U • with whiCh our relations are most intimate, a pleas . • ing•guaranty that' the harmony so 'important to the • . , interests of their', subjects, as well as our citizens, will, not be interrupted by : the , advancernent of any claim, or,pietentrion upop,their part to which our honor Woluld not permit .us to yield. Long the de . •ffindef• Of.' My. country's rights in the field, 11. trust • • that InYr tbllow-citizens will riot see, in my earnest 'desire, to' preserve° pence With foreign Powers , any linilleation that their right's will ever be sacrificed, or • the:honor of the nation tarnished, by any admission ..the• part of their' Cfri4f Magistrate unworthy of theit , foriner glory. ' -In our intercourse with our. Aboriginal neighbors, the eame,"!liberality and justice, width marked the' *eciiirse !preset-pert to me:by two of My illustrious ,predeCessors, wlien acting their direction in the discharge of the 'ditties - rof sffiierinteralentruid Connissioner, 'shrill be-strictly observed. I can . conceive'. of no more sublime spectacle—none more - ' likely,to'Propitiate linpartial and cominon Crea : tor, thin:l'm - rigid. ailliereoce to the principles of jus . 'lice:on-the', part of •ft powerful .nation in its trtinsae - tions with a Weaker and uncivilized people, whom eireuinstances have placed at its dispossl. Before 'concluding; fellow-citizens, I must say SaMething,to you on. the .Subject. of-the parties-at this time existing-in our' Country. To me it appdars , ''perfectlY,clear, that the interest of that country . re . 'quires -that the- violence of -the spirit by which those • Tarties . litre at this.iime_goverried, must he greatly • . Mitigated, if riot entirety extinguished, or co,nseqben== . bes will ensue which are appalling to be thought. of:. . If .parties, itr n..B.epublie - fIIT :necessary to' secure;a 'degree of vigilance stifficient to keep, the pbblic functionaries within the, bounds of law and duty, at that point their usefulness' ends. Beyond that, they, becoftio destructive of public virlue,,the parents of a spirit -antagonist-tO that- of-liberty, turd - eventually, 'its inevitable conqueror. • ' We have examples of Republic's, Acre the love of Country and of Itherty;rit one time , ,were the domi nant passions of the whole mass of citizens. And yet, with the continuance of the name and 'forms of free government, not a vestige of these qualities re maining in the bosom of anyone of its citizens. It was the beautiful remark of a distinguished English that .‘ in thelicmmn-Sennte-Ortavius-had-n -' party, and Anthony a parts., but the Commonwealth -. had none.". Yet. the. . Senate. continued,to- meet:- in the.Temple.o(Liberty,to talk Of the .sacrednesS and beauty of the CormWorluealth, and"grize at the statues of the elder Broths arid of. die -Conn and - And the people',assembled hr the forum; not 'as hi * the days of Camillus and the!. Scipio; to cast their free votes for amloal magistrates or pass upoilthe nets of the Senate, but to receLye front the hands of the leaders of/the respective parties . their share of .;'the spoils, anal - to shout. the . one,'or the 'other, ns .:those-collected-in Card, or Egypt, or the lesser. Asia,. • 'would Punish the larger dividend. . . . _ Thp i , spirit of liberty had , fled, and, aypidiug the . ntWides of civilized.. mph, hart sought protection, in • the wilds of Scythia or Scandiria; sail se.',.under the ;operation of the same causes arid influences, it will fly . from our Capitol and orm forums.. 'A calamity so awfill,.not only to our country, but to the world, • most be' depreested hy - every patriet; - and biery tendency to a 'rime of things likely -to produce it, immediately checked, Such a' tendency has exist etl•-do'els exist. Always - the fri6ml of iny country men, novel' their flattener, it' b'ecomes my duty to • : say to'thein fisini this high piece to which their par . Ability has exalted me, that there exists in the-land. 'tt spirit' hostile to 'their' best interests--hostile to 1.• liberty-it:3'oE- -Iris a .sirit--eontisieled YieWS . :selfish its object. '-It looks to the aggrandizement of a few,.even to the, destruction of the interest.of the whele. - ' • The entire remedy 1s mile the people'. Some ' thing - , - howeyci. - , - may be effected by the means which . they have placed in my hands. Itleis union that we - want; not of aparty for the sake of that party; but a union of the whole country for the sake of the whole • -.country•-,for the deffince of its interests and its hon or against foreign aggressioo, for the defence of those - ' Arrinteipleri - fod . Whktr our ancestor's so gloriously contended. As far as it depends upon me it shall be • iccobriplislied. All the influence that l'possess, shall be exerted topreitent the formation at least'ot - an Executive p:frty in the halls of the Legislative body.' 'wish for the support of no Member of that body to '--tiny measure of mine that does not satisfy his judg ment and' his sense of.dutv to those from whom he holds his appointinent; icor any confidence in arl .Yance from the people, but that asked for by Mr. Jefferson "to give firmness and effe'et to the legal , administration of their allitirs." ••. .1 deem the present occasion sufficiently' important • and solemn to justify me is expressing to any fellow - citizens a prolbund reverence for the Christian re ligion, and a thorough conviction that sound morals;`, .•. religious liberty, awl n jtist sense of religious. re-.] sponsibility. are esseidially connected with - all true and lasthig happiness; anti to that good Being who. 'has blessed us by the gills of civil and i•ciL.Thus free- Nv4o b.:lli:lied 'over and prospered 'he labors of our fathers, and has hitherto preserved.to us institu tions far exceeding in excellence those of any othe'r , :Temple, let us Haire in fervently commending every Jtiterest of our beloved country in all l'uttirc time. ' Fellow-citizens: being fully vested with that high 'office, to which the partiality.of my coontrymen has • called me, I now take nn affectionate leave of you. You will beau with you.to _your:homes the remem, brance of the pledge I have this day given, to dis charAe all the high duties of my exalted station tic= • cording to the hest of my ability; aid I shrill enter Arbon 'their pe'rffirmarice with' entire confidence in - the support of a just slid generous people. Temperance Department. TEMPERANCE CELEBRATION IN tAun- MORE. The fallowing notice has been issued by the Com mittee of Arpingernents: • E. FRI F',NDS TEII I'E 12 A N . . we; the undersigned; have been appointed a Com mittee by the Washington Temperance Society of Baltimore, to make arrangements to celebrate the First :Anniversary of said Scieicty, to take Place in -Baltimore on MONDAY, the .sth April ensuing,. • We expect:on that dily to give the death blow to intemperance in the city of Baltimore, and we. cor dially invite all Temperance societies and Tepper abed men throughout the United -State's, to partici pate with u; on that occasion. le say, come, one, come-all, and assist us to raise high the Banner trf Temperance, and Wipe the foul blot of Intemperance. from our beloVed • • country. Geo. K.,Quail, James Bruce, Charles B. Purbel,. Francis Gallagher; John Green, John .Showlicre, Alex. GaddeSii; Wm. A. Fisher, Anthonyilelmling, George Murdock, - Charles - W:Mark; Beny - Boswell,GeorgeSunitralc - Stephen Vandal; John . W.”llaggar,,James Dunn, Robert M. Beam, James L. McPhail, John B. Norris . , John'Grillaway, Micttitcl•Culp, Josiah W. Marriot, .George Irvin. • By order ; • . • J. la IVIcPHAIL, to 7 Papers throughout the country favorable to ttle,temperance cause, will please copy the above. = We call thoattention of the public to the *Ulmer ous cet•tificatesovhielt have beep in circulation in our paper link some others of dila city, highly re commending Swayne!s Compound, Syrup of Wild Cherry; have seen the original ertificiqes, and have no doubt but they commirom.truly great- Ail hearts, expressive of the benefits which they have received from that very Valuable Compound. We have acquaintances who have frequently useij the Above medicine, who can speak with confidence of site virtues.-_Sat. Chronic*. • - Principal .Office; No.'' 19 North Eighth street, iF'hiladelpbia .. .' Fer sale bydOhn J. Myers & Coy, Carlisle; and *Yin, Penf, Shippensbiirg, Pa. ' . . . , • INTERESTING INTELLIGENCE. TO those who brirzeip rAltis---I,efirpit .— t tare thia.tiresentoppor • 'oinity . .of informing yott of the, wonderful effects of your invaluable SgOTIIING Starr s-on CtIILDnEk was first taken-with fits of screaming and crying, 'attended 'with "a dreadful • complaint... I sent for aphisiCian, he came • nad tOidine he could do nothing for it, bat , lance tliettlyns.?''. This Iwould not submit to; be then re 4ointnended - yom ininlulble " Soothing Byrne" *f l i c k pi.,ocut•ed •at your . office, No. 19 .N EIGHTH. STREJ?—T 1s soon as I obtained the rneiliCine, I, itgelllt according to the directions The Et ect tiras'aStOnisiting; the child went , fo Oeetr.kted4 rested welt all night.. The—udxt:Morningl useil it again; tind ecinti need The chili' ‘relov,cred ininiedialely, and isbeariy to -ON. clay, Happy . would. it he, both , parents and little chit ditrt, thet could. 'access tp a small portion, of your teeilleine.- dtire that mbney would be noi fleet In epinpariion with bun*. . , • AIRS. . HOLMES,' . .1 Spru - ce.Street. . the Ole of this invalu. able . inOtliclOja':atl'lc.:' 18, Nortki Eighth street, Philaddltihia, •'- • , , „, , Also; For side' bi,loha -and Val. I 'corst4PePomiviTP., • • • • HERALD & EXPOSITOR. WEDNEBIMY, MARCH 10, 1841. a"l"e have occupied a large portion 'of our paper with the Inaugural Address of President Harrison. • It is an able docu ment—an official endorsement of his opi nions heretofore expressed on a variety of subjects. • jWe are in"debted to the, politenes , of a friend at Meadville, Pa., for a copy of Judge Baldwin's address to the Literary Societies of AllegliAny College. IQ' . We have extracted this weekfrom the Smerican• Farmer, ad" article on the importance of using the fioller iiffarining; If is from the pen .Of our townsman, FREDERICK WATTS, • any of our farmers wish to talre-e--p4er:deitote.d JO. 1 - ffricifittire — ‘ 7 iF eiTaiie diem to subscribe fel. the Firmer—it is the . •best publication Of the kind.in the.countrY.. • . trj-Some person Ams beetrimposing-on . the credulity 'of the Editora - of the..l.larria -bnrg.elegraph. Thelast-purober-of-that paper:cntflaina,,a , paragraph in relatioti:-to popular. feeling in „this county, and thepro eeeding.ofour.County:Convention, which is . - totally untrue . inevery particular ;.'and . we advise these.gentkinen hereafter to look well to the.' 'source of their'inforntation—on this subject at least,before* they give it publiditY ; as in this instance *they - have been led to place the Harrison party of ills county in a false. position,, . •• • official acts of Mr. _Van:l3uren was. to . aPpoint, Daniel of Virginia Associate Judge of the _Suprenie Court,.to fill the vacancy occasioned .by the death of Judge Barbour.. -The appoint ment has been confirmed by. the Senate. .-. IG - 7' Small notes are at a premium in Philadelphia inconsequence Of The scarcity of change. - The people •in the interior are suffering equally with those in the city, 'The back building of Mr. Geo. Ileckmanciiii burned down on Friday last; the fire we believe, was occasioned by running a stove pipe into the garret, : for• the purpose-of smoking - meat; nna a large quantity of bacon vas destroyed. Through the ex ertions of our Firemen, the front bowie was saved, although it was injured considerably by the indiscreCt efforts of those,who are in the hubiton such occasions of kicking the sash out of the windows, and then throwing the furnitdre into the street. „ • We learn by the Harrisburg finpers,that this body net oz the 4th inst. Henry W. Beeson, of Fayette, Was appointed President of the Convention. :Gov ernor Porter was the only person placed in notni natiou,,which, however, was not unaninious---;Dr. Sturgeon having received several votes. A resolution leas offered declaring the nomination unnnimetis,- 7 -ii was opposed by a delegate from Westmoreland, and after some discussion was with drawn. The COnventhin adjourned' onFriday, sine die, ilftCr haying passed a series of resolntions,and an address, .a part. of which 'aimed at the United States Bank, forcibly illustrates the fable: of Thnliv ing ASs, kicking the dead Lion. " Was not the!regular candidate friendly. to :Mr. Strohm's .notnination—Latild was he not s eelected by the. Penrose clique. to carry out' the views ,of their leadiP, in the conventien?"--Volunteer., As the editor of the Volunteer has come to the conclushon, thatthere is a feud in the Harrison p . ar_ . ty, and as his friends say,Ae_bas_obatinacy largely developed, we shall not put ourself to much trouble in attempting to convince him of his .error. Hotwk: thinkit.somewhatimpudent in a,mati; te-put-n-ques tion, when he states at, the same time that he.feels bound to disbelieve the answer. We know that the editororthe Volunteer does not 7Sish to belieie the truth in this case; butaa we think his reader's do, we reply in answer to the first question, that so far from "the regular' andidate being friendly to Mr. Strolini!s nopination; we know, find we can prove—if neCes sary—tbat he - stated both, before and after his nomi nation,lhatoirMr. Strohm was the candidate of the Ilarrison'party ho , irsad not vote at all." Nor was he selected to carry out any views, other than such us Will be calculated to elect '_as Gip'ernpr,' the notninee oldie 10th of March COnventiOn. • shall not take time to answer the mime •ques tions of the Voinnteer--theyare mere conclusions drawn from the first, and as tito-;etlitor, is wrong, in his prcnoiseN-ercry - thinr, connected therewith falls to tile ground.: "The . Herald is without a locality as • The editor. of the: Volunteer should he careful ho, speaks about heads . ; pen- Ple might surfpeet that he feels the. want of one;' However, if thellerald isWithont . a . Bead; we know 'thatll generally hai Herald must be particularly inter esting to its readers of, late, ' fits-columns are generally filled withThaturatory articles of Mr. Penrose,, to the of alnioat every Willi else.— Volunteer.- By . the - way, the 'Voluntp'er tactied an aiiiele.in:relation to:this 'grintte4 man, which, if not "partieulrly•itgsFeAtini t; - nterestin to,: its reader's, B6 Fa the rt, he editor.; 2. . • • - ' ent-liatt, Fire. TILE PORTER CONVENTION MIME= '.tt'ar.v.llott H50_:.t .. T . :44. - Zt.', - ;:::stit! -XT.X1,9:04,9•T..* '~_~ azyrhoo rh.a: . sitteritle4 the .entertaininent given last night at ”Education hy..Yankee Hilkand Alias Reynoldi of the :London; Concerts, mus have been highly,gratifieq. Tbereputation.of Mr. Hill, as the most celebrate& delineator.of 91,irtrEast pe-, culiarities, in the'nonntry, i is wellknowtt, , ,and.. we were pleased to 'san so large an audience, and one too,'whicti Mr. Hill. must, be aware was not. very "methodical'. Miss Reynolds has tivOice of deep richness; and executed her bemitifnl ballads in ex quisite style. or Mr.' Hill we can: only saY, in the language of the Edinburgh Evening Post, his perfor mance proves him a .first 7 ratecomicrantori' the dia lect of the Yankee and peculiar slang of, the tribe, are conveyed with most amusing effect; but perhaps the irichest part of his performance is the droll im-, pudent stare which he ns : sumnn when he wishes to be partichlarly.s/ick.„ , , . COMMON SENSE.—NO one is so foolish as to sup pose for.* moment that we can I iveT without eating, any more. than a tree could derive putriment from the sir. - alone, without the Ea.' Chameleons may Ave on air, though it is well known •that such airas. full of living insects.• All; therefore, know that it is what-we 7 put- into the - ,stomnch - which CaUtielV us live: We We make-over our bodies from the stornach: In from three to five years we Make over our bodies 'entirely. " , Thin What is part of us to-day is atm, lutely.not a part,of us to-morrow. The secretions, such air perspiration and other evacuations, continu ally make our bodies waste, and it is from the sto mach that we supply this waste; .all we have to do - to - make our - bodies - ultimatelyltealthyOs to prevent unhealthy particles from mixing with the blood.— Purgation does this for, us, provided the purgative we employ. contains iii it nothing which will weaken or de us injury. , . Brandretli's Vegetable Universal. Pills, for this purpose, will be found all that is required; because they purge Elmo the stomach.and bowels. the super abundance of humors that may havenccumulated in the system, before they have time to produceputre factiorwanditsmirforl-zonssquenies7-denth;-===—,- , f*-,For salein Carliste by Gal. W. I:IITNER, and in Cumberland County by Agents published in another part of this paper. . .• . , : From the Spirit of the Times CODIMUNICATINC-SEEK HEALTH ANI)EN JOY J_A FE:—lf you wish to retain the richest bles sing, attend early. to yourielf, whenever you find that your appetite becomes impaired, your bowels ch Costive: or: bile on the stoma. Remember==De. lIARLICIPS,. CELEBRATED. MEDICINES:" Procurejlithn inunediately,and use themaccording to . dire9tions, they will immediately remove these, primary syMptoms‘Trom the_!iystem. But if you neglect yourself they will form -a host-o( mMadies, such as Alyspepsia, liver complaints, jaundice, pain hi the side, billions afflictions, fevers, &c., which are more - Obstinate to cure, besides attended • witli. pains and much distress. -"Dr. Harlich's medicines" will certainly 'cure all forms of the above mention ed diseases. The patient must however not conceive in the latter stages a cure coif be performed - in a feu: days or a week. - if the medicine had been used at the very first attack, the' disease could have been eradicated inunucli;:shorter lutist therefore be used - steictly for a- fortaight be - fore - mich deckled benefit„ will-be realized, - - A RELIEVED SUFFERER. Sept:Sd, 883. .• Principal Office, No. .19, North Eighth street, _For. sale-lvythi.--J. J. Myers & Co.; Carlisle; and I}em_._Peal„.sluppensbnrg;Ta, - • - - MA=RKETS.- DAtTINIOI2E, lIARIc Wrg Baltimore; Mardi 8, 1941 - CATTLE--16!50 for good to $8 per 100 lbs. for prime quolil}'. HOGS -$5,50 to $3:73 ,per 100 lbs. FLOUR—S4:2S. to $4:374 WHEAT-00 cents per bud:A CORN-38 to 40 cents per do. OATS-23 to 27 cents per-do. • . . CLOTERSEEO —s4:oo to $5:25 per do. 'WHISIMY—Prices have been steady during the week at eo cts,for-iduls, - and 22 fur bids. The Wa - .; eon price is 19 cents exclusive of the barrel.— . • , Balt. Pat. MARRIED, On the 28th ult., by the Rev: JOhn..Ul rich, Mn. EMANUEL "CURREN.% o Martinsburg, Va., to MRS. 'ELIZABETH of Carlisle.. . 'On the 4th inst.,.by the sal*, Mn. JOHN - COWICIC,.to Miss-- HANNAH' I3IXLER, all of-West Pennsbbrough town ship. • 2 D IE D, • fif In this borough, on Tuesday morning last; Mr. WILLIAM KEITH, at a very advanced age. 01 At his residence, in East Penns prou;;11 township, oil the sthinstarit, Mr. vt-lbs. ALEXANDER, aged 57 years. d e On sundry last, at Kidderritinster,.the residence of the late James Givin,Esq. Mrs. MAGAPET - .4)1J NBA It, aged about sg, . . /At, the same place, on Tuesday morning, last; after a severe illness'Mrs. ELIZA, wife of • Dr: Giffen, of Columbia, Pa., and daughter of James Givin, Esq. in the 28th year of her age. •• - the 4th instant, in North Middleton township, Mr. JACOB SHOMBAUGU i itrilie - 48thr•yearaff his age., / At. Pine °Grovp, of BrOnehitas, on the Ist day of ‘Vebroary=rlast, Mrs. JANE EGEisonsert of lair Peter Ege, aged 66 . years, 8 months antl,3 . days.. • • • • NOTICE. • . , testate .V Jacob SILO mbiraet,--dec d. o ETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate ofJtecob Shemhaugh, late of North Middletbn township, Cumberland county, deceased, having is.. sued .to the Subscriber' in duo form: • NiiTIGE is hereby given to all, persons indebted to The estate of said; decedent, to Annke immediate payment, and those hnving clainia to present them for settlement. MICRAIq. FIStIBURN, Exec'tr.' March 10, 184•1. • ; • • • 4 .. . NOTICW..• ' •.." S . :, ~ . ..... , . • ', Estate• of - James . Oivin, dee d. •, • - ETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the. estate 1 RA of ',lnittes Givin; Into of South Middleton, ton-. ship, Cuntbriland countyVtleethised," lotting : issued to the subseribere in due foiln: IsfoileE is het 4 !by, given to ell persons indebted to' the estate of situ! deeedent,lo .maku,immetlittte payinrnt, ;And "tiige 1 ;1 ,0 1 4 claims - to, present.them for settlement. .• '. , • . ... , SAAII.IEI, W1;1,1 . , ROBERT • . , GIVIIN, Exetutors. .:. •• . JACOB .RITNER, 'F" .-Mareb.io, 1841. : ' . • . " ußsuAwr to the provisions of the qd ? section . .11E:of.the act . of the General Assembly Of this Corn monwehlth;ientitled," An act to 'establish nieneral system of COIIIOIOII Schooli ? ",•passed the 1 th gay of April, 18,14'„ I hereby give widen to 't inCiti zens thwievcral school 'districts . In the , county of CurnbcrianktiY,tneet in their reSpective toWnships and hold their electiciiis for Stider:lisora„Town "Council,'and Con htable the ThirtlYridaf and 19th day cf. Afore!) histantolied'and thei'e "elect Two Citizens of each School DiStelet,to scrim three :years, as Selieol Di, reetoraof ,o(CDistricts Teepectively which 'elec.'," tionakejotbd - aontluetediul.held in the same.map, iter tri electioiis‘ • Sitpervisora'and i;instatiles'are layir 41dAmt_equcloogeL . - • A • .f . ARA.I.3:44IARTIN; Surturr's • ~.") • ". Cat'liele, nareirti ; • . , , . . (1: We have beeri'requested to annoence - thlit Mr. - EPEIR*IM COItisTMAN (late oneof the editors of the V.olunteer,) will be R candidate fOr the office of Port; Clerk at the election on the;l9tit instant:, .• . • New Spring - 400.15. ' • Just received from Philadelphia an assortment of ' SPrinteoOVAY, of the newest style and fashions ;• splendid.. China Silks and Ribands„ Moutieline de Laines;Chititzes, Gloves; French worked ,Collars, '•Alsk, a, large assortment of .Cloths,.. ,Cassimeres, .Vestings,._Tickings, ' Checks, ike. • All of whith will be sold very_lOw by the Subscriber 'it the old stand opposite S. Wunderlieh's Hotel: . CHARLES OGILBY. March 10, 1841. • . PROCLAMATION. , I tA rn si E le i n E tV4e ll !ol i t o li n et t i m ir il t g o l i I jo EP rn ß m v o n n N; P P le r i e t; in oe 9th District, co mposed'ofple' countiea of Cuin beeliuidc Purr?' and. Juniata; and tiie.Hon,:fehti Stuart and John Lefevr , e; JUdges or the said Court of to'mmOn Plena of , the county_OLCuini3erland."-have. issued their preoept,.bearlog. Me the-18th day of Jituinry, 1841, nod. to me - directed; far holding a Court of Qyer 'nod Terminer and General Jail De livery,.and General Quarter Sesiona of the Peace, - at Carlisle, on the . ,Secohd 316:nday' (If 1841, • (tieing the 12th day . ) at ten Welocik in the forenoon: oTionis hereby_ grvon _to_the Coroner; Justices of the Peace, and Constables Of the said county . of Cum berland; that they . be.then and there in their' proper personsovith their. records,_ insuisitions, examina tions and 'other remembrances; to do those things which to their offices' respectfully appertain. ° And those who are bound by recognizance to prosecute against the prisoners that are, or then may be,' in the Jail of Cumberland county, to be then 'and there to prosecute against them as shall be lust . • Dated.ak-Carlisic, the 4th day of-ltfareig - 113.4.1, and-the independence- 1: PAUL MA RTlN,..Sheriff; •DI SOLVTJOIN. ._. . . • The Co-partnership heretofore existing. between JAMES BOAK and }IENRY BRENEMANL- Trading under the name of." Bonk and Breueman-:-• was, by mutual consent, Dissolyed on .the 26th of February, 1841. All those indebted to the late firm are respectfully'requ'ested - to make,payment on or before The fri,_•st-dhy of April 7 tiext,to Henry-Brene man, at the old stand in NewCuinlierland, who is citify authorized to receive the same, where also all claims against : said firm will be paid. • - HENRY BRENEMAN,. . . • . JA.MES_I3OAK; • • . - ... March 10; 1841.-3 t, - - N, B. The Subscriber continues the linsiness at the old stand, and respectfully solicits a share of the public patronage lIENRY BRENEMAN.„_ - • /PIS ti t if . - •11-11e - partnershipIlierefore ~ existing: betweeicilie: Subscribers trading Under. the_firm_.of-W..BARR NL CO. is dissaved by the Withdrawal or the Junior partner. The Books, Notes &o. are in the !winds of DUNLAP, who will:settle the business orthe late firm. . . - WILLIAM BARR, I - DANIEL DUNLAP:: Newville, March 10,1841.- 7 3 V • - • l'he Store - will bccontinued• by the Subscri ber, who will be pleased to accommodate-the custo mers of the old firm, - -and the public generally. . WILLIAM BARR. • Estate of Mart] Rupp, deceased. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the estate 14 .of Mary_ Rupp, late of Mechanicsburg, de ecnscd,having issued to the sulttctiher in 111.111 - fOrM2 NOTICE 1S hereby. given to Wl' persona indebted to the estate of said deceased, to make immediote pay ment, and those having claims to present Apem for settlement. JOHN COOVER, . . • Executor of Mary Rupp, dcc'd March 3,184L---6t" ' . . CdUTIO.V. NOTICE is hereby given, that nay person cutting ur Carrying away timber i hoop poles, rails; or any other thing, on or 11'0111 the Mount holly Estate; without my authority in writing, shall be prosecu ted as a trespasser, according to laic.; and all persons are cautioned against paying rents, except to myself, or to my written order; as there is no agent author tied by me totict in these matters, nor do I intend to appoint any wm. GRDISHAW, • Attorney of t he Farmers 4 Mtiehanies Bank, Parribburg, Feb. 26, 1841 :7 -fit . • • ._. • Call at Kennedy's Shop if you want • • Cheap Carriages. r u ff. subscriber has now on hand and is finishing, between 50 and 60 Carriages, of different pri ces and patterns; such ns COACHEES, • • Falling TOP •ilaronehes" . . Standing top Family Carriages, Tilburiea ' and Buggies' of every variety.. Both Cariiies and TilhurieS will be sold cheaper than ever Offered bifida country before, prices WO to $4OO fir Cash_ or, good Paper. Having a very. heavy stook on hand, the subscriber will be induced to sell very low, and hopes that persons wishing to purchase Carriages will give him a call before going' elsewhere. . Also, it lai.ge.assortment of 1• • • • • Silver, Brass and - Jappi'd • MOUNTED HARNESS, Roth Double and• Single. The above Work is made liffirst. rate Workmen and oftho choiceit- materials.' • - Krltephiring done us usual at the stiliscribees Shorii,Aituated on Pitt street, immediately in. rear of the -Meihotliit• Church, and near Afie• Railroad Depot. A.: KENNEDY. Carlisle, M N arch 1841.-3 - 111. • Spieitelift Ito .30 'OOO Millais: Arm 200 'Prizs of $500; MONONCiALIA.LOTTE*V. Clasa'C for 1841.-=-To be (town at Aleidndria Va. on ,Satut. ; (lay the 20th of illarithi 1841, • , , GUAM turmti,a. $30 9 00051000.00i • $,5,000-=-$3,000-46,587--$2,000—51,600, • , $1;800---$11',700—$1,600-2 of $1,51.19 - • , 3 0f,51,300'...;.5 of sl.',t'so--‘2OO • '• . of $5OO, 6co. • -- r k Tiokettrslo-4101yes $5,--Queriers $2 SO. ' C,Ortificates of PAckitgesof !:51ri1olo,Tiokt to $l3ll - f - Do. , ,do ' ' , 25 HEM ' - iroV7 - 7.) 65 , - do 25 goarkOr tlo 325'0 • $40,000-415,000 Virginia LeesPiura . Lottery: class") fpr 18:11..:—To be : drawn at Arexandtia, VA; ou 311(T.114, the 27th of i‘litrith, 1841. GRAND,- SCHEME • • . . , $40,000—N415,000. 10,000 Ded4ri. 3,;000. Dollars ' , , • . 0,000 Dollars . ,320 Dollars 5,000 ' • L • • • '3ol4rzes'of• ;000 Poilai's; • • 60.0f.5500-r-00 9e5300L,42:9 of $2OO, &c. Tickets only,slo-11alves $5--Quarters $9 50 Certificates of 13ikagea 26•WholeTieketa $l4O Do.' '2fi nlf ' do ' TO • •130.', ;.tta : : 1 ; .;,46 Quarter do •95 " C Orcleee for rf l iviceteatidS Reyes an ert COSI? of - PaokeOes ettendedAtio,end aloof, ae,tbe Recount of It ,wilt be for sraedeil'tii AdOrese: • t,ctF t pon7c Jr . • CrtY. 1.): ME .- • „ .. ~. .•,', ...-.. Poor . 441 . Oliii,:so :Statement ... , . ... 'For. the 'year . 18441 .- - 4 . • . . • •• • John.DUnlap Samuel Eckels and Benja m in Peffer, Egli's. Direetors cf . the Poor and •ol.the 1. . • . . - House OfEmployment of Cumberland county, in account with said county,- from the Ist day . , ofJanuary.to - the7B - fst day of December, 1840; inclusive,, viz: To amount due Institution at settlement in . 1899 by James Lou.. --, ..-- don, Bk., Treasurer, .' • • - ' . • , , . - Amon* drawn from - Cotinti.Treasurer, .—' -- Amount received of Berke County for support of Paupers, -ae! 2 do. of Perry county . do l—do. "' ' ' . J. IleffleboWer and M. Mitchell, (Pensions) ' • , • ' Cash per Blacksmith work done by Paupers, - .of Martin Meiley, (being the profits of • ' .... . - - ... .. , the issue of -§ltinplasters voluntarily - paid to Institution) ". 4 ' . ' 20 00 ', • . . B. Stiles for use of John Thomp,spn, ,17.00 • • • . - Jaion W. Eby'for use - of T: Robinson, .98 03 :.' ' - - --- - L -Todd for - use - of - ButitiakTilii - vson, .-: 64 23 • ' Ilidisind Skins of Shroms';lrvin and kutz, 135 VT' •- -. :. ' . Isaao Angney form* of R: Robinson, ' 5 00, 7 1 •. _ .. , , . Flues from Justices, - . • • 42 - 94 . . , '. - . Blank Indentures, . ' • 15 49, . .. I • Flaxseed, '' • .• , . . ' ___,__.,De_eeased_Paupors, '-. - _ ~._ :__ 10.:87i_ Tallow:and Lard, . • 68 37i Baskets, ' . ' . S. 7 9.91 Siberian Apples, - , , ' - 4 75 , ' Old Iron and'Rags, . - . 6 181 j .• Sundries, • . • - 12 32,1 To balance due by.TiNaiuryr, (and slued paid Over to. Jaen!) Squier, Esq., Treasurer, - '• . 552 45 James Lou .. do n, E . . . Esq., Treasurer of the Poor. Honsn and - House of Employment; of . saidutounty; in 'ace:aunt:with—the Directors . ' of .said InstitutiOn,,, from the. Ist day of January to the ist.day . .._ __. ••-• OrDeCeinber, 1840, . ' inelusive. , , • Tcamount.due at last 71:41ement, ' • - 4- 16eeived from County Treasurer,, .. - , *- • M. Fislthurp, Steward, frdm different .---• k-:. ' •- sources, RS exhibited - iFtliyforekOin ' . ...------- statement; Balance titre Institution, (owl since paid over to Jncob Squier, Esq., Treasurer,) _ 55'2 40 -_- . Stock on Farm Ist Janua l. y ) lB4l. = . 6:llo(l'dfilori - W 31 Bead of.ltoiv - Cattle, -- 4 - Calves; - 0 - Bre - e - dilig7Soikis;' - '53 - Slitiats; -- 42 - She'er. -- ~ _. , _ . . „ . _. . • . . Beef , Pork,.Veal. AndlUtitto.n, fattened and killed on Farm; 41840. 26 Beeves, average wt. 520 lbe: (13511 lbs.). 41.. - = - 11 - ogs,--average 200.1b5..(8200 lbs.) 18 CalveS; average 08 lbs. (1212 -- 1b5.).19 - Sheep, average - 52 - lbs:l99trlbs -- .) inaltilirrirsll - 2171 - 31W - -,- -' .. -.- • • :- - . - ' .1 . `. -—-- ,- .:- - : • '- • _ . . _. • • Farming Utensils on Farm , Ist January, 1841. -•• • - - - _ • - _ . :. .• . Two,narrow wheeled Wagons, 1 wagon Bed, 1 pair .Wood-Ladderry2 pair ,Ilay Ladders, 2 Sleds, I,,Dearbonrne and liar nes.4„,lcart and Gears; 4 Plough's, eHarrowe, 2. Cultivators, •7 .Wheelharrows,,l-Threaltin'g.-Machine, 2, Fanning Mill:, 2 Log Chains,. a sett•of VI agon Gears; 4 - sett of Plough Gears, 2 ,Flak - Brakes, 2 setts Carpenters' — Cools ; '1 sett blacksmith 'Fools, 1 sett' of BUtehering Tools, and a variety of Axes,•Spades; Shoves, Grubbing-11 . 60,-Digging-irons, 11 . 60, Digging-Irons, ingle-Trees,.Donble Trees, - Sythes, Cradles, Forks; Rakes, &c. and one sett of Blowing 'l'ools. •.- . . - , , . . . , . ; ' - Schedule showing the Proceeds of the Farm for 1840. . ; . . • • Apples, 30 935 bushels of Wheat, EOO of Oats, 370 of Corn, 210 of" Potatoes, 47 loads n.f Ila'S., 5 of Cornfodder, 150 bushels of dpplesv 36 of Onions,.6 - of Seed• Onions, 30 of Beets, 20 of Parsnips, 7 of. Peas and Beans for sauce, 5 of Tomatoes, 1500 Cucumber' Pickels, 1400 head of Cabbage, 18 barrels of good Cider, 11. barrels water Cider, 160 gallons of Apple Butter, 36 lb.' of Heckled Flax, 2 bushels of Flaxseed, 1 bushel of Cloverseed.• , .. _ • • . ' , . . . . . . 66rtrds Planet, 40 of Ragging,_l23_SitiTts ; _and_C_llitnese, 86_Frocks, 78 summer Pants and. Vest'C ad pair or Stockings knitted . .. 40 pair of Stockings footed, made .20 Petticoats, 20 Skeels, 52 Aprons. 78' Caps, 10 Chaff-beds, 40 Pillows and Bolsters, 34 bar rels of. Soft Soap, 136 lbs. Hard Soap The Directors,"&c:, o Steward, Matron and. , . 27 coirms, l l6 bedsteads, '2B pair woolen pantaloons and roundabouts, $43 75 worth of - shoemaking, $6O 12 worth. of black smithing, quarried stonefor 15 perch stone fence, Made turnpike .before the house, weatherboarded cells and horse power shed,, made 6 troughs to•feed cattle,,4 small.harn.cloors - , - -carpenter- work-for inifkrbousei-4tablesi6 benches;-dooriu - cell-entry, - 12 -- spitting: boxes,' scale frame, a high,boarded yard to keep insan,e paupers,_paintedi.the .dryhousc, , , and the ,milk_lio_use, ancl_the_addition.to. the bake house, made 3500 rails, cut 2,50 cords wood, made 5Q buShel baskets, 30 handle baskets anti 15 small basket s.. l -4 he number of Paupers in the Institution, lit January 1841, (of •which 31 were C.olpred) are (and 3 out , . • . door Paupers,) Number admitted up to 31st December, '1840,(of which 14 were colored ) e 8 out-door Paapersdand 0 bottt in"the House, . Making the whole number through the year, J • Of which 20 died, 15 ehildybound out s l72;discharged and runaway, 7 out-door Paupers, . . ,caving•the number - of Patr,ier'siti'the House Ist January 1841 (of which 13 were colored) . , OutLib:mt.:Paupers supported at-public expense through the ye t, • ... . . •- . -!. ' • . . . . . . • . . . Whole number supported Ist January 1841,*.,.. . - ' - • • • Qf those remaining in the Poor blouse-31st December 140, there are males 71, (n.f..-wjsi 1 7 are c.olored) Females 38, Xef which 6 are colored) and =6 ourcloor-Pinpers . ,*" -, • There are as near as can be ascei from . ..3010 40-20 from 4, , We, the Directors of' — tlfe — Pnor ment 'of :Cumberland County, ci statement to contain,. a •juit and 'n Institution during the period OM' of 'our 'knowledgel_ . ,• • Given undei our hands tl4 .Ist day of January, 1841. JOU'N DUN tAT, 1 SPIT,. ECICELS, ' Directors• ' . • 11ENJA.N1IN' PEFFER, . . / ..."' • ''' • ~ . . - 3. Ama / . 40..... ..k . 1.14%.* re `t1i1.5 . 1•103' '4 ' the sides and gable entistolte sufficiently high t oad- • HOUSE AND, SIGN:PA/INTIM , ' VA.Clearialia ... EJZIZL./..111. 4-• - k mit covered and' hay' waggons to pass through .the •, • fr.] •' •• '-' • '• • 'IN '- - TY . ' •.. ' • . • ‘71#111,3 8611 __raper -.llau t szng... • •- • • • •., • ~ . •. • same. say 1 feet•in the Clear, to be closely. weatlimq. ,„- , , , ~ , . •.... _ J.: 1111. Yr, _•,tost ~lies.et.vOct irofl '-1-1. boa a r ed and painted red, the whole to be well roofed : Tile, sObscriber 'respectfully itifOrmiaftier eitiSemts" : Landreth . of ' Philadelphia, . m y • with good witite pine sliiiigieSt . th - 6 wholeef thelvea& 'oloarlisleund the . viemityi-thatAtt hae-corstmeneed ,4 l or . work to be well scoured with iron „bolts; ready-eyea , the above liminess in 'all Its vermeil' bratic,hes. 'llll- -, ' Spiino - supply of , :Gardeo ' Seeds. Ste. From the back of the abutments the • filling. shon •is in The 'squeßre , itnmetlisitedy in:rear of thst,!••"! • b . tVal•ranted Fresh. - . , . shall consist of earth and stone, and well ellititlica ;Mtiii.Zet.. !louse, two doors east of .A. ltichartla note'. -• '• w4h Wing 4:alls , 3 feet high above . die fillingyitAlol='''lWlenifiCs. by - attention to - . but ills and. modem* 'S t . ELLIOTI'. . -ing ot -each side about 'ill) feet from the bodge, and *lnkivs, to receive a share of p t nem -.- ' . . • - •' as highto the filling, entit-dite..fillieS, and .7_ 411 44 „ e., ' • .. , WIN •11QT/L . . . • ;bait meet the road with *an asceet and Ilesecettlet,;' , .: €7,,,eng t ,..17,0„, ty,.71841.....er .. : —...-. . . . _ . e acceding fiva degrees ,elevation from the read' ton Orolice to ittridge panders. -- said bridge; the'wooil werk to, be built of Soutr:aid . T.A:ELOWe W . /API - FAT 'A.: . ';',,, . ...... . .. The C ommissioner s . of •Cemberland county Will substantial timber; the stone .work . of , large good ..., ..., . • • ASHES •.' . - 7- ' • . 1 .' , H• receive propotals at, the houSe •of John Lornmati,:. stone, lime anti sand Mortar' well' prented,and a di- . Esq., Inkeeper, in ,the borough of Carlizle, on Thera- Vjection' beard for each end of said' bridge. .The par. Iv .-.. i ..e.' - ' , B - 86 t and Candle Factors foal; "'telt (t ray's ' Nil' aid, '. ' .• •-• day the 19th of April ifeat,between 9 tuall"2 o'clock ty contracting to give such security as the - commis , whine the h gr+eld'ir'it.e. "., •, be P in the forenoon; for the erection of aped ttnd sub- 'atonal may, cerion-c. for the faithful pO•formaitce of ' :•• 4 . 4•0'1.8. &Donn . ~ • . , atoned Wooden , Bridge, across the Conntloguitinct..the woricvnanshiptund vermin:mei el Flat bridge'. '. ' fOritale which 'matanatter for earl) , eprinreowint,!' creek, nt -Benjamin Eberly's fording in dm township . l'apesalato,be, accompanied with' a'plan. Should a few bushel& of prime, Timothy sted. - :'• . ..- : tf:e of East Peensborough,ot the, following - dimensions, ;none of the proposals meet the' approbation of the •-. ' .1 _ • ••::' `.: 2: •.: I, %::„ AtSinly v.. ~ ...: to wit I—To contain in leng,thfrom one abutment . to Commissioners they - Rill on'tfiti 'lllnne dayiben4ell ' the other two hundred and twenty feet,'and eightehn ' the hours o.: and 3 o s clockin the afteretam, expose s.: : "._ 9'. . " ,e,lfe . ;itir, l ii . li a lt i k .o i te ' ek l w l c, l ics i t.; w rd r i l ' l C b i e d s c o r i : d . t r !h k er ... r_s i i_ie ..7 o . i • - ,, 7 ' fhet wide •in the clear,,the • abutments to be'. alliOut ` the "raid bridge to public sale, Mal add. the.. same. to. •"'"a o e rend( it'lllii(lcilite prices.,' - - .'7"'"' : " •:' fourteen feet thick eaeln•there shall be two spans of ,'the lowestand best bidder. '• •. , ... ',7 ' ' Y. '', ^. . CMI . USIV, Vl* xt,41841, , : • ••'., . .'' ;.":."'" 119 feet each' supported - on good and substantial JQIIN CORDIIIIAisT, 'l.:-•... . . r .. 'V... ' . . • '.. -,' ~. • stone - abutments anti plerohe 'said abutments to' be ' ALEX. 'AL KEIIII, ' , ,.„• c aM PF 43(°"I " *. - ' Tr; ' I , IIA,I t iK: NOTES:.:' hulk . in n Splaying . direettoti,AvitNit-,regular•sifipe, - . _ .:'' ' MICHAEL, BIISIILETt, ~ )... ~. • , ~. -• Will"bet.• 'eelyetl•b . the Sukse:riber, , al;' • trabout. , l4 feet high front' the bOttorn of the creek, , Attest-,L 7 Joure.lawt*, • Cik. ',. '. . r . , r ~,,,,,.. corn Ncheoce , 'lcoriOpi'nrcliel , tire: to ' be•started, and :., .Cateuttettoasne Oil ircv.,l ~ • • : •'•,-, .. • 0 :4... • ,`" .IFg f ,T , ,ir ~'1.1 • •:': extended to the Said pier itttlte•-eitiitfi' of said. 0re01c,,:•. : ; Carlalei 1:' , .11.• 16; 1641. 5 ~ . .. -.., „lay 10ck,,,. Arli ~.!te 0.101 P., t.. r ~, • • ~.., ~ „.. , .. . , ' • hM l : l ' ' ' • ' ' - tlicinct.hko.Ab be sprung 'Wet-If-m-7 f . ceteltilltsi sent - . - . ~ • ,_ . ~. -L . , • ,,, •,.. ~.. f, . ,: r .;... Ire; 11teAeorlo bp': doublc(lfoofeillitini.....mOin -- 0 3 1; , ` , c' 6.:•10 , .:)ip , -• • - 0 n . ry. ; iv h ell ' tal:cnier S ubs? rtplion.... , r b . 1 , mi l , . • .•e lank, the imper_floor,otik and Theloweryencin , pitiO• , '''. k• .. • 4 !. •: ~-. . Feb.. e 4,1841 Manufacttired,and made in the'Honse arid Shop. MICHAEL VISHBURN, Steward, AIARPARET RISHBURN, Matron. d county, annex the ,following exhibit:of extra labor &c., performed by the pers, from the Ist day•of January to the 31st of December 184.0, as follows : . • . . . ... Brpayment on'l4 Acres Land;(purchaseil 1898)..• - ' ' , - 177,'4811' Groceries, Merchandiiei- Hardware ' Dry Goods, • • • ' • part clothing-and bedding ineluded, - .. ' -1698. 9 641 81 ' Cash paid for stock, ; . . . - Grain, Flour, Grinding, • • - 547.'99 . ' ' Materials, Improvements, and for post and rail ' • '" fence, '-- ' . • . ' 409 11 • 1 • ' Coal.fon two years,.• 404 ,26i • . • ' Sundries for House, Kitchen, Waggoning and Travelling expenses, Ike., • 207 5 Justices:and Constable's fees, , • 102.44 ." •., " Funi•ral expenses for out-door Paupers, • . - 2.1 00 . : Medical aid for , ~ do , do ' 21 50 Plaster, Clover. Seed, and Timtthy Seed, 48.26 --- - •-' -'Blacksmith work, ---.:. " •, . - . ....' 27 77. 4 Shoemakingand.Hatting; • . . 77 48 Leather, - . . • ' . • 151 47 . • Printing and Stational 20 . , . ~ ' .." - t adorig and Weavi ng, , - •,21 29 • . Fulling and Carding, „ " 27 9 . • - • • Farming Utensils and Coopering, - .52 25 • • Support of outdoor Paupers, - . " '•• • 168 78. , Potatoes , • .• • . : ' • . - 43 00 - . , '' • - M. Fishburn, Steward, Hirelings wages, Eli. 600 oa __. M. Fisliburn for extra clerking, (1 year) , • 97 50 Dr.. J. Ilaughnum. one` year's medicine and at- - Z tendanee, " 141 29- ' Attorney'st fees for two years,," - . • °. ' 60 00 ' . " ' , • ' A. Waggoner Esq., as Director for extra 'services, LI 50 J. Thinlap Esq., ' do do 21 00 ... S. Eckles, " ' - 9. 'do -do - 28 50 . James Loudon Esq... f its Treasurer, . - • .5.1 oa . • ! - $506 81 6000 00 46 40 182 20 72 00 45 92} $5.818 14i 11,aildtciilfue county, fsfitinuary 1841 by Treliturer • (and iinco paid over to Jacob Soler, Esq.,Treaeurer,) $6370 593 Bycardi:tiai(VorOers na stated abort,. . 13alanee tine Institution, (and since paid over to Jaebb-squier, $ 5O O 81 5000 00 Eq. Teeailurer, 863 78+ $6370 59+ r 6-2:from I to 5-1 from 10 to 20H5 from 20 to 307-14 o 00,20 from-60 td . 7o-12*from 70 to 80-10 front 80 to . A ._. --- .., , - . • -100 • • tillti s 6rs of .eurnlierrdifil - ii k inity L lro certify,Oat hay.. Eini)1101- foregoing 'is of the the 'best ing examined the accounts and - vottehere of 'the Directors of the . Poor and 'House of gmfiliiyinerrtgi county, c said cnty, from tlie Ist day of January. to . die Istt day of , December, 1840, inclusive, do.; tind a balance dne said county, by the• Directors of. said Thstitu tiol, of .Five • Hundred and Fifty. two Dollars and Forty Five cents; and we also certify that we find a balante due by James Loudon, Treasurer of said Institution, tlitring 'said Term, to. the Directors :thereof, amounting to Five 'Hundred and Fifty :two . Dollars and Forty—Five Cents; all of-.which is parlkularly set forth in thei'above stated accounts.' sfz.- . • . Given under our hamislltis 20th day of January, 1841. . . 1 JOHN .CLENDHNIN, ', - ' • ' THONIAS 11, BRITTON, duilitort.... ' S NIOEI, ',WILLIWS, . .- .:.... ' • A.. IEI MEN by the iu4scriter ptiii;f4t.. if ' kinds, of Ateriliiidigei&e. MAngPluiciiiik!o:riduiß t'vay nock k i - reduce4:pOcio : kw , f1411:' • 552 45 $6370 59i 5818 14 552 43 SG37O. 59 r;mir MB 180 823 214' 109 5 Iffl NI UM It 6
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers