P.ll3llLii: 74 , 20142 M stISMIN NM • fIE RAO •Cgz EXPOSITOR. • - °ince; Ceeitre Nquare, OS, Jr.. .Coriseri tit . the. Old Stt!ftd: TERMS OF PUBLICATION The HERALD do EXPOSITOR —Weekly y on 'a doubter oystalre - etTrit. DU/. LARS, per annum, payable within three months frOM the time of subgcribing;. ea iltro DOLL/1613 AVD FIFTY CENTS, at the end of theyear. • ._ . . No subscription will be taken foiless than six months, and no paper discontinued until all ar rearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher ' and a failure to notify a discontinu. once will be ccinsWered a now engagement: AdvertisingWal be done on the usual terms., Lotion! to insure attention must be post paid United Slates Court, EASTERN.DIStRIOT OF. PENNSYLVANIA Ila.nleruptcy.. • stoenleg• . , ETITIONS for Diseharge and Certificate un ; P der the Bankrupt Law, has been filed by • . DAVID FREE, Farmer and Carpenter, • 'Cumberland ea, • • ANDREW BAIIRICK, late Distiller„ now Moon, JOHN SOURBECK, hite Merchant, !lOW' . Innkeeper, . tio.• ' JEREMIAH MYERS, Farmer, do. MICHAEL M. EGE, bite Manager & Clerk Mount Holly Iron Works,. ° do. and SATUIttiAY the :Vali day of APRIL next, at II o'clock, A...M. is appointed for the heariiig there of, before the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Court Roma, in the City of Philadelphia, '.. when and it here the Creditors of the said Petitioner, 'Wit° have proved their Debts, and all persons in la tereliti may appear and show cause, if unv'they have; why such Discharges and Certilientrs sliould not be granted. : • - • FBAS. HOPKINSON, ' Clerk of the District Courts. Phila. Feb. 15, 1843. ' I 0-j6 .... NO_TICE• TIZTrTIONS for the ilenefit'of the Tlankropt • IF Law, have been filed the 4th Feb. 134.3, by )(AIN wrouf;ll, late Nlerehaot or flie firm of Stout . ;ll tool Bee wsto; now lookeepee, • - - • -- •en. ISAAC MITTEN, Shoemaker an FULD k 3.1 day of MARCH next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. iS appointed for the bearing' thereof, before' the said Court, sitting in 'l l ankruptcy, at-the District... Court Room in 4lie City of Philadelphia, tvhett and where the CI edi tors of the said Ktitioners,who have proved their debts, and all .other persons in interest, may, pear.and show cause, if any they have, why such PelitiOns.should. not be granted. " - PIUS. HOPKINSON, • . Clerk of the Dil.triet Court. Phil: Fa. 181:1. , • 11 1 Da'‘2(q.:Zu p .„ ETITIoNs for I)i."s(diargo and. C.'vrji ficate- or (hel.lollklupt Law, have .ilVell fikil t h e Anal Jun. 1813, lay ' . . . - JOSlf.l't I O'F'llJ, Carpenter end Calairet , unak * ce . • Curl/In:Hand em .S.l Al Utli., DA vtl)s(3N, Tanner Fs. Currier, and as te lintelter lit - C n'opany with John I):tvitlnii, * ' '' ' ,Cumberland co. I'l %VA 120 IiELrEN•sTEIN - , fortneely of' -------' • Dirtoti, Ohio, tuereltatit, now Clerk, do W1LL,1.%..‘1 11. WOODIJUIIN; late Met.- • • chant and Farmer, . . - Cumberland co. 6AM Ulil. SNI I I'll, (individ.ially • lind sis 1.1 - Me uher (tithe thin 0r Smith find Qttiglcy.) -• •," •, Alerehatit. \ I iller, and Distiller and For- - warding .11erc14 int. Ctturberlaml no. CIL..)111:1'. F1.1.', %11NC3.-f uoitei ly printer and ' publisher, late contract , roil 'Publi c Work s , ( 1 1 awl FUR) %.11' 4 h.! .11st Oar of NI A IC;11, at 11 o'- 'Lln,•k, A. M. is tip;minted for the hearing thereof, 11,,,rn, the ard Cmfrt, silting ill Ilatikroptey, at-the District Court room 'hi the Cit) c.f Philadelphia; whet. mid where the ,creditors 01 the said l'etition . •crs,`'w-I o have p:•ovedalwir (1...bt8, :toe ill persons . I tartest. (I,•inav appear and show cause, if .any they flue, wl v such Discharge and Certificate should IVY grauted. PR AS:IIOPKLIZSON, Clerk u. the I)isTriet Court. I hula. Jan. 18, 184,5. 101-.1 • 1r 0 • lur,Triri()Ns for Di:icharge :Ind Cert.' ficate under the Bankrupt I,a Jim e bre') til tidll • 4.; );•11•11) !lAD. Punnet., Cumberland co .1011 N MeCOlt WK. Trader, • • • do. JOIN M. WOODIIIIIIN; late Mereham Iron Waster of the firm of Joliu At 00a burn At Co., Josoph Laughlin and Co. mid 'lames i !sou, A tent,do. • V. PAT I'ON, late Iron Master, do. JOSEPH, A. EGV., ? • Individually" Had as MICH IEL P. EGE,S Partners of the firm or 11. P. 84. J. A. Ege, bite 110.1 :Wasters, dO. • • JAMES COLE, Tailor, ' do. EREDEIRICK A. KENNEDY, Into COM:I3 Maker do. and FRIDAY the 91st day of MA ECU neat, at II o'clock, A. M. is appoimed for the hearing Chere of, before the said Cotwt,sittivw, in Ilsoktmptcy,at the District Courtroom in the City of Philadelphia,wher t and where the Creditors of the said Petitimters, who have proved their Debts, and all other persons in in terest, mar appear an s'tow cattsie, ilituy they have, why midi Discharge and Certificate vhould not be_ granted: —FRAS.I.IOI'I4IIcSON, . • Clerk of the District Court. Phila. Jan. 4,.18443. • .10-10 • 11:11)ETITIONS for Discharge and •Cer‘i ficate under the Bankrupt . Law, have been filed by • e , JACOB A. RAUM, Innkeeper, Cumberland en. NOAKER, Saddler & Distiller, do. JOHN DAVIDSON, - Millwright and late ButoherlnCompany.xvith Samuel Davidson, do. and FRIDAY the tOth day of MARCH next „at It o'clock, A. M. is appointed for the hearing thereof, .Thifore the said Court, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the District Courtroom, in the City of Philadelphia, 'when and where the editors of the said Petitioners, who have proved their Debts and all other persons in interest, may appear end show cause, if any they :have, why such Discharge and Certifica te should not be granted. FRAS. HOPKINSON, • Clerk of the District Court. Phila. Dee. 28, 1842. 104 ' attlita . TOR RENT. , • Wbe'rehted from the tat Of April nexttliat two 'WO? Stone' tiOUSE and lot of Ground, in East Alain street', in this borough, 'now occupied by neva Mi. Mobi&c. Also the two adjoining-Houses; both of which are - .at present being handsomely repaWed. • Persons desirous of renting may know the terms . ,by calling on the undersrgneiL • ' • • 'EDWARD. ARMOR, or - Carlisle; Dee.:l4; 1812: tf - ...drch,e . • 11%11 Itia til iD.ll4llllalo NY-Bits-1k BAVERSTICK have. just reeeived front the, Manufactory at Philadelphia , a large . aitsortment,of,/.4/12)LJAIR , S; con'aisting of , PaB loBllB. oChlitnlibeir& Study LliAnps w i t h oi4ithout eludes; ;which they, sell 'whole-, lade or retail at the mutiufaiturer's prices. ActraliSide Rekeetore anti Glass tanipti of 'earl. • (1:0 .; a Zka. -• • ' • -T ' he ye'ribeat atrained, Bpeim 011 , - warrauted to Burn ideal', foe $li2X4-9 O :.fleet Speru andlie."97 i cents OrP).;Ltarliale,B er „: 24 -4' -.• ''' ••- • ' ' 'u-8 FALL. & WINTER GOODS CONSISTINOiIir part,: of English, Prone:it. Beatmt;'. and 'Pilot 'CLOTHS: - Caasiniore, Sattinetts,'and Kentucky Jearis; ,: Linsey and Cotton. Flannels. : Rose, Ataikinaw, Point. and. Pilot ; - W/20 . ." .1:1 • ' SZTEkt. " ' 45 1 3;0,%3' Bame!ic - Flannels , and Cirpeting..L'Frencli,Emilish 'arid American Chinties. IlrowaißleachedBs ColOrl cd.MUslins, , .Clieeks,'Ticks and Diapers:" ' Biinniti; SillurandsnAbhons. .riniielinh: Velveteen Cams noild6s Cam's's' and'Hintirel las . ;" : 4l4erinoes; Moue lin and. Saiony-frlcialimic - 1-pignred, , Plain; Striped and 'Barre d •Jaiiklnett, Siiiiis: Biondi; and .Ai ti&iiil FlOwnrs:' , together'sidth a variety of - ,14/IließlilifilVitHrH--iIrOCC:O,IOS4' ~,x.,.. iiil';:,';i;',4.i : .i..; - :;14::. , -;--- -:- - ~ ~ . 7 . 1 for saleii(iini'istoro'cit , '''.-'' ' - ''' - 7 , 1 1 -, x ;Sl i l,:r ,4 "" 111 °wee, a Ono. assort:netts' , . cailible-moiiniler..lo ''c` A . i5 t; ..... ,'-.., ~ , „ _.;'..': • 4 , ~,,,,. , i„,,,,,.......„ , ..„,„,..,,„,,, , .,,, , ,,,,,A.,,,,...5,,,:n.,......,,,,,-„Pil,'-ftdate-Beri i ,i m i'llour•-' 44 '''' i; - 4 ,‘' 'O l - 4 - 11 ; - 4 . 4' ,-, ~;''' ,:: J -''ir.'.,,'', ~j .-- ; :, 4 4.- ' ', , , . :M1;1•4,-.-'5-',::, , -',4`''. . !,, -f , ' f'. - ,, ,, ,'4;,11 , ,':e4P'r . ....,: - ,;.- -- ,i,, - ." 1 „ , :,.;, - , , , , :y.ff,-!-q,'' - , '-!,,.._ •-,-: oft i - ;i:s t,.,„= ,:,.,, ! ,--, ..5: 7 0 ,1 ';,4'4 . : 7 ; '''.,,, , ! .i ,'',' :- .,,,,„":44,fg4. : , CA; 4 ",,, A rj'i1,..1: -, -,f4fi.11,,,A.t:ifyig„:0.?:444 ,- ;,: - i - . - ;$.‘; , .,;;?.: - .4',Vf;;Pil;,, , k) : 1:?4 , 1 -, 4;? , , , 0 -,, ;.11 ,,,-- ; , , "ak,:4511 - 41'... - '" , - 4 - - - . - - ( 4 ;:votr" l( ,:' , ''''''' %'-' l ' '-r'''''' 4' - "'''' ..4 4, 5 4A1it.;.0,,i,14-v 14 , , .& , ;?4, , , ,, ;: . i. , N -,, ,,443;vtA0;ci ~ 4 1r. ''' '.. '-'''' -• " * -^' f , ,* -„.,,,.: ft '''',. V fo , ' Ink!' - ''- ,- '' ' f.i , 10" 4 00 , -P*l .4 "'`l - tk. , l '. ifiat , . • 1 . . . . • , ~, -.-, ~ - .• , '' .- ..;.-',2,.' -.-,‘, •,•• ' - • : ,'•-•; . ~:, • ~ -.--- ; ~-, -- - -,, •._, ,' -- ..! ; ;-'"., -,„ '1 , ' ----.., ..-, .„ . ; ...'.. „,,,.., . , , . . , . ' - • ;' '. .' - f-,•- ~ • I ' :.; • , ' .. 3 , • • ' ' • ' , , . ./ ~ . . , . 1 • . . , . is published O effectual in Coughs, Colds, Influenzas, Ca tarrhs, Asthma, Pains of the Side and of the Breast; Bronchitis ; Spitting of 8100 l Sh ortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, all Diseases of the Breast Und_Lungs, and for the arrest of approach ing Consumption: So popularis Dr. I3echter's Pulmonary Preser- vative throughout all Germany, and El 3 effectual in Diseases of the Lungs, that from its miraculous effects and wonderful cures—it is there generally known and styled.g.Dr. Bechter's Life Preserver." As numerous certificates of its very gned effecti, and wonderful cures in this country; have been fre quently published, it_ is deemed necessary only to remind the public of so valuable a medicine, ane inform them where it can be procured genuine. • t •i.Price--Fifty Cents a half pint bottle: *** Prepared and sold,.wholesale and retail, at Dr. LEIDY'S 1 - IFULTH EMPORIUM, No. 191 North . Second street, below Vine, (sign of the Golden Eagle and Serpents) Philadelphia. I or sale' in Carlisle, by • STEVEN - SUN.& DINKLE,• • • • Agents for Cmnberland County. • Carlisle, May 18, 184, • 9- fy lakillll alliAM THE SulAcriber has received addition 111 sapplics of the above named eekbrated BALSAM/I Q HEALTH, which has in a few year a cured and relieved upwards of SIX IMIOUSAND persons in different sections of the countryof4he following diseases, as In digestion, Dyspepsia- and aII 1 hose trains of diseases arising front a disorder, d ennilitibn of the stornarli and liver, derangement. of the digestive functions, such as .4 General -I:Philify,or IJ'eakness of / the Stomach costivcdesB. Headache, .lanntlicr, Haat . • lent•t3 Ilitions.Cholic,Alvvonc !ions; Icy r and .4 quo, -• • andquri ill:strop:41111 kinds of 11011.11 S, .bath iu grown persons As it ell :Is in Chi cured ma sly other complaints which tire. too numerous to in sert in this tolvertiSentei.t. which can be seen in the 'directions which can be fountl iillpped around each Mottle, with it number of-certificates of cures 1)6.: formed by this valuable ihdsant of Health. • The great dennuid I - 4 this 11.alsa - in..or lalcly sonic unprincipled persons to impose. nit the pithlie a spurious article lor the genuine 110- mm °Clleuldn therefore.the proprietor ti the public from purchasing any but from his regidttr appointed ..41.entv. genuine I ;also in ofllra r i i. hits the name of the medicine bloCeir on the glass of, each bottle, thus—"GarleAatit's Balsam of Ilealth, prepared only by Jour; 'S. Nitm.ml;". and ,besides Ow,. he lots his the written on alabel, which is pasted on the outside wrapper of each bolter,l withal seettres it tenon being eounterf,•itecl. CiTo be had at all times of his Agent in this . place, si.htihas already sold large quantities. NI Lich petters it a medicine or great' value :nod celebrile. . • . SA M (JEI 1:1.1,10TT. September CS, 1842. . • Gm:4B - Gairleg•acalls"lie:tlsanm officalle: T sucriber has' just iect.iccil a !is fresh: F upply of the ,tho%e named celebrated BALSAM OF Ii E' Lllll, which has in fen ears talredand velicred upwards of four thotp.and per :ruts in ditlevent seelions of the counity of the 161- loa ing diseases, such as the Dyspepsia, all Cholics and Nervous Diseasesm ml all those traks of diseas es resulting from disordered condition of rhe Stool avle--eures the Agile and Fes er, and old and fresh Sores, and destropall kihd of worries, both in grown' persoils and children, and many other complaints. All hose per's nis that prelthse (his Alediciite it ill lind a fall direction to each bottle, :is it I , a II noum ber of certiGatet of cures performed. To he had at all (lines ofSs ‘agent. In 1165,1d:we: silo has sold already large (Plant hies. 'l'llo great der:in-nil for this of I lealth Ithslittelt.iturtnied tome pltsl . person to - tlounterfeit it—thentot-elite proprie• tor cautions the publit , f4vmrpureliasing any only from his regular appointed - news. The genuine Palmitin of 1 lealth has the. nee. of the medicine hloam on the glass of each bottle, and his r signature, john'S.lliller, wrote on a label which islpasted on the outside coiner, which comjdclely secures them frombeingemmterfeited. For ca le only in thiq place by SA MIYEL. 11.11.10T1'. For sale also, 15T..15;. 1). S. Stoner in Wtques i ntro'. LIM] John Brackenridge, ii Siiimien'sliiirg, Pa. September '2B, 1842. 11113.1111b1 11/111,7,01119 From 375, Bowery, N. York FOR nine yeaix'tliii medicine gfoodunrillilt:d for the cure of Coughs, fain iu the side, diffi culty of breathing, Brinichitiii i i and all thine tiffec tioss of the Throat, Lungs and Liver, hiela are a source of sn much silfrering mid which usart'i.sied so 01100 4311601 ft! iil .0 0 113100111100. So extensively -has this remedy-ken used and in so yoiny .cures hss it proved suiteessfill, the pi oprietoP feel:f no hesi tancy in retiomfileiiilisg.k to all vlio waortiuuucl have occasion to resort to some in .ass of recovery. Jiaaltitudusyfan have experienced it sappy efl'exts, can testify to its utility, and iNry noisy rescued froni a preinature,deatb,puinfeo it as that means of their restoration. • TLe . thigitnetot—of th is remedy' Tr s veeseil in the sitience of medicine, amid a skilful practicioner. Physichns familiar u ith its effects not utdrequently preacribiElrirtlndrPractice, - and with the Mulical Facility generally it has met with a larger •share of approbation than is common with exclusive pre. Atrations. irr .CONSUMPTlON—The'following remariil were-taken from the last number of the --Medico Mardi - nes he surprising effect prode r eed by tire genuine Dr. Taylor's Balsam of Liverwort', made art 375 Bowery, in consumptive cases, Cannot fail exciting. a deep and thrilling interest tqfoughOut the:world. 'We have so long believed this - disease (Cooiuinption) in curable, that it is difficult to credit-our senses when we see persons, evidently consumptive; restored to health. Yet i it s a fact of daily occurrence. LIVER CONIPLARIT and General Debility- 7 4 4ckeolisider my curculmostmiraculous.- I was given up by two physicians tiod'iold.toprepare for death:. I'was in this low state when a friend sent,tne t hot= tie of Dr. Taylor's Balsamlif Liverwort, from. 375 Botvery, and before Lhad used up the -bottle I was able to djt ti in bed, by the _further use I have com pletely.regamed-my health. All should use it. • GEO; WELLS, 23 John st. Otj'VIOLENT PAIN IN. THE SIDE.—I. have hem) oured of a' violent Pain in the side, extending tinvugit to the shoulder,. indiqestion, dizzness, loss of appetite and general debility, by the use of'tivo bOtles of Dr. Taylor's`Balsajt of Liverwort. ALLEN - .;'.11 - e..phant's Row.. . For . sale 'by STEVENSON &` sole agentsfor-Carlisleand vicinity': • Ociviber.2o,lB4% brti ,c,oxig s .iffi) NI! I otra-HS3 :COLDS &c, Every Body °eight to Snow of . DR. BECI-1' Pulmoitary. Preservativ;, , GARLEGANTS 1)111. TAYLOR'S I I %TiE4)I,OIGpINICF,. AD V E `POLOPICSi OITERATI[III . I, , R, A LITT, AGRICI!JILTIEJniq, ARTS AND S CIENC S, •AIIIIU,SEITIEN,T,'..tc,;•-atici the face of - theslittle one, for Whom as'a .., ; mother tshe has cared.. With love strong as death, she comfoils.hersell,that her sis 'ter Members.' candy, because the stroke of 'termed her-sobbings. Alt ! why s came ye not hither, torches that gleam through tangled thickets,, they ford waters, they ascend mountains, they explore forests,-:‘but the lost are eotlound. 'rite third and fourth night oanie,' . arid . . As evening dreW its veil, the - hapless Idsparted. Still the woods 'are filled with wanderers, bewildered,hurried . to and fro eager searchers. , Sympathy has • gathered - calling for their :parents', mote d r shou ting fd r , 'them from resettlements'. Every log help, until their strength was exhaust e d,— ' cabin sends forth what it can spare for this Tote by brambles, and, their poor. feet • ~. work of pity and of sorrows- They'cross Weeding. from the rdeles which ;strewed each other's track ; incessantly therieter their path, they sank down, mieining bit-, riigate . .and reply. - BUt in vain. •' The lost terly: The fears that overpower the heart . . `of-a timid ,child, evhe for ,the first time are not found I finds night approaching .without: shelter or I In her Mournful dwelling, the mother sat .. motionless. Her infant was upon her lap.• protection, wrought on theyoengest to es, : • duty tit . • ,, ,e s • 1 a ne strong to succor its . newieenese, supportable anguisitY eThe•elder lifted grappledl with the iniehi of rier, and pre-. with the sacred wermtheol:sisterlyisaffec- { • - . , . 1 traded. Her eyes were motet' upon,ets lion after "the first paroxysm's of . grief el, eren , No sound passed her white lips. seemed to forget liSrself, and sluing upon I .e. .. . . . • raying woman, trete Distant habitations, the damp ground, and folding the little gatheredonels , saround,and wept forher. 'Choy 'the .. in her arms, rocking her. with a gentle! even essayedsouls-. : words ofconsolation.. Movement, soothing and hushing her like a , e „ . i But she answered • nothing. She lOoked nurseling. • • " Don't cry ; 0 don't cry so, - deares,e; I, toWards them - . She had no ear for iminan . rpetual . cry say your prayers, and fear will By away." voices.. In her soul was the perpetual the I the lost. Nothing overpowered it but " How caw! kneel down 'here in the i the Avail of her living babe.- Shesminis derk woods or say -.my prayers,. when tered to its necessities, and that heaven-in mother is not by to hear me ?- I think I i spired...impulse- saved her. She had no see a large wolf, • with sharp ears, .and longer any hope for thele.who had wan a mouth wide - open, and' hear noises as of tiered away. Horrid images were in her 'many fierce lions growling:" ' .s . ' " 'fancy—the ravening beast—black pits of ---- ' 71.- . D.n little J,ane,. say, 'Our father who I stagnant water—birds , of fierce. beak L - in fletosen:' e Be_d geed girl, and When , i venomous, coiling snakes. She bowed we have rested here awhile,--perhaps lie herself dewn to them, tied travailed - cis in may be pleased eo-send- 'some one to -find' the birth Itour;fearfully and in silence:— us, 'and to fetch us home."' , - 1 But the. helpless babe en her bosom touch, Harrowing was the anxiety hrthelowly al 1 lan electric chord, and saved her from -.- - despair. Maternel love, with itsspillar of hut of the Emigrant, when, the day drew, to a close, and the children - .came not.— , eleud..and of flame, guided . her throogh the . A boy, their sole - assis t an t in the toils of desert, that s he perished not; . . . . agriculture, at his rehire 'from labor, 'was 4 Stindey .esmee and ethe search was nnee sent ie search of them, but in vain. ' As bated... it seemed only marked by a deeps the evening drew. on, , the inmates of th e er tinge of melancholy; The must serious -felt it feting; to go'Gnat at that sacred sea; neighboring houses;- and those -of a small S Bonet° seek the lost, though not like their tatidet, at considerable distance, were a- " Mester e girded ,. with the ~power tresave.— larined mid associated in die pursuit. The Parents rememsered that it might have been agony of the invalid parents dirOugh that then. own tittle ones, who had thus strayed night, was uncontrollable ; startling at eve from the fold, and with , their gratitude took yy footstep, sitar aig, out of every breeze semethieg of the Mourner's spirit tutu their the accents oe l• se ( lost ye..se . r.litroinpr, or fiearts. Even, the s:td ihieei of s {atherSug their cries of misery. • While the morn the dead for the sepulchre. .the'sole hope ing Was set gray; the father, no longer to that now sustained their toil, began to fade be restraieed r and armed With- supurnatu ral strength, and the 'ravings, of his fever, into doubt. As they climbed over huge of)vinter had pros went forth to take .past in the • pursuit.— trees, whiCh the winds b h e ead trated,or forced their wee among liembles, With fiery cheeks, his throbbing sharp reeks, and close woven ,branches, bOund with a handltercl>„.4 4 e was seen they marvelled how . such fragile forms in. the most dangerous and Inaccessible "It seeds to me that the little girls are I spots,—caverns,—.ravines,—beetli n e cliff could have endured hardshipsby which the growing pale. I am afraid you confine —leading the way,M every point of peril, vigor of manhood was impeded and per . • thern too closely to this` narrow house, and in the-frenzy of grief and disease. • 'flexed. , the sigh t . of sickness. The weather is The second night drew on, with one of The echo of a gun rang suddenly through those sudden storms of sleet and snow., growing settled., You• had better send the forest. It was repeated: Hill to hill them °Mee change the. air, and 'run aboutwhich ssometinies chill the hopes of the bore .the thrilling message. It was the at their will. Mary, lay the baby on the young Spring. 'Chen was a sadder sight concerted signal that their anxieties were tn, . flyine ended. The hurrying, seekbrsfollowed its lied by me, and ask mother to let little sis- _a woman with attenuated fun n," and you go out for a ramble." - she knew not whither, and continually cx- sound. From a cent manditig ,ilirr a white Theenoilier assented, and the children, claming, "My children ! niY . children !" fig was seen to float. It was the herald 'who were four an that the lost were found. d six years old, departed It was fearful to see a creature so deadly full of delight. A clearing had been made 'pale, with the darkness of midnight about There they -were—near the base of a ie fropt of their habitation, and by ascend- her. Site heeded no advice to take care of wooded shillock, half Cradled among the ine e a knoll in its vicinity, another dwelling herself, no persuasion to 'return to her roots of an•tiptorn chestnut. There they ine, it be seen, enVironed unit the dark home. , . • lay, cheek, tie eheek, hand clad )ed in hand. spruce and hemlock. . In the rear of these " They call me te Let nee go s I wile. The p blasts bed mingled iu one. mesh their houses was a wide expanse of ground, in- lay them in - their bed myself. How cold dishevelled locks', fur they had left home terspersed with thickets, rocky acclivities, their feet . ere.l. What ! is ..taneesingings With their poor heads uncovered. 'The and patches of forest trees,' while far away, her nightly hyniii without me ? eNo! No! youngest had passed ac ay in sleep. There one ortwo lakelets peeredup, e with their She cries. Some evil spirit has stung her!" was no contortion on her inoW, though her eyes deeply .fringed. The spirits of •the and shrieking wildly, the poor mother dis. features Were sunk slid sharpened ' childreteas they eentered this ti /I enelesed appeared, like' a, woe add deer, in the ' famine. region, were like those of the birds that depths of the forest. • • surrounded them. They playfully purse-. _011 . ! might she but have Wrapped them ed each other with merry !emitter . , and in her arms as they shivered in their di:s -ent:li a joytts sense of liberty as makes the mal recess,under the 'roots of a tree, uptorn liked courstelightsomelythreugh the veins. by some wintry tempest! Yet how "Little Jane, let•us guTurther than ever •shourdshe, inAgifie the spot where they We have before.' We will see' What lied lay, or believe that those little wearied beyond those high . hills; for it is bdt jest limbs, had binne them, through bog and past noon, tted , we can get back long before bramble,• more than six mike from the pa supper time." ' " rental door? ' In the niche which we have "Olt yes, let us follow that bright, Wife mentioned is. faint moaning 'spend might bird, and see what he is flyiniafter. But still be heard. - don't go in among these briars, that tear - "Sister, the not tell me that -we shall not the_elothes so, for Mother .has no time to see thet . batttee. inymore. I see it now and mendelieue."' .. - s Thomas, too! dear Thm ousl :Who do they "Sister, sweet sister,' 'here are some say he died and . buiied?-- He - is cloie by i snow drops_in. this green' - holloW, exactly . me, as if they had Wings: - They look .warm'; like those in my old, dear garden .so far and happy:, kshould be glad to be with away. 'Hew pure they are, and cool, just them,-anti join there beautiful plays.-- like the baby's face, when the . wind blown But 0, how cold I roil_ Cover me Closer,- on: it !..Father and mother would . like us Marye' Take. my head into yoniboiom:. to bring "- them some. , ' -"Pray do not gee° sleep tinito yet dear e Filling their little aprons, ith the spoil,' little Jane's . I want to hear yourvoice,and .and stillsseaeishieg •• for eomithing new, or to talk with you; It is so very sad -to be beautiful, they prolonged' their rairibleun- , walking here ,ail alone . . 11l could . ut see ' eonSeiOns.of tlfti flight:Of time, :or the ex, •yricir filo when . YoU .2 nre asleep it. Woul - be MO.. of epee - 4 - They : were:traversing: A!.., 7 a'acitafOrt, .`lii3t it. is so'. dirk, so dark" i!Ogilt," -‘ednionishetl by:'thP ':,'Phßeeoi3,' :Reusing 'bereelf With . diffinuity she initiee ! wl}iettiiiteri niarke,The &elWhig, hours of her aprOrtindipreada it Over, the-head of ' the , early days o Spring,: they jurned: - the'ehild.: 'toperfeeit' „At trout: thictrivirig, . .1 heir tourse homeward. . But the. :rettiiii-:' iinowielie•pilloVis'•,the:dohl eheek-..on.:,fier liikelOe , wasloet e s .ai..4.,t4e.y. Walked rapid=' • breeit,Juid graspemoraftrullY:the-benuMb.! kyi,.etily4f plunge mire inextricably in . 14 ed hands W Ohiak , iiiiivli4; l l6., : faithfulfi ' irtlol of_theiniildertiesS. ~ • : :,, 7 ' , • ' ' felijil M I: throe g fi' auo heir te r rib I 0 pilitiMage. . - "Sister. Mary, - :ara' the se s now drape' :itivb'''' i' - '•:.' •.- ' , '-'6' •':' '‘• '''• . 4. '' '' • . ,•... ... .... .....,,. , , ~.. , , „ re i t p l y , ,arei : . apinoves. - not, : she igo4, ;.t!'.„44, • -t .al4 . !1P,;::).1046yfi*,1.:10, inifeklopoi g it, 4e66ly.:::gi'iNt'litterAnce t'faeltetttitl:.tieip:4:oo2::;•' .::Y''''';'„:',: :at , 1 44ittli.:.ailiik:)3UtrfieiititeePiei4 ' ,::;i':!:',,,T.:i4:4,lte.,:liktett',#ar:.#li,,lbi.oo4littEn Ifkaari',P'...o4,4d.tfifil;•-*ii:',:iiiii4o.,Piie,e: ;'ateoo(o l o , :;Oilik 4 i*. l o:4l 4l 4' , 4oieilui.44',iiiie4iiioiiiif f - 0Ab6 . *0444 - 40'., ~g,,,„p„,,A :,„,,i.:',t.-,,,*,i,4*-44fir501*,,,,.,,,,,i„m,,,,.%,,Acz,,,,:,4,,c;,,,*:,N,N„w1: .4„ p.:44:.:, ... :' ', f'; . 4 , t.:: : 1 ?,' - '4i4lrsatki44V-Z;i',;ONgll4a‘:*,;laatW.WiP4tl,Vlii ea , - ': , a ,l ' , ' ' •::.,1:4114 7--, , ,,r4.i, 0 ,,, , , :6 , -1.„: , .1.---•'''' ;: ,i . '',;'T -. ' '`'''-- O:4',EN "::: 6.r." . ..!'l':' ik , • t-nt. , :.., ~,W v r' ' ' ~44, 4 ,1.- ,t.. SHOW' US ~ THE FAT .. . , Have ye not seen ELM E when'through parted snows ''"Wake' the first kindlings of the vernal green?. - IVhen 'neath itsmodek-veil-the-arbuluirblows,, And the blue violet , bursts Its mossy screen When the wild - rose, that asks no florist's care, Unfoldedi its rich braves, have ye not seen' Him there? Hate ye not Peen Him, when the infant's eye, Through its bright sapphire window,"allows the mind? in.the trertibling of the tear o 1 sigh Floats fokitthat essence,' treniblinkand refined SaW yet not Him—die Author of our trust, Who breathed the breath of life into a frame of dust? Have ye not heard film, when the tuneful rill ! Casts off its icy chains and leaps away • 1 . 11 thunderacchoing loud from hill to bill ? in song, of birda,at break of summer's day ? - Or in the Ocean's evet•lasting roar, Battling the old, grey rooks, that sternly guard its • shore? %Vhen In the stillness of the Sabbath morq, • . The week's dread cares in tranquil slumber rest, I'llemin the heart the holy thought is born, , And, Heaven's high_ impulse evarnes the waiting • breast, Ifave ye s not felt Him, when your voiceless prayer Swelled but in tones of praise, announcing God. was there? • Show us Ms Father! If ye fail to trace His chariot, when the stars majestic roll, His pencil, 'mid earth's loveliness and.gmee, His presence, in the Sabbath of the soul How can you see Ilim till the day of dread, • When to assembled worlds the Book• al Dooin is read. urnm mmi2o-3Avem,g. THE LOST CHILDREN. Tuner. was sickness in the dwelling of the Ellligrani.- Stretched upon his htimble bed, he ' - depended on' the nursing care which, a wife, scarcely less.cufeebled than himself; was able to A child in its third summer, hadbeen recently laid .-to_its last rest r beneath a turf-motind under their .wind.w. Its image was in the heart of the mother as l 'Slte tenderly ministered to her husband.. ' " I am afraid I think too" much about our little Thomas. so well and rosk, when , ve-lett our old home, scarcely a year since . Sometimes I feel, if - we had but continued there, our darling would nut leave died." The tear which had long treMb i led,.andbaeu • repressed by the varieties of conju gal Loth at thesu words. It freely overflowed the brimming eyes, and relieved .. the suffocating emotions which had striven fitr the mastery. **' " Do not — feproselc,you•rself dear *hus band. Ms time had come. He is hap pier there than here. Let us be thankful for those that are spared." LEIM MEI vammE M . 0011 1 4M75. BY 111!1.5. 8101iUltNEY. alla3 U.O . . walk as brave as you can, that we, may. go home and h'elp mother to set the table." We won't go lo far.the next timeokilt we? Whit is the reation I cannot sae , any better ?.. . • , ' I "Is not that the roof of our house, dear Jahn, and the thin smoke curling up among the trees - Many times before, have thought so, and found , it only a •rOck, on a mist.": - ' • • ateva the destro e The elder had borne a deeper and longer anguish.• Her eyes were open, as though she bad watched till deatlt came ; watched over that:little one,forwhom,thretigh those .days and nights of terror, she had cared and sorrowed like y a mother. Strong and rugged men shed tears;" . when they saw she had wrapped her in her Own scanty apron, land striven, with her embracing arnis to preserve'the Warmth of vitality, even after the cherished spirit. had fled away. The glazed eyeballs were stained, as if to . the last they had been gaz!ng for the father's roof, or the Wreath of smoke that 'guide her there. Sweet sisterly - lore . so- patiently in all adversity, so faithful unto the end, found'it not a rather's - house, where it might 'enter with the little one, and ..be sunderednO more ? Fobnit it not n (Old, - Whence no lamb can wander and - be lost? a maniiion rfam where .there is no death, neither sorrow, nor crying t Forgot it not, all its, sufferings, lorjoy at that dear Redeemer'i Wdlerime,s 'which: in its cradle it bail 'been taughtje: ifsp . ..- 44 $ufter little thikireitiO'coMO unto me, and' forbid them hpf, for of such is : the liingdorri . eav'en." ,Every•sly,,entl,ev6ry pehble,,:,And every. 'flower, ate tutors in the great:. sehoot'of ,antereo6 htstruet . .the, mind and l',irepieite the k(e.ert 7 The :foto' tlementelzsreAhe four , ,:itefultfee, ip tio'hiefi:oll Vie .1,0010; - .00 . , writti4 - .• ' • - , , iih e-'OL ° RED:LiD I 4 . S ,Of:A 3 P 6 O lO SettS ‘hpv,e,fetitip,,'ned advei40,1,,,,ir#11),404,41..„Ni0' MR The more is this to be regretted when the knowledge of their - fellow citizens, in lower walks•of life, would so much dimin Oh their distance from them, and breed i 4 their hearts a feeling -of citizenship as well as of humanity, so much- enlarged ; for matt-is man, whether high 0r.10w,-and it will always be found, however much we may magnify the distinction of society that his actions and feelings do,•after all, spring from his manhood more than from his con dition., A knowledge or the- high' is a , knowledge of many i minim together with many traits ellow feeling that, could never be suppressed. A knowledge of the low, is a knowledge also of many. , noble and lino qualities, together with some vulgar prejudices. There is ever, more distinction in the outward show of ranks than there is within, for when the' two come really to feel 'and weigh' each other, it is not the rich knowing the poor; or the poor the rich, but it la the mart knowing the man, and both togetber Ifn w ing themselves • to be allied 'by nature, le the same God; as they are citizens of the l , same cquntry. llow fine a picture of so' ciety might we hope to realize, through the medium of a perfect system of public' education. What an elevation of manners in the avhole'people,. what respectfulnees to merit in all grades of life, what a friends ly understanding, without jealousy of pre-' ' sere, if we rightly anderstand, is the • cedence or ,character. -Gathering round true spirit, of conservatism. Our social the youth- ith a common interest, we constitution is republiean, and is therefore should share a common pride in their in-' gPilllolls eff'orts ~ at ,improvement. Our • 41 be conserved cute in a republican way; , streets would reveal the dignity, of intellis 1r that i; conservation which b ....., 01ds . .- - , • the , genee and character. Our houties av,ould cants of soreety, as teey are itiNgoon • --- - be abodes of - thrift and self-respect, and ~ - Republicanism admits distinction and, association, but not separation viittiets happiness: 'ank; for separation in non-acq-uaintance We call then upon our citizens to come, • forward and unite in - the common endeavor d that is too close upon the there of hos- citizenship so as to elevate lily. It grades a level of unity in which of a common• we must'all stand together, though it sui- our public schools that all the youth or the city Will prefer them. If they disapprove - fc.rs us to raise out heads as high in 'Worth, of Our plan in any respects, it. is theirs to taleut, property and every sort of eloquence be moulded and amended as they please.' 1 - as we may. 'I here is no danger to (Ruin- We only hope that they. Will aiinat-nO-Fiard—, -----: atitutions - as - long.as we do not separate.' •, • .. • WI improvements, nothing'' s h o r t o f a ,i ".Many of our Countrymen are afflicted i thorough re-organization.' No eubject has ' with on indefinite horror of agrarianism, come before them for manY yeah,'Of, equal, ' r i „; ~ and the rising of the mass e s . We need importance to the Well being. and' honor of ~'„•:# fear no such results, until liner the Nada- ' the city. ...It, is a qitesticiiithaiielittes to the.,..`;'..; ‘ mental law'is rent asunder by a virtual sep- ' mind and itipirit of iti iiiint fieoplit and '_ - ',.4 eration from the masses. But if we havo t h us to every thing eli'af' 'concerns, - their ' ~ti not separation first, we must tate agrarian- happiness—Ole property,' ,there growth' i ' ' ism afterwards, and it will come in terri- and pi et y o r ages t o eomei . s ;.•,• .I'',,N ble sublimity of revenge, to sweep' down, .., all distinctions of character, and overturn ennieriserrr..---Wfieri, I .conaidai 4i#,,,A : -;'s'Al al/.vested rights: And here is the danger Bouroefrom whence christianifylitufapetrO,, , ;t that most thieniens us. It lies in the dis. the ilitelitit: 4 l Of its Oria l itt7"thil Peiefieo 4l l' ' ,g , •'. • /Of' , ' tote'- in - rriel i t its; cre i t tilit„.cz ,e'.,t-, position too often manifest in our : citizens its discip , l.° 0 - that have begun to be distinguished, espe- ' tile iniglq sway it bainirede•ilOt , ,niirsV . chilli in property, to withdrew from the ovor the civilized world;bitt Which, Chris;*' ' masses, and nurse an upstart feeling of lien Inissidna era ll'ou rli e xtiTdi?i,, , ( *4, V . 1 4 ' They put on affectations" which larrioas;•enttliees.ind itObAItIIO9,,Z;AP • , , , . are greatly in - advance of their station,' own the• awful pmettee .. , ,, ,tit.,41 , , , ,F . ~,, , 1 , , l ' and lay thentselveioutto be mote distiect notbing less thartpe.',Piiinitt o# 44tril l e'0 , ;• 7 „ than our law of society Petinitii. 'There doll(' it i Tita Patt i e! s Oha PI e ~,f.,1!,4 1k 4:`,47r i t , need's to be more graceful and •plidotirsphie superstition 'Of the earth, were, Acr)i* . - - a,,; submiesion to this laW, else we might Pa.' . lagoinst itt it bad no 5w0114040,310'i'1A,t441C:4??4,i .... . YPOilifik,lloiiti•;`; - A . petit that' eocietrwill become enabiti ire4.*yitette,lo,ll:. ~ At alul sundered into,boitile fragmentl...4.; ite Was `aiti*lffie*--' ,:''-',:f , "' , in this view 'of the cominen "sill eartl4 • ~, a riaoooo;,-,:: A ICI meaning that Whie l f iC (4 ettlatkr,oo* ' IF ( ' fia *A-* l l itt' '''''``• , ..4 ' all, is eminently republican • aria, glae teentegitiP,lritt4P:'.'`, , z %; ii4f,.. 0 0 - .o l # llo4 >attahis-t,y regarded :as the strongest enti.ll , •• fe a or B gObita ea* •:"Y„4) ifueo6e; for here the .oliiideap j aretpu i ,P0it,4000 1 ,4* „,?Im, ~..,,,, , 1, t -1 il h' ' ht''''ite elAnalititeieri, , 'lt . .'s, i , ,u 3).0c1i..g , toge..mr - ell— -r0ug,..?°417-- , e.,,',.,i-V..,„, r,, ifietien with•their kho,rq o Pillit,'' c %iv ) ).I.* ' oeAnoitiOn The, ot#or:h9ol4rAttr 'A6C-citOqal9'.P":,ll4P'" 111 AiDf 9 ALEN.16: DY THE LAZE V. 8. KEY, MI . . Td the hall& that feast came the sinful and fair, 'She heard in the city that-Jesus was there ; • . .ing — tire — svfMtha aze. on the .card, ShOilently knelt at the feet of her Lord. The hair on her forehead, so sad and so meek,ltun c-ot darVon the blushes dial burnell on her, eltNr, And so sad aild so lowly She !melt ui her shame, It seemed that lan-spirit had fled frortihar frame. The flown and the Murmur went sound through them all," That one soliallOwed shotild tread in that hall; And some said the poor would be objects more meet For the wealth of the perfume alio ahoweed on his feet! Shohearli but leer SariOur,.aho atioko but tear's, She vlar'd not ludic up to the heareo . o.f.his eye!' Atid the hot tears gitsh!d forth, at each heave of her , . ~ ~ . briast, • •• • , As lier . llpS , to his sandals were throbbingly imess'l . . In the sky after tempest, as shineth. the bow, In the glance of the 'son-beam, as melteik the snow ; He looked on the lost one, her sins areforgii•en, And nary went forth in the beauty of Heaven, REPUBLICANISM OF PUBLIC SCHOOLS; . _ Whe RePublican character of our Amer ican system of 'Common Schools, its-value and importance, ere strongly set forth in the following Report of . a CoMmittee at' Hart ford,tonn,,: of which Rey. ItOrace nell is chairman, and which we find in the . hit number 'of-the . t.:Onneacut- Com Mon School Journal; " When- all the children of the 'moat Wealthy and influential families are with drawn from the ptiblic..schOol, it ceases of necessity, to have protnincOce in the pub liC eye, and draws no warni circle of ex pcetation rutind.it. chari ty school, in which we might fuel the kW wrests of charity, nor kit on. the. other school dignified by its pronthience as.. a common centre of education. It is'.a malt paOperized independency, which , falls wtw'con all categomies arid moves us neith-' er in the way of respect nor.bettevolence, The ehildren - feel thpniselves to be enpriv elege.d:in,their.attehdance-7-and their pa rents hare only a cold despairing interest in; the forlorn establislnueill to - which they. are doomed to seta them. Ilow'difrerent e case, if they could see their sons and' daughters in the .same — school' and with those :of the most distinguished es: engaged in a trial of talent and manners, to: them: sometimes_ c ass good..imiii honored by public notice, at examinations; passing, at length, into a' High School, whereby they are in s tructed in elegant learning and science;. going home to speak at their simple table of the great facts' of science, to discuss questions, or suggest Listeful thoughts. What a light and warmth would this give in the bo s som of a pont. lam- y, or one just.rising into character. How 'kindly would it bind. the hearts of the pa rents to society, a,s . ,s whole: how genial the influeni!e it would shed upon their.hum ble Walk. In such a ease the children are not trained to hate those above them, but ()ply to emulate them; heeause'they now see there in; justhe and frietuhthip for them, ;Hardt:a they are encouraged on all sides to aim at the highest excellence. doping Z4ll32MiZia 1r,2211a with ihoe'e of •Laceditinod. , They divide society a the root by an " assortment I'lth - e t. tankeot childhood putting' the two perdu, into ion-actittaintimce,_and .;to u:•.1 notice.... They ..a r re, therefore eminently unropublican and dangerous.: And, there.l for& your,..cOmmittee feel it no undeytit. king qaii be of more ;se"ous Consequences' to, .otir 'Athericaii . :iti;eps, than to make our public•sehools So ..perfectin their Char acter, that all the citizens will prefer them; • and cluster round them .t.o feel' the' bonds of a, common interest, and inspire the children with a common desire of, excel= Nor should' we omit to say that an edu- - cation- began at the common school is, ita many respell; hetter,then a 'private school can Yieht. It does the children of liigher 'families good; to sit - on • a level %with the ehildreit of . the lower, and if it must be so; to.hesurpaSsed by them. It makes theni 'respect merit; delivers ill= of their im practicable conceits; and inspires them with a sense of justice. It . is a great 'ad.. vantage also to know society. Hence the' child -who is brought up exclusively in private school, and does' not know the pem ! ple, is not:qualified . to act a'part amongst' theril. Their feelings; . prejuflices,;tastes; deficiencies are-all unknown to him. His . knowledge is more exquisite. than. 'the — Werl - d.is,..aml his character is pradtically. unamerianized: , doing into life . as . statelnian, .or a lawyer, or in almost any. other capacity--Ite'ivill go-under a'decided . disadvantage. Ile* small a thing is it, in deed to teach children the 'names 'of motin tains and rivers, • and other things equally distant-from them., When .they do not real.: ly know their own neighbors ancl'countryi:' men. I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers