II BMaIiMMM • zaklacb---aua osTI, r Po the rotera :of Vunzberlandicoui!4y. FELLOW °Frei myeelf v tO your - con ; tidei.atiodus a caiiffidatefac. the , office of - • et. the. ele . otiari in OttOber next. elected, i pledggee thyself to perform the' ditties of said Office with fitICII. andoimpartiality. . . Yours &c. _ • • • PAUL' MARTIN. iilppenstiurg: Aka IL 1840.---te • " • • !Po the Indepfndent Accoosof cumber-, • • land • County • • - • . • G ENiListgsr-- , I oiler myself .as a candidate for the office of • • • • •-• • ht the next genera e Moon, on shall be-ihankful r nes. • "for you cuff ages. Should Ibe .eleeted I will dis isharge the duties of the office to 'the hest of my judgment_ and ahilities.. , • THOMAS HARRIS, South' I'VliddletOn. township July 'l5, 1i340:- To the—Eleelot .8 of Cumberland • County. FELLow-Crrizrzis:— . l offer myself iis for the office of SHERIFF of - said-county at the en suing General Election, and - will be thankful for your support. . JAMES _..IIZED._ Newville, .!5, .1.840 .. • - . I'd the Free .and Independent- Voters of. Cumberland county: . _ - 'I7 4 I . ELLOW-ClTl2ENS:—!subnilktuystilftoyout. ...I. consideration, at the ensuing eleetton, as a am .didate for the office of ' . . _ . . . .. :.. . . - SOILERIIFF; • • iiii - d. - ivottia . ,respectfuily . solicit your' suffiages for the - sayn - e7":" —' " • • - . • _. " " '• ' - TUOMAS CilAiGHEAlir. . • ~ • South Middleton township. April 8,4840.-te.. .1 -- - l' - • T 9 the Electors of Cumberland Count j. ." FELLOW ,CITIZENS: --1 Offer inyseltto.:yoni-con . sideration or the office of SHERIFF nt the pi - mins' election and respectfullY 'solicit your 'Support, and —elected-will endeavor -to-ili siliarge-thc-dutieS-Ortlie office to the hest of my judgment unit Abilities. r .FRANCI@, Silver Township. April 1,184(.:--46, _2'o the Votersoff:Culri berlantl.:.Couply; FELLOW' CITIZENS:-4 ofretwiriyselflika Candidate for the office of _ - SUER F - , ut irtp:-emmiiirothiutittlturtion;und fof fur) , our- support, MiSßin lownship,l-, June 3, 1840. Public Sale. - _ Will be-exposed to Public . Sale, at. the_residenee. of the Subscriber, in Xewville, on Wednesday the' 301/i day of September inat., a variety .of - , -:.- RR. N. T E • 'consisting of the' followiniartieles, viz:- 7 9 ' Artarenivg, sac9MijitqloSl .- • - Chairs,-Stands'; And Coci,k,ing utensiha ; a Sleigh; ' 'together with a great variety of other artieleSolot ise eestairt-td.name......Sal.bicommence.id. . .. 9.!0RPk.2. find a liberal credit given. Alsti„ on the same , day; will be Offered rot , sale; the • House sr and , -tt ;I, • odOunaeil b =thc subscriber; If.-not7sold, will -be rented until the first of April' nett. Terms will be :made known on the day of sale, by • D. P. 110SENAULLEIL Sept. 2, 18i0.--tde „ •.• PUBLIC . . 0 1 1 HE sanicribers executors of — the'. Unit . will and testa-inept of Daniel.Shireninn, sert:llo.e. ..of. Allen township, Cumberland county, deceased, will expose to public,sale, the folloiring real estate, on the premises, on Saturday die - 1 rth day of October next, at 12 o'clock noon, in Shireinanstown Ctimber- • ----Aand..countysiabout-4-iniFes-weit-oalarrisbirgittrwitr of-Excellent Limestone land;:containing about EIGHTY ACHES,' having thereon erectiafa Two Story Dwelling flodse:.and and_otlicr_mn_ionsesi adjoining . 'Linda:of_ Jacob Merkel; JaCob ShOpp,Harid Shopp, ,and the lots. of Shiremanstown. tai'ern. stand in' Shire= -Manstown; containing 4 acres'and 131 perchcs'of first iiiteliniikirliefentr-ity , nretted-'a- , large—Twa..Story • House, double. Log Barn, Slaughter -House, sheds - and Other out buildings.- • . • • • - _Aloe) a Two StOr'y ljouse; anti :16i'ar g rodild in Shiremanstown, containing about, 'osTett front/and 10S- feet. deep;.witli a Blackimith • „.Shop thereon erected, antl'a . welknfgend water. • Also; Four Lots' in Shiremans , _ • .tewe,two on Alain, strcet;so feet front and 200 deep, and two on Second street, 50 feet front and 200. deep' , Also a - Two Stoi.y House and i tot, of groond,bn the'nortli`iide . of Main - street' in , • Shiremanstown, containing 53 ' feet: in front - 4 0 204 ____2,feet_dtiep,rlith a stableL •. Also a. Twete k tniy',ll - Ousul•and Apt, of .ground• on the .north side ,or . lllainjatrect ; in ShireinanstoWn; containing...4( m t 50 feet in front:and /200Teet !keit; with a'stidif&' AlS9 7 ' S:toty 'anti -la of groend;in; thelnirongli' of Itteelninietiberg, situ ' -ate "on-Locestatreet; containing , 80-feet: ini front about 200 feet deep. s • . • • a a made attendance will be,gbien.:tunttey...ini_of inOwii on the 'day' of sale by- . • ..•S JOHN. RUPP, -; ' •• . pEQU.Pr . -HUPP, jun. „r..• , • • • §ept. 2 1810. 141 e .• • - • • n:.Theltnuset'and tot in•lleclinoicsbu ' will • e-'iold f on 'the premises, on said :•drty iae nt Ole forenoon. Frie , (german pappr,) • cCr' - i - i•VR - e - pubitnnu t iuderificrt/iy - 4- I Fileltni 4-e l tnr g e . . • ' • - . • r. . . 1§•-here l . ) 3'' given OW : the ; DirtnertTiitWtistitf,extattal ..beklveett Samuel Davidre.and . ,Arclii4id er, wider the trio of lirildsoilE , Cllikker, ia Ake ha . - otneo of tanaiagatal currying, at Neiviiile-,CumberL' lifiatok Pa., hatbeekdierlsed.,The' said busincai w)1" fottire he carried Oa, It.y Arclokait" "kicker, -5 Kirlit.ilsiPTepttriite'ttie.,' . BAIIII3EI. 1MVITISON : ;-- 411C11111411,1)BBIgKER. '„' • - August PT ••:and! , gat - or, !:•*?-0 • : Ahe.9,4th i.t*it, - wifetia" Met ,t or' ? ntoviumfron.',".:lill*riiiiiri‘titill lier.Otavarto figtfituff, fruiting.. her mil my,/ sirolutt'i fhb amAkertufneil pituck.debti of her contr.aefilk -• . • ';' it,4846."' ; 2' ' •, ••• .• .• . . .:"••'- 4E, • " '• •••- • ••• • • :1 7 .4, • • *), "i .• 4 ' 4' • , •'• -;;*••••• •'•••'-•" .." ••• • • . . . •." • ; . , • 1 „:,• • . . ..• r., , . • • • 1 • itE,:.l.; ; 4 1-°r. 1 ' , • „, . . . . . . . .. .A - Tra . c.tor first rate - . .• ... ''ZIMMSZOITE LD AN --: situate iri'Westpennsborough township, Cumberland county, l'a. about Tint les- West •of Carli ale; and, one mile north of Mount Rock, containing about • • boiinded by lavids of the heirs of Wilhnm Davidson, tlee'd Robert , . fcKeelinti, and die heir• os ma. tams, ee'd. There arc about ISO aures• cleared, irt a high state orcultivatitin, and under. good fence, the residue is covered with first rate timber.-- The iinprovements are a large two storY . • • • STONE HOUSE-. with a well of good water near the door; the. Mount hock spring crosses Said pram n r iy in the etintrc,'_within alliw-perelies of the bousei-.. also a- double barn of logs, mid other out' hduses, and kgoottliearing orchard of choice fruit trees: further' description- is ,not necessary, as persons-will view be;- fore they purchase. Attention will be ' liven, and' e L-•• -- JA - Lvehz -.tom 'v., 100,111 A , E x ' O. DANIEL LEChEY, • WILLIAM lILIIAN A FAMILY -NEwspAysiornEvorigri Novv!, ,ro4olo§, 4iyiE4:l7. . . .. • . • "•• . Oirplaunsl., Court. &ale. - • 1- - lib Y - virtue el * an Order of ,the Orphana„COurt 'of 11l Cumberland County, the follorring real estate, late the proeerfy 'of Henry Zimmerrnanideeetteed; will be sold, on: the , prenitaea - -, on - Saturday the , Slat play of October hext, at 12 ' teeloeltipoon . of,. that day, to• wit: .• . . • . , All that certain , ; :plantation or. tract of land, situate in East ennsboraugh township, Cumberland nounty;'aforeiaid,' Winded by lands of John Holtz,' Martin. Renninger;'lsatie; Longnegker and'othcrs; and containing , One Hundred and . Fifty 4cres.,. more or lens ;— r ahout one „hundred ncrei or Which is cleared land, and - the-residue - yell tiniberea:=The improvements area: • .--T-too story Log . Hoiies'e _ r • .tt double Log Barn and other ouk.Gailtlii*s:. There is &small stream .of excellent water:ratining near the house; and also a good spring. There ie a-first rate apple orchard on the premises; and other 'fruit trees. The 'terms of sale are ar follows: two hundred dollars to be paid on the confirmation of the wile— one third the•purchase money to remain in the . land, the-interest where is to - be :paid-yearly and every - year - te the- Widearthirint,•' her - life:, said interest to commence tat of April next; and; the 101'10 pal' at her 'death to 'and among the heirs and - representatives of the,. said Henry Zimmerman. The residue of the purchase money on the.said Ist of April 'next, - when possession will be F ihitm, and until' which time the' rent is reserved. - Said payments to• be 'secured by. recoguizances in tbe.Orpliatis Court. ' • , • - ANTHONY GREINER Trustee. ' ,--- September 4' 1840 • . Till V 111 - itiable'rarnt for SOle. porsuance-or the- hist GeorgewitLaabl ni .iestitment - of Davidson, late of West P nmsberough township, Cuinberhthd cohnty, dec'd, will be sold at public sale, on Wednesday - the' 7th dayof October nett, at - 10 o'clock - A. 141. of said dayon the premises; the following described real'estate, late the property of said_deceilettt, size_ :1 00 -Acres,:; 5 =Valuable Farms 1. A:'Nirrii . Of 165 acres Of first rate Limestone land, situated in • North-Middleton town shipl Carlisteottjohdrigt.lip,pnr,Henilte, Farm, M. Brenneman, and. others. About 115 acres are clearedotre residue covered with ;good -thriving timber.• The improVements area Double Log,House,- n new Bunk liar! 5 , a young tin iving °khalif; k - *63 - 40 feet deep of never failing water, • , • 2.• A Far'm 'confaining 165 acres °of Slate land situated in said townrhipt miles from Carlisle, adjoining lands of GeOrge Wise and - others; of which WO acres are cleared, and the residue in thriving timber. The improvements are a large Frame Heinle antl,l{itchen, Leg Barn,Tenant house, a good thriving orchardi a never failing Well'ot watOr at.the door, Ord springs riv every field. • • • 3. A Farm eontaining 224 acres of first Ratetimesione lei - A - a - little mixed . - .cd• in said towns_ hips .milesfrom Carlisle, and_ one mile north' east of 141iddlescfc, adj 6" • g (lie Canada gidnet creek, Vaal Ilettrick and others. About 150. tiered are cleared, and the residue in .heavy timber. The..improvements are n Stone 'louse and li.itchen. ill.g-ilarn - i , Stono - Sinifig - -Tiiiiise - , - "with a never spring to through the farm;and. an Or nhard'ot choice fruit and:Other. improvements. • nf 265 acres Slate land Inbred with Limestone, adjoining the last - mentioned and -bounded-by: the_Canadogniart ereek.._.l.4o _acres are elearedoind the residue covered with treaVy 'tiinbert aboAso.acres is first rate meadifvf:lantL The Im revements are a • good Log House, Log . , Barn,. a SprinwHouse with a' never failing spring near the door, and nu Orchard. This. Farm will aUbest a :Cilia for - water works.. - - A:-Farm of 226 , acres • Slate land, tribietT with Limestone, Adjoining the .last 'mentioned and Canottoguirret creek. 150.Arcres are el4pred and the residue in good timber; about 30' sires of which are first rate :meadow. The improvements are .a ilAnitbfe' , LOg -11ousti .and Log, Barn, and , .flpring Ueusi with-ii 'never failing spill*, and'an ortiliard of :chofie fruit trees. The last mentioned tkiee' will be spud separately or together wilt may suit pur ichafiers—A,good-Ipmatity-,of--nicadow-can-be --yet made' of the woodland idong tlic said creek. A large quantitiot locust is growing nn the last !IMO inentiont cd - Fiiinis.: - FtiFffirtliei , particulars apply to the sub:: • sniffier,: one 'mile east of ; Carlisle. nsar, fie; C. Y.. Railroad ` ' • - ; - 'IIIICHAEL•FISHIItIRN . ; - , ,Agent for the. nowt: 414041 uumlier:ef first rate :LiMeatone . and Slate Farms and ti I.llllllTropertie fur Safe . F. , - . - • .13 1 a.tette . arci • ." . hitt; of George-Gillespie; luteof Frankforil town. slim,-Ctimberlatidonnintyoleeltl,linvinglieen.issued to. the sutiserilter iNesiding.in said ton'nsltiin XoTter is he given to'nll•ilmse• indebted to' sititlMitithila prinke intomtliate pnyment; and thotie Ii tving . eleinii to prsent thenti - pr,operly tlientiested ; for settlement.' - •ItOUT. 11.4.1121), .Ang tist • • •, •, B'ate of, aco ".' T; PAVERS 00.ADATiNiStRA - TION - 1:40 - eti I;e. , -14tititj ., IirIViib - Odin, late towtislliKcimilieriantr.ecitintyi fiucd'to.the stlii4eribee ecai4ingllll Aaill telviaSltip tire here*, all tliope,,iedebtetl,te estate , Zid,u6o,e , trameditite fni±eierititttiditil l- "thotT: Jtaving•, claims agaitiat• ltald :estate pretient:•thetn, preperly, atttltetAleated,for i :iettlement ,, • • 9EO-1 110 !% !WA) Mq!jr- , •. AtiginfleoB4CG4o. 6 , -, ' • , , • *. • Ti/E'stibodribr linifiibbcomb' n . - i!Yegbove,Llne!of Fre(gla sitoill,tl - regpect, fully'aural., Ate'p9,lilioj. that rettO at• dl titikes to E . ,8i0. tiny':viiit ;119op,'1* . Op* . berliiiid volley or Prookiiri.qio , l , - • , pro mp t Ordt4t,s adilegimed oho,' - • • • • '. ' 4 .. - - • JAll l lop.y. ;cyEtt, Agent:::;• • Editett and Published for-the Propileier by George . RES Orphans' . . . - , Cifurt:•.Sale. pursuance of an, orderOf the Qrpluins".COurt of CuMberland Comity,. will' tie exposed . to 'Public sale on the Premises, on Fiiday the2d .of Cfetoter next, at 1.2 o'clock noon, the following deoribed real estate late the propertf of John :Davidson, Esq. de. ' , .Tract of limestone Land, in - Westpentisbciro' timnship,-aboit l 2 Miles east,efNewville, bounded by lands ofßarnuel Sites,Jacoh Lehman and John Myers; coritaining.fifty-aix acres,mere• or less;AbritilWacresare residiteltittirii; ing timber--,abontlo acres sown with clover seed last spring. • There is a Well on thelirendseib ifilch illtaLlitile_repai.r,wOuld-:-Mrord-ii-cbnstant'atippljr Of water. The soil. is good Mid, produces. equal to. 'any in the neighborhood. . : • - Also, Sattniky the 3d of October, at one o'- clook; . P. "tit die initise Of. Col. Wm, H. Wood burn, in be' offered 'at public sale 'a Lot of - MeadoTakroundinhout 1.- of a mile northwest of New vide, bounded by lands of VVloodburn, Walk er; and the Connodoguinet 'creek, containing, 8 acres and 1.21• perches, well enclosed and good _grass land. Also, at theiametirne and place, alot of 9 . 1 acres of tilid about half a Mild north. east of Newville, ,bounded by landt of. Alex. Glenn's heirs and Samitel Davidson. ' And on Monday the sth of October at one o'dlock P.' M..on the 'rem ses,y übliosale,i "Side; :a IM. Of first rate meadow land, on the Plonk Rock spring, botinded by' lambi of Wm. Davidson and man sion -farm of, deceased, containing 6 tierce and 431 perches. - • -• . . 0 0 ' Persons wishing to purcimie are invited to-view the above property pi:evil:Ma to the day of sale; Terms of 'sale prescribed by the Court... One half the purchase money to be paid ou the confirmation of the sale. the balanee.in two niptittyearlj7. payments, .Iv)4.ltoiit Internet, to be secured by a lien on tho • pro perty. ' The title will be - made'and possession deliv ered on the Ist of pril 1841. ' - ' - • By ~ r der of the Orphans Coiirt, _ - 'ROBERT - ' DANIEL LECKEY," • 'Administrators. . . . , Angled 1. :40.—tds. ' ' . . ' • 'RTIVICA3 E 5, OF . AGENCY' - nut TIIE SALE OF - Branwireths-reketable-Univßr _ •• • •.;-- -sal -- • Are , held hy the following agents. in their respec tive-Counties. As inimerons - counterfeits of. theSe pills are attempted to.be palmed upon the comniuni ty, the propriety Of 'purchasing Only..from the recog nized agents, will be apparent. . Cumberinpd County7-GeorgelV. Ilitiier, Carlini A. Riegel,- MecTianicsbew Gilmore & McKinney, Newville; 'S. Culbertsen, Shippensburg; - Hoke 14 rPnriemnii, Now t t nilT ilcutox burii; M. G, Rupp, Shiremanstown; te. Riegel bi.;Cis: Churclitown.: - - - - Perry.County—Alexandee' Magee, Blooriifield Coyle,Landisburgc: Augut 26,1890 • .. . A _,ya-stat6d ' , Orphans- Court, began•anT.held on . Monday the 10th day 'of August,-1840,- at Car • isle iii and for Cumberland County, before the lion. Samuel -4lepburn l'resident, and-John Stuart' and John Lefever, associate Judges of the. same court, as signed &c. the fallowing - proceedings were had to wit: - -12t1i4ugust-1840. 'Ride on all the heirs offiobert Armstrong, deceased , to 'thew cause at the next No •ili-e- se "t4eti 'on all the priiii Cs Tesli nny %Irani ' 4ara.. 7 miles, and fur all-others in two newspvers published in Carlisle, for four successive weeks preceding said Court. . • 1. . . By the Court.' . Cumberland' County, a's: . . . I do certify the abOve to be a true co-. A (5'31 _ilytakch,,frorn_the:recortis or,the Or - ' , pilaus Court in and for said county. ,t• In teEitimony . ,% berea I' have hercuritO errs , set roy hand and seal td . said court at ,".•--Carlisle - thel4th tiarofAugUsl,-14110.- - W. FOULKIS, • Clerk olCourt. August 18i-1840 WIIEREAS the Carlisle Saving .tunil Society, --'will - expire in 1849.--ikintice-m-hereby-giren agreeably' to the constitution and laws of Pew!Viva-. nut, that the stockholders of said institution intend applying to the 'next Legislature of, the Common-. wealth for a renewal of charter,cluntgeof name, style and title to "Cumberland Valley Bank," increase or capital mid general discounting and' banking privi -leges,all under such-restrictions-as_the_Legislatnre_ may direct. The abo've institution to be continued - - •• , „ JOHN J. MYERS. • Aug. 19;1840—Gm. • , • • . . ' - - Estate.of Michael .11forret; deed. • . , . ~ . ,_ . • ILF.TTEits TESTAMENTARY *on the • bit Will and Testament of Michael Allerret, late of 'Monroe tewnsldp ; C herlaild county., dec'd.thave been issuid to . the. sub - ,Seriher3 residing' in the same. ViiiiiiiliiVNikifettliilfelWrgiign to alltlii4tiiirelit; el in the shove ante to make Immediate payment; and to all thine having eltdins against 'the eating to preacutthena, properly authenticated, foie sentiment. •"- • . MICHAEL-MORETT„P._ .. . . - - GEORGE BRINDLE, , Auguit 12, 1844 1131T4118 •LST,AME.NT on 7,the 'lost Will and .Testament of Henry 31illerAde ot -3Yesr,PMWSI Cumberland county, dec'd. haie been issued to the subscriber residing in hemrne, townshint...NOrtay, _is ,hereby .giseu those indebted to the aboie estnte to make' dainidi ate pitytneut, and all those having - claimirto-preient (help, properly anithemiented, for settlement. : . • -7.tlGl 4 ER,•Ei'r.- August 19.,1840.---6t" _ . . Estate of Pald'Gh'er; •1 -, - ; EI 4 TE,II.S'Of OSINISIitATION, Of.Paut Cher; late of Ando township, Cala berlatal cottety„ dee'd..have, , heen , lamed the , sub 'ictilier in the same townstlipt, NOTICE !sherd thOseTtalebteirtiViatiftthite'to Make ,immediate payineut,•:audall - those' hating claims a pipet said estate to preNnt them, properly'. authentl- - sated, for:settlement. • • . . , . 1 • JOSEPH H. JIIHES0 4 14,Ndin4. • • • ,31110,1)nicabitirg r r .rf . i t: • • •-re cl , • . I illetekt -:'-aletikitteS4lire'liit 1.- ;Jr* #raylftplata .or JECaltiOtOre.' 11 RAIL .po.g..zi , oi CAArati t, • , -su set, erg grate u or — as . aV.OrS, b - " '' • " ' 'tbe leaio to inform their t friebde and d "public keneviTy E diut inn ? wtridn' of beilbett are yeittlaely. between. Afethaniciburg Thihnteloldn'enqinitintEit:n, bk - .Wbieb Kends antL'pr,_ dtiee:cif nil dblietiptioits' be'foitvarded with viii e "fun] tlntips4o at' the:lbiest - raft'ol freights:" in'p7(eghiuudcsbnrg; and fiwwactletl i . to ',eitbee: tlelpitht ' Haiti mini, neenrdinkte, the `the owder • ..1144r - Itht'lliGhest • PricO wi l l bo gbytin for VVhieut • ' 'lc Vitiator (if; Nail! nrid Sttly - tilyntyn=h9St thel • July .0;♦ 4,tox--1.g.. • ~ • WPM I wawa/is:maw =warms* BANK NOTIOP. • lotateasm. Estate of Henry Miller, mimasilac) r.>;rrv.~!.^. ~5'.a~;4a~.~.,u:c'~,; ••,tu-•~r:'.,'~Y3",kc;+'E:~Ks`,y:t'~~s"ik'ia;,iF-':,j`~.>.r;v¢{; ~Rf'?'."a••rear. , • k<<^r,;,+«fir.,:x•:.;^n~ •r,.~•a.sf:.;;...;,. • . ArIIRESOING: ' _ ...........a0ti • inrith. -41illago*insproved. , APAtent WiliVg lifiower.. - - . . , . TllB!great- enedimagerinin 4 ., heretofore • reeeiv from the sale ofhis ma'Cl4liessiriditces him to of fer to the public a new and,lOptyved, Horse-Po - WO ' , which'ean be shifted' n gear-lor.out of, gear by keys, and shift the band to'give•it fire different revolutions. . Afid he has no hesitation itiasinringthe Farmeri that lie now able to furnish then' vith an article far su perior to those- maimfaituredihcreteflire: 'Tor - Speed land clean threshing...and - east: to the horses, IM -be lieves his inachines to beinneimalled. , , . • _iiis price is , CAO.,sevensiallars to be-paid eash - , and' the ' in six 'mont•to,•for which n note,will be reMlirell with interest. '.' pit persOn Purchasing a machine and • upon a fair tr yi k not , being pleased; can. return-in— Illirwilipt' all - lt*s. he 'ready - te furnish them on the shortest noticet,.ortler's trona' a distance will be punctually `attenileil gh." He will also. repair machines om t the shortest ristice.' . ' , . • ' 1 . . sW ILLIAMG II .1111LIAGAN. l ' • Siewville, July 29,1810.--.jl -' - • " . • , . uoutt , tJI Farite'Oe'lit4Crettof.,Siate ra Lintesti lee-Land - Situate in North.-MiddletolitOwnship, Cnniberland co., two .miles from Middlwx . mills, and five from. Cadisle..TheimprovementitreagOad , . • • yon° Hove4grol [flu. Under part stone with four itshles,-with bank and friant sheds, one OCWhich L is n granary with a cellar .under• ; $0? ) -: • -1 . . • - •"4 OR,CIIARD. together with other inaprtivetaeuts. - About 100 acres are cleared , under good ferP.!'otid in a Roodstate of cultivation, the tlemsintler - ii - covered with &oil tim ber, a part•of which is tot.tist; springs • in. nearly fill the fields. The Conodoguinet creek bounds thisibrm on one side .25.2 Perches, which will afford a location fnr Water works - .Any, person wishing- to-purchase a fartnof this description will_diawelLto examine it, as I am determinedto sell.- - • . - Application can be made "to Valentine Sholly- on the lartn or to the subscriber in Carlisle.' . -.•- KOSS - LAMBERTON.. - July 15 . . 1840`---tf•• • . . )...141 00 Broil Hello I . TEtri g ualti, rar, iinZr s , w Alt . L;C4tehlarttl, AC - )Ye; Blue Vitriol, Copperas, lndigo,Oil of. Vit . - 0' , iffib72lltru ;'sltiThtie - W;SOliiticuroritu . ; thb above will be 1504 low Icie Cush, by . - -.- .. . BATILI-RticKs-:A .upoy of thoLarti. - • -•.--. -- Tztottzteraa' , ............ --. . •. _ • ... . • . Estate of John Close, deo'd. . - - . LET-TEI2S-OE-ADMIXISTRATION onthe es- ' , - tate ofJohnlClose, late of 14 ; borough of' . Me.: elandesburg,Ctmberland county, deed. have been debted to th e above estaleFAD Mae' • ...... i.. , ......4. 1 .- meat, and all those having - claims against hint to pre sent then!, prOperly...authentleated, for tiettienient. . . JOHN liUPP,Adm'r. . .Augusi• . 2,4840:-6C . • • • . Fresh Medi - Clines. ~ .. .._ . ,The subscriber has recently received , large ,addi tional Supplies of .... • ./ • . .. . • Illedicancs,-lo Cors' 11 , v6Aliiirti; . , . - Liiiseed Oil, Spts. Turpentine, Cotaillrariiish;fainr, tera'Sruslies,-Vainish-llruilies,thmilßrushes; Sper.-' mneett' Oil, (very fine) Sperm 'Candles, Soaps in great variety, Clink Lamps, Cap. and' Letter . Paper,' Trutt., Spices, Perfumery, &e... 40., width he will sell to Pliysicians, Merchants, u4ll . otticra,.witot;ram.r. , or by Berta, nt die loWiAit - rates;lcaving - perchaied - en.; - tirely for cash ; he will offer - lit. - gains to Althse who wish to ptirchase at wholesale.- ' • p • •. ELLIOT+ •, : •• . ' . .. • • . . ' August , 113:l0. „ . • . . - • • • 4yricE All persons haVing , smsettled accounts - substriberi will - plate present them -for,-settlement between this and the Ist November next. A. G.. BCE. - . —September 4;1MO Grand Clipitals for, Septenit*r. Virginia State Lottery.. For: tlie,.benerti of ttle_Peter*burg Benevolent '4e drawn- at .Alegandriai.lra.. on Snturtlan 12th Sep. CAPITAI.B: , . . . , , , . --- 241'00 - Vollatsi 5 i.0,00_5,p00.:....3..,00.077., 00 Prlios oflpoo .co 6tO. &c. 66 No.s i l..ottoryttl Brawn Ballots. • . Tickets slo=l.ll4es s—Quarters $7,50 - , Certificates' of Pv . teliagetiof‘22 Whole Tickets it 20 . -22 Half - 7 , -60 Do. ~ do ae Quarter .d 0 30 30;000 f . ;;Fzes of 1000 -ca '6R6II%.IIA...tT.A•rg,..ILOTTEItY,, Assotdatlitii---Cliss No.lo tbr 'lB4o.—To di,uvrtt on, Saturday, September 19tIt 1840. . ,1, • . - S KM g ; • . 30=-000 , . DOI i ryizeor 0::r 100 PriteioF 1000 donut's, ;le: 4:0 .Tickets $14:1-4.1fiyekti4,4*itie r ell - , 50 : Certificate's of Package:sof AVlailiiTiatetl tl3O , 110, , do - A • 'do ~,• ds do • 25 - Quarter do, , 02150 L. 40 0 • '• For the lidee6t. of . Peterthurg fieuevole Me chink; AsioehttiOn-:Class No; 11 for: 1130.- 2 -To be .4htistrTiAlepui ,dekot=344.--1 1 44 1 -tej._.wl Galval. .I,FrirAts; .'; ' $40;0P0-012,060 , ..-6;06 0 o--.460_ , . 4 .4__ 6(1 .4 -* $1,10(?..,4J09-.-1,600-,-eitit.koricets triruttler Audi as 1o00f:.:4l,f t:250:-.1, of , 1,290-,-20X t • $0 4 ,01' 2 0 A (4404.: 4 40 .109„11e4t,•;,X , *2 50: 1 1. dertifleittieoci . umpo,ati . w,6 l etiokciioit t 26 Qutirteri ;`, 32:50 4417 prOffsßep ofrttekuketi in the ehoivel• I.:etteit's 441; be promptly i3tteittc4 to and tta'xttiviingtediaitamedhitaxyoer it • . • n4rt Wli:Ot9olt i ri 4 0 1 09 , 0pazirsi 7 Ntrathittecitt Auf,tist; l6 ) no& • • 4:***4 • **.i4 : 1 1 0 01;•• &.4 Fisk 'tlisinbeiramill. , ouiuptraiminurs fbe as4e4 From ,the Inquirer., The . Position of Mexico and . , . • , I IreXraiS. .d 2 NEW PIP Ir. • InaPortant eirenls ,may be Opposed to be in the_ womb Of , tim e;, as, well ituthe 'New, World as the. Old—and especially as relates, to Mexiciiind Texas. , It is possible -that the trobble - whiCh existed '"in the former ~„, misnamed" Republic•at, the, last dates, will that be_temperarily..-adjusted.---The-Centralisi gra d ea , Gl or overnment forces, doubtlelss had th's civilizing... 4. advantbge, but it musitbe clear-to every ob- qualifying fa-6i serving •mind,. that the piditical and social t i ma ble hi-- • elements of the country are thoroUghly - '.convulsed, and that Someutter and radical change in the system , must take place; be= fore any thing like security or repaid may be looked for, for. any considerable - period _. of time. We have expressed - the opinion on more than one oCcasion, that ultimately, Mexico will' be conquered'either by the 'flexions or some European poiver. This opinion gathers strength with the progress of events. Indeed, we have private letters from intelligent sources . in Texas; which state, that" although tho Goveeement ,of that country are anxious to secure a nege tiation of - independence on • peacbable and equitable terms, andutaveid any course of conduct calculated to depreCiate tIETim - iirtlW estimation _ of the civilized nations of the 'earth—that the people.caneot and- will.not be restrained, when they-feel' sufficiently ,powerful, from endeavoring to obtain by the force or ms, what was promised by Santa Anno, and is withheld from • pacific, GEN. HARRISON'S _CREED. liberaLand__conciliatory_negotiation." - _ ._ "The object of the Texianer writes our ' mulgated b y - Gen: Harrison, inn letter to ] correspondent, "is to identify. their cause ; the licinAlarrnar Denny, of Pittsburg. ft as -inuch--as- possible, -with justice. The :le a noble recd it will bring back oer more moderate of our politicians and states- I Governmedr to the purity_ which charac men see the positionof this embryo nation, tensed it in its palmy days of deine. know her present -weaknees,- c and are satis- cracy Gen. Damsel . ) soya : , • ' fled .that thus far, she has done very little - I "Among the principles . proper_ to be to entitle her:to a place among the tliecreet te dn i de . d_by_ a oy . Executive sincerely, •' .: aTid - enliglifined governments of the earth. ' bus to restore the adMinistration to ita ori- Vher-knonr; moreover,_ that she was but I ginal simplicity and purity, I deem the fol 'the other day a revolted province, and-that' lowing to be of prominent importance': a large pertion of her population even now, , • 1i To confine his services to _a single a:insists of adventurers, needy, and some -. • ' term. - - -A. timea•prolligate—the refuse of European 1 2.: TO disclaim all right of control over `cities, and_ the lost in reputation of the the t Publie tivasury, with the excePtion of United States. Hence it is, that they de-Ire i parte - of it is may be appropriated by sire to Move with cautious steps and slow. t o h r a r t ; to carryon d the public i se i rvices Land Already some - valuable lawa have been in corpOrated in our. system, and others of a diree t t o , an e d ap d P ra li t e vi frroemelstelic),'taresatelereylawf; way geoff. ordei,- arc in ' contemplatilin. , ' 'frith--, 3. That' be . sib i nuid - nsvet - aiienipl a „m u -. culties -have been and- continue to be en- fluence the elections, either• by the people countered. As may be well imagined, ' or the . State Legislatures; nor suffer the a mixed population like ours, we have demi officers under his control to take any ;many men - among tie utterly del/old - Or prin- other part in them dine bygiviii - gthefrown 'eiple, and who would not hesitate to sacri- - totes when they possess the right of voting. !flee the. Republic to-morrow, provided that 4. 'That in the exercise of the veto pow 'Such n,course.--would-result-to-their----imme-- -- e - Glie - Shtifilffliiiiittlie - rej - ectien - of bills - ea: diate advantage. But• the influence of iri_cli I Ist Such as, lend to encroach on the rights is daily diminishing. Emigrants continue 1 of_ the Statmor_individuaLs. 2d Suela as to pour in--some with means, and - ill 'twit,' . involving deep interests, may in his opin industry and enterprise. These men have I ion require more mature deliberation or abandoned their homes in the Old 'World,' reference to the will of the people, to be witlra two-fold object—in the first Placei - alcertained - ii thCitte - Ceedingelectitilie. • to obtain the - enjoyment of a greater equali- 1 , 5. , ghat he should never suffer the iti ty of rights, and in - the:second, something • fluence of his office to be used_for purposes like an independence in Property. They I of a purely party character: go, therefere, for law and for order; avid O. That in removals frail office of those _will soon_eutnuMber by thousands, the few 1 holding the„appointment_during_the_ pleast dissolute and depraved who , have sought wept the_Exeeutivei the cause of such-re- - this asyluin with baser views endless per-_ , iiiiiialTitietild - be stated if requested, to the' inanentlpurposes.___-Leoking rat-Al-these , Senate,, at the time' the • noMiiiitio - nr - i - Circumetances, therefore, observing ourra- successor is , made. . -.' , pid progress thus far; and watching wit h a And last, but, net least in importance i curious, eye of interest and of 'speculation,. _7, That fie should not suffer the Execn the wretched _and revolutionary'conditien tire Department of the Government to he= of Mexico, the future seems big with ;nigh- ; ' .come the r sourie of Legielation ; but leave ty events. -Who may, foretell the.. occur-. the whole- business of making' laws to -renebaot - the - next - twenty-five - yetiral" --- - -- I‘ a ~ e - Wittirimit -- to - which the Constitn - The - above is from a source- of much -1 i ti has exclusivelynssigned it, until they telligence and respectability. It may be have assumed that perfect shape, when and said to , embody the itews , of such of the when alone the opiniops of the Executive eitizentrof - Texas„-as. not only , desire to r thay be - heard. , - • .._ _ . [ live and die in that - Republic i _but to win] The question may perhaps be asked of for her a respectable poeition among the . ____ y h at,secar i t y , I have i l n my power,:to nations of. the earth. The Nevi , Orleans I me , , ouer; if the majority of the American:pee 13ulletin, speaking of, the recent events ofl cou n__ 1 pie should elect me for their chief Riegle- Mexico, says that the affairs of that ~,- trate-that-1----trould-adopt-the-prificiplee tryseenratlast-to-h4varoacilechhcir-crun- w ide'''. I hav e herein laid down as those • "The whole Republie," adds the editor, open• which my administration Would fie "ie.& 'scene of dissension and revelt.-i'fins conducted. - I could -only - Tinswe4 - -by re capital is now in possession of , the" revolti- , Perrin to my conduct, and the disposition tie:dais; and from all ,accounts it appears eratti Red in; the discharge of duties of altogether probable that 'they will -be \able. important several to maiiiiiiiir their - yosition.—Alf-otir.-advi- offices, wbkoh haihs beer t , ? o tr e e e be ott e c n ed. co in nf m er y ied han u ti p s on - ha ze o .: e l v f e t n he n ces, it must be observed, have come throngit the' , Government psePrai_which woeld of 8 4 ; 0 " g l e ue e as i en, been used fore any other course` publish representatione_as Tivortible purpose than that for which it was' given,l as poseible to the Cantralist party:, 'Greta or retained longer than was neessary to alloniancete , must be made,' therefore • m accoinplish the objects designated Gy those 'reading theirstatemente:' The filets; luinr „,: from whom the . Nett *eta received, l'Wilf everV•iihieh' they-nre----oloaiired - A ,o7Bt iu ' y .acknowledge that either will, constitute a shore condlusitielythatthe , orelnoten, i ,T - 41uffiejent reason for discrediting any pro reduedd 'to' ettremities. 4 We'miy - eiPect ' wise I, may make, under the circumstances ofcomplete oierthrow. It :.„ „„ia r .b an)l ably _ p l ace d.. seen no . heat . its appear§ impossible ' that - the - Centraliits `" "'- I am, dear sin- truly yours, , , ishetultratiy longer'retain rliver inthe face . _ ',, W. IL, HARRISON. Of *ituel l i' formidable .lipposition. ' The see- , ,, coo ofiliiiiiiiiiiirefidijifilh - feity:of --- Meii= ice •will nolletibredintante eitnile!etterela in other &Striae or CountrsT 7 T1(90.0r Whielii it, is_welf_lctioxiii;_ard ripet_reVelt- UnT-- lesilCioviniitileht succeed s„verY ejitudily - * in , einsitineFariaa - and .I.Tr , rei . ,„ the pirbliii tdifty 'is; that ere , thin;everjr:proii . lno i i jo thir•Empire:iaisitife"Or revolVi 'li heels entti indicate ;the' certain 104,M141' ,' and: establielintent'Of 'Federalism.' ' : '• -:, ~ -:,-sol'he'palitietti?:OVganliatiftit,t of 'lttOce ,wilLtitidltii eirtidieel dlitt.iiieottiiell'intiy, Wierdble , -40: thiFileiielnii . 44eileerlihertil iiiiiieitiliteaini' ) .tlie , 'eitiozlifittf ti . t , ' a 'Oeed Goyeniettioti4” l'lfiniii''''thi.',:i'OstlraYesn., (if filedbialidin,' thWßOPithlid; e_l'ltlroit 2 q , 04i experienee tifyaist mf3oo iiim A iiiio.-,, tgettioo*Aribipao-#..Plati 4, 124 ° 14 ' 14 ' bailed avian popular reerrenta ion, and -S.: EL1101"Ei:. 3. ELLI01:1 =II ME I conformable. to the Coibtitation of our Americart. - system.N-, If Tel* &Mild' be 'prevailed upon'to -join the FederatiOa; - she would be an d impOrtant acquisition; infusing as-she would into the Pommonwealthi the healthy,- : vigorous principles and erred institutions of the•Angln-Saion — rlieo. We should regard- the amalganiation , of Texas With- Mexibp,'as The'rgreatest.bles., 43 - lag - a kind providence Could beitow upon that semi-barbaroas„benighted.peOple: A "gradual renqvation • might then take:.'place, ctvilizind elevatingeievating the population, and qualifying for - the enjoyment of the; timable blessings. of liberty. The ability of the. MexiCan and South American:Span-. ish raee_ to maintain free republiCan insti tutions may well be doubted. Every ex- , periment has, as yet, signally failed. The best hope, therefore, presented for, the es- , tablishinent of t a Republic in Mexico, is the; union of :Texas with the other provinces,) into tee grand confederacy.. The'. ibtelli-1 gence and solidity of the American char-: acter might be imparted to the 'Mexicans,"! and the country wouldthus be regenerated,' and saved from the. 'anarchy that now' threatens its dissolution." . . -,'Phis-latter s:latter -is - a new - view - of - the - case;, but the aspect of Wain; as ralates to Maxis. -vo-and-Tekii,ds_certainly begiMiirv_ to assume...a. now and.a deep degree ofintereat: We 'shall look with anxiety for later ,ad vi= GENERAL HARRISON. di k imporliint Atopcnzept Mei; The ,'Pittsbiug. American of .Ttinatlay last L ecintaingrarf•accOnnt - of -- atettblie - iirk , ing :Of die Deinocraga .of llingtieny tonally fqr •{ltri, • huipese fo r mii i g, A Harrison andTotterAssotiation. The following tinning othOr-trOluiibne:*tie adopted: '}`l4l3l4‘id,,,Thit 'we I?eile'lici that a ;liro tiolive . tarit 41ridliiiyetinitbin - to our natton eVtisfidi,, netlviinia; the intef.eata ' IA% the' trelltiOg • wnpf , itnill.tritinedivitkitl tolir,gliti - btook Waif," iklijelP' 11341.6, - ,A . Alide t., that `6lleiristfeetYtiitithr:.;:'.f.- The iietciunt:l)( the Meeting,- was. sigard, =631131 nam preatamos Nrvara 4,o—Avtcb4.o' ,by:lhe-cotrirriittee, tliirtY4o,Or O i iiinhei, -inviting their brother democrat:if to jOitiltio AssOdiation. 'At 'the head of the liet,iohe name of Miu ivtp; FOsief,tif itlitiznAtet American Foater„.ie, One;of Oldeaf end-. bulk, feapeetabie, citiiena,.and has 'enjoyed thQ esteem . ; and ,eon fidenee ;if the peerie of ,it'ilegheny, O unty. analgtigaged In : many. and sertribe§ tot' the gtaie :and Fedeyal:Govern , 'itienta, and enjoyed the confidence-of !Election . gtatistics. • The fnllciwing is. an Official statement of t the result of dip eigadoli for president and Vide President in 1836; .• , _ • . .Harrison : ,Van Buttn f Massachusetts, 41,099 32,227 1 . Vermont, '20,990 14,039 . -- New Jersey, ' 26,380 , 25,844 'Delaware, ' 4,738 , -Maryland,' 25;825 - 22,168 South Carolina,' 35,000 10,000' r cieorgia, 24,780. 22,104-. ' t Tennessee, 35,902. 6;120 Kentucky, '. 35,955 33,455 • Indiana,. .41,281 32,478 Ohio, 405,417 ' 90,919 . Sialegin-1133(fr7 . 15,339 . 22,900 N. Hampshire; .6,228 •, • .18,722; Rhode Islands% - 2,710 . 1 064 - 7 - Connecticut, 18,719 10,284 New - York, ,- 138,543 166,81.:1 Pennsylva'nia, •. 87,111_ -.91,478 • Virginia ' ' ` -..23,468: 30,2131, North carolitia',. 23;566 26;910 Alahama, 15,61' .20.500_ 9,688 • Louisiana, - 3,383 • 9,654 - : - • Illinois, ; ''•'14;282 ''' ----- 17,275' Missouri, • -_ 7,337 10,995? Arkansas, 1,238 • .2,400' - Michigan,. 5,045' ,". 7;032..- Total, - .769,350 711,768 -Vati-Uttierils-popplarr-mdj., 20-18--; . .Van Buren, 170' - Do Harrison/ - 1241- - • . • • Electoral inajority,- - - 76: • Of the 4tatea..which went for Van - Bored_ in - 1836;•,weliave already gitine'ill in Nets l'ork, 42; Virginia, - 26; Loniardna,• e;;".N. Carolina, 15; Connecticut; 8; IThode • Is land, 4 ; Take-these front Mr. Van Buren's' 170, andit will . leave Into .in _lB4l, only' and it will give the farmer of North , Bends 224..v0tea. • • • What_possible.ehsnCe. is ,there then foe the re-eleetion• of the liiiillerhook—Mtigi-,7. body. met .at Trenton, on. Thorsday,last. • , The numbers present were 'estimated at • from. six to eight thousand persons. . Edgar ; of. Al iddlesex collinty,-Was the pre , '' siding .oificer: Addresses were made. by . 'Mosst's. AVM. II ails te ad; sle'S mith ;4t it: - eloquent - young whig from Illinois; Mr: - Southard.!Captain •Stockton, and Pete:r . -Clark.' The following nominations were' made : For Congress...44°lin 11.. erigg;ster" , gen; John B. Maxwell, 'Barren;' William'. • 'Ns leaf-It - re - rat—TT - Jose ph - - - --E.Atatidol 04_1_ I iddlesex ;. Charles C. Stratton,- Glouees. , ter ; .'Phorne's,jonei Yorke; Salem':' . - or • Senatorial .Electors.,—Dr. Lewis' Uciiidict,'Morris ;".dorttliusLuptetteCunt' berland. ,er and. For Electors—James IlitT,'of Basset Jacob M. Ryerstm; Passaic; John Runk, Huntercim; 'Samuel -G. Wright, -ition-r -- mouth; 'Thomas. Newbold,. Burlington Joshua Towneend? Craito.ficav All Orig the intettatiog incidehfS'adetP "(kilt upon the:convention; the following? narrated in the Neicark.Advertiser, -- is worthy of being copied.' , A• deep sensation, was protloted - Sy , Green, Who iutroditeed to . the eonventidn'i -w14,1-rt-'ferring-te-11107sery ices - of - G enerut Harrison, a living - witness,-theveneribld Dr. P I ill ips of I,Ftw re nceo 47, whowas n lie,dlenet theAlanuffee gireent "the conintanti , :of - Wayne; ?The apoearatice;ef,the venerable' - witness wasiiailed with ihoutsof,upplansee -fle.teotilled,in , 4theJfentblitiMvoite Of that Harrison was, thdti' the : best officer in the •tegimeitre and-when , the discerning eye' of, the commander:in- - L.ll*e fixed. on- !lief for a-more responsible ntatien, his rentotif - was -the cause ofr universal , regret. Thiff testireopy eine vf,_the.ineit reepoctable of our,own rotttlec;f,dpenteneettai. and.protracted applause.. A- very large delegation: Was present-frond! Warren county, one of i:the Van Remit. strongholds in the state: Hawing. Organ- , floating leolhe,-Delaware to a fleet o(the,spactotis Durhatit chid tered-letheurposo,-4L-Svatt --titiceitninesl_!_, that the reki,:Were:,'aeloeg:the. liandiede;;fromi tho hills and'vellies of that Locofoixo tio Jells jhatti2:4l.-:iffereht prefessionN hibbterdi leltdinto under tionthar-ett. banners =- a^doscri it lid ; ' Pr,One,Orwliich eOprfroftiAkil#,,,o6, Gant ; enkne?eitether pore r.ifit‘titit: 'design.; A cider:barrel leatiool4,7)AlliS ninmentuiw'Which every roora_ettt4oifil.„o , to . -,increasehathelrentlyteoed`ftnieititra.:S?z n'ectiewrif Rhode rsrattd. idia Whlti-,APTioN,istiteding , itgitiktAktittl6W : 4. tan' lever in his hautiotkekiiej44t*Ao4: 4.44 the !it hole OkbveolOi firit.TX4'.7., , , , tiffp* , :k 3 ; • - II 't2i:.%Y!Pdtft~ ME =I
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers