arid an alloy, on the South, having thercomerected story BRICK HOUSE, and brick Kitchen, and frame shop. Also—A' Lot of OroUnd, situate in 'said borough, containing ao feet in breadth and 15Q feet in depth, !dere or lass, adjoining - a - Id of Samuel Crowel on the East, Locust street,on the Ifoutli, an alley on the North, arid an alley on the West, having thereon erected a large Framo.Shop and log stable.. Seized and taken in execution as the property of Jesse Bowman. And to ho sold by . me PAUL - NIARTIN, Sheriff'. • Sheriff's ts.l6 13th reb.-1843. • ( 1011 Y virtue of n writ of Ley. FtMias to me diree ' ted, issued out of the Court of CoMmon Pleas, of Cumberland county, will be exposed to puldio gale, on Saturday the 25th of March, 1843, .at the . Court liouse, in the borough orCarlisle,at 10 o'clock A. M. the follow iitg described property to wit: A LOT OF GliOUNb,and a twii story 1T1&V0. 1 29 about twenty feet hi front and thirty liNt in depth, on a lot of grotind in Mechanicsburg-, CiffiitiVraild County, 011 the South side of the Alain.stre.et, adjoin ing a lot of John Basehore on the East; and a kit n Sabina Keller, on the West, containing aboirt fifty feet in front, and two hundred feet in depth, and numbered 96 in the plan of said trn of Mechanics burg. 'Seized and taken in execution as the proper ty of Godfried iiii4rtu be sold:4 rue • PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. Sheriffs Office,Carlisle,Z .• February J 5,1843, S is-16 Country 'Merchants, Builders & others, LOOK 4.1' TITIS ! ! HARDWARE AT REDUCED PRICES. HENRI L. ELDER, 493 Market st. Philadelphia, Importer and Dealer in Foreign and Doinestie Hardware, takes this method of in forming his friends and customers of Citinberland county, that he has received a large and splendid As sortment of direct from England, together with a general assort meta of UO.IIESTI C 11.4 R 1) direct from the manufacturers, all of which has,beht selected by himself and agents with great care, e:ipressly for his own vies. Having purehashl his present stock all for Cash, and* at greatly reduced prices, it will en able him to sell u• prices lower than any other store iu Pliiladelphi , {)z Caul ano .-xamine the Bargains yourselves. P. S. Cimnberland Nails at $3 44 a Keg'. ! ! 'Atwater Nails at $3 '2O a Keg ! ! Februhry t, IRO. • , • tf-14 Estate of JOI-IN GASS:keease.d. • isl /9 0 NOTICE is hereby given that Letters of Ad ministration on the, estate of JOHN H. GASS,lato of the city of Philadelphia, deceased; Italie been granted to the subscriber: All persons knowing themselves to be indebted to said de'cd. afe 'requested to make payment immediately' to the subscriber, residing in Dickinson township, Cumberland enmity: and those having claims a. gaidtt him will present Aiwa) to the subscriber duly authenticated for settlement. JOHN HUTCHISON, Administrator. February 15,1843. 8t.16 Estate of Mary Fenton, deceas,ed Is HEREBY GI V EN, that letters Testarientary on the last will of MARY FENTO:N.I, - lute of Mifflin township, deceased, lave' been issued by the Register, in and for this county; to fife subscriber who resides in' the - same township. AU persons haring' claims or demands - against the Estate of the said decedent;nrerequested to make known the Same withoutdelay, and those indebted to make immedi ,, ate payment to - JAMES M'ELIIINNY,Exe'r. January '25,j843. fit-13 Estate of George Rupley, deceased, S. M. HARRIS NtiOtitT4 , E'e'rEßS or Administration eh the -11-4 Estate of GEORGE RUPLEY, late of East Pennaborour l li township, deceasied, have been issued to the subscriber residing in Allen toWnililp: All persons having claims against said Estate, will pre sent them for settlement, and those indebted will. make immediate payment to • GEORGE RUPP, Jr. Adm'i.. January 25,1843. 6t-los .. Estate of.Jaccib Garret, deceased. • T. . ETTERS of Administration . on the tstate of JACOB -C Ammer, late of Allen township, < cense& haye been taken out by the subsori berire sidik ici the same township. Alt per eons indebted 'to said estate are requested t make immediate pay ment, and albs:: having claim's will present them duly authenticated for settlement, to . ' GEORGE BEELMAN, A'dm'r. January'll, 1843. ' 6t-11- Estate of John r'relioh, dedeased. , . HERETIV GIVEN, that let:tees - et Sclminia. tratfon on the Estate of JOHN FRELICH, late Silver Spring township, Cumberland county, Aseittnetititt dray been issued by the Rettistee in awl foe the,ia‘CiiiitifprAlin . TFreitcli - wisuresidee. riii.stild township - , and to John, Koscr. whit residett in OWei iiiiiiiirCiiitittli-peeseti-e-bieving claims or detusnds against the estate of sai d decedent, - are requested to make- known the Battle withoutde. and these. indebted to reekelniyment: to . • MARY4RELICN In Li'''. =ECM -:.•.,..r0it.:5ait5i,,,*„..t,..xte1kerr,:4,..,,,, N i , l), .4r,Aiiir! . ool4o.4li:ekliFt4.44 l 4iips - A' . ::: .tap k .. to !,1 , :. oir.wkrtpr , 0t0..-. 1 .9F006 . ;,.. 4 rA!. 00,i i.. -,, i i..:, :0,.,.i.f.'Mir,11;;A:1144::.ii. , 37)-;,-' , 4:-i'701,. ,Crittill-,......' ' ':' Onif;!7oolsl).tV' Sheriff's Sale. LAWN-ABE, Nattry NoOct' . "" .. NEW *STEAM SAW Mir HE STEAII I I,A.VCr rMML, precielf A..• 14 the mist year by the sUlisCriber,abont bnlf n mile beldw Harrisburg, on the east bank of the Sug'.., quehanna, nedrtho Railroad and Canal, containing: ,two Vertical and two Circular Fialmis now iu oper a . ation, and ready to execute orders with 'the utmost, despatch AT PRICES IN coArPolmarr WITIF I PHE GENER.RL REDucnav or. THE TIMES. An assortnient.of the various, kinds or Scantling; .Boards, Plank, Plastering and Shingling. Laths, Gan: den Pales, Sio., Ntill be always kept ready , for deliv, ery; and persoha.sending Rafts or Logs to the Mill, can have them sawed as directed, on the most re:Lt.! sonable terms. . . . . "„*40,00 feet of seasoned elem. Stuff are now in the yard: • a:r.Steatn power, and room in the buiddhr , , to let: W. G RBIS LAW, , ',Tanuary ; 2s, 1843. .. . • ' .9M-13 Etou'es. for Rent. fIE BRICK DWELLING HOUSE, wave—iloose—and-4.ot—of Ground attached, situate in North Hanover' street,' Carlisle, now occupied by Messrs. J. & C.Cornmsn,' also the Shop second door Sundt of the above, in the occupancy of Mr. Hama. Also the Brick• Dwell. :. ing• House, Lut and Stahllng;in West High strett,, w iu tentwo.of Dr. Wm. Irvine. Alin a newll4.rick. Dwelling House and part of Lot attaeheilcciii-Ditlk 'mon alley; and the Frame Houseand Lot of Ground occupied by •Mr. R. Moore, onI.V est Loutherstreet., Possessiim given on the lst of Apr.l next. For ' terms apply to JINIO. B. PARKER. December la, 1812, tf- VALUABLE IRON WORKS 7.1 0 M1L1 614.91.1111,4 - • A? *irtue of the powers and authority. contained- in the last will-and testament at _Theu_vm—Eoc,Pdec'd;,-I nos-offer for sale, the . Carlisle Iron Works,: Situateden_the Yellow Breeches Creek, 4 mild east ol Carlisli: Pa. The :estate conaists pia first:rata' _MT0.2,(02•, • • with - Ten - Thousand Ocres_orLand.-- A new MERCHANT AIILL with fourrumof stop , finishea an the most approved plan. About 500 merits. or the land are Cleared and highly cultivated, haring thereon erected' • • . . • Three Largen Bak: jaArns..._:. and necessary_ TENANT , HOUSES,The works are propelled by the lellow Breeches creek. and the Boiling Spring,which neither.fail norfreeze: There are upon the prem*sall the necessary work mens houses, coal houses, carpenter and smith shops,' and stabling built of the most substantial materials. The ore of the best quality and inexhaustible, w•ithin 2 miles of the Furnace. There is perhaps no Iron 1V orks it. Pennsylvania which possesses au- . perior.advantases and oll'crs greater inducements to the investment of Capital. • The .wider power is.-so great that it might be extended to Loy other' manu-, lacturlngrpurpuse. Persons disposed to purchase, will of course examine the-property. The terms of :tile will be made known by MAR} EGE, . ' Executrix of Michael - Ege, deed. Parliale,,Oot. 19, 1842. • . tf-St ritvEns & Et A VM.ESTICK. , 1 . 1 AVE just opened their FALL'. AS.SORT -1-1 MENT of . • • DRUGS, PAINTS, OILS* . 2_3 Together with an extensive opeortment of Patent ..Illetiteinevand Perfumery. .A I so—;•F It ES rd IF R 113 TS, ORANGES, ~. - ALMONDS, EM • LONS, " - . FIGS, . RAISINS.- PRUNES, CURRANTS, GRAPES, &o. All of which they will sell wholacale or retail: ore the lot% est terms. .. Carlisle,-December 14, 18i4.-3m. : . A N OTH ER supply of WlNl'Elt, Agea. GouDs;jusirectived and selling lower for Caqh than ever sold in Carlisle. The supply had Lieu bought St the presant rethiesell city . prices, and, pun:hirers ..;11-find it dcetde dly . to th eir interest to , rail before pureli;tainr elmtni here. CHAS. tf-511. November '29, 184t2 TEM CEMII.IS.MT ,Ever offered to the Public . ' %S a( • - '. 5-:-:llVi,tir;;;F, . • v. •0 . - - - - :`,.., - - z 4 ," ! ,.. • • -'4 Ati-lr.-;.-44"-•,-,+' . Illifst...L.!_f A ' ' ' •• • , . • 1. 4' ••'-'. -.4,1 . r .';'. - . • q' ' ' 7. " --'---- . - ,rie , ...:• • •• ••- 4 2 .• ::,.. ..":“•-••••••;" • /Vie II E IVE:3 PATENT LARD LAMP for burning Lard without any preparation, tor sale by the subseriher. The light is equal to .the Lest sperm-oil; is entirely fret:front smoke or smell; and , msts less than half the price. 3-lie apparatus for heati.,g the lined is neat and simple, does not de tract from the lippearanee, is nut liable to get out oi repair, and may be applied at a small expense to those kinds now in 'use. Confident thet this article requires only to be known yr comointri general use, I respectfully invite the public to call and see them in operation. „S: M. lIARIIIS. Carlisle, October 19,18 , 12. . (14 Hirst d e tTival PALL AND WINTER. GOODS• CLIPPINCER & OAREY. , • l 'ear the . Road, ' .0 7 1.4 L?&` 1 053 n•O aer (LIVE received a splendid lissortment of FALL AND WINTER GODDS,•. which they are determined to sell at the very lowest' cash prices. .. September 28, 1832 CHEESE. • . ALARGE quantity of first rate Cheese; N. Yoi•li Cheese, at reduced prices.- Wholesale' or Retail. Also a lot of SALT at the store of MATEER. tf- November 23, 1842 u ~' ~~ „' bJ G.f~ O Ll MBER of every dcsc ription & SHINGLES' -1-4 for sale Oheap;by . S. &P. MARTIi:. Successors to Miller & Martins. Harrisinirgy April 20.1842. " e1m.21 112.1021atii . 3' o -31.223 • House Painter and '6laziell7i gEst . bcTFuLty inforrhs the public that he has commenced the HOUSE PAINT: . 1", GLAZING; and PAPER HANGING, in' all their various blanches, and hopes by strict at: tention to business and moderato charges to mod' • and receive .a share or public shop is in Pitt street, directly in the tent. 9f. : Ste.; venson & Pinkie's Drugstore.. • „ • • • CarTisle.•Oct. - 12, 1842 . CLOTHS, °MIMEOS., AND SATTINETS: - ell LIPPING. 44 . CARRY,' have' .just eeividAriextenakeasseitment: CLOTIIS,t ,••.!• CA SSIIII ERS and ,SATTINETS.4.hinh' sold 'at rqdlice oleos. • u • • - • ' Shippensburg, Oci. 6,0 M.: 5P11034 - .1;‘„,:e whiter; sperm Oirig , si,igyey• Pure SekEleplund whit - 04 . 9A Just received end far Sperm Calld ICS, befit 91.1:4 Carlihl6; Dee. 4,1542.: • . 1-0;5 • . .. . . .. .. Water .1?" rool. 1140,144,,e , '.' ,- ' ' ' 2,o"''''f' __l[US'P received a lot of .'"Wottr, , , 09,.) . , , Or Boots; with a large:assortment 'Of .Slit,;"Or2-' - ' Alen,Woreen and Children, which I will gel "etteatil : for. Cash. , ~ CIIAS. 0Gti!";. • • lkaMnher4o,lla.le ' , - - : . •'. -, - if.g. . - ~sfccte~uf ; Jorit~ Au~sg,-:'ireceasvd = ;-' , , ~`:' . . . ~,......,. ~, •-.....,::',_--x i tect i ttp„;,• , ...:T.,:.!.:,,, ,-;-: ''. ,, 1z , ......_ ,, ..,.., w...: , .k . rTzlis. 4VAdni , irligto4.olViOnge ,_„,, 04 .6....40t.r0......011.1,46.0ranxir . , 6k; upnwp,deedAitoothiOtrg#o4sF,iNt bo , ol4llpginlbo'6axatiltiatilettr-NR4M,lnrelti , kkaloo 9 liglo llll , l nd i #49!--lAPANIF k , ,Mf , iiisiVr*yolptipniedist4,*( l t the" , ,... ~,.: x 6 qk 4 4lA itiff . r.**Ag a-c--.4t . t rectiiiirt4 . 44ibick r cl.etilikiylmrtortowttiv-!1" .1.,-,- ffligiM CIE • ' MEI ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers