NMI 4e . 111001.201 MIDDIETON,EDITOR &PROPRIETOR. ,01llee,-.lqentre 4:Vinare, S. tN the Old Stand. NIS OF PUBLICATION : . . . • The: ,HERA4t& ° EXI ' OSTTOTt ' is published weekly; on adetible royal shoot, at TWO DOL. LARS, - Pe r aninnn, payable within three months from 'the timb'of subscribing ;.olt Two.vcit.isns AND OIFTY CENTS,' at the end of the yea / J. --- ; No, anbseription- will be taken for loss than six __lnonths,_ansLtio_Paper_distontinuetlinatillaiLay. reamges.are, paid, except at the option of the publisher, and a failure to notify a discontinu= ance will he'considered a new, engagement. Advertising will bb done on the usual terms, Letters to insure' attention must be post paid. CARLISLE, PA: day, Juise 29; 1842: arati NOTE LUST ftntif Counterfeit Detector. PENNSYLVANIA. • P.IIIELADELIP'IIIIA EAI IKS. , Bank of North America, ~ par. s's, spurious; vignette, figures , of Justice and Liber ty, reading," we promise to pay, &c., on demand in specieQi• paper of theßank of North America.'.' s's and 10's, old plats; none genuine femaining out. 10's and 20's, altered from s's; vignette of s's and of altered notes, a figure of Commerce sitting, an eagle before her, and ships in the back ground. \ ,O 0 . 1, letts. 1) i; Jan. 19, 1813; pay I:l..eutboard and I). Vaill; lett. 11,•April 20,1817,pay R. Chesney . Bank of the Northern Libertiesi par. 10's lett. C;'Oct. 18, 1837; pay J. Taylor; signa tures poorly imitated; vignette heavily shaded. , o's, lett. A; July, 4, 1838; pay- J, Starr; printing ink tealisct r am and t lo yellowish. clnc ,8.. t i•feit 10's; badly done. ' 11,1ett;G; Jan. 1, 1815; pay J. Jenks. . --- - 51tIt of PoTm§ylvania: , 7a El , lett. M. 8; April 2,1836: pay G. W. Warder; a plain white circle around ,the 5 at top, not in ' , eniiine; lett. C; April 7, , 1829, pay F. Evans. , lctt. P. 8; Nov. 6, 1838; pay N. Nolen--coarse. -s, of various filling up; the £ in President con itlerably larger thaw the other letters. s, lett. F; Sept. 10,1836; pay .1. Hicks, signed F. .1. Lewis, Pres ; no such officer; Aug. 6, 1836; ay S. Bray; April 4, 1829, pay 0. Say; motto on meant •of arms:roughly :done; others, Sept. - 10; • 837, pay C. Clay. , letts. C and e; April 16, 1833; pay H. Clay. , lett. B; April, 1823, and July 10, 1833; en ' aver's firth St En. for Co.: others, Aug. 27, 1838, -- irle - Clay - r - E; -- Chaunneyi - easla, instead-of hanneey. . • liffiTß; Jan. 1,1817: lett. C; March 22, 1821; •pay J. Boone. • ii of Penn Township, 10 a 12 Washington on the xtir r instead of many end: •-• various dates, well done, except the Franklin right margin ' p which is curse. ' altered from s's; •Vignette orso's, commerce ing on a bale of goods; right-end piece, Frank left, l'enn. • of the United States, 53 ' ml 20's, letts. A & B,heads and each end coarse. . left, D; Dec. 2, 1 836; . ead - pieees coarse. = nil 100's, tette. A•tt and Cs; Oct. 1, 1838; pay . Somerville, Cash., at 10 dart; paper thin and lisp. ~ lett. 11; Sept. 1, 1838; pay J. Ross at 10 days. altered from 100's; Oct. 11, 18381 tiny to endorsed by R. Buchanan, at 5 months. ercial Bank of Pennsylvania, par. . D; March 4, 1819; pr!y T. Astley. or from the Commercial Bank of Millington, ell, by substituting Pennsylvania for Milling vhich observe; vignette of genuine s's, Penn's ty with the Indiana. urtoust; stigmatic of genuine, Washington and klin. t. ,14ay. 17, 1830, pay R. R. Lee: Match ' une 2, 1828, '29 and 30, pay .Geo. W. Ash; 15, 1830, pay S. Girard. ts. A a, Nov. 17, 1822. pay F. Lyman; Nov.. '9; pay,M. Carey; letter e, pay 11. Clay. to W.'tnj. P. Smith, dated Wove lie was - er. • tered from Commercial Bank of Millington Railroad cars on one end, denomination of n the other. Entirely different from genuine Oa, 20's and 10's, altered from s's,which as Penn's treaty with the Indians for vig mr•Genuine 500's are printed in BED ink. ' .'s and Mechanic's Bank, par. and 251, altered front Farmer's and Me 's Bank of Wisconsin; vignette of 51, a fe aiding a cup in right hand, left arm resting eagle; of 10's a female .reaper; of 20's, a spinning. None genuine engraved by Bur- Gurley. _, . _ Cr E; reb. 5,1825; pay P .. Stacy; letter C; ,iia 10„1820,'25; pay A. Moses, C. Dull, n; letter G, trill, 1826; pay IL Clay. ' ---- t I done; paper redder and signature lighter • • enuine; some letter A, Nov. 20,1804, pay. er E; Nov. 29, 1834; engraving very bad.. Cr C; Dec.25;1819; pay G. Hirst. Bank, ' . .40 a 45. s and 501, altered from 51, whose vignette • • Philadelphia Exchange. Hold up to light. ,gton Bank, par. . & IVleclt. Bank', . • 14 al7 ' , red from s's; vignette of genuine 10, a fe ud srratrosomoszt., which last is not on Bred notes. ered from s's; the word FIFTY is crooked, nglingly inserted. ° nits' Bank, 1 a 2 emissiorn; long since withdrawn. eyed from counterfeits on Mechanics's Bank, Raven ; miniature of Washington on the and Clay on the left. ftered from s's, ' April - I, 1833; 'Ptrzr is ed too close to DortAas; small lettering of s around the edge rubbed clear. titensing Bank, ' .10a 12 _ :delphia_ilank,=_ , , -pa r. - d plate, withdrawn.' The plate in use lilts for ette a female; and end pieces, Washington on right, and Robert Morris on the left. ett. C, lan.1,1819; Sept. 7,1819; Dee. 8,1820. etter D, Feb. and May 8,1832; pay J. Ram and .vans. _ Vignette , three female figures with a in the distance, and a view of thebanking se on the left, very imperfect. Franklin on right, and Washington on the left end. and 201, altered front 's's: vignette of s's, two I antes sitting; betwebn them, a shield, on which' a ship and plough: of 10's, a female reclining, r right hand resting on a shield, on which is Pa. t alarms: of 2 0's, Penn's Treaty with the In us. old plate, letter E, May 9, 1814, 1824, 1825, , IB7atay IkEldwinz-- - --,-- - ' ' imark Bank,"%. ...ar. ,altered from.l9's,old issue, of large size; "on and" extracted, and "Five s Bundled" sub tilted.. •it' : .• •; T 4 :,••• -..„..- , ~ ..,,,. uylkill - Batik; `• ~••••• ', • ... , , . ~.-•-; - nar. .id vlate, or various , fillipg,up;' , The, 1,i,,,t, of aslangtort and Pritaklin. imperfeat'asd•coarse. " 'stern Bank, ,-„par. ' COUNTRY:BAWL auk of Charnbersburg, l - \---- .5 - a .O ank 'of - Chester:om, , Weatcheater, ; par. - - arik-of 4 Dttlawitri-Co'orChester - . - -- - - -- par - • ~,, altered from 61, well executed. Me,: . attel-edffrot<S's,ietter 'A; Jin. i; 18361 .pay T.:ClydetChas.gaolwell;Cash, The wordmry -after bearmitalattek.lhemiralnAilrk.......-- : ank,,ofi•Qermart WWII! ' ' e n ~ ~. •. :,.. . pbr. o'il,liftered rrarirs's; hold therroti"t4to'llkht.,, : irileof,ThiqtrbifrO.l",.. 4l ',' ,7r"' ' ', 5 66 Is;lkrov.l4;ll4l 2 .9tilaflt"-Smith I , without il?p' ',.'til'ailikr' s4 /lite'r-li_ftikvettiriteitttizie::rr" ' • - r • . ? s,olditlitiv . whiepo.ouslGEttralturellank: , : '''' : I: atiIi ' OrLOWISI6WrIF4 , 46 . 4%4 0 i7tl r,'.a is , ' 914,15fltiradie,tati;'Ail.l'4,-4,.%:_t7;0.4 ei 5 i -OA R4ll9,44:l4lli4titiVtis4:AgtOif.:„':pk. .4,, s p; l ,e4isO.,TlNt:o;lpsto;":#347,gAiteii;srov• 1, L B2 rff, J:V 11.1 1 , 417 leri,lllo-stiope, 2,41 ,^? At i 3 „,., . ~ - , is ..., .-.„ 1 ...-..• . ~ ., 5 , v .,z,;,:.-....• Viriletreiatialid'lNlal , yeettferoiaktaisti filled biatllVEarteiftilightikad'eorse. , Moak of NorthumberltiiW.: 1, -1-‘ 1 , ?'s '54 . 8 "Bank of:Pitlibilygb7, --- ,..',,,,7711r 3 i's;faite.a;:cd,firiateovi‘dritatliana oiroalationt . rirguevi rt b4t 3 491 1 04.1.0,015, 1k0,..... , ~..••, 58,1e-tlerrq , Des: •If 18 3 1 I' kV Wriip - XifilArilli gill ere; Mar 4; 1825 f pay H. Daldwnt,':, ~, , 11111 10's and 20%;:altered, Rath_ taiwiterfelt badly', done. fiio'e,iignette; if &Mate It:wining on a raii'effloWers; of genuine, a blacksmith with his tools.' Bank. of .Susquehttlins Co.Montrose,B a 1O Berks-Cotbn ty, Bank, Reading , 50. a BO 2's, reitg_nOtes,' letter B 1 , vignette , State 'Arni•si rather:Coarsely Carlisle b ce,'6 S's; lettert, April 1, 19294' pay J. Greasier:: The heads of Washington light And coarse. 10's; and others,rwhered from s's; poorly done. Columbia Bk. &Bridge Co.oluenhin,s a 6 tot's, altered fixim s'Si Mercury and a fewiale rest ting on Mika of goods; a large fin-isle figure,one arm resting on a shield *Ursa-plough • • and shiro, on right-end; a figure of Cominercei" Doylestown Bank, : ; • • ,"par; Easton Bank;. . . , ; par. s's, old plate, letter C, Aug: 1, 1827 and /831 pay C.RiCe ; -some May' 6, 1829; May I, 1331 i pity, J:. Dutitt.; engraving much lighter than genuine. 10's, letter C, Feb. 1,1824; pay J. Post. Erie BRok, Erie, Estlianreßank, Ptttsburg &Brl cii; 2 a,3 Certificates, 2 a 3 Post Notes, • • • , .a 3,. s's, the vignette is a sailor leaning against an an chor; while the genuine S's have Justice and an other female figure. - SWTetterß, pay R. Nadi, R„ Lansing, and Wm. B. Wallis; Julie 1,•1836; paper rather heavy -and coarse; and the whole appearance clumsy and in distinct. • • ' 10's, altered &rim f r audulent Exchange Bank and Savings Institution of Philadelphia;- vignette, Perry', v i ctor y. Fite genuine 10'8 have for a vignette .1 female figure seated between two chests. . All notes signed Thomas 11. Howe, Cash., sines: July, 1839. rpy,,,lettee A, dated Sept. 7, 1839. The names of the Cashier-and Peesident , are lithographed. Farmers' Bank of BuCka s's, dated Bristol, Mareli 1, end April 12,1828.. • Itis letter A ; Feb. 6, 1815; pay F. Pincer ; 'hlrtich 29, 1815, and 3, 1817;•rit Helene Ville: pay H.. Ely, SePt.it and 10,1819; others, letter B. 50s, altered from s's the vignette of 20's is a hus bandman, horses and harrows. - Farmers' and 'Drovers' - Bank, Waynes • - burg, 7 0 ci' 15 Farmers' Bank of Lancaster,. . 2 a. 3 ss, letter A; March 7,1832; T ay J. Wind; no gen•- nine notes of this description in circulation ; oth ers, March 17, 1831, and other dates; pay Geo. H, Krug, filling up and signature in same hand. 'los, letter A; March 9.0833 ; pay:J. Wind; vig nette, a mill.. • _ • • lOs and 50's,-altered from s's of the above coca-. terfeit. Farmers' Bank of Reaoing,:lleading,3 a 4 ss, "letter 4; Jan. 1, 1835; -pay G. Ludwig. : Paper' has silk mark; fair appearance. , sS,letter D i -Jan.-1, 1833: pay G. Smith rMay 20, 1836 ; payrA . Strong. Coarse. 100 s, lett. A. • pay John Harrold; nonesuch genuine. Franklin Bank, Washington, . • - 5s - Reif 10's,-altered from the - broken- "Bank of Waihington," by prefixing Franklin." This • Bank opened in 1,836. Observe the date. letter A; Nov. 1, 1836 ; pay it, Wylie; John Marsliall,Cash.;these names engraved. Impres sion somewhat faint, particularly the iinesoader signatures which arc distinct in the genuine. '• Harrisblirg Bank ; . • • 6 -a'7 ss, letter D. pay H. Alward, ()Weitz May 140819.. -- ss, letter C, pay .1. Ross, dated ov. 3,1820. • ssiletterD,-payltrKing, Allied-Jan:l; 1823. lOS, May 4, 1829; letter A. pay J . E. Whiteside. - Ws,, vignette, a steamboat, railroad curs, SM.:. genuine 10's have the pitiless of Li ierty, aid the Capitol in the back ground. -20,-altered-from-eounterfeirio!.s;_vignette r w_view.of. the•Strite•Buildiags. - • Honeedele Bank,. Haiikidale,' - 11 a Lancaster Bank, • • 2 .a'3 s's, altered from letter A, October 3, 1836; No. Lancaster County Bank, Lebanon Bank, - . . Merchant's & Allanttf.- Bank, Pitt'g. -2 a S -Miners' BECITk of Pottsville, • -6 a - 7 s's, letter F. pity J. Lyon- June 13, 184 i; others, J. White, Aug. 1; 1840, 2 -The letter under the -K in Schuylkill ; in the genuine, it is below the, 'L and K ; the cross of the rra in Pottsville inclines up :wards, instead of horizontal. • • Monongahela Bank, Brownsville, • 6 20's, altered from s's, easily detected. 50'sTis-Blink has no 50's out. •• New Hope Delaware Bridge Co. -10 a 12 (Removed, to Lambertville,-New i Jrirsey:) Northampton Bank, Allentown, 15 alB Pa, letter B, Aug . 28, 1839 ; pay S. Lippincott; sig natures and filling u t r engraved ; vignette, coat of arms, while the genuine s's issued since 1837 have a view of Mauch Chunk. Towanda Bank, Towanda,. . 70 a 75 West Branch h'k, • Williamsporg 45 10's of various fi lling up ; some to I. Kellum; I'. Coryell, Cash; J. H. Cowden, Pres.; vignette, a flying eagle, railroad cars in the .distanee. Pi•esi dent's signature too light and stiff ; general appen , ranee light ; the first I in Williamsport resembles More a hgaree 1. , 50's, altered from s's ; vignette, which is dint of the s's, i's a view of thetownon the let end of toile. Wyoming Bank, Wilkes Barre, • 12 York Bank, 6, s's, letters A and II; Feb. 2,1830; old platei pay:W. Wagner, which name is spelt Wagner. • In the word i'IVE,•OII the-left hand. margin, the I is not dotted. The •F of Five, in the body of the note, • does not exactly:line with the other letters. Vig nette imperfect in many 'places. . 10's, alteree from counterfeit .s's. See preceding. Taylarsville Delaware Bridge Co. 10 a 15 MARYLAND. BANKS IN BALTIMORE gank of Baltimore, at Baltiniore, . s's, April 15, 1829, pay Coleman. Paper engraving dark, filling up bad. In the word BALTIMORE the letter 0 it but half finished, and the E badly done, resembling aB. The gen uine on the left hand figure 5 haven: circle of bold white dotsv in the bad are hardly seen. s's, letter A, dated Sept. 15, 1840,. pay J. Coleman, W. Lorman, Preit. James Cox, Cash: the Presi dent's name iit-rather heavily written—we:l cal culated to deceive. • . s's, letters Alind C, dated June 18,1890. 10's, letter B, of var ious &wean(' filling up; signed ' • James Crane, Cash: L. Baker, Pres. No persons of these names were officers of the bank. 10" s, A, trebly lettered, C. Kreel, Jan. 12,183fiiiiir ed lames Cox, Cash.; Wm. Lurman, Pits, in stead of I:V.miLkirman.. Others, E. Clifford, Cash. C. Thomas,Pres.:. other Ja n. 10;1837, No. 1646. 20's, letter I, dated Oct. 1,, 08, pay: 0: Keerl; it reads, "The Bank of B ah more premises to pay," while the genuine reads, "The'President,Direc tprs Co. of the Bank. of Baltimore promised to 50 it,_altered front s's, letter-8,-pay to J. Carson, -- 'June 24, 1824. In the s's, ,the words" Bank of Baltimore," commence in the first and end, in the . second line; in the genuine 50's,„"Bank of Balti more" stands 'wholly in the serowu line.. . 100's, letters A, P. Littigt Cash, J. Bier, Pres. Baltimore & Ohio. Rail Road Com. 40 -Chesapeake Bank;-Baltimore ; • - 2 Citizen's Bank, Baltimore, • Cohens' (J. I. jr. & Brothers Bank, ' Baltimore, Commercial and Farmers'. Bank of. ' Baltimore, s's, altered &aro counterfeit s's on Commercial Bank of New York " Comm , ' cial Bank of Baltimore. Detect by the title. - . - • , • • ,• 10's, letter B, pay J. Pattertion,July 4, 1831 and 1834, others, pay T. Cross, Dec. 4, 1830, and March 4, Ws, letter A, Nov. 10, 1893, pay J.'Cross. - 10.'s, Jan. B,lB9l,_pay J-11rice,, Farmers! and Merch. Baltimore, Ilea, altered from 5% in the genuine 10% the word TEN on ,the left ornamental torder• is upon a -• .lILAelt-grouud i but is upon a MUTE in the altered .tarmers ,& Planters B k. Baltimore, 5 ps-d 10'a, riouriouai said to•be made from genuine L Oateb.hut the : '-fname OFthe-President printe" , "Fell t e' Feint Institution ,'S*.ttings hliston, %..„ tea o o r ci4 „ to Balt. . Franklin Bank , • 25 letieril, pay L. L'• Bar` w.. Aug. 20, 18 ' 24; 100's, pay A. Leakin, Dec. 1, 1 : Merino Bank - s's, •• spurious, letter dated vi ! pate; atelmboat, ably:and ainopi On medalion heid of. Franklin, .tienorninatton,CsA. • lop arid tiottOin of • ° J. "- •• ° ••• Pa, letter A, dated Oct. 14,1826. ,• s'a and 10 7 0,-letterC;pay. Moirria,April 4;1826 ; J. Bler,',,Cashien• ; • • !.• ,• • ' 10'ot :letter A,,pa%-ANT.: Llial . ii 04 Oa 4.'04. /4,:l 82 .6. 100'1, letter A. pay G....C. Miller, ell engraved; a little Sitialler ttioti the kenitine . notia, and the".lieitil Washington ondie nd side has a 'sluggish ••••.‘.tiod'unfinishedippenrinee;whetielOseliexiiidiad.' In:the"counterfeit; the'firitlptiti of the - letter M in She word Marine; begins a little diistaiiee from the vignette—in - the genuine notes ittoselies Mec n liattk of Baltimore, 50te,letter0,-ps, te'.lK•Stoddari f li t iee, 20,1815. - 'IOW / letter A; vignettecwiiilroae.• • altere4 from s's; 'vignette ,of s's a railroad and train - CTears; the heads of Washington and Franklin: • ' •. 50's, altered from s'er Beelweeeeding 'Ole F. . erehaqte - ,Batilr, - Baltimore, ' --;'._ 4iOnllank, er,l4l . ariland, Baltimore, N. lettei, D;Orvailope,daiep and filling opi , % 20 old Plate, Setter 11,4 tine, 81.6. , . '•, ~ .ts'a; letter C; May 0;, I 81 1 2,,pay, •V. Ettitig; Prest dent'easutd:haa the apPearaneeoFhogeagrayed. Western Bank, Baltifitere, . ..,- 4 . .., .CO'UNTR.T Bank of Weanninater, • ItO's, old plate, well executed, but can be detected by observing that the letter)." in the ,numbering of 'the geriumenotes is not perfect; the firit'part net finished, whereas the counterfeit is Complete. li,'armers',& Mechanics' , Frederick,' 3 WO's. altered froM Farmers' & Mechanics' Bank. vignette, It female encircling an ea ,' gle•with the let arm; left enitiriecie, Washington; right, Lafayette. . ' Fiederick Bank; Frederick, • • • 3 107 i, altered &ma's.. Vignette of the genmine'l's and altered ,notee, a feinale holding in one hand a sickle, and in the other; ti,shesit.of wheat. • - 20 Waltered;fralif 2'a. . Hagerstown Bank, • • 6 3 iirik paper of a blueish 'east; the genuine is red; idgnette indistinct; bill shorter and natTowerthan the genuine. In the genuine ,the engravers' names run ON the light , line at the bottom, thu 'COM. , • • ' • terfeits, ABOVE.. ls; letter 13, piy to A;Noring, dated July 20,1837, others, different dates and payable to various per 'sons. The paper of the counterfeit has a blue tinge; that of the genuine red.- The names of the engravere,Murray, Draper & Fairman 8c Co„ are miserably engraved, having the appearance of Minray,Draper,,Fairman & Co. 50s, letter A, ddted May, .4,1840; .si nedEli,Beaity, Cash., Wm. Heyser;Pres.. 111 Mr eyser is some' years deceased .-' No genuine 50s of this plate out. Mineral Bank, Cumberland,' • 5 Patapseo"Bank Ellicotes Mills , Mink of Salisbury, . - Cumberland Bann hr Allegheny, Wasbington,Cm, B'k Williamsport, Farniers & Millers Bank,Uageretown, Farmers Bank of Maryland & Branekei, 3 3's letter B, June 9; 1827; pay J. Jones. s's, of Branch at Elkton,letter H. Sept. 4;1834. 'e, letter 1). of Branch at Easton, pay N. Hammond • dated April 27, 1827; .otbers Sept. 7, 1827. - Vs and 10'8,1etter 11,pny at branch at Frederiektown s'a,l2o's,nltered from Bank of Maryland,i broken bank, to Farmers Bank of MarYland. 10's, letter C, pity,l.C.Weelis or bearer,Qct.9,lB26 10's,datA at Frederieksburih,Dee. 27, 1834,IetterB pay J. Ity ler; Joseph Pinkney,Cash. H. IF. liar-. wood, yres.• . • . DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Bank of the Metropolis, Washington, 1/ 3'B, Jan. 1,1818, Kerr, Cash., Van Ness. Pres. l's, dated March 1,1893, pay C. Hill. Bank of Potomac, Alexandria, -1/ Bank Of 'Washington, Washington, 1./ Farmers Bank of Alexandria,L Padetter B; pay John Jay, dated Nov. 5,1821, 10's, lotter D, pay John Jay,. dated N0v..5,1821.. 10's, let. A,pay Simon Bolivar,dated march 22,1826 10's, letter D,.pay H.*Clay, Sept. 1,1824. , Farmers & Mechanics Bank,Georget'n, Patriotic Bank of Washington, :„ 1/ t 00's, lettr , whom pay, date, &c. , unknown.. Union Bank of Georegtown, 1/ Vs, letter B, Dec. 20, 1815; pay B. Stoddart. s's, letter unknown, Dec. 1,1813; pay Wm. Penn. VIRGINIA.. Bank of the Valley, Winchester, and • 511, letter A , various numberis and dates; David Gi bson, Pres. _ - , ss,Jan. I,lB39,payableat Linctiburg;oigned von the officers, while the genuine notes, above 3s, are - Biped at them. - Bank - has no Branch at.l4neliburg. • 20s, letter IL May I, 1713, pay J. M. Broome. - 20a, letter. H, Sept; 2,1838, pay . JAitiond; H. M; , Bunt, Cash,Obed White,Pres. Engraving coarse, paper thin and oily., , Do. Branch at Romn ey, • - 3a 5 la, letter A, July 1,1899, signed John Mellowm, Cash. instead of McDowell.. - 3oand ss, letter A, May 11,1838, signed J: MeDow - _ell, - for Cashier ; David Gibson,.for President. Appearance. bad: All notes over - 35 are,signed ' BY the officers. Bankof Virginia,ltichntond,&Branches3as s's, 10's and-20's payable at different branches r as Fredericksburg,Lynchburg, Petersburg; of whiter paper than genuine. In 10's circle on the left end of the margin is very uneven; .in the true 20's, there is a small flourish over the lett. k, in the word Bank, not found on the counterfeit. s's, lett. C. pay at Richmond, sth May, 1832. b's, left. A, June 25, 1833; paper light and flimsy engraving course, but general appearance is such as to deceive: s's, lett. A, pay L. Burfoot, Aug. 23, 1833. s's, lett. B, March 2,1830; pay L. Bininot, jr. s's, lett. B; others, lctt. I); an imitation of the new plate, by Pairman, Draper, Underwood Br, Co., with deep borders all round; vignette, represent ing Hope seated on 1411 anchor; the signature of A. Robinson, jr , Cashier, is well done. The' paper flimsy, but the general appearance is well calcu lated to deceive. „ •-. • a. 3 bat) s's; lctt. 1.)4 nthers,lett.l3,nCwiitate; pay Burfoot jr., or bearer, : dated Nov. 9.1830; G . Robinson Cash., 3. Rockenborougli, Pres. 3's lett. F, May 8, 11355;.pity 13. Hickson. - 10's, la. A, 13 and C, Feb, 19 and 23, 1819; Jan. 8 1819. O's, pay R. Grimy, dated April. 9, 1828. O's, lett. A, pay - George Towns, dated Nov. 4,1831 They can easily be detected b 7 the word " their ' before office of discount. It is in the counterfei, there." - • 10's, pay C. Dorsey, June 4 and 10 ,1817, and,June, • 1830. 20's, lett. A, pay F. dated May 20's, lett, A, pay J. F. May, dat p.-14 4 1819; W. Dandridge, Cash., J. DrockenbOrmig, Fees. 20's. dated March 25, 1832.. "Bank of Virginia" in the border, on the right hand instead of the left; the word "Twenty " on left, instead of right. 50's, altered from Vs. Observe the heads of Wash ington and Jefferson; not on genuine 50's. 50's, lett. B, pay to Urn, dated 4--May, 182 C 50's, altered ft . om l's; very well done. • 200's, pay C. grant, dated April 2;1825. Do. Branch at Charlestown, Va. 3a 5 s'l, new plate; l vignette a female figure, dated Aug. 9, 1834; others, of different dates; remarkably well executed. None are genuine that are dated Aug. 3,1834. . Vs, lett. A C and D, June 22, 1832; July 8 and 0, 1832, and March 9, 1832. s's, J. Brockenborough, Pres., A. Robinson, Cash. No number or letter; well executed. s's, of .different letters; some B, others D, pay L. Burfoot,jr. The fnce of Hope, in the aigrette; is very much blurred, and the flourish at the end of the Cashier'simme is engraved. 10's, old plate; no_gcnuine_Hes_old-platerpayable-at --Charlestim. . 20's,lett.11. No. 2320; nay Y. A. McFarland dated April 14,1894. The e n graving is not wel l' exc . Cuted; general impression bad,. ink much paler than the genuine. ills. • - Do. trench at Danville. ' 3'a 5 s's, lett. A, July'l7, 1834, pay George Town. -. • -5 0 s, lett. , C, Oet.-18,-1.832,- pay Geo.-Young.— • 10's. lett. A Dec. 4,t 1832, pay George Town. 'The engraving of the vignette is - extremely rough. 10's, lett. A, April 7, 1831. Signatures well dope. 10's, loft. A; dated Richmond,, July 13;.1836,. pay .George Town at„Danirille ; some, June 4. 1831. - ~ '. . Do. .Branch at Fredericksbur g , 3a 5 s's, lett D, dated llichniond, Aug. 4,1829. .' . s's pay laugh lYfereer, dated May 4,1819. 20's, pay H. Mereek; dated June 22; 1,919 f lelt. B, April 9,1838 , * ' ' " ' ' - • ' cy•See first paragraph under Bank of .Va. for s's, 10's and 20's,m; this Branch. , . • . Do.. Biankli at. '! . .;ynelibtiTg. . . s's, lett. D; Oct NlBl9;paY Wm. Nowell. ' -, 10's, lett. D, pay WM. Radford, dated Richmond, 22, 1819; and else of other dates. Wm.'Necldei , vie, Cash., P.N. Rieholsis,lPreit t' oar- The genuine I.o'tkpothisßraneh are:. made paya delii W:Nciiirell. - ' / " • ,-- .., .. '11:0s, lett: C, Richmond; July 18; 1832,pay W. Nor.. Yell at ignehbint %, : • ;-, -, - . . , 20's lett. , B, 'pay W - . Norvell, ' dated: Oct -2. 1819;- s gnature arid. filling sp2lFell Alone, iA dark. ; • : - -, 20's - , lett - Bi -- end CiiisVnalitarlf,' - 'datett . M6y* - 1825; others, Get: and #arelt.lBl9, , • .., „., , •.t - t, 50's, kit:Al..well exeeutit ....... , ..• - . - i.. . , orirSee firs t palygraph Older harik of Va., foi 3!0`; Ws neap's, on this Ilank:‘, , '„, ~ ... , ; ;• ' : DO. ' .Branch at 'Nofelli'. : ,_: .. -3; - ' . ,3'if 5 19'#;lettelq), maioti 90.8.560 ) ;*, B . Lirfq4, sig natures engraved. .' . . • , • • „.. • 20's, letter, A,l.l'anit D . ', psi, 010:;iiieiq . cinfilit various s. •l•,ltttei•Al'•Niaii: 10;1881;R..C., Lim' • f ;., ' •,,, . i .!,...43;tialiat NoKolk,to Rs.'ldee,,Noy; 4,1823. "- C4. '' ' 4, 446 'At' Pete rs . if. : .*." I'3 a . 5 le's. ii 4 , l6l " ra k' si ' W' . oiii a' ' ta6h * : ' jut ' ~.4,44 -, 1.892: MR.2 il. y....". ~,, , 614,,,„ h „ i t ne t -;fee ilasnrltstrw '-• ' ''' , l?, •`1 1 •... le r.7 t. i.', s •, ~.!".. ; . 10's, letter C., - piy.r•May. ' s ' 12.0'o,lettertB, pay: it ?etc* , • r p . 34,4, joy , go,-tino. , :t ,r,, , Y , ,;-; , ....s e' ~"'': r• • 1., -• • Welpv,•ac,poterOprgtlo..l•lSMAy, - -f:• 1 4;:i t..,1 ii: , :: (C'Sco first l Pataityph ;under' -Bank 3f,, A. . , ,W4,(ind..2 0 '6,9)0 18 1 1 40411 ! v . ••- . ' * ' "-•- A!. Ex 6 iiiitlifirA,l 4o kOr'Virginia r ; li roc '...: -- ro. n ds - ll rancho oi ';., -,.. 7 , z.,,, . 7 ,,, , , ~...:. 6:: (44 6' ee's,',ei 'tweet letters and , PaYable 0 ; Ta !Mite l 'o. l W Dat mostly , sinde 'August; tojil., A l f:tea from, • e iitales,wh!ch no doutiVisdbega leo; Cal; .--) A . • . • 'eulated to deeetire.theleatjudgea,:but'xnay be de- tented by that she fillMg up , and ',Mina! chmes are uithe'lat44l: l ,htmdarriung, and exeoutell in le bliitted manner._ Do. do.: Bondi. if .„ 5 . .84 P?'/!,spnrJouip..diatitagiftalteil front. gsnahte hy having no Qatar or, diiiee on the Mak: , ' 11 Farmers Bank of Virginia , Richmond, and 'Branches, : 3,1 i 5 Vs; letter% dated April 6i11,:1852. _ • .. Vd,letter,D, April 2,1839, pay B. Cooper papenpurtiorting to be engtuved hy:Mbrray, Draper, Paortnatr.btCo. , 'Tile tree notes of this 'plate bare beencitlfed 'MAIO Vs ilaued'of the plate • engisired hy 'Draper, Pairmattle Co: oif think j 4 7. per.. printed on the back in ehecker "work'with an 10's,letter,A,pay C.Greenletolated on.rarioni dates in August,lB3B o being after the resignation. ofP.N. ,Nleliolas, Fees., arid - Wm. Nekerria,tilib4,v;hose ' signatures are tolerably Well imitaten; The tight; end piece is a sheaf of wheat, and a 'steam engine near theto(rof the Note; 'neither of 'which' are vo any. gendine Issue of this baniul' . • - • 10's, letter A, spurious,- various -dates in -18.58,-vig. 'little Liberty sitting On a rotk„ber right handrest big op a, sheaf wheat. . . - • 10'4 letter F, - April 8, 1831,14 C. Gerard. 'lo's; litter June 11, 1832, pay C. Gerard; others June 6;1832, pay C. Heyegat geneild aPpearitnce had. , . 30/s, letter D,April 4, 1826,pay C. Boyne; signatures .. of Wm. Nekervis,Cash ., and P. N. Niehobtirreo• . engraved. 30's, altered from s's,branckplate,EP or, G, H. The • figue 5 and wordfive extracted, and figure 30 and word thirty stamped instead. 50's, altered from Theheads of Washington and Jefferson, on the border of the s's, smut* on the , true 51 notes. The, vignette on the genuine s's is a female sitting on afrock,holtfmg in herband a stalk of tobacco; of course the altered 56's bear the same vignette. 50's,letter.l.',April 2.1827, pay B. Missy. • Do. Branch et Fredericksburg, • 3a 5 to's, letter D,Ncirera'r2, 1819, pay.hilitiT Brooke, - others Feb. 4, 1819. Do.. BrancWat iynChbitrg, ' 3et 5 s's, letter K, April 7,1833, pay Wm Iteadford 50's, letter H; pay to W Radfoo,at Lynchburg,Sept 2,1827 100's,lettir A,pay of Lyncburg Bt apelbto Win Bad. ford, dated April 2, 1818 • • . Do. Branch at Petersburg, • - 3 . 0 5 s's new plate, letter L, pay• William Robertson, jr.- '4llingliplengraved, dated 4th Nov. 1827 100's, letter, A, pay Wm Clarke,•April 2, year known. Wm Nekerris, Cash., Benjamin Hatcher,. Pres. Remarkly well executed. - Do. Branch at Winchester, 3 a 5 10's, pay Daniel Lee, Sept 12,'1819. . • . 10's, letter E, July 15, 1822, pa '.Daniel Lee Merchants & Meohanics BankiDecatur, 10 Merchants & Mechanics Bank, Wheeling, . . and Brandies ; :' . • 10 notes of the Merchants & Mechanics Bank of El Me F • Wheeling, made payable at the Farmers and Me chanics Bank of Philadelphia. are forgeries . North Western Hank.of Virginia,. Wit - Wing. and - 13ranchels, . - . - 10 10's, altered' from s's, they are 'of the old plate, the vignette of the s's is a Plicenisi arising from its ash es-of the 10's,sin eagle holding' in its heak a chain •to which q chain is attached. ' _ • • . O's, spurious, letter A, vignette, an Indian and dog, with a prostrate stag: Right hand margin a steam boat, the left a female. 'rife genuine note has for vignette a.female figure,with an aria' resting on an aurhoe a ship in the distance • . • • . - - Bank of Chillicothe, Chillicothe, closing 40 Bank of , incinnati, Cincinnatt, Bank-of:Circleville (old - vile; • • - •.. Bank of Cleveland, Cleveland, closing. Bank of Hamilton, Hamilton, closing s 00 "two, lett. A, NoVI7, 1835. Signed .1 Woods, Pres. C K Smith, Cash. The bands of the vignette are less distinct than in the genuine. Bank of Geauga,. Patnsville, - a 6 paY-S Marshall Jr, dated.. May 9,1897._ Vignette , two Indians—steamboat in the distance. Poorly ex&uted. 10's altered from Bank of Vernon, Texas. vignette, Hope--on t ight end a steambiniti on left . a female. Bank of Marietta, Marietta, closing, 6 a 3:B,.lett.'N, pay E Jones, dated Aug 10;18421 the smell ovals on the left hand margin appear to be drawn with' s; pen. • Ws, lett. A, July 21, 183 g. -There is a period after the word dollars, in tie counterfeit, wanting in the genuine, which moreover have a flourish under the words of the on' the left margin which is not on the counterfeits. • 34, Ictt. A, April 1,1887 4 pay .1 Nye; paper thin en graving bad, estubiapr the dies including figs S. 10's and 20's, altered from l's; ikinrray t Draper, Fairman & Co's plate. There are no bills from this plate' over s's, ' . Bank of Massillon, Mossillcin, Bank . of Mt. Pleasant, Mt. Pleasant-- 6 a 8 Vs lett A, July 26,1831. • Appearance faint and bad. 10's and 20's, altered from l's, which have for vig nette, a figure of J.. se. Bank of Norwalk, Norwalk,' Bank of .Stindusky,"Baiiuskh: . Bank of WoOstr, )17ooster. 6 S's spurious.; vignette, tiro Indians, with • Steamboat in the - distance. Thekanknever issued suchbills. 10's altered from fraudtlient bank of Vernon, Texas. Vignette, two eagles iwith shield of Hope; on right margin shipp . ing, andcat left end figure of a female; under which is the nape of the engraver—Boston 'Bank Note Company,39 Stated:3 S Lake,Caah.; J S Coulter,Pres. Ho not resemble the genuine • ' notes f os 10's, altered from I's : old up to the light • Bank of Xenia, Xenia, .., . a 6 52, altered from Bank f Vernon worthless con cern; signed 11 Chi , Cashier, John Hivling, President. All sign d by these persons are spu . rious ; vignette, two Indians, one reclining on a • rock, viewing a stew boat • Is, altered from Is E. Drike,Cushier. 'I Os, spuriims—purportto be engraved by the East ht ern Bank Note Com ny. , 'This company, have never engraved any n es for the Bank of Xenia.; 20s, some signed H C , others J lievling,Prest. All signed by these p mons are spurious • • • • 50,,spurious. • The lis k has not issued any 50s • OcNotes of the Bank 1 Michigan altered to Post Notes on the flank o mile. The words Michi gan and Detroit have been takenout, and Ohio - war Xenia inserted. Thl bills. purport to be issued in 1841, but bear the name of the officers of the Bank of Xenia in 18 . ' . . Bank of Zanesville,)genesville -. a°- Ss, letter A, pay H L Dorm, Bth February, 18S3: " badly executed, paw diin, vignette defective.— Signature of Alm Cashier lacks the period at the abbreviationlof Charles, and at the initial C. • Belmont Bank, SL•ClairsVille, '• a 6 ss, - letter B, pay .) WieKof suites.* dates, some May __1,1827; and others April 7, 1828: others Sept 10, 1829.. Well executed: observe the letter ain dol lars is not crossed, or, If so, done with a pen. . . • Ss and lot ; altered from Is of various letters, dates and filling up. Vignette of Is„an ageinan splitting. a log.- Clinton Bank, Columbtls, Columbiana Bank; New Lisbon, _ 'erg .., . C.omrnercial-Bank t -cinCinnatt„-------ar-6 _.. 10s, letter A, pa ''John A Wales,dated May 4,1887; signed W S Hatch, Gushier; engraved by Under wood, Ibid.& Spencer. Since October, 183 d; no 10s have . been issuethaeribed by Mr. Batch, , • who is not now Cidld r. ''. • . k 10s, dated January!, 1 , pay II Baldwin, letter . • A, with, an eagle vignette OQ the top of the, bill. The words 'of einelnicati; in is line, ore crowded, in between twi.ii'otlielines;so as to strike the eye S . O3;J'S Armitiong Peesident,Jamec HAl:Cashier; engraved by Betide/4, !Wright, Hatch "& Bison; •New Orleans., !Vignette, 'a female feeding' an. ea ,,.. glee on the right William Tejl 'and the Goddess of Liberty, March 7;1830. It is an altered note, -,supposed from the Commercial Baoki Columbus, Mississippi. - ,• . ' • • •.. • : COm. Bk-,of Lake Erie, Cleveland. , closing. Commercial Bank of Scioto, . • Portsmouth, „.. .. I , len.,-BallkANVOurci"i47 .ot. : Bonli2.4.Sit'linielnstittition, 44; , • ,-. . . . - . d' ldlifinna li, , ~' gni . ;:_ i .: ilt. ' t b u Ilfe, ~ ' '_a"B, _, 25;smroup,leiter A, J.Paiterson,May 4,Bds; Dllloediy,Cishirr;lAiki PcTiiteuknaue Pi/I ';alle toaulTre - slden .01:.01Faved"viSiete 0, ''fethale tlifire'itherti-cap and eagle.L-14d' '' Of warhiogtotiviiiiita 'end, and_ sheaf ofirbeatois' left. • ~7 Is; spuriouksanie,vigisfitte to' the- Ss with'sliiii... versed; PlAY,•LPAtteirlom, (Mgr*, •00drIctlis 4 1 134- , ~. Moody Cashier,bike(epgrared)resident,A;- •-ki de, letter A, mi.:IA/Olson dated ,Idna 0,.1840; Olcio Ande 6 w*Wecidet.4 l ; ll 4l l . eshiCre ..Tkir. . era execution good, Siodglit - trigßette,qol 4 tic' '' LibeitY, is` coarse/. plipFiliglitifid thin. --; "' SiOtliered front' the Eattnerst cind:Vitighanies!'llatiki. -,Borlingtoin;-WM;`.• The ' vignette :totally. finlike' the tenuitle bill% id . ifeumlfiholding In one-hand', a goblet to an eaele... Engraved by Burton..and t Guilc.l'i ffew..7lreek ..-,.. 4tis,,letter..A.;ilittid liintiirY'..lo.-,1 MO; pay B Wells; Nd e :Jiia Andrews'-rresteient, W §PencePich , ' „., ette„ a female with. one hand resting ' on: a gooP. -, -.4hiper - thlw and pale; engraving pretty Ids and _2iiis,...ti om. ,( 4 ,: y Tird„like left hand end, of the gentufifi iinec.... kv i riv a,. an Ai ~, ~ , ~...„, Bas OHIO. a.B a 6 a 8 Franklin' rink; Cinoinnaii; ' lc of Qedit.tobtta Lancaster Ohiti Bank s Ltitictititeri: 20 ,' Lifavetle'Banti, Cinbinn4ii; , ail' gtter paper thin, light oolournd and greasn vignette, 'a alwead ogle; left aide a Cupid' nitride lion; Oniporting tole engtaved by vl oodrtiff E.sr 'Hammond. • ' • • ' ' 'Mftikingiiia Bank, ratnam, . a 6 'olii6;:ilW.lastOnce & Tiast. Co t ----; •-• • 6 a 8 -se, letter BE pay G. :feting; dated Alien .11449; rip , nelte. P drove ;of cattle and loceinotive and carain the distance; oii . the left end au Indian.' A mi serable '' • - sg . letter IA pay 0 Lang dated 'Wer.9 '1836; 'other • various' dates;. signed J 8 'PerkinrCashieg W Williams • President. Paper flimsy; engraving bad and defecting inteaturett and filling tip badly . ' done and all in the samn.hand-writing. Ohio Railroad Co., Richmond city, Urbanna-Banking Company.. . letter-A;pay-7Wardt . W " June '- 5-1098;-W-Ethm ' ham Cashier; John H Jaynes President. Vignette, . s female Spire with one aria reclining CM an en: gle. Light appearance. 3 - 3s,letter Ai dated June p 1838. 10s, old plate: dated August 9d 1823. Wesiern Reservo Bank; . . 3e, July 16 1830. Se, pay Wm Williams; dated Mity4 1830. 3eand ss, ivith frhodulent title of , Western Reserve Farmers' . Banking:Ce.,' signed ;Jai. Robinson, Cashier. • s's, badly executed; they are one eighth of an inch , • shorter than the genuine notes. • lined, engraver, dated January 7,1826. " • 6's,no letter pay W Williami 'dated Nov 5t141828, engraving very faint. Ito s, letter D,Murrao,Draper &Fairinan's plate; the - 'words "Western Reserve Ban" being on• the left, 'and "Ohio" on the right inargin,--tr the genoine notes they are on the reverse . IDDIANA. State Bank of Indiana and Branches, • 6 s'*,(Ertinches at Evansville and Itichrtiond,)letterD, • of various dates and filling up—engraving 'course, paper thin: s's,dated Jan.l,lllso,pay G W Rathbone,l3 Merrill, ''Pres.,,fohn Ross,Cash--engravers W Dane & Co. The genuine were engraved by' Hawdon, Wright, ' Hatch & Co, New York s's, letter D, Oat 9, 1839, - payable at the different branches, tolerably well executed,though of rather a dull, dead look. The letter 'V, in the le ft hand • margin is too narrow, and not well proportioned. The bills contain•good portraits of Washington and Lafayette 'with a vignette of a' woman and a ship. Purport 10 be engraved by Rawdon,Wrigbt & Hatch. • • . s's,letter Et,pay Sit Fort Wayne to J Prittidated Dec. • 9 t 1839; S. - Merrill, McCulloch', Caih.; vignette a female seated on boxes; ship at sea.— ,"Engraved by Rawdon, Wright, Hatch bc Co. N. Y. • Paper coarse. • • 10's lett. A. 4111 Jan. 1837, pay D. Deming, at Terre Haute; coarse. 10's, spurious; vignette, a. steamboat, _with several vessels in the hack grourid, and a- town in the die. 10's spurious, vignette a steamboat,with Several yes ' sets kith's back ground and a town in thedistance, while the genuine has a drover moulded, and a herd of cattle 20's and 100's,altered trom 5'.. They are clumsily altered,and on the's's have retained the heads; none of which headi are - on the $2O or $lOO bills. -The only $2O bill issued has the Indiana State House for its main design,while that of the only $lOO bill Is a Homan soldier and matron. The upper and lower margins but MT the s's in making the alter ation.„ • ADVERTISEMENTS. Estate of .rathan Reed, dec 9 d: IrjETTE RS of Administration on the estate of NATHAN REED, late of the Borough of ewville, Cumberland County, deceased, have been granted to the subscribes., residing in Carlisle. All persona indebted to the said deceased, are re.- gicested to come forward end make payment int mediatplymnifthose having claims will present them properly authenticated to the undersigned for settle ment. - ',...,„,_,_ ••-. - JACOB HOFFER, Adm'r. 6t-30 Carlisle, Jurie - 1, 1842 IN B.A.NKRUPTCY, NOTICE. PETITIONS for the Benefit of the . Bank. tufa Law, were filed on the 30th May, 1842, - by . JOSEPH MUSSER, tate Tanner &Currier, now Justice of tho Peace; Cumberland county. JESSE BAUMAN, Merchant & hinfounder, Cumberland :county. JACOB GORGASS, late n Merchant, (of laden. ter county,) Cumberland county. WILLIAM SNCODGRASti3, late Merchant, now Tobacconist, Cumberland county. SAMUEL GIVEN, late Merchant and Mann. facturer,COmborland County. • • MAY 31, 1842. JAMES WILSON, late Merchant, Cumberland county. Which Petitions will be heard before the Pis , ' tit Court of. the United • States . for the Eastern, District of .PennsYlvania, sitting in Bankruptcy, at the Dietrhit Court Room, in the City of Phil. adelphia;on•Moriday the 11th day of July next, at 11 O'clock; A.•M: When and where all parsons interested may appear and show cause,-if any they have, why the prayer of the said Petitions should not be granted, and the said Petitioners be declar ed Bankrnpts. FRA'S. HOPKINSON, • Clerk of District Court. • 3t.32 Jude 8, 1842. The Cause of Disease. NEARLY all classes of diserise are' caused by some obstructione In the.system which pro. vent the regular and 'wholesome operation. of the animal functions. -This state of the system is discase,which is manifested in a variety of forms; more or less malignant in their chiracter. To restore the system to a stat9.of health then, it is only fieccessary to .remove the cause of disease, and the end is accomplished. The cause is ob. struction somewhere. This should be removed by purgation, which is the only means that should be resorted tp,_because, suggested by reason and by nature. Dr. Harlach's . Strengthening and German Aperient Pills are allowed by the thou sands who have used them, to be the best purge. tive medicine in existence. Because they not only remove all obstructions, and purge the system of its impurities, but because, and which is extreme. ly , important, stretigthen-and-give-preper-tune-to the stoinrich, and produce a healthy action of all the parts. ,Besides they are so Mild and gentle in their - operation as to render them at all times a perfectly safe and desirable remedy: The af flicted'would 'do well, then to purebase _a box or two of this invaluable medicine, and give it 4 fair trial, instead of destroying their systems witlroit repeated doses of Calomel, and other droigis so I . For sale it No.l9th North Bth St. Philadelphia also at' he Drug Store of John 1. Myers & Co, Carlisle; .and , at the Drug Store of Williain Peal, Shippensburg.. June 15 3t.93 GROUP RI GIOOLDRIENa 11AOTHERS, BE ON YOUR ,• HUARP! , •— This is the season ' when this destructive comp aint'attache your interesting little children, often robs you of those you fondly doat ,on, and , carries hundreds to the grave. Every mother should therefore, know its symptoms, watch them closely, and always be prepared with "a remedy as many ate daily sacrificed by such neglect. At first the little patient is seized , with a shivering, it grows' restless, hoe flushes of hest,the eyes-become red and swollen, it breathes with' difficulty, and' .then come, initiate in convulsions.or death unless something is immediately girim to iiheoklit. 'ln this complaint the - oßatisrm of; Wild Cherry" is well. known to he the most speedy dicovered. , Ail' indeed a , precious remedy-mild, 'Oath' and innocent, and M Sure to give the sufferer, immediate relief, and quichly.rptore it to safety and health.. Fami. , Hee residing,* the 'country, end indeed ern,* pier, ther*ho loves her ;children,t s hould always kieP, Hilo pliaiditieki3lie :house' aild giVe it t,iii them, :early, by : doing so - Yenrithay o ft en saveth e , life of one you fonillylove. Remember is thermions remedy of th is diatinguithe4,physlciani;-, Dr. Wis. rir,:l.which ..hiiii" - aired 'thousands - pf CROUP, 7WHOOPING COUGH, coNstlir• iTION, ikei4 - iiiier OVeli. other Medicine has failed. ', al.& _particuler - ithei '444 pu rchase _to . ask 'for olir.._l l lTisztan!ii. BAUM* OP' IVILIi 'Cninini, , as there iiii'liintiiir this niiiii advertlead ;hat' is entirely a _ditioreo meidleine;"' '- ' *. • Prepared oral looliVlLLiitita & CO..."'CiioMii9tdi No. 03 South riiiiith 'street; Philidelphlei ;`, '' - ' - Bold iii . Carlisle -by . - s -I,''' , ' . ., :'-''''.. - • '''' s"; . SAMUEL` EL L IO T T. . . ' pride One Dolicfr a Regiiv , - ~ - - - June 22,.1,842.,,., . • ..,•-:;,•:.,.--, , t 020.3.3, NEW 'STEAPA . SAW' MILL •ao . .- go HEtETBADVI34W MILL ; recently; erected , , by.,,the, subscriber, about , halfa mile below . I s b orm on the etyli, bank of the Susquehappa, 7 an l near the HailHoad and Canal; einitaining. TWO VERTICAL' ind . rTWO' CIRCULAR.' SAWS, and.conitsticuid in - the Most' approved' and'efficient matinee,' 'sin* ifirapiratliinand feadi to 'execute Orders - with ' thettinoat , desiiititch. , - • . ' • ' An asiortaitinforthe iiiitione kinds of SCANT LING, „PLANK; BOAIIDS, PLASTERING,I4 SHINGLING' LATHS', atii(ffor Window /Hinds, Venetian Shutters &c. *ill be atwayiet kept ready for delivery,: VqIALIAM GRIBISHAW. * * *Front one to five horse povier, with stlitstok room; to itht. April 6,'1842.' COACH & HARNESS 'MAKING. k,6 EBENEZER H. NETZ, SI7OJCEVOR to F. A. Kennedy, oeach Maker, takes pleasure in informing the public gener. ally, that ,he is prepared to .render satisfaction in the construction or repair of C?:94114M. - ZEILSJEI,CEEFLEOEMI . a of every:description.. His workmen are of the ..firsi class; liiingoriginallY•froin the city : of Phil: adtilphia, (and himself likewise)--and his mater ials are of the best kind. - . CARRIAG4II, will be finished in the most im proved style, and nothing Shall be wanting to give full sitlifitetion to all who may favor him with their custom, He' therefore hopes to receive a share of public patronage. • The establishment is ih Pitt street; south of High, in the rear 'of the Methodist Episcopal church. ' '1 Carlisle, March 30,1842. tf.22 N. B. Old carriages,or any, kind of trade that is marketable, taken in exchange for new work. . 'Medicated Extract of Sorsa ' parilla. ...ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS- - , bo forfeited by Dr. LEIDY, for a V. preparation of Sarsaparilla equal to-hir Medicated .Extract of Sarsaparilla. It is positively the strongest "preparation of Sorsa p.arilla in existence. ONE 1101 viz is equal to six pints of 'any other Syrup that is made, and is bought by numerous persons throughout the city and country for making Therefrom, and who, sell it at seventy-five - centiror - one - dollarperbottle tabout ha if a pint.) The efficacy of Sarsaparilla is well known in Scrofula or King's Evil, Erysipelas, Diseases of the• Liver, Affection of-the Skin and Bones, Ulcers pi the Nose, Throat and Body,- as well as an Antidote to Mercury and the Minerals, Constitutional Dis eases,and a general purifier of the Blood and Animal Fluids. Cormuent.upon its virtues is .unfiecessaryy every body knows its efficacy. It is only necessary when uving it to get a good preparation of it, and then there-will be no disappointment in its effects. Dr.teidy would refer to the moat respectable pity laicism in Philadelphia, as well as throughout the -- United States, fur the character of his. preparation,. As well also to the numerous certificates from physi cians and others, that have been from time to time published, now deemed unnecessioy, as the charac ter of his prcparati on is firmly establ shed. Through out the Southern States it is used altogether, and throughout the North takes theprecedence over all others, particularly among the physicians, who, for the benefit of their patients, always recommend it. ' The reader is referred to the directions accom panying each bottle,ffirrecommendations,bertificates, and further certificates. gPRICE ORE DOLLAR PEE BOTTLE. epared and sold, wholesale and retail at Dr. LEIDY'S HEALTH EMPORIUM, No. 191 North Second street, below Vine, sign of the Golden Eagle & Serpents, Philadelphia; and for sale in Carlisle, by • STEVENSON. & -DINKLE, Agents for Cumberland County. Carlisle, May 18,1844, , 17..29 iViecpariicsburg Line A 1 . ,•••, ,, • c ft.° • Ala • Between Mechanicsburg and 'Philadelphia or Baltimore. [Br.R.IIL ROAD OR CANAL] HE subscriber grateibl for put favors, begs AL leave to inform his Mends and the public generally, that he still continues to run a line of burthen Careireft,thirly between Mechanicsburg and Philadelphia or Baltimore, by which goods and produce of all descriptions will be forwarded with care 'and despatch at the lowest rates of. freight. . - • Produce will be received at his Ware House,in Mechanicsburg, and forwarded to either Phila. delphia or Baltimore, according toile direction of the owner. [ErThe higheet price will be given for Wheat end Flour. .„. ••••: MARTIN MEILEY. N. B. Plaster of Park And Salt always kept rt hand, and for sole at,the lawest prices. April 13, CONSUMPTION!! 1 C OUGHS, COLDS S:c. Every Body ,Clafilit'to snow of .ruitnonaiw Preservative. 4 O effectual in Coughe, Colds, Influenzal,, Ca. S tants; Asthma, Paine of the Side and of the Breast, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Shortness of Breath, Whooping Cough, all Diserties of the, Break and Lunge, and for the arrest of approach ing Consumption. -- - -So popular is Dr. Bechter's Pulmone -Preser— vative throughout all'Oennarty, and so effectual in Diseases of the . Lungs, that from ita miraculous effects and wonderful cures—it is there generally known and styled ~D r. Bechterte Life Preserver." As numerous certi ficates ' of its very good Writers, and wonderful curia in this' country, have been 'fro quently published, it. is deemed necmurarz only to remind the, public of so valuable a medicine.. anti inform their whem it Can be procured genuine. CrPrice.--Fifty. Cents a - half pint bottle. **, Prepared and sold;wlfolerale and retail,at LEDYI3 BEALTII EMPORIUM, .No, 191 North, Se&md, Street, below Viney_ (sign o f the Golden Eagle and Serpents), PhPedellihie • For sale in Carlisle, by s'rEvpNslv.,44. . fil_ Agents for ' - cuinindind,County. ay..19. 9424 ' - -Iy-29 . . apcording to' Or/X4Ollll. ' - ^,i; _ls `,/, ~.•-• i' '''' / r.. , . I ~.HundrOdaPr,vertiflatiolasht ' b e lhOe l liti d ' A fik. °mosey free OsPteiniof teetediti , eettoot Teach.. ere, PAPetittala.4 2 Etitseeitmz z, end Arottlo6 were It' not,tboho atateszrofiltiving Ittoiltotttotlobliath ed it* colligates , wink art loathsome MI 411 8 r. able•effeetiettez v •-,-, ',-, •,, -.', rizt •4. .. c. •..1.,z ,• z ,t ;. ); .;• , i r .; Twekity-flatz - tzetot i k .box t • ~ ••••.•• , _.:•., ..,1! attellited sold ettlyz,teholettabrtutd . ;"retail , at Dr: ' WrOI ,II EALTH :, EIIILPORIUMzr39I No kiecottd, street,•,ll6o-Vitteri Oho Antic, IticOdett pato And,Rippenti) , PhilideaPkia: - .'• •." , ''' z , • r - • ~ , rot , sold, to • MOWN. by. •• 1.. : ', ,, ,..k . s •,‘.,;,,, • • . • STEVENSONiezz'' I:4lllglig,' ' ' _ t r Agents for Citint4rltitill County: ; 6' Carlisle, May lei 1 89% 1 ' .r, '''''' fs " 3749 EMI BECHTER'S - - - ZOETE• ,711 EAlt.r 11141 74.2NtaterieLtoteiitl e i ne fly liiCnimet l Witr,justreceoedlwthesubieribe r . • GEO. W. HITNER. Amp 22.1842. FRIDLEY 86 ROB 3m -23 Tin, ,Coppersmith, and . Sieve _ Business. - - . . J ACOB FRIDLEY. & ELIAZER SONi'hrivingentered intoCo.Partnership, in the "Fin Copper and Stove Business, under the firm of "Fin, & ROBlNSON,..,respe ! tfully inform the public that limy intend canying on their business in all Its branches, at the Old staid of Jacob Fridley, Mirth Hanover street, Carlble; where they will at all times, be prepared town purchasers with and article in their line, on the most reasonable terra.. - • In addition , to• all other varieties 'of stares, which, they will constantly have on hand, they have purchased of Mr. J. G. Hathaway, the ex.. -.- elusive right to 'manufacture - and - sell; in the mutt: , ties OfCumberland'and Dauphin . • .Hathaway's Patent "Illot'Air Cooking Stoves." • And being - aware that the people in this place - and vicinity; have been much impcisediaporrby the introduction (if new and highly recommend. ed articles which they have been induced to pur chase, and which have been so slFghtly made, and of such ,dad material, that in a snort time they . have failed and become useleve. - - "We, therefore, do riot intend offering stoves for sale until they are fairly tried in this community, and protioun, cad more durable in their • construction, better adapted to the purposes of boiling, baking and all the varieties of cooking than any other stove; also; that the y aie a great saving of fuel al well as labour. • • . (rj.We earnestly invite farmers as well as real. . dente of this place and the 'neighboring villages; to call on us at S. Wunderlich's . hotel, or notify ns by letters , (postage unpaid) that they are will ing to try our stove—and the stove shall be placed in the kitchen of every person giving us mach i ne. tics, and taken away after trial, without any*: penile to persons making the trial. • The stoves will be kept for pale at the Tin Shop of Mr. Jacob Fridley, and at the" Foundry of Messrs. Lay & Stouffer, in Carlisle. Having contracted for One Hundred . Tons of • Castings, we willr in a few dais, supply, stove dealers with all the different sizes, on the most liberal terms: , . ELEAZER. ROBINSON, of Carliale, is agent for selling the right to make and dead the . HOT AIR STOVE, and will dispose of counties in this and the adjoihing States. • • We publish the following veconunendations frets some of those who are using the stove, tommuir age- others to try it. . - CARLISLE, Sept. 12; 1841. I have in use in,szty kitchen one of Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cooking - Stoves, and can recant . . mend = tas a -very superior article. — The one I • hav'e is No. 3. It has 5 boilerkand an oven peal. - ciently large to bake siz loves of broad. The baking, roasting and-broiling-can all be done at :the same time and with. much less wood than is . required for any stove - which we have Used. This size appeais to -be peculiarly cateulated for Farmers, and for tßeir benefit.' invite them tonall and see this stove in use,--as-I shall take pleasure in' - showing this .tore to all whom interest or_ curiosity_ may induce to:examine it. SIMON WUNDERLICH.- CARLISLE, Sept. 11,.1841, MeBB7ll. E Robinson CO.—GENT/LICHEN, I have during the few days i have had' your Hattie. way's Hot Air Stove in use, become convinced of its great superiority over all other stoves I lava used or seen. I find by the trial that boiling, roasting, baking and broiling may all be done at the same time, i n a moat perfect planne4, and with less than one fourth the fuel I have ordinarily used for the same purposes.' I bave heretefore been of 'the opinion that bread could not be•well baked in a cooking stove, but I sin convinced upon trill that it can be done•as well in your stove asin a brick oven. - I believe that the general introduction of your stove into use will be very beneficial to the'public, therefore I shalt take pleasure in recommending it to my friends. ' Yours respectfully, WILLIAM MOUDY. • CARLISLE, Sept. 10, 1841: Messrs. E. Robinson 4 Co.—Gentlemen, ',have fairly tested the "Hot Air. Stove" which you put - ' up at my house, and can recommend it as possess ing principles of economy and conven ience, far surpassing any other store which I have ever seen. The boilers coming in immediate contact with the fire gives great. facilities for boiling, and the oven is heated on such a principle that bread is baked in as fine a manner as in a brick oven. • I find it also a great saving of filet and labor, and . would advise all to adopt it. • • MITCHEL McCLELLAN. CHAIHBERSBURG, Sept. 6, 1 8 4 1- I do cattifY that lain now using one Qt Hatha. way's Patent Hot Mr Cooking Stoves, No. 3, and do recommend it as superior to any stove I base seen, the great saving of fuel, and the variety that can be cooking at the same time, makes it an ob.' ject to those who wish to facilitate the openniens of the kitchen. ' JOS. CULBERTSON.' Carlisle, June 22, 1842. • 't515.34 READ WHAT IT HAS DONE, - AND ifyon have a friend, a relation, or know - any one that is afflicted with that distressing disease, “CONBUMPTlON,npersuade thein with. ' out delay to try that famons and unrivaled medi. --• cine, the f "Balsam of Wild Cherry," , • which Ina mired thoesands of-this-complaint iif. ter everything else had failed. Road the follow. • ing undoubted proofs of its efficacy . : ReiteMionme, Sept. 10 1841. DIAS Suu--Please eend me two more bottles of your Balsam of Wild Cherry, like thatyou sent me before. I have taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently believe this medicine will Cure me, I have used.* great many remedies within the' bat year, -- but have never - fonnd - any - thinggat - hm------- 1 relieved me so much. It has stopped rof cough, entirely, checked my night sweats, and I sleep, . , better at night and feel better in every way; than I have for, many months, Yours, reispeeMllYi ' JA)IP "Ceram. " ' • Hot asses pept.124841- Fairs]) WlrrAll:.-1 must again treuifio thee to send Me two bottles more of thy invaluable UM. I have now taken three I?etiiite in 'Alma can minim thee that Whim done morale' iod-thiur - all the Medicine Ihave ever, taken: benne.. Ihnd by the stage as loon u peariblel friend, . . Joet2ra H.1:4; riazi l / 4 . • • • Sturm; t3ept, tt, 1841, Dun Dcannt:—fl lo Many' pis* in* -- ol the wondarliilMireeyour Deism of Wild 13110.:, • ry has made-in Ckiiiiumption, 1 sent to' en* vour:Agents•the ether day Inrs bade , . Ana ,l4vs 11.0211.windiexed-num.m ll4 o l 4----^- J bottles morweent I..believe Wibl Ante too. I have used..ialnisie troPeCt&Mkt • lether medicine" betides, tilsk nogibrig hat Anne It much:good 'as: limns hat Send tiy ikon -Trege;trilly,-Z , • • , :Wkr o man*Tnonai.'' 'lollrßesides ' Its Itekinitibitig 'etrittany . 'nonillion, it, ("alio the insttt *POWalift; dieetivered.leif,; LIVER: CCM , ititONCHITM COVGIM ammo ,itiiootallocouGHA‘uhu6thiaioniiw . :- tity• viNogyoloce maw b.r , I dlet.- 4 1 141 1CMW dies hadflitled. • .; •. 1 • 1211 DRUCONTS ilitC DEALERS Itill medic* vibiablo • addition to thoir should siwortliesto it OP hail; of 4t lionl asiknottkdosd' lb !wait+ ego meetegeftelikil 1 ;;krAteince beti in elle.' , elite iety P .iiirefel vita fbr'flt. 1149 r , 8 4 4284M'0 I'V/ZP ViIARRY, 'Sold it Aide ilia' retail by ViILIJAMS &Ca; mei**. 116,fir4 seta ninth Street. The Balsam sol d in tale by, SAMUEL "ELLIOTT, appointed ,.-; Agetit. , Price-41 per &AO% adne`2a t 1842 - W2O-33
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers