Vote negatiri-ix th'pjl4l.lorttleyetsharter of the Far l ntersZ t galtif. otterkaCtiontiwax t rei?Oltaidered v and 4feW -'" 01) . t il liAsT 3 -0 3r - :: 4. 3 ; .9i:? . AF.1i 10 ' 13 - , Ili- , D, ar'sle;' 0 00440410Ye.ri . .. r es ented -toAhe-ohairit-supplemen, • ..• e resolution passed at the late. ‘saatotiirelittivd to the -payment of interest to the ptmestib•Creditors, " Ilitqit#44 - 44e..44Iiiiideiiiitiie:dai fiqtrintiortiow. ..,.,IP- ; 9m,,#ottse of RepreseMati;es, 7 . oletitiona were txe_ . tfeiti . tt iiir the abOliihment of the Clonal Of General .14,6 1 41iiii4fi the gity..itnd,Cotinty,iif:Philadelphia. ' . ,...,elqtr.tetts presented a petition ‘ . .latkve to a tax 1 4.14:#fi of the-,Coliimbia • khiik. Mr. NV , -a resolution'tn inthorize the Canal t liiirithOtirers ~ to examhie'i r otn Oie-.:...oittims: for k2 , 2l.l4o: o o`9'_ 6 'P r e' i *cr i . ek Fedelf':- - - - .. :- . : tr y:titArbefOrcl repOrted 'a Joint : restdotiOn for dig , iltiPti!ittg• a"tiertititt number of thtieepies of the Co!o- • milif - Records renaaining in the * State Deportment l'Aiihibiii.' the' , nietnbire,,6flieeis .and , ele . rks Or both . houses; and the remainder, if 'any,iiniong the Col- . . • egeti, Y .Anisdemitis, and public libraries dint havuttot yet retelvedthenA.,. The :resolution was read a se-; • g aged and ttljr4.tillee, And passed: ~I,A4r.t Karns submitted a resolution to make it the r.duty of -the State .Tressurer to countersign all the • •fitelidf Isiues that arein . oworaball hereafter come Treasury; which was'ard-on the table. nie" Defoid reported a Bill to regulate Stook, leernliang: and other brokers. This bill netptires 'hat a license be taken out,, which can be procured ' ; „tiftle Treasurer of the Cuitmypon payment of $5OO. ." now.doing httsinesmiliali Continue to do ea without first obtaining a license, undei• a p i gnalty ' of $5,000 and not less than one, besides being sub ject tb be imprisoned. Several -penalties are , . im posed for shaving the notes of , specie paying Banks • ( and the Belief Issues to a greater amountthan three .per cent. And also, if, any Broker shall publish -eny thing having a tendency to depreciate the Relief ^ :Notes, Ice. he shall be fined a sum not exceeding fppoo. - or less than $5OO, and be imprisoned. ' The Bill relative to die Minor colored piipidatien • :of Pennsylvania was rejected on third reading. The .bill for the removal of the tinat ofJuitiee from.D.anv •rvilleto Blooniabtfrg was passed by a vote of 40 to ST. Ttts TARIFF.—The House took up_the 'resolu• tions,' partially acted upon at the last session, rela tive to a Protective Tariff, to which there was an, Amendment pending, offered by Mr. l)eford in favor of a Tariff for revenue only by. the imposition of discriminating duties. Mt.. Bonsai' moved to amend the amendment so as that Pennsylvania shall-refuse to accept her share of the proceeds• oi, the sale - s Of Mc public lands, and recommending that Congress had better have devoted the revenue marrying on the Government than resort tip - a Trelf. Thequestion, after debate was taken on the amend - -anent of Mr. - Bonsai'', end rejectiirb this foll owing ' YEAS.—Messrs. Barret, Bauchnsan, .BonsalL IBugheCook, Garretson, Griffiths, Hancock, Lcet, M'Cabal+Macinanus, Montgomery, Moore( Berks,) 'Painter, Roumfort, Scott, Slicalk,Snider.lB " 'NAYS.—Messrs. AndrewS; Apple, Banks, Barr', !Bean, Beaver, Beeler, Beers, arawley, Brodharl, Brunner, Clark; Correy. Cortright, Crab!), Culver, Cummins, Beard - , Dunham, Dunlapjlbauglo, Elton, . ttwell,Eyre,Pauss,Felton,Pergtson,Pogel,Forematt Futhey, Gamble, Haas, Halm, Hanna ; Hill, Holder-. _banm,_,loluistm,;-Karusl- Kin-nab', Kerr,-KieV'er, Kugler, Lane, Laverty, Lee, LOWlTi . :ll'lll,ire, Critm,-.M'Farren, - AVWilliarni, Ninrchand, Moore (Hunt'n,) Morris, Murray, Musser, Packer, -Pennell, Vicki ug , ,Pollock, Pottieger, Roes, Royer, Itualt,Sharswond,Sherwood,Stranh,Thomas.Trego, .Vanvalzah,NVeihel, Weston, Wilson, Wright, Snow den, Speakdr.-74 . • • Mr. Macmanus offered An amendment to be add ._ - . eat° Mr. Deford's,-declaring the passage of the distribution act; under the embarrassed circnni- • stances of the National Trenauryino onlyise and it. vxpcAlit4 measure.. - This was agreed to.—Yeas, 57; Nays '3'2. Cri•Msera. - 113A1t12 and CULVERI voting • ' in the affirmative!!! Mr. Wright thenanoved stittite for the original resolittions and the amend mentof Mr: Defiird, to be added to Mr. Ali:emu:us? amendment, in - which form the. resobitinns passed `second reading. Mr. "%Frights resolutionsare in these 'words: "Resolved, That the, Legislature of Pennsyl nia recognizes the doctrine of laying_importi on the commerce of foreign countries coming into the U. States,ufficient - nnly to defray the ordinary expenses of the General Goverenient,., and that a Tariff ex- • ceetling thaCtiniiiiitit is oppressive in, its effects on the consumer and improducti Ve of' any good to the couin'ry. Resolved, Tfiat oneSetintors in Congress arc in structed, and our representatives reqttestett to use theitVinfluenee in theadjustnient of a Tariff on these principles. • • • The resolutions were ordered to be transcribed • for a third reading by Yeas 55; Nays 35. Several petitions were presented for the sale of • the improvements and against further taxation. Mr. Kidder presented a petition' fo-1 reduction in the number of officers empldyed Olathe North Branch - Canal and of their salaries. • • • . • The bill to annex the County of Schuylkill to the ' • Eastern District of the Supreme 'Court passed final leading. ' •The bill to extend the charter of the Farmers' and Mechanics' Dank was again under censidera- Sion.; the - vote negativing it having been reconsidered: • : The resolution submited by Mr. Darsie relative to the Payment pr. ioteiTst, to the Demestic Cretll _ tors came up, and was considered until the hour of adjournment. The Governor sent' in his nomination of John Carothers as an Associate Judge of Erie County. • The House spent the entire morning in the con, aideration of.amendments. made by the Senate to cekitin House bills. . / Tux - Lumen Busizess.—Mr. Soltna,of the Kens•i ington Hank, has been several days and . was 'under examination by the Investigating CoMmitteet 'but nothing satisfactory could hew:rung from him.,: His answers tQ the Mitestronti.prcipoUntlMl tti.`.hhq' sere of this character: "I cannot recollect"—"J do pot • reinemlter.'! !,'lt Iti is possihie . for me to say.'' The • Committee room ha" *en crowded, neatly every ilay t .Ex 7 Metialters aqd.others., are hette..•,Ovid:F: -. Johnson and Judge Barton have tteen here, and:the • former underwear au exainittutloq, Lunderstand. 'HARRISBURG, Jenti 27th; 1'842. • In the Senate, to : dni,, lir, Headley reported a bill for a new, cOunty,.solm. cello.' Madison, Dimwit reported shill to ian• and establish •a h7iebetween the countiee df , Luzerne and Wiont. iiw,--Pr?Option Mr..D..tho-bill,.was, taken up, 4.4rlllo!tOrriti *),(1 tune and famed. rTljiirsie submitted a resolption calling upon Genenil to' famish the . Senate' with a • itiitt*Onl s , , th'e ''amounl :ciedit'.epiept , d uppn th the — ,l)eptattnent, underthe provisions of ike : *olittion'.of .April 7, 1842,* relative to the paymentefOteresqo the Domestic Creditors. The resolution ~ Waig ,titen read, ea second and third lime ankpaseo._, .1. •• • , •*. . ,ill l. ;,'Pirkraap reported a bill to enable the Banks I.e, stock.. • . , The Bill• 192, extend tho.ctiarter col the Permers', ) MeOhartics' Bank of Philadelphia, was read.a tlmpospo pawed—Yeas 15; Nays 14: • • • 11f4. 0 11 0.14 8 payment of the Domestic Credj too - piider,discuesiait some :time-.when , hen, after ii4),o(l4eiide,d, 4 .101 to' pay all the rediteTpro - *Tifebl . ll for.lha coniityuctieti Of an- ootletisock 'l4,lltacol=4 1 1.1,i'vviii0 41- 07 1 Tif Ora reading-T-1S , ~clj am9g an 11iisie, the vote • negativing , `44 4 M 41, s4,4dp', I!!,o,lltonoptrys' and other °tricorn tikiffil*iglitkifeetk.jneert4in cases, AvaLroconsidt , ored, and 4tlerthe bill had keen amendediVpassed: fine/ ~.ioading t . • t tott 1 fn,the-thoue,, , qutnErAus petl,l4nii werr.lireatmed Os th'esiiii thitimenf of 'Broicerage intbiti Cern n iap.. 401t6, . - -litie-fOr•tifeittnillairnenrOfthe Ciiert o r G et i.: Areat Siiiiiiceik in'itie city. iirtii;eoquity, of thilladelpiiiii; .orgiitiiii‘e,Ciiiniiiiiiitlei-Ofin'Outtet fiaok i #l;lllaelt•# . sibbi::valheithill;for-t.b4 iiriiiiijii" , or ig'iiewe,-Oonty Mlt• - .o4PatilkoflAtttemii4dhemalPetWypiiiingi wee read # third time and palmed; ' - . ' , .: , 3:. f4 l . ~ i 4 ,,,‘: laarnalitiiiibthilto.4lh.foll6winijiilliftieio*iiin Afhith Jimkeing:xr.ead ; 00ditee4•-i Motto leughter.a..• 4 4 ,Anieeme.,tio AtipcirtionntenCetll , llitety piisietP,ht. '4o l 94,l l 9SeAfiC9Pi3gCtiaa , f i tid 'le, 415 be. 1. Winds , ;01, the Pertodent for his approval,* ill, thstppleggtAr thi Ultile 9.PPt.M.stitltill,Oku Ineriant ,in. .m r) WeAt•qpon.tite rglierved.- 1 14 ks°o l `"?Rtfiti*":, ', , erefoo,-„ktOply,e4- 7 Tha Arnold mud ,101-, bal.., a dome 71 - 1 5 0 v; 9141 ifoliee, ;pit not ; hecvararn#l. bY, iff prorieione'ela hkiiii ttle'Pli.lie is 46.6'natiqiiiC/442! •UM on the , table t` ''.' ' '" '' `,. -‘ - LiMi-; 4 TV-dltei/ irekoliitit :ICBM :lo iiiintirtiorate the North aili!,,o l Mimi ComO ~y T ry r• ;••= .i i , 4 . . ~ • • fl? ; _* A ir f,'Ml id it l6 : 7 : ." ; ) t virrA Hill pawed the Ileum of rtepreecintativei &I . I the 21 et, inst.:, for the' pay:hat - of delfteAo the Borliestic' yet 12i1 de'd dfieetA • rv:A “!;ii .*•;: That:Air tmcceroreelloinm9Pletqled - the lief bowie of the' banks,. noWirk. the . treaste:y,, , win ea MAT .1) ,FIaCEIVICD, TAIRI9IIfi . : excepting such maybe canceliedor directed Who cancelled .by; law, (exeepting so Much . as now , is. or, hereafter' may be a ppropriated by law to defray the ordinary expenses of the gavernmeeti to the, common school 'f un d, and for repairs ..oh-ithis, finished Bee 4,the • pu blic works,) - fur'education purposes end to pay pensions and. gratuities,',aie - hereby specifically ap r, the payment °Puck creditors of the State ashave received,' orwho are entitled to credit for theamount of their claims'ow the hooks of the'' Auditor General, bearing interest from the 4th day of May, one thousand eight hundred erid.fety one, by, virtue of a'resolUtion passed the seventh ditS , of April, one thousand eight hundred and fort Y-two, including the retained per tentage on all Work done prior to the said 4th day of Manend all payments heretofore made to,contrictors; shall be , applied to' work done prior to the 4th May 1841; and also to. the'Paymeht of,ench creditors as have claims upon the - StriWfrilliaiiiiiiidiailairs, and new work done, anctdameges or material furnished, or fuel fog' locomotives, on the finished lines 'of canal and rail roads, prior to the first day of December . And when the of the aforesaid creditors shall have bee n paid; then to the .payment of all • those having claims entered on the books of the, Auditor • General for work done after the said fourth day of one', housand eight hundred and fortjr-one, up to the fifth of April one thousand eight hundred and•forty-twoi - -Prosided, - That the ciaritrite i tors on the• Erie and. North Branch extension shall not be entitled to the benefit of this' act, unless they forth-. with suspend all operation upon said works until otherivise directed by law; and that those creditors 'of the Commonwealth who signed receipts and 'vouchers for. their claims in advance or prevtous to i the time of the actual payment, of the same, shall. be allowed interest up to the time of' actual pay ment,-according to the provisions of the act of the • seventh of .April, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two: Provided, That all the creditors entitled to be_paid under_thie act. shall bvpaid Pro rata in ' proportion the several sums due each.". • Fits this bill ,the members of Bib House voted . as follows:. - • . itOrs o • YEA S.-=-MeSsrs. Apple, 'Banks; BA RR, Barrett •Bauchman, Bean, Deaver, .Beeler, Donnell, Braw ley, Broadhead Clark, Cook,-Cortright, Dunlap; Elwell,. Foltint, Ferguson, Fogel, ; Gamble, Garret eon, Griffith,i , natts,',Hancbck; Beekman, Hill,: Johnston, Karns; Kerr, Kugler, Laverty, Lee, Lect, LovrrY M'Cahen,VCruni, MaCintinus Marchand !. Martin, Montgomery, Moore, -(Berke) Murray, Packer,Fainter,.Pieking,rellock; Patinger,-Ross, Ruinfort, Ryan, Shenk, Sherwood, Snyder, Straub, Thomas', Weisel, Weston, Wilson, Wright, Snow : den, Speaker.-68- NAYS.-,:-Messre. Andre wit, Beers, Boone; Brun ner, Bugher, Covey, Crabb, CULVER, Cum. Mins. Deford, Dbatigli,.Elton ' Eyre, Fauns, Fore- Man, Futhey, Hahn, Hanna,Holderhaum, Retme- , dy, ' Kieffer, M'Clure, M'Fdrren, M'Williants, Moore, (II unen) Morris,' Mussser, Pennell; RoYer, Rush, Scott, Sharswood, Stevens, Trego,,Vanval, zah,. yon,Neida.-30. .. • •'• - ' • item:irks Mr. - Slevens, On the Bill to prevent the furtherissue of Relief Notes by 'the Banks. - • - STEVENS said-4 do not know that' the Gentleman from CraWfOril (Mrs Lowry) designs to misrepresent me; I am bound,,however, in charity, to suppose that he does not, though Were I to look to the facts, ( could hardly come to any other conclu; 'sion. The Gentleman has held out the pretence . hafiire • the House that' no- new issues have been made by the Eriel3ank since the last session of tho -Legislature. I appeal to, you, (Mr. Dunlap in the Chair) for ,I recollect that; you stated •on this floor at the last session; that the .brie Bank had. then issued leis thtin $lOO.OOO of the relief .notes;_ and I have - it ort . good'information, which.l do not doubt, that if' has issued- $lBO,OOO now, and' that more than §525000 have been issued since both branches of - the,Legislature, by decisive majorities,' passed a prohibition of s uch issues. The Gentle . . man may attempt to mislead the House and the people by saying -that no new arrangement was made, and that credit was entered upon the books of the Bank to the use of the State, before the last. session. Sir, Ido not mean to say'he speaks-false; but, in the language of an old writer, he ','speaks the thing that is. not.". I, saw the correspondence between that Bank and the Executive authorities, and it did not contemplate, passing to the credit of . the Commonwealth a dollar that was on the books of the Bank. But, on the contrary, it proposed in distinct and huxtering terms, that if it were allowed to select its creditors—the - contractors to whom it' was to issue the notes---it rvonld, go on , and issue $360,800. And as the Gentleman iota you last winter. that in :consequence of that ,awipilling proposition (and I do, net include thirExeciitive in this transaction. and the Gentleman has misunder stood ino inittipposing so.-for I leave the inference to be Arawn,according to the truth) the Bank had shaved the contractors out of ten per cent; and there was a clause Inserted (at his suggestion) in a bill thatwas passed, that the Bank should refund the ten 'per cent out of which it had robbed them.— And yet he tells us ,that prior to that, time there was a credit entered to the credit of 'the Common ' Wealth, and that they were shaving as the brokers , of the Commonwealth, arid buying -up the con tractors' estimates at ten per, cent discount ! Sir e is not this within the memory of. every gentleinan within the sound' of. my voice? Yet he would' deceive, mislead, and falsify the facts by tolling us here; in the broad and open day, that, not a dollar has been issued by, that Bank since the adjourn; ment it the last session; and that the whole of. the Bank money of the Commonwealth passed to the credit of the Coremenwealth anterior to that time. Sir, that Gentleman knows little of the hie of 1841, as his whole 'Conduct hes showm There is ,no provision in' that law authorizing a•shigle dollar-to be,credit'of the Treasury of the,-Com inonWealth; Warty bank in the State.- If that law bo eitientid. the:rot:mays; commonly' called.'.. relief notei,": are to be aent to the Treasury hero, counted, marifed end paid. out to contractors; and ift*ty other arrangement is moile,:iiiiii'eontraly and wee never Made ivith - the Erie Back,`" Now, Sir, I callmpoii you 'and every Gentleman present to say, k whsither I misrepresent facts:with a view of o dium casting, on .the ,Governor. I, paid not' aiicuir about the;Goidixini. .But I said that the Erie Bank has;for her own selfish gain, flooded' the Conimonwealtb with ' the amount of four times its 'capital --that it has issued all this irredeemable 'trash, and deserves to be censured by every honest - man - ni - the - CommonWealth: -.. WW vote Can do'it, the honest man, who took the small notes Shall be protected by making tat Institution I mean 'the - president and Directors of lt-qer,- sonabry liable; and they ' hell redeem what 'they is sued so'diShoniohly, - iiieciin. And even' the !Ow of non•iniprisomfie'nt for debt shall not save them from the *ads of a jail ; unless they redeem in the coin of the country the money theyA, have sold at ten per cent advance. The Gentleman eayethst'. an effort hes been made to 'cry it :down. Now, what better Is it,'l should like !Mow; than that abominable ir.aStkisPled::by the TOwenda add signed *. Dyer;and Boyd?" Itid no beiter,.:— . the one is just as opPrimitr-as the otheritistied impose upon'. the honest lebOrer,'from a little'lwO• peiny r shop, , ,conducted by a few avaricious• nabobs foethaturpose - of - Inatiiirirffiondy ; :blf - tlfirneceelsi.: - ties of the' people 'and'tbd State.-_Mat, air;le.the -estimation in which I holJsuch • These traria actions are not only., calculated to, rob the ;lobo' r, of, his hire4Ao'inahe worthless - .the tra ffi c s oR the country,' brit.te corrußtand - tlegrislo the 2circu laden, end;t4:i.bind us faster In.' the if these inatitul; tiona. they are_ to sanctioned, they lyCa the:luisiness - of theConienunity, t emtby Proatrating.tunsitniai,, and li m aineth - e .:§t a t e cwith . obligations, Crush - all that cothowithiri griipei . . the Gentleman diyi . •ElitOri4POlcen' ugetnist the. Dameadd , Craditorp: haveTdone such thing. I ha v e said; go °friend' pay,vlbetrf. indrieY' ',that is width semething: ...But - thO Gentleman Lattiebriof expect me to.put on ft he:tailietobtirigalto put only par.With,ffiese Who lase !filthfullyfulfil*P ed their centoictir, authetixed ilaw;ipzeir thel 4th' "of. Witiyislfteli those men who *anti,* with their 3oprh... r whd thought thit they'would make fortninip"' front the Commonwealth, by going •on , : after= that I dine, without - authority , Of law , plan toq shit State and running the , risk t of getting VererNistilnatetteinitlie'lit and :mate lap teethe danger andrisit ofgetiing.xotbk, g ,7 'Sir, they ,are a yerY , '.dillbreiit while I would pay one,-; , tri:.thalvertlast -, dollar iof coin in,theecountry,.l wOuld'eirtti the. other, you *Ask ppi nowlavej unless youveen- satisfy us-i;• ii s legal" contract, AWd.if you ate ,10°.be. paid at ibis not iebe tr tithe ;When ,wel . itti grinding the fanner, the Moyhttnic and , the laboyer i with,faxte i fo y) the Inirnse.of,heaplrtg,nponTon,,princelyfor- - t es of vvlne .biked4b44tatitii"-fffilliff on lessJy r in yiele\ion'of yotii', : The YMYlthy specOife'r,,WhitlPefaifilfhitifesi,iiirriOieb :lllltetfot_!the,stimo-kieatneent, the ',aiiMe 'o,iMp4thy is the honest eontrietoi whir obeyefil:thelaWiand stopped when his ~ contract. demanded and, the au thorities of the rise? /Mated him': AMI " yet ,these 'are the men for Wheel ene Gentleinen's'bevielii are a&povverfully, and tome whe: are near him, so,disa gMeably Moved, for. the . mete laboyers:ete tr a paid, long rtgo:, have been, Working on the `grie Caner since the 4th of l i vitty; 1841; httework ed withtint authority, and now bring.u'elaim eflahlot• the State for tnotethhh'. $l5 0%0 00 forli:- We pass ed two or: three bills last *inter to , stop . them; , ,deaot know' what' became of them , --d -suppose, though, they are Ind away among the ,weatepaper, or.are in'the'Goiverrior's,breeches'poaket. , And in the meanwhile, no _doubt,;these men • have - been .going 'On, with the , work—man; home, jackass and oxen. I suppose they areto eornein for:three or four months end are to be Put on the-lame, foot ink with honest men - who did Winkacarding tO law. The Gentleman.(Mr. Lowiy)-says;,,for he seems •te be, I think; rather personat—that I',hive not - made - ufarty ( ifeterids - b - conta - e - h - ere, - Itli-rciard to these cre itora; • Fiiehde and dois the Gentle man expect me- to 'make friends by sacrificing my opinion, and my sense, of duty?.to make friends of the hungry claimants, by forfeiting what I be- Hive to be my 'duty to the, CoMmenwealth—duty to my,. 'col] ec term e, and to thy ob, ervance . of the oaih I have taken to support the Constitution and laws Of 'the "State? And yet Gentleman ads montahes me that i.ean make more friends by , pur suing a different course. .Sir, I have no doubt of it; but I have always had the unfortunate fashion gf,sayih'g what ` I thought; regardless of . who'll I pleased or whom I offended. As long as I have the liberty of spiech Mid' of thought, I shall con tinue io do so, influenced by no fear , of making enemies, and no hope of making friend!. And nothing on earth will ever induce me to depart from that course. I beg the Gentleman not to hope to intimidate me with the' threat of the loss of that popularity, which' is not worthy a decent man's aspiration, and which none but% blackguard would court. " +pro• 1 t . Temperance '-Celebration of our National Independence.- ' .4 PROCESSION ofthe friends ofTernperance IX.- in our borough and from numerous other places will be formed on the 4th of Jul . ; and, af.:. -ter-marching-througli-the-boroughr-will -proceed to a grove near , "The Rocks,'! in - the: neighbor-, hood-',of our town s with music and banners.— There they ptirpose to devote the day to. the I &Soso of Temperance, and'of social enjoyment. Speakers, Chairs and 'Musicians have been en ,gaged for the occasion.. • All the friends of,Tcmperanco every.where are invited to join us; and especially the Temperance societies ofthecounty, including Juvenile- Socie ties, with their respective bannerk and . The children of the Sunday*houlsi - and all the of the borough ere respectfully invited to join inthe procession under their reepeotive teach ers. • The presence ortTio CLERGYMEN of the Thirough and County is most respectftillfselioited. ' The citizens ofCarlisle and . vicinity—not mein hers of Temperance Secieties—are - 'also respect, hilly invited to participate with us . in the exercis cs;and festivities of the occasion, • . The Lungs of Carlisle -and vicinity aro respect fully informed . that -the Committee of 'Arrange ments are making ,extensive. provision for their accommodation: Surely they will not withhold their-countenance from this cause, on the Success' and final triumph of which "ti;pencl . the -interests of their husbands; fathers,' brothers and friends, as well as their own present peace and future-pros pects.. ' . Refreshments will be• provided for all who are in attendance. The common Badge recommended by the ap propriate committee, is a piece of blue ribbon to to be 'worn un the left breast. It is hoped that 'every member of a temperance society will wear a, badge on that day. gee the.Prograinme of the procession, and exercises, in another column of this paper.' . ln behalf of tho Committee of Arrangements, ' • M. CALDWELL: - '. RENIGK" ANGNEY, E. PENDEGRASS, NATHAN HANTCH,' WILLIAM IRVIN. Those Sorieties which .purpose eels brating with us will please give Its early, in formation. To •the members of the 'Cumber. Co. Temperancoliociety. The viecutive CorrimittSe of .the,Cumberland county Temperance Soelety session this day' Resoles hat, it is hereby recommended to fill our male - Members without regard to age, to wear the badge which has • been \ selected by the Committee' of Arrangements on the 4th of.fuly,and to take their places in the procession which ;is to be formed at the Court House, at, 10 o'clock on that day. 1 i • ' The objectof the foregoing resolution isfird, to suggest to all Mir members their duty as the friends of Temperatce, on the day of our :public celebra;, tions; /and secon - dfy; to call the attention of all basic; of whom there' are Imlay 'scores among . the memberli, tO,this fiubject.' We hope. they . .w ill all Wear their badges, and welkin. the procession on the 4th of July. • ' heAtilf of the Executive Con,. . , M.. CAPDW.4I4I". • FOR' THE CARLISLE HARALD AND.EXPORITOIL Tetzwerance Celebratiori of She 4th EDlTOR:—Termit . one of committee of - AvrariginifelitilidisngiesaiVe:ei - thVee duties which seem to lie peculiarly demanded . of the; Carlisle Temperance Societies,' on the day of our preksed celebration. in order to give to'the. occasion the: . higesi. degree of interest,--. • . fat All , the inetirbere, ,vrithoal regard tp ,•seji;" 'elti Glil ' bP Oteelet on the gretld , if 'the selenium ;and the state of their heritlx.perrnit.. . • , 2(1.'2111 the t MenibersLlMen an d boys should. •• . " - 'finmin he procession at the .Court • House -. and march . to the ground: • • • • .r - " • " • 3d. They should cleidgdatedr - tbs . tern And.`';France badge ; -dthlrhey Edynkijiji_hia. Lta'-estend-ell-npces.: 'airy toilie Mrangitie -ho'home hrto - ctil& - bhtte,wgh p1.7.p puraph co , qui. Ovitation.: :ORDOC"0. - THE,; - "DAY ForthelTempetenee celebration . of the. • At JO o'eleeh, M., the ''PnXesoton• 'be ratified by the Marshalleitriii their Aegistitote, et thi, , Cdtirl Mabee, :the';''right of 'the ,'• opposite t Heripylir eitreet:facirig the I +2. ,Oldtbrvittbe'd l 4 4 , thefre ', ad 6 r, •,,,„;tiOn, ;,itence: , ;s.; invited Vheirs t Inll - 4enire fir *inile; t 4riairgetiente. ; ; ACltqv'eroa4 ctergy, -- - 1.1.1 o . o Viir,Olfrg**6 1 1, 1 ,d 6 m l / 2 1 , 11 194, 0 ' 441341 ' ' ' "i.'"Disthigilithed'etrerisere,, , , , It .PC 4 .4 0 9. 13 TFRPIR9Oq ; ; Dicki',4°° o o * - ge TlPWerlitePttlOcie4.,` Othdi Tem p erancep plinoties,pf peu4ty'in . ” ,the , ,order: v.rhtett.:,they nispert as tb , the .Obramill: 4 6''of Arnwr amen t s or Me*etittili. loyenile Temperance 'S'eicietieti:44ll4oth..their .. , respeetivi) , Bannekireitd• Badges:: ' 9. • Thif' ineliatailitlof • the:reptietlisice Efikietie's-of Id. 'llOye tifithe Sund'ay'Schtieltei" • 'Bejre'cirthe; - Coinintill'lSblioltds; tinder , tlibir • t,tlilPßetiveTetiehers. ' • , ' ' The probaseion thus formed' will then prObeed Mein• street to, Wimf stieeC7-along WeeiV Street to Loutheistriiitiown. Linither, !atter:to Dedfoid atteet-41ong street-=up ?t?ain streatto.gemoier street-"Jown . Penciver_ toTonf. fret street-up Pomfretistreet to Weet stteset; und along West. street to the place) rendezvous; where eats and other accommodationi will' be pre , i Yideds forthe aisambly. ' The, Ladies and the 'children; eintiected . With the departnients of the Sundsy fd4lioOle, and Common Schools of the Berough, are kespecgWly requested to assemble atureeaz the Seceder 'Church at 11 e'clock,Und unite with. the'proCesuilon when it arrives at thatplace. ‘ . • - After arriving at the place-of 'celebration, the meeting; will be, organized by the' appointment of suitableotfi cars, whey the Declaratiod 'of Indepen dence -aill•be read by 5. D. Avian, Esq. - , and an Address delivered by Profeisor cCLrriroot. Al - about - 2 o'clock the assembly - willlblifidie to partake of a,dinner provided by the Committee of Arrangement% to . be followed by sundry speeches and sentiments' appropriate to the occasion. At the close of the exercises the procession'will return!to town, in the seine order in which they, go .te the ground.- ' • . • . • P. 8. - The Marshalla to be deliignated by a Scarf,. 'of blue Ali; and'a batoon. .4 •.. , .. • ' • - • . , M. 'CALDWELL, ' , • C. 11PCLURE, . . .. . . •• • . ,' W. . IRVIN.' . • REVIEW OF.THE MARKETS'. ' PMILADELPHIA,..Iuue 25;184^. ' 'FLOUR.-Dfo material dome from the last re port.. Plour $5 . 624 per.bbl. Rye Flour Corn Meal $2 62. • . • GRAlN.—Wheat $1 25 Eli. bailie!. Rye 68, Copt 58-atidGate.Bs. • WHIESKE . Y.--This article is - 20 cts, per gallon. CATTLE,--Beeves $5 a $7 - pct . 100 Ibi.— Mi!eh Cows $22 a 32; dry Coves $8 a 10; .Springers $ll a 18. Hogs $3 a 4per 100 lbs. Sheep $1.60 a 3.50; Latithe $1 a 2 each. - ,BAIiTIMOR.D, June 25,1842. FLOUR.— . -Four, $5.621 aS.SO per b bl. GRAIN.-Wheat 26'a 115 per bushel; Rye, no sale; Dorn, 66 a 58; 3aa 116:'" • - : 'VVIIIBKRY.I . O a2O per gallon. • CATTLE.—Beef cattle s4l^ a 6 pet KO lbs.— Hogs same aa .' 4:- li•XEiENIAL' S'TSR' MARRIED. In York,onthe 9th inst., by the Rai, Mr. Wallace* Lieut. BRADFORD R.. ALDEN,IAid de:Camp to Major General( 13coT;r4 to — Wu ANNE. , C. COLEMAN, daughter of the late Thomas B. Coleman. deceased. . • On ill() 12th ult.., by the Rev. N. J. Stroh, Mr, HENRY.L . ONGSDORFF; of East PennebOrough. township,_toMrs—HAßßLEV_SH.LlLTZ,otear. - -- On the 28th ult., by the same, Mr. JACOB' WAGONER, of A lien .township, to:Miss -ELIZA BETH SHEAFFER, of Shepherdst . own. • • On-the.2d inst.,' by the same, Mr. GEORGE THOREY, of Diet Penneborough township, to Miss 'ELIZABETH BROUGHER, of Silver Spring toy/nail). • - On the 16th inst by .the Rev. Themes Bowman, 'Mr. JOHN WALT to Hiss MARY MILES, botly6f this . place. • • • On the 18th inst., by Elder E. 71. Thornai, Mr. JOHN CARTER of - Haldenianstown, Cumberland Misa,racHEL 'MADLEM; of Hairisliurg. On the 9th inst., by' Elder Win. Mooney, Mr. PHILIP GETTER to Mile HARRIET BYERS' all of Neivville, Cumberland co. - On the 9th inst., by t 4 'Rev. J . Ntlillio, Mr. JOHN SPONENBERGER, of LiverpoOloo lilies LYDIA _BEc_N A.B1), 70f7Bucittr — Nal ley; Perry county. On the 12th inst., by the some, Mr. J. RAFT ER, to Miss ELIZABETH 'BEAR, both of the vicinity of Liverpool, Perry co., O n I T U A n t k E c O R D DIED, On the I I th just. Mrs. HANNAH MENELEY, of Newport, Perry county, aged ahnut 52 years. In Carlisle, on the 24th inst. ALEXANDER F. HERRON, a student of Dickinson college, from Louisiana, aged 21 ;wan. • In Georgetown; D. -C. on the morning of the 14th inst., at the residence of his brother-in-law, (John H. King, Esq.) ltfr.'WM. HARRIOTT, in the . 30th year.of his age, a native of Carlisle, Pa. The deceased resided in. Williamsport ,for the last year or two and was engaged 'On . the canal. He was a gerith3man- highly cigoarned by all who had the pleasure of his acqiiaintauce.--Hagerstown Torch-Light.. fi, ADVERTS latimadyritts. A MOTHER Lot of superior Braid Pon -014 nets just received and selling very low, at th e store of " !CHAS. OGILBY. Juno 29, , 1842. ' tf.35 ir44:)014OL10-02-f , `,10:4'1 Coppersmith:, Sheet' iron and Tin•pliate. Wqrker, 11)11•ESPECTFULLY infbrnis the public goner. AIL ally that he'still continucs'his.bueiness at the Old Sterid, -- North - amover street, where /IS has now . on hand; add Is• still manufacturing,. every article in the fine of his trade; consisting of p s ... , - Hatters', Fullers' and Wriih 91:1 4 . 120 ZA3 Ek3 s:eir4C'ett/es, Tiff-lore of.eveip' - cfescrip, lion, Stove Pipei• Dripping Pans, • ". • • : Prllt7l4,to +Co Be has also for sale OM st assortment of Corn mon, Cooking and Parlouri • ' • • S' 2" - 41*1 4 .E5, eVer''oiFered 'in thisrplS.4: liii - eoviumm wood stovee and cooking stovetne of every tilte arid variety; and his 4 parlour)dirtsiwood or coal) are of thenewest patterns'',"''hie in addition the Rotary ~ rmaking, stems, the Radiator stoves and Radiator dream fou'rulours,' 'which are un surpassed for corrifbrt And economy in .the nut of fee All Of 'which:he •offers on the lowest terms Carlisle; Jimi' 29; - .1842. : • 1,a18.35 _Leather taken in exchange Serr etoteN tio-ot supper-ware. • • ir AMMON- itiNDION and .GEORGE. ; FLEBOWER, of 'Cruntheritingt COtinty. have preieritad their Petition; duly vailde:(l, praying that JONAS 1451,1 0 B.Wlatety carping on-the 'Wade eind'Btiaineat of rft , RhAilkiiiloLptirekaaing')Grajct; ntatitifadtonntit Otto Iriinkay 'and Nikita; Lint!, biti;il9.and. 0044, '4'o the,Sirei of. Trade qtgettittlattC.o, oll o9 , mikV,haidaelar ".ed Bankrupt: • • Which.Patition'mitt het heard'hofOra' the 'Thithict °emit of -OW UMW ;Mato for_tho' &adorn District 'of ratiailyiiiitiVatttliti 7 itt:Patthittitl, 4 at the Blatrki.Court . BoOnija , 030' ofty:',of - Philadalphitt; on ht40.4,91474th,4,ai0r,4i11y ricif.*l!: 'clock. A. M. 14 1001 1 14;'"44P1 ,41 : Per"l". interacted `,lpay,(Oppat t r an? I,l4olr,oatoo4..ll.'any,'lheihityg, why the prayer of ,tipa oakd rotitibrVehouht not , be Ontntadi and thd , aaki iicaro Millet' declared ;Pahic . FBAS. IPPJOIVACINA ' : rclork the ' pistrt4:tipurt... - rri.4o I , - ME UST,pritifild it this Office, a fint„'llorttrLen . ,_t Of lOVIDIgigIIIBO IVIO RA ol 4 l bissN''. ! 4 ° lll-, otptier:litAllgor ''" • "' perty io'Cai9ikllo. iieldhgibnip or.citrW6s"O ntim,t .011-hear,ofai.opportoti'of4iiitigtO:bY oaßing orAtivtditof cf the' , lferalddi 001 June 29,;1842. . t CARLISLE SPRINGS.. .Prciprietor reepeeifiilty' inform!, the, pub lie in general Chat he it; prepared to scamp: niodate a Iktrge number oF, . . . _ . • VOCITERS:.. 'lieSpringe:arfi situated,4h miles portfi Ober lisle, C6mberland eti.,Pa.' in a fine healthy, and ro• I Mantic pfice. The Mirth Mountain Inconvenient ,:forthose thatare .fond of gunning: In addition to the most AMAX :ACCOMMODATION'S, there is also an' extensive, tSTAB. LISH ENT; both warm .and A BABOUCH :miff run from Carlisle to, the :Spring's during the season, for he accommodition . of visitors. , '.CORNMAN. lone 29 , 1842. • ' 5t35 ZEMIStaiiiIMPINYZEO NOTICE, '• • PETITPETITIONS for the Benefit of the Bankrupt lONS Law•Wavit been.filed.the 20th-June, 1842, by JOHN GRAY, individually and as a tnem.' " her of the late firm of ; . Gray'.dt , Cala, man, late Merchant, ' Ournberlandounty. JOSHUA OGILBY, individually and as a late partner of Charles F. 'Mitchell, un der the firm of Joshua Ogilby, late •of • Lockport, N. Y. late Merchant, now , • Clerk, JAMES McMATH, late Merchant Tailor,' • , new Agent, do:; GEORGE V. BALL, late Merchant, now - Shoemaker, - do ABRAHAM PHlLLlPELindividually and as a'mernber ,of the firm of Egolf arid Phillips; late Merchant, .now Clerk. . dn. '. WILLIS FOULK, Clerk of the Court of Qtittiter Sessions, dm and Recorder of Deeds, &c. do. - Which Petitions , will be heard before the District Court of the United States for, the Eastern District of Pennsylvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the Dis trict Court Room in the. City bf Philadelphia, on, Monday, the 26th day of July. next, at 11 o'clock, A. M. When and where alr'persons interested may •appear and show cause; if any they have, why the prayer of the said Petitions should not br grant ad, and the said Petitionein be declared Bankrupts. FRAB HOPKINSODJ,„ ) ' Clerk of District don't —305- Ctiomittee Rine. 26,14342, AS..numerous communications have _been : ad. dressed to the departments of which the under. signed each hive charge making inquiryirelating -to-the payment of' drafts drawn by the' Superin. tendent of Common Schools, upon the State Trea. surer, we consider it our duty to say, th •t, those itlrbwn fur the echool•year 1843,.. will be tact se nsual, out of the common Treaeury of-the atei in pursuance of the requisitions of the let section .of the:.act_ofiAth_Apriliaff,kiPl sting :to . C_Offi, Mon Schools. .%, • " ,-. liarrinburgaunb 17.`, Splreudid Lotteriespir July; -1842 J 67 Gregory 4 Co—illatiagers. THOUSA.NTIMOLLAIL CAPITAL! Virginia, Leesburg Lottery, Clitss 1 fOr 1.542. To be drawn at Alexandria; Vn., On : Saturday, Judy _3,1312. -Songsta.,-1 prize or $30,000, 16041,- 75, A do 10,00, 2.110'1,500, I do 8,000, 30 do 1,000; 1 do 3,500, SO. d 0.250, 1. do .1,000, 73 do 200;1 do .2,500, 6ta. &o. 78 dumbei lotty'ryzl4 drawn . Tickets slo—iialees $5 --4;Plarteri - $2,50, eates of packages of 26 wholeasl3o, dodo 26 halves do do 26 quarteis 23 50; . 33,00niullars-7-1 2,000 dollars. Virginia Monongalia 'Lottery, Class 1 for 1842. To be drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Saturday, July 16, 184'2 SPENDID liciiExt.,-1 prize of $35,00, 1 do },700, - 1 do 12,000, 1 do 1,600,1 do 6,000, 2do 1,500,1 do 4,000, 3 do 1,300,1 do 8,387,5 do 1,250, 1 do 2,000, 100 do 504,4 do 1,900,100 do 400,1 do 1,800. &c. Ste. Ticketsslo—Halves $5--Quarters $2,50. Cer tificates of packages of 25 wholes $l3O, do do of 25 halves 65, do.d3 of 25 quarters 32,50. Capital 30,000 Dollars!--Union Lottery— Class No. 10Tor 1842. To be d-awn at Alexandria, D. C. on Saturday, Jars , 23,1842. 15 dritwn num bers. Grand Scheme. 1 prize of $BO,OOO, t do 1,- 800, t do 10,000',1 do 1,700, t do 3,00% I do t ,60U, 1 do 5,255, 10 do 1,500;1 d 0.2,200, tO'do . 8,000, t do 2,000, 10 do SOO, 1 do 1,000, Ito, &A.. Tickets $lO —Halves $5-Quarters $2,30. Certificates of pack ages of 26 ;wholes $l2O, do' do 261tarves 60, do do 26 quarters 30. • • • . - 25,000 dollars! 12,500 dollars..—Virginia Leesburg Lottery, Class K for 1842. To he *drawn at Alexandria, Va., on Siturilay, July . 90, t Grano ptizes. f prize of 325,000,120 do 1,000, t do' 12,500, 20 do 500.1 do .7,000,40 do 3000, 1 do 4,- 420, &o. &c. Ist drawn No. $2Ol 2(1 or 9d $l6; 4th or sth $12,; lowest prize $lO. Tickets $lO-11a1- yes $5--Quarters'32,so. • Certificates of packages of 22 whole tickets, $l2O, do do 22 half do 60, do do 22 quarter dO 90. ' - • „ • For tickets and shares .or certificates of pelisses in the above splendid Lotteries, iddress • • • " J. G. GREGDRX• &CO.. 'Manners •! ••; Washington. C. Drawings sentimurediatery after they are to all who order as above:, ENTS. FANCY. Ar. WINDSOR CHAIR MANUFACTORY No.ll - B,South Second Street, Philadelphia, THE subscriber respectfully invites theciti. zens of Carlisle and County of Cumberhtnd generally. to call before pure Luling els here, and examine his • LA.IIOE ABBO3lllll or PLAIN&ORNANENTAL 11-=‘ of every disctiption; .whieh are " manufactured,. under his own 'im mediate direction.of the best material; by superior workmen, and which he warrants of the beat qiiditr—tufd at prices as low as can bit purchatred in the United States, O rll alactmantifrictures an tlcarra,:kl).tical C32llo.eatirr Et , the superiority , of' which consists in the astonish. ing-facility with which an Intalid,With the slight. est effort, may by the, use of tine er both' hands, move fa anti fro in, the IMMO. dr in thesopen air alarden Or ersovhere, and turn quickly round without requiring any more space limn it occupies while standing. , AllltAlti,M cDONOUpii, , No. 1 ig,Booth Second Philadelphia. . -- -- Principai -lireasto4l6-' - . "Wilt Dr. ifailigh'sCongound gtrengthen- V Y log and German Alititerit Pills are, used by all cluses orpeopte, is preference, to other •lifedieines, became they a{bprepared from a pure extract-of Herbs;--whole medicine,,-rnild-in ifs opiiiation andlealtht sa fe and effbctual cure of Dyspepsia or Indigo ; and all Stoma COM. •plaints, a ,preserver Id purifier of the where Because they too ihe ,nerves of sensibility stud' ford ,the ne oof Motions finparanirto their' m 11 rte subtleits pristirtelone, thus giv: iltat!ongth end clegness of rnia. . Bowies they. n fei destrOy. the, Coats of the stomach Pd bore as sal strong purgatives do .! Bemuse ; scion and Autissnence tend) .A.thst no inure pargativ sc ene : rill cure thr, °l° ." l 4 ° . of the Steeled% an Prrne• ; Wiltlfiktlie, pruir7 ng Oantkl of s t' of illsesr,,,-. 1 4 4, ,10 , tentleu. any resorting ,i 7 distill ,o.r.orirnuTtm_., t Jrnn make the disease moon luso Amp"' at bettor. ; ~. • o . •CI . g eoki ,“ D -1-Isrlfeles Medidioia•ire put up the upon' .; . man ' .sense principles , .1 0 ' 'cleanse and 0 4 "; r'*i lib l l ' is u l t . ert,t):,!°Pro.° to 'Pm'', 8 ,...' to of sure. ' Lasttyr. ,"t • ~ • % Because, ese lifedlisines, ",igill*, do etire'ilis disease pis blob Vial ire nscoinmended: l'' , ' • ' ,:: Pnnei office 19 North eth•etreetPhiladsphia. ,For sale the • D rug - Store • of J. J: , lifYlnte'dr. , (ti l ,. , calf e; and WM.' PEAL), shitystiatorg.' El 'A RAIIirr.C,n4INDE NY. itersoll"ivieiliiii4 ;. 1". 'twit ittidi Pro., To the roblit.. A.V. ;PARSONA • Supt.` Common Schell's JOrt MANN, • Staterreasurer. • • .-V l 4,llriliABLE; , Tan..: , ll l or4l:ir rope QI^S" WILL he sold,atpublic sale, °lithe pretniscse OnRATURDAY, the 29d daly of JELY, ,at 10. o'clock A. AV in the Borough oftarliglee Cumberland county, that large'and commodious t iZg.4Q.EZ7 ° Z.? AZILLP.U:) 6) ,„ situate on.the northeast. corner of Lquther,and• East streets; bounded by LetartSpring, and on the north by a lot of IL C.-Hall, Esq. containing 260 feet in front, and 12G feet in depth, more-or:10A belonging to the estate of David S.-Forney;.deed. baying thereon erected a large - • r TWO STORY 'STONE- , 107111111111 apt 14 it • a Two Story Stone Finishing Shop, a large tvVo.story Buck Beam Reuse, a large frame Bark and Mill Honse, with a Hark Mill in It.— There are 44,Layaways and 1 Pool in "the 'Yard, 5 Handlers,-3 Limes and 1 Bate In the Beam House, and a good well of water at the kitchen .door: The property is in good order, •and in a very desirous situation for aTannery or a . private Dwelling. IrrTerms of sale will be.made known -on the day of sale, and any information will be given about the property before the day of sale, by G. W. SHEAFER,. - ' JACOB "SIIROM. June 22,1842. ts.3l sniuturrs SAGE BY virtue of sundry writs of venditioni exponas tome directed. issued out' of the Court 'of Common:Pleas of C_uniberland County, Wilt be exposed ta-publiale at the CoOrt House in . the` Borough of Carlisle,' on SATURDAY the 30th JULY,.A. D., 1842, at 10. o'clock A. M. of-said day, the following described real estate, viz:- . • A Lot of Ground s • situate in the borough of Carlisle, containing'siziy feet,in breadth 'arid two hundred and forty feet in depth, more or less, adjoining a lot . of Mr.-Richard son on the east, Benjamin:F . omill on the west, an alley on the north; and Locust street on the south, having thereon erected a Two story FRAME HOUSE, a kitchen.and franie stable. Seized and taken in execution as thePproperty v of Jonathan Johnson. • • -Also, A - Lot of Ground,. situatein the borough of Carlisle, containing dirty feet ids breadth and two bundled and forty feet in" depth, more or• less, adjoining lots of the heirs of John Delaney, deceased, John Parkinson,Pendell street, street, and an alley, having thereon erectd a small LOG HOU SE. , - Seized and execu tion difth prop erty rty of John Peck:' . • Also..A Lot of Givittad, eituato . on the south side of-the road in Leesburg, Cumberland county, 'containing fifty-three feet in breadth and two hundred and. forty feet in length, more'or less, adjoining lands of James Chesnut' n the cast, the ,Walnut Bottom road on the-north, and an - alley on the were and south, having titereon erected ti log stable. Seized and taken in .exetu tion•as thie_property_otAfames-C. Cummina.---Apd to be sold by me; PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff. - Sheriff'srotliOoTeorlihle - cr Juno 22, 1842. SHERIFF'S SALE, B . Y virtue of 'sundry t-jrrits'of Venditioril Expo , nes to me - directed r issued out of the-Court of ComoOn Pleas Of Cumberland' county, Will be exposed to.puhlie sale or outcry, on SATURDAY the Villty of JUL,Y;IB42, al 1.0 o'clock at the Court House, in the Borough- of Carlisle, the following described. Real Estate, to Wit • A - LOt of GrOortid . situate in Newbtirg,liopewell township, Cumber land county, adjoining High street on the East,:att Alley on the West, and John Shollenberger on the North, contaitting'sixtyfve feet in breadth and one hundred and sixty-ffie feet in depth, more or less, having - thereon erected a Imi-story weather-boarded HOUSE and,_frame stable.-- Seized and taken in , execution as the propert.j.'of Henry G. Miller.'. A1541.-A Bair Lo s of Gromind, Situate in the Borough of Carlisle: containing 30 feet in breadth, and 240 feet in depth, more or lees,adjuiping.lota of George Foland on the north ; Rufus E Shepley, on the cast ; Ephraim Boner. man on the gouth,.and Hanover street on the i'vett ; having thereon erected a two.stury UIIIIVIX /Mat EMI and framo stable. Seized and taken in execution as the property of . .. Joseph Egolf. And to be sold by me, ' PAUL MARTIN, Sheriff:. Sheriff's Office, Carlisle, June a; 1.84 Z ". ._, .. , . • FOR RENT, TanoHE Two Story Howse, Situated at the South End of ;;:i i ' I ver street,, formerly occupied by 1 1 1 ; v, : . Mrs. Ramsey, dOectased. rossession— --. ,-• will he given immediately. Per terms apply to - ; W. 13.• MURRAY. Carlisle, June 2.2,1842:51...34 . „ To the tlectorsof Cumberland county, FELLOW CITIZENSi I otror myself to your consideration for the office of necorder and s elerk of Cie Courts of Cetnbarland County at the ensuing general election, and if. elected will discharge the duties thereof, to the best of my ability. • • GEORGE F. CAIN, Mechanicsburg, June 22 ; 1842. te..34 To' the Electors of Cumberlaild county. FELLOW CITIZENS: , t offer myself to vont. - consideration as' a candidate for tiroffie'e of . °NOT A UT of Curnberhnd County, at the eleitipn in dotoher, next; and if elecied'pledge myself tb perform the duties of said °Mee with fidelity, unclip the best of my ability. V 4 M; M. BEETEM. Carlisle, June .22, 1842. tf.34 GictsailaLte.VM3 /5113a33710. A6/lEkt variety of GAMBRGONS and LINENS for Gentlemen's &miner wear, , 'tun. received. GEG. W: HITNER: June 22, 1842: " . tf.34 DR. JOHN ARNISTROINC. ‘AfTEß:Sqiiis tii 4 the . zerre of Carlisle audits *icinitjr• . °Mee at the North East Corner of Hanotr6r aftd Louther West; and also at his residence in West touthec Street, for doors ..belew . f!tofessor , Clintock's, . - April 21 t 1842 c 6t-2f Ordinance, To raise by Tax the sum of 81300 • • • fray the expenses Of th e Horou* 'of Carlisle, for the present year: trgE people of Carlisle,' by their Taint Peon. cil, hereby ordain and enact, that thee= of $1,300 be asscv.ed; levied aid raised,. in . punivaneis Of the Act of Trieorperatien, froni and %ion the in= habitants of .the Borough of Cavlislei for the year - 114t=to - bvilipPlielrtri ilefitilthe expenses of the Borough of Carlieteomd' to meet Mich appropria dons as the Cduncil shall make tram time to time , for the present pier for Borough porPosee.' • slid enacted by the Town Crwncil of• the - Borongh . rof Carlisle;the - 7th'diY'or 1day:1842.; • .. ,_. R. ANGNEY,,Iiro.c.. of Counoil.t . Atteet-Lit; Moons; CriC. • •, • 'Julie 15,1E140. ' • • ' 136'33 Notice. A liMaTlON'Thr'Dificheir a' , Aa ,Certifitate untiOr'the Bankrupt Laifi#l;tls4;becti filed . . .WILLIAM S. "ALLEN, lota Inlikeeper. tr um b e r: land County, • r and: T.oeaday the. 30th day 0( 'Augnat nett, at tt o'clock, .A.; is sppointed,ick tits fteriturthe*r; before the 'said.Ooptt; 'sitting Itt Wat* Diseri4 !Court Roomhi.thS;CihriltrtihoielAi4L; *4'ol . of ashrrithien. ,s t .r!folksie PO:° oll ;their,:.iisfitikao*ll ;other. pee 19ns nilutfnsatopiiy.eripear shOvi:esuati; if any, thuy.heYo.,,wity, mind :Discharge i-aindlaortittAte. should. not he , granted.- • -• „ •I, • • • 111241'11-110PKIR.S014: - • , 'Cleakrof the Dhltrto! CuUrt' . Philadelphia' Joon 11;;18401. • °• / 1003 O l tii)-itsytkgisintist piid'air jattleiterA, of briemeni, ;otherwise thcy'w(it biz,' takeq'clUtof I the Putt Office. • • ' • ' • ~' It ' llell 4 fiein 6 ;ti , ' iivii. kit ion '.f or a Atei';.next_friond,- - - ••• --'-,_--..- . a .... • Dee id 'Lam li --= -'" - . wiipirce , -. 1 ' SHEANER: ' Jacob Sheaner. , . ' i ear: WAKE PlinVA .o , ll alk°'9o 6 i:4 6 onition• Pleas et Pumberlett&paunty,ehttnktißeeted mnotice - to hilnibliniiif forlfrir. tr *Or'. ceuie Why . gone, 'nip . Jiini. - 010!A trift AIR Ant be divot. eef,ftetre the :tognilifii:Offfintnteif* Anteied into betrieen' s 4 lditilitt*Ontt*t r tifitt l hilve * •atteate the Second' MoniiiitiOkiitiiitiiptr '0 4 1116 ,heir.- ing of said. C.aseilvaritl-T/!ilri l .o l 4tt!t l .7 lute& if youthiuk propett , —. r' :-. ' - - -' I it''.:.. ' thar-**PIN, Vheriire Office, CarlietitT ''' .. June 22, 1842,, :41 .1 Disgointion orrititgo•ithip. HE: Partnership heretofore iteistbirtinder .71 the firm of CATHCART & AYRES, in t mercantile business, was Ws day dissolied by - mutual' consent. All transttOtlons emtnected with the late firm will be settled by 'A. therm:tsar, who• .continues business sensual at the old stand. • A. CAT/ICART,' • DAVITo•A YRES. , Shepherdstown, June 18, 1842'. 6t0.34 Estate of Glea. slitteltintaingti, dec)d.• 'Er ETTERS Testamentary. on the Estatrb of ILif GEORGE AEGHINBAUGH, late of the Borough of Carlisle,. Cumberland-county, deceased, have been granted ;ogle subscriber residing in said Borough: Allpereatur indebted to said deceased, are requested to • make payment - immediately, and all those haling ctaims to present them without de lay, properly authenticated,or settlement. ' GEORGE KELLER, —Ex'r.. 6t414 June x 2, i 842. TO THE PUBLIC AMIFACTURED and kept on hand, for salt •in the city • ,uf Lancaster, near the Rail. Road, Endlesit . Chaiii Horse Power , THRESKING MACHINES, for one horse and for (wcr horses - warranted to work well, and of greater durability than any other • Machines; for a similar purpose known to the subscriber at present, WM, KIRKPATRICK. Laneaster, May 4, 184, 2 . S. DUNLAP ADAIR, ittioliaeg -at Law, AtIFFItg . I4.3 Beeteriara Row, on the Pub litylic Squnre, Catl!ele, pa, •. 67,181.. / al5 ZZ A a T 4 TIMIIRR °revery 'description & SHINGLES; for sale cheap, by • • • • J, & P. MARTIN, Suee,eseore to Maier & Martine.' Harrisbd'rg; 20,1'842. - 6m.27 • Estate ,of Catharine Dixon,....c(ted . .._, . - ..ETTERS Testamental) , on • the.. estate .of 4 IV — - CATHARINE DIXON, late of South Mid- • Aleton_tow_eship. Cumberland .county,,:deceased, - have been issued to the subseribetresiding in said township. All persona indebted. tomtit! , deceased, - are - lequested to make irinnediatepaytnent Co and those having claims to present them without delay, properly,adthenticated• tot' settlement.] SOHN W. CRAIGHEAD,Ter. - June 15; t 134 1 1.• • 6t.-33 ts-34 t~~=l~i~i~~~~~~~?~r _,.. ... Dr. L C. Loomis, Dentist, _..: IS permanently located in Carlialo,and wilt per feint all operations chit are required in the practice of his profession—such as -,--- - Extracting, Filing. Plugging. and pltuerting Artificial Teeth, from a single tooth to an entire set. N. II For a few months ,enduing, pr. I.Coo _Will be in- Carib;le r pe first two weeks in each month.—after whiLdt; he will be absent until the I first two weeks in each following month—at Which period he may be found at his Office, opposite Arßardirnes Hotel. Carlisle ( May 4,1842. • • • tf4l7 ' NOTICE. STTERS of Administration 'upon the estate .1.41 of Mrs. MARY D. RAMBE,Y, late of Car lisle, deceased, have been this- dar issued by the Register of Cumberland county, to the undersign ed residing in the said borough:- All persons hav ing claims oz demands against the estate of the said decedent, are requested to make known the same to him, properly authenticated, without delay; and all persons indebted to the said estate are requested to pay the same before the rat of July, next. W. R. MURRAY, AdM'r Carlisle, April 30, 1642. - • Bt-21r I!EM ~` ~~o' DR. JOHN J. DIVERs i Rremoved his OMce and dwelling . to the j a three story Brick South Hanover street, ajoyung the residence of Mr. Sohn Hays and "Blean's Hotel." Doctor Myers informs his friends and the pub lic that he can be consulted at all hours at his ot. floe, (whey/tot profissionitlfy engaged) and that ha will devote his undbided attention to the several duties of his profession,, And particularly to the practice of - Midwifery OzMurtery. Calls to the Country 'win be punctually attended to,hoth Night and Day: ' Carlisloy April 113,1843. BONNETS, BONNETS. • • 4 X3Vr.dQ.7 7 f2i.Ele3 s • mai' LADIES to pnrcitase .20NNETS and' O..PUF SHOES; at the skirt, of ' • RICHARD;• &tele; May /8, ' ' ' - Zana;aii:sr/ZrUiliqi:26t)co• ILI liE subscriber has just received a further • supply of Grimm Florence, Braid and Straw BO N ETSi dews. few Misses Straw BONNETS. GEO: W. HITNEE... tf-3iV June 22; 1842 aloorazin.mezi. . LOTof-SCYTHES wilthe 6014 • ot:ices thew First Cost, at the store of OGiLBY. tf,33, Carlisle, June 15. j 8494. Hats! 'l6ls; Hats: VST received .100 dozen , rays Leer nets, i which be eoldio4eletrater or retail; cheaper han iffered hirr0 46 4 14 • CNA& BARNrrZ. tf4o' Cadiz ck may 25, 1,842, :TJ .- 0 Kr* : R-P E R cottatnittkiapteitußatikrt,iptcy , grIFFICE i rn Sow Hanover street, , steer W 1., Clell , Atee flotetivehere Wintormstiea &ate (ed. in reference in the. duties et Ahem 'intending to apitliifiir thebenelit et the' Ba4ciript'Acti can CArlisle May 4; 184. MALI a* VittiNS - , Piiietkiilve,Liiiie.ininuna. and . B i t uminous • COAL, oemstenjty, An- P., MARIIN • . 7 • 6tiaansarlutcatiller Atuti e na • Harrisbul April 20, 0: ' ent4S rvotocfs, Given; Foci :11 thoi . c.tioni4u/iwitieilarOor the . '4 'Win of, 04Aasta.,,ToRntRoade 'of Senthentritatt , •tirPt•PiallheSiiid kee4liihit • the eetectiberi *AU , AlM'S** b3P Pban,is: goint 61.0 ittoMN_ AO thAtitutte thaeetele mactrilibAthill l 4 l .• wx• 4410. h. #04 4 . .40,',* - pr,i,441 l i ostat*hriifer**reag ea•hhi ds ,l' {6'e ~o f eattsle,'on the 150:44 " JULT ,at , ten o'clock iO the for noon, Yettaell All ConcFmtt.will346 . • • GittlLlkA 011E11. lent = ow.= - tigrdttL2s G aPt/atia6Oktiket .1 No . • I ILERRIN., •• 11,4 AWN ire,. • UB7 F. IVO • If -As t r, 29 • ithrt $ May lA, EMEI DIM 3m.24 EMI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers