• • Applicaticin for L'thvern Laceti§e, Notice is hereby given, that 1 intend to iippiy . et " the next term 'of the Court of QUM ter Sessions oI ..Cumberla'nd!cottliky for a liCenS6 to keeV it 1.81;e11 Or • ' .013110 liousb, in'ilie!villiage cif. NewbUrg ih - Hive= . well totrnship ip said county,fitt theliouse at present occupied by . James Sponaler as a public house. ■• • " C. itiiNDALLS. February '164342.-31' • . • -We, the undertigbed, citiztMeof flopesvell town • • 'ship, in tin; county of Cumberland, do lierebY certify 'that ' the tavern above prayed for, is necessary to ac 'coinmodate the public, and entertain strattgrrs- and • traVellers, and 'further say, that Che,alime named C. Randalls is of good repute for.hot.esw and temper- • provided Midi-holise:roonutinissinf-1 retdetices for tip,: accommodation of-strangers uful "travellers.' • - I. Spousler, ' Daniel ,NteCoSr,. ',lacobliefflebower; Robert Clark, • :lobo 'Morro, • Joseph Ittinigleh Gent=p Gudkle, • • 'John I'. Green. • • ._ N c e.. Estate of Tdel'Kelt, deed . - ..F;TTILItS OF, AD:III.NISTRATION. on the estate of Joel Kell, late •of the borough of SltippJaslnn . 4. hare been gzanted to the sab serihm: Noma:: is hereby given , tonil persans ing claiing against. sunt estate to present them for euttlement,natl those inclebtedlo make payment im mediately, to ALFPLD,MATTfiEIVS, Southampton tp. Franklin eginity.. JOHN CARE Y, Shippensbut. „ February 9, 1812.—G1! • MAMMOTH SCHEM.E. $69,000-425,0a0-.415,000"m $12,000—510,000-10 of $1,500-20 of • .$1,200-30 of $l,OOO. II lON LOTTERY. Cluis No. 4, for 1942. itt, 1). C. on Saturday, the t 842:.. To be drawn at Alexandr • .NI BRILLIANT _. _1 grand capitalMfs6o,ooo 10 prizes of 1,500 1 splendid prize of 25;000 . •20 - do - 1.250 1 do ' - .15,000 '. 50 do . uttio '1: do . • . 12.000 -50 ' 40 •• 500 . . .... 1 • (10 .. •-_ ;10'000 ' 135 (any 3 nos.) .3 - ); 400 1 do. • • .9,00. •65 prizes.tif -250 1 •d o - 7,000. 65 --do. . coo '1- •_ do :__ . . 6,666 65 do ,100 2..- 6. 5,000 1.10 ' dn. -80 3 do - 4,000 260 I flo .• - 60 5 do ~ -• : 3,000 '260 ' do, • : 50 , .„s_•! . ,tires',„_ [ 2,000. _4:2.5 do _,._________4o.. .4,160 (Ist or 20 drawn number) prizes of- 30 6,21.0 (ti3o or 101 or sth drawn number), . '25 ' 16 . 640'(ar ()thee drawn number) • : - . _2O 7R number lOtter3 —l3 drawn ballots. -. -- - , Ticketss2o-11a1ecs$10-Quarters $5-Eighths $250 ' Certificates of packages of 26 whole tickets 'V2BO -- . Do . do 26 halves -do 110 . . - • Do" — .do • •26 onakers do 70 -- ' ro --kio % eighths do ' 35 , Tickets and sliares.itnd certificates of packages In the above magnificent scheme eunstantly for - sale, in the greatest variety of numbers; nt the office of the Ntaticcersomst ,door east. of , Grlsbey's llotel, 1/twilling-ton: - ------' - , ~,. . Drrilers from n distance will receive the •most Pronipt . attention, unit as soon as the dow:ngAnver_ _ an account of it will be.sent to& all yho_ordey mo us. Address' .. .______________ • J. G. GREGORY' & CO. Managers, Washington City, D. C February 16, 18 le 'Tannery f r tit. The subscriber offers for rent the superior! Tan nine establishment, recently the property of David S. Forney, dee'tl, situated on the corner of East and Loather streets, iii the'borough of Carlisle Pa. - It is the most Complete property of the kind in the place of Its location—having a large 71'1d 0 Orr Y;,111 ~S•tol i le, 1) HOUSE, • fine garden and all other buildings &c. necessary to carry on theitanning business. Ppssession given on the Isla April 1841. Towns made known on application to P. F..EfIE. . • Oppotite the Carlisle Bank. Ncivetnber, 9.4,1841. ktmin rmyr o•oons. L A1tN01,1) Ikt A.1111,1M.i have. just received at theic'uew store, an additiopal supply of Fall & Winter Goods o • tn which they invite the attention of the public Great bargains wilthe given. Shippensburg, Dcc, I 841.-4 t. . . G.1T31 SIOES of ll kinds just received -aid lae sale at t le §tare of CLIPPING ER Sr. CAREY: . . ,illia:c•asharz..lamotry I'2. 184 t. _ , , , . . .. JA NZ BitErreN, } Action of Ejectment, in,the Court of CoMmott Pleas of ......._,GE,o-.I.3I:ETTFIN. Cumberland county. , ' . No. 331:A.Itril Term, 1824- ir9th Novendwr, 1841, on motion of Mr. Alexander, At orney far Defendant, Utile otolte.PlaintitPs hetes to substitute thamselves, as Plaintiff's, or show cause ' why the suit sltobld nut he stricketi,from the rec Ha' - 11_ • By The C trt. • CrEOIfGE . SANDERSON,7 otary. Carlisle, Fein:nary 2, 1842. . J-AMES•I3REOIN Action of Ejectment, vs - in the. Court of Com , GEORGE SIIEAEFER..Bz mon Pleas of Cum- WIIpA.NI RARENESS ) berlawl county. No. 25 April Term 1835. • 29th. November 1841 on motion of Mr. Alexander Attorney, for Defendants, Rule on the Plaintiff's heirS to substituttrthemaelves us Plaintiffs, or show mind whf the suit should not he stricken from the records. . By the Court. GEORGE SANDERSON, Proth'y Carlisle, Februar 2, 1842 51j Cases of, boots and shoes received from atm ,tion, which have purchased at prices that will en ' ble me to sell cheaper than any other eitablishinent . in the county. Varliele f -May. 24,4841.. BATS & CAPS. P have just returned from the city wnlv . the latest style of Fur, Cloth and Glazed Men's and Boys' paps. Alse,Brush Hats, for sale cheap, by CHAS, BARNITZ. . . Carlale,'Nov. 24,1841 Shoe - Dealers, , co and sue the large lot of Boots and Shoes 1 bought at auction, which i intend to sell by the case r - ttozert, cheaper than ever. • • • CEA& BARNITZ: Carlisle, Nov. 24, 1841. ' Shawls!- . . , . IllegantEmbroioered Whet Shawls from 0 to : ;. s , ttl, alga Proutm;lllanket,lllerino,snd other Shawls .: , 11igreat*arlety',and'very cheap. • • ' Ist 1811.; ' . Teas,• eas, • • , Yaurrg..flpon, Gunpowtleromil Moak Teaj Ist-receivedNery fine nnil fresh; €I.I:t*OGIVIL RIM „ at.llll 15110e8. lit of 111!po's Gain 51t04.41 roP earl , at coat, by the subsoribr.• • ; ColibAe. Leo. ” Hoes, . ;Rol?L'Ellithtt,.. .Icmes•lleinphill, William Green,' •llavid Wherry; ar•id Lecher, lactmec-ilendersen, scitt,NE . _ And bring.aware-thaLthe people in this place and -vicinity, have been Mush imposed upon 13y. the in. troduetion of new ai,, highly recommended articlos which they have been - induced to purchase, and which • have been so siightly intik, and of suet' bad materi al, That in a short time they have filled and. become - useless. :tVe, therefore, do not intend offeuing•stoves for - sale untilthey are fairly tried in this community, anti pronounced more Curable in' their construction, better adapted to the purposes of boiling, baking-find all-the- varieties of than any-other stove; alio, that they area great saving:atlt:Lai well as labour. We earnestly invite farmers us well as resi dents of this place and the neighboring villages, to call on us at S. Wontlerlieles -- hoiel, or notify us by letters (postage unpaid) that they are willing to try our- stove—and the -stove shall be pkiced in the kitchen of every person giving us stick notice, and taken away alter trial, without any expense to per sons making the trial. The stoves will be kept for sale at the of Shop of Mi...lacob Frio:1(1 , 01nd at the Foundry of Messrs. Lay and Stouffer, in Cariittle. Having contracted for One Hundred 7'ons of Castings, we will, in a few clays, supply-stove -deal era with all the different sizes, on the most liberal terms. ELEA ZOR ROBINSON, of Carlisle, is agent for selling the right to make and vend the HOT Atli STOVE, and will dispose of counties in this and the *Adjoining States. 1 We publish the following remmendations from some of those who are using the stave, to enCourage others to try it. • Carlisle Sep:. 12, 1841. I have in use in my kitchen one of Hatha Ways pat ent 1-lot Air Cooking Stoves, and can recommend it as a very superior article. The one I have is No. 3. it laitik3 boilers and an oven sufficiently large_to bake six loves of bread. The.bak.ing i -roastii4 and broil ing e t irralThirifiiiiint•the same time and with moult less wood than is requit'ed for any stove - which we have used. •-• „• This size oppears to be peculiarly•calculated for Torment, and tbr their benefit I invite them to call and see this stove in use, nal shall take pleasure in showing - this stove to all whom interest or curiosity may induce to examine it. SIMON WUNDERLICII. • Carlisle, Sept. 11,1841. Messrs:. E. Robinson Co.—ErtTLEmErt, I have during the few - days I have had. your Ilatitaway's JIM Air Stove in use, become convinced of its great superiority over another stoves 1 have used or seen. l'find by the trial that boiling, roasting, link-. Mg and broiling may all bo. done at the same time, in ii most perfect manner; and with less than one fourth the flier I have Ordinarily used for the same purposes. I have Iteretol4e been of the opinion that bread could not be :well linked in a cooking stove, but I am convinced 1101) trial that it can be done as,, well in your stoye as in a brivk oven. . I believe tluit the general introduction of your stove into use will be very beneficial to the .public, therefore I shall take pleasure in recommending it to my friends. Yours respectfully, _ • • WILLIAM MOUDY. Carlisle, Sept. 10,1841. Xessrs. E. Robinson & Co.—Gentlemen,. I have fairly.tested the "Hot Air Stove" which you put up , at my house, and can 'recommend it as possessing prifict plesof enonomy and convenience far stapes-, swan), other stove which I have eier:lee li n : The ballera coming in immediate contact with the . 1 -lire gives it great facilities for boiling, and t' , e oven is heated owsWelt a principle that bread is baked in -as-fine nruuiner-as-tww-brick-oveitT-1-6inHt-alswa svou advise a ISIITCHEL MCLELLAN. 'Cliambenskurs, Sept. 6,1841. I do certify thatl am now using one of Hathaway's Patent Hot Air Cook Stoves,No.a, and do recom mend it ai superior :to -any atore , U.have seen, the great' aving of fuel, and the.vtirietylhat,can Iwctiok ang at the same time, makes ican abject to•those who wish to &cilitatwthe operations df thekitchen; ------ JOS. CULBERTSON, Carlisle, September -7, to adopt it. Elill CRAS..BARNITZ. I have reCeiSety l7 4l....will..opep - this day, kfresli supply of dry goorid,k;nl several pieces of carpeting, in - S u ud s ' Manor; r Ireet, in which street bargains are always offerett kry CHARLES BARNITZ. • _Decemberls, 1841 Diamond, Beateril Pilot 'ao 18— JAtivaeived„autillessthl reducedprkes 4 CIPtGLI, !r P 4E_Y Ded 2,r. .lisPißlNOES....Frenoh, German and Eng anoes,just re vived an extensive assortment, at the store of - • . • CLIPPINGER & CAREY. SpipponsbArgrtleo . :22, t 941 ., ' , • Water .Proof , . Just received Or, Men -&.. 13°0 wear and, selling. to suit:tile times nt.hls ebegi.store. • " Duce. Ist, 18112., , • ~CHAS. OGILVY.. A fresh lot of Brown and Loaf- StigaP,,prititeCtoc= fee; Moln.Wee, Cheese, Chocolate; Oen all *hid of. ,dplees, Btc.;:&ct..joit 'reoelved and for sale,by: earlielF„Peo. 1841. '• -2- • ..-. - COmplatiat. Df ten years staptling, cured 'by the :use of Darlichs Compound Strengthening and German .kperient:Pills. -Mrs. Sarah Boyer, wifeMf Wilhain Doyer,N - orth - Fratetli streetmbove delphia, entirely inreil-of .the aboe ‘(NtActs. her symptoms Were habitual costiveness of the bowels, total loss of 'appetite, excruciating pain. in in the side, stoniach and. buck, depression of spirits, extreme debit ity,lcoUltbnot-lie on her left aide,with • out nil Rg#111 , ;160111 with other':iyinptoini indicating. great derangement hi the funetions of the liver. Mrs.. Boyer was attended by several of the first Physicians, but received but little relieffroni their medieineHat last, a. friend of, hers : proem:ed. ii - pacitage of Dr. Hartsell's Strengthening and Gee- , Man Aperient Pills, which, by the useof one.pnek- Ta - 071 - fiduce . Werth contiline Witiftlie - metileinerwhich' resulted in effecting a permanent cure beyond the expectations of her friends - . irr Principal Mee; N 0.19 North Eighth street, Philadelphia. . *. For sale at thbDrug Store of J. J. Myers .Be CO. Carlisle ,and Win. Peal,Shippensburg. feby. 16 vrintran, atop% I heti just returned from the city with a second supply of:Winter goods; such as Cloths, Cnsimeres, Sattinetts, Munch; Blankets, She wls, tk: e. &a., which have.betm selected with care,and Which will be sold t as cheap ii nnehe.iper, thus at any other 'establide- aunt in the borough.. . - CI - MS. BARNIPZ. . CM•lislc,Noc. '24,1341. • - ..• • -. : ludia.li Vegetable Pills. Sus! received a fresh jot of the geneitie. Indian \Pills... Carlisle,Dee.l,lB4l. -4 7• - .• . • Nut received 10.dozett PALM HOODS,And fin sale by - CHAS. BARNrrz.. Decembe.ls, 1841. Notice. All.persons iciebted to the subscriber are hereby, notified to settle up 'their respective. accounts by lice Ist of Jauniiu•y lce t; Carlisle, Dee'. 8,1841. , 10.1fIrt) LEY ,A_ILII)11INSOill Tin, Coppeismith; & Stove Business: A COB FRIDLEY Sr. ELIAZER 'ROBINSON di having entered intoCo-Vatane . rship,ia the - Tin Copper .and Stove' business, under the fi yin of FRIDLEY & ROBINSON, respectfully inform the public that they intend carry ins on their business.in all its branclwts, at the old stand of Jaen!) Fridley, NortL Ihmover street Carlisle where they . will at all times; be praphred to serve purchasers with any article in their,line,'on the most reasonable terms. In addition to - ,all other vhrieties of stoves, which they n ill eonslantiv have on hand, they have pjgehas= Iliii - Cx — cruilve right to manufacture and. sell, in the_counties of Cumber land and Dauphin Hathaway's Patent "Hot Air . Cooking. Stoves." " EMI •. .ry Goods. Gtirciceries:, Gi.oceries! ! 4 a4Etl4BzE. , indemuity - lithainst 01' ilainovre by Parc /FAKE I ,IN,S;UIt ANC4;:eitlier :temporary,/ or perpetettl, against loss or &triage by Fire, In 1 own or„Countcy, on Mnes, BAIIIS and Buildings Of talitindi; onflonsehOld Furniture, Mercliandip, IBOrses, Cattle; Agricultural, Commercial & Mann- Sat...tering Stock, and Utensils of. eYery description, a's asic44l* -- 1111OrtOgos and Ground Rents upon 'Ow - - TheftHwang are .t the usual rates, viz: On stone and brick buildings, from . • SI to 40 ct•s. on $lOO CO to 70 cts. on 49 On llriek or Stone buildings, $25 on $l,OOO, the imeriiitun to,be withdrawn at nny time by the party lllEUringoit a deduction of .5 per cent. on the amount paid. • Applications for 111S1111111CC; or. any other infOrion tion on the subject, may be Made either personally or LoY letterott the. Company's Office, at the north west cbratM of Sixth and %rood streets., •• MORTON AVNllCllAEL,Pt.esiilent. Morton . I %l'Atielniel, George-M. Troutman, Joseph IVooll, Samuel Townsend, P. I....La;;nerenne, Robert L. Lougheml, Elijah 'Janette, R. W. Pomeroy, Chas. W.. Sehrt4iier, Charles' Stokes, .16seph J, Sharpiess. February, 9, 1841.—.3m. GEO. W. lIITNER Juit received a fresh supply of GROCI•:RIES,nn forsale,ky CIIAS. December 29,1841; • . • FETTER •: Deis leavg to return his thatiks.to.the public for he' patronagehitherto: exdeniled to him, and respect-: 'ally inform i his customers And die propde generally, hat Ge still continues. the busikeis of - • Cabinet • in ail its branolies, at hie old Stand iq . Slain street. where lie is always ready - to Attend to orders In his, Carlisle, • eas,es CTlarifietl 14ssemce pf • - Ilordiomiel C 44,411 The' subscriiier having. been appointed' GCneral Agent for the. above celebrated article, rev-et:tinily offers it to • the public either wholesale or ret•iii. • . , (r_•Purchaserg are requested to bewtive of, coon. terleita MORE NEW .GOODS. Thes4lBoribOrli:is' just opened a new and hand. , some assortment of • and Winter. Goods, • consisting of super black,bltic black and other Cloths, Cassimeres;Sattinetti, new style Vestings, a variety of Mouse de Dailies,- second :Mourning mid black Thibet cl4h, Welsh Flannels. Rogers ditto for shirting,-Gloves, Hosiery, Edgings, Laces, cam brios. Oil Cloths, Artificials, Ribbons, Merino Shirts -and- Drawers. Also Mens, Womens' and, Childrens' ,Leather 4, Morocco Shoei St Boots. ' Qoteensware and Groceries, I sricEs,eec ; with a great variety of other goods all of 'which he,will sell at a small &Mit to suit the •times. Don't forget to tall on • S. M. HARRIS. Carlisle,Sept..29, SALMON just received and for sale by J. & E Eortini'a . . MACKEREL and Codfish for &MC by J. Br, kV Cornman. , THE beat or.bleachett'Sjii - i.m and Whitln Oil fin saleby J. & E. Gorman. 1131CKTIVinegnefor. sale by J. be E. Corn "— man.. TJG AinJoust. and New Orleans Molasses-Of the best qutility for sale by J. & E. Commun. I OAF and Lump Sugar. The subscribers have received...a IlirgP 841.111/41' of. Loaf and Lump Sugar, which they offer for sale, wholesale or retail, at reduced prices. J. & E.'Cornman. SPERM Candles fnr sale by J. & E. - Om:mum OnOislc, Oct. 40,1844. :hist received nt•the stori of ANDREW RICH ARDS, a general assortment of • consisting. iii nail ,or W0011111(1 Cloth dyed Black, Blue, Invisible Green, Adelaide, Olive and Green Black, Brown, Invisible Green, Olive, Diamond, Beaver and Pilot Cloths t. Black, Blue, Brown mixed plain,and figured Cassimeres, new style. Satti netts of assorted col ors, froin 50 cents t 052,00, beaverteens,jeno cords, canton flannels, red, white, yellow and green flminels t—ticks, and muslins.- 6-4 3-4 meri noes, moslain-de-la i tie and Saxony cloth, figured and plain. Figured, plain, striped, barred jackinett and swiss musl ins. Fawn, mouse, black, blue black, slate, figured and plain silks. 'Bonnet silkss and ribbons,_netyle. 7 —Sltawls — Jos . _ Lt. 1 11;1111.Mir ' — arietnig, hearth rugs, floor cloth; ha izes, and blankets. • Color ed and white carpet yarn. Fresh 'Mackerel, togeth er with a s general assortment of. Queenrware and Groceries, which , will be sold at,moderate prices at his store. . Carlisle, October 20 ) 1841.--tr. • -LFRE.SH-GROCERIES..-- The subsaribers have just received at The store room. lately occupied by Mr. C. Foiter, in North Hanover street. Carlisle, a huge and general assort meat of Eiel al LB 1018 ILI a /21 ° rAw ,"""'" China. Glass and . 2[V. QIJEENSWARE.. whitlhthey will cell owthe.mostliberaiterins. They invite thepublie io.enil and examine. Bt , '....0519ber 13,1841: • ' ' • 0 • • •••S. DUN LAP AD A , - R '. attorney 01 Lath, - Mae removed his office. to N0...3; Beeteni's Row on the public square. ° ' ' • Carlisle, Oct. 13, 1841. • . . • . • Shogsrghoes! • , -• Justreetived frOni indigo:1100 Pair Tavern Slip ere; 75 Wornens' Paton 'either lined,and fured over , shoesl.so: pair , Mena' do. do dodo 1.25 pair. - Woonin'aftnotoceo do. do. do.-Avelisr,• ",and for-saloby '' CHAS.:BARNITZ: Gum' Just received 150 paj"° l .9um 1311°" ' +''' i ctilitte: sAitzgry ; Curliele, Dec. 4 t 831. . . . ~,0 • t • , X - 11:1:0-t" _ f. • . CHARTER PRIII,ETII..kL. Spring Garden ,Firelniturdnce • -• Pgay .61 ;i'liilade[plua,• GEM Log and fmtne " " Mercliondiee and,furnitore • intrick or stone buildings,' from • 40 to 50 cts, on 100 'Do. - in log or frame, .'6oto 70 eta. on 100' Horsei,cattle,farmi lig men- ' ' ails and sundries, at about. 50 eta. on 100 PERPETUAL 'RISKS .114, KRUMII 'AAR, Seuretail• " ,JOHN J. AI YE ItS, Aorxr, CavliPle, Pa DI nob-roils% Carlisle, wcw.lb,lB4l NEW GOODS. . Fall & Winter Goods, OZOTES. EMI ~ . .. _. . He llas, C 0. ., I . ..Crain , --.4% e • :• • , 41. ....ft . .0.1,: , ...... . 47 . , • ^.. :,;. iv. liQl 47 ' CONMISSION ' Sr. FORWARD- ING MERCHANTS, . ' Have removed to the capacious Warehouse recently ocdupied by,D.Leeeli & CO: at the north-weatcorner of Menu and Broad titt.6o, Philadelphia. }milt the faeilitlea4biali the, location. and internal arrangement of this:,depot ,n(fOrd,,110:040 Barthel) Cars' can he accommodated to unload and load at the -same:time with Sirfficient room to stone 20,000. barrels, ,OlFlour, and 400 tb 600 toll of G raiii exclusive:of the forwarding thmartaie n t: , „ • . • Produce of every deaoription Will he received as akin, on consignments - , and liberal ad4ances maileciii reeeipt (ifrequired)nutilialea are effeeted. ' - --..-. - '----- , ' OItAIG,IIBILAS - 154 - Co: - 7 - ' , • North-west coinci of Cherry & Broad st. • . • -• • • ' Philadelphia. . . . . . ' -.. REFER:BAWLS ! • ...,- IV. S: . Colican, Cashier , . - ./N - Henderson ilk. Parker,--- • Henry Rhoads,. • Samulerson & Bossermtin, C:orts . stc. .- ... . . Jccob . Swoyer, Neurville. ' . David Nevin, Shippensbore% - • J. Logan Smith,P,sq.Caskier? Chainbere&ii:g; .. retsyE , Holz & Co, •• . - , „ C N lt l a: i t i n li e . e i r isf i T o l o e i t i m l o A ni i6 p C 7 :r o . anigk, . 1 . . , . . . , . CO. ' PhilirdelPhla. 'Mita!! Sr. Brown,' . • . J . °', Meehaniesbutg • Line .= . • Between .11,1echriniesburg and Philadelphia or Baltimore. , • (BY .RAIL ROAD OR 009.711.3L] subscribers grateful for-past favors, b'eg lease to inform their friends Mul the public generally, that they still continue to run a line of burthen Cars regularly between Mechanicsburg land Philadelphia•orßaltimore, by which goods and pro- . duce of all descriptions• will be forviardcd with- care and despatch at the lowest rates of freight. Produce will be received - at - their Wave House, in Mechanicsburg; and forwarded to either Phila delphia or Haltimore,according to the dtreciiint of the owner. .• highest price will be given-for Wheat nod Flour. - 'DREST3ACII & MEILY. • N. 13. Plaster of Paris and Salt always kept on, hand, and for sale at the lowest prices. July 29,1840.-wrly. • ..• INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS . BY -FIRE. FRANKLIN FIRE 'INSURANCE. COM- I'ANY . OF FI-11 - LADE'LFIII•A, • •• -apitat-,5`400i009-pairlda iarter--Perpeltt7a Col , rriNtlE to.make Insurance, Permanent and pinked, on every description, of Property, in TOWN AND COUNTRY, - on the usual favorable terms. • OFFICE . ; 163a - Cliesnut street. neat. Fifth street. CHARLES N. BANCKEI4 - Presitlent. • DIRECTORS. - S • Cisbuttrs N. BANCREJti SAMUEL crTLANi," JAMES SCHOTT, • FREI:IEIIICW BROWN - , TUOMAS RAU; • AMR U. SMITII, TIIOMAS T. WHARTON Gro,..W. ItIOMARDS 7 . TOBIAS WACIICERiI MORDECAI D. Lmvis.. •' CHARLES G.:ILIANCKER, Secretary. 1:0 - The subscriber, Agent for the above Company for the borough of CfirlialQunstffle,inity,will prompt- . ly attend-to-all , applications for -Insurance; whether . made personally or by letter. Residence Main street, nearly opposite the Car Office. • - . • IV.M. D. SEYMOUR. March 31, 184i.---ly • • . S. ELLIOTT. ANOTHER ARRIVAL! THE VERY LATEST & • CHEAPEST YET !! • New, Goods!' • • CT i 1 PrING ER sr. CAREY— PEA S BURG, have xibt received at their old stand, near the nail road, from the ensterh.cities; an extensive assOrtmeidat • , Fall it llrinter Goods; of the most flishidhable style, which they are deter mined to sell at prices to suit the, times. " Persons desirous of Purchasing g,oodivitee moat earnestly de sired to give them a call: Bargains may he expected. December 22, 1841. --- - CHARLES IVPCLURE, ATTORXEt AT Lair. Office in .High street a few .doors .• west of the Post:Office. 28,184.1.—te . . . Dental Surgery. . THE= SUBSCRlBER,srespectfiilly 'tender. his grateful acknowledgments to the public fertile very liberal share of patronage he has received dur ingtbepast year, and would still continue to offer them h professignal services ip their various bran chesat his reeidenee, No. 7, Harper's Row. He files, destine, and plugs teeth, and inserts incorruptible tarrer metalie artificial teeth in , the most approved manner. Charges always moderate. ' .1 C. NEFF, M. D. Carlisle, March 2.5,1840.---tf-_ The subscriber is now offering his entire stock of dry goods nt cost for'cash, consisting in part of CLOTHS, 4. C4SSIWRIS. SSI NETTS, at 'from l:l 3. to $1,20. MERINOES from 25 cents to $1,25 A good assortment of Whet, Brocha, . Merino 'Sr. Blanket Shanrls. Mous de laines, COnties and Calicoes; a variety of • Cambric Edgings & Inserfings ; . also Cotton Edgings And Qnillings,- silk and cotton' Wile, Bonnet and Dress Silks, Chene and Plaid linnnet and Neck Ribbons; Gloves and Hosiery of varions kinds.. . , . Deoemb,c - 80841. , CHEAP READING Persons wishing to . purchase cheap reading, are requested tonaltop the subscriber iu CrirliM,tothere can be.had Magazines of all descriptions, silid sold at the publishers prices tree of postage. L_ • For Sale'ro-sabovc: . . . • • Gralutmls-Magazinesily's-Book-,----- Ladies' Companion ' Erollir Magazine, People's Library; Young People's Book, Ladies' Amaranth,. ,;;•-• Knickerbocker, New York Visitor, • Fowler on Matrimony, Bicknell'sCouliterfeit Brother Jonathan, • Delco:dor,. ' New World, Boston Notion, • Universal Yankee Nation, Weekly 'Herald, Public. Ledger, Daily Chronicle, • . Spirit of the Tintesid New'York Herald. • Tragedy of the Seas, Life in a •Whale Ship, and •a variety of Comic Alinanacks for 1842. , '''Subscriptions ' received for .all the principal publicationkof the day. , N. 11. The 'Plainmoth Brother Jonathan and New WOrld, will be eeeiv . ed . and for liale . on' the first of January; NAL - • •• 1 • , • IGUS GRAY, AO, December 22, 1841. • - 1 , . - • :BONNET SILKS Sc - RIBBONS, ` of the very latest style, just received at the'store of .Ct4VPPINGER, & CAREY: "Shipikensburg,Dee. 224841. • • • seid; - An - d'Ftie ed end eelli fig De0.,1,"1841 Ea Tenlperan.ce :Ajtuaiacs • J US,T receivd and. for aaleibt. Dry Goods at Cost. GEO. NV. HITNER; Fri CHAS OGILBY. • ''New, Cooking Stove'. _ • • JACOB FRIDL;BY,N'orBi Hantwer siiteet; si!eC ci rsinians' HotO r istilient.fpr thoente,ol Butlia•i ways' Prtteni. . .• • . • , , Noe' c • • ' • et • troicisi4v Stoves which Ite,warrants tO be,loo percent better than any other stove heretofore. knoarn. 'FiirinerS,Tavern keepers iuu others are invited to take those Stoves 011 trial,alid if they are not pleased with the operation of the stoye,or•thepriceNthoy may be returned. • • • all descriptions, naiong• high are The improved Otstry .CoOking . stoves so niversaliy approved; stove trnitnre, stove pipe, nini- a general assortment of Tin; Sheet is on and Copper_'‘ittre o lihichlie will dispese, of on reasonable tents.. ~n • • Orders in Town and Country, for House Spouting' or other work promptly attended to. Carlisle, Sept. 15, 1841.--Ay. • . 1 , • . 00170115 B,z, OOLZS, TI& CAUSE. OF :CONSUMPTION;--Simple infthese complaints arc usually .considered, no one can deaytheir beingthe most common' cause of this fatal and distressing disease. - It it indeetha reelai. 61101 y-truth, that thoustuidt victiins to:Ciinsump. Lion evdry year from no other cause than . neglected: colds. Wet we find hundreds,. nay_ thousands who treat sudh complaints. with the greatest indifference, and let them run on for weeki and even'inontlis with out thinking of the danger: At first you have What you may consider a slight cough or cold; you allow busingss, plea sure or carelessness to preventyou from giVing it any attention; tt then . settles upon your breast, you become hoarse, have phis in the side or chest, expectorate large quantities of matter, per hens mixed with blood, a difficulty of breathing-en , - sues',and then you find yoUr uwn foolish neglect has brought on 'this distressing complaint... If then _you' value lire or,„ltealth,.be warned in time, and don't trifle with your Cotg,ar trust to any quack nostrum to.,cureyoujiiit immediatel y prectfre a bottle ortiiici orthat famous remedy, the n raiSAM OP WILD Cuntimv;" whichis well known to be the most Speedy cin•e ever 'known, as thousands Will - testify whose lives have been saved bir ,it.„ . . n'lle very particular when you purchase to ask toe.- Dr. WISTAIni BALSAM DP WILD CHERRY,” as thew is also a syntir.of this 'limit! imuse. • ' Prepared, wholesale and retail, by r WILLIAM'S & Co.,Chemists,N 83. South Fourth street, Phila, delphin. . " • 'Sold in Unrlislo . by . „ ' . SAIVJUEL. ELLIOTT. Price One Dollar - erßottle. ---- 7 .-- October r20,184t.- 7 1y. • - VA - NOTH Eck LIFE SAVED. By - the extraortlina'ry virtue's of that unrivallei medicine, the "BALSAM OF WILLI) CHER the well-known famous remedy for CON SUMPTION ANDTLIVER COMPLAINT COUGhis, COLDS, - AsTirsi A; BRONcurns (mom., wuoopiNG • • • wituamemr.o. ) • Sept. 4 1841. .5 • , Co Dr: WISTA.IL—Dear sir, it g,ives me great pleasure to say,l have f t much relief from your Balsam tha,altave to send to you rth'more. _ hove only used three bottles out of the half dozen I pin , . chased, yet-it lias done me more-good than till the Medicine I luiVe ever taken before: A neighbour of mine whose \vile was very low will) 'Consumption,- ; persuaded me to let him have some of it, and bought three bottles, which she tuna takeii also. I saw her a few days agoond-shelold me 44lie believed it was the only thing-Oat had saved her life. •Slieliad.tri ed every thing- before,but nothing did he uny . good, and when she commenced taking it was sick in bed, but is now up, and looks better than I ever saw.her before. As fm r myself I inn sure it. will cure me entirely, furl feel better every day. Send me six bottles more•by the bearer, as my neighbor' wants three more. They sincere friend, SAMUEL COLES. V.l"The genuine Brilaam sold in Carlisle by . • 'S ANW EL E LLIO Tr. Price One , Dollar a Bottle. .1` Sept. 2'2, 1841.-6 in. Read. what it" has DonC. And if you have a friend, n relation, or know any ooe that is afflicted , with, that distressing disease, " CONSUMP noN," persuade them without de lay to try that famous and unriveled medicine, thp " BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY," which bit's cured thousands of this complaint after every thing else had failed. Read the following undoubted, proofs of its efficacy Roxnonouon,Sept..lo 1841. DEAR Stn:—Please Send me two bottlea more of your Balsam of Wild Cherry,like that you sent me beqire. I have taken nearly all of the first two, and confidently believed this medicine will cure me. I have Used a great many remedies within the last' year, but have neverfound any thing that has relieved me so • much. It has -stopped-my -cough7, , entirely,l checked my night sweats, and I sleep hatter at night and feel better in every way than 1 have for many months. Yours, respectfully, JAMES KELLY. • Houssanuno, Sept. 12.1841. FRIEND WrsirEa :—.I. must again trouble thee to send me two bottles more of thy invalUablel3alsam. I have now taken three bottles in all, and can assure thee that it has done memoregoodflianall the medi cine I have ever taken before. Send by the stage as soon as possible, and oblige thy friend, • JACOI3..II9,LLOWAY. BRISTOL, Sept: 8 1841. DEAR Docnn.-Alearing so many people talk of the wonderful - Mires your Balsam of. Nyild Cherry has made• in Consumption, 1 sent to one of , your • Agents the other day for a bottle, and' have found it . to have relieved me so much, that.l want three bot-• more sent anon, as 1 believe it will cure me too. 1 have used Jayne'a Expectorant and other medicines beside's, but nothing Weyer done me as much, good ,j as yours has. Send. by the steamboatßoliVer. - Youirs truly, • WILLIAM Thomas. Cr Besides its astonishing efficacy in Consump tion, it is also themosieffectuaLtemed v eezdiscov= erect — lor LIVER COMPLAINTS, ASTHMA, ••• . . _ ING COUGH, Ste., as: hundreds will testify' who have been cured by ip after all other remedies had failed. . DRUGGISTS and DEALERS will find this me dicine a valualile addition to their stock, and should always keep it on hand, as it is universally acknow ledged.to be one of themost useful family raediclues now m use. oryee very:particular toaik - for - Dr:VISTAR'S 'BALSAM OF WILD CI JERRY: Sold wholesale and retail by WILLIAMT,Iit Co., Chemists, No. 33' South Fourth street. , • • tr:rThe genuine Balsam sold in Car lisle by,SAMUEL ELLIOTT, appoki r ed Agents• • . • Price $l.OO a Bottle. October 20, 1841.-1. Sh,eriff'.9 Sale. B . . • viciu ofiwrit of Leii Facies, to roe directed. li issued out of the Court of..Cointnon• Pleas of •Cuinberland enmity, will' be exposed to public sale atthe COurt Miuse. In the borough of 'Carlisle, on Saturday . the sth day of March,lB42, at 10 o'olocki, A. M.; the following described real etititte; Viz: ' - 7 A-Litt-erpiece,of Land situate in Church'- .I town; Monroe township, CUrnherlital counti;hound= ed by , lands of Rudolph Kry s h e r. Nliointel-Morrett,• and Main and; WO street', containing. ono:arid a, IntlPacrca snore or less; having thereon erected a• two story BRICK. DWELLING HOUSE;and Log , At Barn okother ut : houses; i - • AlscE.,--ALlnt.:of--G roil nd- , - bounaed; -, by, lands of Abraham Paul Rudolph Krysher, Esq4nod• 'the. Main street, etintaining - oboist one and..it 'half acres, having thFeon. erecteda one and:a half story' LOG HOUSE. - ' ••:: • • •' , '::- ~i l ~1- " .: • ' Seized and taken in . exeCutiOn.as tic iiropeity of Peter Aims*, ~ And to beTholil•bfine,' • , , • ' „ • . ~. '' - ' ' , ' , .PAUL , Sheldiff::-.• 1' MARTIN ' SuE•illreii ()riles; • - , ~ ~.. Carlisle; Polity. 9 ) 1842.-St,l'." 4 -- -----, -,.-- - 4- Actts flair Just open- „J. P. still .ientinneq to eep on hand *tobro W tip. 1a:p...4014.8 SI 0 N Still-esittinoes. the Cabinet Making in all its . va eiims branches; at his' old' stand in North Himover street, two doors above the store of Wm: Leonard'; sv here 1 s- wman tifacturiagi and: intendskeepiak on . ha . nd,a great variety of CABINET . — FURNITURE:IT such as Side6ards,Buecaus,Secretories, Citrd, Pier, Dining and Breakfast Tables, Bedsteads, E.to. of the most fashionable kind, all oh' which he will :lispose .of on the most reasonable terms. He is also prepa red tp all ordersforS MING SEATED SOFAS and FANCY-CHAHri, warranted to be of superior • He also fuimish COFFINS nt the shortest no tice, awl , haring recently procurdd a NEW-HEARSE, is prepared to attend funerals in the country. • August 4,1841.-71 y The sithscriber has recently received large addi tional supplies of 11“licines, Color§, - .-Linseed Oil, Spis. 'Turpentine, Copal Varnish, Painters' Brushes,' Varnish' ,Beushes, Hair Brushes,Spermaceti Oil,, (very fine) Sperm Candles, Soaps in great variety, Wass Lamps, Cap and Letter Paper, Fruit, Spices, Perfumery, 4c. lkc. which he will sell to Physicians, Merchants and others, wuoLtsAtu or by RETAIL, at, "'the lowest rates, having purChased entirely for cash; •he will oiler bargains to those who wish to purchase at.wholesale. .11'.'etv_ifardioare, __Grocery, A• 111.1R1ETP STORE. THE subscriber has just returned from the Cities of NeW York, Philadelphia and Bal timore,and is now opening. At his store room S. E. Corner of Market Square and Main Streets (for inerly occupied by Geo. W. Hitner,) a general as sortment of Ware; Brittania tone Ware, Cedar Ware; Brittania •firare, Groceries, Oils, Paints, Karnsshes, Glass, Brush- .es, Whips, Canes, Lamps for • harming .aud a great variety of articles useful and necessary for furnishing and keeping a house. He hasalso,and will constantly keep on hand . • . Carimbine Oil, • • a cheap and elegant substitute for sperm oil, ana• having been appointed .the agent of Messrs. Backers and Brother of Hewark .N. J., for the sale of Jonc's Patent Lamps in this county, lie is prepared to fur-. wish Lainps and Oil, at a very reasonable rate to all _whomay..wish_to_use and - economical - BOIL - - '7friogirlected go ods Wdetermined to me sell t ow. ThosOhaving the eashto lay out will find it to their advantage to give hith a cap. HENRY DUFFIELD. . . Carlisle ? July 8, ' MOTHERS,, BE_ ON YOUR GUARD._—This_ ,lantlie - iiiison,when.thisdestrubtive conqiiut attacks your interitating little children, often robs yoU of thoseyou fondly doat co, and carrieshtindreds to the grave. Every mother should therefore, know its symptoms, watch them closely., and always bepre pared with a' remedy:to cure It, as many are . daily sacrificed by such neglect.' At first the little patient is seised with a shivering,. it grows restless, has flusheti of beat, the eyes become red and.swolleo; it breaths with difflatilty„ and then comes that' fearful cotion that will surely terminate in convulsions or death iinless7 something, is immediately given to .check-it. this complaint the " Balsam of Wild cherri," - is well known to be the most speedy cure ever disciiered.' It is indeed a:precious remedy— mild, safe apd'innocenti and is sure to &Nettie little "sufferer immediate_ andAnickly..restoreit-to safety Families resi ding in,the country and indeed every mother 'who loves het...children should always keep this medicine in- the...hi:Mae, and ie it'-to them early doing so- you - may , often • ye the life of one •you . fondly love, Remember this is the &mous remety of this distiguished pphy- Wistar; which halCoured thousands tif CROUP, 'WHOOPING.' COUGH, , 'ASTHMA, COW/O'llON Ike niter averrother medicine tie partioulay - Tihen - yoti - poi• - ciltittieliFlik — fOF Dr; Wzat..ta'a BALI= Or WILD CHERRY,'' a 0 there is Stamp, of this name advertised.that,is_entirely thfferentMedieine. • • . PrOPitt•ed Only by •Wicirtati & CO., Chemists, No. 39 tlauth'Pottrth; street, Philadelphia, • .° • • . • Sold , in Carlisle ,by . ' - . • • ~.• • •:,-• SAMUEL ELLIOTT.. . , Dollar a. ottle. 0et0bqr.20,1841.-,li: : ',• Ala Et ii.V.V.INVAY, . .Sheet Coppers m ith, iron' and. Tiii4)late Respectfully'. informs the: public . generally that he', .still,cont:nues_his..business_ut.the. IStand,Nortli , Hanover street, neat door to the . Cabinet Siiop of William (I'Gibson, where he has mow•oh hand, and is still mantfaeturing, every article in the line of his trade;' consisting of . • Hallo s'; .lildlirs' and Wash •• K E , T. T .E Tta Kettles,' Tin-ware of every.. Ales6iiption,• Stoi , e .f ping : Pans, Drums, &c • Ile has also for sale thci - best assortment of 'Cons-', mon, Cooking and ParlOur . *tabfro ever offered iu.this place. Rts common wood stoves. andlisookihg stoves are of every size and. variety; and Ilia parlour stoves (fOr wood or coal) Pre of the newest patterns. Hellas, in addition the Rotary cooking stoves, the• Radiator staves and Radiator drains for parloprs, which are unsurpassed for com fort and economy in the use of fuel. All of which ho offers on the lowest terms for cash. • • . . . Carlisle, heig,.lB; l'B4:l.—y. 'N: B. Old Lead, Pewter, Copper and Leather to - : ken in exchange for stoves . , tin or copper ware., C4BINE'llr .311AKING. Fresh Medicines. March 24, 1841. CROUP IN CHILDREN. . .. . .. ..; . .1101 E . 7 1 1 2 r IS T. Ar ' i ----- • . DR. •L . . .C. LOOMIS, Denhst .. . IS S permanently located iii Carlisle, and = will perform all operations that are required in Dental Surgery, such as Filing, Plugging and Ex-, tracting Teeth, and, inserting Artikitti Teeth, from a single tooth to a whole set. • 11«. Will 'alio attend .to all diseases of the mouth, gturailliti..,and direct and regulate the .first 'atid'seehntkileutition so Its to render .the teeth ofeliiltiren aiatilyouni "pq•sonit regular:and beautiful. - ' Or. LOOMIS map at all ti mes he found at lila of.' fice, on II igh street,opposite Macfarlanels bided.) , callisle,.lnne":23 .184:1;;-,Y ' - • . 'senses mit, the Eye. •. . •-• . . . . . . . . • „tit • DR. ROSTOCK'S • • Celebrated' Eye Water, For the cure of Weak; Watery, or Blood Shot Eyeei • Ulcer:. Ihmouri, and ./Vornittion of the Amtiorsi.: Dimness of Sight, Eec. - , • . Perions sudject to any of these, Unpleasant ditior ders, will find this the most effectual remedy in use,,. as it seldom fails to . remove any of these affectkms by a few applications, without the least incotrieniepre or pain. Those who arelroubled with a DIMNESS . .OF.SIGHT will alSo find it a Valuablet•etnedy for strengthening the eyes ,improving the sigh . a t re and p , . venting the ditimessthatarrises from straining . them. It will also be found particularly usefulas a wash for the evei of young children, to remove inflaniation, and subdue the humours to which they are so liable. Price 50 Ceuta a Bottle with full direct . notis for using.• • • • Soldin Carlisle by ..• • S. ELLIOTT. *- _ • • • ramilit.finti-ililions These valuable pills are very gentle in their opera tions, causing neither pain, griping-for any nauseous sickness. They exaeedingly comfort and strengthen f ... the stomach and bo wels;and clearing the sight hear ing and memory of agedpersolis, by carrying - . off plileinis, watery matter, putrid gross and thick hu mors from the, stomach bowels. and blood;- which. mitlMS: 2 thetit so celebrated for removing coughs, rlieumatismsoai I iirfrtinr4her and liinbs, gravel, Tines; sick :stomach,,disordtred bowels and worms:— This medicine is alsd'arr iniitlible cure for fever and agile. - tc7.ALSCV,.OI _ • • — illiric:4 7 .l"anac,ea, For the cure of dotnsumptimi,Bliedsbd ulcerated sore throat-, lungs .and liver complaint, night sweats, flushes of heat, burning in the stomach tightness across .the chest, pains in the breast and side,iii ward cancers, piles, sore eyes,sore legs, Ulcers "of every description, swellings, rhetimatisnis; they stop the spitting of blond-and heal the part affected,- -The MIIIIICC4I Blood pills are prepared expressly for the strengthening of every part of the systeth and healing all ulcers and sores, purifying and removing all bad liumorifrom . the blood, which isolten-hrotight om fromtoo )mulch Sifting or standing, or by expo. sure from sudden heat to cold. Weakly debilitated persons,are particulary advised to use them, as.they strengthen - the body in a superior manner; they are . not intended to operate oirthe bowels so much as on the blood, astao mucli purging will destroy any weak ly constitution, and has carried off its thousands to a world unknown to us. Talte,the infrice of zne WllO. studies to sate life - and not to kill ; weakly and debili, toted persona SlibUldnot parge mare than once a year - as it often times brings on costiveness.. ALWAYS BEAR THESE IN MIND., • Staforil county, Va. Sept. 7. 1840. • Dear Sir:—l.write to let you know that the Lord' has done great things for one, whereof I am glad.— When - I saw you .in Predericksburg„ I think I said I had been aflicted with a very acid (sour) stomach, mid subject to n violent indult' my head for more than , twenty years,for which I toekrlmbarb and soda three' or four times every day fur this 'many years, with ' little or no relict ; and my legs and ankles were so much swelled that I was unable,at times, to attend to my business. But since You made -me a present of box of your Family Pills I have taken one or two • of them at night in going to, bed, and now my stela stomach isrelieved; the *swelling it. my legs has noir !): disappeared, and I'do not think that I have been hindered one day with the pain in my head since I began to lake your valuable medicine. I - think the Lord directed you to Fredericksburg, to administer to my relief. (Blessed be his holy name,lnm greatly relieved.) There is living in my neighborhood a poor old woman who had been sick a long time and could get nod.relitf o t length I purchased a box of . • Your pills and gave them to her, after a while I .saw • her out and about her business, and she said that the one box had cured. her. I have spread the faine of your valuable medicine amongst my acquaintances, and many have purchased.. Now, as it respects my self; my friends tell me when I go to town, that they have not seen me look so well for many years, and I say to them, 'I will tell you the secret why; a short time ago I met with a Ds .''Davies in town, and he gave me a box of pills, and they have Made me look as you now see me.' And now, my friend, I hope that ' the Lord will continue to, be with you and make you useful to your fellow-creatures, as he has hitherto done. 'I remain with respect, • S. ELLIOTT. CHARLES BRUCE. Several Females have been cured of the falling of the womb, by taking very small doses at intervals. Harper's Ferry,.4aptst 11,1540. Da. W3l. Dems.—Dear am happy to in form you and the ,public, that I have been cured of that dreiulful disease the Rheumatism, by takingyour . Family Pills:. I have been laboring under that ease for more than ii , year t during which time I tried the skill of the best physician. without effect; utlength I was induced to try 'your medicine; I found .relief after taking half a box, I continued to take them until I had taken five boxes; my age is 71years t and Icon eider that none but .the tad and rheumatic persona . know how grateful I' feel to the medicine, that has • restored me to health. . ' Yours; respectfully, Jolty Du. Wit, the undersigned me agents at Harpee*Feng , for the sale of Dr. D avies' Fanifty Pills me know our-neighbouriMr,Dy6Tsolirtititilfie — pills of which he speaks so highly, and believe his statement t!, ON. Respectfully, W. ,& S. B. AVDP./ISM Mrs: C. Burton, near Locust street, was.-diseased or seven years with a ; lump in the left side,humps all over her skin pains around the small-of her back running into her stomach, which prevented her (to use her own words,) from eatingone particle of meat" . 'the first dose removed the lump; and two .b.ges- set • her at liberty. - t ---,TI-was severely - diseased with - the 'blind piles •Ihr twenty months, and prostrated from the loss of blood" . and 'one and a hall.boxes of Navies Family Pills has made an entire . cure of me, • : •• Johusozr. : Washington, D. C., May, 7, 1841. . • _ • Manufactured; and' sold wholesale and 'refill. M • 1 . No. 265 South third street Philadelphia, and by 114.;- Joust GRAY, Carli9le , general Agent for Cumberland County Penns. . • Also, for sale by W. lk T. • Loudon, Kingstown;' Eckels & Fireovid,Hognestown, Rupp, Shire=' ' manstown,J. Longneeker, Wormleyshurati Bran.. eeman, New Cumberland; Stephen Culbertsoi,Ship.. - • pensbufg; ga m ; Jatnei:Leeby, Newburg; . Henry Leas, Mechanicsburg; Josiah. Hood, Springfieldf•Jolin HOod,Stoughstown. , • TlTersOns whaling to beenme'sea . rite in the villa.% ges in which the, pills are - not sold an' Cumberland county, Wilt-he suppl ied' with diem by calling °Whir. John .G ray, Carliale,-Pii.. ; who ,is em_ powere;l , point agents. - to thOse who • pukhaso. to sell againwill'be char ged $2 per dozen'. cash, or $2 25 to sell on Commiss ion; and.the Panacea Blood .. pills it $4 cash; or $4 50 orreeinmisaion.' price for family pills 25 ets, per box; Panacea blood • . pills 50 cents per box.. Pull directions for 'using them acoompany_each boxL_ • Carlisre, Sept. 15, 1841.---6 m. • , • • • . Carpeti! • Itigraii!,yenitian,Heinp, and Cotton CarpeOnt. opt reamed and for wile very low , by. . ' • ; - Deo: 1at184,1.' •••:' ' • .„ , . . . . .. „ Just i•eceiced 20 boilierDAISINS,i - ml fbr sale by he bbx only. ~, ,':'':' , i :;:: ',. DITIAEI.BAR 1 1 0 4.11;:' -; December 15;1,841.. ': ' ' ,:. ' - '2.- •. • ' • DUXES W II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers