11 HERALD 84 EXPOSITOR. earttote. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 2, 1E42 Turn Out, Tetutalars: The Union Total Abstinence Society of the borough of Carlisle,,will hold a meeting in the Court House, on Friday evening next,. at . 7 o'clock: The. Rev. Mr. Slicer and severarnew-spealcers-wili-eddress -the meeting. The public are invited to attend. Comfoitable 'seats will be provided for the ladies. By'order of the Board. , R. mopRE, Sec'y. A MEMBER. OF CONGRESS : DEAD. -- ThE Hon. Lewis ~Nilliams,• a distinguished inernbei r of :the House of Representatives from North Carolina, died in*Wasliitigton . ,•. on Wednesday last,.of • bilioub pleurisy, af ter a brief, illnesS of thirty-six hours.— Though but 86 years old, he. was-" The Father of the House,"-having been a' mem ber. for twenty-six years without inter Mi ssion. He was a man of fair talents,.,tm millied integrity, andlnfierible ^ Whig Prin , eiples. His death has shroildedWashington in. gloorn. •_ . . • ' APEOTlifill CONORESSMAN, DEAD.—The Washington correspondent of the United States Ga*ette,•announces-the death of an other member of Congress, Oov. Morrow, of Ohio. He died at 10 o'clock;on Thurs day evening last. The shafti' - of death fly thick around Congress, and give solemn . monitions to members by what a frail ten 7 tire they hold their seats..', . DISTRICT JUDGE REJECTD.—TiIe sen 7 ate:of the United States, on Monday week, rejected. by a vote of j 22 to 17, the-nomina tion of-Mr. Bradford, as Judge of the. Di strict Court of Philadelphia, to• which . he was lately appointed.by,the President. PENNSYLVANIkLEGISLA.TURE.. A bill has been introduced- to the House := by Mr. GAMBLE,._ Chairman of the Com ittee of_Ways nod Means, entitled: " An let, to provide for the certain and portlaa nent payment of interest onthe State debt." Thefirst section enacts that the counties of the:Commonwealth- shall raise by wit : ation, a q nually..the'sbut of one : million five bundred thousand dollars. • • _er_with_five_hundred...thonsati&dollars of the, revenue, shall be kept - as _a isparke fund for the payment of the public interest. Section 3. A. board•of Six—Commission •ers shall be constituted to apjuirtion the a-' 'mount of taxation among the several coun ities, according . to the amount of taxable .. property within them. Sections 4,5, and 6 relate to the duties - or the tax commissioners. Section 7. s .Each county treasurer shall keep a separate account of •the moneys re ceived under this act, and pay' the same to the State Treisurer semi-annually. A fai lure to do so subjects him to prosecution in a criminal court, and- the penalty of not less than one hundred nor •more than five . hundred dollars, together with imprison ment in the county jail' or STATE FEM . - WENTIARY for a period not less than six months, nor more than two years. - SectionS. , Upon ..neglect• of the county 'treasurer - to pay one half the sum semi-an nually, the state treasurer shall draw his draft for the-amount, which, if, not paid at sight, shall be- protested, and the Attorney General, or-his deputy, shall 'apply to the Court of Common Pleas fur a rule to shew cause why, a - mandamus • shall not issue to payment by them. 'Section 9. 11:uPou trial it •appear that rthe-Lcounty:commissioners—have—neglected_ any. duty-imposed upon them by the tax laws 'in force, the court shall decree the • , payment ,of the money ,- "by - them, and in defaulter payment, shall commit them to, the jail of 'the comity, there, to - rilln ain, without bail, -Until the whole. sum, with "Costs, 'shall' have been paid. , • Section 10. Tf any assessor neglect his duty,Teetheth be- deemed guilty of a mis demeanor . in office.- ' Section*ll. The collector who neglects • . , ito.colleat and pay over one tialf the amount ,of his. duplicate on the first day of July, And the' reiining—half owthe, first day of' ; January, in' each year, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor office,. and upon con ., viction, 84010)e -fined riot less. than ( twenty, n nor . more " - thari . one_.hundred dollars,' and imprispn • ~.• • . ed not •less : than three nor •more than siX'inontlis., ": 4,, .' • "; ,*:- ' Section `'l2: A .Colleetor :who, having collected taxes, uses the money, or refuses . to - pay it,„over, shall; he guilty of amisde . meaner:in . office, and 'upon conviction f,J be senteueedto to. Pay a fine „not' exceeding, ..prisonment ifi the County jail: or . . STATE PENITENTIARY for-`a: period not,exieedinc two years. ' • ' •, - Section 13 allows the -county , treasurer smikbalf per cent, for his trouble. Be‘etion 14, allolivo the Attorney Gene deputy, five per cent. for col lee,dllll.* ro*ed.draft,lo be Oaid c " nt Y tn i asu* or coMmiasionere, whom thd4asf tlhallldivak.i to payfiaid draft, Section . 15. After the first of. August, 1843, the tolls and otherrevenues. of - the commonwealth, °pledged for the ° payment of interest on the public . debt, shall, With the exception of the annual sum of Ve hundred thousand dollars, be exempt from such pledge,. and be appropriated to the payment of expenses on the public works; to the ordinary' expenses of government, the support of common'schools. and to -Section 16. If at the end of 'a financial year, there shall beein the treasury a sur plus exceeding hundred thousand dol lars, it shall be- carried to the "interest fund," and a prdrata deduction made from the amount charged - upon the several coun ties, but if the surplus be a less sum, it shall be transferred to the '"sinking fund," and. applied to the extinguishment of the public debt. . This is a akeleton of the bill. .We think t sufficiently vindicatory. • pa*, The . Restimption' question is ye unsettled, and we opine will remain 80.61 . about the last day of the session. . . Orr Daniel Webstei, Secretary of State, has written to Mr. Everett, our minister to England, instructing him to demand from Her Majesty's government, reparation for injury done lu g the case of the Creole, an American vessel. The Creole .sailed from a, Southern port I for New Orleans, having on. board a num ber- of Slayses t. some of . whom -mutinied, murdered .one man, maimed others, and eeMpelle'd the captain.to:steer for the Ba hamas, Britt - A .1!q vessel land 7 ed at Nassau in the Island of-New Provi dence When application was made by. the Captain to. the . Governor of the Island for protection but instead of affording it, he, .. against the ,remonstrances of the Captain and - the . American Consulilibet.atedall the slaves, except the mutineers whoin he itn- , p - risoned. These last he refused giving pp to:be-ihreught—home-foi--trial-in-their-own -countryfuntil he-should-receive instructions from Her Majesty's. government. ..Itere is another bone of contention 'between us and- `proud -England." She had betterbehava ers'Clf or she'll get "licked." .scrIOHNEAHLY is no longer zed to make collections '-fur the Herald. icyTiongress s .bbsy talking : nothing else besides. . Tim CURRENCY.—In Philadelphia, city Bank p44r is . 5 per cent below, specie, Girard notes 38 per cent discount, U. S. Bank notes 60 per cent. and Bank of Penn. sylvania paper 10 to 18 per cent discount 'fur city funds. The small 'relief notes are below par 10 per cent. • Two dollar counterfeits on the Berks county Bank are in circulation: rizrAVe have, a _pamphlet containing three discourses entitled ."Bible Tempe rance," by Rev. Joseph McCarrell, D. D. Does any gentleman of..the. teetotal school wish to review it? icrThe lecture on yesterday evening before the Alert Fire Company, by Presi dent DURBIN, was listened to with much attention. His subject was "History."-- The audience left the Hall, gratified and improved. THE ELEVENTH WEEK OF THE SESSION, tho Ugh more usefully employed than same of its:predecessors, has not been productive of definite- action by . . Congress on any question of a• generally interesting -character.--A number of bills for the relief of claimants upon Government have, how ever, passed both houses, and the ends of justice have,thus been promoted to an ex tent which • relieves the Government from reproach, to ivhich a government is never more properly subject than when it tails .punctiliously to discharge obligations which individuals have not the samtvneanefof.co ercing it , to. pay. as they would-have, under like circumstances, of compelling one anti ther. A great number of'bills for the re lief of. individual cases of -suffering by in advertent oppression or by denial of justice, on die 'part of the Government, yet remain on the Calender of the two Houses, Which' there is a pleasure in believing It. to be their intention to finally dispose of during this sessioni, In 'regard to many of these claime,..and especially such- is have- their origin „tn. the wars in which the Govern ,ment has been engaged, humanity, no less than justice, demands 'their immediate ad , justnient. But still.moreimperative upon Congress, in'a political sense, is the duty Ot• providing for those .claims Arising out, of solemn treaty stipulations; -a duty. which hart been itithertn unaccountably neglected, not by One , partSr.or anotlier . by every successive 'party in, power, for no conehisive reason more worthy, of respect by statestien than that it would coat too inuehittreputliatioti-this r is it not; ut the worst sense of Abe term 1— We do not know- why .we shituldAreuble oupelves, hoivever', about these old claims, Isbell tlmettassuiried bythis ,Government udder, its' treaty with France forty years' ago, or those other claims arising out : of assumptions ..bf, the Goininment of. late: date; but that,ever since . We were drtfen tet_the . _brinicc,- of _war, three Aaribur•-:Yeeis ago because of - the-delay tot aleiv . --ntonths kly • aie, Frenchf,GOvernmant to execute treaty for..paying modern claims 'of our ..citizens for spoilatione at 'pea, we- . have felt, v,,..T.:1 . 0-IC..c, i . Til..-k1 ..:-0T.w..:X..,-:IrE's),:010 t i ,* nir-4 the blend tingle in our - ears whenever we 'have thought ; of , the delay-cif this Govern ment to discharge ittrown obligations of a similar character, which itihas put off, year after year,' for flirty yttars,pAtil most of the original clatinants have gone to submit their own , 'merits to the, Chancery of another world, leaving their claims and their, , 'drew 1.. to the tardy Justice of, this. , :We are almost glad . that we'd° net know personally nor even by name, a single individual 'of these claimants, and are therefore prevented : brno-motive-of-delicacy,--now-that-they -are brought to , mind, froni speaking out op this subject., , Though there has been, as already re marked, no final action during the past week on business of a national description —unless the rejection of a reilewd attempi to defeat the operation of the bankrupt law be so considered—there have bsen origi nated some measures of a general and im portant-character: Such certainly must be considered the bill to establish an Exche quer'Board as a adjunct , to the Treasury, accompanied by unusually able reports for and against the measure. Such also are the two bills concerning' the Naval Establishment;, the Fite' te'dou-" I ble the. present force of the Marine Corps, I and.the others to create the rank of Admi ral fin the Navy—the first of which mea sures would in our opinion bean addition to the , public defences far. exceeding. its proportionate -cost, and the latter of which has been long a desideratum with the most intelligent and best infamed friends of the Navy. These measures, with the bill re ported some weeks ago for the reorganiza tion of the Navy Department, are, we be lieve, considered important to the_efficiency of that, branch. of the public service.. In the Senate, the debate upon the re. Solution for an .amendment to the constitu• tion on the subject of the Veto power, still continues; and in the House of Represen tatives, the Retrenchment Report and. the Civil Appropriatfon Bill are both in pro tress, as the saying is, pari-passu. The Committed - on Foreign Relations of the House. 'of Representatives, broken up by the successive resignations, of several members,-and . of :other members appointed' to'sueeeed them, has been filled up thiiik the pfist against-the - will of 'the House and of iirttQSp,paker, as itit organ, now consists of-nine Wbigs, all the Oppo sition. menibeiitiappointed_upon_it_hiving It eclineid serving. The public interest, 'we, may. - venture Arrhive,!will --- not - suffer from this unusual composition of the committee. The House has not e we are sorry to say, yet taken tfp the bill for the apportionment en of Representatives in Congress, nor fixed upon any' &ay_ for entering upon the con sideration of it. Is some compensation to the reader for this unwillingness on the part- of the House tofipproach a knotty question, we-may add that the Senate has, .by,decliiiing.an_in_vitation_lo fix upon_a:day, for the termination of the session, given a pretty intelligible intimation of a purpose not to end the session before they have made an t end of t sat.least the indispensable public business committed to the charge of MARRIED, • 4 1 . " On•the Bth tilt., by the Rev. John Ulrich, NEIDRICH to MiBB MARY GEE. HART, 'all of ()Aisle... /On the 10th nit.;.by the same,-.Mr. MOUDY 10 Miss ELIZABETH diFFEN, all 0 Frabkford township. . . if On the 15th ult...,'at Harrisburg, by the same, Mr. ANTHONY FM -MEN, 110 Miss SALOME LEFEVIiE, both of Diekinsoi town ship. DIED, /In Colombia, on the - 21st ult. — , — JouN H. ZAHDI, Esq., late of Harrisburg, aged 27 years. LIST OF LETTERS Remaining in the Post Office at Carlisle, March 084'2. aEnquirars will please say advertised. Arnold Messiii &Co Lenart Rev lames Anderson Mrs Cornelia Mackeoy Mrs Jane Albright Peter Myers Benjamin Barnes Silas . Miller James Irwin Black Mrs June Miller Mrs Nancy Baehruch Nathan 4 Miller Gen C Butler Miss Henrietta flail Sarah Illawser Peter Moody John • Boase Miss Mary Moore John Rev Boyles Patrick, Moor John Butler Miss Susan or AnnMore - John ° Butler Miss &San F Mathews Nathan • Bu(ficgtonliliss Ann 'McElroy Henry Bushman Elia McKeehan Miss Sarah J Bear Soloma6 • • Merl ay W B Bell Sarah Mussehinin Sumucl fiddler JOlin • Myers John Berry Robert Myers Miss Susan Carter P B' Esq Natcher Gabriel Crain Musa Sarah 2 Neidich Miss Sarah • • Campbell Elizabeth Nebiuger George R . Cook Mrs Mary S Nichols Miss Mary Cidp Patrick' • Noble John Cook David Nutz Mrs Susan. Duncan Miss Mary II Owens Augustus G W •Dunbar John Parks Edwards Davidson Miss Marga Cit Paxton Thomas Diller Miss Juliann Paxton & Galbrlsh Davidson: Mathew - PeckaMiss Harriett - • Douglass Jaines Pelfre.-Deqjarriin• Dona•van William - Pollinger Abridiam • Edwards Ivy : Powell James- Biseuhard George . Rinser William M. • Ebersole 'Jein . Robinson Charles Fisliburn Mrs Eliza . ..,R.ohinson Andrew Fleming George 2 _,• Robinson Lemuel • Fisher Simon ' Robinson Hunter Greer David _ Robeson Theodore Gutshall Peter Rods John - • , Graham John Sanguary_ Jacob., Graham - A'S Seward David Gallancey.Margaret •Simrin George ' Gallagher James, Esq Smith Samuel J Housnet Miry . Siller Mrs-Catharine •Haverstick Jacob St eafferMiss Elmira • Refrwer Jacob Shilling Jacob HaWk. P Short Christian , Hodvd Frederick, " , Scott William,• 2 '- Hamilton James Ems Reecca Harmer Charles J ' Sollenberger John Inhofr Christian Jim:llia - John A Stoop Harriett Jacobs Thonias Stiles Edward James . Kline,,Sinioni• • 'Stilea•Benjamin Kerns Abner, , TliekeAnn - • •' utz Samuel • Thompson Mrs Margt Kibb Henry ' . ' ' Umberger John, Keller Christian - Valentine DOVilliann Kerwer Franz - Warden William G' ' : „.• •• • -Wertz Mrs Maria Lay Alexander .• WillhinisOn Col James Lquden•W & F WoodbutWarriuel, Lit.shnw Mrs Sarah Woodward Lecinard G I,4ne:Win Esq . • Wright William Lay-George • • • Zearitian Lereverisaise. • Zug Jacbti ET* Miss Ja.ne CARpSLE_ BARI4CICS: . . Silted P Elmeadorit B • . • Initiate Johns:. D Smith' .Balthett. Charles A 'lobe Ferber. • ; .• -W. },ET,94TETes ' . . . • . ' Benjamin ..• Samuel Eckles, Peffer and. Samuel Graham . , Esqrs. l llieectors of the Poor .and of the , .. , in ; ..House of Emp loyment of. county account with Said county from the Ist dar of f. , Cumberland . January•AO• the,2 ist . day . of December 1841 inclusive viz: ••. • - - • .. , . . ~. To amount due instiution at settlement ilf 1840 by James Lou- • - •- 'By payment on 14 acres land, p r hosed 1838) • • $177.857 . -' . don; Esq., Treasurer, • , $552 45 , Cash for GrOcericiMerChandite; Hardware, Dry Goods, cloth- .• • --- Amouni-drawn-fromCounty_Tretsurer, .....,;___,.6000.00 • - thing and bedding inchtded - '' - , 1872 58i Amount received of Adams county" forsupport of Paupers, 160 - 'oo --- Grkini - Flopriand-Griudingj--__—_—_,.____ _ ~,_______6,3B 394 ,' do • do of Philadelphia city Ito do 34 00 " ' - Stock. ''. do do of Perry county , do . do . 625 - Mechanics' lean of stable, paid .Sheriff Martin In. favor • • .I', Heffiehower, Pensioner, ' ' . 10665 . :'• of R. 11,. Church, contracted for in 1832," • . ''' -":.• • 977 64 ' • .Of Shrorn;lrivin and Graham, for hides & skins 131 02 Support and funeral expenses of out door paupers ' 357 00 • , . .. ' Tallow, Ad Lard, • 97 961... - • , Materinls improvements & for post and rail fence - 277.51 J. W..Eby for use'of,T. Robinson, ' '7O 99f '... • . Sundries for Kitchen and Poorhouge ' • - ISO '3l . • Cash and Clothing of, deceased paupers `- 14 -87 - . Farming utensileil, tools sind coopering . ' • ' 197 94 Siberian apples• - • . 5 .75 ', '- - - Sundries, Car and Stage 'fare, and expenses iu - settling • . ' - - Old Iron _. , - -- 5 31 with other counties .. • Of SherilF.Myers for use of Geo. W. Myers 13 00 Directors of the, poor of Perry and. Mifflin counties, For blank indentures 400 I ' for support paupers - . , Blacksmith work • ' , :22 58g. - ---:--- ' ' Jiiiitice's.and Constable's fees, •' • Win. Line fbr green house 'windows 10 00 Hauling and 'Shoemaking. freight On railroad ..- - - Cash: of Wise ' - • ' 200 'and flatting , . - . . Of I. Anne) , for use R Robinson ' 657 . ' Tailoring and Weavering . . --- Sundries • . 06 07f- - Medical aid forout door paupers , • - , , : .- --..- Blacksmith Work ' ' • . .. . , • . - $7248 83 ' Potatoes . . _ - • , i• ~,,,, ~ . t 1) • . • . Printing and Stationary . • - - -- . . ... - . ,". Jett. Lobito)) steward, hirelings wages , clerking &c. fur ' . • • - nine , months, . • , - ' ~, , • ' M, Frshburn late steivard,hirelingsirages, extra clerk " . - ‘ • - •.. ing ke. three months, 162 50 ' • :. .. • • . - ' Dr. Jacob Baughman for medicine and attendance 1 year 133 .75 '' . . • ' 7. Dunlap, Esq. Director, for extra services, . 20 00 Samuel Eckles, Esq., do • •do • do 97 50 . . . . ... Benj. Peffer, Esq.; 'do do •do - ' , . 24 00 ' . • . • • . • , • , Jacob Squire, Esq. Treasurer for 1841, : ' 40-00 To - balance due by Treasurqr Jacob squire - , Esq., Treasuer of, the Poor House. And House of Employment, of said county;-in ,count with the Directors of said inst i tution, from the . lst day to the 31st--dar - of - Decemher 1841, , inclusive. To amount duo at last settlement, .. ' - - • - $552 45- -Illy cash paid orders . as stated above, ." ' " Received from miunty.Treasurer ' -. . '. 6000 . 00 " Balance due county; , " " M.- Fishburn late steward , and Joseph Lobach present. - stewardfrom different sources as exhibited in the fore - going statement, due',p4lance y Treastirri 6 head , of Iforsea . 29 head of horn ' 'Beef, Pork, Veal and Mutton, fattened and killed on Faun, in 1811.-: 26 Beeves, average,wt. 416 lbs. (112404 lbs.) 47 Hogs, average - 1701bs. (7990 lbs.) 61, Sheep, average 48 lbs. (2448 lbs.) 13 .Calves, average 68 - lbs. (845 lbs making in all 23687_1b5. . Two - narrow wheeled' Wagons, 1 Wagon- Bed; 2. paii wood . Ladders, 2 pair flay Ladders, - 2 Sleds, 1 Dearbou,rne, 1. Cart, 3 Ploughs, 2_:DarrowS,- 2 . Cultivitors; - 2: double Shoiel Ploughs; 7 Wheelbarro'ws, 1 _Threshing - Machine,-2 Fanning Mills, 2 Log Chains, 6 sett of Wagon... Gears- 5 sett of Plotigh Gears, 1 Flax Brake. 2 sett Carpenters' Tools, 1 sett Blacksmith 'foals, 1 sett :Butchering Tools, and a variety. of Axeri. Spades, Shovels, Grubbing Hoes; Digging honi,:Sintle Trees, Double 'rrees, Sythes; CradlescForks, Raltes.do , and also 1 sett tif 'Blowing Tools. .- • . • . .- , • . . _ . . . 344 bushels of Wheat,--850 of Oath, 700 of Corn, 420 of Potatoes, 46 loads-a Illy, 18. of Cornfodder, 15. bushels of Ap ples, 50 of Onions, 2 of Seed Onions. 35 of Beets, 35 of Parsnips., 6 of Peas and Beans', 8 of Tomatoes, 1800 Cucumber Pickles, 8000 bead of Cabbaga, 8i lb. of Heckled Flax, 81 bushels Fthi Seed; 0 bu. and 3 pecks Clover Seed, 2 of Timothy Seed, 22 pound Hopi. , ° . , . Manufactured and made in the House and Shop. . . , . . Ten Flanel Frocks, 54 Calico Frocks, 175 Shirts and Chinless, 45 Petticoats, 'BO Aprons, 73 Pillow-cases, 51 Caps, 4 0 1 . pair Stockings knitted, 33 pair footed, 29 bible. Soft Soap, 146 lbs. Hard Soap. The Directors, &c., of said county, annex the following exhib it of extra labor &c., performed by the Stewards, Matrons and Paupers, from the Ist day - of... January to the 31st day of December 1841, viz : Made 11 woolen roundabouts, 5 woolen vests, 9 pair of pantaloons, 16 summer vests, 17 coffins, broke the atone and made mecademized pike through the North yard of the poor house, quarried stone forsix.perch of stone fence,, also for ice house cellar; made two double shovel ploughs, 1 wheelbrrow, 2 large gates, 2 sinks for kitchen, 15 spittle boxes, 2 rocking cradles, 1 wash stand, 3 sewingstands, - lined the ceiling of 2 cells-with_boards,.made a large .table for milch house, 30 dollars 'worth of shoemaking, 825 of hlicksreithing; 20 bushel baskets ; 18 handle baskets, lathed and plastered Aitief - ftory - of - Terinant housei - matle-'2- I roods of turnpike"at the watering place at spring. . . The number'of paupers in the institution Ist January 1841, (of which 21' were colored and 7 out-door paupers) is . . Number admitted up to 81st December 1841 (of which 31 were colored, 1 out door pauper and '4 born in the house,) Making the'whole number through, the year • Of which 14 died, 1 suicide, - I killed on the railroad, also 14 children bound out, 164 dischat. • ged and ran away, and 7 out door paupers,: •. Leaving the number ofpaupers in the houae . ist January 1842, of which 21 are colored, Out door paupers supported at public expense. • • Whole number supported Ist January, 1842„ • , (If those remaining in the poor house alst'DeOmher 1941, there ate males 70 (of which 12 are colored) .64 " • . females - 47 (of which 9 are colored and Tout door paupers • - There are as near • as can be ascertained under 1 year 4, 9 from 1 to 5, 11 from 10 to 20, 15 font' 20 to SO, 15 from 80 to 40, 15 from 40 to 50, 18 from 50 to 60, IS from CO to 70, 12 from 70 to 80, 8 from 80 to 90, 2 from 90 to 100, We. the Directors of' the poor and house' of employment of Cumberland county, certify the above and foregoing.statemeat to contain a just and true exhibit of the affairs of the institution, during the period above stated, according to the best of our knowledge. . . . . Given under our hands this Ist day of January 184 2 . . . übli P• • • . ‘ pphcatton for Tavern ,License. - Sliriff's .gaie. .. •, c Sale. A Notice is hereby given, that I intend to apply. at ~. ' • •4 1- • ' • Wilt be sold at Public Sale on Tuesday the 15th 11 Y virtue. of a writ of yenditigni Exponas to day of March next, akthe late reallieneecouTbeirilialanmd the next Court of Quarter Sessions of Lithiroberland county, for a License' tb keep a tavern or public LP me directed, issued out or the . Conti. of Com- Logan, decNl.; in Prankford `township; ' house lately kiipt as a tavern by W. S:Allen; illthe mon Pleiroof Cuitiberland•county, will be exposed toesounty all the personal property , o said deceased • ' borough of Carlisle. ... • - • • • Tithlic sale ' the CmA•t a . Bpuse In the.boromb_oteumanttingin_part of Guise. . - • • iiere, on TaTirriay the Bth day of April 18414, • HORSE •• . ''' • • 7 - 1/Ali ID 3311P - A - NT --- at 10 o'clock, A. 31., the following . described real . ' ' estate, viz: •. , ' ' . • • • . C --- ,----: - - of _ _. rn..-Alisie, do certify thnt we are•well acquainted with „, .....,..i..... MI 4.1 G 11 , 11 - I.llJitt. Alt the right ti 1R and interest . .I, s . , • Sheepaud . Hogs; thervenarned Dayid•Blean ; and that he is of good in a certain tractor kind, situate hi North Middleton widi_ !muse Odra und cAnvenienies for the :etude' for honesty awl Aeinperanc:e, swiss well pro ' A.:Fitim :Wagon stud Bed,. townehipi Cumberland county, bbunded by lands of Hay'and Wood Udders; Call, Bar share and Shovel i?. 1 3V, 1 , °dation ofst tiingcrs and till Vet-: John Jacobs, Phillip- Zeigler, Adam Kunkle, Jacob Ploughs,,Harrow • wagon and plough. Gears,.W intl, ,°.• lodging ,na`a"Gailll- Smith and others, euntaining one __ hundred and•sex.....niiil,•,with'a great 'variety of irtieleslused for Farm- ' e l'• • • - • . nteen acres, more or less; having thereon erected, a ing_and Itousekeepinglicui numerous ' mention. Paul „Martin, email Logilouse and'l.4g barn i and,other outhouses. •• ,Also-... Timothy Hay and about 1 'udles of Rye Twine Aninei i , Seixfkl.suid *ken in execution as the ,property ,of S t raw _~ • ' - • • '• •!• ' •-.-• ,• • _ -,T. IL Skiles, A. Abraham MOClintoolc: ', '' . , : • , *4 to be sold by me . _ _ , . • "-' '' dance given, andterms pisile Itholo.hj - - ‘.. , , Thomas CksitiK•4 l , '.'--, ' -, FAUX.; . 111A,R,TINISheriff. •-••- • : .'' ' - '': /ROBERT 'Atilt), '.. tA. ftiehirdi t , ~ . Sheriff's Office, - ..'1 ' , - - -••.. :. . : : . piece,. of Wttt Locan b deciased, Chrigtiar-0,0*) •e , ~ CarUsle,l%farcli2,lll42: `, • • ' .. ' . ' " ' :• . lifarch• 2; 1242:" ''' .' ':' . , , ; , „ ' . Febr,tiary 22,.124,K,i. .., .. . 7-•--... •. . . . roo r nil - 4 . 0 .-- : .•.54 1 41'06..ine0;' . Stack on Farm; Ist January 1842. 'sittle 2 Catvpi, 6 Breeding Sowq,_ 34 Shoa.te,AB_Sheep_and-J,Lamb;-- Farming-Utensils on Farm ist January 1842. : Schedule shOwing . the Proceeds of the Farm for 1841. - • SAMUEL ECKELS, BENJAMIN PEFFER, Directors. SAM U EL- GRAHA-M. • • • 4.. - For the year 1841: $7248 85 . . • $4899 16 of this suni.was contracted for and paid on orders of Directors duiring the continuance of for ' mcr steward. 997.361 896 98 $7.248 83 $BB7 26i We, the Auditors of-Cumberland county do certify that hav ing examined the accounts and vouchers of the Directors of the poor and' house of employment of said county. front die Ist day of January to,the 31st day of December 1841. inclusive, do find a balance due siiitcounty by the directors of said institution,..of eighthundred and ninety ;seven dollars•and twenty-six and one half cents. aiid we also ceitify that we.find a balance due by JaCati . Squire, Treasurer of said. institution, dtring_saiiLterm-to-the-di Ter thereof 1 4 vhtv - demo thereof, amounting to eight hundred and eighty seven dollars and six and one half cents, all of which is par ticulary set•forth in the. above stated • . '. ~i Given under *midlands this Bth day_ntJanuarylB42. • ' ... THOMA H. • BRITTON, . S , . , SAMUEL WILLIAMS, , . Auditors. • .... ~ • - PETERS J 3 HART. . . • ' .., • ' " $636t 56,1 • Balance due county, Ist January 1842,by Treaiurcr 1 : BB7 26} lir JOSEPH LOBACII, Stemird, ELIZA LOBACH, Matron. 1.29 09 113 28 84 48 7'4 16 98 68 • 84 86 60 56 ,26'01 43 37 93 54 9 50 450 00 $7:48,84" $6351"56 887 26 $7248 83 116 203 319 202 liE 124 Ern OR 0. Georgii Itrown, Inlntiltoore;_, rtatiAuel 111'Keetsan;" , Charles Barniti, , • , •Pfillip4i4AnY) Vearge Sanderson, Application. fOr Tavern License . . JOHN ft.tBUCK 'of the boreugh . of ShlPPeoi 'burg, intends 'to apply to the Cofirl of Quarter Ses sions of .Comberland county to be Held on, the 11th . • day of April 184, for a license to keep* an' inn :Or ta'ver'n in thehouse he DOW occupies as a taysrn, in sailboiough ' 'We, the subscribers, citizens of the borough ci" Shippenslium, in which the above mei tlohed inn or tavern'prayed to be licensed is . proposed to bit kept; do certify that John Rebuck;The above named appli cant is of good repute . fur hodesty and temperance, andis'ivell'Provided 41th`house 'recta and Conven4 iences for eke lodgirigniulaenommodation of strangers and traveltds and that edeh inn or tavern is necessa -47-oficcoatroodate.the.pubite_and.entertain_strangers and travellers. James Sturgis, D. Nevin, John Altick, b David-Waggoner, -.• Jonathan Peal, John Carey, Wm. M. Mateer, - George Kiinatet, Jacob Heck, Robert COnherau, ; William Peal,'"' - • 'Jacob Dietz; February, Q 3, I . • . . . . - (Joughi and•CQnsu.tription; `These' universal complaints we find in almost.' • every family,attendethvgli more or less •siverity;• • • at the same tune regarded by some with Very little attention; until they begin to assume a vety :serious. cliaraeter. Why nre•patient.s so neglectful of them. selves when - they:knoW that their, health is all to all? Are they no aware that'it requires d•mtich !Unger time to arrest a disease when suffered to knit •itself upon the vitals ? •Will tlrose who'desiredlealth take • good advice, and al,ways be prortdrd,wilh a few bet.. tlesof "Dr..Dtmean's Flxpeetorant Remedy," where by they tan immediately arrest the fatel progress of "' eqnsumptionotinl not be compelled to' spend years in misery and pain, besides makinVan • Apotheet:t Shop of their, stomaelis I This medicine is certain inits effects, if used in due season; and al tvalysl)io duee.s.relief in the mist hopeless-eases, by its tooth.: ing , and palliative 'effects. This., is a consula.tiou . - which many tippreciatc r , Principal office 19 North Eiglithstreet, - For sale at the Drug Store . iif J. J. Myers Sc Co Carlisle, and Wm. Peal Shippensbiirg. fehy.23 . • . At a - Stated - Orphatif4'•CQurt be. , .-• .. gun and held ti Carlisle , l th • Cumberland county; on TuesdUy'the 15th , day of.'F ruary, I 842, before tilt', c Llon.Samtiel'Heßburn, erc Ideut;and.J ohn Ste ware snd-John I.:Clever; Esquires Associate Judges of dip same Court, ussigned Bc,c., the following proceeding ~.• •.• . were had to•tt it: In the case of the rule on the heirs 'of Elitiabetk Ferguson, deed:, to appear and acceptor. refuse tu. _ accept -the heal Eitirte of said decedent at the valri." - - ation which was returnable this day, the same being returned by the:Sheriff, srtertagrceald) to the Dr..: -der of the Court. And'now,td - wit, 15th February:: : N. D._ 1.34(2, John Gre'enwood,..lactlly; Itlyler - and' ' .-- johathirn'JacOhs, severally appeared in Cdurt. and refiiSedlo accept-said real estate, atthe valuation, and requested the Court to make an order and de - - ' cree fur the sale of the same, and the other litira of :f • said deeedvntbeingchlled.andnbt ppeltribg—Whcre - upon the Court granted antic on IVillhr rn Fer,,nson, .. DaVid Freguson, Jahn Fer . gusou,iAndrew Amon, Willirein Nielrolson,..,lAseph_Cullrertson,-G eeee --W,--------- Cdppiek arid Jaebh Beltzhoo,%er,•guardirur of Susan' Mitchell; to appear tt the stated- Orphan s'-'Court titt ' ' be held at Carlisle ob the 7th (Pry of March- next, ' .. .to_shovv_e-ause-whrswittreal-estate-sliould-rmt be sold: Personal notice to lie giver, by' the. Sheriff to thOgd plio - reside in Comlicyland enmity, mod to,.t:losewho ' reside - Out of said colony; by phl,lieation in •two . . newspapers printefliniaid-couutrfur lbur suet:et:3i vo weas. „By the.Cottil. . . • Cberland County, es. - • _um _ - i sixt. ' 1,.w. FouLK,.._c.o. , C., do hereby e" I. certify - that the...foregoing is a (Me copy t ir4 ~.. o r reoord.-: Vt , itness 'upbraid and..seni; - •,. lit • it: of said Court at Car-lisle 19th Februa. ... --- v) Ai.r.. 4r - A : ry 1 84‘2... ‘tic. A. , _ . 1 w . tiltl.li., Crle. O. C. Febriwy '23, I 31?-4t '.APPEALS. County -and State Tax. Iv ()TICE is hereby given to all - the taxable in habitants within the County of Cun:herliiiisl, remisylcaida,cithci• for State, Ccmt-, c.- School purrs, s, that the Commissioners of said county `will hold the appeals for the •year 1842, in the d:fferent boroughs land ton eiships of said county, at the time and places as published below, for the purpose of hearing ull pqrsons who may apply for redress, and to grant such relief- as to them shall ap pear just and reasonable, to cit.' Frankford and .11iflitt tow w.h,',l), 01/ TUC any the Ist March next ,at tie pithilc house of David Rican, in the borough of Neweille. Xrwvilleand.New:on,onyceduesday the yd at the same place. //opeweikan Thursday the Sil , at the public house of dames.lcillEnsler, in Newburg. &a/Mang/ton and 8/dppensburg townships,on Fri day the 41.11 at the public house ofJolin Roebuck, in the boroudi'of Shippensburg. • Sluythensbtug borough, pn §:thirdly the ith at the. same plass:. . ' ' Xs:llh Olidelleton, On Monday the rth, at tile Com missioners7-offiee-i'Mthe-bormigli-01-Carlisle, • Dickinann,ou'ructlsay 010111., at tlit: public liousF of Jacob Trego, (Glitobcrlmid IBM). West Penitsbaro' on IVc(hies(luy the 9t1.1, >it the pub io house or Geo. sbesiffer, ni Moinit hock. Silver Spring s onThursdaythe tOiti at the public house of Joseph Grier, in fluguestOwn. ' Last Pegiboro' on Friday the I id*, at the public house of Andrew Krazer. . . Ai7lo Cumberland, on Saturday the tlth,,at th; public house of Jaenh-Poist. Atecharticennyon Monday the 14th, at the pO. lie house of John ' Hoover. on Tuesday the 15th, at the public honett of David Shearer, in Sheith,ertlstown. Monroe, on Weilnesdas , the lath, at the publiq house of Paul, in Churelitown. South oilithl.'eton, on Thursday—the 1711i,•at the Commissioners' office, in'the borough of Carlisle. Carnee linrough, on Ffiday the atthc Corn. rnissioners' office, in soli borough. By order of the Commission, vs. ' "JOHN- Cl'kk.' Commissioners' Office,? - • . Carlisle, Feb, 9, 1:949. . . . Aliplwation• for Tavern License'. NoncE is herel!y-gii•en, that 1 intend to tip.' Oval. the next term of the court of Quarter Sessions' of Cutnberlapil coutoy, for a License to keep a tat , . ern or public !tonic, in the' house which 1 now tiocu. isy its the borough of Carlisle. . • ANDREW ROWITS. • February 16, 15.12.-3 t. We the undersigned citizens 'of the 13, Carlisle in the county of Cumborland, do We are well acquainted. with the above • drew Roberts, and thntle-le. tmwnin — ee, and its u ell pray :net, ..... house room and comeatielices for the lodging ant comnitidation targiageia and trat ellers, and tve therefore ma:commend him to tasrMr" hanei.s as welt" deserving h • nettise, atldfurther Fay,' titarit tticern at - the stand is - arractiotoModatioli to the public. • ..Ino. Harper, 4 , " Hugh Gallagher, Geo. Ege, .• Geo. Sanderson, 1)1. Holcomb, : • W. Fandk, -Robert Snodgrass. Thigh Reed, • Jos. 1). !filbert; John M. Gregg, James Postlen nit, ' Henry Roads, John D. Gorges,' .R. A: Noble, • : C. Macfarlane, . G. W. Crib.; Application- fur Taver4l4 - icelis,e., sx-r0Ttc,E.4,1 0 , 41 T 0%16; that 1 intenir appry • ill at the next term of .the f:oliever. ttunfter SjOIIR of. Cninbeilivnti, county, for a Licenke to k,e.t.ik„ . a tavern or iinhlie house, in the lioviae . f.. Occupy: T.7' 7 , in-trio-hoe ,7 ,pizajtvirg,L .. .'l,•(Vey, the subscribers, citizens of the berottgli Of .itippensburg, in u hick the nbove-mentiOned Ana . • Aavern.prayed to be licensed is proposed to Le kepi; do hereby certify that Christian: roamed applicant, is of gond:Temite ttenesty and 'temperance, and is *ellin'Ovil4-4,lfitit hokum room andcotiveniendestor tlielodgingAiitiiiceommodstion • of strangers and teasellemoutl thht saltitivern is a public •. • • ''• Jacob }leek, • '.. Geo. Hamill, Ilcbe,•Ceitbran, / ,. • - • JounthamPc4, Joins McKee,. ,••-• ,• David Kenower, . • John linebuck, 7 ~, George McGinnis, Jacob Engle , ; .7)..,llevinr v„ - • sti:lextinder-SteSsit(it .•''''''''•••••• • • ....F-ebruaiy - 16,:184,2 7 .9t,` • CI JOHN REBUt:K JAN zuct; ;..„.:-.7 - ~ -
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers